Your Time Magazine Brisbane - February 2021

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True Independent Living

Looking for a builder who understands your needs? Just like housing trends change over time, so do our bodies, capabilities and lifestyle, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is our desire to remain living in our own home for as long as we can. Livable Housing Australia has partnered community, business groups and government to make homes easier to access, navigate around and live in, leading to the introduction of the Australian Livable Housing Guidelines.

As Members of the Independent Builders Network, we understand how living independently at home impacts on overall wellbeing and have made it easier than ever with our new Adaptable Living Range. Designed in accordance with the Livable Housing Guidelines, the range was created to make future modifications easy, affordable, and free from stress - no matter what your needs or circumstances.

The home is open for public viewing on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 4pm – or by appointment and is conveniently located at 29 Olive Grove, Greenbank.

Their relationship with reputable local builders, and national buying power ensures our homes are affordable, customisable, and delivered to the highest standards which is why DBC Homes fits right in to the stable comfortably having over 45 years’ of building excellence history.

For further information on the Adaptable Living Range by Independent Builders Network, visit or, to learn more about DBC Homes, visit or call Rick Hayter 0414 322 900 to organise an inspection.

IBN has chosen Brisbane to showcase this exciting new concept for true independent living with a display home by DBC Homes, officially accredited with the livable living ‘Gold Level’ by Livable Housing Australia, the second highest standard available and only one on display in the whole country!

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DBC Homes


28/01/2021 10:24:22 AM

Editor’s note


ust as it was leaving, 2020 delivered one last strike — an unexpected start for the new year and one I hope isn’t indicative of how the rest is going to pan out. You see, I found myself at A&E early on New Year’s Day along with the usual culprits who had overdone it the night before. But I hadn’t been swigging champagne and singing Auld Lang Syne at midnight. Rather, I had woken up with what looked like a black cherry attached to my little finger. The pain was intense. And herein lies my tale, as I have never known anyone who, despite Australia’s reputation, could tell a decent spider bite story. I assumed I had been stung by a jumping ant when I was pulling up a


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Contents weed in the dying days of 2020, as it was that sort of searing pain. I slept most of the next day, clutching ice for relief. Then, on the first day of the new year, I woke to find my knuckles had disappeared inside a bulbous hand, and my little finger was black. Always one for dramatics, I was visualising amputation and how I was going to type without a little finger to hit the P and the full stop! At the hospital, I clung to my ant sting story, telling the doctor I must have given myself frost bite by holding on to the ice for so long. He scoffed. “It’s a spider bite”. Who knew? Apparently it is easy enough to identify. Another three weeks of hell followed before the finger started to look normal again. And no, I don’t know what sort of spider as, fearing a second bite, I hadn’t looked any further at the time. There’s no moral to the story other than to be wary of spiders lurking in weeds and learning to identify a bite. On a more serious note, Russell Hunter this month looks at the pros and cons of the reverse mortgage concept and whether it might be worth considering. Dorothy Whittington Editor

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February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 3

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It’s the great Australian home dream – in reverse Many Baby Boomers are finding themselves asset rich and cash poor in retirement. RUSSELL HUNTER investigates the concept of a reverse mortgage to fund the comforts without forfeiting the home.


ou can’t eat the family home. It’ a truism increasingly confronted by the Baby Boomers who, in their golden years, discover themselves asset rich and cash poor. Having come to the compulsory superannuation table slightly late, they may find themselves short of retirement cash. They may occupy a high-end home, all mortgages paid, with children ready to inherit. In many cases that home may well have been in the family for generations. Selling outside the family is just not an option. That said, a couple can’t live on the age pension, at least not with any degree of comfort. And comfort is the one thing that we crave in our golden years.

So people of that age group have started to explore ways to release some of the value of their assets – usually the family home – without having to dispose of them completely. That’s where the reverse mortgage system comes in: You can borrow a portion of the value of the home and pay it back – with interest – when you die or the home is sold. And if that sounds too good to be true, it isn’t. But there are pitfalls. Reverse mortgaging is not for everybody. Already popular in the US, the reverse mortgage concept is now taking hold in Australia as a means of releasing the equity tied up in a home. It allows individuals and couples to stay in their homes while “selling” a portion of them.

Friendly tranquil setting...

The attractive aspect is there are no monthly mortgage payments. The loan is repaid plus interest when the owners die or the property is sold. As you grow older, you are able to borrow up to a higher amount. As a general guide, 60-year-olds may be able to borrow around 20 per cent of the value of their property (20% LVR), while 70-yearolds may be able to borrow around 30 per cent (30% LVR). Different providers allow you to borrow different amounts using their reverse mortgage home loans. Do your homework carefully to find the right loan for you. You could potentially borrow up to 45 per cent of the property’s value. But the golden rule, as always, is shop around. A simple internet search will bring up a bewildering array of lenders eager for your business. Most are up front about the risks and pitfalls and most won’t even entertain you until you can show that you have acquired expert advice. If the lender you are looking at doesn’t insist on this, perhaps you should be looking elsewhere. Advice can come from a CPA, a solicitor or a licensed financial adviser. It’s an essential step. The same internet search will also bring up the Canstar comparison site which will serve as a useful point of departure, but don’t rely on it. Do your own research. You’re highly unlikely to find a fixed rate for a reverse mortgage. Private sector loans, even in these days of near-zero official rates, currently carry variable rates at around the 6 per cent mark – which indicates the risks the lenders see

themselves exposed to. And there will typically be fees. These vary but an establishment fee of $900 with annual management fees of $80 would not be abnormal. The game changer for many would be the entry of Centrelink into the reverse mortgage arena in mid-2019. It’s an innovative way of using public money to make life more liveable for pensioners, many of whom would own their home or be close to owning it.

“The game changer for many would be the entry of Centrelink into the arena.” And because it’s public money, the rules and procedures are a little bit more complex and time consuming. There’s a fair bit of what many might call red tape. Centrelink expert Narelle Cooper, who with her partner has a business specialising in helping clients navigate the Centrelink maze, has thoroughly studied the Centrelink concept and has already piloted a number of clients through the rules and procedures. “It’s not for everybody,” she says. “But it can be very useful for people in specific circumstances.” The interest rates tend to be a bit more attractive than those offered in the private sector. There are no establishment

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For further information Freecall 3805 2155 Make an appointment for a relaxed and informal viewing at 30 Beutel St, Waterford West 4 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

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River Glen Haven Brisbane

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fees, for example, while the variable rate would tend to have a figure 4 in front of it. But, as always, you’ll need professional advice. Remember, the value of the family home or the home you live in and have equity in isn’t counted as an asset for age pension purposes, so it’s possible to live in a high-value property and be strapped for cash. “It might be a couple or an individual with a home that’s been in the family for generations – and they’d like it to stay that way but they need cash income to support themselves in their later years,” Ms Cooper says. But, she points out, nobody has a crystal ball: “You’re betting against future movements in the property market.” You need to be an age or disability pensioner, a Centrelink allowance recipient or at least qualify as such in order to be considered for the government scheme. At the same time, part of the Centrelink upside is flexibility. “You can usually transfer to another property,” says Ms Cooper. “Of course, you’d need to be assessed for that by Centrelink but there is at least the possibility to keep the program going.” In general terms, the younger you are, the less you can borrow and while the loan isn’t due until the home is sold, you can make repayments at any time (as you can with most private sector offerings). Centrelink will now consider loans over more than one property but unlike some private sector schemes, freehold is a must. “The major risk,” says Ms Cooper, “is that the equity could become negative in the event of a market crash. Also, any potential residential age care needs in the future need to be considered now.”


etween 1987 and 2015, the average mortgage debt for Australians over 55 grew from $27,000 to a terrifying


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EXAMPLE 1 Narelle Cooper cites her experience of an older couple who live in a $2 million home. Now in their 70s, they represent minimum risk in a reverse mortgage scenario. “But, again, I doubt if there’s such a thing as a no-risk scenario,” she says. “My advice, as it nearly always is, was to talk it over with the family.” Decisions we make today will have an impact on what our children and/or dependents can expect to inherit and could, potentially at least, expose them to a financial commitment if we ever need specialised care. In this case, the kids were onside so the couple can continue to enjoy the home and live a reasonable lifestyle. Everybody’s happy.

$185,000 (both measured in 2015 dollar values), according to a report from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI). “Our research finds that back in 1987, only 14 per cent of older Australian homeowners were still paying off the mortgage on their home. That share doubled to 28 per cent in 2015,” report co-author Professor Rachel Ong ViforJ, of Curtin University told The New Daily recently. The research also found the average mortgage debt burden went from 13 per cent of the average home in the late 1980s, to about 30 per cent by the late 1990s. “Over that time, average annual mortgage repayments have more than tripled from $5000 to $17,000 in real terms,” she said. The meteoric growth is squeezing

retirement incomes and leaving more people with debilitating mortgage stress. Dr ViforJ said older mortgagors’ mental health was suffering from the added financial burden. Some mortgagors are even experiencing symptoms similar to those of long-term health problems. The key driver of mortgage debt growth is the housing boom and associated lifts in house prices, Dr ViforJ said. “House prices have steamed ahead at a much faster pace and grown much quicker than income levels, meaning people are finding it more difficult to get into home ownership until later in life,” she said. “It also means when people do get into home ownership, they have to take out a much larger mortgage debt in order to be able to buy that home.” “Outdated” policy settings put older Australians at risk. The increase in the number of people retiring with housing debt also has huge implications for housing assistance programs and, therefore, the government’s budget bottom line. “We’re predicting that between 2016 and 2031 that the number of older Australians needing Commonwealth rent assistance is going to spike from 414,000 to 664,000 – that’s a 60 per cent increase and is obviously going to put a lot of pressure on government as well.” Much of the government’s thinking was “outdated” when it came to managing housing affordability for older Australians, Dr ViforJ said. Specifically, government uses flawed assumptions about older Australians’ financial position to underpin its policies on social housing and the age pension. Those policies assume Australians have paid off most of their mortgage when they retire; that retirees will have

some form of nest egg, and will be able to get by on a modest pension. Dr ViforJ said these assumptions were getting rather outdated and government needed to review public housing supply and the age pension size to ensure the problem didn’t continue to swell. “We already have more older Australians that are carrying a mortgage debt and tipping out of home ownership. If you combine that with population ageing, that’s just going to blow out into a really large number,” she said. Making it easier for retirees to downsize their homes could also take some pressure off older Australians, allowing them to bring down their debt levels and free up more money. For many retirees, downsizing isn’t an option as the stamp duty costs and difficulty finding appropriate housing in suitable neighbourhoods makes it untenable.

EXAMPLE 2 Don and Andrea – in their late 60s – are in good health, own their home but need cash to give them a better lifestyle. After a working lifetime of monthly mortgage repayments, it seemed to them that the Australian dream of owning a home wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be if there’s not enough cash to adequately support themselves. After a family discussion (at the end of the day there may not be an awful lot left for the kids) they took the reverse mortgage plunge. And haven’t regretted it. They and the kids keep a careful watch on the market in general and review the position annually. So far, they are all comfortable.

February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 5

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Mention Dick and Dora, Nip and Fluff to anyone who went to school in the ’50s and ’60s and they will know exactly who you are talking about. We learnt to read with these friends and their stories in the Happy Venture Readers. Written by Professor Fred Schonell (of Sir Fred Schonell Drive, St Lucia fame) when he was still in England, this reading program was used extensively throughout Australia and the UK, phasing out the Queensland School Readers Prep series in the early 1950s. These days the class would be stifling giggles every time Dick’s name was mentioned. The rest of the Queensland School Readers (or Red Readers as they were fondly known) were eventually replaced in the late 1960s but not before they had scarred countless young lives with their literary version of The Little Match Girl. Extract from Pam Van Der Kooy’s Stuff We Had in the ’50s and ’60s available from all good bookstores.

AND THE WINNER IS … Thank you for the many entries received for our January Summer Reads competition. Congratulations to Ruth Volter of Taigum, the winner of the prize pack of Harlequin Books. The pack of three books by popular Australian authors valued at $89.97 is in the post from Harlequin Books.

“Roger that” has been used in radio communication since 1941. Roger was used in the US military phonetic alphabet for the letter R, as in message “Received”. To indicate a message had been heard and understood – received – the reply was roger, which was later expanded to “roger that”, for “received the message”. “Roger Wilco” in military slang meant “received message and will comply”. Broadcasts of the 1960s Apollo space missions saw the broader population begin using roger in the context of “I agree”. There is no truth in the claim that roger is an acronym for Received Order Given, Expect Results. The NATO phonetic alphabet, now the most widely used radiotelephone spelling alphabet, was introduced on January 1, 1956 and uses Romeo for R.

