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TOP 100 Women of Influence
100 TOP en of Wom Influence
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TOP 100 Women of Influence
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TOP 100 WOMEN OF THE YEAR? You Could Be! Vote Today!
Readers Choice
Go to and nominate your favorite local Las Vegas lady! Anyone can be nominated and you are welcome to nominate yourself.
Ask your friends to go vote for you! Spread the word on your social media and get nominated!
Contents MY VEGAS Ask the Mayor.....................................................................5 The Big Givers That Changed My Life................23-25 Top Lawyers in Las Vegas............................................. 26 Legal Scales and Medicine.......................................... 87 Who Knew with District Attorney Steve Wolfson..............................144
Sparkle This Winter...........................................................9 Beauty Resolutions........................................................ 11 Healthy Holiday............................................................... 13 Keep It Local..................................................................... 14 Can Meat Cause Cancer?............................................. 15 Transformation Tips....................................................... 16 From THC to CBD............................................................ 18 It’s Never Too Late.......................................................... 20
MY BUSINESS 3 Steps to Customer Loyalty....................................... 93 Money Matters................................................................ 94
MY HOME & REAL ESTATE New Home for the Holidays....................................... 96
MY SENIOR LIFE National Senior Games................................................. 97 The Piece of the Pie........................................................ 98
MY CAREER J & L Inspire....................................................................... 91 Everyone Can Use A Little Bit of Hospitality.......102
MY FAMILY Different Kids, Same Parents....................................104
MY PETS Staying Safe While Walking Your Dog at Night.. 106 Social Media Pet Stars.................................................107
That’s What She Said: The Sparklings....................109 What’s the Dish?............................................................111 Chef’s Corner: Chef Beni Velazquez.......................116 Chef Linda Says: Healthy Holiday Eating.............118 Pizza Man: Stoned n Baked Pizza............................119
MY ENTERTAINMENT Station Casinos: Loving Our Locals........................121 The Social Media MD...................................................122 Feel the Thrill of NASCAR...........................................126 Linde Studios, A Production Utopia......................128 Peter Castro: Giving He(ART)....................................129
MY DATING LIFE Men Across the Country............................................130
MY CHARITY Supporting Children’s Day: Nevada and Early Education........................................................................132 Nevada Veteran’s AllianceStopping the Cycle......................................................133
MY TRAVEL Get Out of Vegas and Into Heaven.........................135 Escape to Your Own Private Island, Outrigger Konotta Maldives Resort..............136-137
Page 3 Girl
J has been in Vegas for 5 years, and has had an illustrious career as an event coordinator with Playboy golf,
a diamond broker and head hunter, and at nights, Go-go dancing for Hakkasan Group. In her free time, she enjoys music, modeling and acting. She’s got a lovely personality, and is easy on the eyes!
Find KJ on Facebook at: KJ Lindsey.
MY BIRTHDAY: December 9, 1983 HT 5’5”, WT 110 MY HOMETOWN: Houston, Texas MY BIG DREAM: Own a rooftop hotel in Manhattan. MY VEGAS TURN ONS: Entertainment, Concerts, Meeting new people. MY VEGAS TURN OFFS: Windstorms, Industry guys, people who feel entitled. MY FAVORITE MUSIC: Hip hop, R&B, old school, reggae, and country. *To get YOUR photo on Page 3, email: 3
Romeo Villafania Jr., Mark Shaffer, and Rich Shaw
Photo Credit: Michael Rogers
On Our Covers
Mark Shaffer Meet Romeo and Rich! Every issue of MYVEGAS, I like to feature some cool and incredible people I’ve met in my travels. This issue, I would like to introduce two of the best guys I know in Vegas! I met Romeo out networking around Vegas, and networking he does, almost every night! A proud father of two beautiful kids and awesome husband to his lovely wife, Romeo runs his own Usana business and is one of the nicest guys you’ll wanna meet in this town! I walked into Rich’s office one day, and was totally blown away. Rich is half of D&R Diamonds, a custom jewelry shop here in Vegas. Totally unexpected, gems, jewels, and custom designed on the computer, right before your eyes! Rich lives the single life, and will always be there for you, at the drop of a dime. Among the crazy busy lives we all three have, what brings us together once a week is Crossings Church. I was surprised to find out they both attend the same church! Now I get to hang with these fine gentlemen on a weekly basis. So proud to call you my friends! See you Sunday! This is the winter 2015 issue, the “Legal Issue”, and we are proud to bring you our Top 100 Lawyers in Las Vegas, where we have the opportunity to recognize some incredible individuals throughout the law community. With so many attorneys throughout the Las Vegas valley, it can appear to be a daunting task to find the right lawyer for you and your particular situation. In the Top Lawyers in Las Vegas section, you can be sure to read special feature bios on different lawyers, in various areas of practice, giving you an up close and personal feel about what each lawyer represents in their respective fields of practice. These lawyers have been nominated by our readers, so don’t take our word for it! We are especially thankful to these Top 100 Lawyers in Las Vegas for their dedication to the locals in our community, and their experienced guidance and expertise. And now… 2016!! Anticipating the arrival of a new year always brings a great level of enthusiasm and excitement for me. I am so grateful for our readers, advertisers, our MYVEGAS Magazine community, and our MYVEGAS Magazine ‘office family’ for their continued support and wishing you all an exciting new year ahead! Here at MYVEGAS Magazine, we have some exciting new things in store that we are looking forward to sharing with you all, so join us out and about at one of our upcoming events. Thank you for a great 2015, to my staff, Candice, Fallon, Jenn, Michelle, Randy, John, Deb and Shelly, and here’s to an exciting and awesome 2016! MV
Every issue, MYVEGAS Magazine brings you new covers featuring people and places that make Las Vegas one of the best cities in the world! This winter issue is dedicated to the TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS and features: Dennis Prince of Eglet Prince, Kristin Cogburn of Cogburn Law Offices, and G. Dallas Horton of G. Dallas Horton and Associates.
Readers Choice
Photo Credit: Michael Rogers
Readers Choice
On the Cover: Dennis M. Prince Dennis is a top Trial Lawyer in Las Vegas. He is a Senior Partner at Eglet Prince. Dennis has extensive background and experience in the areas of trial practice, personal injury, professional liability, insurance law and commercial litigation. He has an amazing trial record as both a Defense and Plaintiff’s lawyer, including numerous multi-million dollar verdicts on behalf of victims of negligence, medical malpractice and insurance bad faith.
On the Cover: Kristin Cogburn Kristin Cogburn is a co-founder and partner of Cogburn Law Offices. Kristin practices in the areas of personal injury and general civil litigation. Kristin has extensive litigation experience representing clients in trial, arbitration and mediation, winning both six and seven figure verdicts and awards. This success led to her membership in the prestigious Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an impressive group of trial lawyers who have settled a case or won a trial for $2,000,000 or more.
On the Cover: G. Dallas Horton G. Dallas Horton’s professional background has been in personal injury law and insurance defense. At the age of only 28 years old, just two years out of law school, Mr. Horton resolved his first seven figure case. He has represented over 5000 people in the State of Nevada. The team at G. Dallas Horton & Associates has a collective 70 years of experience representing clients in these and other important legal matters.
Ask the Mayor
Who is your favorite player on the UNLV What are your fondest memories of old Rebel Men’s basketball team and-6-1 why? Vegasredevelopment backGoodman in the day and when Oscar was From the Mayor’s Desk Our lovely Mayor Carolyn haswhat graciously agreedof tothe answer some questions from MYVEGAS Maga delicious sandwiches at the new Jimmy City Council members voted in early downtown can we look one of only lawyers in town? Was A special totoMayor Goodman her willingness to engage with our readers andonthe of Las Vegas. John’s located thecommunity first floor of City Hall… October move aheadthanks on a plan forward tofor inthe the coming year? there a specific individual in the legal community and in walking distance MTO continues to build a $200 million dollar professional think we’ve got a great that influenced you? the Was momentum there a pivotaldowntown case that thrive. Also, the Carson Kitchen, Kerry Simon’s soccerIstadium in downtown Lasgroup Vegas of in which Certainly Q:this Summertime means fun, the course top tourist destination, and our skyline Visitors come in from around the entirefamilychanged Lasbuild. Vegas’s new downtown hot spot, is wonderful, and I a final athletes vote is said toyear take and placelove thisthe December. continuesofto Wegrowth? are seeing summer vacations and lots of outdoor is forever changed and improved by that country (and the world) to converg Runnin’ team! Lucky I would recommend trying it if you can find a How would theRebel development of thisme, project more and more small businesses, activities. How do you and your family magnifi cent and the biggest observation in our city for our huge patriotic had theLas pleasure of helping tip theit The city was so much smaller in old table. help Vegas and what willthem it take tooff make restaurants, shops and galleries opening. season at the Runnin’ Rebelsummertime Madness event in Las Vegas? Vegas so you could front like to enjoy wheel in theleave world! It is unique and celebration. Naturally there are happen? What is particularly exciting hasyour been the held in the heart of downtown on Oct. 22nd as door keysand in your top-of-the-line, yes I have visited, With fi2014 reworks inwhat the sky from opening of unlocked, The Marketyour on East Fremont comingexploding to a fast close, a big outdoor crowd filled the Downtown car givenot it a thought. Our New A:amazing We really do that likewould to Las spend time but yet ridden it. In afact, CBS did our New hotel rooftops, butyou’d during the d It is an project inand the never Entertainment District as it brings are some Year’s Resolutions Vegas Events Center. A contestespecially was part if IYear’s Day parties had everyone forthatand lucky together asdunk family can not only bring aafirst-ever, major much-needed grocery store to there an area like to see Las Vegas order to a special on the opening leading up tomake the innighttime celebra of the festivities which I helped judge along(and our Chili Bowl – law enforcement, politicians, league sports team to Las Vegas is in the heart of the live-work-play city have a prosperous 2015? get some or all of them together- a me, I was asked as Mayor to make there are outdoor activities galore with UNLV Athletic Director Kunserentertainers, neighbors, showgirls and Nevada!) but ithappening! would alsoTina result in hundreds in 2015 is thenationally expansion rare Most times in Las core. Too, coming brief comments about what for tourists and residents to enjoy. Murphy, Freddie Banks,being and Washington It was just a great mix of real Vegas. of millions of dollars into our the athletes. of the Las Vegas Premium I would like to see everyone in our Personally, Oscar and I usually wal Vegas we’ll justinvested hang around a great placeOutlets it is. Itwhich has added great National’s star In Bryce Derrick Jones, Inwill the be ‘60’s and 70’s,35 the showrooms were soby community. fact,Harper! this private partnership including new stores anchored city continue to be part of building a the Summerlin Patriotic Parade wh barbecuing, swimming, playing excitement to the Strip where a visitor Jr.,istook thehouse win! He’s one oftotwo freshmen intimate andAvenue you’d be stage offering to invest close one-half a billion Saks Fifth offright Fifthnear and the offer a new great city! I’m hopeful that everyone can. There isYear’s hiking, horseback games, and for sure I’ll be serving food can stroll, shop, eat and enjoy a unique that I’m expecting big thingsMy from on is Coach forCheesecake the Rat Pack, Judy Garland, Elvis and so What arewe your plans forgive New dollars into our economy! hope that Factory. will make a commitment to his/herEve best riding, golfi ng, fi shing and boating from start to end. Our home is where ride. The food there is decadent, from Rice’s team. One is be Stephen a many other great stars. The hotels were each 2016? the quality of life in our entire our city staff will able toZimmerman, work with these to impacting Lake Mead, tennis, biking, and so m our children grew up (same one for Sprinkles Cupcakes to the Ghirardelli home grown talentto who played at Bishop privately owned and everything was scene geared private partners consummate a final The burgeoning restaurant community. Whether it is through helping to Gorman, and he is 7’ tall. other is Derrick, towards competition to visitors what for everyone totodo as they 38by years), soThe they love bringing their ice cream andexploded... chocolate shop. Brooklyn agreement mid-December to present to downtown hasenticing also diversify our economy, helping make an celebrat a high-flyer who isfor anits amazing athlete. But it of came to great new Year’s is always the best in Las Fourth of July inaddressing our city. MV children here whenever they can.inside. With Of course also something special asimpact it is New the City Council more-than-enthusiast areBowl onewhen oris two your favorite on the educational front, the overall some team looks strong---I can’t chooseoff to the lawyers back in the day – Harry Claiborne andlive music Vegas and really there is nowhere great planning, new intimate venue for approval. The approval will result inwe’re culinary hot a spots? the cycle of homelessness or working with our just one! other Galane were both tremendous influences would tothank be. Oscar and A special you toitthe Hono beach anddevelopments then the families onecombined with gourmet comfort non-profits food else you spurring major in the comeMort to create awant better quality of life, on and figures in Oscar’s legal life. As forthat!!! the I normally goofout to dinner with the family heart of Symphony Park and our center city You can’t expect me to answer takes each us to build a world-class city Mayor Carolyn Goodmanoffor her by-one to squeeze into our little condo and a bowling alley. Where else but changing How course: I think the end of aamong presence and our we some members our city’s Deputy community. could I possibly pick which are proud. Ofofcourse wish everyone willingness to Iengage with the read in Coronado. Las Vegas would one find such a great of organized crime in Las Vegas worked City Marshal unit before heading downtown them? There are so many great the healthiest and happiest of New Years as the comm MYVEGAS Magazine and combination of fun and excitement- it’s simultaneously with the explosion growth to2015 ring arrives! in the New Most locals have noticed big changes places to eat downtown that you and cannot keep MVYear with thousands of of Las Vegas! Please email your que Q: Have you visited the High Roller whatbusiness we do! in southern oftrack the hotel-casino our closest friends at the Fremont Street taking place in downtown Las Vegas, of them all. The newly reopened and to: for a c Ferris wheel yet at the Linq? What Nevada. NowElisSombrero the day ofhas theexcellent conglomerate Experience. from a boom in local businesses to remodeled food, to have your questions answered in are your thoughts on it, and how do Q: Fourth of July is a great holiday hotel businesses andI’m publicly festivals and more; what is the future of our andchain—huge the inside is now very chic. also a fan future issue of MYVEGAS Magazine you think both visitors and localstraded will companies. to spend in Las Vegas! What are some
respond to this new Las Vegas form of entertainment?
fun ways that you like to celebrate with your family and friends?
Meet the Writers MYVEGAS MAGAZINE 5540 S. Fort Apache Rd., Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV 89148 Phone: 702.792.2378
Lori Nelson
Lori Nelson, Vice President of Corporate Communications for Station Casinos, oversees public relations, community relations and serves as the company spokesperson. Since 2005, she has worked on several high profile public relations initiatives including the media relations for four new casino openings. She serves on the Board of Trustees for the Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce.
Joel Jarvis
Joel Jarvis is a client manager at Kaercher Insurance Brokerage in the public entity division. Joel holds dual bachelor degrees in accounting, finance, and law from Illinois State University, where he graduated in 1993. He has extensive experience developing property and casualty programs for clients in various industries as well: 17 years of experience in the insurance industry and an additional seven years as an internal accountant working for many companies and as an independent contractor. He has awarded Ambassador of the Year by the Clark County Bar Association in 2004 and is the Liberty Bell Award winner for 2005 - all while not being a licensed attorney.
Shawn Tempesta
Shawn Tempesta is on-the-air from sunrise to sunset. He can be seen on KTNV-TV’s “The Morning Blend” weekday mornings at 9am. Shawn can be heard on the top-rated afternoon show in the valley on Mix 94.1 from 3pm-7pm. He lives in the southwest with his wife and pets and is an avid Boston sports fan.
Dawn Gibbons
Dawn Gibbons is a successful businessperson and has received many accolades including: Business and Professional Woman of the Year; Who’s Who in Business; Who’s Who in Politics; Who’s Who of Women; the Attorney General’s Role Model of the Year; 2014 Distinguished Women of Nevada’s Excellence in Media Award; and the Las Vegas Women to Watch Award. She is a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno (B.G.S). Ms. Gibbons has served on prominent boards in Nevada and supports the local community with her background in business, politics, and the media. Dawn is a former state legislator (State Assemblywoman 1991, 1999-2004) and the First Lady of Nevada (2007-2010).
Anthony Lai
Anthony Lai is the Student Affairs Program Manager at The International School of Hospitality (TISOH). He assists students with career placement and networking opportunities within the industry. Anthony’s extensive hospitality experience includes roles as Hotel Manager, Guest Service Manager, and Hospitality Implementation Consultant. For more tips, questions, and career education opportunities, visit or email Anthony at
Megan Mathis
Megan Mathis, President/ Publisher of The Masters Media Group, LLC. A 44 year resident with over 25 years experience in publishing. Megan has published the Nevada Senior Guide since 2001. Megan is well known and respected in the community through her dedication to providing vital information to the seniors in Nevada to improve the quality of their lives.
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PUBLISHER | Mark Shaffer DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & SALES | Candice Shaffer SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER | Jennifer Miller SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER | Chaibia Sarhrou WEBMASTER | Fallon Hall FINANCE MANAGER | Shelly Williams
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Rick Vierkandt Phil Cox Victor Baars Michael Rogers Michael Fields – All Events Production CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Adam Sternberg Amy Elizabeth Angi Covington Anthony Lai Ashley Trevino Brooke Dillman Calanit Atia Candice Shaffer Chaibia Sarhrou Craig Kagel Dawn Gibbons Debrah Pierce Elena Kmetz Erika Kimble Dr. Evan Allen Fallon Hall Gady Medrano Gaye Cote Jack Woodcock Jacqueline Del Rosario Jennifer Miller Dr. Jim Wright D.D.S. Joel Jarvis Juliana Whitney Katie Bencze Lark Gould Lawrence Bronaugh
Linda Burns Lisa Lynn Backus Liza Henley Lori Nelson Marie Mortera Mary Alan Mayor Carolyn Goodman Megan Mathis Meghan Leigh Melissa Torres Michele Polci Michelle “Roxy” Davis Michelle Mortensen Michelle Velez Olga Kotelnikova Robert Sluys Rosario Grajales Samira Knight Shawn Tempesta Simmone Park Stacy Rombach Tammy Kincaid Tamra Trainer Tom Warden Toni Spilsbury Tsikki Thau Veronica Meter
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What Makes the Best Attorneys? By Dawn Gibbons
he best attorneys are hard-driven, focused and look for every advantage to best represent their clients. The practice of law has become very specialized from civil litigation, criminal, family, real estate, corporate, crisis management and many other areas. That’s a heavy load of expertise for even the most skilled attorneys. However, for attorneys wanting to be at the top of their field they need to be at the center of their community. The community is a key component for a successful attorney and their law firm. Becoming the best of the best doesn’t happen overnight. Take John Mowbray for example. Mr. Mowbray is a 2nd generation lawyer, the son of a popular Nevada Supreme Court Judge and has practiced law since 1976. He is the director of one of the largest regional firms employing premier lawyers in every field. Their firm has wellknown attorneys rooted in the community like Sam Lionel and former U.S. Senator Richard Bryan. John believes the closer connection a lawyer has with their community benefits the client, attorney, law firm and the entire region. John states, “The bigger you get the more you appreciate your personal contacts as it is the person behind the title.” Law firms such as Fennemore Craig become engaged in worthwhile community projects and get to know people that are also involved in their community. Those personal relationships are important.
Personal connections are invaluable when the going gets tough. For a crisis management situation, an attorney may seek the expertise of a private investigator. Mr. Mowbray says, “David Groover is a perfect example of someone that can get the job done. He is well connected for over 40 years with strong ties to Metro.” David and Magdalena Groover
What does forty years give you? I asked David Groover, one of Las Vegas’ leading private investigators, about his successful relationships with the heavy hitters in law. “Being a part of this community for the past forty years, knowing the history of the town and a lot of the people in the community and a hard work ethic is important. You really need to understand the community and where to go to accomplish what you need especially in working with attorneys,” said Groover. David Groover graduated from college with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice.
Shortly after graduation he joined the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. He served11 years with Metro in various positions. “Metro really made me part of this community. When I left Metro I wanted to stay close to what I really knew and understood. Being a private investigator seemed natural. I was able to use my skills to start my own business. Fortunately, I already had a client base and knew attorneys needing my services” says David. Like attorneys, private investigators must have a variety of expertise. David indicated that this was true stating, “My business has changed just as the practice of law has. We have had to become even more specialized. Like attorneys, I now use other qualified investigators who have specific expertise in areas that I do not. We work closely on cases for the benefit of the client. My wife and partner, Magdalena, has a very strong association with foreign clients, particularly clients from Latin American countries and Asia. Her specific expertise and being fluent in a foreign language is an important asset.” In closing, I asked Groover what was the most important guarantee he can provide to his clients? His answer, “One word, CONFIDENTIALITY. The legal community is tightknit. One’s credibility and confidence is of upmost importance.” MV
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Sparkle This Winter – Beauty 101
parkle with winter elegance this holiday season. I want to share fashionable festive secrets so you can become the true belle of the 2015 holiday ball. Let the red carpet runway beauty looks inspire you to put a spin on traditional holiday makeup this season. Wear bright red or hot pink lipstick shades against a bare face or use metallic shadow or an unexpected shade of blue or green cat eye with a pale lip and you can be the talk of every party! Think of the holiday season as your free pass to go for the intricate up dos, showy accessories and movie star blowouts! Matte lips are the top of the charts this season with fearless hues ranging from fierce fuchsia to burnt orange! One of my favorite matte red lipsticks are Mac cosmetics ruby woo lipstick with a cherry lip liner, and Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid lipstick in safari with lip liner from maybelline, in Hollywood red color. If you are not a red lipstick fan than go with a bright pink with a hint of red, I’m calling it cranberry. I recommend coating your lips with fuchsia lip liner and than sobbing a classic red lipstick. Wondering what to pair with bold lips? Go with a delicate neutral eye. Remember:
neutral doesn’t mean boring… Using a natural palette on your eyes like Too Faced chocolate bar eye shadow palette you can get golden glamorous eyes and because this palette has many shades to choose from you will have a big selection of endless looks that you can create. Glitter screams holiday so don’t neglect the fact that you can add glitter on any eye look and you will have an instant festive and glamorous look. I love using Motives cosmetics, or even better Mac has the holiday glitter palette that has several colors of pigments and a coordinated glitter color. They only have this at the holiday season so take advantage of it. Don’t forget the glitter glue to ensure the glitter stays on all night; my favorite is Too Faced glitter glue. Of course red lips aren’t complete without a fierce and sharp black winged eye liner that adds mystery and drama to the eyes. One of my favorite eye liners is Inglot gel liner #77. It’s very black it goes on effortlessly and it will stay on all night! Ok, we got the lips and the eyes covered but what about the skin? After having your skin care and your favorite foundation complete the next step will be adding dimension to your face…. It will
By Mary Alan Professional Makeup Artist
ensure those amazing pictures that you will be taking to remember the fun moments and of course the selfies that you will be posting on Instagram and Facebook. If you are not used to using bronzer, make sure you start with a shade that’s only one or two shades darker than your skin tone. I love using Nars cosmetics bronzer in casino color for my skin tone. Remember that bronzer is only to be used in places on your face with shadows (under cheekbones and under jaw line), and where the sun would normally hit. Add a highlighter under your eyes and on the bridge of your nose and don’t forget the light dusting of a blush to complete the look. I always spray Mac cosmetics fix plus to set the makeup. At this point you are ready to step in to your special holiday dress put on the sparkly earrings, spray on your favorite perfume and get in to the car. Always enjoy every moment and live life without any regrets! Happy holidays! MV
By Mary Alan Please email me Follow me on instagram @ vegasvibemakeup
Take the Stress Out of Your Beauty Resolutions!
Tammy Kincaid
e all make them, New Year’s resolutions, but why? The majority of resolutions are broken before you can blink an eye. I pledge to exercise every day, eat healthier, and it goes on and on from there. Stop torturing yourself! This year ditch the pressure and take each day at a time. We all want to look our best so let’s take little steps to accomplish our goals in 2016.
Hands down the most important resolution you can make this year is to protect your skin and wear SPF every day. Most people feel they only need sunscreen protection in the hot summer months. Sunscreen protects your skin from aging, skin cancer, and sunburn. Wear a moisturizer with at least a SPF of 30. Stuck in the brown zone? Try different color palettes. You might be surprised and discover new colors that really complement your skin tones. This holds true for your makeup as well as your clothes. Rid your counter of expired potentially dangerous beauty products. Truth is most of us can’t remember when we last purchased that eye shadow or mascara. Finally we all love to hear the compliment “What are you wearing, you smell so good”? We all have our favorites we fall back on. Mine is Lancôme’s Poeme perfume. Although launched in 1995 it has that classic floral oriental fragrance that just mixes well with my chemistry. Don’t be afraid to discover a new scent. When in doubt ask your favorite retailer for a sample to take home with you and try at a later time. MV Copyright © 2015 Tammy Kincaid All rights reserved
The Las Vegas Woman’s Power Conference!
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Healthy Holiday
By Marie Mortera KSNV Anchor Facebook: mariemortera Twitter: mariemortera
ealthy holiday. Oxymoron? Some say yes, as it can be hard to escape the sugar and alcohol fueled parties which fill our weekends, and for some, the weekdays. Local mother, Vanessa Chamberlin says seek out healthy options, which enable us to celebrate, without overdoing the dessert bar. Or the open bar. The author of The Fire-Driven Life: How to Ignite the Fire of Self-Worth, Health, and Happiness with a Plant-Based Diet, offers a “dressed up” version of what I call “cauli-mash, a puree of steamed cauliflower. Chamberlin adds a few extras for flavor, without the guilt. Enjoy!
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Vanessa Chamberlin’s Cauliflower Mash • 1 lb. bag frozen or fresh cauliflower • 1/4 cup fat-free soymilk • 1 clove garlic, chopped • 1/2 tsp Italian seasoning • 1 tsp poultry seasoning • 1 tsp nutritional yeast • 2 Tbsp cornstarch • 2 Tbsp water to mix with corn starch • 1 Tbsp fresh parsley In a pot, steam cauliflower for 10-12 minutes or until very soft. Drain well using a colander. In a saucepan, combine soymilk, garlic, 1/4 cup water, Italian seasoning, poultry seasoning and yeast over medium heat. When it begins to boil, slowly mix the cornstarch/water mixture into the sauce, stirring constantly until thickened. When cauliflower is cool enough, squeeze as much water out as possible. Place the cauliflower in the processor or high-powered blender and blend for about a minute. Add sauce and fresh parsley to cauliflower and process until creamy and smooth. If it’s too thick, you may adjust the consistency by adding a little bit of soymilk. Makes 4 servings. MV
Keep it Local: Fabulous Holiday Beauty Finds
By Erika Kimble Dermatology NP
t’s the crunch before the holidays and you find yourself scurrying to find the perfect gift for your loved ones. All the while, trying to avoid the pitfalls of a little swerve into the, “I’ll just buy a few items for myself, a holiday present to me,” zone. Yet, the idea of looking good at the office holiday party, or the big New Year’s Eve bash, or even starting on the “It’s a new year, new you plan,” are nagging thoughts in the back of your mind. No need to fret! Here are four beauty finds to meet your needs and benefit local Las Vegans at the same time.
Juvarest Pillow: Fending off signs of aging can encompass a myriad of cosmetic modalities ranging from cosmeceutical creams and lotions, to Botox, lasers, and Fillers. Nonetheless, the newest option for preventing wrinkles focuses on changing the way you sleep! That is…changing the way your skin hits the pillow in order to prevent positional sleep wrinkles. The Juvarest pillow, invented by a Las Vegas plastic surgeon, Dr. Goesel Anson, serves just that purpose and can be found online at
Rain Cosmetics: This cosmetic line was created with the Vegas environment in mind; the glitz of the strip and the dryness of the desert air. It poises to keep skin luminescent while being glam enough to walk the red carpet or boogey to Vegas nightlife with moviestar quality skin. Created by Lori Krause Montoya, this line has been a staple among pageant competitors such as Miss USA, but is just as fit for the beauty queen in you. Rain Cosmetics may be purchased online at or in local salons and stores as listed online.
