2 minute read
WHAT IS ANSWER4CANCER? We're a 501c3 here in Las Vegas that provides holistic services free of charge to those with active cancer. While going through western treatment, we provide support, enhance their quality of life, and hope to extend lifespans. With medical bills adding up, it can be hard to afford these services, so we're here to help.
WHO CAN RECEIVE CARE FROM A4C? Anyone with active cancer can enjoy our programs because we realize all cancers matter. We have men, children and women that have loved their experience inside a4c. What's been interesting is a majority of the people that come to us are stage four and all are different diagnoses, whether it be breast, colon, lymphoma, glioblastoma, lung, and others. Our youngest has been under the age of 5 and our oldest has been over 75.
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE PROGRAMS YOU OFFER? Fresh pressed juices during chemo, infrared, massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, yoga, meditation, nutrition, vegan facials, and oxygen spa baths are some of the great highlights that we offer. Our kid's program, "Rainbows & Bubbles" (juices and spa bath) has been a huge hit! When someone is participating in our programs consistently, there's a synergy that's created and a new hope within them emerges. We've had people come to us with three months to live and it's been over a year already and they're thriving. We've also had others go into remission. There's something to be said about a great support system, strong mindset, body movement, sleep, and feeling good on the inside and out that really uplifts someone. The benefits of holistic doesn't receive enough credit, and we're here to change that.
WITH LAS VEGAS BEING A GENEROUS COMMUNITY, WHAT ARE WAYS PEOPLE CAN HELP? As we all know, holistic services are not cheap, so we rely on our community to help us stay at our best! Please consider making a donation to us this giving season at answer4cancer.org/ donate in honor of a friend or loved one.

FOR THOSE FACING CANCER CURRENTLY, WHAT WORDS WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE WITH THEM? I want you to know that you are doing the best that you can, and it's okay to rest. It's also okay to say no to things, and to let others serve you. It's your time to receive and be nurtured and to slow down so you can heal. Your diagnosis is something that you're going through, but it's not who you are as a whole. You're a powerful human being with a purpose and I'd love to connect with you and share the ways we can help.
HOW DOES SOMEONE FACING CANCER GET IN CONTACT WITH YOU? Fill out our contact form at answer4cancer.org/ contact and we'll be in touch soon!
Learn more about answer4cancer at answer4cancer.org.
Thank you to all of those that attended our "Derby in the Desert" gala back in April. It was a huge success, and we couldn't do the work that we do without you. To catch the recap and photos from our event, check us out on social media @answer4cancernonprofit and to stay in the loop for next year's Kentucky Derby party, make sure to subscribe at answer4cancer.org
DO YOU HAVE ANY EVENTS IN THE NEAR FUTURE WE CAN COME TO AND SUPPORT? Absolutely. Save the date for Friday, April 21, 2023 at Red Rock Resort and Casino for our "Derby In The Desert" Gala. We're currently locking in sponsorships for the event, so if your company is interested in supporting us, please email Misti@answer4cancer.org. To secure your table of ten, reach out to us at 702-755-0215.