My People: The Works of Ammi Phillips - Volume 1

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My People: The Works of Ammi Phillips

Cover: Anna Seward Swartwout (1778-1868), Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. vicinity, circa 1824

My People: The Works of Ammi Phillips

A catalog with titles or subject identification with life dates, work dating, location, dimensions, descriptions, inscriptions, biographical data, provenance, sale records, ownership, published references, and cross-references to previous catalogs for over 750 works, with additional notes as to duplicates, errors and misattributions; and a comparative survey of over 650 examples, organized by date, locale, and stylistic period.

Volume 1 – Catalog

David R. Allaway

Second edition – June 2022

ISBN 978-0-9987122-0-8

Author’s Note

Ammi Phillips’s given name is from the biblical Hebrew, meaning “my people.” As he devoted a half-century to traveling the Hudson and Housatonic Valleys and capturing the likenesses of his contemporaries, it seemed a fitting title for a catalog of his work.

View from Mount Merino near Hudson, New York by Henry Ary, circa 1848. Brooklyn Museum.


From the outset, I was provided invaluable assistance and encouragement by Howard P. Fertig, who was generous in sharing his resources, insights and enthusiasm for this topic. I am also indebted to Deborah Kolar, whose editorial contributions and unwavering support over a decade of research made this effort possible.


I commenced what ultimately became this work more than a decade ago, as what I naively thought would be a brief effort. My motivation was simply to gain a better understanding of the works of Ammi Phillips and where, and if, one particular painting fit into that continuum. In the beginning this seemed a straightforward undertaking. Ammi Phillips was, after all, the best known and most thoroughly researched of American folk portraitists. But the more I studied the less I truly understood. The totality of his work seemed difficult to grasp and his many stylistic periods difficult to reconcile. I soon developed a healthy skepticism as to whether the works of the “Border Limner” (the 1810’s), the “Kent Limner” (the mid-1830’s), and the stylistic twists and turns of the 1820’s were indeed all by the same artist, as was first concluded by Barbara and Lawrence Holdridge, with the assistance of Mary Black, more than 50 years ago. This skepticism was first aired by Dr. William Lamson Warren [CHS Bulletin, January 1966]. Keeping an open mind, I sought my own proof and evidence through further examples, and from those very few portraits which had contemporary attribution and dating. The three primary references on this topic were clear enough:

1) The checklist of 219 known works by Ammi Phillips, with 55 exhibit images, published by the Holdridges in conjunction with the first major exhibition of Phillips’s work by the Connecticut Historical Society [The Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, October 1965].

2) The chronological list of 309 works, with 80 exhibit images, published by the Holdridges in book form in conjunction with a landmark 1968 exhibit of Phillips’s work at the Museum of American Folk Art [Ammi Phillips: Portrait Painter, 1788-1865].

3) The expanded checklist of 633 known works, with 50 exhibit images, researched and compiled by Howard P. Fertig, and published as part of the Museum of American Folk Art’s 1994 exhibit catalog [Ammi Phillips Revisited: Fifty Years of American Portraiture] by Stacy C. Hollander.

But there were problems in reconciling the information contained in these three important references. The 1965 checklist (19 pages) lacked descriptive information except for dimensions and published the 55 images (21 pages) in alphabetical order. This presented the reader with a bewildering juxtaposition of styles across more than 50 years of work. The 1968 catalog (9 pages) was presented in approximate chronological order, an impressive effort by the Holdridges, but still lacked descriptive information and the visual presentation (23 pages) was in no discernable order. Furthermore, the cross-references to the 1965 checklist contained errors and omissions, and some important information had fallen by the wayside. The 1994 checklist (19 pages), a huge effort by Howard P. Fertig, expanded the known works to 633. It provided occasional and limited descriptive information (e.g., “holds a book in right hand”) but lacked a numbering system or any cross-reference to the earlier checklists. It also omitted any provenance. The visual presentation (24 pages) by Stacy Hollander was, for the first time, organized in a logical manner and published in color but was limited, of necessity, to the 50 portraits included in the exhibit. Amid this confusion was a background of newly discovered works, new or altered identifications of subjects, and portraits of unidentified subjects being sold and resold under varying names and descriptive titles

So the task I set for myself was to create a new computerized database of the works of Ammi Phillips. One which would accurately cross-reference all three previous checklists, plus the Smithsonian Institution’s Inventory of American Painting, would include all known information on each portrait, including provenance and sale information, and would add those new portraits and subject identifications which had surfaced since the 1994 checklist. This led me to historical and genealogical research which would shed further light on the subjects, their dates and locations, and in some instances the descent of the portraits to present ownership. A major component of this effort has been not just an expansion of the attributed works, but a winnowing of duplicates, non-existent works and misattributions. Deletions were celebrated as of equal importance, if not greater, than additions.

Along the way, I added the objective of presenting 500 examples in chronological sequence, reducing or eliminating any discontinuity between stylistic periods, highlighting Phillips’s travels, which were less itinerant than I originally imagined, and forming a framework for further analysis. With a twelvefold level of coverage compared with previously available references, I believe that the comparative survey (Volume 2) provides a unique perspective on Phillips’s evolution as a portrait artist.

The result, which is not intended for profit or conventional publication, is envisioned to benefit specialized researchers on this topic. It is my hope that it will add insight and promote comprehension of a remarkable life’s work.

Catalog Description

Volume 1 lists every portrait, including some which are non-extant or misattributed (see Special Notice). These are first organized alphabetically, by the personal name of the subject (last, first). This includes identified subjects, tentative or partial identifications, and a few portraits which have been assigned arbitrary names by the owners. The identified subjects are followed by unidentified adult males, unidentified adult females, and lastly by unidentified children. Unidentified subjects are listed by the descriptive names which have been used in previous checklists or sale offerings.

Throughout, I have avoided the use of the term “unknown” as these were not anonymous or unknown people. They were well known to their contemporaries, and celebrated in life and likeness, but merely remain unidentified by us.

Catalog Index

For convenience of quick scanning, an index has been provided at the front, which follows the same sequence as the catalog. Identified subjects are listed by last name, then first name. Descriptive names are sorted without the use of “A”, “The”, “Portrait” or other non-descriptive words. The number given corresponds to the catalog entry number (not the page number).


The primary source for information is given in brackets following the information, using the abbreviation for the source Where conflicting information exists, especially as to estimated date or location, multiple versions are given, with each source indicated.


Each portrait is assigned a sequential number, as given in the table of contents and to the left of each catalog entry. These numbers are also referenced in Volume 2 for unidentified subjects.

The numbered entry for each portrait contains available information in the following sequence:


Each portrait name is given in bold. For identified subjects, the name is spelled in normal sequence (first and last). For married women the first, maiden and married surnames are given, followed in parentheses by Mrs. and husband’s name. For females whose portrait is believed to have been made prior to marriage, the maiden name is given, followed in parentheses by “later Mrs. (husband’s name).”

For numerous portraits, multiple names are given as the portrait has been identified and re-identified at various times. Putative identifications have sometimes been assigned to previously unidentified portraits. Alternatively, subject identifications have sometimes been lost over the course of time, and portraits have resurfaced with only descriptive names. In these instances, both the personal and descriptive names are given, but the portrait is usually listed under identified subjects.

Personal Dates

Where known, the year of birth and year of death of the identified subject is given in bold. This is based on historical and genealogical research on the identified subject.


The town, county and state where the portrait was made is given, so far as it is known or surmised. Sometimes, multiple locations are given from different sources. In some far-flung instances, this may be the location where the subject or descendant resided at a later date, or where the portrait resurfaced, and may also be the result of a misidentified subject (see Volume 2 discussion on geography).


The year (or date range) when the portrait was made is given, sometimes with multiple estimates from different sources. Where there is reason to assign a specific year, based on an inscription, a related portrait, or other information, the year is followed by an asterisk.


The dimensions of the canvas are given in inches (height x width). Occasionally, the source has provided only the framed dimension or only the visible (sight) dimension, and this is so indicated.

Related Portraits

Where the portrait is one of a pair, this is so indicated, with the name of the companion portrait followed by [q.v.]. Where the subject is also related to the subject of another portrait, this is also indicated.

Inscription (Inscr.)

Inscriptions which may help identify the date (e.g., a date on a periodical), subject (e.g., a name on a letter), or location (e.g., the title of a periodical) are always given. This may also include inscriptions on the back of the canvas (verso) or frame. Rarely, identifying and dated inscriptions are indicated on the front of the canvas (recto).

Description (Descr.)

Frequently, but not always, a description of the work is given. This may be limited to a salient feature Where a full description of the work is given, it is provided in the following order: Physical appearance, attire, pose, and accompanying objects. The pose includes the terms proper right (p.r.) and proper left (p.l.) which are from the subject’s perspective. Items appearing on the canvas, described as upper right (u.r.), upper left (u.l.), lower right (l.r.) and lower left (l.l.), are from the viewer’s perspective.

Condition (Cond.)

Where available, notes on the condition of the work may be given.

Biographical Information (Bio.)

Where known and relevant, biographical information may include the date and location of birth (b.), marriage (m.), and death (d.), place of residence (res.) at one or more census years, place of burial (bur.) or other information such as parents or other spouses.


Notes may contain any additional information regarding the subject or the work.


Where known, the sequence and chronology of ownership is given, including records of sale.

I have taken the unconventional approach of including sales and dollar valuations in this catalog, as an integral part of the history of ownership, and as an indicative measure of the work’s rarity, subjective artistic merit, and significance over time. In the instance of auction records, the name and location of the auction house is given, along with the name and number of the sale, sale date (month, day and year), lot number, sale price (hammer price and buyer’s premium percentage, as available) or unsold, and the pre-sale estimate in parentheses.


Where mentioned or illustrated in periodicals or published works (except prior checklists), a citation is given. For infrequently referenced works, a full citation is given. For frequently referenced works, only the author and year are given, and the reader is referred to the bibliography.


The status lists the last known ownership or disposition. For museum holdings, the accession number is given.


Cross-references to prior checklists, with the number used by each, are included as follows:

CHS: The checklist number as given in The Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, October 1965. Owing to duplicates in that list, one or two numbers may be given.

H&H: The catalog number as given in Barbara C. Holdridge and Lawrence B. Holdridge, Ammi Phillips: Portrait Painter, 1788-1865 (1965). An asterisk following the number indicates that the portrait was included in the exhibit and published illustrations.

HPF: The portrait listed in the checklist compiled by Howard P. Fertig, included in Stacy C. Hollander, Ammi Phillips Revisited: Fifty Years of American Portraiture (1994). This checklist, contained in pages 61 through 79 of that publication, is unnumbered, so I have devised a reference as follows: Page number, column (A = left, B = right), decimal point, and entry sequence. For example, 73B.5 indicates the fifth entry in the right-hand column of page 73.

IAP: The control number in the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s Inventory of American Painting. A large portion of this inventory resulted from a Bicentennial Survey conducted in 1976 and continuing for some years thereafter. Because the Smithsonian’s inventory process may yield multiple entries for the same portrait, as many as four different IAP control numbers may be given for a single portrait.

CAP: The reference number in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery’s Catalog of American Portraits. A large portion of this catalog reflects museum holdings, for which the CAP number is the same as the museum accession number and is therefore omitted. Where it exists for private holdings the NPG-assigned CAP number is given

Special Notice (N.B.)

Special notice is made at the end of the entry for works which may be non-extant, duplicate entries, and possible or probable misattributions.

It is not possible, or desirable, to include the many works misattributed to Ammi Phillips by various sources. As essential information, I have included (and noted) only those questionable attributions in prior checklists. Additional questionable attributions in museum collections and by major auction houses are presented as unnumbered addenda

Thumbnail Image

Where available, a thumbnail image of the portrait is embedded in each catalog entry. This is provided as a visual reminder, and to prevent confusion between similarly named portraits. The reader is referred to Volume 2 for examples presented in approximate chronological and geographic context.


For economy of space, abbreviations are used liberally throughout the text. A table of abbreviations is provided immediately following the catalog.


The bibliography provides full citations for books, periodicals, museum exhibit catalogs, dealer exhibit catalogs, manuscripts and other materials from which information has been gleaned. Auction catalogs, for which detailed sale information has already been cited, are not included in the bibliography.

Catalog Index

Identified or Named Subjects

1. Adams, Olivia Kimberly (Mrs. Elisha Adams, Jr.)

2. Allen, Miss A. E., probably Ann Eliza Frear Allen (Mrs. James H. Allen)

3. Allerton, Clarissa Husted (Mrs. Cornelius Allerton)

4. Allerton, Cornelius (Dr.)

5. Allerton, Lois Atherton (Mrs. Reuben Allerton)

6. Allis, Leonard Newton

7. Arnell, David Reeve (Dr.)

8. Arnold, Mary L. Rowe (Mrs. Welcome B. Arnold)

9. Arnold, Welcome B.

10. Austin, Horace

11. Austin, Mary Ludlow (Mrs. Horace Austin)

12. Bailey, Elizabeth Du Bois (Mrs. John Nathan Bailey)

13. Barker, Miss M.A., possibly Mary Ann Barker (later Mrs. Peter Coggeshall)

14. Barnes, Caroline H. Williams (Mrs. Seth Austin Barnes)

15. Barnes, Elisha

16. Barnes, Thomas Williams

17. Barnes, Zilpha Arnold (Mrs. Thomas Williams Barnes)

18. Barnum, Julia Ann Fuller (Mrs. Matthew Starr Barnum)

19. Barnum, Matthew Starr

20. Barstow, Charles Rollin

21. Barstow, Lavinia Wilcox (Mrs. Samuel Barstow)

22. Barstow, Oliver Allen

23. Barstow, Pluma Amelia (later Mrs. Increase Sumner)

24. Barstow, Samuel (Dr.)

25. Bartholomew, Abigail Savage (Mrs. Andrew Bartholomew)

26. Bartholomew, Andrew

27. Bartholomew, Betsy Barnum (Mrs. Hiram Bartholomew, possibly)

28. Bartholomew, Hiram (possibly)

29. Bartholomew, John Morse

30. Bartholomew, Milia Holbrook (Mrs. Milo Bartholomew), aka Wife of Man Holding “The Cultivator”, aka Mrs. Luther Tucker

31. Bartholomew, Milo, aka Milo Achilles Bartholomew, aka Man Holding “The Cultivator”, aka Mr. Luther Tucker

32. Bartholomew, Tabitha Paulina Tullar (Mrs. John Morse Bartholomew)

33. Bassett, Hannah Sornborger (Mrs. Sherman Bassett)

34. Bassett, Sherman

35. Bates, Mr.

36. Beakes, Mary Smith (Mrs. Stacy Beakes, Jr.), aka Jane Beakes

37. Beakes, Stacy, Jr.

38. Beckwith, Abigail "Abby" Eliza Thompson (Mrs. George Washington Beckwith)

39. Beckwith, Asa

40. Beckwith, Elizabeth “Betsey” Gale (Mrs. Nathan Beckwith)

41. Beckwith, George Washington

42. Beckwith, Nathan Sutherland (Col.)

43. Benedict, Abijah Gilbert (Dr.)

44. Benedict, Benjamin (Deacon)

45. Benedict, Charlotte Hopper Newcomb (Mrs. Abijah Gilbert Benedict)

46. Benjamin, Louisa Park (Mrs. Bela E. Benjamin)

47. Benjamin, Nathan Gaylord

48. Bentley, Margaret Stevens (Mrs. Clark Bentley), aka Elizabeth Buckley

49. Bentley, Rhoda Goodrich (Mrs. William Northrup Bentley) and daughter Louisa H. Bentley

50. Bentley, William Northrup

51. Bevier, Ann DeWitt (Mrs. Philip Du Bois Bevier)

52. Bockee, Margaret Platt

53. Bogardus, Barbara Moffet (Mrs. Joseph Bogardus)

54. Bogardus, Joseph

55. Borland, Elizabeth Armstrong (Mrs. Thomas Borland)

56. Borland, Thomas

57. Brady, Polly Clason (Mrs. Simeon Brady)

58. Brewster, Benjamin

59. Brewster, Benjamin (Mrs.)

60. Brodhead, Thomas (Dr.)

61. Bronson, Edward Hiram and Henry Theron

62. Bronson, Maria Rachel Munsill (Mrs. Theron Bronson)

63. Bronson, Maria Rachel Munsill (Mrs. Theron Bronson) and Wilbur M. Bronson

64. Bronson, Theron

65. Brown, Charles

66. Brown, Elizabeth (Betsey) Marshall (Mrs. Charles Brown)

67. Buel, N.B. [Napoleon Bonaparte Buell]

68. Bull, Amy Chase (Mrs. Isaac Bull)

69. Bull, Catharine Helen Miller (Mrs. Daniel Bull)

70. Bull, Daniel

71. Burtch, Esther Patrick (Mrs. Luman Burtch)

72. Burtch, Luman (Elder)

73. Burton, Abraham

74. Burton, Celia B. Sayrs (Mrs. Abraham Burton)

75. Cady, Anna Shuler (Mrs. David Cady)

76. Campbell, Archibald

77. Campbell, Elizabeth Mitchell (Mrs. Archibald Campbell)

78. Campbell, Harriet (later Mrs. Marinus Gilbert Fairchild)

79. Campbell, Jane Ann

80. Campbell, Samuel Robert

81. Campbell, Sarah Mynderse (Mrs. Samuel Robert Campbell)

82. Capron, Eunice Mann (Mrs. Seth Capron)

83. Capron, Seth (Dr.)

84. Carter, Anna Electa, John Calvin Calhoun Carter and Mary Adele Carter

85. Carter, Edward Church

86. Carter, Florence Maria, aka Child in Yellow Holding a Shoe

87. Carter, Thomas

88. Chadwick, Ebenezer

89. Clark, Catherine Couenhoven (Mrs. Zephaniah Clark)

90. Cobb, Mrs. (Lady with Ruffled Muslin Bonnet)

91. Cockburn, William

92. Cocks, Isaac (aka Captain Isaac Cox)

93. Cocks, Martha Van Duzer (aka Mrs. Isaac Cox)

94. Coe, Jonas (Rev.)

95. Collins, Dr. (probably Dr. Clarkson T. Collins)

96. Collins, Mrs. (probably Lydia Coffin Collins)

97. Comstock, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Perry Green Comstock)

98. Comstock, Perry Green

99. Cook, Mary Halsey (Mrs. Palmer Cook)

100. Cook, Palmer

101. Cook, Samuel Jr.

102. Cooper, Emily, of Lee Massachusetts

103. Cooper, Mr., aka Portrait of an American Historian

104. Cooper, Maria Budd (Mrs. Tunis Cooper)

105. Cooper, Tunis

106. Cornell, Peter

107. Cornell, Thomas

108. Couch, John Whitfield (Dr.)

109. Couch, Mary Christopher Van Doorn (Mrs. John Whitfield Couch)

110. Couch, Rhoda Bennett (Mrs. John Couch) aka Mrs. Rhoda Bennett

111. Cowan, Moses

112. Crandall, Harriet Griswold (Mrs. Hosea W. Crandall)

113. Crandall, Hosea W.

114. Crane, Dr.

115. Crane, Mrs. (wife of Dr. Crane)

116. Crane, Gerard

117. Crane, Roxanna Purdy (Mrs. Gerard Crane)

118. Culver, Lucius L.

119. Davis, Amy Lottridge (Mrs. George Rex Davis) and Ann Jane Davis

120. Day, Mr. (aka Mr. Bradley)

121. Day, Mrs. (aka Mrs. Bradley)

122. de La Vergne, Nelson

123. de Long, James – 1 of 2

124. de Long, James – 2 of 2

125. De Witt, Abraham Ten Eyck (Dr.) – 1 of 2

126. De Witt, Catherine Maria Ten Broeck (Mrs. William Henry De Witt)

127. De Witt, Elizabeth Hardenbergh (Mrs. William Cantyne De Witt)

128. De Witt, Jacob Hasbrouck

129. De Witt, Leah Dubois Wynkoop (Mrs. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt), aka Blandina Elmendorf De Witt – 1 of 2

130. De Witt, Reverend Mr.

131. De Witt, Sarah Ann Sleight (Mrs. Jacob Hasbrouck De Witt)

132. De Witt, Ten Eyck

133. De Witt, Thomas (Reverend), aka John A. Sleight, aka James A. Sleight

134. De Witt, William Cantyne (Dr.)

135. De Witt, William Henry

136. Denton, Pauline Darling (Mrs. Samuel Denton)

137. Denton, Samuel

138. Deuel, family members (3)

139. Deuel, Mary Margaret

140. Deuel, Samuel

141. Dewey, Caroline Bailey (Mrs. Chauncey Erastus Dewey)

142. Dewey, Charles Asaph

143. Dewey, Chauncey Erastus

144. Dewey, Duane Bailey

145. Dewey, Horatio (Dr.)

146. Dewey, Sarah King (Mrs. Charles Asaph Dewey) and Harriet Maria Dewey

147. Deyo, Jane Bevier (Mrs. Abraham D. Deyo)

148. Dibblee, Fyler (possibly), aka Mr. Dilbee

149. Divine, Rachel (Mrs. William Divine)

150. Doane, Mr.

151. Doolittle, Amanda Benham (Mrs. Ezra Doolittle)

152. Doolittle, Ezra

153. Dorr, Catherine Van Slyck (later Mrs. George C. Clyde)

154. Dorr, Henrietta (later Mrs. Orrin Phelps)

155. Dorr, Joseph (Col.)

156. Dorr, Joseph Priestly

157. Dorr, Joseph Priestly (Dr.)

158. Dorr, Milton

159. Dorr, Milton, or Josephus Dorr

160. Dorr, Paulina (later Mrs. Martin Harder)

161. Dorr, Polsapianna Bull (Mrs. Russell Dorr) and Esther Maria Dorr

162. Dorr, Robert Lottridge

163. Dorr, Russell (Dr.)

164. Dorr, Russell Griffin

165. Dorr, Sarah Bull (Mrs. Joseph Dorr)

166. Dorrance, Ann Eliza Sloan (Mrs. Benjamin Brewster Dorrance)

167. Dorrance, Benjamin Brewster (Dr.)

168. Downe, Mrs. Dr.

169. du Bois, Charles Louis

170. Du Bois, Coert

171. du Bois, Garret, aka Young Man in Oval Frame

172. du Bois, Hannah Cooper (Mrs. Garret du Bois)

173. Du Bois, Mary Thorn (Mrs. Coert Du Bois)

174. DuBois, Eliza (later Mrs. Peter Van Benschoten Fowler)

175. DuBois, Elizabeth Hasbrouck (Mrs. Josiah DuBois)

176. DuBois, Sarah Maria (later Mrs. John Smith Easton) or Jane Hasbrouck Hasbrouck (Mrs. Joseph Hasbrouck)

177. Eddy, Jonathan

178. Eddy, Rebecca Rouse (Mrs. Jonathan Eddy)

179. Eliot, Abigail Greelé (Mrs. Daniel Eliot)

180. Elting, James

181. Elting, Kate (possibly Mrs. Petrus J. Crispell), aka Girl in White Dress

182. Everest, Isaac (Dr.)

183. Everest, Sarah Cornwall (Mrs. Isaac Everest)

184. Everitt, Elmore (Dr.)

185. Fake, Catherine Sneider (Mrs. Johan Georg Fake, Jr.)

186. Fake, Johan Georg, Jr., aka George Fake

187. Field, George

188. Field, Katherine (Mrs. George Field)

189. Fisk, Esther Cummins (Mrs. Ezra Fisk)

190. Fisk, Ezra (Rev.)

191. Flagler, Catherine Collins (Mrs. Zachariah Flagler)

192. Flagler, Zachariah

193. Folsom, Mr. (possibly Araspus Folsom)

194. Folsom, Mrs. (possibly Susan Pendleton Folsom)

195. Foster, Augusta Maria (later Mrs. George R. Raymond)

196. Foster, Ebenezer (Judge)

197. Foster, Frances Sprague (Mrs. Ebenezer Foster)

198. Fox, Emily Miner Palmer (Mrs. James L. Fox)

199. Fuller, Elizabeth Drake (Mrs. Rufus Fuller)

200. Fuller, Rufus

201. Gale, Frederick A.

202. Gale, Mary Ann Steenback (later Mrs. Lawson Carter)

203. Gale, Mary Elizabeth (later Mrs. John Edward Newcomb)

204. Garnsey, John, aka Deacon John Guernsey

205. Garnsey, Mercy Mead (Mrs. John Garnsey), aka Mercy Guernsey

206. Gay, Calvin

207. Gay, Phebe Doud (Mrs. Calvin Gay)

208. Gebhard, Anna Maria Magdalene Carver (Mrs. John Gabriel Gebhard)

209. Gebhard, John Gabriel (Rev.)

210. Gilbert, Betsy Brownell

211. Goodrich, Mr. (formerly Hancock Goodrich)

212. Goodrich, Mrs. and child

213. Goodwin, Mr.

214. Granger, Caroline S. Ferguson (Mrs. Miles Tobey Granger)

215. Granger, Judge Miles Tobey

216. Green, Ashbel (Rev.)

217. Griffin, Ruth Wolsey (Mrs. Jacob Griffin)

218. Guernsey, Mary Ann Thorne (Mrs. Peter Bennett Guernsey), aka Abigail Guernsey

219. Guernsey, Peter Bennett (Dr.)

220. Hall, Harriet Betts (Mrs. Philander Hall)

221. Hall, Philander (Dr.)

222. Hamilton, Lucy (Mrs. Erastus Hazen)

223. Hamlin, David

224. Hamlin, Lois Davis (Mrs. David Hamlin)

225. Hardenburgh, Jacobus (family member)

226. Hardenburgh, Jacobus (family member)

227. Hardenburgh, Jacobus

228. Hardenburgh, Maria Oliver (Mrs. Jacobus Hardenburgh)

229. Harder, Gertrude Snyder (Mrs. William G. Harder)

230. Harder, William G.

231. Hardy, Mr. (possibly)

232. Hardy, Mrs. (possibly)

233. Harris, Nicholas Brown (Dr.)

234. Hasbrook, Francis Jacob

235. Hasbrook, Harriet Simmons (Mrs. Zachariah Voorhis Hasbrook)

236. Hasbrook, Phebe Van Amburgh (Mrs. Francis Jacob Hasbrook)

237. Hasbrouck, Esther Bevier (Mrs. Philip Bevier Hasbrouck)

238. Hasbrouck, Hylah [Hellitje] Bevier (Mrs. Levi Decker Hasbrouck)

239. Hasbrouck, Levi Decker

240. Hasbrouck, Maria Eliza (later Mrs. Christopher Reeve) or Pamela DuBois (later Mrs. Abner Hasbrouck)

241. Hasbrouck, Philip Bevier

242. Haskell, Bithiah Soullard (Mrs. John Haskell), aka Blithia Soulkard Haskell

243. Haskell, John

244. Haviland, Phebe E. Preston (Mrs. Asahel Haviland)

245. Haxtun Kitten with a Rose

246. Haxtun, Almira

247. Haxtun, Benjamin

248. Haxtun, Sarah Woolley (Mrs. Benjamin Haxtun)

249. Haxtun, William Woolley

250. Haynes, John

251. Haynes, Phebe Peck (Mrs. John Haynes)

252. Heartt, Jonas Coe

253. Heartt, Philip Titus

254. Heath, Joseph

255. Heath, Mabel Rising (Mrs. Joseph Heath)

256. Hickok, Katherine Salisbury Newkirk (Mrs. John Person Newkirk)

257. Higley, Margaret Phelps (Mrs. Simeon Higley)

258. Hill, Harriet (later Mrs. Stillman S. Fish)

259. Hinds, Cicero

260. Hoag, Abigail Adams (Mrs. Milton C. Hoag)

261. Hoag, Phebe Pugsley (Mrs. Robert Hoag)

262. Hoag, Robert, aka William Hoag

263. Hoag, Ruth Wright (Mrs. Ezekiel Hoag)

264. Hoag, Sally Ann (Mrs. Tripp Hoag)

265. Hoag, Tripp

266. Hotchkiss, Charles

267. Hotchkiss, Dyer

268. Hotchkiss, Edward Charles

269. Hotchkiss, Electa Susannah Brace (Mrs. Charles Hotchkiss)

270. Hotchkiss, Henry E.

271. Hotchkiss, Lucia E. (later Mrs. Henry J. Wilmot)

272. Howell, Sally Jane Beakes (Mrs. Samuel Callender Howell)

273. Howell, Samuel Callender

274. Hoyt, Mary M.

275. Hubbard, John Henry (possibly) aka Mr. Bard

276. Hubbard, Julia Ann Dodge (Mrs. John Henry Hubbard, possibly) aka Mrs. Bard

277. Hughes, John (possibly John Hughson)

278. Hulst, Aletta “Letty” Van Alst (Mrs. Hendrick Hulst)

279. Hulst, Hendrick “Henry”

280. Hungerford, Nancy

281. Hunt, Clarissa Benton (Mrs. Joseph Drake Hunt) aka Mrs. Joseph P. Hunt

282. Hunt, Joseph Drake, aka Joseph P. Hunt

283. Hunter, David

284. Hunter, Elizabeth Smith (Mrs. David Hunter)

285. Hunting, Hannah Lewis Husted (Mrs. Isaac Hunting)

286. Hunting, Isaac, aka Isaac Huntting

287. Hunting, Julia Barton (Mrs. Morgan Hunting)

288. Hunting, Morgan (Mr.)

289. Husted, Elizabeth Harris (Mrs. James G. Husted)

290. Husted, Polly Smith (Mrs. Peter Husted)

291. Hyde, Caleb (Rev.)

292. Ingraham, Mary Hillyard Hamilton (Mrs. Asa B. Ingraham)

293. Jackson, Louisa Heyer (Mrs. Samuel B. Jackson)

294. Jansen, Clarissa LeFevre Dolson (Mrs. John T. Jansen)

295. Jansen, John T. (Dr.)

296. Jenkins, Mrs.

297. Jordan, Asa (Dr.), or possibly Dr. Abram Jordan

298. Judson, Chloe Allis (Mrs. Ephraim Judson)

299. Judson, Ephraim (Rev.)

300. Keese, Caleb (Mrs.)

301. Keese, Mr.

302. Keese, Mrs.

303. Kenyon, John (probably)

304. Ketcham, James

305. Ketcham, James

306. Ketcham, Lois Belding (Mrs. James Ketcham)

307. King, Levi (Dr.)

308. King, Lovisa Peck (Mrs. Levi King)

309. Kinney, Andrew Jackson

310. Kinney, Harriet (later Mrs. Lucius L. Culver)

311. Kinney, Jane E. (later Mrs. Albro Fyler)

312. Kinney, Nisus

313. Kinney, Sarah Jane

314. Kinney, Sarah Wakefield (Mrs. Nisus Kinney)

315. Kinney, Susan Wakefield (later Mrs. Luther G. Hinsdale, Mrs. Edwin B. Lyon)

316. Knapp, Malina Wheeler (Mrs. Elijah S. Knapp, later Mrs. Henry Smith)

317. Knowles family, unknown man possibly of the

318. Lamphear, Nancy Smith

319. Lane, Jonathan

320. Langdon, Camilla Harmon (Mrs. Wilbur Curtis Langdon)

321. Langdon, Edward Harmon

322. Langdon, Henry W

323. Langdon, Wilbur Curtis

324. Lawrence, Christiana Rockefeller (Mrs. Henry Lawrence)

325. Lawrence, Henry

326. Lawrence, John (Mr.)

327. Lawrence, John (Mrs.)

328. Lawrence, Obadiah

329. Leavens, Harriet (later Mrs. Moses Maullin)

330. Lee, Thomas Joseph

331. Little, William Shultz (Col.) and Betsey Ketcham Little

332. Livingston, Elizabeth McKinstry (Mrs. Walter Tryon Livingston)

333. Ludington, Eleanor Bailey (Mrs. Theron Daniel Ludington)

334. Ludington, Theron Daniel

335. Ludington, Theron Simpson and Virginia Ludington

336. Luyster, John Younie

337. Lyman, Mrs.

338. Lyon, Walter Smith (Rev.)

339. Manney, Helen Cornell (Mrs. Henry W. Manney, later Mrs. William W. Abel)

340. Marvine, Charles Augustus

341. May, Catherine A. (Mrs. Lucius Stimson)

342. Mayer, Mrs. and Daughter

343. McClellan, John A. (Dr.)

344. Miles, Augustus

345. Miles Family Member, possibly Frederick Miles

346. Miles, Roxa Norton (Mrs. Augustus Miles)

347. Miles, William

348. Morehouse, Julia Anna Stone (Mrs. William Morehouse)

349. Morrison, Mary

350. Mygans, Elizabeth

351. Negus, Mary (Mrs. George Young)

352. Northrop, Lewis (Mr.)

353. Northrop, Sarah Ann Palen (Mrs. Lewis Northrop)

354. Noxon, Anna Farrington (Mrs. James C. Noxon)

355. O'Connel, Mary (so named)

356. Oliver, Blandina Margaret

357. Opie, Caroline Jane

358. Ostrander, Rachel Ann Maria Overbagh (Mrs. Steven Nottingham Ostrander), and son Titus Ostrander

359. Overbagh, Maria Van Leuven (Mrs. Peter Abraham Overbagh), aka Lady with a Rose – 1 of 2

360. Overbagh, Maria Van Leuven (Mrs. Peter Abraham Overbagh) – 2 of 2

361. Overbagh, Peter Abraham (Rev.)

362. Paige, Clarissa Keyes (Mrs. Winslow Paige)

363. Paige, Winslow (Rev.)

364. Palmer, Joseph

365. Palmer, Ruth Haynes Page (Mrs. William Palmer)

366. Parker, Thomas

367. Patterson, Abraham

368. Payne, Jeanette

369. Payne, Mary

370. Pelton, Anne Stoddard (Mrs. Peleg Pelton)

371. Pelton, Peleg

372. Perry, Almira Lucretia Mills Adams (Mrs. Ruben Adams, later Mrs. Nathaniel P. Perry)

373. Philip, Catherine Douw Hoffman (Mrs. Henry G. Phillip)

374. Philip, Henry G. (Col.)

375. Phillips, Cynthia Birdsall (Mrs. Daniel S. Phillips)

376. Phillips, Elias

377. Phillips, Elizabeth Northrup (Mrs. Elias Phillips)

378. Phillips, Elizabeth Payne (Mrs. Gabriel Norton Phillips)

379. Phillips, Gabriel Norton (Dr.)

380. Phillips, Jane Maria Pells (Mrs. M.D.L.F. Phillips)

381. Phillips, Joseph White

382. Phillips, Marquis de La Fayette (M.D.L.F.)

383. Plumb, Abiah Lawrence (Mrs. Ovid Plumb)

384. Plumb, Ovid (Dr.)

385. Polk, James Knox and George Mifflin Dallas

386. Powers, Caroline (Mrs. Allen W. Ingraham)

387. Powers, Charles Wesley

388. Powers, Jane Ann Benjamin (Mrs. Charles Wesley Powers)

389. Powers, Mary (later Mrs. Stephen Foote)

390. Punderson, Ebenezer – 1 of 4

391. Punderson, Ebenezer – 2 of 4

392. Punderson, Ebenezer – 3 of 4

393. Punderson, Ebenezer – 4 of 4

394. Radcliff, Hannah Masten (Mrs. William Peter Radcliff)

395. Ransom, J. (Dr.)

396. Ransom, J. (Mrs.)

397. Raymond, family member (young woman)

398. Raymond, Florilla Mills (Mrs. John Milton Raymond)

399. Raymond, Hannah Mills (Mrs. Zaccheas Newcomb), aka Myra Ann Mills Blair

400. Raymond, John Milton

401. Reed, Abigail Reynolds (Mrs. Philo Reed)

402. Reed, James (Mr.)

403. Reed, James (Mrs.)

404. Reed, Philo

405. Reynolds, Abigail Pennoyer (Mrs. George Greenwood Reynolds)

406. Reynolds, George Greenwood

407. Reynolds, Julia

408. Reynolds, Walter

409. Richardson, Leonard

410. Richardson, Lucy Anne Barnum (Mrs. Leonard Richardson)

411. Richardson, Milo Barnum

412. Robinson, David (Gen.)

413. Robinson, Nancy Caldwell Church (Mrs. David Robinson)

414. Rockwell, Rebecca Beebe (Mrs. Reuben Rockwell)

415. Rogers, Jerusha (Miss)

416. Rogers, Sarah

417. Rowell, John S.

418. Rundall, Henry (Col.)

419. Rundall, Nancy Totten Sutherland (Mrs. Henry Rundall)

420. Rundle, Fanny Brush (Mrs. William Rundle)

421. Russell, Elizabeth Moose (Mrs. Jeremiah Russell)

422. Russell, Jeremiah

423. Russell, Mr.

424. Russell, Mrs.

425. Salisbury, Abraham A.

426. Salisbury, Elsie (later Mrs. Abraham H. Newkirk)

427. Salisbury, James Mairs

428. Sanders, Jane Livingston (Mrs. John Sanders)

429. Sanders, John III (Judge)

430. Schlosser, Elizabeth

431. Schoonmaker, Marius

432. Schuneman, Elizabeth De Meyer (Mrs. William Schuneman), aka Eliza Demyer Shuneman

433. Schuneman, William 434. Sedgwick, Henry

435. Selby, George Edward

436. Seymour, Mr. 437. Seymour, Mrs.

438. Sheffield, Mr. (aka Joseph Earl Sheffield)

439. Sheffield, Mrs. (aka Maria St. John Sheffield, Mrs. Joseph Earl Sheffield)

440. Sherman, Caleb

441. Sherman, Sarah "Sally" Stearns (Mrs. Wilbur Sherman) and daughter Sarah Sherman

442. Sherman, Wilbur

443. Simmons, Isaac

444. Simmons, Sarah (Mrs. Isaac Simmons)

445. Sisson, Henry

446. Sisson, Lucy Amanda Howe (Mrs. Henry Sisson)

447. Slade, Alsa Sherman (Mrs. Joseph Slade)

448. Slade, Joseph

449. Slade, Philip

450. Slade, Philip (Mrs.), possibly

451. Sleight, Aaltje Swartwout (Mrs. John A. Sleight)

452. Sleight, Abraham

453. Sleight, John A.

454. Sleight, Ruth Roe (Mrs. Abraham Sleight)

455. Sloane, Letitia (later Mrs. William Chapman)

456. Sloane, Samuel

457. Sluyter, Lydia Mary Williamson Schureman (Mrs. Richard Sluyter)

458. Sluyter, Richard (Rev.)

459. Smith, Aaron D. (possibly) or Blond Boy with Primer, Peach and Dog

460. Smith, Allene [Allyn] Northrup (Mrs. Gideon Smith)

461. Smith, Anna Benedict (Mrs. Enos Smith)

462. Smith, Eliza (Mrs. Lorrin Smith)

463. Smith, Enos

464. Smith, Fanny Waterbury (Mrs. James Smith)

465. Smith, Gideon

466. Smith, Isaac (Judge)

467. Smith, James (Col.)

468. Smith, Jane Daney

469. Smith, John Cotton (Hon.)

470. Smith, Lorrin

471. Smith, Mary Elizabeth (later Mrs. Samuel O. Canfield)

472. Smith, Mrs., of Elmira, N.Y., aka Woman Wearing Paisley-Trimmed Shawl

473. Smith, Phoebe Lewis (Mrs. Isaac Smith)

474. Soggs, Mariah Durkee (Mrs. Ananias R. Soggs)

475. Soggs, Mary Jane and Henry Ananias Soggs

476. Spicer, Cyrus

477. Spicer, Mary Eddy or Tammy Cross Spicer (Mrs. Cyrus Spicer)

478. Stakley, Ester, or Betsy Sutherland

479. Stanton, Frank

480. Stanton, Maria Cole (Mrs. Frank Stanton)

481. Starr, Charles Friend

482. Starr, Mariette Clark Seeley (Mrs. Charles Friend Starr)

483. Stevens, William

484. Stewart, William H.

485. Stoddard, Ashbel

486. Stoddard, Patience Bolles (Mrs. Ashbel Stoddard)

487. Storm, Elizabeth Phillips (Mrs. John Curry Storm)

488. Storm, John Curry

489. Storm, Thomas Isaac

490. Stoutenburgh, Catherine De Cantillon

491. Stoutenburgh, Maria Albertson (Mrs. Tobias Isaac Stoutenburgh)

492. Stoutenburgh, Tobias Isaac

493. Sunderland, George C.

494. Sutherland, Sarah (Sally) Totten (Mrs. Roger Barton Sutherland) - 1 of 4

495. Sutherland, Sarah (Sally) Totten (Mrs. Roger Barton Sutherland) - 2 of 4

496. Sutherland, Sarah (Sally) Totten (Mrs. Roger Barton Sutherland) - 3 of 4

497. Sutherland, Sarah (Sally) Totten (Mrs. Roger Barton Sutherland) - 4 of 4

498. Swartwout, Anna Seward (Mrs. Jacobus I. Swartwout)

499. Taber, Abigail Julia Ayers (Mrs. Jonathan Akin Taber)

500. Taber, Jonathan Akin

501. Taber, William Frederic

502. Teller, Caroline (or Paulina) Sammis (Mrs. Tobias Teller)

503. Teller, Henry Schenck

504. Teller, Jane [Catherine] Storm (Mrs. Henry Schenck Teller)

505. Teller, Tobias

506. Ten Broeck, Andrew Jackson

507. Ten Broeck, Anna Benner (Mrs. Jacob Ten Broeck)

508. Ten Broeck, Helen “Lena” (later Mrs. Thomas K. Lape)

509. Ten Broeck, Helen Livingston (Mrs. Leonard William Ten Broeck)

510. Ten Broeck, Jacob Wessel, Jr. and William Henry Ten Broeck

511. Ten Broeck, Jacob Wessel, Sr., aka Jacob Ten Broeck

512. Ten Broeck, Leonard William

513. Ten Broeck, Samuel (Gen.)

514. Ten Eyck, Blandina

515. Ten Eyck, John

516. Thompson, Alexander II

517. Thompson, Hannah Bull (Mrs. Alexander Thompson II)

518. Thompson, Robert R.

519. Thompson, Sarah McCurdy (Mrs. Robert R. Thompson)

520. Tompkins, Ann Miller (Mrs. John M. Tompkins)

521. Tullar, Rebecca Race (Mrs. Charles Tullar)

522. Vail, Alsop

523. Vail, Frances Seybolt (Mrs. Alsop Vail)

524. Vail, Mr. 525. Vail, Mrs.

526. Van Bergen, Clarine Peck (Mrs. Anthony A. Van Bergen), aka Woman holding "Henry on Prayer" 527. Van Deusen, Clymena Tobey (Mrs. Ethan Allen Van Deusen)

528. Van Deusen, Ethan Allen

529. Van Deusen, John, aka Doctor Van Deusen

530. Van Hosen, Mr. 531. Van Keuren, Catharina

532. Van Keuren, family member (man)

533. Van Keuren, family member (woman)

534. Van Rensselaer, Jane A. Fort (Mrs. Henry Peter Van Rensselaer), possibly 535. Van Rensselaer, Philip Schuyler, aka Stephen Schuyler Van Rensselaer

536. Van Schoonhoven, James

537. Van Voorhis, Anna (Mrs. Zachariah Van Voorhis) 538. Vanderpoel, Anna Doll (Mrs. James Vanderpoel) 539. Vanderpoel, James (Judge)

540. Vassar, John Guy, Jr.

541. Walbridge, Ebenezer William

542. Walbridge, Sarah (Sally) Morgan (Mrs. Ebenezer William Walbridge) 543. Warburton (Mr.), aka Portrait of a Man from New York

544. Warburton (Mrs.), aka Portrait of a Woman from New York

545. Ward, John

546. Ward, Lucretia Rogers (Mrs. John Ward)

547. Wheeler, Eleanor Knox (Mrs. William Wheeler)

548. Wheeler, William

549. Whiting, Charles (Gen.)

550. Whiting, Margaret Rogers (Mrs. Charles Whiting)

551. Williams, Ira

552. Williams, Melissa Calkins (Mrs. Ira Williams)

553. Winfield, Charles (Dr.)

554. Winfield, Margaret Crawford (Mrs. Charles Winfield)

555. Woolley, Henry Peter Pells

556. Woolley, Jeannette Elizabeth (later Mrs. John Vincent Storm)

557. Wynkoop, Anna [Annaetje] Eltinge (Mrs. Derrick Wynkoop) – 1 of 2

558. Wynkoop, Derrick Dirksen “Dirck” – 1 of 2

Unidentified Subjects: Men

559. Agriculturalist, aka A Portrait of a Grey-Haired Gentleman Posed in a Federal Side Chair Holding a Pamphlet Entitled "Agriculture" 560. Berkshire Physician

561. Connecticut Doctor

562. Dark Haired Gentleman with Pen and Bible, aka Man with a Quill Pen, aka Colonial Man

563. Dark-Haired Gentleman

564. Distinguished Gentleman

565. Elderly Man

566. Elderly Man Holding a Large Bible

567. Fair-Haired Man in Front of Red Drapery, aka Man with Fair Hair

568. Gentleman (a pair), aka A Man Holding a Book

569. Gentleman (companion to A Lady)

570. Gentleman (Eastern Dutchess Co.)

571. Gentleman (holding large Bible and spectacles)

572. Gentleman (companion to Unidentified Woman in White, Holding a Book)

573. Gentleman (holding a book)

574. Gentleman (holding a book) 575. Gentleman Holding a Book 576. Gentleman Holding a Book: Agriculture

577. Gentleman Holding a Deed

578. Gentleman Holding a Law Volume: "Revised Statutes Vol. I" 579. Gentleman Holding a Newspaper: "Albany Argus"

580. Gentleman Holding Minutes of the Baptist Missionary Convention, aka Portrait of a Gentleman from Dover Plains

581. Gentleman Holding Riding Crop

582. Gentleman in a Black Coat Holding a Letter 583. Gentleman in a Black Frock Coat and Waistcoat Holding a Newspaper Entitled "Flag" 584. Gentleman in a Black Frock Coat Holding a Book "The Prince of David"

585. Gentleman in a High White Stock and Tie

586. Gentleman in a White Shirt, Black Tie and Coat Holding a Letter, aka Portrait of a Young Gentleman 587. Gentleman in Black Coat at the Table with Two Books, aka Young Man (holding book) 588. Gentleman in High White Stock Holding a Letter 589. Gentleman Seated in a Painted Chair Holding a Book 590. Gentleman Seated on a Side Chair with a History Book 591. Gentleman Sitting in a Yellow Chair, Gentleman Sitting in a Yellow Decorated Chair 592. Gentleman Wearing a Black Frock Coat, Pleated White Shirt with Stock and Tie Seated in a Paint Decorated Fancy Chair Holding a Book, aka Portrait of a Gentleman with a High White Stock

593. Gentleman Wearing a High White Stock

594. Gentleman with "Farmers Everyday Book"

595. Gentleman, aka Portrait of a Gentleman in a Black Tie, aka Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman in a Black Tie, aka Gentleman in a Black Cravat

596. Gentleman, Portrait of a 597. Ginger-haired Young Man

598. Gray-Haired Gentleman Holding a Bible, aka Gentleman Seated in an Armchair Holding a Bible 599. Handsome Dark-Haired Gentleman

600. Handsome Gentleman Holding a Yellow Book "Agriculture"

601. Historian, The, aka Portrait of a Man with Red Beard Holding a Book, "Josephus"

602. Journalist, The

603. Man [1] (not otherwise identified)

604. Man [2] (not otherwise identified)

605. Man [3] (not otherwise identified)

606. Man (one of a pair)

607. Man (one of a pair)

608. Man (possibly one of a pair)

609. Man (with dog stickpin and diamond pinky ring)

610. Man and Woman (Man)

611. Man from Gaylordsville, aka Young Man from Gaylordsville, Connecticut, aka Portrait of a Young Man Wearing a White Shirt with Wide Black Tie and Black Jacket Seated on a Chair Holding a Book

612. Man from Red Hook

613. Man Holding "Cooper's Surgery", aka Young Physician

614. Man Holding "Wesley's Sermons"

615. Man Holding a Bible

616. Man Holding a Bible, aka Old Man Holding Large Bible, aka Charles Francis Hathaway

617. Man Holding a Bible, aka Portrait of Man with Bible

618. Man Holding a Cane

619. Man Holding a Scroll, aka Man Holding Scroll, aka Portrait of a Gentleman

620. Man Holding Glasses Resting on Book: "Methodi[st] Hymn[s]"

621. Man Holding Holy Bible, aka Man Holding Bible

622. Man Holding a Large Bible

623. Man Holding Large Holy Bible, aka Man Holding Large Bible, aka Gentleman with His Hand on a Book, aka Portrait of Charles D'Emery [see note]

624. Man Holding Quill [1], aka Unidentified Gentleman

625. Man Holding Quill [2], aka Portrait of a Man with a Quill Pen, aka Portrait of a Man Holding a Quill, aka Unidentified Middle-Aged Man, aka Portrait of a Middle-Aged Man

626. Man Holding Rolled-up Paper

627. Man Holding the “Plough Boy”

628. Man Holding the "Telegraph", aka Gentleman Holding a Newspaper "Telegraph"

629. Man in a Black Coat Holding a Quill, aka Young Man with Quill Pen

630. Man in Black Jacket

631. Man in Front of Red Drapery [Draperies], aka Man of Border Period

632. Man of Girth, aka Border Period Man of Girth

633. Man Reading "The Agriculture", aka Gentleman with Red Chin Beard

634. Man Reading "The Spectator", aka Gentleman Holding a Newspaper: "Spectator March 19, 1855"

635. Man Wearing Rings

636. Man with a Pipe, aka Portrait of a Gentleman with a White Clay Pipe

637. Man with Boyer's Dictionary

638. Man with Dimple and Bible, aka Portrait of a Man

639. Man with Plaid Waistcoat

640. Man with Ruffled Jabot

641. Man with Snake Cane, aka Portrait of a Gentleman with a Snake Cane, aka Man with Riding Crop

642. Man with Walking Stick

643. Man, aka Man in Napoleonic Pose

644. Man, aka Portrait of a Gentleman

645. Man, aka Portrait of an Unknown Man

646. Man, aka Portrait of an Unknown Man, aka Man with Snub Nose

647. Man, Portrait of a 648. Man, Portrait of a, aka Folk Portrait of Bearded Man

649. Merchant, The, aka Gentleman of Commerce

650. New York Couple (Man Holding the "Christian Advocate") 651. Seagoing Father or Portrait of a Sea Captain 652. Unidentified Man (not otherwise described)

653. Unknown Gentleman (holding "Portraiture of Methodism")

654. Unknown Man (not otherwise described)

655. Unknown Man from Dutchess County, aka Gentleman with a Letter 656. Young Gentleman Holding a Glove

657. Young Man (Pair of Portraits of a Young Man and Woman)

658. Young Man Holding “Ballou’s Pictorial” 659. Young Man Holding "Holy Bible"

660. Young Man Holding a Book: "History" 661. Young Man Holding a Copy of Milton's Work

662. Young Man in a Painted Chair

663. Young Man Seated with a Book Holding a Quill Pen

664. Young Man with Quill

665. Young Man with Red Drapery

Unidentified Subjects: Women

666. Blue-Eyed Lady in Black Dress with White Eyelet Collar

667. Dark-Haired Lady Wearing an Organdy Cap and Red Shawl 668. Dark-Haired Lady with Ruffled Eyelet Bonnet, Lace Collar and Cuffs Holding a Rose 669. Dark-Haired Young Woman in Red Dress and White Lace Collar 670. Elderly Woman

671. Elderly Woman Holding a Letter

672. Elderly Woman Wearing a Bonnet

673. Elderly Woman with Spectacles

674. Fair-Haired Young Woman Wearing a Starched White Bonnet

675. Journalist, Wife of The 676. Lady (a pair), aka Wife of A Man Holding a Book

677. Lady Holding a Bible, aka Seated Lady Holding a Book 678. Lady Holding a Book

679. Lady Holding Her Glasses

680. Lady in a Balloon-sleeved Dress

681. Lady in a Black Dress Wearing a Lace Bonnet

682. Lady in a Gold Dress, aka Portrait of a Lady in a Gold-colored Dress

683. Lady in a White Lace Bonnet, aka Lady with a Book

684. Lady in Elaborate Lace Bonnet, aka Sitting Woman with Book and Bonnet

685. Lady in Eyelet Collar and Cuffs, aka Young Man’s Wife

686. Lady in Lace Collar and Sleeves Holding a Lace Handkerchief

687. Lady in White

688. Lady in White Lace Bonnet

689. Lady Seated at a Table with a Small Book

690. Lady Sitting on a Red Sofa, aka Woman with a White Lace Bonnet and a Black Dress

691. Lady Sitting on Nothing

692. Lady Wearing an Elaborate Lace Bonnet and Matching Collar and Holding a Red Bible

693. Lady with a Lace Cap and Red Shawl, aka Unidentified Woman from Canaan, Conn., aka Mrs. Andrew Thompson

694. Lady with a Lace Cap Holding a Large Handkerchief

695. Lady with a Red Flowered Shawl

696. Lady with Bonnet, aka Old Woman with a Bonnet

697. Lady with Book: "Common Prayer", aka A Lady Wearing a Gray and Green Silk Ribbon Bonnet and Embroidered Organdy Collar

698. Lady with Books, aka Portrait of a Young Woman in a White Eyelet Bonnet, aka Portrait of a Lady

699. Lady with Bushy Eyebrows

700. Lady with High Comb and Lace Collar Edged in Hearts, aka Wife of Man in Napoleonic Pose

701. Lady, A (one of a pair)

702. Lady, Portrait of a [1], aka Portrait of a Seated Woman

703. Lady, Portrait of a [2]

704. Man and Woman (Woman)

705. Man's Wife, Portrait of a 706. Mother and Child in White, aka Mother and Child in Gray Dresses

707. New York Couple (Woman Holding a Book)

708. Old Woman with a Bible

709. Older Woman with Red Psalm Book, aka Woman Holding a Red Book and a Pair of Eyeglasses

710. Quaker Woman

711. Unidentified Family, aka Family Portrait

712. Unidentified Lady (holding small book)

713. Unidentified Woman in White, Holding a Book

714. Unknown Lady, Portrait of an (not otherwise described)

715. Unknown Woman [1] (Berkshire Co.)

716. Unknown Woman [2] (not otherwise described)

717. Unknown Woman [3] (not otherwise described)

718. Unknown Woman Wearing Eyeglasses

719. Wife of Gentleman Holding a Newspaper: "Albany Argus"

720. Wife of Gentleman Holding Minutes of the Baptist Missionary Convention, aka Portrait of a Lady from Dover Plains

721. Wife of Man Holding a Scroll, aka Wife of Man Holding Scroll, aka Portrait of a Lady, aka Woman with an Organdy Collar

722. Wife of Man Holding Holy Bible

723. Wife of Man Holding Large Holy Bible, aka Portrait of a Woman Holding a Bible

724. Wife of Man Holding Rolled-up Paper

725. Wife of Man in Front of Red Drapery [Draperies], aka Wife of Man of [the] Border Period 726. Wife of Unknown Man from Dutchess County

727. Woman (one of a pair)

728. Woman (one of a pair)

729. Woman Holding "Religion of the Heart and Life", aka Elderly Lady in White Cap

730. Woman Holding a Hymn Book

731. Woman Holding Strawberries and Book

732. Woman Holding Thistle, aka Woman Holding Flower Stem, aka Portrait of a Lady in Black with a Thistle in Her Hand

733. Woman in a Black Dress with Lace Collar and Cuffs

734. Woman in a Black Dress with White Lace Collar and Cuffs

735. Woman in a Floral Shawl, aka Portrait of a Woman Wearing a Rose-trimmed Shawl

736. Woman in a Red Chair, aka Portrait of a Young Woman with a Book 737. Woman in a Scroll-Arm Chair, aka “Mrs. Robinson”

738. Woman in Black Dress, aka Portrait of a Woman, aka Woman with Lace Collar and Cap

739. Woman in Black Ruffled Dress, aka Portrait of a Lady in Black

740. Woman in Gold and Jet Jewelry, aka Woman Wearing Jet and Gold Necklace

741. Woman in White Bonnet Holding a Copy of “The Gospel Herald”

742. Woman of Girth

743. Woman Wearing Double Lace Collar

744. Woman Wearing Kerchief-Style Bonnet, aka Unidentified Lady

745. Woman Wearing Yellow Glasses, aka Elderly Woman with Eyeglasses, aka Woman Wearing Glasses, aka Woman with Spectacles Holding Book, aka Portrait of a Member of the Soutenburgh Family

746. Woman with a Shawl and Bonnet, aka Mrs. Charles Francis Hathaway

747. Woman with Black Paisley Shawl (previously identified as Mrs. Zachariah Flagler)

748. Woman with Black Ribbon

749. Woman with Book [1]

750. Woman with Book [2]

751. Woman with Lace Collar and Cap with Ribbons

752. Woman with Pink Ribbons (possibly Melinda Ann Arnold Johnston)

753. Woman with Plump Face

754. Woman with Red Book and Bible

755. Woman with Red Shawl

756. Woman, aka Portrait of a Lady

757. Woman, Portrait of a, aka Portrait of an Unknown Woman Wearing Glasses

758. Woman, Portrait of a, aka Unknown Woman (Berkshire Co.)

759. Woman, Portrait of a, aka Young Woman in Black Dress

760. Woman, Portrait of a [1] ("January First 1840")

761. Woman, Portrait of a [2] (holding a thin book)

762. Woman, Portrait of a [3] (not otherwise described)

763. Woman, Portrait of a [4] (not otherwise described)

764. Woman, Portrait of a [5] (not otherwise described)

765. Woman, Portrait of a [6] (lace sleeves)

766. Woman, Portrait of a [7] (bamboo side chair)

767. Young Lady in Ruffled Eyelet Collar and Ruched Black Sleeve Dress

768. Young Lady in White

769. Young Woman (Pair of Portraits of a Young Man and Woman)

770. Young Woman in Gray Dress

771. Young Woman Seated in a Fancy Chair

772. Young Woman Seated on a Painted Chair, aka Portrait of a Dark-haired Brown-eyed Lady Wearing a Black Dress Seated on a Fancy Chair

773. Young Woman Wearing a Bonnet of Riotous Ribbons and an Embroidered Organdy Collar

774. Young Woman with Books, aka Woman in White Lace Bonnet Holding a Book

775. Young Woman with Lacy Collar and Cuffs, Seated in Red Scroll Arm Chair Holding a Book

Unidentified Subjects: Children

776. Boy and His Dog, aka Boy with Dog

777. Boy in Oval Frame or Sea Captain's Son, aka Seagoing Father’s Son

778. Boy in Red Plaid Dress with His Dog and a Riding Crop

779. Boy in Red, The, aka Boy in Red, aka Girl in Red

780. Boy with Dog, aka Portrait of a Boy with a Large Dog

781. Boy with Orange Shoes, aka Portrait of Boy with Orange Shoes

782. Child in Red Dress, aka Portrait of a Child in a Red Dress

783. Double Portrait of Two Children and their Cat

784. Girl (upturned fingers)

785. Girl in a Red Dress

786. Girl in Pink, aka The Girl in Pink

787. Girl in Red with Her Cat and Dog, aka Girl in Red Dress with Cat and Dog, aka Girl in Red with Her Pets

788. Girl in Red with Her Dog, aka Girl in Red Dress with Her Dog

789. Girl with Cat

790. “Libbie”, Portrait of (child and dog)

791. Rosy-Cheeked Young Girl in a Pink Dress, aka “Hanna Standish”

792. Strawberry Girl

793. Winsome Young Girl in Red with Green Slippers, Dog and Bird

794. Young Boy Seated in Chair with Toys

795. Young Boy with His Dog, aka Young Boy Seated with Dog

796. Young Girl and Her Cat

797. Young Girl in a Red Dress, aka Child in Pink with Her Spaniel, aka Portrait of a Child in a Pink Dress Seated on a Red Cushion with a Spaniel, aka Colonial Child with Dog, aka Girl Sitting on Footstool, Dog, aka Child in Pink Dress Playing with Dog


798. Eagle Sign, aka Inn Sign with Two Eagles Addenda

799. Cuddeback, Esther Gumaer (Mrs. Henry Cuddeback)

800. Cuddeback, Henry

801. De Witt, Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt (Dr.) – 2 of 2

802. Gentleman Holding a Horn-handled Cane

803. Halsey, Luther

804. Haxtun, Elnathan

805. Haxtun family member, probably Sarah E. Haxtun (later Mrs. Isaac Akin)

806. Haxtun family member, probably William Edward Haxtun

807. Kesting, Ada (Mrs. Georg Kesting)

808. Kesting, Georg

809. Morris, Frances Ludlum (Mrs. Robert Richard Morris)

810. Morris, Robert Richard

811. Newkirk family, Member of the 812. Overbagh, John Van Leuven

813. Overbagh family, Woman of the

814. Reynolds, Israel (Dr.)

815. Sackett family, Member of the 816. Wright, Jane Eliza Allen (Mrs. Abraham D. Wright)

817. Wynkoop, Anna [Annaetje] Eltinge (Mrs. Derrick Wynkoop) – 2 of 2

818. Wynkoop, Derrick Dirksen “Dirck” – 2 of 2

819. Wynkoop, Harmen Gansevoort or Johannes Andries De Witt

820. Unidentified Man Holding a Glove 821. Unidentified Man Holding a Letter 822. Unidentified Man Holding Newspaper “Register”

823. Unidentified Woman (Wife of Man Holding Newspaper “Register”) 824. Unidentified Woman, aka Lady with Rose and Book 825. Unidentified Woman with Embroidered Shawl, Bible and Spectacles

Appendix: Selected Misattributions

- Barnes, Seth Austin

- Beardsley, John

- Blue-Eyed Gentleman

- Buttolph, Benoni

- Calhoun, Maria Yates (Mrs. Andrew Hamilton Calhoun)

- Cushing, Joseph

- Cushing, Rebecca Edmands (Mrs. Joseph Cushing)

- De Witt, Leah Dubois Wynkoop (Mrs. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt) – 2 of 2

- Deyo, Abraham D.

- Handsome Hazel-Eyed Young Woman Wearing a Black Dress with Ruffled White Lace Collar and Shawl

- Holder, Anna (Mrs. George Holder) and Tryphena Blanche Holder

- Holder, George and LeRoy Holder

- Hunt, Samuel

- Jenks, Daniel II

- Jenks, Maria J. Sayles (Mrs. Daniel Jenks II)

- Morris, Charles

- Mundy, Nicholas

- Olcott, Arthur Leonard (aka Lenny Olcott)

- Peters, Hannah Griswold, aka Hanna Peters, aka Lady in Cap

- Peters, Manly (Dr.), aka Man with Turned Down Collar

- Portrait Pair (man)

- Portrait Pair (woman)

- Seated Gentleman, Portrait of a

- Simpson, Eliza

- Spraker, Daniel

- Spraker, Eliza Dykeman (Mrs. Daniel Spraker)

- Stubbing, N.H. (Mr.)

- Unidentified Man, aka Man of Early Border Period

- Van Nane (Mrs.)

- Vroman, Engelta [Engeltje Vrooman], possibly

- Woman Wearing a Bonnet and Holding a Book and Spectacles

- Woman with Red Drapery and Books

- Wood, Asa (Mr.)

- Wood, Asa (Mrs.)

- Young Lady Holding a Book, aka Portrait of a Fair-Haired Young Woman

1. Olivia Kimberly Adams (Mrs. Elisha Adams, Jr., 1786-1854) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1829. [DRA] 31" x 25". Mother of Abigail Adams Hoag [q.v.]. Descr.: Darkhaired woman with chin dimple, wearing beribboned bonnet with long untied ribbons hanging front and back, black dress with embroidered organdy collar; facing p.r. and glancing p.l., seated in decorated pillow-back side chair, r. wrist resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding small book with spine up. Bio.: b. 1786, dau. of Benjamin Kimberly (1746-1804) and Esther (Leavenworth) Kimberly (1750-1792); m. Elisha Adams, Jr. (1780-1861); d. 8 Aug 1854; bur. Separate Church Grounds, Millbrook, Dutchess Co., N.Y (Olivia, wife of Elisha Adams, Æ 68). Res.: Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840 (Elisha Adams household), 1850 (Elisha and Olivia Adams). [DRA] Provenance: The subject’s daughter, Abigail Adams Hoag [q.v.]; to her son, David E. Hoag (1847-1916); to his dau., Nesta Blondina Hoag (Mrs. Eugene Pierce, 1887-1962), Oakland, Cal.; The M. H. de Young Museum, San Francisco, Cal. (loan from Nesta Pierce, Oakland, Cal.); Harvey Clars Auction Gallery, Oakland, Cal. (September 11, 2005) Lot 6396, as museum deaccession, sold $23,000+17% (est. $3-5,000); to Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. (subsequently offered at $195,000). References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (October 28, 2005): p. 87 [not illus.]; Laura Beach, Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 14, 2006), not illus. Status: Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. as of 2006. See Volume 2.

2. Miss A. E. Allen, probably Ann Eliza Frear Allen (Mrs. James H. Allen, 18051843) – Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [DRA], c. 1836 [DAS]. 31-1/2" x 26-1/2" [CNY]. Inscr. (verso): "A. E. Allen / Aged 30 / 1836", no longer visible. Descr.: Woman in black dress with balloon sleeves and broad embroidered organdy collar, elaborate triangular bonnet with two long ribbons tied on p.l. side; facing p.r., with r. arm leaning on two books on table, a small partially-open red book held between both hands. Cond.: Relined. Extensive scattered retouch. Note: Probably Ann Eliza (Frear) Allen, 1805-1843 (Mrs. James H. Allen), Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Sister-in-law of Jane Eliza Allen Wright [see Addenda]. First cousin of Jane Maria Pells Phillips [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 22 Feb 1805 in Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Jacobus Abramse Frear (1775-1858) and Elizabeth Evertse (Pells) Frear (1768-1854); m. 23 Apr 1824 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to James Harvey Allen (1804-1877); d. 30 Apr 1843; bur. Poughkeepsie Rural Cem., Dutchess Co., N.Y. (aged 37 yrs 5 mo. & 8 d’s.). [DRA] Provenance: By probable descent to the subject’s dau., Jane Eliza Allen (Mrs. Elihu Root Reeve, 1838-1911), who died in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., Cal.; Alice and Murray Braunfeld, Los Angeles, Cal. (1984); Collection of Thomas H. Oxford [1927-2008] and Victor Gail [1929-2014] of Long Beach, Cal. (1992); Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Outsider and Folk Art, Property from the Gail-Oxford Collection to Benefit the Huntington Library, Sale 3703 (January 23, 2015) Lot 98, sold $7,500+25% (est. $5-10,000). References: Schorsch, Antiques, CXLII, 3 (September 1992): p. 355, Pl. VI [color facsim., in situ]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (September 10, 2004): p. 92 [b&w illus.]. Exhibited: “For the People: American Folk Art from the Collection of Thomas H. Oxford and Victor Gail,” Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, Cal. (September 10, 2004 – January 16, 2005). Status: Sold at auction 2015. HPF: 61A.1, IAP: 80046591. See Volume 2.

3. Clarissa Husted Allerton (Mrs. Cornelius Allerton, c. 1795-1858) – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1820-1825 [HPF]. 33-3/4" x 27-1/2" [HPF]. Wife of Dr. Cornelius Allerton [q.v.]. Dau. of Polly Smith Husted [q.v.] and Peter Husted. Dau.-in-law of Lois Atherton Allerton [q.v.]. Provenance: See note. Note: Clarissa Husted Allerton (Mrs. Cornelius Allerton) is identified in Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965) as the subject of the companion portrait to Dr. Cornelius Allerton in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago (1946.395). In Holdridge (1968) the subject of that work is changed to Lois Atherton Allerton (Mrs. Reuben Allerton), mother of Dr. Cornelius Allerton. HPF (1994) lists all three names as separate works. It appears that a portrait of Clarissa Husted Allerton does not actually exist as a separate work but is simply an earlier misidentification of the portrait of Lois Atherton Allerton [q.v.]. [DRA] Reference: Holdridge (1961): p. 106 [checklist]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994 [HPF] Note: Confirmed with HPF* that this does not exist. CHS: see note, H&H: see note, HPF: 61A.2 N.B.: Does not exist as a separate work (see note).

4. Dr. Cornelius Allerton (1779-1855) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS] or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H, HPF], c. 1825 [CHS] or c. 1817 [H&H] or c. 182027 [HPF, CAP] or 1821-22 [AIC]. 33-3/4" x 27-1/2" [CHS, H&H] or 33" x 27-1/2" [HPF, CAP, AIC]. Son of Lois Atherton Allerton [q.v.]. Son-in-law of Polly Smith Husted [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "Parr's / Medical / Dictionary / Vol. 1. / A-M " Descr.: Man with thinning gray hair combed to a peak, wearing black jacket, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.r. in yellow and red paintdecorated side chair, large closed book on lap (see inscription) with fingers of l. hand marking page, r. hand not shown. Saddled gray horse on green ground depicted in background (l.l.). Note: Bartholomew Parr, M.D., The London Medical Dictionary, 2 vols. (Philadelphia: Mitchell, Ames, and White, 1819). Bio.: b. 23 Jul 1779 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Dr. Reuben Allerton (1753-1808) and Lois (Atherton) Allerton (1757-1828); m. 2 Sep 1813 to Clarissa Husted (17951858); d. 26 Apr 1855; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820; Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850 (Physician). Note: Town of Pine Plains formed from Town of North East in 1823. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Robert Henry Allerton (1873-1964), grandnephew of the subject, honorary president and trustee of the Art Institute of Chicago; Art Institute of Chicago (gift of Robert Allerton, 1946). References: Holdridge (1968) p. 24 [b&w facsim.]; David A. Hanks, “American Paintings at the Art Institute of Chicago,” Antiques (September 1973): p. 415 [facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 63 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (acquired 1946). Accession number: 1946.394. CHS: 1, H&H: 32*, HPF: 61A.3, IAP: 82320200. See Volume 2.

5. Lois Atherton Allerton (Mrs. Reuben Allerton, 1757-1828) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS] or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H, HPF], c. 1817 [H&H] or c. 1820-27 [HPF, CAP], or 1821-22 [AIC] 33-3/4" x 27-1/2" [CHS, H&H] or 33" x 27-1/2" [HPF, CAP, AIC]. Mother of Dr. Cornelius Allerton [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "The Gospel Herald" (pub. 1820-27) Descr.: Thin-faced woman in black dress with black cape over white fischu, white ruffled cap, spectacles on top of cap; seated facing p.l. in yellow and red paint-decorated side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding folded newspaper in r. hand (see inscription). Bio.: b. 1757 in Newton, Sussex Co., N.J., dau. of John Atherton and Lucy (Sawyer) Atherton; m. 1 Sep 1778 in Sharon, Conn. to Dr. Reuben Allerton (1753-1808) a physician and surgeon in Amenia, N.Y. and Revolutionary War; d. 25 Aug 1828; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Lois / Widow of / Doct. Reuben Allerton / Died / Aug 25, 1828 / Aged 71 Years). [DRA] Note: A virtually identical copy, attributed to Phillips, offered as “Portrait of a Woman in White Bonnet Holding a Copy of The Gospel Herald” [q.v.] Provenance: Descended in family to Robert Henry Allerton (1873-1964), great-grandson of the subject, honorary president and trustee of the Art Institute of Chicago; Art Institute of Chicago (gift of Robert Allerton, 1946). Reference: Holdridge (1968) p. 30 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (acquired 1946). Accession number: 1946.395. CHS: 2, H&H: 33*, HPF: 61A.4, IAP: 82320201. See Volume 2.

6. Leonard Newton Allis (1786-1844) – Coventry, Chenango Co., N.Y., c. 1826 [H&H] or c. 1829 [DRA]. 31" x 25". Inscr. (on book): "REVISED / STATUTES / OF NEW YORK / VOL. I" and (verso): “Leonard Newton Ellis [sic]…N.Y. died 1844” [modern graphite inscription]. Descr.: Dark-haired young gentleman wearing black jacket, pleated jabot, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in stenciled and paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding a thick closed book with spine up (see inscription). Note: Revised Statutes of the State of NewYork, first edition published in three volumes with binding as depicted (Albany, N.Y.: Packard and Van Benthuysen, 1829). Bio.: b. 24 Jan 1786 in Leyden, Mass., son of Moses Allis (1756-1842) and Anna (Newton) Allis (1760-1808); m. (1st) c. 1814 to Roxey Converse (17951833); m. (2nd) c. 1834 to Polly Risley (1798-1887); res. Coventry, Chenango Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830; d. 28 Dec 1844; bur. Coventry Cem., Coventry, Chenango Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By apparent descent to the subject’s son, Spencer Franklin Allis (1835-1888); grandson, William Spencer Allis (1863-1923); and great-grandson, Leonard Kales Allis (1901-1978) of Greene, Chenango Co., N.Y. (prior to 1968); Robert Vose [Vose Galleries, Boston, Mass.]; Whitney Museum of American Art (gift of an anonymous donor,

1968), accession number 68.65; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 7253 (January 1617, 1999) Lot 275, unsold (est. $20-30,000); Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn., citing Marguerite Riordan provenance. Reference: Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 36, Pl. XXIV [color facsim.]. Note: Modern inscription (verso) with subject identification and incorrect attribution to Reuben Rowley. Status: Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. (sold). H&H: 114, HPF: 61A.5, IAP: 60010137. See Volume 2.

7. Dr. David Reeve Arnell (1771-1826) – Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1824 [DRA]. 30" x 24" [SG]. Inscr. (book spine): "BELL S / SURGERY". Descr.: Narrowfaced gentleman with thin gray hair, wearing dark jacket, white pleated shirt, white stock tied with bow in front; seated facing p.l. on a yellow side chair, l. hand draped over chair back and holding closed spectacles, r. hand over a closed book held nearvertical. Cond.: Laid down on board. Note: John Bell (1763-1820), Principles of Surgery (London: 1801, New York: 1810, 1812, 1826) Bio.: b. 18 Mar 1771 in Minisink, Orange Co., N.Y., son of Dr. David Arnell (1744-1790) and Mary (Reeve) Arnell (1747-1803); m. (1st) 2 May 1795 to Puah Gardiner (1775-1806); m. (2nd) 23 Apr 1807 to Mary Morrison (1781-1824); res. Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y., 1820; d. 2 Sep 1826; bur. Slate Hill Cem., Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. Founding member and president, Medical Society of the County of Orange. [DRA] Dr. David R. Arnell was a highly trained and well-respected physician who lived and worked in Orange County, N.Y. His academic focus was on medical topography and climatology and their effect on local disease. Arnell's research work represents an early ecological and environmental view on the causes of disease and possible local remedies in the Hudson Valley. [SG] Provenance: The Medical Society of the County of Orange; gift to the present owner; Stair Galleries, Hudson, N.Y., Sale 051714 (May 18, 2014) Lot 565, sold $4,750+15% (est. $4-8,000); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2022) Lot 10, sold $4,500+18% (est. $3-4,000). Status: Private collection, Kent, Conn. as of 2022. See Volume 2.

8. Mary L. Rowe Arnold (Mrs. Welcome B. Arnold, 1788-1876) – Stanfordville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], Stanfordville or Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], or Clinton, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1833*. 32" x 27" [CHS]. One of a pair. Wife of Welcome B. Arnold [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with Apollo-knot hair, wearing elaborate bonnet with untied ribbons trailing front and back, dress with balloon sleeves and two-layer ruffled collar; seated facing p.r. on black (horsehair) sofa with brass tacks, r. arm resting on sofa arm with r. hand holding leaf sprig, l. hand in lap holding small closed book. Bio.: b. 27 Nov 1788, dau. of Sebastian Rowe (1753-1843) and Margaretha (Winegar) Rowe (1756-1831); m. 24 Oct 1805 to Welcome B. Arnold (1783-1881), son of Ahab Arnold, Esq., of Clinton, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; d. 24 Mar 1876; bur. Hicksite Burying Ground, Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Archibald H. R. Arnold (1807-1876), son of the subject; to his dau., Geraldine B. Arnold (Mrs. Edward Crummey, 18351911); to her son, Safford Arnold Crummey (1867-1946), Goshen, N.Y. [Yale 1889; lawyer, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; moved to Southern California in the 1930’s]; Mrs. Safford A. Crummey (Katherine Duer Murray, 1867-1948), Beverly Hills, Cal. References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 23 [not illus.] as Mrs. Welcome Arnold (Mary Rowe of Stamfordville[sic]) of Rhinebeck, N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1934). Status: Location unknown as of 1965, 1968, 1994. [CHS, H&H, HPF] CHS: 4, H&H: 151, HPF: 61A.6, IAP: 81310138. See Volume 2.

9. Welcome B. Arnold (1783-1881) – Stanfordville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], Stanfordville or Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], or Clinton, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1833*. 32" x 27" [CHS]. One of a pair. Husband of Mary L. Rowe Arnold [q.v.]. Inscr. (letter on table): "Rhinebeck, Feb. 1, 1833". Descr.: Man with very long sideburns, wearing black jacket with pale (probably cream) vest, white shirt and upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in an elaborately stenciled side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, holding quill in r. hand with r. arm resting on leather-tacked table with letter. Bio.: b. 11 Sep 1783 in Smithfield, Providence Co., R.I., son of Ahab Arnold (1760-1839) and Rosanna (Pickering) Arnold (1759-1850); m. 24 Oct 1805 to Mary L. Rowe (1788-1876) of Northeast, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; d. 2 Oct 1881; bur. Hicksite Burying Ground, Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Town of Clinton, Dutchess Co., N.Y.,

1820, 1830, 1840, 1850; Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1860, 1865, 1875; Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1870 [DRA] Provenance: See Mary L. Rowe Arnold. References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 22 [not illus.] as Mr. Welcome Arnold of Rhinebeck, N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1934). Status: Location unknown as of 1965, 1968, 1994. [CHS, H&H, HPF] CHS: 3, H&H: 150, HPF: 61A.7, IAP: 81310137. See Volume 2.

10. Horace Austin (1795-1888) – Cornwallville, Greene Co., N.Y. [H&H], Cairo or Cornwallville, Greene Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [RCB], c. 1826 [H&H] or c. 1826-1830 [HPF]. 34" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Mary Ludlow Austin [q.v.]. Descr.: Man in black jacket, white ruffled jabot, tall white stock without bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in decorated side chair, l. arm behind chair back with l. hand not shown, r. arm and hand resting on open book with r. hand holding quill. [DRA] Bio.: b. 7 Oct 1795 in Durham, Greene Co., N.Y., son of Moses Austin (1768-1814) and Elizabeth (Cooper) Austin (1767-1824); m. 17 Nov 1824 to Mary Ludlow (1799-1868); d. 9 Jul 1888, Brooklyn, Kings Co., N.Y.; bur. Cairo Cem., Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y. Res.: Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y., 1830; Ashland, Greene Co., N.Y., 1850 (age 54, no occupation); Williamsburg, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1860 (age 64, lumber dealer). [DRA] Provenance: Edith Austin Moore original notebooks (possession of AFAOA), p. 88a: Horace Austin m. Mary Ludlow, Ref. from family records accompanying the Horace Austin and Mary Ludlow Austin portraits and sideboard, furnished by Helen D. Walcott [Mrs. Sidney Stevens Wolcott] at time of transfer in 1955. Portraits and sideboard now in Buffalo, N.Y.; Collection of Robert Bishop, New York, N.Y. as of 1968; Collection of Gary Davenport as of 1975; with George E. Schoellkopf, New York, N.Y. as of 1979 Note: Ownership incorrect in 1994 catalog. References: Holdridge (1968) p. 39 [b&w facsim.]; Bishop (1975) p. 63, no. 36 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (April 1979): p. 4-B [b&w facsim.]; Antiques, Vol. CXV, No. 5 (May 1979): p. 852 [color facsim.]; Henry Niemann, “Ammi Phillips: Naive Master,” New England Antiques Journal (October 1986) [b&w facsim ]. Exhibited: The University of Michigan Museum of Art, November 14, 1976 – January 16, 1977. Status: Location unknown. H&H: 115*, HPF: 61A.8, IAP: 81310104. See Volume 2.

11. Mary Ludlow Austin (Mrs. Horace Austin, 1799-1868) – Cornwallville, Greene Co., N.Y. [H&H], Cairo or Cornwallville, Greene Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [RCB], c. 1826 [H&H] or c. 1826-1830 [HPF]. 34" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Horace Austin [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black dress with white collar, large pleated bonnet with long ribbons tied on p.l. side; facing p.r. holding small red book with both hands, thumb and forefinger of r. hand marking page. [DRA] Bio.: b. 26 Sep 1799, Greene Co., N.Y.; m. 17 Nov 1824 to Horace Austin (17951888); d. 9 Aug 1868, Brooklyn, Kings Co., N.Y.; bur. Cairo Cem., Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Horace Austin. Note: Ownership incorrect in 1994 catalog. References: Holdridge (1968) p. 34 [b&w facsim.]; Bishop (1975) p. 63, no. 37 [b&w facsim.], collection of Gary Davenport; Maine Antique Digest (April 1979): p. 4-B [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (May 1979): p. 852 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The University of Michigan Museum of Art, November 14, 1976 –January 16, 1977. Status: Location unknown. H&H: 116*, HPF: 61B.1, IAP: 81310105. See Volume 2.

12. Elizabeth Du Bois Bailey (Mrs. John Nathan Bailey, 1780-1865) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1822-1826 [DRA]. 30" x 24". Sister of Coert Du Bois [q.v.]. Descr.: Older full-faced woman wearing black dress, bonnet with small tie under chin, organdy shawl; seated facing p.r. in a red and yellow paint-decorated side chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.) with small clasped book in l. hand, thumb marking page, and silver spectacles in r. hand. [DRA] Cond.: Relined Minor inpainting. [Skinner] Bio.: b. 7 Jan 1780 in Fishkill, N.Y., dau. of Christian Du Bois (1746-1807) and Helena Magdalena (Van Voorhees) Du Bois (1743-1826); m. 18 Sep 1802 in Fishkill, N.Y. to John Nathan Bailey (1767-1846); d. 17 Jul 1865; bur. First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church Cem., Fishkill, N.Y. Note: The subject identification is problematic. Based on the subject’s apparent age, and absence of a companion portrait, this is possibly Helena Magdalena Van Voorhees Du Bois (1743-1826), widow of Christian Du Bois. [DRA] Provenance: From the subject’s dau. [or gdau.], Helen Bailey Storm (1806-1866); to her dau., Sara Elise Storm Appleby (1835-1891); to her son, John Storm

Appleby (1866-1950); to his dau., Sara Storm Appleby (Mrs. Waldo Hutchins, Jr., 1894-1980); Property from the estate of Waldo Hutchins, Jr. (1895-1989), Glen Head, L.I.; William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y., Americana (November 20, 1991) Lot 76 as Elizabeth Bailey [not illus.], sold $3,750+10%; Collection of Enid and Alexander Fisher, Roxbury, Conn.; Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., August Americana, Sale 3278M (August 12, 2019) Lot 756 [not illus.], unsold (est. $1,200-1,500) Note: Not in HPF. Status: Unsold at auction 2019 See Volume 2.

13. Miss M.A. Barker (c. 1813-?), possibly Mary Ann Barker (later Mrs. Peter Coggeshall, 1812-1842) – Easton, Washington Co., N.Y., possibly [DRA], 1816*. 42-1/8" x 28" [HPF]. Inscr. (verso): "M.A. Barker Age 3 years 1816". Descr.: Full-length portrait of a small child with light, center-parted hair, wearing a long short-sleeved white dress with square neckline and white embroidery above hem, red slippers, gold necklace and small gold and jet brooch; standing facing p.r., holding a bunch of small flowers in r. hand held at waist height and a single small flower in l. hand held at chest height. Pale background with sharply delineated dark ground at bottom. Note: Possibly Mary Ann Barker, b. 9 Dec 1812, Easton, Washington Co., N.Y., dau. of Aaron Barker (1792-1869) and Mary (Cornell) Barker (1795-1830); m. 18 Jan 1837 in Easton, Washington, Co., N.Y. to (2nd cousin) Peter Coggeshall (1806-1885); d. 27 Oct 1842; bur. Elmwood Cem., Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Washburn Gallery, Inc., New York, N.Y. (1978); Sandra Brant, New York, N.Y. (1980). References: Antiques (December 1978): p. 1191 [color facsim.]; Brant and Cullman (1980) p. 20, fig. 20 [color facsim.]. Status: See Provenance. HPF: 61B.2. See Volume 2.

14. Caroline H. Williams Barnes (Mrs. Seth Austin Barnes, 1811-1900) –Williamsville (West Stockbridge), Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF], c. 1857 [HPF]. Wife of Seth Austin Barnes [see misattributions]. Dau.-in-law of Elisha Barnes [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted hair, wearing black v-neck dress with lace collar and cuffs, embroidered white blouse, oval brooch; seated facing p.l. on a sofa, with l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap holding sprig with three red rosebuds. [DRA] Bio.: b. 8 Nov 1811 in Stockbridge, Mass., dau. of Abraham Williams (1768-1838) and Sarah (Tollman) Williams (1773-1837); m. 24 Jun 1832 in Stockbridge, Mass. to Seth Austin Barnes (1808-1891); d. 28 Sep 1900; bur. South Cem., West Stockbridge, Mass. Res.: West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1840 through 1900. [DRA] Subject once lived at White Gates, the home diagonally across Route 41 from the old brick schoolhouse. [TBE] Provenance: Harold D. Barnes (1895-1984), Pittsfield, Mass., great-grandson of subject, as of 1969, 1974; to his dau., Elaine Barnes (Mrs. Kenneth Gamwell Downing); C.L. Clark Galleries, Bakersfield, Cal. [CAP]; Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Mass., gift of Mrs. Elaine Barnes Downing. References: Harold Dutton Barnes to Mary C. Black, letter dated 23 Apr 1969; Garnett (1976) p. 33 [b&w facsim.]; loaned to Williamsville bicentennial exhibit by Harold D. Barnes of Pittsfield per Lera Tonini, "Williamsville has bicentennial," The Berkshire Eagle, Vol. 83, No. 34 (Monday, June 17, 1974): p. 23 [b&w facsim , in situ] Exhibited: “What's the Story? The Berkshire Museum,” Pittsfield, Mass (April 26 – June 1, 2008) Status: Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Mass. CAP: CA990147, HPF: 61B.3. See Volume 2.