Erika Kimble, BSN, MA, MS, APRN is a Dermatology Nurse Practitioner at Linda Woodson Dermatology in Las Vegas. She is an award winning author of the Malcolm Finney, Medical Detective, children’s health series, freelance writer, and reigning beauty queen.
The Juvarest pillow, invented by a Las Vegas plastic surgeon, Dr. Goesel Anson.
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Retress: Does the stress of the holidays have you losing your hair? Maybe all that’s needed is a boost to stimulate your follicles into action. Retress is a hair growth product line consisting of shampoo, conditioner, serum, and vitamin supplement created by Dr. Candace Spann, a local dermatologist. This is a Minoxidil free product which has study results showing 95% improvement for thicker fuller hair. If you’re in the market to Retress your scalp, you may find this product online at or Sephora stores.
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Sweet Bubble Bath Confections: It is possible to find sweet confections that meet the temptation of the eyes without packing pounds on the hips. Unfortunately, although these dessert appearing creations look good enough to eat, they are made only as a sweet treat for your skin. This local business is a “European themed bakery of soap confections,” which can be purchased online at or in-store locations at Town Square or Boca Park. MV
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Does Meat Cause Cancer?
he World Health Organization claims that processed meat is a class 1A carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) on the order of asbestos. It puts red meat at a level 2A classification like mustard gas or creosote. What is their reasoning behind this claim and what are the facts that back it up? Before we examine this, let’s take a look at the response to this. We don’t talk to people about how they should only rarely be exposed to asbestos, mustard gas or creosote. We don’t recommend cigarette smoking in moderation. We recognize that unnecessary exposures to dangerous substances should be eliminated wherever we can get rid of them. Yet the media is full of discussions over the last few days about “reasonable” consumption of meat. If it were Pez candies, people would just stop eating them without a second’s thought. So what are the reasons that WHO had for declaring that processed and red meat cause cancer just like cigarettes, vinyl bromide and lead? A big reason the WHO decided to make this statement is the strength of the epidemiological studies. When we look at populations that consume the most processed meat and red meat, they have the highest rates of colorectal cancer. The differences are staggering. Native Africans have colon cancer rates of less than 1 per 100,000 people. African Americans have colon cancer
By Dr. Evan Allen Doctor Allen Wellness & Medical Center 1701 N Green Valley Pkwy, Henderson, NV 89074 702-754-4900 •
rates over 50 times more, at 60 per 100,000. One of the main differences in their diet is how much red and processed meat they eat. There are many studies that show the same thing. At least 23 different studies of populations have shown red and processed meat is associated with cancer. Many of the media reports have emphasized that the risk of meat is small. These numbers don’t support that claim. The risk is large. Another strong reason is that we have mechanisms that have been discovered by laboratory science. Three different chemicals found in large amounts in meat were shown in the laboratory to cause cancer. In addition, there is new evidence for two new cancer-causing compounds the report does not mention that are raised when you eat meat (TMAO and Neu5GC). For most of these compounds, red meat is not the only food that has them. They are also found in dairy products, chicken, fish, turkey and seafood. The epidemic of cancer is a new phenomenon. In Chicago in 1850, 1 in 1000 people died of cancer. Today that number is 1 in 4. The diet people ate in 1850 by default was dry goods from their pantries. Wheat flour, beans, corn, squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes were the staples that supplied most of people their calories. All of those foods are available today for people to eat in much the same way. If you want to avoid cancer, avoid all animal products in the same way you would avoid asbestos or cigarettes. MV
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re you dreading the holiday season because it always means packing on those extra pounds? Here are some great tips for enjoying the holiday season without the weight gain we spend the rest of the year trying to take off. Don’t go to a party on an empty stomach! Eat something before venturing out into the party world where the food and drinks equal an entire country. You won’t go overboard on a satisfied stomach. Enjoy the social aspect of it and let that be your main focus. Learn how to say “NO” to ourselves the way we do to our children. We seem to be able to draw very clear boundaries when our kids want chocolate before bedtime or for breakfast, yet we don’t seem to demonstrate the same amount of discipline on ourselves. This is a great time to start! “I can’t” - People often tell me they can’t stick to a diet because they love food too much. Well that statement has already set you up to fail. Shift to a more positive mindset and be open to it. Start saying “you can” and see what great things happen. Retrain your taste buds. The same way we grow to love commercialized foods, we can grow
By Tamra Trainer
to love bland foods. It takes time, but after a while you will enjoy and taste a difference in the processed & seasoned foods. Drink 6oz of water before every meal and 6oz after each cocktail. This makes you feel full and you won’t make two or three trips to the buffet table. Alcohol dehydrates you so replenish or else you will be paying dearly the next day. Pick your cheat. You either want that piece of cake or a cocktail, but don’t have both! It’s all about self control. That carrot cake or Piña colada with the cute pineapple will still be there after the holidays so you don’t need to feel as though you are missing out on a once in a lifetime chance. Cheat smart. Dilute your tequila or rum with soda water instead of soda. Forfeit the fruity drinks since they are loaded with empty calories. Stick to a clear alcohol. Your body stops burning calories until it has burned off the alcohol so the more alcohol you drink, the longer it takes to metabolize your food. One or two drinks are ok but that should be your limit. Sip on them slowly. Don’t wait until the New Year to start your diet. Holidays will always come and go so learn how to eat and drink while still sticking to a clean & healthy diet. Cheers! MV
From THC to CBD: Cloud N9ne Syrup is Blazing The Cannabidiol Trail
By: Simmone Park
(codeine and promethazine) that is killing kids on our streets. It was a total “if you can’t beat them, join them” type situation. This is the first of many products to come that will provide a healthier alternative to pharmaceutical drugs while still making you feel good. I knew I could lead positive change with CBD and help people in the medicinal space and that is exactly what I will do”. Mr. Vargas is forging ahead with his mission using the platform and his first product, Cloud N9ne Syrup, hemp syrup infused with 99% pure organic CBD and all-natural herbs that you mix with your favorite beverage. Whether or not Mr. Vargas and his company will be successful in gaining widespread acceptance within the “lean culture” remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure, his company has a lot of momentum and this is certainly a company and individual within the MMJ and CBD space to keep an eye on. MV
ost people have heard of THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, the principal psychoactive component of cannabis. CBD which stands for Cannabidiol is being discussed more and more each day in the Medical Marijuana (MMJ) space. CBD, or cannabidiol, has been making headlines and is rapidly evoking a new thought process surrounding the debate on medicinal marijuana. Not only is CBD from industrial hemp legal in all 50 states in the U.S. and most countries, CBD provides health benefits yet is not psychoactive and thus does not get the user “high” like THC. A 2013 report published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology shows that positive medicinal benefits of CBD can include reducing nausea/vomiting, suppressing seizures, combating tumor and cancer cells and fighting psychosis, inflammation, anxiety, depression and neuro-degenerative disorders. THC and CBD are often viewed interchangeably, due largely to a simple lack of education. One forward thinking entrepreneur and visionary, Joe
Vargas, left his prominent role in the Las Vegas nightlife, entertainment and media after 10 years and has taken on this task with his parent company based in Las Vegas, Space Monkey LLC and began manufacturing and distributing CBD products in 2015. Mr. Vargas recognized the positive medicinal benefits of CBD, but more importantly, that CBD could act as a healthy alternative to “lean culture”, the huge 18-24 year old subsection of youth using prescription cough syrup to get a “high”. “Lean” refers to the potent mix of codeine and promethazine and is also known in pop culture as “drank” or “sizzurp”. Mr. Vargas, armed with the knowledge of the positive benefits of CBD and ten years experience running successful businesses and having a large network, recognized the opportunity to effect change within the “lean culture” and decrease the prevalence of addiction, poisoning and in some severe cases, even death. Mr. Vargas said “With my knowledge of pop culture and the industry, I knew I couldn’t stop the youth from the ‘lean culture’. Instead of fighting, I simply created a healthier alternative to the dirty opiate syrup
Follow Cloud N9ne Syrup on Social: Facebook: Twitter: @CloudN9neSyrup Instagram:
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It’s Never Too Late
She started weighing her options of returning to school or starting a business. But one thing was clear - she wanted to improve her health. In November 2013, she got a trainer and started setting small goals. After a year of seeing dramatic results, she considered competing in a body-building competition but with a low expectation. “My only goal wasto fit in on stage and not (everyone) be like “who is this saggy woman up there.” That initial competition was with NPC which is a national amateur organization that anyone can join. Then she got involved with the World Beauty Fitness and Fashion (WBFF). She did one show in New York in both the bikini and transformation division and qualified to go to the world competition in Las Vegas. She said, “The girls were so nice and not what I expected. Everyone was friendly and supportive. It was amazing to have so many built beautiful women
in one group. It just made the experience so lovely.” In the midst of competing, she had been modeling with Camille Flawless who owns a store in the Palazzo. Camille named Towne as the “Face of Flawless” for 2015. This entails being on billboards and in print ads for the Camille Flawless brand. She notes that she never intended to be a model. “The modeling was something that I fell into. The motivation was just to work out and get myself into shape. After that everything just started to fall into place.” With all the activity in her life it sparked her entrepreneurial spirit and she created two separate clothing lines; a fitness apparel line and t-shirt line. Another endeavor close to her heart is an event she hosts to benefit cancer patients. It is held at her house annually and was created to honor her cousin Paula who passed away at 42 years old five years ago from breast cancer. The event is presented as a girls’ holiday shopping gala. Towne invites vendors and as guests arrive they receive an official wine glass that she designed. Her husband gets to run around all night pouring wine while they shot. At the end, the vendors give a percentage of sales that Towne donates to a charity she chooses. She said her children are her most proud accomplishment but for herself she’s most gratified with turning her life around. Her kids never saw her working and now her schedule includes having to fly across the country for meetings. Combined with her amazing relationship with her children is the support she receives from her husband. They have been married for 25 years and have known each other since they were nine years old. Towne wants to stress that she’s not out to coach or sell plans on how she got fit. She wants to be the cheerleader to support all the women that are where she was who need that encouragement. She went on to say, “I want to be an inspirational vision for women that are my age and I want them to know it’s never too late.” MV
Photo Credit: Dan Galic for WBFF NYC and Worlds
t 48 years old, Shawn Towne asked herself, “What am I going to do with my life?” Typically this is a question an 18-year-old might ask themselves. For Shawn, she was in limbo about the direction of her destiny because she had devoted her entire life to her children. At this point, she realized they were getting older and more independent and they were giving her life back to her.
By Jennifer Miller
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The Big Givers That Changed My Life Time, Chance, And Faith
David Blake Photography
Photo Credit: David Blake Photography
here are a lot of “Takers” in the world, but it’s the “Givers” that always amaze me and capture my admiration. At this time of year, I look back and bring to mind, the top three people that “gave” to me, and made a difference in my life. This inaugural year of the “Big Givers”, I am proud to publish this story, and remember these three individuals that were so incredibly giving, not just to me, but to our community and the people and citizens of our fine city. Even during their own rainy days of 2015, they each found a way to look beyond their personal needs, and give of their hearts, with an outwardly focused attitude that is so rare in these days we are living. I commend each of these three individuals, and hold them in the highest regard, for they have shown me their true colors, of pure beauty, strength, and giving. Thank you Debby, Scott, and Shane!
DEBBY WRIGHT - GIVER Where do I begin? This woman is a miracle and an angel and a big heart of pure honesty, all in one. She has given me more of her time, and compassion, than I ever deserved. I met Debby about 10 years ago, and we’ve had business encounters on and off over the decade. Many times at Starbucks, our business meetings would
evolve into fascinating human behavior stories and insights, incredible conversations that I never expected. Always exciting to meet her and go into good conversation. Some of them, she shares how she is so wonderfully happily married to her husband, Dr. Jim Wright, and the love they share every day and night. I’ll be honest, as a couple, I don’t think you’ll find a better married couple in Las Vegas. Jim adores her and she idols him. They’re like Ken and Barbie, in love every day. And this is 12 years later, after they exchanged vows and I do’s. During this last year or two, Debby has consulted me on many areas of life, both in business and personal. Her wisdom and keen insight to truth, loyalty, and renewed happiness, is beyond words. She can size up a situation, and make more sense out of confusion, than any politician or professor. Her leadership skills are very rare and hard to find. Debby has given me renewed plans and dreams I thought were unreachable. She is selfless, open, honest, and sometimes brutally honest, and will show you ideals for living a beautiful and healthy life that are once thought lost. She has given me so much of her personal time, advice, and wisdom, when all I wanted to do was ask her a couple questions. Debby runs the dental office with her husband five days a week. She loves her free time, and has four awesome dogs that she calls her kids. Originally from Chicago, Debby and Jim sought the sunshine of Las Vegas to make their home, and have no regrets. They own Four Seasons Dental Spa, and run a fine staff of 15-20 employees. In December of 2014, I had the opportunity to travel with Debby and Jim to Hawaii for a week of, what I call a tummy twister. We laughed so hard, so many times, my stomach hurt on the plane ride back. Such a joy to travel with. We did so much there, and every turn was another opportunity for comedy. Debby sees the joy in everyone. Once a waitress came to our table here in Vegas, and Debby couldn’t help but notice her happiness, and with just a few words of joy, I think she took that waitress to even a higher level of happiness. That’s what Debby does! She can turn a negative into a positive… in seconds. Compassion is an understatement, when you’re describing Debby. She feels your pain, and holds you tight along the way. We
By Mark Shaffer
now go to lunches, almost weekly, and have our favorite, Caesar Salad at Sedona Restaurant. It was one day, about mid-October, when we were talking about how awesome her husband is. Her eyes starting watering up and I said “What’s wrong?”… She told me, “nothing”, she said it’s just when I think of him and how wonderful and amazing he is to me, I just cry! Omg folks, if you want to see what true love looks like, go meet Debby and Jim! It is so touching and amazing, to see that a couple could be so dedicated to each other. While I’ve never been able to find that, watching Debby and Jim makes me believe that my chance is coming. And Jim cherishes the ground she walks on. This year, I’ve really had the chance to enjoy time with Jim as well, and you can see it on his face, a man that loves his wife more than anything. So if you want to see what true love looks like, drop in Four Seasons Dental Spa, and say hi to Debby. Jim will probably be in the back working on a patient. And while you’re there, you might want to make an appointment for a checkup! Debby, if you’re reading this, thank you!! Thank you for your time, your compassion, your understanding, your heart and soul, and giving me more than I ever expected. I love you both so much! Best Friends Forever!
Photo Credit: Michael Rogers
where we had a blast. We got to hang out, make some new Hawaii friends, see the sights and talked a lot about life. Scott didn’t have it easy, and neither did I. Everything we had in life, we both fought and worked hard for. We shared stories about our crazy lives, and I found out, he’s really one hell of a nice guy. In our beach and bar chats in Hawaii, I found out he goes to the same church I do, he knows the pastor, and we talked about the last few Sundays’ messages… I was blown away; this guy is “real”. He’s got dreams, plans, and a vision for success. He is always taking care of people at his club. His hospitality is nothing less than five star. His staff is positive and upbeat, and I think that rolls down from the top. Scott seems to achieve everything he sets his mind to, and his drive and passion are gifts to Blue Martini, that are priceless. If you get the chance, please go in and ask for Scott at Blue Martini, and if you get to meet him, consider yourself one of the lucky ones. I know I do.
SCOTT MAURO - GIVER I am so proud to have gotten to meet, know, and call Scott my friend! Scott is the Regional Manager of the Blue Martini organization, in charge of Phoenix, Dallas, and runs his home club, daily here in Las Vegas. This man helps keep approximately 100 Las Vegas locals employed, feeding their families, paying their mortgages, keeping clothes on their kids, and gas in their car. And he never asks for anything back. He runs the Blue Martini of Las Vegas, with a golden glove, and the help from his three awesome managers, Shaun, Jared and Lenny. Amidst daily challenges, Scott’s attitude in life is so incredibly positive! The first time I met him, I was like, omg, this guy is so damn happy and fun! So refreshing! We were making plans to host the MyVegas Top 100 Men of Las Vegas mixer there, and again, his generosity was unsurpassed. As a result of his good energy and the giver he is, the event happened and topped 700 people, and was a win-win for everybody. At the time I met Scott, I asked him who played on that little stage on the patio there at Blue Martini. He asked if I played, and I answered you bet! I play guitar and sing. But I play Pop Country. (Thinking that would be a problem.) To my surprise, he said he likes that new country music, and asked me if I wanted to take a chance and perform there. To this reading, he doesn’t know how excited that made me! He was giving me a chance to show
my passion for country music, to his packed house, every Friday night, and I was overjoyed. Playing at Blue Martini has been an incredible opportunity for me, and I have loved every minute of it. Scott gave me… a nobody with a guitar, a chance to make a difference in my life, and it worked! Since then, the courage to play out with my new band has been full throttle and we’re booking gigs everywhere. We’ve made three videos, and agents are calling! And now we’re making plans to record our first CD. I don’t think Scott knows, when he affects peoples’ lives in a positive way. It just seems to be so natural for him. He’s got a constant smile on his face and his good energy is infectious. I talked Scott into going to Hawaii with me in October of 2015,
Thanks Scott for giving me my big break! But more importantly, for being one cool cat that I’m proud to say is my friend. You gave me the chance to reach my dreams, and it all started on that little stage! I will always be grateful! Thank you very much! Aloha!
Photo Credit: Michael Rogers
PASTOR SHANE PHILIP - GIVER Ok, this man is changing Las Vegas! One heart and soul at a time. It’s been two years since I started going to The Crossing Church on Windmill. The church just happened to be close to my new home, and I thought I would drop in one day. I spent the first year, in a haze… I will admit. New church, new building, new people, just all totally new to me. But there was something going on. Something in this man’s message, that kept me coming back. I knew it was his “leadership”, that was running the entire church. The music, the associate pastors, the small group leaders, the volunteers, even down to the coffee shop staff… something here was awesome, and I just had to find it. But I thought it was something or someone that I just didn’t seem to be meeting or seeing. So as the first year rolled by, I just kept going and kept looking for what it is about this church that is so magnetic. I was so fresh, I felt like a first grader in school, in curious amazement. By the second year, I started making friends, and finding old friends that also call this church their home. And then one day, between services, I saw Pastor Shane out in the lobby, talking to people… as though he was a guest of the church himself. (You know, kind of like when the famous chef comes out to mingle with his diners at a fine restaurant). I was like,
wow, this guy is really coming out to meet his audience, his followers, his friends, his fellow Christians. Maybe one day I can meet him. Well that day came, and I was kind of excited. He shook my hand and took a picture with me. In my eyes, he’s kind of a rock star. Pastor Shane delivers some powerful messages from that stage that without question, resonate with people for life. His messages can change you forever. Especially if on that day, I call it “your” day… you feel he’s talking about you. And sometimes, it feels just like that. It happened to me. One day, about 5 months ago, he did a service about “dropping your rock”. It was all about forgiveness. Forgiving of people that betrayed you, which is very hard sometimes. Whether it is a wife that cheated on you, or an employee that stabbed you in the back. The message was about forgiving “everybody”. That day was ever changing for me! After two years, he finally hit my heart with something that was so moving for me, I cannot believe how amazing I feel now! And I know, I’m just one, of thousands of people that hear this man’s messages. I know he’s changing thousands of lives. I’ve met him in the lobby now, on several occasions, and when I’ve had little challenges, at work or elsewhere, I asked him his advise.. He takes me aside, and says let’s pray… right
in the lobby, in front of hundreds of people, he takes the time to pray for, and with me. Just an amazing man! He has renewed my faith in men, in women, in friends, and most importantly God. I cannot say how exhilarated I am, to have this new belief in life. I have now joined the Men’s group at church, I have so many friends I see there all the time, I have volunteered on Sundays, and hope to one day play in the worship band on stage! I am getting real excited to get baptized at The Crossing, and that day is going to be a big one for me! Thank you Pastor Shane, I’m just one of thousands of people, you have made a difference for. You’re messages have made me so happy and have taken my faith higher than I’ve ever been in my life. You’re an amazing man, I appreciate you more than words can every say. I’ll be in the front row on Sunday! Thank you so much. MV
2015 Readers Choice
TOP 100
LAS VEGAS MYVEGAS Magazine polled over 100,000 of our readers to find the Top Lawyers in Las Vegas; these lawyers and law firms come highly recommended by our readers voted as the Top Lawyers in Las Vegas. Through their service to locals within the Las Vegas community, they help make Las Vegas one of the most fascinating places to live, work and play. They provide guidance, protect our rights, and advise us. They are important people in our lives who we would like to honor and show our appreciation to. Featured in this special issue are a diverse group of lawyers practicing various types of law. Along with well-known leaders, and the new rising stars, this year we are proud to publish the “Top Lawyers in Las Vegas.” You may recognize some friends and familiar faces, and some have credentials too many to list; however, please note that their talents and contributions go far beyond what we had space to print. This year’s recipients are amazing attorneys, who have achieved great success and contributed in more ways than one in Las Vegas and have influenced the community we live in. Enjoy! MV
Transforming Lives Eglet Prince represents all personal injury matters, including vehicle accidents, mass torts and class actions. Las Vegas personal injury lawyers serving the Las Vegas Metro Area. 400 S. 7th St. #400, Las Vegas, NV 89101 | Phone: (702) 450-5400 28
Readers Choice
Transforming Lives
represents all personal injury matters, including vehicle accidents, mass torts and class actions. Las Vegas personal injury lawyers serving the Las Vegas Metro Area. Robert T. Eglet 400 S. 7th St. #400, Las Vegas, NV 89101 | Phone: (702) 450-5400
Robert Eglet has received numerous honors and awards throughout his career, most notably: National Trial Lawyer of the Year 2013, National Lawyer of the Year 2010. He is the only twice-named Trial Lawyer of the Year in Nevada, in 2005 and 2012. Robert is the most respected and sought after trial lawyer in Nevada and receives referrals from hundreds of attorneys around the country to try their cases for them. He has dedicated himself to improving the community by representing significantly injured victims of product defects and defective drugs, commercial trucking accidents, insurance bad faith, and wrongful death. Robert earned his undergraduate degree from UNLV, and his law degree from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, CA. When not fighting for injured victims, Robert and his wife Tracy, also with Eglet Prince, enjoy spending time with their children and the community organizations they support.
Dennis M. Prince Dennis has an extensive background and years of experience in trial law and personal injury. He has an exceptional track record as both a defense and Plaintiff’s lawyer, including numerous multi-million dollar verdicts on behalf of victims of defective products and negligence. He has tried over ninety cases to verdict and has at least a dozen published opinions within the Nevada Supreme Court. Dennis earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and his law degree, from California Western School of Law in San Diego. In his spare time, Dennis spends time with his wife and three children. He is active in the community, contributing and volunteering his time to local organizations. Dennis is also an avid golfer and motorcyclist.
Tracy A. Eglet
Passionate about helping people get what they rightfully deserve
Tracy Eglet has managed and mediated hundreds of cases in her career, primarily on behalf of injured victims of product defects and general negligence. She has settled multi-millions in catastrophic injury lawsuits and is considered by her peers as one of the most successful female attorneys in Nevada. She is listed as one of The Top 100 Trial Lawyers in Nevada by The National Trial Lawyers Association and was featured as the cover story in Las Vegas Woman Magazine’s summer issue in 2013. Tracy earned her undergraduate degree at Canisius College in New York and her law degree at Ohio Northern University. In her spare time, Tracy spends time with her partner in life and work, Robert Eglet, and their three children and is very active in the community.
Artemus W. Ham Born and raised in Las Vegas and hailing from one of the pioneer families in the valley, Artemus W. Ham IV is a fourth generation Nevadan and third generation attorney, following in his grandfather and great grandfather’s footsteps. The Ham Family has played a significant role in the prosperous evolution and development of Las Vegas over the years. They have been honored and recognized across the state of Nevada for their philanthropic work. Artemus received an undergraduate degree from Santa Clara University and a law degree from Creighton University School of Law. By pursuing a legal career in Las Vegas, Artemus IV ensures that an “Artemus Ham” has been an active member of the State Bar of Nevada every decade over the past century. MV
Thank You Las Vegas For Your Vote
6018 S. Ft. Apache Rd. | Suite 150 | Las Vegas, NV
Readers Choice
TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS Mainor Wirth Injury Lawyers has established themselves as the preeminent boutique firm for locals looking for the “anti”-personal injury lawyer. You won’t see Brad Mainor and Joe Wirth on a billboard or a cheesy TV ad—for good reason, they want to keep their reputations intact. Seventy-five to eighty percent of their business is referred by professionals. The rest are locals who know their reputation for excellence—people who are legitimately hurt and don’t want to see their lawyer dancing or gimmicking. Bradley Mainor is a 3rd generation Las Vegan who learned his trade from his father, the late W. Randall Mainor. “I owe my knowledge, skill, ethical standards, and passion for representing injured people to my Father. Many of those attributes are lost in our industry nowadays,” says Brad who quickly distinguished himself as a successful litigator, securing many jury verdicts in the millions. Brad has been both locally and nationally recognized as a top litigator in his field of personal injury. Joseph Wirth also has longstanding ties to Las Vegas through his wife who is a native Las Vegan. “It is frustrating to hear from people who have had bad experiences with accident lawyers. Either they never meet with an actual lawyer, or they are made to feel like a ‘number’. It’s no wonder that we get a bad rap. I personally meet with every single one of my clients and make sure that when they finally leave my office with their case resolved, they will have positive things to say about their experience with us,” says Joe Wirth. Joe has been recognized by Super lawyers as a Vegas top 40 under 40 and a Mountain States Rising Star.
Experienced lawyers that care about you
Mainor Wirth has built their firm from the ground up, priding them on hiring only the most qualified staff for this area of the law. “We have the best paralegals, legal assistants and support staff in the State—bar none,” says Brad almost braggingly. Brad and Joe have adopted a culture of a work family where nobody pulls rank, and everyone is fighting a good fight in a concerted effort. “People want to work here. They feel passion for what we do for people and they like our approach. If Brad and I can help our staff feel like we care about them, they will in turn help our clients feel the same,” says Joe. It is important to Mainor Wirth that people know they do not divide their loyalties. Many firms hold themselves out as “champions” for injured victims, but also represent corporations or insurance companies. “The two are at odds, you cannot be have a foot on both sides of the line,” says Brad. Mainor Wirth represents victims of accidents including: wrongful death, spinal injuries, brain injuries, and other catastrophic injuries. They also represent victims of product defect, negligent security, premise liability, and any other kind of injury caused by the carelessness or negligence of someone else. “Sometimes people don’t even know they have a case, or rights when injured. The important thing to remember is, it’s always free to sit down with Joe and I to discuss your options—no obligations or pressure,” says Brad. Mainor Wirth is also very active in the community outside of their practice. Contributions and service to local charities including Superheroes 4 Sully, Peggy’s Attic, Ronald McDonald House are common. “We feel we have an obligation to give back to our community. Specifically, we feel those who are less fortunate deserve our time and efforts,” says Brad. Perhaps accident lawyers do get a bad rap. But there are a few out there that care to change that perception. For Las Vegas, Mainor Wirth Injury Lawyers is working hard in the community to build people’s trust.” MV
Congratulations to
SHAWN M. GOLDSTEIN for being named one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Las Vegas and on the opening of your new law office!
