Vpc spring ministry brochure 2017

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valley presbyterian church MINISTRY BROCHURE JANUARY - MAY 2017


VPC is excited to join you in 2017 as we build relationships, grow in our faith, and serve our community. Here you’ll find every program, class, and event our ministries are planning.


Sunday Worship Services


Music Ministry


Highlighted Winter/Spring events


Discipleship Educational Opportunities


Children 6-7 Valley Day School


Mission 8-9 Scottsdale & Paradise Valley For Africa


Life Events


Encore University


Men’s Ministry


Women’s Ministry


Care & Help


Community Groups


Students 18 Foundation 19

A welcome from David Joynt You have a place inside these pages! Perhaps your picture is here or your favorite mission cause is described inside? There may be classes you’ve taught or attended? Projects or events you’ve supported? Maybe some of the people serving or leading inside this Ministry Brochure are on your prayer list. We hope these pages are informative and declarative, telling and sharing how God is at work at VPC. I also hope they will be inspiring and motivatingencouraging you to share yourself and your passions in a new way this spring. Feel free to use these stories and images to help those near and dear to you share in our life together. Blessings, David Joynt



Sanctuary, 9AM

Landes Center, 10:30AM

Children’s Message

The Chapel affords an intimate and acoustically exceptional worship experience. Seating is close to the pastors and musicians, and the 360 degree “Light of the Universe” stained glass surrounds the building. Worship in the Landes Center tends to be less formal with a powerful drive. Music is led by the VPC Praise Band, which plays current popular worship music in a visual-driven setting with set pieces and screens.

The Sanctuary offers a soaring ceiling and time of worship through traditional elements of organ and choir. The largest building at VPC is a place for all people to experience God’s presence in a unique setting. 9 & 10:30AM worship services Prior to Sunday School children worship for a time with their family and listen to a message specifically for them. It is an opportunity for kids to hear music, prayer, and a message in worship.


Wednesday, March 1 6:30PM, Sanctuary This service begins the season of Lent, and is a reminder of Jesus’ journey to the cross.

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 13 6:30PM, Sanctuary Before Jesus was betrayed there was the Last Supper. This service is a time to reflect on His impending sacrifice and the events that led to His death.


Good Friday

Friday, April 14 Noon & 6:30PM, Chapel The day of Jesus’ crucifixion is a dark but important day in the life of the church. Without Good Friday there is no Easter.

VPC’s Music Ministry is dedicated to glorifying and serving God through different expressions of music. If you love music and creativity, join us! You’ll find a Christian community of fellow music lovers.

Chancel Choir

Rehearsal: Wednesdays, 7:30PM, Choir Room Sings most Sundays at the 9AM Worship Service Jennifer Hamm: jenniferh@vpc.church The Chancel Choir is a traditional four-part men’s and women’s ensemble. We sing everything from classical to 20th Century. The Chancel Choir is open to all skill levels; if you love to sing in a choir, this is the place for you!

New Ensembles

Coming this Spring Jennifer Hamm: jenniferh@vpc.church Look for more musical ensemble opportunities coming soon! Contact Jennifer if you have an interest in youth, women’s, or instrumental ensembles.

Worship Band

Rehearsal: Sundays, 8:30AM, Landes Center Plays most Sundays at the 10:30AM Worship Service Travis Kingma: travisk@vpc.church The Worship Band is made up of vocalists, keyboard, bass, electric and acoustic guitar, and drums. We often add violin and cello, as well. This group is eager to glorify God through powerful and driving worship music. If you have or want more experience in a band setting and would like to share your gifts, let us know.

Valley Ringers Handbell Choir

Rehearsal: Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30PM, Choir Room Plays at various times at the 9AM Worship Service Jennifer Hamm: jenniferh@vpc.church Make a unique and joyful noise to the Lord! This group is for anyone with an interest in a different way of making music. Handbells are easy to learn, come give them a try!

2016-2017 CONCERT SERIES VPC’s Concert Series continues through May! We’ll be hosting groups from the Valley and across the US. Grab a Concert Series brochure in any worship center, the church office, or online: vpc.church/music.



Saturday, February 25, 9AM, Kiva Field/VPC South Parking Lot

SATURDAY, APRIL 15 9-10:30AM, Kiva Field


Sermon Series & Devotional, January 8-Easter


Friday, March 31, The Scottsdale at McCormick Ranch



Saturday, February 11, 7:30AM, Gainey Ranch Clubhouse


DISCIPLESHIP EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Wednesday night classes beginning in January Your Courageous Choice: The Holocaust & Christian Discipleship*

Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto Wednesdays, January 11-February 22 6:30-7:30PM, Calvin Center, No Fee The Holocaust was a time when European Christians faced a choice between helping those in danger or ignoring them and their distress. This class will explore Jewish history, the rise of Hitler’s regime, how Jewish victims and survivors wrestled with faith, the Christian response to Nazi plans of extermination, and how each of us faces the courageous choice of living as a disciple of Jesus Christ in our world today.

