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President and talk show host of Veterans in Politics International, Steve Sanson, has been involved with the nonprofit organization for over 16 years now.

The mission of the organization is simple yet impactful. “To educate, organize, and awaken our veterans and their families to select, support, and intelligently vote for those candidates whom would help create a better world, to protect ourselves from our own government(s) in a culture of corruption, and to be the political voice for those in other groups who do not have one.”

As part of their strategy, candidates running for elected office are placed through a rigorous process to get Veterans in Politics International’s endorsement. VIPI candidates are interviewed by select VIPI panelists. VIPI endorsement panels are made up of members, as well as a varied group of invited guests, that come from different backgrounds. The process is unbiased because the guests are politically varied and selected at random for each interview session. Once candidates are chosen, they are then publicly presented the VIPI endorsement, and promoted by VIPI membership.

The goal is to make the public aware of whom they are voting for. Steve Sanson says, “The whole premise of the program is to educate the public on candidates.” Additionally, the program also legislates for laws that will serve the community and exposes court and police corruption.

Sanson did not set out to be in politics, but he’s always had a deep commitment to serving his country. Sanson served in the Marine Corps from 1985 to 1991 and the United States Army from 1992 to 1998 and is a Desert Storm Veteran. Prior to coming out of the Army, Sanson made his way to Las Vegas in 1995.

Once here in Las Vegas, he became enthralled in a dispute with the county commissioner. Sanson said, “Erin Kenny, one of the Clark County commissioners, wanted to place a fire station at the end of my cul-de-sac.” Sanson had invested in purchasing a home, and the master plan showed homes were set to be constructed in the empty lot. Sanson fought. An HOA was created to go after the county for placing a fire station there. They had hundreds of members and hired a lawyer to sue the county. In the end, they did not prevail, however there was an ordinance placed on the fire station which didn’t allow them to place their sirens on until they had traveled a certain distance from the neighborhood.

Although Sanson was not successful in his fight with the county, this ended up becoming the turning point that ignited a spark towards his journey in politics. To date, he is not only committed to educating the community on candidates, but he has also shown a commitment to veterans by advocating in numerous ways. He championed for making it optional for veterans to place their veteran status on their driver license as many veterans suffer from PTSD and this helps police officers understand better, in case a situation needs to be deescalated. He’s also helped in the family court system by shining a light on the corruption that goes on within the court systems.

As Sanson continues his involvement in bringing awareness to the community, he really encourages everyone to go out there and learn the constitution and most importantly know your rights. MV veteransinpolitics.org

By: Brenda Damian

Steve really encourages everyone to go out there and learn the constitution and most importantly know your rights.

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