Family Law | Divorce | Alimony | Child Custody | Prenuptials T: 702.919.1919 F: 702.637.4357 | SHAWN@GOLDSTEINLAWLTD.COM | 1980 FESTIVAL PLAZA DR., STE 300 | LAS VEGAS, NV 89135
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We earn the role of trusted advisor through honest counsel and the favorable results that follow
Shawn Goldstein is the founder of Goldstein Law Ltd. The law office is dedicated to excellence in the practice of family law. Throughout Goldstein’s nearly decade of experience, he has practiced family law litigation with an emphasis on divorce actions for high net-worth individuals with complex asset structures, contested child custody and relocation matters. This includes all aspects of prenuptial, postnuptial and marital settlement agreements. With representing numerous high-profile individuals or their spouses, from the business, professional, sports and entertainment industries, he understands the complexity of these cases, the discretion they often require and what it takes to resolve them. The best is through a negotiated settlement or contested litigation. Above all, Goldstein delivers results. In 2014, he was on the trial team that completed what is believed to be the longest trial, encompassing 31 trial days, in the history of the southern Nevada Family Court. In addition to delivering the results his client wanted, that trial also resulted in what is believed to be the largest single award of attorney’s fees after trial in the history of the southern Nevada Family Court, rewarding more than $4 million in favor of his client. Goldstein has litigated and successfully resolved numerous cases where the parties’ net worth is in excess of ten million dollars, several cases in excess of one hundred million dollars and two cases in excess of one billion dollars. In the process, Goldstein works with many experts including forensic accountants, lifestyle analysts, financial planners, document experts, vocational experts, appraisers, and business valuation experts to best present his client’s case to the court. The law of prenuptial agreements in Nevada is ripe with potential pitfalls for the inexperienced attorney, which could significantly impact a client’s finances if not done properly. He has prepared numerous prenuptial agreements with none of them ever being invalidated by the court. Finances are not the only focus of Goldstein’s practice. Children are often the most important aspect of a client’s case. He has litigated what one judge described as the most highly contested child custody matter in her over 15 years on the bench. In that case, Goldstein was able to completely fend off a relocation effort where the other side wanted to move with the children to a state thousands of miles away. He was also able to convince the court in that case that his client, who only had limited time with the children when he hired Goldstein, should have joint physical custody. While these cases are representative of some of Goldstein’s clientele, he also performs pro bono work and, in 2013, was recognized by the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada Pro Bono Project for his dedication and service to the community by providing pro bono legal services to low income clients. Originally from Southern California, Goldstein moved to Las Vegas since 1987. Goldstein then returned to Southern California and attended Southwestern University School of Law where his academic excellence continued as he was awarded the Paul W. Wildman Scholarship. This is the highest honor granted to an entering student. While attending Southwestern, he developed a passion for family law and was awarded the Max Goodman Scholarship for his excellence in the study of family law. In 2006, he returned to Las Vegas after graduating from law school has been practicing family law.
len Lerner is the founding attorney of Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys. He began practicing law in 1991 out of a desire to help the “little guy” successfully take on big insurance companies and large corporations. Over the past two decades his one man firm has grown into one of the largest plaintiff’s personal injury law firms in the country, with over 40 attorneys and nearly three hundred employees located in Nevada, Arizona, California, Illinois and Indiana. The Glen Lerner attorneys are licensed to practice in many other states throughout the country and through his relationships and associations with other top trial attorneys he can handle accident cases no matter where they happen in the U.S. His desire to help others is not limited to just his law practice. Through sponsorships, donations and general support, he and his law firm’s attorneys and support staff provide community assistance through Glen Lerner Gives Back. In 1987 Glen graduated from Duke University with a major in Religious Studies. Three years later he graduated from Tulane Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Glen is married and has four beautiful children. He enjoys working out, riding his bike, relaxing at home and, as a native of Boston, Massachusetts, anything to do with the Red Sox and Patriots.
Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys focuses on providing aggressive representation and fighting hard to get their clients the money they deserve for their injuries.
Million Dollar Advocates Forum National Trial Lawyers Top 100 Trial Lawyers AV Highest Possible Rating in Both Legal Ability & Ethical Standards
MOSS BERG INJURY LAWYERS 625 S. DECATUR BLVD • LAS VEGAS, NV 89107 PHONE: 702.222.4555 • FAX: 702.222.4556 •
Readers Choice
TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS Marcus was born in Washington, D.C. and raised in Maryland. He graduated from Tulane University in 2001 with a double major in Finance and Information Systems. In 2005, he earned his Juris Doctorate from Tulane University Law School. Marcus moved to Las Vegas in 2006 and became an attorney at one of Nevada’s largest Insurance Defense law firms. Marcus focused in the areas of General Liability Defense, Corporate Law and Intellectual Property for three years prior to joining one of the largest Personal Injury law firms in Las Vegas to help injured victims get the compensation they were entitled to. Marcus and Boyd joined to form Moss Berg Injury Lawyers in 2012, with the goal of giving a much higher level of personal attention and customer service to all of his clients. Marcus currently focuses his practice on fighting for the rights of people injured in automobile accidents, trip and falls, slip and falls, as well as worker’s compensation claims. Marcus is admitted to practice in the Federal Districts of Nevada and Colorado. Marcus is a member of the Nevada and Clark County Bar Associations, the Nevada Justice Association and the American Justice Association. Marcus was recently admitted to the United States Supreme Court Bar. Marcus has the highest distinction amongst attorneys with an AV Preeminent rating based on the reviews of his peer attorneys in Las Vegas. Marcus has been recognized by Super Lawyers as a Rising Star, Top 40 under 40 and Top 100 Lawyers in Nevada by The National Trial Lawyers, as well as Legal Elite in Las Vegas by Nevada Business Magazine. Marcus has successfully litigated numerous cases. Once, over the span of 3 months, Marcus successfully obtained 3 Plaintiff jury verdicts at trial. Additionally, Marcus has won hundreds of arbitration hearings and workers’ compensation hearings. Boyd Moss has been helping injured victims for over twelve years. In June 2002, while still attending law school, Boyd started as a law clerk for what later became one of the largest personal injury firms in Nevada. Since becoming an attorney in 2004, Boyd’s practice has focused exclusively in helping injured victims. He has handled well over a thousand cases from the initial claim phase to resolution, including countless arbitrations and mediations as well as several jury trials.
Get the personal attention you deserve
Boyd’s areas of practice include: automobile collisions, wrongful death, trucking collisions, and catastrophic injuries. Boyd is a member of the State bar of Nevada, the American Bar Association, the American Justice Association, and the Nevada Justice Association. Boyd has been a presenter for the State bar of Nevada’s continuing legal education program on the topic of preparing and litigating soft tissue injury cases. In April 2008 Boyd became a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an organization which recognizes the top trial lawyers in America with less than 1% of U.S. lawyers as members. Boyd has also been recognized by the National Trial Lawyers Top 40 under 40 in 2013, The National Trial Lawyers Top 100 in America, The Nevada Business Magazine’s Legal Elite and The RUE Ratings Best Attorneys of America 2015. Boyd was raised in Las Vegas and has lived in the valley since 1974 graduating from Western High School in 1990. In 2003 Boyd received his Juris Doctorate from UNLV’s, William S. Boyd School of Law where he was a member of the Law Review. MV
CONGRATULATIONS MARK AND MIKE It’s nice to be recognized, but that is not why they do it. It’s all about the hundreds and hundreds of people they’ve helped recover from their injuries, regain their lives and be properly compensated in the process. That’s what Mark Henness and Mike Haight do. That’s their passion. Simply put— They’ll help you. If you’re injured or if you know of someone that’s injured, pick up the phone and call them today.
Readers Choice
Mark Henness and Mike Haight built their law firm on an unwavering commitment to help individuals injured in accidents. They have a tireless dedication to do what’s right for each and every client in every case. This ethic has led them to be recognized as top attorneys and as a top law firm in the State of Nevada. Known for providing clients with the absolute best representation and personal service, Henness & Haight is not a typical “volume” injury practice. They consider their clients part of the family and always go the extra mile for them. Mark and Mike believe the best compliment a firm can receive is a personal referral from a former client. Those personal referrals continue to make up the majority of incoming cases for Henness & Haight. There is truly no better law firm in Las Vegas, or anywhere Nevada, when it comes to helping people injured in accidents. Mike Haight attended Dixie College in St. George, Utah on an athletic scholarship, but later transferred to University Nevada, Reno, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1989. Mike received his Juris Doctorate from Willamette University College of Law in 1995, and that fall he joined his father, Donald Haight (licensed to practice law in Nevada since 1976) and his sister, Jennifer Rusley, as members of the Nevada Bar. Immediately after law school, Mike immersed himself in trial work. As a defense attorney he originally defended drivers who caused accidents, and he gained valuable experience and insight into how insurance companies work. In 1998, however, Mike made the decision to dedicate his career to representing injured victims. Since then, he handles only personal injury claims.
Helping people regain their lives through excellence in representation
Mark Henness was born and raised in Beaverton, Oregon, birthplace of Nike and home to its World Headquarters. He first came to Las Vegas to attend the University of Nevada, Las Vegas where he graduated with distinction with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre Arts. He returned to Oregon where he attended law school at Willamette University College of Law, a private law school with the distinction of being the oldest law school west of the Mississippi. Mark earned his Juris Doctorate in 1995 and subsequently returned to Las Vegas to begin his law career. Upon arrival in Las Vegas, Mark began at the Nevada Attorney General’s Office where he defended such entities as the Nevada Department of Transportation. Thereafter, he took a position with the regional law firm of Broening, Oberg, Woods, Wilson & Cass, where his practice focused primarily on insurance defense and insurance bad faith defense. Since 2000, Mark has been an owner and partner of Henness & Haight, Injury Attorneys. His practice has been dedicated solely to representing individuals injured in accidents. Mark has successfully tried numerous cases to verdict. He handles all types of personal injury cases from motor vehicle accidents to defective product cases. Mark has successfully collected millions of dollars from insurance companies on behalf of his clients. MV
If you’ve been
INJURED As a result of Car Accidents Motorcycle Accidents Trucking Accidents Slip and Falls Medical Malpractice Negligent Security
What sets me apart from other law firms is my ability to personalize my relations and communications with my clients. I personally oversee all legal services for my clients and I seek maximum compensation for every one of my clients!
517 S. 3rd Street • Las Vegas, NV 89101 Across the street from the Regional Justice Courthouse
Readers Choice
TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS Ramzy P. Ladah, Esq. is the founder and managing attorney of Ladah Law Firm, PLLC. Ramzy has been a Las Vegas resident since he was fourteen years old, graduating from high school, college and law school here in the Las Vegas Valley and takes great pride in this community. Ramzy’s greatest pride is helping residents and visitors alike who have been injured due to the negligence of others. Ramzy began his legal career working for two of the largest insurance defense firms in the state where he learned the ins and outs of how insurances companies work and the techniques that their defense attorneys use to avoid paying fair compensation to injured victims. After leaving the insurance defense side, Ramzy opened his own law firm beginning with just one case and utilizing the conference room space in the building of another attorney friend as a favor. Ramzy then began renting a small office in that building, and then within just one year, Ramzy became the owner of that building, now known as “Ladah Law Building,” which is located in the heart of downtown Las Vegas, just across the street from the Regional Justice Center, the state’s main Clark County Courthouse. Ramzy’s first case was one that was turned down by approximately six different attorneys, all of whom essentially told the clients that they had no chance of recovery. Within two months of handing that case, Ramzy was able to get it settled for the insurance policy limits of $300,000, and there began a successful career of letting insurance companies know that he will not back down. At that time, Ramzy was the only employee in his office, working as his own receptionist, paralegal, case manager, office manager and attorney, all at the same time. Currently, Ladah Law Firm has approximately fourteen employees, including three attorneys and currently looking to add a fourth.
By your side, securing your future
Every single client of Ramzy’s has his personal cell phone number, and he even personally answers all office phone calls outside of business hours. It was this type of customer service that built Ramzy’s practice from that of one case to hundreds. Now, years later, and hundreds of clients later, this practice remains unchanged. Clients come to Ramzy complaining that they never get to see or speak to their attorneys and it is important to him that he never becomes the kind of attorney who allows their practice to become a “mill” that treats clients like a file on their desk instead of real people who have legitimate claims that insurance companies are out to take advantage of. Ladah Law Firm has become one of the State’s premier personal injury litigation law firms, handling high value injury cases, including car accident cases, trucking accident cases, bus accident cases, premises accident cases, and medical malpractice cases. Ladah Law Firm prides itself on customer service, as well as its ability to take the risky and difficult-to-win cases that no other law firm in town would touch and turn them into million and multimillion dollar cases. Some of the firm’s most recent outcomes include a $3.9 million dollar medical malpractice settlement, a $3.06 motorcycle accident settlement, a $2 million dollar medical malpractice settlement, and a $2.43 million dollar jury verdict in a case where the highest offer from the defense was $500k prior to trial. While this is the type of work and reputation Ladah Law Firm maintains today, the best is yet to come as this extremely young up and coming law firm is moving up fast in the Las Vegas legal community. MV
YOU PAY NOTHING UNLESS WE WIN Car Accidents / Truck Accidents Wrongful Death Spine Injury Brain Injury Bicycle & Pedestrian Accidents Drunk Driver Accidents Motorcycle Accidents Medical Malpractice Slip/Trip & Fall
6830 S Rainbow Blvd #200 • Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 476.0005 •
Readers Choice
TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS Steve Dimopoulos is a personal injury and wrongful death attorney who prides himself in winning difficult cases. Dimopoulos has recovered millions on behalf of clients in Nevada, Florida, and Michigan, the three states in which he is licensed. That said, Dimopoulos is quick to point out that “Potential clients should not be overly impressed with large settlement figures. It can be more difficult to recover $1,000 in a disputed liability case then it is to recover $1 million in a clear liability case in which the client’s injuries are severe.” Dimopoulos has built his practice by producing results in such difficult liability cases. In particular, Dimopoulos enjoys consulting with clients on cases other firms have turned down. Dimopoulos views the challenge of winning such cases as an opportunity to impress his clients. Dimopoulos cites a recent 2015 settlement as an example: A motorcycle rider sustained life-changing injuries after an SUV crashed into his motorcycle, breaking both of his legs. Witnesses gave accounts favorable to the SUV driver and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department cited the motorcycle rider at fault. Dimopoulos accepted the motorcycle rider’s case after another firm turned him away. Dimopoulos recovered the maximum compensation possible under the SUV driver’s liability policy. Dimopoulos also recovered every possible dollar under the motorcycle rider’s UIM (under-insuredmotorist) coverage. Both claims settled for a confidential amount. Dimopoulos was drawn to the field of law by his passion for outside-the-box thinking. In another case Dimopoulos successfully argued the act of entering an automobile constitutes “use of a motor vehicle” such that his injured client was entitled to compensation under an automobile medpay policy. Such policies generally provide compensation only in car accident situations. Dimopoulos began practicing law in Nevada in 2012. Notably, Dimopoulos was admitted after scoring in the 99th percentile (top-one-percent nationally) on the multistate bar exam. Dimopoulos opened his own firm in early 2015. Prominently displayed upon Dimopoulos’s new building at 215 and Rainbow is his firm’s logo-a crest enveloped Spartan armed with spear and shield. The Spartan is symbolic of strength and Dimopoulos’ Greek background. Imprinted upon the shield are traditional scales representing justice and the legal profession.
We fight insurance companies
Although his firm is rapidly growing Dimopoulos insists he will notallow volume to compromise the quality of his clients’ representation: “I am confident my office is the fastest growing personal injury practice in Nevada; however, I promise my current and prospective clients that we will not become another high-volume-cookie-cutter-firm.” There is no charge for a consultation with Dimopoulos and he guarantees his clients will pay no attorney fees unless he wins their case. *Past results do not guarantee, warrant, or predict future outcomes. You may have to pay the other side’s attorney’s fees and costs in the event of a loss.
Auto Accidents Defective Product Injury Dog Bites Fall Injuries Head Injuries Spinal Cord Injuries Wrongful Death No Recovery, No Fee
Protecting the Las Vegas community by holding big business insurance companies accountable.
Call our office today for your FREE consultation! 702.830.7070 255 East Warm Springs, Suite 100 • Las Vegas, Nevada •
Readers Choice
Protecting the Las Vegas community by holding big business insurance companies accountable
Las Vegas injury lawyer Anthony Paglia is a Las Vegas native and Bishop Gorman Preparatory School alumni. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Business from the University of Colorado at Boulder. In college, Anthony interned in Washington D.C. for the Honorable Shelley Berkley, Member of Congress. Mr. Paglia graduated from the William S. Boyd School of Law at UNLV. In law school, he was appointed by the Nevada Supreme Court as a student attorney where he successfully prosecuted his first trial for the City of Las Vegas. Anthony studied international and comparative law in Curaçao, Netherland Antilles. Prior to becoming a lawyer, he worked as a City of Henderson senior lifeguard, busboy, administrative assistant for the Las Vegas District Attorney’s office, personal fitness trainer, bar back, and front desk manager. After passing the Nevada and California bar exams, Anthony began his legal career with an international personal injury insurance defense firm. There, he learned the internal functions and deliberations amongst defense attorneys and insurance adjusters. He then practiced personal injury law for one of Nevada’s largest personal injury law firms. Throughout his education and career, Anthony has developed extensive negotiation, arbitration, mediation, and trial skills. He utilizes his educational background and legal training to provide superior service and results for his clients. Anthony has settled and adjudicated well over seven figures for hundreds of Las Vegas residents. Anthony is the grandson of the late Arturo Cambeiro, the founder of the Las Vegas Latin Chamber of Commerce and Nevada’s first licensed Hispanic architect. A Las Vegas elementary school and senior care center are named in his grandfather’s honor. Anthony’s father owned and operated Las Vegas’ first major nightclub. Anthony enjoys spending time with his wife and family. He is a Colorado Buffalo, UNLV Rebel and UFC fan who participates in triathlons and trains in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Anthony is dedicated to compensating injured victims due to the negligent or careless acts of others. Dealing with the pressure and stress of an injury can be overwhelming, but Anthony helps individuals understand their rights and whether they are entitled to compensation for past and future medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering and emotional distress. Insurance companies are concerned with their bottom line and often minimize a person’s injuries and emotional distress. When representing his clients, Anthony ensures that these insurance companies do not have an unfair advantage and will be held responsible within our community. MV
Sustaining member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum
2029 Alta Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89106 Brian K. Harris, Managing Partner
Readers Choice
Sustaining member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum
Brian K. Harris is the Managing Partner of Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers. Having been admitted to practice law in front of the United States Supreme Court, Brian is the right partner to represent you and help recover the compensation that you deserve. Brian practices law in both Utah and Nevada. He can even help out of state visitors who were injured while on vacation in Las Vegas, but live somewhere else. Brian has more than 12 years of experience litigating and negotiating cases and has received the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV Pre-eminent Rating. This rating is recognition from other attorneys that Brian Harris has excellent legal ability and upholds the highest ethical standards. Brian was born and raised in Southern California and graduated from Irvine High School. In 1998, he received his Bachelor’s Degree Cum Laude in political science from Utah State University. Brian graduated near the top of his class from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law in 2000. During law school, he was actively engaged in the Student Bar Association and was a member of the distinguished Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity.
2029 Alta Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89106
Three months after Brian’s admittance to the Utah State Bar, he was appointed Washington County Public Defender, in St. George, Utah. During this time, he learned to manage a significant caseload and sharpened his skills as a litigator. Within two years of his admittance to the Bar, Brian had successfully tried several cases to verdict.
Brian K. Harris, Managing Partner
In 2002, Brian joined one of Nevada’s premier personal injury law firms, Mainor Harris, where he gained invaluable knowledge and experience representing accident victims against major insurance companies. In his early years of practicing injury law, Brian earned his reputation as a tenacious litigator and negotiator. In 2004, Brian formed Harris Schwartz, a personal injury law firm in Las Vegas. Brian gained invaluable experience as a managing partner and leader of this law firm.
Providing every client with exceptional legal representation and excellent service
Brian founded his current firm, Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers, in Las Vegas in 2008, with partner and personal injury lawyer Heather E. Harris. It is here that Brian has truly shown his passion for helping victims of injury accidents. In recent years, Brian has recovered more than $30,000,000 to help his clients recover from their injuries. Brian is a sustaining member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, which recognizes outstanding achievements of trial lawyers throughout the nation. Brian is an active member of the Utah State Bar, Nevada State Bar, American Bar Association, American Association for Justice, Utah Trial Lawyers Association, Nevada Justice Association (Sustaining Member and Board of Governors from 2005 to 2009), and Clark County Bar Association. Mr. Harris enjoys running, traveling, and spending time with his family. Brian is the proud father of two boys, William and Thomas. MV
Readers Choice
Ghandi Deeter Law Offices is a boutique law firm located in downtown Las Vegas, which specializes in family law, bankruptcy, guardianship, and probate. Nedda Ghandi, Esq. and Laura Deeter, Esq., who both graduated from the William S. Boyd School of Law at UNLV, are the founding attorneys of Ghandi Deeter Law Offices. Nedda Ghandi founded her own law firm in 2012, and as her firm’s practice and clientele quickly expanded, she partnered with Laura Deeter in 2013 to form Ghandi Deeter Law Offices. Fundamental to their partnership is that both attorneys share the same philosophy regarding how to run a law firm: clients should be treated like a part of the family. Nedda and Laura know that when clients are filing for divorce or bankruptcy, or going through probate proceedings, they are experiencing a very difficult time in their lives. Nedda and Laura not only provide excellent legal services to their clients, but aim to do so with compassion and respect. Nedda Ghandi, a Nevada native, has practiced law in Las Vegas for over eight years. She has had a successful career advocating on behalf of her divorce clients when it comes to fairly dividing a couple’s assets. She is a skilled negotiator, as shown by her family law settlement rate of nearly 80%, as well as her success in helping both individuals and business entities go through bankruptcy proceedings. Her bankruptcy practice and clientele are broad, ranging from the individual Chapter 7 debtor with modest assets, to litigating complex matters for businesses going through Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Nedda Ghandi has been recognized as a “Super Lawyer” in Super Lawyers Magazine, published in all 50 states. In 2013 and 2014 Nedda Ghandi was selected as a member of Nevada’s “Legal Elite” and in 2015, both Nedda and Laura were selected as members of Nevada’s “Legal Elite,” the annual list of Nevada’s top attorneys published in Nevada Business Magazine, a distinction given to only 2% of attorneys admitted to practice in the state of Nevada.
Providing an exceptional level of expertise and service to their Las Vegas clients
Laura Deeter, who has lived in Las Vegas for over twenty-five years, has been helping individuals in Las Vegas protect their assets in the case of their death or incapacity for over eight years. Laura is adept at understanding her clients’ needs and tailoring a customized estate plan to protect what her clients have worked so hard to accumulate throughout their lifetime. She believes that aggressive estate planning is beneficial for all clients, whether their estate is large or small. Laura also specializes in guardianship work, and has performed extensive pro bono work for the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. For her excellent legal work, Laura Deeter has also been recognized as a “Super Lawyer” in Super Lawyers Magazine for her work as an estate planning attorney in Las Vegas. She was also awarded the Louis Wiener Pro Bono Service Award for assisting victims of domestic violence. Ghandi Deeter Law Offices has been recognized numerous times over the years by the legal community. Attorney at Law Magazine featured Ghandi Deeter Law Offices as the “Law Firm of the Month” in its June 2014 edition. Both Nedda and Laura have written numerous articles for publication concerning new and interesting developments in the law. MV
(702) 347-HELP (4357)
702-347-HELP(4357) 702-347-HELP(4357) Personal Injury Injury • Personal Criminal DefenseInjury Family Law • Criminal Defense Criminal Defense
• Family FamilyLaw Law
WE CAN HELP! Our firm is designed to take care of our customers during a difficult time. That includes offering free consultations and discounted rates for our services.
625 S. 6th St. • Las Vegas, NV 89101 •
Readers Choice 702-347-HELP(4357) Personal Injury Criminal Defense Family Law
Personal Injury Criminal Defense Family Law
Melvin Grimes is a graduate of UNLV’s Boyd School of Law. Originally from Oregon, Melvin enrolled in Oregon State University in 1984. Following that brief stay at Oregon State, Melvin enlisted in the US Navy in April 1985. During Melvin’s Navy enlistment he served tours in the Middle East, Central and South America, and Combat Readiness Training at Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Melvin was medically discharged from the Navy in 1988 after a shipboard accident. After the Navy, Melvin enrolled at Western Oregon University where he received his Bachelors Degree in 1992. Melvin received his Master’s Degree from Western Oregon in 1999. Melvin then Received his Ed.S. from Nova Southeastern University in 2009. Melvin worked as an educator for more than 20 years. During that time he taught Social Studies and Math, coached football and wrestling, and served as an administrator. Melvin’s research and work focused on “atrisk” students and conduct disorder. Having accomplished everything he could as an educator, Melvin submitted his retirement papers and resignation in 2012.
Working day in and day out on helping people deal with their injuries
The decision to pursue a career as an attorney came about as a result of the studies leading to the earning of an Ed.S., his studies left Melvin with the realization that it was time to move on and pursue new challenges. With the support of his wife (Shanna) and his six children; Melvin enrolled at Boyd Law School in 2009. The next four years Melvin taught full time for Clark County School District and attended Law School every night. During law school Melvin clerked for a local law firm and owes much of what he knows to that law firm, demonstrating the gracious attitude of the Clark County Bar which works to assist lawyer is improving their legal practice. Also during Law School, Melvin interned for the Honorable Lloyd D. George Federal District Court Judge, whom Melvin believes is responsible for much of his success and the growth of the firm. Melvin graduated in 2012 and passed the Nevada Bar in 2013. Melvin is a Member of the Nevada Bar, the Federal Bar, and the 9th Circuit Bar. Melvin is a member of the The American Bar Association, The Nevada Bar Association, The Nevada Justice Association and the National College for DUI Defense. The Grimes Law Office was started in 2013 with the help and support of friends and family. The firm has grown from Melvin and his wife helping to a full service law firm appearing in every court in Southern Nevada. If you were in an accident, The Grimes Law Office can get you the medical treatment you deserve and a settlement for pain and suffering. In criminal court we will diligently and effectively represent your interests in court and work with the District Attorney to minimize the effects on your life. If you have a divorce or custody issue we provide aggressive representation that is well respected in the Family Court. Finally, if you are dealing with CPS regarding your children, the Grimes Law Office is very successful in dealing with these matters providing representation in the family and criminal courts. When you are in trouble, call the Grimes Law Office; We Can Help. MV
Divorce Custody Family Law
“Thank you for recognizing Our Team as Las Vegas’ Top Lawyers”
Ed Kainen
Readers Choice
Getting a divorce or ending a relationship can have a domino-type effect on your life. The roller coaster of emotions you are dealing with may be just the beginning. Your mind may be swirling trying to picture how every decision moving forward will affect how your future plays out. We know, as we have helped thousands of people through very difficult experiences. At KAINEN LAW GROUP, we offer a strategic approach focused on examining the jigsaw pieces of the divorce process. Putting your life back together may not be a simple solution. Many factors can complicate a divorce and other family law matters. We offer a sophisticated approach to resolve not only the key issues but also understanding the impact of divorce on your future. Based on our extensive experience, we anticipate the issues upfront to avoid future disputes or complications.