Parenting the Love & Logic Way*

Facilitator: Larry Kerby Wednesdays, January 11-February 8 6-7:30PM, Room 415/416, Cost: $40 The ability to discipline children while developing their understanding of personal responsibility and self control is a key element of successful parenting. This class will teach you how to help your children take ownership of problems, make more responsible choices, and see the logical consequences of their actions. Registration required, scholarships available!

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University*

January 18–March 22 (no class March 1) 6–7:30PM, Fireside Room, Cost: $100 Is one of your New Years’ Resolutions to get your family finances in order? Do you want to learn how to make and stick to a budget, get rid of debt, and start saving for retirement or college? Within the first 90 days of Dave Ramsey’s class, the average family pays off $5,300 in debt and saves $2,700. Whether you are single, married, or have kids, this life-changing class will help you be intentional about where your money is going so you can achieve your financial goals. There will be a large group DVD presentation by Dave Ramsey, plus time for small group debrief at each session.

Wednesday night classes beginning in March A Study of the Cross: Transforms, Cleanses, Sanctifies, Shapes, Saves*

Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto Wednesdays March 8-April 5 6:30-7:30PM, Calvin Center, No Fee This class will explore the symbolism and power of the cross throughout scripture. What is the significance of wood in the Old Testament? Why is it important that Jesus was a carpenter? Come and deepen your understanding of why Jesus gave his life for us on a wooden cross.

Wednesday night classes beginning in April The Influential Disciple*

Facilitators: Kelly & Mike Nieto Wednesdays April 19-May 24 6:30-7:30PM, Calvin Center, No Fee There are two things that are non-negotiable when you read the New Testament: We are first called to be disciples of Jesus and then called to make disciples of Jesus. Many times, though, the idea of discipleship is something weak, shallow or elusive for Christians. The Influential Disciple, is a deep dive into five specific dimensions of discipleship: Spiritual Formation, Personal Wholeness, Healthy Relationships, Life Mission, Economics and Work.

*Childcare available by registration. Email: nursery@vpc.church

kellyn@vpc.church, miken@vpc.church, kelseyw@vpc.church vpc.church/classes


CHILDREN Valley Presbyterian Church is a place where students, their families, teachers, and volunteers can experience and share Christ’s redeeming love for us! Together we are growing and learning what Jesus taught us-God loves you!

Sunday Mornings Nursery & Toddler Room

Infant - Two years old Here infants and toddlers are introduced to their church home. We provide them with a safe and enjoyable environment, giving you peace of mind while you to participate in church activities.

Sunday School

Three years old - fifth grade No class May 28 Our focus this year is fostering a STICKY faith for our children. Each week children participate in lessons designed to make the message of the cross STICKY. They will play games, hear stories, make crafts, build relationships and have fun with each lesson.

Take it Home Events

10:30AM, Room 415/416 Fostering a STICKY faith in our children takes teamwork. Children’s ministry wants to partner with parents to provide age-appropriate ways to incorporate faith into everyday activities. Join us for your child’s age group’s opportunity. This is a great way to connect with other parents in your child’s age group. January 22 February 12 March 26 April 23

Special Family Events Lenten Launch

Sunday, February 26 RSVP to Tina Gilbreath, $10 donation suggested Join other VPC families and prepare for an intentional Lenten season. Lenten Launch includes games, activities, fellowship & a Lenten devotional kit for all! Bring an appetizer or dessert to share, come join the fun!

Palm Sunday Procession

Saturday, April 8, Rehearsal Sunday, April 9, 9AM, Sanctuary & 10:30AM, Landes Center Kids have the opportunity to bring Jesus’ triumphal entryv into Jerusalem to life in 9AM and 10:30AM worship with scripture, drama, and song.

Bunny Business

Saturday, April 15, 9AM, Kiva Elementary School Field Join us for a community egg hunt, games, crafts, snacks, and the Easter Bunny! Don’t miss out on this fun morning for the whole family. This is one of VPC’s biggest and most anticipated events; invite your friends and coworkers!

2nd Grade- Cheerful Giver 4th Grade- Serving as a Family 5th Grade- The Blessing 1st Grade- Worship as a Family

Children at VPC At VPC our primary goal is to provide safe, fun, and nurturing environments that allow you and your kids to worship, learn, and grow. Opportunities for children differ based on age and type of event. Our team believes parents are the best spiritual leaders for their children, and including older children in some church experiences allows them to grow more comfortable.

Maker FUN FACTORY: Vacation Bible School 2017

June 19-23, 8:30AM-Noon, campus-wide

Join kids three years old through fifth grade on a courageous and captivating quest this summer. Kids will sing, have fun, and learn that they are created by God- built for a purpose! Look for sign ups for your kids soon for a creative and constructive week!

If you ever have any questions regarding childcare at VPC, don’t hesitate to email Children’s Ministry Director, Tina Gilbreath.


tinag@vpc.church, marieb@vpc.church vpc.church/children

During the Week EXPLORERS!

