Read all of Pastor Joynt’s report on page 18
“Even if your contribution feels invisible, it is crucial and is permanently treasured in heaven.”
Weekly attended worship in person (+21% over 2021)
Weekly attended Easter in person (+42% over 2021)
Weekly attended Christmas Eve in person (+38% over 2021)
425 Households watched via livestream weekly (-12% over 2021)
Opened August 15, 2022
962 Cups of coffee brewed
1,273 Lattes served
$3,568 in tips given to VPC Ministry Partners
Read all of Pastor Chris’s report on page 19
“God is opening up untapped potential in our lives and in our community of faith.”
Bed nights provided through Family Promise
336 Meals provided for Malawian orphans through Ministry of Hope
Meals packed in one day with Feed My Starving Children’s MobilePack Event
125,000 Gifts donated for MentorKids & Tuba City Christmas parties
Men’s Retreat
Men on a Mission
21 Men connected & grew together at the Men’s Retreat
Presbyterian Women
50 Women involved in Bible Study Circles
300+ Crafts made for VPC’s Mission Marketplace
MentorKids USA Christmas Party
950 Hamburgers & hot dogs grilled up to serve guests
Mothers of Preschoolers
40 Backpacks filled for Afghan refugee elementary students
13 Inspiring speakers presented at meetings
Guests visited vpc.church (+18.7% over 2021)
Downloaded the VPC Mobile App (+21% over 2021)
$36,000 Baptisms (7 child, 2 adult)
Raised through Fund the Need at VPF’s Annual Dinner to upgrade Chapel audio/visual system & install screens in classrooms
2,334 Hours of viewing time on VPC’s YouTube channel Couples & parents grew as parents through the Love and Logic class
1,455 Attended Bunny Business or Trunk or Treat (+23% over 2021) Facebook page reach (+11.5% over 2021)
132 Kids enrolled at Valley Day School
Read all of Pastor Travis’s report on page 19
“It is simply incredible to realize how God is
up the next generation!”
Students participated in Student Sunday
Attended camp at Forest Home
Took part in the High School Mission Trip
Student Ministry volunteer leaders
Musicians performed alongside Mark Hayes (including 15 GCU students)
Attended Collingsworth Family concerts in April & December
Read all of Pastor Turner’s report on page 18
“God is doing great things, and it starts when we are willing to listen to God’s direction.”
Do you ever watch the credits? At the end of a movie there are so many names that scroll across the screen. It takes the contributions and efforts of hundreds of people that don’t ever appear in front of the camera. People that produce, direct, cast, and do the filming and editing. People that provide costumes, clothing, and design sets and do stunts. People who arrange housing on location and make lunch!
The credits for God’s work at VPC are much, much longer—and your name is on the list. Some of you help guests find their way to VPC, some of you greet and embrace them. Some decorate the Sanctuary for special seasons, some work the technical booth, some teach. Others visit, counsel, provide hospitality, serve in ministries of care of compassion or outreach. All of you give gifts of prayer and service and self, and you provide the resources for every act of service or celebration or witness or love. Thank you!
Looking through this annual snapshot, I am very grateful for my colleagues on the VPC staff, our Session leaders, and for every one of you. Remember, even if your contribution feels invisible, it is crucial and is permanently treasured in heaven.
When I think about the work that God has called me to, I’m drawn to a simple yet thought-provoking passage from Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.” As I’ve thought about this verse, I’ve realized that the truth of this statement applies to anyone who follows Christ; what we build, what we invest our precious time in will either work toward building God’s kingdom or not. This simple verse reminds me that our ministry endeavors never start with a great action plan and clear objectives—no matter how great they are—but rather first by bringing our hopes and dreams to God in prayer and listening for God’s direction.
In 2022, there was much prayer and discernment to how God was moving Congregation Care Ministries to expand in new and creative ways to build God’s kingdom. Feeling convicted that a healthy and growing church must connect in fellowship with each other, Open Door Ministry was developed. Open Door creates opportunities for visitors and new members to connect and develop new friendships with those established in our church in the casual environment of someone’s home. During these special events people share stories, learn about ministry interests, and deep connections are made to church. In the course of this past year, we’ve held five Open Door events, attracting hundreds of people! Friendships have been made, new church leaders have been discovered, and a passion for serving has been connected with a ministry.
It is clear that God’s not done! Congregation Care Ministry teams are faithfully praying for how we can bless our church and community through a Health & Wellness speaker series in 2023. We also plan to expand Stephen Ministry’s work of care and compassion by equipping more people within our church with the critical tools necessary to walk alongside those who need a listening ear. God is doing great things, and it starts when we are willing to listen to God’s direction.
2022 brought a new addition to the Woodard Family! As we welcomed baby Oliver into our home we also welcomed new and different opportunities at home. With Oliver’s addition came more work, but I am continually amazed to see how God opens up untapped potential within our family to meet these new tasks. I believe what we experienced within our family in 2022 mirrors exactly what God is doing at VPC.
This past year God drew our church into many fresh and different opportunities; new people are coming to our church, the needs of our neighbors and community are greater, and our testimony of the gospel is needed more and more in our culture. These opportunities are exciting! It is thrilling to me to see how VPC stepped up to do God’s work; to include new people into our community, to generously respond to the needs of our communities, and to stand for truth in a confused world. God is opening up untapped potential in our lives and in our community of faith.
As God does this work we are drawn deeper into our relationship with Jesus; better prepared to respond the needs of this world. Thank you church for allowing yourself to be used by God; to deepen our fellowship, serve the other and speak the truth. Acts 2:42-47
“I remember your name in the night, O Lord, and keep your law.” —Psalm 119:55
What kept you up at night this past year? No matter what mental noise tends to distract us, it is appropriate to pause and simply remember the name of the Lord and all the amazing things God has done. When I reflect on this past year at VPC, it is simply incredible to realize how God is raising up the next generation! They are learning to recognize the movement of the Holy Spirit, to be made into interpreters and evaluators for the world to witness. Specifically, we have seen new student leaders tell stories of God’s faithfulness and model what it means to genuinely seek out and love the lost, least, and lonely in their own families, schools, and neighborhoods.
Eugene Peterson defines the three most important pastoral acts as “praying, reading Scripture, and giving spiritual direction.” These three acts inspire me to pour into students, and I see how students pour into others with these practices as well. We mutually foster deeper discipleship and fidelity to Christ. Per the Psalmist’s words, the next generation reminds me to remember the name of the Lord and keep his law, even when my head hits the pillow, and my thoughts start spinning.
At VPC we strive to be like Christ, as a community and as individuals. We want to form a culture of goodness that promotes healing and welcomes the lost to belong as we glorify the name of Jesus together. Amidst the healing arc of our liturgical rhythms, creative music expressions, and profound moments of worship, we truly have tasted God’s goodness alongside one another. May the year ahead continue to be full of joy as we pray and work to be a Good News people for the sake of the world.
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YouTube: youtube.com/c/vpcchurch