15. Elisha Barnes (1771-1862) – Williamsville (West Stockbridge), Berkshire Co., Mass., c. 1859 [HPF] or c. 1857 [CAP]. 33-7/16" x 27-1/2" (sight, accurate), 32-3/4" x 27-7/8" [HPF]. Father of Thomas Williams Barnes [q.v.] and Seth Austin Barnes [see misattributions]. Father-in-law of Caroline H. Williams Barnes [q.v.] and Zilpha Arnold Barnes [q.v.]. Descr.: Elderly gentleman with long white hair, wearing black jacket, white shirt with collar turned down and black tie; seated facing p.l. and leaning forward slightly, with r. arm resting on large black book "Holy Bible" with gold trim on spine; r. hand grasping spectacles; l. hand not shown. [DRA] Bio.: b. 11 Mar 1771, Southington, Conn , son of Timothy Barnes (1739-1831) and Miriam (Miller) Barnes (1737-1818); m. 17 Jan 1796 to Vilate Ford (1775-1848); d. 19 Nov 1862; bur South Cem., West, Stockbridge, Mass. Res. (1850): West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. (age 79, b. Conn., farmer). Note: Incorrect date of birth in CAP. [DRA] Provenance: Thomas W. Barnes, Williamsville/West Stockbridge, Mass. (son of subject); Erwin F. Barnes, Williamsville/West Stockbridge, Mass. (grandson of

subject); Thomas W Barnes, Chicago, Ill. (great-grandson of subject) as of 1969; donated to the Berkshire Museum by Thomas W. Barnes of Williams Bay, Wis., on behalf of the Barnes family per Anne GerardFlynn, "3 paintings by artist Ammi Phillips donated to historical society, museum," The Berkshire Eagle, Vol. 81, No. 236 (February 14, 1973): p. 21; however frame is labeled "Presented by Harold Dutton Barnes on behalf of the Barnes Families; yet 2008 label indicates "Gift of Mrs. Arthur B. Crane". References: Ibid, p. 21 [b&w facsim.]; Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. XI [color facsim.]. Note: Incorrect citation in HPF as donated by Harold Barnes of Pittsfield on behalf of Thomas W. Bay [sic]. Status: Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Mass. (acquired 1972). Accession number: 1972.18. HPF: 61B.4, IAP: 82040028. See Volume 2.

16. Thomas Williams Barnes (1811-1885) – Williamsville (West Stockbridge), Berkshire Co., Mass., 1859* [HPF] or c. 1857 [CAP] or 1857* [DRA]. 33-1/8" x 271/16" (sight) or 33" x 27" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Zilpha Arnold Barnes [q.v.]. Son of Elisha Barnes [q.v.]. Brother of Seth Austin Barnes [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holding newspaper "NEW YORK” dated “JULY 3, 1857", book “MYSTERIES / OF / BEEKEEPING / EXPLAINED / QUINBY” (by Moses Quinby, published 1853). Descr.: Man with brown hair and beard, wearing black jacket, white pleated shirt with upturned collar and black tie, seated facing p.l. with r. forearm resting on red book (see inscription) and r. hand holding folded newspaper (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 9 Feb 1811 in West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Elisha Barnes (1771-1862) and Vilate (Ford) Barnes (1775-1848); m. 26 Oct 1841 to Zilpha Arnold (1814-1858); d. 22 Jan 1885; bur. South Cem., West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. Res.: West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. 1850 (age 39, b. Mass., farmer). [DRA] Note: Newspaper incorrectly dated as 1859 by HPF. Provenance: Erwin F. Barnes, Williamsville/West Stockbridge, Mass. (son of subject); Thomas W, Barnes, Chicago, Ill. (grandson of subject) as of 1969; donated by Thomas W. Barnes of Williams Bay, Wis. on behalf of the Barnes family. Reference: Anne Gerard-Flynn, "3 paintings by artist Ammi Phillips donated to historical society, museum," The Berkshire Eagle, Vol. 81, No. 236 (February 14, 1973): p. 21 [not illus.]. Status: Berkshire County Historical Society, Pittsfield, Mass. (acquired 1972). Accession number: 75.3.DUP4. HPF: 61B.5. See Volume 2.

17. Zilpha Arnold Barnes (Mrs. Thomas Williams Barnes, 1814-1858) –Williamsville (West Stockbridge), Berkshire Co., Mass., c. 1859 [HPF] or c. 1857 [CAP] or 1857* [DRA]. 33-1/8" x 26-15/16" (sight) or 33" x 27" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Thomas Williams Barnes [q.v.]. Dau.-in-law of Elisha Barnes [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing black dress with white lace collar and large white lace cuffs, seated facing p.r. on a red-upholstered sofa, r. forearm resting on sofa arm, l. hand holding a small white rose. Bio.: b. 1814 in N.Y., dau. of Daniel Arnold (1775-1819) and Sarah (Hamilton) Arnold (1784-1867); m. 26 Oct 1841 to Thomas Williams Barnes (1811-1885); d. 27 Dec 1858 in West Stockbridge, Mass.; bur. South Cem., West Stockbridge, Mass. (Age 44). Res.: West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1850 (age 36, b. N.Y.); 1855 (age 41, b. N.Y.). [DRA] Provenance: See Thomas Williams Barnes. Reference: Anne Gerard-Flynn, "3 paintings by artist Ammi Phillips donated to historical society, museum," The Berkshire Eagle, Vol. 81, No. 236 (February 14, 1973): p. 21 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Berkshire County Historical Society, Pittsfield, Mass. (acquired 1973). Accession number: 73.4.DUP14. HPF: 61B.6. See Volume 2.

18. Julia Ann Fuller Barnum (Mrs. Matthew Starr Barnum, 1808-1868) – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], 1836* or c. 1836 [HPF]. 35-1/4" x 31" [H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Matthew Starr Barnum [q.v.]. Dau. of Rufus Fuller [q.v.] by his 1st wife. Incorrectly listed by HPF as probably the sister of Rufus Fuller [DRA]. Descr.: Woman in black dress with wide lace collar, elaborate bonnet tied on l., leaning p.r. with r. arm on two books on table, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding a parsley sprig. [DRA] Note: One of three similar portraits attributed to "itinerant limner of Kent, Conn." by Jean Lipman (1942). Bio.: b. 1 Sep 1808 in Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Rufus Fuller (1781-1850) and Bede Fenn (1786-1817); m. 8 Nov 1827 to Matthew Barnum; d. 30 Aug 1868; bur. Congregational Cem., Kent, Conn. Res.: Colebrook,

Clinton Co., Pa., 1850, 1860. Provenance: Property of Miss Mary Hopson [1925], niece of the subjects (see Rufus Fuller). References: Nelson, International Studio (March 1925): p. 457 [b&w facsim.]; Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Peter A. Juley and Son, 1925, from negative owned by Mrs. G.L. [Helen C.] Nelson); Robinson, American Primitives (1930) p. 17, No. 11, as Mrs. Julia Fuller Barnum, lent by Miss Mary A. Hopson, and Pl. No. 11 [b&w facsim.]; Robinson, Antiques (January 1931): p. 33, Fig. 1 [b&w facsim.], attribution uncertain, from the collection of Miss Mary Hopson; Rathbone (1933) pp 14-15, Pl. 6 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman (1942) p. 36 [unn.], Pl. 20 upper right [b&w facsim., credit Mary A. Hopson Collection]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 14 [not illus.], as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley; Stillinger (2011) p. 224, Fig. 3.71 [b&w facsim.]. Exhibit: Newark Museum, Newark, N.J., November 4, 1930 – February 1, 1931. Status: Location unknown as of 1965, 1968, 1994. [CHS, H&H, HPF] CHS: 6, H&H: 167, HPF: 61B.7, IAP: 81310154. See Volume 2.

19. Matthew Starr Barnum (1806-1892) – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], 1836*. 35-3/4" x 31" [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Julia Ann Fuller Barnum [q.v.]. Sonin-law of Rufus Fuller [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "Morning Courier", dated June 13, 1836 [H&H]. Descr.: Gentleman wearing high-collared black jacket, white shirt, tall black stock without bow, upturned collar; facing p.l. with newspaper held between hands (see inscription). Note: Probably the Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer for the Country (pub. New York, N.Y., 1829-1842). Bio.: b. 12 Apr 1806 in Bethel, Fairfield Co., Conn., son of Matthew Barnum (1764-1821) and Mary (Starr) Barnum (1767-1807); m. (1st) 8 Nov 1827 in Kent, Conn. to Julia Ann Fuller (1808-1868); m. (2nd) 19 Jan 1870 in Warren, Conn. to Catherine Jane Hopkins (1833-1906); d. 21 Jan 1892. Bur.: Congregational Cem., Kent, Conn. Also recorded by L. Van Alstyne (1903) as Sharon Burying Grounds, Sharon, Conn. (inscr. Matthew Barnum, died Jan. 21, 1892, ae. 85 yrs., 9 mos., 9 dys.). Res.: Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1840; Colebrook, Clinton Co., Pa., 1850, 1860; Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1870, 1880. [DRA] Provenance: See Julia Ann Fuller Barnum. References: Robinson, American Primitives (1930) p. 17, No. 12, Lent by Miss Mary A. Hopson [not illus.]; Rathbone (1933) p. 15, Pl 6a [b&w facsim.]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 13 [not illus.], as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley. Status: Location unknown as of 1965, 1968, 1994. [CHS, H&H, HPF] CHS: 5, H&H: 166, HPF: 61B.8, IAP: 81310153. See Volume 2.

20. Charles Rollin Barstow (1805-1880) – Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1811*. 52" x 24-1/2". Son of Dr. Samuel Barstow [q.v.] and Lavinia Wilcox Barstow [q.v.], brother of Pluma Amelia Barstow [q.v.] and Oliver Allen Barstow [q.v.]. Descr.: Full-length portrait of a blonde, blue-eyed boy wearing a black skeleton suit with white ruffled collar, black slippers and striped white (Ermine?) socks; standing facing p.l., l. hand holding a black top hat with scarlet lining band Dark gray background with dark green drapery across top and u.l. [DRA] Bio.: b. 21 Feb 1805 in West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Samuel Barstow (1777-1813) and Lavinia (Wilcox) Barstow (1778-1841); m. 30 Apr 1828 in Nichols, Tioga Co., N.Y. to Charlotte Coburn (1807-1866); d. 10 Dec 1880 in Big Rapids, Mecosta Co., Mich. (age 75); bur. Evergreen Cem., Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y. Res.: Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y., 1850 (port master); Nichols, Tioga Co., N.Y., 1860 (farmer); Big Rapids, Mecosta Co., Mich., 1880 (lumberman, b. Mass.). [DRA] Provenance: Ellen Lucy Barstow Platt (1833-1901, wife of U.S. Sen. Thomas Collier Platt, New York, N.Y., dau. of subject); Henry Barstow Platt, Owego, N.Y. (1860-1938, grandson of subject); Charlotte Platt Lyman (1896-1974, greatgranddaughter of subject); Huntington Lyman, Jr., Niantic, Conn. and Falmouth, Mass. (1924-2010, greatgreat-grandson of subject) as of 1974; by whom sold to Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn. [dealer] in 1983; conservation by Charles Olin, Great Falls, Va. circa 1985-86; Mr. and Mrs. Rodman C. Rockefeller, New York, N.Y. by 1987. References: Lila S. Parrish, “Dr. Samuel Barstow’s Diary, Part III,” Great Barrington Historical Society Newsletter, No. 3 (Summer 1983): p. 3; Lila S. Parrish, “’Lost’ Primitive Paintings Are Identified,” Great Barrington Historical Society Newsletter, No. 5 (September 1984): p. 1 [b&w facsim.]; Mary C. Black, “Ammi Phillips portraits rediscovered,” Antiques (September 1987): pp 558559 [color facsim.]; Heslip (1990) p. 54-55 [color facsim.]. Status: Mrs. Rodman C. Rockefeller, New York, N.Y. (presumed). HPF: 61B.9. See Volume 2.

21. Lavinia Wilcox Barstow (Mrs. Samuel Barstow, 1778-1841) – Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1811*. Wife of Dr. Samuel Barstow [q.v.], mother of Pluma Amelia Barstow [q.v.], Charles Rollin Barstow [q.v.] and Oliver Allen Barstow [q.v.]. Note: Known only from mention in diary of Dr. Samuel Barstow, October 6, 1811. Described as small profile view. Reference: Parrish (1983): p. 3 [quoting Dr. Samuel Barstow’s Diary] Status: May no longer exist. HPF: 61B.10.

22. Oliver Allen Barstow (1809-1887) – Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1811*. Son of Dr. Samuel Barstow [q.v.] and Lavinia Wilcox Barstow [q.v.], brother of Charles Rollin Barstow [q.v.] and Pluma Amelia Barstow [q.v.]. Note: Known only from mention in diary of Dr. Samuel Barstow, October 6, 1811. Described as half-length likeness. Bio.: b. 30 Nov 1809. He came to Nichols [N.Y.] in 1825 when a boy to live with his uncle, Dr. Gamaliel Barstow. In 1835 he married Frances, daughter of Edmund and Rachel (Coryell) Palmer and lived at Nichols, where he was engaged in merchandising and lumbering. d. 30 Mar 1887. Bur.: Nichols Cem., Nichols, Tioga Co., N.Y. [DRA] Reference: Parrish (1983): p. 3 [quoting Dr. Samuel Barstow’s Diary]. Status: May no longer exist. HPF: 61B.11.

23. Pluma Amelia Barstow (later Mrs. Increase Sumner, 1803-1847) – Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1811*. 52" x 24-1/2". Dau. of Dr. Samuel Barstow [q.v.] and Lavinia Wilcox Barstow [q.v.], sister of Charles Rollin Barstow [q.v.] and Oliver Allen Barstow [q.v.]. Descr.: Full-length portrait of a short-haired blonde girl wearing a salmon pink floor-length Empire dress, blue and green beaded necklace, and red slippers; standing facing p.r., l. hand holding a black book with red label on spine, r. arm resting on a small white cloth-covered table. Dark gray background with dark green drapery across top and u.r. Note: Imitative of J. Brown’s 1808 portrait of Laura Hall (later Mrs. Ambrose Kasson) of Cheshire, Berkshire Co., Mass. Bio.: b. 27 Mar 1803 in West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., dau. of of Samuel Barstow (1777-1813) and Lavinia (Wilcox) Barstow (1778-1841); m. 25 Mar 1827 in Great Barrington, Mass. to Increase Sumner (1801-1871); d. 26 May 1847 (age 44); bur. Mahaiwe Cem., Great Barrington, Mass. [DRA] Provenance: See Charles Rollin Barstow. References: Parrish (1983): p. 3 [quoting Dr. Samuel Barstow’s Diary]; Lila S. Parrish, “’Lost’ Primitive Paintings Are Identified,” Great Barrington Historical Society Newsletter, No. 5 (September 1984): p. 1 [b&w facsim.]; Mary C. Black, “Ammi Phillips portraits rediscovered,” Antiques (September 1987): pp. 558-559 [color facsim.]; Heslip (1990) p. 54-55 [color facsim.] Status: Mrs. Rodman C. Rockefeller, New York, N.Y. (presumed). HPF: 61B.12. See Volume 2.

24. Dr. Samuel Barstow (1777-1813) – Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1811*. Husband of Lavinia Wilcox Barstow [q.v.], father of Pluma Amelia Barstow [q.v.], Charles Rollin Barstow [q.v.] and Oliver Allen Barstow [q.v.]. Note: Known only from mention in diary of Dr. Samuel Barstow, October 6, 1811. Described as small profile view. Reference: Parrish (1983): p. 3 [quoting Dr. Samuel Barstow’s Diary]. Status: May no longer exist. HPF: 61B.13.

25. Abigail Savage Bartholomew (Mrs. Andrew Bartholomew, 1802-1875) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [HPF], c. 1850 [HPF]. 33-3/4" x 27-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Andrew Bartholomew [q.v.]. Notes: This subject's name was tentatively associated by the Holdridges (1965) with the extant work known as "Lady on a Red Sofa" [q.v.]. HPF estimated date and size are spurious and based on confusion with that work. Bio.: b. 1802; d. 30 Mar 1875; bur. Sheffield Center Cem., Sheffield, Mass. [DRA] Provenance: See note. Note: Destroyed by fire [on Silver St., late 19th C.] in Sheffield, Mass. per Mrs. Gurdon D. Pickert [spelling corrected] to AARFAC, June 21, 1979 [Rumford (1981), p. 161]. Status: No longer extant (see note). HPF: 61B.14.

26. Andrew Bartholomew (1802-1879) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [DRA]. One of a pair. Husband of Abigail Savage Bartholomew [q.v.]. Note: This subject's name was tentatively associated by the Holdridges (1965) with the extant work known as "Man with Book" or "Man with Book on Agriculture" [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 1802; d. 8 May 1879; bur. Sheffield Center Cem., Sheffield, Mass. [DRA] Provenance: See note. Note: Destroyed by fire [on Silver St., late 19th C.] in Sheffield, Mass. per Mrs. Gurdon D. Pickert [spelling corrected] to AARFAC, June 21, 1979 [Rumford (1981), p. 161]. Status: No longer extant (see note)

27. Lady on Red Sofa, aka Lady on a Red Sofa, aka Wife of Man with Book on Agriculture, possibly Betsy Barnum Bartholomew (Mrs. Hiram Bartholomew, 1806-1892) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. [CHS] or Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H] or N.Y.-Mass.-Conn. Border area, probably [HPF], c. 1848-1855 [CAP] or c. 1849 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1850 [HPF]. 33-3/4" x 27-1/2" [CAP, HPF] or 33-1/8" x 27-1/8" [CHS] or 331/8" x 27-1/2" [H&H]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man with a Book on Agriculture" [q.v.]. Descr.: Narrow-faced woman wearing short bonnet without ribbons, black v-neck dress, white blouse, sheer embroidered collar and cuffs, small brooch; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. wrist resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small book [DRA]. Provenance: Collection of Edward Duff Balken (1874-1960), Pittsburgh, Pa. and Egremont, Mass. [possibly via Halladay-Thomas]; by whom donated to an auction sale to benefit the Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Mass. (1944), from which purchased by Abby Aldrich Rockefeller (Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1874-1948). References: Little (1957) p. 353, no. 204 [not illus.]; Barbara Cohen and Larry Holdridge, "Found: A Berkshire Old Master," The Berkshire Eagle (August 29, 1959): p. 10A [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, "Ammi Phillips," Art in America (Summer 1960): p. 103 [b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 161, Fig. 134 [b&w facsim.]; Rumford and Weekley (1989) no. 14 [facsim.]; Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1963) as Lady on Red Sofa, possibly Mrs. Andrew Bartholomew (Abigail Savage); American Folk Art Gallery Notebooks, Box 28, Reel 5558, Frames 1084-1085 [b&w photo credit Berkshire Museum]. Notes: a) This work, and its companion, connected by Little (1957) to the Kent and Kingston portraits tentatively attributed to “one Phillips” based on the reproductions of portraits “by Phillips” in the Ten Broeck genealogy. b) Previously (1965) posited by Holdridges to be Mrs. Andrew (Abigail Savage) Bartholomew, however that painting no longer extant per AARFAM, leaving the possibility that this is Mrs. Hiram Bartholomew. [DRA] Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1948). Accession number: 48.100.2. CHS: 192, H&H: 259, HPF: 79A.12, IAP: 81310245 and 82320226. See Volume 2.

28. Man with a Book on Agriculture, aka Man with Book on Agriculture, aka Man with a Book, aka Man with Book (possibly Hiram Bartholomew, 18061882) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. [CHS] or Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H] or N.Y.-Mass.-Conn. Border area, probably [HPF], c. 1849 [CAP, CHS, H&H] or c. 1850 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [CAP] or 33-1/8" x 27-1/8" [CHS, H&H] or 32-1/2" x 27-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Lady on Red Sofa" [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holding book "Agricult". Descr.: Man in black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding large closed book on lap, l. hand not shown. Notes: Possibly Hiram Bartholomew, based on a resemblance to John Morse Bartholomew as noted by the Holdridges. Phillips’s portraits of his brother Andrew Bartholomew and his wife were destroyed in a fire. This portrait demonstrates the diagonal elongation noted in Phillips’s late work. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Edward Duff Balken (1874-1960), Pittsburgh, Pa. and Egremont, Mass. [possibly via Halladay-Thomas]; by whom donated to an auction sale to benefit the Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Mass. (1944), from which purchased by Abby Aldrich Rockefeller (Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 1874-1948). References: Little (1957) p. 353, no. 203 [not illus.]; Barbara Cohen and Larry Holdridge, "Found: A Berkshire Old Master," The Berkshire Eagle (August 29, 1959): p. 10A [b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 161, Fig. 133 [b&w facsim.]; Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1963) as possibly Andrew Bartholomew; American Folk Art Gallery Notebooks, Box 28, Reel 5558, Frames 1086-1087 [b&w photo credit Berkshire Museum]. Note: This work, and its companion, connected by Little (1957) to the Kent and Kingston portraits tentatively attributed to “one Phillips” based on the reproductions of portraits “by Phillips” in the Ten Broeck genealogy. Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1948). Accession number: 48.100.1. CHS: 191, H&H: 258, HPF: 77A.9, IAP: 81310244. See Volume 2.

29. John Morse Bartholomew (1800-1878) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], probably [HPF], 1849* or c. 1849 [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Tabitha Paulina Tullar Bartholomew [q.v.] and son-in-law of Rebecca Race Tullar [q.v.]. Inscr.: Book in subject's hand is entitled "History 1849". [CHS, H&H] Bio.: b. 22 Feb 1800 in Wallingford, New Haven Co., Conn., son of Wyllis Bartholomew (1777-1846) and Martha

(Morse) Bartholomew (1776-1847); m. 8 Oct 1822 in Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. to Tabitha Paulina Tullar (1804-1886); res. Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass , 1830 through 1870 (Farmer); d. 7 Dec 1878 in Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass.; bur. Sheffield Center Cem., Sheffield, Mass. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Gordon Pickett [see correct spelling below], Falls Village, Conn. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H]. Note: By family descent from the subjects’ son, Charles Willis Bartholomew (1825-1882); to his son, Arthur Dana Bartholomew, Sr. (1871-1930); to his dau., Elizabeth Bartholomew (Mrs. Gurdon D Pickert, 1908-1996) [DRA] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 7, H&H: 254, HPF: 61B.15, IAP: 81310240 and 82320202.

30. Milia Holbrook Bartholomew (Mrs. Milo Bartholomew, 1810-1887), aka Wife of Man Holding “The Cultivator”, aka Mrs. Luther Tucker – Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [HPF], c. 1859-1860 [HPF] or 1850* [DRA]. 40" x 37" [HPF per B&C probably including frame] or 33" x 27-1/2" or 33-1/2" x 27-1/4". One of a pair. Wife of Milo Bartholomew [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark pipe-curls, wearing black dress, white ribbons with red and yellow print in front, lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r. on red upholstered sofa, r. wrist resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding small unfolded envelope with four locks of hair. [DRA] Cond: There is an extensive network of repaired tears in the right 1/2 of the picture. These do not transverse the hands or the face of the subject. Relined. [DNY] Bio.: b. 29 Apr 1810 in Torrington, Litchfield Co., Conn., dau. of Sylvanus Holbrook (1781-1857) and Betsey (Pond) Holbrook (1784-1853); m. 13 Nov 1828 to Milo Bartholomew (1794-1876) of Goshen, Conn.; d. 23 Jul 1887; bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. Note: Later sold as unidentified “Lady” or “Wife of Man Holding The Cultivator” or Mrs. Luther Tucker. Provenance: See Milo Achilles Bartholomew. Reference: Antiques (June 1975): p. 1043 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2020. HPF: 61B.16. See Volume 2.

31. Milo Bartholomew (1794-1876), aka Milo Achilles Bartholomew, aka Man Holding “The Cultivator”, aka Mr. Luther Tucker – Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [HPF], c. 1859-1860 [HPF] or 1850* [DRA] 40" x 37" [HPF per B&C probably including frame] or 33" x 27-1/2". One of a pair. Husband of Milia Holbrook Bartholomew [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "THE CULTIVATOR:" and “OCTOBER 5 1850.” Descr.: Gentleman with curly reddish-hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding rolled newspaper (see inscription), l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Careful inpainting throughout, heaviest in the hair at the right and along the left edge. [DNY] Bio.: b. 28 Aug 1794 in Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., son of Samuel Bartholomew (1745-1827) and Mary (Lucas) Bartholomew (1747-1811); d. 20 Feb 1876; m. 13 Nov 1828 to Milia T. Holbrook (1810-1887); res. Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1830 through 1870; d. 20 Feb 1876; bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. Notes: The Cultivator published monthly by the New York State Agricultural Society, Albany, N.Y., 1834-1865. Identified by HPF as “Milo Achilles Bartholomew (1794-1876)”, however that was the name of Milo Bartholomew’s son, Milo Achilles Bartholomew (1833-1837) who died just prior to his fourth birthday. There is no historical record that the father, Milo Bartholomew (1794-1876), had any middle name. Later also sold as unidentified “Gentleman” or “Man Holding The Cultivator.” The most recent identification as Mr. Luther Tucker (1802-1873), owner and publisher of The Cultivator, appears to be conjectural. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent to Samuel Aurelian Bartholomew (1831-1924), son of the subject; to his son, Samuel W Bartholomew (1882-1973); Mrs. Samuel W. Bartholomew (1898-1997); by whom sold to dealers John Bihler and Henry S. Coger, Ashley Falls, Mass. (1975); by whom sold to a New York buyer; AXA Art Insurance Company, New York, N.Y.; Samuel T. Freeman & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., Americana, Sale 1211 (November 20, 2004) Lot 310, unidentified, unsold (est. $20-30,000 the pair); Freeman's, Philadelphia, Pa., Americana, Sale 1244 (April 12, 2006) Lot 348, unidentified, sold $11,000 the pair (est. $20-30,000); Art & Antique Gallery, Worcester, Mass. (2012); Shannon's, Milford, Conn., American & European Fine Art (October 24, 2013) Lot 177, unidentified, unsold (est. $8-12,000 the pair); Doyle, New York, N.Y., American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts (March 27, 2019) Lot 6, unidentified, unsold (est. $6-8,000 the pair); Litchfield County Auctions, Litchfield, Conn., Estate of Philip Roth + Select Additions (July 20, 2019) Lot 712, sold $1,100+30% the pair (est. $2-3,000); Carlsen Gallery, Freehold,

N.Y., Winter Antique Auction (January 12, 2020) Lot 100, as Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tucker, sold $7,000+17% the pair (est. $8-12,000). Reference: Antiques (June 1975): p. 1043 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2020. HPF: 62A.1. See Volume 2.

32. Tabitha Paulina Tullar Bartholomew (Mrs. John Morse Bartholomew, 1804-1886) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], probably [HPF], 1849* or c. 1849 [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of John Morse Bartholomew [q.v.] and dau. of Rebecca Race Tullar [q.v.]. [H&H] Bio.: b. 16 Mar 1804 in Egremont, Berkshire Co., Mass., dau of Charles Tullar (1778-1824) and Rebecca (Race) Tullar (1781-1861); m. 8 Oct 1822 to John Morse Bartholomew (1800-1878); d. 31 Dec 1886; bur. Sheffield Center Cem., Sheffield, Mass. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Gordon Pickett, Falls Village, Conn. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H]. Note: Correct spelling is Mrs. Gurdon D. Pickert, see full provenance under John Morse Bartholomew. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 8, H&H: 255, HPF: 62A.2, IAP: 81310241.

33. Hannah Sornborger Bassett (Mrs. Sherman Bassett, 1787-1863), aka Hannah Bassett – North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830*. 31" x 25". One of a pair. Wife of Sherman Bassett [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black dress with large organdy and lace collar, wearing bonnet with elaborate ribbons on top with two untied ribbons hanging front and back; seated facing p.r. in a paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, r. forearm resting on chair back, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding a letter addressed to "Mrs. Hannah Bassett / North East / Dutchess County, N.Y." and postmarked "New York April 10". Bio.: b. 1787 in N.Y., probable dau. of George Sornborger (1733-1817) and Hannah H. Sornborger (1750-1824) of North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; d. 25 Apr 1863, age 76; bur. Amenia Island Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Elizabeth Bassett Crawford [Wolfeboro, N.H.], great-great niece of the subject; Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, N.H. (gift of Elizabeth Bassett Crawford, 2003). Status: Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, N.H. (acquired 2003). Accession number: 2003.1.2. See Volume 2.

34. Sherman Bassett (1794-1879) – North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830*. 31" x 25".

One of a pair. Husband of Hannah Bassett [q.v.]. Descr.: Gentleman with long sideburns, wearing black jacket, white stock with large bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, l. forearm resting on chair back, r. hand in lap holding newspaper titled "Niles’ Register / Baltimore" and dated "April 10, 1830". Bio.: b. 1794 in Conn., son of Samuel Bassett (1766-1822) and Sally (Atwell) Bassett (1772-1849); res. North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860 (Tivoli P.O., age 66, Farmer); d. 13 Jan 1879, age 84; bur. Amenia Island Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Note: Niles’ Register, edited and published by Hezekiah Niles from 1811 to 1836, was a popular weekly publication that covered politics, economics, science, technology, art and literature. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Elizabeth Bassett Crawford [Wolfeboro, N.H.], great-great niece of the subject; Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, N.H. (gift of Elizabeth Bassett Crawford, 2003). Status: Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, N.H. (acquired 2003). Accession number: 2003.1.1. See Volume 2.

35. Mr. Bates – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [Skinner], unknown date. 32-1/4" x 27" [Skinner]. Portrait of Mr. Bates. Unsigned, subject identified in inscriptions on reverse label. Oil on canvas, c. 1835, probably Kent, Connecticut, or Amenia (Dutchess County), New York, 32 1/4 x 27 in., in likely original molded giltwood frame. Condition: patched repaired tear l.l. on left facing sleeve, with retouch area about 2 x 3 in. with some areas around it with retouch. The right facing sleeve has a few spots of retouch. [Skinner] Descr.: Waist-length portrait of a confident dark-haired young gentleman, standing with arms folded, wearing a black coat with a shawl collar, high black stock with no tie, and a white upturned collar. Unusual pose. Large area of pale discoloration in u.r. background. Note: Possibly Rodman Bates (1798-1880), Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Skinner, Inc., Boston, American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2384 (November 3, 2007) Lot 463, sold $20,000+17.5% (est. $20-30,000). Status: Sold at auction 2007 See Volume 2.

36. Mary Smith Beakes (Mrs. Stacy Beakes, Jr.), aka Jane Beakes – Middletown, Orange Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1834 [HPF] or c. 1829 [DRA]. 31" x 24-3/4" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Stacy Beakes, Jr. [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark curls, wearing black dress and elaborate beribboned bonnet tied under chin, embroidered collar; facing p.r. with r. arm draped over the back of a grainpainted and stenciled side chair, l. hand in lap holding a pink rose with upturned fingers. Note: Cataloged by HPF as Jane Beakes. Currently identified by Historical Society of Middletown and Wallkill Precinct as Mrs. Stacy (Mary Smith) Beakes, Jr. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subject to Donald Beakes (1911-1994), Middletown, N.Y.; Historical Society of Middletown and Wallkill Precinct (gift of Donald Beakes). Status: Historical Society of Middletown and Wallkill Precinct, N.Y. as of 1994, 2015. HPF: 62A.3. See Volume 2.

37. Stacy Beakes, Jr. (1778-1849) – Middletown, Orange Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1834 [HPF] or c. 1829 [DRA]. 30" x 24-3/4" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Mary Smith Beakes [q.v.]. Uncle of Sally Jane Beakes Howell [q.v.]. Descr.: Plump-faced, rosy-cheeked gentleman with reddish sideburns, wearing black jacket with high collar, white stock tied in front, tall upturned collar, pleated and ruffled jabot; seated facing p.l. in stenciled side chair, l. forearm arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding rustic antler-handled cane. Bio.: b. 7 May 1778 in Wallkill, N.Y., son of Stacy Beakes (1734-1800) and Mary Ann (Yard) Beakes (1753-1783); d. 18 Jul 1849. Postmaster of South Middletown, N.Y., 1829-49. Res : Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y., 1800, 1810, 1830, 1840. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subject to Donald Beakes (1911-1994), Middletown, N.Y.; Historical Society of Middletown and Wallkill Precinct (gift of Donald Beakes). Status: Historical Society of Middletown and Wallkill Precinct, N.Y. as of 1994, 2015. HPF: 62A.4. See Volume 2.

38. Abigail "Abby" Eliza Thompson Beckwith (Mrs. George Washington Beckwith, 1826-1892) –Stissing (Town of Stanford), Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1843-1850 [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of George Washington Beckwith [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 2 Aug 1826, dau. Asa A. Thompson and Elizabeth (Buckbee) Thompson; m. 17 Jan 1843 to George Washington Beckwith (1814-1881); res. Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 through 1880; d. 28 Jan 1892, Stissing, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, N.Y. Note: Unclear why the HPF dating is different from the companion. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subject. Status: Collection of the Beckwith family as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 62A.5.

39. Asa Beckwith – Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1855-1857 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [SPB] or 33-5/8" x 27-1/2" [DNY]. Inscr. (in graphite on replacement stretcher): “ASA BECKWITH”. Descr.: Man with chin beard and part on p.r. side, facing, p.l., wearing glasses, black jacket and vest, white shirt with black tie under collar; r. arm resting on book "HISTORY" with marbled edges, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Unlined, stretcher marks. Craquelure. Surface scuffs, small (1/2 inch) dent above and to left of head. Two small (under 1 x 1 inch each) repaired holes and associated inpaint with two 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 inch patches on reverse. Inpaint around the edges. Tiny touches of inpaint in the face, and some scattered. Along the bottom two to three inches, there is some scattered white accretion. [DNY] Note: The subject identification is problematic, with no contemporary record of an Asa Beckwith in New York or New England. The inscription may represent a later owner, and the subject may be an unidentified member of the Beckwith family of Stanford, Dutchess Co , N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subject; Mr. and Mrs. Asa T. Beckwith, Pleasant Valley, N.Y. (1976); Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4211 (January 31 - February 3, 1979) Lot 587 [full-page b&w facsim.], sold $1,200+10% (est. $2-3,000); Property of Robert E. Schmidt, New York; Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 15AM02 (October 7, 2015) Lot 7, sold $3,000+25% (est. $2,500-3,500); Westchester Fine Art, Valhalla, N.Y. (October 18, 2015) Lot 159A, unsold (est. $6-8,000); Copake Auction, Inc., Copake, N.Y., 38th Annual New Year’s Auction (January 1, 2018) Lot 190, sold $800+18% (est. $800-1,200) as unidentified gentleman in the manner of Ammi Phillips; Carlsen Gallery, Freehold, N.Y., Anniversary

Auction (September 23, 2018) Lot 272, sold $5,000+22% (est. $3-5,000) Status: Collection of Frank Tosto. HPF: 62A.6, IAP: 61519191. See Volume 2.

40. Elizabeth “Betsey” Gale Beckwith (Mrs. Nathan Beckwith, 1781-1838) – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1817 [BM] or c. 1815-1820 [CAP]. 30-9/16" x 24-1/4" (accurate), 30-1/2" x 24-1/4" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Col. Nathan Beckwith [q.v.]. Mother of George Washington Beckwith [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "Betsey Beckwith". Descr.: Woman in black dress with white ruffled collar, white bonnet; seated facing p.l. in yellow paint-decorated side chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding book in l. hand with thumb marking page. Bio.: b. 19 Apr 1781 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Josiah Gale (1742-1798) and Rachel (Mead) Gale (1749-1797); m. 1802 to Nathan Beckwith; d. 22 Mar 1838; bur. St. John’s Reformed Dutch Church Cem., Upper Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: The subjects’ son, William Sutherland Beckwith (1820-1906); to dau. Leila Hoyt Beckwith (Mrs. A. Britton Havens, 1860-1956); to dau. Henrietta Bartlett Havens (Mrs. Harold J. Roig); Brooklyn Museum (gift of Mrs. Harold J. Roig, 1892-1984). Reference: Carbone (2006) p. 861 [illus.] Status: Brooklyn Museum, New York, N.Y. (acquired 1979). Accession number: 79.133.1. HPF: 62A.7, IAP: 35681156. See Volume 2.

41. George Washington Beckwith (1814-1881), aka Sylvanus Beckwith with a Dog – Stissing (Town of Stanford), Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1850 [HPF] or c. 1860 [DRA]. 36" x 30" [SPB]. One of a pair. Husband of Abigail “Abby” Eliza Thompson Beckwith [q.v.]. Son of Col. Nathan Sutherland Beckwith [q.v.] and Elizabeth Gale Beckwith [q.v.]. Descr.: Man in black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt, black tie under wing collar; seated facing p.l. in upholstered armchair, with r. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand not shown; black and white dog in lap, facing canvas l. Note: Previously identified as Sylvanus Beckwith, and incorrectly listed as remaining in the collection of the Beckwith family as of 1994. Confirmed with HPF* these are one and the same. [DRA] Bio.: b. 8 Jun 1814 in Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Nathan Sutherland Beckwith (1778-1865) and Elizabeth (Gale) Beckwith (1781-1838); m. 17 Jan 1843 to Abigail Eliza Thompson (1826-1892); res. Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 through 1880 (Farmer); d. 9 Apr 1881; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subject; Mr. and Mrs. Asa T. Beckwith, Pleasant Valley, N.Y. (1976), great-grandson of the subject; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4211 (January 31 - February 3, 1979) Lot 585 as "Sylvanus Beckwith with a Dog" [full-page b&w facsim.], sold $3,500+10% (est. $3-4,000) to a New York dealer who immediately resold it. References: Pugsley (1976) p. 4, No. 1 [b&w facsim.]; Judith Milne, “Auction House Sales In New York City,” Ohio Antique Review (April 1979): p. 65 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 79 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 1979. Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 62A.9, IAP: 61519189. See Volume 2.

42. Colonel Nathan Sutherland Beckwith (1778-1865) – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1817 [BM] or c. 1815-1820 [CAP]. 30-9/16" x 24-5/16" (accurate) or 30-1/2" x 24-9/16" [BM]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth “Betsey” Gale Beckwith [q.v.]. Father of George Washington Beckwith [q.v.]. Inscr. (on letter): "Col Nathan Beckwith / Redhook / Dutches [sic] County", postmarked "Troy" and with written postage "10". Descr.: Man with curly hair and sideburns; wearing black jacket, creamcolored vest, white stock without bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in yellow paint-decorated armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding opened letter with red seal (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 13 Sep 1778 in Stanfordville, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Sylvanus Gilbert Beckwith (1742-1839) and Amy (Sutherland) Beckwith (17421817); m. (1st) on 22 Dec 1802 to Elizabeth “Betsey” Gale (1781-1838); m. (2nd) to Marietta Pratt Pelton (1807-1857); d. 4 Mar 1865; bur. St. John’s Reformed Dutch Church Cem., Upper Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Civil engineer and farmer. Commanded cavalry battalion, War of 1812. Surveyed route of Erie R.R. Res.: Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1810; Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820 through 1860 Note: Cataloged incorrectly in CAP as Nathan Beckman. [DRA] Provenance: The subjects’ son, William Sutherland Beckwith (1820-1906); to dau. Leila Hoyt Beckwith (Mrs. A. Britton Havens, 1860-1956); to

dau. Henrietta Bartlett Havens (Mrs. Harold J. Roig, 1892-1984); Brooklyn Museum (gift of Mrs. Harold J. Roig). Reference: Carbone (2006) p. 861 [illus.] Status: Brooklyn Museum, New York, N.Y. (acquired 1979). Accession number: 79.133.2. HPF: 62A.8, IAP: 35681157. See Volume 2.

43. Dr. Abijah Gilbert Benedict (1790-1862), aka Dr. Abijah G. Benedict, aka Dr. A.G. Benedict – Redhook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1822*. 31-1/2" x 25-1/2" [HPF] or 293/4" x 23-3/8" [SMA]. One of a pair. Husband of Charlotte Hopper Newcomb Benedict [q.v.]. Inscr. (letter): "Doct. A G Benedict / Red Hook / Dutchess Cy. N Y" and postmark "NEW YORK / AUG / 23, 1822". Descr.: Red-haired gentleman wearing black jacket, white vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow, downturned collar; facing p.r., holding closed book with l. hand, larger book and letter on table, r. hand not shown Bio.: b. 13 Nov 1790 in Salem, Washington Co., N.Y.; licensed by Dutchess County Medical Society, 1816; member N.Y. State Legislature, 1835-36; d. 3 Oct 1862; bur. Red Hook Methodist Burial Ground, Red Hook, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Dr. A.G. Benedict; son Rev. Thomas Newcomb Benedict (1823-1879); dau. Helen C. Benedict (1862-1893, Mrs. William L. Steele), dau. Helen Carter Benedict Steele (1893-1967); great-niece Sara Letitia Stewart Rogers (1923-2008, dau. of Dr. Steele Fuller Stewart) and hus. Stephen J. Rogers (1916-2011), Ann Arbor, Mich. Reference: Eleanor H. Gustafson, "Museum accessions," Antiques (April 2002): p. 34 [color facsim.]. Status: Springfield Museum of Art, Springfield, Ohio (2000 purchase). Accession number: 2000.019. HPF: 62A.10. See Volume 2.

44. Deacon Benjamin Benedict (1794-1866) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF] or North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1836 [H&H] or c 1840’s [DRA]. 33" x 27" [H&A]. Descr.: Narrow-faced fair or red-haired gentleman wearing black coat and vest, white shirt with downturned collar, white bow tie, blue-tinted spectacles with four D-shaped lenses; seated facing p.l. in a red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm and r. hand holding a small closed bible, l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 7 Mar 1794 in Danbury, Conn., son of Nathaniel Benedict, Jr. (1768-1835) and Jerusha (Ferry) Benedict (1763-1822); m. (1st) 2 Mar 1818 to Sarah Reed (1796-1837); m. (2nd) Julia Ann Richmond (1809-1851); res. North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850, 1860 (Farmer); d. 25 Dec 1866; bur. Spencer's Corners [Amenia Baptist] Burying Ground (inscr. ae 72 yrs. 9 mos.), near Millerton, North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: A.S. Congdon, Jr., Far Hills, N.J. as of 1968 [H&H]; Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. [1970]; Barbara B. Lassiter, New York, N.Y. [1970]; Barbara Babcock Millhouse, New York, N.Y. References: Feld (1970) p. 30, no. 31 [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 44, Pl. XLIV [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. H&H: 178, HPF: 62A.11, IAP: 81310165. See Volume 2.

45. Charlotte Hopper Newcomb Benedict (Mrs. Abijah Gilbert Benedict, 17951853) – Redhook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1822*. 31-1/2" x 25-1/2" [HPF] or 29-3/4" x 233/8" [SMA]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Abijah G. Benedict [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black dress with white ruffled collar, l. hand to chin, elbow resting on book on table, r. hand in lap with fingers upturned. Pale background. Bio.: Charlotte Hopper Newcomb, daughter of Thomas and Rachel Hopper Newcomb of Pleasant Valley, New York, was born July 20, 1795. In 1809 she traveled to Litchfield, Connecticut where she studied at Sarah Pierce's Female Academy. Seven years later she wed Abijah G. Benedict, a doctor, of Salem, New York. The couple later moved to Red Hook, New York where Charlotte's husband continued his medical practice, and began a political career as well. [LHS] d. 6 Sep 1853; bur. Red Hook Methodist Burial Ground, Red Hook, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Dr. Abijah Gilbert Benedict. Reference: Eleanor H. Gustafson, "Museum accessions," Antiques (April 2002): p. 34 [color facsim.]. Status: Springfield Museum of Art, Springfield, Ohio (2000 purchase). Accession number: 2000.020. HPF: 62A.12. See Volume 2.

46. Louisa Park Benjamin (Mrs. Bela E. Benjamin, 1775-1863) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1829 [CHS, H&H]. 30-1/2" x 24-1/2" [CHS, H&H]. Mother of Jane Ann Benjamin Powers [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black dress, pale fringed shawl, tall ruffled bonnet; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, arms resting on chair arms, wrists crossed (r. over l.), r hand holding piece of sheer fabric Bio.: b. 23 Oct 1775 in Amenia, N.Y., dau. of Elijah Park (1744-1795) and Olive (Brown) Park (1751-1843); m. 8 Mar 1794 in Amenia, N.Y. to Bela E. Benjamin (17711803); d. 24 Dec 1863; bur. Old Amenia Burying Ground, Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Louisa / wife of / Bela Benjamin / Died / Dec. 24, 1863 / aged 88 years). Res.: Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 (age 74, household of Charles W. Powers). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Benjamin Mather Powers [Edna Brown Powers, 1886-1979], Kansas City, Mo. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H]. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Mrs. Benjamin Mather Powers, 1948). Exhibited: The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Mo. (April 4 – May 3, 1953), listed as by I.J.H. Bradley. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 9, H&H: 117, HPF: 62A.13, IAP: 81310106. See Volume 2.

47. Nathan Gaylord Benjamin (1791-1863) – Egremont, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], c. 1859-1860 [HPF]. 33" x 27". Inscr. (book): "Nathan Benjamin from his mother Susanna Benjamin" (cover) and "Henry's Commentary Vol. I Gen-Sam" (spine). [HPF] Note: As published by R. Carter & Brothers, New York, 1856. Descr.: Man with red hair and large red and white beard; wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt with downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.r. in redupholstered armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand holding large book on lap (see inscriptions). Bio.: b. 29 Apr 1791, son of Joseph Dibble Benjamin (1764-1803) and Susannah (Gaylord) Benjamin (1766-1856); m. 26 Nov 1812 in Great Barrington, Mass. to Lucy Bacon (1793-1867); d. 15 May 1863; bur. Mount Everett Cem., Egremont, Berkshire Co., Mass. Res.: Egremont, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1820 through 1860 (Farmer). [DRA] Provenance: Location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Albany Auction Gallery, Albany, N.Y. (February 10, 2002) Lot 11; Carlsen Gallery, Freehold, N.Y. (January 18, 2004) Lot 171, sold $6,000+12.5%. Status: Sold at auction 2004. HPF: 62A.14. See Volume 2.

48. Margaret Stevens Bentley (Mrs. Clark Bentley, 1778-1850), aka Elizabeth Buckley – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. [FMA] or Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., possibly [DRA], c. 1830 [FMA]. 32" x 27" or 32" x 27-1/4" [DNY] or 40" x 35" [presumably framed dimensions]. Sister of William Stevens [q.v.]. Inscr.: (fragmentary label on frame): “...s, Ammie [sic] /...eth Buckley of Sheffeild [sic], MA, back cove...” [DNY] Descr.: Full-faced older woman with strong features, wearing black dress with wide embroidered organdy collar, ruffled bonnet with ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.l., l. arm leaning on book on table, r. hand in lap holding small closed book. [DRA] Cond.: Lined; the lined canvas appears to be nailed to a secondary stretcher, with a white board backing on the reverse. Surface grime, flattened craquelure. Two repaired small tears on the proper left sleeve, one about 1/2 inch long. A few light touches of inpaint in the background and along the edges. [DNY] Bio.: b. 13 Jun 1778 in Sheffield, Mass., dau. of William Stevens (1748-1825) and Abigail (Thompson) Stevens (1749-1827); m. 7 Feb 1803 in Sheffield, Mass. to Clark Bentley; d. 7 Sep 1850; bur. Hewins Cem., Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. Note: Originally identified as Margaret Stevens Bentley. Later identified (perhaps erroneously) as “Elizabeth Buckley” per label verso. Possible descent in the family of William Stevens of Pawling, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the sitter; Frank Moran Antiques, Wingdale, N.Y. (1975); Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4338 (January 30, 1980) Lot 191A, unsold (est. $3-5,000); Village Green Antiques, Richland, Mich. (1982); location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Alexander Gallery, New York, N.Y.; Property of Robert E. Schmidt, New York; Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 15AM02 (October 7, 2015) Lot 6, sold $2,750+25% (est. $1,500-2,500). References: American Art Review, Vol. II, No. 1 (Jan-Feb 1975): p. 41 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques, Vol. CXXI, No. 1 (January 1982): p. 129, unidentified [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2015. HPF: 62A.16, IAP: 6151A302, 80046125 and 82190132. See Volume 2.

49. Rhoda Goodrich Bentley (Mrs. William Northrup Bentley, 1786-1842) and daughter Louisa H. Bentley (later Mrs. Edwin Eugene Griggs, 1813-1901) –Lebanon Springs (New Lebanon), Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1815-1818 [B&E] or 1818 [SNY]. 34" x 27" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife and dau. of William Northrup Bentley [q.v.]. Descr.: Long-necked woman with reddish hair and pipe curls, wearing gray long-sleeved dress with white box-pleated double collar, gold beaded necklace and gold earring[s]; seated facing p.l. in a fancy-painted side chair, holding a piece of sheer pleated fabric (same as collar) in r. hand with upturned fingers, l. arm around child. Small child with long blonde hair wearing white short-sleeved dress and red doublestrand necklace; standing facing p.r., holding two small red flowers in l. hand and slice of watermelon in r. hand. Red drapery with fringe in u.r. [DRA] Cond.: Overall in very fine condition. Relined and restretched. Some minor scattered in-painting in the background and a small amount of in-painting on her face and the child's cheek. [SNY] Bio.: Rhoda Goodrich, b. 20 Apr 1786 in Hancock, Berkshire Co., Mass., dau. of Elijah Goodrich, Jr. (1754-1847) and Zilphia (Stone) Goodrich (1747-1829); m. William Northrup Bentley (1777-1849); d. 16 Jul 1842; bur. Cypress Cem., Lebanon Springs, Columbia Co., N.Y. and Maria Louisa Bentley [sic], b. 12 Oct 1813 in New Lebanon, N.Y.; m. 29 Sep 1836 in Lebanon Springs, N.Y. to Edwin Eugene Griggs (1808-?); d. 16 Mar 1901; bur. Graceland Cem., Chicago, Ill. (Louisa Bentley Griggs, 1813-1901). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family of Captain William Northrup Bentley; Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn ; a private Midwestern collection; Roberto Freitas, Stonington, Conn ; Collection of Bobbi and Ralph Terkowitz, McLean, Va.; Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 20, 2018) Lot 877, unsold (est. $80-100,000); American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. (2019 gift of Ralph and Bobbi Terkowitz). Reference: Brownstein and Eaton, Antiques & Fine Art (Summer/Autumn 2010): p. 162 [color facsim.]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 2019.3.1 See Volume 2.

50. William Northrup Bentley (1777-1849) – Lebanon Springs (New Lebanon), Columbia Co., N.Y., c. 1818 [DRA]. One of a pair. Husband and father of Rhoda Goodrich Bentley and Louisa H. Bentley [q.v.]. Inscr. (book): “Horrors of Slavery” (see note). Descr.: Gentleman with unruly dark-gray hair, wearing brown jacket and trousers with matching buttons, finely-pleated white jabot, white vest, white stock with bow tie, and downturned collar; seated facing p.r., in paint-decorated side chair with coastal scene of ships and houses on chair back, r. wrist draped over chair back, l. hand cupped over closed book in lap held diagonally. Red fringed drapery in u.l. corner. Note: William Ray, Horrors of Slavery: Or, The American Tars in Tripoli (Troy, N.Y.: Oliver Lyon, 1808) Bio.: b. 9 Jul 1777 in North Kingstown, Washington Co., R.I., son of Caleb Bentley (1744-1830) and Nancy (Northrup) Bentley (1755-1825); m. Rhoda Goodrich (1786-1842); Captain, N.Y. State Militia, 1814; d. 26 May 1849; bur. Graceland Cem., Chicago, Ill. William Northrup Bentley was the proprietor of the Columbia Hall hotel at Lebanon Springs, N.Y. and was listed in the Canaan and Lebanon [both now New Lebanon], Columbia Co., N.Y. census from 1800 through 1830. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection as of 2015; Kimballs Auction & Estate Services, Hatfield, Mass., The Sag Harbor Auction (October 3, 2021) Lot 245, sold $35,000+20% (est. $20-60,000); David A. Schorsch & Eileen M. Smiles, Woodbury, Conn. as of 2021. Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly, Vol. LIII, No. 43 (October 22, 2021): p. 53 [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 2023. See Volume 2.

51. Ann DeWitt Bevier (Mrs. Philip Du Bois Bevier, 1762-1834) – Accord, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1820 [H&H]. Mother of Jane Bevier Deyo [q.v.], Esther Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.], and Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress with white bodice, tall ruffled bonnet tied under chin, necklace; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on three books on table, r. hand held in l. hand, white shawl with floral border draped over shoulders and wrapped around arms Bio.: b. 20 Oct 1762 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Capt. Petrus “Peter” DeWitt (17221790) and Rachel (Radcliff) DeWitt (1723-1794); m. 22 Dec 1782 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Philip Dubois Bevier (1751-1802); d. 29 Oct 1834; bur. Old Churchyard at Rochester, Accord, Ulster Co., N.Y. Note: Ann DeWitt Bevier was a wealthy widow who managed diverse business interests and an estate staffed by both slave and free labor. [DRA] Provenance:

By descent to the subject’s dau., Henrietta Cornelia Bevier (Mrs. James Bevier Hasbrouck, 1792-1851); to her dau., Esther Hasbrouck (Mrs. Richard Brodhead Bevier, 1836-1917); to her dau., Mary Bevier (Mrs. Theodore Floyd Bayles, 1870-1943); to her dau., Marthena Bayles (Mrs. Randall C. Bosch, 1903-1963). [DRA] References: Bevier (1916) opp. p. 143 [b&w facsim.]; African American Presence in the Hudson Valley (New Paltz, N.Y.: Historic Huguenot Street, 2007) b&w facsim. in oval vignette. Status: Randall C. Bosch [1905-1977], Holland, Mich. as of 1968. [H&H] Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] H&H: 286, HPF: 62A.17, IAP: 81310272. See Volume 2.

52. Margaret Platt Bockee (1792-1853) – Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H] or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 1829 [DRA]. 30" x 24" Sister-in-law of Samuel Deuel [q.v.] and aunt of Mary Margaret Deuel [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted hair, small temple curls and tall comb, wearing black dress with sheer lace collar, seated facing p.r. in a dark red and gold-stenciled side chair, r. hand draped over chair back, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. [DRA]

Cond.: Original strainer, not relined, restoration to face, neck and hands. Bio.: Dau. of Jacob Smith and Ella (Garth) Bockee. Margaret Platt Bockee was born May 3, 1792. She lived unmarried in the home of her sister, Catharine Bockee Deuel, where she died February 22, 1853. [per Martha Bockée Flint, The Bockée family (Boucquet) 1641-1897 (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.: 1897)]. Bur.: Bockee Wheaton Burying Ground, Shekomenko, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: The subject’s sister and brother-in-law Catharine Bockee Deuel (1798-1869) and Samuel Deuel (1796-1882); to their son and daughter-in-law Phoenix Newton Deuel (1830-1904) and Margaret Amelia Covey Deuel (1846-1939); to their daughter Sarah Sophia Deuel (Mrs. John Edward Richardson, 1872-1968), Poughkeepsie, N.Y., grandniece of the subject as of 1961, 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H]; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; North Star Auction Galleries, Wallkill, N.Y. (September 11, 2004) sold $14,000 to a collector; Butterscotch Auction Gallery LLC, Bedford, N.Y. (July 22, 2018) Lot 25, unsold at $13,000 (est. $20-30,000) References: Poughkeepsie Journal, Vol. 176, No. 259 (April 30, 1961): p. 1-C [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (November 26, 2004): p. 85 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Unsold at auction 2018. CHS: 10, H&H: 193, HPF: 62A.18, IAP: 81310179. See Volume 2.

53. Barbara Moffet Bogardus (Mrs. Joseph Bogardus, 1787-1852) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1843 [H&H]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/4". One of a pair. Wife of Joseph Bogardus [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with pipe curls; wearing dark green dress with embroidered organdy collar and lace cuffs, white bonnet decorated and tied with pale green ribbons; seated facing p.r. in dull-red upholstered armchair (barely seen), r. arm resting on chair arm, dark green shawl wrapped around r. arm and back and held with l. hand in lap. Black background. [DRA] Bio.: b. 11 Aug 1787; m. 20 March 1807 in Wappingers Creek to Joseph Bogardus (1784-1859); d. 4 May 1852 [FARL] Bur.: Fishkill Rural Cem., Fishkill, Dutchess Co , N.Y. (Barbara Moffet Bogardus, age 64). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Clarence J. Conklin, Ardsley-on-Hudson, N.Y.; Fishkill Historical Society, Fishkill, N.Y. (gift of Jesse M.C. Conklin). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1946); Holdridge (1968) p. 39 [b&w facsim.]; The Fishkill Historical Society, Images of America: Around Fishkill, New York (Dover, N.H.: Arcadia, 1996), p. 59 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: Van Wyck Homestead Museum, Fishkill Historical Society, Fishkill, N.Y. On exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 12, H&H: 231*, HPF: 62B.1, IAP: 34420002 and 81310217. See Volume 2.

54. Joseph Bogardus (1784-1859) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1843 [H&H]. 331/2" x 27-3/4" [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Barbara Moffet Bogardus [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "Anti-Bank Democrat " Descr.: Man with brown center-parted hair, swept forward on sides, five-o’clock shadow; wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt and downturned collar, black cravat with small bow; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, both arms resting on chair arms, holding newspaper (see inscription) with both hands. Notes: The Anti-Bank Democrat, pub monthly, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Jan 1842 – Jul. 1843. Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 59, states that the newspaper is dated “June 24, 1843.” This is not corroborated by other sources, and personal examination of the portrait reveals no date. [DRA] Bio.: b. 8 Sep 1784 in Fishkill,

N.Y ; m. 20 March 1807 in Wappingers Creek to Barbara Moffat [sic] (1787-1852); d. 3 Feb 1859 [FARL] Bur.: Fishkill Rural Cem., Fishkill, Dutchess Co , N.Y. (Joseph Bogardus, age 74). Proprietor, Union Hotel, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Clarence J. Conklin, Ardsleyon-Hudson, N.Y.; Fishkill Historical Society, Fishkill, N.Y. (gift of Jesse M.C. Conklin). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1946); Holdridge (1968) p. 33 [b&w facsim.]; The Fishkill Historical Society, Images of America: Around Fishkill, New York (Dover, N.H.: Arcadia, 1996), p. 58 [fullpage b&w facsim.]. Status: Van Wyck Homestead Museum, Fishkill Historical Society, Fishkill, N.Y. On exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 11, H&H: 230*, HPF: 62B.2, IAP: 34420001 and 81310216. See Volume 2.

55. Elizabeth Armstrong Borland (Mrs. Thomas Borland, 1758-1850) –Hamptonburgh or Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1824-1825 [HPF]. 30" x 24" [IAP]. One of a pair. Wife of Thomas Borland [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman with downturned mouth, wearing black dress with white organdy collar; tall ruffled bonnet with white ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in yellow and red bamboopainted side chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.), l. hand holding knitting and needles. Note: Per Florida Portrait Index, the depicted chair was still in the possession of the 1968 owner. Bio : b. 15 Oct 1758 in Orange Co., N.Y., dau. of William Armstrong (1722-1805) and Mary (Carr) Armstrong (1726-1760); m. 1773 to Thomas Borland (1755-1837); d. 20 Apr 1850 in Hamptonburgh, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Thomas Borland. References: "The Florida Portrait Index" (unpublished) compiled by National Society of Colonial Dames, Florida, 1968 (as painter unknown), owner Mandarin, Florida; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1977) Status: Collection of Mrs. Roberta Arrowsmith Mills, Middletown, N.Y. as of 1977. See provenance. HPF: 62B.3. IAP: 74030056.

56. Thomas Borland (1755-1837) – Hamptonburgh or Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1824-1825 [HPF]. 30" x 24" [IAP]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth Armstrong Borland [q.v.]. Descr.: Bald-pated man with white hair on side(s) and birthmark on r. temple, wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with bow in front; seated facing p.l. in yellow and red bamboo-painted side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand gripping top of wooden cane. Note: Per Florida Portrait Index, the depicted chair was still in the possession of the 1968 owner. Bio.: b. 5 Oct 1755 in Orange Co., N.Y., son of Capt. William Borland (1703-1779) and Tabitha (McNeal) Borland (1724-1815); m. 1773 to Elizabeth Armstrong (1758-1850); d. 22 Jan 1837 in Hamptonburgh, Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y. (1820); Hamptonburgh, Orange Co., N.Y. (1830). [DRA] Provenance: From the subject to his adopted son, William Jackson (1786-1860); to his son, Thomas Borland Jackson (1830-1881); to his dau., Dollie Smith Jackson Ayres (Mrs. Frank Boyd Ayres, 1850-1898); to her dau., Gladys Dorothy Ayres Arrowsmith (Mrs. William Walter Weed Arrowsmith, 1898-1981) of Mandarin (Jacksonville), Fla. as of 1968; to her dau., Roberta Arrowsmith Mills (Mrs. Louis Van Orden Mills, 19252006) of Middletown, N.Y. as of 1977. [DRA] References: "The Florida Portrait Index" (unpublished) compiled by National Society of Colonial Dames, Florida, 1968 (as painter unknown), owner Mandarin, Florida; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1977). Status: Collection of Mrs. Roberta Arrowsmith Mills, Middletown, N.Y. as of 1977. See provenance. HPF: 62B.4. IAP: 74030057.

57. Polly Clason Brady (Mrs. Simeon Brady, 1806-1855) – Goldens Bridge, Town of Lewisboro, Westchester Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1836-1838 [HPF] or c. 1838-1840 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/4" [SNY]. Descr.: Middle-aged woman with dark ringlet curls, receding hairline, underbite; wearing black dress with organdy and lace collar, triangular pleated bonnet tied under chin with sheer ribbons hanging down right side; facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table with two black books with gilt spines and edges, r. hand in lap holding closed green book with gilt spine and edges. [DRA] Cond.: Overall fine condition. Relined, restretched, and cleaned. Some minor inpainting in the face, at her collar line and near her left hand, some scattered inpainting in the background and in the pupil of her left eye. [SNY] Bio.: b. 26 Jan 1806 in N.Y., dau. of Enoch Clason (1766-1855) and Mercy (Scofield) Clason (1770-1850); m. Simeon Brady (1777-1863); d. 15 Dec 1855, Goldens Bridge, Westchester Co., N.Y.; bur. Holmes Cem., Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y. Res.: Town of South Salem [later

renamed Lewisboro], Westchester Co., N.Y., 1830; Lewisboro, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850. Note: The Simeon Brady house, built 1827 in Goldens Bridge, is still extant. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family to the estate of Lucy Brady Brown (1903-1979), great-granddaughter of the subject, Goldens Bridge, N.Y.; Cal Smith (d/b/a Bob Smith), Pleasant Valley Auction Hall, Pleasant Valley, N.Y. (May 19, 1979); Jacqueline Loewe Fowler, Stamford, Conn.; Sotheby’s, New York, Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 20, 2018) Lot 1025, sold $5,000+25% (est. $5-7,000) as “Woman Holding a Book” without sitter identification or family provenance. Reference: Antiques (May 1979): p. 862 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection. HPF: 62B.5. See Volume 2.

58. Benjamin Brewster – unknown locale, unknown date. 30" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Mrs. Benjamin Brewster [q.v.]. Note: Believed to be the same as Benjamin Brewster Dorrance [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: See Benjamin Brewster Dorrance. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 62B.6 N.B.: Does not exist as a separate work (see note)

59. Mrs. Benjamin Brewster – unknown locale, unknown date. 30" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Benjamin Brewster [q.v.]. Note: Believed to be the same as Ann Eliza Sloan Dorrance (Mrs. Benjamin Brewster Dorrance) [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: See Eliza Sloan Dorrance. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 62B.7 N.B.: Does not exist as a separate work (see note)

60. Dr. Thomas Brodhead (1764-1830) – Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1821 [DRA]. Inscr. (on letter): "Doctor Thomas Brodhead / Clermont." Descr.: Gentleman with receding gray hair, gray sideburns, dark eyebrows; wearing black jacket with brass buttons, cream vest with stripes and dots, white stock with bow, white pleated and ruffled jabot; seated facing p.r. in painted scroll-arm chair, holding unsealed letter in l. hand (see inscription). Stack of three large, matched volumes on table (possibly Parr’s [London] Medical Dictionary). Bio.: b. 21 Feb 1764; res. Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1800 through 1830; d. 7 Nov 1830; bur. Clermont Cem., Clermont, N.Y. (Æ 66 years, 8 mos., 15 ds.). Physician, N.Y. State Assemblyman, Town Supervisor in Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y Founding vice-president, Columbia County Medical Society. [DRA] Reference: R.H. Blackburn & Associates, Inc., Kinderhook, N.Y. (in relation to offering of Dr. Thomas Brodhead House, Clermont, N.Y., built c. 1795). Status: See reference. See Volume 2.

61. Edward Hiram Bronson (1842-1918) and Henry Theron Bronson (1845-1866), aka Two Young Boys of Winchester, Connecticut, Edward and Henry: A Double Portrait – Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn. [SNY, HPF], c. 1850 [SNY]. 28-3/4" x 37-3/4" [SNY]. Companion to double-portrait of Maria Rachel Bronson and Wilbur M. Bronson [q.v.]. Sons of Theron Bronson [q.v.] and Maria Rachel Munsill Bronson [q.v.].

Descr.: Below waist-length double-portrait of two blond boys wearing green jackets with gold double piping; l. subject with p.l. hand on r. subject's shoulder; r. subject holding a small ornate volume "Picture Multiplier" in p.l. hand. Bio. (Edward H. Bronson): b. 31 Jul 1842, Winchester, Conn.; res. Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850 through 1910, farmer and lumber dealer; d. 1918; bur. Winchester Cem., Winchester Center, Litchfield Co., Conn. Bio. (Henry T. Bronson): b. 1 Jan 1845, Winchester, Conn.; d. 25 Nov. 1866; bur. Winchester Center Cem., Winchester Center, Litchfield Co., Conn. Notes: HPF lists as Edward Hirman Bronson. Lu Lu Picture Multiplier, juvenile verse (Boston: S. Colman, 1833-36 and 184347). [DRA] Ellen E. Potter, A Little Sketch of Earlier Years (1912), wrote: " …Ammi Phillips of Goshen painted the several portraits for Uncle Theron… of Edward and Henry." [SNY] Provenance: Descended in the Bronson family homestead, Winchester, Conn.; with America Hurrah, New York, N.Y. (1979); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 30, 1988) Lot 1495, property of a Connecticut family [full-page color facsim.], sold $155,000+10% (est. $180-220,000). References: Robert Harbison, “Plain Folk,” Art & Antiques (October 1988): p. 108-109 [two-page color facsim.]; Folk Art, Vol. 18, No. 1 (Spring 1993): p. 6 [color facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 73, Fig. 4.9 [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994, 2011. [HPF, JK] HPF: 62B.8. See Volume 2.

62. Maria Rachel Munsill Bronson (Mrs. Theron Bronson, 1819-1898) –Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., c. 1845 [DRA] 35-1/4" x 29" [ACA] One of a pair. Wife of Theron Bronson [q.v.]. Also mother of Edward H. Bronson and Henry T. Bronson [q.v.], and of Wilbur M. Bronson [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with brown centerparted hair in bun, wearing black dress with small lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r. on dark-red upholstered sofa, r. wrist resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small book with index finger marking page. [DRA] Cond.: Relined, inpainting, craquelure. [ACA] Bio.: b. 26 Apr 1819 in Torrington, Litchfield Co., Conn., dau. of Levi Munsill (1773-1833) and Rachel (Marshall) Munsill (1781-1842); m. 7 Jul 1841 in Torrington, Conn. to Theron Bronson (1809-1873); d. 26 Feb 1898; bur. Winchester Center Cem., Winchester Center, Litchfield Co., Conn. Note: Companion to the portrait of Theron Bronson [q.v.], this apparently predates the portrait of Maria Rachel (Munsill) Bronson with her son Wilbur M. Bronson [q.v.]. The resemblance is strong, yet the subject appears significantly younger in this portrait. She is wearing the same brooch in both portraits. One of only two known instances of two Phillips portraits of the same subject painted at different ages. [DRA] Provenance: Steven Mazoh & Co., New York, N.Y.; Alex Cooper Auctioneers, Towson, Md. (November 10, 2018) Lot 912, sold $2,000+23% the pair (est. $4-6,000); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2022) Lot 1 (as Moriah Bronson), sold $1,800+18% the pair (est. $2,5003,500). Status: Sold at auction 2022. See Volume 2.

63. Double Portrait of Maria Rachel M. Bronson (Mrs. Theron Bronson, 1819-1898) and Wilbur M. Bronson (1848-1903) of Winchester, Connecticut, aka Portrait of a Blond-Haired Young Boy in a Green [sic] Costume and his Mother in a Paisley Shawl, aka Mrs. Bronson and Her Son – Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., c. 1852 [DRA]. 35-1/2" x 36" [SNY]. Companion to double-portrait of Edward H. and Henry T. Bronson [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with pulled-back, center-parted brown hair and brown eyes, seated facing p.l., wearing long-sleeved black dress with white lace trim, wrapped in brown paisley shawl, r. hand holding shawl, l. arm around a standing small child with blond parted hair and brown eyes in a blue dress. Bio. (Maria Rachel M. Bronson): See next page. Bio (Wilbur Munsill Bronson): b. 9 Jun 1848 in Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn.; m. 1881 to Susan S. Nash (1858-1929); res. Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850 through 1900, farmer and lumber merchant; d. 19 Jan 1903; bur. Winchester Center Cem., Winchester Center, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the Bronson family homestead, Winchester, Conn.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 28-30, 1988) Lot 1496, sold $28,000+10% (est. $40-60,000); David Schorsch, New York, N.Y.; Jon and Rebecca Zoler, Ridgewood, N.J.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., The American Folk Art Collection of Jon & Rebecca Zoler (January 22, 2005) Sale N08054, Lot 668, unsold (est. $30-50,000); David A. Schorsch & Eileen M. Smiles, Woodbury, Conn.; Collection of Dr. Jane Katcher, Miami, Fla. as of 2011. References: Katcher (2011) p. 72, Pl. 19 [color facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (June 19, 2020): p. 14 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold by David A. Schorsch & Eileen M. Smiles at The Philadelphia Show, May 2020. HPF: 62B.9. See Volume 2.

64. Theron Bronson (1809-1873) – Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., c. 1845 [DRA] 35-1/4" x 29" [ACA]. One of a pair. Husband of Maria Rachel (Munsill) Bronson [q.v.]. Also father of Edward H. Bronson and Henry T. Bronson [q.v.], and of Wilbur M. Bronson [q.v.]. Descr.: Brown-haired man with slight chin dimple, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt and upturned collar, back cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding quill pen, l. hand not shown, thick book “LEDGER” on table. [DRA] Cond.: Relined, inpainting, craquelure. [ACA] Bio.: b. 20 Mar 1809 in Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., son of Isaac A. Bronson (1776-1849) and Elizabeth (Hills) Bronson (17791842); m. 7 Jul 1841 in Torrington, Litchfield Co., Conn. to Maria Rachel Munsill (1819-1898); res. Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850, 1860, 1870 (Farmer & Merchant); d. 26 Jan 1873; bur. Winchester Cem., Winchester Center, Litchfield Co., Conn. Notes: This portrait and its companion (the single portrait of Maria Rachel Munsill Bronson) apparently predate the double-portrait of Maria Rachel Munsill Bronson and Wilbur M. Bronson [q.v.]. [DRA] One of at least three Bronson family portraits, by "Ammi Phillips of

Goshen" which included "Uncle Theron" as per an informal family history written in 1912 by Ellen E. Potter of Winstead, Conn. Portrait unlocated as of 2011. [JK] Provenance: Stephen Mazoh & Co., New York, N.Y.; Alex Cooper Auctioneers, Towson, Md. (November 10, 2018) Lot 912, sold $2,000+23% the pair (est. $4-6,000); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2022) Lot 1, sold $1,800+18% the pair (est. $2,500-3,500). Status: Sold at auction 2022 See Volume 2.

65. Charles Brown (1790-1864) – Salt Point (Town of Pleasant Valley), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1845*. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth (Betsey) Marshall Brown [q.v.]. Inscr.: "…EGRAPH" and "August 13, 1845". Descr.: Middle-aged gentleman with long sideburns, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt with downturned collar, black cravat; facing p.l., r. hand holding newspaper Poughkeepsie Telegraph (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 21 Aug 1790; m. 20 Feb 1816 to Elizabeth Marshall (1799-1852). Res.: Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1840, 1860. Appointed postmaster of Salt Point, N.Y. in 1853. [DRA] Provenance: Catherine Elizabeth Brown (Mrs. William Herrick, 1821-1861), dau. of the subject; William Herrick (1818-1901); to his dau by his 2nd wife, Mary Elizabeth Herrick (Mrs. Louis P. Hasbrouck, 1870-1972); to her son Alfred Hasbrouck (1906-1994) of Salt Point, N.Y. Reference: Pugsley (1976) p. 6, No. 3 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 62B.10. See Volume 2.

66. Elizabeth (Betsey) Marshall Brown (Mrs. Charles Brown, 1799-1852) – Salt Point (Town of Pleasant Valley), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1845*. One of a pair. Wife of Charles Brown [q.v.]. Descr.: Middle-aged woman wearing black dress with small lace collar, small lace cap tied under chin; seated facing p.r. on sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm. Bio.: b. 18 Feb 1799, dau. of Zaccheus Marshall and Abigail (Carpenter) Marshall; m. 20 Feb 1816 to Charles Brown; d. 30 Aug 1852. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subject to Alfred Hasbrouck, Salt Point, N.Y. (see Charles Brown). Reference: Pugsley (1976) p. 7, No. 4 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance HPF: 62B.11. See Volume 2.

67. N.B. Buel (aka Portrait of a Dark Haired and Dark Eyed Gentleman Wearing a Striped Vest and Frilled White Stock and Tie, Portrait of Mr. N.B. Buel) – N.Y.-Mass.-Conn. border [H&H] or Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. (probably) [HPF], c. 1818. 28-1/4" x 24-1/2" [SNY] or 29-1/2" x 24-1/2" [H&H] or 30" x 25" [PAC]. Inscr. (verso, top): "1818", (verso, bottom): "N.B. Buel". [H&H] Descr : Man with unruly hair and long sideburns, dark eyebrows; wearing dark high-collared jacket, white vest with rows of black dots, white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. and glancing p.l., hands not shown. Medium brown background. [DRA] Cond.: Relined on board (as of 2006). Some evidence of repair and inpainting to face. Note: Possibly Napoleon Bonaparte Buell (c. 1800-1848), son of Richard Edgerton/Buell (c. 1760-1819) and Mary (Wilford) Buell (c. 1758-1846) who were residents of Batavia, Genesee Co., N.Y. by 1806; m. Louisa A. (1810-1882); res. Batavia, Genesee Co., N.Y., 1830 (age 20-29), 1840 (age 30-39); d. 15 Feb 1848; bur.: Daw’s Corners Cem., Batavia, Genesee Co., N.Y. (Æ 48). [DRA] Provenance: Joseph del Sorbo, Tenafly, N.J. [1968], purchased in Albany, N.Y.; A Chicago collection; Tom Rawson, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (dealer), offered at $32,000 (1988); Collection of Walter Schwab [1994]; Pettigrew Auction Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. (Saturday, January 13, 1996) Lot 255, unsold (est. $7-9,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y. (June 17, 1998) Lot 1048, sold $7,000+15% est. $12-18,000); unknown owner[s]; Copake Auction, Inc., Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2007) Lot 110, bought-in at $6,100 (est. $6,500-7,500); Copake Auction, Inc., Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2008) Lot 68, sold $9,000+10% (est. $7-9,000). References: Photos, including verso, at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Joseph del Sorbo, 1968); Maine Antique Digest (January 1988): p. 18-D [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (November 1988): p. 21-D [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2008. H&H: 40, HPF: 62B.13, IAP: 81310034. See Volume 2.

68. Amy Chase Bull (Mrs. Isaac Bull, 1747-1835), or Sarah Bull Dorr (Mrs. Joseph Dorr, 1769-1851) – Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1816. 44" x 33" [TRS]. Note: Identified as of 1940 by The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago as Sarah Bull Door [sic]. Currently identified by the Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum & Gardens, Rockford, Ill, as Amy Chase Bull (Mrs. Isaac Bull, mother of Sarah Bull Dorr [q.v.] and Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.]) Descr.: Older woman in black dress with white fischu, white bonnet tied under chin with small black ribbons; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), l. hand in lap, r. arm and hand resting on very large book “Holy Bible” on table. Bio.: Amy Chase Bull, b. 19 Aug 1747 in Quaker Hill [Pawling], Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Seth Chase (1722-1811) and Sarah (Milk) Chase (1725-1756); m. 1766 to Isaac Bull (1746-1837); d. 8 Jan 1835; bur. Baptist Church Cem., Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By apparent descent from Sarah Bull Dorr to her son Josephus Dorr (b. 1799 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., d. 1874 in Rockford, Ill.); to his daughter Mary Dorr (Mrs. John Henry Manny and later Mrs. Robert Hall Tinker, 1829-1901); to her niece Jessie Dorr (Mrs Gye J.C. Hurd and later Mrs. Robert Hall Tinker, 1859-1942), great-great granddaughter of the currently identified subject, as of 1940. [DRA] Exhibited: “Exhibition of American Primitives and Copies of the Bishop Hill Paintings by the Index of American Design,” The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago (April 3 – 30, 1940). Status: Property of Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum & Gardens, Rockford, Ill. See Volume 2.

69. Catharine Helen Miller Bull (Mrs. Daniel Bull, 1764-1841) aka Katherine Miller Bull, aka Katherine Miller Thompson – Thompson Ridge (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. [H&H], 1824*. 30" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Daniel Bull [q.v.] and mother of Hannah Bull Thompson [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing tall bonnet with dark ribbon, small white ribbons tied under chin, dark dress and dark paisley-trimmed shawl over white fischu; facing p.r. with wrists crossed, l. hand holding spectacles. Bio.: b. 25 Sep 1764 in Montgomery, Orange Co , N.Y., dau. of Johannes Adam Miller (1724-1774) and Anna Juliana Weller (1740-1816); m. 17 Jan 1780 in Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. to Daniel Bull (1762-1849); d. 1 Oct 1841; bur. Hopewell Church Cem., Pine Bush, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Known through photographs owned by a descendant, Mrs. Charles Beattie Thompson (1892-1973), great-great-granddaughter of the subject; Location unknown as of 1968; Collection of Mrs. Amy Bull Crist (1906-1995), Middletown, N.Y. as of 1994. Note: This was not offered at Sotheby's in October 2000 along with Daniel Bull [q.v.]. Reference: Elinor B. Bradshaw, “Help Wanted: Lost Bulls,” Antiques (January 1971): p. 111 [reproduction of framed and matted photographs, with inquiry as to whereabouts of the originals] Note: The photographs (possibly ambrotypes), as reproduced in Antiques (1971), are necessarily reversed with respect the originals The reproductions here and in Volume 2 are shown with the same orientation as the original. [DRA] Status: Collection of Mrs. Amy Bull Crist (1906-1995), Middletown, N.Y. as of 1994. H&H: 99, HPF: 62B.15, IAP: 80040784 and 81310088. See Volume 2.

70. Daniel Bull (1762-1849) – Thompson Ridge (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. [H&H], 1824*. 30" x 24" [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Catharine Helen Miller Bull [q.v.]. Father of Hannah Bull Thompson [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): signed "A Phillips" and inscribed "Daniel Bull". [SNY] Descr.: Bust-style portrait of man with grayishwhite hair and widow’s peak, wearing dark-gray jacket and vest, white stock with bow; facing p.l., hands not shown. [DRA] Bio.: b. 11 Aug 1762 in Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y., son of Thomas Bull (1727-1801) and Mary (Carr) Bull (1727-1786); m. 17 Jan 1780 in Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. to Catharine Helen Miller (1764-1841); d. 14 Nov 1849 in Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y.; bur. Hopewell Church Cem., Pine Bush (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Known through photographs owned by a descendant, Mrs. Charles Beattie Thompson (1892-1973), great-great-granddaughter of the subject; Location unknown as of 1968; Collection of Mrs. Amy Bull Crist (1906-1995), Middletown, N.Y. as of 1994; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 7521 (October 13, 2000) Lot 30, unsold (est. $85100,000). Reference: Elinor B. Bradshaw, “Help Wanted: Lost Bulls,” Antiques (January 1971): p. 111 [reproduction of framed and matted photographs, with inquiry as to whereabouts of the originals]. Status:

Unsold at auction 2000. See provenance. H&H: 98, HPF: 62B.14, IAP: 80040783 and 81310087. See Volume 2.

71. Esther Patrick Burtch (Mrs. Luman Burtch, 1779-1866), aka Unknown Clergyman's Wife – Bangall (Town of Stanford), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 18401850 [CAP] or 1837* or c. 1837 [HPF]. 31-1/2" x 26-3/4" (sight, HPF) or 32" x 27".

One of a pair. Wife of Luman Burtch [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress, black shawl with colorful embroidered edge over white fischu, ruffled bonnet with ribbons tied under chin and hanging down on l. front; seated (chair not shown) facing and leaning p.r. with r. arm resting on table, l. hand in lap holding small red book. Bio.: b. 22 Mar 1779, dau. of John W. Patrick (1741-1822) and Jemima (Tyler) Patrick (c. 1748-1827); d 30 Oct 1866; bur. Bangall Baptist Church Cem. No. 2, Bangall, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Age 87 year 7 mo 8 da). Provenance: Hung for many years in the First Stanford (Baptist) Church, Bangall, N.Y., from which transferred by its last pastor, Rev. Earle Clark; Mrs. Roswell H. (Sue) Whitman, Washington, D.C., whose mother obtained the portrait [pair] from The Thimble Club of the Netherwood Baptist Church, Salt Point, N.Y. [1974]; Collection of the Roswell H. Whitman family [1994]. Note: Cataloged in 1974 as “Unknown Clergyman’s Wife,” owner Mrs. Roswell H. Whitman, Washington, D.C. [IAP]. References: Sue Whitman, “On Finding a Folk Art Treasure,” Year Book: Dutchess County Historical Society, Vol. 59 (1974): pp. 76-83 [b&w facsims. pp. 81-82]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 43, Pl. XLII [color facsim.]. Exhibits: See Luman Burtch. Status: Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts. Accession number: L146.78.2/2 (or EL.2001.2.2). On extended loan from the Roswell H. Whitman family (John R. Whitman). Not in museum catalog as of 2015. [DRA] HPF: 62B.16, IAP: 93000024. See Volume 2.

72. Luman Burtch (1777-1858), aka Elder Luman Burtch, aka Unknown Clergyman – Bangall (Town of Stanford), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1840-1850 [CAP] or 1837* or c. 1837 [HPF]. 31-1/2" x 26-3/4" (sight, HPF) or 32" x 27". One of a pair. Husband of Esther Patrick Burtch [q.v.]. Inscr. (frame, faint paint): "Luman Burtch Aged 60 years and 5 months". [HPF] Descr.: Man with thinning gray hair, wearing high-collared black jacket with pointed shoulders, white stock without bow; facing p.l. with l. arm resting on large book “Holy Bible” on table, r. hand holding small red book with spine up. Bio.: b. 19 Feb 1777 in Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Jeremiah Burtch (1749-1835) and Martha (Pringle) Burtch; d. 17 Nov 1858; bur. Bangall Baptist Church Cem. No. 2, Bangall, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Age 81 year 8 mo 26 da). Res.: Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830; Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850 (Baptist clergyman). Note: Elder Luman Burtch officiated at the marriage of Ammi Phillips to Jane Caulkins on 15 Jul 1830. [DRA] Provenance: Hung for many years in the First Stanford (Baptist) Church, Bangall, N.Y., from which transferred by its last pastor, Rev. Earle Clark; Mrs. Roswell H. (Sue) Whitman, Washington, D.C., whose mother obtained the portrait [pair] from The Thimble Club of the Netherwood Baptist Church, Salt Point, N.Y. [1974]; Collection of the Roswell H. Whitman family [1994]. Note: Cataloged in 1974 as “Unknown Clergyman,” owner Mrs. Roswell H. Whitman, Washington, D.C. [IAP]. References: Sue Whitman, “On Finding a Folk Art Treasure,” Year Book: Dutchess County Historical Society, Vol. 59 (1974): pp. 76-83 [b&w facsims. p. 83]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 43, Pl. XLI [color facsim.]. Exhibits: Corcoran Gallery of Art (August 1974 to 1978), Washington, DC; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (1978-2001), Richmond, Virginia; Museum of American Folk Art (5 February to 17 April 1994), New York; San Diego Museum of Art (9 July to 4 September 1994), San Diego, Cal.; Terra Museum of American Art (8 October to 31 December 1994), Chicago, Illinois; and the Davis Art Museum (30 March 2001 to present), Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Status: Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Accession number: L146.78.1/2. On extended loan from the Roswell H. Whitman family (John R. Whitman). Not in museum catalog as of 2015 [DRA] HPF: 62B.17, IAP: 93000023. See Volume 2.

73. Abraham Burton (1794-1864) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 1835-1838 [HPF]. 31-1/2" x 26-3/4" [H&H] or 32" x 27" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Celia B. Sayrs Burton [q.v.]. Oil on bed ticking. [HPF] Inscr. (on letter): "Abram Burton / Amenia, New York". [H&H] Descr.: Curly-haired man wearing high-collared black jacket, white shirt, upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding letter (see inscription) with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 15 Mar 1794, son of Daniel Burton (1762-1816) and Phebe (unknown) Burton (1770-1843); m. 7 Sep 1823 to Miss Celia B. Sayrs of Washington [Dutchess Co., N.Y.]; d. 19 Mar 1864; bur. South Amenia Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830; Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850; Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1860. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Webster, Chevy Chase, Md. [1964]; Adams, Davidson & Company, Washington, D.C. as of 1965 [CHS]; John Gordon, New York, N.Y. (dealer) as of 1968 [H&H]. Reference: Antiques (January 1968): p. 72 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 15, H&H: 206, HPF: 62B.18, IAP: 81310192. See Volume 2.

74. Celia B. Sayrs Burton (Mrs. Abraham Burton, 1803-1889) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 1835-1838 [HPF]. 32" x 26-3/4". One of a pair. Wife of Abraham Burton [q.v.]. Oil on striped bed ticking. Inscr. (on book): "Common Prayer". [HPF] Descr.: Narrow-faced woman wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, wide embroidered organdy collar, large ruffled bonnet with wide ribbons tied on p.l. side, small brooch; seated facing p.r., r. arm resting on table with book, l hand in lap holding small closed book (see inscription). Bio.: b. 20 Dec 1803 in Washington, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of John Sayrs and Celia B. (unknown) Sayrs; m. 7 Sep 1823 to Abraham Burton of Amenia, N.Y.; d. 17 Nov 1889; bur. South Amenia Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Webster, Chevy Chase, Md. [1964]; Adams, Davidson & Company, Washington, D.C. as of 1965 [CHS]; John Gordon, New York, N.Y. as of 1968 [H&H]. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 126 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (January 1968): p. 72 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 16, H&H: 207, HPF: 63A.1, IAP: 81310193. See Volume 2.