Tuesdays, January 17-April 7, 4-5:30PM, Calvin Center Kids K-5th grade Performances: TBA EXPLORERS! provides children with a safe and fun environment to learn about the world in creative ways. Kids spend time singing, acting, playing music, and learning about God. Music and theater are large components of each week, but no experience is necessary. Register or volunteer online: vpc.church/explorers


Wednesdays, 2:15-3:15PM, Landes Center January 4-May 17 (no class March 8), Ages 3-5, $49/month Derek Morrison: 480-245-6818, derekm@sportball.us Register online: sportball.us/phoenix This multi-sport program introduces children to the concepts and skills involved in sports. Focusing on teamwork and skill development, rather than the importance of winning, allows children to gain confidence and develop important social skills.

Volunteer for Children’s Ministry

Email Tina: tinag@vpc.church or Marie: marieb@vpc.church Not only will you feel engaged, you’ll also help children take the first steps of the most important journey in their lives. We ask each Sunday School family to prayerfully consider helping out a few times each semester. You can choose from the list below, and some things can be done at home. •

Sunday School Teacher/Co-Teacher

Nursery Volunteer

Substitute Teacher


EXPLORERS! Music Program


Weekdays, January 3-May 19, 9AM-noon Daily schedules vary by age Meghan Gottfredson, Director At Valley Day School, we learn through play every day! We provide a faith-based environment for children where active bodies grow strong and curious minds learn about the world around them. The emphasis of the Day School is learning through experiences with art, music, dance, blocks, stories, climbing, conversation, carpentry and gardening. Equal emphasis is placed on developing social, emotional, physical, cognitive and pre-academic skills. Early Bird drop-off, 8-9AM Lunch Bunch, noon-2:30PM Eligibility Open to children ages 2-5 years old Must be 2 years old by August 31 Children 3 years and older must be toilet trained Tuition is paid over a 10-month period (August-May)

Fall 2017 Registration

Begins the first week of February Email Meghan with any questions.

meghang@vpc.church vpc.church/vds


MISSION Christians have hope in Christ that our future is secured and our God is constantly providing for our daily needs. At Valley Presbyterian Church we want to extend this hope into our neighborhoods, cities, country, and world. We do this by advocating for the marginalized, providing basic necessities of life for the forgotten, and proclaiming the Good News to the lost. God uses His church in amazing ways; below are some of the ways He is using VPC.


February 26-March 5, April 30-May 7 Family Promise rescues primarily first time homeless families from the streets and provides emergency shelter and basic needs in a 60 day program designed to assist their return to self-sufficiency. Our shelter includes a sanctuary for the family pet, the first such program in Arizona. Family Promise partners with VPC to provide safe overnight shelter, food, and compassion to families in crisis. Website: familypromiseaz.org Program location: 7221 E. Belleview St., Scottsdale, AZ 85257

ICM Food & Clothing Bank

ICM provides immediate response to basic human needs for 100 - 150 families and individuals each day. This can include: -A food box -A change of clothes -Shampoo, soap and other toiletries -Food stamp sign-up -Nutrition bags for small children -Free medical care on-site Website: icmaz.org Program location: First Pentecostal Church Community Center 2709 E. Marguerite Ave., Phoenix.


Mondays, 3-5PM, meet at the church MentorKids USA is a Christian ministry that recruits, trains and supports mentors who empower young people facing tough life challenges to reach their God-given potential and become transformative members of their families and communities in the name of Jesus Christ. MentorKids volunteers come alongside and tutor students in specific areas, build relationships, and provide stability that may not be present in kids’ homes. Website: mentorkidsusa.org


Program location: 15300 N. 90th St. #200, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Navajo Elementary School

VPC participates in the Healthy Packs program, which provides food packs over the weekend for children who are at risk of not receiving adequate nutrition. VPC also provides school supplies for each classroom and creates and maintains interactive learning spaces for students and teachers. Website: concrete.susd.org/index.php/schools/navajo/ School location: 4525 N. Granite Reef Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85251

BRINGING THE GOSPEL TO ALL GOD’S PEOPLE First Presbyterian Church, Tuba City, Navajo Reservation

The Spring

The Native American Ministry provides the opportunity to experience a short-term mission trip working with our brothers and sisters in Christ on the Navajo Reservation. Together we build relationships and understanding. Work groups help renovate facilities, lead vacation bible schooltype programs and participate in community life. Church location: PO Box 368, Tuba City, AZ 86045-0368

Sundays, 5PM 2424 S. Mill Ave, Tempe, AZ 85282 The Spring is a Christian church community in Tempe near Arizona State University that strives to develop strong ties to Christ, the community, and the world. After the service, members share a free community meal. Volunteers from VPC cook and serve dinner at The Spring several times throughout the year. Website: springpeople.org


In 1999 Malawians established the Ministry of Hope (MOH) as a local, community-based response to meet physical and spiritual needs of orphaned and vulnerable children. Using crisis nurseries, community centers, scholarships, and mobile medical clinic programs, Malawi fights for its existence. Valley Presbyterian Church has helped provide support to thousands of orphaned children and widows in the 11 years since the MOH opened. Website: ministryofhope.org Program location: Plot 47/2/129, Box X64, Post Dot Net, Crossroads Complex, Lilongwe, Malawi, Africa