KAINEN LAW GROUP’s Vision Offering Custom Solutions Some law firms are overworked and turn cases over as quickly as possible. We have a different vision at the KAINEN LAW GROUP. We understand going through a divorce can feel like mourning the loss of a loved one. In addition to the emotional pain you are experiencing, a divorce forces you to rebuild your life. We will be by your side to help you do this the right way, instead of treating you like a just another case. Our family law and divorce lawyers are selective in the type and number of cases we handle. This allows us to dissect all the issues involved and develop lasting solutions for clients dealing with complex family law concerns. We started this law firm with the vision that we would be different from other family law firms in Nevada. We take pride in offering high-end solutions tailored to addressing our clients’ individual concerns. Our attorneys have decades of experience delivering custom services and will protect your best interests without cutting any corners.
Las Vegas family law and divorce lawyers offering sophisticated solutions
When dealing with a life change, you need a lawyer who will take the time to understand your personal situation. This is part of our DNA. We offer customized solutions to help you start the next chapter of your life in the best position possible. Contact Our Family Law and Divorce Lawyers for a Hands-On Approach Our firm is dedicated to providing high-quality legal services in a convenient and accessible manner. Our clients have telephone and email access to their attorneys at all times, and we are available to meet with clients outside of normal business hours when necessary. Our office is conveniently located in Summerlin next to the 215. We accept all forms of payment, including credit cards, checks and wire transfers. To discuss how we can assist you, please call us at 702-823-4900. MV
FOR BEING NAMED A TOP LAWYER IN LAS VEGAS! Don’t gamble with your defense. Our solutions include:
Full Service Criminal Defense Pre-Trial Negotiation Aggressive Trial Representation DUI Defense Domestic Violence Sexual Crimes
Drug Crimes All Felonies All Misdemeanors Jail Release and Bond Reduction Appeals and post-conviction
601 South 7th Street • Las Vegas, NV 89101 Phone: (702) 474-6266 • Fax: (702) 789-1045 •
Readers Choice
Joel Mann is committed to his clients and works tirelessly on their behalf. His goal is to be an advocate, who can always be counted on to fight for his clients—that is the foundation of his law firm. He firmly believes in keeping the lines of communication to his clients open in order to help them understand the process they are experiencing. He understands that this “bump in the road” is a troubling time for clients and they just need someone to guide them through this challenging time. By treating the client-attorney relationship as a partnership, clients can rest assured that they are getting the best representation possible. Joel Mann earned his J.D. from the William S. Boyd School of Law at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and was admitted to practice law in Nevada in 2002. During law school, he had the opportunity to do internships for then Nevada District Court Judge Michael Cherry, the United States Attorney’s office, and a well-respected local criminal defense firm. He was honored to be a part of the moot court team and the Juvenile Justice Legal Clinic at the Boyd School of Law. Upon graduation from law school in 2002, Joel worked as an appellate law clerk in the Clark County District Attorney’s Office. In 2006, he opened his own law firm, The Law Office of Joel M. Mann, where he exclusively practices criminal defense law.
Committed to preserving your rights and defending your case before, during, and after criminal legal proceedings
Joel’s criminal defense practice consists of misdemeanors and felony trials in both State and Federal Court. He has done extensive work in post-conviction and appellate practices and has argued three separate cases before the Nevada Supreme Court in which his clients received favorable outcomes. In addition, he has argued before the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals where his client was granted significant relief. Not only has his work helped many of his own clients but many of his appellate cases have changed significant portions of the law and the way that justice is administered to all defendants in Nevada. Joel is extremely active in many professional and communal organizations. He served as the President for the Nevada Attorneys for Criminal Justice, an organization that provides support and assistance to criminal defense lawyers through Nevada. He served on the State Bar of Nevada’s Disciplinary Board for many years, where he helped the State Bar regulate the practices of other attorneys. He is currently a Presiding Officer over the Clark County Police Fatality Public Fact finding Review board. As an active member of the community he is serves on the boards of the AntiDefamation League and Temple Beth Sholom, where he recently completed 2 year term as the Temple President. Joel believes that serving his clients and his community is an important part of his life and will always fight to help his clients and improve his community. MV
$99 Wills
$99 Wills
(Includes Living Will & Power of Attorney)
Revocable Living Trusts Tax & Retirement Planning Trust Amendments & Complimentary Reviews Probate Services
Jasen E. Cassady, Esq. Advanced Law Degree in Taxation Certified Financial Planner 速 Brandi K. Cassady, Esq.
702.650.4480 Las Vegas
10799 W. Twain Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89135
2425 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy. Henderson, NV 89052
Readers Choice
$99 Wills
$99 Wills
(Includes Living Will & Power of Attorney)
Revocable Living Trusts Tax & Retirement Planning Trust Amendments & Complimentary Reviews Probate Services
Jasen E. Cassady, Esq. Advanced Law Degree in Taxation Certified Financial Planner ® Brandi K. Cassady, Esq.
702.650.4480 Las Vegas
10799 W. Twain Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89135
2425 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy. Henderson, NV 89052
Brendan M. McGraw, Esq. Practice Areas: Estate Planning Wills, Trusts, & Estates Probate Brendan is an associate in the firm of Cassady Law Offices, P.C. He focuses his practice in the areas of probate, estate planning, wills, trust administration, and prenuptial agreements. He graduated from the University Of Miami School Of Law in Coral Gables, Florida. He has quickly become an integral part of the well-known, family-centered firm and offers free consultations to all new clients. Jasen E. Cassady, Esq. Practice Areas: Probate Estate Planning Asset Protection Financial Planning Jasen E. Cassady is a partner in the firm of Cassady Law Offices, P.C. He focuses his practice in the areas of probate, estate planning, wills, trusts, asset protection, prenuptial agreements, and financial planning. He is the firm’s founding partner and he graduated from the University Of Florida Levin College Of Law, with Honors. From there, he went on to obtain his Master of laws in Taxation from the University of Florida, one of the top programs in the United States. He is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. ® His firm has locations in Las Vegas and Henderson. Brandi K. Cassady, Esq. Practice Areas: Probate Estate Planning Wills, Trusts, & Estates Brandi Cassady is a partner in the firm of Cassady Law Offices, P.C. She focuses her practice in the areas of probate, estate planning, wills, trust administration, estates, and prenuptial agreements. Her firm is a well-established, respected part of the Las Vegas legal community committed to helping families plan for and protect their futures. The firm also handles all sizes and types of probate estates and trust administration. Mrs. Cassady graduated from the William S. Boyd School of Las in Las Vegas, Nevada, and has offices in Henderson and Las Vegas. MV
Helping Southern Nevada Businesses and Families For Over 20 Years Las Vegas Business and Estate Planning Lawyers:
• Wills • Trusts • Probate • Guardianship • Asset Protection • Business Law
Audrey Galloway Senior Associate Licensed in Colorado
Robert C. Graham Managing Senior Partner Licensed in Nevada, U.S. Supreme Court
Linda M. Graham Senior Partner Licensed in Nevada, U.S. Supreme Court
Delwyn Webber Senior Partner Licensed in Nevada, U.S. Supreme Court
Michele Chambers Associate Licensed in Utah
William Ellison Associate Licensed in Colorado & Utah
Olesya Sidorkina Associate Licensed in Nevada
Free Initial Consultation
(702) 255–6161
(W. Charleston & Hualapai)
(Green Valley & 215)
10000 W. Charleston Blvd.
701 N. Green Valley Pkwy.
Delwyn Webber | Senior Partner Licensed in Nevada, U.S. Supreme Court Why did you decide to practice law? I started off as a junior secretary when I was younger. It was just a job at a law firm. And I went to intermediate to senior to paralegal and at one point decided I wanted more. I didn’t go to law school until later in life. I wanted a challenge and to prove to myself that I could do it and there I was. It was a natural progression. What do you enjoy about working in the law field? I really enjoy general probate and guardianship cases where you can help get a client get out from under the clutches of someone else. I want justice for people that are feeling mistreated. I helped a man come under the care of his loving daughter instead of the state when the state wasn’t allowing it. You do what you do to help people and when you help them you get a little skip in your step. How did you get involved with the “Grant a Gift Foundation”? I bumped into a very early client of mine and she had just started the foundation. It’s grown so much. It was important to me because I had friends back home who had kids that were severely autistic and really struggled. It’s different from other foundations
because we have programs for kids and we help them develop social skills. No one in Nevada has the same hands-on program we have to get kids integrated into schools and working and developing skills. Lots of foundations raise money and donate but they don’t have programs. Tell me about your family. My husband and I just had our twenty-eighth wedding anniversary. My daughter Madisyn is off to college this year, breaking Mom’s heart. My daughter Rylee is going to be a junior. They’re both avid snowboarders. We’re very blessed. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to? Metallica and heavy metal stuff. People look at me and go, “Really?” Why should a Lawyers|West?
We care. I feel when a client comes in they’re like our only client. They get hands-on experience. We spend the time to really work towards achieving the result they are wanting. They can trust us. We don’t do shortcuts. We’ve got a good staff who are all very professional and kind and caring.
Education Bond University School of Law, Queensland, Australia LL.B., Honors, (2004) Tauranga Girls College Bar Admissions Supreme Court of Nevada (2008); U.S. District Court (2008); U.S. Court of Appeals 9th Circuit (2011); U.S. Supreme Court (2014); High Court of Australia (2005); Supreme Court of Australia (2005) Previous Employment KRG Associates, Gold Coast Australia, Attorney (2004 – 2005) Service Distinctions & Recognitions Legal Drafting and Conveyancing Award: Bond University Client Excellence Award Areas of Practice Estate Planning Trusts Guardianship Probate Business Formation Business Law
Personal Injury Civil Litigation Business Litigation Traffic Litigation Straight answers, personal attention and exceptional results. Choose the Las Vegas law firm of Cap and Kudler to protect your rights.
3202 West Charleston Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89102 Phone: (702) 878-8778
Readers Choice
Straight answers, personal attention and exceptional results
After working together for a decade, Allen Cap and Donald Kudler formed the personal injury law firm Cap & Kudler. The duo combined have more than 50 years’ experience in representing victims of personal injury accidents. They will be there when you or a family member is injured by someone else’s negligence, carelessness or wrongful conduct. Their mission is to take care of you. All the personal injury lawyers at Cap and Kudler are skilled litigators and tough negotiators who never flinch in the face of big insurance companies and others who may want to downplay your injury. They are also trusted business advisors. When the stakes are high, they want to protect your business. The experienced business and commercial attorneys at Cap and Kudler will provide comprehensive representation in all business litigation, commercial transaction and contract negotiation. When you are a client of Cap and Kudler, you get the undivided attention of attorneys who understand you, understand the law and are ready to fight for you. Cap’s educational background actually stems in health and physical education. He was an active gymnast in high school. He then went to college and while he was a gymnastic coach and teacher he obtained his Masters in Scientific Basis of Physical Education in 1972. Then his legal journey started when he enrolled in law school in 1981 and was licensed to practice law in Nevada in 1984. He hit the ground running, making an argument before the State Supreme Court just after being sworn in as a lawyer. Since that time, he has dedicated his work to helping the victims of negligence and intentional acts. He applies his knowledge and interest in the human body and performance to his legal practice. The insight is beneficial to know how the body functions, how injuries occur, and how his clients are affected by their injuries. Kudler’s path was different. Before going to law school, he received a Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Business Administration, both with an emphasis in Management Information Systems. He came to Las Vegas to work as an Estate Planning Lawyer in 1993, but fell into work representing car accident victims and others involved in personal injury accidents and has never looked back. Having had to deal with a difficult insurance company in his own personal injury case before going to law school gave him empathy on how his clients feel going through this process. Kudler has presented several seminars to other attorneys on representing personal injury clients before and at Trial and on the Nevada Short Trial Program. Because of his experience representing clients in court, he is Board Certified as a Specialist in Civil Trial Law by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Cap and Kudler do their best to settle cases when they can. In the event it doesn’t happen, they are not afraid to go to file a lawsuit and represent their clients in court. They have done so on many occasions including taking many cases to trial when necessary. They believe their clients should be informed and provide information through conversations as their relationships develop. See Website ( and their blogs: and MV
Craig Murphy
Know your rights BEFORE you settle with the insurance company or hire the wrong lawyer!
ng the d of hiri g to i a r f a u talkin Are yo rney or er? Get o t t a g n wro djust rance a Books and u s n i e h t ion Obligat e to FREE, No Before you hav Reports ANY papers sign
10 No Q 0% Iro n u Ser estion clad, vice s Gua Asked ran , tee
Are you tired of being kept in the dark by your injury lawyer? Ready for a change? Take the Murphy & Murphy Law Offices Exceptional Service Challenge!
3900 S. Hualapai Way, Ste 134, Las Vegas, NV 89147
Readers Choice
Murphy & Murphy Law Offices “Where the CLIENT Comes First.” We are guided by this principle in all that we do. It is more than a slogan; it is our philosophy and commitment to you. While Craig Murphy, Esq. has numerous multi-million dollar jury verdicts and settlements in his 25 years of practicing law in Las Vegas, he has built Murphy & Murphy Law Offices on the foundation of exceptional legal services and unparalleled client service. Every day we are committed to providing world class service. Craig is so committed to providing unparalleled client service that we have a “100%, ironclad, no questions asked, client service guarantee.” * No attorney can guarantee the outcome of your case, and we certainly do not do that. However, we can promise that we provide exceptional client service and that our clients always come first. Over the years, I have learned that one of the most frustrating things experienced by law firm clients is when their lawyer will not communicate with them. I cannot count the number of times I have heard that lawyers and their staff will not talk to their clients. The clients are kept in the dark and no one will give them any information. Shockingly, many law firms think that returning their clients’ phone calls once in a while is good customer service. Murphy & Murphy Law Offices is committed to not being one of those law firms. We are an exception to the current rule where it seems that so many businesses are no longer committed to providing good customer service. If you are frustrated with the “take it or leave it” attitude of what businesses try to pass off as customer service these days, and you want something more from an attorney who could impact the entire future quality of your life, then you do not want to settle for anything less than Craig Murphy, Esq. at Murphy & Murphy Law Offices.
Unparalleled personal and professional service
How do we consistently provide exceptional client service? We limit the number of cases that we take. Since we are not over-burdened with too many cases, we are able to provide attention to you and your case. Instead of being just another number or file like so many law firms, we know you are a special individual. At Murphy & Murphy Law Offices, we will know you on a first-name, face-to-face basis. Isn’t this the type of legal representation you are looking for? Want to discuss your case? Call me today (702) 369-9696 and I will talk with you about your case. Want to see our client service guarantee? Go to our website at or call us and we will send you a copy. Want free information about your case before you talk to a lawyer or insurance adjuster? Call us and we will provide you with valuable information at absolutely no obligation to you. If you want to experience legal representation “Where the CLIENT Comes First,” Craig Murphy, Esq. and Murphy & Murphy Law Offices are here for you. Call today. *Terms of 100%, ironclad, no questions asked client service guarantee available at MV
Let us talk about how we can help you. We deliver results!
$ 10,000,000 $ 2,250,000 $ 1,750,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 900,000 $ 450,000 $ 995,000
Car Crashes • Motorcycle • Crashes • Slips and Falls • Dog/Animal Bites • Wrongful Death Aviation Negligence • Product Liability • Brain Injury • Spine Injury
Readers Choice
Have you heard of the “rule of three?” It’s generally referred to as a principle that suggests things that come in threes are inherently more effective than any other number of things. The team of lawyers at Cloward Hicks & Brasier edifies this adage. Benjamin Cloward, Jonathan Hicks, and Alison Brasier are the trio of founding partners at the firm. This year alone they have settled cases rewarding from $ 450,000 to $10 million. The team is committed to helping injured people achieve justice and the results they deserve following any injury accident. At Cloward Hicks & Brasier, they are dedicated to giving injured clients the personalized attention they need during the stressful times following an accident. Their mission is to fight the insurance companies to ensure that clients get full compensation for their injuries. Benjamin Cloward received his bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Utah in 2005. He went on to S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah, where he graduated in 2008. During his attendance he received the Outstanding Achievement Award for Teaching Law in High School, the CALI Excellence for the Future Award for Property, and was also on the Dean’s List. In addition to these accolades, he served as the President of the J. Reuben Clark Law Society and as a Judicial Intern for the then State Court Presiding Judge, Gregory K. Frizzell, who is now a judge for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma. Cloward has received specialized training on the subject of low-speed, rear-impact crashes (LOSRIC). Founding Partner Jonathan Hicks is a proud third generation Nevadan and graduate of Western High School. Hicks is fluent in Spanish and proudly served a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Bilbao, Spain. He stayed loyal to the Las Vegas, as he graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science degree in molecular biology. He then attended the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law, with a motivated mindset. It translated into a successful years, receiving top honors for legal writing, conflict of laws, and bankruptcy. He graduated magna cum laude in 2005 with a Juris Doctorate degree. During law school, Jonathan interned with United States District Court Judge Roger L. Hunt and worked as the articles editor of the Nevada Law Journal. After graduating law school and passing the Nevada Bar, Jonathan worked for a large regional insurance defense firm in its Las Vegas office, where he developed skills in litigation strategy and negotiation. Alison Brasier is the third piece to this super team. Born and raised in Las Vegas, like Hicks, she is UNLV alumni. In 2001 she graduated with her Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology in 2001 and went on to earn her Juris Doctorate from UNLV - William S. Boyd School of Law in 2007. Brasier is a recipient of the CALI Excellence for the Future Award® for mediation, an award given to the highest scoring student in the class. She also is a member of many groups including the American Bar Association, Central Utah Bar Association, Clark County Bar Association, Nevada Bar Association, Salt Lake County Bar Association, Southern Nevada Association of Women Attorneys, and the Utah Bar Association. She is also part of the exclusive Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, an organization reserved for attorneys who have obtained multi-million recoveries for their clients. She was also recognized as a Top 40 Under 40 by the National Trial Lawyers and Top 10 Under 40 in the state of Nevada. MV
Experienced. Effective. Efficient. Bryan Albiston
Becky Pintar
Experienced. Effective. Efficient. Business law and family law attorneys Becky Pintar and Bryan Albiston are known for their ability to accommodate client requests. They offer flat fee rates and payment plans so that legal fees are predictable.
Business Attorneys They are business law attorneys who provide effective and efficient legal representation to businesses in the Las Vegas area and have experience in the areas of construction, mechanic’s liens, real estate, contracts and litigation.
Family Law Attorneys The firm confidently handles every aspect of family law disputes, including child support, child custody and parenting matters both during and after the divorce or other legal dispute.
Pintar Albiston LLP Business Law/Family Law 6053 S. Fort Apache Road, #120 Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.685.5255
Readers Choice
Pintar Albiston LLP is a law firm consisting of Becky A. Pintar and her partner and son, Bryan L. Albiston. Both Becky and Bryan graduated from UNLV Boyd School of Law. Becky graduated as part of the charter class in 2001, and transitioned into law after a 16 year career in education. Bryan graduated in 2012 after having worked in both finance and real estate. Becky A. Pintar Becky A. Pintar practices in the area of business law and family law. Her practice areas are comprised of general business, real estate transactions, contract claims, creditor bankruptcy claims and adversarial complaints, construction law, employment law, administrative law, and homeowners associations. Becky’s transactional work includes drafting and review of contracts, commercial leases, and employment, indemnity, partnership, operating and land sales agreements. She has extensive trial experience including all phases of litigation, including bench and jury trials, mediations and arbitrations. Becky also practices family law, including contested and uncontested divorces, child custody, guardianship and adoption. She strives to help you to resolve your family law matter in the best way possible, and when you consult with her, the expert legal advice you receive will help you understand your rights and options according to Nevada law. Some of the comments made by her clients include: “Becky is always on top of the case and knows her stuff. She works for you and keeps you informed. She has multiple options depending on the situation and gives you the best service.”
Client-focused law firm providing effective and efficient legal representation for businesses and families
“I am privileged to provide an honest opinion of Becky’s lawyering ability. I am a CEO of a multi-million dollar company and she has been my attorney for over 10 years. She has represented my company with zeal, knowledge and in an aggressive and professional manner achieving outstanding results consistently. If you want exceptional legal counsel, retain Ms. Pintar!” Bryan L. Albiston Bryan has extensive knowledge of the real estate statutes and regulations in the state of Nevada which he gained through his ongoing career as a licensed real estate agent. Bryan practices primarily in family law including contested and uncontested divorces, child custody, guardianship and adoption. Family Law has become his passion in the legal field. Bryan understands that family matters are often complicated and are emotionally and physically draining on all parties involved. Bryan has the experience required to ensure that the resolution of your divorce or custody issue is handled in the most organized, timely, cost efficient and effective manner possible. MV
Readers Choice
Reza Athari is a member of California bar and an international lawyer. His total practice as an attorney exceeds 25 years. Mr. Athari’s passion is immigration law. This passion has allowed Mr. Athari to dedicate himself to help immigrant families and businesses. He started Reza Athari & Associates as a solo practitioner in 1997. Ever since, his practice has grown steadily throughout the years and now is one of the leading law offices in the field of immigration law in Las Vegas, Nevada and throughout the west coast of the United States. His offices became a multijurisdictional law firm in 2003 and the firms practice area has extended to other legal matters in Nevada, California, and Utah including family, criminal, and personal injury. The firm’s lawyers have appeared and successfully argued before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals as well as the Supreme Court of Nevada. In September 2004, Mr. Athari successfully applied and passed the exams for legal specialization and became a Certified Specialist in immigration law by the State Bar of California, Board of Legal Specialization. He provides immigration and other federal law-based services throughout the United States including his offices in Nevada, California and Utah. Mr. Athari has been AV rated by Martindale Hubble, the highest possible rating in both legal ability and ethical standard. MV
Reza Athari Years of experience in all facets of immigration and nationality law
FREE CONSULTATION / CONSULTA GRATIS We offer payment plans / Aceptamos planes de pagos
3365 Pepper Lane, Suite 102 • Las Vegas, NV 89120 Toll Free: 800-565-2030 • Fax: (702) 458-8508 • Web: Your case will be handled by an experienced attorney licensed in the appropriate jurisdiction. All attorneys shown may not be licensed to practice law in Nevada.
Readers Choice
Attorney Jason Weiner, owner of Weiner Law Group, is licensed to practice law in Louisiana, Arizona, and Nevada. He has over a decade of experience working within the Las Vegas area’s unique legal environment. During this time, he has developed important contact with the prosecutors and judges likely to be involved in trying his clients’ cases. Knowing the local system and how things actually work, as opposed to how the books say they should, gives Jason many practical advantages as he fights to win his clients the justice they deserve. Supporting his thorough knowledge of local procedures are degrees from the University of Utah, the Mississippi College School of Law, and through the Université d’Aix-en-Provence, in Southern France. Jason gained his early practical experience as a public defender for Mohave County, Arizona and abroad as a clerk for attorneys in Marseille, France. Jason’s law career is driven by a desire to see every client receive the fair treatment that he or she is promised as a U.S. citizen.
Jason Weiner Passionate about providing people with their constitutional right to a defense
Jason specializes in criminal law, preferring to work in the courtroom. His areas of particular expertise are DUI, drug charges, domestic violence, and sexual assault cases. A father of two, he also has the unique understanding and perspective on juvenile issues that only a parent can bring. MV
702.205.0500 • 2820 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 35 • Las Vegas, NV 89128 71
Readers Choice
Qumars Behzadi, Esq. Committed to providing you with expert legal support
Attorney Qumars Behzadi is a lawyer who aspires to achieve the best outcome for every client. He has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of those he represented and has done so in state and federal courts at all levels of litigation. Licensed in both Nevada and Hawaii, Behzadi earned his Juris Doctorate Degree from the University of Notre Dame Law School in 2000. While he began his career as a lawyer defending clients on behalf of insurance companies, Qumars subsequently started his own practice in 2007 in order to more effectively pursue his passion for helping individuals assert their rights against insurance companies and employers. His practice is predicated on treating every client with respect, integrity, advocacy and understanding and their expertise and knowledge have earned a reputation as one of Nevada’s most respected personal injury and workers compensation law firms. They have a consistent track record of uncompromising ethics but most importantly, every client is treated with courtesy and is guaranteed effective representation. They help clients maximize compensation in many types of cases that include but are not limited to: auto, boating and motorcycle accidents, dog bites, medical malpractice, brain, spinal cord and personal injury, product liability, workers compensation and wrongful death. A sampling of success stories include: more than one-half million dollars obtained for a worker that was not provided worker’s compensation insurance, $440,000 recovered in a motor vehicle personal injury claim. Also, more than two million dollars recovered for a motor vehicle spine injury. Behzadi Law Offices in Las Vegas offers free initial consultations and work on a contingency basis. This means you will not owe anything until you are compensated for your injuries. MV
Behzadi Law Offices in Las Vegas has recovered millions of dollars in settlements and awards for injured accident victims in Southern Nevada since 2007. We zealously fight to ensure maximum recovery while providing a highly individualized attorney client relationship.
We aspire to achieve the best outcome for every client • Expert legal support • Guaranteed effective representation We fight for you! • Consistent track record of uncompromising ethics • We respond quickly and work tirelessly
CONTACT US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION! 6655 W. Sahara Avenue, Suite A-208 • Las Vegas, Nevada 89146 • (702) 643-4878 (HURT) •
Readers Choice
Lawrence Ruiz, Esq. is the founding member of the Ruiz Law Firm. Lawrence hails from Northern California, and has been a Las Vegas resident for more than twenty years. Lawrence M. Ruiz earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in English in 2004 from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He then attended the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law on an academic scholarship, and received his Juris Doctorate in 2008. While attending Boyd School of Law, Lawrence participated in a summer abroad program based in Florence Italy. While there, Lawrence studied international criminal law and the International Sales of Goods. He has previously worked as an extern in the Eight Judicial District court for the Honorable Judge Elizabeth Gonzales. He is licensed to practice in Nevada and is a member of the Nevada Justice Association, American Association of Justice, and Clark County Bar Association. In 2014, Lawrence was awarded the Top 40 under 40 award from the American Trial Lawyers Association. He was named a Super Lawyer in 2015. He enjoys going back to Northern California and grew up cheering for the San Francisco Giants and 49ers. He is also a loyal fan of the UNLV Runnin’ Rebels. In his spare time, Lawrence enjoys spending time with his wife, Sarah and two English Bulldogs, one of which is a rescue. He and his wife are expecting their first child in January.
Lawrence Ruiz Dedicated to representing those who have been injured
He is also involved in supporting local and national charities, such as American Heart Association›s Heart Walk, Lawyers Have Heart, Make a Wish Foundation, and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure®. MV
Personal Injury & Worker’s Compensation
Congratulations to our own Lawrence M. Ruiz Esq. for being honored as one of Las Vegas’s Top Lawyers! Our law firm is centered on the belief that a client hires a lawyer to handle their legal matters and not a paralegal or legal assistant. At the Ruiz Law firm, lawyers communicate directly with every client, and are focused on making sure clients are involved in every step of their claim.