75. Anna Shuler Cady (Mrs. David Cady, 1768-1851) – Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. or Florida, Montgomery Co., N.Y., c 1823 [DRA]. Descr.: Light-brown eyes, white cap trimmed with a black ribbon. Black dress, white kerchief. Gold rings and necklace. Dull rose pink sofa studded with brass nails. The wooden back of the sofa is dark brown decorated with black and white. The subject holds a calf-bound book with gilt edge leaves, gold tooling and scarlet title label. Dark gray background. [FARL] Note: The subject appears to occupy the same sofa depicted in the portraits of Rev. Winslow Paige [q.v.] and Clarissa Keyes Paige [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 18 Nov 1763 in Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y., dau. of Lawrence (or Lorentz) Shuler and Sarah (Der Baes) Shuler; m. 4 Nov 1784 to David Cady (1754-1818), son of Dr. Aaron Cady and Anna (Palmer) Cady; d. 18 Nov 1851; bur. Florida Reformed Church Cem., Minaville, Town of Florida, Montgomery Co., N.Y. Note: David Cady (1794-1839), son of David Cady and Anna Shuler Cady, was married in 1815 to Maria Cassandra Paige (1794-1873), dau. of Rev. Winslow Paige [q.v.] and Clarissa Keyes Paige [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Sarah Cady (Mrs. George Smith, 1778-1818), dau. of the subject; to her son David Cady Smith (1813-1908); to his son Gerardus Smith (1857-1920); to his dau. Anna Cady Smith (Mrs. John E.N. Hume, 1888-1975), Schenectady, N Y as of 1937. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]. Note: An apparent 19th or early 20th century copy of this portrait was sold by Susanin’s Auctions, Chicago, Ill. (September 20, 2014) Lot 6093 as “Portrait of a Lady.” [DRA] Status: Location unknown (see provenance). See Volume 2. N.B.: Uncertain attribution.

76. Archibald Campbell (1769-1847) – Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1837*. 32" x 27".

One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth Mitchell Campbell [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "SPECTATOR / JUNE 5, 1837". Descr.: White-haired gentleman with prominent nose, wearing black jacket with tall collar, black vest, white stock tied in front, upturned collar, facing p.l. with l. arm draped over painted side chair back, r. hand with upturned fingers, holding newspaper (see inscription) between hands. Note: The masthead typography corresponds to the New-York Spectator (pub. 1804-67). Bio.: b. 7 Mar 1769 in Pawling, N.Y., son of loyalist Capt. Archibald Campbell (17351777) and Jane Munroe (later Mrs. Moses Bowdy); m. 15 Jun 1792 in Pawling, N.Y. to Elizabeth Mitchell (1776-1859); d 18 Jan 1847; bur. Campbell Burial Ground, Hurd Corners, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Subject was sent to England after his father's death in the Revolutionary War, returning to Pawling by 1791. Store and tavern owner, postmaster. Provenance: By descent from the subject’s son, Duncan Campbell (1806-1892); to his son, Henry Livingston Campbell (1829-1894); to his daughter, Ada Ferris Campbell (Mrs. Isaac Reynolds Adriance, 1856-1943); to her daughter, Marion Campbell Adriance (Mrs. Edgar Voorhees Anderson, 1888-1976); to her daughter, Adrienne Campbell Anderson (Mrs. John Wallace McCalley, 1921-2018) of Nantucket, Mass. [DRA] Status: The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (Gift of Adrienne Anderson McCalley). Accession Number: 1991.36.1. HPF: 63A.2. See Volume 2.

77. Elizabeth Mitchell Campbell (Mrs. Archibald Campbell, 1776-1859) – Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1837*. One of a pair. Wife of Archibald Campbell [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing black dress, dark green shawl over white fischu, ruffled bonnet tied under chin with long black ribbons; seated facing p.r. in scroll-arm chair, both arms resting on chair arms, l. hand with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 1 Aug 1776 in Manhasset, Nassau Co. [then Hempstead, Queens Co.], N.Y., dau. of Thomas Mitchell (1739-1804) and Eustatia (Clements) Mitchell (1740-1827); m. 15 Jun 1792 in Pawling, N.Y. to Archibald Campbell (1769-1847); d. 27 Jan 1859; bur. Campbell Burial Ground, Hurd Corners, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Provenance: By descent from the subject’s daughter, Catharine Roselinda Campbell (Mrs. Benjamin Haxtun Vanderburgh, 1814-1897); to her daughter, Elizabeth Campbell Vanderburgh (Mrs. William J. Merwin, 1846-1925); to her son, William J. Merwin, Jr. (1876-1967); to his daughter, Marjorie Gray Merwin (Mrs. Keeva Weingarten, 1924-2019) of Syracuse, N.Y. [DRA] Status: Mrs. M. Gray Weingarten as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 63A.3. See Volume 2.

78. Harriet Campbell (later Mrs. Marinus Gilbert Fairchild, 1808-1881) – Albany, N.Y. area, probably [H&H] or Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1815. 48-1/2" x 25" Descr.: Full-length portrait of a young girl with blonde curls; wearing pink Empire-waisted dress, single-strand pearl necklace, tan shoe(s) with white bow; standing facing p.r., holding green parasol and red and green reticule with gold decoration. Painted directly on pale ground. [DRA] Cond.: Several punctures, losses, and tears, paint soiled and brittle. Subsequently conserved by Thornton Rockwell of Wadsworth Atheneum, circa 1965. [per Carpenter, 1990]. Bio.: b. circa 1808, dau. of Judge John Campbell and Polly (Walker) Campbell of Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y.; m. 1836 to Marinus Gilbert Fairchild (1811-1887) who later became Surrogate and District Attorney in Washington County; d. 4 Dec 1881 in Salem, Washington Co., N.Y. Res.: Salem, Washington Co., N.Y., 1850 (age 42). [DRA] Provenance: The dau. of the subject, Sarah L Fairchild Anderson (Mrs. David A. Anderson, 1847-1937), North Adams, Mass.; rescued from to-be-discarded items from her estate by a friend, Carrie F. Eldridge (Mrs. Albert G. Eldridge), North Adams, Mass. in 1937; to her son, Oliver F. Eldridge, Canaan, Conn. as of 1965; Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass. (Gift of Oliver Eldridge in memory of Sarah Fairchild Anderson, teacher of art, North Adams Public Schools, daughter of Harriet Campbell, 1991). Note: The Clark Art Institute collection includes an early 19th C. green silk and red leather reticule with gold decoration, acquired 2018, identical to the one in the portrait. [DRA] References: Papers of Mary Childs Black, Winterthur Library (Folder 5); Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 125 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Holdridge (1968) p. 23 [b&w facsim.]; Carpenter, Berkshires Week (May 25, 1990): p. 11 [b&w facsim.]; Heslip (1990) p. 59 [color

facsim.]; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 271, Pl. VIII [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 29, Pl. IX [color facsim.]; Hollander (2008) p. 21 [color facsim.]; Stebbins (2015) p. 400 [color facsim.]. Status: Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass. (acquired 1991). Accession number: 1991.8. CHS: 17, H&H: 24*, HPF: 63A.4, IAP: 70580172 and 81310024. See Volume 2.

79. Jane Ann Campbell (1817-1840) – Schodack, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1822 [MCB], c. 1820 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 26" [HPF]. Dau. of Samuel Robert Campbell [q.v.] and Sarah Mynderse Campbell [q.v.]. Descr.: Child with light brown hair, wearing orange dress with overall pattern, embroidered trim, ruffled white collar, red shoes, double-strand pearl necklace, tall comb; seated facing p.r. on patterned and fringed footstool, holding doll in lap (doll with embroidered white dress and pearl necklace with jet and gold pendant) Patterned floor covering Red drapery in u.l. and l. side. Bio.: b. 30 Mar 1817; bapt. 8 Jun 1817, Reformed Protestant Dutch Ch., Greenbush, N.Y.; d. 22 Aug 1840, Schodack, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Provenance: By family descent to the subject’s greatgrandniece, Eugenia Potts Lester (Mrs. Dennis D. McCrary, 1929-2010). [DRA] References: Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 8 [b&w facsim., back cover], collection of Mr. Campbell McCrary; Heslip (1990) p. 60-61 [color facsim.]; Heslip, Antiques (October 1990): pp. 760-761 [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 270, Pl. VII [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 35, Pl. XXI [full-page color facsim.]. Exhibited: “Small Folk: A Celebration of Childhood in America,” Museum of American Folk Art, New York, N.Y. (December 12, 1980 – February 1, 1981). Not included in accompanying book. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 63A.5, IAP: 80046695. See Volume 2.

80. Samuel Robert Campbell (1775-1843) – Schodack, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1822 [MCB], c. 1820 [HPF]. 29" x 23-1/2" [HPF]. Husband of Sarah Mynderse Campbell [q.v.] and father of Jane Ann Campbell [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired man with widow’s peak and bushy sideburns; wearing black jacket, white vest, white jabot, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in red and yellow paint-decorated scrollarm chair, r. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 11 Jul 1775 in Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N.Y., son of Robert Campbell (1735-1777) and Margaret (Shannon) Campbell (1741-1816); m. 20 Oct 1812 to Sarah Mynderse (1787-1833); d. 14 Dec 1843; bur. East Greenbush Cem., Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Res.: Schodack, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1840 [DRA] Provenance: See Jane Ann Campbell. References: Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 6 [not illus.], collection of Mr. Campbell McCrary; Black, ARTnews (April 1976): p. 88 [b&w facsim.], collection of Campbell McCrary; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 267, Pl. III [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 34, Pl. XIX [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 63A.6, IAP: 80046694. See Volume 2.

81. Sarah Mynderse Campbell (Mrs. Samuel Robert Campbell, 1787-1833) –Schodack, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1822 [MCB], c. 1820 [HPF]. 29" x 23-1/2" [HPF]. Wife of Samuel Robert Campbell [q.v.] and mother of Jane Ann Campbell [q.v.]. Inscr. (book): “Psalm / Hymns". Descr.: Woman with hair in bun with tall comb; wearing black dress with large white two-layer ruffled collar, jet necklace and earrings; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, l. hand cupped over closed book (see inscription), r. hand with downturned fingers. Red drapery in u.l. and l. side. Bio.: b. 27 Oct 1787 in Schenectady, N.Y., dau. of Barent Mynderse (1747-1815) and Jannetje (Van Vranken) Mynderse (1739-1816); m. 20 Oct 1812 to Samuel R. Campbell (17751843); d. 11 Feb 1833 in Schodack, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.; bur. Nassau-Schodack Cem., Nassau, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Jane Ann Campbell. References: Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 7 [not illus.], collection of Mr. Campbell McCrary; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 267, Pl. II [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 34, Pl. XX [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 63A.7, IAP: 80046693. See Volume 2.

82. Eunice Mann Capron (Mrs. Seth Capron, 1767-1852) – Walden, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c.1823 [CAP] or c. 1830 [DRA]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Seth Capron [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman, facing p.r., wearing a black dress and elaborate bonnet with long ribbons tied under chin; seated on a red sofa with brass tacks; r. arm resting on sofa arm with hand pointing down; l. hand in lap holding a small red book with thumb marking page. Bio.: b. 9 Jan 1776 in Attleboro, Bristol Co., Mass., dau. of Dr. Bezaleel Mann (1725-1796) and Bebe (Carpenter) Mann (1731-1793); m. 9 Sep 1790 in Attleboro, Mass. to Seth Capron (1762-1835); d. 9 Feb 1852 in Alden, McHenry Co., Ill.; bur. Green Ridge Cem., Kenosha, Wis. [DRA] Status: Janet and Richard H. Shay, Rancho Mirage, Cal. CAP: VA990146 See Volume 2.

83. Dr. Seth Capron (1762-1835) – Walden, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c.1823 [CAP] or c. 1830 [DRA]. One of a pair. Husband of Eunice Mann Capron [q.v.]. Descr.: Darkhaired gentleman facing p.l.; wearing a black jacket and white stock tied in bow, l. hand resting on pillow-back side chair, two small books by r. arm, r. hand holding a folded newspaper "NILES WEEKLY REGISTER" [pub. 1811-36]. Bio.: b. 23 Sep 1762 in Attleboro, Bristol Co., Mass., son of Elisha Capron (1737-1808) and Abigail (Makepeace) Capron (1741-1832); m. 9 Sep 1790 in Attleboro, Mass. to Eunice Mann (1767-1852); d. 4 Sep 1835; bur. Wallkill Valley Cem., Walden (Town of Montgomery), Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y., 1830. Note: Dr. Seth Capron established a cotton mill in Oneida Co., N.Y. in 1820 and moved to Walden, Orange Co., N.Y. in 1823. [DRA] Status: Janet and Richard H. Shay, Rancho Mirage, Cal. CAP: VA990145. See Volume 2.

84. Three Children of Henry Joslen Carter of Stockbridge: Anna Electa Carter (1845-1929), John Calvin Calhoun Carter (18461937) and Mary Adele Carter (1856-1948) – Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H, HPF], 1860* [H&H] or c. 1860-1861 [HPF]. 28-3/4" x 37-1/2" [HAG]. Note: Only known triple portrait by Phillips. [H&H] Grandchildren of Thomas Carter [q.v.]. Nieces and nephew of Edward Church Carter [q.v.]. Cousins of Florence Maria Carter [q.v.]. Descr.: Three rosy-cheeked children. Girl on l. in light-blue short-sleeved dress with white lace trim, bird (goldfinch) perched on r. index finger, l. hand not shown. Younger girl in c. in pink short-sleeved dress with white lace trim, l. hand holding small white flower, r. hand plucking strawberry. Boy on r. in dark suit and white collar, l. hand holding spray of strawberries, r. hand on younger girl's r. shoulder. Note: Mary Adele Carter (1856-1948) was probably the last living subject of an Ammi Phillips portrait. [DRA] Provenance: Henry Joslen Carter (1808-1896), Stockbridge, Mass ; to his son, John Calvin Calhoun Carter (1846-1937), Stockbridge, Mass ; to his dau., Grace Evelyn Carter (Mrs. Arthur A. Richardson, 1897-1972), Stockbridge, Mass as of 1965; by descent to the consignor as of 2010; Heritage Auction Galleries, Dallas, Texas, Signature Fine American & European Art, Auction #5057 (November 10, 2010) Lot 64068, unsold (est. $60-80,000); American Folk Art Museum, 2012 gift of Cynthia K. Easterling in honor of [her grandmother] Grace E. Carter. Reference: Barbara Cohen and Larry Holdridge, "Found: A Berkshire Old Master," The Berkshire Eagle (August 29, 1959): p. 10A [b&w facsim.]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 2012.5.1. CHS: 18, H&H: 265, HPF: 63A.11, IAP: 81310251. See Volume 2.

85. Edward Church Carter (1821-1854), aka Man with Chin Beard in a Napoleonic Pose, aka Dark Haired Rosy Cheeked Gentleman – Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], 1860* [H&H] or c. 1860-1861 [HPF]. 33" x 27" [SNY] or 33-1/4" x 27-1/4" [DNY]. Son of Thomas Carter [q.v.], uncle of Three Children of Henry Joslen Carter [q.v.] and Florence Maria Carter [q.v.]. Descr.: Full-faced, darkhaired, younger gentleman with chin beard, receding hairline; wearing black jacket and vest, black tie, pleated white shirt; facing p.l. with r. hand inside jacket and l. hand draped over very dark chair back. Cond.: Appears to be on original stretchers. [SNY] Craquelure throughout. Canvas has been restretched. Touches of inpaint in r. hand. Uneven varnish layer; possibly selectively cleaned varnish with traces of residue primarily in the

face and outlining the hand. [DNY] Notes: Probably painted from daguerreotype. [H&H] Also known as “Man with chin beard in a Napoleonic pose” or “Portrait of a dark haired, rosy cheeked gentleman.” Bio.: b. 22 Jul 1821 in Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Thomas Carter (1777-1863) and Anna (Joslyn) Carter (1780-1847); d. 7 Feb 1854; bur. Stockbridge Cem., Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to the subject’s great-niece, Grace Evelyn Carter (Mrs. Arthur A. Richardson, 1897-1972), Stockbridge, Mass. as of 1965; reportedly sold by her dau. to a dealer (possibly Peter Tillou) after 1972; Litchfield Auction Gallery (November 29-30, 1986) as “Portrait of a Man, ca. 1850 (authentication by Peter Tillou), discovered in a Conn. attic.”, sold $4,500 [n.g. check]; Litchfield Auction Gallery (January 27, 1987) sold $2,400; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 7329 (June 17, 1999) Lot 130 [b&w facsim.], as unidentified, sold $4,500+15% (est. $7-10,000); property of Robert E. Schmidt, New York; Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts (April 1, 2015) Lot 9, as unidentified, unsold (est. $3-5,000). Reference: Antiques & The Arts Weekly (Nov. 21, 1986): p. 4 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Unsold at auction 2015. CHS: 19, H&H: 266, HPF: 63A.8, IAP: 81310252. See Volume 2.

86. Florence Maria Carter (1859-1905), aka Child in Yellow Holding a Shoe –Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], 1860* [H&H] or c. 1860-1861 [HPF]. 331/4" x 27-3/8" [HPF] or 30" x 25" [NEA] or 33-1/4" x 27-1/4" [CNY]. Granddaughter of Thomas Carter [q.v.], niece of Edward Church Carter [q.v.] and cousin of Three Children of Henry Joslen Carter [q.v.]. Descr.: Young dark-haired child in shortsleeved yellow dress with wide neckline; sitting facing p.l. on patterned floor covering, one sock and shoe on, one shoe held in l. hand, r. hand on knee; apple and sock (incorrectly described as book in HPF) on floor. Oval vignette. [DRA] Note: Sitter is youngest dau. of Frederick William Carter, younger brother of Henry Joslen Carter. [CHS] Bio.: b. 4 Feb 1859 in Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., dau. of Frederick William Carter (1815-1881) and Sarah Maria (Tuller) Carter (1820-1887); d. 11 Mar 1905 in Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pa.; bur. Stockbridge Cem., Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. Teacher at Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 1882-1905. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Grace Evelyn Carter (Mrs. Arthur A. Richardson, 1897-1972), Stockbridge, Mass. as of 1965; sold by her dau. to Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. (dealer); by whom sold to Adrienne and Dr. Edward Hoffman, Baltimore, Maryland; by whom consigned to Northeast Auctions, Hampton, N.H. (November 6-7, 1993) Lot 678 as “Child in Yellow Holding a Shoe”, sold $13,000+10% (est. $10-15,000); Collection of Leonard and Jacquelyn Balish, Englewood, N.J. as of 1993; reportedly sold to Lundy and Mary Wright, Wyckoff, N.J. in 2001 for $30,000; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 2815 (January 24, 2014) Lot 250 [color facsim.], unsold (est. $30-50,000). Status: Unsold at auction 2014. See provenance. CHS: 20, H&H: 267, HPF: 63A.9, IAP: 81310253. See Volume 2.

87. Thomas Carter (1777-1863) – Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], 1860* [H&H] or c. 1860-1861 [HPF]. Father of Edward Church Carter [q.v.]. Grandfather of Three Children of Henry Joslen Carter [q.v.] and Florence Maria Carter [q.v.]. Descr.: Elderly white-haired gentleman wearing black coat and vest, white shirt with upturned collar and black bow tie; seated in armchair facing/leaning p.l., with l. elbow resting on chair arm and l. hand to face, r. arm resting on chair arm with r. hand holding handkerchief. Bio.: b. 23 Aug 1777 in Warren, Litchfield Co., Conn., son of Benoni Carter (1745-1812) and Anna (Comstock) Carter (1750-1814); m. 13 Apr 1800 in Salisbury, Conn. to Anna Joslyn (1780-1847), dau. of Darius Joslyn and Sybil (Herrick) Joslyn; d. 25 Aug 1863; bur. Stockbridge Cem., Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Grace Evelyn Carter (Mrs. Arthur A. Richardson, 1897-1972), Stockbridge, Mass. as of 1965; reportedly sold by her dau. to a dealer (possibly Peter Tillou). Reference: Photo courtesy Stockbridge Library Association, Stockbridge, Mass. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 21, H&H: 268, HPF: 63A.10, IAP: 81310254. See Volume 2.

88. Ebenezer Chadwick (1797-1876) – Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. [CLF] or New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], 1850-1860 [CLF] or c. 1860 [CHS, H&H]. 33" x 27" [CLF] or 33-1/2" x 29-1/2" [SNY]. Cond.: Untouched condition. [CLF] Descr.: Gentleman with long, graying sideburns, wearing black jacket and vest, black bowtie, white pleated shirt with upturned collar; seated facing p.l., in red upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand not shown. Slight diagonal elongation and diagonally offset eyes. Bio.: b. 12 Mar 1797, Tyringham, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Ebenezer Chadwick (1753-1825) and Huldah (Orton) Chadwick (1755-1816); m. Mary Ann Buell (1810-1895); d. 15 Apr 1876; bur. Mahaiwe Cem., Great Barrington, Mass. Res.: Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1850 - 1870 (farmer). [DRA] Note: Family owned the Crissey Farm, presently the Coffman's Antique Center at the Jenifer House Commons. [CLF] Provenance: By descent to Miss Edith Crissey (1888-1977), Great Barrington, Mass., great-grandniece of the subject, as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, N.Y., Sale 4116 (April 27-29, 1978) Lot 567, unsold; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Charles L. Flint Antiques, Inc., Lenox, Mass. as of 2003, 2008. Status: Private collection as of 2022. CHS: 22, H&H: 271, HPF: 63A.12, IAP: 61518204 and 81310257. See Volume 2.

89. Catherine Couenhoven Clark (Mrs. Zephaniah Clark, 1800-1835) – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1820-1826 [HPF] or c. 1819-1820 [DRA]. 31-1/2" x 247/8" [HPF]. Descr.: Young woman with curly hair and tall tortoiseshell comb, wearing white Empire-waisted dress with two-layer embroidered and ruffled collar, gold and jet necklace with jet pendant, matching earring(s); seated facing p.l. in chair covered by red shawl with embroidered and fringed edge, r. hand in lap clutching shawl, l. arm extended. Folded red drapery in u.r. corner and r. side. Medium neutral background. Bio.: b. 28 May 1800, dau. of Henry Couenhoven (1767-1814) and Catherine (Weldon) Couenhoven (1770-1810); m. 22 Dec 1819 in Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. to Zephaniah Clark, Esq. (1794-1888), Troy newspaper publisher; d. 30 Jul 1835; bur. Old Ida Hill Cem., Troy, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the family to the subject’s great-great-grandson, Nathan Kernan, New York, N.Y. as of 1994. Reference: Morris and Kernan, Journal of the Clark Art Institute, Vol. 18 (2017): p. 9 [full-page color facsim.] Exhibited: The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Mass. (2017) Status: Collection of Nathan Kernan and Thomas Whitridge as of 2017. HPF: 63A.13. See Volume 2.

90. Mrs. Cobb, aka Lady with Ruffled Muslin Bonnet – unknown locale, c. 1825 [H&H] or c. 1828 [HPF]. 31-1/4" x 25-1/2" [HPF]. Descr.: Woman in black dress with organdy collar and ruffled bonnet with two long ribbons tied under chin, facing p.r., glancing p.l., leaning slightly with r. arm resting on a table with two books, r. hand held in l. hand. Note: Listed as two separate portraits in HPF (1994). The Bishop reference (1975) matches the name and description of "Mrs. Cobb", and the owner matches the H&H (1968) ownership and the 1994 auction record and provenance for "Lady with Ruffled Muslin Bonnet". We have no doubt that these are the same work. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Simmons II, Grosse Pointe, Michigan (1968, 1975), curator of Henry Ford Museum and Deerfield Village; Collection disbursed by Frank H. Boos Gallery, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, The Walter E. Simmons II Collection of Fine Americana, (February 13, 1994) Lot 550, sold $20,000+10% (est. $20,000). References: Gerald G. Gibson, “Living with antiques: The Grosse Pointe home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Simmons,” Antiques (June 1965): p. 717 [b&w facsim., in situ]; Bishop (1975) p. 63, no. 38 [b&w facsim.]; New England Antiques Journal (October 1986) incorrectly identified as Mrs. Horace Austin (Collection of Gary Davenport). Exhibited: The University of Michigan Museum of Art, November 14, 1976 – January 16, 1977. Status: Sold at auction 1994. H&H: 111, HPF: 63A.14 and 77B.17, IAP: 81310100 and 84030018. See Volume 2.

91. William Cockburn (1798-1838) – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 [DRA]. Descr.:

Handsome young gentleman with dark hair and eyebrows, wearing dark jacket, possibly with suede lapels, light-colored vest, high white stock without bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.r. in grain-painted armchair, l. hand cupped over a closed book held diagonally. Bio.: b. 15 Sep 1798 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., son of William Cockburn (1746-1810) and Catharina (Trumpbour) Cockburn (1743-1820); m. Anna Gardenier (later Mrs. Nicholas F. Sickles, 1798-1888); res. Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. (1830); d. 3 Feb 1838 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. (William Cockburn, Esq., in the 40th year of his age); bur. Wiltwyck Cem., Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. (William Cockburn, Esq., Counsellor at Law). Note: A very similar portrait of William Cockburn, attributed to John Vanderlyn (1775-1852), is in the ownership of the Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. The poses are the same, down to the positioning of the fingertips. This leads to the speculation that either Ammi Phillips copied the John Vanderlyn portrait, or Vanderlyn executed an academic version of the Phillips portrait. The John Vanderlyn version (see Volume 2 Addenda) omits Phillips’s characteristic grain-painted chair and substitutes a black stock, not in fashion until the 1830’s, which suggests the latter. The subject portrait is cataloged by FARL as attributed to Nicolas Vanderlyn (1773-) with alternate attribution to Ammi Phillips as of 1966. [DRA] Provenance: Members of the Cole family of Hurley, who were cousins of the father of Judge G.D.B. Hasbrouck; given by them to Judge Hasbrouck, Kingston, New York; by 1949, his daughter, Mrs. G. Wallace Codwise [1887-1969], Kingston, New York. [FARL] Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Pennington Studio, Kingston, N.Y.]. Status: Location unknown. See Provenance. See Volume 2.

92. Isaac Cocks (1803-1870), aka Captain Isaac Cox – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn.Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H] or Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1836 [H&H]. 32" x 27". One of a pair. Husband of Martha Van Duzer Cocks [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with medium-brown hair parted on p.r. side, chin dimple, wearing high-collared black jacket with pointed shoulders, black vest, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in black and stencil-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding an unsealed letter. Medium brown background. [DRA] Cond.: Both paintings in their original mahogany and gilt frames. Notes: Captain Cox is said to have been an owner of packet boats on the Hudson River. [SNY] Bio.: Isaac Cocks (also recorded as Isaac Cox), b. 23 Jan 1803 in N.Y.; m. (1st) 15 Dec 1827 to Martha Van Duzer (1806-1846); m. (2nd) 20 Nov 1848 to Catherine Van Duzer (1793-1875), older sister of Martha Van Duzer; d. 15 Feb 1870 in Cornwall, Orange Co., N.Y.; bur. Pleasant Hill Cem., Mountainville, Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850 (Freighting); Cornwall, Orange Co., N.Y., 1860, 1865 (Farmer). [DRA] After his marriage, in company with his brother-in-law, Samuel G. Purdy, he went into a general country store business at Canterbury, Orange Co.; from thence they went to Eddyville, Ulster Co., where Purdy withdrew and Isaac conducted a lumber and freighting business between that point and New York by a line of sloops, until about 1854-55 when he came to the old Van Duzer homestead at Idlewild and worked the farm until his death in 1870. [Rev. Henry Miller Cox, The Cox Family in America (1912)] Note: A later photograph of Isaac Cocks, circa 1860’s, bears a strong resemblance to the subject portrait. [DRA] Provenance: A.S. Congdon, Jr., Far Hills, N.J. (1968); Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. (January, 1971); Frank J. and Karen Miele, New York, N.Y.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., The American Folk Art Collection of Frank and Karen Miele, Sale Number 5143 (January 28, 1984) Lot 29 [color facsim.], sold $30,000+10% the pair (est. $40-60,000); Berry-Hill Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (1985); A Midwest collector; Christie’s, New York, Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale No. 6842 (June 3, 1989) Lot 114, unsold (est. $30-50,000 the pair); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Highly Important American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale No. 7000 (January 19, 1990) Lot 560, sold $30,000+10% the pair (est. $25-35,000). References: Feld (1970) p. 29, no. 30 [b&w facsim.]; Ebert (1975) p. 74 [b&w facsim.]; American Paintings III (New York: Berry-Hill Galleries, 1985) p. 6 [color facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] H&H: 179, HPF: 63B.11, IAP: 61071197, 63004896 (the pair) and 81310166. See Volume 2.

93. Martha Van Duzer Cocks (Mrs. Isaac Cocks, 1806-1846), aka Mrs. Isaac Cox – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H] or Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1836 [H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Isaac Cocks [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with Apollo-knot hair and tall comb; wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, wide embroidered organdy collar, small gold brooch; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), r. arm resting on table with book, r. hand holding parsley sprig, l. hand in lap holding small red book with upturned fingers. [DRA] Cond.: The very lowest portion of the portrait, including her hand and book, have been restored [Ohio Review, March 1984: p 25]. Bio.: b. 2 Jul 1806 in Cornwall, Orange Co., N.Y., dau. of Henry Van Duzer (1759-1845) and Frances (Mandeville) Van Duzer (1764-1823); m. 15 Dec 1827 to Isaac Cocks (1803-1870); d. 19 Dec 1846 in Cornwall, Orange Co., N.Y.; bur. Pleasant Hill Cem., Mountainville, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Isaac Cocks. References: Feld (1970) p. 29, no. 29 [b&w facsim.]; Ebert (1975) p. 74 [b&w facsim.]; American Paintings III (New York: Berry-Hill Galleries, 1985) p. 6 [color facsim.]. Note: A hand-tinted daguerreotype of this portrait (image reversed) is in the collection of David A. Schorsch. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] H&H: 180, HPF: 63B.12, IAP: 63004896 (the pair) and 81310167. See Volume 2.

94. Reverend Jonas Coe (1759-1822) – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1820. 481/8" x 38-1/4" [MFA] or 47" x 38" [SNY] or 48" x 38-1/2" [HPF]. Dr. Jonas Coe was minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Troy, New York, 1793-1822. [SNY]. Descr.: Man with thinning hair, wearing black jacket, white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; standing facing p.r. behind pulpit covered in red fabric with brass tacks, fringe, and large tassels; r. hand extended with upturned palm, l. hand marking pages in large open book on pulpit. Pale green background. Bio.: b. 20 Mar 1759 in Haverstraw, Rockland Co., N.Y., son of John Coe (1719-1782) and Hannah (Halstead) Coe (1722-1804); m. (1st) 27 Sep 1794 in Troy, N.Y. to Elizabeth Huntting Miller (1778-1805), dau. of Dr. Mathias Burnett Miller and Phoebe (Smith) Miller; m. (2nd) 14 May 1810 to Abigail Wallace (1771-1863), dau. of James Wallace and Hannah (Peck) Wallace; res. Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1800, 1820; d. 21 Jul 1822; bur. Oakwood Cem., Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. A.B., Queen’s College [Rutgers], 1789; A.M., Princeton, 1792; D.D., Middlebury College, 1815. Pastor of the Presbyterian Churches in Troy and Lansingburgh, N.Y. from 1792 to 1822. [DRA] Provenance: The artist; Coe family; descended in family to his great-granddaughter, Dr. Dorothea May Moore; with Childs Gallery, Boston, Mass. (1972); Bertram K. and Nina Fletcher Little, Brookline, Mass. [not by the 1930's as indicated by MFA]; with Sotheby's, New York, The Bertram K. Little and Nina Fletcher Little Collection [Part I], Sale 6529 (January 29, 1994) Lot 139 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $50-70,000); with Childs Gallery, Boston, Mass. [1996]; with Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H., Pictures & Works of Art (November 1, 1997) Lot 526, sold $37,000 (est. $20-30,000); to MFA, 1997, purchase (M. Theresa B. Hopkins Fund, 1997). Note: The Sotheby's auction (1994) included a miniature portrait of Reverend Jonas Coe (3" x 2-1/2" oil on ivory, Lot 140) attributed to Ammi Phillips, however Nina Fletcher Little (1984) attributes this miniature, then also in her collection, to 'unknown artist ' References: Little (1984) p. 122, Fig. 158 [color facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (October 1996): p. 10-B [b&w facsim.]. Status: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. (acquired 1997). Accession number: 1997.195. HPF: 63A.15. See Volume 2.

95. Dr. Collins, aka Dr. Collins of Sheffield, Massachusetts, probably Dr. Clarkson T. Collins (1821-1881) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF] or Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], c. 1855-1860 [HPF] or 1850-1860 [SPB]. 331/2" x 27-1/2" [SPB and HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Mrs. Collins [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired, middle-aged gentleman with long side whiskers, seated facing p.l.; large closed book on lap, place held with fingers of r. hand, l. hand not shown. Three books loosely piled on table behind him. Inscr.: Top books on table are "Wood's Practice of Medicine" [George Bacon Wood, Philadelphia, 2 vols., 1847, etc.]. Note: Probably Clarkson Thomas Collins, M.D., born 8 Jan 1821 in Smyrna, Chenango Co., N.Y., son of Job Scott Collins (1794-1869) and Ruth (Hall) Collins (1796-1875); m. 6 Nov 1844 in Nantucket, Mass. to Lydia Coffin (1824-1964); d. 10 Apr 1881 in New York City. Bur.: Green-Wood Cem., Brooklyn, Kings Co., N.Y. Res. Great Barrington, Mass. from Autumn 1850 and villa "Indiola Place," Great

Barrington, Mass. from 1851 until his death. Prominent local physician and Pres., Berkshire District Medical Society Founded Collins House, Great Barrington, Mass., for treatment of chronic diseases of women. Portrait subject is comparable to an 1849 engraving of Clarkson T. Collins [National Library of Medicine] and an 1851 daguerreotype of Clarkson T. Collins & Glenville Collins at Great Barrington, Mass. [Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art] [DRA] Provenance: Keith Gallery (exhibit, March 1941); Edith G. Halpert (Downtown Gallery, New York, N.Y., exhibits: New Acquisitions February, 1957; Popular Art in America, September-October, 1966; American Folk Art, June-November, 1969); Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., The Edith Gregor Halpert Folk Art Collection (property of Terry Dintenfass), Sale Number 3572 (November 15, 1973) Lot 311 [b&w facsim.], sold $9,500 the pair (est. $7-9,000); Collection of Valerie S. and Robert J. Goldfein, New York, N.Y ; American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. (2016 gift of Valerie and Robert Goldfein). References: American Folk Art Gallery Notebooks, Box 28, Reel 5558, Frames 831-832 [b&w facsim.]; Edith Gregor Halpert Folk Art Collection (1973) item K88 A [b&w facsim.]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 2016.18.3. HPF: 63A.16, IAP: 61515487. See Volume 2.

96. Mrs. Collins, aka Mrs. Collins of Sheffield, Massachusetts, probably Lydia Coffin Collins (Mrs. Clarkson T. Collins, 1824-1864) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF] or Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], 1855-1860 [HPF] or 1850-1860 [SPB]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [SPB and HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Collins [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted hair, wearing a dark green v-neck dress with elaborate lace-front blouse with lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r. on an upholstered sofa, r. hand resting on sofa arm, l. hand holding a small closed book on lap. Note: Probably Lydia (Coffin) Collins, b. 17 Nov 1824, dau. of Charles G. Coffin (1801-1882) and Eliza (McArthur) Coffin (1799-1857) of Nantucket, Mass.; m. 6 Nov 1844 in Nantucket, Mass. to Clarkson Thomas Collins (1821-1881); d. 26 Jul 1864, Great Barrington, Mass.; bur. Friends Burial Ground, Hopkinton, Washington Co., R.I. [DRA] Provenance: Keith Gallery (exhibit, March 1941); Edith G. Halpert (Downtown Gallery, New York, N.Y., exhibits: New Acquisitions February, 1957; Popular Art in America, September-October, 1966; American Folk Art, June-November, 1969); Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., The Edith Gregor Halpert Folk Art Collection (property of Terry Dintenfass), Sale Number 3572 (November 15, 1973) Lot 311 [b&w facsim.], sold $9,500 the pair (est. $7-9,000); Collection of Valerie S. and Robert J. Goldfein, New York, N.Y.; American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. (2016 gift of Valerie and Robert Goldfein). Reference: Edith Gregor Halpert Folk Art Collection (1973) item K88 B [b&w facsim.]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 2016.18.4. HPF: 63A.17, IAP: 61515488. See Volume 2.

97. Elizabeth M. Comstock (Mrs. Perry Green Comstock, 1821-1877) –Williamsville (West Stockbridge), Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF], 1857* or c. 1857 [HPF]. 32-5/8" x 26-7/16" (sight) [CAP]. One of a pair. Wife of Perry Green Comstock [q.v.]. Descr.: Brown-eyed woman with dark brown center-parted hair and widow’s peak; wearing black dress with darts above and below waist-band, embroidered lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small closed book Dark gray-green background. [DRA] Note: Listed incorrectly in CAP as Elizabeth M. Comestock. Bio.: b. 1821 in Conn.; res. West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1850 through 1870; d. 27 Feb 1877 in West Stockbridge, Mass.; bur. South Cem., West Stockbridge, Mass. [DRA] Provenance: By descent from the subjects’ dau., Emma Louisa Comstock (Mrs. Charles Erastus Brown, 1850-1914); her son, William Comstock Brown (1876-1957); his widow, Edith Brown (1882-1966), West Stockbridge, Mass.; on loan to the Stockbridge Library Association from the estate of Edith P. Brown of West Stockbridge [per The Berkshire Eagle (Nov. 13, 1969): p. 12]; Stockbridge Library Association (1971), donated by Christine Tucker Brown, Elizabeth Brown Butler, and Charles Theodore Brown. Reference: Begley, Berkshire Eagle (September 10, 1982): p. 9 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Stockbridge Library Association, Stockbridge, Mass. (acquired 1971). Accession number: 68.148. CAP: MA310010. HPF: 63B.1. See Volume 2.

98. Perry Green Comstock (1808-1892) – Williamsville (West Stockbridge), Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF], 1857*. 32-5/8" x 26-1/2" (sight) [CAP]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth M. Comstock [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): “ARGUS” and “JULY 30 1857”. Descr.: Blue-eyed gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt and upturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding newspaper (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Dark gray-green background [DRA]. Note: Listed incorrectly in CAP as Perry Green Comestock. Bio.: b. 29 Nov 1808 in Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Prentice Comstock (1781-1848) and Polly (Ray) Comstock (1781-1849); d. 6 Aug 1892; bur. South Cem., West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. Res.: Great Barrington, Mass., 1840; West Stockbridge, Mass., 1850 through 1880 (Paper Manufacturer). [DRA] Provenance: By family descent (see Elizabeth M. Comstock) to Edith Brown (1882-1966), West Stockbridge, Mass.; on loan to the Stockbridge Library Association from the estate of Edith P. Brown of West Stockbridge [per The Berkshire Eagle (Nov. 13, 1969): p. 12]; Stockbridge Library Association (1971), donated by Christine Tucker Brown, Elizabeth Brown Butler, and Charles Theodore Brown. Reference: Begley, Berkshire Eagle (September 10, 1982): p. 9 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Stockbridge Library Association, Stockbridge, Mass. (acquired 1971). Accession number: 68.148. CAP: MA310011. HPF: 63B.2. See Volume 2.

99. Mary Halsey Cook (Mrs. Palmer Cook, 1789-1862) – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1828*. 30" x 24" [CAG]. One of a pair. Wife of Palmer Cook [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): “MARY COOK”. Descr.: Dark-haired, brown-eyed woman with center-parted hair, wearing black dress with embroidered organdy collar, beribboned bonnet with ribbons tied under chin; facing p.r. in a fancy-painted and stenciled side chair, r. wrist resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding a small closed book with spine upturned. [see inscription]. [DRA] Cond.: Good condition with typical minor restorations and paintings having been relined in 1954. Minor losses to frames. [CAG] Bio.: b. 7 Apr 1789 in Preston, Conn.; m. 30 Sep 1811; d. 27 Oct 1862; bur. Tivoli, N.Y. Res. Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860. [DRA] Provenance: By probable descent from the subjects’ eldest daughter, Mary Palmer Cook (Mrs. Benjamin Haynes O’Neil, 1815-1886); by further descent through the O'Neil family of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Concept Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pa., Fine Art, Antiques and Modern Design (March 25, 2017) Lot 134, sold $24,000+19% the pair (est. $2,500-3,500). Status: Sold at auction 2017. See Volume 2.

100. Palmer Cook (1787-1872) – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1828*. 30" x 24" [CAG]. One of a pair. Husband of Mary Halsley Cook [q.v.]. Inscr. (on newspaper): “ENQUIRER / COUNTRY. / FRIDAY AUGUST 8, 1828. / VOL. 111 NO 10” and “Palmer Cook” (in cursive, above masthead). Descr.: Dark-haired, blue-eyed gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, white buttoned shirt with upturned collar, white stock with bow tied in front; facing p.l. seated in a fancy-painted side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand holding newspaper [see inscription] with Noah’s Ark on masthead. Note: The New-York Enquirer for the Country, founded 1826 by Mordecai Noah. [DRA] Cond.: Good condition with typical minor restorations and paintings having been relined in 1954. Minor losses to frames. [CAG] Bio.: b. 24 Dec 1787 in Preston, Conn.; m. 30 Sep 1811; d. 1 Mar 1872 in Red Hook, N.Y.; bur. Tivoli, N.Y. Res.: Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1865, 1870. [DRA] Provenance: See Mary Halsey Cook. Status: Sold at auction 2017. See Volume 2.

101. Samuel Cook, Jr., aka Boy of the Cook Family – New Milford, Litchfield Co., Conn., probably [H&H] or Ticonderoga, Essex Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1817 [H&H] or c. 1816-1818 [HPF]. 30" x 34" [HPF]. Descr.: Young man with tousled fair hair, wearing black jacket with tall collar, white vest with protruding lapels, and a ruffled jabot; seated facing p.r. in a white paint-decorated side chair, l. hand cupped over a closed book held diagonally, r. hand not shown, red drapery in u.l. corner. [DRA] Provenance: Unlocated as of 1968. [H&H] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] H&H: 35, HPF: 63B.3, IAP: 81310030. See Volume 2.

102. Emily Cooper of Lee, Massachusetts (possibly Emily A. Roberts, later Mrs. William H. Cooper, 1839-1933) – Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF] or Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], c. 1835 [HPF] or c. 1855-60 [DRA]. 33" x 27" [NEA]. Descr.: Young woman with hazel eyes, rosy cheeks, slight cleft chin, dark centerparted hair with three small spit curls; wearing blue pleated dress with wide collar and large sleeves and scalloped oversleeves, both trimmed in black; seated facing p.l. in black side chair, l. arm resting on table with red tablecloth, hands together in lap with r. hand holding small red rose and rose bud. Note: Possibly Emily Armeda Roberts, b. 28 Dec 1839 in Savoy, Berkshire Co., Mass., dau. of Freeborn Roberts (1813-1890) and Adah (Bridges) Roberts (1817-1847); m. 2 Nov 1864 in Lee, Mass. to William Henry Cooper, Jr. (1811-1894); d. 8 Jan 1933 in Pittsfield, Mass.; bur. Fairmount Cem., Lee, Mass. Res.: Savoy, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1850, 1855; Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1860, 1865; Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1870, 1880. [DRA] Provenance: By descent from the original owner; Northeast Auctions, Hampton, N.H. (April 29-30, 1989) Lot 485, sold $27,500 (est.$25-30,000). Reference: Maine Antique Digest (April 1989): p. 15-F [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection since 1989. HPF: 63B.4. See Volume 2.

103. Cooper, Mr., aka Portrait of an American Historian – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [DRA], c. 1850 [SNY], or c. 1860 [CNY], or c. 1855-60 [HPF], 34" x 36-1/2" [SNY] or 33-1/2" x 27-1/4" [CNY]. Inscr. (on book): “HISTORY / OF THE U.S.”. Descr.: Gentleman with sharp nose, dark hair with receded hairline, and five-o’clock shadow; wearing black jacket and vest, black bow tie and white pleated shirt with upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in side chair (barely visible), r. arm resting on large book on table, l. hand not shown. Cond.: On what appears to be the original stretcher and a period frame [SNY]; relined [CNY]. Provenance: Clifford Alan Kaye (1916-1985), Boston, Mass.; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale No. 6320 (January 24, 1987) Lot 119, unsold (est. $15-25,000); Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art Paintings and Silver, Sale No. 5622 (October 24, 1987) Lot 252, sold $21,000 (est. $10-15,000). Status: Sold at auction 1987. HPF: 63B.5. See Volume 2.

104. Maria Budd Cooper (Mrs. Tunis Cooper, 1804-1874) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1845 [DRA]. 34" x 28" [Cottone]. One of a pair. Wife of Tunis Cooper [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing black dress with lacetrimmed collar, lace-trimmed cap tied under chin and with long untied ribbons; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small red book. [DRA] Cond.: Some small areas of in-paint, otherwise vg. Original mahogany frame. [Cottone] Bio.: b. 17 Dec 1804, dau. of Underhill Budd (1776-1831) and Sarah (Hasbrouck) Budd (1773-1819); m. 1827 to Tunis Cooper (1787-1868); d. 5 Feb 1874; bur. Wappingers Rural Cem., Wappingers Falls, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: A Penn Yan, N.Y. estate; Cottone Auctions, Geneseo, N.Y. (June 17, 2005) Lot 152. Status: Sold at auction 2005. See Volume 2.

105. Tunis Cooper (1787-1868) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1845 [DRA]. 34" x 28" [Cottone]. One of a pair. Husband of Maria Budd Cooper [q.v.]. Descr.: Gentleman with dark sideburns, wearing black jacket and prominent white tie; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered chair with long arm; r. hand resting on large book and holding spectacles; l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Laid down on Masonite, some in-painting & paint loss. Original mahogany frame. [Cottone] Note: Sitter identification appears tentative. If correct, this is the younger brother of Hannah Cooper du Bois [q.v.]. Bio.: Tunis [Teunis] Cooper, b. 25 Jun 1787 in Wappinger, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Obadiah Cooper (1749-1807) and Maria (Van Benschoten) Cooper (1748-1828); m. (1st) to Jane Roorbagh (1798-1816); m. (2nd) in 1816 to Mary Budd (1793-1825); m. (3rd) 1827 to Maria Budd (1804-1874); d. 31 Oct 1868; bur. Wappingers Rural Cem., Wappingers Falls, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820 through 1860 (Farmer) [DRA] Provenance: A Penn Yan, N.Y. estate; Cottone Auctions, Geneseo, N.Y. (June 17, 2005) Lot 152. Status: Sold at auction 2005. See Volume 2.

106. Peter Cornell (1780-1860) – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Rosendale, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA] c. 1834 [H&H]. 29-1/2" x 23". Father of Thomas Cornell [q.v.]. Descr.: Gray-haired gentleman with sideburns, wearing black jacket with high collar and pointed shoulders, upturned white collar, white stock with long bow in front; seated facing p.l., with l. arm draped over side chair back, r. hand holding a silver-tipped cane. Note: relationship omitted by HPF. Bio.: b. 21 Mar 1780 in Rosendale, Ulster Co., N.Y., son of Thomas Cornell (1754-1817) and Hannah (Lynch) Cornell (17621813); m. 11 Feb 1833 to Margaret Gedney (1786-1829); d. 12 Nov 1860. Bur.: Montrepose Cem., Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. Res.: Rosendale, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1850, 1860 (Farmer). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family; Ulster County Historical Society [Bevier House, Marbletown, N.Y.] as of 1968 (bequest); Reported stolen March 1988. References: Ulster County Gazette, Vol. 19, No. 1 (April 1988); Antiques and The Arts Weekly (April 15, 1988): p. 78 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (May 1988): p. 7-A [b&w facsim.]; IFARreports, Vol. 10, No. 1 (January 1989): p. 10, No. 4 [b&w facsim.] Status: Missing (stolen) See provenance and references H&H: 297, HPF: 63B.6, IAP: 81310283. See Volume 2.

107. Thomas Cornell (1814-1890) – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1834 [H&H]. 29-1/2" x 23". Son of Peter Cornell [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired young gentleman, wearing black jacket with high collar and pointed shoulders, upturned white collar, black stock with no bow; facing p.l., with l. arm draped over side chair back, r. hand holding a rolled-up paper. Note: Relationship omitted by HPF. Bio.: b. 27 Jan 1814 in White Plains, N.Y., son of Peter Cornell (1780-1860) and Margaret (Gedney) Cornell (1786-1829); m. 27 Feb 1840 to Catherine Ann Woodmansee (1821-1897); d. 30 Mar 1890. Bur.: Montrepose Cem., Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. Res.: Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850 (Freighter), 1860 (Forwarder); Rondout Village, Ulster Co. N.Y., 1870 (Steamboating & Banking); Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1880 (Steamboat & Railroad). U.S. Congressman, 1867-69 and 1881-83. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family; Ulster County Historical Society [Bevier House, Marbletown, N.Y.] as of 1968 (bequest); Reported stolen March 1988. References: Ulster County Gazette, Vol. 19, No. 1 (April 1988); Antiques and The Arts Weekly (April 15, 1988): p. 78 [b&w facsim ]; Maine Antique Digest (May 1988): p. 7-A [b&w facsim.]; IFARreports, Vol. 10, No. 1 (January 1989): p. 10, No. 5 [b&w facsim.] Status: Missing (stolen) See provenance and references. H&H: 298, HPF: 63B.7, IAP: 81310284. See Volume 2.

108. John Whitfield Couch, aka Dr. John Whitfield Couch (1797-1845) – Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF] or Northeast, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1829*. 30" x 24" [H&A]. One of a trio. Husband of Mary Christopher Van Doorn Couch [q.v.]. Son of Rhoda Bennett Couch [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "J.W. Couch 1829 AE 33". [HPF] Descr.: Young gentleman with swept-forward hair, wearing black jacket, cream vest, white stock with small bow, white upturned collar, seated facing p.r. in leafstenciled side chair, l. hand partially tucked inside jacket, r. arm draped over chair back, r. hand holding a Laennec-type wooden tube monaural stethoscope. Bio : b. 8 Sep 1797, son of John D. Couch (1760-1824) and Rhoda (Bennett) Couch (1763-1836); m. 28 May 1829 in Hartford, Conn. to Mary Christopher Van Doorn (1805-1876); d. 16 Feb 1845 in Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. Res.: Northeast, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the Couch and Bates families via Dr. Charles Frederick Couch (1841-1887), son of the subject; to his dau., Minnie Leydia Couch (Mrs. Robert P. Bates, 1866-1951); to the 1987 owner; Phillips, New York, N.Y., American Paintings (October 22, 1987) Lot 11, sold $64,000 the pair (est. $40-50,000) to Hirschl & Adler; Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y.; Richard York Gallery, New York, N.Y. (1995). References: Source and Inspiration (1988) p. 32 [color facsim.]; Smithsonian Archives of American Art, Richard York Gallery records (1865-2005), box 45, folder 89, inventory number 4408CY the pair (1995); Jason T. Busch, Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. VI, No. 4 (Autumn/Winter 2005): p. 175 [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Collection of Patricia N. and Samuel D. McCullough, Minneapolis, Minn. as of 2013. HPF: 63B.8. See Volume 2.

109. Mary Christopher Van Doorn Couch (Mrs. John Whitfield Couch, 1805-1876) – Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF] or Northeast, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1829*. 30" x 24" [H&A]. One of a trio. Wife of John Whitfield Couch [q.v.]. Dau.-in-law of Rhoda Bennett Couch [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "M.C. Couch 1829 AE 24". [HPF] Descr.: Young lady wearing black dress with lace collar, large beribboned bonnet with untied ribbons trailing front and back; seated facing p.l. in leaf-stenciled side chair, l. arm draped over chair back, r. hand in lap holding piece of lace. [DRA] Bio.: b. 23 Apr 1805, dau. of Moses Van Doorn (1758-1825) and Sarah Swan (Wardwell) Van Doorn (1769-1811); m. 28 May 1829 in Hartford, Conn. to John Whitfield Couch (1797-1845); d. 17 Dec 1876; bur. Water Street Cem., Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. Provenance: See John Whitfield Couch. References: Antiques (October 1987): p. 680 [color facsim.]; Source and Inspiration (1988) p. 32 [color facsim.]; Smithsonian Archives of American Art, Richard York Gallery records (1865-2005), box 45, folder 89, inventory number 4408CY the pair (1995); Jason T. Busch, Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. VI, No. 4 (Autumn/Winter 2005): p. 175 [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Collection of Patricia N. and Samuel D. McCullough, Minneapolis, Minn. as of 2013. HPF: 63B.9. See Volume 2.

110. Rhoda Bennett Couch (Mrs. John Couch, 1763-1836) aka Mrs. Rhoda Bennett – Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [HPF] or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1829-1834 [SNY] or 1829 [DRA]. 30" x 24" [SNY]. One of a trio. Mother of John Whitfield Couch [q.v.]. Mother-in-law of Mary Christopher Van Doorn Couch [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress, black floral-bordered shawl over white fischu, tall sheer bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in black and mustard scroll-arm chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.), l. hand holding small red book with thumb marking page. [DRA] In original giltwood frame. [NEA] In a later molded giltwood frame. [Skinner] Cond.: Craquelure with retouch on face, minor scattered spots of retouch to background and clothing, small patch repair c.r. [Skinner] Bio.: b. 8 May 1763 in Westport, Fairfield Co., Conn., dau. of Moses Bennett (1727-1796) and Eunice (Hurlbut) Bennett (17251796); m. 1782 in Westport, Conn. to John D. Couch (1760-1824); res. Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830 (head of household, age 60-69); d. 24 Oct 1836 in Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the Couch and Bates families to the 1987 owner (see John Whitfield Couch); Phillips, New York, N.Y., Sale 682 (October 22, 1987) Lot 10, as Rhoda Bennett [full-page facsim.], unsold (purchased post-auction by Steve Miller American Folk Art, New York, N.Y.); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5810 (January 26-28, 1989) Lot 1294 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $7,500-10,000); Horton Foote, New Boston, N.H. (purchased from Steve Miller in 1989/90); Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H., The Horton Foote Collection (August 6, 2005) Lot 615 [as Mrs. Rhoda Bennett] sold $7,500 (est. $5-8,000); Anne Frances Moore Fine Art, New York, N.Y. [2007, 2008]; Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2509 (August 14-15, 2010) Lot 833, sold $9,500+25% (est. $6-8,000); collection of Jonathan Rickard, Deep River, Conn.; New England Auctions, Branford, Conn., Collections of Jeannine Dobbs & Jonathan Rickard (April 20, 2023) Lot 327, sold $2,800+25% (est. $1,500-3,000); Collection of Gordon J. Fine, San Francisco, Cal.; Witherell’s, Sacramento, Cal. (March 1024, 2024) Lot 53, sold $863 (est. $1,000-2,500). Status: Sold at auction 2024. HPF: 62A.15. See Volume 2.

111. Moses Cowan (1773-1833) – Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., probably [DRA], c. 1815 [HPF]. Descr.: Gentleman with tousled brown hair and sideburns, wearing black jacket, pale vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock tied with small bow in front; seated facing p.r. in a side chair, with r. arm draped over chair back, l. hand resting on a large book on lap Bio.: Probably Moses Cowan, Jr., b. 1773 in Providence, R.I., son of Moses Cowan (1728-1801) and Jane (Wilson) Cowan (1742-1826); m. 1800 to Elizabeth Younglove (1782-1851); d. 22 Jan 1833; bur. Bottskill Baptist Church Cem., Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. Res.: Town of Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830. Merchant and village trustee. [DRA] Provenance: Washburn Gallery, New York, N.Y.; Elissa Cullman (Mrs. Edgar Cullman), Stamford, Conn. References: Susan Klein and Susan Rotenstreich, “Living with antiques: A New England folk art collection,” Antiques (September 1987): p. 540 [color facsim., in situ]; Kandell, Architectural Digest (June 2003): cover [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Cullman, Stamford, Conn. as of 2014 HPF: 63B.10. See Volume 2.

112. Harriet Griswold Crandall (Mrs. Hosea W. Crandall, 1800-1872) – Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850*. 33" x 26" [H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Hosea W. Crandall [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book spine): “BIBLE”. Descr.: Dark-haired woman wearing black dress with small lace collar, thin white cuffs, white satin cap with ruffles on side, two ribbons tied under chin and hanging down in front; seated facing p.r. on a redupholstered scroll-arm sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding a small book (see inscription). Bio.: b. 22 Feb 1800 in Groton, New London Co., Conn.; m. 30 Nov 1820 in Goshen, Conn. to Hosea W. Crandall; d. 25 Dec 1872; bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Conn. Provenance: See Hosea W. Crandall. Status: Goshen Historical Society, Goshen, Conn. CHS: 24, H&H: 262, HPF: 63B.13, IAP: 81310248.

113. Hosea W. Crandall (1799-1887) – Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850*. 33" x 26" [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Harriet Griswold Crandall [q.v.]. Inscr.: Subject holds folded newspaper “TRIBUNE” dated "SEPTEMBER 13, 1850". Descr.: Middle-aged gentleman, ruddy faced with thin cheeks, dark gray hair, and sideburns; wearing black jacket, black vest, black bow tie, pleated white shirt with white buttons; facing p.l., seated in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding folded newspaper (see inscription), l. hand not shown. [DRA] Bio.: b. 17 Dec 1799, Goshen, Conn.; m. (1st) 30 Nov 1820 to Harriet Griswold (1800-1872); m. (2nd) 1873 to Alosia Oviatt (1802-1889); d. 21 Apr 1887; bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: To the subject's 2nd wife, Alosia (Sanford) Oviatt Crandall (1802-1889); to her grandson: Frederick Lyman Wadhams (1842-1929) of Torrington, Conn. [son of Sarah Lucretia Oviatt (Mrs. James W. Wadhams, 1822-1849) of Goshen, Conn.]; to his son Clarence Goodwin Wadhams (1886-1961) of Torrington, Conn.; to his daughter Ann R. Wadhams (Mrs. Eben T. Chapman, 1918-1969) of Bennington, Vt.; by whom donated to Goshen Historical Society [DRA] Status: Goshen Historical Society, Goshen, Conn. CHS: 23, H&H: 261, HPF: 63B.14, IAP: 81310247.

114. Dr. Crane, aka Portrait of Dr. Crane – unknown locale, c. 1814-1819 [SPB]. 39" x 32" [SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Mrs. Crane [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holding book on lap "BOYER ON / THE BONES", with other medical texts shown in the portrait. [HPF] Descr.: Fair-haired man with long sideburns, wearing black jacket, tan vest, white pleated jabot, white stock with bow, gray trousers; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted side chair, l. leg crossed over r. leg, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding large closed book (see inscription). Tall slant-front desk and bookcase with similar volumes on l. Pale background. [DRA] Cond: Canvas mounted on Masonite. [SPB]

Notes: The Lectures of Boyer Upon Diseases of the Bones (London: 1804), first American edition Philadelphia, 1805. Census records reveal no persons with the surname Crane in Rensselaer or Columbia Co., N.Y. in 1810 or 1820. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., American 19th and 20th Century Paintings, Drawings, Watercolors & Sculpture, Sale 3978 (April 21, 1977) Lot 3 [full-page color facsim.], sold $44,000 the pair (est. $18-22,000); Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, New York, N.Y.; The Alice M. Kaplan Collection (1994); Newark Museum, Newark, N.J. (gift of the estate of Alice M. Kaplan, 2001). Reference: Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 31 Pl. XIII [color facsim.]; Hollander, Folk Art (Spring 1994): p. 44 [color facsim.]; Venn (2009) p. 15. Status: The Newark Museum, Newark, N.J. (acquired 2001). Accession number: 2001.69.1. HPF: 63B.15, IAP: 61517057. See Volume 2.

115. Mrs. Crane, aka Portrait of Mrs. Crane – unknown locale, c. 1814-1819 [SPB]. 39" x 32" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Crane [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with temple curls and comb, wearing pale gray Empire-waisted dress with square neckline, sheer v-neck bodice with ruffled collar, sheer embroidered sleeves, dark oval brooch, gold bead necklace, white and gold satin rope around waist tied in bow with tassels; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on round table, closed book in lap held diagonally between hands. Pale background. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., American 19th and 20th Century Paintings, Drawings, Watercolors & Sculpture, Sale 3978 (April 21, 1977) Lot 3 [full-page color facsim.], sold $44,000 the pair (est. $18-22,000); Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, New York, N.Y.; The Alice M. Kaplan Collection (1994); Newark Museum, Newark, N.J. (gift of the estate of Alice M. Kaplan, 2001). Reference: Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 31 Pl. XII [color facsim.]; Hollander, Folk Art (Spring 1994): p 44 [color facsim.]; Venn (2009) p. 15. Status: The Newark Museum, Newark, N.J. (acquired 2001). Accession number: 2001.69.2. HPF: 63B.16, IAP: 61517058. See Volume 2.

116. Gerard Crane (1791-1872) – Somers, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1839*. 33" x 27-3/4" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Roxanna Purdy Crane [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "Gerard Crane, 48 Years Old. 1839." [HPF] Descr.: Gray-haired gentleman, facing p.l., in black jacket, black stock tied in front, white shirt; holding small green book in r. hand, marking page with index finger, l. arm leaning on green leather-covered table with brass tacks. Bio.: b. 3 Jan 1791 in North Salem, N.Y., son of Col. Thaddeus Crane (1728-1803) and Lydia (Bell) Crane (1752-1832). Moved to Somers, N.Y. in 1807. Served as Somers Town Supervisor from 1833 to 1837. From 1838 to 1842 he was a member of the June, Titus and Angevine company, part of the "Flatfoot" monopoly that ruled the circus business in the northeastern U.S. d. 11 Feb 1872; bur. Ivandell Cem., Somers, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Son of the subjects, Thaddeus Crane (1824-1903); his son, James Bailey Crane (1871-1949); his dau., Mary (Crane) Johnson (Mrs. George E. Johnson, 1910-2006); Somers Historical Society (gift of Mary Crane Johnson, 1978). Reference: Gray (2003) p. 137 [color facsim.]. Status: Somers Historical Society Museum, Elephant Hotel, Somers, N.Y. (acquired 1978). Accession number: SHS or 78.7.1. HPF: 63B.17. See Volume 2.

117. Roxanna Purdy Crane (Mrs. Gerard Crane, 1805-1867) – Somers, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1839* or c. 1839 [HPF]. 33" x 27-3/4" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Gerard Crane [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired woman with single ringlet curls, facing p.r.; wearing black pleated dress with elaborately embroidered organdy collar; holding parsley sprig in l. hand with upturned fingers, r. arm resting on table with green book. Bio.: b. 21 Jun 1805, North Salem, N.Y., dau. of Isaac Purdy (1773-1836) and Lydia (Clift) Purdy (1780-1808); attended Litchfield Female Academy, 1821-22; m. Oct 1823 to Gerard Crane of North Salem, N.Y.; d. 24 Jan 1867; bur. Ivandell Cem., Somers, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family of the sitters to Mary Crane Johnson (see Gerard Crane); Somers Historical Society (gift of Mary Crane Johnson, 1978). Reference: Gray (2003) p. 137 [color facsim.]. Status: Somers Historical Society Museum, Elephant Hotel, Somers, N.Y. (acquired 1978). Accession number: SHS or 78.7.2. HPF: 63B.18. See Volume 2.

118. Lucius L. Culver (1830-1862) – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Winsted, Litchfield Co., Conn. [HPF], c. 1862 [H&H] or c. 1858-1862 [HPF] or c. 1848 [see reference] or c. 1851 [DRA]. 32-11/16" x 26-3/4" [CAP] or 32-3/4" x 26-3/4" [HPF]. Inscr.: Holding book "History". One of eight family portraits. Husband of Harriet Kinney [q.v.], son-in-law of Nisus Kinney [q.v.] and Sarah Wakefield Kinney [q.v.], brother-in-law of Andrew Jackson Kinney [q.v.], Harriet Kinney [q.v.], Susan Kinney [q.v.], Jane E. Kinney [q.v.]. Cond.: Conservation by Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London, Conn., May 1974 [DRA]. Descr.: Young man with chin beard; wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt, upturned collar, brown cravat; seated facing p.r. in red-upholstered armchair (barely shown), l. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand holding closed book, r. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 1830 in Conn., son of Philander Culver (1790-1854) and Prusha Marsh (Hewitt) Culver (1793-1884); m. 14 Jun 1851 to Harriet Kinney at the home of Ammi Phillips in North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; d. 4 May 1862; bur Forest View Cem., Winsted, Conn. Died in Civil War per RPM (unconfirmed). Res.: Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850 (leather finisher), 1860 (farmer) [DRA] Note: The Holdridges state that this was probably painted from, or appears to be a copy of, a daguerreotype, circa 1862. [CHS, H&H] The basis for this assumption appears incorrect. This may simply be the one of the first of Phillips’s ‘daguerreotype period’ portraits encountered by the Holdridges in 1959. [DRA] Provenance: One of five family portraits descended to Miss Ruth P. Miles, South Egremont, Mass., granddaughter of the subject, as of 1959 [see note under Nisus Kinney]; Litchfield Historical Society, Litchfield, Conn., gift of Miss Ruth P. Miles, 1970. Reference: Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. VII [color facsim.]. Status: Litchfield Historical Society and Museum, Litchfield, Conn. (acquired 1970). Accession number: 1970-01-5. CHS: 25, H&H: 278, HPF: 64A.1, IAP: 81310264. See Volume 2.

119. Amy Lottridge Davis (Mrs. George Rex Davis, 1793-1856) and daughter Ann Jane Davis (c. 1819-1835). Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1820. 38" x 311/2". Granddaughter and great-granddaughter of Amy Chase Bull [q.v.]. Niece and grandniece of Sarah Bull Dorr [q.v.] and Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: Brownhaired woman with temple curls and comb, wearing greenish-brown, long-sleeved dress with round, white, four-layer pleated and embroidered collar and matching cuffs; seated facing p.l. on black (horsehair) sofa with brass tacks, holding young child on lap with r. hand, l. arm behind and supporting child, l. hand with downturned fingers holding small red flowers between thumb and downturned index finger. Child with wide eyes; wearing long square-necked white dress with embroidered bodice, short, ruffled sleeves, ruffled bonnet, single-strand red necklace; seated facing p.r. on woman’s lap, raised r. arm with thumb and curled index finger holding onto woman’s collar, r. hand in lap holding small red flowers. Dark red swag drapery in u.r. corner and r. side. Medium gray background. Bio.: Amy Lottridge, b. 15 Nov 1793 in Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., dau. of Robert Lottridge (1773-1853) and Esther (Bull) Lottridge (1770-1866); m. George Rex Davis (1786-1867); res. Hoosick Falls, N.Y. to 1829 and Troy, N.Y. thereafter; d. 9 Dec 1856 in Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.; bur. Old Mt. Ida Cem., Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Ann Jane Davis, b. circa 1819, dau. of George Rex Davis and Amy (Lottridge) Davis; pupil at Troy Seminary, 183235; d. soon after leaving school. Note: George Rex Davis, captain (later general), N.Y. State Militia, 1814; judge, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1829; speaker, N.Y. State Assembly, 1831 and 1843. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the family of the subject’s older daughter, Charlotte Maria Davis (Mrs. Thaddeus W. Patchin, 1812-1898), to the present owner. Status: Private owner. See Volume 2.

120. Mr. Day, aka Man From Catskill, or Mr. Bradley – Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. (probably), c. 1835 [NGA, HPF] or c. 1832 [H&H]. 32-3/4" x 28". One of a pair. Companion to "Mrs. Day" [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "RELIGIOUS INTELL" [IGENCER]. Descr.: Blue-eyed man wearing black jacket, cream-colored vest, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.r. on sofa (indistinct), r. wrist resting on sofa back, newspaper held diagonally between hands (see inscription). Note: The Religious Intelligencer, pub. New Haven, 1816-37. [DRA] Provenance: Recorded as from the Hudson River Valley, New York; Thurston Thacher, Hyde Park, New York; by whom sold in 1950 to Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch; National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, 1953). [NGA] References: American Primitive Art (1955) p. 11 [not illus.] as Mr. Bradley of Catskill, by Phillips; American Primitive Paintings, Part II (1957) p. 59 [full page facsim.] as Mr. Bradley by Phillips; American Paintings (1980) p. 208 [b&w facsim.]; Vlach (1988) p. 85, Fig. 51 [b&w facsim.]; Chotner (1992) p. 283 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Notes: Originally titled as "Mr. Bradley" by NGA (1957) and by the Holdridges (1960). [DRA] The more recent identification as Mr. Bradley of the Day family of Catskill has not been confirmed by Greene Country records per H&H (1968). The subject identification by NGA as “Mr. Bradley”, which could have originated prior to 1953, may stem from confusion over the early attribution of Phillips’s work to a then-unidentified artist Mr. Bradley. [DRA] Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1953). Accession number: 1953.5.28. CHS: 13, H&H: 148, HPF: 64A.2, IAP: 08600547. See Volume 2.

121. Mrs. Day, aka Woman From Catskill, or Mrs. Bradley – Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. (probably), c. 1835 [NGA, HPF] or c. 1832 [H&H]. 32-5/8" x 28". One of a pair. Companion to "Mr. Day" [q.v.]. Descr.: Blue-eyed woman with Apollo-knot hairstyle, wearing black dress with wide neckline and balloon sleeves, ruffled collar, large triangular bonnet with wide sheer ribbons tied under chin on p.r. side; seated facing and leaning p.l. on brown-upholstered sofa with brass tacks, l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers. [DRA] See notes under Mr. Day (aka Mr. Bradley) with regard to subject identification. Provenance: See Mr. Day. References: American Primitive Art (1955) p. 11 [not illus.] as Mrs. Bradley of Catskill, by Phillips; American Primitive Paintings, Part II (1957) p. 58 [full page facsim.] as Mrs. Bradley by Phillips; Barbara and Lawrence Holdridge, "Ammi Phillips," Art in America, Vol. 49, No. 2 (1960): p. 103 [b&w facsim.]; American Paintings (1980) p. 208 [b&w facsim.]; Smiley (1985) p. 74 [full page facsim.]; Chotner

(1992) p. 282 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1953). Accession number: 1953.5.29. CHS: 14, H&H: 149, HPF: 64A.3, IAP: 08600548. See Volume 2.

122. Nelson de La Vergne (1808-1887) – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. or Pine Plains or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. vicinity [HPF], c. 1840 [H&H] or c. 1840-1841 [HPF]. Note: Only known from the following reference in Huntting (1897): “Phillips, a portrait painter… He painted one Nelson De Lavergne, and a man said to me ‘it looks more natural than Nels does himself.’ ” Reference: Isaac Huntting, History of Little Nine Partners (1897) p. 373 [not illus.] Status: May no longer exist. CHS: 27, H&H: 213, HPF: 64A.4, IAP: 81310199.

123. James de Long (1773-1843), aka Portrait of a Gentleman Holding a Copy of Washington's Farewell Address – 1 of 2 – Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1843 [H&H] or c. 1838 [HPF]. 31" x 26" [HPF]. Descr.: White-haired man facing p.l., wearing black jacket, white stock with bow, l. wrist resting on back of gilt-striped side chair, r. hand holding a small gray pamphlet "Washington's Farewell Address". Bio.: b. 9 Nov 1773 in Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Arie DeLange (1719-1798) and Rachel (Ferguson) DeLange (1736-1811); m. 1 Jan 1800 to Sarah Losee (1780-1832); d. 27 Jul 1843; bur. Baptist Church Cem., Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Note: Father of Maria De Long (1801-1860) who married Elnathan Haxtun [q.v.], and grandfather of Maria De Long (1835-1913) who married William Woolley Haxtun [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Adrianna Storm Haxtun Mather (Mrs. Frank Deloyd Mather, 1894-1978), East Fishkill, N.Y.; Mrs. Frank (Claire) Mather, Bellport, N.Y. as of 1965, 1969 [CHS, H&H] Reference: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 126 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994 [HPF] See Provenance. CHS: 28, H&H: 228, HPF: 64A.5, IAP: 81310214.

124. James de Long (1773-1843), aka Portrait of a Gentleman Holding a Copy of Washington's Farewell Address – 2 of 2 – Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [HPF] or c. 1820 [SNY]. 32" x 27" [SNY]. Descr. and bio.: See preceding entry. Cond: Significant in-painting [Hindman] Note: Sotheby's (1989) describes this as "a previously unrecorded work" by Phillips of an unidentified gentleman. Based on significant overall damage indicated in 1988 auction photo, this is not the same work as the preceding entry depicted in CHS. [DRA] Provenance: An auction house [probably Duke’s] in Dorset, England [per Meghan Hughes at Christie’s, N.Y.]; Christie’s, South Kensington, London, England (June 9, 1988) Lot 56A (est. £300500) as American School; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5810 (January 26-28, 1989) Lot 1132, bought-in (est. $10-15,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5968 (January 25, 1990) Lot 1429, sold $9,000+10% (est. $10-15,000); collection of Althoff-Galanty [Catherine L. Althoff and Joel J. Galanty, Barrington, Ill.] as of 1994 [HPF]; Hindman, Cincinnati, Ohio, American Furniture, Folk & Decorative Arts (September 14, 2022) Lot 1034, sold $3,250+29% (est. $5-10,000). Status: Sold at auction 2022. HPF: 64A.6. See Volume 2.

125. Dr. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt (1764-1849) – 1 of 2 – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y. or Kingston, N.Y. [H&H] or Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1824 [H&H]. 29-3/16" x 24" [CAP]. One of a pair (of which two versions exist). Husband of Leah Wynkoop De Witt [q.v.]. Descr.: Gray-haired gentleman with downturned mouth, wearing black jacket, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. with r. hand cupped over closed book, l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 8 Apr 1764 in Marbletown, N.Y., son of Andries De Witt (1728-1813) and Blandina Elmendorf Ten Eyck De Witt (1735-1807); d. 13 Mar 1849; bur. Pine Bush Cem., Kerhonkson, Ulster Co., N.Y. Res.: Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1790 to 1830 (Abraham T E De Witt). [DRA] Provenance: Property of Huguenot Historical Society [now Historic Huguenot Street], Josiah Hasbrouck House (Locust Lawn), Gardiner, N.Y., acquired 1956; ownership of Locust Lawn transferred to Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 2010; portrait relocated to New Paltz, N.Y. Notes: 1) SIRIS reference to ownership by Morton C. Bradley, on loan to Gore Place Society, Gardiner Mass., is spurious. 2) A nearly identical version of this portrait, with l. arm hanging behind a paint-

decorated chair back, is in the possession of the King Manor Museum, Jamaica, Queens, N.Y. (see Addenda). Reference: Maurer, Colonial Homes (October 1996): p. 94 [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Historic Huguenot Street, New Paltz, N.Y., not on display as of 2016 (removed for possible conservation). CAP: NY230048 (attributed to John Vanderlyn, Jr.), H&H: 293, HPF: 64A.16, IAP: 81310279.

126. Catherine Maria Ten Broeck de Witt (Mrs. William Henry de Witt, 18051896) aka Catherine M. Dewitt (Mrs. William Henry Dewitt) – Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y., c. 1834. 32" x 27" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of William Henry de Witt [q.v.] and sister of Helen Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Descr.: Rosy-cheeked woman with upswept Apollo-knot hair, wearing black dress with voluminous sleeves and wide stand-up lace trim; facing p.r., seated on a red leather sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding a parsley sprig. Bio.: b. 26 Jul 1805, dau. of Jacob Ten Broeck (1768-1829) and Christina (Schepmoes) Ten Broeck (17751811); m. 1 Nov 1826 to William Henry De Witt (1804-1886); d. 27 Mar 1896; bur. Reformed Church Cem., Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y. Res.: Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1850 (Clermont P.O.). [DRA] Provenance: To dau. of subject, Mrs. Charles H. Hover, Germantown, N.Y. as of 1897; location unknown as of 1968 [H&H]; Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., New York, N.Y., American 19th Century & Folk Paintings, Drawings & Sculpture, Sale 4784M (January 28, 1982) Lot 42 [full-page color facsim.], sold $40,000+10% the pair (est. $40-60,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 5429 (January 30February 1, 1986) Lot 431 [full-page color facsim.], sold $50,000+10% the pair (est. $50-70,000). References: Runk (1897) opp. p. 189 [full-page b&w facsim.] and p. 190 as “painted in 1834 by Phillips”; Holdridge, Art in America (Summer 1960): p. 101 [not illus.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 39, no. 32 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 37, H&H: 156, HPF: 64A.18, IAP: 63002490, 63006676 (the pair) and 81310143. See Volume 2.

127. Elizabeth Hardenbergh De Witt (1792-1849), aka Elizabeth Hardenburgh DeWitt, aka Mrs. William Cantyne De Witt – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 [H&H] or Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1833 [DRA]. 31" x 26-1/4" sight [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife (1st) of Dr. William Cantyne De Witt [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black dress, large bonnet with long untied ribbons flowing front and back, lace collar with ribbons tied in front; facing p.r. leaning on a book on table with r. elbow, r. fingers held to face, holding a piece of lace in l. hand with upturned fingers. Note: The correct spelling is Hardenbergh. Bio.: b. 8 Aug 1792 in Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Philip Hardenbergh (1746-1806) and Maria Elmendorf (Cool) Hardenbergh (17511830); d. 9 Oct 1849 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y.; bur. Mountain View Cem., Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family (see Dr. William Cantyne De Witt) to Mrs. William De Witt Andrus, Bronxville, N.Y. as of 1968 [H&H]; Collection of the Andrus family as of 1994 [HPF]; Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H. (November 16, 2014) Lot 192, sold $28,000+20% (est. $30-50,000). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Miss Margaret Watherston, 1968); Holdridge (1968) p. 35 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2014. H&H: 80*, HPF: 64B.1, IAP: 81310073. See Volume 2.

128. Jacob Hasbrouck De Witt (1784-1857) – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 18341835 [NYS] 1823 [CAP]. 32-1/16" x 27" accurate [CAP] or 32-1/4" x 27-1/8" [NYS] or 31-1/2" x 27" [HPF]. One of a pair (probably). Probable identification is husband of Sarah Ann Sleight De Witt [q.v.] and brother of Rev. Thomas De Witt [q.v.]. Formerly (pre-1982) identified as Rev. Thomas De Witt. Descr.: Narrow-faced man with prominent ears, dark hair, widow’s peak; wearing black jacket and vest, black stock, white shirt and upturned collar; seated facing p.r. in stencil-decorated scroll-back side chair, r. arm hanging behind chair, l. hand holding antler-handled cane. [DRA] Cond.: Moderate traction cracks, notably in face, also overall, mechanical cracking in l. hand corner & left shoulder, pitting, abrasion, painting has lifted away from frame, painting's upper right corner abraded, slightly grimy surface. [NYS] Bio.: b. 2 Oct 1784 in Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y., son of Maj. Thomas De Witt (1741-1809) and Elsie Hasbrouck De Witt (1750-1832); m. (1st) 20 Feb 1815 to Mary Ann

Myer; m. (2nd) 1 May 1822 to Sarah Ann Sleight; d. 30 Jan 1857 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y.; bur. Houghtaling Cem., Pine Street, Kingston, N.Y. (markers moved to Old Dutch Churchyard, Kingston, N.Y. in 1965). U.S. representative, 1819-21. Ulster Co. supervisor, 1827, 1840. N.Y. State assemblyman, 1839, 1847. Note: The subject resembles the engraving of Jacob Hasbrouck De Witt in History of Ulster County, New York (1880) following p. 298 [DRA] Provenance: The subject’s daughter, Mary Dewitt Evans (Mrs. James Sidney Evans, 1825-1893); to her son, Thomas Grier Evans (1852-1905); Senate House Association, Kingston, N.Y. as of 1909 (gift of Mrs. Thomas G. Evans); New York State Office of Parks and Recreation, Division for Historic Preservation (as recorded 1979). References: Rathbone (1933) p. 12 [as Rev. De Witt, the younger], Pl 4 [b&w facsim ]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]; Jones and Mearns, Ammi Phillips and Company (June 1982) n.p., fig. 3 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, Antiques (September 1982): p. 549, Fig. 3 [b&w facsim.]. Status: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. (originally acquired 1909). Accession number: SH.1979.3.AB (374)(562). HPF: 64B.2, IAP: 81310074. See Volume 2.

129. Leah Dubois Wynkoop De Witt (Mrs. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt, 1766-1829), aka Blandina Elmendorf De Witt (1775-1814) – 1 of 2 – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y. or Kingston, N.Y. [H&H] or Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1824 [H&H, HPF] or c. 1828 [CAP]. 29-1/16" x 24" sight [CAP]. One of a pair (of which two versions exist). Wife of Dr. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt [q.v.]. Also niece of Derrick Wynkoop [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman with crossed wrists, wearing black dress and lace cap, double-strand bead necklace, gold and black ring on r. index finger; seated on a brown and gold fancy-painted chair. Note: This work was previously titled "Blandina Elmendorf De Witt". According to the records of Ulster Co., Leah Wynkoop, not Blandina Elmendorf, was the wife of Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt. These were mistakenly listed as two separate works in HPF, both with the Huguenot Historical Society, however no separate portrait of “Blandina Elmendorf De Witt" exists. Bio.: b. 9 Apr 1766, Hurley, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Cornelius D Wynkoop (1734-1792) and Leah (DuBois) Wynkoop (1742-1780); m. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt (1764-1849); d. 20 Jun 1829, Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y.; bur. Pine Bush Cem., Kerhonkson, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Property of Huguenot Historical Society [now Historic Huguenot Street], Josiah Hasbrouck House (Locust Lawn), Gardiner, N.Y., acquired 1956; ownership of Locust Lawn transferred to Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 2010; portrait relocated to New Paltz, N.Y. Notes: 1) SIRIS reference to ownership by Morton C. Bradley, on loan to Gore Place Society, Gardiner Mass., is spurious. 2) A version of this portrait, possibly by another hand, is in the possession of the King Manor Museum, Jamaica, Queens, N.Y. (see Appendix). Status: Historic Huguenot Street, New Paltz, N.Y CAP: NY230049. H&H: 294, HPF: 64A.17 and 64B.3, IAP: 81310280. See Volume 2.

130. Reverend Mr. De Witt – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1823 [H&H]. 32" x 26-3/4" [H&H]. Note: Identified by the Holdridges (1968) as a brother of Rev. Thomas De Witt and Sarah Ann De Witt Sleight. We do not believe that this portrait exists as a separate work, but was a combination of the dimensions of the portrait of the Reverend Thomas De Witt (previously identified as John A. Sleight) and the sitter of the portrait of John A. Sleight (previously identified as Rev. Thomas De Witt), and mistakenly cataloged as a third work. [DRA] Provenance: Senate House Association, Kingston, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] Not in inventory as of 2007. Status: Not believed to exist (see note). CHS: 33, H&H: 81, N.B.: Does not exist as a separate work.

131. Sarah Ann Sleight De Witt (Mrs. Jacob Hasbrouck De Witt, 1801-1872), aka Sarah Ann De Witt Sleight (Mrs. James A. Sleight) – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H], 1833 [CAP] or c. 1833-1834 [NYS] or c. 1824 [CHS] or c. 1823 [H&H] or c. 18231825 [HPF]. 31-1/2" x 21-1/4" [H&H] or 31-15/16" x 22-3/16" accurate [CAP]. One of a pair (probably). Probable identification is Sarah Ann Sleight De Witt, wife of Jacob Hasbrouck De Witt [q.v.], dau. John A. Sleight [q.v.] and Aaltje Swartwout Sleight [q.v.], and niece of Anna Seward Swartwout [q.v.] Descr.: Middle-aged woman with narrow face and deep-set eyes, dark center-parted hair with Apollo knot on each side; wearing black dress with ruffled and embroidered collar, elaborate box-pleated bonnet with ribbon on top and large organdy ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.l. on sofa with l. wrist resting on

sofa arm, r. hand in lap holding handkerchief. [DRA] Cond.: Bloom on dress, background, mechanical cracking on face; [rabbet] abrasion, overall traction cracking, pressure line from stretcher on surface, grimy surface. [NYS] Bio.: b. 17 Mar 1801 in Fishkill, N.Y., dau. of John [Johannus] A. Sleight (1760-1842) and Aeltie [sic] Swartwout Sleight (1773-1839); m. 1822, 2nd wife of Jacob Hasbrouck De Witt (1784-1857); d. 22 May 1872 in Kingston, N.Y.; bur. Houghtaling Cem., Pine Street, Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. (no longer extant). Note: This is the work identified by the Holdridges in 1965 and 1968 as Sarah Ann De Witt Sleight (Mrs. James A. Sleight). [DRA] Provenance: the subject’s daughter, Mary Dewitt Evans (Mrs. James Sidney Evans, 1825-1893); to her son, Thomas Grier Evans (1852-1905); Senate House Association, Kingston, N.Y., 1909 Annatje "Anna" Crispell DeWitt (1796-1860) (gift of Mrs. Thomas G. Evans); New York State Office of Parks and Recreation, Division for Historic Preservation (as recorded 1979). References: Rathbone (1933) pp. 12-13 [as Mrs. Sleight], Pl. 3 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 30 [not illus.] as Sarah Ann DeWitt Sleight (Mrs. John A. Sleight) of Kingston, N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Jones and Mearns, Ammi Phillips and Company (June 1982) n.p., fig. 1 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, Antiques (September 1982): p. 549, Fig. 2 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]. Status: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. (originally acquired 1909). Accession number: SH.1979.5.AB(376)(666). CHS: 138, H&H: 83, HPF: 64B.4, IAP: 81310076.

132. Ten Eyck De Witt (1792-1883), aka Portrait of a Man Holding a Glove –Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1823 [H&H, HPF]. 30-3/4" x 24-3/4" [HPF, NYS].

Descr.: Portrait (3/4 view) of an older man turned slightly proper left. In r. hand is a glove. Man seated on an armchair (painted Hitchcock style). Man is clean shaven, but with long sideburns, and has blue eyes. Wearing: long black coat with high collar, white cravat [stock tied with bow] & pleated scarf. Buff colored vest with 5 buttons showing. Subject shown from head to waist. Note: Previously recorded [1987] as unidentified but related to the De Witt family, but more recently identified as Ten Eyck De Witt. [NYS] Bio.: b. 28 Mar 1872 in Kingston, N.Y., son of Gerrit DeWitt (1762-1846) and Catherine Wynkoop (TenEyck) DeWitt (1765-1840); m. 20 Mar 1832 to Annatje Crispell DeWitt (1796-1860); d. 22 Apr 1883; bur. Hurley Cem., Hurley, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Matthew Ten Eyck De Witt, Hurley, N.Y., grandson of the subject, as of 1945; inherited by his wife, Mrs. Matthew Ten Eyck De Witt, Hurley, N.Y.; her daughter, Mrs. Frank H. Nowaczek, Jacksonville, Florida; bequeathed by Mrs. Nowaczek to the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historical Preservation, Albany, New York, for the collections of the Senate House State Historic Site, Kingston, New York (S.H.1987.49). [FARL] Mrs. Frank H. Nowaczek, Jacksonville, Fla. (1968); New York State Office of Parks and Recreation, 1987 (gift of Sarah DeWitt Davenport, Stone Ridge, N.Y. and Elizabeth DeWitt von der Linden, Rhinebeck, N.Y.). [NYS] References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 166, no. 34 [not illus.] as Ten Eyck De Witt of Kingston, N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. Status: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. (acquired 1987). Accession number: SH.1987.49.A&B. On exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 34, H&H: 78, HPF: 64B.5, IAP: 81310071. See Volume 2.