Villages in Partnership- Malawi, Africa

Villages in Partnership is a community of people and organizations who are devoted to sharing God’s love and blessings with the poorest of the poor in the impoverished nation of Malawi, Africa. VIP has several strategic areas of development: -Water -Food security -Education -Health Care -Infrastructure -Economic Development Website: villagesinpartnership.org

chrisw@vpc.church vpc.church/mission


SCOTTSDALE & PARADISE VALLEY FOR AFRICA Scottsdale & Paradise Valley for Africa

Saturday, February 25, 9AM, Kiva fields/VPC South Parking Lot Scottsdale & Paradise Valley for Africa is a day where people, schools, businesses, and our community come together to make an impact in MALAWI, AFRICA. All monies raised through the 5K, bike race, donations, and other activities will go to: -FEED ORPHANS in the surrounding areas of Lilongwe, Malawi through the Ministry of Hope organization. -BUILD WELLS for safe drinking water. -CONSTRUCT SCHOOLS to increase educational accessibility. -TEACH FARMING TECHNIQUES in Blantyre, Malawi through the Villages in Partnership organization.

When our community comes together with a singular focus we can make a global impact and ensure people have what they need for health and a better quality of life. We need you to make this event a success! Email Chris Woodard to hear about some of the several ways you can get involved. We’re looking forward to seeing you there to run, bike, volunteer, and support the community as we all make a difference in the lives of so many. Chris Woodard: chrisw@vpc.church


Jeannie Wright: 480-991-6242 x146, jeanniew@vpc.church VPC has several venues available for weddings. If you’re interested in holding your special and sacred event on campus, please contact us early in the planning process. Celebrate with us!

Baptisms 10

Tammy Milne When we baptize someone, we witness an individual being brought into the worldwide community of faith and specifically recognized as a unique creation.

Funerals and Memorial Services

Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163, tammym@vpc.church VPC’s staff is here to help support families and loved ones through this difficult times of transition. Services can be held in the Chapel or Sanctuary. Memorial receptions can also be arranged on campus.

Interment and Memorial Garden

Tammy Milne VPC has a Memorial Garden dedicated to its community and their families. One section has a Memorial Wall, where plaques may be placed in memory of a loved one interred or buried elsewhere.

ENCORE UNIVERSITY Encore University mission: Build new relationships, foster a sense of community, study scripture, participate in ‘Adventures in Lifelong Learning,’ and experience enriched lives and faith via action. As Encore Community continues to grow, we strive to make a difference in the lives of others through intellectual and personal enrichment. Continue your life story at Encore University!



Register for Encore Registration fee: $15 per term Courses: $20-$35, Lectures: $10 Register online: encoreuniv.org Register by mail, or stop by the Encore office

Volunteer for Encore Teach a class Work in the Cafe’ Become a Classroom Ambassador We have a place for you to plug in!

January 24-February 23

March 7-April 6

NEW offerings this winter and spring include: • Visit to Cuba- VPC member Bill McKee will present a photographic tour from his recent trip to this unique country. • Stravinsky’s Firebird- A one week lecture taught by VPC member and former orchestra conductor, Robert Selby. • Lincoln’s Rise to Greatness- Join Jay Roth, former professional teacher with Osher in Florida, as he analyzes Lincoln’s political skills and uncompromising principles. • Evolution of the U.S. Constitution- Join Frank Riggs, Scottsdale resident and former Congressman as he follows the evolution of the U.S. Constitution over its 230-year history. • What is the Role of Christians in American Public Life? Learn about Christian citizenship and what role Christians play in American politics. Arizona State Professors will lead students through this political thought process.

Special Event Interfaith Story of Courage in the Holocaust Wednesday, February 8, 6:30-7:30PM, Free Book Signing & Complimentary Refreshments

Encore University Ambassador Program

Training Session Saturday, January 21, 10AM, Fireside Room EU is more than learning, it’s a place where friendships are made and common interests are shared. Looking to get more involved? You are invited to represent Encore and VPC as an Ambassador for the Winter and/or Spring term(s). The Ambassador Program has the potential to be a church-wide initiative, working with Discipleship and Spiritual Growth. We will equip you with all you need in order to cultivate and make this program a success. Questions? Please contact Tracy Keller

Curious about Encore University? Grab a Course Catalog! In it you’ll find: -Detailed course descriptions -Comprehensive course schedule -Bios for many of our instructors

Stay active and learn some dance moves! Adult Line Dance

Fridays, 10AM-noon, Landes Center Year round, $60 for eight classes Linda Purkapile: 480-483-8899, purkapile@cox.net Do you want a fun, low-impact aerobic exercise that gives you a physical and mental workout? Line dancing may be just what you are looking for! Classes are led by Jerry Villaire, a national and local coach for all levels of dance.

eu@vpc.church encoreuniv.org 11

MEN’S MINISTRY Men’s Bible Study

2017 Men’s Breakfast

The Good and Beautiful God*

Unstoppable featuring Ron Wolfley & Dave Pasch

Jesus taught that the greatest commandment of all is, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This commandment means the most important thing a person can do in life is to love God. In reality, our narrative of who we believe God is and how God sees us will determine how we live. Men, if you have always wanted to know more about the character of God and move into a deeper walk with Him, this book discussion is for you. This study will challenge and inspire you!