IN THE GARDEN — with Penny

EVERYTHING has grown with the lovely rain recently. Prune plants that have overgrown pathways and other plants. Plenty of weeds around too, so pull them out while small and definitely don’t let them set seed. Add compost and aged manure to the vegetable garden in readiness for autumn planting which includes cabbage, cauliflower, beans, corn, tomatoes, spring onions, peas, etc. Prep an area for sweet peas in full sun with above with a dusting of lime.Fertilise roses and citrus, and plant begonias, zinnias, poppies and so on when the weather cools down. Order bulbs. Some that grow well here include ranunculi, anemone, freesias, daffodils and jonquils. Camellias are starting to bud. Use a fertiliser with extra potash. Keep an eye open for grasshoppers and grubs and deal with them. Take cuttings of cordylines, coleus and crotons for year round colour. Happy gardening. Penny Hegarty




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responsibilities seriously and follow the rules. What I don’t understand is why do some people even have a cat when they don’t care enough to keep them safe? Please do the right thing, lock up your cat and be a responsible pet owner. Denise Maclean

YOUR story of Wattie Hemara and George Thomas (“Acts of bravery,” YT Dec) was inspirational. It seems to me that many people, nowadays receive official recognition via the honours awards system, for doing what they are paid to do, for example politicians and army generals. However, selfless, quiet achievers doing great things without remuneration (like Wattie), don’t get the recognition that they deserve. Wattie is certainly a local hero, but he is really much more than that. Ken Moore

I WRITE concerning a matter that could affect many Queenslanders approaching retirement and considering moving to a retirement village or 50s-plus village constructed under the Manufactured Homes Act. My wife and I moved into a 50s-plus gated community in May 2019. We were led to believe, along with many other purchasers, that we had purchased one of 190 homes. To our dismay, we discovered this year that the park owner had had approval since 2014, to construct a village of 297 homes. This development application, while not dramatically affecting ourselves, will have a devastating effect on many residents. I now have an active e-petition before Parliament, closing date February 21, to amend the legislation of the Manufactured Homes Act so that misleading sales practices cannot be repeated in the future. It can be found on the website Alan Winter

I’D LIKE to remind cat owners of their obligations in regard to ownership of their pets. Council laws state “keep your cat contained at all times – cats are not allowed to roam off your property”. Why is it that nearly every night we’re subjected to noises from cats fighting? They walk all over our cars and outdoor furniture, urinate and defecate all over the place and are a general nuisance. During the Covid lockdown when gym attendance was banned, one of our family contracted ringworm (dermatophytosis) from exercising on our back patio. The doctor said it would be from cats as they are known carriers. I know that there are a lot of cat owners out there who take their


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February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 7

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by Mocco Wollert

DO YOU remember the days when meat was cheap? It was during the years of steak and three veg for dinner. I was married to a carnivore. My beloved had chops for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Well, maybe not lunch but certainly for breakfast. The word cholesterol was still unknown, and we fed our men sausages and chops as much as they wanted. Salad was something green that belonged in the garden and was regarded suspiciously by the man of the house and his children. Going out to dinner, most restaurants offered the same type of food. Thinking about some of the dishes, I literally salivate. Most of them have now disappeared from menus. New, healthy choices which will guarantee a healthy body, are now offered in bowls instead of on plates; the main ingredients seem to be spinach leaves and kale. I quite like the spinach leaves but kale? Sorry, not for yours truly. It might be good for my health but it makes me feel like I am a cow. What has happened to all those

10 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

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wonderful dishes of the ’50s , ’60s and ’70s? Forgive me if I wallow in nostalgia but who can forget steak diane, veal marsala, bangers and mash, chicken maryland, fillet mignon, beef wellington and that old favourite, savoury mince? What happened to the crowning glory of special nights: Chateaubriand? Entrée choices were limited, and the favourite was prawn cocktail. Oysters, while not cheap, were still reasonably priced and were a much-loved start to a restaurant dinner. They came in all varieties: Zarina, Mornay, Kilpatrick and of course natural. The more upmarket restaurants usually had a sweets trolley. While I find it easy to say “no” to the description of a bowl of fresh strawberries on a bed of mouth-watering cream, I could never say “no” when a bowl of fresh strawberries with cream was waved under my nose or a slice of Black Forest torte winked at me. Who could forget crepe suzettes prepared beside the table? Bombe Alaska was the crowning finish of many a wonderful meal. Drinks of course have also changed. Pimm’s was the drink for ladies – or fruit punch. However, the first wines were appearing. They had simple, often descriptive names: Queen Adelaide, Houghton’s White Burgundy, Sparkling Red Burgundy and the much loved but dreadful sugar-sweet fizzers, Barossa Pearl and Porphyry Pearl. Of course, most men still drank beer. Males who drank wine were called a bad word I do not want to commit to paper here. There was, of course, never any water on the table. Water was for washing up not for drinking. My husband and I owned a restaurant at the time in Darwin and we sometimes had American customers. We were flabbergasted when the first thing they asked for was iced water. What a strange request. To-day, the first thing that appears on the table is water and we all dutifully drink it – whether we like it or not. May you enjoy spinach leaves – or tuck into a chocolate gateau.

by Cheryl Lockwood

YEARS ago, my one and only attempt at golf resulted in frustration and embarrassment, caused by the numerous swings that hit nothing but air. This made me nervous about my spur of the moment decision to try a game with the word golf in the title. I resisted the urge to leave. I was at a park with a bunch of blokes I’d never met and about to play a sport. What could go wrong? Disc golf, also known as frisbee golf, has been around for years, but I’d never seen it, much less played it. The concept is straightforward – throwing frisbees around a set course with the aim of landing them in purpose-built receptacles. Like regular golf, the less throws it takes, the better the score. The cost was a $5, but I was welcomed to give it a try for free: “Tag along for a few throws and see what you think.” Clutching the two discs kindly loaned to me, I was glad I didn’t turn up with my standard, beach variety frisbee. While round and plastic, the discs for this sport are a little different and like golf clubs, more than one can be used. Most of the guys had quite a few discs lined up like colourful picnic plates in bags slung over their shoulders.

After a few practice throws, it was time to tee off from the metal pegs that marked the start for each “hole”. The men in my group were all seasoned players and their discs spun in long, glorious arcs toward the target. Mine, while mostly heading in the right direction, had nowhere near the distance. It often took two or three goes to reach the landing point of their first one. The targets were a strange, basket like structure with metal chains that either helped the frisbee remain in, or annoyingly bounced it out. The course featured a creek, many trees and members of the public. We tried not to hit any of them. I learnt that O.B. means out of bounds and plastic does not always float. Receiving plenty of encouragement from the boys, I pressed on. My score was somewhere between so-so and horrendous. I was surprised at my accuracy with “putting” which helped my score. The beauty of this sport is that it is suitable for all ages. If you are capable of a stroll in the park and can hurl a plastic disc, you can play it. Having survived all 18 holes, I thanked my fellow “golfers” for their tuition, tips and most of all, their patience.


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Ruby Boye – unsung hero of the war in the Pacific Among the brave who have all but disappeared into history is Ruby Boye. DIANA HACKER tells the story of a remarkable unsung hero from World War II.


he Japanese forces were well aware of the activities of Ruby Boye in early 1942, sending her several threatening messages that warned her to discontinue her operations on Vanikoro, an island in the Santa Cruz group of the southern Solomon Islands. She didn’t stop but instead learnt Morse Code and transmitted in that. Ruby was born in Sydney on July 29, 1891, and was working as a saleswoman when she married Skov Boye, from the Solomon Islands, in 1919. They returned to the Solomons in 1928. Eight years later, when Skov became manager for the Kauri Timber Company’s logging operations, they moved to Vanikoro, a mountainous island with no roads, surrounded by a treacherous reef. Timber production ceased when the Japanese entered the war, and staff and their families left by ship. Ruby was now 50 and but she and Skov remained. Skov became a Coastwatcher, a non-combatant who observed enemy movement, reported it by radio and rescued allied personnel while Ruby took over operation of the radio. She sent weather reports four times a day, providing vital meteorological information for both ships and aircraft.

As civilians, Coastwatchers were advised to cease their operations and evacuate as the Japanese advanced. Most, like Ruby, chose to continue their activities knowing that capture could result in execution. If the Japanese did invade Vanikoro, they were defenceless. Ruby’s coded reports gathered from Skov and local tribesmen no doubt helped during the Battle of Santa Cruz on

October 25-27, 1942. During this fourth major aircraft carrier battle, the Japanese lost many airmen and planes and had two ships damaged. The allies also lost heavily but gained an advantage. Ruby’s work was so destructive in the eyes of the Japanese that they attempted to capture her. A boat searched for four hours looking for entry through the coral reef but couldn’t make a landing. Ruby and Skov, aware of its presence, were ready to retreat into the jungle along with the natives of the island. One of her daily transmissions was interrupted by a verbal threat from a frustrated Japanese commander saying, “Japanese Commander He say you die”. For safety, the radio equipment was moved over the Lawrence River and away from the Boye’s home. Capture was not the only danger. When the suspension bridge across the river collapsed, Ruby had to make the journey to the radio shack across the crocodile-infested waters by punt and through ankle-deep mud four times a day. In the event that she might be captured and subsequently treated as a spy, it was decided Ruby would be officially commissioned, and from July 1943, she was appointed an honorary

third officer in the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service (WRANS). Her measurements were sent by radio and a uniform delivered by air drop. She became the sole member of the 3rd US Army outpost, although she worked for the Navy. In recognition of her activities, Admiral William Halsey boarded a flying boat and landed in the lagoon specifically to meet Ruby. As the Japanese were slowly pushed northwards, the Americans withdrew from Vanikoro in 1945, but Ruby continued her work until news was received that the war was over. The Kauri Timber Company resumed logging operations and she continued to send reports to the weather bureau. In 1947, Skov fell ill and they returned to Sydney. He died soon after and Ruby returned to Australia for good. She was awarded the 1939-45 Star as well as the British Empire Medal. Ruby moved into a nursing home at 96, and died on September 14, 1990, aged 99. An accommodation block at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, is named in her honour. In her words, “age is a matter of mind and if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”

FREE SENIORS’ ACTIVITIES Want to enjoy free activities? Brisbane aged care provider Jubilee Community Care has partnered with the University of Queensland and small businesses to offer free activity programs for seniors.

Mindful Connections: Reduce isolation and improve your wellbeing, resilience, mental health and self-care. Every Thursday from 10am - 11.30am. March 4 to April 22 online.

Cooking for One or Two: Lessons in nutrition and healthy ageing alongside cooking demonstrations.

The Stay Connected project is part of a pilot study funded by the Department of Health. It is open to all seniors in the community. As part of the project the University of Queensland will gather data and publish the findings of the benefits of older people attending the innovative activities. Spaces are limited. Register for one or both programs. To book phone 3871 3220 or email today.

Every Wednesday from 10am - 1pm. March 3 to April 7 at St Lucia.


COMMUNITY CARE Enriching later life

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28/01/2021 10:28:36 AM

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Keep workout routines safe from the weather


Queensland summers can be harsh and unpredictable and mess with exercise plans. TRISTAN HALL offers some tips on how to keep moving despite the heat and rain.

WHEN I was younger, we always made New Year resolutions only to break them, sometimes within weeks of the new year. I decided that I would set goals and work towards them rather than be disappointed by making a resolution then breaking it. Semantics you say. Perhaps, but it works for me rather than becoming glum and not fulfilling my resolution. The other thing I decided to do was not be upset if I went off the rails. I would just start again. Some people will say that if you are easy to forgive yourself and just start again, what is the point? The point is that seldom do we all adhere to our wish list. If you are watching your weight, then from time to time you may stray and overindulge. Not all of us have the discipline to be strict all the time, so resetting is a good thing. I remember trying to give up smoking many years ago. I would make a big commitment, throw away my cigarettes, make a statement of intent to my wife, and stop smoking for a day or two maybe a week, and then I


e know regular exercise gives you a stronger body and a calmer mind and missing out on exercise can get you down. Consider walking earlier in the day or in the evening. Walk indoors at a shopping centre. Many shopping centres are open around 8am and are still relatively empty. There are two advantages – you avoid the sun and you can enjoy the air-conditioned comfort. The same benefits apply to working out at a gym. You escape the sun and you can exercise vigorously in an air-conditioned environment. No sweat. Home is a great place to exercise too. With some light hand weights and resistance bands, you can easily set up a personal routine. Exercise at a set time each day and in a set location. Pace yourself. A 10-minute daily session is better than going all out and then not exercising again.

At home you have the benefit of privacy, your own music and plenty of cold water on tap. Do you have any aerobics DVDs on your shelves? Come on, admit it. Take a look at these classics and get moving. The beach with its sea breezes may be your preferred exercise spot. You can walk, do some yoga stretches or swim. It’s motivating to have other active people around you. Go down early in the morning or towards the end of the day to avoid the harsher sunlight. Call a friend. It’s easier to keep

a commitment you have made to someone else than one you have made to yourself. Arrange to exercise with a friend. This could be an early morning neighbourhood walk or a swim. You will both benefit. Of course, you can add in a coffee break too. On the hot summer days it is important to stay hydrated. Even though you are exercising in the cooler hours or indoors you will still need to replenish your fluids. If you become lightheaded or your urine is darker than usual, it’s a sure sign you are dehydrated. If you are tired of simple H20, munch on some cold watermelon cubes, a few slices of pawpaw or some cucumber sticks. I hope these suggestions help you plan ahead and stay active this summer despite what nature throws our way. Tristan Hall is an exercise physiologist with Full Circle Wellness. Call 0431 192 284 or visit

went back to smoking. After many attempts, I stopped completely and have not had a cigarette since, so it worked for me in the end. Being healthier, exercising more – whatever you want to do, you can work towards it and it can work for you too. Regardless of your goals or wishes you need to work towards them but don’t get too down on not achieving what you want to the first time. Treat what you have done so far as a rehearsal. Simply start again. At some stage it will all click into line and what you are trying to do will fall into place. William Edward Hickson apparently is the first person to have written “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again�. There have been many variations on that statement but the sentiment is the same. I love the quote attributed to Winston Churchill “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts�. Tom Law is the author of Tom’s Law Fit Happens. Visit


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14 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

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Isuzu dual cab joins the market leaders Australians still love utes and four-wheel drives. BRUCE McMAHON looks at the machines that were the top-sellers of 2020 and finds the D-Max has stepped up.