133. Reverend Thomas De Witt (1791-1874), aka John A. Sleight, aka James A. Sleight – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H, HPF], c. 1823 or 1826 probably [NYS] or c. 1825-1826 [HPF] or c. 1824 [CHS]. 32" x 26-3/4" or 30" x 24" [NYS] or 321/2" x 27" [HPF] or 29-3/4" x 23-1/2" [CHS]. Brother of Jacob Hasbrouck Dewitt [q.v.]

Descr.: Portrait of a man seen almost to waist; seated; life size; face turned slightly to left as viewed; r. arm hangs down over back of chair; l. hand holds book titled HORNE ON THE PSALMS [George Horne, Commentary on the Book of Psalms (London: 1823, 1825)]; wears dark frock coat with high collar; white stock without a bow; background dark but lighter than coat. Cond.: Conserved at Collections Care Center 1977-78. [NYS] Notes: This is the work identified by the Holdridges (1965) as James A. Sleight, and by the Holdridges (1968) as John A. Sleight, though not cross-referenced. This is not the portrait listed in CAP as Thomas Dewitt. [DRA] Formerly thought to be a portrait of John A. Sleight. Sometime after the Sleight and DeWitt portraits were donated to the Senate House, the identification of the Rev. Mr. DeWitt and the John A. Sleight portraits were switched, possibly because Sleight holds a Bible in his portrait. Later it was

determined to be a portrait of the Rev. Thomas DeWitt when photographs of Rev. Thomas DeWitt were compared to the two portraits. [NYS] Bio.: b. 13 Sep 1791 in Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y.; m. 1826 to Eliza Ann Waterman of New York City; d. 18 May 1874 in Brooklyn, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Thomas G. Evans; Senate House Association, Kingston, N.Y. (1909); New York State Office of Parks and Recreation, Division for Historic Preservation [recorded 1979]. References: Rathbone (1933) p. 12 [as John A. Sleight], Pl 2 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 164, Fig. 10 [b&w facsim., as John A. Sleight] and checklist no. 29 (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]; Jones and Mearns, Ammi Phillips and Company (June 1982) n.p., fig. 4 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, Antiques (September 1982): p. 550, Fig. 4 [b&w facsim.]. Status: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. (originally acquired 1909). Accession number: SH 1979.4.A & B M(375) E(651). Note: Not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 137, H&H: 84, HPF: 64B.6, IAP: 81310077. See Volume 2.

134. Dr. William Cantyne De Witt (1796-1871), aka William Cantine De Witt –Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 [H&H] or Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1833 [DRA] 31" x 26-1/4" sight [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth Hardenbergh De Witt [q.v.]. Inscr. (books on shelf): “GOOD’S / STUDY OF / MEDICINE”, “VOL IV” and “VOL V.” Descr.: Gentleman with long sideburns; wearing black jacket, tall white stock, collar, shirt and vest; facing p.l. with l. arm behind stenciled side chair, r. hand holding closed book with index finger marking page; bookshelf with tall books in background. Note: John Mason Good, Study of Medicine (pub. in 5 vols., Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1826, 1829). Bio.: b. 18 Sep 1796, son of Johannes Charles De Witt (1755-1833) and Cornelia Cantine (1757-1814); m. (1st) Elizabeth Hardenbergh (1792-1849); m. (2nd) Eliza C. (De Witt) Palen (1812-1872), her 2nd marriage; res. Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1830 through 1870 (Physician & Surgeon); d. 29 Dec 1871; bur. Mountain View Cem., Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. He was for many years a physician in Saugerties, N.Y. with a very extensive practice. [DRA] Provenance: By apparent descent from the subject to his nephew, Charles DuBois DeWitt (1827-1908); to his dau., Margaret DeWitt (Mrs. Jonathan Cowles Andrus, 1862-1943); to her dau-in-law, Lucy Stowe Huber Andrus (Mrs. William DeWitt Andrus, 1901-1985), Bronxville, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H]; Collection of the Andrus family as of 1994 [HPF] Note: Companion sold at Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H. (November 16, 2014) Lot 192. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (pre-restoration, courtesy Miss Margaret Watherston, 1968 [Geoffrey Clements]); Holdridge (1968) p. 25 [b&w facsim.]. Status: See provenance. H&H: 79*, HPF: 64B.7, IAP: 81310072. See Volume 2.

135. William Henry de Witt (1804-1886) aka William Henry Dewitt – Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1834. 32" x 27" [SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Catherine Maria Ten Broeck de Witt [q.v.] and brother-in-law of Helen Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Descr.: Rosy-cheeked man facing p.l., wearing black jacket, white stock with bow; l. wrist resting on back of Hitchcockstyle chair, r. hand with upturned fingers holding a letter with red seal. [DRA] Bio.: b. 27 May 1804 in Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y., son of John I. De Witt (17601816) and Maria (Breedsteed) De Witt (1766-1853); m. 1 Nov 1826 to Catherine Maria Ten Broeck (1805-1896); d. 25 Mar 1886; bur. Reformed Church Cem., Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y. Res.: Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850 (Clermont P.O.). [DRA] Provenance: To dau. of subject, Mrs. Charles H. Hover, Germantown, N.Y. as of 1897; location unknown as of 1968 [H&H]; Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., New York, N.Y., American 19th Century and Folk Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Sale 4784M (January 28, 1982) Lot 42 [full-page color facsim.], sold $40,000+10% the pair (est. $40-60,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 5429 (January 30 - February 1, 1986) Lot 431 [full-page b&w facsim.], sold $50,000+10% the pair (est. $50-70,000). References: Runk (1897) opp. p. 190 [full-page b&w facsim.] and p. 190 as “painted in 1834 by Phillips”; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1965); Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 40, no. 33 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Note: Number (155) omitted from Holdridge catalog entry. [H&H error] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 36, H&H: 155, HPF: 64B.8, IAP: 63002489, 63006676 (the pair) and 81310142. See Volume 2.

136. Pauline Darling Denton (Mrs. Samuel Denton, 1803-1869) – Middletown (Town of Wallkill), Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1824. 30" x 24" One of a pair. Wife of Samuel Denton [q.v.]. Descr.: Rosy-cheeked young woman with long neck and center-parted hair, wearing black dress with embroidered organdy collar, tall comb, gold earring, ring on l. ring finger; seated facing p.l. with red embroidered shawl wrapped around l. arm, l. arm resting on book on table, small book held in both hands (l. over r.) with spine up. [DRA] Bio.: b. 11 Mar 1803 in Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of John Darling (1771-1814) and Urania (Wakeman) Darling (1778-1865); m. 2 Dec 1823 in Redding, Fairfield Co., Conn. to Samuel Denton (1794-1885); d. 19 Mar 1869; bur. Hillside Cem., Middletown, Orange Co., N.Y. (aged 66 years and 8 days). [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Samuel Denton, sitter; George L. Denton [1830-1900], son; Pauline Denton Swayze [1880-1949], daughter of George Denton; Charles Denton Swayze [1895-1963], son of Pauline; John Patterson Luft [1930-1979], by purchase from Swayze estate; Robert P. White, by purchase from Luft estate; private Philadelphia collection; Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa. (2019). Status: Collection of Frank Tosto. See Volume 2.

137. Samuel Denton (1794-1885) – Middletown (Town of Wallkill), Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1824. 30" x 24" One of a pair. Husband of Pauline Darling Denton [q.v.]. Descr.: Sharp-featured, dark-haired, rosy-cheeked young gentleman wearing black jacket, high white stock and upturned collar, ruffled jabot; seated facing p.l. with l. hand in jacket, r. arm resting on side chair back, holding quill in r. hand. Bio.: b. 10 May 1794 in Norwalk, Fairfield Co., Conn., son of Benjamin Denton (1754-1835) and Sarah (Middlebrook) Denton (1759-1860); m. 2 Dec 1823 in Redding, Fairfield Co. Conn. to Pauline Darling (1803-1869); d. 10 Sep 1885; bur. Hillside Cem., Middletown, Orange Co., N.Y. (aged 91 years and 4 months). Res.: Town of Wallkill (later census designated Middletown from 1865) 1830 through 1880. In 1822 Samuel Denton purchased a general store in Middletown, N.Y. from Stacy Beakes [q.v.], which he operated until 1856. [DRA] Provenance: See Pauline Darling Denton. Status: Collection of Frank Tosto. See Volume 2.

138. Three Members of the Deuel Family – Bethel Town, Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 18291830 [HPF]. Note: Per family history, Phillips painted five members of the Deuel family during his stay. [Sotheby’s, 1988]. These would have included Samuel Deuel [q.v.], his wife Catharine Bockee Deuel (unaccounted for), their daughter Mary Margaret Deuel [q.v.], and two others. The catalog entry by HPF represents the three family members whose portraits (most likely individual works) are unaccounted for. Note: A fourth member of Deuel family, reportedly living in the same household is Margaret Platt Bockee [q.v.] leaving only one unknown family member. [DRA] Status: Locations unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 64A.9. N.B.: May no longer exist.

139. Mary Margaret Deuel (1827-1884) aka Mary Deuel – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Bethel Town, Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], or Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [SNY], c. 1829 or c. 1829-1830 [HPF]. 30-3/4" x 23-3/4" or 29-3/4" x 23-3/4" [SNY]. Dau. of Samuel Deuel [q.v.] and Catharine Smith Bockee Deuel. Niece of Margaret Platt Bockee [q.v.]. Descr.: Full-length portrait, in 3/4 pose, facing p.r., of young child in white dress with pink shoulder-strap bows, red shoes, coral necklace; seated on green and red footstool, on green and red floor covering; holding spray of strawberries in l. hand, plucked strawberry in r. hand. Bio.: b. 1827, N.Y.; attended Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (non-graduate, class of 1844); res. Pine Plains, N.Y., 1850, 1870, 1880; d. 11 Mar 1884; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, N.Y. (aged 57 years). [DRA] Provenance: The sitter; upon her death in 1884 to her sole surviving brother Silas I. Deuel; upon his death in 1908 to his sister-in-law Amelia C. Deuel, widow of their brother Phoenix N. Deuel; to her daughter[s] Kathryn Deuel Duryea and Mrs. Penelope Deuel Schryver, Pine Plains, N.Y. [CHS]; in 1966 to her nephews, who owned it until 1982; Robert W. Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., Fine Americana, Sale 852 (October 29, 1982) Lot 165, sold $90,000 (est. $80-120,000); June R. and Frank E. Barsalona (19382012), New York, N.Y since 1982; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Collection of Frank and June Barsalona, Sale N08665 (September 30, 2010) Lot 1 [color facsim., cover, pp. 8-11], unsold (est. $500-700,000); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Silver, Sale 13791

(January 20, 2017) Lot 630, sold $391,500 (est. $100-150,000) References: Antiques, Vol. CXXII, No. 4 (October 1982): p. 645 [full-page color facsim.]; Fendelman and Kleckner (2004) p. 84 [b&w facsim., courtesy Skinner, Inc.]. Exhibited: “Winthrop Chandler and His Contemporaries: An exhibit of eighteenth and early nineteenth century folk paintings,” David A. Schorsch, Inc., New York, N.Y. (September 4 –November 4, 1989). Status: Sold at auction 2017. CHS: 29, H&H: 128, HPF: 64A.7, IAP: 81310117 and 82320204. See Volume 2.

140. Samuel Deuel (1796-1882), aka Samuel Deuel of Briarcliff Farms, Dutchess City [sic], N.Y. – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Bethel Town, Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1825 [SNY] or c. 1829-1830 [HPF]. 29-1/2" x 23" [SNY] or 30" x 24" [HPF]. Father of Mary Margaret Deuel [q.v.] and brother-in-law of Margaret Platt Bockee [q.v.]. Descr.: Sandy-haired man with chin dimple and prominent ears, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock without bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in stenciled and paint-decorated side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand inside vest. [DRA] Cond.: Cleaned and relined, generally good condition with scattered areas of inpainting, laid down with past restorations. [Neal] Bio.: b. 11 Nov 1796; m. 24 Mar 1825, Catherine Smith Bockee (1798-1869); d 11 Mar 1882. Res.: Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850, 1870, 1880. Provenance: C.G. Sloan & Co., Inc., Washington, D.C. (June 3-5, 1983) Lot 1833, sold $7,000; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 30, 1988) Lot 1624, unsold (est. $6-8,000); location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; The Belle Cheniere Collection (Dr. William deG. and Elizabeth Hayden), Paris, Texas; Neal Auction Company, New Orleans, La., Belle Cheniere Collection (November 21, 2009) Lot 14, unsold (est. $5-7,000); Neal Auction Co. (March 28, 2010) Lot 845, sold $900+23% (est. $2,500-3,500). Reference: Antiques (1983): p. 887 [color facsim.] Status: Sold at auction 2010. HPF: 64A.8, IAP: 62442296. See Volume 2.

141. Caroline Bailey Dewey (Mrs. Chauncey Erastus Dewey, 1834-1912) – Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H] or Pittsfield-Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., vicinity [HPF] or New Lenox, Town of Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], 1860* [H&H] or c. 1860 [HPF]. 32-1/2" x 26-1/2" [Caropreso, HPF] or 34" x 28" [CLF]. One of three. Wife of Chauncey Erastus Dewey [q.v.] and mother of Duane Bailey Dewey [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted hair, wearing black dress with small white lace trimmed v-neck, bell sleeves, sheer white undersleeves having black wristbands with bows; seated facing p.r. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand in lap. Bio.: b. 6 Feb 1834 in Rupert, Bennington Co., Vt., dau. of Hiram Bailey (18021842) and Hannah (Negus) Bailey (1805-1880); m. 15 Oct 1857 to Chauncey Erastus Dewey (1821-1886); res. Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass , 1860 (age 26); d. 23 Oct 1912; bur. New Lenox Cem., Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Provenance: By descent from the subject’s son, Harvey H Dewey, Sr. (1862-1946); to his son, Harvey H. Dewey, Jr. (1906-1959); Edith Gertrude Dewey (Mrs. Harvey H. Dewey, Jr., 1913-1982), New Lenox, Mass., granddaughter-in-law of the subject, as of 1968; Caropreso Gallery, Lee, Mass., Important 19th and 20th Century American Art Auction (February 25, 1984) bought-in (est. $20-25,000 the pair) References: The Berkshire Eagle, Vol. 76, No. 2 (June 1, 1967): p. 4 [b&w facsim.]; Wood (1969) p. 175 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (March 1984): p. 41-E [b&w facsim.]. Status: Charles L. Flint Antiques, Lenox, Mass. as of 2007. H&H: 270, HPF: 64A.10, IAP: 81310256. See Volume 2.

142. Charles Asaph Dewey (1818-1897) – New Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H] or Pittsfield-Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., vicinity [HPF], c. 1862 [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Sarah King Dewey [q.v.]. First cousin of Chauncey Erastus Dewey [q.v.]. Descr.: Subject has a short, stubby beard and holds a newspaper. [H&H] Bio.: b. 14 Oct 1818 in New Lenox, Mass., son of Asaph Dewey (1787-1845) and Sidney (Howland) Dewey (1788-1883); m. 2 Nov 1848 in Westfield, Mass. to Sarah King (1824-1905); res. Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1850 through 1870 (farmer); d. 16 Oct 1897 in Pittsfield, Mass.; bur. New Lenox Cem., Lenox, Mass. [DRA] Provenance: The subject’s dau., Sarah Adaline Dewey (Mrs. Thomas B. Salmon, 1861-1938), Richmond, Mass.; from whom purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deming Andrews, Pittsfield, Mass.; sold by Mrs. Andrews (who retained double-portrait of mother and dau.). Note: Based on the description, date, and the size of the companion portrait, this is possibly the same as Man Reading “The

Agriculture” [q.v.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1968, 1994. [H&H, HPF] See note. CHS: 31, H&H: 279, HPF: 64A.11, IAP: 81310265.

143. Chauncey Erastus Dewey (1821-1886), aka Chauncey Dewey – Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H] or Pittsfield-Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., vicinity [HPF] or New Lenox, Town of Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], 1860* [H&H, HPF]. 321/2" x 26-1/2" [Caropreso] or 32-1/2" x 28-1/2" [HPF] or 34" x 28" [CLF] One of three. Husband of Caroline Bailey Dewey [q.v.] and father of Duane Bailey Dewey [q.v.]. First cousin of Charles Asaph Dewey [q.v.]. Inscr. (on books): “LEDGER / 1860” and “H.R.R.” [presumably Housatonic Rail Road]. Descr.: Gentleman with dark hair and chinstrap beard, wearing black jacket, double-breasted vest and bow tie, white pleated shirt; seated facing p.l., l. arm resting on chair arm, r. arm resting on two books on table (see inscriptions), r. hand holding quill between extended index and middle finger. Bio.: b. 22 Feb 1821, New Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Erastus Dewey (1789-1865) and Matilda (Millard) Dewey (1795-1865); m. (1st) 27 Sep 1848 to Phebe A. Mattoon (1824-1856); m. (2nd) 15 Oct 1857 to Caroline Bailey (1834-1912); res. Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass , 1860 (age 39, merchant); d. 13 Jun 1886; bur. New Lenox Cem., Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Note: “The Housatonic Railroad Company have established a regular station at Dewey’s, New Lenox and appointed C.E. Dewey, agent.” [The Berkshire County Eagle, June 6, 1856] Provenance: By descent from the subject’s son, Harvey H. Dewey, Sr. (18621946); to his son, Harvey H. Dewey, Jr. (1906-1959); Edith Gertrude Dewey (Mrs. Harvey H. Dewey, Jr., 1913-1982), New Lenox, Mass., granddaughter-in-law of the subject, as of 1968; Caropreso Gallery, Lee, Mass., Important 19th and 20th Century American Art Auction (February 25, 1984) bought-in (est. $2025,000 the pair). References: The Berkshire Eagle, Vol. 76, No. 2 (June 1, 1967): p. 4 [b&w facsim.]; Wood (1969) p. 174 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (March 1984): p. 41-E [b&w facsim.]. Status: Charles L. Flint Antiques, Lenox, Mass. as of 2007. H&H: 269, HPF: 64A.12, IAP: 81310255. See Volume 2.

144. Duane Bailey Dewey (1858-1927), aka Duane Dewey, aka Boy in a Red Suit –New Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF], 1859-1863 [SNY] or c. 1860-1862 [HPF]. 331/2" x 27" [CNY]. One of three. Son of Chauncey Erastus Dewey [q.v.] and Caroline Bailey Dewey [q.v.]. Descr.: Wearing red suit; sitting with arm around dog. [HPF] Young boy wearing red short-sleeved dress with black trim, white pantalette(s), white socks, black shoes; seated facing p.l. on footstool with dark blue skirting, l. hand in lap, r. arm around dog. Brown dog with white blaze and paws, sitting on floor with head on child’s r. thigh. [DRA] Note: The back of the canvas with a chalk sketch, in Phillips’s hand, of an older lady. [CNY] Bio.: b. 24 Dec 1858, New Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass.; m. 21 Jun 1899 to Lena Rose Wagner (1873-1945); d. 4 Jun 1927 in Lenox, Mass.; bur Pittsfield Cem., Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., Mass. Res.: Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1860 through 1920. [DRA] Provenance: Catherine Peters Benz (Mrs. Frederick Dewey Benz, 1898-1994) of San Mateo, Cal., wife of the subject’s nephew; to her sons, Frederick Dewey Benz, Jr. (1928-2015) and Henry C. Benz; Christie's, New York, Important American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 6220 (October 18, 1986) Lot 440 [p. 133: full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $50-80,000). Reference: Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 79 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 64A.13. See Volume 2.

145. Dr. Horatio Dewey (1799-1857) aka Doctor Dewey, aka Horatio Dewey –Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Leeds, Greene Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1823 [H&H] or c. 1830 [CAP] or c. 1827-1830 [HPF]. 31" x 26" [H&H, HPF] or 32-1/16" x 27-/16" (accurate) or 32-1/8" x 27-1/8" [NYS]. Son-in-law of John Van Deusen [q.v.]. Descr.: Life size man seen to waist, seated, face turned to [proper] left, r. hand holds book entitled "Anatomy", wears high collar wound about by [white] stock, dark coat, deeply receding hair line; dark background. [NYS] Bio.: b. 6 Jun 1799 near Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of John Dixon Dewey (1769-1852) and Hannah (Clark) Dewey (1780-1854); first course medical student, Williams College and Berkshire Medical Institution, 1823 (res. Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y.); m. 4 Oct 1827 in Livingston, Columbia Co.,

N.Y. (Dr. Horatio Dewey of this place) to Catalina Van Deusen (1801-1871), dau. of John Van Deusen [q.v.]; res. Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y., 1850, 1855 (Physician); d. 28 Sep 1857; bur. Catskill Village Cem., Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. He was a physician at Leeds, N.Y. and was Surgeon of the 37th New York Militia in 1835. [DRA] Cond.: Restored (1962), relined. [NYS] Provenance: From the subject’s daughter, Catalina Dewey (Mrs. Daniel Young, 1834-1900); to her daughter, Maude Helen Young (Mrs. Conrad Elmendorf Hasbrouck, 1862-1938); Senate House Association, Kingston, N.Y., donated to the Trustees of the Old Senate House at Kingston by will of Conrad Elmendorf Hasbrouck (notice of probate June 17, 1932); New York State Office of Parks and Recreation, Division of Historic Preservation [recorded 1979]. References: The Kingston Daily Freeman, Vol. LXVII, No. 194 (June 3, 1938): p. 1 [not illus.]; Jones and Mearns, Ammi Phillips and Company (June 1982) n.p., fig 6 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, Antiques (September 1982): p. 551, Fig. 7 [b&w facsim.]. Status: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. (originally acquired 1936). Accession number: SH1979.6 A B. Note: not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 30, H&H: 92, HPF: 64A.14, IAP: 81310081. See Volume 2.

146. Sarah King Dewey (Mrs. Charles Asaph Dewey, 1824-1905) and Daughter

Harriet Maria Dewey (1859-1918) – New Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], c. 1862 [H&H] or c. 1862-1863 [SNY]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [H&H] or 34" x 27" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Charles Asaph Dewey [q.v.]. The companion to this portrait, both previously with Faith Andrews (1896-1990), is separated and unlocated. Descr.: Woman with sleek, center-parted hair, worn up; wearing black button-front dress with lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r. in side chair, l. hand in lap, r. arm around standing child. Fair-haired child in pink short-sleeved dress, standing facing p.l. with l. elbow on mother’s lap, r. hand not shown. [DRA] Notes: The Dewey family residence was located to the east of the village of New Lenox, Massachusetts. Charles Asaph Dewey was born in New Lenox October 14, 1818, his wife Sarah King Dewey was born January 10, 1824, the daughter of Roland and Maria Weller King. Charles and Sarah were married November 2, 1848. They had nine children, of whom Harriet Maria, the sitter in the present portrait, was born June 11, 1859. The double portrait of Harriet and her mother was painted circa 1862-1863. At that time Phillips was living in Curtisville (now Interlaken), Massachusetts, near Stockbridge. Cond.: In what appears to be the original frame and stretchers. [SNY] Provenance: To Sarah King Dewey’s dau., Sarah Adaline Dewey (Mrs. Timothy B. Salmon, 1861-1938), Richmond, Mass.; from whom purchased by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Deming Andrews; Mrs. Edward Deming [Faith] Andrews, Pittsfield, Mass. [1968]; by whom willed to dau. Ann Andrews Kane (Mrs. Thomas E. Kane), Stanford, Cal.; a private collection (probably preceding) as of 1994, 2007; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08323 (October 4, 2007) Lot 145, sold $27,500+23.5% (est. $15-20,000). Reference: The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Mass. (March 11, 1967). Status: Purchased in the auction room by a couple from Argentina, per David Hewitt, 2007. [MAD] CHS: 32, H&H: 280, HPF: 64A.15, IAP: 81310266 and 82320205. See Volume 2.

147. Jane Bevier Deyo (Mrs. Abraham D. Deyo, 1813-1891), aka Jane Du Bois Deyo, aka Fashionable Lady with Shawl and Book – Guilford, Chenango Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Guilford, Town of Gardiner, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1835 [H&H] or c. 1824 [DRA]. 29-1/4" x 24" [HPF] or 29-7/8" x 24" [DNY]. One of a purported pair. Wife of Abraham Deyo [q.v.]. Problematic identification (see notes). Descr.: Roundfaced woman with short curls, wearing tortoiseshell comb, black dress with organdy collar; facing p.l., seated on a sofa, pale embroidered shawl wrapped around l. arm, l. arm resting on sofa arm, small book held in both hands (l. over r.), ring on third finger of l. hand. [DRA] Cond.: Wax lined. Flattened fine craquelure. Difficult to distinguish restoration in darker passages. Selectively removed varnish. Strokes of inpaint in lighter passages, most notably in the face, throat and hands. [DNY] Bio.: b. 16 Oct 1813, Shawangunk, Ulster Co., N.Y.; m. Abraham D. Deyo (1815-1884); d. 11 Jan 1891. Notes: 1) Guilford, N.Y. [inferred by HPF from H&H entry for Abraham Deyo] correctly refers to the hamlet of Guilford in the town of Gardiner, Ulster Co., N.Y., not the town of Guilford in Chenango Co., N.Y. 2) This purported companion to the portrait of Abraham Deyo [q.v.] was unknown to the Holdridges in 1968. The subject identification is highly problematic. SPB and HPF identify the sitter as Jane Bevier Deyo, dau. of Ann DeWitt Bevier [q.v.] and Philip du Bois Bevier,

and the sister of Esther Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.] and Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.]. Jane Bevier Deyo was the dau. of Andries Bevier, not Philip Bevier, and was not the sister of Esther and Hylah Bevier Also, she was too young to be the subject of this c. 1824 portrait, a difficulty circumvented by HPF in estimating the date as c. 1835. This is possibly Mary Deyo Bevier (Mrs. Andries Bevier, 1785-1858), the mother of Jane Bevier Deyo. [DRA] Provenance: By possible descent to Alfred Deyo (1826-1894), Gardiner, N.Y.; to his son Louis Dewitt Deyo (1874-1954), Gardiner and Stony Point, N.Y., and later Bound Brook, N.J.; to his son Philip S. Deyo (1912-1969), Bound Brook, N.J.; Estate of Philip Deyo, Bound Brook, N.J. [SPB]; Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., New York, N.Y., The American Heritage Society Auction of Americana, Sale 4316 (November 27-30, 1979) Lot 859 [Vol. II, full-page b&w facsim.], est. $7-10,000; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; property of Robert E. Schmidt, New York; Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts (April 1, 2015) Lot 8, sold $10,500+25% (est. $8-12,000). References: Morris Museum of Arts & Sciences, IAP Survey, 1977 (as Jane Du Bois Deyo, property of Albert J. Von Frank [1915-2003], Convent Station, N.J.); Antiques (November 1979): p. 949 [b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: “American Art Treasures Discovered,” Morris Museum of Arts and Sciences, Morristown, N.J. (1977) Status: Sold at auction 2015. HPF: 64B.10, IAP: 31660629 and 6151A052. See Volume 2.

148. Man with Red Hair, possibly Isaac Dibble (1778-1824) or Fyler Dibblee (17791841), aka Mr. Dilbee of Pine Plains, aka Mr. Dibblee – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (probably), c. 1820 [CHS] or c. 1817 [H&H] or c. 1816 [SNY, CNY] or c. 182122 [DRA]. 32-1/2" x 27" or 33-1/4" x 26-1/2" sight [MR] or 38-1/2" x 31-3/4" framed [CNY]. Inscr. (carved in strainer top): "Dibblee 1800 1 Ambass". Descr.: Red-haired, full-faced gentleman with long pointed sideburns, wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar and visible cuff, tall white stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in grain-painted scroll-arm chair, r. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand not shown. Note: Subject identified by Holdridge (1968) as most likely Isaac Dibble of Pine Plains. [DRA] Now believed to be Fyler Dibblee of Pine Plains. [LNPHS] Bio.: Fyler Dibblee, b. 1779 in Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y., son of Ebeneezer Dibblee (1745-1826) and Esther (Harvey) Dibblee (1755-1843); m. 17 Oct 1809 to Frances Wilson (1789-1879); d. 13 Jul 1841 in New York, N.Y.; bur. New York City Marble Cemetery. Judge in Court of Common Pleas, Pine Plains, N.Y. (1815) and Town Supervisor, Town of North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (1818). [DRA] Provenance: The Old Print Shop, New York, N.Y. [1960, 1965] as "Man with Red Hair" c. 1827, offered at $1,500 in 1960 catalog; M. Knoedler Galleries, New York, N.Y. [1968]; Kennedy Galleries, N.Y. [per Christie's]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., The Thomas G. Rizzo Collection of Important American Folk Art and Related Decorative Arts (April 29, 1982) Lot 34, as “Mr Dilbee of Pine Plains,” sold $20,000+10% (est. $8-10.000); Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Property of Marguerite and Arthur Riordan, Stonington, Conn., Sale 2095 (January 18, 2008) Lot 546, as “Mr. Dilbee of Pine Plains,” sold $29,800 p (est. $30-50,000). References: The Old Print Shop Portfolio, Vol. XX, No. 3 (November 1960): p. 71 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 25 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (November 1987): p. 882 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2008. CHS: 38, H&H: 34*, HPF: 64B.11, IAP: 62310799, 81310029 and 82320206. See Volume 2.

149. Rachel Divine (Mrs. William Divine, 1786-1865) – Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1846*. 33-1/2" x 28". Inscr. (verso): "RACHEL. DIVINE AGED 60 YEARS. 1846.", possibly in Phillips’s hand. Descr.: Older woman, wearing black dress, dark grey fichu, white lace cap tied under chin, spectacles; seated facing p.l. on a red upholstered sofa, a large open book on her lap, with l. wrist resting on sofa arm, r. thumb and index finger holding a page with "PSALM XXXVII" highlighted. Bio.: Widow of William Divine (1776-1838). Res.: Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (1850), age 64, landowner, household of son Henry Divine (32). Bur.: Pittsbury Presbyterian Church Cem., Washington Hollow, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Provenance: By descent from the subject’s dau., Eliza Divine (Mrs. William L. Taber, 1813-1875); her son, Walter R. Taber (1837-1915); his son, William Taber (1865-1926); his son, Raymond P. Taber (1900-1957); his dau., Norma M. (Taber) Dubois (1926-2010); her brother, Carlton B. Taber of Middletown, N.Y.; Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2013) Lot 30a, sold $4,500+15% (est. $1,000-1,500). Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 8, 2013): p. 50 [not illus.]. Status: Private collection as of 2013 See Volume 2.

150. Mr. Doane of Dover Plains, New York – Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (possibly), c. 1840 [DRA]. 33-1/4" x 27-1/2" [DNY]. Descr.: Long-faced gentleman with gray hair and blue eyes, wearing a black high-collared jacket, black stock and tie, white unpleated shirt; seated facing p.l., r. hand holding a closed book with index finger marking page, l. hand draped over the back of a stenciled chair. [DRA] Cond.: Strip lined. Uneven varnish, with a streak running down the right side. Scattered very light touches of inpaint, the largest being a 1 1/4 inch diameter area of inpaint to the right of the face and scattered inpaint along the edge. Craquelure, most apparent in the forehead of the sitter. [DNY] Provenance: Alexander Gallery, New York; property of Robert E. Schmidt, New York; Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts (April 1, 2015) Lot 7, sold $4,250+25% (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 2015. See Volume 2.

151. Amanda Benham Doolittle (Mrs. Ezra Doolittle, 1783-1865) – Riverton, Litchfield Co., Conn. [CHS] or Hartland, Hartford Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1835 [H&H] or c. 1830 [CHS, HPF]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2". One of a pair. Wife of Ezra Doolittle [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 1 Jan 1783 in Cheshire, Conn., dau. of Uri Benham (d. 1832) and Lois (Doolittle) Benham (1747-1827); m. 7 Apr 1802 in Cheshire, Conn.; d. 1 Mar 1865; bur. Riverton Cem., Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Ward Terwilliger, Winsted, Conn. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H] Note: See notes under Ezra Doolittle. [DRA] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 40, H&H: 161, HPF: 64B.12, IAP: 81310148.

152. Ezra Doolittle (1780-1866) – Riverton, Litchfield Co., Conn. [CHS] or Hartland, Hartford Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1835 [H&H] or c. 1830 [CHS, HPF]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2". One of a pair. Husband of Amanda Benham Doolittle [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 8 Aug 1780 in Cheshire, Conn., son of Ezra Doolittle (1752-1830) and Sarah (Moss) Doolittle (1755-1847); d. 11 Mar 1866; bur. Riverton Cem., Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., Conn. Note: Dates given in CHS (1752-1830) are of subject’s father and inconsistent with estimated date of portrait. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Ward Terwilliger, Winsted, Conn. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H] Note: Owner’s correct name is Marion W. Terwilliger (née Ward), 1906-1993, whose great-grandparents are listed in the 1850 census of Hartland, Conn. immediately adjacent to Ezra and Amanda Doolittle. [DRA] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 39, H&H: 160, HPF: 64B.13, IAP: 81310147.

153. Catherine Van Slyck Dorr (later Mrs. George C. Clyde, 1804-1892), aka Young Girl of the Dorr Family – Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y., c. 1814-1815. 28-1/4" x 231/4" [H&A] or 26-1/2" x 21-3/4" oval, sight [SCH] or 28-1/2" x 23-1/4" [BAMPFA] Dau. of Dr. Russell Dorr [q.v.] and Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: Young girl with wispy blond temple curls in black-banded hair net, wearing light blue short-sleeved Empire-waisted dress; seated facing p.r. in pale green fancy-painted side chair with r. elbow resting on table, closed book with spine forward held vertically between hands (r. hand above). Pale background. Notes: Painted as an oval on rectangular canvas for framing with mat. Along with the six Dorr family portraits in the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, and the Henrietta Dorr portrait at Princeton, this would fully account for the "eight likenesses with frames" mentioned in the estate of Dr. Russell Dorr. [DRA] Bio.: b. 10 Nov 1804 in Chatham, N.Y.; m. 4 June 1829 in Ghent, N.Y. to George Clinton Clyde (1802-1868) of Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N.Y. and settled in Cherry Valley; d. 21 Sep 1892; bur. Cherry Valley Cem., Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of the Dorr family; Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. (1974); collection of Nancy C. [later Edebo] and W. Bliss Carnochan, Palo Alto, Cal. References: Quality, an Experience in Collecting (Hirschl & Adler, 1974) p. 38, as “Portrait of a Young Girl of the Dorr Family” [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 10, no. 4 as "Probably Catherine Van Slyck Dorr (Clyde)" [full-page b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Hirschl & Adler Galleries, 1977); Hollander (2009) p. 69 [color facsim.]; Brooke (2010) p. 359, Pl. 11 [b&w facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 68, Fig. 4.4 [color facsim.]; Barnes (2014) p. 6 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September. 30, 1975). Status: University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (promised gift of Bliss Carnochan and Nancy Edebo). CAP: CA140214. HPF: 64B.14, IAP: 35090129 and 61071196. See Volume 2.

154. Henrietta Dorr (later Mrs. Orrin Phelps, 1808-1853) – Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1814 [H&H]. 21-7/8" x 17-3/4" [H&H]. Inscr. (top verso of frame): "Henrietta Dorr, born 1806 [sic], Chatham Center, New York". Dau. of Dr. Russell Dorr [q.v.] and Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: Half-length portrait of child in short-sleeved, pale blue-gray dress with large dotted and ruffled white collar, wearing hair net tied in front; standing facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table, r. hand holding two small red flowers. Bio.: b. 12 Aug 1808, Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y.; m. 14 Jan 1828 to Orrin Phelps; d. 24 Sep 1853, Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Edward Duff Balken [possibly from J. Stuart Halladay and Herrel George Thomas]; Princeton University (gift of Edward Duff Balken, 1958). References: DeWald (1958) no. 13 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 128 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 28 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 11, no. 7 as "Henrietta Dorr (Phelps) (18081843)" [not illus.]; Heslip (1990) p. 56 [color facsim.]; Moore, Record of the Art Museum (1998): p. 20, Fig. 14 [b&w facsim.]; Guthrie (1999) p. 57 [color facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 69, Fig. 4.7 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. (acquired 1958). Accession number: y195866. On public exhibit as of 2009. CHS: 41, H&H: 15*, HPF: 64B.15, IAP: 32040230. See Volume 2.

155. Colonel Joseph Dorr (1761-1833) – Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1814-1816 or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 40" x 33" [L&W, NFL, HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Sarah Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Brother of Dr. Russell Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4 length pose of gentleman with thinning gray hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white stock tied in front, gray trousers; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated side chair with legs crossed (l. over r.), l. hand in lap holding a small piece of paper, r. arm resting on chair back with quill pen in r. hand. Open ledger book on table with inkwell and quill. Bio.: b. 15 Jul 1761 in Lyme, New London Co., Conn., son of Capt. Matthew Dorr (1725-1801) and Elizabeth (Palmer) Dorr (1724-1775); m. 1 Sep 1785 in Cambridge, Washington Co., N.Y. to Sarah Bull (1769-1851); d. 8 Aug 1833; bur. Baptist Church Cem., Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent to Hugh P. Dorr (1905-1972) of Hoosick Falls, N.Y., great-great-great-grandson of the subject; Collection of Bertram K. and Nina Fletcher Little (1980, 1984); to son John B. Little; Historic New England (1992). References: Lipman and Winchester (1974) p. 38, Pl. 35 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman and Armstrong (1980) p. 140 [color facsim.]; Little (1984, 1998) p. 121, Pl. 157 [full-page color facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 63, Fig. 4.1 B [color facsim.]. Note: It is an anomaly that the Holdridges (1968) were unaware of this portrait, and its companion, in the Little collection. Status: Historic New England (gift of John B. Little). Accession number: 1992.167. HPF: 65A.1. See Volume 2.

156. Joseph Priestly Dorr (1805-1879) – Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Chatham Center, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1814 [H&H] or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 24-3/8" x 20" [HPF]. Son of Dr. Russell Dorr [q.v.] and Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: Half-length portrait of a young blond-haired, brown-eyed boy wearing gray jacket with large pleated and ruffled white collar, brown trousers; standing facing p.l. with r. hand partially inside jacket and l. arm resting on a blue fancy-painted chair back. Blue-gray background. Mirror-image of portrait of brother Russel Griffin Dorr [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 9 Jul 1805; m. 1835 to Julia Pixley (1813-1891); d. 14 Jan 1879 Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N.Y.; bur. Chatham Center Rural Cem., Chatham Center, N.Y. Note: See following for Dr. Joseph Priestly Dorr, circa 1855. [DRA] Provenance: Seneca Milo Dorr (1820-1884), younger brother of the subject; to his eldest daughter, Zulma DeLacy Dorr (Mrs. William H. Steele, 1851-1927); to her daughter, Zulma Ripley Steele (1881-1979), later Mrs. Neilson T. Parker (aka Miss Zulma S. Parker), Woodstock, N.Y. [noted American landscape artist] as of 1968; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center, Williamsburg, Virginia (1979). References: Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 10, no. 5 as "(Dr.) Joseph Priestly Dorr" [not illus.]; Rumford (1981) p. 154, Fig. 124 [color facsim.], Heslip (1990) p. 57 [b&w facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 69, Fig. 4.5 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1979). Accession number: 79.100.8. CHS: 42, H&H: 13, HPF: 65A.2, IAP: 81310013. See Volume 2.

157. Dr. Joseph Priestly Dorr (1805-1879) – Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N.Y., c. 1855. Descr.: Brown-haired gentleman with large beard, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt; seated facing p.l. with r. arm resting on two volumes on table, l. hand not shown. Bio.: See Joseph Priestly Dorr (c. 1814). Res.: Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1846 (Town Supervisor), 1850, 1860, 1870. [DRA] Note: Approximately 40 years separate this portrait from that of Joseph Priestly Dorr as a child, circa 1814 [q.v.], which is unique among Phillips’s works. Photo courtesy George C. Colclough, Jr., Springfield, Mass. Status: Private collection. See Volume 2.

158. Milton Dorr (1790-1829) – Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 40" x 33" [DAS]. Son of Colonel Joseph Dorr [q.v.] and Sarah Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of gentleman with wispy hair and sideburns, wearing black jacket, yellow vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock tied in front, upturned collar, gray trousers; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted side chair, legs crossed (l. over r.), r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand in jacket. Pale background. Bio.: b. 4 Apr 1790 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y.; m. 15 Feb 1812 to Elizabeth Haight (1789-1849); d. 12 Jan 1829 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y.; bur. Baptist Church Cem., Hoosick Falls, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Milton Dorr (1790-1829); to his dau. Elizabeth Bishop (Dorr) Johnson (1813-1869); to her son Alonzo Loveland Johnson (1835-1901); to his gdau. Betsey Eliza (Johnson) Hewitt (1888-1967); to her dau. Betsey Johnson (Hewitt) Hogg (Mrs. George Porter Hogg, 1921-2016); Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn.; Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa.; David A. Schorsch & Eileen M. Smiles, Woodbury, Conn.; Jane Katcher, Miami, Fla. [per Katcher (2011)]. Reference: Katcher (2011) p. 65, Pl. 17 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Dr. Jane Katcher, Miami, Fla. [2011]. HPF: 65A.3. See Volume 2.

159. Milton Dorr (1790-1829) or possibly Josephus Dorr (1799-1874) – Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1816. 39-1/2" x 32-1/2" [TRS]. Son of Colonel Joseph Dorr [q.v.] and Sarah Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of gentleman with wispy hair, wearing black jacket, yellow vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock tied in front, upturned collar, reddish-brown trousers; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted side chair, legs crossed (l. over r.), r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand holding fingers of r. hand. Pale background. Note: Identified by The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago and the Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum & Gardens, Rockford, Ill., as Milton Dorr. The existence of a separate portrait of Milton Dorr [see above] suggests that this may be his younger brother, Josephus Dorr (b. 1799 in Hoosick Falls, N.Y., d. 1874 in Rockford, Ill.). That would be consistent with the appearance and history of both works [DRA] Provenance: By apparent descent from Josephus Dorr; to his daughter Mary Dorr (Mrs. John Henry Manny and later Mrs. Robert Hall Tinker, 1829-1901); to her niece Jessie Dorr (Mrs. Gye J.C. Hurd and later Mrs. Robert Hall Tinker, 1859-1942), granddaughter of the possible subject, as of 1940. [DRA] Exhibited: “Exhibition of American Primitives and Copies of the Bishop Hill Paintings by the Index of American Design,” The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago (April 3 – 30, 1940). Status: Property of Tinker Swiss Cottage Museum & Gardens, Rockford, Ill. See Volume 2.

160. Paulina Dorr (later Mrs. Martin Harder, 1803-1844) – Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. or Chatham Center, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1814 or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 28" x 21-7/8". Descr.: Girl with blonde hair and wispy ringlets, wearing light blue short-sleeved, Empire dress; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted side chair, l. arm resting on table, closed book in lap held diagonally between hands (l. over r.). Pale background. Bio.: b. 13 Jul 1803 in Chatham, N.Y., dau. (eldest child) of Dr. Russell Dorr [q.v.] and Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.]; m. 14 Oct 1828 to Martin Harder (son of William G. Harder [q.v.] and Gertrude Snyder Harder [q.v.]); Settled in Ghent, N.Y. where he was a farmer; d. 21 May 1844 without issue [DRA] Provenance: Seneca Milo Dorr (1820-1884), younger brother of the subject; to his eldest daughter, Zulma DeLacy Dorr (Mrs. William H. Steele, 1851-1927); to her daughter, Zulma Ripley Steele (1881-1979), later Mrs. Neilson T. Parker (aka

Miss Zulma S. Parker), Woodstock, N.Y. [noted American landscape artist] as of 1968; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center, Williamsburg, Virginia (1979). References: Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 9, no. 3 as "Paulina Dorr (Harder)" [not illus.]; Rumford (1981) p. 151, Fig. 123 [color facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 68, Fig. 4.3 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1979). Accession number: 79.100.7. CHS: 43, H&H: 12, HPF: 65A.4, IAP: 80045314, 81310012 and 82320207. See Volume 2.

161. Polsapianna Bull Dorr (Mrs. Russell Dorr, 1783-1869) and Daughter Esther Maria Dorr (1814-1896), aka Mrs. Russell Dorr and Baby – Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. or Chatham Center, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1814 or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 30" x 28" (accurate) or 38" x 27-7/8" [HPF]. Wife of Dr. Russell Dorr [q.v.] Daughter of Amy Chase Bull [q.v.]. Mother of Catherine Van Slyck Dorr [q.v.], Esther Maria Dorr, Henrietta Dorr [q.v.], Joseph Priestly Dorr [q.v.], Paulina Dorr [q.v.], Robert Lottridge Dorr [q.v.] and Russell Griffin Dorr [q.v.]. Sister of Sarah Bull Dorr [q.v.] Descr.: Woman with center-parted dark hair and wispy ringlets, wearing dark blue short-sleeved dress with dotted sheer pelerine and dotted lace sleeves; seated facing p.l. in a blue fancy-painted side chair, holding a sleeping infant in a long white dress and ruffled cap. Bio. (Polsapianna Bull): b. 25 Feb 1783 in Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., dau. of Isaac Bull (17461837) and Amy (Chase) Bull (1747-1835); m. 21 Mar 1801 to Dr. Russell Dorr (1771-1824); d. 6 Apr 1869; bur. Chatham Center Rural Cem., Chatham Center, Columbia Co., N.Y. (Polsa P. Dorr, wife of Doct. Russell Dorr, Aged 86 Years 1 Month & 11 Days). Bio (Esther Maria Dorr): b. 16 Apr 1814 in Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y.; m. 16 Aug 1841 to Rev. John Henry Newman (1814-1896); d. 11 Aug 1896 in Des Moines, Polk Co., Iowa. [DRA] Note: Referenced by Holdridges as "Polsa Bull Dorr" (1959) and "Polsa Pianna Bull Dorr" (1968). Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of Halladay-Thomas Collection). References: American Provincial Paintings (1949) No. 23 [not illus.]; Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1958); Barbara Cohen and Larry Holdridge, "Found: A Berkshire Old Master," The Berkshire Eagle (August 29, 1959): p. 10A [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, Art in America (1960): p. 98 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 127 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 26 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 9, no. 2 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 150, Fig. 121 [color facsim.]; Folk Art (Time-Life Books, 1990) p. 29 [color facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 66, Fig. 4.2A [color facsim.]; Barry, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2018): p. 115 [full-page color facsim.] Exhibited: Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, N.Y. (January 23 – February 22, 1949); Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (October 1949); The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1958). Accession number: 58.100.15. CHS: 47, H&H: 11*, HPF: 65A.5, IAP: 81310011. See Volume 2.

162. Robert Lottridge Dorr (1812-1880) – Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. or Chatham Center, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1814 or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 22-3/16" x 17-15/16" (accurate) or 23-1/8" x 17-3/4" [HPF] or 22-1/8" x 18" [P&B]. Son of Dr. Russell Dorr [q.v.] and Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: Half-length portrait of a young child with pale blond hair, wearing green short-sleeved dress with red and yellow print; standing facing p.r. with l. hand holding a bunch of cherries and extended r. hand holding a branch with leaves and cherries. Bio.: b. 7 Aug 1812 in Chatham, N.Y.; m. 28 Feb 1852 to Mary Tompkins (1832-1875); settled in North Dansville, Livingston Co., N.Y.; d. 24 Feb 1880 in Dansville, N.Y.; bur. Greenmount Cem., Dansville, N.Y. [DRA] Note: 1941 exhibit catalog states "Painted in 1815 when subject was three years of age. Robert Dorr, a lawyer, married Miss Mary Tompkins in 1852." Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of Halladay-Thomas Collection). References: American Provincial Paintings (1941) No. 9, Anonymous, Robert Lockridge [sic] Dorr of Chatham Center, New York,

painted in 1815 when subject was three years of age, 22 x 18 inches [b&w facsim.]; American Provincial Paintings (1942, 1947, Syracuse: 1949, Albany: 1949) nos 29, 79, 34, 19, respectively [not illus.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1958); Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 128 [b&w facsim.]; Black and Lipman (1966) p. 58, Fig. 65 [color facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 29 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 11, no. 8 [b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 155, Fig. 126 [color facsim.], Heslip (1990) p. 56 [color facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 69, Fig. 4.8 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: See Polaspiana Bull Dorr. Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1958). Accession number: 58.100.8. CHS: 44, H&H: 16*, HPF: 65A.6, IAP: 81310016 and 81440037. See Volume 2.

163. Dr. Russell Dorr (1770-1824), aka Russell Dorr – Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. or Chatham Center, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1814 or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 38" x 29-3/4" (accurate) or 38" x 30" [HPF]. Husband of Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Father of Catherine Van Slyck Dorr [q.v.], Esther Maria Dorr [q.v.], Henrietta Dorr [q.v.]., Joseph Priestly Dorr [q.v.], Paulina Dorr [q.v.], Robert Lottridge Dorr [q.v.] and Russell Griffin Dorr [q.v.]. Brother of Col. Joseph Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: Knee-length portrait of an oval-faced gentleman with thinning gray hair, wearing high-collared black jacket, white stock with bow tied in front, white ruffled jabot; seated facing p.r. in a red-upholstered scroll-arm chair, r. hand in lap, l. hand in jacket, a row of large volumes on table. Pale gray background. Bio.: b. 20 Apr 1770 in Lyme, New London Co., Conn., son of Capt. Matthew Dorr (1725-1801) and Elizabeth (Palmer) Dorr (1724-1775); m. 21 Mar 1801 to Polsapianna Bull (1783-1869); d. 30 Mar 1824, of typhus, in Burlington, Otsego Co., N.Y. (where he had gone to provide medical aid to his ailing niece and nephew); bur. Chatham Center Rural Cem., Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. Res.: Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1810; Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1820. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, halfsister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of HalladayThomas Collection). References: American Provincial Paintings (1949) No. 22 [not illus.]; Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (post-restoration, courtesy AARFAC, 1958); Barbara Cohen and Larry Holdridge, "Found: A Berkshire Old Master," The Berkshire Eagle (August 29, 1959): p. 10A [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 127 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 29 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 8, no. 1 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 150, Fig. 122 [color facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 67, Fig. 4.2B [color facsim.]. Exhibited: See Polsapianna Bull Dorr. Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1958). Accession number: 58.100.16. CHS: 46, H&H: 10*, HPF: 65A.7, IAP: 81310010. See Volume 2.

164. Russell Griffin Dorr (1807-1860) – Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. or Chatham Center, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1814 or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 24-5/8" x 20" accurate [CAP], [HPF]. Son of Dr. Russell Dorr [q.v.] and Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.].

Descr.: Half-length portrait of a young blond-haired, brown-eyed boy wearing gray jacket with large pleated and ruffled white collar, brown trousers; standing facing p.r. with r. arm resting on a blue fancy-painted chair back and l. hand partially inside jacket. Blue-gray background. Mirror-image of portrait of brother Joseph Priestly Dorr [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 7 Feb 1807 in Chatham, N.Y.; m. 19 Sep 1832 to Harriet Park of Burlington, N.Y.; he was a lawyer and they settled in Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N.Y.; d. 1860; bur Hillsdale Rural Cem., Hillsdale, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: From the subject to his wife, Mrs. Russell Griffin Dorr (Harriet Park Dorr, 1814-1907), Hillsdale, N Y ; to her dau , Mrs. Harriet Paulina Dorr Starkweather (d. 1936), Hillsdale, N.Y. and Lake Helen, Fla.; to her first cousin, Miss Bessie Peck, North Chatham, N.Y.; to the private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of Halladay-Thomas Collection). References: Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 563 [full-page color facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 128 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 23 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 11, no. 6 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka & Blackburn (1996) p. 121 [b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 154, Fig. 125 [color facsim.], Heslip (1990) p. 57 [b&w facsim.];

Katcher (2011) p. 69, Fig. 4.6 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1958). Accession number: R58.100.25. CHS: 45, H&H: 14*, HPF: 65A.8, IAP: 81310014. See Volume 2.

165. Sarah Bull Dorr (Mrs. Joseph Dorr, 1769-1851), aka Mrs. Joseph Dorr –Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1814-1816 or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 40" x 33" [NFL, HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Col. Joseph Dorr [q.v.] Daughter of Amy Chase Bull [q.v.]. Sister of Polsapianna Bull Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of woman with thin dark hair swept to p.l. side, wearing light gray long-sleeved satin dress with white bodice and high collar, red necklace and small brooch; seated facing p.l. in a paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on table, l. hand holding a small piece of embroidered lace, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Pale background. Bio.: b. 29 Jan 1769 in Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., dau. of Isaac Bull (1746-1837) and Amy (Chase) Bull (1747-1835); m. 1 Sep 1785 in Cambridge, Washington Co., N.Y. to Joseph Dorr (17611833); d. 10 May 1851 in Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.; bur. Baptist Church Cem., Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent to Hugh P. Dorr (1905-1972) of Hoosick Falls, N.Y., greatgreat-great-grandson of the subject; Collection of Bertram K. and Nina Fletcher Little (1980, 1984); to dau. Selina F. Little; Historic New England (1992). References: Lipman and Armstrong (1980) p. 140 [color facsim.]; Little (1984, 1998) p. 120, Pl. 156 [full-page color facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 62, Fig. 4.1A [color facsim.]. Status: Historic New England (gift of Selina F. Little). Accession number: 1992.168. HPF: 65A.9. See Volume 2.

166. Ann Eliza Sloan Dorrance, aka Elizabeth Ann Dorrance (Mrs. Benjamin Brewster Dorrance, 1803-1881) – New York, probably [HPF] or Bloomingburg, Sullivan Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1820 [HPF] or c. 1824-1825 [B&T]. 30" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Benjamin Brewster Dorrance [q.v.]. Descr.: Brown-haired young woman wearing Empire white satin dress with two-layer pleated collar, tall comb; seated facing p.l. on horsehair sofa with brass tacks, narrow red shawl wrapped around l. arm and back, l. elbow resting on sofa arm with l. hand to face with bent fingers, r. hand in lap holding small book with spine up. [DRA] Bio.: Eliza A. Sloan, b. 19 Aug 1803; m. (1st) 2 Sep 1819 in Bloomingburg, Sullivan Co., N.Y. to Benjamin Brewster Dorrance (1791-1828); m. (2nd) 27 Dec 1831 in Bloomingburg, Sullivan Co., N.Y. to Henry L. Purdy of Newburgh, N.Y.; res. Newburgh, Orange Co., N.Y. 1830 (Dorrance) and 1850 through 1875 (Purdy); d. 26 Jun 1881; bur. Maplewood Cem., Freehold, Monmouth Co., N.J. [DRA] Provenance: Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (1979); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5429 (January 30 - February 1, 1986) Lot 473 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $45-65,000 the pair). References: Selected American Paintings (New York: Wunderlich & Co., 1984) p. 6 [b&w facsim.]; Country Living, Vol. 10, No. 4 (April 1987): p. 112 [color facsim., in situ]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 156, Fig. 10 [color facsim.]; McQueeney-Jones Mascolo, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2009): p. 129 [color facsim., in situ]. Exhibited: “The Tradition of American Folk Art and Queena Stovall,” Randolph-Macon Woman’s College [now Randolph College], Ashland, Va. (March 21 – April 8, 1979), No. 28 as Mrs. Benjamin Brewster (lent by Kennedy Galleries, Inc.). Status: Collection of Dr. Robert and Katharine Booth, Gladwyne, Pa. as of 1994 [HPF], 2007 [TMA], 2009 [A&FA]. HPF: 65A.11, IAP: 63006655 (the pair). See Volume 2.

167. Dr. Benjamin Brewster Dorrance (1791-1828) – New York, probably [HPF] or Bloomingburg, Sullivan Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1820 [HPF]. 30" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth Ann Dorrance [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "Orfila on Poisons". Descr.: Brown-haired gentleman wearing black jacket with tall collar, white vest, white stock with small bow, downturned collar; seated (presumably) facing p.r., holding a closed book beneath folded hands (l. hand over r ). Note: Mathieu J.B. Orfila’s "Traité des poisons " (1812), first English translation (London) and first American edition (Philadelphia) both published in 1818. [DRA] Res.: Probably the Benjamin B. Dorrance residing in Town of Mamakating, Sullivan Co., N.Y. in 1820.

Bio.: b. 2 Jun 1791, Windham Co , Conn ; m. 2 Sep 1819, Bloomingburg (Town of Mamakating), Sullivan Co., N.Y. to Ann Eliza Sloan; d. 8 Jan 1828; bur. Maplewood Cem., Freehold, Monmouth Co., N.J. [DRA] Provenance: Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (1979); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5429 (January 30 - February 1, 1986) Lot 473 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $4565,000 the pair). References: Selected American Paintings (New York: Wunderlich & Co., 1984) p. 6 [b&w facsim.]; Frances McQueeney-Jones Mascolo, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2009): p. 129 [color facsim., in situ]. Exhibited: “The Tradition of American Folk Art and Queena Stovall,” Randolph-Macon Woman’s College [now Randolph College], Ashland, Va. (March 21 – April 8, 1979), No. 29 as Mr. Benjamin Brewster (lent by Kennedy Galleries, Inc.). Status: Collection of Dr. Robert and Katharine Booth, Gladwyne, Pa. as of 1994 [HPF], 2009 [A&FA]. HPF: 65A.10, IAP: 63006655 (the pair). See Volume 2.

168. Mrs. Dr. Downe – Oswego, N.Y. [AFAM], c. 1830 [DRA]. 32-3/4" x 26-3/4" [AFAM]. Inscr. (verso): “Mrs. Dr. Downe, Oswego, NY”. [JDJ] Descr.: Woman with dark centerparted hair, wearing black dress with two-layer box-pleated organdy collar, beribboned bonnet with wide ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in paintdecorated scroll-arm chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding small red book in l hand with thumb marking page. Notes: The paint-decorated chair is the same as in “Woman in a Floral Shawl” [q.v.]. There are no recorded Downe surnames in Oswego Co., N.Y. prior to 1855. [DRA] Provenance: James D, Julia, Inc., Fairfield, Me. (July 1999). Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (July 16, 1999): p. 114-E [b&w facsim.]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. (1999 gift of Jacqueline Lowe Fowler). Accession number: 1999.11.12.

169. Charles Louis du Bois (1799-1878), aka Young Man with White Jabot and Wispy Hair – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (probably), c. 1823. 30" x 24". Son of Garret du Bois [q.v.] and Hannah Cooper du Bois [q.v.] as indicated by label on stretcher. Descr.: Gentleman with dusty blonde hair, wearing black jacket, light gray striped vest, white jabot, white stock, and white upturned collar; facing p.r. with l. hand inside jacket, r. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 26 Oct 1799 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Garret du Bois (1769-1802) and Hannah (Cooper) du Bois (1778-1854); m. 25 Feb 1824 to Catharine Hasbrouck (1800-1880); d. 31 Jan 1878 Res.: East Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 through 1875. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. Charles Du Bois, "Ten Acres," Fishkill, N Y , grandson of the subject; Mrs. Charles Du Bois (deceased); her son, Garrett Du Bois, New York, N.Y.; Peter Tillou, Ridgefield, Conn. as of 1976; Dr. & Mrs. J.E. Jelinek, New York, N.Y. [FARL]; from whom purchased by Drs. Wendy M. and Hillel Tobias, New York, N.Y. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]; Antiques (January 1976): p. 89 [color facsim.] Note: This portrait incorrectly cataloged twice in HPF, as identified and unidentified subjects. Status: Collection of Drs. Wendy M. and Hillel Tobias, New York, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] H&H: 95, HPF: 65A.12 and 76A.12, IAP: 81310084. See Volume 2.

170. Coert Du Bois (1774-1854), aka Gentleman in Frilled White Stock – Rhinebeck or Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1825. 30-1/2" x 24-1/2". One of a pair. Husband of Mary Thorn Du Bois [q.v.]. Descr.: Waist-length portrait of gentleman with wispy receding hair, ruddy cheeks and five-o’clock shadow; wearing black jacket with ruffled jabot, white stock with bow tied in front, upturned collar; facing p.r. with l. hand in jacket, r. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Original stretcher and gilt frame. Bio.: b. 6 Mar 1774 in Fishkill, N.Y., son of Christian Du Bois (1746-1807) and Helena Magdalena (Van Voorhees) Du Bois (1743-1826); d. 16 May 1854 in Livingston, N.Y.; bur. Rhinebeck Cem., Rhinebeck, N.Y. Coert Du Bois was a wealthy and successful merchant in Fishkill and Rhinebeck, N.Y. Res.: Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820; Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830. [DRA] Provenance: Property of a private collection; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana Including Property Approved for Deaccession by the Board of Trustees of Historic Deerfield, Sale N08278 (January 19, 2007) Lot 462, sold $30,000+20% the pair (est. $10-15,000); Eckert Fine Art, Millerton, N.Y. Status: Eckert Fine Art, Millerton, N.Y. as of 2009. See Volume 2.

171. Garret du Bois (1769-1802, see note), aka Young Man in Oval Frame, aka Jacob Griffen – New York, possibly [CHS] or Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. probably [HPF], c. 1812 [CHS] or c. 1818 [H&H] or c. 1812-1818 [HPF]. 30" x 23-1/2" [H&H] or 23-1/2" x 30" [HPF] or 30-1/2" x 24" [P&P]. Husband of Hannah Cooper du Bois [q.v.], father of Charles Louis du Bois [q.v.]. and Eliza DuBois [q.v.]. Descr.: Ruddy-faced gentleman with tousled hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock tied in front, upturned collar; facing p.r. with l. hand in vest, r. hand not shown. Notes: This painting was dubbed simply "Young Man in Oval Frame" by the Holdridges in 1968, not connecting it with the Garret DuBois in their 1965 list (CHS 48), disputing the identification as Jacob Griffen, and noting prior ownership by a Garret DuBois of New York City. Owner Charles du Bois (or son Garret) apparently named this portrait in honor of their Revolutionary War ancestor, Col. Jacob Griffen. The apparent date of the work (c. 182122) and the death of the subject in 1802 render the identification as Garret du Bois problematic. The identification as Col. Jacob Griffen (1730-1800), or his son, Jacob Griffen Jr. (1764-1799) is equally improbable. [DRA] Provenance: Charles du Bois, Fishkill, N.Y. (purchased at auction in Fishkill, N.Y., c. 1926); Mrs. Charles (Ethel Moore) Du Bois, Fishkill, N.Y.; her son Garret du Bois, New York, N.Y.; unlocated as of 1965, 1968; Skinner, Boston, Mass., Americana, Sale 1332 (June 16, 1990) Lot 158, sold $6,000 (est. $8-10,000); Tillou Gallery, Litchfield, Conn.; Pook & Pook, Downingtown, Pa. (September 2223, 2006) Lot 44, sold $3,600+17% (est. $2-4,000). Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin], as Jacob Griffen. Status: Sold at auction 2006. CHS: 48, H&H: 39, HPF: 65A.15 and 77B.3, IAP: 81310033. N.B.: Duplicate identification in HPF. See Volume 2.

172. Hannah Cooper du Bois (Mrs. Garret du Bois, 1778-1854) aka Mrs. Garret DuBois – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (probably), c. 1820 [AFP] or 1815-1825 [CAP] or c. 1823 [H&H]. 30" x 24" (estimate). Wife of Garret du Bois [q.v.], mother of Charles Louis du Bois [q.v.] and Eliza DuBois [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with forehead curls, wearing black dress with one black and two white ruffled collars, tall ruffled bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.l. in grain-painted side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding small book in r. hand with thumb marking page. Bio.: b. 31 Dec 1778 in Meyers Corner, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Obadiah W. Cooper (1749-1807) and Maria Teunise (Van Benschoten) Cooper (1748-1828); m. 1 Dec 1796 to Gerrit Christianse du Bois (1769-1802); d. 10 Jun 1854; bur. First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church Cem., Fishkill, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Mr. Charles du Bois, Fishkill, N.Y., great-grandson of the subject; Mrs. Charles du Bois, Fishkill, N.Y.; her son, Garret du Bois, New York, N.Y.; Miss Mary Allis, Fairfield Co., Conn. (purchased at White Plains Antique Fair, 1958); American Museum in Britain, Bath, England. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; Black and Lipman (1966) p. 66, fig. 58 [b&w facsim.]; Gidley, A Catalogue of American Paintings in British Public Collections (1974) p. 31 [not illus.]; James E. Ayres, The Clarion (Fall 1982): p. 39 [b&w facsim.]; James Ayres, Antiques (March 1993): p. 424 [color facsim.]; Beresford (2011). Status: American Museum & Gardens (formerly the American Museum in Britain), Claverton Manor, Bath, England. CAP: UK010009. CHS: 49, H&H: 94, HPF: 65B.1, IAP: 70070210, 81310083 and 81440038. See Volume 2.

173. Mary Thorn Du Bois (Mrs. Coert Du Bois, 1778-1846) aka Lady in an Eyelet Lace Cap and Eyelet Handkerchief – Rhinebeck or Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1825. 30-1/2" x 24-1/2". One of a pair. Wife of Coert Du Bois [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with forehead curls, wearing black dress with white ruffled collar, tall ruffled bonnet; seated facing p.l. in side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding piece of fabric in r. hand. Bio.: b. 3 Oct 1778, dau. of Dr. Stephen Thorn and Elizabeth (Hicks) Thorn; m. Coert Dubois on 4 Jan 1801 in Dutch Church, Fishkill, N.Y.; d. 28 Aug 1846; bur. Rhinebeck Cem., Rhinebeck, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Coert Du Bois. Status: Eckert Fine Art, Millerton, N.Y. as of 2009 See Volume 2.

174. Eliza DuBois (later Mrs. Peter Van Benschoten Fowler, 1801-1866) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1820 [HPF] or c. 1820 - 1822 [B&T]. 30" x 24". Dau. of Garret du Bois [q.v.] and Hannah Cooper du Bois [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman in white dress with large round ruffled collar with pink bow in front, tall tortoiseshell comb; facing p.l. seated in red fancy-painted armchair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding a small book in r. hand with thumb marking page, and red shawl in l. hand with upturned palm. Red tri-fold drapery in u.r. corner and r. side of canvas. Bio.: b. 21 Aug 1801 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Garret du Bois (1769-1802) and Hannah (Cooper) du Bois (1778-1854); m. 4 Oct 1826 to Peter Van Benschoten Fowler (1800-1875); d. 12 Apr 1866 in Newburgh, Orange Co., N.Y.; bur. Highland Cem , Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Anne Du Bois White, Fishkill, N.Y., great-granddaughter of the subject; Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. [1994]; David R. Hillier, Antique Associates at West Townsend, Mass. [1997]; Skinner Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2961B (November 19, 2016) Lot 384, sold $17,000+23% (est. $8-12,000); Antique Associates at West Townsend, West Townsend, Mass. (broker), item 216-645, sold November 2018. References: Antiques (January 1992): p. 22 [full-page color facsim., Herrup & Wolfner]; Maine Antique Digest (June 1997): p. 23-A [full-page b&w facsim.]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 154-155, Fig. 5 [page-size color facsim., courtesy Samuel Herrup Antiques]; Maine Antique Digest, Vol. XLVI, No. 21 (December 2018): pp. 20A-21A [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold 2018. See reference. HPF: 65A.13. See Volume 2.

175. Elizabeth Hasbrouck DuBois (Mrs. Josiah DuBois, 1789-1815) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1815 [HPF] or c. 1815-1820 [CAP]. 29-9/16" x 27-3/8" sight [CAP]. Note: Cataloged by Hollander and Fertig (1994), but not listed by Holdridge (1965 and 1968). Alternate identification, circa 1977, of the portrait earlier thought to be Jane Hasbrouck [q.v.], sister of Elizabeth Hasbrouck DuBois, which is in Holdridge but not in CAP. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family; Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y. Status: Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y. (acquired 1955). CAP: NY230056. HPF: 65A.14, IAP: 35470001 N.B.: Duplicate identification in HPF Does not exist as a separate work.

176. Sarah Maria DuBois (later Mrs. John Smith Easton, 1806-1869) or Jane Hasbrouck Hasbrouck (Mrs. Joseph Hasbrouck, 1788-1870) – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H, HPF], c. 1820 [H&H, HPF], or 1824 prob. [B&T]. 29-1/2" x 231/2" [B&T]. Inscr. (book spine): “LADY / OF THE / LAKE.” Descr.: Young woman with curls and near smile; wearing elaborate white dress with ruffled lace collar, tortoiseshell comb, bright red shawl wrapped around l. arm and back; seated facing p.l., leaning on sideboard with l. elbow, l. hand to face, r. hand in lap holding small closed book with spine up Bio. (Sarah DuBois): b. 6 Nov 1806, dau. of Josiah DuBois (1781-1869) and Elizabeth (Hasbrouck) DuBois (1785-1815); m. 18 Aug 1835 in Newburgh, N.Y. to John Smith Easton (1806-1879); d. 3 Mar 1869 in Allegheny Co., Pa.; bur. Union Dale Cem., Pittsburgh, Pa. Notes: 1) Previously identified as Jane Hasbrouck (1788-1870), sister of Levi Decker Hasbrouck [q.v.] and Maria Eliza Hasbrouck Reeve [q.v.] and cataloged by H&H and HPF as such. Now thought to possibly be Sarah Maria DuBois (1806-1869), niece of Levi Decker Hasbrouck [per HHS]. 2) The book is probably Sir Walter Scott’s narrative poem The Lady of the Lake (earliest U.S. pub., in 16 cm. format, Albany, N.Y., 1823). [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Annette Innis Young (1885-1975), greatgranddaughter of Levi Decker Hasbrouck and Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck; by gift to Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y. (1955); by transfer to Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (2010). Note: SIRIS reference to 1977 ownership by Morton C. Bradley, on loan to Gore Place Society, Gardiner, Mass., is spurious. Reference: Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 159, Fig. 13 [color facsim.]. Status: Josiah Hasbrouck House (Locust Lawn), Gardiner, N.Y., property of Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 2010. H&H: 291, HPF: 67A.1, IAP: 81310277. See Volume 2.

177. Jonathan Eddy (1774-1840) – Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1820 [CNY] or c. 1817-1820 [HPF]. 36" x 30" [CNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Rebecca Rouse Eddy [q.v.]. Inscr.: Paper label on reverse "Jonathan Eddy, Born April 14, 1774 at Dartmouth, Bristol County, Mass. Married Rebecca Rouse, Jan. 12, 1800 at Pittstown, Rensselaer Co. New York, Died July 12, 1840 at Hoosick Falls, New York." Cond.: Appears to retain original frames and stretchers. [CNY] Descr.: Round-faced gentleman with dark bangs, wearing black jacket, white stock with bow in front; seated facing p.r. in yellow bamboo-turned armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, r. arm resting on book “LEGER” [sic] on table. Quill pen in inkwell on table. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Sale 6051 (June 27-28, 1990) Lot 144 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $100-150,000); Christie's, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art & Decorative Arts, Sale 7294 (June 25, 1991) Lot 100 [full-page color facsim.], sold $68,000+10% the pair (est. $50-80,000); Joan and Victor Johnson, Meadowbrook, Pa. References: Maine Antique Digest (June 1990): p. 45-F [b&w facsim.]; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 275, Pl. XIV [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 32, Pl. XIV [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 65B.2, IAP: 80046698. See Volume 2.

178. Rebecca Rouse Eddy (Mrs. Jonathan Eddy, 1779-1846) – Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1820 [CNY] or c. 1817-1820 [HPF]. 36" x 30" [CNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Jonathan Eddy [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in green dress with gold ruffled v-neck collar, white blouse with ruffled collar and brooch, white cap with front bow; facing p.l., seated on a yellow bamboo-turned side chair, l. hand with ring on index finger and resting on a huge book "HOLY BI" on table, r. hand holding a piece of lace. [DRA] Bio.: d. 1846, Hoosick Falls, N.Y. Provenance: Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Sale 6051 (June 27-28, 1990) Lot 144 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $100-150,000); Christie's, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art & Decorative Arts, Sale 7294 (June 25, 1991) Lot 100 [full-page color facsim.], sold $68,000+10% the pair (est. $5080,000); Joan and Victor Johnson, Meadowbrook, Pa. References: Maine Antique Digest (June 1990): p. 45F [b&w facsim.]; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 274, Pl. XII [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 32, Pl. XV [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 65B.3, IAP: 80046697. See Volume 2.

179. Abigail Greelé Eliot (Mrs. Daniel Eliot, 1793-1878) – Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y., possibly, c. 1827. [DRA] Descr.: Full-faced woman wearing dark dress over white fischu, ruffled white bonnet with bow in front and white ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. with wrists crossed (l. over r.), book in l. hand with thumb marking page. Bio.: b. 12 May 1793 in Wilton, Hillsborough, N.H.; m. 6 Oct 1818 in New York, N.Y. to Dr. Daniel Eliot (1792-1868); d. 3 Mar 1878 in Stonington, Essex Co., Conn. Note: Dr. Eliot entered into a partnership with his brother-in-law, Augustus Greelé, for the establishment of a glassworks at Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y., personally supervising operations there from 1819 to 1827. Provenance: By apparent descent from the subject’s son, Dr. Augustus Greelé Eliot (1821-1911); to his son, Walter Graeme Eliot (1857-1931); to his son, Amory Vivian Eliot (1894-1969) [DRA]; Estate of Amory V. Eliot, Garden City, N.Y. [FARL] Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Eliot Rowlands, 1979). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 65B.4. See Volume 2.

180. James Elting (1795-1854) – Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y. (probably), c. 1828 [DRA]. 32" x 26". Inscr. (verso): “James Elting”. Descr.: Dark-haired gentleman wearing black jacket, white shirt with upturned collar and white stock with no bow; facing p.l., with l. arm draped over the back of a fancy chair, and r. hand holding a closed book with spine up. Note: Probably James W. Elting (1795-1854), res. Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850; d. 23 Nov 1854 at res. near Leeds, Greene Co , N.Y.; bur. Catskill Cem., Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Carlsen Gallery, Inc., Freehold, N.Y. (June 5, 2011) Lot 131, sold $5,600+15%. Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (May 27, 2011): p. 90 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2011. See Volume 2.

181. Kate Elting (possibly Mrs. Peter J. Crispell, 1795-1857), aka Girl in White Dress – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1824 probably [B&E]. 29-3/4" x 24". Descr.: Fairhaired, rosy-cheeked woman with curls and tortoiseshell comb, in an elaborate white Empire dress with sheer standing collar; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on a Federal sideboard, red shawl wrapped around r. arm, holding a small pink rose in r. hand and a larger pink rose in l. hand with upturned fingers. [DRA] Note: Kate leans on the edge of a table that is still in the Elting family house in New Paltz, now owned by the Huguenot Society, and in which portraits of other members of her family still hang. [B&E] Bio.: Possibly Catherine (Kate) Elting, b. 23 Mar 1795, dau. of Cornelius Elting (1744-1820) and Blandina (Elmendorf) Elting (1754-1820); m. 29 May 1819 to Dr. Peter (Petrus) J. Crispell, Jr. (1794-1878); d. 9 Mar 1857 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y.; bur. Old Hurley Burial Ground, Hurley, Ulster Co., N.Y. Res.: Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830 (Peter Crispell household). [DRA] Provenance: Joan R. Brownstein, American Folk Paintings, Newbury, Mass. (#1408, sold). References: Joan Brownstein, New England Antiques Journal (August 2007): p. 25 [color facsim.]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 158, Fig. 12 [color facsim.]; Good, Antiques & Fine Art (Winter/Spring 2009): p. 198 [color facsim.]; Brownstein and Eaton, Antiques & Fine Art (Summer/Autumn 2010): p. 155 [color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Bobbi and Ralph Terkowitz, McLean, Va. See Volume 2.

182. Dr. Isaac Everest (1777-1850) – New Lebanon, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1812* or c. 1812 [HPF]. 39" x 33" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Sarah Cornwall Everest [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired, square-jawed gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, white stock tied in front; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand holding large open book in mid-air. Pale background. Subject is low on the canvas. Bio.: b. 10 Oct 1777 in Cornwall, Conn., son of Daniel Everest and Eunice (Patterson) Everest; m. 29 Sep 1802 in New Lebanon, N.Y. to Sally Cornwall; d. 6 Sep 1850; bur. Cem. of the Evergreens, New Lebanon, N.Y. Res.: Canaan, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1810; New Lebanon, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1820. [DRA] Provenance: Dr. Isaac and Sarah (Cornwall) Everest; Frederick W. Everest and Lucy (Hall) Everest; Abner Sherman Haight and Harriet Hall (Everest) Haight; Frederic Everest Haight and Alice Maria (Post) Haight; Everest Denslow Haight and Elizabeth Mary (Armstrong) Haight, Bedford Hills, N.Y.; Washburn Gallery, New York, N.Y. (1979); Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., New York, N.Y., American Folk Paintings & Watercolors, Sale 4593M (April 30, 1981) Lot 20A, sold $75,000 the pair (est. $80-100,000); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 6536 (January 23, 1988) Lot 147, sold $88,000 the pair (est. $80-120,000) References: Antiques (November 1979): p. 1053 [color facsim ]; Washburn Gallery (1980) no 3 [facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 65B.5, IAP: 63000999 and 80044892. See Volume 2.

183. Sarah Cornwall Everest (Mrs. Isaac Everest, 1785-1868) – New Lebanon, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1812*. 39" x 33" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Isaac Everest [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holding letter "Champlain, September 17, 1812." Descr.: Woman in dark-colored dress with sheer embroidered pelerine and dotted lace sleeves, ruffled cap; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted side chair, hands in lap with l. hand on r. wrist and r. hand holding an unfolded letter. Bio.: b. 10 May 1875, dau. of Joseph Cornwall [or Cornwell] and Molly (Gilbert) Cornwall; m. 29 Sep 1802 to Isaac Everest; d. 2 Apr 1868; bur. Cem. of the Evergreens, New Lebanon, N.Y. [DRA]

Provenance: Dr. Isaac and Sarah Cornwall Everest; Frederick W. Everest and Lucy Hall; Abner Sherman Haight and Harriet Hall Everest; Frederic Everest Haight and Alice Maria Post; Everest Denslow Haight and Elizabeth Mary Armstrong, Bedford Hills, N.Y.; Washburn Gallery, New York, N.Y. (1979); Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., New York, N.Y., American Folk Paintings & Watercolors, Sale 4593M (April 30, 1981) Lot 20A, sold $75,000 the pair (est. $80-100,000); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 6536 (January 23, 1988) Lot 147, sold $88,000 the pair (est. $80-120,000). References: Antiques (November 1979): p. 1053 [color facsim.]; Washburn Gallery (1980) no. 3 [facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 65B.6, IAP: 63001000 and 80044893. See Volume 2.

184. Elmore Everitt, M.D. (1790-1860), aka Dr. Elmore Everitt, aka Elmore Everitt, M.D. of Sharon, Connecticut – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1830 [H&H] or 1832 [CAP] or c. 1826-1830 [HPF]. 30-5/8" x 24-5/8" [H&H] or 31" x 25" [HPF]. Inscr. (book): "Studies of Nature, Vol I". [H&H] Note: Probably Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre’s Études de la Nature (pub. in four-volume translation 1809). Descr.: Young gentleman wearing high-collared black jacket, pale striped vest, white stock with bow, large upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding a closed book with spine up (see inscription). Bio.: b. circa 1790 in Sharon, Conn., son of Ebenezer Everitt (1754-1840) and Mehitable (Elmore) Everitt (1756-1831); representative to Connecticut General Assembly from Town of Sharon, 1837, 1838, 1840, 1846; res. Barton, Tioga Co., N.Y., 1855 (Doctor); d. 21 Apr 1860 in Waverly, Town of Barton, Tioga Co., N.Y. Bur.: Ellsworth Burying Ground, Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. (Elmore / Everitt M.D. / Son of / Ebe & Mabel Everitt / Died / At Waverly, N.Y. / April 21. 1860 / Aged 70 / His remains rest here). Provenance: By family descent to the subject's niece, Ann Eliza Canfield (Mrs. Samuel Elmore Everitt, 2nd , 1826-1920); to her dau., Mary Cornelia Everitt (Mrs. Frank E. Buckley, 1855-1943); to her dau., Mabel F. Buckley (Mrs. Herbert E. Waldron, 1885-1973), great-niece of the subject; to Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vt. [DRA] References: Letter from Mabel B. Waldron, August 6, 1956, Shelburne Museum, MSS.; Muller (1976) p. 102, Fig. 229 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vt. Accession number: 27.1.1-26. Not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 50, H&H: 132, HPF: 65B.7, IAP: 54000642. See Volume 2.

185. Catherine Sneider Fake (Mrs. Johan Georg Fake, Jr., 1770-1852) – Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1815*. 38" x 31-1/2" [H&A, SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of George Fake [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): “Catherine Fake, Age 45 years 5 months - Nov. 16, 1815”. Descr.: Woman in a black dress with waist-length lace collar, ruffled white cap and gold necklace, holding lace handkerchief in l hand and resting r arm on a round table. [DRA] Cond.: Scattered flake and pinpoint loss; a one-inch scratch on extreme right side; cleaned and restretched. Relined (wax) with new stretcher, and what appears to be original or period frame. [SNY] Bio.: b. 27 Apr 1770; m. 12 Aug 1787 to Johan Georg Fake; d. 8 Apr 1852; bur Oakwood Cem., Troy, N.Y. Provenance: Catherine (Sneider) Fake (1770-1852) and Johan Georg Fake, Jr. (1766-1857); to their son, Col John S Fake (1800-1876) and Mrs. Eliza (Warren) Fake, Troy, N.Y.; to their dau., Augusta (Fake) McMurray (Mrs. Alfred Warner McMurray, 1834-1894), Troy, N.Y.; to their son, Charles Bachman McMurray (1865-1940) and Eleanor (Beattie) McMurray, Troy, N.Y., until 1950; to their dau., Augusta (McMurray) McLeod (18911969); Hirschl & Adler Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (2004); Collection of Annie Abram and Steve Novak, Westport, Conn.; Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 21, 2018) Lot 1097, unsold (est. $80-120,000 the pair). Note: Possibly the same as pair of “Dorr period” portraits, c. 1815, sold by Peter and Jeffrey Tillou, Litchfield, Conn., at Philadelphia Antique Show, April 2002 [Antiques and The Arts Weekly (April 16, 2002), not illus.] References: Antiques, Vol. CLXVI, No. 3 (September 2004): inside front cover [color facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (May 2006): p. 9-B [b&w facsim.] Exhibited: “Just Plain Folk,” Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. (January 5 – March 4, 2006), offered at $295,000 the pair. Status: Unsold at auction 2018 (see provenance). See Volume 2.

186. Johan Georg Fake, Jr. (1766-1857) aka George Fake – Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1815*. 38" x 31-1/2" [H&A, SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Catherine Sneider Fake [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): “George Fake, Age 49 years, and 9 months. Nov.16, 1815”. Descr.: Gentleman with gray bangs in a black coat, white vest and stock, holding an open book on lap with r. hand, resting l. arm on the back of a fancy chair. [DRA] Cond.: Minor scrapes, scratches, small amount of flaking in the face and in the background; cleaned and restretched. Relined (wax) with new stretcher, and what appears to be original or period frame. [SNY] Bio.: b. 13 Feb 1766, son of Johannes Georg Fake and Maria Elizabeth (Lohnes) Fake; m. 12 Aug 1787 to Catherine Sneider; d. 21 Feb 1851 in Pittstown, N.Y.; bur. Oakwood Cem., Troy, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the sitters (see Catherine Sneider Fake); Hirschl & Adler Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (2004); Collection of Annie Abram and Steve Novak, Westport, Conn.; Sotheby’s, New York,

N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 21, 2018) Lot 1097, unsold (est. $80-120,000 the pair).

Note: Possibly the same as pair of “Dorr period” portraits, c. 1815, sold by Peter and Jeffrey Tillou, Litchfield, Conn., at Philadelphia Antique Show, April 2002 [Antiques and The Arts Weekly (April 16, 2002), not illus.]. References: Antiques, Vol. CLXVI, No. 3 (September 2004): inside front cover [color facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (May 2006): p. 9-B [b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: “Just Plain Folk,” Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. (January 5 – March 4, 2006), offered at $295,000 the pair. Status: Unsold at auction 2018 (see provenance). See Volume 2.

187. George Field – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 1836-1838 [HPF]. 32" x 27". One of a pair. Husband of Katherine Field [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with brown hair, blue eyes, and ruddy complexion; wearing black jacket, fawn-colored vest, black stock, red jeweled stickpin in shirt; leaning on green tabletop with brass tacks, other hand leaning on back of decorated Hitchcock chair. Plum background. [AAA] Note: The description of attire and pose suggest a dating c. 1833 (cf. Welcome B. Arnold). [DRA] Provenance: By descent to a Mr. Field; collection of Mrs. Consuelo Kahr [1908-2002], Balmville Antiques, Newburgh, N.Y. as of 1968 [H&H]; by whom sold to a Dr. Aaron of New York City. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 51, H&H: 196, HPF: 65B.8, IAP: 81310182.

188. Katherine Field (Mrs. George Field) – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 18361838 [HPF]. 32" x 27". One of a pair. Wife of George Field [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with brown hair and light green eyes, wearing black dress with gold and pearl pin; leaning on red sofa with brass tacks, holding a red and gold book. Plum background. [AAA] Note: See George Field. Provenance: By descent to a Mr. Field; collection of Mrs. Consuelo Kahr [1908-2002], Balmville Antiques, Newburgh, N.Y. as of 1968 [H&H]; by whom sold to a Dr. Aaron of New York City Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 52, H&H: 197, HPF: 65B.9, IAP: 81310183.

189. Esther Cummins Fisk (Mrs. Ezra Fisk, 1786-1875) aka Esther Cummins Fiske – Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y., c. 1826 [DRA]. One of a pair. Wife of Reverend Ezra Fisk [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing white Swiss-dotted dress with ruched and sheer sleeves, embroidered organdy collar, elaborate bonnet with untied ribbons hanging front and back; seated facing p.l. on dark sofa with brass tacks, l. arm resting on sofa arm, embroidered shawl wrapped around l. elbow, l. hand clasped in r. hand. Bio.: b. 6 Nov 1786 in Abbeville, S.C., dau. of Rev. Francis Demaris Cummins (1752-1832) and Sarah (Davis) Cummins (1758-1790); m. 1812 in Washington, Ga. to Rev. Ezra Fisk (1785-1833); d. 22 Oct 1875; bur. Green-Wood Cem., Brooklyn, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. J.H. Elliot, Jr. (Elliot Antiques), Madison, Ga. as of 1974. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1974). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 65B.10. See Volume 2.

