2 minute read


By Michael A Kadenacy

Two years ago, I wrote that the Nevada Electorate was changing, and if Republicans were to retain political power, they must deal with the new reality. To do otherwise will relegate conservative policies to irrelevance.

In past election cycles, Republicans could count on the rural counties to balance the heavily Democrat Clark County losses, and Washoe County would decide statewide and competitive races. The State Legislative seats were split between the Parties, with the Republicans holding majority or almost majority positions.

In 2021, I observed a new political party in today’s Nevada- “No Party.” This new electorate identifies as neither Republican nor Democrat, though most of these voters were previously registered as one or the other. This reality is now even more evident; this new No Party is the largest party in Nevada. The No Party outnumbers the Democrats by 100 thousand registrants, who outnumber the Republicans by 50 thousand.

Many Republicans have not yet found the political will to accommodate those with whom they may agree regarding some issues, but not all. If Republicans are to regain majorities in Nevada, they must find the political courage to build and form coalitions and not alienate Non-Partisans and moderate Republicans. Republicans are behind both the Democrats and Non-partisans, so Republicans need allies to win elections.

The Big Tent idea is not new, and now more than ever, this idea needs to be renewed in Nevada. Party structures at every level, and Republican candidates must return to the Big Tent concept. Each active member of the Republican Party must also embrace the Big Tent. Republicans must stress issues that build consensus among all Republicans and conservative-leaning Non-partisans.

Republican candidates, especially in competitive districts, must accept that one-third plus of the voters that will decide their election are those Non-partisans. Those candidates, therefore, must know the non-partisan issues and avoid giving those Non-partisans a reason not to vote for them.

In the last election cycle, only 40% of the Non-partisan votes went to the polls. For both Republican voters and Non-Partisan voters, there was a significant undervote. Many voters went to the polls but did not vote in a particular race. Candidates in certain races did not close the sale with the voter.

Two statewide races show the effect of the non-partisan vote. In the U.S. Senate race, the Republicans lost the Non-partisans by 17.6%. In the Gubernatorial race, the Re- publican lost the Non-partisans by 8.7% or 8.9% more votes than the Republican garnered in the Senate race and won statewide. Non-partisans made the difference.

Two years ago, I had observed that even with a larger turnout of Republicans, there was no path to victory without those Non-partisans. In my view, this has not changed, only more so.

As a core strategy, the Nevada Wins PAC has polled and campaigned in targeted state legislative races to persuade to vote for the Republican candidate. Our polling has determined that the Non-partisans lean Republican by 55% to 45%. With only a 40% Non-partisan turnout, fewer voters who tended to vote Republican went to the polls. But as the statewide races demonstrated, those that did decided both races.

Republicans can no longer win competitive races in Nevada without a substantial number of non-partisan votes. If Republicans are to regain political power in Nevada, they must, as individuals and as a political party, engage all Republicans and non-partisans and actively court those with whom they may disagree on some issues. As suggested by the races mentioned, to do otherwise will relegate the Republicans to a permanent minority. MV

For more information or to donate visit www.nevadawinspac.org


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