www.zacoo.com teach you how to store your beads

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www.zacoo.com teach you how to store your beads To s tore your beads a t a great condition, first learn what ways others used to store their favorite beads? I like the di vided plasti c boxes , (it sounds like they’re the ones you already ha ve) but make sure the di vi ders touch the lid when i t’s cl osed, so tha t the beads sta y where you put them. The reall y useful box co mpany do all sorts of s torage boxes for cra fts. I also use those boxes wi th di viders in them. Sa dl y the di viders in mi ne don’t touch the lid so I ha ve to be careful when moving them a bout so that I don’t tip them a nd end up mixing them.

I’ve also used sandwi ch bags for when I break up ol d neckla ces etc., sometimes I then sort them into di viders , s ometimes I end up using a ll the beads before I s ort them out. Old (clean!) jam ja rs and the like are good for storing them too I find. Certainl y i f, like me, you like ha ving pretty beads on display. I ha ve jars on top of a ches t of drawers in my cra ft room/spa re bedroom full of beads and buttons and things. I use craft mates storage boxes for my delici ous etc. They ga ve indi vi duall y-lidded compa rtments that lock closed. Ha ve treated them pretty roughly over the years a nd never had a problem with them getting jumbled up! I ha ve a bi t of a mi xture of stora ge solutions but I find the boxes wi th the di viders the bes t, I find i t the easiest wa y to see what I’ve got…I keep sa ying I’m going to get them organized into colors or types but consideri ng the a mount of beads I have a ccumulated I think it would be a n i mpossible task! I also use the di vi der boxes but I had split me beads into color. One di vi der box for ea ch color, I place ea ch di fferent type of bead in a li ttle zip lock bag so if I do tip the box i t is no catastrophe. I also use the little round sta ckable dishes for findings etc. These a re small enough to sit on my table the whole ti me wi thout taking up too much room. They a re also the perfect size for taking with me to fairs etc. for changing cl asps, earring wires etc. I use craft mates too. Bought mine years ago, reall y good. They a re in a strip and you can open one compa rtment a t the ti me rather than a whole row. Also have good bags to store the lot in. I’m not sure of cos t, but I like mine as everythi ng is i n the same sized box so I ca n compare amounts easily. … Wha t’s the best way you have your beads stored? Source from: http://www.zacoo.com/

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