The Ruiz Law Firm 631 S. Tenth Street Las Vegas, NV 89101 Ph: 702.850.1717 | Fax: 702.850.1716 |
Kenneth A. Woloson Law Office
Small firm personal attention with the expertise of an experienced lawyer 74
Readers Choice
TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS Even though the law office of Kenneth A. Woloson provides the expertise and professionalism of experienced lawyers and paralegals, they are able to combine this with the personal attention a small firm offers. With a focus on commercial, transactional, succession and business planning, trusts and Estates/Probate they represent clients throughout Nevada. A significant aspect of the firm’s work involves assisting business owners and executives, as well as individual clients to transfer increased portions of their assets to beneficiaries on an after-tax basis. He utilizes his tax and business transactional background to assist clients with their real estate, business succession and estate planning concerns and objectives. Many of his clients are referred from various financial institutions, trust departments and tax accountants, with whom Ken has enjoyed a long-time collaborative relationship. His extensive knowledge of and experience in the preparation of wills, living trusts, irrevocable gift and insurance trusts, family-limited partnerships and other probate avoidance allows him to assist his clients in meeting their financial and tax-savings objectives. He has been responsible for the formation, organization and maintenance of thousands of limitedliability companies, corporations and partnerships and also responds to numerous company audit letter requests while serving as statutory registered agent for hundreds of business entities. His duties do not end there. Ken is involved as general counsel and local counsel to numerous gaming and non-gaming clients in connection with acquisitions, sales, leasing and financing transactions. This includes public offerings of debt and equity instruments, credit and loan facilities, mergers and exchanges, and stock and asset purchases. Ken received his B.A. from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 1976 and earned his J.D. from Columbia University Law School in 1980. In 1983 he also was awarded his Master of Laws (Taxation) from the University Of San Diego School Of Law. He is a long-time holder of the coveted AV rating awarded from Martindale-Hubbell. A proud resident of Las Vegas since 1971, he is trusted; as he began practicing in Las Vegas in 1980 and assisted in purchase of numerous properties for Station Casinos’ Boulder Station project, the purchase of the Dunes Hotel property for Mirage Resort and the merger of numerous Goldstrike entities with Circus Circus Enterprises, Inc., and the financing of numerous hotel and casino expansions. Non-gaming clients include Angel Productions Worldwide Incorporated, Matrix NV, LLC, Auto Zone, Inc. and Community Psychiatric Centers. Recently, Ken assisted Lehman Re with its liquidating disposition of its Las Vegas real estate holdings. Ken and his staff are equally proud of their participation in numerous charitable organizations. Those organizations include Opportunity Village, Goodie Two Shoes, Shade Tree and Martinez Elementary School. His commitment to the Las Vegas community is appreciated as he continually encourages his staff to contribute their time and resources with him. MV Call Ken’s Law Office to schedule a consultation today. Kenneth A. Woloson Law Office (702) 856-4680 400 S 4th St #300, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Readers Choice
Danny Tarkanian and Samira Knight Our team will represent your interests with experience, dedication, and professionalism
Founding partners Danny Tarkanian and Samira Knight of Tarkanian & Knight Law Group, LLC did not meet practicing law but their paths crossed while Knight was the political director for then, U.S. Senate candidate, Tarkanian. From there they began to build a strong business relationship. Their firm primarily focuses on family law, criminal defense, business transaction, sports and entertainment and personal injury. Tarkanian and Knight have created an environment that strives to make each client feel like part of the T & K family. In business and consulting, they can assist with incorporation, litigation, or contract negotiation. In divorce and family law, experts help to achieve the best settlement, custody, and support agreement possible. Both are Las Vegas natives, as in the early 1970’s Knight’s family escaped from Iran and came to the city during the Iranian Revolution to seek freedom and the American dream. Around that same time, Tarkanian’s family moved to Nevada. Knight is a graduate of Bonanza High School and Danny of Bishop Gorman and both attended UNLV for undergrad. Both left Las Vegas to attend law school. Tarkanian attended University of San Diego, graduating Magnam Cum laude, and Knight attended Cooley Law School, graduating in two years Cum Laude. The two are also involved in the community. Knight volunteers each week to teach a course on personal growth and positive thinking at the Shade Tree. She is the founder of the Las Vegas Iranian Chamber of Commerce, as well as active pro bono case load. Tarkanian is the founder and owner of the Tarkanian Basketball Acadamy, a non-profit which teaches over 350 Clark County kids both basketball skills and life skills. Tarkanain and his wife Amy started Toys for Tark, a non-profit which collects new toys for children in the hospitals. Knight’s recent Awards include the Top 10 Best from the American Institute of Family Law Attorneys and Danny is currently running for Congress in Congressional District 3. MV
Family Law:
Our team will help you to achieve the best support and custody arrangement possible. Family Law requires speciic attention to the needs of you and your family - we can help. Don’t go to court without someone to represent you on the most important decisions a family can make.
Business Law:
Our attorneys are well-acquainted with the challenges of the state’s business climate. While many of our clients are based here in Nevada, we represent those from across the nation - helping their operations take best advantage of Nevada’s business-friendly environment.
Criminal Law:
If you’ve been accused of a crime, don’t wait to contact an attorney. You need to protect your interests from the very beginning. Whether you’ve been arrested or not, if you’ve been accused of a crime, contact us right away and protect yourself.
Personal Injury:
Whether your injury is a result of a traffic accident or a workplace incident, we can help you get the best settlement possible. Having the right lawyer makes all the difference. We will help you seek compensation, medical attention, and security for you and your family.
7 0 2 . 5 0 8 . 4 9 9 8 • 75
Attorney Vernon L. Bailey sues lawyers. Yes, you read that right. Lawyers can be sued for negligence or fraud just like everyone else. It’s called Legal Malpractice and it’s one of the major areas of law that he practices. The Law Office of Vernon L. Bailey is a Nevada litigation law firm that represents clients in their claims against their attorneys (Legal Malpractice), as well as Complex Civil Litigation, Contract Dispute, Business Dispute, Estate Litigation, Real Estate Litigation, Criminal Defense, and Serious Injury Cases.
Readers Choice
So why does Attorney Bailey sue lawyers? His dedication to his clients. He has helped numerous people in Legal Malpractice cases against lawyers practicing in Nevada. Because of his willingness to go against lawyers in his own community, he might not be the most popular attorney, but he has the spine and competence to litigate even the most difficult cases. Vernon L. Bailey believes people should have competent, professional, ethical, and honest representation. When you hire the Law Office of Vernon L. Bailey, you get Vernon L. Bailey. Attorney Bailey will talk to you and will know all the details of your case from beginning to end. He will explain your options in a confidential and professional manner. Attorney Vernon L. Bailey started his law career in Pennsylvania in 1998 and has been practicing law in Nevada since 2006. He is happy to call Las Vegas home. Continuing to give back to his community, he is an active member of the Kiwanis Club of Las Vegas and serves on its Board of Directors. MV
Vernon L. Bailey Dedicated to clients. Explaining your options. Experienced & aggressive.
Law Office of Vernon L. Bailey 8430 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89128 (702) 877.6444
Readers Choice
Readers Choice
Roberts Stoffel Family Law Group is a family law firm that focuses on divorces, custody issues, annulments, child support, adoptions, and alimony. They apply over 20 years of cumulative family law experience and have helped thousands of people resolve their family law disputes. He is a “Transition into Practice” Mentor and was appointed to serve for brand new attorneys by the Supreme Court of Nevada. “I enjoy motivating others and being involved in the education of the future of the legal community,” Stoffel said. He is active with the State Bar of Nevada and is on the Executive Board with the Clark County Bar Association. His extended education includes training programs that gave him tools to be a parental coordinator working with the Family Court. As a Truancy Diversion Judge, he was able to work with families to ensure their children would come to school. Stoffel believes truancy is a gateway crime and by stopping these poor actions with our youth it will help make Southern Nevada a better place. In 2014, he ran for Family Court Judge and received much support through the campaign. Although Stoffel came up a little short he is not deterred and plans to be back on the ballot in 2020. MV
Kung & Brown is a boutique law firm primarily representing small to mid sized businesses in all business related matters, including business formations, contract negotiations, partnership disputes, debt consolidation, and bankruptcy. Kung & Brown also has extensive experience in real estate transactions, personal injury law, and construction law and lien matters. Kung & Brown specializes in achieving uniquely innovative business solutions that are result oriented and cost effective to the client.Since its establishment in 2003, Kung & Brown has remained true to its motto of “doing well by doing good” by remaining committed to improving the community through volunteerism and mentoring. Kung & Brown seeks to establish continuing relationships and friendships with its clients by providing excellent legal services and sound business advice, from a realistic and well-grounded business perspective. MV
Our Company Can: Screen medical cases to eliminate the expense of nonmeritorious lawsuits. Analyze electronic medical records, hospital policies, and procedures and interpret their relevance to your case. Identify and locate the best medical expert witness to strengthen the credibility of your case. Develop reports and chronologies to highlight the significant medical events and how they fit into the overall case analysis.
JOSE FEBRE JR., RN CLNC J. M. FEBRE AND ASSOCIATES 2251 North Rampart Blvd., #209 Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 (702) 696-8026
Congratulations to
Frank W. Mitchell, Esq. for being named one of the Top Lawyers in Las Vegas!
• Complex Commercial and Personal Injury • Litigation, including Product Liability • Legal Malpractice • Professional Malpractice 1980 Festival Plaza Drive, Ste. 300 Las Vegas, Nevada 89135 702-856-4680 (office) 702-553-3449 (fax) In Downtown Summerlin
• Complex Business Litigation Nevada Bar. No. 12044
2930 S. Tioga Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 Telephone: (702) 443-6166 Facsimile: (702) 405-0646 Email:
RICHARD HOLLEY FOR BEING NAMED TOP LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS! 26 plus years of experience in: Bankruptcy Debtor/Creditor Rights Insolvency Reorganization Law | | 702.791.0308
Readers Choice
Richard F. Holley Richard F. Holley is a named partner with the law firm of Holley, Driggs, Walch, Fine, Wray, Puzey & Thompson, and a member of the Firm’s executive management committee. The firm is a general practice law firm with a strong corporate and business clientele with offices in Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada. Mr. Holley has practiced law for the past 27 years in the areas of bankruptcy and commercial litigation. Mr. Holley was inducted as a Fellow in the American College of Bankruptcy in March 2011 and is only one of three practicing attorneys in the State of Nevada to receive this honor. Mr. Holley is AV rated by Martindale-Hubble in Bankruptcy and Creditor-Debtor Rights and has been listed in the Best Lawyers in America, Bankruptcy and CreditorDebtor Rights, since 1996. Mr. Holley is a long-time member of the American Bankruptcy Institute and has been named as one of the top lawyers in the Mountain States by Super Lawyers in the categories of Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor Rights since 2007. MV
Dedication in Representation Congratulations to our attorneys for being voted Top Lawyers in Las Vegas!
Litigation Appellate Insurance Defense Construction Dispute Resolution Employment
Real Estate Transactional HOA Representation Corporate Estate Planning Probate
10001 Park Run Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89145 MACLAW.COM
A Trusted Las Vegas Law Firm that Provides Quality Representation
Estate Planning
| Criminal Defense | Family Law
FREE CONSULTATIONS WE WORK FOR YOUR SUCCESS PAYMENT PLANS AVAILABLE Accolade Law is ready to serve you. Contact us today for your free consultation!
3100 W. Sahara St., Suite 112 • Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.337.3000 • 80
Readers Choice
Rob Telles Rob Telles is the founding attorney at Accolade Law. He started the firm with an eye toward providing the best legal representation at rates at affordable rates. Rob understands that people have a need for legal representation that doesn’t “break the bank.” He is both a fantastic counselor and advocate for his clients. Rob Telles has been a Las Vegas resident for 15 years. He is married and a father of three wonderful children. He is a graduate of Las Vegas’ own UNLV Boyd School of Law, where he participated in many organizations and competitions that honed his legal advocacy skills. Rob competed in several national competitions, winning finalist in one such competition. Before founding Accolade Law, Rob worked, interned, and collaborated with several successful law firms and of the esteemed judges of the US District Court of Nevada. Beyond his commitment to clients, Rob has a devotion to the community at large. Rob has served on a multitude of boards and committees that work to the betterment of the community. Rob currently sits on committees at the Latin Chamber of Commerce, the Clark County Bar Association, the Las Vegas Rotary Club, and Las Vegas’ A-Tech Academy. He has hosted several community events that directly affect the lives of Las Vegas residents, including the Street Law High School Mock Trial Events. MV
CALL TODAY 702.474.7007
Our practice is devoted to family law. We offer free 30 minute consultations. Readers Choice
Each of our attorneys have a comprehensive knowledge of family law and have handled several complex cases including issues related to divorce, property division, domestic violence, custody, spousal support/alimony, child support and child support enforcement, adoptions, termination of parental rights, guardianship, legal separations, and paternity.
Amanda Roberts and Jason Stoffel share a passion for domestic law and as such, have dedicated their careers to family law. Call us today for your free legal consultation.
Legal Knowledge, Human Touch
A Family Law Firm
CONGRATULATIONS TO F. PETER JAMES FOR BEING NAMED A TOP LAWYER IN LAS VEGAS! At the Law Offices of F. Peter James, we believe that family means everything. We understand what a difficult time it is when circumstances lead you to seek legal representation with a family law matter. Litigation can be an overwhelming experience and is certainly not without many questions and concerns. During times like these, you need the legal knowledge we provide intertwined with a compassionate human touch.
FREE Consultation!
Call 702-256-0087
LAW OFFICES OF F. PETER JAMES F. Peter James, Esq. 3821 West Charleston Blvd. Suite 250 Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 FAX: 702-256-0145
Although Peter’s experience in law covers civil litigation, criminal law, and appellate litigation, he has been concentrating in family law including divorce, child custody, child support, spousal support, and asset and debt division for many years. Peter also handles grandparent’s visitation, guardianships, adoptions, termination of parental rights, and related family law matters. Through his work experience, Peter has found a passion working with families to solve their family law issues when the expertise of a trusted and well-respected attorney is needed. Peter was recently named one of the top family law attorneys in Las Vegas by Desert Companion Magazine and received a hand-signed letter from Senator Harry Reid recognizing his accomplishment. Super Lawyers has recognized Peter as a Mountain State Rising Star. Peter is also Lead Counsel rated by Thompson Reuters. The American Institute of Family Lawyers recently named Peter as one of the 10 Best Family Law Attorneys in Nevada. Peter was also honored this year by being profiled in Distinguished Men in Nevada. The Family Court selected Peter as a CourtAppointed Settlement Master to mediate cases and assist families in resolving their cases. When not working, Peter enjoys spending time with his family and restoring his classic Mustang convertible. MV
Readers Choice
Readers Choice
Readers Choice
Patrick Kang
Michael Gowdey
Zoe Terry
Patrick Kang has been a lawyer in Las Vegas since 2007. He was born and raised in Michigan and attended Thomas M. Cooley Law School. Ever since moving to Las Vegas, Patrick has been diligently representing the people. Whether it has been personal injury, civil litigation, criminal defense, immigration or employment law, Patrick always represents his clients to the fullest. He has dedicated his life to helping others in the court room. When not engaged in trial, he is spending time with his wife and son enjoying everything Las Vegas has to offer. MV
Michael Gowdey is the lead trial attorney at the Law Offices of Michael I. Gowdey, Ltd., and he has been recognized as one of the country’s top 100 trial lawyers. His practice focuses on criminal defense, personal injury, civil litigation and family law. Michael has built his career on obtaining justice for his clients. To Michael, his law career has been a choice between representing those in power, and representing those without power. Long ago he chose to give voice to those without power, and he has never regretted his decision. In his spare time, Michael coaches youth football and sits on the boards of several charities. MV
Zoe Terry, born and educated in England, graduated from University of East Anglia with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law in 1994. She attended Nottingham Law School, completed her training contract with a National Law firm andthen became a Solicitor, (the English equivalent of an attorney). She specialized in Personal Injury cases and in 2001, Zoe founded Fishers Solicitors, a firm handling car accident cases. In 2002, Zoe moved to Las Vegas, although she maintained her interest in Fishers until it closed in 2012. Zoe started Terry Law Group, PC, (TLG) in 2013. TLG handles all types of injury cases. MV
An AV-rated Boutique law
Personal Injury and Criminal Defense Law Firm
(702) 333-4223
firm representing clients in
Criminal Defense Personal Injury General Civil Litigation Matters
Quality Legal Representation with a Personal Touch
Personal Injury Law Attorney
Premier legal representation in Nevada and California for 23 years.
Managing Partner Patrick W. Kang, Esq. 6480 W. Spring Mountain Ste. 1 Las Vegas, NV 89146
815 S. Casino Center Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Phone: 702.471.0321 Fax: 702.474.1320 E-mail: Website:
Zoe Terry, Esq.
Attorney At Law TERRY LAW GROUP, PC. 410 South Rampart Blvd. • Suite 390 Las Vegas, NV 89145
Phone: (702) 726.6797 Fax: (702) 726.6818
Readers Choice
Readers Choice
Readers Choice
Frank Mitchell
M. Edwin Prudhomme
Kristina Holman
Frank Mitchell is a trial and appellate lawyer, a UNLV adjunct professor and a writer practicing law in Texas and Nevada. Mitchell is a member of the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABODA). Membership is by invitation only and is restricted to two percent of the trial lawyers in the United States. In his 27 years of practice in both Texas and Nevada, Mitchell has been involved in a number of significant and notable cases. His commitment to the Las Vegas Debate League is based on his four decades of experience with policy debate and trial advocacy. MV
Prudhomme Law Office, with offices in Las Vegas, NV, Houston, TX and Vienna, Austria, has served the needs of international and local businesses as well as individuals with their immigration and foreign related matters. As a former Immigration Judge and recipient of the Decoration of Honour in Gold for Services Award conferred by the Federal President of the Republic of Austria, M. Edwin Prudhomme has over 50 years of experience serving as strategic business counsel to companies and individuals facing immigration-related challenges. MV
Kristina Holman has been practicing employment law in Las Vegas since 1990. She received her Bachelor of Science degree cum laude from Seattle University and her Juris Doctor degree from Seattle University School of Law. She represents individuals, defendants and corporations in employment matters including discrimination, disability, age, and retaliation claims, as well as related tort claims. She has successfully litigated constitutional First Amendment issues up through the U.S. Supreme Court with a published decision. She lectured and wrote on employment law issues locally and nationally in harassment in the workplace, civil litigation, and ethics. MV
The Law Office of
Kristina S. Holman Thank you MYVEGAS Magazine Readers for voting Michael Stein one of the Top Lawyers in Las Vegas!
Business Immigration Attorney at Law 50 Years of Strategic Business Counsel Prudhomme Law Office Michael’s practice is concentrated in business and contract law matters commercial litigation, intellectual property, internet law, entertainment law, defamation law, news gathering, insurance coverage and First Amendment law.
3883 Howard Hughes Parkway, Suite 1100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 Office: 702.784.5280 •
633 S. 4th St. Ste. 7 Las Vegas, NV 89101
Our entire staff is dedicated to helping clients with their legal matters regarding:
Employment Law Wrongful Termination Employment Discrimination Harassment Family and Medical Leave Act
Call our office and let us help you TODAY!
Kristina S. Holman
703 S. Eighth Street Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 614.4777
Readers Choice
A firm built on the principles of client service, expert legal counsel and unshakeable ethics
For over 30 years, Bryan A. Lowe has served clients in the areas of Estate Planning, Asset Protection, Corporations, Probate and Elder Law. There is a lesson that his father taught him when he was a young that he took to heart, which is, “whatever you are, be the best at it.” In his career as an attorney, he has continuously worked to become the best attorney that he can be through continuing education, looking for opportunities to be able to serve his clients better and through unshakeable ethics. This pursuit of constant improvement has led to him being peer rated by Martindale-Hubbell, the premier attorney rating company in the country. He received an ‘AV’ rating, which represents the highest marks for both legal ability and ethics. He is also listed in the Lexis Nexis Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers, which also takes the principles into account. Mr. Lowe received his Bachelor of Science in Economics from Brigham Young University in 1967 and went on to earn his Master’s Degree in Business Administration also from Brigham Young University in 1969. In 1977 he chose to go to law school and he attended McGeorge School of Law at the University of the Pacific. He achieved his Juris Doctor in 1981 and continued on to receive his Master of Laws in Taxation in 1982. After completing law school, he moved back to Las Vegas to start his firm where he has built up his practice ever since. He has been married for 45 years and is the proud father of 5 children and grandfather of 12. He is very active in his church and has held leadership roles there, as well as in the Boy Scouts of America. Since 1982 he has been a member of the Las Vegas Rotary Club, and is a Paul Harris Fellow. Mr. Lowe is a member of the Nevada, California and Arizona Bars. MV
TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS Accolade Law Rob Telles Estate Planning, Criminal Defense, Family Law 3100 W. Sahara Ave., Ste. 112 Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.337.3000
Anthony Paglia Injury Lawyer Ltd. Anthony Paglia, Esq. Personal Injury 255 E. Warm Springs Rd., Ste. 100 Las Vegas, NV 89119 702.830.7070
Ace Law Group Patrick W. Kang Personal Injury, Criminal Defense, General Practice 6480 W. Spring Mountain Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89146 702.333.4223
Behzadi Law Offices Qumars Behzadi, Esq. Personal Injury 6655 W. Sahara Ave., Ste. A-208 Las Vegas, NV 89146 702.643.4878
Alikhan Law Office, LLC Husna Alikhan, Esq. Immigration, Divorce & Child Custody, Consumer Bankruptcy 3650 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. 210 Las Vegas, NV 89169 702.933.6771
Readers Choice
Benson & Bingham Personal Injury Summerlin 11441 Allerton Park Dr., Ste. 100 Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.382.9797 Downtown 626 S. 10th St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.382.9797 Henderson 9230 S. Eastern Ave., Ste. 155 Henderson, NV 89123 702.463.2900 Bongiovi Law Firm Gina Bongiovi and Bobby Misko Business Formation, Business Contracts, Business Management 2620 Regatta Dr., Ste.102 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.485.1200
TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS Bryan A. Lowe & Associates Bryan A. Lowe, Esq. and Robert K. Winn, Esq. Estate Planning, Probate, Elder Law, Bankruptcy 4011 Meadows Ln., Ste.102 Las Vegas, NV 89107 702.259.0002 Buchanan Defense Law Jack Buchanan Criminal Defense 300 S. Maryland Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.382.9103 Cap & Kudler Allen A. Cap and Donald C. Kudler Personal Injury, Auto Accidents, Business Litigation 3202 W. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.878.8778 Cassady Law Offices, P.C. Jasen E. Cassady, Esq., Brandi K. Cassady, Esq., and Brendan M. McGraw, Esq. Estate Planning, Probate, Trusts 10799 W. Twain Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.650.4480
Cloward Hicks & Brasier Benjamin P. Cloward, Jonathan R. Hicks, and Alison M. Brasier Personal Injury, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Slip & Falls 721 S. 6th St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.628.9888
Cogburn Law Offices Jamie Cogburn and Kristin Cogburn Personal Injury 2879 St. Rose Pkwy.,Ste. 200 Henderson, NV 89052 702.748.7777 Deaver & Crafton Attorneys at Law Brice Crafton, Esq. and Nathan Deaver, Esq. Personal Injury, Criminal Defense 810 E. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89104 702.385.5969 Dickinson Wright Gabriel A. Blumberg Commercial & Business Litigation 8363 W. Sunset Rd., Ste. 200 Las Vegas, NV 89113 702.382.4002 Eglet Prince Robert T. Eglet, Dennis M. Prince,Tracy A. Eglet, and Artemus W. Ham Personal Injury, Products Liability, Brain & Spinal Injuries 400 S. 7th St., Ste. 400 Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.450.5400 Eric Roy Law Firm Eric Roy, Esq. Personal Injury, Family Law 818 E. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89104 702.423.3333 Estrada Law Firm Elizabeth E. Estrada Immigration 3430 E. Flamingo Rd., Ste. 308 Las Vegas, NV 89121 702.727.7799
Readers Choice
Flangas Dalacas Law Group Gus W. Flangas and Dimitri P. Dalacas Corporate & Business Law, Business Litigation, Personal Injury 3275 S. Jones Blvd., Ste. 105 Las Vegas, NV 89146 702.307.9500 Fox Rothschild LLP Tracy A. Gallegos Corporate, Real Estate, Entertainment 1980 Festival Plaza Dr., Ste. 700 Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.699.5908 G. Dallas Horton & Associates G Dallas Horton, Esq. Personal Injury 4435 S. Eastern Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89119 702.381.6286 Ghandi Deeter Law Office Nedda Ghandi, Laura Deeter, and Bryan Viellion Divorce, Bankruptcy, Estate Planning 707 S. 10th St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.878.1115 Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys Glen Lerner Personal Injury 4795 S. Durango Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89147 North Las Vegas 3155 W. Craig Rd., Ste.100 North Las Vegas, NV 89032 East Las Vegas 420 N. Nellis Blvd., Ste. A-1 Las Vegas NV, 89110 702.877.1500 Goldstein Law Ltd. Shawn M. Goldstein, Esq. Family Law, Divorce 1980 Festival Plaza Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.919.1919 •
TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS The Grimes Law Office Melvin Grimes, Esq. Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Family Law 625 S. 6th St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.347.4357 Harris & Harris Injury Lawyers Brian K. Harris, Heather E. Harris, and Chris Griffin Personal Injury, Auto Accident Injury, Catastrophic Injury 2029 Alta Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89106 702.384.1414
Kainen Law Group Ed Kainen, Neil Mullins, and Andrew Kynaston Divorce, Custody, Family Law 3303 Novat St., Ste. 200 Las Vegas, NV 89129 702.823.4900 Kenneth A. Woloson Law Office, PLLC Kenneth A. Woloson Business Law, Real Estate, Trusts & Estates 1980 Festival Plaza Dr., Ste. 300 Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.856.4680
Kung & Brown A.J. Kung and Brandy Brown Henness & Haight Injury Attorneys Bankruptcy, Personal Injury, Commercial& Mark G. Henness, Esq., and Michael D. Business Law Haight, Esq. 214 S. Maryland Pkwy. Personal Injury, Auto Collisions, Workers’ Las Vegas, NV 89101 Compensation 702.382.0883 8972 Spanish Ridge Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.862.8200
Ladah Law Firm, PLLC Ramzy P. Ladah, Esq., Dina RomayaLadah, Esq., and Anthony Ashby, Esq. Hogan Hulet, PLLC Personal Injury Kenneth E. Hogan and Jeffrey L. Hulet 517 S. 3rd St. Business Litigation, Civil Litigation, Las Vegas, NV 89101 General Practice 702.252.0055 7450 Arroyo Crossing Pkwy., Ste. 270 LadahLaw.Com Las Vegas, NV 89113 702.800.5482 Holley Driggs Walch Fine Wray Puzey & Thompson Richard F. Holley Bankruptcy, Commercial Litigation 400 S. Fourth St., 3rd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.791.0308 Holman Law Office Kristina S. Holman Employment Law 703 S. 8th St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.614.4777
Law Offices of Arthur W. Tuverson, LLP Melanie L. Thomas, Esq. Insurance Defense Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Professional Negligence 7201 W. Lake Mead Blvd., Ste. 570 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.631.7855 Law Offices of Benjamin Nadig, Chtd. Benjamin J. Nadig Criminal Defense 324 S. 3rd St., Ste. 200 Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.545.6419 Law Offices of F. Peter James, Esq. F. Peter James, Esq. Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody 3821 W. Charleston Blvd., Ste. 250 Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.256.0087
Readers Choice