HILE last year wasn’t a boomer for the market, for obvious reasons, Toyota’s HiLux and the Ford Ranger were solid winners. Utes and SUVs of all types claimed some three-quarters of showroom deals. It seems many still need van-towing ability, perhaps more went out to explore the country’s backyard in lockdown days, and maybe some wanted a go-anywhere vehicle in troubled times. And while HiLux and Ranger had a stellar run, a new machine which arrived mid-year has the potential to give them a run for their money – the latest Isuzu D-Max ute has stepped up in all areas. It is now a more sophisticated, more comfortable ute for all manner of work, from heading north with van in tow, up the beach for a spot of fishing or out to building sites. This latest D-Max range has a bigger body, more power and more comfort. There are 13 all-new models from two-wheel drive, two-door versions to the hero four-wheel drive dual cabs. It’s those latter machines, the dual cabs, which highlight improvements over the previous D-Max; those were solid performers if a little old-school.

This new generation Isuzu is dressier with broader market appeal, with retail prices for four-wheel drive versions from $40,200 through to $62,900. All run the trusted 3 litre diesel engine, now with 10kW of extra power for 140kW and 450Nm of torque, delivered through six-speed manual or automatic transmission. The all-new body – wider and a tad shorter – has better aerodynamics for better fuel economy. Auto D-Max should return around 8 litres per 100km according to

the factory. That attention to aerodynamics, new suspension, stronger chassis plus improved sound deadening brings a quieter cabin. It is also a more refined, more comfortable cabin with less hard plastic surfaces and, among specification changes, there’s both reach and tilt adjustments for the steering wheel, something not always found in our utes. D-Maxs arrive with a touchscreen for phone connection and audio plus Apple Play and Android Auto functions, plus

there’s a comprehensive list of safety equipment. Added to the utes’ eight airbags is Isuzu’s Intelligent Driver Assist System where, among a swag of assistance measures, cameras and sensors help out with the likes of crossing lanes unintentionally, braking the vehicle if closing on a drama, monitoring blind spots, settling it down if a trailer sways and recognising speed signs. The only whinge here is the instrument panel with graphics sometimes hard to read, but there are few complaints about the D-Max’s road manners or off-road abilities. Ride and handling are more composed than before and match most of today’s main rivals. There can still be some bump-thump on uneven surfaces but there’s now more suspension control and less rear-end skip over corrugations, plus Isuzu’s electrically-assisted steering provides good feel from parking speeds to dirt road cruising. This is a well-sorted dual cab utility better suited to today’s workhorse-comelifestyle needs, especially for long hauls. It remains – and now with the addition of a locking rear differential – a very good off-roader.

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St John Qld is an approved NDIS and Commonwealth Home Support Programme provider. Supported by the Australian Government Department of Health. Brisbane

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February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 15

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LUXURY ITALIAN DESIGNS. Calligaris Cartesio Extension Table in Golden Onyx Marble ceramic top on Matt Black legs Calligaris Rosemary Chairs in Ocean Blue Venice fabric seat on Matt Black ash Legs

Kelvin Giormani Tenero 2 Seater Motorised Sofa in Italian Leather

Recliners from




StresslessÂŽ Sunrise Recliner on Power Leg & Back base in Paloma leather and Black timber base

BRISBANE Fortitude Valley, Shop 2 / 27 Doggett Street (Opposite Space Furniture) T. (07) 3854 1688

StresslessÂŽ Laurel Low Back Dining Chair with arms

GOLD COAST Bundall 91 Ashmore Road T. (07) 5511 7110

16.indd 2

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STAY CONNECTED WITH FREE PROGRAMS FREE mindfulness, cooking and exercise programs are starting in March as part of Jubilee Community Care’s Stay Connected project. The project by the not-for-profit home care provider is open to all seniors and is funded by the Federal Government’s Department of Health. Programs available are: • Cooking for One or Two – presented by Food Solutions: Dieticians provide lessons in basic cooking, nutrition and healthy ageing. There will be nutritious cooking demonstrations and you get to share meals with participants. The program runs once a week for six weeks, starting Wednesday, March 3, 10am-1pm at St Lucia. • Mindful Connections – presented by Conscious Beginnings: This popular program aims to empower and support older people to reduce their isolation and improve wellbeing, resilience, mental health and self-care. It will run online once a week for eight weeks, starting March 4, 10am-11.30am. It will


be delivered via the Zoom platform. • Body Moves – presented by Bodytrack Exercise Physiology: Get moving under the expert guidance of an exercise physiologist. This eight-week program targets functional strength, fall prevention and social interaction, which helps to maintain independence and improve quality of life. It includes an initial assessment and one 30-minute session each week. Participants require clearance from their doctor to take part. As part of the Stay Connected project, the University of Queensland’s Institute for Social Science Research will gather data and publish the findings of the benefits of seniors attending the innovative activities. Places are limited and previous programs have been popular, so register interest soon. Participants can register for one or multiple programs and must provide their own transport. Call Jubilee Community Care 3871 3220 or email au. Visit

COURSE HELPS GET FAMILY RESEARCH UNDERWAY IF finally getting around to researching your family history is among your resolutions for 2021, then the Queensland Family History Society beginner’s course is the place to start. Experienced tutors will explain the process and how to get things started, what to be look out for and where to look for information. The comprehensive six-week online course begins on February 15, 7.30-9pm. Content will include home sources, organisation, BDM certificates, archives, libraries, newspapers, overseas research, and much more. Access to QFHS resources which

include MyHeritage, subscription sites and Queensland datasets will be available for the duration of the course. The cost of $60 for members and $90 for non-members includes a copy of the book Where do I start?: a brief guide to researching your family in Australia and New Zealand by Shauna Hicks 2nd Edition (rrp $25). The course has space for only eight participants and bookings close February 8. There are plenty of other courses lined up for the year, including webinars with interstate and international speakers sharing their experience and knowledge.

THE Army Museum South Queensland will open its latest exhibition “Sport in The Army” this month. Among the memorabilia relating to the Army’s involvement in a variety of sports is a trophy that represents an almost forgotten piece of Queensland history. On September 16, 1945 at a ground at Torokina, Bougainville, military sports history was made. Rugby league was usually played as an inter-regimental or inter-battalion competition with sides picked to represent their regiment or battalion irrespective of birthplace. This competition was played by teams based on the soldier’s place of enlistment and, as the battalions were made up of mainly Queensland and New South Wales personnel, it was billed as “Interstate Rugby League Series, Bougainville”. Both games were won by Queensland, 10-9 and 20-13 and the State of Origin was born. The trophy was presented to Queensland Rugby League by the Army at half time in a 1946 Brisbane club match. It was donated to the Army Museum South Queensland in November 1998. The Army Museum South Queensland is located at Victoria

Barracks on Petrie Terrace. The historic precinct near Caxton St provides a unique glimpse of Australia’s military history from the colonial era, through two world wars, to the presentday role of the Australian Defence Force. The popular tours of the Barracks re-commence next month. Cost of $15 includes entry to the Barracks, an audio presentation, Devonshire morning tea served on silver in the officer’s mess, a walking tour of the historical barracks, souvenir booklet and group photo. All visits to Victoria Barracks are by prior arrangement and bookings are essential.

Visit armymuseum, email info@armymuseumsouth or phone 0429 954 663 to book.


WOMEN MEET AT BROOKSIDE BROOKSIDE Tuesday Women’s Group meets every Tuesday at 9.30 from February 3. Meetings are in the hall at the Adventists Church at the roundabout on Ruby Rd, Mitchelton. The group is not affiliated with the church. Morning tea is served on arrival. Speakers, meals at local venues, a Mother’s Day lunch, bus trips and taking part in the World’s Greatest Morning Tea are part of the lineup this year. All welcome.

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February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 17

28/01/2021 10:30:31 AM


Couple cruises into retirement While the life of a grey nomad was appealing, one couple wanted to step their retiremenet up a notch. GLENIS GREEN meets some nomads who have discovered a life packed with adventure after heading for the water.


oing their sums and taking the plunge to retire early, Geoff and Leanne Peters decided to swap the lure and freedom of the open road for something a little more cruisy. So rather than hauling a caravan – with all the stresses and demands of driving long distances – this enterprising

18 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

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couple flew to England, bought a motorboat and have spent almost half of the last four years cruising the rivers, canals and coastlines of Europe. It was quite the change of pace for Geoff, 60, and Leanne, 59. In fact it was a dream lifestyle – cruising on their boat, spending another

portion of their year on cruise ships where Geoff was in demand doing maritime history speaking presentations, and then the rest of the time house and pet sitting in idyllic locations. That was until Covid-19 put a temporary halt to their luxury gypsy lifestyle. Making the most of the hiatus, they spent the festive season at a rented unit on the Sunshine Coast, busily planning their next round of adventures , ready to go as soon as the pandemic is brought under control. “There are worse places to be marooned,” grins Geoff, while Leanne admits it is frustrating, but they are philosophical about it and making the most of it. Geoff has joined the local coastguard to hone his boating knowledge and help out. Always full of great ideas and extremely tenacious in carrying them through, Geoff began his career in the Navy at the tender age of 15 before moving into work at the tax office. He later worked for the Endeavour Foundation, and then moved on to local

government. Leanne, whose background was in the army, met Geoff by chance at a social dinner when they were both living in Toowoomba. Sparks flew and last month on Australia Day they celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary. Geoff says their lifestyle since they bit the bullet and retired early in 2016 has

“It’s a thrifty lifestyle, with mooring fees much cheaper than in Australia” been nothing short of amazing, including meeting a range of wonderful new friends and high flyers. They have even ended up rubbing shoulders with the stars at Wimbledon and meeting the director of Les Miserables at a theatre in London, who took them for a personal back stage tour. Leanne is particularly enamoured with their occasional pet and house


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OUR PEOPLE sitting duties in Europe and England which have taken them to tiny villages and places they would never normally have gone - walking dogs in leafy countrysides and meeting friendly locals. This sideline began when they decided to invest the $200 fee and join Trusted Housesitters. After a couple of gigs and glowing recommendations they found themselves in demand all over the world. While Leanne was a little bit hesitant at first, flying into the unknown on the other side of the world, they both agree it was the best decision they have ever made. It has allowed them to break out of the ordinary into a life that is now extraordinary. As they say, one thing just seems to lead to another as they meet different people and get swept in different directions. Geoff said clearly they couldn’t sail a motorboat from Australia to England, so they flew to England to obtain a survey report and conduct a sea trial before making their purchase. It’s a thrifty lifestyle, with mooring fees much cheaper than Australia and often many are free, so they have been able to explore many destinations they otherwise would never have been able to afford to stay. While Leanne was bit apprehensive, they managed to strike good weather for

crossing the English Channel to arrive in Dunkirk in France. There they met another couple who encouraged them to slip across into nearby Belgium and – because they could – they changed their plans and had a wonderful first season exploring the Belgian countryside and villages. “It’s not a lifestyle for everyone,” says Leanne. “It sounds as though it’s not stable but there is structure there. You can change it if you do change your mind.” Leanne also always wanted to call the Sunshine Coast home, so that’s what they named their boat – Sunshine Coast. Geoff says much of the beauty of motorboat cruising is that you can moor in spots very close to the heart of villages and cities to make exploring convenient. He says being called upon to lecture on cruise ships has been another new adventure – with Leanne accompanying him – and despite having no experience at public speaking, he has taken to it ... well, like a duck to water. This means they have been able to sail to other parts of the world in total luxury at no cost. While they have cruised their boat around England, France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany, it is currently moored securely awaiting their safe return to once again begin their retirement adventures.

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Logan Hyperdome, Loganholme Noosa Civic, 28 Eenie Creek Rd, Noosaville Ph 0438 962 943

February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 19

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Act now to secure your future Most Baby Boomers want to stay in their home and have support to continue to do so when assistance is needed. KENDALL MORTON recommends acting sooner rather than later.


ome care packages and other government support programs are designed to help you “age in place”. Recent figures show 134,930 people are benefiting from home care packages which vary from a low level of support (Level 1) to high and frequent support (Level 4). In the September 2020 quarter, 42,900 people gained approval for a Home Care Package. However, approval is not the same as receiving support. You need to wait until a package becomes available. For a Level 1 package you may wait three months. For a high support/Level 4 package you can wait for more than 12 months, according to the Home Care Packages Program report for first quarter 2020-2021. Perhaps you do not need a home care package now, but support is not immediate. There is a national waiting list and the number of packages available is fixed by the national Budget. There are many things you can do to prepare for some good years ahead. Here are a few questions to get you thinking. How suitable is your neighbourhood? Look critically at where you live. Will it suit you as you age? If you have to give up driving, is there a bus stop in walking distance? Will your home meet changing needs? As we age, tripping is a common hazard. Sometimes this is as easy as taking away the mats. But if your place has stairs, uneven footpaths or a hilly garden area, it may be costly to make changes. Will your landlord be helpful? Most landlords like having long-term tenants. You will need to get approval for any structural changes such as handrails. Think about lighting and security too. Are you protecting your health? Your freedom and independence are directly related to your health. You need to protect this like gold. For starters, manage your weight. Being just 2.5kg overweight

Care package can take pain out of meal preparation When organising to eat properly becomes too much, you may be eligible for a subsidy to have balanced and nutritious meals delivered to your door. DANIEL WUTHRICH explains what it all means and how to go about organising a delivery.

