We believe in women.
Rescue Restore Reward Refuge for Women
342 Waller Avenue, Suite D | Lexington, KY 40504 859.254.0041 | RefugeForWomen.org Follow us on Twitter @KYrefuge4women “Like” us on Facebook
2014 Corporate Sponsorship Opportunity Packet
A Message from our Founder and Executive Director Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Refuge for Women and about how partnerships are being formed in the community. We know that as a business leader your time is valuable and opportunities to be involved in the community are limitless. We consider it a privilege for you to take time to learn about a topic that at times is easier to ignore. Refuge for Women helps women escape a dark industry that plagues the majority of communities in America in one way or another. The sex industry encompasses strip clubs, prostitution, pornography, sex trafficking victims and escort agencies. Unfortunately, the United States has more strip clubs than any other nation in the world and produces the majority of pornography that gets shipped around the world as well. It is an industry that is destroying lives and creating a ripple effect of destruction beyond just those that are supporting it. The good news is that opportunities for women to escape this industry are being made available by individuals and businesses like you that are getting involved. Even though the United States is contributing to this industry they are also the most generous nation on Earth according to last year’s statistics. There was over 316 billion dollars donated to non profits by Americans. That is a lot of generosity and a lot of action oriented people wanting to respond to a need of some kind. We have benefited from this generosity and seen a lot of people respond to the mission of seeing women find Refuge. Our desire is to create partnerships that will help women escape this industry and allow businesses to positively affect their employees and customers through their involvement with Refuge for Women. In the following pages of this document we would like to share with you our ideas of how this can be accomplished. We are open to your ideas as well about partnering together. Let’s make our community better by being proactive with this need we have been confronted with. We want every little girl to grow up and pursue the dreams that she was instilled with.
Refuge for Women is a faith-based, non-profit organization that aims to offer a new beginning to women who wish to leave the sex industry. There is no charge to guests as they live and work together as a family towards healing. Refuge for Women uses volunteers and curriculum through a mentoring style approach to help each woman progress through our one-year, four-level healing program. We ask each woman for a minimum of a threemonth commitment with the option of staying longer if she chooses. During their time at The Refuge, women develop and work on a “Life Plan” focusing on physical and emotional health, spiritual growth, education, and life skills necessary for a stable and productive life. Our desire is for each woman to identify the goals she wants to achieve while in the program. We actively seek to help her make strides towards the accomplishment of those goals. As women complete their time with us, they have the opportunity to serve other women in the industry through ministry internships or may choose to pursue resources towards further education and stable employment.
Our Vision Offer a new beginning to women in the sex industry
Our Mission Provide a residential healing experience for women to pursue their dreams
Our Values • • • • •
Thanks for being a positive light in our community!
Ked Frank
Founder & Executive Director
About Us
Refuge for Women’s Founder and Executive Director, Ked Frank, pictured with his family
The value of each woman is immeasurable The Bible is our guide H ealing happens in a family environment Sex is a gift from God Extend hope to the hopeless
For more information about Refuge for Women, visit RefugeForWomen.org. 1
R escue $$$$$$$$$$ you know ... $$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $More $ $women $ $are$ $ $ $ $employed $ $ $ $in the$SEX $$ $ $ $industry $ $ $right $ $ now $$ than any other time in history? $$$$$$$$$$ SEX$industry $ $ $The $ $ $ $is$a 97$ $ $ Billion $ $ $Dollar $ $ $worldwide $$ business $$$$ $ $annually $ $ $? $ $$$$$$$ did
Each represents one billion dollars.
At least 75%% of prostitutes were
sexually and/or physically abused as children?
The average
age of girls entering into the sex industry is 12 years old? 3
“My life was full of physical and
sexual abuse as a young girl.
A Glimpse of our Graduates
a house with an alcoholic mother and her physically abusive boyfriends
“I’m a 45 year old grateful lover of Jesus
teen years. I was tossed
Living in
caused me to rebel and the anger inside of me just raged as I grew into my
around from foster home to foster home, but no
and a recovering addict. For the last 30
one could handle my anger.
years of my life, I had been in and out of
I spent time in Teen Challenge. At the age of 18, I began experimenting
prison, in and out of rehabs and addicted to drugs and alcohol. After being sexually abused at only 7 years old and seeing only violence and abuse around me as a child, I began being
sexually active and accepting money for it in my early teens. This destructive addictive pattern continued through my life. I lost parental rights to my three children. I had no
hope of ever changing my lifestyle until February of 2012 when I knew God was calling me to seek healing at the Refuge for Women in Lexington, Kentucky. I was skeptical at first, but I was also desperate and at an all time low. There was something different about this place, while I wanted to give up on myself, I didn’t. It’s been a year and a half and I am so grateful to be living in a transitional home and working full time. I know that God has always had His hand on me for if not, I would not be here. I have a heart to “give back” to others and am blessed to serve at the Refuge for Women and love on the guests! My God is an awesome God and I thank him daily for saving a wretch like me!” - Frances
with drugs. I was always trying to fill the void in my heart with things, men, drugs and alcohol. I lost 4 children due to my lifestyle and choices. My second husband introduced me to stripping. I loved the ‘high’ I felt while on stage, somehow I felt I had power and was beautiful. I became suicidal and slipped into a dark place. I prayed for God to help me if He was really out there. Some women who were coming into the clubs gave me a brochure about the Refuge for Women. I had found out I was pregnant again and was growing attached to my unborn child. So I left for Kentucky, for a new beginning. I completed my 1 year in the program almost a year ago and now I am the
mother of an 18 month old daughter. I sing on the praise and worship team at church, and I am interning at the
Refuge for Women. I had never felt so much love than while I was at the Refuge. They always pointed me to Christ and loved me no matter what! It is an honor to be able to “give back.” The Refuge
for Women saved my life, I do not know where I would be today without the program!”- Debbie
“I was a 23 year old mother of a 6 year old daughter struggling
to make money to
support us in Detroit, MI. My childhood was rough as my family was
dysfunctional and there were drugs, alcohol and abuse all around me. After becoming pregnant at only 16, everyone told me to have an abortion, but I just couldn’t. I got mixed up with the
wrong crowd and found myself stripping to make money to provide for me and my baby girl. But that life just led
to more
abuse and life got out of
I was doing things I never thought I would do for money.