190. Reverend Ezra Fisk (1785-1833) – Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y., c. 1826 [DRA]. 291/2" x 23-1/2". One of a pair. Husband of Esther Cummins Fisk [q.v.]. Inscr. (on letter): “Rev. Ezra Fisk / Goshen / N York”. Descr.: Middle-aged gentleman with receding hairline, sitting on red side chair, facing p.r., wearing black coat, white stock (tied), holding letter in l. hand, index finger diagonal, r. hand in jacket. [DRA] Cond.: Relined. Bio.: b. 10 Jan 1785 in Shelburne, Mass., son of Simeon Fisk and Dinah (Whitcomb) Fisk; m. 1812 in Washington, Ga. to Esther Cummins (1786-1875).

Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Goshen, N.Y., from 1813 to 1833. Elected professor in the Western Theological Seminary but died [5 Dec 1833 in Philadelphia, Pa.] before he could serve. Res.: Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830. [DRA] Provenance: Richard P. White, Middletown, N.Y.; Miss Mary Allis, Fairfield, Conn. [1965]; Cordier Antiques & Fine Art, Camp Hill, Pa., May 31-June 1, 2008, sold $2,000+10%; Jenkinstown Antiques, New Paltz, N.Y. (Rhinebeck A.S., May 2019); Roberson’s Auctions, Pine Bush, N.Y. (November 16, 2019) sold $1,600+15%. References: Seese (1945) p. 33 [b&w facsim., detail]; “County's Early Residents Are Pictured in Show," The Evening Star, Middletown, N.Y. (April 13, 1965): p. 4A [not illus.]; Maine Antique Digest (September 2008): p. 5-D [b&w facsim.]. Private collection, Goshen, N.Y. as of 2019. See Volume 2.

191. Catherine Collins Flagler (Mrs. Zachariah Flagler, 1767-1853) – Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Green Haven, Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1829 [H&H] or c. 1839 [HPF] or c. 1845 [DRA]. One of a pair. Wife of Zachariah Flagler [q.v.]. Note: Do not confuse with "Woman with Black Paisley Shawl" [q.v.], previously identified as Mrs. Zachariah Flagler. Descr.: Older woman in black dress with white fichu, ruffled bonnet tied under chin; sitting facing p.l. in an upholstered armchair, with wrists crossed (r. over l.) and holding a piece of cloth in r. hand. Bio.: b. 13 Mar 1767 in Union Vale, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Hezekiah Collins (17391828) and Rhoda (Ricketson) Collins (1748-1829); m. 6 Nov 1788 in Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Zachariah Flagler (1763-1839); res. Town of Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1790 through 1850; d. 3 May 1853 in Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Flagler Cem., Poughquag, Town of Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Annie Flagler Brill (1869-1948), great-granddaughter of subject; to George E. Whalen (1919-2010), great-great-grandson of subject, Dover Plains, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 53, H&H: 129, HPF: 65B.11, IAP: 81310118. See Volume 2.

192. Zachariah Flagler (1758-1839), aka Zacharis Flagler – Green Haven, Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1839 [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Catherine Collins Flagler [q.v.]. Status: Destroyed in a house fire in Beekman, N.Y. [HPF] HPF: 65B.12. N.B.: No longer extant.

193. Mr. Folsom, possibly Araspus Folsom (1768-1821) – Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. (possibly), c. 1812. 30-1/4" x 25-3/8" [CNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Mrs. Folsom" [q.v.]. Descr.: Balding gentleman with round face and long dark stringy hair in back, seated facing p.l., wearing a white stock tied in front, pale vest and black jacket with high collar. L. arm slightly elevated, hands not shown. [DRA] Dating per Mary Black. [SNY] Possibly Araspus Folsom (1768-1821) of Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to the present owner [1982], Christie's, New York, Sale 5148 (June 3, 1982) Lot 260, sold $25,000 the pair (est. $30-40,000); Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] Status: Meryl Weiss, American Classics, Inc., Canaan, N.H. as of 2012. HPF: 65B.13. See Volume 2.

194. Mrs. Folsom, possibly Susan Pendleton Folsom (1782-1860) – Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. (possibly), c. 1812. 30-3/8" x 25-1/4" [CNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Mr. Folsom" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman seated facing p.r., wearing a dress with high white collar, black sleeves and lace bodice tied in front, necklace, and white lace cap. Hands not shown. [DRA] Dating per Mary Black. [SNY] Possibly Susan Pendleton Folsom (1782-1860) of Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to the present owner [1982], Christie's, New York, Sale 5148 (June 3, 1982) Lot 260, sold $25,000 the pair (est. $30-40,000); Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] Status: Meryl Weiss, American Classics, Inc., Canaan, N.H. as of 2012. HPF: 65B.14. See Volume 2.

195. Augusta Maria Foster (later Mrs. George R. Raymond, 1820-1882) – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [Skinner] or South East (now Southeast), Putnam Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1836 [Skinner] or 1839* [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 21-1/2" (sight). Dau. of Ebenezer Foster [q.v.] and Frances Sprague Foster [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with centerparted hair and pipe curls on side, wearing greenish-fawn dress with wide lace collar and balloon sleeves with lace cuffs, seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on table with red book, l. hand holding parsley sprig. [DRA] Cond.: Laid down on Masonite, some minor inpainting, later frame. [Skinner] Bio.: b. 17 Jul 1820 in N.Y.; m. 14 May 1839 to George R. Raymond in South East, N.Y.; d. 28 Dec 1882, Danbury, Conn.; bur. Wooster Cem., Danbury, Conn. Note: The 1839 dating of the portrait of her father, Ebenezer Foster [q.v.], suggests that this may be a wedding portrait. [DRA] Provenance: Family descent; Skinner Inc., Boston, American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2365 (June 3, 2007) Lot 100, sold $314,000 (est. $40-60,000) to two dealers in partnership; David A. Schorsch & Eileen M. Smiles, Woodbury,

Conn. (sold at Winter Antiques Show, New York, N.Y., January 2008, asking price $475,000). References: Laura Beach, "Portraits Dominate Skinner’s June Americana Sale," Antiques and The Arts Weekly (July 3, 2007) [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest, Vol. XXXV, No. 8 (August 2007): cover and p. 20-B [b&w facsim.]; Good, Antiques & Fine Art (Winter/Spring 2009): p. 199 [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 2008 See Volume 2.

196. Judge Ebenezer Foster (1788-1869) – South East (now Southeast), Putnam Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1839*. 40-1/4" x 35" (framed). One of a pair (at least). Husband of Frances Sprague Foster [q.v.], father of Augusta Maria Foster [q.v.]. Inscr. (on letter, upside-down under book): "1839". Descr.: Gentleman in black jacket, white shirt, and black stock without tie; facing p.r., leaning on a green leather-covered table with a book and letter, holding a quill pen in r. hand and a closed book in l. hand (spine up) [DRA] Cond.: Lined, scattered in-painting. In period gilt frames, probably original. [JTA] Bio.: b. 8 Oct 1788 in Ridgefield, Conn., son of Jonah Foster (1751-1815) and Hannah (Benedict) Foster (1762-1834); m. 27 Sep 1819 to Frances E. Sprague; d. 30 Jun 1869 in Southeast, Putnam Co., N.Y.; bur. Milltown Cem., Brewster, Putnam Co., N.Y. Res.: South East, Putnam Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860. [DRA] Note: Ebenezer Foster was elected to the legislature in 1842. He practiced law in Putnam County. [JTA] Provenance: Descended through the family to present; Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. (asking $55,000 the pair, 2014) Status: Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2011, 2014. See Volume 2.

197. Frances Sprague Foster (Mrs. Ebenezer Foster, 1798-1885) – South East (now Southeast), Putnam Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1839*. 40-1/4" x 35" (framed). One of a pair (at least). Wife of Ebenezer Foster [q.v.], mother of Augusta Maria Foster [q.v.]. Descr.: Auburn-haired woman with pipe curls, wearing beribboned bonnet with green ribbons tied on p.r. side, black dress with wide embroidered organdy collar and embroidered cuffs; seated facing p.l. with l. arm resting on a table with a red book, r. hand holding a smaller book with finger marking page. [DRA] Cond.: Lined, scattered in-painting. In period gilt frames, probably original. [JTA] Bio.: b. 11 Jul 1798 in Sodom [North Canaan], Litchfield Co., Conn., dau. Eleazer and Dorcas (Wildman) Sprague; m. 27 Sep 1819 to Ebenezer Foster of Ridgefield, Conn.; d. 22 Apr 1885 in Brewster, Putnam Co., N.Y.; bur. Milltown Cem., Brewster, Putnam Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended through the family to present; Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. (asking $55,000 the pair, 2014) Status: Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2011, 2014. See Volume 2.

198. Emily Miner Palmer Fox, aka Emily Miner Fox (Mrs. James L. Fox, 18251894) – Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Goshen or North Cornwall, Litchfield Co., Conn. [HPF], c. 1850 [H&H]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [SNY]. Sister-in-law of Joseph Palmer [q.v.] per H&H. Descr.: Dark-haired woman with center-parted hair, wearing dark-green dress with small lace collar and cuffs, black lace armband, with red, green and white paisley shawl wrapped around back and r. arm; seated facing p.r. on black (horsehair) sofa; r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand clutching shawl. Dark background. Bio.: Emily M. Palmer, m. 5 Dec 1847 in Goshen, Conn. to James L. Fox (1823-aft. 1900) of Cornwall, Conn.; res. Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. (1850), Lincoln, Logan Co., Illinois (1860, 1870, 1880); d. 1894 in Logan Co., Illinois. Note: The name provided by the descendant owner is Emily Miner Fox, and as the sister-in-law of Joseph Palmer [q.v.] her maiden name would be Miner. The marriage record, however, indicates Emily M. Palmer. The subsequent census records for Emily (Palmer) and James Fox in Goshen, Conn. and Logan Co., Illinois are consistent with the subject history provided by the descendant owner. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Joseph Palmer Wadhams [1882-1975], Torrington, Conn. as of 1965; Collection of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. (acquired from Palmer family of Cornwall, Conn.); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American Folk Art from the Collection of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn., Sale 5375 (October 25, 1985) Lot 91 [full-page color facsim.], sold $67,500+10% (est. $40-60,000); Location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; private collection, Chicago, Ill.; Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. (ADA Historic Deerfield Antiques Show, October 2010). References: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) catalog no. 51, illus. no. 118 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Grave

(1979) p. 49 [full-page facsim.]. Status: Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2010. CHS: 55, H&H: 264, HPF: 65B.15, IAP: 63007964, 81310250 and 81990051. See Volume 2.

199. Elizabeth Drake Fuller (Mrs. Rufus Fuller, 1792-1876) – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1835 or c. 1836 [H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Rufus Fuller [q.v.].

Stepmother of Julia Ann Fuller Barnum [q v.] Inscr. (book spine): “BIBLE”. Descr.: Woman with dark hair and eyebrows; wearing black dress, wide organdy collar with embroidered border, elaborate ruffled bonnet with long ribbons tied on l. side; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on large book with marbled edges on table, l. hand in lap holding folded spectacles with upturned fingers. [DRA] Cond.: Relined. Bio.: b. 22 Dec 1792 in Easton, Bristol Co., Mass., dau. of Zachariah Drake (1748-1818) and Mary (Smith) Drake (1751-1804); m. 1 Feb 1821 in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. to Rufus Fuller (1781-1850); d. 23 Mar 1876 in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn.; bur. St. Andrew’s Cem., Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: See Rufus Fuller. References: Nelson, International Studio (March 1925): p. 455 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Robinson, American Primitives (1930) p. 17, no. 13 [not illus.]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 12 [not illus.]; Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. X [color facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Peter A, Juley and Son, 1925, from negative owned by Mrs. G.L. [Helen C.] Nelson). Status: Kent Historical Society, Seven Hearths, Kent, Conn. CHS: 57, H&H: 169, HPF: 65B.16, IAP: 70580181 and 81310156. See Volume 2.

200. Rufus Fuller (1781-1850) – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1835 or c. 1836 [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth Drake Fuller [q.v.]. Father of Julia Ann Fuller Barnum (Mrs. Matthew Starr Barnum) [q.v.]. Incorrectly listed by H&H as probably the brother of Mrs. Matthew Starr Barnum. Descr.: Long-faced gentleman with graying hair; wearing high-collared black jacket, white pleated shirt, tall black stock without bow, upturned collar; facing p.l. with l. arm resting on green leathercovered table with brass tacks, holding closed book diagonally between hands. Cond.: Relined. Bio.: b. 27 Nov 1781 in Easton, Bristol Co., Mass., son of Isaac Fuller (17381803) and Mary (Alden) Fuller (1745-1818); m. (1st) 2 Mar 1806 in Plymouth, Conn. to Bede Fenn (1786-1817); m. (2nd) 1 Feb 1821 in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. to Elizabeth Drake (17921876); res. Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1820 to 1850 (farmer); d. 13 Sep 1850 in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn ; bur. St. Andrew’s Cem., Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: To the dau. of the subjects, Ann Eliza Fuller (1822-1897), wife of George Hopson (1824-1912); to their unmarried dau., Mary Ann Hopson (1850-1937) as of 1925; to her unmarried nieces: Elizabeth Fuller Hopson (1882-1974) and Dorothy Slade Hopson (1887-1978), Kent, Conn.; location unknown to HPF as of 1994. References: Nelson, International Studio (March 1925): p. 454 [b&w facsim.]; Robinson, American Primitives (1930) p. 17, no. 14 [not illus.]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 11 [not illus.]; Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. IX [color facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Peter A, Juley and Son, 1925, from negative owned by Mrs. G.L. [Helen C.] Nelson). Status: Kent Historical Society, Seven Hearths, Kent, Conn. CHS: 56, H&H: 168, HPF: 65B.17, IAP: 81310155. See Volume 2.

201. Frederick A. Gale (1810-1882) – Galesville (now Middle Falls), Town of Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., c. 1815. 43-5/16" x 23-5/8" (sight) or 44-3/4" x 24-1/4" [HPF].

Brother of Mary Elizabeth Gale [q.v.]. Second cousin of Mary Ann Steenback Gale [q.v.].

Similar to "Portrait of Boy with Orange Shoes" [q.v.]. Descr.: Full length portrait of fairhaired young boy wearing green skeleton suit with white ruffled collar, white stockings and red shoes with yellow laces; standing facing p.r. with r. hand holding large gray brimmed hat with red lining, l. hand holding pale blue book with brown binding. Pale background with darker ground. Bio.: b. 12 Nov 1810 in Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., son of John Gale (1769-1846) and Remember Molly (Brown) Sherman Gale (17801862); m. (1st) 9 Feb 1847 in Greenwich, N.Y. to Lydia F. Crandall (1804-1864) of New York City; m. (2nd) by 1870 to Phoebe Ann Barnard (1825-1912); res. Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. 1850 through 1880; d. 10 Dec 1882 in Washington Co., N.Y.; bur. Greenwich Cem., Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. Became a merchant and local tycoon with interests in mills, lumber, and stoneware manufacture. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tillou,

Litchfield, Conn. [1976], offered by Peter Tillou at the Fall Antiques Show, October 1992, for $650,000; sold by Jeffrey and Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. at the Winter Antiques Show, January 2007, opening day for seven figures (offered at $2.5 million and reportedly sold for $2.0 million); Collection of Lucy and Mike Danziger, New York, N.Y.; American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. (gift of Lucy and Mike Danziger). References: Tillou and Buck (1976) catalog no. 23 [full-page color facsim.]; Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 4 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (December 1992): p. 2-D [not illus.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 28, Pl. VI [color facsim.]; McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Early Summer 2003): p. 35 [color facsim., in situ]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 155, Fig. 7 [color facsim., photo courtesy Peter Tillou]; Hollander (2008) p. 25 [color facsim.]; McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2017): p. 151 [color facsim., in situ]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 2022.1.1. CAP: CT250008, HPF: 65B.18, IAP: 81990362. See Volume 2.

202. Mary Ann Steenback Gale (later Mrs. Lawson Carter, 1806-1878) – unknown locale, c. 1818 [HPF], or c. 1814 [SNY]. 30" x 25" [HPF, SNY]. Second cousin of Frederick A. Gale [q.v.] and Mary Elizabeth Gale [q.v.]. Descr.: Long-faced young woman with fair hair, with center part and topknot, wearing pale blue dress with ruffled collar; seated facing p.r. in white and pumpkin paint-decorated side chair, r arm draped over chair back, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers; red drapery with fringe in u.l. corner. [DRA] Cond.: Untouched. Original stretcher, crack in the paint running up the left margin. Replaced frame. [SNY] Bio.: b. 24 Mar 1806, dau. of Coe Gale, Jr. (1783-1819) of N.Y.C. and Hannah (Steenback) Gale (1788-1837) who were m. 7 May 1805 in N.Y.C.; m. 23 Oct 1823 in N.Y.C. to Rev. Lawson Carter (1793-1868) of Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y.; d. 31 Mar 1878; bur. Woodland Cem., Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the family to consignor; William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y. (November 17, 1982) Lot 98, sold $10,000 (est. $15-20,000); Felice A. Zweig [Eden Galleries], Salem, N.Y. as of 1994 [HPF]; private collection, New Hampshire as of 2006 [Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Katz, Meriden, N.H.]; Sotheby’s, New York, Important American Folk Art from the Ralph and Susanne Katz Collection, Sale N09609 (January 21, 2017) Lot 5094, sold $45,000+25% (est. $40-60,000). References: Art & Antiques (December 1982); Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. VII, No. 2 (August/September 2006): p. 135 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2017. HPF: 66A.2. See Volume 2.

203. Mary Elizabeth Gale (later Mrs. John Edward Newcomb, 1813-1854) –Galesville (now Middle Falls), Washington Co., N.Y. (probably), c. 1815. 36-1/2" x 20" [WG] or 44" x 24" [HPF]. Sister of Frederick A. Gale [q.v.]. Second cousin of Mary Ann Steenback Gale [q.v.]. Descr.: Young child with wispy blond curls wearing white shortsleeved embroidered dress with dotted and ruffled pinafore, tasseled red shoes; standing facing p.l., holding small red flowers in each hand. Pale background with dark ground. [DRA] Bio.: b. 25 Jan 1813 in Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., dau. of John Gale (1769-1846) and Remember Molly (Brown) Sherman Gale (1780-1862); m. 10 Oct 1832 in Greenwich, N.Y. to Dr. John Edward Newcomb (1807-1860); res. Whitehall, Washington Co., N.Y., 1850; d. 10 Jul 1854 in Whitehall, N.Y.; bur. Greenwich Cem , Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent from the subject’s daughter, Caroline Elizabeth Newcomb (Mrs. William Henry Morris, 1843-1908) of Sheboygan, Wisconsin; to her daughter, Elizabeth Gale Morris (Mrs. Otho A. Fiedler, 1877-1957) of Sheboygan, Wisconsin; to her nephew, John Russell Morris (1906-1991) of Holyoke, Mass., great-grandson of the subject; Collection of Mr. & Mrs. John Morris [1976]; by whom sold to Barbara and Lawrence Holdridge, Owings Mills, Md.; by whom sold to Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn.; by whom exhibited at 1985 Winter Antiques Show, New York, N.Y., offered at $300,000 and sold to a private collector. References: Black, ARTnews (April 1976): p. 87 [b&w facsim.]; Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 3 [fullpage b&w facsim.], Collection of Mr. & Mrs. John R. Morris; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Washburn Gallery, 1977); Rita Reif, “Antiques Fair Takes an Adventurous Turn,” The New York Times (Friday, January 25, 1985): p. C1 [b&w facsim.]; Rita Reif, "Antiques View: On the Trail of an Itinerant Painter," The New York Times (Sunday, January 27, 1985): section 2, p. 31 [not illus.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 66A.1. See Volume 2.

204. John Garnsey (1768-1840), aka Deacon John Guernsey – North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830*. 31" x 25". One of a pair, of which two additional copies of the man’s portrait exist [see notes]. Husband of Mercy Mead Garnsey [q.v.]. Inscr. (recto, l.l., in red): “John Garnsey Aged / 61 Years 1830”. Descr.: Gentleman with long gray hair; wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with long bow; seated facing p.l. in paintdecorated scroll-arm chair, holding large upright bible with both hands. [DRA] Cond.: Trace amounts of white drippings, stretcher marks, light crazing and craquelure. Trace amount of inpaint at top center edge above his head, and two slight scratches to the right of his head. Relined. [RCE]. Bio.: b. 28 Aug 1768 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of John Garnsey (1734-1799) and Azubah (Buell) Garnsey (1740-1789); res North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830; d. 27 Feb 1840 in North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Old Amenia Burying Ground, Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Æ. 71 yrs.). Notes: Family name later spelled Guernsey and listed as such by Eldred’s, however inscription and historical records for this individual show Garnsey. Nearly identical to “Man Holding a Bible” [q.v.] and “Man Holding a Bible, aka Old Man Holding Large Bible, aka Charles Francis Hathaway” [q.v.] Provenance: By descent in the family; Eldred’s, East Dennis, Mass., Americana and Paintings (November 19-21, 2015) Lot 1352, unsold (est. $20-30,000 the pair); Eldred’s, East Dennis, Mass., Americana and Paintings (April 8-9, 2016) Lot 183, unsold (est. $15-20,000 the pair); Eldred’s, East Dennis, Mass., Summer Americana Auction (August 3-5, 2016) Lot 633, unsold (est. $7-10,000 the pair). Status: Unsold at auction 2016 See Volume 2.

205. Mercy Mead Garnsey (Mrs. John Garnsey, 1770-1847), aka Mercy Guernsey – North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830*. 31" x 25". One of a pair, of which an additional copy exists [see notes]. Wife of Deacon John Garnsey [q.v.]. Inscr. (recto, u.l., in red): “Mercy Garnsey / Aged 59 Years 1830”. Descr.: Woman wearing black dress and black shawl with red and gold embroidered border over white fischu, tall ruffled bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding small book with l. hand with thumb marking page. [DRA] Cond.: One vertical line in forehead and light inpaint repair. Some light crazing, craquelure, stretcher marks and white drips scattered on canvas. Relined. [RCE] Bio.: b. 7 Feb 1770 in Millbrook, N.Y., dau. of Job Mead (1734-1819) and Mercy (King) Mead (1732-1812); d. 20 Oct 1847; bur. Old Amenia Burying Ground, Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Æ. 77.) Notes: Family name later spelled Guernsey and listed as such by Eldred’s, however inscription and historical records for this individual show Garnsey. This portrait is nearly identical to “Woman with a Shawl and Bonnet, aka Woman with Shawl” [q.v.], with variation noticeable in l. hand. Provenance: By descent in the family; Eldred’s, East Dennis, Mass., Americana and Paintings (November 19-21, 2015) Lot 1352, unsold (est. $20-30,000 the pair); Eldred’s, East Dennis, Mass., Americana and Paintings (April 89, 2016) Lot 183, unsold (est. $15-20,000 the pair); Eldred’s, East Dennis, Mass., Summer Americana Auction (August 3-5, 2016) Lot 633, unsold (est. $7-10,000 the pair). Status: Unsold at auction 2016. See Volume 2.

206. Calvin Gay (1765-1848) – Kent or Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. [HPF], c. 1836 [H&H, HPF] or c. 1845 [DRA]. 32" x 27-1/2". One of a pair. Husband of Phebe Doud Gay [q.v.]. Descr.: Thin-faced, white-haired gentleman with dark eyebrows, wearing black jacket and white stock tied in front; facing p.r. seated in red-upholstered chair, l. hand resting on open copy of “Dwight’s Sermons” [Timothy Dwight, D.D., pub. New Haven: 1828], r. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 5 Aug 1765 in Sharon, Conn., son of Perez Gay (1735-1784) and Margaret (Fairbanks) Gay (1743-1813); m. 24 Oct 1790 to Phebe Doud (1766-1856); res. Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1800 through 1840; d. 12 Nov 1848 in Sharon, Conn.; bur. Hillside Cem., Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. (Æ t. 83.) Note: Unclear why this work was omitted from CHS, while its companion with same provenance was included. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Charlotte Gay (Chamberlain) Southwick, Sharon, Conn., great-great-granddaughter of the subject. [FARL] Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Edward W. Hutchinson, Sharon, Conn., 1957). Status: Sharon Historical Society, Gay/Hoyt House Museum, Sharon, Conn. On exhibit as of 2016. H&H: 176, HPF: 66A.3, IAP: 60490001 and 81310163. See Volume 2.

207. Phebe Doud Gay (Mrs. Calvin Gay, 1766-1856) aka Phoebe Doud Gay – Kent or Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. [HPF], c. 1836 [H&H, HPF] or c. 1845 [DRA]. 32" x 27-1/2". One of a pair. Wife of Calvin Gay [q.v.]. Descr.: Waist-length portrait of an older woman in 3/4 pose, facing p.l.; wearing dark dress and dark shawl with embroidered border, white ruffled bonnet tied under chin with white ribbon, r. ear visible through bonnet lace; wrists crossed (r. over l.); holding book in r. hand and spectacles in l. hand. [DRA] Bio.: b. 7 Jun 1766 in Saybrook, Middlesex Co., Conn., dau. of Samuel Doud (1730-1798) and Lydia (Lay) Doud (1735-1808); m. 24 Oct 1790 to Calvin Gay (1765-1848); d. 20 Apr 1856 in Sharon, Conn ; bur. Hillside Cem., Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. (“Aged 91 Years”). [DRA] Note: Very similar to Woman Holding "Religion of Life and Heart" [q.v.] except for visage and ribbon color. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Charlotte Gay (Chamberlain) Southwick, Sharon, Conn., greatgreat-granddaughter of the subject. [FARL] References: Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. I [color facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Edward W. Hutchinson, Sharon, Conn., 1957). Status: Sharon Historical Society, Gay/Hoyt House Museum, Sharon, Conn. On exhibit as of 2016. CHS: 58, H&H: 177, HPF: 66A.4, IAP: 60490002, 70580193 and 81310164. See Volume 2.

208. Anna Maria Magdalene Carver Gebhard (Mrs. John Gabriel Gebhard, 17571829) – Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Claverack or Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1820*. 30" x 24" [H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Rev. John Gabriel Gebhard [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "Anna M. Gebhard Ætatis 64 1820 Delineavit A. Phillips". Descr.: Older, round-faced woman wearing black dress with white fischu, white ruffled cap; seated facing p.r. with wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding small book with l. hand with thumb marking page. Bio.: b. 27 May 1757 in Philadelphia, Pa.; m. June 1772 to Johann Nicolaus Gabriel Gebhard; d. 12 Nov 1829; bur. Claverack Dutch Reformed Churchyard, Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Reverend John Gabriel Gebhard. References: Gebhard (1909) opp. p. 220 [full-page b&w facsim.] as “Delineavit A. Phillips 1820”; Holdridge (1968) p. 30 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 15, no. 11 [full-page b&w facsim.] reproduced from Gebhard (1909); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (2001). Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: John G. Gebhard III, Manhattan Beach, Cal. as of 2001. [FARL] CHS: 60, H&H: 49*, HPF: 66A.5, IAP: 35090132 and 81310043. See Volume 2.

209. Reverend John Gabriel Gebhard (1750-1826) – Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Claverack or Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1820*. 30" x 24" [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Anna Maria Magdalene Carver Gebhard [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "J. Gebhard Ætatis 71 1820 / Painted by / A. Phillips". [FARL] Descr.: Man with long white hair and short bangs, wearing black jacket and white stock without bow; facing p.l., hands not shown. Bio.: b. 2 Feb 1750, Waldorf, Germany; m. June 1772 to Anna Maria Magdalene Carver (aka Gerber); d. 16 Aug 1826; bur. Claverack Dutch Reformed Churchyard, Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. Pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church of Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: The sitter, Rev. John Gabriel Gebhard (died 1826); his wife, Anna Maria Gebhard (died 1829); from 1829 to 1873, John Gabriel Gebhard, M.D.; from 1873 to 1887, Charles William Gebhard, M.D.; from 1887 to 1938, Rev. John Gabriel Gebhard, Germantown, New York; from 1938 to 1969, Rev. John Gabriel Gebhard, Jr., Germantown, New York; after 1969, John G. Gebhard III, Manhattan Beach, Cal. [FARL] References: Zabriskie (1867) opp. p. 23 [full-page lithograph, in vignette, from the original]; Gebhard (1909) frontispiece [full-page b&w facsim.] as “Delineavit A. Phillips 1820”; Holdridge (1968) p. 24 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 14, no. 10 as "Dominie John Gabriel Gebhard" [b&w facsim.] reproduced from Gebhard (1909); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (2001). Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (Aug. 15 – Sept. 30, 1975). Status: John G. Gebhard III, Manhattan Beach, Cal. as of 2001. [FARL] CHS: 59, H&H: 48*, HPF: 66A.6, IAP: 35090131 and 81310042. See Volume 2.

210. Betsy Brownell Gilbert (1796-1825) – Columbia Co., N.Y. [SNY], c. 1820 [SNY]. 34" x 28" [SNY]. Descr.: Young woman with center-parted hair and short curls, wearing white Empire dress with double ruffled collar, tall tortoiseshell comb, jet and gold necklace with heart-shaped pendant; seated facing p.l. with embroidered red shawl wrapped behind her and held in r. hand. Red drapery in u.r. corner and r. side of canvas. [DRA] Note: Accompanying this [Sotheby’s] lot will be the Empire dress (now dyed black) and tortoiseshell comb Betsey is wearing in the portrait. Also a photograph of the portrait hanging in the family parlor in Storm Lake, Iowa, circa 1890-1900. [SNY] Notes: The subject identification is problematic. The Sotheby’s cataloging provides dates corresponding to Betsey Brownell (1796-1825) of Pownal, Bennington Co., Vt. (bordering Rensselaer Co., N.Y.), who died unmarried and with no known connection with the Gilbert family. The Gilbert family of Storm Lake, Iowa descended from James Lovell Gilbert (1818-1899) of Putney, Windham Co., (southeastern) Vt., about whom no Brownell family connection has been found. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family of Betsy Gilbert from the time of its creation, circa 1820, to the present. It moved with them from the eastern seaboard to Iowa and then, ultimately, to California [SNY]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N07825 (October 10, 2002) Lot 26, sold $75,000+19.5% (est. $75-100,000) to David Wheatcroft in partnership with Marguerite Riordan. References: Lita Solis-Cohen, "Sotheby's, New York City: Fall Americana Auction", Maine Antique Digest (December 2002); Laura Beach, "Waving the Flag," Antiques and The Arts Weekly (October 22, 2002); Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 152, Fig. 2 [color facsim.]; Beach, Antiques (November/December 2013): p. 120 [color facsim., in situ]; Morris and Kernan, Journal of the Clark Art Institute, Vol. 18 (2017): p. 8 [color facsim.]; Glisson, et al. (2020) p. 202 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Mass. (September 2014 – January 2015); The Huntington, San Marino, Cal. (2015) Status: Collection of Jonathan and Karin Fielding, Los Angeles, Cal. as of 2007 See Volume 2.

211. Mr. Goodrich (aka Mr. Goodrich of Hancock, Massachusetts, formerly Hancock Goodrich) – Goodrich Hollow, Town of Hancock, Berkshire Co., Mass., c. 1812. 34-5/8" x 27-3/4" (accurate). One of a pair. Husband of Mrs. Goodrich [q.v.]. Inscr. (bottom r.): "Wm. H". Descr.: Man with reddish-brown hair, combed forward, and sideburns, wearing black high-collared jacket, cream-colored vest, pleated and ruffled jabot, and white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in a green, yellow and red paint-decorated side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand resting on a huge book on lap. Pale background. [DRA] Cond.: Mounted to Masonite. Note: Dubbed 'Hancock Goodrich' by Mr. Balken, but possibly William H. Goodrich per Colleen Heslip, although no contemporary William Goodrich is known. Harold B. Goodrich (1947 letter to EDB) believed this to be one of the sons of his great-great-grandfather Elijah Goodrich (1724-1791). Provenance: Found in Goodrich Hollow, near Stephentown, N.Y. in 1920 by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deming Andrews, Pittsfield, Mass.; Collection of Edward Duff Balken (1874-1960), Pittsburgh, Pa. and Egremont, Mass. (purchased from Edward D. Andrews, 1920); The Art Museum, Princeton University (gift of Edward Duff Balken, 1958). References: American Provincial Paintings (1947) no. 9 [full-page b&w facsim.], as Hancock Goodrich, Anonymous; DeWald (1958) no. 12 [b&w facsim.]; Barbara Cohen and Larry Holdridge, "Found: A Berkshire Old Master," The Berkshire Eagle (August 29, 1959): p. 10A [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 129 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 40 [b&w facsim.]; Moore, Record of the Art Museum (1998): p. 12, Fig. 2 [b&w facsim.]; Guthrie (1999) p. 12 [b&w facsim.], p. 55 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1947). Status: The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. (acquired 1958). Accession number: y1958-65. Note: not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 61, H&H: 5*, HPF: 66A.7, IAP: 32040229. See Volume 2.

212. Mrs. Goodrich and Child – Goodrich Hollow, Town of Hancock, Berkshire Co., Mass., c. 1812. 32-15/16" x 26-15/16" (sight) or 34" x 28" [H&H]. One of a pair. Wife and child of Mr. Goodrich [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with forehead curls, wearing longsleeved brown dress with white bodice, white ruffled collar and small brooch, white ruffled cap with bow in front; seated facing p.l. in green paint-decorated side chair, holding small child in lap. Child with dark bangs in white short-sleeved Empirewaisted dress, coral necklace; holding mother’s collar with r. hand and small red flower in l. hand. Pale background. [DRA] Provenance: Found in Goodrich Hollow, near Stephentown, N.Y. in 1920 by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deming Andrews, Pittsfield, Mass.; Miss Mabel Choate (1870-1958), Stockbridge, Mass.; Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Mass. (gift of Miss Mabel Choate, 1935). References: Barbara Cohen and Larry Holdridge, "Found: A Berkshire Old Master," The Berkshire Eagle (August 29, 1959): p. 10A [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Berkshire Museum, December 1, 1959); Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 129 [b&w facsim.]; Berkshires Week (August 13-19, 1976): p. 3 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques, Vol. CXXII, No. 5 (November 1982): p. 1053 [color facsim.]. Status: Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Mass. (acquired 1938). Accession number: 37.63. CHS: 62, H&H: 6, HPF: 66A.8, IAP: 81310006. See Volume 2.

213. Mr. Goodwin – Lime Rock, Litchfield Co., Conn., c. 1836 [HPF]. 31-1/4" x 26-1/2" .

Cond.: Laid down on board. Very large tear with poor repair. Descr.: Waist-length portrait of an attractive young gentleman with slightly receding dark hair, wearing black jacket with sharp shoulders and tall collar, tall black stock, white shirt with upturned collar; facing p.l. with arms folded. Note: Possibly Hezekiah Goodwin (1795-1848), bur. Lime Rock, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the Goodwin family of Lime Rock, Conn.; by whom consigned to Joseph Kabe Auctions, Orange, Conn. (May 27, 1990); Alexis Mihura, Eagles Lair Antiques, Norwalk, Conn. (1991); Lubin Galleries, New York, N.Y. (January 1, 1993) Lot 600, sold $4,500+10% References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (May 29, 1990): p. 120-E [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (October 2, 1991): p. S-20 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 5, 1993): p. 59 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 66A.9. See Volume 2.

214. Caroline S. Ferguson Granger (Mrs. Miles Tobey Granger, 1818-1900) –Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1848 [H&H]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Judge Miles Tobey Granger [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with high forehead and short, dark, center-parted hair, wearing black dress with lace collar and cuffs, cameo brooch; seated facing p.r. on a red upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small black closed book. Bio.: b. 28 May 1818 in Conn., dau. of Samuel Ferguson and Mary (Rood) Ferguson; m. 21 Oct 1846 in Sheffield, Mass. to Miles Tobey Granger [q.v.]; d. 20 Nov 1900; bur. Mountain View Cem. (aka Lower Cem.), North Canaan, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Samuel G. Camp, Canaan, Conn. as of 1968; Weston’s Auction, Coventry, Conn. (January 9, 2004). Reference: Antiques and the Arts Weekly (January 2, 2004): p. 63 [large b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2004. CHS: 64, H&H: 249, HPF: 66A.10, IAP: 81310235 and 82320208. See Volume 2.

215. Judge Miles Tobey Granger (1817-1895) – Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1848 [H&H]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Caroline S. Ferguson Granger [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holds book entitled "Statutes of Connecticut". Descr.: gentleman with light brown hair and mutton-chop sideburns, wearing black jacket and bow tie, white pleated shirt with upturned collar; seated facing p.l. on a red upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding large book on lap, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Bio.: b. 12 Aug 1817 in New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of James L. Granger (1790-1870) and Abigail (Tobey) Granger (1796-1882); m. 21 Oct 1846 in Sheffield, Mass. to Sarah C. Ferguson [sic] of Sheffield, Mass.; d. 21 Oct 1895 in North Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn.; bur Mountain View Cem. (aka Lower Cem.), North Canaan, Conn. Res.: Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850; North Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1860, 1870, 1880. Served as State Representative (1857), State Senator (1866-67), Justice of State Supreme Court

(1876-87), and U.S. Representative (1887-89). Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Samuel G. Camp, Canaan, Conn. as of 1968; Weston’s Auction, Coventry, Conn. (January 9, 2004). Reference: Antiques and the Arts Weekly (January 2, 2004): p. 63 [large b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2004. CHS: 63, H&H: 248, HPF: 66A.11, IAP: 81310234. See Volume 2.

216. Reverend Ashbel Green (1762-1848) – Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y., c. July 914, 1840. 33-3/4" x 28-3/4". Inscr. (book spine): “Η KAINH / ΔIAΘHKH” (E Kaine Diatheke: The New Testament). Descr.: Jowly gentleman with short bangs, wearing black jacket and white stock tied in front; seated facing p.l in an armchair, with l. arm resting on a brass-tacked table with book, r. hand holding closed book in lap. [DRA] Bio.: b. 6 Jul 1762 in Hanover, Morris Co., N.J.; d. 19 May 1848 in Philadelphia, Pa. President of Princeton University, 1812-1822. Note: Reverend Green’s portrait was painted in Bedford, New York at the request of his nephew, Reverend Jacob Green, by a painter named Phillips [per Reverend Ashbel Green’s diary from July 9-14, 1840, Firestone Library, Princeton University]. References: Photo at American Folk Art Museum; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): pp. 270 [not illus.], 274 note 13 Status: In the collection of the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 66A.12. See Volume 2.

217. Ruth Wolsey Griffin (Mrs. Jacob Griffin, 1736-1825) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1822 [DRA]. 30" x 23-3/4". Descr.: Brown hair and eyes. White cap and kerchief, black dress, black shawl with green, white and red border. She holds a brown book, and is seated in a painted yellow wooden chair. Brown background. [FARL] Bio.: Ruth Wolsey (or Woolsey) (1736-August 16, 1825), married Jacob Griffin of Fishkill, New York. Their daughter Sarah Griffin married Joseph Jackson; their daughter Catharine Jackson married John Diddell; their son Joseph Jackson Diddell; his son Jacob Storm Diddell; his son Joseph Jackson Diddell (owner); his son is also Joseph Jackson Diddell. Sources: Mrs. J.J. Diddell, 2nd, verbally, June 27, 1955; Library staff, June 27, 1955; Mr. Charles du Bois, Fishkill, New York, verbally, March 30, 1937. [FARL] Note: Ruth Wolsey Griffin (or Griffen) was the wife of Lt. Col. Jacob Griffen (1730-1800), the identification originally assigned to the portrait now known as Garret Du Bois [q.v.]. The Frick informant (Charles Du Bois, Fishkill, N.Y. in 1937) was also the owner of that portrait. Both identifications are therefore suspect. Provenance: Joseph Jackson Diddell, 2nd, Wappinger Falls, New York, great-great-great-grandson of the subject (see Bio.). Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Thurman Rotan]. Status: Collection of Joseph Jackson Diddell [Jr.], Wappingers Falls, N.Y. See Volume 2.

218. Mary Ann Thorne Guernsey (Mrs. Peter Bennett Guernsey, 1808-1834), aka Abigail Guernsey – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], or Milan, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1825-1828 [HPF] or c. 1828 [PHT]. 36-7/8" x 31-1/4" [PHT]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Peter Bennett Guernsey [q.v.]. Descr.: Round-faced woman wearing black dress with wide white collar, sheer ruffled bonnet with wide ribbons tied in bow under chin; facing p.r. with r. arm leaning on two books on table, small book held with both hands, thumb and index finger of r. hand marking page. Note: Although titled Abigail Guernsey by Peter Tillou, the wife of Dr. Peter Bennett Guernsey was Mary Ann Thorne. Bio.: b. 14 Apr 1808 in Milan, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Stephen Thorne (1782-1849) and Anna (Herrick) Thorne (1786-1835); m. 6 Sep 1827 in Milan, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Dr. Peter Bennett Guernsey (1804-1873); d. 18 Nov 1834; bur. Amenia Island Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. [1973]; Drs. Richard Della Penna and Mearl Naponic, San Diego, Cal. Reference: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) catalog no. 52, illus. no. 52. [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: Collection of Drs. Richard Della Penna and Mearl Naponic, San Diego, Cal. HPF: 66A.13, IAP: 81990052. See Volume 2.

219. Dr. Peter Bennett Guernsey (1804-1873), aka The Eye Doctor – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF] or Milan, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 18251828 [HPF] or c. 1828 [PHT]. 36-7/8" x 33-1/2" [PHT]. One of a pair. Husband of Mary Ann Thorne Guernsey [q.v.]. Nephew of John Garnsey [q.v.]. Descr.: Gentleman with dark sideburns, wearing black jacket with white pleated shirt, white vest, white collar and white stock with large bow; facing p.l., holding surgical instrument in r. hand, with l. hand on face of patient seen at edge of canvas, r. arm resting on table with black covering, brass tacks, and red book. Bookshelf in u.l. with several medical texts, including Benjamin Travers’ Synopsis of the Diseases of the Eye and Their Treatment (first American edition 1825). Bio.: b. 22 Feb 1804, Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Dr. Ezekiel H. Guernsey (1775-1853) and Louisa (Bennett) Guernsey (1774-1852); arrived port of New York from Marseille, Fr., 1824; m. 6 Sep 1827 in Milan, Dutchess Co. N.Y. to Mary Ann Thorne (1808-1834); res. Town of Milan, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830; res. N.Y.C. 1857-72; d. 26 Nov 1873; bur. Amenia Island Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. [1973]; Drs. Richard Della Penna and Mearl Naponic, San Diego, Cal. References: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) catalog no. 53, illus. no. 51 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Rovetti, Antiques (February 1974): p. 383 [b&w facsim.]; William H. Gerdts, The Art of Healing: Medicine and Science in American Art (Birmingham Museum of Art, 1981) p. 27; “The Healing Art,” American Heritage, Vol. 32, No. 4 (June/July 1981): p. 22 [color facsim.]; Ira M. Rutkow, “Folk Art Portraiture of Early American Surgeons,” Archives of Surgery, Vol. 134, No. 7 (August 1999): p. 782; Stefan Schatzki, "Medicine in American Art: Dr. Peter Guernsey," American Journal of Roentgenology, 174 (May 2000): p. 1344 [color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Drs. Richard Della Penna and Mearl Naponic, San Diego, Cal. HPF: 66A.14, IAP: 81990053 and 85230015. See Volume 2.

220. Harriet Betts Hall (Mrs. Philander Hall, 1785-1817) – New Lebanon, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1815 [HPF]. 27" x 23" [NEA]. One of a pair. Wife of Philander Hall [q.v.]. Descr.: Waist-length portrait of young woman with temple curls; wearing white Empire-waisted dress with embroidered v-shaped bodice and sleeves, small coral brooch and matching earrings; facing p.l., hands not shown. Pale background. Bio.: b. 18 Mar 1785 in Richmond, Mass., dau. of Aaron Betts (1757-1823) and Clarinda (Ward) Betts (1756-1820); m. 26 Sep 1811 to Philander Hall (1789-1823); d. 28 Mar 1817 in New Lebanon, N.Y.; bur. Cypress Cem., Lebanon Springs, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA]. Provenance: By family descent from the subjects’ dau., Lucy H. Hall (Mrs. Frederic Walker Everest, 1812-1895); to her dau., Harriet Everest (Mrs. Abner Sherman Haight, 18431925); to her son, Frederick Everest Haight (1865-1924) and dau.-in-law, Alice Maria (Post) Haight (18631947); to their son, Everest Denslow Haight (1895-1974), Bedford Hills, N.Y., great-great-grandson of the subjects; on consignment to Judith Webb, Pound Ridge, N.Y. (dealer); from whom purchased in 1987 by Peter H. Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. (dealer); Dr. Edward J. and Adrienne Hoffman, Baltimore, Md.; Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H. (November 7, 1993) Lot 677, bought-in (est. $20-30,000 the pair) Reference: McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2004): pp. 33-44 [color facsim., in situ.]. Status: Collection of Joan and Victor Johnson as of 2004. [HPF] HPF: 66A.15. See Volume 2.

221. Dr. Philander Hall (1789-1823) – New Lebanon, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1815 [HPF]. 27" x 23" [NEA]. One of a pair. Husband of Harriet Betts Hall [q.v.]. Descr.: Bust-length portrait of oval-faced gentleman with fashionably unruly, light brown hair and sideburns; wearing high-collared black jacket, tan vest, white ruffled jabot, and white stock with bow; facing p.r., hands not shown. Pale background. Bio.: b. 13 Dec 1789 in Fair Haven, Vt., son of Dr. Stephen Hall (1765-1822) and Lucy (Cook) Hall (1766-1847); m. 26 Sep 1811 to Harriet Betts (1785-1817); res. New Lebanon, N.Y. and Savannah, Ga (intermittently from 1813); d. 20 Sep 1823 in New Lebanon, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Harriet Betts Hall Status: Collection of Joan and Victor Johnson as of 2004 HPF: 66A.16. See Volume 2.

222. Lucy Hamilton (Mrs. Erastus Hazen, 1803-1869), aka Half Length Portrait of a Young Lady Holding a Book – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1821 [HPF] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1829 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [NEA]. Daughter of Mary Ingraham [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman in half-length 3/4 pose, facing p.r.; wearing a gray-green dress, with gray-green shawl over shoulders; holding a small red book (spine up) in l. hand, r. arm draped over back of a fancy-painted pillow-back side chair. Inscr.: "HOLY BIBLE" visible on spine of larger book on a table, as seen through chair back. "YOUNG'S" on spine of small book in hand. Large portion of chair back shown, leaving subject seated in mid-air. Note: Possibly “Young’s NightThoughts,” full title The Complaint: or Night-Thoughts on Life, Death, & Immortality by Edward Young [1683-1765], numerous printings including Hartford: Silas Andrus, 1823, 1824. Bio.: b. 15 Aug 1803 in Vt.; m. 7 Apr 1822 in Troy, N.Y. to Erastus Hazen (1799-1871); d. 26 Jun 1869 in Waterloo, Jefferson Co., Wisconsin; bur. Walnut Hill Cem., Baraboo, Saulk Co., Wisconsin. [DRA] Provenance: Mary Allis, Southport, Conn. (dealer); Fred Giampietro, New York, N.Y. (dealer); Claude and Alvan Bisnoff, Westport, Conn. (purchased at Philadelphia Antiques Show, April 1985); Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H., Claude and Alvan Bisnoff Collection (October 27, 2007) Lot 662, sold $24,000+16% phone bid (est. $1218,000); Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. (The American Antiques Show, New York, N.Y., January 16, 2008) sold at preview, asking price $75,000. Reference: Mary Allis, “Living with antiques: A collection in southern Connecticut,” Antiques (September 1985): p. 488, Pl. IV [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Private collection as of 2008. CAP: DLR00709. HPF: 66B.1. See Volume 2.

223. Mr. David Hamlin (1774-1833) – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] or unknown [HPF], c. 1825 [CNY]. 30-5/8" x 24-1/2" [CNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Lois Davis Hamlin [q.v.]. Inscr. (graphite on reverse cardboard): "David Hamlin Born 1774." [CNY] Descr.: Bust-style portrait of man with thinning gray hair; wearing highcollared black jacket, cream-colored vest, white stock with bow; facing p.r., hands not shown. Neutral background. Bio.: b. 7 Aug 1774 in Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., son of David Hamlin and Silence (Hayward) Hamlin; d. 13 Dec 1833, Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Old Red Church Cem., Tivoli, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1800, 1810; Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830. [DRA] Provenance: Christie's, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art & Historical Prints, Sale 7214 (January 26, 1991) Lot 211, sold $10,000+10% the pair (est. $10-15,000); Collection of Richard A. Lorenz, Berkeley, Cal. (purchased at above sale); Bonhams New York, Fine American Furniture, Decorative Arts and Silver (January 22, 2009) unsold (est. $15-20,000 the pair); Bonhams & Butterfields, San Francisco, Fine European and American Furniture, Decorative Arts and Garden Ornaments (June 15, 2009) sold $4,000+22% the pair (est. $7-9,000). Status: Sold at auction 2009. HPF: 66B.2. See Volume 2.

224. Lois [Louise] Davis Hamlin (Mrs. David Hamlin, 1776-1827), aka Mrs. David Hamlin – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] or unknown [HPF], c. 1825 [CNY]. 305/8" x 24-1/2" [CNY]. One of a pair. Wife of David Hamlin [q.v.]. Inscr. (graphite on reverse stretcher): "Mrs. Lois Davis Hamlin Born 1776." [CNY] Descr.: Woman wearing black dress with white, two-layer, box-pleated collar, ruffled lace bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.l. in yellow and red bamboo-turned side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding small book with r. hand, thumb marking page. Bio.: Louise Davis, b. 15 Sep 1776 in Conn., dau. of Jacobus Davis (1738-1797) and Eunice (Bunce) Davis (1746-1828); d. 23 Oct 1827 in Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Old Red Church Cem., Tivoli, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Mr. David Hamlin. Reference: Maine Antique Digest (January 2009): p. 43-E [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2009. HPF: 66B.3. See Volume 2.

225. Member of Jacobus Hardenburgh Family [2] – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 or c. 1823-1824 [HPF]. Note: One of four portraits mentioned in letter by John Vanderlyn dated Sept. 9, 1825. Listed but unnumbered in CHS checklist (1968). Status: Unknown. CHS: unn., H&H: 88, HPF: 66B.6, IAP: 81310078 [the four]. N.B.: May no longer exist.

226. Member of Jacobus Hardenburgh Family [3] – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 or c. 1823-1824 [HPF]. Note: One of four portraits mentioned in letter by John Vanderlyn dated Sept. 9, 1825. Listed but unnumbered in CHS checklist (1968). Status: Unknown. CHS: unn., H&H: 89, HPF: 66B.7, IAP: 81310078 [the four]. N.B.: May no longer exist.

227. Jacobus Hardenburgh (1779-1853), aka Member of Jacobus Hardenburgh Family [4] – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 or c. 1823-1824 [HPF]. 29-1/2" x 231/2". One of a pair. Husband of Maria Oliver Hardenburgh [q.v.] Inscr.: Holding book "Portraiture of Methodist" [HPF]. Note: Likely Joseph Nightingale’s A Portraiture of Methodism (pub. London, 1807) or Jonathan Crowther’s A True and Complete Portraiture of Methodism (pub. London, 1811 and reprinted New York, 1813) Descr.: Man with thinning, dark bangs; wearing black jacket, white stock with bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.r. in yellow and red paint-decorated side chair, l. hand cupped over closed book. Notes: One of four portraits mentioned in letter by John Vanderlyn dated Sept. 9, 1825. Unnumbered in CHS checklist. Not known to exist as of 1965, 1968. Sold in 1990 as a member of the Jacobus Hardenburgh family, c. 1824. Subsequent identification as Jacobus Hardenburgh may be arbitrary. [DRA] Provenance: Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Highly Important American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 7000 (January 19-20, 1990) Lot 549, sold $11,000+10% the pair (est. $15-20,000); Bonnie Schorsch, Meadowbrook, Pa. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 65, H&H: 86, HPF: 66B.4, IAP: 81310078 [the four] and 82320209. See Volume 2.

228. Maria Oliver Hardenburgh (Mrs. Jacobus Hardenburgh, 1787-1840), aka Member of Jacobus Hardenburgh Family [1] – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 or c. 1823-1824 [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Jacobus Hardenburgh [q.v.]. First cousin once removed of Blandina Margaret Oliver [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holding book "Life of Christ". [HPF] Note: Probably John Fleetwood, The Life of Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (New York: S. Walker, 1820). Descr.: Woman wearing black dress over white fischu, ruffled bonnet with long ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.l. in yellow and red paint-decorated side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding small book (see inscription) with r. hand, thumb marking page. Notes: One of four portraits mentioned in letter by John Vanderlyn dated Sept. 9, 1825. Unnumbered in CHS checklist. Not known to exist as of 1965, 1968. Sold in 1990 as a member of the Jacobus Hardenburgh family, c. 1824. Subsequent identification as Mrs. Jacobus Hardenburgh may be arbitrary. [DRA] Provenance: See Jacobus Hardenburgh Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: unn., H&H: 87, HPF: 66B.5, IAP: 81310078 [the four]. See Volume 2.

229. Gertrude Snyder Harder (Mrs. William G. Harder, 1758-1848) – Ghent, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1825, or c. 1820 [H&H] or prob. 1820-1825 [AARFAC] or c. 18201825 [HPF]. 30-9/16" x 24-3/4" accurate [CAP] or 31" x 25" [AARFAC]. One of a pair. Wife of William G. Harder [q.v.] and mother-in-law of Paulina Dorr [q.v.]. Descr.: Round-faced woman with forehead curls; wearing white fischu over black dress, white ruffled bonnet with black ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.l. in a yellow and red bamboo-turned side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding small book in r. hand, thumb marking page. Bio.: bur. Old Ghent Cem., Ghent, Columbia Co., N.Y., (“Gurtrude [sic] / Relict of / William Harder / Died / Jan. 12, 1848 / In her 91. Year.”). [DRA] Cond.: See William G. Harder. Provenance: Rev. Nathaniel Goodell Spalding and Harriet Dorr Spalding, Schodack Landing, N.Y.; Nathaniel Bull Spalding and Cora Boyce Spalding, Schenectady and Schodack Landing, N.Y.; Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection [1958 purchase]. References: American Provincial Paintings (1941) No. 20, Anonymous, Mrs. William G. Harder of Ghent, New York, c. 1820, 30 1/2 x 24 1/2 inches [not illus.]; American Provincial Paintings (1942, 1947, Syracuse: 1949, Albany: 1949) Nos 20, 35, 48, 16, respectively [not illus.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1960); Holdridge (1968) p. 30 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 20, no. 15 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 157, Fig. 128 [b&w facsim.].

Exhibited: Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1941); Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, N.Y. (1942); The Art Museum, New Britain, Conn (1947); Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, N.Y. (January 23 – February 22, 1949); Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (October 1949); The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1958). Accession number: 58.100.29. CHS: 67, H&H: 55*, HPF: 66B.8, IAP: 81310049. See Volume 2.

230. William G. Harder (1752-1829) – Ghent, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1825, or c. 1820 [H&H] or prob. 1820-1825 [AARFAC] or c. 1820-1825 [HPF]. 30-9/16" x 24-3/4" accurate [CAP, AARFAC]. One of a pair. Husband of Gertrude Snyder Harder [q.v.] and father-in-law of Paulina Dorr [q.v.]. Inscr.: Letter postmarked "Albany" and addressed to "William Harder, Ghent". Note: Contrary to Holdridge, the middle initial "G." is not part of the inscription. Descr.: Full-faced gentleman with white hair; wearing black jacket, white shirt, white stock without bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.r. in yellow and red bamboo-turned armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand holding an open letter [see inscription], r. hand not shown. Bio.: bur. Old Ghent Cem., Ghent, Columbia Co., N.Y. (“Sacred / To the memory of / William Harder / who died Aug 20 1829 / in the 78 year of his age.”). [DRA] Cond: Relined, replaced strainer, and a few areas of loss inpainted. [AARFAC]. Provenance: See Gertrude Snyder Harder. References: American Provincial Paintings (1941) No. 19, Anonymous, William G. Harder of Ghent, New York, c. 1820, 30 1/2 x 24 1/2 inches [not illus.]; American Provincial Paintings (1942, 1947, Syracuse: 1949, Albany: 1949) Nos 19, 33, 47, 15, respectively [not illus.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1960); Holdridge (1968) p. 40 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 19, no. 14 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 157, Fig. 129 [b&w facsim.]; Rumford and Weekley (1989) no. 12 [half-page facsim.]. Exhibited: See Gertrude Snyder Harder Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1958). Accession number: 58.100.28. CHS: 66, H&H: 54*, HPF: 66B.9, IAP: 81310048. See Volume 2.

231. A Dark-haired Gentleman Wearing a Black Coat and High White Stock, possibly Mr. Hardy – unknown locale, c. 1815 [HPF]. 30" x 25" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of "Mrs. Hardy" [q.v.]. Inscr. (stretcher): “Mr. Hardy”. Descr.: Buststyle portrait of brown-haired young man with long sideburns and intense gaze; wearing high-collared black jacket and white stock with short bow; facing p.r., hands not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Relined, scattered retouch, the man with area of retouch on his cheek. [Skinner] Provenance: Washburn Gallery, New York, N.Y.; Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Folk Paintings, Sale 6350 (October 25, 1992) Lot 27, sold $15,000+10% the pair (est. $30-50,000); Collection of Olde Hope Antiques, Inc. (Edwin Hild and Patrick Bell), New Hope, Pa. [1993]; Neverbird Antiques, Surry, Virginia (2002); Collection of Arthur and Sybil Kern, Pawtucket, R.I.; Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., The Arthur and Sybil Kern Collection of American Folk Art, Sale 3121M (August 12, 2018) Lot 307, unsold (est. $15-25,000 the pair); Skinner, Inc.; Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 3167B (November 3, 2018) Lot 162, sold $3,500+23% the pair (est. $6-8,000). Reference: Maine Antique Digest (June 1993): p. 11-C [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2018. HPF: 66B.10. See Volume 2.

232. A Dark-eyed Young Woman Wearing a Lace Cap, possibly Mrs. Hardy –unknown locale, c. 1815 [HPF]. 30" x 25" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of "Mr. Hardy" [q.v.]. Inscr. verso (on original strainer): "Mrs. Hardy". Descr.: Bust-length portrait of young woman with blonde forehead and temple curls; wearing white cap with ruffles in front, dark sheer overdress over a white v-neck top or fischu, yellow singlestrand necklace; facing p.l., hands not shown. Pale background. [DRA] Cond.: Relined, scattered retouch, the woman with repaired tear and retouch to the right of her face. [Skinner] Provenance: See Mr. Hardy References: Maine Antique Digest (June 1993): p. 11-C [b&w facsim.]; Folk Art, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Spring 1994): p. 3 [fullpage color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2018. HPF: 66B.11. See Volume 2.

233. Dr. Nicholas Brown Harris (1778-1840) – Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1818 [HPF]. 30" x 25" [HPF]. Descr.: Bust-length portrait of man with curly hair and long sideburns; wearing black high-collared jacket, white stock with bow; facing p.r., hands not shown. [DRA] Bio.: b. 11 Dec 1778 in Stephentown, N.Y., son of Dr. Nicholas Harris (1749-1819) and Phebe (Tibbits) Harris (1748-1837); m. 7 Sep 1806 to Martha Carmichael (b. 20 Apr 1787, Sand Lake, N.Y., d. 12 Oct 1881, Albany, N.Y.); member of N.Y. State Legislature, 1833; d. 15 Dec 1840 in Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Bur.: Albany Rural Cem., Menands, Albany Co., N.Y. Res.: Greenbush, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1810; Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1820. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Edward O. Douglas, Jr. (1926-2003), Ghent, N.Y., great-great-grandson of the subject. Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 25, 2005): p. 6 [b&w facsim.] as Nicholas Harris Brown, MD [sic]. Status: Rensselaer Historical Society (now Hart Cluett Museum, Historic Rensselaer County), Troy, N.Y. (bequeathed by Edward O. Douglas). HPF: 66B.12. See Volume 2.

234. Francis Jacob Hasbrook (1805-1879) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1843*. 33" x 27-3/8" [CAP]. One of a pair. Husband of Phebe Van Amburgh Hasbrook [q.v.]. Descr.: Wavy-haired gentleman in a black jacket, black vest, white shirt and thin downturned collar, black stock with black bow tie; seated facing p.r. in upholstered armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, holding newspaper “…OBSERVER” with both hands. Note: The newspaper is believed to be dated 1843. The visible masthead is consistent with the New-York Observer (pub. 1829-1912). [DRA] Cond.: Mounted on board. [CAP] Bio.: b. 25 Aug 1805, son of Jacob Hasbrouck and Magdalena (Van Voorhis) Hasbrouck; m. (1st) in 1829 to Phebe Van Amburgh (1803-1852); m. (2nd) to Abby Hoyt (1814-1886); d. 6 Jun 1879; bur. Fishkill Rural Cem., Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830 through 1875 (shoemaker) [DRA] Status: Private collection. CAP: SSSA0462. See Volume 2.

235. Harriet Simmons Hasbrook (Mrs. Zachariah Voorhis Hasbrook, 1813-1889), aka Harriet Simmons Hasbrouck, aka H.M. Hasbrook – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], 1843* [H&H]. 33-1/2" x 28" [H&H]. Dau. of Sarah Simmons [q.v.] and Isaac Simmons [q.v.] Inscr. (verso): "H. M. Hasbrook aged 30 1843." in Phillips’s hand, and (on book in gold lettering): "H.M. Hasbrook". [CHS] Descr.: Young woman with dark center-parted hair and single temple curls; wearing bonnet decorated on both sides with pink flowers and green leaves, black dress with white lace bodice, lace v-neck collar with ribbons, and lace cuffs; seated facing p.r. on a black (horsehair) sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding a small closed book with index finger marking page. Note: Identified by Holdridges (1968) as wife of Zachariah Hasbrouck. Contemporary spelling was Hasbrook. Bio.: b. 10 Nov 1813; m. 1826 to Zachariah Voorhis Hasbrook (18071869); d. 6 Jan 1889; bur. Fishkill Rural Cem., Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA]. Provenance: H.M. Hasbrook, Fishkill, N.Y. (the sitter); Phoebe E. Hasbrook Norris (her dau.); Charles Edmond Lyster Norris (her son); Ruth Hughson Norris (his wife); Mrs. Hasbrouck E. Norris, Fishkill, N.Y., 1964 (her dau.-inlaw); Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Holdridge, Baltimore, Md. by 1968; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver and China Trade Paintings, Sale 5736 (June 23, 1988) Lot 270 [fullpage color facsim.], unsold (est. $30-50,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 6800 (January 20, 1996) Property from the Collection of Barbara and Lawrence Holdridge, Owings Mills, Maryland: Lot 1142 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $30-50,000). Status: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Holdridge, Baltimore, Md. as of 1968, 1994. [H&H, HPF]. Unsold at auction 1996. CHS: 68, H&H: 229*, HPF: 66B.15, IAP: 81310215 and 82320210. See Volume 2.

236. Phebe Van Amburgh Hasbrook (Mrs. Francis Jacob Hasbrook, 1803-1852)Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1843*. 33" x 27-1/2" [CAP]. One of a pair. Wife of Francis Jacob Hasbrook [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing black dress with lace collar and cuffs, bonnet with side ruffles, tied under chin with long thin ribbons; seated facing p.l. on sofa, l. wrist resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap holding a pamphlet. [DRA] Cond.: Mounted on board. [CAP] Bio.: b. 12 Jun 1803 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Isaac Van Amburgh and Hannah (Myers) Van Amburgh; m. 1829 to Francis Jacob Hasbrook (1805-1879); d. 30 Jul 1852; bur. Reformed Dutch Cem., New Hackensack, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (1850). [DRA] Status: Private collection. CAP: SSSA0463 See Volume 2.

237. Esther Bevier Hasbrouck (Mrs. Philip Bevier Hasbrouck, 1785-1871) – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1820 or c. 1815-1820 [HPF] or c. 1824 [DRA]. One of a pair. Wife of Philip Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.]; dau. of Ann DeWitt Bevier [q.v.]; sister of Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.] and Jane Bevier Deyo [q.v.], all of whom attended Litchfield Female Academy. Descr.: Woman with dark center-parted hair and wispy temple curls, wearing black dress with embroidered organdy collar, large tortoiseshell comb; seated facing p.r. in green and yellow-decorated side chair (barely shown), r. arm wrapped with embroidered white shawl and resting on two volumes of "Milton's Works" on sideboard, fingers of r. hand clasped in l. hand. Note: Very similar to Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.], including same shawl. Bio.: b. 8 Jan 1785 in Wawarsing, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Philip Du Bois Bevier (1751-1802) and Ann (DeWitt) Bevier (1762-1834); attended Litchfield Female Academy, 1800; m. 30 Jan 1810 to (1st cousin) Philip Bevier Hasbrouck (1783-1841) of New Paltz, N.Y.; d. 30 Aug 1871 in Gardiner, Ulster Co., N.Y.; bur. New Paltz Rural Cem., New Paltz, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent from the subject’s niece, Esther Hasbrouck (Mrs. Richard Broadhead Bevier, 18361917); to her dau., Esther Bevier (Mrs. William Henry Borcherding, 1868-1954); to her dau., Esther Hasbrouck Borcherding (Mrs. George Brokaw Howell, 1900-1984) of Piscataway, N.J.; by gift to Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y., 1984; by transfer to Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 2010. Reference: Maurer, Colonial Homes (October 1996): p. 91 [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Josiah Hasbrouck House (Locust Lawn), Gardiner, N.Y., property of Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. H&H: 288, HPF: 66B.13 (as Elizabeth Hasbrouck) and 66B.14, IAP: 81310274. See Volume 2.

238. Hylah [Hellitje] Bevier Hasbrouck (Mrs. Levi Decker Hasbrouck, 1795-1874)

– New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1821-1825 [H&H] or c. 1820 [HPF], or c. 1824 [DRA]. 25-1/16" x 21-3/4" (sight). One of a pair. Wife of Levi Decker Hasbrouck [q.v.]; sister of Esther Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.] and Jane Bevier Deyo [q.v.], all of whom attended Litchfield Female Academy. Descr.: Woman with cleft chin, dark center-parted hair and wispy temple curls; wearing black dress with large white ruffled collar, large tortoiseshell comb; seated facing p.r. with r. arm wrapped with embroidered white shawl and resting on sideboard with brass pull, fingers of r. hand clasped in l. hand. Note: Very similar to Esther Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.], including same shawl. The depicted sideboard remains in the Josiah Hasbrouck House. Bio.: Hellitje Bevier, b. 31 Aug 1795 in Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Philip Du Bois Bevier (1751-1802) and Ann (De Witt) Bevier (17621834); attended Litchfield Female Academy, 1811, 1813; m. 13 Dec 1821 to Levi Decker Hasbrouck [q.v.]; d. 20 Jan 1874 at Locust Lawn in Gardiner, N.Y.; bur. New Paltz Rural Cem., New Paltz, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Annette Innis Young (1885-1975), great-granddaughter of Levi Decker Hasbrouck and Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck; by gift to Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y.; by transfer to Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 2010. Status: Josiah Hasbrouck House (Locust Lawn), Gardiner, N.Y., property of Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 2010. CAP: NY230063. H&H: 290, HPF: 66B.16, IAP: 81310276. See Volume 2.

239. Levi Decker Hasbrouck (1791-1861) – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1821 [CAP] or c. 1815 - 1820 [HPF] or c. 1824 [DRA]. 25-7/8" x 21-7/16". One of a pair. Husband of Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.]; also brother of Jane Hasbrouck [q.v.] and Maria Eliza Hasbrouck Reeve [q.v.]. Descr.: Gentleman with fashionably-unruly hair; wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in yellow and red side chair with bamboo turnings, fingers interlaced with l. wrist resting on chair back Note: The set of bamboo-style chairs is still in the house. [DRA] Bio.: b. 30 May 1791 in New Paltz, N.Y., son of Josiah Hasbrouck (1755-1821) and Sarah (Decker) Hasbrouck (1764-1845); m. 13 Dec 1821 to Hylah [Hellitje] Bevier; d. 7 Mar 1861; bur. New Paltz Rural Cem., New Paltz, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Annette Innis Young (18851975), great-granddaughter of Levi Decker Hasbrouck and Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck; by gift to Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y. (1955); by transfer to Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (2010). Note: SIRIS reference to ownership by Morton C. Bradley, on loan to Gore Place Society, Gardiner, Mass., is spurious. Status: Josiah Hasbrouck House (Locust Lawn), Gardiner, N.Y., property of Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 2010. CAP: NY230065. H&H: 289, HPF: 67A.2, IAP: 81310275. See Volume 2.

240. Maria Eliza Hasbrouck (later Mrs. Christopher Reeve, 1798-1857), or Pamela DuBois (later Mrs. Abner Hasbrouck, 1812-1893), aka Elizabeth Hasbrouck – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1820 [H&H] or 1824 prob. [B&T] or c. 1825 [HPF].

29-9/16" x 23-1/2" (sight) or 29-1/2" x 23-1/2" [B&T]. Sister of Levi Decker Hasbrouck [q.v.] and Jane Hasbrouck [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with curls and near frown; wearing elaborate white dress with ruffled lace collar, tortoiseshell comb, bright red shawl wrapped around l. elbow and back; seated facing p.l., l. arm resting on sideboard, r. hand in lap holding fingers of l. hand. Note: Also suggested to be Pamela DuBois (1812-1893), niece of Levi Decker Hasbrouck [per HHS], although this seems unlikely based on the apparent age of the subject. Bio. (Maria Eliza Hasbrouck): b. 3 Dec 1798 in New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Josiah Hasbrouck (1755-1821) and Sarah (Decker) Hasbrouck (1764-1845); m. 8 Feb 1825 in New Paltz, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Christopher Reeve (1798-1865); d. 5 Oct 1857 in Detroit, Wayne Co., Mich.; bur. Elmwood Cem., Detroit, Wayne Co., Mich. [DRA] Alternate spelling is Reeves. [H&H] Provenance: By descent to Annette Innis Young (1885-1975), great-granddaughter of Levi Decker Hasbrouck and Hylah Bevier Hasbrouck; by gift to Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y. (1955); by transfer to Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (2010). Note: SIRIS reference to 1977 ownership by Morton C. Bradley, on loan to Gore Place Society, Gardiner, Mass., is spurious. References: Maurer, Colonial Homes (October 1996): p. 91 [color facsim., in situ]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 159, Fig. 14 [color facsim.]. Status: Josiah Hasbrouck House (Locust Lawn), Gardiner, N.Y., property of Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 2010. CAP: NY230074. H&H: 292, HPF: 66B.13 (as Elizabeth Hasbrouck) and 71B.2 (as Maria Eliza Hasbrouck Reeve), IAP: 81310278. See Volume 2.

241. Philip Bevier Hasbrouck (1783-1841) – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1820 or c. 1815 - 1820 [HPF], or c. 1824 [DRA]. One of a pair. Husband of Esther Bevier Hasbrouck [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "HUME / VOL. 3." Descr.: Man in black jacket and white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted green and yellow side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand cupped over a closed book held diagonally. Note: Book is likely the works of philosopher and essayist David Hume (1711-1776). Bio.: b. 22 Oct 1783 in New Paltz, N.Y., son of Gen. Joseph Hasbrouck (1743-1808) and Elizabeth (Bevier) Hasbrouck (1749-1795); m. 30 Jan 1810 to (1st cousin) Esther Bevier; d. 17 Dec 1841; bur. New Paltz Rural Cem., New Paltz, N.Y. [DRA]

Provenance: Descended to Mrs. George B. Howell, Piscataway, N.J. (see Esther Bevier Hasbrouck); by gift to Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y., 1984; by transfer to Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 2010. Status: Josiah Hasbrouck House (Locust Lawn), Gardiner, N.Y., property of Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 2010. H&H: 287, HPF: 67A.3, IAP: 81310273. See Volume 2.

242. Bithiah Soullard Haskell (Mrs. John Haskell, 1783-1869), aka Blithia Soulkard Haskell – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1820 [H&A] or c. 1820-1829 [HPF]. 31" x 24-3/4" [H&A]. One of a pair. Wife of John Haskell [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with brown hair, ringlets, high bun with tall comb; wearing pale blue-gray dress with ruffled double collar; seated facing p.l. in orange and yellow grain-painted side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), r. hand holding small book with thumb marking page. Red drapery in u.r. and r. side of canvas. Bio.: Bithiah Soullard, b. 13 Dec 1783 in Mass.; m. 11 Feb 1811 to John Haskell; d. 5 Apr 1869 in Albany Co., N.Y.; bur. Albany Rural Cem., Menands, Albany Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, N Y (1976); Sally David, David Gallery, Pittsford, N.Y.; a distinguished private collection; David A. Schorsch Co., New York, N.Y.; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. [2007, 2008], offered at $245,000 the pair. Note: Listed in HPF as “Mrs. John Haskell”. Reference: Schorsch and Wolfe (1995) p. 12 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. as of 2008 (as Blithia Soulkard Haskell). HPF: 67A.4. See Volume 2.

243. John Haskell (1786-1860) – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1820 [H&A]. 31" x 24-3/4" [H&A]. One of a pair. Husband of Bithiah Soullard Haskell [q.v.]. Descr.: Gentleman with curly hair in black coat and ruffled jabot and white stock and tie, facing p.r. in Napoleonic pose. Bio.: b. 23 Sep 1786 in Conn., son of William Haskell (1734-1808) and Marcy (Lovett) Haskell (1732-1801); m. 11 Feb 1811 to Bithiah Soullard; d. 8 Mar 1860 in Watervliet, Albany Co., N.Y.; bur. Albany Rural Cem., Menands, Albany Co., N.Y. Res.: Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1820; Bethlehem, Albany Co., N.Y., 1830; Watervliet, Albany Co., N.Y., 1850. [DRA] Provenance: See Bithiah Soullard Haskell. Note: Not listed in HPF. Reference: Schorsch and Wolfe (1995) p. 13 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. as of 2008 See Volume 2

244. Phebe E. Preston Haviland (Mrs. Asahel Haviland, 1813-1886), aka Phoebe Preston Haviland – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Wingdale, Town of Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1836. Note: Mistakenly dated (in 1925) to 1814-1816. Descr.: Young woman with pipe curls, wearing dark balloon-sleeved dress with satin wristbands, wide elaborately-embroidered organdy collar; facing p.r. with r. arm leaning on table with book, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 5 Aug 1813 in Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Abijah Preston (1785-1860) and Elizabeth (Ross) Preston (1785-1881); m. 14 Oct 1834 to Asahel Haviland (1812-1882); d. 14 Mar 1886 in Dover, Dutchess, Co., N.Y. Bur.: South Dover Rural Cem., Wingdale, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Town of Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850, 1870 (Wing Station P.O.), 1880. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family to a niece of the subject, Augusta (Preston) Bedell (1858-1927), Dover, N.Y.; Property of Mrs. Augusta Bedell [1925]. References: Nelson, International Studio, (March 1925): p. 456 [b&w facsim.]; Helen Carlotta Nelson, McCall Needlework, Winter 1941-42 (Sept. 1, 1941): p. 27 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 15 [not illus.] as Phoebe Preston Haviland of Kent, Conn (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Peter A. Juley and Son, 1925, courtesy Mrs. G.L. [Helen C.] Nelson) Status: Location unknown as of 1965, 1968, 1994. [CHS, H&H, HPF] CHS: 69, H&H: 175, HPF: 67A.7, IAP: 81310162. See Volume 2.

245. Haxtun Kitten with a Rose – Beekman (Gardner Hollow), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H]. 11" x 7-1/2". Note: Originally part of the portrait of Almira Haxtun [q.v.], this section of the canvas was preserved in a family scrapbook. [H&H] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Frank D. Mather [neé Adrianna Storm Haxtun, 18971978], Bayport, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 130 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 65 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 73, H&H: 204, HPF: 67A.9, IAP: 81310190. See Volume 2.

246. Almira Haxtun (1831-1841) – Beekman (Gardner Hollow), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H]. 28" x 19-1/2". Dau. of Benjamin Haxtun [q.v.] and Sarah Woolley Haxtun [q.v.], and sister of William Woolley Haxtun [q.v.]. Descr.: Young girl with long pipe curls behind ears; wearing dress with wide lace-trimmed collar and short multi-tiered ruffled sleeves; standing facing p.r. with r. arm resting on table and r. hand holding a rose. Note: Canvas apparently reduced. A section of the original canvas is separately preserved as "Haxtun Kitten with a Rose" [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 2 Apr 1831; d. 8 Oct 1841; bur. Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Frank D. Mather [neé Adrianna Storm Haxtun, 1897-1978], Bayport, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 130 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 65 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 70, H&H: 203, HPF: 67A.8, IAP: 81310189. See Volume 2.

247. Benjamin Haxtun (1778-1857) – Beekman (Gardner Hollow), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H]. 36" x 30". One of a pair. Husband of Sarah Woolley Haxtun [q.v.], father of Almira Haxtun [q.v.] and William Woolley Haxtun [q.v.], and brotherin-law of Henry Peter Pells Woolley [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with widow’s peak and sideburns; wearing high-collared black jacket, white ruffled jabot and upturned collar, black stock; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on side chair back, l. hand in lap holding a snuffbox. [DRA] Two miniature brown oxen are at the lower left of the painting. [H&H] Bio.: b. 1 Jan 1778 in Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y , son of Jeremiah Haxton/Haxtun (1744-1830) and Rhoda (Akin) Haxtun (1749-1841); m. (1st) to Elmira Vanderburgh (1785-1827); m. (2nd) 26 Mar 1828 to Sarah Woolley (1795-1871); d. 21 Oct 1857; bur. Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Adrianna Storm Haxtun, Stormville, N.Y., great-granddaughter [1949]; Mrs. Frank D. Mather [neé Adrianna Storm Haxtun, 1897-1978], Bayport, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] References: Storm (1949) p. 362 [not illus.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 130 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 64 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 71, H&H: 200, HPF: 67A.10, IAP: 81310186. See Volume 2.

248. Sarah Woolley Haxtun (Mrs. Benjamin Haxtun, 1795-1871) – Beekman (Gardner Hollow), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H]. 36" x 30". One of a pair. Wife of Benjamin Haxtun [q.v.], mother of Almira Haxtun [q.v.] and William Woolley Haxtun [q.v.], and sister of Henry Peter Pells Woolley [q.v.] and Jeanette Elizabeth Woolley [q.v.]. Descr.: Full-faced woman with large ruffled bonnet with ribbons on top and tied under chin, wearing black dress with wide embroidered organdy collar; seated facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table with book, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 13 Oct 1795 in Easton, Washington Co., N.Y.; m. 26 Mar 1828 to Benjamin Haxtun; d. 3 Oct 1871; bur. Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Note: Present [1968] owner owns the collar worn by the sitter. [H&H] Provenance: Descended in family to Adrianna Storm Haxtun, Stormville, N.Y., great-granddaughter [1949]; Mrs. Frank D. Mather [neé Adrianna Storm Haxtun, 1897-1978], Bayport, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] Reference: Storm (1949) p. 362 [not illus.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 72, H&H: 201, HPF: 67A.11, IAP: 81310187. See Volume 2.

249. William Woolley Haxtun (1829-1904), aka William Woolley Haxtun and His Dog – Beekman (Gardner Hollow), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H]. 47" x 36". Son of Benjamin Haxtun [q.v.] and Sarah Woolley Haxtun [q.v.], and brother of Almira Haxtun [q.v.]. Descr.: Full-length portrait of boy in suit with black tie, wide white shirt collar, and black shoes [c.f. John Younie Luyster]; seated facing p.l. in fancy painted side chair; seated dog at his p.r. side with head in boy's lap; fringed drapery in upper right corner and right side of canvas. [DRA] Bio.: b. 18 Mar 1829 in Beekman, N.Y.; m. 14 Oct 1858 to Maria De Long (1835-1913); d. 19 Mar 1904 in East Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Frank D. Mather [neé Adrianna Storm Haxtun, 18971978], Bayport, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 130 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 75 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 74, H&H: 202, HPF: 67A.12, IAP: 81310188. See Volume 2.

250. John Haynes (1774-1863) – Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1814*. 36" x 30" [H&A]. One of a pair. Husband of Phebe Peck Haynes [q.v.]. Father of Ruth Haynes Palmer [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "JOHN HAYNES AGED 41 YEARS. / Painted By A Phillips Ad 1814". Descr.: Gentleman with receding hairline, widow’s peak, prominent sideburns; wearing black jacket, white vest, white stock tied in front, jet stickpin; seated facing p.l in paint-decorated side chair, r. hand holding quill pen, l. arm resting on ledger-type book on table. Inkwell and quill pen on table. [DRA] Cond.: Pristine, untouched. [H&A] Bio.: b. 8 Jun 1774 in Vermont, son of Aaron Haynes (1745-1827) and Mary (Armstrong) Haynes (1745-1811); m. circa 1795 to Phebe Peck; d. 7 Feb 1863; bur. Maple Grove Old Cem., Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Res : Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850; Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1860. [DRA] Provenance: Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. References: Maine Antique Digest (March 1980): p. 12-B [b&w facsim.], H&A asking well over $100,000 the pair at Winter Antiques Show; Antiques (September 1980) [color facsim.]; American Art from the Gallery's Collection (Hirschl & Adler Galleries, 1980) p. 18, no. 10a [color facsim.]; McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2017): p. 142 [color facsim., in situ] Status: A New York private collection as of 2017. HPF: 67A.13. See Volume 2.

251. Phebe Peck Haynes (Mrs. John Haynes, 1773-1847) – Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1814*. 36" x 30" [H&A]. One of a pair. Wife of John Haynes [q.v.]. Mother of Ruth Haynes Palmer [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "PHEBE HAYNES AGED 41 YEARS. / Painted By A Phillips Ad 1814". Descr.: Woman wearing white ruffled cap with bow in front, brown dress with white bodice and v-neck collar, single-strand necklace, jet brooch; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated side chair, r. arm resting on book on table, l. hand in lap holding piece of lace. [DRA] Cond: Pristine, untouched. [H&A] Bio.: b. 4 Mar 1773 in Lyme, Conn., dau. of Nathaniel Peck (17351784) and Hannah (Moore) Peck; m. circa 1795 to John Haynes; d. 19 Oct 1847; bur. Maple Grove Old Cem., Hoosick Falls, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. References: Maine Antique Digest (March 1980): p. 12-B [b&w facsim.], H&A asking well over $100,000 the pair at Winter Antiques Show; Antiques (September 1980) [color facsim.]; American Art from the Gallery's Collection (Hirschl & Adler Galleries, 1980) p. 19, no. 10b [color facsim.]; McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2017): p. 143 [color facsim., in situ]. Status: A New York private collection as of 2017. HPF: 67A.14. See Volume 2.

252. Jonas Coe Heartt (1793-1874) – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1815-20 [DRA]. 29" x 24" [Clars]. Brother of Philip Titus Heartt [q.v.]. Descr.: Brown-haired young gentleman wearing high-collared black jacket, white shirt with stickpin, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in cream-colored fancy side chair with gold stenciling, l. arm resting on small table or bookshelf, r. hand holding an open news page; blue-green drapery in u.r. corner and r. side. Bio.: b. 12 Aug 1793 in Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., son of Philip Heartt and Deidamia (Gazlay) Heartt; chr. 1 Dec 1793, Troy N.Y.; m. 30 Aug 1814 to Catherine Lamberson (1793-1869); d. 30 Apr 1874 in Troy, N.Y. Named for Rev. Jonas Coe [q.v.] Mayor of Troy, N.Y., 1838-1844. [DRA] Provenance: By apparent direct descent from the subject, as follows Jonas Coe Heartt (1793-1874); to his son Jonas Scholfield Heartt (1830-1890, m. Frances Helen ‘Fannie’ Hall); to their dau Frances Hall ‘Fannie’ Heartt (Mrs. William Longstreth Raub, 1874-1953); to their son Jonas Heartt Raub (1903-1978, m. Elizabeth Valentine); to their dau. Elizabeth Ann ‘Lisa’ Raub (b. 1937), Los Gatos, Cal. (Mrs. Juri Matisoo); Estate of Elizabeth Raub Matisoo, Waterbury, Conn.; Clars Auction Gallery, Oakland, Cal., February Fine Art & Antique Auction (February 21, 2016) Lot 2211, sold $6,000+22% (est. $1,500-2,500). Status: Sold at auction 2016. See Volume 2.

253. Philip Titus Heartt (1806-1887) – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1815*. 291/2" x 24-1/4" [CAP] or 29-1/4" x 24-1/4" [OHA]. Brother of Jonas Coe Heartt [q.v.]. Inscr. (paper label, verso): "Philip Titus Heartt, son of Philip Heartt and Deidamia Gazely. Born at 'Mount Ida,' Troy, March 20, 1809, died October 13, 1879. This portrait painted in 1815 at 8 year [sic] of age". [FARL] Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of blond boy wearing red suit with cutaway jacket, white ruffled collar and shirt with white buttons; standing facing p.l., l. hand not shown, white dog standing with paws on leg. Green drapery on r. side and upper edge of canvas. Bio.: b. 20 Mar 1806, son of Philip Heartt (1768-1855) and Deidamia (Gazlay) Heartt (1765-1850); chr. 2 Aug 1806, Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.; m. 1839 to Sarah Jerusha Pierson (1816-1865); res. Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. through 1850 (Merchant); U.S. Consul at Glasgow (1853-58); res. Southfield, Richmond Co., N.Y., 1860 (Importer), Bloomfield, Essex Co., N.J. (1870); d. 13 Oct 1887; bur Bloomfield Cem., Bloomfield, Essex Co., N.J. [DRA] Provenance: William Griscom, Philadelphia; at one time with Peter H. Davidson & Co., dealer, New York; Francis Frost; Dean H. Jr. and Elizabeth E. Leith, Troy, N.Y. (as of 1994); Bill Clerk, Chatham, N.Y.; Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa.; Private collection, California. References: Photos at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Peter H. Davidson estate, 1995; gift of Knoedler & Co., New York, N.Y., 1997); Antiques (May/June 2020) [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection, California. With Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa. as of 2013. CAP: NY990030. HPF: 67A.15. See Volume 2.

