MY Voice Volume 7 Issue 2 Power of the Pen

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tories are important to everyone, especially to us as Muslims. If we didn’t have them, it would be harder for us to learn about our religion. People like listening to or reading stories to understand things better, which is why storytelling is a great way to propagate our Deen.1 Within a story often lies a lesson, moral, or a conclusion that would benefit us. Stories were originally used to help us learn about important facts. A perfect example of this would be the story of Yusuf (AS).2 He always had patience and endured pain after pain, struggle after struggle, and in the end he “We are presented became one of the important people in Egypt. The lesson with a roadmap to take away from this story to success in the is to always be patient; Allah form of the will always be with you if you lessons in these have taqwa.3 The Quran4 is full of stories.” stories. In fact, one of the surahs5 in the Quran is called “Al-Qasas,” which means “The Stories.” This surah is full of stories. It starts with the story of Musa (AS) and ends with the story of an Eygptian Tyrant by the name of Qarun. All of these stories have lessons that will help make us better Muslims. Islamic storytelling has always been important. If stories didn’t exist, we wouldn’t have good examples and lessons. During the Makkan Period, when the Prophet (SAW)6 had lost hope in the Quraysh, Allah (SWT) sent

MY VOICE | ISSUE2VOL7 2019 | 6

down the story of Musa (AS), and how the people of Egypt always mocked him and never believed him. Then, Allah says that He helped Musa (AS) and He destroyed the people who didn’t believe. The lesson from this is that Allah “If stories didn’t always helps the people who exist, we wouldn’t are in dire need, as long as they believe in Him as the have good only God. examples and Storytelling is very lessons.” important for us as Muslims. Muslims are extremely fortunate to have stories of the past recorded in the Quran and Ahadith. We are presented with a roadmap to success in the form of the lessons in these stories. If we follow the lessons derived from the stories, we will be successful.

1. Deen: A reference to the Islamic Way of Life. 2. (AS): An abbreviation of alayhi-salaam, meaning “May peace be upon him.” Said after the names of prophets. 3. Taqwa: Consciousness of Allah. 4. Quran: The Holy Book of Islam. 5. Surah: A Chapter of The Quran. 6. (SAW): An abbreviation of sallA-llahu alayhi wa sallam, meaning “May peace and blessings be upon him.” Said after the name of Prophet Muhammad.

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