P r e s e n t a t i o n
Nilson Rea
the object
pencil case
the concept first steps
!"#$%"$ & '&(')*&+ ,-#'*"+' ."*% +-/' .&"'!&*0#1 1*", &/)223 20#&+ )#04)& *)+'0,
making the concept
the concept visual map w o r d s
!"#$%"$ & '&(')*&+ ,-#'*"+' ."*% +-/' .&"'!&*0#1 1*", &/)223 20#&+ )#04)& *)+'0,
into images
the concept visualization
the concept modeling
the concept modeling k e y w o r d s
!"#$"%&'( $')'$*+',%'( *&%',%'( (#+#&-.+ -&'")/,0'1
the concept modeling i m a g e s
& keywords
the concept testing
the concept testing
irregular shadows
the concept testing
natural textures
the concept testing
natural colors
the product
the product
!""# $%&'()% %"&#
high-fidelity model
the product
real model
the product
real model
the product
the product
thank you
i m a g e s
r e f e r e n c e s
Andrew 2011, ‘Blue Green Photography’ [image] in Flickr, viewed 10 October2011, <http://www.flickr.com/photos/cubagallery/5545783165/>
Nacnud 2010, ‘Metalic’ [image] in Flickr, viewed 10 October2011, <http://www.flickr.com/photos/duncanjohnston/4928855728/> Andrew 2011, ‘Nature Texture’ [image] in Flickr, viewed 10 October2011, <http://www.flickr.com/photos/cubagallery/5602776098/> Andrew 2009, ‘Concrete Background Texture’ [image] in Flickr, viewed 10 October2011, <http://www.flickr.com/photos/cubagallery/4692561999/>
Onwatersedge 2008, ‘Casting Shadows’ [image] in Flickr, viewed 7 October2011, <http://www.flickr.com/photos/kyriazos/2339832214/> Riley, J 2008, ‘Casting Shadows’ [image] in Flickr, viewed 7 October2011, <http://www.flickr.com/photos/familyghost/4673733700/>
Energy-Efficient Floor Lamp for Modern House [image] inv Fit in House, viewed 4 Novermber2011, <http://fitinhouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/contemporary-floor-lamp.jpg> Woman sitting on Sofa Reading Book [image] in Masterfile, viewed 7 Novermber2011, <http://image1.masterfile.com/em_w/01/12/48/600-01124824w.jpg> Relax on the Sofa [image] in Stock.xchng, viewed 4 Novermber2011, <http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=download&id=573997>