While dancing, a woman came in to the club and gave me information about the Refuge for Women in Kentucky and she said it could help me get out of the clubs and start over. I desperately wanted to be a mother to my daughter and give her a good life. While going through the program at the Refuge I have learned so much about who I am, and that my past doesn’t define
who I am today.
I learned about God and what he wants for me and my
daughter. I am a “cycle breaker”.
No more addiction and abuse, it stops with my generation. I graduated from the Refuge 1 year program over 2 years ago and have been working full time, was given custody of my daughter and have a great home. I love to cook and am saving money and want to open my own restaurant some day!” - Jessica
“I was born into a family of alcohol that caused many
addiction and Financial struggles
problems and led to my parents divorcing. My mother’s second husband was an abusive man who raped me when I was in my early teens and provided drugs for me to get high with. My real father was killed in an accident and having to pull the life-support caused me much trauma as I was close to him. I began to drift into sexual promiscuity and a drug habit to fill a void in my life. I began prostituting myself at 15 years old to support my drug habit. Different men every night and drug binges became my life. I felt dirty, a shower couldn’t wash me clean. But I learned to put my feelings aside and began to live in a state of “numb”, not feeling any pain. I was in and out of rehabs for a couple years. After turning 18, I was arrested for drug paraphernailia and narcotics and went to adult jail for the first time. In April, 2012, so far
from God and living in a dark hell, and in jail again, a lady came in and gave me some information about the Refuge. I considered myself an atheist at the time. Conspiracies and delusions of my addiction still controlled my mind. I chose to go to the Refuge program and I know now that God was relentlessly pursuing me all along. I had been rescued out of slavery in Egypt and placed in the Promiseland. Every attempt at happiness up until this point was missing one key ingredient, the love of the Father. I am a 1 year graduate of the Refuge program and just started college at a
Christian university. I have a new life ahead of me. I had to let God do a work in me. Now I am grateful that He is using me to share hope with others. I know that I can only keep what I have, by giving it away!” - Brittany
Refuge for Women Success Indicators
Since opening in July 2010, Refuge for Women has served 44 women, ranging in age from 18 to 54 and from 14 different States. Of those served by Refuge for Women:
77% 53%
have not returned to the sex industry are employed and/or attending college
Program Levels Completed:
59% Level 2: 27% Teaching Level 3: 18% Transitional Level 4: 16% One Year Graduate
Level 1: Healing
Corporate and Business Partner Testimonies “As Sheriff, I come in contact on a daily basis with citizens who have no hope. Two years ago, I met one such young lady who had found herself in a situation that she had come to realize wasn't healthy or safe. By working with her I came to have my first experience with Refuge for Women. I witnessed how they help young women transform their lives in a safe and caring environment. I am forever thankful that when I needed a place to help assist a young woman free, herself from a dark life style and find shelter that Refuge for Women was there.” Kathy Witt, Sheriff | Fayette County Police Department
“I have known Ked Frank for the last 6 years and I am proud and honored to have served on the original Board of Directors for the Refuge for Women. Because of profound impact Refuge for Women makes on lives, we have chosen to be involved with the ministry. We will continue to show support both personally and as business owners. The RFW addresses the women's immediate life needs and has a longlasting impact on the women. For this reason, we are thrilled to partner with Ked and his team as they expand the reach of this wonderful ministry.”
“Recently I had the opportunity to shoot a story featuring Refuge for Women and the amazing work they are doing in central Kentucky. Many of us choose to not think about the sex industry and its power it has over young women, and many in our area are probably unaware that so many young women are in its grip right now. I saw firsthand through my story the impact this organization is having on real lives and how it truly gives those who have lost their way hope that there is a better tomorrow in the refuge they provide.” Amber Philpott, Anchor | WKYT TV
“It has been a pleasure and an honor to have been asked to take care of the dental needs of the ladies of the Refuge. They are all a delightful group of women and my team and I have enjoyed developing trusting relationships with them. There is nothing more important in building self-esteem than a beautiful smile, and that is our goal for everyone that enters the RFW!” Dr. Patricia Takacs, Dentist | Beaumont Family Dentistry
“I think we all face times in our life where we need a place of shelter to weather the storm that rages around us. Refuge for Women is that place for countless numbers of women who find themselves in a situation that seems impossible to escape. So often they are forgotten and over looked and see themselves as unworthy. But here in this home built on faith, they find hope for something immeasurably more. “ Rockie Mason, Community President | First Southern Bank
Rob Perez, Owner | Saul Good Restaurants
Corporate S ponsorship O pportunities Sponsorship Package
Reward Restore Rescue $36,000
Two minute spotlight at RFW Annual Gala Promote your business on our website Title Sponsor for all annual events Newsletter spotlight Annual spot light on giving receipt Email Blasts to partners advertise your business RFW Radio Program - spotlight your business Quarterly Leadership Luncheon - reduced rate for your leaders Sponsor plaque for your business office Prayer for your business and employees Annual report with results and impact of your partnership 30 day devotion (all employees up to 50)
Refuge for Women recognizes partnerships of “In Kind� gifts and services and uses the sponsorship packages above for all partnerships. 12