I adds an extra workload to your heart muscle. Consider a yoga or dance class. Gym sessions, pilates or swimming can build your muscle strength and support your bones. Do you have a strong social network? My dad used to say he went to more funerals than weddings. As you age, your peers die around you. You can become isolated. Harry Lodge and Chris Crowley authors of Younger Next Year recommend you continue to expand your social circle. Join groups. Get out. or U3A are excellent places to start. How will you stay mentally active? A study in Neurology (August 2020) tracked around 100 seniors for 14 years. This group was mostly men. They were given cognition tests and had brain scans to see what beta-amyloids were present. These are associated with dementias. When retested the average age was 92. The participants who had kept working long after retirement age had minimal cognitive decline. You may not want to stay in your job, but it’s important to plan a few ways to stay mentally engaged with your community. These questions are an invitation. With them, I hope you can pause, imagine and create the future you want years. Kendall Morton is the director of Home Care Assistance. Email kmorton@

IRT Home Care Queensland IRT has been caring for older Australians for over 50 years. Our Queensland Home Care team helps seniors live their best life at home, providing services you can trust.

am sometimes asked if Gourmet Meals is a Home Care Service Provider (HCSP). While the answer is no, we are a subsidised meal option for those who are eligible. You’re more likely to be eligible if you are over 65, living independently, have specific needs and have been assigned an Aged Care Package. The federal government subsidises a variety of organisations or individuals to help people access the care they need. If you are generally able to manage at home but need a bit of support with a few basic tasks, you could be eligible for subsidised support through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP). This support usually does not include meal preparation and delivery. Home Care Packages are for those with greater or more complex needs. These services are delivered through Home Care Service Providers and include services such as personal care, nursing, occupational therapy, meal preparation or meal delivery and dietary advice. HCSPs often provide many services themselves, but some such as meal preparation and delivery, may be outsourced to a meal delivery company such as Gourmet Meals. While we are a private, non-funded, service, we are a preferred supplier of prepared and delivered meals for the HCSPs. A comprehensive assessment will be done with an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) who will decide level of support eligibility and package level. After a waiting period, which at times can be quite lengthy, you may be assigned a Home Care Package that details what services you are funded for according to your assessed needs.

Personal care

Health and wellbeing support

Cleaning and household tasks

Social connection

Nursing services

Home safety and security

Getting out and about

Concierge service

Those who are eligible to have prepared meals delivered to their home can choose their meal provider, and this is where you can select Gourmet Meals. The government usually subsidises 70 per cent of the order cost under your Home Care Package. Included within this is delivery – most of the time, preparation and packaging costs. The remaining 30 per cent, which covers the cost of ingredients, is all you need to pay for. In order to place an order, an agreement has to be set up between Gourmet Meals and the HCSP, and once that is done, you simply call Gourmet Meals directly to make an order. In short, if you’d like to order meals that are subsidised, check if you or a member of your family is eligible for a subsidy by visiting They will organise the assessment and advise eligibility and then provide a list of Home Care Service Providers in your area who you can appoint to manage your funds and help you arrange the food service. Daniel Wuthrich is the owner of Gourmet Meals. Call 1300 112 112 or visit

Call 134 478 or visit Brisbane

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February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 21

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Seven steps to a satisfying long life A good retirement is strongly linked to health and wellbeing. JUDY RAFFERTY looks at how we can maintain our wellbeing as we age.


great deal has been written about how to achieve healthy aging and increased longevity. I am not sure how many people want an increase in longevity unless they can be assured of ongoing wellbeing – physically, mentally and emotionally. Many people want quality rather than quantity of life. In order to achieve that quality there is a plethora of information directed towards keeping in good shape.

We are advised to take vitamins, or maybe not, depending on our diet. We are recommended to eat a keto diet, or a Mediterranean diet or a balanced diet or not to diet. We read about taking mud baths, doing brain training, learning a language, ice water submersion and much more. It is hard to know what to listen to and what to follow. Australian research has pinpointed

CARAVANS WANTED Wanted to buy, all caravans and motorhomes. • We come to you • Fast settlement • Finance Paid out If you want a quick no hassle sale please contact Joe for a price 0418 876 395

seven significant factors predictive of longevity and/or enhancing the quality of that longer life. 1. Nutrition. Eat well 2. Social support. Get out and make friends. Having good relationships with family or friends leads to an increase in life satisfaction and personal wellbeing and a reduction in loneliness and dementia risk. 3. Meaningful activities. Do something worthwhile. It will be worthwhile if it gives you a sense of accomplishment and control and helps you to feel useful. 4. Mental stimulation. Continue to learn or find a way to apply the knowledge you have accumulated over your life. 5. Exercise. Get moving. It doesn’t have to be exercise. It might just be physical activity. Such activity reduces the risk of dementia, depression and anxiety. It improves cognition and emotional resilience. 6. Manage stress. Stress damages both the brain and the body. Stress reducing activities impact on the pathways in the brain as well as on the chemicals that influence aging of the brain. 7. Self-worth. Do what it takes to improve or maintain your self-esteem, selfacceptance and to stay optimistic. The six ideas above all contribute to selfworth.

It is much easier to take morning vitamin pills than to do any of the activities recommended by research. But consider these seven factors and assess them within your own life. Which ones might you need to work on? Which ones can you tick off and confidently say that you have or do? Perhaps write down the factors you want to work on and stick them to the fridge. Try starting with one if you have multiple area to address. Starting small might increase your chances of success. The following approach seems to work well for some people when they have more than one area to work on. Spend one week focusing on one factor then move through the list week by week. If, for example, you have four areas to work on you will have given a week of focused effort to each area every four weeks. Over the period of a year each of the four areas will have received three months of attention. You may not have the stamina you had 40 years ago but feeling healthy and in control is a great feeling and worth an investment of your time and energy. Judy Rafferty is the author of Retirement Your Way, A Practical Guide to Knowing What You Want and How to Get It. Available at all good bookshops and online.

We believe in making it personal. Wills aren’t about lawyers, they’re about you, and your desire to ensure that the results of all your hard work are well protected. Our mission for over 30 years has been to provide easy to understand wills that are custom made for you and flexible enough to change as your circumstances change. We are pleased to announce our bespoke estate planning tool, to assist you in creating and updating a professional legal Will easily and efficiently online. To find out more visit or call us today on 3221 9744.

22 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

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Phone 3221 9744 Brisbane

28/01/2021 10:32:39 AM


Checklist for planning move to a retirement village Moving into a retirement village is a long-term decision that needs to be considered carefully. LESA MACPHERSON provides a checklist of the top 25 factors to think about.


HE decision to move into a retirement village should not be rushed in any way. Once committed, it is not easily undone, and usually not without loss. Here is a checklist of issues that need to be explored and thought through prior to progressing with your retirement living decision. 1. Lifestyle choices and financial costs are both important. The emotional components of the decision need careful consideration as well as the financial aspects. 2. Visit a variety of villages and picture yourself in each of them. Talk to

residents as well as your friends and family when making a decision. 3. How will you continue to include your loved ones in your life at the village you choose? Will you be close to friends and family? Can they stay overnight for a short visit? Are pets allowed? Does the village include bus/transport services? 4. An engaging lifestyle is an important consideration. Can you keep up your favourite hobbies or learn new ones? What clubs/social groups/activities are offered? 5. Can you afford the ongoing costs – not just entry costs? Understand what they are. 6. What happens with any capital gain on the unit? Some allow no gain while some share it equally with the operator. 7. What are the renovation or refurbishment requirements or obligations on exit? 8. Exit fees – what are they? How are they calculated? 9. If you leave the retirement village what are your entitlements? How soon would they be paid? 10. What sort of contract are you entering into – freehold? Lease? Licence to reside? 11. What arrangements are there for


ill health/support/hospitalisation if needed? 12. Ongoing care. For higher level care can you stay in the village or do you have to move elsewhere? Consider the costs of transitioning. 13. Home Help and Aged Care is a vital consideration. Plan these sooner rather than later. What options are available? 14. Do you prefer new, or established accommodation? High-rise? A garden? Take time to view a variety of options. If possible, look closely at floor plans and view lived in areas, not just a display unit. 15. Ask about the demographics of each option – does the age range of other occupants suit you? 16. If you are still partnered, would fees be manageable if you become single through separation or death? 17. Can you maintain your own garden? How would the area be modified for your pet? 18. What’s covered in the GSC (general service charge)? Do you pay for electricity, gas, water, internet separately? Are these shared, or are they individual costs? 19. Can you meet the on-site manager? Do you relate well? 20. What involvement does the

residents’ committee have? How are disputes resolved in the Village? 21. Is the security in the village suitable for you? 22. What arrangements are in place for maintenance of units, community facilities, grounds/common areas. 23. Are meals or a dining area available? 24. When are village staff on duty? How often is there a nurse on duty? Who responds to emergency call buttons? Are these provided? 25. Review amenities and services. For example wheelchair access, physio, exercise and relaxation classes, gym equipment, pool, spa, hairdresser, men’s shed, library etc. The State Government in its retirement village documentation strongly recommends obtaining Independent legal advice prior to signing a retirement village contract. When entering into any retirement village contract always use a lawyer with extensive experience in that area, not a generalist lawyer or conveyancer. Lesa Macpherson is an expert in all forms of retirement village contracts at Brisbane Elder Law. Visit or call 1800 961 622.


WITH the Covid pandemic causing many to now face uncertainty about how their money will last, financial planner Patricia Howard has written a no-nonsense, practical guide on what it takes to get to, and through, retirement. The No-Regrets Guide to Retirement: How to live well, invest wisely and make your money last (Wiley, $29.95) is aimed at the 500,000 Australians who will retire in the next five years. Drawing on decades of experience as a senior finance journalist and licensed financial planner, Patricia walks readers through common retirement planning issues. She offers simple, proven solutions and strategies to ensure readers avoid the biggest pitfalls to enjoy their retirement. Accessibly written and perfect for people entering or already in retirement, The No-Regrets Guide to Retirement provides the tools to ensure a strong financial position. Available at all good book stores and online at

RESEARCH has revealed the 42 per cent of Australians consider property to be the best avenue for long-term return on investment. This is attributed to the property market boom in recent years, house prices peaking after falling interest rates, and the market remaining relatively unscathed during the pandemic. And a significant proportion would invest in property within their superannuation if they met the criteria. Specifically, 62 per cent of those in their 50s and 59 per cent of over 60s

would be more interested in investing in residential houses in their self-managed super fund (SMSF). The findings come from a survey of an independent, nationally representative panel of 1006 Australians commissioned by finance information platform More than 1 in 2 Aussies consider property the most secure and profitable long-term investment, compared with shares (32 per cent), gold and cash (9 per cent) and fixed interest such as government bonds (8 per cent).

Practical Common Sense Legal Advice for you and your loved ones Premier Legal Advisors for: • Estate Management • Wills • Estate Disputes

• Retirement Village Contracts • Protection from Elder Abuse • Elder Law


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1800 961 622 | | Newstead, Milton, Murarrie, North Lakes (FREE PARKING) February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 23

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Lovable Luggies provide practicality and comfort in one small package We’re very lucky to live in Australia. While so many countries have locked down over a bitterly cold winter, we can still explore the great outdoors in the warm summer days. If you’re going to hit the open road, you’ll want a machine that can travel with you and complete short journeys itself. That’s where the mighty Luggies come in. These incredible scooters fold down so they fit easily into the boot of a car or in the luggage compartment of a plane. Scooters Australia Brisbane has seven outstanding models for you to choose from. After taking a test drive, you’ll find that you don’t have to sacrifice speed for practicality. Reaching speeds of up to 8km/h, they are more than fast enough for your next grand tour through this country. They’re not short on comfort either, with strong tyres, cushioning suspension and soft seats ensuring you won’t have to endure a bumpy ride. Whether going on a road trip or taking to the skies, the practical Luggies will ensure you reach your destination in style.


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Clearing up the misconceptions 1. It’s for older people. Over 50s lifestyle villages are active independent living and an alternative to retirement villages. Some residents still work. Early retirees and Baby Boomers are attracted to the pack up and go options available. Often they sell their homes and free up money for lifestyle, buy the RV or caravan and hit the road knowing their home is in a safe environment where there is no need to worry about the grass being mowed and the garden maintained. 2. You don’t own the land. But you get all the capital gain when you sell! You own the home outright and and have a lease on the land which has a start date but no end date, so although you don’t own the land you have the right to use it indefinitely. In the over 50s lifestyle villages the value is in not owning the land. If you did, you would have to sell it to anybody and then you would have families and children and rentals arriving as well. 3. Rules Most people living in over 50s villages like the idea of rules which protect their investment. For example, you can’t paint murals on walls or paint your home pink or purple which can devalue the value of the home when it comes time to sell. Most of the rules are common sense and are there for your own protection.