Men, join us for the 30th VPC Men’s Breakfast! Local radio host and former NFL player Ron Wolfley will return to challenge and inspire us with the story of his faith journey. Joining him will be his Arizona Cardinals Radio Network colleague, Dave Pasch, who also has an incredible story of faith.

Led by Pastor David Turner Wednesdays starting February 15, 6:30-7:30PM, Chapel Parlor Questions? Email David: davidt@vpc.church

This book discussion will be offered as part of James Bryan Smith’s three-part series over the next year. “The Good and Beautiful God” challenges misconceptions we have of who God is and gives us new insights from Jesus’ teachings about God. The continuation of this study can be followed later with a study on “The Good and Beautiful Life” and “The Good and Beautiful Community.” You can find the book online in print and eBook formats.

With Vic Pentz Saturday, February 11, 7AM Gainey Ranch Clubhouse

In addition to Ron and Dave, we will be encouraged by Vic Pentz, former Senior Pastor of Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, the largest Presbyterian church in the nation. Vic has a lifetime of experience bringing God’s message to the world. Ticket information is coming soon! This will be a great morning to invite your friends and co-workers.

Men, stay fit and active! Men’s Adult Basketball

Thursdays, 6:30-7:30AM, Landes Center, year round, no fee Mike Bitticks: michael.bitticks@gmail.com Looking for a way to begin your day with some great fun and exercise? Then our morning Men’s Basketball program is for you. Join us for a quick game before you head off to work. Showers and lockers available.

*Childcare available by registration. Email: nursery@vpc.church


davidt@vpc.church, miken@vpc.church vpc.church/men

WOMEN’S MINISTRY Winter Bible Study Living Life Together by Shauna Niequist

Thursday, January 5 & 19, February 2 & 16, 6:30PM *Friday, January 6 & 20, February 3 & 17, 9AM Room 415/416 There are messy parts in all of our lives that we would rather not reveal— strained relationships, stretched finances, and cluttered living rooms. What if we invited others in and experienced the beautiful acceptance and deep connection of Christian community? Author and speaker Shauna Niequist is passionate about living life in community.

Spring Bible Study Abundant Simplicity by Jan Johnson

Thursday, March 2 & 23, April 13, May 11, 6:30PM *Friday, March 3 & 24, April 14, May 12, 9AM Room 415/416 Many of us long for simplicity. We are caught up with possessions, activities, and behaviors that drain us. We long for an intentional life that is more connected with God. Simplicity is about choosing the engaging, relational life we were meant to live, apart from obligation and pretension. Jan Johnson’s book challenges us to discover the unhurried rhythms of grace in all areas of our lives: time, energy, money, food, words.

2017 Women’s Retreat Come to the Table with Rachel Palmbush

Friday, April 28-Sunday, April 30 Prescott, AZ, Cost: $175 (scholarships available) Join us for our annual Women’s Retreat at the Marriott’s Residence Inn in Prescott! Get away from daily distractions and spend time learning about God with women of all ages. There will be biblical teaching, conversation in small groups, free time to relax, and community meals. Each woman will share a room with one other woman. Come to meet new friends, or bring a friend along! Our speaker, Rachel Palmbush, is from Menlo Church in Mountain View, California.

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Twice monthly during the school year January 13 & 27 March 17 & 31 February 10 & 24 April 21

May 5

What is MOPS? Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) is an international ministry dedicated to the message that “mothering matters.” Our MOPS group is open to moms throughout the community, whether or not they attend VPC. Where do my kids go while I’m in MOPS? We offer childcare (up to age 5) on a space-available basis. During the meetings, your little Moppet enjoys the classrooms and playground of Valley Day School on the VPC campus. All caregivers are background checked and fingerprinted. Email names and ages of your children who will need childcare to Meghan or Kelly to reserve childcare in advance of the meeting. Meghan: meghang@vpc.church Kelly Nieto: kellyn@vpc.church

Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women (PW) is a national organization of more than 300,000 women within the Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian Women welcomes women for a variety of activities including fellowship, Bible study, worship, service, and prayer.


PW has six Circles, groups of fabulous women who gather together once a month to study and be a part of each other’s lives. If you’re interested in when each Circle meets, grab a PW brochure or email Wandie Hulick: wild4uofa@aol.com.