254. Joseph Heath (1754-1830) – Galesville (now Middle Falls), Town of Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., c. 1815-1817 [HPF]. 30" x 25" One of a pair. Husband of Mabel Rising Heath [q.v.]. Descr.: Bust-length portrait of round-faced man with thin white bangs, wearing black jacket, striped vest with upturned collar, and white stock tied in front; facing p.l. with r. arm vertical and l. arm extended, hands not shown. Mauve background. Cond.: Conserved in 1993 by Michael Heslip, Williamstown, Mass. Bio.: b. 22 May 1754 in Tolland Co., Conn., son of Joseph Heath (1723-1802) and Sarah (Scripture) Heath (1723-1815); m. 25 Sep 1777 in Suffield, Hartford Co., Conn. to Mabel Rising (1756-1820); res. Westfield (now Fort Ann), Washington Co., N.Y., 1790, Hartford, Washington Co., N.Y., 1800, Town of Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., 1810, 1820; grist mill, fulling-mill and distillery owner; d. 21 Jun 1830 in Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y.; bur. Bottskill Baptist Church Cem., Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family of the subject and donated in the 1930’s. Status: Washington County Historian's Office, Fort Edward, N.Y. as of 2018. HPF: 67A.16. See Volume 2.

255. Mabel Rising Heath (Mrs. Joseph Heath, 1756-1820) – Galesville (now Middle Falls), Town of Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., c. 1815-1817 [HPF]. 30" x 25" One of a pair. Wife of Joseph Heath [q.v.]. Descr.: Bust-length portrait of thin-faced woman with prominent nose, probable lack of teeth; wearing ruffled cap with medium brown ribbon tied on top, double-strand pearl necklace, gold and red earring, black dress covered with white fichu crossed in front; facing p.r. with l. arm vertical and r. arm extended, hands not shown. Mauve background. Cond.: Conserved in 1993 by Michael Heslip, Williamstown, Mass. Bio.: b. 19 Oct 1756 in Suffield, Hartford Co., Conn., dau. of John Rising (1724-1793) and Mabel (Hall) Rising (1728-1767); m. 25 Sep 1777 in Suffield, Hartford Co., Conn. to Joseph Heath (1754-1830); d. 29 Oct 1820 in Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y.; bur. Bottskill Baptist Church Cem., Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family of the subject and donated in the 1930’s. Status: Washington County Historian's Office, Fort Edward, N.Y. as of 2018. HPF: 67A.17. See Volume 2.

256. Katherine Salisbury Newkirk Hickok (Mrs. John Person Newkirk, 17731866), aka Mrs. Katherine Salisbury – Region unknown [HPF] or Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1825 [FGM, HPF] or c. 1830-1840 [CAP] or c. 1830 [DRA]. 32" x 27" [FGM] or 31-5/8" x 25-5/16" (sight). Aunt of Elsie Salisbury [q.v.]. Descr.: Waistlength portrait in 3/4 pose, facing p.l., of an older thin-faced woman with brown hair, wearing an elaborate white bonnet, black dress, black shawl with fancy embroidered edge; wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding a small tan book with gilt spine and red label in r. hand. Black background. Grain-painted frame with gilt inner molding. [DRA] Bio.: b. 11 Dec 1773, dau. of Abraham Salisbury (1744-1808) and Elsie (Hasbrouck) Salisbury (1742-1812), g. dau. of Rachel Ten Broeck; m. (1st) 13 Jan 1797 to Robert Black (1750-1802); m. (2nd) 28 Nov 1802 to John Person Newkirk (1779-1855); res. Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y., 1810 to 1850 (age 77), Athens, Greene Co., N.Y., 1860 (age 87); d. 22 Apr 1866; bur. Catskill Town Cem., Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. (Catherine Salisbury / wife of / John P. Newkirk / Died Apr 22, 1866 / aged 94 years). Notes: 1) Do not confuse with Catherine Newkirk Salisbury (1790-1881). 2) There is no record of a third marriage to anyone named Hickok. The subject title may owe to confusion from the married name of her daughter, Harriet Newkirk Hickok (Mrs. Cornelius Van Ness Hickok). 3) Listed in CAP as Mrs. Katherine Salisbury, Ref. EL1980.-3. [DRA] Provenance: Lapham and Dibble, Inc., Shoreham, Vt. (1976), purchased from a picker; Jeffrey R. Brown, North Amherst, Mass.; The Fine Arts Collection of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. (Accession number: 83.26), acquired from Jeffrey R. Brown, North Amherst, Mass. (1983); Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme Conn., gift of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (2002). References: Maine Antique Digest (August 1976): p. 12-B [b&w facsim.], as Catherine Hickock; Kornhauser (1989) p. 22, Pl. 2 [full-page facsim.]; Cummings, Antiques & Fine Art (Summer 2002), Fig. 4 [color facsim.]. Note: The last referenced facsimile is printed backwards vs. the original. Status: Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme, Conn. (acquired 2002). Accession number: 2002.1.103. On exhibit as of 2007. HPF: 67B.1, IAP: 65210015. See Volume 2.

257. Margaret Phelps Higley (Mrs. Simeon Higley, 1747-1850) – Falls Village, Litchfield, Conn. [H&H], c. 1843 [H&H]. 33-1/2" x 28" [H&H]. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress, white fischu under black cape, white ruffled bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in red upholstered armchair, holding large open book with pseudo script on lap, with closed spectacles grasped in l. hand. Bio.: b. 16 Nov 1747 in Westfield, Mass., dau. of Jonathan Phelps (1682-1762) and Martha (Loomis) Phelps (1704-1804); m. 17 Dec 1771 to Simeon Higley (1751-1822); bur. Sandy Hill Cem., Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn. (Margaret / Wife of / Simeon Higley / Died / March 11, 1850. / Æ.102 ys. 3 mo. / & 26 ds.). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family to Mrs. Margaret K. Wood [1911-2006], Goshen, Conn., and Mrs. Leroy (Clara) Beaujon [19061998], Canaan, Conn., great-great-granddaughters of the subject. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 131 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 31 [b&w facsim.]; Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. XIII [color facsim.]. Status: Falls Village-Canaan Historical Society, Falls Village, Conn. as of 1999. CHS: 75, H&H: 227, HPF: 67B.2, IAP: 70580238 and 81310213. See Volume 2.

258. Harriet Hill (later Mrs. Stillman S. Fish, 1803-1892) – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1820 [HPF]. 30" x 24" [HPF], or 30" x 23-3/4" [SNY]. Descr.: Young woman in pale dress with white ruffled collar, high comb; seated facing p.l., r. hand clutching red shawl with embroidered and fringed edge; folded red drapery in u.r. corner and r. side of canvas. [DRA] Cond.: Lined, scattered inpainting. Period gilt frame. [SNY] Bio.: b. 1803 in Rensselaer Co., N.Y.; m. (1st) in Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. to James Smith (d. 1828); m. (2nd) in 1832 to Stillman S. Fish (1804-1870); res. Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850, 1855, Brooklyn, Kings Co., N.Y., 1865, 1870, St Albans, Vt., 1880 (widowed); d. 9 Feb 1892 in Bridgeport, Conn.; bur. Old Mt. Ida Cem., Troy, N.Y [SNY, DRA] Provenance: Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Katz, Williamsville, N.Y. and Meriden, N.H.; Sotheby’s, New York, Important American Folk Art from the Ralph and Susanne Katz Collection, Sale N09609 (January 21, 2017) Lot 5095, sold $17,000+25% (est. $6-8,000). References: Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. VII, No. 2 (August/September 2006): p. 135 [not illus.]; Morris and Kernan, Journal of the Clark Art Institute, Vol. 18 (2017): p. 8 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2017. HPF: 67B.3. See Volume 2.

259. Cicero Hinds (1798-1856) – Orange Co., N.Y., possibly, c. 1825. 29" x 23". Inscr. (verso): in small ink script “Cicero Hinds / Uncle of / Mrs J. L. Sanborn” and old paper backing fragment with “Cicero Hinds / 1798 – 1856" . Descr.: Younger man with dark forward-swept hair, aquiline nose, chin dimple; wearing black coat, white stock without bow, white pleated shirt and upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paintdecorated scroll-back side chair, r. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand holding quill pen, l. hand in coat. Dark background. [DRA] Cond.: In what appears to be in the original frame; canvas on original stretchers. With original cord for hanging. Note: According to Mary Black, Phillips was working in New York and Orange County at the time this portrait was painted. [SNY] Bio.: Cicero Hinds, b. 4 Nov 1798 in West Boylston, Worcester Co., Mass., son of Jacob Hinds (1767-1852) and Elizabeth (Fassett) Hinds (1773-1856); d. 8 May 1856 in West Boylston, Mass. (age 57-7-4, single, farmer); bur. Mount Vernon Cem., West Boylston, Worcester Co., Mass. Was selectman of West Boylston and overseer of the poor. Res.: West Boylston, Worcester Co., Mass., 1850 (age 50, farmer, living with parents). Note: The aforementioned “Mrs. J. L. Sanborn” is Josephine Clarissa Lakin (Mrs. Joseph Leavitt Sanborn, 1844-1929), dau. of Cicero Hinds’s sister Josephine Hinds (Mrs. Ansel Lakin, 1805-1853). [DRA] Provenance: Judy Lenett, Ridgefield, Conn. (dealer); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Folk Art, Furniture and Silver (May 19, 2005) Lot 120, sold $12,000+20% (est. $2030,000); Roberto Freitas, Stonington, Conn. (dealer), sold as of November 2006; private collection, Texas, as of 2012; Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa. as of 2020 Reference: McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2012): p. 150 [color facsim , in situ]. Status: Collection of Frank Tosto. See Volume 2.

260. Abigail Adams Hoag (Mrs. Milton C. Hoag, 1812-1899), aka Portrait of a Young Woman – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1830 [DRA] 31" x 24" or 31" x 25" [Clars]. Daughter of Olivia Kimberly Adams [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with Apolloknot hairstyle, in light-gray dress with yellow and orange trim on waist and cuffs, sitting on decorated pillow-back side chair, facing and leaning p.l. with r. arm extended and r. hand holding small book with spine up, l. elbow resting on book on table, l. hand to face with fingers curled. Note: Same chair as Olivia Kimberly Adams. Bio.: b. 1812, dau. of Elisha Adams (1780-1861) and Olivia (Kimberly) Adams (17861854); m. 2 Nov 1830 to Milton C. Hoag (1802-1867); d. 1 Feb 1899 in Petaluma, Sonoma Co., Cal. Bur.: Cypress Hill Mem. Park, Petaluma, Cal. [DRA] Provenance: The subject’s son, David E. Hoag (1847-1916); to his dau., Nesta Blondina Hoag (Mrs. Eugene Pierce, 1887-1962), Oakland, Cal.; The M. H. de Young Museum, San Francisco, Cal. (loan from Nesta Pierce, Oakland, Cal.); Harvey Clars Auction Gallery, Oakland, Cal. (September 11, 2005) Lot 6395 as "Portrait of a Young Woman," museum deaccession, sold $30,000+17% (est. $2-4,000); to Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. [The American Antiques Show, New York, January 2006, offered at $195,000]. References: "Clars' Auction Sets Record, Brings $1.6 Million," Antiques and The Arts Weekly (October 28, 2005): p. 87 [b&w facsim.]; The American Antiques Show, January 19-22, 2006 (program) p. 34 [full-page color facsim.]; Laura Beach, Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 14, 2006), not illus.; Maine Antique Digest (May 2006): p. 31-C [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. as of 2006 See Volume 2.

261. Phebe Pugsley Hoag (Mrs. Robert Hoag, 1778-1858) aka P.H. Hoag, Phoebe Hoag, or Mrs. William Hoag – Shemenko [Shekomeko] or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1829*. 31" x 25-1/2". One of a pair. Wife of Robert Hoag [q.v.]. First cousin of Margaret Platt Bockee [q.v.]. Descr.: Full-faced woman with dark eyebrows, wearing black dress with large organdy and lace collar, elaborate bonnet with ribbons on top and hanging front and back, seated facing p.r. in a stenciled and paintdecorated side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand holding a monogrammed handkerchief with the initials "P.H." [DRA] Notes: Offered in 2007 as "Phebe Pugsley Hoag" of Pine Plains, N.Y. Bio.: Phebe Pugsley b. Sep 1778 in Pine Plains, N.Y., dau. of William Pugsley (1753-1824) and Annetje (Bockee) Pugsley (1751-1822); m. 1812 to Robert Hoag; d. 1 Mar 1858 (age 69 yrs., 6 mos.); bur. Smithfield, Town of Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Robert Hoag. Reference: Kennedy Quarterly, Vol. 12, Issue 1 (January 1973): p. 21, no. 18 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2008. H&H: 123, HPF: 67B.4, IAP: 61022580 and 81310112. See Volume 2.

262. Robert Hoag (1790-1881), aka William Hoag – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Shemenko [Shekomeko], Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1829*. 31" x 25-1/2" or 30-1/4" x 24-1/4" [SNY] or 30-1/4" x 25" [KG]. One of a pair. Husband of Phebe Pugsley Hoag [q.v.]. Brother of Tripp Hoag [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holds newspaper "Inteligencer [sic]" dated "July 10, 1829". Note: The Dutchess Intelligencer, pub. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1828-1833. Descr.: Man in black jacket, white shirt, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding newspaper (see inscription). Note: Previously cataloged as William Hoag. Offered in 2007 as Robert Hoag of Pine Plains, N.Y.; Bio.: Robert Hoag, b. 1790 Pine Plains, N.Y., son of Isaiah Hoag (1754-1830) and Dorothy (Haight) Hoag (1760-1827); m. 1812 to Phebe Pugsley in Amenia, N.Y.; d. 7 Aug 1881; bur. Smithfield, Town of Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820, 1840, 1850; Pine Plains, Co., N.Y., 1830. Dutchess [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family; Russell Carrell [Salisbury, Conn.]; Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. [1968]; Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. [1973, 1994, 2000]; Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H., New Hampshire Weekend Americana Auction (August 7, 2005) Lot 1331, sold $15,000 the pair (est. $15-25,000); Absolute Auctions and Realty, Pleasant Valley, N.Y. (October 8, 2005) from a private consignor; Easter Hill Antiques (Tom O’Hara and Pamela Haft), Sharon, Conn. [2006]; Pamela Haft, Happy Endings Antiques, Sharon, Conn. [2007]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08400 (January 18, 2008) Lot 232, sold $12,000+25% the pair (est. $12-18,000). References: Antiques (January 1973): p. 47, color facsim. (Kennedy Galleries); Kennedy Quarterly, Vol. 12, Issue 1 (January 1973): p. 20, no. 17 [full-page color facsim.]; Antiques (November 1984), color facsim. (Kennedy Galleries); Antiques (May 2000) p. 659 [color facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (October 7, 2005): p. 91 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (July 28, 2006): p. 63 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (July 27, 2007): p. S-10. Status: Sold at auction 2008. H&H: 122, HPF: 67B.7, IAP: 61022579 and 81310111. See Volume 2.

263. Ruth Wright Hoag (Mrs. Ezekiel Hoag, 1786-1880) – Baldwin Place, Town of Carmel, Putnam Co., N.Y., c. 1838-1840 [DRA]. 34-1/2" x 29" (sight). Descr.: Fullfaced older woman wearing white ruffled bonnet tied under chin, black dress with white fichu, black shawl with embroidered border; seated facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table with book, holding a pair of partially opened spectacles with both hands. Bio.: b. 3 May 1786, dau. of John Wright (1739-1820) and Ruth (Cheeseman) Wright (1754-1800); m. 30 Mar 1810 to Ezekiel Hoag (1784-1867), son of Winthrop S. Hoag (1761-1824) and Sarah (Lounsbury) Hoag (1762-1819); d. 16 Aug 1880. Res.: Carmel, Putnam Co., N.Y., 1810 to 1880. Note: Ezekiel Hoag was only distantly related to the Hoag subjects of Dutchess Co., N.Y. Provenance: Descent in the Hoag family to the present owner, a great-great-great-granddaughter of the subject. [DRA] Status: Nancy Fryer Croft, New York, N.Y. See Volume 2.

264. Sally Ann Hoag (Mrs. Tripp Hoag, abt. 1804-aft. 1850) – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1829*. 30-3/4" x 24-3/4" [H&H] or 31" x 24-3/4" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Tripp Hoag [q.v.]. Cond.: See Tripp Hoag. Descr.: Woman in black dress with large organdy and lace collar, elaborate bonnet with ribbons on top and hanging front and back, seated facing p.r. in a stenciled and paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand holding a closed book with spine up. Note: Possibly Sarah “Sally” Ann Wilcox. [DRA] Provenance: Miss Irene Booth, Rhinebeck, N.Y. [1968]; Chancellor Livingston Chapter DAR, Rhinebeck, N.Y.; Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, Fine Americana, Sale 4369 (April 30 - May 3, 1980) Lot 230; Collection of Mrs. Pearl Cohen, Astoria, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF]; Property of a New York Collection (2019); Sotheby’s, New York, Important Americana, Sale N10005 (January 20, 2019) Lot 1709 [as Ammi Phillips, Portraits of a Gentleman and a Lady: A Pair], sold $15,000+25% (est. $5-8,000. Reference: Black, Itinerancy in New England and New York (1986) p. 235, Fig. 4 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: J K Nevin Antiques, Pottstown, Pa. (sold August 2019) CHS: 77, H&H: 125, HPF: 67B.5, IAP: 81310114. See Volume 2.

265. Tripp Hoag (1794-1851) – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1829*. 30-3/4" x 24-3/4" [H&H] or 31" x 24-3/4" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Sally Ann Hoag [q.v.] Brother of Robert Hoag [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holds newspaper "…raph & Observer" dated "August 12, 1829". Note: The Republican Telegraph & Observer, pub. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1826-1831. Descr.: Man in black jacket, white shirt, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding newspaper (see inscription). [DRA] Cond. [each]: The canvas is unlined, there is fine surface cracking throughout, and the work retains a shiny varnish. There appears to be frame abrasion at the extreme edges and stretcher bar marks visible at the edges. Under UV there are scattered pin dots of inpainting throughout. [SNY] Bio : b. 10 Oct 1794 in Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Isaiah Hoag (1754-1819) and Dorothy (Haight) Hoag (1760-1827); d. 29 Aug 1851; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850 (Carpenter). [DRA] Provenance: See Sally Ann Hoag. References: Black, Itinerancy in New England and New York (1986) p. 234, Fig. 3 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Newton Duel, Elizabeth Klare, James Mara, Helen Netter, Dyan Wapnick, Vol. 5: Out of the Wilderness, A History of the Hamlet of Bethel in the Town of Pine Plains, New York (1996). "An early family in the Bethel area was that of Robert Hoag, who had thirteen children, one of whom was Tripp, born October 10, 1794. Tripp Hoag was well known as an accomplished carpenter, and in addition, in 1829 he and his wife became proprietors of the tavern on the corner opposite the Stissing House, in later years known as the Ketterer Hotel. During their term as landlords, Mr. and Mrs. Hoag had their portraits painted by the popular itinerant primitive artist, Ammi Phillips. Eventually these portraits came into the possession of the Chancellor Livingston Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and in the early 1970's were sold by an art auction house in New York City." Status: J K Nevin Antiques, Pottstown, Pa. (sold August 2019). CHS: 76, H&H: 124, HPF: 67B.6, IAP: 81310113. See Volume 2.

266. Charles Hotchkiss (1811-1897) – Torrington, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1855-1860, or 1850-1853 [HPF]. 33-1/4" x 27-15/16" (accurate) or 33-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Electa Susannah Brace Hotchkiss [q.v.]; son of Dyer Hotchkiss [q.v.]; father of Edward Charles Hotchkiss [q.v.], Henry E. Hotchkiss [q.v.] and Lucia E. Hotchkiss [q.v.]. Descr.: White-haired gentleman with dark sideburns, wearing black jacket and vest, black bow tie, pleated white shirt with downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in red upholstered armchair, holding small folded newspaper “ADVENT” in r. hand (left hand not shown). Note: The Advent Herald, with masthead exactly as depicted, pub. Boston, Mass., 1848-57. Bio.: b. 23 Feb 1811 in Prospect, New Haven Co., Conn., son of Dyer Hotchkiss (1785-1862) and Orra (Pritchard) Hotchkiss (1783-1872); m. 3 Jan 1833 in Waterbury, Conn. to Electa Susannah Brace (1812-1884); d. 14 Nov 1897; bur. Center Cem., Torrington, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Gertrude Fyler Hotchkiss (1868-1956); Torrington Historical Society. Note: Discovered among contents of Orsamus Fyler house (carriage house stairwell closet behind other objects) bequeathed to Torrington Historical Society. Restored, relined and reframed by Wadsworth Atheneum [DRA] Reference: Rivera (1984): p. 66 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Hotchkiss-Fyler

House Museum, The Torrington Historical Society, Inc., Torrington, Conn. On exhibit as of 2008. CAP: CT060013. HPF: 67B.8, IAP: 07690004. See Volume 2.

267. Dyer Hotchkiss (1785-1862) – Torrington, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1855-1860, or 1850-1853 [HPF]. 33-11/16" x 27-7/8" (accurate) or 33-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. Father of Charles Hotchkiss [q.v.]. Descr.: White-haired gentleman with gray sideburns and hazel eyes, wearing black jacket and vest, black bow tie, pleated white shirt with downturned collar, seated facing p.l. in red upholstered armchair, holding “HOLY BIBLE” in r. hand (left hand not shown). Bio.: b. 24 Jun 1785 in New Haven Co., Conn., son of Asahel Hotchkiss (1760-1841) and Sarah Elizabeth (Williams) Hotchkiss (1758-1794); d. 14 Nov 1862; bur. Hillside Cem., Naugatuck, New Haven Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: See Charles Hotchkiss. Reference: Rivera (1984): p. 66 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Hotchkiss-Fyler House Museum, The Torrington Historical Society, Inc., Torrington, Conn. On exhibit as of 2007. CAP: CT060014. HPF: 67B.9, IAP: 07690005. See Volume 2.

268. Edward Charles Hotchkiss (1833-1903) – Torrington, Litchfield Co., Conn., 18551860, or 1850-1853 [HPF]. 33-3/4" x 27-15/16" (accurate) or 33-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. Eldest son of Charles Hotchkiss [q.v.] and Electa Susannah Brace Hotchkiss [q.v.], brother of Henry E. Hotchkiss [q.v.] and Lucia E. Hotchkiss [q.v.]. Descr.: Brownhaired young gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, black bow tie, pleated white shirt with upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in red upholstered armchair, holding “HOLY BIBLE” in r. hand (left hand not shown). Bio.: b. 5 Nov 1833 in Naugatuck, New Haven Co., Conn.; m. (1st) 9 Apr 1856 to Amelia C. Briggs (1834-1881); m. (2nd) 1886 to Sarah Jane Coe (1849-1910); d. 5 Sep 1903; bur. Center Cem., Torrington, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: See Charles Hotchkiss. Reference: Rivera (1984): p. 68 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Hotchkiss-Fyler House Museum, The Torrington Historical Society, Inc., Torrington, Conn. On exhibit as of 2007. CAP: CT060016. HPF: 67B.10, IAP: 07690006. See Volume 2.

269. Electa Susannah Brace Hotchkiss (Mrs. Charles Hotchkiss, 1812-1884) –Torrington, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1855-1860, or 1850-1853 [HPF]. 33-5/8" x 27-7/8" (accurate) or 33-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Charles Hotchkiss [q.v.], mother of Edward Charles Hotchkiss [q.v.], Henry E. Hotchkiss [q.v.] and Lucia E. Hotchkiss [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired woman with center-parted hair, wearing black dress with small lace collar and cuffs, small gold and jet brooch; seated facing p.r. on red upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 22 Apr 1812, dau. of Harlan Brace (1787-1857) and Parlia (Johnson) Brace (1785-1867); d. 3 Sep 1884; bur. Center Cem., Torrington, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: See Charles Hotchkiss. Reference: Rivera (1984): p. 67 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Hotchkiss-Fyler House Museum, The Torrington Historical Society, Inc., Torrington, Conn. On exhibit as of 2007. CAP: CT060015. HPF: 67B.11, IAP: 07690002. See Volume 2.

270. Henry E. Hotchkiss (1841-1917) – Torrington, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1855-1860, or 1850-1853 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 27-15/16" (accurate) or 33-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. Son of Charles Hotchkiss [q.v.] and Electa Susannah Brace Hotchkiss [q.v.], brother of Edward Charles Hotchkiss [q.v.] and Lucia E. Hotchkiss [q.v.]. Descr.: Fair-haired young man wearing black coat, white vest, pleated shirt and white bow tie; facing p.l. seated in red upholstered chair, holding a small book in r. hand (l. hand not shown). Bio.: b. 5 Feb 1841; m. 1 Dec 1866 to Mary Jane Brady (1845-1922); d. 10 Jun 1917; bur. Hillside Cem , Torrington, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: See Charles Hotchkiss. References: Rivera (1984): p. 67 [b&w facsim.]; Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) back cover [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 47, Pl. XLIX [color facsim.]; Hollander, Folk Art (Spring 1994): p. 45 [color facsim.]. Status: Hotchkiss-Fyler House Museum, The Torrington Historical Society, Inc., Torrington, Conn. On exhibit as of 2007. CAP: CT060017. HPF: 67B.12, IAP: 07690003. See Volume 2.

271. Lucia E. Hotchkiss (later Mrs. Henry J. Wilmot, 1835-1863) – Torrington, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1855-1860, or 1850-1853 [HPF]. 33-3/4" x 27-7/8" (accurate) or 33-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. Dau. of Charles Hotchkiss [q.v.] and Electa Susannah Brace Hotchkiss [q.v.], sister of Edward Charles Hotchkiss [q.v.] and Henry E. Hotchkiss [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with center-parted hair and long curls, wearing blue dress with short sleeves, lace trim; seated facing p.l. in red upholstered chair, holding small red book in r. hand and l. hand on shoulder. Bio.: b. 25 Nov 1835, Torrington, Conn.; m. 28 Mar 1855 to Henry J. Wilmot; d. 14 Feb 1863; bur. Center Cem., Torrington, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: See Charles Hotchkiss. References: Rivera (1984): p. 68 [b&w facsim.]; Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. VIII [color facsim.]. Status: Hotchkiss-Fyler House Museum, The Torrington Historical Society, Inc., Torrington, Conn. On exhibit as of 2007. CAP: CT060018. HPF: 67B.13, IAP: 07690007. See Volume 2.

272. Sally Jane Beakes Howell (Mrs. Samuel Callender Howell, 1812-1903), aka

Jane Beakes Howell – Middletown, Orange Co., N.Y., possibly [HPF] or Mount Hope, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1835 [SNY]. 30" x 24" [DNY] or 29-1/4" x 24" [SNY].

One of a pair. Wife of Samuel Callender Howell [q.v.]. Niece of Stacy Beakes, Jr. [q.v.].

Descr.: Woman with dark curls and dark eyebrows, wearing black dress with embroidered and pleated organdy collar, beribboned bonnet with under-chin ribbons tied on p.l. side, jeweled ring on r. index finger; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, l. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding white rose. Bio.: b. 20 Feb 1812, dau. of Joseph Beakes (1780-1857) and Anna (Witter) Beakes (1788-1879); m. 30 Jan 1834 to Samuel Callender Howell (1807-1896); d. 27 Aug 1903. Note: The subject identifications for this pair are problematic on three grounds: 1) Stylistically, they closely correspond to the Orange Co., N.Y. portraits of circa 1828 (see Vol. 2) but the identified couple were not married until 1834. 2) An 1834 or later dating would place them well outside of Phillips’s known period in Orange Co., N.Y. 3) The subjects, especially the gentleman, appear older than they would have been at either date. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family of the sitters to a New York State private collector [SNY]; William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y. (November 9, 1983); Skinner, Boston, Mass., Sale 1120 (November 1, 1986) Lot 225, sold $23,000 the pair (est. $20-30,000); David R. Hillier, West Townsend, Mass. (dealer) as of February 1990; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine American Folk Art, Folk Paintings, Sale 6075 (October 20, 1990) Lot 101 [full-page color facsim.], sold $20,000+10% the pair (est. $45-60,000); Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., In Praise of America: Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver, Prints and Broadsides, Sale 18947 (January 21, 2021) Lot 430, sold $13,000+25% the pair (est. $12-18,000).

References: Antiques (October 1983): p. 723 [color facsim.]; Lita Solis-Cohen, “Christie’s, New York City: ‘In Praise of America’ Sale,” Maine Antique Digest, Vol. XLIX, No. 4 (April 2021): p. 64 [color facsim.]. Status: Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2021 (sold). HPF: 67B.14. See Volume 2.

273. Samuel Callender Howell (1807-1896), aka Gentleman in a Black Coat and Frilled White Jabot – Middletown, Orange Co., N.Y., possibly [HPF] or Mount Hope, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1835 [SNY]. 30" x 24" [HPF] or 29-1/4" x 24" [SNY].

One of a pair. Husband of Sally Jane Beakes Howell [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "Ramsay's History, Vol. III." Descr.: Man in dark blue high-collared jacket with double row of brass buttons, black vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock without bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding closed book with spine up (see inscription). Note: David Ramsay, M.D., History of the United States, 3 vols. (Philadelphia: M. Carey, 1816, 1817). Bio.: b. 21 May 1807 in Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y., son of William Albertson Howell (1780-1811) and Elizabeth (Callender) Howell (1781-1860); m. 30 Jan 1834 to Sally Jane Beakes (1812-1903); d. 23 Jan 1896; bur. Howells Cem., Howells, Town of Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y. See also Headley, Russell (ed.), The History of Orange County, New York (1908) p. 866. See note under Sally Jane Beakes Howell. [DRA] Provenance: See Sally Jane Beakes Howell. References: Antiques (October 1983): p. 723 [color facsim.]; Lita SolisCohen, “Christie’s, New York City: ‘In Praise of America’ Sale,” Maine Antique Digest, Vol. XLIX, No. 4 (April 2021): p. 64 [color facsim.]. Status: Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2021 (sold). HPF: 68A.1. See Volume 2.

274. Mary Hoyt, aka Mary M. Hoyt – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Putnam or Westchester Co., N.Y., possibly [DRA], c. 1836 [CNY] or c. 1836-1840 [HPF]. 331/2" x 28". Inscr.: "Mary Hoyt" scratched into lower part of strainer, a later addition. [H&H] Descr.: Young woman with side curls and bun, wearing black dress with embroidered organdy collar and cuffs; seated facing and leaning p.r. (chair not shown) r. arm resting on two books on table, r. hand holding parsley sprig, l. hand in lap holding small green book with index finger marking page. [DRA] Notes: A reliable source in Kingston, New York in 1959 supported the identification of the sitter as Mary Hoyt. A companion or second family portrait also done by Phillips at approximately the same time was reported to have been in the Hoyt family home in Newburgh, New York. [CNY] The basis for the Holdridges’ locale of Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. is unknown. Other possible candidates named Mary Hoyt were residents of Putnam Co. and Westchester Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Fred J. Johnston [1911-1993], dealer, Kingston, N.Y.; R. Hatfield Ellsworth [1929-2014], dealer, Salisbury, Connecticut Antiques Show, 1959; Barbara and Larry Holdridge, Owings Mills, Maryland; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 9468 (October 5, 2000) Lot 23 (est. $5-7,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N07905 (May 22, 2003) Lot 760, sold $9,000 (est. $5-7,000); Schillay Fine Art, New York, N.Y. (Delaware Antiques Show, 2003); Christie's, New York, N.Y., Sale 1787 (January 18-19, 2007) Lot 291, sold $9,600 (est. $10-15,000); Carlsen Gallery, Inc., Freehold, N.Y. (May 21, 2017) Lot 86, sold $9,500+17% (est. $10-20,000) References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 131 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 34 [b&w facsim.]; Susan Kleckner, “Rediscovering Ammi,” Antiques and The Arts Weekly (September 20, 2000): p. 114 [b&w facsim.]; Lita Solis-Cohen, "Americana at Christie's", Maine Antique Digest (December 2000); Antiques and The Arts Weekly (November 28, 2003): p. 34 [b&w facsim in situ]. Status: Linda Rosen Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. as of 2018. CHS: 78, H&H: 190*, HPF: 68A.2, IAP: 81310176. See Volume 2.

275. John Henry Hubbard (1804-1872) possibly, aka Portrait of a Man, aka Mr. Bard – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [Wolf's] or Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], 1849*. 33" x 25". One of a pair. Companion to Julia Ann Dodge Hubbard, aka "Portrait of a Woman”, aka “Mrs. Bard" [q.v.]. Descr.: Waist-length portrait in 3/4 pose, facing p.l., of a brown-haired gentleman with a long face and furrowed cheeks. Wearing a black coat, black vest, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, black tie with bow. R. hand holds a rolled newspaper showing "Hartford" and dated "April 21, 1849"; l. hand not shown. Seated in an armchair with red upholstery. Dark green background. Cond.: Laid down on Masonite, with significant rippling [DRA, 2008]; relined, scattered retouch [Skinner, 2018]. Note: The speculative identification of this portrait as Hubbard, based on the “M.H.HEBARD” inscription on the companion, is by a recent owner. Alternatively, it may relate to the Hebard family of Amenia, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Martin Parker, Spencertown Art & Antiques, Spencertown, N.Y. (inventory and personal collection); Wolf's Fine Arts Auctioneers, Cleveland, Ohio, Martin Parker Collection of Fine Art, (December 4-5, 1998) Lot 729, sold $4,500+15% the pair (est. $1020,000); Carlsen Gallery, Inc., Freehold, N.Y., March Madness Auction (March 30, 2008) Lot 602, sold $9,000+16% (the pair); Post Road Gallery, Larchmont, N.Y. as of 2012 (newly restored and relined); Gene Shapiro Auctions, LLC, New York, N.Y. at Kent, Conn. (July 13, 2013) Lot 6, unsold (est. $10-15,000 the pair); Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., August Americana, Sale 3121M (August 13, 2018) Lot 877 (Man and Woman), sold $1,700+23% (est $3-5,000 the pair) References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (November 20, 1998): p. 170 [b&w facsim.]; Linda and Gene Kangas, "Martin Parker's Americana," Maine Antique Digest (February 1999): p. 28-E [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2018. See Volume 2.

276. Julia Ann Dodge Hubbard (c. 1807-bef. 1855) possibly, aka Portrait of a Woman, aka Mrs. Bard – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [Wolf's] or Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], 1849*. 33" x 25". One of a pair. Companion to John Henry Hubbard, aka “Portrait of a Man”, aka “Mr. Bard" [q.v.]. Descr.: Waist-length portrait in 3/4 pose, facing p.r., of a dark-haired woman with a long face and hollow cheeks. Wearing a pleated black dress with matching shawl, small white lace collar with square corners and thin white cuffs. Holds a small closed book (green with gilt inscription: "M.H.HEBARD.") in l. hand. Seated on a brown armed sofa with r. hand resting on sofa arm. Dark green background. Cond.: Laid down on Masonite, with extensive rippling. [DRA] Note: The speculative identification of this portrait as Hubbard, based on the inscription, is by a recent owner. Alternatively, it may relate to the Hebard family of Amenia, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Mr. Bard. References: See Mr. Bard. Status: Sold at auction 2018. See Volume 2.

277. John Hughes, aka John Hughes of Hughesville, New York, possibly John Hughson (1766-1849) – Hughsonville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (possibly), c. 1835 [SNY] or 1835* [DRA]. 31-7/8" x 27-1/4" [SNY] or 32" x 27" [SPB]. Inscr. (newspaper): "American" dated "November 6, 1835 " Cond.: Relined. [SNY] Descr.: Older frowning blue-eyed gentleman with thinning gray hair, wearing a black jacket, black vest, white shirt and upturned collar, white stock tied in front; facing p.l., standing next to a table, l. forearm resting on table, holding a half-folded newspaper between hands Notes: Possibly John Hughson (1766-1849) of Hughsonville, Dutchess Co., N.Y., res. 1840. The newspaper masthead with spread eagle and scales of justice corresponds to the New-York American, published 1821-1845 including a country edition. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, N.Y., Sale Catalog No. 2276 (1964) Lot 20, as unknown painter [SIRIS]; James S. Copley [1917-1973; publisher, San Diego Union-Tribune]; Helen Kinney Copley [1923-2004]; The James S Copley Library, La Jolla, Cal. (under ownership of The Copley Press); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Magnificent American Historical Documents from the James S. Copley Library Part III, Sale N08708 (May 20, 2011) Lot 1062, unsold (est. $6-9,000). Status: Unsold at auction 2011, IAP: 61507175. See Volume 2.

278. Aletta “Letty” Van Alst Hulst (Mrs. Hendrick Hulst, 1776-1843) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1830. 32-1/2" x 27" [AIHA] One of a pair. Wife of Hendrick Hulst [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4 pose, facing p r , of a woman in a black ruffled dress with an elaborate lace bonnet tied under the chin with two prominent ribbons. Glimpse of dark brown hair. Subject holds an open pair of spectacles with both hands and leans on a book on a table with r arm. Book is titled "MARSH,? / &CC / HISTORY". Medium eggplant background. [AIHA] Bio.: b. 1 Mar 1776, dau. of Burgune Van Alst (1737-1803) and Margaret (Hoagland) Van Alst (1738-1805); m. 11 Jun 1795 in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. to Hendrick Hulst; d. 22 Nov 1843; bur. Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Letty wife of / Henry Hulst / who died / Nov. 22, 1843. / aged 67 y’rs 8 mo. / & 21 d’s.). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the Hulst family to Francis A. Hulst; Albany Institute purchase (1970). Reference: Groft (1978) p. 15 [b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: “The Folk Spirit of Albany: Folk Art from the Collection of the Albany Institute of History & Art,” Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, N.Y. (1978). Status: Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (acquired 1970). Accession number: 1971.24.2. HPF: 68A.3, IAP: 33220044. See Volume 2.

279. Hendrick “Henry” Hulst (1774-1848) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1830. 321/2" x 27" [AIHA]. One of a pair. Husband of Aletta Van Alst Hulst [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4 pose, facing p.l., of a white-haired, blue-eyed, gentleman with large head, strong jaw and tight lips. Wearing a black jacket with high collar, white stock tied in the front, white shirt. Seated in a fancy-painted side chair with grape leaf (upper slat) and three gold medallions (lower slat). Holds a closed book, spine up, with r hand. Book is tan with five panels separated in gilt, red label in second panel reads: "SAINT'S / REST" (devotional). Medium eggplant background. [AIHA] Note: Richard Baxter’s The Saints’ Everlasting Rest (numerous printings including New York: Bangs &

Mason, 1821) Bio.: b. 27 Jul 1774, son of Peter Hulst (1747-1811) and Antje (Luyster) Hulst (1757-1825); m. 11 Jun 1795 in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. to Aletta Van Alst; d. 6 Mar 1848; bur. Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Henry Hulst / Died / March 6, 1848. / aged 73 y’rs / 7 mo. / & 9 d’s.). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the Hulst family to Francis A. Hulst; Albany Institute purchase (1970). Reference: Groft (1978) p. 15 [b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: “The Folk Spirit of Albany: Folk Art from the Collection of the Albany Institute of History & Art,” Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, N.Y. (1978). Status: Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (acquired 1970). Accession number: 1971.24.1. Note: Not in online collections database. HPF: 68A.4, IAP: 33220043. See Volume 2.

280. Nancy Hungerford (1819-?) – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1838 [CMA] or c. 1842 [H&H] or c. 1838-1848 [HPF]. 32-15/16" x 27-7/16" [CMA] or 32-3/8" x 26-15/16" sight [CAP] or 33-5/16" x 27-7/8" [H&H] or 33" x 27-1/2" [HPF]. Note: May be a young relative of the artist's sister-in-law, Sally Hungerford Phillips. [H&H] Note: A person by this name has not been specifically identified and the birth year and location given by the Holdridges are hypothetical. [DRA] Descr.: Rosy-cheeked young woman with center-parted hair; wearing fawn-colored dress with balloon sleeves and wide lace collar; facing p.r. with l. arm resting on table with red book, l. hand holding small dark book. Provenance: George Arons & Bros., Inc. [Ansonia, Conn.], September 2, 1964; Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, Cambridge, Md., 1964-1974; Gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch to the Chrysler Museum of Art, 1974. References: Anderson, Chrysler Museum Bulletin (May 1975): p 3.; Anderson (1976) p. 48. Status: Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Va. (acquired 1974). Accession number: 74.6.13. H&H: 226, HPF: 68A.5, IAP: 55450027 and 81310212.

281. Clarissa Benton Hunt (Mrs. Joseph Drake Hunt, 1800-1880), aka Mrs. Joseph P. Hunt – Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1828*. 30-9/16" x 24-1/2" (sight) [CAP] or 30-1/2" x 24-1/2" [RAD]. One of a pair. Wife of Joseph Drake Hunt [q.v.] Descr.: Woman in black dress with sheer and embroidered collar, sheer ruffled and embroidered bonnet with long untied ribbons hanging front and back; seated facing and leaning p.l. on red upholstered sofa, l. elbow resting on sofa arm with l. hand to face, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 21 Feb 1800 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Joel Benton (1772-1850) and Delia (Sears) Benton (1771-1865); m. 26 Jan 1820 to Joseph Drake Hunt (1796-1864); d. 11 Jul 1880; bur. Rhinebeck Cem., Rhinebeck, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: The subject’s son, Rev. Andrew Jackson Hunt (1824-1881); to his dau., Grace Sands Hunt (Mrs. Henry Eglinton Montgomery, 1869-1921); to her dau., Margaret Lynch Montgomery (Mrs. Rupert Wentworth Kelsall Anderson, 1895-1984), Rhinebeck, N.Y.; to her son, Montgomery Anderson (1918-2005), Rhinebeck, N.Y. as of 1994 References: Ronald A. DeSilva & Co., Fine Art Appraisers, Garrison, N.Y. (1992); Conklin, RHS (Spring 2016): p. 3 [color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Wilderstein Preservation, Inc., Rhinebeck, N.Y. CAP: NY230014. HPF: 68A.7. See Volume 2.

282. Joseph Drake Hunt (1796-1864), aka Joseph P. Hunt – Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1828*. 30-9/16" x 24-1/2" (sight) [CAP] or 30-1/2" x 24-1/2" [RAD]. One of a pair. Husband of Clarissa Benton Hunt [q.v.]. Inscr. (letter): "Joseph P. Hunt, Rhinebeck, N.Y., December 1828." [HPF] Note: Middle initial is "D." in CAP. Descr.: Dark-haired man with long eyebrows, chin dimple, five-o’clock shadow; wearing black jacket, white pleated shirt and downturned collar, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back with r. hand holding quill pen, l. hand with upturned fingers holding letter (see inscription). Bio.: b. 12 Dec 1796, son of Rev. Aaron Hunt (1768-1858) and Eunice (Sanford) Hunt (1772-1805); m. 26 Jan 1820 to Clarissa Benton (18001880); res. Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820 through 1860 (Merchant); d. 6 Feb 1864; bur. Rhinebeck Cem., Rhinebeck, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Clarissa Benton Hunt. References: Ronald A. DeSilva & Co., Fine Art Appraisers, Garrison, N.Y. (1992); Conklin, RHS (Spring 2016): p. 3 [color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Wilderstein Preservation, Inc., Rhinebeck, N.Y. CAP: NY230013. HPF: 68A.6. See Volume 2.

283. David Hunter (1786-1830) – Bloomingburg, Sullivan Co., N.Y., c. 1820 [HPF] or c. 1822 [DRA]. 30-1/2" x 24". One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth Smith Hunter [q.v.]. Inscr. (pamphlet): "Speech of His Excellency De Witt Clinton to the Legislature of New York". Note: Published 1822 with this exact title. The published 1820 speech was styled “Governor Clinton.” Descr.: Man wearing black jacket, white vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.r. in yellow and orange paint-decorated side chair, r. arm resting on chair back with r. hand holding pamphlet (see inscription), l. hand inside jacket. Bio.: b. 1 Feb 1786 in Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y., son of James Hunter (1744-1822) and Frances (Galatian) Hunter (1752-1833); m. (1st) 19 Sep 1813 in Montgomery, N.Y. to Maria Miller (1793-1817); m. (2nd) by 1819 to Elizabeth Smith (1788-1854); d. 22 Jul 1830, bur. Riverside Cem., Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y., 1810; Mamakating, Sullivan Co., N.Y., 1820; Monroe, Orange Co., N.Y., 1830. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family of subject; by whom consigned to Merrill’s Auction Gallery [Duane Merrill & Co.], Williston, Vt. (April 8, 1989) sold $45,000 the pair; purchased by Mark Reinfurt, Equinox Antiques & Fine Art, Manchester Village, Vt. (sold); Sally David, David Gallery, Rochester, N.Y. (1989); Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York City (Just Plain Folk, Jan. 5 to Mar. 4, 2006) sold; Leigh Keno (Philadelphia Antiques Show, April 7-11, 2006) asking $295,000. Sold for $325,000, the pair, per Mark Reinfurt. References: Maine Antique Digest (June 1989): p. 36-B [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (September 1989): p 442 [color facsim.] Exhibited: Westmoreland Museum of American Art, Greensburg, Pa. (April 1 – June 30, 2017), extended loan from Mr. & Mrs. David Genter, Sewickley, Pa. Status: Private collection as of 2007. HPF: 68A.8, IAP: 72670219. See Volume 2.

284. Elizabeth Smith Hunter (Mrs. David Hunter, 1788-1854) – Bloomingburg, Sullivan Co., N.Y., c. 1820 [HPF] or c. 1824-1825 [B&T] or c. 1822 [DRA]. 30-1/2" x 24". One of a pair. Wife of David Hunter [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with temple curls, wearing elaborate light-gray satin dress with ruched sleeves and large ruffled doublecollar, tall tortoiseshell comb and double pearl earring(s); seated facing p.l. on black (horsehair) sofa with red shawl wrapped around l. upper arm and back, l. arm resting on sofa arm, small book held with both hands. Bio.: b. 16 May 1788 in New Windsor, Ulster Co. (now Orange Co.), N.Y., dau. of Nathaniel Smith (1740-1798) and Susan (Mackintosh) Smith (b. 1744); d. 8 Mar 1854; bur. Riverside Cem., Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See David Hunter. Note: Auction lot includes Elizabeth's family bible and the actual tortoise shell hair comb depicted in the picture. References: Maine Antique Digest (June 1989): p. 36-B [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (September 1989): p 442 [color facsim.]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 156, Fig. 9 [color facsim., photo courtesy Godel and Company, New York City]. Exhibited: See David Hunter. Status: Private collection as of 2007. HPF: 68A.9, IAP: 72670218. See Volume 2.

285. Hannah Lewis Husted Hunting (Mrs. Isaac Hunting, 1767-1855) – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1829*. One of a pair. Wife of Isaac Hunting [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress, black shawl embroidered with roses over white fischu, elaborate bonnet tied under chin, single-strand gold necklace, ring on third finger of l. hand; seated facing p.r., wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding small book with l. hand, thumb marking page. Bio.: b. 27 Sep 1767, dau. of Jonathan Lewis; m. (1st) to Ebenezer Husted (1767-1810); m. (2nd) to Isaac Hunting (1763-1829); d. 9 Feb 1855; bur. Pittsford Cem., Pittsford, Monroe Co., N.Y. Status: Unlocated (photo courtesy Charles Lenhart, Hilton, N.Y.). See Volume 2.

286. Isaac Hunting (1763-1829), aka Isaac Huntting – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [FMA] or Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1829*. 30-3/4" x 25" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Hannah Lewis Husted Hunting [q.v.]. Father of Morgan Hunting [q.v.]. Father-in-law of Julia Barton Hunting [q.v.]. Inscr. (recto): "Isaac Hunting aged Sixty five Years and Ten months, 1829". Descr.: Dark-haired, hollow-cheeked gentleman wearing high-collared, double-breasted black jacket and vest, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated and stenciled side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding closed book with spine up. Inscription in red paint across upper edge of canvas. Bio.: b. 18 Jul 1763 in East Hampton, Suffolk Co., N.Y., son of Isaac Huntting (1732-1812) and Ruth (Stratton) Huntting (1732-1785); m. (1st) 7 Oct 1784 to Elizabeth Knapp (1766-1815); m. (2nd) 4 Apr 1816 to Hannah Lewis Husted (1767-1855), widow of Ebenezer Husted (1767-1810); d. 21 Sep 1829; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Notes: Descendants of John Huntting (emigrated 1638) spelled the name with either one or two t's. This portrait would have been painted in May or June of 1829, just four months prior to his death. [DRA] Provenance: Frank Moran, American Paintings & Folk Art, Wingdale, N.Y. as of 1975; Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. [SIRIS]. References: Huntting (1897) p. 177 [illus. "From a portrait - 1820", unattributed]; American Art Review, Vol. II, No. 1 (Jan-Feb 1975): p. 41 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (March 1975): p. 518 [not illus., Frank Moran]; Kallir (1981) p. 22, fig. 26 [b&w facsim.], credit Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N Y.; Antiques (November 1981): p. 1008 [color facsim., H&A]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Hirschl & Adler, 1983); Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 274, note 8 [not illus.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 38, Pl. XXXIX [full color facsim.]. Status: Collection of the Huntting family [John Huntting] as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 68A.12, IAP: 80045951 and 82190133. See Volume 2.

287. Julia Barton Hunting (Mrs. Morgan Hunting, 1807-1881), aka Mrs. Morgan Hunting – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. or Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1820-30 [HPF] or c. 1829 [DRA]. 30-7/8" x 24-7/8" [HFM]. One of a pair. Wife of Morgan Hunting [q.v.]. Also dau.-in-law of Isaac Huntting [q.v.] and niece of Elizabeth “Betsey” Gale Beckwith [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with elaborate Apollo-knot hairstyle; wearing black dress with large lace collar; seated facing p.r. in paintdecorated and stenciled pillow-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding closed book with spine up. Bio.: b. 10 Apr 1807 in Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Dr. Leonard Barton (1767-1841) and Rachel (Gale) Barton (17721856); m. circa 1826 to Morgan Hunting (1805-1868); d. 18 Jun 1881; bur. Courtland Twp. Cem., Kent Co., Michigan. [DRA] Provenance: Mary Thornton Antiques, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; purchased by Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Michigan. References: Wheeler (1971) p. 31 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques, Vol. CXIV, No. 6 (December 1978): p. 1150 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Benson Ford Research Center, Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Michigan. Accession number: [formerly 57.105.2B]. CHS: 80, H&H: 127, HPF: 68A.11, IAP: 24050013 (the pair) and 81310116. See Volume 2.

288. Morgan Hunting (1805-1868), aka Mr. Morgan Hunting – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. or Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1820-30 [HPF] or c. 1829 [DRA] 30-7/8" x 25" [HFM]. One of a pair. Husband of Julia Barton Hunting [q.v.]. Son of Isaac Huntting [q.v.]. Inscr. (letter): "Mr. Morgan Hunting / Pine Plains, NY" postmarked "July 14". Descr.: Young dark-haired man wearing black jacket, white vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated and stenciled pillow-back side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding opened letter (see inscription). Bio.: b. 4 May 1805 in Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Isaac Huntting (1763-1829) and Elizabeth (Knapp) Huntting (1766-1815); m. circa 1826 to Julia Barton (1807-1881); moved from near Chatham Center, Columbia Co., N.Y. to the Isaac Huntting farmstead (Stanford Twp.) in 1829; res. Stanford Twp., Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840; moved with wife and six children to Michigan in 1849; res. Courtland, Kent Co., Mich., 1850, 1860 (farmer); d. 27 Mar 1868; bur. Courtland Twp., Cem., Kent Co., Michigan. [DRA] Provenance: Mary Thornton Antiques, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; purchased by Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Mich. Reference: Wheeler (1971) p. 31 [b&w facsim.] Status: Benson Ford

Research Center, Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Michigan

Accession number: [formerly 57.105.2A]. CHS: 79, H&H: 126, HPF: 68A.10, IAP: 24050013 (the pair) and 81310115. See Volume 2.

289. Elizabeth Harris Husted (Mrs. James G. Husted, 1788-1865) – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1862* 33-1/2" x 271/2" [HPF]. Niece of Polly Smith Husted [q.v.] Inscr. (verso): Paper label on frame "Taken by A. Phillips" and another "Aged 74 years when taken June 20th 1862" neither in Phillips’s hand. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress and shawl over white fischu held with small brooch, lace cap with white ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.l. with hands crossed (r. over l.), holding small book in r. hand, index finger marking page, other small object in l. hand. Bio.: b. 25 Jul 1788 in N Y , dau. of John J. Harris (1744-1814) and Mary (Gamble) Harris (1752-1834); m. 18 Apr 1821 to James G. Husted (1788-1832); res. Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850 (age 61); d. 10 Mar 1865; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Note: On reverse of canvas is a preliminary drawing by Phillips of the head of a man. [CHS] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. L.P. Hasbrouck, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. [1968]; to her grand-dau., Mrs. Ronald (Betsy) Atkins, Bedford, N.Y. References: Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 561 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 39 [b&w facsim.] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 81, H&H: 277, HPF: 68A.13, IAP: 81310263. See Volume 2.

290. Polly Smith Husted (Mrs. Peter Husted, 1761-1825), aka Mrs. P. Husted –Hammertown (Pine Plains), Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1821* or c. 1821-1822 [HPF]. 30" x 25" [SNY] or 40" x 32" [HPF] or 38-1/2" x 31-1/2" [SNY]. Mother of Clarissa Husted Allerton [q.v.], and mother-in-law of Dr. Cornelius Allerton [q.v.]. Oil on canvas mounted on Masonite, in the original frame. Three labels affixed to the verso inscribed as follows: 1) "Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Selections from Private Collections; 1821 Pine Plains (Dutchess County), N.Y."; 2) "Polly Smith Husted (Mrs. Peter Husted) 1761-1825. Aunt by marriage of Mrs. James G. Husted (number 277) and mother-in-law of Dr. Cornelius Allerton (number 32)"; 3) "Sold to Dean Nelson of Spruce Creek, Jan. 24, 1972. Katherine Houghton Clarke." [SNY] Descr.: Thin-faced woman with severe expression in a black dress, black fringed shawl and fine lace cap; seated in a fancy cream and brown chair; crossed wrists, holding a small book in one hand. Bio.: b. 1761, dau. of Isaac Smith (1731-1821) and Tammy (Mead) Smith (1730-1818); m. Peter Husted (1762-1808); d. 22 Apr 1825; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Katherine Ayers Houghton Clarke (Mrs. Leonard de Volls Clarke) of Duncannon, Pa., great-great-great-granddaughter of the subject; by whom sold to [Dorothea and] Dean Nelson, Spruce Creek, Pa. (purchased January 24, 1972); Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, N.Y., American 19th and 20th Century Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Sale 5066 (June 23, 1983) est. $6-8,000; Donn Kinzle Co. [State College, Pa.], Dean Nelson Sale, Spruce Creek, Pa. (May 17-19, 1985) Lot 670, sold $10,000; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 7329 (June 17, 1999) Lot 81 [color facsim.], sold, est. $10-15,000; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N07095 (May 22, 2003) Lot 759, unsold. References: Huntting (1897) p. 182 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 133 [b&w facsim.]; Charlotte Slingerland Tuttle Kester, "Hammertown: An Early Settlement in Pine Plains," The Record (1968); Holdridge (1968) p. 30 [b&w facsim.]; Selections from Private Collections of the Southern Alleghenies Region, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art [Loretto, Pa.], October 4 - November 30, 1980, exhibit catalog, n.p., No. 79 [not illus.]. Status: Unsold at auction 2003. CHS: 82, H&H: 71*, HPF: 68A.14, IAP: 72210175 and 81310064. See Volume 2.

291. Caleb Hyde, aka Reverend Caleb Hyde – South Egremont, Berkshire Co., Mass. [PM], c. 1850 [PM, HPF]. 38" x 32" [PM]. Descr.: White-haired gentleman wearing black jacket, black bow tie, white pleated shirt with upturned collar; seated in armchair facing p.l., l. arm resting on chair back, r. arm resting on chair arm with r. hand holding closed book on lap. Note: The identification is problematic, as the only possible Caleb Hyde in the region is Dr. Caleb Hyde (1765-1838) of Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. (bur. Stockbridge, Mass.), a likely subject and locale, but whose dates are too early for this apparent c. 1850’s portrait. [DRA] Provenance: Paul Madden Antiques, Sandwich Village, Mass. (1987); Ross Levett Antiques, Thomaston, Maine (Maine Antiques Dealers Association Show, Biddeford, Maine, July 18, 1997) offered at $5,900. Reference: Maine Antique Digest (November 1987): p. 29-B [b&w facsim.]. Status: See provenance. HPF: 68A.15.

292. Mary Hillyard Hamilton Ingraham (Mrs. Asa B. Ingraham, c. 1782-?), aka Portrait of Mary Ingraham Holding Her Spectacles and a Bible – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., possibly [DRA], 1829*. 30" x 24". Mother of Lucy Hamilton [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "M. INGRAHAM 1840 [crossed out] 1829". Descr.: Woman in black dress, wearing organdy bonnet tied under chin with black ribbon, and organdy fichu; facing p.r., holding a large closed book ("HOLY BIBLE") in lap, spine up, with l. hand on spine, and holding partially open spectacles in r. hand. Cond.: Puncture u.l., scattered paint loss, stable craquelure. Note: Correspondence indicates there was an associated portrait painted by Phillips of Mary's daughter, Lucy Hamilton, the child of Mary (Hillyard) and John Hamilton. It also states that Mary's first husband, John Hamilton, died in the 1820s, and that Mary remarried a gentleman by the name of Asa B. Ingraham around 1828. [Skinner]. The bible is exactly as shown on the table in the portrait of Lucy Hamilton, and the family resemblance is striking. [DRA] Provenance: Family descent through marriage, purchased from them for a Tucson, Arizona woman, by Philadelphia antiques dealers, then to the consignor in 1982; Skinner, Inc., Boston, American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2640B (March 3, 2013) Lot 70, sold $9,000+20% (est. $8-12,000); Elliot & Grace Snyder, South Egremont, Mass. (dealers); Collection of Thomas F. and Tess L. Schutte, Ipswich, Mass.; New England Auctions, Branford, Conn. (October 10, 2024) lot 308, sold $16,000+25% (est. $4-6,000). Reference: Antiques & The Arts Weekly, Vol. LVI, No. 44 (Nov. 1, 2024): p. 24 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2024. See Volume 2.

293. Louisa Heyer Jackson (Mrs. Samuel B. Jackson, 1776-1865) – Florida, Montgomery Co., N.Y. c. 1805 [FARL] or c. 1820 [DRA]. Descr.: Woman wearing black dress with tall white box-pleated collar, white ruffled cap with bow on top; seated facing p.l. in fancy paint-decorated red thumb-back side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding a small brown book in r. hand, thumb marking page. Bio.: b. 21 Apr 1776 in Connecticut; m. Col. Samuel Jackson (1755-1845); d. 29 Oct 1865; bur. Chuctanunda Cem., Minaville, Town of Florida, Montgomery Co., N.Y. Res.: Florida, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1855 (age 79); Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1865 (age 89). Samuel Jackson res. Florida, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1800 through 1840. Note: Allen Heyer Jackson (1797-1836), son of Samuel B. Jackson and Louisa Heyer Jackson, was married in 1820 to Diana Clarissa Paige (1799-1863), dau. of Rev. Winslow Paige [q.v.] and Clarissa Keyes Paige [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Allan H. Jackson, Schenectady, N.Y. (great-grandson of the subject) as of 1937. [FARL] Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]. Note: An apparent copy of this portrait exists, attributed to Ammi Phillips, with the subject identified as Eliza Simpson (see Selected Misattributions). Of the two, this appears to be the finer version, and is more likely to be the Ammi Phillips original. [DRA] Status: Location unknown (see provenance). N.B.: Possible misattribution. See Volume 2.

294. Clarissa LeFevre Dolson Jansen (Mrs. John T. Jansen, 1796-1846) –Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Minisink, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1825 [HPF]. 30" x 24" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. John T. Jansen [q.v.]. Descr.: Waistlength portrait of a younger woman in 3/4 pose, facing p.r.; wearing dark dress and elaborate beribboned bonnet tied under chin with short ribbon; r. elbow leaning on three books on table, back of fingertips to r. chin, holding small closed book with l. hand. Bio.: b. 4 Apr 1796, dau. of Asa Dolson (1761-1828) and Mary (Vail) Dolson (1754-1831); m. 28 Dec 1811 to John T. Jansen (1788-1844); d. 4 Aug 1846; bur. Slate Hill Cem., Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Egbert LeFevre Jansen [1833-1892], Goshen, N.Y. [son of the subject]; William Bross Jansen [1868-1916], Ypsilanti, Michigan [grandson of the subject]; Philip Jansen [1891-1973], Riverside, Illinois [great-grandson of the subject]; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., The American Heritage Society Auction of Americana, Sale 3804 (November 7, 1975) Lot 626 [illus.]; Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Myron Bazaar [Lidia and Myron Bazar, Amsterdam, N.Y.] as of 1976 [see reference]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American Folk and 19th Century Paintings and Drawings and American Decorative Prints, Sale 4999 (January 27, 1983) Lot 190 [b&w facsim.], sold $32,500 the pair (est. $50-75,000). References: Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 10 [not illus.]; Black, ARTnews (April 1976): p. 89 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 68A.16, IAP: 61516141 and 63003886 (the pair). See Volume 2.

295. Dr. John T. Jansen (1788-1844) – Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Minisink, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1825 [HPF]. 30" x 24" [SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Clarissa LeFevre Dolson Jansen [q.v.]. Descr.: Waist length portrait of handsome young gentleman with sideburns and curled hair; 3/4 pose facing p.l.; wearing dark high-collared coat, white ruffled jabot, white stock tied in bow; resting l. arm on fancy painted chair back, holding large book near upright with r. hand. [DRA] Bio.: b. 13 Jul 1788, son of Thomas H. Jansen (1754-1813) and Jenneke (DuBois) Jansen (17481815); m. 28 Dec 1811 to Clarissa LeFevre Dolson (1796-1846); d 2 Oct 1844; bur. Slate Hill Cem., Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: Minisink, Orange Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1840. [DRA] Provenance: See Clarissa LeFevre Dolson Jansen. References: Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 9 [not illus.]; Black, ARTnews (April 1976): p. 89 [not illus.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 68B.1, IAP: 61516140 and 63003886 (the pair). See Volume 2.

296. Mrs. Jenkins (c. 1790-?), aka Mrs. Jenkins of Albany, aka Mrs. Jenkins of Upstate New York, aka A Portrait of a Rosy-Cheeked Lady with Green Eyes, aka Portrait of a Lady with a Lace Cap – Albany, N.Y. area (probably) or probably Albany, Columbia or Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF] or location unknown [P&B], c. 1815 or c. 1812-1815 [HPF] or c. 1820 [SNY] or c. 1812 [P&B]. 30" x 25" [H-T] or 30-3/16" x 23-3/4" (accurate) or 30" x 24" [P&B, HPF] or 29-1/2" x 23-1/2" [SNY, CNY]. Descr.: Waist-length portrait of square-jawed woman with downturned mouth, forehead and temple curls; wearing dark dress with white ruffled collar, white bodice and dotted white sleeves, white ruffled cap with bow on top; standing facing p.l., l. arm not shown. Pale background. [DRA] Cond.: Wax relined, new stretcher, restorations throughout. [CNY] Notes: Deaccessioned by AARFAC. The 1941 exhibit catalog states "Mrs. Jenkins was the aunt of Dr. Jenkins Welles of Albany." Subsequent efforts by AARFAC to locate his name in Albany records have been unsuccessful. SNY (2001) states that a virtually identical example is in the collection of the AARFAC, Williamsburg, Va. and is illustrated in the catalog (p. 156, fig.127). This is apparently the same work, not a virtually identical example. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (18921951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va., 1958 (Accession number 58.100.11); New Hampshire Auction (Ron Bourgeault auctioneer), Manchester, N.H. (April 27-28, 1991) Lot 613 [illus.], est. $10-15,000; a Connecticut collection; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art & Decorative Art (Friday, October 21, 1994) Lot 6, sold $10,580 (est. $5-8,000); collection of Andrew D. Wolfe (19221999), Pittsford, N.Y.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture and Folk Art from the Estate of Andrew D. Wolfe, Sale 7591 (January 20, 2001) Lot 119 [full-page color facsim.], sold $24,900

(est. $15-20,000); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 22325 (January 19, 2024) Lot 455, sold $22,000+26% (est. $30-40,000). References: American Provincial Paintings (1941) No. 47, Anonymous, Mrs. Jenkins of Albany, about 1810, 30 x 25 inches [not illus.]; American Provincial Paintings (1942, 1947, Syracuse: 1949, Albany: 1949) nos. 47, 7, 32, 37, respectively [not illus.]; Piwokna and Blackburn (1977) p. 12, no. 9 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 157, Fig. 127 [b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. (April 17 – June 1, 1941); Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, N.Y. (October 27 – November 19, 1942); The Art Museum, New Britain, Conn. (November 1947); Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, N.Y. (January 23 – February 22, 1949); Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (October 1949); The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Sold at auction 2024. CHS: 83, H&H: 25, HPF: 68B.2, IAP: 81310025. See Volume 2.

297. Dr. Asa Jordan (1798-1887), or possibly Dr. Abram Jordan (1785-1855) –Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. (see note), c. 1820-1825 [HPF*]. 30-3/4" x 24-3/4" [CNY]. Descr.: Full-faced gentleman with cleft chin, forward and upswept brown hair, reddish-brown sideburns, wearing a white stock without bow, white vest, white upturned collar, black jacket with double row of brass buttons; seated facing p.r. in scroll-back side chair, hands not shown. Note: There is no record of Asa Jordan (17981887) being a doctor. Possibly confused with his brother, Dr. Abram Jordan, b. 10 Nov 1785; m. 1 Oct 1817 to Catherine Mesick (1793-1863); res. Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1817 to 1855; d. 21 Oct 1855; bur. Dutch Reformed Churchyard, Claverack, Columbia. Co., N.Y. Married by Rev. John Gabriel Gebhard [q.v.] [DRA] Provenance: Christie's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, American Paintings and Chinese Export Porcelain (January 29-30, 1980) Lot 314, as Dr. Asa Jordan [b&w facsim.], sold $27,000+10% (est. $4-6,000); collection of Richard and Elois McElroy, Woodstock, Conn.; D.L. Straight Auctions, Sturbridge, Mass. (October 22, 2022) Lot 110, sold $1,400+25% (est., $1-3,000). Status: Sold at auction 2022. HPF: 68B.3, IAP: 62640157. See Volume 2.

298. Chloe Allis Judson (Mrs. Ephraim Judson, 1739-1831) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1811*. 29-5/8" x 24-1/2". One of a pair. Wife of Rev. Ephraim Judson [q.v.]. Companion unlocated. Oil on wood panel in original frame. Inscr. (verso): "P.…d By A Phillips October 18th 1811 / C Judson Agd 72". Descr.: Older woman in black dress, white shawl, ruffled cap with long pale blue ribbons tied on left side, single-strand gold necklace; facing p.r., hands not shown. Bio.: b. 4 Nov 1739 in Somers, Tolland Co., Conn., dau. of Rev. Samuel Allis (1705-1796) and Hannah (Sheldon) Allis (17071779); m. 23 Jul 1771 in Somers, Conn. to Rev. Ephraim Judson (1737-1813); d. 21 Dec 1831; bur. Sheffield Plain Cem., Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA]

Provenance: Prof. and Mrs. George R. Creeger [Wesleyan Univ.], Middletown, Conn [1965, 1968]; location unknown [1994]; Historic Deerfield, Inc., Deerfield, Mass., acquired 2005, John W. and Christiana G.P. Batdorf Fund. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 133 [b&w facsim.]; photos, including verso, at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Holdridge (1968) p. 21 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Flynt Center of Early New England Life, Historic Deerfield, Inc., Deerfield, Mass. (acquired 2005). Accession number: 2005.1. On open-storage display as of 2007. CHS: 85, H&H: 4*, HPF: 68B.5, IAP: 70580262 and 81310004. See Volume 2.

299. Reverend Ephraim Judson (1737-1813) – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1811*. One of a pair. Husband of Chloe Allis Judson [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 5 Dec 1737 in Woodbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., son of Elnathan Judson (1712-1796) and Rebecca (Minor) Judson (1712-1790); m. 23 Jul 1771 in Somers, Tolland Co., Conn. to Chloe Allis (1739-1831); d. 23 Feb 1813; bur. Sheffield Plain Cem., Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. Pastor of First Congregational Church, Taunton, Bristol Co., Mass., 1780-90. Pastor of First Congregational Church, Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1791-1813. [DRA] Note: The Holdridges (1965, 1968) suggested that this unlocated portrait may have been the basis for the depiction of Rev. Judson in Emery (1853) Vol. 2, opp. p. 35 [b&w lithograph] The referenced lithograph, by B.W. Thayer & Co., Boston, does not match Phillips’s c. 1811 style and appears more likely to be based on an 18th C. portrait. [DRA] Status: May no longer exist. CHS: 84, H&H: 3, HPF: 68B.4, IAP: 81310003. N.B.: May no longer exist.

300. Mrs. Caleb Keese – Keeseville, Clinton and Essex Cos., N.Y., c. 1825 [CHS]. Descr.: Three-quarter profile facing left, with hands in lap; wears a great deal of lace on arms, head, etc. Face very well delineated with double chin prominent. Light background. Cond.: Nose overpainted badly. [AAA] Provenance: Collection of Herbert W. Hemphill, Jr. [1929-1998], New York, N.Y. as of 1965. [CHS] Note: Omitted from 1968 catalog for unknown reason. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 86, HPF: 68B.6. N.B.: Possible misattribution.

301. Mr. Keese – Location unknown (see note), c. 1850 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 28". One of a pair. Companion to Mrs. Keese [q.v.]. Descr.: Blue-eyed young gentleman with reddish-brown hair and chin beard, wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar, black bow tie; seated facing p.l. in a red-upholstered side chair, r. arm resting on a table with green cover, r. hand resting on open music book, with index finger pointing to music staff. Cond.: Relined. Scattered inpainting and unobtrusive craquelure. Note: Potentially John Mumford Keese (1814-1878), res. Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 and Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1860. [DRA] Provenance: Arthur T. Gerrity, Hingham, Mass.; David A. Schorsch, Woodbury, Conn.; property of a distinguished gentleman; Stair Galleries, Hudson, N.Y., Americana (August 4, 2018) Lot 79, Sold $3,500+28% (est. $4-8,000 the pair). Status: Sold at auction 2018. See Volume 2.

302. Mrs. Keese – Location unknown (see note), c. 1850 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 28". One of a pair. Companion to Mr. Keese [q.v.]. Descr.: Brown-eyed young lady with narrow face and rosy cheeks, tight center-parted hair with bun; wearing pleated black dress with small white lace collar; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. arm and hand resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding dark green and gilt bible, closed and with spine up. Cond.: Relined. Scattered inpainting and unobtrusive craquelure. Note: Potentially Cornelia Hoffman Keese (1820-1897), res. Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 and Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1860. [DRA] Provenance: See Mr. Keese. Status: Sold at auction 2018. See Volume 2.

303. John Kenyon (1792-1867) – Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. [CHS], c. 1819 [H&H] or c. 1836 [CHS]. 30-1/2" x 25" [CHS, H&H]. Probably John Kenyon, son-in-law of William Schuneman [q.v.] and Catherine Dumond Schuneman (1st. wife, d. 1800). Note: Misidentified as William W. Schuneman in CHS (1965) Descr.: Man with forwardswept hair and long sideburns; wearing black jacket, white vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in yellow and orange paint-decorated armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, blank letter held in l. hand with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 22 Jun 1792 in Clinton, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Mumford Kenyon (1765-1854) and Mary (Gilbert) Kenyon (1767-1855); m. (1st) 15 Dec 1818 to Catherine Schuneman (1899-1826); m. (2nd) to Elsey Schuneman (1800-1849), sister of Catherine; d. 17 Mar 1867; bur. Jefferson Rural Cem., Jefferson, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family from Catherine DuMond Kenyon (Mrs. Rutger Lansing Drake, 1819-1882), Troy, N.Y., dau. of the subject; to her son John Kenyon Drake (1856-1933), Troy, N.Y.; to his dau., Elizabeth Peck Drake (Mrs. Leslie W. Rolfe, 1887-1977), Fairfield, Conn. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Miss Mary Allis (dealer), Fairfield, Conn. (1985, 1986); Claude and Alvan Bisnoff, Westport, Conn. (1985); Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H., Claude and Alvan Bisnoff Collection (October 27, 2007) Lot 661 [color facsim.], sold $24,000+16% phone bid (est. $15-20,000). References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 131 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Holdridge (1968) p. 37 [b&w facsim.]; Mary Allis, “Living with antiques: A collection in southern Connecticut,” Antiques (September 1985): p. 489, Fig. 3 [b&w facsim., in situ]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (December 12, 1986): p. 26 [b&w facsim., in situ]. Exhibited: “Distinguished American Paintings from Private Collections,” Pequot Library, Southport, Conn. (1975) Status: Sold at auction 2007. CHS: 131, H&H: 47*, HPF: 68B.7, IAP: 72810002 and 81310041. See Volume 2.

304. James Ketcham (1777-1871) – Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 18251830 [SNY] or c. 1828 [MR] or c. 1835 [DRA] 32" x 27" [MR] or 32" x 26-1/2" [SNY] or 32" x 27-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Lois Belding Ketcham [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "LEDGER"; Descr.: Handsome white-haired gentleman, facing p.l., wearing black coat with sharp shoulders, white stock with large bow in front; l. arm draped over back of side chair and holding unfolded spectacles in l. hand; r. arm resting on book with blue pages on table and holding quill in r. hand. [DRA] Bio.: b. 31 Jul 1777 in Huntington, Suffolk Co., N.Y., son of David Ketcham (1747-1790) and Mary (Mabbett) Ketcham (1755-1811); m. 6 Aug 1797 to Lois Belding (1779-1856); d. 11 Nov 1871; bur. Valley View Cem., Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1810 through 1870. [DRA] Provenance: Hung for many years in the Sunday School room of the Second Dover Baptist Church, Dover Plains, N.Y.; Pleasant Valley Auction Hall, Pleasant Valley, N.Y. (May 17, 1980), provenance available at sale; Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn. (1981); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 28-30, 1988) Lot 1543 [full-page color facsim.], sold $105,000+10% the pair (est. $60-80,000); Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Rothman. References: Antiques, Vol. CXVII, No. 5 (May 1980): p. 1069 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques, Vol. CXIX, No. 1 (January 1981): p. 14 [color facsim.]. Status: Philadelphia Museum of Art (gift of Richard and Marsha Rothman, 2014). Accession number: 2014-152-1. HPF: 68B.8, IAP: 80045150 and 80045584. See Volume 2.

305. James Ketcham (1757-1832) – Mt. Hope, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1826*. 32" x 26".

Inscr. (l.r.): "JAMES KETCHAM AGED 69 / YEAR 1826 / Ammi Phillips Pinxit". Father of Betsey Ketcham Little [q.v.]. Descr.: Gray-haired gentleman wearing black jacket with high collar, white stock tied in front; facing p.l., holding silver-tipped cane in r. hand, l. hand in jacket. Cond.: Cleaned and relined. Bio.: b. 22 Jul 1757 in Huntington, Suffolk Co., N.Y., son of John Ketcham (1716-1794) and Sarah (Matthews) Ketcham (1720-1802); m. 13 Nov 1783 to Rhoda Campbell (1762-1818); d. 17 Nov 1832 in Calhoun (renamed Mt. Hope in 1833), Orange Co., N.Y.; bur Mt. Hope Plains Cem., Otisville, Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: Deer Park, Orange Co., N.Y., 1810; Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y., 1820; Calhoun (formed from Wallkill and Deer Park, and so-named in 1825), Orange Co., N.Y., 1830. Note: Do not confuse with James Ketcham (1777-1871). [DRA] Provenance: The subject’s dau., Betsy Ketcham (Mrs. William Shultz Little, 1797-1863); her dau., Elmira Little (Mrs. Daniel Terry Graham, later Mrs. George E. Robertson, 1823-1886); her son, William L. Graham (18471899); his son, George C. Graham (1890-1977), great-great grandson of the subject; Estate of Helen D. Graham (Mrs. George C. Graham, 1920-2008), Carlisle, Pa.; Cordier Antiques & Fine Art, Camp Hill, Pa. (November 8, 2008) sold $8,500+10% (est. $8-12,000). Note: George C. Graham is the father-in-law of the consignor. References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 6, 2009): p. 18 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (March 2009): p. 37-C [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2008. See Volume 2.

306. Lois Belding Ketcham (Mrs. James Ketcham, 1779-1856) – Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1825-1830 [HPF] or c. 1828 [MR] or c. 1835 [DRA]. 32" x 27" [MR] or 32" x 26-1/2" [SNY] or 30" x 27-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of James Ketcham (1777-1871) [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman, facing p.r., wearing black dress, white organdy shawl, ruffled bonnet with white bow under chin, spectacles; wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding a small open psalm book (face up) with l. hand. [DRA] Bio.: b. 22 Jan 1779, Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. Silas and Dorcas (Gillette) Belding; m. 6 Aug 1797 to James Ketcham; d. 22 Mar 1856, Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Valley View Cem., Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 (age 71). [DRA] Provenance: Hung for many years in the Sunday School room of the Second Dover Baptist Church, Dover Plains, N.Y.; Pleasant Valley Auction Hall, Pleasant Valley, N.Y. (May 17,1980), provenance available at sale; Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn. (1981); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 28-30, 1988) Lot 1543 [full-page color facsim.], sold $105,000+10% the pair (est. $60-80,000); Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Rothman. References: Antiques, Vol. CXVII, No. 5 (May 1980): p. 1069 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques, Vol. CXIX, No. 1 (January 1981): p. 14 [color facsim.]. Status: Philadelphia Museum of Art (gift of Richard and Marsha Rothman, 2014). Accession number: 2014-152-2. HPF: 68B.9, IAP: 80045151 and 80045583. See Volume 2.

307. Dr. Levi King (1799-1878) – Oak Hill, Greene Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1834-1836 [HPF] or c. 1829 [DRA]. One of a pair. Husband of Lovisa Peck King [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holding a book "Cooper's Surgery Vol I." [HPF] Descr.: Handsome dark-haired gentleman with sideburns and receding hairline, wearing black jacket, white stock, and white shirt with upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in a paint-decorated side chair, l. arm draped over diagonal chair back (l. hand not shown), r. hand holding a closed book with spine upturned (see inscription). Note: The Lectures of Sir Astley Cooper on the Principles and Practice of Surgery, Vol. I (Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1825). Bio.: b. 31 May 1799 in Rensselaerville, Albany Co., N.Y., son of Reuben King (1765-1849) and Elizabeth (Frisbee) King (1767-1819); m. 30 Oct 1826 to Lovisa Peck (1808-1902); d. 10 Jul 1878; bur. Cairo Cem., Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y. Graduated College of Physicians and Surgeons, Herkimer Co., N.Y. and commenced practice in Cairo, N.Y. in May 1826. Res.: Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y., 1830 through 1870. [DRA] Provenance: Descended to William N. Smith, great-great-grandson of the subject. Status: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. William N Smith, Fairbanks, Alaska as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 68B.10. See Volume 2.

308. Lovisa Peck King (Mrs. Levi King, 1808-1902) – Oak Hill, Greene Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1834-1836 [HPF] or c. 1829 [DRA]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Levi King [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark curled hair (no bonnet), wearing black dress, white organdy collar with ruffled neck and two striped ribbons hanging in front; seated facing and leaning p.r. with small red book held in both hands, r. thumb and index finger marking page. Bio.: b. 6 Aug 1808 in Greene Co., N.Y., dau. of Daniel Peck (d. 1811); m. 30 Oct 1826 to Dr. Levi King (1799-1878); d. 14 Dec 1902; bur. Cairo Cem., Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended to William N. Smith, great-great-grandson of the subject. Status: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. William N. Smith, Fairbanks, Alaska as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 68B.11. See Volume 2.

309. Andrew Jackson Kinney (1833-1891) – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Winsted (Town of Winchester), Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], 1848* [H&H] or c. 1848 [HPF]. One of eight family portraits. Son of Nisus Kinney [q.v.] and Sarah Wakefield Kinney [q.v.], brother of Harriet Kinney [q.v.], Jane E. Kinney [q.v.], Susan Kinney [q.v.] and Sarah Jane Kinney [q.v.]; brother-in-law of Lucius L. Culver [q.v.] Descr.: Portrait of a young boy. [H&H] Provenance: Descent in the Kinney family; Destroyed per Ruth P. Miles, great-niece of the subject (per 1959 interview and 1970 manuscript). Status: Destroyed by fire. [H&H] CHS: 87, H&H: 245, HPF: 68B.12, IAP: 81310231. N.B.: No longer exists.

310. Harriet Kinney (later Mrs. Lucius L. Culver, 1826-1916) – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Winsted (Town of Winchester), Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], 1848* [H&H] or c. 1848 [HPF]. One of eight family portraits. Wife of Lucius L. Culver [q.v.], dau. of Nisus Kinney [q.v.] and Sarah Wakefield Kinney [q.v.], sister of Andrew Jackson Kinney [q.v.], Jane E. Kinney [q.v.], Susan Kinney and Sarah Jane Kinney [q.v.]. Bio.: m. 14 Jun 1851 to Lucius L. Culver (1830-1862) at the home of Ammi Phillips in North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; d. 1916; bur. Walnut Grove Cem., Meriden, Conn. Res.: Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850 [unmarried], 1860; Windsor, Hartford Co., Conn., 1870 [widowed]; New York, N.Y., 1910, 1915. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the Kinney family; Destroyed per Ruth P. Miles, great-niece of the subject (per 1959 interview and 1970 manuscript). Status: Location unknown as of 1968, 1994. [H&H, HPF]. Destroyed (see provenance). CHS: 88, H&H: 244, HPF: 68B.13, IAP: 81310230 and 82320211. N.B.: No longer exists.

311. Jane E. Kinney (later Mrs. Albro Fyler, 1821-1899), aka Jane Kinney Fyler –Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Winsted (Town of Winchester), Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], 1848* [H&H] or c. 1848 [HPF]. 33" x 24" [H&H] or 32" x 27" [RCE]. One of eight family portraits. Dau. of Nisus Kinney [q.v.] and Sarah Wakefield Kinney [q.v.], sister of Andrew Jackson Kinney [q.v.], Harriet Kinney [q.v.], Susan Kinney [q.v.] and Sarah Jane Kinney [q.v.], sister-in-law of Lucius L. Culver [q.v.] Descr.: Sharp-featured younger woman with dark, center-parted hair, wearing black dress with v-neck edged in small white lace with matching cuffs; seated facing p.l. on sofa with l. arm resting on sofa arm, green and red embroidered shawl wrapped around l. arm and back and held in r. hand. [DRA] Cond.: Relined. Minor to moderate retouch. Largest area of restoration is to the sitter's left hand. Some restoration to right hand. Small areas of restoration to face. Other scattered retouch. [RCE] Bio.: Born 1821, Colebrook, Conn.; m. 23 Jun 1850 to widower Albro Fyler (1808-1874); res. Winchester, Conn., 1850, 1860, Torrington, Conn., 1870, Winchester, Conn., 1880, Waterbury, Conn., widow of Albrow [sic] 1888 to 1899; d. 25 Nov 1899 in Waterbury, Conn ; bur. Forest View Cem., Winsted, Conn. Note: Dates given for Jane E. Kinney (1808-1850) by HPF and CNY are incorrect. [DRA] Provenance: Albro and Jane Kinney Fyler; Estate of Edmund and Sarah Fyler Munson [Mrs. Edmund Whitfield Munson, dau. of Jane E. Kinney], 1944; Vincent J. Stanulis [1918-1997], Torrington, Conn., 1959; Collection of Barbara and Lawrence Holdridge, Owings Mills, Maryland; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 9468 (October 5, 2000) Lot 22, sold $12,000+17.5%; Collection of Carl and Sonia Schmitt, Walla Walla, Wa.; Robert C. Eldred & Co., East Dennis, Mass., Summer Americana Auction (August 3, 2018) Lot 1034, sold $4,750+25% (est. $3-4,000). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Vincent J. Stanulis, 1957); Barbara Cohen and Larry Holdridge, "Found: A Berkshire Old Master," The Berkshire Eagle (August 29, 1959): p. 10A [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 561 as "Jane Kinney Fyler" [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 133 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 39 [b&w facsim.]; Lita Solis-Cohen, "Americana at Christie's," Maine Antique Digest (December 2000). Status: Private collection as of 2018. CHS: 89, H&H: 243, HPF: 68B.14, IAP: 81310229 and 82320212. See Volume 2.

312. Nisus Kinney (1795-1891) – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF] or Winsted (Town of Winchester), Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], 1848* [H&H]. 32-7/8" x 26 7/8" (sight) or 32-3/4" x 263/4" [HPF]. One of eight family portraits. Husband of Sarah Wakefield Kinney [q.v.], father of Andrew Jackson Kinney [q.v.], Jane E. Kinney [q.v.], Susan Kinney [q.v.], Sarah Jane Kinney [q.v.], and Harriet Kinney [q.v.], father-in-law of Lucius L. Culver [q.v.]. Reportedly the first cousin of Ammi Phillips (unconfirmed). Inscr. (newspaper): "Hartford Times" dated "June 24, 1848". Descr.: Long-faced gentleman wearing black jacket and cravat, white shirt and downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding newspaper (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Cond.: Badly beat up as of 1959 [RPM]. Conservation by Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London, Conn., May 1974. Bio.: b. 1 Sep 1795 in Colebrook, Conn.; raised in family of Grinnell Spencer (1769-1843), Winsted, Conn.; m. (1st) 16 Sep 1822 to Sarah Wakefield (1799-1856); m. (2nd) to Laura (Bills) Fancher (1824-1912); d. 25 Jun 1891; bur. Forest View Cem., Winsted, Conn. Res.: Winchester, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1830, 1840, 1850, 1870; Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1880 [DRA] Provenance: One of five family portraits descended to Miss Ruth P. Miles, South Egremont, Mass., great-granddaughter of the subject, as of 1959 (see note); Litchfield Historical Society, Litchfield, Conn. (gift of Miss Ruth P. Miles, 1970). Note: Ruth P. Miles (1893-1981) dau. of Augusta (Culver) Miles, grand-dau. of Harriet (Kinney) Culver (Mrs. Lucius L. Culver), great-grand-dau. of Nisus Kinney. Reference: Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. VI [color facsim.]. Status: Litchfield Historical Society and Museum, Litchfield, Conn. (acquired 1970). Accession number: 1970-01-3. CHS: 90, H&H: 239, HPF: 68B.15, IAP: 81310225. See Volume 2.