MUSICIANS have always written songs to unite people during a war, but the Vietnam-era music was different – it spoke to a growing number of disillusioned citizens and highlighted the cultural gaps that were beginning to emerge. An all-new production brings together a group of outstanding Queensland musicians and vocalists to deliver the music of an era – the soundtrack of the Vietnam War. The war was costly, divisive and seemingly endless and spawned some of the 20th century’s most iconic pop, folk, soul and rock songs. It was music that spoke to and about the war; the music of a generation standing on the precipice of massive change – songs of hope, courage, love, loss, anger, frustration, and resistance. Good Morning Vietnam, Music from the Vietnam War Era - Live in Concert! reimagines the treasured and symbolic songs of the 1960s and ’70s, the songs that questioned, stirred and reflected the political turmoil and cultural changes of the 20th century. A projection design backdrop adds compelling storytelling and scenescape elements that depict the groovy psychedelia of the flower power movement as well as images of the despair, protest and resistance flaring in the city streets of America and in Australia. “It’s a celebration of beautiful rock music but there is also a sense of melancholy, sadness, and the tragedy that war inflicts on lives,” says musical director Simon Gardner. “All great music not only transcends an era but also defines it, and the rock music created during the Vietnam War period was ground-breaking in that it reflected immense unrest as well as the greatest powers of all – peace and love.” Good Morning Vietnam, Music from the Vietnam War Era - Live in Concert! offers knockout renditions of songs by Creedence Clearwater Revival, Buffalo Springfield, Steppenwolf, The Beatles, Nancy Sinatra, Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin, The Animals,

The Doors, The Rolling Stones, Marvin Gaye and many more. “I’m first and foremost a guitarist and I absolutely love playing these songs,” Gardner says. “But I also see this as an opportunity to pay tribute, in the best way I can, to those who fought and died for us. It is an honour to be able to do this.” Good Morning Vietnam, Music from the Vietnam War Era - Live in Concert! donates $1 from every ticket sold to Guitars for Vets Australia (G4VA) to show appreciation for all those who served, and to assist veterans discover the joy and healing power of music. G4VA knows only too well, the healing power of music. It provides Australian veterans with music lessons, and guitars and welcomes all veterans, delivering a structured professional guitar-training program of 10 lessons, together with a free guitar. The show is touring Queensland this year. Tickets are available at or to learn more about G4VA visit guitarsforvetsaustralia. com


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Buderim’s first lifestyle community designed exclusively for over 50s is surrounded by rainforest yet minutes from the beach. The architect designed homes start from $529,000 and come with access to the Coast’s most well-appointed lifestyle and recreational facilities, to rival any luxury retreat. Come in and discover what will truly be the Sunshine Coast’s premier lifestyle community.

2 RE T RE AT D R I V E, B UD ER I M , QL D, 4 556 ( OF F W H I T E S R D) – 1 800 050 050

Halc yon, Australia’s most awarded lifestyle communities. 25.indd 3

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NEW HEARING AID WIRED FOR SOUNDS A WORLD first hearing aid has been “trained” using 12 million real-life sound scenes to support how the brain works. The device was developed after research revealed people with hearing loss needed access to all sounds for their brains to make sense of their environment. The Oticon More aid uses artificial intelligence (AI), rather than a focus on speech which allows the wearer to hear more and helps the brain interpret and focus on what it needs to hear. It uses one of the most advanced technologies, a Deep Neural Network platform, which has been trained using 12 million everyday-life sound scenes, collected in nature using a special 360-degree spherical microphone. As a result, the hearing aid has learned to recognise all the varying types

of sounds, their details and how they should ideally sound. “Most people think we hear with our ears, but our brains are our main tool for hearing,” Oticon Australia national audiology manager Jonathan Constantine said. “This new hearing aid uses the Deep Neural Network to help the brain hear sound in the most natural and effective way. “Traditional hearing aids block out surrounding sound, but Oticon More scans and analyses a sound scene at 500 times per second allowing the brain to process key sounds, such as someone else speaking or a bird chirping, even in a noisy, crowded environment.” The device, which can be linked to compatible smartphones, also allows users to directly stream music and phone calls into their ear.


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A NEW research centre to tackle stroke and heart disease will boost prevention strategies, treatments and cures for diabetes and cardiovascular disease which includes stroke and transient ischaemic attacks. “Research into chronic disease is needed now more than ever as our population grows and ages,” Stroke Foundation research advisory committee

chairman Professor AmandaThrift said. “The opportunity is there to save lives and improve the health and wellbeing of our community for generations to come. High quality research holds the key.” More than 445,000 Australians are living with the impact of stroke, yet it can be largely prevented and outcomes can be improved if people can access timecritical treatment and care.

Enjoy your best life with clear vision Insight Eye Surgery provides the highest quality eye care to enhance, preserve and restore vision. We do this by combining state-of-the art technology with the latest techniques. We provide a personalised service with clear communication in a friendly, caring environment. Dr Madeleine Adams (MB ChB BSc(Hons) PhD FRANZCO) is an experienced refractive cataract surgeon and comprehensive ophthalmologist. Insight Eye Surgery takes care of: • Cataracts • Refractive lens exchange • Pterygium • Glaucoma • Macular degeneration • Diabetic eye disease Ask your GP or optometrist for a referral today. Insight Eye Surgery is a Known Gap Provider, conveniently located at Suite 203, Westside Private Hospital, 32 Morrow Street, Taringa QLD 4068. | Telephone: 07 3154 1515

26 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

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Keep ahead of a hair-raising situation Hair loss can be the result of a number of factors. TRUDY KITHER examines the effects of stress and anxiety.


tress and anxiety, gut issues, and hormones can all be responsible for hair loss. Stress relates to the hormone cortisol which is made by the adrenal glands when they react and adapt to internal and external stressors. When the body encounters too much stress, cortisol levels increase and become very destructive to its proteins. Your body will start using proteins, such as hair, skin, nails, collagen, and muscles, as fuel for energy supply by breaking them down and using them as sugar. This is the reason why you may have blood sugar issues if you have too much cortisol. If your cortisol (an immune function) is too low, you can also have hair loss. It will be similar to alopecia, where patches of hair fall out. Alopecia is an auto-immune condition in which the body starts attacking its own tissues, primarily hair, causing it to fall out. It can occur if you go through a severe loss or trauma,

as it will shock the adrenals, so you then lose your cortisol function. To improve cortisol function, you will need to resolve or improve stress levels, balance cortisol levels, and treat adrenals with supplements. Hair also needs because stress depletes B vitamins, potassium, and calcium. Another suggestion would be to increase growth

hormone levels, which is the opposite of cortisol, and protects proteins. Growth hormone helps with stress and is anti-ageing, whereas cortisol is ageing and makes your hair fall out. Growth hormone is triggered by sleep, a good amount of protein, and is stimulated when you do intermittent fasting. When you have a receding

Breathe new life into your body. See how Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 1o†Ѵ7 _;Ń´r ‹o† oˆ;u1ol; u-7b-াom ruo1াাv -m7 1‹vাাvÄş 11-vbom-ѴѴ‹ġ u-7b-াom |u;-|l;m| o= 0o‰;Ѵġ ruov|-|; ou †|;ubm; 1-m1;uv 1-m bmf†u; |_; 0o‰;Ń´ ‰-Ń´Ń´ -m7 o|_;u াvv†;vġ u;vÂ†Ń´ŕŚžm] bm 0Ń´;;7bm] -m7 0o‰;Ń´ -m7 0Ń´-77;u 7bL1Â†Ń´ŕŚž;vÄş ‹ †vbm] - ru;vv†ubv;7 ;mˆbuoml;m| |o bm1u;-v; oŠ‹];m Ń´;ˆ;Ń´v bm ‹o†u 0Ń´oo7ġ ‹r;u0-ub1 Š‹];m $_;u-r‹ 1o†Ѵ7 _;Ń´r ‹o† oˆ;u1ol; |_;v; 7;0bŃ´b|-াm] 1om7bাomvġ -m7 ];| ‹o†u Ń´b=; 0-1hÄş Ń´om] ‰b|_ 0;bm] om mĹŠbm m m momĹŠbmˆ-vbˆ;ġ v-=; -m7 1ov|ĹŠ;@;1ŕŚžÂˆ;ġ |_bv --|||l l v ; ;7 |u; |u u;-| u;|u;-|l;m| bv l;7b1-ѴѴ‹ ruoˆ;m Ĺ‹ -1hmo‰Ѵ;7];7 0 ‹ ;7 7 -u 7b1-u; u; 7 0‹ ;7b1-u; -m7 lov| _;-|_ =†m7vÄş v - Ń´Ń´b1;mv;7 7-‹ _ovrb|-Ń´ Ń´o1-|;7 ‰b|_bm |_; 1;mv mv; mv; ; 7-‹ 7 ‹ |-) ); ;‹‹ r ;‹ rb r ;1b 1bm );vŃ´;‹ ovrb|-Ń´ ru;1bm1|ġ ‰; -u; =†ѴѴ‹ 7‹‹ ||o 7‹ | 7‹ |o ;t ; t t†b †bbr †b rr; ;7 -m7 u;u;-7 ;t†brr;7 -m7 u;-7‹ |o _;Ń´r ‹o† u;1oˆ;u =-v|;uÄş To learn m T more ea ab about ou ut Hy ut H Hyperbaric y Oxygen Therapy, our website or get in touch y visit y, v ou u w eb b bsit ttoday. day. ay. On On y ou next GP visit, ask with uss tod your for a referral.l

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hairline, it is often due to having higher levels of androgens (male hormones) or 5-alpha-reductase. How can you reduce these? By taking zinc, omega 3s, and vitamin D supplementation. To reduce high levels of androgens, you will need to reduce the high levels of insulin in your body. Take the supplementation along with a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, as these will minimize insulin levels in your body. Another reason for hair loss can be nutrition. One of the critical nutrients for hair is biotin, a B vitamin, which also happens to be an essential nutrient for growing and increasing hair health. It is a necessary co-factor to help the enzymes in your gut make proteins from amino acids, which is why it is required to make hair. B vitamins, including biotin, are also made from the microbes in your gut. When you have taken antibiotics, it decreases the number of friendly bacteria in your gut, creating a microbial

imbalance and lessening your B vitamin and Biotin production. It then also increases the growth of another microbe (Lactobacillus murinus), that cannot make biotin. Other factors that cause microbial imbalances are GMO foods as they contain glyphosate residue. (In 2010, Monsanto got patents for glyphosate to be classified as an antibiotic). Traces of glyphosate can be found in the water supply, food, vegetables, livestock feeds, soy and corn oils, etc. The herb horsetail (which is high in natural silica) is another excellent way to produce and maintain healthy hair growth. The recommendations in this article are not meant to diagnose or treat specific health conditions and are for general information only. Always consult your trusted registered natural health practitioner for your individual situation. Trudy Kither is a naturopath and owner, Nature’s Temple. Visit


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February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 27

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FIGHTING FIT 50S LIVE IN FINE STYLE ONE of the simplest ways to improve health physically and mentally after turning 50 is to stay socially connected with friends and family. Affinity Lifestyle Resort has been created specifically for those over 50 who want to join a warm and welcoming community while enjoying the independence of owning their own home. Located in Morayfield, Affinity Lifestyle Resort has everything to help mind, body and soul thrive, with an active social club, regular outings and events. Senior sales manager Dee Cameron says the new resort clubhouse will be a luxurious destination for all social, recreation and leisure activities, offering homeowners many more ways to interact. “Everyone is so excited for the opening, they can’t wait to either start water aerobics in the heated magnesium pool, catch a movie in the cinema or settle in for a game of bowls in the afternoon,” she said. Due to high demand, stage 2 has been released early with three new display homes now open for inspection. The range of beautifully designed homes now available starts from $412,000 with sites close to the caravan, RV and boat storage bays. “Affinity Lifestyle Resort has so much to offer and the best way to experience it is to join us at one of our free events,” Ms Cameron said. “I have found that people who attend these events love the fact they get to experience first-hand what it’s like to live at Affinity with the added benefit of getting to meet current homeowners, who could be your future neighbours and friends.” Call 1300 386 156 to book an inspection or visit

HALCYON’S newest Sunshine Coast community, B by Halcyon, will be the company’s greenest project to date and has been thoughtfully master planned. The community is in the foothills of the Buderim rainforest and has been designed and constructed to create beautiful, liveable environments. More than 40 homeowners have now moved in and 100 homes are expected to be built by the end of the year. B by Halcyon project director Chris Carley said master planning was a process which involved working with the natural attributes of the land to create a vision which looks after the needs of the people who come to live there. “It’s one of the most important times in a project and we don’t rush master planning at Halcyon,” he said. “We invest a lot of time looking at the needs of the people who are going to live there and what it is that we want to create on the site.” New homeowners Michael and Kerry Pert moved to the Sunshine Coast from Canberra. “We thought it would be a conventional move and we’d buy a conventional house,” Michael said. “But then we were introduced to the vision the team had for B by Halcyon and we really wanted to be involved in that type of project and as early as we could.” They are happy they did.