Luncheon and Speaker Series

Monthly Wednesdays, 11:30AM, Landes Center Cost: $10, RSVP: 480-991-6424, church@vpc.church Enjoy lunch, fellowship and inspiring speakers! January 25 February 22

March 22 April 26

May 24

*Childcare available by registration. Email: nursery@vpc.church

kelseyw@vpc.church, kellyn@vpc.church vpc.church/women


CARE & HELP House of Prayer Prayer

Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163, prayers@vpc.church We welcome requests confidentially for you or someone else. Please have permission of the individual before placing your request.

Kelly Nieto: kellyn@vpc.church Year-round Would you like to volunteer to pray for members of our congregation throughout the year? VPC is a faith community that believes in the power of prayer. We strive to be a church where every member is prayed for every day. As we commit ourselves to communion with God, we trust the world will change, and our Heavenly Father will bring the kingdom in us and around us.


Mental Health Ministry

Stephen Ministers become mentors, coaches, and supportive friends. You meet with your Stephen Minister once a week for one hour, and may meet with someone a few times or for several years. Meetings can take place anywhere.

Mental Health Ministry Book Discussion

Tom Van Arsdale: 480-235-3196 or Karen Annis: 480-510-5385 No Fee Need a Christian friend to talk to? Need to discuss a private, confidential matter? VPC has Stephen Ministers trained to be compassionate, confidential listeners. Stephen Ministers are men and women identified by the church as good listeners, grounded in the teachings of the Christian faith, and demonstrate the ability to carefully guard confidences.

Grief Ministry

Wednesdays during Encore Winter & Spring terms, 1-3PM, Room 414, No Fee Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163, tammym@vpc.church Register through Encore University: encoreuniv.org If you have lost a spouse, parent, child, or close friend recently, VPC has a tradition of assisting people going through grief. The VPC Grief Ministry Leadership Team has gone through a series of training experiences in order to work effectively with grieving people. Each session is a combination of video presentation and sharing/discussion time. A Stephen minister can be arranged for individual help if requested.


Pet Pause Therapy Dog Ministry

Interested in having one of our Pet Pause visitors bring some cheer and a wagging tail to your home? Contact Tammy Milne. Visits begin in September. Our furry friends are waiting for your call!

Elizabeth Weiss: 480-699-2982, esweiss1231@gmail.com 24-hour crisis line: 602-222-9444 AZ Teen Lifeline: 602-248-8336, teenlifeline.org VPC’s Mental Health Ministry suggests mental health resources to families and individuals dealing with mental illness. Our contacts include education, awareness and support programs. Our message to those in need is, “You Are Not Alone.” There are people who can help navigate your current situation. Monday January 30, 6-8PM, Fireside Room Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163, tammym@vpc.church Elizabeth Weiss: 480-699-2982, esweiss1231@gmail.com Change your Brain, Change your Life Revised and Expanded by Daniel Amen, MD The breakthrough program for conquering anxiety, depression, obsessiveness, lack of focus, anger, and memory problems. Dr. Amen is a clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and brain-imaging expert who heads the world-renowned Amen Clinics. He is also a Christian who speaks openly about his faith.

National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) Basics Class

Saturday, February 4, 11, & 25, 9AM-2:30PM, Room 409 Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163, tammym@vpc.church This class is open to providers or caregivers of children who have been diagnosed with mental illness. To register email Debbie Martinez: namimaricopaedu@gmail.com

RECOVERY Divorce Recovery

Facilitator: Anna Kohls, M.S., LAMFT, M.Ed. Mondays,February 13, 5:30-6:45PM, Chapel Parlor, Cost: $20 David Turner: 480-991-6424, davidt@vpc.church Registration: vpc.church/drcare We want to encourage you and give you the tools to thrive in the midst of divorce and separation. VPC is offering a new seven-week Divorce Recovery program designed for men and women at any stage of the divorce process. Each week covers a different topic and is followed by group discussion. Meeting others on the same journey, gaining insights for healing, is vital for moving forward.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Fridays, 7:30-9PM, Landes Center Tammy Milne: 480-991-6424 x163, tammym@vpc.church Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other. The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self supporting through our own contributions. AA is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, does not engage in controversies, and neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.

DEACON MINISTRIES Deacon ministries are run by the Deacons of the church, who are nominated and chosen to serve three-year terms. They provide vital services to church members and our community. Deacon ministries are always in need of volunteers. David Turner: 480-991-6424 x121, davidt@vpc.church

Deacon Sunday

Baby Welcome Make contact with parents of new babies in the church and arrange for food delivery and support.

Home Communion Serve communion to at-home individuals three times annually.

Care Packages Make and send care packages to college students and veterans. Communion Preparation Prepare communion elements for Sunday worship services. Deacon Fund Disburse funds for the deacon ministries and those who face a one-time financial crisis. Flower Distribution Break large Sunday morning flower arrangements into smaller arrangements to be taken to sick and at-home members. Flower Donation Donate flowers for Sunday worship services to honor loved ones. Handyperson Ministry Fix small items in members’ homes.

Sunday, March 26 We will be celebrating the incredible work done by our Deacons. This is an opportunity to find out more about our ministries, volunteer to assist, and contribute to the Deacon Fund.

