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Summer Activities
Summer at Schaffer’s is full of outdoor fun… and not just golf! Warm up your backhand, shoot a three-pointer or tour the neighborhood. Check out the activities available below:

SUMMER CONCERT SERIES Concerts start with Memorial Day Weekend and continue through the season. Visit MSM to see the full entertainment lineup.

PICKLEBALL To keep up with this popular sport, we will be offering a variety of events for both pickleball and tennis. A full schedule will be rolled out at the start of the summer. A thriving Member-led Pickleball Club is also available to join. Check out the MSM Bulletins section to learn more.
DISC GOLF One of the hottest family trends, players complete a hole by throwing a disc from a tee area toward a target. The goal is for players to complete each hole and the whole course with the lowest number of total throws.
TY’S COURT We have basketballs available at the Club for Members who want to shoot hoops.
SCHAFFER’S SQUARE A variety of lawn games are available to borrow on Shaffer’s Square; croquet, corn hole, and table tennis to name a few. And, Member Services can provide three beginner disc golf sets, which include a driver and approach discs for use on Truckee’s course by the river.
KIDS PLAYGROUND Phase 1 is complete and ready for play!