Halcyon’s master planning includes: • Articulated facades of homes, both vertical and horizontal make the streets flow. • Activated, walkable streets that provide visual security. • Passive solar orientation where every home benefits from aspect. • Adaptable, flexible home designs that will adapt to changing needs. • Wide streets like a neighbourhood not a complex. • Each home has a front yard, garden and verandah. • Streets are open so visitors can park in the driveway. Call 1800 050 050 to book an appointment or visit

MEET THE NEIGHBOURS RESIDENTS of TriCare retirement communities have many opportunities to meet with neighbours and socialise through an active social committee. One of the many benefits of moving into a retirement village is that there is always something to do, and the wide choice of activities means there are plenty of friends around if you want to socialise. One popular event at Tricare is the monthly happy hour. Instigated by a resident four years ago, this regular event is now organised by the social committee with the aim of getting residents together in a relaxed social environment. Compton Gardens Retirement Community resident and social committee chairman Peter Myska says that happy hour is an excellent opportunity for residents to catch up in a relaxed environment, over a drink and enjoy each other’s company. “Everyone is busy with their own lives, so happy hour is one event where residents can mark it on their calendar each month to catch up,” he said. “Social isolation can be an issue as you get older, so we want to provide as many different opportunities as possible for residents to get out and see other people.” Some of the events on this year’s social calendar

include games evenings, tai-chi, yoga, gentle exercises, craft, aquarobics, table tennis, bingo, indoor bowls, book club, movie nights and bus trips. Monthly Sunday concerts are also popular, with performances from jazz bands, barbershop quartets and local school bands and choirs. These are followed by afternoon tea so residents can catch up with neighbours. The social committee also donates money to many worthy causes with funds raised at its events, including the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea, drought relief programs and music programs at local schools. Visit

Wishart Christian to e m Welco Retirement Village Wishart Christian Retirement Village is a beautiful boutique retirement home, comprising of 29 units. With peaceful surrounds and an elevated position this secure gated Village is centrally located, close to bus stops and shopping centres and Churches. All units are air conditioned, with lock up garages, Paved and covered patios, 24/7 medical alarm system, On site management. ● ●

A charitable Christian organization with low subsidised quarterly fees Community hall and beautiful village green ● Active residence committee Call today to make arrangements for an informal visit to the Village.

30/3 Erindale Close, Wishart Queensland Tel 3219 2386 au

28 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

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Owned and Operated by Wishart Christian Village Association Incorporated ABN 67 089 024 936


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Singing sensation returns for home performance REDLANDS Coast’s own international singing star, Mirusia will open the Redland Performing Arts Centre (RPAC) 2021 season this month. She is known to millions around the world as the “Angel of Australia”, the name given by Dutch violinist, André Rieu. She toured with Rieu’s orchestra for more than a decade, with audiences marvelling at the clarity, dexterity and exquisite sound of her voice. Mirusia returns home for a special concert at RPAC on the eve of Valentine’s Day. From the Heart will feature songs

spanning Mirusia’s illustrious career, including her favourite songs from the great musicals, highlights from her albums From the Heart, This Time Tomorrow and A Salute to the Seekers, plus her original compositions. Joining Mirusia on stage will be some of Australia’s finest musicians, including the local singing group sensation Vocal Manoeuvres and a surprise special guest. Redland Performing Arts Centre Saturday, February 13, 7.30pm Tickets $35-$50 Bookings: Call 3829 8131 or visit

QSO TUNES INTO NATURE FOR MUSICAL LANDSCAPES ENJOY the majesty and emotion of classical music performed live when Queensland Symphony Orchestra (QSO) returns to Redland Performing Arts Centre (RPAC). The natural world inspired many composers to create their greatest music and QSO will bring an evocative selection of these pieces to the RPAC stage for Musical Landscapes. Felix Mendelssohn visited the Scottish island of Staff in 1829 and was struck by the majestic sea cave known as Fingal’s Cave. Instantly, the sound of the rolling

waves and the isolation of the location inspired him to write one of his most popular works, The Hebrides. Starting with this magnificent overture, QSO will lead the audience through a stunning series of classical works inspired by nature. The program, conducted by Umberto Clerici, also includes works from Vaughan Williams, Grieg and Beethoven. RPAC Concert Hall Thursday, February 25, 7pm. Tickets: $35-$50. Bookings: Call 3829 8131 or visit

ACT 1 LAUNCHES SEASON ACT 1 Theatre Company is back, with a laugh-out-loud Australian comedy as its first full production show for the year. Written by Len Randall and directed by Terry Frawley, Member for Lizard Falls is a spoof of local politics that may seem close to reality but, as the author’s disclaimer states, if you think you recognise any politician, it isn’t them! Clarrie Bullock, the Member for Lizard Falls, has an election coming up and he has a problem – trying to please those both for and against a new road through his electorate while, at the same time, looking out for his own interests. An old hand at the game of politics, Clarrie makes lots of promises – to his wife Pearl; to greenie activist Rose, who is not above a little blackmail; and to the business and political connections with whom he exchanges favours. He can’t keep all his promises, but which ones can he afford to break? A mix of Act 1 stalwarts and new actors, the cast of Charles Langford, Libby Scales, Kim Wood, Sandy Adsett, Akiwa Cavanagh and David Adams, guarantee an evening of hilarity. Act 1 Theatre, 238 Gympie Rd, Strathpine. February 19-20, 26-27 and March 5-6, 7.30pm; February 28, 2pm. Tickets: Adults $20, concessions $17, members $12. Bookings or at the door. Call 0458 579 269.


MUSICAL THEATRE & DANCE // Margaret Fulton the Musical The World of Musicals Cloudland the Musical A Taste of Ireland FILM PREMIERE SCREENING // 5 Moons of Pluto


MUSIC // Mirusia – From the Heart Queensland Symphony Orchestra Musical Melodies – Sensational Swing & Beautiful Noise Echoes of Pink Floyd – A Journey Through Time Three Legends in Concert Piece of My Heart – The Janis Joplin Experience Redland Sinfonia – Passion Play




Some of the great performances coming to RPAC between January and April are below, with something for everyone.

ACT 1: JAN –APR 2021


FAMILIES & SCHOOLS // The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show Escape from Trash Mountain Flipside Circus – School Holiday Workshops BEST OF OUR REDLANDS COAST // Stage Sessions Here’s to Life – Together in Concert DRAMA // The One Day of the Year AND SO MUCH MORE …

HURRY! EARLY BIRD SAVINGS ON MANY SHOWS CALL 3829 8131 OR VISIT WWW.RPAC.COM.AU Image credits: Escape from Trash Mountain, photo Ben Anderson; Margaret Fulton the Musical, photo Andrew Seymour.

30 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

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28/01/2021 11:31:13 AM

WHAT’S ON Redland Performing Arts Centre presents


REDLAND Performing Arts Centre in the heart of Redlands Coast has lined up a fine selection of theatre, musical theatre, music and dance for 2021. Opening the RPAC performance season is the Redlands Coast’s own international singing star Mirusia. She will perform songs from the great musicals and highlights from her career, including original compositions. Queensland Symphony Orchestra also returns to the RPAC stage this month with a magnificent program of evocative pieces inspired by nature. Music lovers can also grab the last few tickets to the ever-popular Musical Melodies Concert Series. Miss Mandy and her swinging band of horn players launch the concert series this month with Sensational Swing. Other music highlights will include Australia’s largest scale Pink Floyd concept act Echoes of Pink Floyd, in March. Normie Rowe, Dinah Lee and Jade Hurley will also take to the stage in March to share the great memories and the great songs for Three Legends in Concert.

Redland Performing Arts Centre presents

Also serving up a feast of entertainment next month is Margaret Fulton the Musical. The life of this trailblazer woman will be brought to the stage in a musical biography that charts her rise from home cook to a household name. This playful musical comedy has received rave reviews around the country. Musical theatre fans will also be treated to a selection of big ballads and enthralling stories when The World of Musicals and Cloudland the Musical come to the RPAC stage in April. Satisfying the appetite for travel in April will be A Taste of Ireland. This will provide a taste of everything you love about Ireland in a high-energy show featuring acclaimed Irish dancers, folk musicians and contemporary vocalists. Lovers of drama will not be disappointed with The One Day of the Year returning to RPAC in April. This classic Australian play is set in the lead-up to Anzac Day and explores the universal theme of father-son conflict against a landscape of changing national values. In July, dance enthusiasts will be taken on a journey through time when The Tap Pack puts a modern twist on the crooners and artists from the 1950s to the ’00s, and Queensland Ballet takes its Tutus on Tour with an enticing program of classical and contemporary works.

Rovers will be an ode to Australia and its adventurous, imaginative women while in September, Bell Shakespeare will bring magic, mirth and mayhem with a fresh new version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. If you are looking for something to keep the grandchildren entertained, check out the wide selection of family-theatre shows coming up. The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show in March features a menagerie of over 75 magical puppets as it brings to life four of Eric Carle’s much-loved stories. Escape from Trash Mountain in April is a delightful puppet show with sustainability at its heart. Many of the shows later in the year have early bird prices for a limited time only. Full details of upcoming shows are on the website, along with RPAC’s COVID-safe plan and measures taken to keep audiences, artists and staff safe while everyone enjoys the show. Visit



Redlands Coast’s own international singing star returns to her hometown for a special concert on the eve of Valentine’s Day.

Saturday 13 February, 7.30pm Redland Performing Arts Centre - Concert Hall

Tickets: $35-$50 via 3829 8131 or Booking fees: $4.30 by phone & $5 online per transaction

Bob McKinnon and Brian Fogarty Presents


in concert

Evocative Scenic Melodies

The natural world inspired many composers to create their greatest music.

normie ROWE

dinah jade LEE HURLEY

Enjoy an evocative selection of these classical pieces in a stunning concert conducted by Umberto Clerici.

Don’t miss the chance to relive all the great memories and all the great songs when these three music legends come together for one night only!

Mendelssohn • Vaughan Williams Grieg • Beethoven

“Shakin’ All Over”, “Ohh La La”, “Don’t You Know Yockomo”, “Reet Petite”, “Down in the Riverina”, “Whole lotta Shaking” and so many more in one great concert.

THURSDAY 25 FEBRUARY, 7PM Redland Performing Arts Centre - Concert Hall Tickets: $35-$50 via 3829 8131 or Booking fees: $4.50 by phone and $5.20 online per transaction

Friday 12 March, 2021 – 8pm



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February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 31

28/01/2021 11:21:41 AM

The WORLD in Your Hands

Travel in Your Time

Wait a while in the Never Never Red dust, ant hills taller than a man, tropical cabbage palm forests, thermal springs and rivers that never dry up. BEVERLEY EVERSON heads into the heart of the Never Never.


LSEY National Park in the Northern Territory supports all types of native birds and animal life in a vast wilderness and, even more unlikely, has buffalo and camels roaming around as well. It’s also home to Mataranka, which in the local Yangmanic language means “home of the snake”. With a population of around 400, it was first gazetted as a town in 1928 after the arrival of the North Australia Railway. The narrow-gauge line closed in 1976 after being damaged by a cyclone – and by then, a new railway passed about 20km to the west of the town. Mataranka played a role in World War II as the Australian Army set up a hospital nearby, and the 10th Australian Advanced Ordnance workshops camped here in paperbark buildings. There was also an ammunition depot. It is the closest town to Elsey NP and

is located on the sealed Stuart Highway about 101km from Katherine. There are two seasons – dry (May to October) and wet (November to April). May to September is the most comfortable time to visit as temperatures in mid-summer can exceed 50C. We arrived in mid-August and already the days were hot. At 4pm, close to “happy hour”, it was still 39C, although it did cool down later in the evening. In the centre of Mataranka township is a well-maintained, lush green park for travellers to rest. Beware of the sprinklers and park well away from the spray of bore water which leaves a residue on the paint work. You can top up with supplies here if necessary, as there are two petrol stations, grocery store, hotel, dump point behind the park and other amenities including a police station and school. There are two caravan parks on the outskirts of town or stay at Elsey

National Park an easy 17km south-east. The national park, named for the old Elsey Station which was made famous in Mrs Aeneas Gunn’s 1908 book We of the Never Never, offers excellent swimming but only at Bitter Springs and Mataranka Thermal Pools. Swimming and canoeing are no longer permitted in the Roper and Waterhouse rivers, home of saltwater crocodiles. It is permitted to fish from the bank (with care) and by boat (max. 15hp). Barra is the preferred catch. In the bar area of the Mataranka thermal pools complex, a sign showcases the fish of the day catch and records. During our visit the sign advised that Whippy had caught a 120cm barra in March 2020 which was the standing record – what a whopper! Size and possession limits apply. The Department of Primary Industries and Resources website has details. Fishing with nets, traps and spears is also prohibited. Excellent boat ramps are located at 4 Mile and 12 Mile Yards within the NP. The campground – Jalmurark – is excellent, with showers, fireplaces, and picnic tables and barbecues in the day visit areas. Sites are spacious with shade and sun to accommodate all types of camping up to large vans. National Park fees apply and are by self-registration, so there are no concerns about having to pay online, which is just as well as mobile reception is limited. (Reception was excellent a few kilometres up the road.) There are no powered sites and generators are not permitted. The campground is an excellent base for driving to see the sights of Bitter Springs, Elsey Homestead and cemetery, and Mataranka hot springs. All are well sign posted and highlight pastoral and

local history, including the old station sheep dip and Aboriginal Army Camp. A riverside walking trail begins at the thermal pools and continues 16km through the park to Mataranka Falls, or choose different access points to the river and scenic picnic spots from John Hauser Drive, which leads into the NP and campground. Be safe and observe the signs not to swim or paddle, even though the crystal clear water, rock pools and sandy beaches look inviting. The salties are lurking. Hat, sunscreen, enclosed shoes, and water bottles are necessary as parts are sandy and unshaded. Some of the landmarks and picnic spots along this trail are Stevie’s Hole, Botanic Walk, and Korowan (Mataranka Falls). Mataranka Thermal Pools has a privately-owned caravan park and cabins. Entry is free via a path through the resort. Beside the carpark is a replica of Elsey Homestead which was moved here



Saturday 20 February 2021: Barney View / Kooroomba Vineyards.... $120* Saturday 6 March 2021: Stradbroke Island ........................................... $130* Saturday 20 March 2021: North Coast Hinterland ....................................$85 Saturday 8 May 2021: Tamborine Mountain - St Bernard’s & Distillery...$92* Saturday 3 July 2021: Fox & Hounds – Christmas in July........................$90* Departures from – Brisbane City, Corinda & Palmdale * Lunch included



31 MARCH – 7 APRIL 2021

28 TO 31 MAY 2021

From $3190 per person twin share, Single Supplement $560

Includes: 1 night Roma, 3 nights Longreach, 2 nights Emerald, 1 night Gladstone. All Meals Highlights: Longreach Hall of Fame, QANTAS Museum, Dinosaur Stampede at Lark Quarry, Gem fossicking in Anakie


From $1379 per person twin share, based on pension rail concession, Single Supplement $280

Includes: Return tilt train travel, All Meals, 3 nights ocean view accommodation Yeppoon. Highlights: Opera performance, Capricorn Caves & Keppel Island Day Trip

Extended holidays include return home transfers (Brisbane Metropolitan Area). Day tours marked with * includes lunch. Itineraries and prices quoted are subject to change.