Homebound Visitation Visit at-home members twice each month. Lay Hospital Chaplain Make daily visits to hospitalized members of the church. Memorial Receptions Prepare and host memorial receptions at the church. Staff Appreciation Bless the church staff with birthday cards, flowers, and tokens of appreciation at random times throughout the year. Tasty Spoon Provide meals to those suffering from illness, bereavement, or temporary financial hardship. It’s a simple way to show we care. Telephone Hospitality Perform reception duties at the front desk on Sunday mornings. Transportation Ministry Transport members who need rides to church on Sundays.


COMMUNITY GROUPS Study God’s Word, build relationships, serve others, and grow in your faith. Community Groups are age-related and open to people in any stage of life. We invite you to connect with the group that’s right for you! If you are new to VPC, or looking for an easy way to get involved, Community Groups are an excellent way to meet new people and begin finding ways to apply faith in Christ to your everyday life. Third Thursday Dinners, 6PM

Sunday Mornings, 9-10AM, Room 409

Chris Woodard: chrisw@vpc.church

David Turner: davidt@vpc.church or

Join an authentic group of believers searching for God’s will in our lives!

Various classes throughout the Fall Tina Gilbreath: tinag@vpc.church

Ed and Beth Glady: beglady@gmail.com This Community Group welcomes singles and couples for time together in study, prayer, and fellowship. Throughout the year we also engage in mission and social events. All are welcome. Thriving in Babylon by Larry Osborne Sundays, January 15-February 12, 9-10AM, Room 409 How can we spiritually survive in a culture that is hostile to or ignores the Christian faith? What does this mean for the future?

We know time is a precious resource for those who may be establishing their career or starting a family. This semester the 30-40s Community Group will connect around three priorities: parenting, finances, and marriage. Check out these opportunities with other 30-40s individuals (more detail on page 5):

In this five-session series, Larry Osborne introduces us to Daniel, a man forced to live in a fast-changing and godless society that seemed to be falling apart at warp speed. Daniel, with the power of hope, humility, and wisdom, not only survived, but thrived.

Parenting the Love & Logic Way* Wednesdays, January 11-February 8

Each week includes real-life stories of people struggling to thrive in a society that wants nothing to do with God. Though Daniel lived thousands of years ago, he has much to teach us today.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University* January 18 – March 22 (no class March 1)

RightNow Media Quality Christian content on any device, anywhere. RightNow Media opens a digital door to thousands of Bible Studies, parenting classes, and conferences. From home or on the go, you can commit yourself to content that encourages, challenges, and strengthens your faith. There is also tons of programming created for kids! RightNow Media is totally free and available on most devices. Email Kelsey Woodruff for an invite: kelselyw@vpc.church


Other spring Bible Studies We will discuss as a group the topic and directions we would like to study more deeply throughout the rest of the semester. Social and Serving events Check out our webpage for upcoming events: vpc.church/take-the-next-step/community-groups

Get Connected: Dinner for 8 Get to know your church community better through food, fun, and fellowship. Dinner for 8 connects four couples to share four meals on four occasions throughout the year. It’s a great way to get to know others and eat some great food! Look for more details coming soon!

Sundays, 10:25-11:25AM, Fireside Room Sarah Burnette,

Chair of the Boomer Leadership Team sarahswiggins@gmail.com “The Boomers” are empty nesters growing together in faith and fellowship: “Classes, Coffee & Confections” Sundays starting January 8 Come early for fellowship then stay as we learn about God, come grow in faith with us! Movie Parties See the movie on your own, then come to the party for a lively discussion of the film. Please bring a ready-to-serve “happy-hourworthy” appetizer and beverage to share. Saturday, January 14, 6PM, Annis residence We’ll be discussing the Ryan Gosling/Emma Stone movie “La La Land” Saturday, March 4, 6PM, Coffelt residence Movie TBA To receive announcements & invitations email Gloria Gabler: gjgabler@gmail.com Fellowship and Luncheon: First & Second Thursdays 12:30-1:30PM, Various Bible Study and Discussion: Second Thursday of the month, 1-2:30PM, Crossing 104 Judith Robins: az29hiker@msn.com

Night at the Phoenix Theatre


Sundays, 10:30-11:30AM, Calvin Center Lunch Bunch Third Thursday Fellowship 11:30AM, Camelback Golf Club Second Thursday Fellowship 3PM, Fireside Room Wandie Hulick: 602-316-3372, wild4uofa@aol.com We meet throughout the month for fun activities, delicious food, and faithful fellowship. We would love to have you join us! Weekly Class Sundays, 10:30-11:30AM, Calvin Center Lunch Bunch Third Thursday Fellowship 11:30AM, Camelback Golf Club, Call Wandie to RSVP January 19 April 20 February 16 May 18 March 16 Second Thursday Fellowship Mexican Train, 3PM, Fireside Room Mexican Train is a fun and easy domino game. We teach you how to play. Mexican Train starts at 3PM with dinner at 5PM. Dinner, 5PM, Fireside Room January 12- Pizza Night February 9- Meatloaf March 9- Irish Meal April 6- Brisket May 11- Taco Bar Card Making Classes 3PM, Fireside, Call Wandie to RSVP January 26 April 27 February 23 May 25 March 30

Thursday, February 2, 7:30PM


Thursday, May 11, 7:30PM

Phoenix Theatre, Call Wandie to RSVP


STUDENTS Students in 6th grade through high school: we welcome you! We accept you as the person you are when you come to VPC. When Jesus did ministry He understood and accepted people for who they were. At VPC Student Ministry, we design our programs to do exactly the same- meet you where you are. Contact us anytime, our doors are always open.

