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who I am are all here. From my friends when I was a child to my wonderful husband (Brian Vasek) who has been the best support system,” said Maryam.
who was so patient, so thoughtful, and explained everything to me. In turn, I was able to explain everything to my grandmother. This is why I went into personal injury,” says Maryam.
Maryam found her why. Her reason to not waste the opportunity given to her. She intimately understands that not everyone is as lucky as she. She knows that things could have been very different for her, had her parents not decided to be brave and leave everything they ever knew behind and begin all over. “Given the turmoil and ongoing Women led Revolution in Iran, I feel blessed industry. I think we forget that sometimes. However, I try to be as patient with every single one of my clients as my attorney was with me and my grandmother. I explain and at times over explain processes so that my clients mind is at ease. With that said, I am also really honest. I won’t couch the issues and I will give you all of the facts so that you can make the best decision for yourself.”