Michael Morrison 253.606.5925 Michael@MyUniqueHome.com www.MyUniqueHome.com
Marke ng Service Report Prepared for Eileen Tellefson 13120 Muir Dr NW Gig Harbor, WA 98332
Michael Morrison 253.606.5925 Michael@MyUniqueHome.com www.MyUniqueHome.com
Your business is important to us. To make sure you are aware of the marke*ng of your home, we have compiled the following report for your records.
Again, thank you for your business.
Michael Morrison 253.606.5925 Michael@MyUniqueHome.com www.MyUniqueHome.com
Single Property Website Created GigHarborGolf.com
Domain Name Purchased: h1p://www.GigHarborGolf.com
Website Syndica*on Set Up
Michael Morrison 253.606.5925 Michael@MyUniqueHome.com www.MyUniqueHome.com
Interior Video
Exterior Video and Photography
Interior Photography
Michael Morrison 253.606.5925 Michael@MyUniqueHome.com www.MyUniqueHome.com
Create YouTube Video
Michael Morrison 253.606.5925 Michael@MyUniqueHome.com www.MyUniqueHome.com
YouTube Video Embed to Website
Michael Morrison 253.606.5925 Michael@MyUniqueHome.com www.MyUniqueHome.com
Entered into NWMLS System
IDX Data Exchange Setup Your lis*ng is input into the Mul*ple Lis*ng Service (MLS). As a subscribing member, I also allow for Internet Data Exchange (IDX) This means that other companies have the ability to reproduce your lis*ng on their website to help them procure a buyer and earn the selling office side of the commission.
Michael Morrison 253.606.5925 Michael@MyUniqueHome.com www.MyUniqueHome.com
Input to List HUB—SothebysRealty.com