Sunday Mornings



Junior High & High School Students Sundays, 9AM, Landes Center Basement Come for the friends, fun, and learn about a life of faith.


Wednesdays, 7-9PM, Landes Center


Mondays, 6-8PM, Landes Center

Winter 2017 Trips: HIGH SCHOOL SKI TRIP

January 27-29, Snowbowl Ski Resort in Flagstaff, AZ Cost: $160 (scholarships available) Start waxing your skis and snowboard now! Join us for a great weekend in the snow. Email Jordan to get registered: jordang@vpc.church


January 20-22, Forest Home Camp in Forest Falls, CA Cost: $160 (scholarships available) Winter Camp is just around the corner and we are excited for all that God has in store for our students! Email Jordan to get registered: jordang@vpc.church

Junior High Mission Trip: San Diego

Boy Scout Troop 441 Tuesdays, 7:30PM, Landes Center Boys ages 12 to 17 are welcome to join us at any time. Monthly hikes, campouts and other activities are planned throughout the school year. For more information visit the Troop 441 website: troop441.net.


May 29-June 3, San Diego, California Cost: $350 (Scholarships available)

Junior and Senior High June 11-16, Forest Home, California Cost: $500 (Scholarships available)

High School Mission Trip: Center for Student Mission, San Francisco, California

Junior High students, join us this summer as we serve those in need living downtown San Diego! We will be taking part in service projects and making an impact throughout the city. This week will be nothing short of amazing, we cannot wait! Sign up today!

Summer Camp is coming! All students in Junior High and High School are invited to join us for an incredible week packed full of everything that you could ever imagine! Sign up today for one of the best weeks of the year!

High School students, we invite you to join us this summer as we serve the cities of San Francisco and Oakland. We will be joining others from around the US in projects over the week and making an impact in many lives throughout the city.


July 8-15, San Francisco, California Cost: $500 (Scholarships available)

jordang@vpc.church, josephp@vpc.church vpc.church/students

FOUNDATION Formed in 1976, Valley Presbyterian Foundation is the permanent endowment of Valley Presbyterian Church; earned income from the VPF’s investments support capital needs and mission ministries of VPC.

Step Into the Future Valley Presbyterian Foundation Legacy Dinner Friday, March 31, 6PM The Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch Tickets: $125 per person

Become a part of VPF today!

Support one of the many funds administered by VPF or include VPC or the Foundation in your will or estate plan Questions? Email Kris Bahr: krisb@vpc.church

Some thoughts from Legacy Society members:

Step into VPC’s future with a stroll through the decades! Dance to music from the last 60 years! Dress for the rocking 50s, the hippie 60s, the disco 70s, the hair-raising 80s, the grunge 90s, keep it current, or imagine the styles of the 2020s!

George Bosworth: “As long-time members of Valley Legacy Society starting, with Rev. Kilgore, we have many friends made through the church. It is very satisfying to know we will be aligned with VPC forever.”

The evening is packed with exciting items and experiences; there is something for everyone!

Larry Glenn: “First of all it is a privilege to be a Valley Legacy member. Becoming a member gives one insight as to how funds are raised and more important, where the money goes and how it helps so many causes. The foresight of the founding members is truly a blessing.” Linda May Bucher: “I get a wonderful feeling knowing that at the end of my life I will be helping to extend the life of my beloved church and for the generation that follows.”

Browse the silent auction during our cocktail hour, keep an eye on the eye-popping sport packages, art, jewelry, and the ever-popular wine raffle. Next enjoy a meal by the amazing staff at The Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch and take a chance with the balloon raffle- there are incredible prizes you can win! After dinner the live auction is sure to inspire your imagination with trips and experiences locally and abroad. Finally, take part in the most important portion of the night, Fund The Need, where we work together to fund important projects on the VPC campus.

Charles Kurz II: “I have experienced great joy over the past decade since becoming a Valley Legacy Society member; I am glad to know that other VPC families and ministries will benefit in the future from…Valley Presbyterian Foundation. You too can make a difference as a Valley Legacy Society member.” Pastor David Joynt: “Life is generational! Previous generations invested in our lives and faith. Now it is our turn to write the future on the hearts of the next generation. Let’s leave a legacy in Jesus’ name.”

charleet@vpc.church vpc.church/foundation


valley presbyterian church A Community Where Jesus Christ Transforms Lives

6947 East McDonald Drive Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 480-991-6424 vpc.church

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