Law Offices Of Frank W. Mitchell Frank W. Mitchell, Esq. Complex Commercial & Personal Injury, Malpractice, Litigation 2930 S. Tioga Way Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.443.6166 Law Office of Joel M. Mann Joel Mann Criminal Defense, Felony, DUI 601 S. 7th St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.474.6266 Law Offices of Michael I. Gowdey, Ltd. Michael I. Gowdey, Esq. Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Business Litigation 815 S. Casino Center Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.471.0321 Law Office of Vernon L. Bailey Vernon L. Bailey, Esq. Legal Malpractice, Litigation, Trial Attorney 8430 W. Lake Mead Blvd., Ste. 100 Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.877.6444 Law Offices of William S. Skupa William S. Skupa Criminal Defense 325 S. Maryland Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.385.2558 Lawyers West Delwyn Webber Business Law, Estate Planning, Bankruptcy 10000 W. Charleston Blvd., Ste. 140 Las Vegas, NV 89135 702-255-6161 Legal Angel Yianna C. Reizakis Trials/Litigation, Personal Injury, Family 330 E. Warm Springs Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89119 702.315.4287 •
TOP 100 LAWYERS IN LAS VEGAS Marquis Aurbach Coffing Commercial Litigation, Real Estate, Estate Planning 10001 Park Run Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89145 702.382.0711 Mainor Wirth Injury Lawyers Brad Mainor and Joe Wirth Personal Injury 6018 S. Fort Apache Rd., Ste. 150 Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.464.5000 Morris Polich & Purdy, LLP Deanna L. Forbush, John A. Hunt, and Nicholas M. Wieczorek Construction Law, Employment Law, Real Estate Law 500 S. Rancho Dr., Ste. 17 Las Vegas, NV 89106 702.862.8300 Moss Berg Injury Lawyers Boyd B. Moss and Marcus Berg Catastrophic Injuries, Wrongful Death, Trucking Mishaps 625 S. Decatur Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89107 702.222.4555 O’Reilly Law Group John F. O’Reilly, Timothy R. O’Reilly, and Josue C. Guerro Litigation, Personal Injury, Commercial Law 325 S. Maryland Pkwy. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.382.2500 Pintar Albiston Becky Pintar and Bryan Albiston Business & Family Law 6053 S. Fort Apache Rd., Ste. 120 Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.685.5255
Prudhomme Law Office M. Edwin Prudhomme and Alexandra Chrysanthis Immigration Law 633 S. 4th St., Ste. 7 Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.413.6100 Pitaro & Fumo, Chtd. Osvaldo E. Fumo Criminal Defense, Personal Injury 601 Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.474.7554 Reza Athari & Associates Reza Athari Immigration & Nationality Law 3365 Pepper Lane, Ste. 102 Las Vegas, NV 89120 702.727.7777 Roberts Stoffel Family Law Group Jason P. Stoffel, Esq. Divorce, Custody, Family Law 702.474.7007 Ruiz Law Firm Lawrence Ruiz, Esq. Personal Injury, Workers’ Compensation 631 S. 10th St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.850.1717 Snell & Wilmer Michael D. Stein Commercial Litigation, Intellectual Property 3883 Howard Hughes Pkwy.,Ste. 1100 Las Vegas, NV 89169 702.784.5200 Steve Dimopoulos Injury Law Firm Steve Dimopoulos Personal Injury, Car Accidents, Wrongful Death 6830 S. Rainbow Blvd., Ste. 200 Las Vegas, NV 89118 702.476.0005
Readers Choice
Tarkanian & Knight Danny Tarkanian and Samira Knight Criminal, Business & Consulting, Divorce & Family Law 7220 S. Cimarron Rd., Ste. 110 Las Vegas, NV 89113 702.508.4998 Terry Law Group, PC Zoe Terry, Esq. Injury Accidents, Dental Malpractice, Traffic Tickets 410 S. Rampart Blvd., Ste. 390 Las Vegas, NV 89145 702.726.6797 Thater Law Group, P.C. Lani Esteban-Trinidad Employment Law, Business, Litigation 6390 W. Cheyenne Ave., Ste. A Las Vegas, NV 89108 702.736.5297 Walsh and Friedman, LTD. Robert J. Walsh, Esq. Personal Injury, Criminal, Corporate 400 South Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 702.474.4660 Weiner Law Group Jason Weiner Personal Injury, Criminal Defense 2820 W. Charleston Blvd., Ste. 35 Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.202.0500 Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP Sheri Thome, Kym Cushing, and Vernon Nelson Professional Malpractice Defense/ Employment, Personal Injury Defense, Commercial Litigation 300 S. 4th St. 11th Floor Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.727.1370
Crystal Barber:
Legal Scales and Medicine
rystal Barber has been helping medical and legal practices in the Las Vegas Valley for the past 6 years. Educated at the University of Tennessee, she moved to Las Vegas in early 2009 and began working for a consulting company that specializes in helping pharmaceutical companies navigate the complex waters of FDA regulations in order to bring new medical products to market. Shortly after that, she took a position as Director of Marketing for a local pediatric company that specializes in providing pediatric emergency and critical care services to hospitals nationwide. Afterward, she began borrowing from her experience in physician recruiting and business development while working for the some of the top physicians and personal injury attorneys in the Las Vegas valley. Through hard work and dedication she began to expand her network and her skill set to include provider enrollment, HR, practice management, clinic administration, and business development. After leaving that group to launch her own management consulting company, CME3, Crystal worked with local neurosurgeons, pain management providers, orthopedic surgeons, and ambulatory surgical centers to not only grow their practices in Las Vegas, but also to help develop additional revenue streams within each practice. As her practice management skills and reputation grew, Crystal helped raise local professional profiles to act as an expert witness in medical cases with area attorneys and
in turn, began learning how to bridge the gap between medical and legal experts so that she could assist patients and clients alike to improve their healthcare and to help them fight for their rights and retain their dignity after illness and injury. As business has grown for CME3, it’s focus on marketing and practice management has expanded to include the legal profession as well as billing and coding for both medical and dental practices. As a member of the Southern Nevada Dental Society, Crystal has been able to help local and national dental providers with the complex navigation of the waters associated with dental medical billing and coding. This year she launched yet another endeavor starting the Dental Medical Doctor Alliance which works with local dentists to improve their ability to merge medical and dental coding to afford patients more options for coverage as well as improve the revenue cycles of individual dental practices. Crystal’s combination of experience, intellect, and work ethic has allowed her to grow from a small-town southern girl to major player in management consulting for medical, dental and legal practices in the Las Vegas Valley. Her willingness to expand her own experience and range of knowledge has given her a perspective and understanding of all areas of her clients’ needs. She continues to grow both her network and knowledge base no matter how many hours
it takes pouring over reports, books and endless details. If it will help her client, Crystal rolls up her sleeves and gets it done. This is what elevates her in the field: the willingness to put in the hours, sweat and determination that might deter others. Where some people see obstacles, Crystal sees opportunities, and if a path around something in her way is not available, she is willing to plow through it regardless of the amount of effort it might take. If there is a way to help her client grow and develop their business, Crystal will find it and no effort will be spared. As CME3 and Dental Medical Doctor Alliance continue to grow, the challenges continue to grow and get more involved and demanding. But Crystal says, “I didn’t get into this thinking it would be easy. I like the challenge.” I will continue to provide my clients with hard work and dedication to make sure my clients grow and develop their businesses the right way.” With that kind of work ethic and dedication, competitors should be wary, or at least, ready to work every bit as hard to keep up. MV For more information, contact Crystal at: Royal Optimal Health and Wellness 9065 S. Pecos Rd. Suite 250 Henderson, NV 89074 702-938-5055 office 702-983-5844 fax
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J & L Inspire
Juliana & Liza J & L TV
improve your energy, skills, intelligence, and productivity level? Would you do it? Of course! Right? Most of you reading this would say you would put effort in, but will you step up when it’s time to really get to work? Improving your mindset is work! Hard work! It takes daily effort. Your mindset is composed mainly of your personal beliefs about yourself, others and the world at large. As Tony Robins says, “beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.” You can form a belief system capable of great creation, by focusing on three things: Consume more positive material Your mind is not a garbage can, so stop feeding it with trash! Negative self-talk, accepting input from negative people, and watching negative content on TV and online are all examples of the trash that many people feed their minds with. What things are you feeding your mind that could be eliminated in order to improve your mindset? Create your own beliefs: From childhood we are told what, and how to believe. We challenge you to evaluate your beliefs and see how many of them you developed on your own, versus how many you adopted because you were told to do so. You may be surprised by how many of your beliefs have been created by other people. Work on taking the lead in your life by creating beliefs based on your own thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself positive questions: Trade thoughts like “what if I can’t?” for “what if I can?!” Rather than asking “what’s the point?” ask “why not?!” Replace “why did this happen?” with “what can I learn from this?” One of the beliefs that we hold dear is that improving your mindset is a choice. It is possible for anyone to do through intentional and consistent focus on personal growth. We believe in you! Cheers to the best version of you! MV
+L Inspire are a personal development brand that focuses on both personal and business growth. We teach positive mindset, emotional intelligence, strong communication skills and goal setting techniques, through private consulting, public speaking, and J+L TV. Juliana and Liza are two young female entrepreneurs on a mission to inspire, empower, and change the lives of as many as possible. At the end of every year we hear “new year, new you!” campaigns all over. We don’t want you to become a new you, we want you to become the BEST version of yourself for this year and every year to come. How do you become the best version of yourself? It’s all about attitude and mindset. Your attitude and mindset create your reality. Sure it sounds
nice and fluffy... but what if your attitude and mindset REALLY had an impact on every aspect of your life? According to Time Magazine, the average child smiles 400 times per day while the average adult smiles 17 times per day. Where have those 383 smiles gone? We believe that adults don’t smile as much due to a deflated attitude, lack of passion, and one self deprecating mindset that we have all accepted as normal! It seems like people are more negative and complacent now than ever. For decades people have been taught to settle and are realizing that they are not happy with their settlement. We would be willing to bet that given the chance to do life all over again, a lot of people would do differently. What if by putting conscious effort in daily to work on your mindset you could substantially
The attorneys at Deaver & Crafton have over 40 years of combined experience handling all types of personal injury claims in Las Vegas. Our client relationships are built on a determination to provide personal, one-on-one representation to every individual we work with. We believe no case is too small and no claim is too complicated for our expert attorneys. To schedule your FREE CONSULTATION please call us at 702.385.5969 810 E. Charleston Blvd. • Las Vegas, NV 89104
3 Steps to Customer Loyalty
very business that I’ve worked with seems to have the exact same mindset in common. They close a deal and then rush off to focus their time, effort and money on ‘New Business’ instead of spending the required time to Build and Nurture existing relationships with their clients.
Build, Nurture & Ask… Build the relationship that you just started. In this economy, there’s no doubt that consumers are more skeptical than ever before. It is for that very reason that we MUST take the time to re-enforce the fact that they made an intelligent, responsible decision to invest in your products or service. . Send a ‘Thank You’ letter – This might seem like ‘common sense’, but you would be surprised how many of our clients had no such system in place before we implemented it. . Bounce Back Promo –Along with the ‘Thank You’ card, make sure you include a coupon, or some type of promotion. . Social Media – This is a shocker coming from a Social Media company, right? Well, it’s a powerful tool. Get involved with your Fans. Find out more about them and build trust. That’s a sure way to make your clients loyal to your brand.
Nurture There’s an expression that I’ve picked up on: “It’s not your customer’s responsibility to remember you; it’s your responsibility to stay on top of their mind.” The key to this is consistency. The size of the act doesn’t matter; it’s the act itself that matters. Here are a few examples: . Weekly E-zine – This can be put together for you very inexpensively. Send out something that might inspire them to call or come by. A few key things to remember: Keep it full of personality and fun! Don’t talk too much about your business. They will realize that. Capture their interest with stories. “What happened last weekend?” . Text Message Blast – Start an ‘opt-in’ list. Include ‘mobile number’ on your list of info you require from your clients. Use this tool to send quick messages, coupon codes, links to articles or other websites. Get creative! . Monthly Newsletter – Consider sending each client (even prospects) a physical newsletter via direct mail. It may get to be a little more expensive than the E-zine, however you have a ‘sales person’ showing up to talk to them every month. That ‘sales person’ can even ask for referrals!
By Chaibia Sarhrou •
Referrals – Do you have a solid, consistent referral strategy in place? Consider JV (Joint Venture) Partners, rewards programs, and offering gifts as a few idea starters.
Ask for them to come back. If you own a salon, a medical practice, barber shop, mechanic shop…. Then you know that they need to come back again. Make sure that you schedule their next appointment before leaving. Give them a reminder card, email, text and possibly a postcard.
I hope this short article was helpful, feel free to reach out if you have any question J MV
Ask If the #1 Rule in marketing is “Never be boring”, then the #2 rule MUST be, “Ask for the Sale”. In this case, we can ask for the sale, ask for the opt-in, ask for them to sample… Don’t be shy and ASK!
Here are a few examples: • Upsell – This is a biggy. Every single purchase should be ‘bundled’. Meaning, there should be other products or services that are offered at the time of purchase. (Would you like fries with that? – sound familiar?)
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ost folks don’t like to talk about money matters. However, around the New Year, people seem a little more open to
the topic. Why?
Maybe we’re all a little more optimistic that things can change. Maybe it’s the idea of a fresh start. I don’t really know the reason, but I do know if you don’t have a plan to make a change, you’ll never change. When it comes to your money, a plan is basically a budget. How do you make a budget? Follow these steps: 1. Get every financial statement you have. 2. Determine how much you make and how much you spend. 3. Break those expenses down into fixed and variable expenses. • Fixed are required ones like rent or house payments. • Variables are things that can change, like gas or eating out. 4. Next, make adjustments to your spending for the month, so you stay in the black. Now here’s the key to following your budget the whole year. Make a new one every month. See, your budget is constantly changing. One month your car registration is due. The next it’s someone’s birthday. Your spending will be different in each month. That means your budget will look differently too.
and specialty risks.
Following these steps may not change your financial situation overnight, but it might just be a step in the right direction.
Contact Joel Jarvis at:
And for more free help with your finances, catch my Debt Destroyer stories every week on 8 News Now or reach out to the Financial Guidance Center located at 2550 S. Jones Blvd 702-364-0344. MV
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New Home for the Holidays
ingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All The Way… Don’t we all love holidays?! Starting a new diet right before Thanksgiving, rushing after work to find all of the items on your Christmas shopping list, finding a perfect dress to wear on New Year’s Eve… How priceless is it celebrating together with family and friends in holiday spirit? Then, you ask yourself if you should postpone a search for a perfect home? Here are three reasons why you should buy during the holiday season: 1.
Price Statistically, home prices are lower in December than any other month. Sellers, who listed their home for sale during holidays – are serious about shedding the weight of their residences. Nobody in their right mind would pick that as the most convenient time. Why? Well, what does “holiday” mean? “A day on which one is exempt from work; specifically: A day
marked by a general suspension of work in commemoration of an event.” –MerriamWebster. Of course, this puts you, the buyer, in a great negotiating position. Not to mention, there is less competition on the buyer side, which means lower prices. 2.
Rates Due to limited demand, there is often a cyclical trend of lower interest rates during the holidays. “With the new exceptional strong job reporting throughout the US and with the Feds slowly increasing mortgage rates. All buyers should still take advantage of the historical low rates these holidays.”- said Shane Stockwell a Mortgage Consultant at Bank of The west. Taxes How about another write off before year ends? “Due to various tax benefits put
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in place by the government to encourage consumers to purchase homes, buying a home could be a very wise decision. Ultimately, the consumer taking advantage of these tax benefits could save a great deal of money either at the time of purchase or the time of sell. An often overlooked aspect of purchasing a home is the ability to “write off” certain closing costs expenses that potentially can save you thousands of dollars at tax filing time, even if done before December 31st.” - said Vlad Lapochkin, enrolled agent at Lapochkin Tax & CO. To get the maximum benefit from your home purchase, make sure you work with licensed professional who has experience and expertise in this area. Happy Holidays!
National Senior Games Association by the National Senior Games Association
said, “We decided that since we were coming to Las Vegas it was only appropriate to ‘double down’ and select a second athlete to profile.”
he National Senior Games Association (NSGA) honored 60-year-old tennis player and cancer survivor Brenda Talley and 64-year old elite badminton medalist Debbie Lorenzo with the prestigious Personal Best Award recently at the Nevada Senior Games Celebration of Athletes. The organization presents the award to senior athletes around the country each year who epitomize the positive qualities of fitness, perseverance and inspiration. Nevada is the first state to have two athletes given this honor. Breaking with tradition, NSGA CEO Mar T Riker
He continued, “Our staff all agreed that Brenda’s story of overcoming dire personal obstacles and her heroic efforts that salvaged the state games when they were in danger of being canceled in 2013 made for the most compelling story,” said Riker. For Tally it was never about trying to win an award. “My goal to recover from ovarian cancer was to get healthy enough to qualify at our state games so I could finallycompete in the National Senior Games,” Talley told the audience. “My focus on the Games, got me out of bed many a day andhelped me fight this disease. For many like myself it wasn’t about winning a medal, it was about just being able to play.”
Lorenzo, a Singapore native who served UNESCO internationally told the audience, “Age is only a silly little number. You’ve heard this before, but it’s true: don’t just add years to your life, it’s about adding life to your years.” Lorenzo battled asthma as a child and her involvement with badminton helped her overcome her illness. Riker said, “This tour and recognition program is intended to send a message out to aging adults to ‘get in the game’ and enjoy an active, healthy lifestyle and the rewards it brings.” Extended profiles for Talley and Lorenzo can be found on the Personal Best page at Visit www for more information about Nevada Senior Games. MV
The Piece of Pie
MYVEGAS Magazine on Facebook
on Instagram and Twitter
By Megan Mathis (702) 269-9290
t was the month of December over 30 years ago when my sister and I visited a holistic Chiropractor in St. George Utah. He was a gifted healer and enlightened man. We were talking about the rich and tasty holiday foods we were looking forward to eating. However, my sister was not thrilled about the weight she would put on from the extra calories. The doctor held up his hand and said, “Pretend this is a plate with your favorite piece of pie. What do you think about when you look at it?” I said, “Mmmmmm, I could eat pie for all 3 meals”, and my sister said “Hmmm, I could gain weight just looking at that pie!” He explained that my belief about the pie was the reason I was thin and ate anything I wanted and never gained weight. While on the other hand my sister’s belief about the pie was the reason she always battled her weight. We can all give proof as to why we believe certain things, but actually your belief in the first place was the reason you had the original experience – and why you continue to have similar experiences and results. Somewhere in your past you believed a particular outcome would occur, whether it was about food or anything else. What you believe is, is. So, change your mind and change your weight – eat the pie and enjoy the best holiday ever! MV
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Everyone Can Use A Little Bit Of Hospitality!
s the Student Affairs Program Manager for The International School of Hospitality (TISOH), I often ask our students why they want to pursue a career in hospitality. Some of the most inspiring answers are that they like to make people feel happy and welcomed, but what really puts everything into perspective is when students begin to realize that hospitality exists in every career field, and that the skills, abilities and attitudes that lead to success in the industry are useful in anywhere. Below are just a few of the ways that hospitality translates across industries:
The industry teaches patience. There are always times when jobs are stressful. It’s then that employees have to reach deep for tolerance, professionalism and patience. Working in hospitality, trains people to maintain their composure and focus on solutions instead of dwelling on problems.
By Anthony Lai
Hospitality encourages the development of everlasting relationships. Working in hospitality, people have the opportunity to interact with all sorts of personalities and with different cultures from around the world. Every job requires some interaction between customers and employees and communication is very important for success in any workplace. Building and maintaining relationships, in any industry, is essential for growth.
There is no work but teamwork. Employees of different backgrounds and experience levels have to work together to exceed guest expectations and create lasting memories. Working with, for, and among diverse people takes practice, but every hospitality worker learns quickly to respect the advice of co-workers in order to get the job done.
Our students at TISOH are taught that hospitality isn’t so much about business as it is about people. Making people feel welcome by caring for them and showing patience even in the more difficult times, and working together with other employees and guests to build relationships that make all parties happy is what hospitality really is‌ and that, I think, is a lesson worth learning in any industry. MV
There is no hospitality without genuine care for others. Every hospitality industry employee is taught to work with a smile regardless of the situation. In almost all cases, from simple misunderstandings to full blown crisis, guests want to know that someone cares; empathy is a hallmark of the hospitality industry, but genuine care for others is a universal attitude that makes any employee, in any industry, a better one.
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By Katie Bencze
Different Kids, Same Parents
s our kids get older and personalities are bursting out of them, I’ve learned many interesting tidbits about parenting along the way. However, one of the most surprising revelations had nothing to do with my kids… it was about me. I have two wonderful daughters ages 7 and 4. As any parent can attest, there are things you can prepare for and things that you can’t. I was prepared to have different kids. The part that I was not prepared for is that I need to be a different parent to each. It sounds like such a simple and logical statement now that I write it, but it can be a continuously occurring bump in the road of parenting. My first mistake was having the illusion that I had figured out my parenting style - this includes discipline. It took some trial and error but in the end things such as timeouts and explanations worked very well with my eldest. She is a curious rule-abider and as long as she knew the “why,” she would go along with most things. Having practiced these techniques for a few years, I’ll admit that I entered parenthood a second time with a very false sense of confidence.
Now enter child number two. Rules? Who made these so-called rules? As her personality emerged, it didn’t take long to figure out that she came with a whole different parenting textbook… which apparently I forgot to reference for a while. To make a very long story short, when I started to apply my previously acquired style, it ended in frustration on both parts. I just couldn’t understand what was so different. Finally, it dawned on me. They are different kids; they require different methods of communication. My eldest loves princesses, fantasy and is a social butterfly. She started speaking early and never stopped. I didn’t have to discipline her much because she is a sensitive soul and is usually hardest on herself. The youngest was a delayed speaker and loves cars, academics and independence. She was also much more daring. She could care less about “why” we do things (like her sister), and wants to know what you expect of her. She also laughs at my stern mommy voice and willingly welcomed a time-out. Hmmmm. Now what? I felt like I was starting over and guess what? I was.
It took a little time but I finally figured out that I didn’t have to find out what worked, I had to find out what works with her. Once I understood that (and was open to it), it was amazing how things improved. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy. I have to ready myself to switch styles and tactics on a dime and as most parents know, it never ends. Yes, sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming. After all – I am the same person and the same parent. Sometimes I feel great compassion for Jeckyll and Hyde. And since I need to react differently, I just have to accept that all reactions are not going to be equal of fair (which has occasionally been brought up). I tell my kids that it may not be fair but it is for the right reasons. In the end, my willingness to alter my techniques has led to nothing but positive results for all. I have become more patient, understanding and it’s allowed me to truly appreciate my children as individuals. As for them, I am very lucky. For all of their differences, they are the same in these ways: they are both funny and happy kids. And I plan to do everything in my power to keep it that way. MV
PAWS On The Patio
Fine Art Pet Portraits
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Meegan Boiros
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Staying Safe While Walking Your Dog at Night
Pets and Amanda, Lola & Chloe
Calanit & Duffy
By Stacy Rombach 702.367.4997 Carrie Anne & Alice Peabody
Liz, Bear & Klitschko Rufus, Simba, Jazzy & MJ
ven in Vegas, a city of lights visible at night by the International Space Station, walking your dog in the winter requires some thought. Shorter daylight hours decrease visibility. It is important to make sure you and your pet are safely seen by motorists, joggers, bikers or perhaps another pet or animal.
Rick & Bear
Sam & Miss Galaxy
Shelly & Nikki
There are many pet products that are designed to make your pet visible in all situations. There are collars and leashes with blinking lights and reflective strips. Clip-on blinking lights that attach to your dog’s collar or leash and bright colored reflective vests that keep your pet warm and safe are also available. For yourself, wear light colored clothing with reflective strips or a reflective vest. It is also essential that you carry a flashlight to provide light on your walk –a headlamp provides light yet keeps both hands free. Enjoy your winter walks! MV
Brought to you by Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine
Stefanie, Sadie & Fritzy
Tiffany & Misha
their People
Social Media Pet Stars
Christian & Mylee
By Jennifer Miller
eet Kaipo. His name means “sweetheart” in Hawaiian and he is a Bichon Frise/ Westie mix. On Instagram he is “LifeofKaipo” and has almost 10,000 organic followers on this platform. I asked his doggy daddy, Rolly Uclaray questions and for helpful hints so your pet can shine too.
Claire & Jesse Pinkman
Eddie, Pam, Sesi, Shrimpy Doodle & Mater Emilee & Noah
What was your motivation to get a dog? All my friends were having kids and I had to have one too! Why did you start an Instagram for him? His pictures were so adorable and he was taking over my personal account.
Gage & Opie
When did you see the growth in your followers? He won a Facebook “Cutest Dog” contest and was featured on a commercial. We travel together a lot, so other people like to see where he will be next. Have you received negative feedback? People make fun of him wearing clothes. I say, “He’s like me; we don’t like to be naked in public.”
Jace, Jax & Paloma
Katie and Rusty
5 Tips on how to make a successful social media pet star • Love your dog like your own child • Post cute pictures & videos • Put him in the cutest outfits • Tag other feature dog IG and relevant hash tags • Stay active on the account MV
Kiara, Brandon & Snuggles
Murray & Bailey The Pup
Mary, Kate & Sunshine
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That’s What She Said: The Sparklings Restaurant
THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID By Michele Polci, CPCE, CMP & Lisa Lynn Backus, CPCE, CMP
a pesto cream, Italian sausage, peas, and crushed candied walnuts. We had to stop ourselves from eating the whole thing. We also went classic with the Spaghetti and Meatballs. We knew we had meatballs already but we just had to indulge. It was perfect and on point. So did The Sparklings meet our expectations? Absolutely. Not only was the food wonderful, the ambience was great. It was relaxing and you can have great conversations without loud music and TV’s taking center stage. The bar area was also intimate and inviting. And believe it or not there is no video poker or smoking. The Sparklings is a hidden gem… and that’s what she said. MV
ith a name like The Sparklings we were not sure what to expect.