313. Sarah Jane Kinney (1831-1848) – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF] or Winsted (Town of Winchester), Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], 1848* [H&H] or c. 1848 [HPF]. 32-7/8" x 26-7/8" (estimate) or 33" x 28" [HPF]. One of eight family portraits. Dau. of Nisus Kinney [q.v.] and Sarah Wakefield Kinney [q.v.], sister of Andrew Jackson Kinney [q.v.], Jane E. Kinney [q.v.], Susan Kinney [q.v.] and Harriet Kinney [q.v.], sister-in-law of Lucius L. Culver [q.v.]. Note: Subject died of consumption [July 22, 1848] at the age of 17, about one month after her portrait was painted. [H&H] Descr.: Young woman with center-parted and braided hair in bun; wearing black v-neck dress with lace trim; seated facing p.l. on red-upholstered sofa, l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Cond: Conservation by Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London, Conn., May 1974. [DRA] Provenance: One of five family portraits descended to Miss Ruth P. Miles, South Egremont, Mass., grandniece of the subject as of 1959 [see note under Nisus Kinney]; Litchfield Historical Society, Litchfield, Conn. [1970]. Reference: Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. V [color facsim.]. Status: Litchfield Historical Society and Museum, Litchfield, Conn. (acquired 1970). Accession number: 1970-01-4. CHS: 92, H&H: 241, HPF: 68B.16, IAP: 81310227. See Volume 2.

314. Sarah Wakefield Kinney (Mrs. Nisus Kinney, 1799-1856), aka Lady with Her Glasses – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Winsted (Town of Winchester), Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], 1848* [H&H] or c. 1848 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [HPF, Carlsen].

One of eight family portraits. Wife of Nisus Kinney [q.v.], mother of Andrew Jackson Kinney [q.v.], Jane E. Kinney [q.v.], Sarah Jane Kinney [q.v.], Susan Kinney [q.v.] and Harriet Kinney [q.v.], mother-in-law of Lucius L. Culver [q.v.]. Descr.: Portrait of a woman with parted hair, wearing a black v-neck dress with small lace collar and lace cap tied under chin; seated facing p.r. on a red upholstered sofa, fingers of l. hand upturned, holding partly open spectacles with thumb and forefinger of r. hand. Bio.: b. 20 Jun 1799, dau. of Aden Wakefield (1773-1857) and Susannah (Barney) Wakefield (1774-1856); m. 16 Sep 1822 to Nisus Kinney (1795-1891); d. 28 Sep 1856; bur. Forest View Cem., Winsted, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: One of five family portraits descended to Miss Ruth P. Miles, South Egremont, Mass., greatgranddaughter of the subject, as of 1959 [see note under Nisus Kinney]; promised gift to Litchfield Historical Society as of 1970. [RPM]; America Hurrah Antiques (Kate and Joel Kopp), New York, N.Y. (1982); Joseph J.M. Miller, New York, N.Y.; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Albany Auction Gallery, Albany, N.Y. (February 10, 2002) Lot 12; Carlsen Gallery, Freehold, N.Y. (January 18, 2004) Lot 172, sold $11,000+12.5%. References: Antiques, Vol. CXVIII, No. 5 (November 1980): p. 838 [b&w facsim.]; Art & Antiques (Nov/Dec 1980): p. 122; Maine Antique Digest (April 2004): p. 41-D [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2004. CHS: 91, H&H: 240, HPF: 69A.1, IAP: 80045271, 81310226 and 84920154. See Volume 2.

315. Susan Wakefield Kinney (later Mrs. Luther G. Hinsdale, Mrs. Edwin B. Lyon, 1842-1929), aka Portrait of a Young Girl, aka Portrait of a Girl in a Lace Trimmed Blue Dress – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Winsted (Town of Winchester), Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], 1848* or c. 1851 [DRA]. 20-1/2" x 18". One of eight family portraits. Dau. Nisus Kinney [q.v.] and Sarah Wakefield Kinney [q.v.], sister of Andrew Jackson Kinney [q.v.], Jane E. Kinney [q.v.], Sarah Jane Kinney [q.v.] and Harriet Kinney [q.v.], sister-in-law of Lucius L. Culver [q.v.]. Descr.: Shown as a small girl, head and shoulders only, since the rest of the painting was damaged and cut away. This was originally a full-length portrait, showing pantalets, with cat sniffing flower in her lap. [CHS] Bio.: b. 7 Mar 1842 in Winsted, Litchfield Co., Conn.; m. (1st) Luther G. Hinsdale on 25 Dec 1861 [owner, after Lucius Culver, of Nisus Kinney farm on Spencer St.]; m. (2nd) Edwin B. Lyon, M.D. on 12 Oct 1886; d. 19 Mar 1929 in Hartford, Hartford Co., Conn.; bur. Fairview Cem., New Britain, Hartford Co., Conn. Note: Unintended omission from 1994 catalog, per HPF*. Based on the sitter's apparent age, this may have been painted at the same time as the marriage of Harriet Kinney to Lucius Culver. [DRA] Provenance: One of five family portraits descended to Miss Ruth P. Miles (1893-1981), South Egremont, Mass., grandniece of the subject, as of 1959 [see note under Nisus Kinney]; promised gift to Litchfield Historical Society as of 1970. [RPM]; America Hurrah Antiques (Kate and Joel Kopp), New York. N.Y. (1982); Joseph J.M. Miller (1924-2006), New York, N.Y.; Michael S. Ho, Kinderhook, N.Y. (executor, estate

of Joseph J.M. Miller); Northeast Auction, Manchester, N.H (February 23, 2007) Lot 108 [color facsim., p. 21] as “Portrait of a Girl in a Lace Trimmed Blue Dress” (unidentified and unattributed), sold $3,200+16%; a Tivoli, N.Y. collector; Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y., Catalogued Americana Auction (May 31, 2008) Lot 2, sold $6,250+10% (est. $3,500-4,500). References: Antiques, Vol. CXXI, No. 11 (May 1982): p. 1068 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): pp. 66, 80 [not illus.]. Status: Private collection as of 2008. CHS: 93, H&H: 242, IAP: 80046404 and 81310228. See Volume 2.

316. Malina Wheeler Knapp (Mrs. Elijah S. Knapp, later Mrs. Henry Smith, 18051892), aka Mrs. Knapp – Deposit, Delaware Co., N.Y., c. 1833-1835. 31" x 25". One of a trio. Dau. of William Wheeler [q.v.] and Eleanor Knox Wheeler [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired woman in black dress with organdy collar and cuffs, holding r. hand in left and leaning on two books with r. arm Ring on l. index finger. Possibly wearing a gold watch-chain. [DRA] Note: Not holding a book as listed in Hollander and Fertig (1994) [DRA]. Bio.: b. 15 Oct 1805, Hancock, Delaware Co., N.Y., dau. of William Wheeler (1774-1851) and Eleanor (Knox) Wheeler (1774-1859); m. (1st) 1832 to Dr. Elijah S Knapp (1806-1833); m. (2nd) 1852 to Henry Smith (1804-1866); d. 2 Sep 1892; bur. Laurel Hill Cem., Deposit, Delaware Co., N.Y. (Malina Wheeler Smith). [DRA] Provenance: The subject’s niece, Antoinette D. Wheeler (1851-1926); to her dau., Margaret E. Cannon (1889-1972); to her dau.-in-law, Claudia Smith (Mrs. Kenneth O. Smith, Jr.), Willits, Cal. [1986]. Status: Deposit Historical Society, Deposit, N.Y. (gift of the Smith family). HPF: 69A.2. See Volume 2.

317. Unknown man, possibly of the Knowles family – Western Conn.-Mass. border area [HPF], c. 1820-1825 [HPF] or c. 1850's [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2". Inscr. (upsidedown on package): “Anthony Mills." Descr.: Gentleman with gray right-side parted hair, wearing black jacket, black vest and tie, white pleated shirt and upturned collar; seated in an armchair, facing p.l., with r. arm resting on chair arm and r. hand holding a wrapped package of paper on lap, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Wheeler; Potsdam Public Museum, Potsdam, N.Y., gift of Eva Blaisdell Wheeler (1883-1974). Reference: Chittenden and Hemphill (1982) pp. 64-65, no. 106 [not illus.]. Note: Bert Hemphill wrote of seeing a pair of previously unattributed Ammi Phillips portraits in storage at the Potsdam Public Library, but only this one was included in the exhibit. This suggests that a companion to this portrait exists. Based on comparison with contemporary photographs, this is possibly Liberty Washington Knowles (1774-1859), great-grandfather of Walter H. Wheeler, whose wife Melinda Raymond had family ties to Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Exhibited: “Found in New York’s North Country: The Folk Art of a Region,” Museum of Art, Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, N.Y. (1982). Status: Potsdam Public Museum, Potsdam, N.Y. HPF: 69A.3.

318. Nancy Smith Lamphear – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1818-1820 [HPF]. 30" x 24-1/2" [HPF]. Purported dau. of Jane Daney Smith [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with light brown hair and temple curls; wearing red Empire-waisted dress with large white ruffled double collar, gold earring(s) and necklace with pendant; seated facing p.r. in black sofa with brass tacks, r. arm resting on sofa back, l. arm possibly resting on sofa arm, l. hand clutching pale embroidered and fringed shawl (wrapped around back) with downturned fingers. Green drapery in u.l. corner. [DRA]. Provenance: Descended in family of subject to Constance Ledward Rollins, Hancock, N.H. (see note); to Dr. John Rollins, her husband; by whom donated to Hancock Historical Society, 1981; Robert W. Skinner, Inc , Bolton, Mass., Sale 899 (March 24,1983) Lot 82, sold $23,000 (est. $25-35,000); Felice A. Zweig [Eden Galleries], Salem, N.Y. as of 1994 [HPF]; Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn.; Collection of Barbara and Arun Singh, Providence, R.I. as of 2008; Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Triumphant Grace: Important Americana from the Collection of Barbara and Arun Singh, Sale N10303 (January 25, 2020) Lot 1075, sold $60,000+25% (est. $60-80,000). Note: A Nancy Lanphere or Lanphear (Mrs. Joseph Henry Crandall, b. 1774 in Stonington, Conn., d. 1860 in Westerly, R.I.) was the great-great-great-grandmother of Constance Ledward Rollins (see provenance). Based on age and locale, it is doubtful that Nancy Lanphere (1774-1860) is the subject. Nor was her maiden name Smith. It is probable that she was an arbitrary ancestor selected in order to name the portrait. [DRA] References:

Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 33, Pl. XVII [color facsim.]; Laura Beach, Antiques (January 2009): p. 156, Fig. 1 [color partial facsim., in situ]. Status: Sold at auction 2020. HPF: 69A.4. See Volume 2.

319. Jonathan Lane (1759-1837) – Livingston, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1821*. 31" x 24-3/4" [HPF] or 30-3/4" x 24-3/4" [NEA]. Inscr. (on letter): "Mr. Jonathan Lane Livingston" and postmarked in red "New York" and “Free ” Signed on preserved piece of original stretcher, in Phillips’s hand, "Jonathan Lane in his sixty-second year, when this was taken by / Mr. Ammi Phillips of Troy March 30th 1821 ” with added “Jonathan Lane born Augt 24th 1759.” [DRA] Cond.: Relined. Original mahogany veneer frame. [CNY] Scattered retouch, with the largest area to the upper right at the top of the sitter's head. Scratch to sitter's jacket. [RCE] Descr.: Man with receding dark hair; wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt, white stock with bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.r. in yellow and red paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, l. arm resting on chair arm and holding an open letter (see inscription), r. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 24 Aug 1759 in Killingworth, Middlesex Co., Conn., son of Robert Lane (1713-1794) and Mary (Thatcher) Lane (17141797); d. 15 Jul 1837 in Coxsackie, Greene Co., N.Y. (Christian Intelligencer) Res.: Livingston, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1820; Olive, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1830. [DRA] Provenance: Mystic Fine Arts, Mystic, Conn., Auction of American & European Paintings (February 25, 1988) failed to raise $10,000 opening bid (est. $3050,000); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Highly Important American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 7000 (January 19-20, 1990) Lot 569 [full-page color facsim.] unsold at $12,000 (est. $15-20,000); location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H., Fall Weekend Auction (October 31 – November 1, 2015) Lot 654, sold $3,800+20% (est. $4-6,000); Eldred’s, East Dennis, Mass., The Spring Sale (April 1, 2021) Lot 40, sold $3,250+25% (est. $3-5,000). Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (March 4, 1988): p. 42 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2021. HPF: 69A.5. See Volume 2.

320. Camilla Harmon Langdon (Mrs. Wilbur Curtis Langdon, 1816-1869), aka Woman Holding Handkerchief – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [H&H] or Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF], 1862* [H&H] or c. 1862 [CHS, HPF] or c. 1855 [DRA]. 33" x 27" [CHS, H&H, HPF]. One of four related portraits. Wife of Wilbur Curtis Langdon [q.v.], mother of Edward Harmon Langdon [q.v.] and Henry W. Langdon [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 3 Sep 1816 Tyringham, Berkshire Co., Mass.; m. Wilbur C. Langdon on 24 Mar 1833 in New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass.; res. Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1860; d. 25 Feb 1869 Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Provenance: Miss Nina Ruth Tryon (1891-1986), Monterey, Mass. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 207, H&H: 283, HPF: 69A.6, IAP: 81310269 and 82320233.

321. Edward Harmon Langdon (1849-1855), aka Boy with Basket of Fruit –Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [H&H] or Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF], 1862* [H&H] or c. 1862 [CHS, HPF] or c. 1855 [DRA]. 33" x 27" [CHS, H&H, HPF]

One of four related portraits. Son of Wilbur C. Langdon [q.v.] and Camilla Harmon Langdon [q.v.], and brother of Henry W. Langdon [q.v.]. Descr.: Knee-length portrait of a dour-looking blond boy in a fancy black suit, seated on a red upholstered side chair, facing p.r. and glancing p.l., with l. hand holding a small black book in lap, and r. arm resting on a table with a red table cloth and a basket of peaches. Bio.: b. 20 Jun 1849 in Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Wilbur Curtis Langdon (18141877) and Camilla (Harmon) Langdon (1816-1869); res. Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1850 (age 1); d. 22 Apr 1855 in Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass. [5y, 10m, 2d]; bur. Corashire Cem., Monterey, Mass. [DRA] Note: Subject identified between 1965 and 1968 The Holdridges listed the Langdon portraits as dating to 1862, but without a stated basis. This led to the suggestion that Edward Harmon Langdon may have been painted posthumously from a daguerreotype. The Langdon portraits, however, may also date to c. 1855 when Phillips was living in neighboring New Marlborough, Mass., in which case the subject could be Henry W. Langdon at age eight. [DRA] Provenance: Miss Nina Ruth Tryon (1891-1986), Monterey, Mass. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. [1973]; Mr. and Mrs. Erik Moskowitz [1994]. References: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) p. 138, catalog no. 54, illus. no. 139 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 48, Pl. L [full-page color facsim.]; Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. X, No. 1

(Winter/Spring 2010): p. 42 [color facsim.]. Status: Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2012. CHS: 166, H&H: 284, HPF: 69A.7, IAP: 81310270, 81990054 and 82320217. See Volume 2.

322. Henry W. Langdon (1847-1906), aka Henry C. Langdon, aka Boy with Books – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [H&H] or Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF], 1862* [H&H] or c. 1862 [HPF] or c. 1855 [DRA]. 33" x 27" [CHS, H&H] or 33-1/4" x 27-1/2" [HPF] or 31-1/2" x 26-1/4" [CNY] or 33-9/16" x 27-9/16" [H&A]. One of four related portraits. Inscr.: Holding book "Kuhner's Elementary Greek Grammar " [pub. 1846, 1856], not “Rubner’s Illustrated Greek Grammar” as listed in HPF. Books on table (top down): "Signers of the Declaration of Independence / Lossing" [1848], "History of Western Massachusetts / Holland / Vol. II" [1855], and "Anthon's & Jacobs’ / Greek Reader" [1841]. [DRA] Cond.: Glued to Masonite, apparently since relined Descr.: Fair-haired teenage boy wearing black jacket, dark green vest, pleated white shirt and downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding book (see inscription), l. hand not shown, three books piled on table (see inscriptions). Bio.: b. 8 Dec 1847 in Monterey, Mass., son of Wilbur Curtis Langdon (1814-1877) and Camilla (Harmon) Langdon (1816-1869); m. 1878 to Mary M. Pease (1856-1941); d. 9 Jan 1906; bur. Corashire Cem., Monterey, Mass. Note: Subject identified between 1965 and 1968, on the assumption that the Langdon portraits date to 1862. The Langdon portraits may date to c. 1855, however, in which case the subject could be William S. Langdon at age 16. [DRA] Provenance: Miss Nina Ruth Tryon (1891-1986), Monterey, Mass. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Hirschl & Adler Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (1977); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 6742 (January 20,1989) Lot 378, unsold (est. $20-30,000); Christie’s East, New York, N.Y., American Furniture, Paintings, and Decorative Objects, Sale 6805 (April 26,1989) Lot 384 [illus.], sold $7,150 (est. $7-10,000); Unlocated [1994]; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver and Prints (June 18, 2003) Lot 89, bought-in (est. $15-25,000); Jeffrey Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. (2008, 2009) offered at $27,000. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; Art Journal, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Summer 1973): p. 389 [b&w facsim.]; American Folk Art (1977) p. 14, no. 14 [full-page color facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (March 2007): p. 29-C [b&w facsim.]. Status: Jeffrey Tillou, Jeffrey Tillou Gallery, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2008. CHS: 165, H&H: 285, HPF: 69A.8, IAP: 61070132, 81310271 and 82320216. See Volume 2.

323. Wilbur Curtis Langdon (1814-1877), aka Wilbur C. Langdon, aka W.C. Langdon, aka Man with Sideburns – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [CHS, H&H] or Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF], 1862* [H&H] or c. 1862 [CHS, HPF] or c. 1855 [DRA]. 33" x 27" [CHS, H&H, HPF]. One of four related portraits. Husband of Camilla Harmon Langdon [q.v.], father of Edward Harmon Langdon [q.v.] and Henry W. Langdon [q.v.]. Note: Subject identified between 1965 and 1968. Bio.: b. 18 Apr 1814, Tyringham, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of John and Rhoda (Curtis) Langdon; m. Camilla Harmon on 24 Mar 1833 in New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. Res.: Tyringham, Berkshire Co., Mass.,1840; Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1860, 1870 (Merchant); d. 18 Apr 1877 Monterey, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Provenance: Miss Nina Ruth Tryon (1891-1986), Monterey, Mass. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 194, H&H: 282, HPF: 69A.9, IAP: 81310268 and 82320228.

324. Christiana Rockefeller Lawrence (Mrs. Henry Lawrence, 1807-1851), aka Mrs. Lawrence – Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1824 [H&H] or c. 1834 [HPF]. 32" x 26-5/8" [SI] or 31-1/4" x 25 7/8" (sight). One of a pair. Wife of Henry Lawrence [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with Apollo-knot hair; wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, white ruffled lace collar; facing p.r., r. arm resting on a table with two small books, holding a small open book with both hands. Inscr. (ink on paper posted verso): "Christiana Lawrence / 1834 / Aged 28 Years". Note: Not the same as painting of the same name (Mrs. Lawrence) at Univ. of Kansas. This painting is listed under both titles in SIRIS. Bio.: b. 28 Feb 1807, dau. of Henry Rockefeller (17781831) and Margaret (Lasher) Rockefeller (1783-1860); res. Germantown, Columbia, Co., N.Y., 1850; d. 18 Jan 1851; bur. Reformed Church Cem., Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Fred Johnston [dealer, Kingston, N.Y.]; Mrs. Frederick Dana Marsh [Mabel Van Alstyne]; National Museum of American History (Eleanor and Mabel Van Alstyne Folk Art Collection), Smithsonian Institution.

Reference: Welsh (1965) Cat. No. 14, Fig. 2 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1964). Accession/catalog number: 256.396 / 65.0887A. H&H: 296, HPF: 69A.10, IAP: 08630027, 08800092, 70510463 and 81310282. See Volume 2.

325. Henry Lawrence (1805-1850), aka Mr. Lawrence – Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1834 [HPF] or c. 1824 [H&H]. 31-7/8" x 26-5/8" [SI] or 31-1/4" x 26" (sight). One of a pair. Husband of Christiana Rockefeller Lawrence [q.v.]. Descr.: Handsome young gentleman wearing dark jacket, pale vest, white pleated shirt, white stock and collar; facing p.l. with l. arm behind a stenciled side chair, r. arm resting on a "LEGER" [sic] book, r. hand holding a quill pen. Inscr. (ink on paper posted verso): "Henry Lawrence / 1834 / Aged 29 Years". Note: Not the same as painting of the same name (Mr. Lawrence) at Univ. of Kansas. This painting is listed under both titles in SIRIS. Bio.: b. 6 Apr 1805; res. Germantown, Columbia, Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850 (age 45, Merchant); d. 1 Oct 1850; bur. Reformed Church Cem., Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Christiana Rockefeller Lawrence. Reference: Welsh (1965) Cat. No. 32, Fig. 29 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1964). Accession/catalog number: 256.396 / 65.0886A. H&H: 295, HPF: 69A.11, IAP: 08630026, 08800080, 70510464 and 81310281. See Volume 2.

326. John Lawrence, aka Mr. Lawrence – unknown locale, c. 1824 [H&H]. 29-3/4" x 23-3/4" (estimate) or 30" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Mrs. John Lawrence [q.v.]. Cond.: Appears to have large areas of overpaint [H&H] Descr.: Portrait of a seated man wearing a black jacket and white shirt. He is seated on a red upholstered chair with his hands clasped in front of him. [SMA] Note: The identity of the sitter is based on the oral tradition of the University. Provenance: Given by a descendant to the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas at an unknown date [prior to 1961], not cataloged until 1971. References: Kansiensiana (U. Kansas, 1961) p. 6, no. 3 [fullpage facsim.]; Broun, Elizabeth, Handbook of the Collection, Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art (Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas, 1978). Status: Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Accession number: 0000.0202. H&H: 107, HPF: 69A.12, IAP: 81310096. See Volume 2.

327. Mrs. John Lawrence, aka Mrs. Lawrence – unknown locale, c. 1824 [H&H]. 293/4" x 23-3/4" (estimate, H&H) or 30" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of John Lawrence [q.v.]. Cond.: Appears to have large areas of overpaint [H&H] Descr.: Portrait of a seated woman in a black dress with lace collar and head covering. She is seated on a red upholstered chair [sofa] with one hand in her lap [palm up] and one resting on the arm of the chair. [SMA] Notes: The identity of the sitter is based on the oral tradition of the University. This painting appears prominently in an early scene in the movie "The Day After" (1979). Provenance: Given by a descendant to the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas at an unknown date [prior to 1961], not cataloged until 1971. References: Kansiensiana (U. Kansas, 1961) p. 7, no. 4 [full-page facsim.]; Broun, Elizabeth, Handbook of the Collection, Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art (Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas, 1978). Status: Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Accession number: 0000.0201. H&H: 108, HPF: 69A.13, IAP: 81310097. See Volume 2.

328. Obadiah Lawrence (1795-1855) – Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1845. 33" x 28" [HPF]. Uncle of Maria Albertson Stoutenburgh [q.v.]. Inscr. (on ledger): "O. Lawrence". Descr.: Brown-haired gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, black tie, white shirt and downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in a red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm with r. hand holding a closed brown book with gold embellishment, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: New strainer used when remounted by a Mrs. Lockwood, October 1970. Bio.: b. 5 Mar 1795 in Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of William Lawrence (1761-1851) and Mary (Shadbolt) Lawrence (17641854); res. Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co , N.Y., 1850; d. 13 Mar 1855; bur. Netherwood

Baptist Church Cem., Salt Point, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (son of William & Mary / d ae 60 y 8 d). Provenance: Descended in the family of the subject to Dr. & Mrs. Joseph W. (Jane) West, Kirkwood, Mo.; St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, Mo., Accession number: 1978:178 as of 1988. Note: Not in current catalog of St. Louis Art Museum (possible temporary loan). Status: Collection of Dr. Joseph West (1921-1999) as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 69A.14, IAP: 28110272.

329. Harriet Leavens (later Mrs. Moses Maullin, 1802-1830) – Troy, N.Y. or Lansingburgh, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1815. 56-1/4" x 27" or 56" x 27" (sight). Descr.: Full-length portrait of young woman with forehead curls, wearing pink Empire-waisted dress, tan slipper(s) with white bow, earring(s), two-strand necklace with oval pendant; standing facing p.r., r. hand holding closed green parasol, l. hand holding red and green reticule. Shown against pale background, standing on dark ground. [DRA] Bio.: b. 27 Nov 1802, Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., dau. of Joseph and Waitstill (Peck) Leavens; m. 27 Sep 1820 to Moses Maullin in Lansingburgh, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.; d. 20 Apr 1830; bur. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. (Harriet wife of / Moses Maullin / died April 20, 1830 / In 27th yr of her age). Provenance: By descent from the subject’s parents to the subject’s dau., Anna Maullin Niel (1825-1862); to her dau., Harriet Anna Niel (18551945); Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University (gift of the estate of Harriet Anna Niel).

References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Fogg Art Museum, 1949); Jones (1958) p. 21, no. 14 [b&w facsim.] as Anonymous: The Border Limner; Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 559 [b&w facsim.]; Black and Lipman (1966) p. 63, Fig. 55 [color facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 132 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 22 [full-page color facsim.]; Prown (1970) p. 74 [color facsim.]; Lipman and Winchester (1974) p. 34, Pl. 29 [color facsim.]; Lipman and Armstrong (1980) p. 141 [color facsim.]; Folk Art (Time-Life Books, 1990) p. 28 [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 29, Pl. VIII [color facsim.]; Hollander (2008) p. 21 [color facsim.]; Stebbins (2015) p. 16 [full-page color detail], p. 399 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. (acquired 1945). Accession number: 1945.27. CHS: 94, H&H: 23*, HPF: 69B.1, IAP: 81310023. See Volume 2.

330. Thomas Joseph Lee – Stanfordville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Union Vale, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1848 [H&H]. 33-1/2" x 28" [H&H]. Bio.: Subject was first elected District Attorney of Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H] Note: Probably Thomas Lee (1789-1860); res. Union Vale, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 (Lawyer); bur. Clove Cem., Clove (Town of Union Vale), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Joseph T. Lee (1849-1935), son of the subject; to his dau., Edith May Lee (Mrs. Asa H. Arnold, 1878-1960); to her dau., Miss Mary Arnold Henry (Mrs. Alfred J. Henry, 1895-1972), Stanfordville, N.Y. as of 1968. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 95, H&H: 251, HPF: 69B.2, IAP: 81310237.

331. Colonel and Mrs. William Shultz Little (1792-1867 and 1797-1863), aka Col. William Shultz Little and Betsey Ketcham Little – Mount Hope, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 18201825 [H&H] or c. 1824-1828 [Newark Museum] or 1826 [DRA]. 32-1/2" x 52-1/4". Dual portrait. Dau. and son-in-law of James Ketcham [q.v.]. Descr.: Man (on l.) wearing black jacket, creamcolored striped vest, white shirt, white stock without bow; facing p.l. with both hands cupped over a closed book (r. hand over l.).

Woman (on r.) with tall bun and comb, wearing gray dress with salmon belt, embroidered organdy collar; seated facing p.r. on a black sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Red drapery in u.l. corner, upper center, and u.r. corner, dark column in center. [DRA] Bio.: William Shultz Little b. 17 Aug 1792 in Orange Co., N.Y., son of William Little (1760-1826) and Margaret (Shultz) Little (1767-1843), m. 1814 in Mamakating, Sullivan Co., N.Y. to Betsey Ketcham (1797-1863); d. 21 Mar 1867; bur. Mount Hope Plains Cem., Otisville, Orange Co., N.Y. Betsy Ketcham b. 14 Mar 1797, dau of James Ketcham (1757-1832) and Rhoda (Campbell) Ketcham (17621818); d. 15 Jun 1863; bur. Mount Hope Plains Cem., Otisville, Orange Co., N.Y. Res : Calhoun (Mount Hope), Orange Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850. Note: Hollander and Fertig suggest, due to the unusual format and disparity of styles, that this work may have been a collaboration with another artist. The Newark

Museum gives a problematic attribution to Ammi Phillips and George Linen (1802-1888) who emigrated to America in 1834. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Purdy, Madison, N.J.; The Newark Museum (gift of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Purdy, 1984). Status: The Newark Museum, Newark, N.J. (acquired 1984). Accession number: 84.564. HPF: 69B.3. See Volume 2.

332. Elizabeth McKinstry Livingston (Mrs. Walter Tryon Livingston, 1774-1841) – Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Hamlet of Blue Stores, Livingston, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1821 [H&H] or c. 1829-1832 [HPF]. 29-1/2" x 24-1/2" [H&H]. Mother of Jane Livingston Sanders [q.v.] and stepmother of Helen Livingston Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman with strong face, facing p.l., wearing a bonnet with elaborate striped ribbons, shawl with embroidered trim; wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding a small book in r. hand. Bio.: b. 24 Nov 1774, dau. of John McKinstry (1745-1822) and Elizabeth (Knox) McKinstry (1747-1833); m. 29 Jul 1798 in Livingston, Columbia Co., N.Y. to Walter Tryon Livingston (1772-1827); d. 13 Nov 1841. [DRA] Provenance: The Misses Wilson [Miss Anne Hulme Wilson and Miss Jane Livingston Wilson, great-granddaughters of the subject], Clermont, N.Y. as of 1945; Mrs. A Tremaine McKinstry, Kinderhook, N.Y. as of 1968, 1977. [H&H, P&B] References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 166, no. 38 [not illus.] as Mrs. Walter Tryon Livingston (Elizabeth McKinstry) of Scotia, N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 28, no. 21 [full-page b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 96, H&H: 68*, HPF: 69B.4, IAP: 35090134 and 81310061. See Volume 2.

333. Eleanor Bailey Ludington (Mrs. Theron Daniel Ludington, 1826-1863) –Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1853 [DRA]. 33-1/4" x 27-1/4" [CNY]. One of three. Wife of Theron Daniel Ludington [q.v.], mother of Theron Simpson Ludington and Virginia Ludington [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with brown hair parted in the middle, wearing a black dress with lace trim; seated facing p.r. on a red upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand holding a piece of white embroidery. Bio.: b. circa 1826 in Connecticut; m. 18 Sep 1845 in Goshen, Conn. to Theron Daniel Ludington (1816-1900); d. 21 Aug 1863 (age 37); bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Litchfield, Co., Conn. Res.: Goshen, Litchfield Co. Conn., 1850, 1860. [DRA] Provenance: See Theron Daniel Ludington. Status: Sold at auction 2010 See Volume 2.

334. Theron Daniel Ludington (1816-1900) – Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1853 [DRA]. 33-1/4" x 27-1/4" [CNY]. One of three. Husband of Eleanor Bailey Ludington [q.v.], father of Theron Simpson Ludington and Virginia Ludington [q.v.]. Descr.: Long-faced gentleman in a black coat and vest, white shirt and large black tie; seated facing p.l. in a red upholstered chair, r. arm resting on chair arm, l. arm not shown. Bio.: b. circa 1816 in Connecticut; m. (1st) 18 Sep 1845 in Goshen, Conn. to Eleanor S. Bailey (1826-1863); m. (2nd) to Frances J. Palmer (1843-1899); d. 23 Jan 1900 (age 84); bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Litchfield, Co., Conn. Res.: Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850, 1860, 1870. [DRA] Provenance: Theron Daniel Ludington (1816-1900); Theron Simpson Ludington (1850-1922); Theron Edward Ludington; Theron Louis Ludington, (1900-1983); thence to present owner. Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver & Chinese Export, Sale 2287 (January 21-25, 2010) Lot 125, sold $12,500 the pair (est. $12-18,000). Status: Sold at auction 2010 See Volume 2.

335. Double Portrait of Theron Simpson Ludington (1850-1922) and His Older

Sister Virginia Ludington (1846-1865) – Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1852 [CNY]. 43" x 40" [CNY]. One of three. Son and daughter of Theron Daniel Ludington [q.v.] and Eleanor Bailey Ludington [q.v.]. Descr.: Full-length double portrait of a blond young girl in a blue dress with lace trim, white pantalettes and blue slippers, and a younger blond boy in a red dress, white pantalettes, and red slippers. Girl holds a strawberry spray in r. hand and rests l. hand on boy's shoulder. Boy is leaning against, and with l. arm around, a gray sheepdog. Gray cat in l.l. corner nibbling a strawberry. [DRA] Bio.: Virginia Ludington, b. 1846; res. Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850 (age 3), 1860 (age 13); m. 13 Apr 1865 in Goshen, Conn. to Robert Palmer (1842-1868); d. 2 Sep 1865; bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. (Virginia / wife of / Robert Palmer / Died / Sept. 2 1865 / AE 19). Theron Simpson Ludington, b. 3 Jan 1850; res. Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850 (age 5/12), 1860 (age 10), and through 1920 (age 69); m. 1873 to Alice Nye (1854-1943); d. 28 Jan 1922; bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. Provenance: See Theron Daniel Ludington. Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver & Chinese Export, Sale 2287 (January 21-25, 2010) Lot 124, sold $782,500 (est. $300-500,000) to Deanne Levison Antiques, Atlanta, Ga. for a client. Status: Collection of Anthony W. Wang and Lulu C. Wang as of 2010. See Volume 2.

336. John Younie Luyster (1828-1886) – LaGrange, Dutchess Co., N.Y. or LaGrangeville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 or 1838 [H&H]. 45-1/2" x 30-1/4" (sight). Inscr. (verso): "John Younie Luyster / Born July 3, 1828 Town of Lagrange / Died Sept. 9th, 1888, Age 65 [sic] Years / Painted 1838." Descr.: Full-length portrait of young boy in brown cutaway suit and vest, black cravat, large white collar; standing facing p.r., l. elbow resting on table with two books, l. hand holding sprig with ten strawberries, r. hand holding chain-link leash to sedentary brown dog with white blaze. Note: Same dog as Girl in a Red Dress [q.v.] and Girl in Red with Her Cat and Dog [q.v ]. Bio.: b. circa 1828, son of John Luyster and Mary (Younie) Luyster, dau. of James E. Younie (1765-1828) late of London; m. 12 Oct 1853 in Freedom Plains Presbyterian Ch., Lagrangeville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Hannah M. Pettit of LaGrange, N.Y.; res. LaGrange, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 through 1880 (farmer); d. 6 Sep 1886 in LaGrange, N.Y. [DRA] Note: Cataloged in Holdridge (1968) as "John Yonnie Luyster, 1828-1888". Provenance: Thurston Thacher [Rip Van Dam Shop, Hyde Park, New York]; Purchased by Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, April 30, 1950; Gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch to the Chrysler Museum of Art, 1974. References: Holdridge (1968) p. 33 [facsim.]; Antiques, Vol. CVIII, No. 4 (October 1975): p. 658 [b&w facsim.]; Anderson (1976) p. 48 [illus.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 77 [b&w facsim.]; Folk Art (Time-Life Books, 1990) p. 31 [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 46, Pl. XLVII [color facsim.]. Status: Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Va. (acquired 1974). Accession number: 74.6.4. H&H: 195*, HPF: 69B.5, IAP: 55450026. See Volume 2.

337. Mrs. Lyman of West Stockbridge, Mass. – West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. (possibly), c. 1860 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [DNY]. Descr.: Older woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing black dress with black buttons, white lace collar and cuffs, small gold and jet brooch; seated on a sofa, facing p.l., with r. hand in lap and l. arm resting on sofa arm. [DRA] Cond.: Selectively removed varnish. Three repaired vertical tears ranging between four and six inches in length along the right side. Another possible repaired tear at the left. Inpaint into craquelure above sitter's head. The edge of her bodice appears possibly to have been reinforced. Wax lined. [DNY] Provenance: Charles L. Flint Antiques, Inc., Lenox, Mass.; property of Robert E. Schmidt, New York; Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Art (April 1, 2015) Lot 15, sold $1,900+25% (est. $1,800-2,200); private collection; Doyle New York, American Paintings & Prints (November 2, 2021) Lot 49, sold $4,000+26% (est. $3-4,000). Status: Sold at auction 2021 See Volume 2.

338. (Reverend) Walter Smith Lyon (1791-1867) – Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y., c. 1830. 34" x 28". Descr.: Gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt with downturned collar, white stock with large bow; seated facing p.l. with l. arm draped over a paint-decorated chair back, r. hand holding a large book, marking page with one finger. [DRA] Cond.: Likely original molded wood frame with gilt liner. Relined, small scattered spots of retouch to forehead, cheek, and jacket, retouch to background u.r. [Skinner] Note: Methodist circuit rider; farm neighbor of John Jay. [HPF] Bio.: b. 12 Feb 1791, Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y., son of John Lyon (17701820) and Sarah (Smith) Lyon (1771-1854); m. Betsey Booth Sanford (1796-1842) on 25 Nov 1814 in Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y.; d. 13 Oct 1867, Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y.; bur. Lyon Burial Ground, Katonah, Westchester Co., N.Y. Res.: Mount Pleasant, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1820; Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850 (Farmer), 1860. [DRA] Provenance: Walter Smith Lyon, the subject; his daughter, Mary Lyon (Mrs. John J. Wood); her granddaughter, Elizabeth Runyon Howe (Mrs. Herbert Barber Howe), Mount Kisco, N.Y. (deceased); her dau. Emeline Howe Malpas, Little River, Cal. (1986); her sons William Malpas and John Howe Malpas, Sebastopol, Cal.; private collection, California. [FARL]; per Skinner on to the consignor's mother, then to the consignor [via Bosch Appraisal & Estate Services, Petaluma, Cal.]; Skinner Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture and Decorative Arts, Sale 2397 (February 17, 2008) Lot 153, sold $8,000+18.5% (est. $15-20,000). Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1953). Exhibited: “American Folk Art, A Sampling from Northern California Collections,” The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (October 2, 1986 – April 5, 1987), lent by Emeline Howe Malpas [not illus.]. Status: Sold at auction 2008. H&H: 134, HPF: 69B.6, IAP: 81310123. See Volume 2.

339. Helen Cornell Manney (Mrs. Henry W. Manney, later Mrs. William W. Abel, 1810-1843), aka Helen Cornell Manney Abel – Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area [HPF], c. 1833. 37" x 29-15/16" [CAP] or 37" x 30" [HPF]. Inscr. (on book): "H. Manney". Descr.: Oval-faced woman with tall hair bun (or and/or comb) wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, embroidered and pleated lace cuffs, wide embroidered organdy collar, small gold earring(s); seated facing p.l. (chair not shown) with l. arm resting on table with book, r. hand in lap holding closed book (see inscription) with thumb and index finger marking page. Red drapery with black fringe and red tassels in u.l. corner. Bio.: b. 18 Oct 1810, dau. of Richard Cornell (1776-1852) and Patience (Waite) Cornell (1778-1848) of Beekman; m. (1st) 13 Jun 1832 to Henry Wines Manney of Poughkeepsie (1805-1835); m. (2nd) in 1839 to William W. Abel (1814-1892); d. 19 Apr 1843; bur. Beekman Cem., Poughquag, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Sister of Eveline Cornell, who may be the woman whose portrait is known as Sarah Rogers [q.v.]. [HPF] Provenance: By descent to the dau. of the subject, Eveline Rogers Abel (1842-1879); thence to her son Theodore Rogers Brill (1864-1962), incorrectly listed by DCHS as great-grandson of the subject; by whom bequeathed to Dutchess Co. Historical Society; Dutchess Co. Historical Society as of 1976. References: Pugsley (1976) p. 16, No. 13 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 42, Pl. XXXIX [color facsim.]; Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) cover [color facsim.]. Status: Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (extended loan). Accession number: EL 2008.9. See references. CAP: NY160023, HPF: 69B.7. See Volume 2.

340. Charles Augustus Marvine (1804-1874) – Delhi, Delaware Co., N.Y., c. 1820 [H&H] or c. 1830 [DRA]. Note: Unintended omission from 1994 catalog, per HPF*. [DRA] Descr.: Young gentleman with wavy hair and cleft chin; wearing black jacket, white vest, white ruffled jabot with stickpin, tall white stock, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in stenciled side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 13 Sep 1804 in Delaware Co., N.Y.; married Frances Foote, daughter of the late Charles A. Foote of Delhi on the 15th in the Village of Delhi by Rev. E K Maxwell [Delaware Gazette, 17 Oct 1832]; d 26 Feb 1874; bur. Woodland Cem., Delhi, Delaware Co., N.Y. Res.: Delhi, Delaware Co., 1840, 1850 (Bank President), 1860 (Banker), 1870 (Banker). [DRA] Provenance: From the subject and his wife (Frances Foote) to their dau. Margaret (Marvine) Maynard (Mrs. Isaac Horton Maynard); to her dau. Frances (Maynard) Ford (d. 1943);

to her son and dau.-in-law Maynard (1907-1991) and Jane Ford (1909-1999) of Fitchburg, Mass. [DRA]

Status: Mrs. Maynard Ford, Fitchburg, Mass. as of 1968 [H&H] CHS: 97, H&H: 64, IAP: 81310057. See Volume 2.

341. Catherine A. May (Mrs. Lucius Stimson, 1811-1851) – Cortland Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Delhi, Delaware Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1830 [NGA]. 31-1/8" x 25" [NGA]. Inscr. [labels removed from reverse of canvas]: "Catherine A. May Born August 10, 1811 Died January 5, 1851 First wife of Lucius Stimson" and "Married on the 15 day of January 1830 by Rev. John Keefe Mr. Lucius Stimson to Miss Catherine A. May both of Cortland". Descr.: Young woman with rosy cheeks and dark hair, wearing black dress with embroidered organdy collar and cuffs, elaborate bonnet with untied ribbons hanging front (p.l.) and back (p.r.); seated facing p.l. in stenciled side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding small red book with spine up. Res.: Cortlandville, Cortland Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850 (age 40). Note: Census records appear to place the newlywed couple in Delhi, Delaware Co., N.Y. in 1830, and this portrait is stylistically related to a small number of portraits done by Phillips in Delhi and vicinity in Delaware Co., N.Y. circa 1830. [DRA] Provenance: Recorded as from upper New York State; Albert W. Force [1897-1970, artist and antiques dealer, Ithaca, N.Y.], by whom sold in 1950 to Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch; gift to NGA, 1978. Reference: Chotner (1992) p. 278 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1978). Accession number: 1978.80.16. HPF: 69B.8, IAP: 08600989. See Volume 2.

342. Mrs. Mayer and Daughter, aka Mrs. Mayer and Her Daughter – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. vicinity, probably [HPF], 1835-1840 [MMA]. 37-7/8" x 34-1/4" [MMA]. Descr.: Woman wearing black dress with white collar and triangular pleated bonnet; holding a child in red dress, coral necklace and red shoes on her lap. Woman holding leaf sprig with bud in l. hand with upturned fingers. Child holding leaf in r. hand and strawberry in l. hand. An awkward amalgam of the Kent-style forward-leaning portrait, and a reduced-size child in red dress, seated. [DRA] Provenance: Massachusetts art market, 1959; Collection of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, New York, N.Y. (1959 to 1962); The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, 1962). References: Garbisch (1961) p. 147, no. 59; Canaday, The New York Times (November 12, 1961): p. 44 [b&w facsim.]; Gardner and Feld (1965) p. 186-187 [b&w facsim.]; Ebert (1975) p. 73 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Brant and Cullman (1980) p. 25, fig. 32 [b&w facsim.]; Davidson and Stillinger (1985) p. 293, Fig. 442 [color facsim.]; Mary Black, The Clarion (Winter 1986): p. 37 [b&w facsim.]; Caldwell and Rodriguez Roque (1994) pp. 372-373 [b&w facsim. p. 372] Status: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N.Y. (acquired 1962). Accession number: 62.256.2. CHS: 98, H&H: 183, HPF: 69B.9, IAP: 36120158. See Volume 2.

343. Dr. John A. McClellan (1773-1855) – Livingston, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Clermont, Columbia. N.Y. [HPF], 1821*. 30-3/4" x 24-1/2" [H&H] or 30-1/2" x 24-1/2" [NEA]. Inscr. (verso): "John McClellan aged 48 1821 / Painted By A. Phillips". Descr.: Bust-style portrait of man with reddish, combed-forward hair; wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with bow; facing p.r., hands not shown. Bio.: b. 27 Jun 1773 in Colrain, Franklin Co., Mass., son of Hugh McClellan (1744-1816) and Sarah (Wilson) McClellan (1745-1834). Res.: Livingston, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830; Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y.; 1850 (age 77, Physician). [DRA] Practiced medicine in Columbia Co., N.Y. for over 40 years. [NEA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Blum, Lisbon, Conn. [1968, 1994]; Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H., The Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Blum Personal Collections (August 15, 2015) Lot 833, unsold (est. $6-10,000); Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H., Fall Weekend Auction (October 31 – November 1, 2015) Lot 645, sold $1,300+20% (est. $3-5,000). References: Holdridge (1968) frontispiece [full-page color facsim., incorrectly labeled 1824]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 18, no. 13 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Sold at auction 2015. H&H: 67*, HPF: 69B.10, IAP: 81310060. See Volume 2.

344. Augustus Miles (1788-1864) – Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1850 [H&H] or 1850* [HPF]. 33-3/4" x 28-1/4" [P&P].

One of a pair. Husband of Roxa Norton Miles [q.v.]. Inscr. (on newspaper): "Tribune June 24, 1850". [H&H, P&P] Descr.: Gray-haired man wearing black jacket and vest, black cravat, pleated white shirt and upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in redupholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding folded newspaper (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Note: Probably the New-York Tribune, New York’s largest daily newspaper, also published in weekly and semi-weekly out-oftown editions c. 1841-66. Bio.: b. 15 Apr 1788 in Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., son of Samuel Miles (1757-1848) and Silvia (Murray) Miles (1757-1825); m. 12 Sep 1811 to Roxa Norton (17921875); d. 18 Nov 1864 in Salisbury, Conn.; bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. Res.: Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850 (Merchant); Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1860. Note: The Miles family portraits are usually cited as from Salisbury, Conn., however they did not move from Goshen, Conn. to Salisbury until the late 1850's. For the portrait incorrectly described by the Salisbury Association as Augustus Miles, see “Miles Family Member.” [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Miles, Salisbury, Conn. (1968); Descended directly in the family of the sitters to the present owner (1998), previously on loan to the Salisbury Association and hung in the Salisbury Courthouse; Pook & Pook, Inc., Downingtown, Pa., Two Day Autumn Sale (September 25-26, 1998) Lot 211 [color facsim.], sold $5,000+10% the pair (est. $5-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 1998. H&H: 303, HPF: 69B.11, IAP: 63520011 and 81310289. See Volume 2.

345. Miles Family Member, possibly Frederick Miles (1815-1896) – Salisbury or Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., possibly [DRA], c. 1860 [DRA]. Descr.: Full-faced gentleman with receding brown hair parted on the r. side. Wearing dark jacket, white vest, black tie, white downturned collar, grey trousers. Distinctive pose facing and leaning p.l., with r. forearm resting on r. leg and r. wrist held with l. hand. Note: In the possession of the Holley-Williams House in Lakeville, Conn., incorrectly described as Augustus Miles [q.v.]. Also incorrectly described as Augustus Miles in Catalog of American Portraits. This may be Frederick Miles, son of Augustus Miles [q.v.] and Roxa Norton Miles [q.v.]. He was a merchant in Goshen, Conn. and married to Mary Holley, moving to Salisbury, Conn. in 1858. He was later a Connecticut state senator and U.S. congressman. [DRA] Omitted from 1999 exhibit. Status: The Salisbury Association, Inc., Salisbury, Conn. Previously on exhibit at the Holley-Williams House Museum, Lakeville, Conn., (permanently closed September 4, 2007). CAP: CT340005. See Volume 2.

346. Roxa Norton Miles (Mrs. Augustus Miles, 1792-1875) – Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1850 [H&H]. 33-3/4" x 28-1/4" [P&P]. One of a pair. Wife of Augustus Miles [q.v.]. Descr.: Hollow-cheeked woman wearing black dress with white lace collar, white bonnet with ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. [DRA] Wearing a white bonnet and black dress and holding a leaf and black book, in original gilt frame. [P&P] Bio.: b. 5 Feb 1792 in Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., dau. of Alexander Norton (1763-1848) and Rhoda (Collins) Norton (1766-1855); m. 12 Sep 1811 to Augustus Miles (1788-1864); d. 23 Feb 1875; bur. Goshen Center Cem., Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. Res.: Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850; Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1860. [DRA] Provenance: See Augustus Miles. Status: Sold at auction 1998. H&H: 304, HPF: 69B.12, IAP: 81310290. See Volume 2.

347. William Miles (1823-1900) – Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H] or Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1850 [H&H]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/4" [Salisbury Assoc.] Nephew of Augustus Miles [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with receding hair and remaining widow’ s peak; wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt and upturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair; r. arm resting on chair arm, holding closed book in r. hand, l. hand not shown. Cond.: Restored and relined. Bio.: b. 23 May 1823, son of William Miles (1790-1849) and Harriet (Collins) Miles (1793-1864); m. 18 Oct 1860 to Mary Sylvia Deming (1839-1876); d. 31 Oct 1900; bur. Under Mountain Cem., Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn. Res.: Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850 (Merchant); Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn , 1870, 1880. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family. Reference: Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. II [color facsim.] Status: The Salisbury Association, Inc., Salisbury, Conn. Previously on exhibit at the HolleyWilliams House Museum, Lakeville, Conn., (permanently closed September 4, 2007). CAP: CT340004, H&H: 305, HPF: 69B.13, IAP: 63520012 and 81310291. See Volume 2.

348. Julia Anna Stone Morehouse (Mrs. William Morehouse, 1792-1876) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1845 [DRA]. 33" x 27-1/2". Inscr. (verso): "Julia Ann Stone Morehouse of Bogardus Hall, Sharon Conn." and elsewhere "2-22-43." Descr.: Sternlooking older woman in black dress with lace trim and ruffled bonnet tied under chin, brooch, plain white cuffs; seated facing p.l. on red sofa, r. hand in lap holding closed book and octagonal brass-rim glasses, l. arm resting on sofa arm. Cond.: Original strainer and frame, new tacking edge, some overpaint and rough retouch to lower and right edges including book and fingers. [Copake] Bio.: b. 29 Jan 1792 in New Milford, Litchfield Co., Conn., dau. of Julius Stone (1754-1845) and Esther Henrietta (Sperry) Wheaton Stone (1748-1847); m. William Morehouse (1786-1848); res. Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 through 1875; d. 25 Dec 1876 in Amenia, N.Y.; bur. Hillside Cem., Sharon, Conn. Note: Bogardus Hall is on the New York-Connecticut border, physically in Amenia, N.Y. but closest to Sharon, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: Property of an area owner; Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (September 24, 2011) Lot 25, sold $1,900+15% (est. $3-4,000); private collection; Sharon Historical Society, donated in honor of Bertha Ruth “Betty” Morehouse Scribner (1915-2022), great-granddaughter of the subject and former fifth-generation resident of Bogardus Hall Status: Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Conn. as of 2020 See Volume 2.

349. Mary Morrison – Watertown, Jefferson Co., N.Y., possibly [CHS], c. 1835 [CHS] or c. 1834-1836 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [RRR] or 31" x 26" [SIRIS]. Descr.: Full-faced woman wearing ruffled bonnet with ribbons on top and tied under chin, black dress with wide embroidered organdy collar; facing p.r. with r. arm resting on table with book, l. hand in lap holding a small closed book. Note: Omitted from 1968 catalog for unknown reason. [DRA] Provenance: Eugene F. Dana, Woodbury, Conn. (1965); R.R.R. Associates, New Durham, N.H. (1972). References: Dana, Connecticut League of Historical Societies: League Bulletin (March 1965): p. 1 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (April 1972): p. 618 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 99, HPF: 70A.1, IAP: 72210306 and 82320213.

350. Elizabeth Mygans – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1836 [H&H] or c. 18341836 [HPF]. 32-1/8" x 27-1/4" [H&H] or 31-3/4" x 26-3/4" [SPB]. Descr.: Woman with dark curls, wearing black balloon-sleeved dress with white embroidered and pleated collar, beribboned bonnet with two untied ribbons hanging front and back; seated facing p.r. with r. wrist resting on book on table, small red book in l. hand, thumb and index fingers of r. hand holding page. [DRA] Cond.: Relined and restretched and cleaned. There is some minor inpainting and craquelure in the face and hands. Overall very fine condition. In a period, but not original frame. [SNY] Note: The identification is problematic, as there are no 19th C. records of anyone with this surname. [DRA] Provenance: Avis and Rockwell Gardiner, Stamford, Conn ; Stewart E. Gregory, Wilton, Conn. [1968]; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Important American Folk Art and Furniture, The Distinguished Collection of the Late Stewart E. Gregory, Sale Number 4209 (January 27, 1979) Lot

247 [b&w facsim.] sold $18,000 (est. $10-12,000); location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Joan R. Brownstein, Newbury, Mass. (dealer); Bobbi and Ralph Terkowitz, McLean, Va. (acquired 2003); Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 20, 2018) Lot 882, unsold (est. $40-60,000). References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 133 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Brownstein and Eaton, Antiques & Fine Art (Summer/Autumn 2010): p. 162 [color facsim.]. Status: Don Olsen, Rochester, N.Y. [dealer] as of 2022 CHS: 100, H&H: 189, HPF: 70A.3, IAP: 61519017, 70580315, 80100027 and 81310175. See Volume 2.

351. Mary Negus (Mrs. George Young, 1762-1846), aka Lady with Lace Bonnet – unknown locale, c. 1840 [HPF]. 30" x 24". Inscr.: (on paper on back of frame): “Mary Negus”. Descr.: Elderly woman in a black dress with large white shawl, wearing a cap, sitting on a red chair holding a holy bible. [HPF*] Bio.: b. 9 Dec 1762; m. 22 Jun 1788 in Rhode Island to George Young; d. 2 Mar 1846. [unconfirmed] Note: Possibly related to Caroline Bailey Dewey [q.v.]. Provenance: William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y. (November 28, 1984) Lot 83 [not illus.], sold $1,800 (est. $3-5,000). Status: Collection of Drs. Wendy M. and Hillel Tobias, New York, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 70A.4.

352. Mr. Lewis Northrop (1803-1892) – Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1833-1835. 3115/16" x 26 7/8". One of a pair. Companion to "Mrs. Lewis Northrop" [q.v.]. Descr.: Man wearing black jacket, white vest, white pleated shirt, upturned collar, black stock without bow; seated facing p.r. in decorated side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand with upturned fingers holding unsealed letter. Bio.: b. 12 Nov 1803 in Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Daniel Northrup (1773-1855) and Betsey (Reed) Northrup (1780-1811); m. 28 Jun 1827 in Greene Co., N.Y. to Sarah Ann Palen (1804-1886); d. 22 Nov 1892 in Buffalo, N.Y.; bur. Riverview Cem., Harpursville, Broome Co., N.Y. Res.: Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y., 1830. Note: Lewis Northrop married into the Palen family tanbark dynasty in Cairo, N.Y., later building his own tanbark mill in Broome Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to the dau.-in-law of the subject, Frances Ann Ruggles Northrup (Mrs. Edward Palen Northrup, 1835-1907); to her dau.-in-law, Sarah Elizabeth Schofield (Mrs. Lewis Gilbert Northrup, 1875-1936); to her dau., Helen Elizabeth Northrup Knox (Mrs. Seymour Horace Knox, Jr.,1902-1971), great-granddaughter of the subject; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y. (Gift of Seymour H. Knox, Jr. in memory of Helen Northrup Knox, 1986). Status: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y. (acquired 1986). Accession number: K1986:2 See Volume 2.

353. Sarah Ann Palen Northrop (Mrs. Lewis Northrop, 1804-1886) – Cairo, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1833-1835. 31-7/8" x 26-7/8". One of a pair. Companion to "Mr. Lewis Northrop" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with small chin dimple; wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, embroidered organdy collar, large pleated bonnet with long ribbons tied on p.r. side; facing p.l., l. arm resting on table (barely shown), small red book held between hands, thumb and index fingers of both hands marking page. Bio.: b. 25 Nov 1804 in Greene Co., N.Y., dau. of Peter E. Palen (1774-1830) and Sarah (Flagler) Palen (1780-1854); m. 28 Jun 1827 in Greene Co., N.Y. to Lewis Northrup (1803-1892); d. 2 Jan 1886; bur. Riverview Cem., Harpursville, Broome Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Mr. Lewis Northrup. Status: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y. (acquired 1986). Accession number: K1986:3. See Volume 2.

354. Anna Farrington Noxon (Mrs. James C. Noxon, 1811-1894) – Lanesville or New Milford, Litchfield Co., Conn., c. 1837 [WG, HPF] or La Grange, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1837* [DRA]. 36" x 30" [WG]. Inscr. (verso): “Anna Noxon by Mr. Philips 1837 Sept.” [Sherman]. Descr.: Woman with temple curls, wearing tall ruffled bonnet with ribbons tied under chin on p.l. side, black dress with wide lace collar, ring on middle finger of l. hand; facing and leaning p.r., with r. arm resting on table with book, l. hand in lap holding small closed book with index finger marking page. Folded drapery in u.r. corner and r. side of canvas. [DRA] Note: Previously identified, per inscription, as simply Anna Noxon. Probably Anna Farrington, b. 25 Jul 1811 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Elijah and Phoebe (Howe) Farrington; m. 19 Jan 1832 in

Dutchess Co., N.Y. to James C. Noxon (1805-1887); res. La Grange, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1840 (age 20-29), Ulysses, Tompkins Co., N.Y., 1850 (age 39); d. 16 Jun 1894 in Ithaca, Tompkins Co., N.Y.; bur. Speedsville Cem., Tompkins Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection [1976]. References: Frederic Fairchild Sherman, "Unrecorded Early American Painters," Art in America and Elsewhere, Vol. XXII, No. 4 (October 1934): p. 149 [not illus.]; Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 12 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 70A.5. See Volume 2.

355. Mary O'Connel, aka Unknown Girl (known as Mary O'Connel) – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H] or Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., Mass., possibly [HPF] or Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [Heslip], c. 1835 [H&H] or c. 1840 [HPF] or c. 1855 [Heslip]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/8" [HPF] or 33" x 273/8" [Guthrie]. Descr.: Girl with short, dark hair; wearing blue, half-sleeved, pleated dress with white lace trim, single-strand red necklace; seated facing p.l. (chair not shown), l. elbow resting on table with red tablecloth, r. holding a sprig with small red rose and rosebud. [DRA] Note: Despite the title used by Balken, the identity of sitter is uncertain. [Guthrie] The name "Mary O'Connel" was assigned to this portrait to honor a friend of the late Edward Duff Balken. [H&H] Provenance: Collection of Edward Duff Balken (1874-1960), Pittsburgh, Pa. and Egremont, Mass.; Princeton University (gift of Edward Duff Balken, 1958). References: Holdridge (1968) p. 38 [b&w facsim.]; Heslip (1990) p. 62 [b&w facsim.]; Guthrie (1999) pp. 68-69 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. (acquired 1958). Accession number: y1958-71. H&H: 165*, HPF: 79B.8, IAP: 32040235. See Volume 2.

356. Blandina Margaret Oliver (1804-1827) – Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1826 [FARL]. Niece of Kate Elting [q.v.]. First cousin once removed of Maria Oliver Hardenburgh [q.v.]. Descr.: Long-necked young lady with copious pipe curls and large tortoiseshell comb, wearing dark short-sleeved dress with sheer lace trim, rings on first and third fingers of r. hand.; facing p.l. with head turned p.r., seated in a light (probably yellow) paint-decorated side chair, arms extended and holding a closed book on a table with both hands, l. hand cupped over top of book, r. hand holding spine. Bio.: b. 17 Nov 1804, dau. of Matthew Oliver (1780-1865) and Jane (Elting) Oliver (1782-1842); d. 10 Feb 1827; bur. Marbletown Cem., Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y. Note: Cataloged by FARL [as Margaret Oliver] as attributed to Nicolas Vanderlyn (1773-), thought by former owner to be by John Vanderlyn (1775-1852), by April 1966 thought to be by Ammi Phillips. Provenance: By descent to Judge G.D.B. Hasbrouck, Kingston, New York, grandnephew of the subject; his daughter, Mrs. H. Nelson Conant (Ellen Hasbrouck), Dedham, Mass. [FARL] Note: A portrait of Anna Broadhead Oliver by the Gansevoort Limner has similar provenance, continuing to Julia E Conant [Mrs. Roy Richardson Merchant, Jr., 1926-1995], dau.; thence by descent to the present owner [possibly Ellen M. Kahler of Sharon, Mass.]. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y Status: Location unknown. See provenance and note. See Volume 2.

357. Caroline Jane Opie, aka Woman with Organdy Collar – Staatsburg, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H, HPF] or LaGrangeville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [SNY], c. 1838 [H&H, SNY] or c. 1834-1838 [HPF] or c. 1832 [TMA]. 27" x 42" [sic] [H&H] or 31-1/2" x 26" [SNY, HPF] or 32" x 26-3/4" [TMA]. Descr.: Lady in black dress with doublelayered white organdy collar. Original frame. [SNY] Holding a very small book in l. hand and a possible writing implement in r. hand [DRA]. Thumb in open book, pen or pencil in other hand [HPF]. Cond.: Relined and restretched. Left cheek has spot of in-paint, as well as small amount in collar (left) and stretcher line has in-paint, heavy reflecting varnish. With original frame and stretchers with fragments of 19th century American newspaper. [SNY] Provenance: Mary E. (Cummings) O’Connell (Mrs. Daniel O’Connell, 1859-1956), b. Staatsburg, N.Y.; to her dau., Margaret M. (O’Connell) Butler (Mrs. Joseph A. Butler, 18941982), Poughkeepsie, N.Y. [1961, 1968]; Gerald Kornblau, New York, N.Y.; Catherine L. and Howard A. Feldman, Bethlehem, Pa.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., The American Folk Art Collection of Howard and Catherine Feldman, Sale 5744 (June 23, 1988) Lot 11 [full-page color facsim.], sold $8,000+10% (est. $2025,000) to Samuel Herrup; Herrup & Wolfner, New York, N.Y.; Collection of Annie Abram and Steve

Novak, Westport, Conn.; Sotheby’s, New York, Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 21, 2018) Lot 1085, sold $10,000+25% (est. $10-20,000). References: Year Book: Dutchess County Historical Society, Vol. 46 (1961): p. 11 [not illus.]; Feldman, Antiques (October 1975): p. 765 [b&w facsim.]; Susan Klein and Cynthia V.A. Schaffner, “Living with antiques: A folk-art collection in Pennsylvania,” Antiques (September 1984): Pl. VII [in situ]; Lita Solis-Cohen, The Philadelphia Inquirer (July 17, 1988): p. 6-F [not illus.] Status: Sold at auction 2018. CHS: 101, H&H: 194, HPF: 70A.7, IAP: 81310180 and 80040329. See Volume 2.

358. Rachel Ann Maria Overbagh Ostrander (Mrs. Stephen Nottingham Ostrander, 1810-1865) and Son Titus Overbagh Ostrander (1829-1915) –Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 1834-1837 [HPF] or c. 1833-34 [DRA]. 58" x 44". Dau. of Maria Van Leuven Overbagh [q.v.] and Rev. Peter Overbagh [q.v.]. Brother of John Van Leuven Overbagh [see Addenda]. Inscr. (initials on handkerchief): "R.A.M.O." [H&H] Descr.: Rosy-cheeked woman with Apollo-knot hair; wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, wide neckline with lace trim, white sock and black slippers protruding from beneath dress; seated facing p.l. with l. hand on boy’s shoulder, r. hand in lap holding handkerchief (see inscription). Blond boy in blue short-sleeved cutaway with balloon sleeves and black buttons, white pants and sock(s), black slipper(s); standing facing p.l., r. elbow resting on woman’s lap, r. hand holding chain-link leash to sedentary dog on red and green patterned floor covering. [DRA] Note: CHS (1965) and Holdridge (1968) have spelling as "Ostander", corrected by Lipman and Armstrong (1980) as "Ostrander". Bio.: Rachel Ann Marie Overbagh b. 3 Mar 1810, dau. of Rev. Peter A. Overbagh and Maria Van Leuven Overbagh; m. (1st) 8 Nov 1827 to Dr. Stephen Nottingham Ostrander (1804-1840); m. (2nd) 2 Jan 1842 to [her cousin] Solomon Freligh Overbagh (1819-1844); m. (3rd) 19 Feb 1846 to Capt. William Teunis Swart (1804-1884); d. 13 May 1865 (age 55 yrs. 2 mos. 10 days as reported by Kingston Democratic Journal, May 31, 1865). Titus Overbagh Ostrander, b. 5 Sep 1829; m. 13 Aug 1860 in New York, N.Y. to Elisa Matthews; d. 31 Jul 1915 in Mamakating, Sullivan Co., N.Y.; bur. Westbrookville Cem., Sullivan Co., N.Y. [DRA] Note: Rachel was badly beaten by her husband 16 Jul 1839, confined to bed for a week before she could be moved. She left and filed a Bill of Complaint. Stephen’s will 09 Nov 1839 left his estate to his sister. It is said he took opium at that time. An out of court settlement was reached on the estate. [Smith (2004) p. 105] Provenance: The subject’s dau., Maria Louisa Ostrander (Mrs. Theodore Hollenbach, 1835-1907); her son, Louis F. Hollenbach (1869-1945); his widow, Anna C. (Ostrander) Hollenbach (1883-1963), Brooklyn, N.Y.; Lawner's Auction Galleries, New York, April 11, 1964, sold for $1,000 to Alice Kaplan; Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, New York, N.Y. as of 1965 [CHS]; Grete Meilman Fine Art, New York, N.Y. [per Katcher (2011)]; Dr. Jane Katcher, Miami, Fla. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 102 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, 1967); Holdridge (1968) p. 19 [full-page color facsim.]; Bishop (1979) p. 94 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman and Armstrong (1980) p. 143 [color facsim.].; Lipman, et al. (1986) p. 31, Fig. I.28 [full-page color facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 71 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): pp. 266-267, Pl. I [detail of Pl. X], 273, Pl. X [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 45, Pl. XLV [full-page color facsim.]; Ostrander (1999) p. 485 [b&w facsim.]; Katcher (2011) p. 71, Pl. 18 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Dr. Jane Katcher, Miami, Fla. [2011]. CHS: 102, H&H: 198*, HPF: 70A.8, IAP: 85520061. See Volume 2.

359. Maria Van Leuven Overbagh (Mrs. Peter Abraham Overbagh, 1783-1832), aka Lady with a Rose – 1 of 2 – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, possibly [H&H] or Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1822 [H&H] or c. 1822-1824 [HPF] or c. 1824 [CHS]. 30-1/2" x 24-1/2" [CHS, H&H, HPF]. Wife of Rev. Peter Overbagh [q.v.]. Mother of Rachel Ann Maria Overbagh Ostrander [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark eyebrows; wearing black dress with two-layer pleated white collar, simple ruffled bonnet tied under chin, single-strand black necklace with black heart-shaped pendant; seated facing p.l. with l. elbow resting on round table, l. hand to chin, r. hand with upturned fingers holding rose. Note: Previously known only as “Lady with a Rose,” the sitter was subsequently identified on the basis of the following pair. The sitter is stylistically

related to the Columbia Co. portraits and is wearing the same necklace as Betsy Brownell Gilbert [q.v.] This copy by Phillips is nearly identical to, but not the same portrait as the Maria Van Leuven Overbagh [2 of 2] which descended with its companion in the Overbagh family until 1987. [DRA] Bio.: See Maria Van Leuven Overbagh [2 of 2]. Provenance: Ferargil Galleries, New York (held for $750) as of 1931; Purchased from them by Brewster Board [Washingtonville, N.Y., 1902-1979], dealer, for $450, for Mrs. Myra Carter Church, New York; Sold with other items in her estate at the Samuel Marks Galleries, New York, May 12, 1944, for $60 to Howard C. Sherwood, New York (1871-1957) founder of S.P.L.I.A.; to Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities, Setauket, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; on public exhibit as of 1962 at Sherwood-Jayne House (bequeathed to S.P.L.I.A. by Howard C. Sherwood), East Setauket, L.I., N.Y.; deaccessioned by S.P.L.I.A. in 1975; Doyle, New York, N.Y., American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 19AM02 (October 8, 2019) Lot 5, sold $6,500+25% (est. $8-12,000); Linda Rosen Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Ferargil Galleries, 1931); Rathbone (1933) p. 19 [as Woman with a Rose], Pl. 9 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 142 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 31 [b&w facsim.] Note: This work is the subject of a letter to the editor, The Berkshire Eagle (Oct. 12, 1959): p. 18. [DRA] Status: Private collection, Rhinebeck, N.Y. as of 2019. CHS: 172, H&H: 72*, HPF: 70A.9, IAP: 81310065.

360. Maria Van Leuven Overbagh (Mrs. Peter Abraham Overbagh, 1783-1832) –2 of 2 – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1822-1824 [HPF]. 30-1/2" x 24-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Rev. Peter Overbagh [q.v.]. Mother of Rachel Ann Maria Overbagh Ostrander [q.v.]. Note: A copy of this portrait [1 of 2] also exists (see preceding). Descr.: Woman with brown eyes and dark eyebrows; wearing black dress with two-layer pleated white collar, simple ruffled bonnet tied under chin, singlestrand black necklace with black heart-shaped pendant; seated facing p.l. with l. elbow resting on round table, l. hand to chin, r. hand with upturned fingers holding red rose. Bio.: Marytje “Maria” Van Leuven, b. 16 Dec 1783 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Johannes Van Leuven (1754-1805) and Rachel (DeWitt) Van Leuven (1761-1840); m. 31 Oct 1805 in Coxsackie, Greene Co., N.Y. to Petrus “Peter” Abraham Overbagh (1779-1842); d. 22 Oct 1832; bur. Van Leuven Burial Ground, Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. (48 yrs. 10 mos. 6 dys.). [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the Overbagh family; by whom consigned to Pleasant Valley Auction Hall (Cal Smith d/b/a Bob Smith), Pleasant Valley, N.Y., Important Americana Auction (April 4, 1987) sold $50,000 the pair to a Dutchess Co. collector; from whom purchased in 2013 by Theodore S. Overbagh, 3rd-great-grandson of the subject. References: Antiques (March 1987): p. 580 [color facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (April 17, 1987): p. 54 [color facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Kathryn Pilgrim, 2014) Status: Collection of Theodore S. Overbagh, Rhinebeck, N.Y. HPF: 70A.9 See Volume 2.

361. Reverend Peter Abraham Overbagh (1779-1842) – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1822-1824 [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Maria Van Leuven Overbagh (2 of 2) [q.v.]. Father of Rachel Ann Maria Overbagh Ostrander [q.v.]. Inscr. (letter): “Peter A. Overbagh / Saugerties.” Descr.: Portly man with tall hair and ample sideburns; wearing black jacket, white shirt, white stock with bow, no collar; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, l. arm resting on chair arm, l hand holding opened letter (see inscription). Bio.: Petrus “Peter” Abraham Overbagh, b. 17 Oct 1779 in Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y., son of Abraham Overbagh (1753-1800) and Rachel (Freligh) Overbagh (1758-1837); m. (1st) 22 Sep 1801 in Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. to Sarah/Sally Overbagh (1779-1804); m. (2nd) 31 Oct 1805 in Coxsackie, Greene Co., N.Y. to Maria Van Leuven (1783-1832); m. (3rd) 12 Jun 1838 in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. to Helen Tappen; res. Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1840; d. 20 Feb 1842 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Van Leuven Burial Ground, Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. A Manual of the Reformed Church in America [1879] lists Peter A. Overbagh (1779-1842) as minister of Flatbush [hamlet], Ulster Co., N.Y. [near Saugerties] from 1817 to 1841. [DRA] Provenance: See Maria Van Leuven Overbagh – 2 of 2. References: Antiques (March 1987): p. 580 [color facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (April 17, 1987): p. 54 [color facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Kathryn Pilgrim, 2014). Status: Collection of Theodore S. Overbagh, Rhinebeck, N.Y. HPF: 70A.10. See Volume 2.

362. Clarissa Keyes Paige (Mrs. Winslow Paige, 1768-1846) – Gilboa, Schoharie Co., N.Y. [H&H, HPF] or Broome, Schoharie Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1820 [H&H]. 30" x 25" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Rev. Winslow Paige [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black dress with three-layer ruffled white collar, ruffled cap with bow on top; seated facing p.r. on sofa with tacks and top railing, wrists crossed (l. over r.) and holding a book in l. hand with thumb marking page [DRA] Note: Location is somewhat problematic, and provenance is similar to other Paige family portraits attributed to Ezra Ames (see below). Bio.: b. 30 Apr 1768 in Ashford, Windham Co., Conn., dau of John Keyes (1745-1824) and Mary (Wales) Keyes (1747-1806); m. 25 Sep 1787 in Scotland, Windham Co., Conn. to Winslow Paige (1767-1838); d. 14 May 1846 in Gilboa, Schoharie Co., N.Y. Notes: Maria Cassandra Paige (1794-1873), dau. of Rev. Winslow Paige and Clarissa Keyes Paige, was married in 1815 to David Cady (1794-1839), son of David Cady and Anna Shuler Cady [q.v.]. Her younger sister, Diana Clarissa Paige (1799-1863), was married in 1820 to Allen Heyer Jackson (1797-1836), son of Samuel B. Jackson and Louisa Heyer Jackson [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. J. Lewi Donhauser, Albany, N.Y. [d 1944]; Dr. J. Lewi Donhauser [1883-1964]; his son, Rathbun Paige Donhauser [1923-2012], New York, N.Y. [FARL] References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 166, no. 37 [not illus.] as Mrs. Clarissa Paige of Albany (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Holdridge (1968) p. 40 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin], identified (incorrectly) as Mrs. Edward Winslow Paige. Note: R. Paige Donhauser, son of Eliza Paige Donhauser (Mrs. J. Lewi Donhauser) Albany, N.Y., dau. of Joseph Yates Paige, son of Joseph C.Y. Paige [grandson of Clarissa Keyes Paige and Rev. Winslow Paige], subject of portrait by Ezra Ames [Frick Art Reference Library]. Also note portraits of John Keyes Paige (son of Winslow and Clarissa Keyes Paige) and Helen Maria (Yates) Paige by Ezra Ames, c. 1826, in collection of Robert Donhauser. [NYHS, No. 228, 1955] Status: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. R. Paige Donhauser, New York, N.Y. as of 1968, 1994. [H&H, HPF] CHS: 104, H&H: 63*, HPF: 70A.11, IAP: 81310056. See Volume 2.

363. Reverend Winslow Paige (1767-1838) – Gilboa, Schoharie Co., N.Y. [H&H, HPF] or Broome, Schoharie Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1820 [H&H]. 30" x 25" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Clarissa Keyes Paige [q.v.]. Descr.: Man in black jacket with white stock tied in front; seated facing p.l. on sofa with tacks and top railing, r. hand cupped over a closed book held diagonally, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Bio.: b. 28 Feb 1767 in Hardwick, Worcester Co., Mass., son of John Paige (1738-1812) and Hannah (Winslow) Paige (1740-1812); m. 25 Sep 1787 in Scotland, Windham Co., Conn. to Clarissa Keyes (1768-1846); d. 15 May 1838 in Gilboa, Schoharie Co., N.Y. Res.: Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1800; Florida, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1810; Broome, Schoharie Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830. Notes: Although listed in prior catalogs as Gilboa, Schoharie Co., N.Y., Rev. Paige did not move to Gilboa until 1836. [DRA] Provenance: See Clarissa Keyes Paige. References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 166, no. 36 [not illus.] as Rev. Edward Winslow Paige of Albany (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Holdridge (1968) p. 32 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N Y [Ira W. Martin] See notes under Clarissa Keyes Paige. [DRA] Status: R. Paige Donhauser, New York, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] CHS: 103, H&H: 62*, HPF: 70A.12, IAP: 81310055. See Volume 2.

364. Joseph Palmer (1820-1883) – Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1850 [H&H]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [H&H]. Brother-in-law of Emily Miner Fox [q.v.] per H&H. Descr.: “Man appearing to be in his early forties, very determined-looking face. His hand holds a HOLY BIBLE, same position as Williamsburg Inn man [probable reference to Hiram Bartholomew, q.v.], and a similar pale, veined effect of hand. The bible is large. He wears a narrow tie similar to W. I. man and a gray shirt. The page tint of the bible is orangish. Background is grey, his eyes are green, a red satin sofa is visible.” [AAA] Bio.: b. 23 Apr 1820; m. 3 Jul 1844 in Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn. to Ann Jennette Miner (1827-1887) of Cornwall, Litchfield Co., Conn.; res Goshen, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850 (drover), 1860 (drover), 1870 (cattle drover), 1880 (retired farmer); d. 2 Jun 1883; bur. Goshen Center Cem., Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA] Cattle merchant. [CHS] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Joseph Palmer Wadhams [1882-1975], Torrington, Conn., granddaughter-in-law of the subject, as of 1959. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF]. CHS: 105, H&H: 263, HPF: 70A.13, IAP: 81310249.

365. Ruth Haynes Palmer (Mrs. William Palmer, 1797-1873), aka Portrait of a Young Girl in a White Dress: Miss Ruth Haynes (Palmer) of Hoosick, New York – Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1818 [SNY]. 36" x 30" [SNY, HPF]. Dau. of John Haynes [q.v.] and Phebe Peck Haynes [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4 length portrait of fair-haired young woman with temple curls, wearing long-sleeved white dress with embroidered and ruffled collar; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, holding small red carnations in r. hand, l. arm resting on chair arm. Pale blue swag drapery in u.l. Medium gray background. [DRA] Cond.: Restored, heavy linen/wax relining with possible solid support, minor retouch. [CNY] Bio.: b. 1797 in New York, dau. of John Haynes (1774-1863) and Phebe (Peck) Haynes (1773-1847); m. 3 Mar 1816 in Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. to William Palmer (1795-1865), son of John Palmer (1757-1843) and Mary (Hill) Palmer (1757-1832); res. Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. (1820, 1830, 1840), Plattsburg, Clinton Co., N.Y. (1850, 1860), Chazy, Clinton Co., N.Y. (1870); d. 30 Sep 1873; bur. Riverside Cem., Plattsburgh, Clinton Co., N.Y. (Ruth Haynes / Wife of / William Palmer / Died Sept. 30, 1873, / Æ. 76 ). Note: Mother-in-law of Theodora Hyde Morgan Palmer who owned the portrait of Sally Morgan Walbridge [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American Folk Art from the Collection of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn., Sale 5375 (October 26, 1985) Lot 64 [full-page color facsim.], sold $165,000+10% (est. $125-175,000); Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Himeles, Sr., Pikesville, Md.; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 22325 (January 19, 2024) Lot 442, sold $160,000+26% (est. $200-300,000); David A. Schorsch & Eileen M. Smiles, Woodbury, Conn. (reportedly sold at The American Art Fair, New York, N.Y., May 2024). References: Bongartz, Americana Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 1 (April 1980): p. 51 [facsim., in situ.]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 150, Fig. 1 [color facsim.]. Status: See provenance HPF: 70A.14, IAP: 63007939. See Volume 2.

366. Thomas Parker – Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., possibly [HPF] or Hyde Park, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1852 [HPF]. 33-3/8" x 28" [CNY] or 33-1/2" x 28" [NEA]. Descr.: Young man with chin beard; wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt and downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in redupholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding closed book., l. hand not shown. [DRA] Notes: Accompanied by a daguerreotype of Thomas Parker of Pleasant Valley at a later age. [CNY] Together with a daguerreotype of Thomas Parker in a leather case marked 'S.L. Walker. Poughkeepsie, N.Y.' [NEA] Possibly Thomas E. Parker (1816-1905), Hyde Park, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Found in Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; Pleasant Valley Auction Hall (Cal Smith), Pleasant Valley, N.Y.; Collection of Edward A. and Lynda Vrooman, Garrison, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art & Historical Prints, Sale 7214 (January 26, 1991) Lot 154, unsold (est. $1015,000); Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H. (February 23, 2007) Lot 110, sold $4,250+16%; Ross Levett Antiques, Thomaston, Maine; Collection of Don and Gail Piatt, Hopkinton, N.H.; Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., The Collection of Gail & Don Piatt, Sale 3121M (August 12, 2018) Lot 197, sold $2,000+23% (est. $4-6,000); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2022) Lot 3 (as portrait of a gentleman), sold $2,200+18% (est. $1,000-1,500). Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (July 31, 2015): p. NH-30 [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Sold at auction 2022. HPF: 70A.15. See Volume 2.

367. Abraham Patterson (1782-1850) – Patterson, Putnam Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1834*. 32" x 26" [SNY]. Inscr.: Newspaper "Telegraph" dated "July 9, 1834". Descr.: A gentleman in a black jacket with sharp shoulders, white ruffled jabot, white stock without bow, upturned collar, facing p.l. with l. arm resting on back of fancy-painted side chair, r. hand holding a folded newspaper (see inscription). [DRA] Notes: “Abraham Patterson was the first publisher of The Telegraph in Patterson [Putnam Co.], New York. The town of Patterson was named after this distinguished gentleman and his family.” [SNY] The foregoing statement appears to be without factual basis. There is no record of an Abraham Patterson in Patterson, N.Y., which was named in 1808 for Matthew Paterson (1732-1817) a state legislator and local farmer, nor any record of a newspaper "Telegraph" in Putnam Co., N.Y. There is no association between

an Abraham Patterson and the newspaper "Telegraph" which was published in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Possibly Abraham Patterson, b. 15 May 1782; hus. of Catherine (Van Der Bilt) Patterson (1792-1850); d. 17 May 1850; bur. Reformed Dutch Churchyard, New Hackensack (Town of Wappinger), Dutchess Co., N.Y. (68 y. 2 d.). Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 6444 (June 23, 1993) Lot 211, unsold (est. $10-15,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 70A.16. See Volume 2.

368. Jeanette Payne (1818-1846), aka Jeanette Paine – Warren, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1838 [CHS] or c. 1841 [H&H] or c. 1838-1841 [HPF] or 1838 [NEA]. 331/2" x 28" [CHS, NEA: sight]. Descr.: Oval-faced young woman with prominent nose, dark center-parted hair with bun and single pipe curls behind ears, wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, wide lace-trimmed collar, thin lace cuffs; facing p.r. with r. arm resting on green book on table with smaller red book on top, holding herb sprig in l. hand with upturned fingers. Note: Possibly Janet Payne (1818-1846) first wife of Franklin Augustus Curtiss (1821-1907) of Warren, Litchfield Co., Conn. Died 20 Sep 1846. Bur. Old Warren Center Cem., Warren, Litchfield Co., Conn (Janet / wife of / Franklin A. Curtiss / died / Sept. 20. 1846. / AE 28 ). [DRA] Note: Probably CHS 106, not 105 [H&H error]. CHS 105 is Joseph Palmer. Sold by NEA as "Half Length Portrait of Jeanette Paine". Provenance: Descended in family to Miss Emily Marsh; Miss Mary Allis [per NEA]; Stewart E. Gregory, Wilton, Conn. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; location unknown [1994]; Claude and Alvan Bisnoff, New York, N.Y. [to 2007]; Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H., Claude and Alvan Bisnoff Collection (October 27, 2007) Lot 660, sold $75,000+16% (est $30-50,000). References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 135 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Antiques (February 2008): p. 27 [color facsim.]. Status: Godel & Co. Fine Art, Inc., New York, N.Y. as of 2008, 2012. CHS: 106, H&H: 224, HPF: 70B.1, IAP: 70580338 and 81310210. See Volume 2.

369. Mary Payne – Greenwich, Fairfield Co., Conn., possibly [HPF], c. 1836 [HPF] or c. 1843 [DRA] Descr.: Dark-haired, middle-aged woman in lace cap with ribbons on p.l. side and tied under chin, black dress with small lace collar; seated facing p.r. on a red-upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding unidentified object. Reportedly with buck teeth showing. Note: The HPF location is questionable The subject is more likely a member of the extensive Payne family of Dutchess Co., N.Y. and Litchfield Co., Conn., and may be related to Jeanette Payne [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gould, Houston, Texas (1987). Reference: Frances Carnahan, “Collectors at Home: Houston, Texas,” Early American Life, Vol. XVIII, No. 3. (June 1987): p. 17 [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994 [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 70B.2.

370. Anne [Anna] Stoddard Pelton (Mrs. Peleg Pelton, 1759-1832) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H] or Mount Hope (Wallkill), Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1826*. 35" x 28-3/4" [H&H] or 30-1/8" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Peleg Pelton [q.v.]. Inscr. (l.l. in red): "ANNE PELTON AGED 67 YEARS / A. PhillipsPinct". Descr.: Older woman with prominent nose and dark eyebrows; wearing black dress, black shawl with embroidered floral border over white fischu, ruffled bonnet tied under chin with black ribbons; seated facing p.r. with wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding small book in l. hand, thumb marking page. Bio.: b. 14 Dec 1759, Ledyard, New London Co., Conn.; m. 1781 to Peleg Pelton in Groton, New London Co., Conn.; d. Sep 1832, Mount Hope, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By apparent family descent from Hannah (Pelton) Allyn (Mrs. Prentice Allyn, 1782-1830), dau. of the subjects; to her dau., Lucy Rosamond (Allyn) Stickney (Mrs. Erastus B. Stickney, 1812-1887); to her son, Charles Edgar Stickney (1841-1930); to his son, John Erastus Stickney (1880-1939); to his son, Robert J. Stickney (1914-1987), Philadelphia, Pa., great-great-great-grandson of the subject; New-York Historical Society (gift of Robert J. Stickney, 1984). Reference: The New-York Historical Society Annual Report 1983-1984, p. 19 [b&w facsim.] Exhibited: "Restored Visions: Recently Conserved Paintings from the Collection," New-York Historical Society, New York, N.Y. (November 5, 1992 – January 3, 1993). Status: New-York Historical Society (acquired 1984).

Accession number: 1984.71. NYHS Henry Luce III Center H&H: 113, HPF: 70B.3, IAP: 81310102. See Volume 2.

371. Peleg Pelton (1759-1829) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H] or Mount Hope (Wallkill), Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1826*. 30-1/4" x 24-1/4" [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Anne Stoddard Pelton [q.v.]. Inscr. (l.r. in red): "PELEG PELTON AGED 67 YEARS / Ammi Phillips - Pinct". Descr.: Narrow-faced man with thinning brown hair; wearing high-collared black jacket and vest, white shirt, white stock with bow, downturned white collar; facing p.l., l. hand in vest, r. hand holding a silverhandled cane. Bio.: b. 9 Aug 1759, Ledyard, New London Co., Conn.; m. 1781 to Anna Stoddard in Groton, New London Co., Conn.; d. 27 Jan 1829, Mount Hope, Orange Co., N.Y. Res : Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y., 1810, 1820 Note: Mount Hope created from Deer Park and Wallkill Townships in 1825. Bur. New Vernon Cem., Mamakating, Sullivan Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent [see Anne Stoddard Pelton] to Robert J. Stickney (1914-1987), Philadelphia, Pa., great-great-great-grandson of the subject; New-York Historical Society (gift of Robert J. Stickney, 1984). References: Holdridge (1968) p. 33 [b&w facsim.]; The New-York Historical Society Annual Report 1983-1984, p. 19 [b&w facsim.] Exhibited: "Restored Visions: Recently Conserved Paintings from the Collection," New-York Historical Society, New York, N.Y. (November 5, 1992 – January 3, 1993). Status: New-York Historical Society (acquired 1984). Accession number: 1984.70. NYHS Henry Luce III Center. H&H: 112, HPF: 70B.4, IAP: 81310101. See Volume 2.

