OUR MISSION To support the student-athletes of Western Michigan University in their pursuit of championships, academic excellence and personal growth as representatives of WMU, its alumni, fans and community members. Your gift to the Mike Gary Athletic Fund is an investment in the lives of Bronco student-athletes and Western Michigan University. “Being a student athlete at WMU has allowed me many opportunities. Not only have I been able to play in a stateof-the-art arena and have top notch locker rooms and training facilities, but I have also been able to travel to Brazil to play volleyball and embrace the rich culture there. These opportunities would not have been possible without the generous support from the Gary Fund. The time and effort given by those associated with the fund is greatly appreciated and we are extremely grateful for their continued support.� —Lena Oliver WMU Volleyball
HISTORY & PURPOSE Founded in 1956 by a group of area business men and dedicated Broncos, the Mike Gary Athletic Fund was established to provide direct financial support to the athletic programs of Western Michigan University. Now the official fundraising arm of WMU Athletics, it is named in honor of long-time athletic director, Bronco football coach and WMU Hall of Fame inductee, Mr. Mitchell “Mike� Gary. Over the past 50 years, dedicated donors and committed volunteers have donated their valuable time, talents and resources to support Bronco athletics through the Mike Gary Athletic Fund. The annual fundraising campaign to support scholarship costs, specific program needs and student-athlete recruiting is made up of over 40 volunteers who call on WMU alumni, community members and businesses to make charitable gifts to support the Broncos. Gary Fund members give our student-athletes the opportunity to compete and learn at the highest level.
Bronco Backer
Support the Broncos and enjoy the benefits of being a Gary Fund Member!
Itemized Tax Deduction
Invitation to Annual Football Tailgate
Parking for Volleyball, Hockey & Women’s Basketball* Qualify to Purchase Men’s Basketball & Hockey Chairback Seats Qualify to Purchase John Gill Stadium Club & Football Chairback Seats Parking for Football & Men’s Basketball* Invitation to Spring Football Game Reception Entrance into the Drawing to Travel with Football Team Invitation to the Fall Champion’s Club Reception Free Membership to the Bronco Insider WMU Foundation President’s Society Qualify to Request Four Additional Tickets to Home Events**
*Purchase of season tickets required. ** Limited to one request per sport on
METHODS OF GIVING Cash Gifts Gifts made by cash, check or credit card are the most common types of donation. Please make all checks payable to the Mike Gary Athletic Fund. WMU accepts VISA, MasterCard and Discover. Matching Gifts Many companies match gifts made to the Mike Gary Athletic Fund and these donations, at no cost to you, may double the value of your gift. Matching gift forms can be obtained from your employer.
Brown & Gold Club
Honorary Coach’s Club
Champion’s Club
Director’s Club
Scholarship Club
$1000– 2499
$2500– 4999
$5000– 9999
n ticket availability. Revised 2013
On-line Giving For convenience and ease, donations may be made on-line at Please click the “Make a Gift” button for donation instructions. All gift applications may also be printed and mailed to the Mike Gary Athletic Fund. In-Kind Gifts Contributions of goods and services allow WMU Athletics to minimize expenses and provide you charitable gift credit. All in-kind gift donations must be approved by the Gary Fund Director.
OTHER METHODS OF GIVING Planned Gifts Planned and deferred gifts give you the ability to support WMU Athletics and create a legacy at the same time. Donations can be made through estate gifts, insurance policies, gift annuities, real estate, securities and other planned-giving options. Endowments An endowment of a student-athlete scholarship, specific team operation, coaching position or other program need provides annual funding for WMU Athletics in perpetuity. The principle of your gift is invested and the annual return portion is used to fund the designated need. Securities Appreciated stocks are a great charitable gift option as they may allow you to avoid capital gains taxes, receive credit for a charitable gift and maximize your giving ability. Tax Information All gifts made to the Mike Gary Athletic Fund are considered charitable donations in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Western Michigan University Foundation. Special rules and limitations may apply so please consult your tax advisor for information on your specific situation. Every contribution— your contribution— makes a difference!
Please check all that apply. I have enclosed a matching gift form from my employer or my spouse’s employer. Please send information on how to include WMU and the Broncos in my estate plan.
Print full name here.
Complete this card and mail to: Mike Gary Athletic Fund Gift Processing 1903 W Michigan Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5403
Online at (month) Electronic transfer (box to right)
Is there another person who should also receive credit for this gift? Yes No If yes, please print the following information. Individual’s title: Mr. Mrs. Ms.
Your full name Home address City/State/Zip
Check enclosed, payable to the Mike Gary Athletic Fund Credit card (box to right) Bill me in
Name of sport, scholarship or other designation. LEAVE BLANK if your gift can be used to support our student athletes where the need is greatest.
On-line at:
Pre-approved Electronic Gifts Check here if you would like to make direct electronic transfers of funds from your checking or savings account. You will be sent instructions and an authorization form.
Expiration date
Three digit verification code
Acct. #
Credit Card Payment Please charge my gift to (check one)
Please detach and return with gift.
BECOME A MEMBER! Call the Mike Gary Athletic Fund office at 269.387.8878 or visit