The Sparklings set out to accomplish a mission, create a neighborhood place that is classy but not fancy. South of Rainbow, just past the 215, is clustered with a variety of restaurants. Just a few blocks past all that you will find The Sparlings. The menu profile addresses the lack of Italian and American cuisine in the area. The menu mix is mindful of that along with including all the others favorites we enjoy in our neighborhood haunts. Upon entering and walking passed the other diners enjoying their meals, we were certain they have more than accomplished their objectives. The majority of the dining tables are set in a large, open and bright space. Seating is a mixture of booths and tables with comfortable velvet chairs. There are a number of areas for larger groups to dine that were tucked away into their own alcoves. We were also impressed by an expansive communal table. The night that we
were there a large group of ladies were having a birthday party. Sparklings had a great residential feel with hutches and china adorning the space. One of us felt as though we were in a perfect mid-century modern eclectic establishment. We were in a mood to eat and decided we needed a bit of everything. One of us loved the gorgonzola flatbread with honey. The flatbread was perfect with the right amount of texture and crunch. The sweetness of the honey complimented the gorgonzola. The roasted beet and apple salad was light and delightful. We had to try the bacon and dates wrapped meatballs. The bright tomato sauce worked nicely with this. It just started to get cold out so we decided to order soup. One of us loves clam chowder and to the surprise of both us was a welcome take on a heavy soup. It was light and had very pleasant flavor. While we had decided on pasta for our entrees, we were intrigued by the Rice Au Gratin with Chicken. It was creamy and decadent. One of us had the Crispy Gnocchi and enjoyed the nice snap from the pan sauté. They were tossed with
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What’s The Dish By: Shawn Tempesta Co-Host, “The Morning Blend” KTNV-TV Las Vegas
Salute Trattoria Italiana
hen Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa opened in 2006 under the light of popping fireworks, it brought locals gaming to an entirely new level. Restaurant options were solid if not a bit muted in the grand scheme of things. A decade later the hotels dining options are front and center. A recent overhaul of Red Rock’s front façade has restaurants exploding towards the outside, and the most recent addition has me in “amore”. Salute is the brainchild of Executive Chef Luciano Sautto, with a mission not to take Italian into this hyper-trendy, unapproachable space – but to do the basics flawlessly. Having grown up in Italy as the son of restaurateurs, Luciano’s clove didn’t fall far from the bulb. The restaurant is designed wonderfully, with an open concept and a floor plan that effortlessly flows to the outside (although this time of year, not so much). A very friendly and well-versed staff can navigate you through their menu. Their Crispy Zucchini Flowers are simply delicious and a must try. Salute’s Calamari, prepared “Federal Hill style”, homage to Providence, Rhode Island’s Italian neighborhood, is perfectly prepared as well. My wife and I sank our teeth into two entrees: Gnocchi “Alla Sorentina” and a simple, yet delicious Chicken Piccata. Both classics, both were 1:1 representations of what I’d expect from my Grandmother, Dio l’abbia in Gloria (God rest her soul). Salute does Italian the right way. Not a “fuggedaboutit” to be heard. Not a tacky gimmick to be seen. Just delicious and honest Italian food. Mangia! MV
Readers Choice
Locals’ Favorite Restaurants {In Alphabetical Order}
AVERY’S COFFEE 9440 W Sahara Ave #145, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.476.2063 | BLUE MARTINI 6593 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, NV 89119 702.949.2583 | CHICAGO BREWING COMPANY 2201 S Fort Apache Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.254.3333 | WEBSITE COMING SOON! CHOCOLATE & SPICE BAKERY 7293 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.527.7772 | DEL FRISCO’S 3925 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89169 702.796.0063 | EL DORADO CANTINA 3025 S Industrial Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.722.2289 | FUKUBURGER 3743 Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas NV 89109 702.776.8928 | ISABELA’S 2620 Regatta Dr, Las Vegas NV 89128 702.925.8333 | JACQUES CAFE 1910 Village Center Circle #1, Las Vegas, NV 89134 702.550.6363 | ORIGIN INDIA 4480 Paradise Rd #1200, Las Vegas, NV 89169 702.734.6342 | PAYMONS MEDITERRANEAN CAFÉ & LOUNGE (SUMMERLIN) 8380 W. Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.804.0293 | PAYMONS MEDITERRANEAN CAFÉ & LOUNGE (CENTRAL) 4147 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89119 702.731.6030 | RICARDO’S 4930 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89103 702.227.9100 | SIENA ITALIAN 9500 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.360.3358 | STREETS OF NEW YORK 5135 S Fort Apache, Las Vegas NV 89148 702.463.1010 | 7570 Norman Rockwell Lane, Las Vegas NV 89143 702.221.1010 |
Hot New Restaurants Jacques Café Jacques Café offers a new concept in healthy, family dining. A casual American bistro, the restaurant offers breakfast, lunch, dinner and Sunday Brunch. Menus include hearty dishes, such as burgers, pasta and ribs, with vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free items. They combine high-quality ingredients including fresh seasonal produce from certified organic farms and hormone-free beef. They also serve deli items to-go and offer a tasty selection of gelato and homemade pastries baked onsite throughout the day. Come early for breakfast with a complimentary cup of coffee and free Wi-Fi or relax and enjoy a mimosa, wine, sake or beer with your meal. Trails Village Center 1910 Village Center Circle #1 • Las Vegas, NV 89134 • 702.550.6363
CHOW – Chicken and Chinese Rockin’ good food is the heart and soul of CHOW. It’s their very essence—the driving, Led Zeppelin-fueled beat behind everything they do; what makes CHOW special. Unique. Inviting. It’s what inspires them—and what goes into every bite they serve. DIVERSITY. COMMUNITY. OPTIONS. Why mix southern-style food with fine Chinese cuisine? How about why not? Labels are for leftovers. CHOW is for people—all people, all the time (even late at night). Restaurant Open Tuesday through Thursday, 12pm-8pm and Friday and Saturday, 12pm-10pm. Downtown Las Vegas 1020 Fremont Street • Las Vegas, NV 89101 • 702.998.0574
Pancho’s A Mexican restaurant as authentic as any you´ll find south of the border. The menu has been designed with decades of experience and features a selection of delicious dishes. Pancho’s originated as a classic landmark in the South Bay area before coming to the Las Vegas scene. Locals say the building and décor make you feel as though you are not in Vegas anymore and are raving about the ambiance and flavors of the food. Downtown Summerlin 11020 Lavender Hill Drive • Las Vegas, NV 89135 • 702.832.1000
Hot New Restaurants Therapy. With a vast array of eclectic menu items and a prime location in the Fremont Arts District, Therapy is all the rage amongst locals who rave that the quality and décor are superb. Well crafted and unique dishes adorn their lunch and dinner menu. The vibe makes this a definite place to check out. Whether looking for a few cocktails with friends or dinner out with the family, Therapy aims to please with delicious, flavorful food and a clean, comfortable, modern environment. Downtown Las Vegas 518 E. Fremont Street • Las Vegas, NV 89101 • 702.912.1622
Salute Trattoria Italiana Salute Trattoria Italiana by Chef Luciano Sautto is located at the upscale Red Rock Resort and Casino, right off the Las Vegas Strip. The restaurant features an intimate dining room and patio with a display kitchen and antipasti bar for a truly dynamic dining experience. For those with pure food indulgence in mind, come to Salute and sate your desires with their ever changing internationally and seasonally inspired small plates. They love food, lots of different food, just like you, and their menu boasts savory Italian dishes that are sure to have you coming back for more. Red Rock Hotel & Casino 11011 W Charleston Boulevard • Las Vegas, NV 89135 • 702.797.7311
Rollin Smoke Barbeque There is no love more heartfelt than the love for food. This is the motto of the all new Rollin Smoke Barbeque. From their down home country sides, to the fall off the bone hickory smoked barbeque, they master the incredible taste of southern style meals. This father and son team aim to please, which isn’t very difficult for the duo considering their two decades of experience. Locals are raving about them. 3185 S. Highland # 2-3 • Las Vegas NV, 89109 • 702.836.3621
Serving Breakfast & Lunch Desserts and Sweet Treats Cakes & Pies Soups & Salads Catering Services Available Wedding Cakes
Join us for Breakfast or Lunch!
Visit Our Newest Location! 7293 W. Sahara Ave • 702.527.7772 10260 West Charleston Blvd Suite 4 • Las Vegas, NV 89135 • 702.407.8686
Chef Beni Velazquez
ith so many chefs and food experts, it’s hard for individuals in the culinary world to separate themselves from the crowd but Chef Beni Velazquez has found a way. His multitude of creative talents and training has lead this go-getter to the head of the culinary pack. He clearly understands the foundations of cooking yet he craves bold experiments that continue to deliver foods you cannot find anywhere else. “I am self-taught, and through my travels I have picked up many techniques,” he explains. He is Puerto of Rican descent and while he continues to set trends in the restaurant industry, details of his heritage are represented in each dish. Dubbed Chef Beni’s “eclectic Latin” fare, he blends many Latin styles of cuisine to create what can only be described Pan-Latin. He was raised in New York City and his dishes are based on the food he was surrounded by growing up. Chef spent time cooking in the kitchen with his mother from an early age. While he worked his way up the ranks, he was learning techniques and fundamentals from the French, Italian and Spanish chefs with whom he shared the kitchen. He soon established himself as a professional chef in hotels including The Four Seasons and the Ritz-Carlton. Chef Beni solidified his place in the local restaurant scene in the Downtown Las Vegas Arts District. On his resume is accomplished chef, contributing food author, food stylist, consultant, nutritionist, and culinary public speaker just to name a few. He has earned a spot in several “Best Of” lists; Three Squares Food Bank’s Chef Council in Las Vegas; representative for March of Dimes and was a contestant on Food Network’s Chopped. When he isn’t working, Chef Beni stays devoted to educating communities on how to enjoy traditional cultural cuisine in a healthy way. He believes in being an advocate that it is a lifestyle, not a diet. Whether it is creating healthy meal plans with fitness centers or ensuring that his menus have only the freshest ingredients– Chef Beni truly believes food is life—in every sense. He is, above all else, one that delivers big rewards in all of his original venues. Chef Beni is excited about his new restaurant openings, Isabela’s, and preparing to open SoHo Pizza & Beer! They are both located in the Lakeside Center. These restaurants, along with an Art Gallery, is destined to become the “restaurant row” and art destination of the area, and Chef Beni is leading the way! MV
FREE RECIPE! Shrimp Ceviche Salad
Main Ingredient: Shrimp Meal: all Notes: Mix all ingredients 15 minutes before eating Quantity Measure Item: 4 ea shrimp, peeled and cleaned, (16/20 size) ¼ cup white wine, dry 1 Tbsp orange juice 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp lime juice 1 Tbsp shallots, thinly sliced 1 clove garlic, thinly sliced ½ tsp cilantro, fresh ½ tsp roasted red peppers, small dice ¼ ea jalapeno pepper, thinly sliced 1pinch chili flakes 1 cup baby arugula ¼ tsp thyme, fresh Instructions: Place shrimp in a saucepan and cook with white wine, citrus juices, shallots and garlic for 2 minutes. Place to the side and let cool, and save the remaining liquid. In a small bowl, combine the rest of the ingredients except for the arugula and fresh thyme. Slice the whole shrimp in half and place in the mix along with the remaining liquid, then cover and place in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. When ready to serve, place the arugula on a small salad plate and spoon the shrimp mixture on top. Garnish with fresh thyme. We serve all of our ceviches with crisp plantain chips! Serves: 2 Prep Time: 1 hour Serving Size: 6oz Total Time: 1 hour
YOUR COMPA N Y IS IN GOOD COMPA N Y. Our private dining spaces are the perfect setting for any lunch or dinner occasion. Our eight private dining rooms provide ample space for rehearsal
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Mexican Restaurant Gaming r Cantina r Catering
1 mile west of The Palms 4930 W. Flamingo Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89103
Chef Linda Says.... Healthy Holiday Eating
Chef Linda SAYS . . .
eeping your energy level high during the holidays can be a challenge. You’re energy level dictates how successful you will be on your weight loss plan. Meal structure and the timing of those meals will help you maintain high energy levels. This will keep your metabolism up and keep you full throughout the day. Follow these tips to avoid over indulging this holiday season and beyond. •
Always start with a balanced breakfast; after sleep, you need to rejuvenate and nourish your body. Skipping breakfast leads to midmorning energy crashes and impulse eating items that are usually sugar laden and high in simple carbohydrates.
At breakfast, eat a balance of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. This will keep you fuller longer and provide the energy you need to begin your day.
Stay hydrated. Drinking ample amounts of water can help flush your body of toxins, keep you full and boost your energy. Water is the most vital of all nutrients. Include a small snack in between meals. Drink water or water mixed with lemon and ginger or apple cider with a handful of pumpkin seeds and a piece of fruit. Whole fruit, not fruit juice will provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which will keep you full and energized.
Eat a high protein lunch, with a small amount of EFA’s (essential fatty acids), and moderate carbohydrates. Try getting your carbohydrates from vegetables and whole grains. Eating a heavy carbohydrate meal, such as pasta, may cause a mid-afternoon crash and a drop in blood sugar levels. Always focus on balance, and remember to stop eating when you are full. Energy levels slump when you over eat. Always think about how what you eat will affect your day and your body.
Don’t forget to have an afternoon snack, not an afternoon coffee. If you must have caffeine in the afternoon, drink green tea which has less caffeine but also offers antioxidant benefits.
Keep moving. If you have a desk job, be sure to get up and walk every couple of hours. This increases blood circulation and can liven you up for the activities in your day. Movement inspires action which is the key to added energy. It’s also a good way to keep your mind clear and fresh.
Your dinner should be a high protein meal full of healthy leafy greens and good fats. Eating good quality carbohydrates in the evening can also help you refuel for the next day and get a better sleep. We all know that uninterrupted sleep gives us more energy for the next day.
Overall, eat balanced meals and include snacks in your day that provide energy and satiety. All of your meals should have valuable nutrients to keep you energized. Exercise throughout the day, even small spurts of 10 minutes each will be beneficial in keeping your metabolism up. Structure your day to suit your personal activity level. Don’t starve yourself of vital nutrients and necessary calories to keep you fueled. Make sure you stay within your calorie range and structure your diet accordingly. By doing this, you will nourish your body at the times you need it most, which will result in sustaining higher energy levels both day and night. For more apple recipes for a clean-eating lifestyle, visit MV
Top Ten Happy Hours
Pizza Man
{In Alphabetical Order}
BLUE MARTINI 6593 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89119 702.949.2583 | Daily 4PM – 8PM | ½ Off Drinks | Discounted Food Menu | Live Music Wednesday – Sunday | Every Friday Happy Hour | Enjoy our Complimentary Martini Tasting! CHICAGO BREWING CO. 2201 S Fort Apache Rd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 702.254.3333 | Daily, 11:59 AM – 3AM & 3PM – 6PM $2 Draft Beer | ½ Off House wine | ½ Off Select Appetizers DEL FRISCO’S 3925 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89169 | 702.796.0063 Monday-Friday - 4:30pm All bar menu items are two for the price of one. Half-off well liquors and domestic beers. $6 VIPs, $6 Red Wine and $5 White Wine. EL DORADO CANTINA 3025 S Industrial Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 | 702.722.2289 3PM – 6PM | $1 Street Tacos, ½ Off Bottled Domestics and Wells 11PM – 2AM | ½ Off All Appetizers, ½ Off Bottled Domestics and Wells FUKUBURGER 3743 Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas NV 89109 702.776.8928 | Monday-Friday 3PM-7PM $4 draft beer & $4 well drinks ISABELA’S 2620 Regatta Dr, Las Vegas NV 89128 702.925.8333 Tuesday-Saturday 3PM-7PM ORIGIN INDIA 4480 Paradise Rd #1200, Las Vegas, NV 89169 | 702.734.6342 Monday – Friday 5PM – 7PM Items Priced Under $6, Signature Cocktail Menu PAYMONS MEDITERRANEAN CAFÉ & LOUNGE (SUMMERLIN) 8380 W. Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89117 | 702.804.0293 Hookah Lounge happy hours: 5-7pm, 7 days a week and 5pm-1am on Tuesdays | Featuring all specialty cocktails, beer, mixed drinks and lounge food at 50% off! PAYMONS MEDITERRANEAN CAFÉ & LOUNGE (CENTRAL) 4147 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89119 | 702.731.6030 Hookah Lounge happy hours: 5-7pm, 7 days a week and 5pm-1am on Tuesdays | Featuring all specialty cocktails, beer, mixed drinks and lounge food at 50% off! RICARDOS 4930 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103 | 702.227.9100 Monday - Friday 3PM – 6PM & Midnight – 4AM Late Night Dining | Award Winning Margaritas plus Gaming STREETS OF NEW YORK 5135 S Fort Apache, Las Vegas NV 89148 702.463.1010 7570 Norman Rockwell Lane, Las Vegas NV 89143 702.221.1010 Monday-Friday 2:30PM-6PM
Stoned n Baked Pizza and Brownies
special delivery is coming to the second floor of the Downtown Container Park. A new foodie hub from the owners of Chill Spot that offers two favorites, pizza and brownies. Fittingly named, “Stoned n Baked Pizza and Brownies.” Their custom made pizzas are prepared to order but ready in less time than fast food. Stoned n Baked is able to accommodate with gluten-free and vegan options. Guests can choose the crust, the sauce and the toppings. Three minutes later, you’re able to eat your awesome pizza creation. If you’re feeling like a chef, add touches of flavor. From a simple olive oil and sea salt or get adventurous with my personal favorite, Siracha… it’s your pizza. Don’t forget to sate your sweet tooth because the brownies don’t disappoint. With several varieties available, you are sure to find your brownie style. However, you won’t find manufactured Hershey’s chocolate in this shop. Ghirardelli and Cacao Barry are the brands they use. Even if chocolate isn’t your dessert fetish, their Lemon Bars and Magic Bars are out of this world too! MV
HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Mostly items are less than $ 9.00
O R T S I B N A C I R CASUAL AME * 1910 Village center Circle, Unit One Las Vegas Nevada 89134 702-550-6363
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Loving Our Locals By Lori Nelson Station Casinos LOVING OUR LOCALS BY USHERING IN FRESH NEW OFFERINGS A new year offers us an opportunity to thank you for making us your #1 entertainment destination and we’d like to thank you by bringing more offerings in 2016. New Salons at the Spas at Green Valley Ranch & Red Rock Resort Popular Las Vegas salon group, Suite One is now managing The Salons at Green Valley Ranch Resort and Red Rock Resort, bringing a new energy and approach to the resort salon experience. Tommy Sunstrum and Nick Manteris, who also own 9037 and Viva Salons locally, bring a diverse mix of traditional haircuts and colors with the more on-trend styles to both venues. The Salon at Red Rock has also been fully renovated. More Oysters The best kept culinary secret in town has always been the Oyster Bar at Palace Station featuring the freshest oysters, pan roasts, gumbos and jambalayas. Santa Fe Station will join the Oyster bandwagon soon bringing the freshest seafood to the north side of town. New restaurants coming to Green Valley Ranch Resort Clique Hospitality, creators of Hearthstone Kitchen & Cellar and Salute at Red Rock Resort will bring two mouth-watering restaurants to Green Valley Ranch Resort this Spring with the arrivals of an Italian and Mexican venue joining the already fabulous offerings that include: Pizza Rock, by 11-time World Pizza Champion Tony Gemignani and Hank’s Fine Steaks & Martinis to name a few. Mark your calendar and come celebrate with us: 2016 marks many special milestones at Station Casinos as we gear up to celebrate multiple anniversaries as well as our BIG 4-0 for the entire company. On Valentine’s Day, Santa Fe Station will turn 25; in April it’s hard to believe Red Rock Resort hits its 10 year mark; in July, Palace Station turns 40, which also commemorates Station Casinos turning 40; and in December Green Valley Ranch Resort turns 15. Please join us for our upcoming parties and celebrate. MV
Concert Hot List DECEMBER Dec. 17 - Boulder Blues featuring Rick Estrin & The Nightcats performs at The Railhead inside Boulder Station on Thursday, Dec. 17 at 6 p.m. Cover is $5 at the door and guests must be 21 years or older. Dec. 18 - Nashville Unplugged featuring guest songwriter Bill Luther performs at Club Madrid inside Sunset Station on Friday, Dec. 18 at 8 p.m. Cover is $10 at the door and $5 with a Boarding Pass. Guests must be 21 years or older. JANUARY Jan. 14 - Boulder Blues featuring Zac Harmon performs at The Railhead inside Boulder Station onThursday, Jan. 14 at 6 p.m. Cover is $5 at the door and guests must be 21 years or older. Jan. 16 - Bobby Caldwell performs at Club Madrid inside Sunset Station on Saturday, Jan. 16 at 8 p.m.Tickets are $24.95, $34.95 and $44.95 plus tax and applicable fees for reserved seating. Guests under 21 years must be accompanied by an adult. Jan. 23 – Hal Sparks performs at Rocks Lounge inside Red Rock Resort on Saturday, Jan. 23 at 8 p.m. as part of the new Comedy Rocks series. Tickets are $25 and $35 plus tax and applicable fees for reserved seating. Guests must be 21 years or older. Jan. 30 – BJ Thomas performs at The Railhead inside Boulder Station on Saturday, Jan. 30 at 8 p.m.Tickets are $20, $27.50, $37.50 and $42.50 plus tax and applicable fees for reserved seating. Guests under 21 years must be accompanied by an adult. FEBRUARY Feb. 11 - Boulder Blues featuring Anson Funderburgh, Mark Hummel & Little Charlie performs at The Railhead inside Boulder Station on Thursday, Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. Cover is $5 at the door and guests must be 21 years or older. Feb. 13 – Collin Raye performs at Club Madrid inside Sunset Station on Friday, Feb. 13 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $22, $32 and $42 plus tax and applicable fees. Guests under 21 years must be accompanied by an adult. Feb. 20 – Justin Willman performs at Rocks Lounge inside Red Rock Resort on Saturday, Feb. 20 at 8 p.m. as part of the new Comedy Rocks series. Tickets are $25 and $35 plus tax and applicable fees for reserved seating. Guests must be 21 years or older.
The Social Media MD By Michelle “Roxy” Davis 702ROX Radio Show
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y name is Michelle Davis and I am the Social Media MD.
Times have changed and now 1 in 4 people are buying online and making their purchasing decisions based on their Social Media pages. So ask yourself this question, “Is Social Media just a hype of nonsense?” Are your Social Media pages not current and are not generating you money? If so, please call me. I’d like to help you and show you how Social Media can work for you. I’m giving away an over the phone FREE 30 minute consultation just so you can get a better understanding how Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can help build leads and make money for you and your company. Please give me a call today at (805) 748-5689 or watch my Social Media TV Show called Geeks R Sexy every Friday 4-5pm PST on My fiancé Gene Woods and I are the inventors of The World Center of Broadcast Media in Las Vegas and Hollywood and guess what our slogan is, “Where Social Media Meets TV”! Happy Social Times Everyone! MV
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THIS WEEK IN LAS VEGAS... For all the latest Events and Happenings Around Las Vegas
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Feel the thrill of NASCAR VEGAS style!
his coming spring, the Las Vegas motor speedway hosts a weekend of NASCAR’S biggest events! The events are the KOLBALT 400 Sprint cup series race, the Boyd gaming 300 Xfinity Series race and the Stratosphere Pole Day. Watching stock cars topping out over 200 miles per hours will surely get your adrenalin pumping. While enjoying the crowd you can cheer on Las Vegas’ very own born and raised driver, Kyle Busch. At the age of 19, Busch became the youngest winner in the Pole cup series. He has just fewer than 40 Wins. The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) NASCAR began in 1948 when Bill France Sr. founded and started the company. To this day NASCAR is family owned and operated. NASCAR sanctions over 1500 races in over 100 tracks in the United States as well as Canada. They also place exhibition races internationally. They house their official headquarters in Daytona Beach, Florida. In the 1930’s this location became known as ‘the Mecca’ to set land speed records.