32.indd 2


CALL 3379 6255 ABN: 27862101744 Brisbane

28/01/2021 11:21:55 AM

2021 Coach Tourrss March 5 - 11, 2021 (7 Day Tour) FRASER COAST & LADY MUSGRAVE ISLAND Share/Double $2675.00pp


after filming on We of the Never Never. A cairn and plaque are the only sign of the original homestead and outbuildings. You can wander through the cemetery a short drive from the original site and find the clearly marked headstone of Aeneas Gunn’s last resting place, along with crosses on other unmarked graves. The thermal pool and Bitter Springs are spring-fed, clear aqua pools surrounded by cabbage palm forests, weeping paperbarks and pandanus. Bitter Springs is a beautiful creek

where you can float peacefully in the warm current past ancient foliage to an exit point. Return along a concrete path and do it all over again. The underground springs are part of a massive limestone formation that extends north as far as Katherine. Spring waters released from underground, warmed to about 34C, flow year-round. This is truly a marvellous and beautiful place for a traveller to stay and rest a while. As Mrs Gunn’s book says, a land of “wait a while”.

Single $3141.00

April 19 - 22, 2021 (4 Day Escape) O’REILLYS RAINFOREST RETREAT Share/Double $1280.00pp

Single $1480.00

May 6 - 19, 2021 (14 Day Tour) OUTBACK NSW - THE DARLING RIVER RUN Share/Double $4945.00pp

Single $5717.00

May 31 - June 6, 2021 (7 Day Tour) CARNARVON GORGE & WALLAROO Share/Double $2500.00pp

Single $3130.00

July 5 - 15, 2021 (11 Day Tour) SOUTH WEST QUEENSLAND ADVENTURE Share/Double $3975.00pp

Single $4665.00

July 21 - 27, 2021 (7 Day Tour) LIGHTNING RIDGE Share/Double $2220.00pp

Single $2495.00

July 29 – August 9, 2021 (12 Day Tour) QUEENSLAND OUTBACK TO COAST Share/Double $5129.00pp

TO BOOK Phone: (07) 5391 1648 M: 0409 278 971 | E:

CT TRAVEL Coolum Tours & Travel

Single $5984.00

August 10 – 17, 2021 (8 Day Tour) TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND Share/Double $3400.00pp

Single $4010.00

August 26 – September 1, 2021 (7 Day Tour) CARNARVON GORGE & WALLAROO Share/Double $2500.00pp

Single $3130.00

September ( 'D\\ (VFDSH) FRASER ISLAND WHALE WATCH TOUR Share/DoublH SS Single *Conditions Apply

SENIOR COACH TOURS HOME PICKUP AND RETURN HOME PICKUPS: Brisbane, Redlands, Ipswich, Caboolture, Bribie Isl, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast. Covid-19 safe - limited coach seating, Enhanced vehicle cleaning and sanitizing, Coastal Variety Tours in association with Kangaroo Bus Lines are committed to providing safe and reliable coach travel in line with government and health authority guidance.

GOLD COAST VIP | 4 DAY TOUR $1199 April/May Sanctury Cove - Intercontinental Resort - Australian Outback Spectacular - Binna Burra - Saint Bernard Hotel - Boat Cruise - Single Supplement Discount $99. MUDGEE LIGHTNING RIDGE | 9 Days $1999, 9th - 17th May Mudgee Tour, Dubbo the Taronga Open Range Zoo, Warrumbungles, Siding Spring Exploratory, Lightning Ridge Tour, Armidale, Goondiwindi, Sanctuary Cove Intercontinental Resort. OUTBACK QUEENSLAND & WHITSUNDAYS | 11 Days $2550, 10th - 20th June Longreach - Winton - Charleville - Miles - Clermont - Airlie Beach - Rockhampton Charleville Cosmos Centre, Longreach Hall of Fame, Qantas Museum, Thompson River Sunset Drovers Dinner, Winton Age of Dinosaurs, Waltzing Matilda Centre. Whitsunday Boat Cruise Daydream & Hamilton Islands, Town of 1770. CAIRNS & TROPICAL NORTH QUEENSLAND | 14 Days $2,999, 22nd July - 4 August Cairns 4 nights - Skyrail/Train Kuranda, Daintree Rainforest River Cruise, Port Douglas, Atherton Tableland Tour, Millaa Millaa Falls, Paronella Park, Lake Barrine Cruise. • Townsville 3 nights - Magnetic Island Cruise. • Airlie Beach 2 nights - Whitsunday Cruise, Daydream and Hamilton Islands.

Please Phone Coastal Variety Tours 3343 6722 for Free Tour Brochure | Home Pickup and Return - All Tours Brisbane

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February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 33

28/01/2021 11:22:09 AM



AS UNCERTAINTY continues to plague travel plans, there remains one way to plan a break away without fear of cancellation – travel locally. For seven days next month, you can sit back and relax to enjoy the view from a luxury coach heading north to explore the islands – Lady Musgrave and Fraser – and the points of interest in between. Despite images of the world’s largest sand island burning, the recent bushfire was stopped at the midpoint of the island and all the sights that fascinate visitors remain untouched. K’gari-Fraser Island has been declared safe and open for visitors. The islands tour leaves Brisbane on March 5, stopping in Gympie and Childers en route to Bundaberg, where the Burnett Riverside Hotel will be the base for the next three nights. It’s an early start the next morning to board the Sea Empress for a day’s excursion to Lady Musgrave Island, where experienced local guides lead a walking tour. There will also be plenty of time for a swim and to see


the reef from a glass-bottom boat. The next day is more leisurely, with a guided tour and tasting at the Bundaberg Rum distillery and The Bundaberg Barrel, home of ginger beer. Day 4 turns south to Hervey Bay, where, after lunch at the Marina Boat Club, guests board the ferry to Fraser. Settle in at the Kingfisher Bay Resort in time for sunset drinks and dinner at the Sand Bar Bistro. The next day is a full day’s adventure touring the beauty spots of the island’s east, from an airconditioned custom-designed 4WD coach. See the famous pure white silica sand and crystal-clear waters of Boorangoora (Lake McKenzie) and the rainforest of Central Station, the spectacular sand cliffs, and the remains of the Maheno, before lunching at Eurong Beach resort. Day 6 is cruising the west coast of the island and an eco-adventure in the UNESCO-awarded Great Sandy biosphere led by a local skipper and resort ranger. The final day starts with a leisurely breakfast before heading home, stopping at Maryborough for lunch. If you’re looking for a luxury four-day escape, head south from April 19-22, to explore the World Heritagelisted Lamington National Park while staying at the award-winning O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat in the Gold Coast hinterland. Gourmet meals, wine tasting at the Canungra Valley vineyards, early morning birdwalks, a trip to see the glow worms, and the famous treetop walk are just part of the tour. Full tour details, itineraries and a list of upcoming tours to choose your destination and duration, are on the CT Travel website. Visit

ALTHOUGH there is still some uncertainty in the world, Princess Cruises is ready to sail as soon as it is safe. For more than 50 years Princess has been taking guests to incredible destinations around the globe, and in recent months, it has been making plans to connect cruise travellers with inspiring lands and cities as soon as the time is right. Princess allows guests to get the most out of a destination with “More Ashore” late night departures at selected ports, local connections offering exclusive shore excursions and “Across the Ditch”, a specially-curated program of local experiences on New Zealand cruises. The Princess fleet is made up of 15 ships worldwide, including the newest, Enchanted Princess, which offers new dining experiences, the most pools and whirlpool hot tubs in the Princess fleet, world-class entertainment venues and Princess’s signature soaring piazza. She is also a Princess Medallion Class smart ship, the ultimate in effortless, personalised and safe cruising. Wearing your Ocean Medallion device, you can stay connected with fast and reliable wi-fi, order food and beverages to your location on the ship and find your travelling companions. From staggered boarding to contactless payment and keyless stateroom entry, you can enjoy next-level service while staying safe at sea. The Princess fleet cruising from Australia next summer includes five spectacular ships – Royal, Emerald, Sapphire, Coral and Pacific Princess. Every Princess ship is a destination in itself with wide-ranging amenities and elevated culinary experiences. For a limited time – and the first time ever – Princess is offering “Three for Free” when booking a cruise – free stateroom location upgrade, free onboard spending money and a free specialty dining voucher for two. Take advantage of the sale as Princess’s “book with confidence” policy gives the flexibility to change plans. Contact your local Travellers Choice agent, call 1300 787858 or visit

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34 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

34.indd 2

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28/01/2021 11:22:23 AM

Asia & Australia

16 nights from Brisbane to Hong Kong onboard Royal Princess® Visit Brisbane . Darwin . Lombok . Ho Chi Minh City (Phu My) . Nha Trang . Hong Kong Cruise departs 09 March 2022

Interior Stateroom from $1,799*pp Balcony Stateroom from $2,239*pp Fiji

14 nights roundtrip from Brisbane onboard Coral Princess® Visit Brisbane . Noumea . Mystery Island . Suva . Dravuni Island . Savusavu . Lautoka . Isle of Pines . Brisbane Cruise departs 02 January 2022

Interior Stateroom from $2,200*pp Balcony Stateroom from $3,000*pp


Stateroom Location upgrade+ valued up to $600 per stateroom



Onboard Spending Money^ valued up to $400 per stateroom



Specialty Dining voucher for 2# on voyages 7 nights or more

Princess MedallionClass™ smart ships feature TrulyTouchless™ technology to offer the ultimate in effortless and personalised cruising. BOOK WITH YOUR LOCAL TRAVELLERS CHOICE AGENT CITY CBD - SAVENIO - 3368 3733 • NORTH Clayfield - CLAYFIELD TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS - 3862 1215 • Margate - TRAVEL REDCLIFFE PENINSULA - 3889 3999 • Stafford - DISCOVER TRAVEL & CRUISE - 3356 0600 • EAST Cleveland - LATITUDE CRUISE & TRAVEL - 3286 7900 • WEST The Gap - DISCOVER TRAVEL & CRUISE - 3300 5300 *Conditions apply: Prices are per person twin share based on lead category for each stateroom type in AUD unless otherwise specified. Prices correct as at 15 Jan 21 & subject to change without notice & availability at time of booking. Advertised prices inclusive of all discounts, taxes, fees & port expenses (which are subject to change). Supplements apply for other stateroom categories. Fares based on specific departure dates only. Higher fares may apply to other departure dates listed. Offer ends 02 Mar 21 unless sold out prior, valid for new bookings & not combinable with any other offer. Princess Cruises has set aside a reasonable number of staterooms which are available at these fares. Once these staterooms are sold, fares may vary. Some oceanview staterooms have obstructed views. Prices shown are Princess Savers fare which is cruise fare only without any inclusions. Option to upgrade to Princess Plus fare. Princess Plus fare is valid for the first 2 guests in the stateroom when booking select cruises 5+ nights and includes cruise fare packaged with Premier Beverage Package and WiFi. Premier Beverage Package applies to the first 2 guests in the stateroom when aged 18 years or over (21 years on some international voyages). Exclusions apply. Guests under legal drinking age will receive the Premier Coffee & Soda package. WiFi on Pacific Princess: the Premium PrincessCONNECT Internet Package applies & usage is unlimited across multiple devices in a stateroom (accessed through one device at a time only). All other ships: unlimited MedallionNet package applies, limited to 1 device per passenger. Princess Plus fare does not apply by default to 3rd & 4th guests, they can choose to opt into the fare. +Stateroom Location upgrade is valid on interior, oceanview, balcony, deluxe balcony & mini-suite stateroom bookings only. Guest must book the desired grade at the time of booking. Offer excludes club class mini-suites & suites, & does not apply to land portion of land & sea holidays. ^Onboard Spending Money is per stateroom as marked on selected itineraries, is applied to the first two passengers in a stateroom, varies by stateroom type & voyage length & is not transferable, non-refundable, not redeemable for cash & cannot be used at the medical centre or casino. #Specialty Dining voucher offer allocated one per stateroom for selected cruises of 7+ nights & includes gratuities. Where applicable, guests receive a complimentary dinner for two in one of Princess Cruises’ onboard specialty restaurants. Restaurants vary by ship. Voucher will be delivered to your stateroom & is redeemable with the Maitre d’ at time of dining. Restaurant & reservation time will be assigned by Princess Cruises. Offer does not apply to special dining events or packages that take place in specialty restaurants, does not include beverages which are available at an additional cost & is non-transferable & not redeemable for cash. Princess reserves the right to substitute for onboard spending money of equal value which will expire if not used by 10:00 PM on the last evening of the cruise. Princess Cruises is assessing enhanced health & safety protocols, in light of COVID-19 & how they may impact future offerings. Actual offerings may vary from what is advertised here. Princess Cruises Book with Confidence policy: Book by 02 Mar 21 knowing you can cancel up to 30 days prior to sailing for voyages departing until 31 Dec 21, & receive your cancellation fees back as a Future Cruise Credit which can be used on any sailing that departs within one year of your original departure date, or 01 May 22, whichever is later. Further conditions may apply. Booking, credit card & cancellation fees may apply. ATAS No. A10430.