NASCAR holds up to 17 of the top regularly visited single-day events in the world. They are also sponsored by Fortune 500 companies. NASCAR places second to the NFL in terms of watched sporting events on television. During the prohibition stock car drivers were known as “bootleggers”. Drivers would make bootleg whiskey and needed a way to transport the moonshine quickly to evade police. The bootleggers would modify their small cars to run faster for speed and handling. They also used to create more storage room inside the cars for big transports of moonshine. The business of “running shine” slowed down when prohibition was coming to an end, but the drivers continued to run their small operations. The cars got faster and started to improve. The need for speed became their addiction! Drivers began racing the cars for profit, thrill, and pride. Drivers gathered in Daytona Beach to compete, and to see the best drivers and cars. Bill France saw the potential for racing competitors, as it was becoming very popular. On February 21, 1948 NASCAR had officially been created by William France Sr., with the point system being written on
a small bar napkin. With the help of a few other drivers, NASCAR was born… And as the saying goes “the rest is history”. Come take part in one of the most fun race weekends of the year! Between tailgating, enjoying a round of races, fans get the opportunity to meet and take photos with drivers in the pit. There so many fun and exciting things to do whether you choose a single-day pass or go full throttle for the weekend! It truly is a once in a lifetime experience and a fun new way to take you out of the city and into the track to enjoy other racing enthusiasts! NASCAR at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway truly is one of the coolest attractions you can find in Las Vegas, especially with all the American history behind it. Make sure to bring your camera and ear plugs! You are in for a fun ride! MV Check out all the schedules and info on the Las Vegas motor Speedway website: Photos courtesy of LVMS
Linde Studios, A Production Utopia
Victor Carillo & Stephanie Linde
ucked away in the corner of a building that is a collection of offices, I met with Victor Carillo and Stephanie Linde at Linde Studios. I met Victor first who looks casual in a pull-over while Stephanie has her hair pulled back and is gorgeous. She too is bundled in a sweater but still graceful and holding their cat, Mr. Prickly. They open the door with no logo or signage to what looks like a regular office but once inside, it is a production utopia. More than 16,000 square feet, it’s sprinkled with intricately designed modular rooms, from stage sets, to green sets, wardrobe areas, sound rooms and a hot scene that is rotated but is currently set as a Las Vegas casino. One has to see the space to believe it. I feel like I fell down the rabbit hole into Wonderland! There are three doors to the three separate studios and each has an unconventional waiting area which is more like an awesome interactive lounge. Carillo explained the secret location and the branding strategy. “We want to be incognito because we want any client that walks in to say, “Wow, this is awesome. I can come here and no one will even know.” Our goal is to create a certain level of branding. We do not want to only cater to small businesses. We want to create
ourselves as a high-end elegant but very cultural company that develops out of who you know and reputation.” The newly engaged couple has a vision. They want to make history and breathe life into the industry. “Vegas is an old city but the production business is still in its infancy stage,” said Carillo. “We want to brand ourselves as part of the Las Vegas progression.” These genuine sentiments are what have made Linde Studios the upcoming Las Vegas premier production studio. When I asked about the motivation to build Linde Studios, Carillo replied with only two words, “Oh, Stephanie,” in his loving tone. The couple met two years ago. She had been a producer for 19 years where she was the one renting the studios. Through this experience she has a line of connections (being in the Disney bloodline helps… yes, that Disney). Moving forward, she wanted to work on her own content. They did a 48-hour film festival at their home and contracted a camera person. Carillo was intrigued by all the equipment and acting but afterwards, he suggested starting their own studio. Two months later, the pair got their first warehouse and broke ground. The business grew and that’s when Carillo decided to create an umbrella and offer everything under it. They can handle almost anything including but not limited to: television, cinema, corporate videos, motion graphics, 3D design, fabrication, commercials, advertising, sound stage facilities, music production, aerial video / Drone photography, private parties and corporate events. They have mobile capability and offer acting classes. The focus is to let clients know they want to build
By Jennifer Miller
relationships of quality. They will not just shoot a commercial but take each client from start to finish; which includes pre-production (script writing and ideas) to post production (insight to broadcast times and when to air). They have also partnered with the NSPCA and Linde Studios hosted a grand Howl & Prowl party that will now be an annual event. Their clientele is credited in large to their amazing staff which includes Lance Montalto, who has been in the business for 35 years and has worked for Jerry Seinfeld, Ellen DeGeneres and Jay Leno. Also on staff is Anthony Lewis, who is the son of the great Jerry Lewis. Carillo said “building that kind of network, surrounding yourself with a great core staff, plus the good friendships we developed, it’s inevitable that it’s going to come together. We don’t need a big sign in the front.” MV Check out their website online:
Pete Castro: Giving (He)ART
hile listening to Pete Castro’s voice as he speaks and it is slightly raspy but upbeat. His humble tone is a reflection of his personality that transcends into his art. He feels like it’s one of his life’s missions to give back through his gift. “My heart has always been about giving to others.” Castro said. “To be able to use my art to give to others is such an honor and I don’t take that for granted.” He’s worked with many worthy causes including the local non-profit Goodie Two Shoes Foundation, which outfits 10,000 disadvantaged children each year. He was asked twice to create art for their silent auctions. Aspergers, an organization dedicated to training life skills and social skills to individuals with high functioning disabilities also invited him to create art for their fundraiser. The Project 150 organization that helps homeless teens in Las Vegas and also the End Alzheimer’s Association requested work for their Walk to End Alzheimer’s event. Castro is a local artist but his roots are in the East Coast. He was born in New York and raised in the Bronx until he was 12-years-old. Castro’s family then moved to San Diego and he eventually migrated to Las Vegas to attend UNLV when he
By Jennifer Miller
was 18. Recently, things are coming full circle for him. His art pieces are being featured in his home state at the Agora Gallery located in the heart of the art district in New York City. “I hustled real hard and had to do swap meets. I did door-to-door galleries just to put my art up. It’s a very competitive industry.” Castro was surrounded by art in his early years in the Bronx. On trips that included the subway train ride with his mother to Coney Island Castro would see graffiti art on brick buildings and on the trains. Castro said, “I fell in love with the art. Such vibrant puzzling crazy graffiti words impressed me very much as a kid. Now when I paint my pieces, they are loud and vibrant to pay homage to graffiti art.” Early on he drew inspiration from artists like Bob Ross. Castro would watch him at home in the Bronx when he was forced to stay home from school because of his asthma and the cold weather. It was common for him to watch Ross paint on television instead of watching cartoons. Today, Castro’s art images have deep symbolism and meaning. The paintings tell stories and memories of his life. The pieces are his interpretation of struggles, failures,
accomplishments and inspiration. He admits that music of all genres are a huge muse during the process. He says the paintings are a testament to graffiti art, influential graffiti artists, and well known influential artists that he admires. One of his current contemporary favorite artists is Justin Bua. The two connected on Instagram just recently. It was an epic conversation for Castro, as when he was struggling in 2013, Bua’s art would inspire him to create. The conversation was so valuable to Castro he said, “If I died tomorrow, I’d be happy.” His path is just starting as he wants to be featured in Los Angeles and spoke of the big street art scene he would love to be part of. This endeavor is next on his plate but he knows he will always be happy while he’s able to live out every day sharing his passion. Make sure to look for him listed as @CastroART or “CastroArtLasVegas” online. It is the best way to find him on Google through social media with these names, and keep your eyes open for exposure in the local Las Vegas art scene, as Pete Castro is just getting started! MV
Men Across the Country
ecently, I was home visiting my family in Chicago and decided to go out for a night on the town with a girlfriend from high school. As we sat down to dinner, my girlfriend was quick to inform me, “There are no good men in this city!” I’ve noticed a common theme no matter what city I’m visiting. Women all across the country believe that the men in their city are the absolute worst. I’m used to women constantly complaining about the men where I live in Los Angeles; and I’ve heard that the men in Miami aren’t much better; but I have to admit, I didn’t expect to hear that girls in New York feel their city is horrible for dating. Unfortunately, I have been told by some locals how hard it is to meet a good man in Las Vegas. Of course, moving isn’t the answer, especially considering that women all over America are complaining. I highly doubt there’s a city in this country where all the women believe the men who live there are just so wonderful. Since that place doesn’t exist, I believe we women must shift our thinking and change these limiting beliefs we have about men. Because our minds
are so powerful, I would go as far as saying that it is these negative beliefs we’ve been holding onto men that have been blocking us from finding true love. Take Los Angeles, for instance. Virtually everyone has moved here from somewhere else. There’s no way every man in town could possibly be the same. I will say that I think when you leave your family and move to a big city, you’re probably more career driven or a person who craves excitement and adventure, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. L.A. men seem much less marriage and family minded than my male friends in the Midwest, but they will take a girl on some fabulous dates. One of my girlfriends who recently moved from Los Angeles to New York says we L.A. girls don’t know how good we have it. She complains that the men in NYC behave like Leonardo Di Caprio’s character in “The Wolf of Wall Street.” I suppose dealing with all these L.A. guys who think they’re members of the cast of “Entourage” is slightly a step up. As for Las Vegas, I realize that it’s a place where
By Amy Elizabeth
people indulge in all kinds of debauchery. Tourists come to drink, gamble and misbehave. But beyond The Strip and the flashy lights, there are locals who lead very normal lives. Another girlfriend of mine lives in Henderson, Nevada and actually finds the men in Las Vegas to be much nicer than the men in Los Angeles. I myself have never dated anyone who lives in Sin City, but I do believe that in every town (including Las Vegas) there are just as many men looking for love as women. Instead of imagining that men somewhere else are going to be any better, I think we should start believing that someone wonderful is around the corner in our very own city. We also need to appreciate what the men in our towns have to offer. I realize there are challenges to dating in every city, and I’m sure it’s true that each town has slews of men who, to put it nicely, simply aren’t boyfriend material; however, you don’t want to let a few unworthy men you’ve encountered dissuade you from meeting someone positively wonderful because, contrary to popular belief, there are incredible men in every city, yes, even yours. The good news is, you only need one. MV
Your Time, Talent, Treasure! Give Your Time, Talent or Treasure and Make a Difference in Someone’s Life. A Home for Spot | 702.239.7986 Adam’s Place for Grief | 702.339.0848 Adopt a Rescue Pet | 702.798.8663 Alzheimer’s Association Las Vegas 702.248.2770 | American Heart Association | 702.367.1366 Andre Agassi Foundation | 702.227.5700 Baby’s Bounty | 702.485.2229 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Sounthern Nevada 702.731.2227 | Boys and Girls Club | 702.367.2582 Boys Town | 702.642.7070 C4S G.I.R.L.S. Club | 855.246.6678 Candlelighters | 702.737.1919 Caring 4 Kids Foundation | 702.544.1400 CASA - Child Appointed Special Advocates for Children | 702.455.4306 Catholic Charities of So. NV | 702.385.2662 The Cupcake Girls | 702.879.8195
Dress for Success of So. NV (DFSSN) | 702.684.6412 FUPI Forclose Upon Pets | 702.272.0010 Global Charity Foundation | 785.608.7129 Goodwill | 702.214.2066 Habitat for Humanity | 702.638.6477 Heaven Can Wait Animal Society | 702.227.5555 Helping Hands Surgical Care | 702.242.5393 Horses 4 Heroes | 702.645.8446 Impact Las Vegas | 702.285.4838 i.m.perfect | 702.807.8433 Las Vegas Binky Patrol | 702.459.4464 Las Vegas Rescue Mission | 702.382.1766 The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Southern Nevada | 702.436.4220 Lights of Love | 702.489.6007 Miracle Flights for Kids | 702.261.0494
Diabetes Association (JDRF) | 702.364.5604
Muscular Dystrophy Association of Southern Nevada | 702.822.6920
Divorced & Widowed Adjustment, Inc. 702.735.5544 |
Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation 702.735.6223 |
DJs for PJs® | 702.944.2464
Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth 702.383.1332) |
New Vista Ranch 702.457.4677 | NV Childhood Cancer Foundation 702.735.8434 | Opportunity Village| 702.259.3700 The Rape Crisis Center | 702.385.2153 Refuge for Women Las Vegas | 618.567.1918 Ronald McDonald House | 702.252.4664 Safe Nest | 702.877.0133 Salvation Army | 702.870.4430 Shade Tree | 702.385.0072 Southern Nevada Newborns in Need 916.276.6171 Speedway Children’s Charities | 702.632.8242 Sprit Therapies | 702.373.7607 St. Jude’s Ranch | 702.294.7100 Three Square | 702.644.3663 Trial by Peers | 702.333.8277 United Blood Services | 702.228.4483 United Way of Southern Nevada | 702.892.2300 Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada 702.967.0530 | WestCare | 702.385.2090
Nevada SPCA | 702.873.7722
Supporting Children’s Day – Nevada and Early Education
elping every child to receive an opportunity for a quality early education
United Way of Southern Nevada and Strong Start Nevada Launched Children’s Day Nevada here in Las Vegas. Nevada ranks last in the nation in preschool enrollment. This is why children’s education in Las Vegas is on the forefront of topics discussed by our city officials and on Children’s Day in Nevada some leaders of the city came together to express their passion and action to improve early childhood education in this area. The “Champion for Children” Launch brought together government officials, including State of Nevada First Lady Kathleen Sandoval and City of Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman. The two spoke about promoting quality early education for our youth by providing programs funded through the state during their formative years of learning so children will begin school ready to learn. “With the 2015 State of Nevada education legislation, our launch is a timely opportunity to gather our community together to provide a solid early foundation for children to enter school prepared,” said Terri Janison, vice president of United Way, Community Development. “We are working towards helping every child have an opportunity to receive a quality early education.” Through a formed partnership with UWSN, Strong Start Nevada, City of Las Vegas, Clark County School District and Acelero Learning, United Way held the event at the Reach Out Head Start Center to increase opportunities for early education throughout the Valley and to inform the public of its progress. “Young children who are exposed to high quality early learning, at home or in the classroom, have a much greater chance at success in adulthood,” said State of Nevada First Lady Kathleen Sandoval. “We are mobilizing parents, educators, advocates and community and business leaders to ensure quality early childhood education is a priority in the state.”
“We are working closely with United Way to help more children and families access early education,” said City of Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman. “All children deserve to have proper preparation to enter kindergarten ready to learn to read, write and do basic math. Only in this manner will high school graduation rates increase and will our community be able to attract more businesses and provide more job opportunities.” Research shows that capturing a child’s imagination at an early age leads to reading at grade level in the third grade, which leads to a higher percentage of children graduating from high school. To learn more, visit championforchildren
About Strong Start Nevada: Strong Start Nevada is a community outreach campaign aimed at mobilizing parents, educators, advocates, community and business leaders to make quality early childhood education a priority in the State. Early childhood experiences, good or bad, lay the foundation for later success. Young children who are exposed to high quality early learning at home or in the classroom have a much greater chance at success in adulthood. For more information, visit
About United Way of Southern Nevada: United Way of Southern Nevada improves lives and builds a stronger community by uniting individuals, organizations and resources with the passion, determination and expertise needed to solve problems. United Way helps children and families succeed through a quality educational foundation, financial education and healthy lives. For more information on how to get involved, please visit MV
Photo Credit: Nick Coletsos
Nevada Veteran’s Alliance – Stopping the Cycle
By Byron Brooks Founder and President of Nevada Veterans Alliance
and overcome any experiences they may have encountered while serving.
fter returning from my overseas projects for the Department of State, the journey back to what most civilians consider normalcy was bumpy to say the least. After all, teaching war tactics and expert shooting isn’t necessarily in high demand. This is often the dilemma other military comrades find themselves facing. We are often asked why our highly specialized skills are not recognized as transferable in the civilian workforce. The Nevada Veterans Alliance (NVA) was established with one major premise--to “Stop the Cycle” of issues that impede our Veteran’s ability to adapt to society
As a combat veteran, and mentor for the Veterans Court Treatment Program, I can attest to the issues that I just described. Many veterans who return home only to self medicate in hopes to thwart combat related and civilian acclimation issues. While I faced several of these challenges, my biggest advantage was family support and a background in leadership. The treatment program has been a major catalyst in the successful formation of Nevada Veterans Alliance.
communication gap between civilians and service members allows us to introduce our veterans to a culture that they rarely get a glimpse of. For example, we do not place a lot of importance on money, retirement plans, benefits nor transferable vocational skills while serving. Our three tiered approach was designed to mitigate these challenges:
The NVA provides veterans with medical, clinical, and dental care through a network of professionals who have joined the NVA as support volunteers. These professionals will ensure that a Veteran is seen no later than 48 hours after contacting their offices for an appointment.
The NVA provides Veterans who are entering, or currently existing in the entrepreneurial arena with experienced attorneys who offer pro-bono services, financial aide for business licensing, and business mentors to ensure that Veteran owned business succeed.
The NVA provides financial aid for counseling and mandatory court fees to Veterans who have been accepted into the Veterans Court Treatment Program.
The Nevada Veterans Alliance is more than a support system for veterans--we are results driven. Our mission to bridge the
For more on this or other tips on how to understand our transitioning veterans, follow us on our social channels and look us up at MV
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Get out of Vegas and into Heaven
as Vegas is the greatest city on earth; nevertheless, sometimes it’s good to get away. I recommend clearing your mind and going on a road trip. Lucky for us, California is a short 5-8 hour drive away depending on which spot you are driving to. Monterey, Carmel and Big Sur are perfect areas to visit. There is so much to do; from whale watching, eating the famous clam chowder on the pier, walking down the beautiful streets of Carmel, cruising Highway 1, hiking Big Sur, to driving the well-known 17 miles road at Pebble Beach. Disconnecting from everything gives the body and soul a chance to reboot and that is exactly what I did. It was truly a rejuvenating experience… Try it! I knew it was going to be beautiful; but when I got there it took my breath away. There are two great hotels in the area. They are the Hyatt Regency Monterey and Hyatt Carmel. The views from the balcony of the Hyatt Carmel are spectacular. Their suites are furnished with a full kitchen and for those cold nights there’s a fireplace. It’s very romantic and the perfect hotel for couples.
All of their rooms sit high above the trees. This makes waking up in the morning a true delight. The breathtaking scenery of trees and the ocean lifts the spirit up. It doesn’t stop there. Their restaurant overlooks the ocean making the breakfast experience unforgettable. Make sure to have their pancakes in the morning. They’re Delicious! Definitely a 5 star hotel in my book. Hyatt Regency Monterey is the perfect environment for families with kids and pets. They are the most welcoming hotel at which I have ever stayed. This hotel is enclosed and everything is within walking distance; the pool, spa, golf course, allows the kids to roam around free. The staff is friendly, accommodating and entertaining. While I was enjoying the great breakfast buffet, Carl, one of the waiters, performed a trick. This trick amazed me. He gave me a penny to hold, which turned into a very small penny. How did he do it? No clue! But it definitely made my morning. For the adults, make sure to try the spa and book a round of golf. There is truly something for everyone. What I loved the most is the way they treat pets. They have a bowl of water outside the main lobby. Feel free to bring your pet, making it a true family vacation for everyone.
Getaway Girl Calanit Atia Instagram: Calanit Atia
While you are in the area you must visit Carmel. You cannot help but fall in love with its charming streets, stores and their love of pets. Where most places shy away from pets, they welcome our furry friends. No wonder they are known to be the friendliest pet city in the world. Activities everyone can enjoy are hiking Big Sur to see the magnificent Redwood trees. Driving the Pebble Beach 17-Mile Drive has stunning views of the Pacific Coastline and the views are magnificent. Take your bike and a basket of food and make a day of it. Park by the ocean and listen to the waves crashing on the rocks. One can feel the stress of life leaving the body. Don’t miss visiting Rocky Point Restaurant, the best Pacific Ocean view and the Elephant Seals, four miles north of Hearst Castle on California Highway 1. I assure you, once you visit; you will want to come back every year, which is exactly what I am going to do. MV Visit online for additional photos and information.
Escape to Your Own Private Island at the Outrigger Konotta Maldives Resort
By Nancy Daniels
ith a 68 year history of providing authentic island experiences to visitors to Hawaii, it’s no wonder that Outrigger Resorts is a brand normally associated with a holiday to the 50th state. However, over the past decade, this family owned company has been spreading its wings and extending its brand of island hospitality across the Pacific into the Asia-Pacific region, and most recently, into the Indian Ocean. Today, Outrigger Resorts offers properties located on some of the world’s most incredible beaches, each one focusing on delivering culturally rich authentic guest experiences and signature amenities. In addition to Hawaii, travellers can enjoy an Outrigger Resorts experience in Fiji, Thailand, Guam, Mauritius and now, the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. The tropical nation of the Maldives is located just off the southern tip of India. The country is made up of 26 natural coral atolls, with 1200 islands, none of them higher than 5 feet above sea level. Some one hundred of those islands are exclusive
resort islands, and the newest is the Outrigger Konotta Maldives Resort on Konotta Island within the crystal waters of Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, located a scenic 20-minute speedboat journey from Kaadedhdhoo Airport. With some of the largest resort villas available within the Maldives, Outrigger’s Konotta resort boasts 30 beachfront villas with private access to the beach, 21 over-water villas located along the guest jetty, and a presidential villa that sits directly above the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. Offering a sense of complete privacy, comfort and luxury, all villas have ample living and sleeping space, expansive bathrooms and abundant relaxation areas featuring outdoor lounges, sun decks and private swimming pools. The resort offers a complete sense of privacy and intimate luxury, supported by a range of facilities including new and innovative dining concepts, a reef adventure center, Outrigger Navasana spa and a boutique retail outlet.
Prepare to be spoiled with endless views of the horizon, and discover a unique world of rich marine life in the resort’s pristine lagoon. This secluded, yet seamlessly accessible destination offers a sense of complete isolation, privacy and remote luxury, surrounded by unmatched natural beauty. Guests arrive at Male airport, the capital of the Maldives and transfer on a one-hour domestic flight to Khadedhoo Airport in the south. Then the luxury begins. Guests are escorted aboard an air-conditioned speed boat, complete with champagne and canapés, for a 30-minute ride to the brand new Outrigger, which opened its doors for the first time on August 1. Marine experiences are a must “The marine environment that surrounds Konotta island is truly the best,” says Eric van Melis, the general manager of Best Dives Maldives, who has been conducting marine trips in the Maldives since 2003.
MYTRAVEL Honeymoon and anniversary couples have a choice of value-added packages as well with amenities that include sparkling wine, invilla dining, private dining on the beach, spa treatments and more. “The Outrigger Konotta Maldives Resort is made for romance,” Mr. Billon says. “Whether on the beach or over the water, all of our magnificently spacious villas have private pools. Couples can also take a speedboat to a choice of remote private islands for the ultimate romantic experience.”
Best Dives Maldives is the resort’s full-time activities provider and offers an extensive range of island discoveries, cultural excursions, private island trips for couples and a full range of water sports from snorkeling and kayaking to catamaran rides, wind and kite surfing, fishing, seabob trips round the island and a full range of PADI scuba courses. Just by using a snorkel and mask, the coral reef immediately adjacent to the resort is a wonderful experience with regular sightings of turtles and eagle rays and shoals comprising thousands of fish. Or take a boat trip to see dolphins in the wild. Best Dives Maldives know the places where the chance of spotting them is high. Five star dining There are four innovative dining options at the Outrigger Konotta: Blue Salt for international and regional dining; poolside dining overlooking the ocean; the two-story open-air Nala Rah Teppan and sushi bar for exquisite fusion and interactive dining with stunning ocean and island views; and in-villa dining with the option of a personal chef and butler.
“Signature dishes, mouth-watering global cuisine that include Maldivian and regional flavors, healthy options and personalized menus for special occasions can be enjoyed in our restaurants or in the setting of your choice around the island or on a private boat trip,” says the resort’s general manager, Mr.Pascal Billon. The Outrigger is made for couples The Outrigger Konotta Maldives Resort is an ideal escape for couples looking for romance with a number of wedding, honeymoon, and romance packages to match the splendour of the resort’s romantic setting. All weddings on the romantic coral-fringed island include a dedicated wedding coordinator, emcee or priest, exclusive wedding venue, a ring and vow exchange ceremony, and a guarantee that no other wedding will be taking place on the island that day. In addition, all wedding couples receive a guaranteed early check-in, late check-out, a wedding cake, a palm arch or white-draped pavilion, a bottle of champagne, local Maldivian musician performance, and a symbolic wedding certificate*.
Relax and rejuvenate Surrender to a delightful head-to-toe escape with a Navasana Spa experience with influences from eastern and western traditions that will leave you deeply relaxed, your body refreshed and your spirit balanced. Navasana is the combination of two Sanskrit words, “nava” – the vessel and “asana” – a term associated with the practice of yoga, meaning a body position used to fortify as well as relax body and mind in a wholesome manner. This is the holistic journey of Navasana. An indoor swimming pool, hydrotherapy facility, and relaxation lounges offer a variety of ways to rest and rejuvenate. The spa adjoins the resort’s fitness center and kids club, offering exercise and recreational activity for all in convenient, pleasurable surroundings. All in all, the Outrigger Konotta Maldives Resort offers the perfect combination of relaxation, rejuvenation and discovery in arguably the world’s most idyllic beach destination. For more information, visit or email Tel: +960 684 7771. MV
Golf Course Listings Arroyo Golf Club 702.258.2300
Dragon Ridge Country Club 702.614.4444
Southern Highlands 702.263.1000
Badlands 702.363.0754
Golf Summerlin 800.803.0758
Spanish Trail Country Club 702.364.5050
Bali Hai Golf Club 888.427.6678
Las Vegas Country Club 702.734.1122
Taylormade Golf Experience 702.897.9500
Boom 702 702.558.2151 Boom702.Com
Las Vegas National 702.734.1796
Tuscany Golf Club 702.951.1500
Black Mountain Golf & Country Club 702.565.7933
Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort 800.711.2833
Walters Golf 888.427.6678
Boulder Creek Golf Club 702.294.6534
Pacific Links 702.856.8450
Wildhorse Golf Club 702.434.9000
Canyon Gate 702.363.4320
Primm Valley Golf Club 800.386.7867
Wolf Creek Golf Club 702.346.1670
Cascata 866.362.7315
Red Rock Country Club 702.304.5600
Centennial Golf Club 541.773.4653
Rhodes Ranch Golf Club 702.740.4114
Conestoga Golf Club 702.346.4292
Rio Secco Golf Club 702.777.2400
Desert Pines Golf Club 702.388.4400
Royal Links Golf Club 888.427.6678
Desert Willow Golf Course 702.263.4653
Siena Golf Club 888.689.6469
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Joel Jarvis’s Top 10 Lawyer Picks 1.
Glen Lerner, Esq. Personal Injury 4795 S. Durango Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89147 702.877.1500
Leonard Stone, Esq. PI and Workman’s Comp 710 S. 4th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.385.2220
John Watkins, Esq. DUI, Criminal 804 S. 6th St, Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.383.1006
Robert Draskovich, Esq. Criminal 815 S. Casino Center Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.474.4222
Brandi K Cassady, Esq. Trust Attorney 10799 W. Twain Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89135 702.706.1083
W. West Allen, Esq. Intellectual Property 3993 Howard Hughes Pkwy #600, Las Vegas, NV 89169 702.949.8200
Linda Bullen, Esq. Environmental Law 9101 W. Sahara Ave # 105-L6, Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.279.4040
Marc Risman, Esq. Entertainment Law – 10120 S. Eastern #200, Henderson, NV 89052 702.388.8100
Gina Bongiovi, Esq. Corporate Formation, Partnerships - 2620 Regatta Dr. #102, Las Vegas, NV 89128 702.485.1200
Golden 10. Anthony Employment & HR 8880 W. Sunset Road, Las Vegas, NV 89148 702.850.0202
By Joel Jarvis
Movers and Shakers
Brian Speed
Ed Opperman
Siloh Moses - Serving Hope LV
The CEO of Nightclub Rescue, Global Nightlife Crawl & Set Marketing Group. Nightclub Rescue was developed to rescue struggling nightclubs & bars. Nightclub Rescue currently has 6 equity partnerships in 3 States. Global Nightlife Crawl is a new club crawl company backed by Wall Street investors. They have their sites set on operating in over 100 global cities. Its first operation is about to begin here in Las Vegas. Set Marketing Group is a worldwide marketing company that focuses on direct marketing. Speed is a fast talking, deal making New Yorker with an abundance of energy & drive. For the last 2 decades Speed has owned, managed, marketed and/or consulted for over 300 nightlife properties in over 40 cities in North America.
Having grown up on the tough streets of the South Bronx, Opperman learned how to navigate between both sides of the law. He earned his degree and certification in Paralegal Studies on the CSI campus in Staten Island New York. Since the early 1980’s, he has worked in the investigations field as an information broker and later in counter electronic surveillance. Working for the defense with some of NYCs top law firms and private investigators. Later he transitioned into employment and background screening investigations. He now has his own show where he takes his years of experience interviewing hundreds of witnesses as a private investigator, and applies that experience to talking with expert guests and authors.
Carrying on the 14 year tradition started by a Priest, #ServingHopeLV was formed by Siloh Moses, a bowl of spaghetti and a growing group of young Las Vegas volunteers, reaching out every Monday night to serve over 300-500 less fortunate people. These ‘friends serving future friends,’ are not affiliated with any church or organization, but donate food and clothing every week for a great cause. To learn more about Siloh and their mission, contact:
Harout Massoyan
Stephen Manley - Actor Stephen Manley is a veteran actor of film and television for over 40 years, best known as “Young Spock” in “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.” As a child he worked on shows such as “All in the Family” and “Emergency” and then as a teen on “The Love Boat” and “Little House on the Prairie.” After graduating with a degree in film from Pasadena Art Center, he continues to work as an actor.
Vartan Zakhariants
Harout Massoyan is the Vice President of Antique Oriental Rugs Center in Las Vegas. He not only oversees the operations at the new Summerlin location, but he also assists customers and interior designers in choosing high-quality, antique and oriental rugs. Massoyan has a keen eye for one-of-a-kind furnishings and rugs and can estimate values on the spot. With his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Finance, Harout has exceeded sales expectations for his store. In his spare time, he’s an avid basketball player and is currently competing with his team in the finals.
Professional Latin dance champion Vartan Zakhariants is the owner of VZ Dance Studios, a leading dance studio in Las Vegas. Based on studio gross and students’ competition scores from more than 4,000 independent ballroom dance studios, VZ Dance Studios ranks number one in the nation. Zakhariants, who has danced with many of the “Dancing With The Stars” dancers, owes the studio’s success to a talented staff of instructors and continuous training from world dance champions.
Do you know someone who just got promoted? Someone who opened a second or third location, someone who has achieved an award, did something amazing for the community, or any achievement of greatness and growth? We’re looking for you! Submit your Mover & Shaker recommendations to!
Top 100 Men Party
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“Who Knew” with District Attorney Steve Wolfson Q: What was the reason for choosing the legal field? A: I wanted to be a police officer with the L.A.P.D. But, at that time they were looking to diversify the department. I majored in Criminal Justice and someone suggested I go to law school and that would allow me to stay in San Diego on the beach while I attended. Q: What are the toughest challenges as District Attorney? A: There are many including managing an office of 800 employees; especially the 175 that are attorneys. We are the largest law firm in Nevada and handle big cases that receive a lot of media attention. Q: You were in private practice representing persons accused of crimes. Was it difficult to change sides? A: I started my career in the DA’s office and was a prosecutor for six years. It was natural for me to come back. I’ve always had a love of being a prosecutor. Q: In your private practice, you represent capital cases; did any receive the death penalty? If yes, how did that make you feel? A: Yes, it was very devastating. It is the ultimate punishment. It hits hard; right between the eyes and in between the chest. Q: The death penalty had been abolished in several states. What are your views? A: It is still the law in more than 30 states and I took an oath to follow the law. Therefore, we seek the death penalty in appropriate cases. We file less than 50% than in the past. Q: What departments have you focused in the District Attorney’s office? A: We have and will continue to focus on all four of the departments in the DA’s office: Criminal Department, Juvenile Department, Family Support Division and the Civil Department. Q: Who were some of your mentors when you started in law in Las Vegas? A: Stuart Bell, Bill Terry, Rick Wright. Also, Judge Thompson, Judge Bonaventure and Mel Harmon, who is a Senior Prosecutor. Plus, Bob Miller who hired me in 1980, and I now employ his daughter, Megan Miller.
Q: With 60,000+ criminal cases, how does staff manage and who decides to bring a case to trial? A: We have a team of lawyers that handle the intake and screening. Then the cases are divvied up depending on the type. On big cases that are very high profile, I decide. Q: What was one of the most embarrassing moments in court? A: Twenty years ago I received a call for me to appear in court for a case. I didn’t have any calendared but headed went. Upon entering, Judge Danny Ahlstrom asked, “Are you ready to proceed?” I had to explain I had miscalendared and would have to reschedule. I also offered to pay the witness fees. I wrote the check and learned my lesson. Q: Could Uber and Lyft help curb the astounding numbers of DUI’s? A: Not enough. What will help most would be increased public service announcements and stronger laws.
Q: Your youngest daughter Rebecca is graduating from law school. How proud are you she is continuing in the family business and legal profession? A: I am extremely proud of both my daughters. My daughter Rachel lives in LA, and Rebecca is graduating law school. She chose to get into law all on her own. They are both remarkable young women. Q: You had an initial plan of taking a law clerk position in Las Vegas and then returning to San Diego, what made you to stay? A: I fell in love with the community. Back in the 1980’s there were only about 300,000 residents. I made great friends like Vince Consul, a very well respected attorney. I met my wife Jackie, got married and had children. My love for the Las Vegas community is what kept me here.
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