35.indd 3

28/01/2021 11:23:07 AM


BILL MCCARTHY As a pilot and yacht navigator I have perhaps too much empathy with this writer to give an unbiased review. Paul Goodwin’s tribute to his Father is well written and researched, as it should be, with his father the major contributor. From a hard childhood in country Queensland, to an eager and curious young man, to a lead navigator in Bomber Command surviving two tours, and finally the last navigator employed by Qantas, is a hell of a story. He manages to explain in layman’s terms what the air war was like for the individual as well as the overall strategies and challenges of the senior command. The chance of surviving unscathed was less than 40 per cent. My father was one of the lucky ones. A wonderful tribute to the bravery and courage of the aircrews.

MARY BARBER This is the story of a Queensland boy who escapes an abusive childhood and makes a meaningful life for himself. It’s also the story of the young men in Bomber Command who put their lives on the line to stop the aggressive German war machine. It is well-written. Paul Goodwin has used his father’s flying logs, written memoirs and conversations to build this insightful book. The descriptions of bombing missions are vivid and fresh. The navigator Gordon Goodwin developed a real love and respect for the mighty Lancaster. I think this is an important book as it’s a first-person account of a significant time in recent history. It shows the remarkable courage and brotherhood people can find when freedom is threatened.

BOOK review JO BOURKE This is a factual account of the courageous men who were part of Bomber Command in World War II. It is not a genre I would normally read but it has stayed with me long after finishing it. The odds of returning to base after a bombing raid were a mere 50 per cent - a stark reality. The author has cleverly used his father’s memoirs and historical accounts to take us along with Gordon Goodwin as he and his fellow airmen helped change the course of the war. Gordon’s story is a life of achievement against the odds! It is an honest portrayal from his harsh early years until an uncle saw his potential and stepped in to encourage his thirst for education and achievement. I imagine that anyone who has a passionate interest in war history will have this book in pride of place on their bookshelf and will refer to it often. For me, I am content to have been immersed in this brave man’s life for a while along with his beloved Mary and his Qantas roles after the war. An interesting read.


JOHN KLEINSCHMIDT This biography of Gordon Goodwin is a detailed and meticulous account of his life from difficult childhood days in Montville and Bundaberg through his years in the dangerous World War II service Bomber Command, to better days with Qantas. Gordon’s tough upbringing demanded results under lamentable circumstances, a trait that he exhibited to survive more than 65 bombing missions including the most dangerous missions over Berlin. His time in Bomber Command is a bit repetitive but nonetheless it vividly portrays the sheer scale of Bombing Missions, the loss of air crew and the hit and miss devastation of German cities. It was a relief to reach his Qantas years. A good read about a remarkable life.

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36 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

36.indd 2

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This book is a wellwritten excellent biography with great local flavour about an extraordinary Australian gentleman who grew up in Montville, trained as a sugar boiler in Bundaberg and then joined the RAAF as a navigator during World War II. Gordon rose through the ranks in England to become a master navigator and instructor. This highly decorated airman flew 65 dangerous missions over Nazi-controlled Western Europe with the Pathfinder squadrons. Accurate air navigation, mainly by celestial astrofixes, dead reckoning and intuition on wind speed were necessary to find and pinpoint enemy targets. These bombing raids were a major factor in securing victory. After the war he became the lead navigator for Qantas until computer navigation made redundant the exceptional skills of the last navigator. Some readers may find descriptions of the bombing missions a bit long and tedious but the story is spiced up with Gordon finding the love of his life and a real zest for living. The controversies about killing tens of thousands of civilians in order to win the war is especially relevant given the alleged war crimes in Afghanistan today. An enjoyable and informative read. 8/10

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Gordon Goodwin was a decorated airman and an inspired leader. During World War II he served with the Pathfinders as they led bombing raids into Germany. He undertook 32 Pathfinder missions, including nine over Berlin, and 65 missions over enemy territory with Bomber Command. Surviving his childhood was perhaps a greater achievement. Raised in harsh and loveless circumstances outside Brisbane during the Depression, his accomplishments were remarkable. This is the powerful account of Gordon’s dangerous and brave war experiences as recalled for his son Paul. He not only survived the war but went on to a successful career with Qantas, finishing as its chief, and possibly last, navigator.

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28/01/2021 11:23:19 AM


With Quizmaster Allan Blackburn


1. Lake Wakatipu is in which country?



2. What is the modern name of the bird formerly called a native companion? 3. Fortran, Pascal, Cobol and Basic are all types of what? 4. Which Australian tennis player is often referred to as “The Mailman”? 5. How many stars are on the flag of Japan? 6. Which car has a badge consisting of two overlapping Rs?

1 7 2 9 6 8 5 3 4

8 5 4 3 7 1 2 9 6


6 3 9 5 2 4 1 8 7

3 6 5 8 9 7 4 1 2

9 2 1 4 5 3 7 6 8

7 4 8 6 1 2 9 5 3

2 9 7 1 3 6 8 4 5

4 1 6 2 8 5 3 7 9

5 8 3 7 4 9 6 2 1

WORDFIND Secret message: Presidents and prime ministers


























cine, code, coin, coined, conduce, CONDUCIVE, cone, coned, conic, cove, coven, covin, deco, dice, dunce, iced, icon, induce, nice, novice, once, ounce, unvoiced, vice, voice, voiced

20. In a marriage, what item of jewellery symbolises everlasting love?


19. What kind of living thing is a pike?


18. What word describes a person who uses both hands equally?


17. What shape is in the centre of a standard Scrabble board?


16. What is the unit of currency of Canada?


15. In the Falklands War the United Kingdom fought which country?

7 2 8 6 3 9 4 1 5

14. What major line of latitude passes through Queensland?

1 6 4 5 8 2 7 9 3

13. What is the next biggest prime number after 97?

5 3 9 7 4 1 2 6 8

12. In Bingo, what number is called “the key to the door”?

6 8 7 4 2 3 1 5 9

11. Colloquially, what are “strides”?

4 5 1 9 6 7 3 8 2

10. What is the name of the Big Bash team based in Adelaide?

3 9 2 1 5 8 6 4 7

9. How many Best Actor Oscars have James Bond movies won?

2 4 6 8 7 5 9 3 1

8. Who was Lord Mayor of Brisbane before Adrian Schrinner?


9 7 5 3 1 4 8 2 6


8 1 3 2 9 6 5 7 4

7. Which continent is west of the Seychelles Islands?

There may be other correct answers

1. New Zealand; 2. Brolga or Australian crane; 3. Computer programming language; 4. John Millman 5. Zero; 6. Rolls Royce; 7. Africa; 8. Graham Quirk; 9. Zero; 10. Adelaide Strikers; 11. Trousers; 12. 21; 13. 101; 14. Tropic of Capricorn; 15. Argentina; 16. Canadian dollar; 17. Star; 18. Ambidextrous; 19. Fish; 20. Eternity ring.

HAVE YOU BEEN AFFECTED BY BREAST CANCER? WE CAN CA HELP YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE AND LOOK BEAUTIFUL IN YOUR OWN CLOTHES To save you time, Tracey G Prosthetics and Lingerie is a true one stop shop having the largest range rang of prosthesis, beautiful lingerie and an mastectomy apparel available. VALENTINE’S We have trained fitters DAY SPECIAL! who understand what needs KARLA BRA & BRIEF SET to be done to ensure your WAS $94.90 comfort is achieved first time.

• We help you understand your Medicare paperwork and claims process • All cup sizes AA-K in sizes 6-30 in all leading brands • Mobile service, we can come to you


NOW OPEN AT 967 STANLEY ST, EAST BRISBANE • 0466 828 143 9 FIRST FIR AVENUE, MAROOCHYDORE • 0466 828 144 967 STANLEY ST, EAST BRISBANE • 0466 828 143 Brisbane

37.indd 3


28/01/2021 11:23:35 AM



ACROSS 1 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 18 19 20

For each coin takes a long time to find its proportion (10) Consumer likes recipes or brews (7) Sounds like a vein of metal that one bears (4) Sounds like the prophet will burn (4) Is it the same before and after it’s burnt? (3) Went through water with me and the mystic teacher (5) New beginner involved in taking up yoga finds it a painful experience! (5) Half a cheer provides a bit of hope (3) Use organic soil and make a pet out of it? (4) Excessively dote on a quadruped of this colour (4) Bird that may give us legal advice (7) A treatise that the memory can’t integrate (10)


No. 2570

DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 15 17 18

A metaphysical science developed by some rather holy hippos! (10) One of fifty two who can treat wool (4) A few amphibians make a nice start when cooking stew (5) Copies the way I leave sepia exposures from right to left (4) Disquietingly he indicated (rather wryly) groin injuries (10) Such fruit is the way to go when you’re very agitated (7) Dismissal of one’s morning lover perhaps (7) Tuneful music from Zaire? (3) Sounds like you’re trying to attract attention for the horse’s fare (3) Carefully glean a new perspective on things (5) Choosing a new mate on the side? (4) Puncture apartment (4)

No. 043




























Copyright © Reuben’s Puzzles Refer to the website for a cryptic solving guide.

Tamworth CMF Australia’s Largest Festival 50TH ANNIVERSARY 2022 JOIN THE FUN...



The leftover letters will spell out a secret message No. 043

















SUDOKU Level: Medium


5 4 3

3 9

No. 866


9 7 5

2 1



7 3


2 8


1 8

5 3 7


Tamworth Country Music Festival Bus Trip 2021

The Great Western Play & Stay Musical Tour 2021…

Bus, Bed & Breakfast

M d 20/09/21 Monday to Thursday 30/09/21 Bus, Bed, Breakfast, Nightly Meals & Entertainment


$2900 per person

Tuesday 18/01/22 to Sunday 23/01/22 TAMWORTH CMF 2021!

per person

11 Day Musical Tour with 12 Country/Western, Rock n Roll Artists. See the Outback like you’ve never seen it before!

For more information or enquiries please contact GREG & DONNA ROSS. PH: (07) 4129 7132 OR 0427 297 132 e: 38 YOUR TIME MAGAZINE / February 2021

38.indd 2


28/01/2021 11:23:49 AM



No. 3671



No. 043

Level: Easy

Today’s Aim:


13 words: Good 19 words: Very good






26 words: Excellent


Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.


ACROSS 1 4 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 19 20 21 24 26 28

Entry (6) Grow rapidly (8) Collision of vehicles (5) Able (9) Leaves (5) Oslo resident (9) Flank (4) Tractable (6) Commercials (3) Video recorder (abb) (3) Expenditure (6) Small bit of land surrounded by sea (4) Alaska’s largest city (9) Weak (5) By law (9)

29 Humble (5) 30 Outfits for actors (8) 31 Counsel (6)

DOWN 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 14 16 18 19

Tolerates (7) Seat (5) Division (6) Labeller (5) Any place (8) Citizens of the US (9) Females with South American heritage (7) Associate (7) One of the two major US political parties (9) Visuals (7) Hawaiian capital (8) Definitive (7)

22 23 25 27

Very (7) Craven (6) Sundried brick (5) Baghdad citizen (5)

No. 043

No. 865


3 4 4 9 5 2 1 2 9 9 1 4 8 7 3 7 2 2

6 2 4 1 5 6 9

5 8 3 9 7 5


Complete the list by changing one letter at a time to create a new word at each step. One possible answer shown below.


_____ _____ _____ _____ TEXTS February 2021

When is the best time to plan my funeral? The answer is the best time is anytime ♦

Pre-planning a funeral is a wise thing to do ♦ It relieves stress on your family ♦ You can take financial responsibility ♦ You want things done your way ♦ You are in control of your affairs to the end Contact us today for more information

Ph: 1800 644 524 Brisbane

39.indd 3

February 2021 / YOUR TIME MAGAZINE 39

28/01/2021 11:24:07 AM


clubhouse NOW OPEN

Cheers to more Happy Days Over 50s lifestyle community Freshwater by Ingenia Lifestyle proudly presents our newly-opened clubhouse – The Wattle. Residents enjoy access to the state-of-the-art facilities including a 20m pool, fully equipped gym, gold class cinema, games room with pool tables, library and crafts room, dining hall, bar, and four lane bowling green plus much more! Discover resort-style living at Freshwater by Ingenia Lifestyle. • Safe and secure over 50s community • No stamp duty • Keep 100% of any capital gains • No exit fees


Call 3495 0192 for more information or to book a tour of the display village and clubhouse. *Price is based on owning your home and leasing the land and is correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice. Terms and conditions apply.

40.indd 2

28/01/2021 11:24:19 AM

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