372. Almira Lucretia Mills Adams Perry (Mrs. Ruben Adams, later Mrs. Nathaniel P. Perry, 1800-1890), aka Almira Perry – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., probably [H&H], c. 1836 [CHS]. Sister of Florilla Mills Raymond [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark hair; wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, wide embroidered organdy collar, elaborately beribboned bonnet with wide ribbons tied on l. side; seated facing p.r., r. arm resting on two books on table, l. hand holding small red book, index finger marking page. Bio.: b. 5 Nov 1800, Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn.; m. (1st) 1 Mar 1821 to Ruben Adams in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn.; m. (2nd) 10 Sep 1840 to Nathaniel P. Perry in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn.; d. 31 Jan 1890, in her 90th yr., at her residence, Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., widow of Nathaniel Perry, Esq. [NYT] Note: One of three similar portraits attributed to "itinerant limner of Kent, Conn." by Jean Lipman (1942). Provenance: To the dau. and son-in-law of the subject: Mary Ann (Adams) Britton and William Audley Britton (18111874); to their son and dau.-in-law: Charles P. Britton (1845-1917) and Caroline (Berry) Britton (18461921); to their dau.-in-law: Mrs. Henry Berry Britton (1886-1933), Kent, Conn. [1930]; unlocated as of 1965, 1968, 1994 [CHS, H&H, HPF]. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Newark Museum); Robinson, American Primitives (1930) p. 15, No. 4, as Mrs. Almira Perry. Lent by Mrs. Henry B. Britton [not illus.]; Rathbone (1933) pp. 14-15, Pl 5 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman (1942) p. 36 [unn.] Pl. 20 lower center [b&w facsim., credit Mrs. H.B. Britton Collection]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 160, Fig. 6. [b&w facsim.] and checklist no. 17 (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley). Exhibited: “American Folk Art,” Washburn Gallery, New York, N.Y., (October 4 – 29, 1988). [SIRIS] Status: Private collection, Kent, Conn. as of 2022. CHS: 107, H&H: 174, HPF: 70B.5, IAP: 81310161. See Volume 2.

373. Catherine Douw Hoffman Philip (Mrs. Henry G. Philip, 1797-1866) – Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1822 [CHS] or c. 1820 [H&H] or c. 1820-1822 [HPF]. 30-1/4" x 24-1/2" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Col. Henry G. Philip [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with ringlet curls and tall comb; wearing pale dress with large two-layer pleated collar and pleated cuffs; seated facing p.l., l. elbow resting on round table, head leaning to l. with curled fingers of l. hand against face, r. hand in lap holding a book. Drapery in u.l. corner and l. side of canvas. [DRA] Bio.: b. 15 Dec 1797; m. 29 May 1821 in Ghent, N.Y. by Rev. Richard Sluyter [q.v.]; d. 3 Jan 1866; bur. Claverack Dutch Reformed Churchyard, Claverack, N.Y. Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. J. Van Ness (Helen Julia) Philip, Claverack, N.Y. as of 1965 [CHS]; Cynthia Owen Philip [Mrs. Nicholas Worthington Philip, 1928-2015], New York, N.Y. [HPF*]; William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y. (December 1, 1993) Lot 67, sold $1,600+15% the pair (est. $3-5,000). References: Holdridge,

CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 135 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 32 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 22, no. 17 [full-page b&w facsim., courtesy CHS]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 155, Fig. 6 [b&w facsim., reproduced from Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 135]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Sold at auction 1993. CHS: 109, H&H: 51*, HPF: 70B.6, IAP: 81310045. See Volume 2.

374. Colonel Henry G. Philip (1793-1829) – Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1822 [CHS] or c. 1820 [H&H] or c. 1820-1822 [HPF]. 30-1/4" x 24-1/2" [CHS, H&H].

One of a pair. Husband of Catherine Douw Hoffman Philip [q.v.]. Descr.: Wearing highcollared military uniform with brass buttons and fringed epaulettes; facing p.r.; l. hand holding letter addressed to "Mr. Henry G. Philip, Claverack " Bio.: b. 10 Nov 1793; served c. 1814 as Sergeant Major (later Lt. Col., Col.) in New York State Militia under Jacob Rutsen Van Rensselaer during War of 1812; m. 29 May 1821 in Ghent, N.Y. by Rev. Richard Sluyter [q.v.]; d. 24 Oct 1829; bur. Claverack Dutch Reformed Churchyard, Claverack, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. J. Van Ness (Helen Julia) Philip, Claverack, N.Y. as of 1965 [CHS]; Cynthia Owen Philip [Mrs. Nicholas Worthington Philip, 1928-2015], New York, N.Y. [HPF*]; William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y. (December 1, 1993) Lot 67, sold $1,600+15% the pair (est. $3-5,000). References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 135 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 32 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 21, no. 16 [full-page b&w facsim., courtesy CHS]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Sold at auction 1993 CHS: 108, H&H: 50*, HPF: 70B.7, IAP: 81310044. See Volume 2.

375. Cynthia Birdsall Phillips (Mrs. Daniel S. Phillips, 1771-1851) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1835 [CAP] or c. 1835 [HPF]. 33" x 27-7/16" sight [CAP] or 33" x 27-1/2" [HPF]. Inscr.: Holding book "Hymns". Tag attached to portrait "Cynthia Phillips Fishkill 1835". Stepmother of Elias Phillips [q.v.] Descr.: Full-faced older woman in ruffled bonnet, black shawl with embroidered border; facing p.l. with crossed wrists (r. over l.), holding a small closed book in r. hand. Bio.: b. 21 Nov 1771 in Oyster Bay, N.Y., dau. of Daniel Birdsall (1724-1816) and Mercy (Townsend) Birdsall (1730-1799); m. (1st) in 1809 to John Roelof Phillips (1756-1832); m. (2nd) to Daniel Phillips (1784-1848); d. 3 Dec 1851; bur. First Reformed Dutch Church Cem., Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Theodore W. (Marjorie Hill) Noon, Jr. [1921-2014], Hopkinton, N.H. Status: Private collection, N.H. as of 1950. [CAP] Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See Provenance. CAP: NH060032. HPF: 70B.8.

376. Elias Phillips (1792-1879) – East Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H] or Stormville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1843* [CHS] or c. 1843 [H&H]. 33" x 28" [CHS, H&H]. One of three. Husband of Elizabeth Northrup Phillips [q.v.] and father of Joseph White Phillips [q.v.]. Also father, by his first wife, of Elizabeth Phillips Storm [q.v.]. Descr.: Gray-haired gentleman with long sideburns, wearing black jacket, white shirt and upturned collar, black stock; facing p.l. seated in armchair with red upholstery; opened bible face down in lap; only r. hand visible Bio.: b. 4 May 1792, son of John Roelof Phillips (1756-1832) and Elizabeth (Canniff) Phillips (1755-1808); m. (1st) to Maria Wilde (1796-1831); m. (2nd) to Elizabeth Northrup (1800-1890); d. 30 Apr 1879. Bur.: Hopewell Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1840; East Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 (Farmer), 1860, 1870. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Miss Ella Phillips, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. [see note under Joseph White Phillips]; Fishkill Historical Society, Fishkill, N.Y., gift of Grace Phillips Gamm [1903-1989], Stormville, N.Y. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; The Fishkill Historical Society, Images of America: Around Fishkill, New York (Dover, N.H.: Arcadia, 1996), p. 61 [b&w facsim.] Status: Van Wyck Homestead Museum, Fishkill Historical Society, Fishkill, N.Y. On exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 110, H&H: 232, HPF: 70B.9, IAP: 81310218. See Volume 2.

377. Elizabeth Northrup Phillips (Mrs. Elias Phillips, 1800-1890) – East Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H] or Stormville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1843* [CHS] or c. 1843 [H&H]. 33" x 28" [CHS, H&H]. One of three. Second wife of Elias Phillips [q.v.]. Descr.: Middle-aged woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing black dress with black cape, white lace collar, ruffled bonnet with wide ribbons tied on p.l. side; seated facing p.r. in red-upholstered armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand holding open book on lap, thumb and index finger marking page, r. hand not shown. Highlight across book. Bio.: b.13 Aug 1800 in Kent, Putnam Co., N.Y., dau. of John Northrup (1772-1829) and Hannah (Kelley) Northrup (1780-1843); m. 19 Jan 1833 to Elias Phillips (1792-1879); d. 14 Oct 1890. Bur.: Hopewell Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Miss Ella Phillips, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. [see note under Joseph White Phillips]. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; The Fishkill Historical Society, Images of America: Around Fishkill, New York (Dover, N.H.: Arcadia, 1996), p. 62 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Van Wyck Homestead Museum, Fishkill Historical Society, Fishkill, N.Y. Removed from the museum for restoration as of 2007. CHS: 111, H&H: 233, HPF: 70B.10, IAP: 81310219. See Volume 2.

378. Elizabeth Payne Phillips (Mrs. Gabriel Norton Phillips, 1779-1832) –Phillipsburg (Town of Wallkill), Orange Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1824 [CHS, H&H].

30-1/2" x 24-3/8" [IAP] or 29-5/8" x 23-3/8" sight [CAP] or 30" x 24" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Gabriel Norton Phillips [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with upright posture wearing black dress with scalloped and embroidered organdy collar, tall elaborately-ribboned bonnet tied under chin; facing p.r., with red embroidered shawl wrapped around r. elbow and back, holding small book (spine up) with both hands, leaning on two books on table. Bio.: b. 29 Jun 1779, dau. of Col. Payne of Edenton, N.C.; d. 13 Feb 1832; bur.: Wallkill Cem., Phillipsburg, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA]

Provenance: Descended in family to Elizabeth Craig Martin; Mr. & Mrs. Howard Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Holdridge, Baltimore, Md. [1968]; Mr. & Mrs. W. Bliss Carnochan, Woodside, Cal. [San Francisco Bay Area Bicentennial IAP Survey, 1975]. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 136 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 34 [b&w facsim.]. Status: University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (gift of Bliss Carnochan and Nancy Edebo). Accession number: 2016.109. CAP: CA140219. CHS: 114, H&H: 103*, HPF: 70B.11, IAP: 71063938 and 81310092. See Volume 2.

379. Dr. Gabriel Norton Phillips (1769-1849) aka Gabriel Phillips – Phillipsburg (Town of Wallkill), Orange Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1824 [CHS, H&H]. 30-1/2" x 243/8" [IAP] or 29-1/2" x 23-7/16" sight [CAP] or 30" x 24" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth Payne Phillips [q.v.]. Descr.: Sharp-featured gentleman with dark bangs; wearing black jacket, cream-colored striped vest, white shirt and white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in scroll-back side chair, with l. hand in jacket and r. forearm resting on chair back. Red ribbon and small gold ring with gemstone fob and watch key hanging from waist (a châtelain) Bio.: b. 21 Feb 1769, son of Col. Moses Phillips (1742-1818) and Sarah (Wisner) Phillips (1745-1810); m. Elizabeth Payne (1779-1832); d. 7 Mar 1849 in Phillipsburg, Orange Co., N.Y.; bur. Wallkill Cem., Phillipsburg, Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: Town of Wallkill, Orange Co. N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1840. Notes: 1) Per Holdridge (1965) a copy of this portrait, made c. 1889, was at one time in the possession of Frederick Phillips Craig [1878-1966], the present whereabouts of the copy being unknown. 2) Caldwell and Rodriguez Roque (1994, p. 369, see bibliography) assert that Gabriel Norton Phillips was a cousin of Ammi Phillips. We have found no common ancestor to support this. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Elizabeth Craig Martin; Mr. & Mrs. Howard Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Holdridge, Baltimore, Md. [1968]; Mr. & Mrs. W. Bliss Carnochan, Woodside, Cal. [San Francisco Bay Area Bicentennial IAP Survey, 1975]. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 135 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 25 [b&w facsim.]; Status: University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (gift of Bliss Carnochan and Nancy Edebo). Accession number: 2016.108. CAP: CA140218. CHS: 113, H&H: 102*, HPF: 70B.12, IAP: 71063937 and 81310091. See Volume 2.

380. Jane Maria Pells Phillips (Mrs. M.D.L.F. Phillips, 1797-1837) aka Jane Marie Pells Phillips, aka J.P. Phillips – Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1843 [HPF]. 32" x 27". One of a pair. Wife of M.D.L.F. Phillips [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "J.M. Phillips". Descr.: Woman wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, wide white collar with embroidered shoulders, ruffled bonnet with wide sheer ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on two books on table, l. hand holding small red book (see inscription) with fingers of r. hand marking page. [DRA] Bio.: Jane Maria Pells, b. 29 Oct. 1797 (bapt. 13 Jan 1798 in Poughkeepsie, N.Y.), dau. of Abraham Pells and Margaret (Valkenburgh) Pells; m. 1817 to Marquis D. Phillips in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. [NYGBR, 1944] Bur.: Old Cem. north of city, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (Jane M. Phillips, wife of Marquis D. L. F. Phillips, who died Sep. 24, 1837, in the 39th yr. of her age). [Poughkeepsie Daily Eagle, Jan. 24, 1912] Provenance: Descended in the family of the sitters; C.G. Sloan & Co., Inc., Washington, D.C., Estate Auction (February 3-6, 1977) unsold at $15,000 the pair (est. $25-35,000); Ricco Johnson Gallery, New York, N.Y. (February 1980); Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., American 19th Century and Folk Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Sale 4784M (January 28, 1982) Lot 64 [fullpage color facsim.], sold $22,000+10% the pair (est. $30-40,000); Phillips, Son & Neale, Inc., New York, N.Y., American Paintings, Sale 523 (January 24, 1984) Lot 690 [b&w facsim.], sold $20,000 the pair (est. $25-35,000). References: Antique Monthly (February 1977): p. 20C [b&w facsim., her portrait only]; Americana Magazine (February 1980) [color facsim., printed backwards]; Maine Antique Digest (January 1984): p. 37-D [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (January 1984) [color facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (March 1984): p. 10-D [b&w facsim.] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 70B.13, IAP: 63002515. See Volume 2.

381. Joseph White Phillips (1835-1905), aka Joseph W. Phillips, Sr. – East Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H] or Stormville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1843* [CHS] or c. 1843 [H&H]. 33" x 28" [CHS, H&H]. One of three. Only child of Elias Phillips [q.v.] and his second wife, Elizabeth Northrup Phillips [q.v.] Descr.: Boy with large linen collar; seated in armchair with red upholstery; book opened flat, curled page held with fingers of r. hand (l. hand not shown); black background. Bio.: b. 8 May 1835 in East Fishkill, N.Y., son of Elias Phillips (1792-1879) and Elizabeth (Northrup) Phillips (1800-1890); m. 1856 to Caroline Rogers (1836-1909); d. 9 Mar 1905 in East Fishkill, N.Y. Bur.: Hopewell Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Miss Ella Phillips (see note), Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; Fishkill Historical Society, Fishkill, N.Y., gift of Grace Phillips Gamm [1903-1989], Stormville, N.Y. Note: Ella A. Phillips b. 1880, East Fishkill, N.Y., dau. of Jarvis Phillips b. circa 1853, Fishkill, N.Y., son of Wm. W. Phillips, b. circa 1822, N.Y., son of Elias Phillips [q.v.]. Grace E. Phillips, b. 1903 East Fishkill, N.Y., dau. of Joseph W. Phillips. b. circa 1876, son of Jarvis Phillips (see above). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; The Fishkill Historical Society, Images of America: Around Fishkill, New York (Dover, N.H.: Arcadia, 1996), p. 63 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Van Wyck Homestead Museum, Fishkill Historical Society, Fishkill, N.Y. On exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 112, H&H: 234, HPF: 70B.14, IAP: 81310220. See Volume 2.

382. Marquis de La Fayette Phillips (1792-1879), aka M.D.L.F. Phillips – Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1843 [HPF]. 32" x 27". One of a pair. Husband of Jane Maria Pells Phillips [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "M.D.L.F. Phillips". Descr.: Longfaced man with receding brown hair and widow’s peak; wearing high-collared black jacket and vest, white shirt and upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in stenciled and paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding closed book with spine up (see inscription). Bio.: M.D. Phillips b. 2 Aug. 1792, son of John Phillips (1762-1836) and Hannah (Nicholson) Phillips (1763-1805); m. 1817 to Jane Maria Pells (1797-1837) in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. [NYGBR, 1944]; d. 5 May 1879. Bur.: Saint John’s Reformed Dutch Church Cem., Upper Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1840 (M.D.L.F. Phillips); Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 non-population (Marquis D L Phillips); Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1870 (Gentleman). [DRA]

Provenance: See Jane Maria Pells Phillips. References: See Jane Maria Pells Phillips. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 70B.15, IAP: 63002514. See Volume 2.

383. Abiah Lawrence Plumb (Mrs. Ovid Plumb, 1788-1876) – Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1850 [H&H] or c. 1850-1852 [HPF]. 34" x 28". One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Ovid Plumb [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired woman wearing black dress, with white v-neck collar, small cap with white satin ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. on a sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding a piece of fabric and knitting needles. [DRA] Cond.: Minor flaking. [P&P] Bio.: b. 28 Nov 1788, dau. of Josiah Lawrence (1765-1832) and Amy (Rockwell) Lawrence (1762-1812); m. 25 Jun 1825 to Ovid Plumb; d. 11 Jul 1876. Bur.: Mountain View Cem., North Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: See Doctor Ovid Plumb. Status: Sold at auction 1998. H&H: 307, HPF: 70B.17, IAP: 81310293. See Volume 2.

384. Doctor Ovid Plumb (1787-1856) – Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1850 [H&H] or c. 1850-1852 [HPF]. 34" x 28" or 33-3/4" x 27-3/4" [P&P]. One of a pair. Husband of Abiah Lawrence Plumb [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "GRAY'S BOTTANY" [sic]. Descr.: Gray-haired man wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt and downturned collar, black tie under collar; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand not shown; table with microscope, spray of white flowers (pear blossoms), and book (see inscription). [DRA] Cond.: Minor flaking. [P&P] Bio.: b. 14 May 1787, son of Frederick Plumb (1764-1812) and Anna (Peet) Plumb (1769-1823); m. 25 Jun 1825 to Abiah Lawrence (1788-1876); d. 4 May 1856. Bur.: Mountain View Cem., North Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn. Res.: Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850 (age 62, physician). Surgeon in local (Salisbury) 14th Regiment, War of 1812. Amateur expert on the horticulture of pear trees. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mr. (and Mrs.) Frederick W. Miles, Salisbury, Conn., great-great-grandson of the subject (1968); with the Salisbury Association, Holley-Williams House, Lakeville, Conn. (1994); as descended directly in the family of the sitters to the present owner (1998); Pook & Pook, Inc., Downingtown, Pa., Two Day Autumn Sale (September 25-26, 1998) Lot 220 [color facsim.], sold $5,000+10% the pair (est. $5,500-8,500). Status: Sold at auction 1998. H&H: 306, HPF: 70B.16, IAP: 81310292. See Volume 2.

385. James Knox Polk and George Mifflin Dallas (campaign banner) – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], 1844* or c. 1844 [HPF]. Known only from the following reference in Huntting (1897): “Phillips, a portrait painter… In 1844 he painted a banner with Polk and Dallas life size, for the campaign, which received favorable comment.” Notes: Residents of Tennessee and Pennsylvania, respectively, Polk and Dallas were presumably rendered from an 1844 page-size banner lithograph by Nathaniel Currier. Only one Polk/Dallas campaign banner (76" x 75") is known to survive (see inset). It is partially depicted in Collins (1979), owned by Paul Longo, Gloucester, Mass.; subsequently owned by Merrill C. Berman and first publicly exhibited at the Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, N.Y. in 1984; sold at Heritage Auctions, Dallas, Texas in June 2015 for $185,000, setting a world record for political memorabilia at auction. That banner is not inherently characteristic of the work of Ammi Phillips. [DRA] Reference: Isaac Huntting, History of Little Nine Partners (1897) p. 373 [not illus.]. Status: May no longer exist. Note: Incorrectly cross-referenced in H&H as CHS 115 and 116. CHS: 26 (Dallas) and 115 (Polk), H&H: 236, HPF: 79B.15, IAP: 81310222 and 82320203. N.B.: Sample image shown is not attributed to Ammi Phillips.

386. Caroline Powers (Mrs. Allen W. Ingraham, 1801-1876) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS], c. 1829 [CHS, H&H]. 29-9/16" x 23-5/8" (sight) [CAP] or 35" x 29" [HPF]. Sister of Charles Wesley Powers [q.v.] and Mary Powers [q.v.]. Descr.: Attractive young woman in black dress with wide collar, trimmed in lace; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding small red book with spine up. Bio.: b. 3 Mar 1801 in Amenia, N.Y , dau. of Peter Powers (1767-1848) and Ruth (Hollister) Powers (1760-1831); m. circa 1830 to Allen W. Ingraham (1798-1872); d. 1876. Bur.: Maplewood Cem., Lamont, Ottawa Co., Mich The subject and her husband moved to Cattaraugus Co., N.Y. by 1836 and Jackson Co., Mich. by 1840. [DRA] Provenance: To the subject’s son, Charles W. Ingraham (1835-1897) and dau-in-law Adele N. Harper Ingraham (1844-1918); to their dau., Miss Lou Ingraham (1868-1959), Grand Haven, Michigan; Grand Rapids Public Museum, Grand Rapids, Michigan (gift of Miss Lou Ingraham, 1956). Status: Grand Rapids Public Museum, Grand Rapids, Mich. (acquired 1956). Accession number: 123111. CHS: 116, H&H: 120, HPF: 71A.1, IAP: 81310109. See Volume 2.

387. Charles Wesley Powers (1797-1866) – Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1829*. 29-1/2" x 24-1/2" [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Jane Ann Benjamin Powers [q.v.], brother of Caroline Powers [q.v.] and Mary Powers [q.v.]; son-in-law of Louisa Park Benjamin [q.v.]. Descr.: Young gentleman with dimpled chin and pointed sideburns, wearing dark jacket, white stock with bow, upturned collar; facing p.l., l. arm resting on back of stenciled side chair, r. hand holding newspaper "Morning Courier" dated "Friday, October 30, 1829". Bio.: b. 9 Mar 1797 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Peter Powers (1767-1848) and Ruth (Hollister) Powers (1760-1831); m. 20 Jan 1819 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Jane Ann Benjamin (1801-1873); d. 22 Mar 1866. Bur.: Amenia Island Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Benjamin Mather Powers [1885-1981], Kansas City, Mo., grandson of subject (1953); Mrs. Benjamin Mather Powers, Kansas City, Mo. as of 1968 [H&H] References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Mrs. Benjamin Mather Powers, 1948); Antiques, Vol. LXIV, No. 2 (August 1953): p. 124 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown. See Jane Ann Benjamin Powers. CHS: 118, H&H: 118, HPF: 71A.2, IAP: 71480301 and 81310107. See Volume 2.

388. Jane Ann Benjamin Powers (Mrs. Charles Wesley Powers, 1801-1873) –Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1829*. 29-1/2" x 241/2" [H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Charles Wesley Powers [q.v.]. Dau. of Louisa (Park) Benjamin [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with tall Apollo-knot hairstyle; wearing black dress with embroidered organdy collar tied with wide sheer ribbons; seated facing p.r. in stenciled and paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l hand in lap holding a small red book with spine up. Bio.: b. 5 Jul 1801, dau. of Bela E. Benjamin (1771-1801) and Louisa (Park) Benjamin (1775-1863); d. 29 Nov 1873. Bur.: Amenia Island Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Charles Wesley Powers. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, 1956). Status: Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, Ohio (extended loan by Michael and Jane Powers de Colgyll) as of 2012. Accession number: L.11.2005.1. CHS: 119, H&H: 119, HPF: 71A.3, IAP: 71480302 and 81310108. See Volume 2.

389. Mary Powers (later Mrs. Stephen Foote, 1795-1881) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS], c. 1829 [CHS, H&H]. 31-5/8" x 25-9/16" (sight) or 35" x 29" [HPF]. Sister of Charles Wesley Powers [q.v.] and Caroline Powers [q.v.]. Inscr. (on letter): “Mary Powers, Amenia, N.Y.” [HPF] Descr.: Woman in black dress with tall organdy collar; seated facing p.l. in stenciled and paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand with upturned fingers holding opened letter (see inscription). [DRA] Bio.: b. circa 1795 in Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Peter Powers (1767-1848) and Ruth (Hollister) Powers (1760-1831); res. Amenia, N.Y. in 1850, listed in the household of sister Cemantha [Powers] Bassett; m. Stephen Foote (1788-1872, bur. Grand Rapids, Mich.) in 1851 (his 3rd marriage); res. Triangle, Broome Co., N.Y. in 1865 (Mary P. Foote, age 70, born

Dutchess Co.) [DRA] Provenance: By family descent to Miss Lou Ingraham (1868-1959), Grand Haven, Michigan, great-niece of the subject (see Caroline Powers provenance); Grand Rapids Public Museum, Grand Rapids, Michigan (gift of Miss Lou Ingraham, 1956). Status: Grand Rapids Public Museum, Grand Rapids, Mich. (acquired 1956). Accession number: 184408. CHS: 117, H&H: 121, HPF: 71A.4, IAP: 81310110. See Volume 2.

390. Ebenezer Punderson (1762-1847) – 1 of 4 – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1821 [H&H] or c. 1832 [CHS] or c. 1826 [DRA]. 31" x 26" [CHS, H&H]. One of four copies. Inscr. (book): “COMMON / PRAYER”. Descr.: Older gentleman with white hair, long in back; wearing black jacket and vest, prominent white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock with bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paintdecorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. arm resting on large book on table (see inscription) Bio.: b. 2 Sep 1762 in Poquetanuck (Preston), New London Co., Conn., son of Ebenezer Punderson (1735-1809) and Prudence (Geer) Punderson (1735-1822); m. circa 1788 to Mary Capron (1767-1832); d. 8 May 1847, Red Hook, N.Y.; bur. St. John’s Reformed Dutch Church Cem., Upper Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Note: Subject taken to England by his father, an ardent Tory, during the Revolution. Their ship sank during the passage, but they reached England where Ebenezer attended college. Returned to Preston [Conn.] after the Revolution where it became necessary for him to marry after a too ardent courtship. With his wife, subject moved to Red Hook [N.Y.], where he owned a retail business. [CHS] Provenance: According to tradition, descended in Punderson Family, Rhinebeck, New York; Thurston Thacher Antiques [Rip Van Dam Shop], Hyde Park, New York, 1958; Barbara and Larry Holdridge, Owings Mills, Maryland; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 9468 (October 5, 2000) Lot 24, sold $22,000+17.5% (est. $4-6,000). References: Holdridge, Art in America (1960): p. 102 [b&w facsim.]; Poughkeepsie Journal, Vol. 176, No. 259 (April 30, 1961): p. 1-C [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 136 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 25 [b&w facsim., cropped]; Lita Solis-Cohen, "Americana at Christie's," Maine Antique Digest (December 2000). Status: Sold at auction 2000. CHS: 120, H&H: 69*, HPF: 71A.5, IAP: 81310062. See Volume 2.

391. Ebenezer Punderson (1762-1847) – 2 of 4 – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1815 [CG] or c. 1821 [HPF] or c. 1826 [DRA]. 32" x 27" [CG]. One of four copies. Inscr. (u.r.): "EP MDCCCXV" and (verso, not in Phillips’s handwriting): “Ebenezer Punderson 1762-1825”. Notes: The assertion by Childs Gallery notwithstanding, the inscribed date (1815) is of unknown significance and does not represent the date of the painting. In addition, the date of death given for Ebenezer Punderson (verso) is incorrect. This version is distinguished by the uneven ribs on the book spine and the absence of the upper horizontal line on the chair back. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Robert Rose Carson, Sr. (1912-1985), great-great-great-grandson of the subject; by whom consigned to Childs Gallery, Boston, Mass. (1975); to the present owner, a descendant of the subject. References: Non-Academic American Art (Boston: Childs Gallery, [1975]) n.p. [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (October 1975) [b&w facsim.]; American Art Review (September-October 1975). Status: Private owner, Vermont, as of 2019 [DRA] HPF: 71A.6, IAP: 82190325.

392. Ebenezer Punderson (1762-1847) – 3 of 4 – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1821 [HPF] or c. 1826 [DRA]. 32" x 27-1/4" [SPB]. One of four copies. Cond.: Relined, inpainting, craquelure. [ACA] Note: This version is distinguished by the symmetry of the lines on the chair back and the visibility of the lines between the left thumb and forefinger [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4338 (January 30, 1980) Lot 198, sold $6,000+10% (est. $68,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 71A.7, IAP: 6151A309.

393. Ebenezer Punderson (1762-1847) – 4 of 4 – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1821 [HPF]. One of four copies. Provenance: Alex Cooper Auctioneers, Towson, Md. (November 10, 2018) Lot 913, as unidentified man, sold $800+23% (est. $12,000); Lawrence Steigrad Fine Arts, New York, N.Y. as of 2019 (offered at $40,000); Eldred’s, East Dennis, Mass., The Summer Sale: Day 1 (July 30, 2020) Lot 346, sold $5,000+25% (est. $10-15,000). Notes: 1) This version is nearly identical to the “3 of 4” version but is possibly the previously unaccounted for fourth copy. 2) Contrary to the Eldred’s cataloging, John Davidson Rockefeller was not a direct descendant of the subject but rather a descendent of the subject’s cousin, and of an earlier Ebenezer Punderson (1705-1764) who was the subject’s grandfather. [DRA]. Reference: Pennington, Maine Antique Digest (March 2019): p. 143 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2020. HPF: 71A.8.

394. Hannah Masten Radcliff (Mrs. William Peter Radcliff, 1768-1840) or Woman of the Radcliffe Family – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H, HPF], 1835 or c. 1823 [H&H] or c. 1830-1835 [NYS] or c. 1824 [CHS]. ? x 25-5/8" [CAP] or 31" x 25-1/2" [H&H] or 30-1/2" x 26", approx. [NYS] or 31" x 25-1/2" [CHS]. Descr.: Portrait, life size, of a woman, seated at a table, seen to waist, head turned slightly to the left [as viewed]; wears a full lace bonnet with lace ruffles; two bows on top are tied under her chin with bow; wears a dark dress with full sleeves; a dark blue shawl with flowered border over shoulders; r. hand is held in left / two books lie on top of table at which she is seated. Cond.: Traction cracking, most severe on face. Slight bloom in background. Note: Formerly titled Woman of the Radcliffe Family when given to the Senate House, but research identified her as Hannah Masten Radcliff who owned an inn known as the Ulster County House located next to the county courthouse in Kingston. She was first married to Walter DuBois who died in 1805, and then to William Radcliff who died in 1816. [NYS] Res.: Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830 (age 60-69). [DRA] Provenance: Bequeathed by the subject to her sister Mrs. James McEntee (Sarah Jane Goetschius); to her son Gerard McEntee; Senate House Association, Kingston, N.Y., probably gift of Mrs. Gerard McEntee, Kingston, N.Y. [d. June 1, 1913]; New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation [recorded 1979]. Note: the original acquisition source and date are unknown by New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, but are presumed by them to be as above, circa 1913. Exhibitions: 1930's to 1975 remodeling: Senate House Museum, second floor gallery #3. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 166, no. 35 [not illus.] as Lady of the Radcliffe Family of Kingston, N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Jones and Mearns, Ammi Phillips and Company (June 1982) n.p., fig 7 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, Antiques (September 1982): p. 551, Fig. 8 [b&w facsim.]. Status: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. (originally acquired circa 1913). Accession number: SH.1979.1.AB (372)(618). Not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 213, H&H: 90*, HPF: 71A.9, IAP: 81310079. See Volume 2.

395. Dr. J. Ransom, aka J. Ransom – Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1830 [HPF] or c. 1850 [DRA]. 33-3/4" x 28" [SNY] or 33" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Mrs. J. Ransom" [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "J. Ransom, DD, Poughkeepsie," probably in the artist's hand. [SNY] Descr.: Man with long brown hair and chinstrap beard; wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt, downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding closed book, l. hand not shown. Notes: Inscription hastily painted in large black letters on frame, the “DD” indistinct to illegible. Possibly Jonathan LeFevre Ransom (1820-1863) of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., who advertised himself as a crockery dealer from 1847 to 1863. [DRA] Provenance: Purchased from a home in Scituate, Mass.; collection of Mrs. Burton J. (Ruth A.) Fitzgerald, Milton, Mass. [1994]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale N07998 (June 22, 2004) Lot 178, catalog p. 92-93, sold $72,000 the pair (est. $30-60,000) to Steven Weiss, Water Mill, N.Y., for a client. Status: John Sideli Antiques & Fine Art, Westport, Mass. as of 2019. HPF: 71A.10. See Volume 2.

396. Mrs. J. Ransom, aka Portrait of a Woman, possibly Mrs. J. Ransom –Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1830 [HPF] or c. 1850 [DRA]. 33-3/4" x 28" [SNY] or 33" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Dr. J. Ransom" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with brown, center-parted hair; wearing black dress with small white lace collar, small white cap with ribbons on sides; seated facing p.r. on redupholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding parsley sprig. Note: Possibly Jane Tallmadge Ransom (1818-1887). See Dr. J. Ransom. [DRA] Provenance: See Dr. J. Ransom. Status: John Sideli Antiques & Fine Art, Westport, Mass. as of 2019. HPF: 71A.11. See Volume 2.

397. Unknown Girl (possibly of Raymond family), aka Portrait of a Young Woman, aka Portrait of a Dark-Haired Young Woman Wearing a Light Brown Dress Holding a Spray of Pinks, aka Portrait of a Young Girl in a Faun Colored Dress – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., probably [H&H] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF] or Southeast, Putnam Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1836 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1834-1836 [HPF] or c. 1835 [SNY] or 1839* [DRA]. 33-1/4" x 28" [H&H] or 33-1/4" x 27-1/2" [HPF] or 33" x 28" [SNY] or 33-1/4" x 28" [CHS]. Note: "The recent history of this painting is the same as that of the portraits of Mr. and Mrs. John Milton Raymond, and the subject may be another of their daughters." [H&H] Descr.: Young woman with brown, center-parted hair and long temple curls; wearing fawn-colored dress with balloon sleeves, wide lace-trimmed neckline and lace-trimmed cuffs; seated facing and leaning p.l. (chair not shown), l. arm resting on table with book, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding leaf sprig with red bud and red flower. [DRA] Note: Possibly Frances Anne Foster (1823-1839), younger sister of Augusta Maria Foster (Raymond) [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Wilbert John Hammond (1902-1972), Fishkill, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Collection of E. Murrell Baker (to 1991); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 6132 (February 1, 1991) Lot 886 [b&w facsim.], sold $22,000+10% (est. $8-12,000); David A. Schorsch, Woodbury, Conn.; Collection of Susan and Mark Laracy [1994]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., The Collection of Susan and Mark Laracy, Sale N08280 (January 20, 2007) Lot 7 [color facsim.], sold $220,000+20% (est. $30-60,000). References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 145 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 2, 2007): p. 69 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2007. CHS: 197, H&H: 173, HPF: 78A.15, IAP: 81310160. See Volume 2.

398. Florilla Mills Raymond (Mrs. John Milton Raymond, 1794-1870), aka Lady in a Ribboned Bonnet – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], 1836* [H&H] or c. 1836 [CHS, SNY]. 32" x 27" [CHS, H&H] or 33-1/2" x 26-1/2" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of John Milton Raymond [q.v.], mother of Hannah Mills Raymond [q.v.], sister of Almira Perry [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark hair and eyebrows; wearing black dress with wide embroidered organdy collar, elaborately beribboned bonnet with wide sheer ribbons tied on p.l. side; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), r. arm resting on two books on table, l. hand holding small book with index finger marking page. [DRA] Bio.: b. 8 Mar 1794, dau. of Bradley Mills (1766-1829) and Hannah (St. John) Mills (1769-1832); m. 7 Sep 1814 in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. to John Milton Raymond (17931867); d. 7 Dec 1870. Bur.: Congregational Church Cem., Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: To dau. of subject, Myra Ann (Raymond) Haxtun (1818-1886) widow of Andrew B. Haxtun (d. 1848); to her daughter-in-law, Lucy (Austin) Haxtun (1851-1941) widow of John Raymond Haxtun (1845-1889); Property of Mrs. L. A. Haxtun, Kent, Conn. [1925, 1930]; Wilbert John Hammond [1902-1972], Fishkill, N.Y. [1965, 1968]; Collection of E. Murrell Baker (to 1991); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 6132 (February 1, 1991) Lot 887, unidentified [b&w facsim.], sold $16,000+10% the pair (est. $15-20,000); George H. Meyer [1994]. Note: According to Helen Carlotta Nelson (1941), she and her husband found the Raymond portraits in the Haxtun family attic [in or before 1924]. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Peter A, Juley and Son, 1925, from negative owned by Mrs. G.L. [Helen C.] Nelson); Nelson, International Studio (March 1925): p. 457 [b&w facsim.]; Robinson, American Primitives (1930) p. 16, No. 10 [not illus.], as Mrs. Florilla Miller [sic] Raymond (lent by Mrs. L. A. Haxtun); Helen Carlotta Nelson, McCall Needlework, Winter 1941-42 (Sept. 1, 1941): p. 27 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 10 [not illus.], as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley;

Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 137 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Collection of George H. Meyer, [Bloomfield Hills, Mich.] as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 123, H&H: 171, HPF: 71A.12, IAP: 81310158. See Volume 2.

399. Hannah Mills Raymond (Mrs. Zaccheas Newcomb, 1815-1837), aka Hannah Raymond Newcomb, aka Myra Ann Mills Blair, aka Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Milton Raymond – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], 1836* [H&H] or c. 1836 [CHS, HPF]. 32" x 27" [CHS, H&H]. Dau. of John Milton Raymond [q.v.] and Florilla Mills Raymond [q.v.] per HPF (see additional notes). Descr.: Young woman with dark, center-parted hair; wearing black dress with wide embroidered organdy collar; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), r. arm resting on two books on table, r hand with upturned fingers holding leaf sprig with flower bud, l. hand in lap holding small closed book. [DRA] Notes: "Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Milton Raymond. The portrait has been identified as Myra Ann Mills Blair [sister of Florilla Mills Raymond], but the apparent youth of the subject makes this identification as her niece a more likely one." [H&H] The possibility remains that this is Myra Ann Mills Raymond (Mrs. Andrew B. Haxtun, 1817-1886), another daughter of John and Florilla (Mills) Raymond. See Provenance. [DRA] Previous owner claims that he had record reading: "Miss Hannah Blair, 1834, sister of John Raymond." [EGH] Provenance: Found in Kent, Conn. (see Florilla Mills Raymond local provenance); purchased by Downtown Gallery, N.Y. (Edith G. Halpert) 3/52, by whom sold to Caedmon Publishers [Barbara Holdridge] 1/10/59; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Holdridge, Baltimore, Md. [1961, 1965, 1968, 1994]. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Peter A. Juley and Son, 1925, from negative owned by Mrs. G.L. [Helen C.] Nelson); Helen Carlotta Nelson, McCall Needlework, Winter 1941-42 (Sept. 1, 1941): p. 27 [b&w facsim.] as "Miss Myra Ann Mills" identifying Mrs. Raymond as her elder sister; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 16 [not illus.]; Poughkeepsie Journal, Vol. 176, No. 259 (April 30, 1961): p. 1-C [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 560 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 137 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 35 [b&w facsim.]. Status: See provenance. CHS: 121, H&H: 172*, HPF: 71A.13, IAP: 81310159. See Volume 2.

400. John Milton Raymond (1793-1867), aka Gentleman in a Black Frock Coat Holding the New York Observer – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [CHS, H&H], 1836*. 32" x 27" [CHS, H&H] or 33-1/2" x 26-1/2" [SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Florilla Mills Raymond [q.v.], father of Hannah Mills Raymond [q.v.]. Inscr. (on newspaper): “OBSERVER” dated "July 4, 1836" [H&H]. Descr.: Man with long sideburns; wearing high-collared black jacket and vest, white shirt and upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; facing p.l. holding newspaper (see inscription) diagonally between hands Note: The visible masthead is consistent with the NewYork Observer (pub. 1829-1912). Bio.: b. 9 Mar 1793 in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., son of John Raymond (1764-1829) and Zerviah Dewey (Fuller) Raymond (1769-1833); m. 7 Sep 1814 in Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. to Florilla Mills (1794-1870); d. 27 Apr 1867. Bur.: Congregational Church Cem., Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. Res.: Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1830 through 1860 (Farmer). [DRA] Provenance: See Florilla Mills Raymond. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Peter A. Juley and Son, 1925, from negative owned by Mrs. G.L. [Helen C.] Nelson); Nelson, International Studio, (March 1925): p. 456 [b&w facsim.]; Robinson, American Primitives (1930) p. 16, No. 9 [not illus.], as John Milton Raymond, Esq. 1836 (lent by Mrs. L. A. Haxtun); Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 9 [not illus.], as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 137 [b&w facsim.] Status: Collection of George H. Meyer, [Bloomfield Hills, Mich.] as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 122, H&H: 170, HPF: 71A.14, IAP: 81310157. See Volume 2.

401. Abigail Reynolds Reed (Mrs. Philo Reed, 1791-1864) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1829*. 31" x 25" [SI, HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Philo Reed [q.v.]. Sister of George Greenwood Reynolds [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "Abigail Reynolds Reed Amenia, N.Y." Descr.: Dark-haired woman in black dress with organdy and lace collar, beribboned bonnet with two untied ribbons trailing front and back; seated facing p.r. in pillow-back side chair, r. arm resting chair back, l. hand in lap holding small book with spine up. [DRA] Cond.: Good, scattered paint loss, craquelure. [SI] Bio.: b. 11 July 1791 in Bristol, R.I., dau. of George Reynolds (1756-1808) and Abigail (Peck) Reynolds (1758-1837); m. 15 Dec 1813 to Philo Reed; d. 29 Apr 1864. Bur.: South Amenia Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co. N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: To Eliza Reed (Mrs. Albert Cline), adopted dau. of the subjects; to her dau., Harriet Cline (Mrs. Franklin Baylis); to her dau., Eliza Baylis [Mrs. Walter Nowak, 1883-1975]; through the sitters' family to a private New England collection [per Christie’s]; Christie's, New York, Sale 5890 (May 23, 1985) Lot 71, sold $34,000+10% the pair to Ohio dealer Bill Samaha; Skinner, Bolton, Mass., Sale 1274, Session II (October 28, 1989) Lot 260, sold $25,000 the pair (est. $40-50,000) to Stanley A. Lewis, New York, N.Y.; Stair Galleries, Hudson, N.Y. (September 9, 2009) Lot 186, sold $12,000 the pair (est.$10-20,000). Status: Sold at auction 2009. HPF: 71A.15. See Volume 2.

402. Mr. James Reed, aka Portrait of a Husband – North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1835 [Skinner] or c. 1850 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 28" [Skinner]. One of a pair. The couple purported to be Mr. and Mrs. James Reed [see note]. Descr.: Gentleman with five-o’clock shadow, receding hairline with widow’s peak; wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt and downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l., possibly in upholstered armchair, holding a large closed book in lap with r. hand, spine down, index finger marking page, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Eight tears in the canvas, retouch around eyes, cheek and chin, lapels, scattered areas in background, with surface grime. [Skinner] Since restored. [CRN] Note: Unlikely to be James Reed (1792-1830). The subject is possibly his son-in-law, Dewitt Clinton Dakin, Sr. (1811-1868) [DRA] Provenance: By family descent from Mary Reed Dakin (1824-1903); to her son, Dewitt Clinton Dakin, Jr. (1860-1938); to his daughter, Dorothy Paine Dakin (Mrs. James Todd Pine, 1900-1999); to her granddaughter, Dorothy Brewster Elder; Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2494 (March 7, 2010) Lot 114, unsold (est. $8-12,000 the pair); a private East Coast collection; CRN Auctions, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. (April 23, 2023) Lot 175, sold $1,600+27% the pair (est. $3-5,000). Status: Sold at auction 2023. See Volume 2.

403. Mrs. James Reed, aka Portrait of a Wife – North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1835 [Skinner] or c. 1850 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 28" [Skinner]. One of a pair. The couple purported to be Mr. and Mrs. James Reed [see note]. Descr.: Woman with centerparted hair, wearing a black v-neck dress with lace-trimmed collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r. on a red upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand with upturned fingers holding opened letter. [DRA] Cond.: Retouch around eyes, nose, chin, neck, and scattered areas in background, with surface grime. [Skinner] Since restored. [CRN] Note: The subject is possibly the wife of Dewitt Clinton Dakin, Sr.: (1st) Ann Eliza Reed Dakin (1825-1851), or (2nd) Mary Reed Dakin (1824-1903). [DRA] Provenance: See Mr. James Reed. Status: Sold at auction 2023. See Volume 2.

404. Philo Reed (1787-1855) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1829*. 31" x 25" [SI, HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Abigail Reynolds Reed [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso, l.r.): "Philo Reed Aged 42, Taken by Phillips 1829", and holding letter: "Mr. Philo Reed Amenia, New York", postmarked "New York Feb. 19th". [SI] Descr.: Long-faced gentleman wearing black jacket, cream-colored and striped vest, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding opened letter. Bio.: b. 3 Apr 1787 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of James Reed (1736-1814) and Joanna (Castle) Reed (1743-1820); m. 15 Dec 1813 to Abigail Reynolds (1791-1864); d. 5 Jan 1855. Bur.: South Amenia Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co. N.Y. Res.: Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820 through 1850

(Farmer). [DRA] Provenance: See Abigail Reynolds Reed. Status: Sold at auction 2009. HPF: 71B.1. See Volume 2.

405. Abigail Pennoyer Reynolds (Mrs. George Greenwood Reynolds, 1793-1863), aka Abigail Penoyer Reynolds – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1829*. 30-7/8" x 247/8". One of a pair. Wife of George Greenwood Reynolds [q.v.]. Inscr. (u.l. in red): "Painted by A. Phillips, June 24, 1829" Descr.: Hollow-cheeked woman wearing black dress with embroidered organdy collar, bonnet with bows on either side and long untied ribbons hanging front and back; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated pillowback chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding small thick book “WATTS” with spine up. Note: Probably Dr. Isaac Watts’ “The Psalms of David” (pub. Boston 1768 in identical binding and label). Bio.: b. 25 Apr 1793 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Jonathan Pennoyer (1765-1841) and Christina (Powers) Pennoyer (1765-1841); m. 26 May 1819 to George Greenwood Reynolds (1788-1872); d. 17 Feb 1863. Bur.: Amenia Island Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. John L. Guinther; San Diego Museum of Art (Gift of Mrs. John L. Guinther in memory of John Greenwood Reynolds, M.D.). Reference: Hollander and Fertig (1994), p. 37, Pl. XXVII [color facsim.]. Status: San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, Cal. HPF: 71B.3, IAP: 03940136. See Volume 2.

406. George Greenwood Reynolds (1788-1872) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1829*. 30-3/4" x 25". One of a pair. Husband of Abigail Pennoyer Reynolds [q.v.]. Brother of Abigail Reynolds Reed [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): “Intelligencer June 24, 1829". Descr.: Gray-haired man with long sideburns; wearing black jacket, white shirt and upturned collar, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding newspaper (see inscription). Bio.: b. 15 Nov 1788 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of George Reynolds (1756-1808) and Abigail (Peck) Reynolds (1758-1837); m. 26 May 1819 to Abigail Pennoyer (1793-1863); d. 31 Jan 1872. Bur.: Amenia Island Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820 through 1860 (Farmer). [DRA] Provenance: See Abigail Pennoyer Reynolds. Reference: Hollander and Fertig (1994), p. 37, Pl. XXVI [color facsim.]. Status: San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, Cal. HPF: 71B.4, IAP: 03940137. See Volume 2.

407. Julia Reynolds (1803-1870) – Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF]; North East (Pine Plains), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1820-1825 [HPF] or c. 1820 [DRA] Daughter of Dr. Israel Reynolds [see Addenda]. Sister of Walter Reynolds [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman in pale dress with large two-layer pleated collar; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated side chair, r. arm resting on table, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Bio.: Probably dau. of Dr. Israel Reynolds [1772-1824] and Deborah Dorr Reynolds [1770-1850]; b. 1803; d. 22 Sep 1870; bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, N.Y. [DRA] Note: Brownstein (2007) identifies Julia Reynolds (1803 - c. 1823) as Mrs. Hiram Wilson, however Julia's sister Elizabeth is apparently the wife of Hiram Wilson, and Julia Reynolds (67) is living with them in 1870 in Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Walter Reynolds. Reference: Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 156, Fig. 8 [b&w facsim., photo courtesy Howard Fertig]. Status: Location unknown as of 2007. HPF: 71B.5.

408. Walter Reynolds (1801-1844) – Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF]; North East (Pine Plains), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1820-1825 [HPF] or c. 1820 [DRA]. Son of Dr. Israel Reynolds [see Addenda]. Brother of Julia Reynolds [q.v.]. Descr.: Young man wearing black jacket, white ruffled jabot, tall white stock without bow, tall upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, r. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand not shown. Bio.: “Walter Reynolds, son of Dr. Israel and Deborah (Dorr) Reynolds, of North East, now Pine Plains, Dutchess County, New York, was born in February 1801, and entered Yale in 1820. He studied law in Albany, and began practice there; but returned, perhaps about 1830, to Pine Plains, where he continued until his death, in the spring of 1844, in his 44th year. He married, in May 1839, Julia W. Husted, of Pine

Plains. A son and a daughter survived him. Mrs. Reynolds next married G. H. Duzebury [Giles H. Duxbury], of Pine Plains." [Franklin Bowditch Dexter, Biographical Notices of Graduates of Yale College (New Haven, Conn.: 1913)]. Provenance: Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn. (dealer); to a private collection as of 1994 [HPF]; whereabouts unknown as of 2007. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 71B.6.

409. Leonard Richardson (1808-1864) – Lime Rock, Litchfield Co., Conn. [HPF], c. 1852 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [CNY]. One of three. Husband of Lucy Anne Barnum Richardson [q.v.], father of Milo Barnum Richardson [q.v.]. Inscr. (on pamphlet): “DIRECTORS / OF THE / HOUSATONIC RAILROAD / COMPANY” [annual report to stockholders] Descr.: Plump-faced man wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt and downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in redupholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding pamphlet (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 10 Sep 1808, son of John Richardson (17771834) and Dorothy (Cobb) Richardson (1775-1859); m. 16 Apr 1832 in Lime Rock, Conn. to Lucy Anne Barnum (1814-1899); d. 4 Jan 1864. Bur.: Lime Rock Cem., Town of Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. Res.: Litchfield Co., Conn., 1830; Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1850, 1860 (Manufacturer). Co-founder, with father-in-law Milo Barnum, of Barnum, Richardson & Co., iron founders, Lime Rock, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: Milo Barnum Richardson, Sr., son of the subjects; Milo Barnum Richardson, Jr. [1879-1936], grandson of the subjects; Mrs. George H. (Marjorie Richardson) Sawallis [1911-2000], great-granddaughter of the subjects; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 6536 (January 23, 1988) Lot 146, sold $48,000 the pair (est. $40-60,000); to Samuel Herrup and Fred Giampietro (dealers), sold in 1989. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 71B.7. See Volume 2.

410. Lucy Anne Barnum Richardson (Mrs. Leonard Richardson, 1814-1899) –Lime Rock, Litchfield Co., Conn. [HPF], c. 1852 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [CNY]. One of three. Wife of Leonard Richardson [q.v.], mother of Milo Barnum Richardson [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing black dress with small white lace collar and red tie; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on sofa arm, a red, green and gray shawl wrapped around r. arm and back and held with l. hand Bio.: b. 18 Jul 1814 in Sharon, Conn., dau of Milo Barnum (1790-1860) and Laura (Tibbals) Barnum (1796-1880); m. 16 Apr 1832 in Lime Rock, Conn. to Leonard Richardson (1808-1864); d. 9 Jun 1899. Bur.: Lime Rock Cem., Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: See Leonard Richardson. Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 71B.8. See Volume 2.

411. Milo Barnum Richardson (1849-1912) – Lime Rock, Litchfield Co., Conn. [HPF], c. 1852 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [CNY]. One of three. Son of Leonard Richardson [q.v.] and Lucy Anne (Barnum) Richardson [q.v.]. Descr.: Small boy in a red dress, white stockings, and shoes with spats; standing facing p.r., glancing p.l.; with r. hand petting a sitting dog with upturned face. Bio.: b. 14 Feb 1849, son of Leonard Richardson (1808-1864) and Lucy Anne (Barnum) Richardson (1814-1899); m. 23 May 1872 in Falls Village, Conn. to Ellen Caroline Miner (1848-1925); d. 17 May 1912. Bur.: Lime Rock Cem., Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn. State senator and Pres. of Barnum, Richardson & Co., iron founders. [DRA] Provenance: Milo Barnum Richardson, Jr. [1879-1936], son of the subject; Mrs. George H. (Marjorie Richardson) Sawallis [19112000], granddaughter of the subject; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 6536 (January 23, 1988) Lot 145 [full-page color facsim.] sold $68,000+10% (est. $60-90,000); to Samuel Herrup and Fred Giampietro (dealers), sold in 1989. Reference: Lavitt, Animals in American Folk Art (1990) p. 111 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 71B.9. See Volume 2.

412. General David Robinson (1754-1843) aka Major General David Robinson –Bennington, Bennington Co., Vt. [HPF], c. 1818-1820 [SNY]. 39-1/2" x 33-1/2" [SNY] or 39" x 32-1/2" [H&A]. One of a pair. Husband of Nancy Caldwell Church Robinson [q.v.]. Note: This work, unknown to the Holdridges in 1968, was apparently reunited with its companion by Thomas G. Rizzo. Descr.: Man with long gray hair; wearing black jacket and vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in fancy- painted white and gold armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, r. arm resting on table (r. chair arm curiously missing), holding quill pen in r. hand. Large book on table. Dark red drapery in u.l. corner. [DRA] Bio.: b. 4 Nov 1754 in Hardwick, Worcester Co., Mass., son of Samuel Robinson (1707-1767) and Mercy (Leonard) Robinson (1714-1795); m. (1st) to Sarah Fay (1757-1801); m. (2nd) 27 Feb 1803 to Eunice Dickinson (1759-1813); m. (3rd) aft. 1813 to Nancy Caldwell Church (1763-1845); d. 11 Dec 1843. Bur.: Old Bennington Cem., Bennington, Vt. [DRA] David Robinson served in the Revolution as a private at the Battle of Bennington, August 16, 1777, and rose rapidly by regular promotion to the rank of Major General. He resigned that office in 1817. From 1789-1811 he also served as sheriff of Bennington County, then was appointed United States Marshal, which office he held until 1819. [The Vermont Gazette] Provenance: Private collection; Steven Miller, New York, N.Y. (dealer); Marna Anderson Gallery, New York, N.Y., 19801981; Thomas G. Rizzo, New York, N.Y.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., The Thomas G. Rizzo Collection of Important American Folk Art and Related Decorative Arts, Sale 4911M (April 29, 1982) Lot 12 [color facsim.], sold $90,000+10% the pair. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Hirschl & Adler Galleries, 1977); Antiques (September 1981): [b&w facsim., Marna Anderson Gallery]; Lines of a Different Character (exhibit catalog), Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. (1983) p. 17, no. 6b [color facsim.]; Antiques (January 1984): p. 6 [color facsim., H&A]; Antiques (April 1990): [color facsim., H&A]. Status: Bennington Museum, Bennington, Vt. (1994 purchase). Accession number: 1994.8.1. HPF: 71B.10, IAP: 61071722. See Volume 2.

413. Nancy Caldwell Church Robinson (Mrs. David Robinson, 1763-1845) –Bennington, Bennington Co., Vt. [H&H], c. 1818 [H&H] or c. 1818-1820 [HPF] or c. 1819 [B&E]. 39" x 32-1/2" [H&A, H&H]. One of a pair. Wife (3rd) of Gen. David Robinson [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in gray dress, with black shawl and lace cap; seated in a fancy painted white & gold chair, resting r. arm on chair arm and l. arm on table, holding a book in r. hand (pages held open with thumb). Dark red drapery in u.r. corner. [DRA] Bio.: Nancy Caldwell, b. 6 Mar 1763 in Hartford, Conn., dau. of James Caldwell (1727-1814) and Abigail (Bigelow) Caldwell (1732-1812); m. (1st) to George Church (1760-1809); m. (2nd) aft. 1813 to David Robinson (1754-1843); d. 18 Dec 1845 Bur.: Old Bennington Cem., Bennington, Vt. Provenance: George McDonald (dealer), Washington, D.C., 1967; Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. [1968, 1970]; Thomas J. Rizzo, New York, 1973-1981; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., The Thomas G. Rizzo Collection of Important American Folk Art and Related Decorative Arts, Sale 4911M (April 29, 1982) Lot 12 [color facsim.], sold $90,000+10% the pair. References: Holdridge (1968) p. 31 [b&w facsim.]; Feld (1970) p. 28, no. 28 [b&w facsim.]; Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Hirschl & Adler Galleries, 1977); Lines of a Different Character (exhibit catalog), Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. (1983) p. 16, no. 6a [color facsim.]; Antiques (January 1984): p. 6 [color facsim., H&A]. Status: Bennington Museum, Bennington, Vt. (1994 purchase). Accession number: 1994.8.2. H&H: 38*, HPF: 71B.11, IAP: 81310032. See Volume 2.

414. Rebecca Beebe Rockwell (Mrs. Reuben Rockwell, 1772-1853) – Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1842 [H&H]. Descr.: Older woman wearing spectacles, black dress, dark shawl over white fischu, white bonnet with ruffles on sides and ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.l., l. arm resting on large book on table, l. hand holding smaller thick book with spine up. Bio.: b. 18 Aug 1772 in Litchfield, Conn., dau. of Col. Bezaleel Beebe (1741-1824) and Elizabeth (Marsh) Beebe (1745-1825); m. circa 1804 to Reuben Rockwell (1765-1840); d. 5 Feb 1853 in Colebrook, Conn. Bur.: South Cem., Colebrook, Litchfield Co., Conn. (Rebekah Beebe). Note: Listed in HPF as “Related to Ammi Phillips’s sister-in-law.” That comment, however, was mistakenly derived from the following entry (Nancy Hungerford) in the H&H

catalog [DRA] Provenance: The portrait used to hang in the Reuben Rockwell House, Colebrook, Conn. where Judge Julius Rockwell, later of Pittsfield and Lenox, Mass., was born in 1805; from at least 1916 on (when the house was sold) the portrait was in the home of his son, Francis William Rockwell, of Pittsfield, Mass.; after the death of the latter's wife, in 1939, the portrait was placed in the custodianship of his son, Mr. William Walker Rockwell, New York, but it is actually owned by Mr. Henry D. Rockwell and Mr. Samuel F. Rockwell, North Andover, Mass. (as of 1942) [FARL]; Colebrook Historical Society, Colebrook, Conn. (gift of William Rockwell). Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]. Status: Colebrook Historical Society, Inc., Colebrook, Conn. as of 1968. [H&H] H&H: 225, HPF: 71B.12, IAP: 81310211. See Volume 2.

415. Jerusha Rogers (c. 1804-?), aka Miss Jerusha Rogers (b. 1804, later Mrs. Edward Washburn), aka Jerusha Rogers Washburn (c. 1806-1881) – possibly Albany, N.Y. area [H&H] or possibly Albany, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y. [NEA], c. 1814 [CHS] or c. 1812 [H&H, IAP] or c. 1812-1814 [HPF] or c. 1814-1818 [NEA]. 25-1/4" x 18-3/4" [NEA]. Descr.: Elbow-length portrait of a young girl, facing p.r., with brown hair and wispy ringlets, wearing a yellow Empire dress, long embroidered lace gloves, gold teardrop earrings, gold necklace with jet pendant, and a jet brooch. Forearms and hands not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Relined; surface grime; small spots of touchup to forehead, shoulders and chest; fine touchup line across neck, possibly a tear repair; touchup to stretcher lines. [NEA verbal] Notes: Incorrectly cataloged by Smithsonian as "Portrait male Child". The atypical cropping and dimensions suggest that the canvas may have been reduced. Probably Jerusha Rogers, b. 4 Feb 1806 in Greenwich, Washington Co., N.Y., dau. of Nathan Rogers (1767-1825) and Dorothea (Cleveland) Rogers (1789-1861); m. 1827 in Saratoga, N.Y. to Edward Washburn (1802-1882); res. Ft. Edward, Washington, Co., N.Y., 1850 through 1880 (Jarusha R. Washburn); d. 25 Mar 1881. [DRA] Provenance: Found in the attic of the home of the Washburn family, Wurtsboro, N.Y.; Mrs. W.H. Hubner [1911-1994], Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (purchased from S. Edna Fletcher, Olde Stone House Antiques, Newburgh, N.Y., circa 1959); incorrectly listed as in the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., the painting continued in the ownership of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Hubner, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. [FARL]; Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., per Holdridge (1961) and Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965), possibly on loan [DRA]; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hubner, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 1968 [H&H]; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H. (August 2, 2014) Lot 299, sold $28,000+20% (est. $7-10,000); Collection of Leslie Anne Miller and Richard B. Worley, Bryn Mawr, Pa. as of 2014. References: Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 562 [not illus.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (NYSHA, 1959). Status: Private collection. CHS: 124, H&H: 7, HPF: 71B.13, IAP: 81310007. See Volume 2.

416. Sarah Rogers (1800-?), aka Sarah Rogers of Poughkeepsie, New York or Eveline Cornell Rogers (Mrs. Stephen Vincent Rogers, 1802-1880) –Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1835. 37" x 30" (accurate) or 37" x 297/8" [HPF]. Descr.: Woman with slight double-chin, tall hair bun (or and/or comb) wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, embroidered and pleated lace cuffs, wide embroidered organdy collar, small earring(s); seated facing p.l. (chair not shown) with l. arm resting on book on table with glass bowl of peaches, r. hand in lap holding a peach. Red drapery with black fringe and red tassels in u.l. corner. [DRA] Note: Per HPF, possibly [Eveline] Cornell Rogers, sister of Helen Cornell Manney [q.v.].

Provenance: Robert Carlen, Philadelphia, Pa. (dealer); Edgar and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch [as of 1968]; Baltimore Museum of Art (gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, 1973). References: Johnston (1983) p. 128, no. 107 [facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 42, Pl. XL [color facsim.]. Status: Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Md. (acquired 1973). Accession number: 1973.92.1. H&H: 159, HPF: 71B.14, IAP: 70831032 and 81310146. See Volume 2.

417. John S. Rowell – Vermont [CHS]; or New York or Vermont, possibly [HPF], c. 1843 [CHS, H&H]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/4" [CHS, H&H, HPF]. Inscr.: Subject holds a newspaper entitled "Telegraph". "John S. Rowell" in faint pencil on stretcher, in later hand. [H&H] Note: CHS 125, not 126 [H&H error]. Possibly same as Portrait of a Man Holding the “Telegraph” [q.v.]. Provenance: Rutherford J. Gettens [1900-1974],

Washington, D.C. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 125, H&H: 235, HPF: 71B.15, IAP: 81310221. N.B.: Possible duplicate in HPF.

418. Colonel Henry Rundall (1799-1871) – Amenia-Wassaic, Dutchess Co., N.Y. region [CHS] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area [H&H], Wassaic region of [HPF], 1841 [CHS] or 1847* [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 28" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Nancy Totten Sutherland Rundall [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "1841 Aged 48" [HPF]. Descr.: Man with receded hairline; wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt, downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l., r. hand holding closed book (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 4 Mar 1799, son of David Ruben Rundall (1757-1848) and Catherine (Powers) Rundall (1757-1799); m 12 Dec 1821 to Nancy Totten Sutherland (1803-1869); commissioned as captain (1826), major (1827), and colonel (1830) in New York State Militia; res. Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830 through 1870 (Farmer); d. 3 Nov 1871, bur. Amenia Island Cem., Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Nov. 3, 1871, Æ. 72 Yrs.). Note: Inscription on both paintings is inconsistent with subjects' ages in records, but both would match if date were read as 1847, not 1841. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Olga Weaver, Pine Plains, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Kenneth F. Hammitt [1920-1992], New York, N.Y. and Woodbury, Conn. (personal collection) as of 1971, 1985. Note: Olga Weaver (Mrs. Hugh Weaver, Millbrook, N.Y.) dau. of Henry and Olga K. Rundall of Pine Plains, N.Y. References: Antiques, Vol. C, No. 1 (July 1971): p. 72 [b&w facsim.]; Kenneth V. Hammitt, “Living with antiques: Connecticut furniture in a New York City penthouse,” Antiques (August 1985): p. 270, Pl. I [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994 [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 126, H&H: 220, HPF: 72A.1, IAP: 81310206. See Volume 2.

419. Nancy Totten Sutherland Rundall (Mrs. Henry Rundall, 1803-1869) –Amenia-Wassaic, Dutchess Co., N.Y. region [CHS] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area [H&H], Wassaic region of [HPF], 1841 [CHS] or 1847* [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 28" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Col. Henry Rundall [q.v.], and dau. of Sarah Totten Sutherland (Mrs. Roger Barton Sutherland) [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "NANCY T. RUNDALL AGED 44 1841" printed in Phillips’s hand. [CHS, H&H, see Note] Descr.: Woman in black dress with small lace collar, bonnet with ribbons on side and tied under chin; seated facing p.r. on a sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding closed book. Bio.: b. 18 Apr 1803; m. 12 Dec 1821 to Henry Rundall (17991871); d. 31 Jan 1869; bur. Amenia Island Cem. (Jan 31, 1869, Æ 66 Yrs.). Note: Inscription on both paintings is inconsistent with subjects' ages in records, but would match if date were read as 1847, not 1841. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Olga Weaver, Pine Plains, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Kenneth F. Hammitt [1920-1992], New York, N.Y. and Woodbury, Conn. (personal collection) as of 1971, 1985 Note: Olga Weaver (Mrs. Hugh Weaver, Millbrook, N.Y.) dau. of Henry and Olga K. Rundall of Pine Plains, N.Y. References: Antiques, Vol. C, No. 1 (July 1971): p. 72 [b&w facsim.]; Kenneth V. Hammitt, “Living with antiques: Connecticut furniture in a New York City penthouse,” Antiques (August 1985): p. 270, Pl. I [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 127, H&H: 221, HPF: 72A.2, IAP: 81310207. See Volume 2.

420. Fanny Brush Rundle (Mrs. William Rundle, 1786-1865), aka Fanny Brush –Greenwich, Fairfield Co., Conn. [HPF] or New Hartford, Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1832-1835 [SDMA]. 30-5/8" x 24-5/8" (sight) or 31" x 25" [SDMA]. Descr.: Woman wearing black dress with embroidered organdy collar, bonnet with ribbons on top and long ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r., r. arm resting on two books on table, r. hand clasped in l. hand. Bio.: Fanny F. Brush, b. 1786, dau. of Benjamin Brush (1764-1847) and Samantha (Reynolds) Brush (1766-1849); m. 26 Oct 1808 in Stanwich, Fairfield Co., Conn. to William Rundel [sic]; d. 1 May 1865. Bur.: Middle Patent Rural Cem., Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y. Res.: New Hartford, Litchfield Co., Conn.,1840, 1850. [DRA] Note: Listed in CAP and SDMA inventory as Fanny Brush. Provenance: By descent to Eva Lillian Hughes, granddaughter of subject (1934); San Diego Museum of Art (bequest of Eva Lillian Hughes). Status: San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, Cal. (acquired 1934). Accession number: 1934.19. HPF: 62B.12, IAP: 03940046. See Volume 2.

421. Elizabeth Moose Russell (Mrs. Jeremiah Russell, 1789-1846) – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [SNY], c. 1834-1836 [HPF] or 1836 [CNY] or c. 1834 [SNY]. 34" x 25" or 27" x 33" [SM, HPF] or 32" x 26" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Jeremiah Russell [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black dress with balloon sleeves, tall ruffled bonnet with long ribbons tied under chin; seated facing and leaning p.r. (chair not shown), r. arm resting on book on table, holding partially-folded spectacles with both hands, l. hand with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 24 Jun 1789 in West Camp, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Henry Moose (1754-1838) and Maria (Baer) Moose (1761-1834); m. 2 Nov 1806 to Jeremiah P. Russell (1786-1867); d. 9 Jun 1846. Bur.: Mountain View Cem., Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family of the sitters to Kay Potter, greatgranddaughter, Stephentown, N.Y. [to Elizabeth N. Russell (Mrs. Thomas S. Dawes) 1829-1912, dau. of the subjects; to her son and dau.-in law, Alice Tanner (Mrs. Spencer L. Dawes) 1866-1940; to their dau., Mercy Burgess Dawes (Mrs. William L. Fanning) 1892-1983; to her dau., Katherine Fanning Potter, 19262013]; Steve Miller, New York, N.Y., 1981 to 1989; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5810 (January 26-28, 1989) Lot 1290 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $25-35,000); Shari and Steve Vagnino, St. Louis Mo.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver and Prints, Sale 1591 (May 19, 2005) Lot 121, sold $43,000+20% (est. $50-70,000); R.H. Love Galleries, Chicago (sold). References: The Clarion (Spring/Summer 1981): p. 7 [facsim.]; Antiques (January 1989) [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold by R.H. Love Galleries, Chicago, Illinois. HPF: 72A.3. See Volume 2.

422. Jeremiah Russell (1786-1867) – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [SNY], c. 1834-1836 [HPF] or 1836 [CNY] or c. 1834 [SNY]. 34" x 25" or 27" x 33" [SM, HPF] or 32" x 26" [SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth Moose Russell [q.v.]. Descr.: Man wearing high-collared black jacket, white shirt, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated (possibly stenciled) side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. arm resting on green covered table with book and letter, r. hand holding quill pen. [DRA] Bio.: Jeremiah Russell (1786-1867) was born in West Camp, Ulster County, New York, the son of Ludwig and Catherine Fiero Russell. He married Elizabeth Moose (b. 1788), the daughter of Henry and Marie Moose, in 1806. In 1814 he moved his family to Saugerties, New York, where he was a merchant, banker and legislator. [CNY] U.S. Representative from New York, 1843-45; d. 30 Sep 1867; bur. Mountain View Cem., Saugerties, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Elizabeth Moose Russell. References: See Elizabeth Moose Russell. Status: Sold by R.H. Love Galleries, Chicago, Illinois. HPF: 72A.4. See Volume 2.

423. Gentleman Seated on a Grain-Painted Fancy Chair (Pair of Russell Family Portraits), aka Mr. Russell – unknown locale, 1830's [DRA]. 32" x 26" [SNY] or 31.6" x 25.5" [CNY] or 31-5/8" x 25-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Young Woman with Lace Collar Seated on a Sofa" [q.v.]. Inscr.: Name written on back of stretcher. [HPF] Descr.: Young man with reddish sideburns wearing black jacket, white stock with bow, upturned collar, ruffled jabot; unusual backward-leaning pose, facing p.l. with head turned p.r., with l. arm wrapped around the top corner of a fancypainted side chair, r. forearm leaning on a letter on a green leather-covered table; l. hand holding an opened envelope with red seal, r. hand holding a quill pen. [DRA] Cond.: Heavily restored and inpainted. [HPF*] Provenance: Mainsail Auction Co., Marstons Mills, Mass. (January 19, 1993) Lot 50, returned by a N.Y. dealer [condition issue] and subsequently resold to a dealer at $3,000 the pair; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art & Decorative Arts (October 23, 1993) Lot 100, sold $5,800+15% the pair (est. $7-10,000); Collection of Dr. William K. Rashbaum and Mary B. Sams, New York, N.Y. as of 1994; Ballyhack Antiques [Mary B. Sams], Cornwall Bridge, Conn. as of 1999; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 7420 (Friday, January 21, 2000) Lot 423 [color facsim.], sold $19,000+15% the pair (est. $15-25,000); Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H., New Hampshire Weekend Americana Auction (August 6, 2000) Lot 678, sold $18,000+15% the pair; Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H., New Hampshire Auction (August 1-3, 2003) Lot 186. Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (January 8, 1999): p. S-10 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2000. HPF: 72A.5. See Volume 2.

424. Young Woman with Lace Collar Seated on a Sofa (Pair of Russell Family Portraits), aka Mrs. Russell – unknown locale, 1830's [DRA]. 32" x 26" [SNY] or 31.6" x 25.5" [CNY] or 31-5/8" x 25-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Gentleman Seated on a Grain-Painted Fancy Chair" [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with long neck, Apollo-knot hair, wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, large circular two-layer lace collar, sheer cuffs; seated on red sofa with leaf-carving, facing p.l. and leaning forward, l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers. [DRA] Cond.: See companion. Provenance: See companion. References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (January 8, 1999): p. S-10 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (August 18, 2000): p. 58 [b&w facsim ]. Status: Sold at auction 2000. HPF: 72A.6. See Volume 2.

425. Abraham A. Salisbury (1771-1845) – Leeds, Greene Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H]. Father of Elsie Salisbury [q.v.] and brother of Katherine Salisbury Newkirk Hickok [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 27 May 1771, son of Abraham Salisbury, Jr. (1744-1808) and Elsie Hasbrouck (1742-1812); m. 14 Aug 1814 to Catherine Newkirk (1798-1881); d. 3 Apr 1845; bur. Town of Catskill Cem., Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. Note: Possible companion portrait to Catherine Newkirk Salisbury (see note under Elsie Salisbury). Status: Location unknown as of 1968, 1994. [H&H, HPF] H&H: 300, HPF: 72A.7, IAP: 81310286.

426. Elsie Salisbury (later Mrs. Abraham H. Newkirk, 1819-1906) – Leeds, Greene Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 1830 [DRA]. 32" x 26-1/2". Dau. of Abraham A. Salisbury [q.v.] and niece (later dau.-in-law) of Katherine Salisbury Newkirk Hickok [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark hair, wearing embroidered and beribboned bonnet tied with ribbons under chin, black dress with square-cornered collar; facing p.r. with small partially-open red book in l. hand, one page held between thumb and forefinger of r. hand. Bio.: b. 15 Mar 1819 in Leeds, Greene Co., N.Y., dau. of Abraham A. Salisbury (1771-1845) and Catherine (Newkirk) Salisbury (1790-1881); m. 26 Mar 1856 in Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y. to double first cousin Abraham Hasbrouck Newkirk (1803-1881); d. 10 Dec 1906 in Athens, Greene Co., N.Y.; bur. Town of Catskill Cem., Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA] Notes: Similar to Mary Ludlow Austin [q.v.], also of Greene Co., N.Y., circa 1830. Misidentified in SIRIS (1977) as Elsje Hasbrouck (1742-1812), wife of Abraham Salisbury. Elsie Salisbury Newkirk’s date of birth also makes the H&H (1968) identification improbable. A more likely identification, consistent with the dating and provenance, would be Catharine Newkirk Salisbury (1790-1881), mother of Elsie Salisbury Newkirk. [DRA] Provenance: By descent from Elsie Salisbury Newkirk to her daughter, Anna Catherine Newkirk (Mrs. Willet C. Hunter, 1862-1934); to her daughter, Beulah Newkirk Hunter (Mrs. George M. Rapp, 1898-1977); to Greene County Historical Society, gift of Beulah Newkirk Hunter Rapp. Status: Bronck Museum, Greene County Historical Society, Coxsackie, N.Y. On exhibit as of 2015 H&H: 199, HPF: 72A.8, IAP: 34150050 and 81310185.

427. James Mairs Salisbury (1832-aft. 1880), aka Portrait of James Mairs Salisbury and His Dog – Catskill Landing, Greene Co., N.Y., 1830 or c. 1840 [DW] or c. 1835 [HPF]. 32" x 27". Descr.: Dark-haired young boy in blue dress, white pleated pantalettes and gray shoes; seated facing p.r. on red footstool, holding sprig with strawberries in l. hand and single strawberry in r. hand. Small dog with white blaze at his feet (ears perked). Bio.: Son of Gen. William Salisbury (1801-1883) and Jane Mairs Salisbury (1810-1886); baptized 16 Sep 1832 in Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. Res.: Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y., 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 [DRA] Provenance: Gen. William Salisbury and Jane Mairs Salisbury, Catskill, N.Y., parents of the subject; their son Romeyn Abraham Salisbury (1844-1931), Brooklyn, N.Y.; his dau. Jane Kenyon Salisbury Chapman, Brooklyn, N.Y. and Brightwaters, L.I., N.Y.; her son Harold Winchester Chapman, Jr., Brooklyn, N.Y.; private collection; Washburn Gallery, New York, N.Y. (1984); Milton and Marilyn Brechner, Sands Point, L.I., N.Y.; David Wheatcroft, Westborough, Mass. (2003); Thomas K. Figge, Aspen, Colorado and Santa Barbara, Cal. (American Folk Art Museum, extended loan as of 2008. Accession Number: EX2008.11); David Wheatcroft, Westborough, Mass.; Collection of Barbara L. Gordon, Washington, D.C. (2014). References: Brant and Cullman (1980) p. 25, fig. 33 [color facsim.]; Antiques

(June 1984): p. 1270 [color facsim.]; Mary Black, The Clarion (Winter 1986): p. 36 [b&w facsim.]; “Our Winter Art Show,” American Heritage, Vol. 37, No. 2 (February/March 1986): p. 92 [color facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 73 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 41, Pl. XXXVIII [color facsim.]; Antiques (January 2003): pp. 92-93 [detail and full-page color facsims.]; Wheatcroft, The Authentic Eye: Revisiting Folk Art Masterworks (2005) Pl. 1 [full-page color facsim.]; Good, Antiques & Fine Art (Winter/Spring 2009): p. 201 [color facsim.]; Richard Miller, et al., A Shared Legacy: Folk Art in America (2014) pp. 98-101 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Private collection. HPF: 72A.9. See Volume 2.

428. Jane Livingston Sanders (Mrs. John Sanders, 1804-1871), aka Woman Holding a Sewing Box – Scotia, Schenectady Co., N.Y. [JHL, CHS] or Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1832 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1832 [HPF]. 32-1/2" x 27" [CHS] or 30-1/2" x 25-1/2" [H&H] or 38" x 33" presumably framed [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Judge John Sanders [q.v.] and dau. of Elizabeth McKinstry Livingston [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black balloon-sleeved dress, ruffled neckpiece with ribbons held by small brooch; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on table, holding sewing box with embroidered pincushion on lid, l. hand supporting box, r. hand with upturned fingers holding lid between thumb and index finger. Bio.: b. 4 Sep 1804 in Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y., dau. of Walter Tryon Livingston (1772-1827) and Elizabeth (McKinstry) Livingston (1774-1841); m. 2 Oct 1826 to John Sanders (1802-1883); d. 27 Oct 1871; bur. Sanders Cem., Scotia, Schenectady Co., N.Y. [DRA] Note: This portrait has been confused in the Ten Broeck genealogy with a portrait of Albertina Ten Broeck Sanders, mother of Judge John Sanders, incorrectly ascribed to Ammi Phillips. [CHS] Provenance: By descent to the subject’s daughter, Mary Elizabeth Livingston Sanders (Mrs. Harold Wilson, 1841-1926); to her daughters, “the Misses Wilson” [Miss Anne Hume Wilson (1867-1951) and Miss Jane Livingston Wilson (1870-1949)], Clermont, N.Y. by 1945 [JHL]; to their niece, Miss Helen Livingston Mynderse (1914-1990), Scotia, N.Y. as of 1965 [CHS]; H. & R. Sandor, Inc., New Hope, Pa [1974, 1978]; Pook & Pook, Inc., Downingtown, Pa., Americana & International (January 28, 2021) Lot 304, sold $6,000+26% (est. $1,500-2,500). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 166, no. 40 [not illus.], as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley; Antiques (October 1974): p. 495 [color facsim., in situ]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 31, no. 25 [not illus.]; Antiques (November 1978) [color facsim., in situ]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 19, 2021): p. 20 [b&w facsim.]. Note: Duplicate identification in HPF, as both Jane Livingston Sanders (72A.10) and Woman Holding a Sewing Box (72A.11). Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Sold at auction 2021. CHS: 129, H&H: 142, HPF: 72A.10 and 72A.11, IAP: 81310131. See Volume 2.

429. Judge John Sanders III (1802-1883) – Scotia, Schenectady Co., N.Y. [JHL, CHS] or Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1832 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1832 [HPF]. 32-1/2" x 27" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Jane Livingston Sanders [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "Plutarch / Vol. I". Descr.: Darkhaired man with receding hairline, wearing black jacket, white shirt with stickpin, upturned collar, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. arm behind chair back (l. hand not shown), book on table (see inscription) with fourth and fifth fingers of r. hand marking page. Bio.: b. 27 Dec 1802, son of Johannes Janse Sanders (1757-1834) and Albertina Ten Broeck (1760-1840); m. 2 Oct 1826 to Jane Livingston (1804-1871); d. 21 May 1883; bur. Sanders Cem., Scotia, Schenectady Co., N.Y. Res.: Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y., 1830 (age 20-29); Schenectady, Schenectady Co., N.Y., 1840 (age 3039); Glenville, Schenectady Co., N.Y., 1850 and after (Lawyer). [DRA] Note: This portrait has been confused in the Ten Broeck genealogy with a very primitive portrait of father, John Sanders, not by Ammi Phillips. [CHS] Note: In reference to the previous, the Ten Broeck genealogy [Runk (1897) pp. 112-113] states that the portraits of John and Albertina (Ten Broeck) Sanders, painted by Phillips in 1832, are in possession of a grandson, Judge W.T.L. Sanders of Schenectady, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to the subject’s daughter, Mary Elizabeth Livingston Sanders (Mrs. Harold Wilson, 1841-1926); to her daughters, “the Misses Wilson” [Miss Anne Hume Wilson (1867-1951) and Miss Jane Livingston Wilson (1870-1949)], Clermont, N.Y. by 1945 [JHL]; to their niece, Miss Helen Livingston Mynderse (1914-1990),

Scotia, N.Y. as of 1965 [CHS]; H. & R. Sandor, Inc., New Hope, Pa [1974, 1978]; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF] References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 166, no. 39 [not illus.], as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 31, no. 24 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Schenectady County Historical Society, Schenectady, N.Y. (acquired 2011). Accession number: 2011.80.51. CHS: 128, H&H: 141, HPF: 72A.12, IAP: 81310130. See Volume 2.

430. Elizabeth Schlosser – Columbia Co., N.Y., possibly [HPF], c. 1840-1850 [HPF]. 22" x 18". Note: Canvas apparently reduced. Possibly same as "Portrait of an Elderly Woman" [q.v.]. [DRA] Status: Collection of Janet and John Stoltenborg, Schuyler Lake, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 72A.13 N.B.: Possible duplicate identification

431. Marius Schoonmaker (1811-1894) – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1823 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1832 [HPF]. 33" x 28" [CHS, H&H] or 32" x 26-3/4" [HPF].

Descr.: Young gentleman in black jacket, cream-colored vest, white shirt and upturned collar, black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand with upturned fingers holding opened letter with red seal. Bio.: b. 24 Apr 1811 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., son of Zachariah Schoonmaker (1785-1818) and Cornelia Marius (Groen) Schoonmaker (1784-1874); graduated Yale, 1830; admitted to N.Y.S. bar in 1833 and commenced practice in Kingston, N.Y.; m. 13 Dec 1837 to Elizabeth Van Wyck Westbrook (18101887); N.Y. State Senator (1850-51) and U.S. Representative (1851-53); d. 5 Jan 1894; bur. Wiltwyck Cem., Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. Note: Presumed incorrect dating by Holdridges. [DRA] Provenance: Fred Johnston, Kingston, N.Y. (dealer); purchased in May 1960 for $225 by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Holdridge, Baltimore, Md. [1965, 1968]; Gerald Kornblau, New York, N.Y. (Winter Antiques Show, 1973; American Folk Art, 1974); Collection of Howard A. and Catherine L. Feldman, Bethlehem, Pa.; Sotheby's, New York, The American Folk Art Collection of Howard and Catherine Feldman, Sale 5744 (June 23, 1988) Lot 165 [full-page color facsim.], sold $7,000+10% (est.$15-25,000); Litchfield Auction Gallery (April 16, 1989). References: Holdridge (1968) p. 37 [b&w facsim.]; East Side House, Winter Antiques Show, January 19-28, 1973 (program) p. 56 [full-page facsim.]; American Folk Art Exhibition, Mead Art Building, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. (1974) checklist no. 37 [not illus.], lent by Gerald Kornblau Gallery; Susan Klein and Cynthia V.A. Schaffner, “Living with antiques: A folk-art collection in Pennsylvania,” Antiques (September 1984): p. 571, Pl. VI [color facsim., in situ]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (March 24, 1989): p. 4 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 130, H&H: 93, HPF: 72A.14, IAP: 20090076 and 81310082. See Volume 2.

432. Elizabeth De Meyer Schuneman (Mrs. William Schuneman, 1768-1839), aka Eliza Demyer Shuneman – Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1819 [H&H] or c. 1823 [DRA]. 30-3/4" x 25" [CNY]. One of a pair. Wife of William Schuneman [q.v.]. Descr.: Brown-haired, brown-eyed woman in white ruffled bonnet tied under chin with small black ribbons and black dress with white ruffled collar; seated facing p.r. in a decorated yellow side chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.), l. hand, holding small brown book, thumb marking page. Bio.: bapt. 2 Nov 1768, dau. of Benjamin De Meyer (17401802) and Elizabeth (Wynkoop) De Meyer (1744-1822); m. 10 Sep 1801 to Wilhelmus [William] Schuneman of Catskill (his 2nd wife); d. 12 Mar 1839 age 69y 5m 2d; bur. Jefferson Rural Cem., Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. (Second wife of William Schuneman, Aged 69 yrs 5 mos & 2 days). [DRA] Note: Erroneously listed by Christie's (2009) as Eliza Demyer 'Shuneman'. [DRA] Provenance: See William Schuneman. Status: Sold at auction 2009. H&H: 46*, HPF: 72A.15, IAP: 81310040. See Volume 2.

433. William Schuneman (1766-1851) – Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1819 [H&H]. 30-3/4" x 25" [CNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth De Meyer Schuneman [q.v.] and father-in-law of John Kenyon [q.v.]. Descr.: Thin-faced, blueeyed gentleman in black jacket and vest, white stock tied in front; seated facing p.l. in a decorated yellow side chair, holding a quill pen in r. hand, l. hand not shown; three books stacked on table behind him. [DRA] Bio.: baptized 15 Jun 1766 in Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y.; m. (1st) 10 Apr 1791 to Catharina Dumond (1769-1800), dau. of John Baptist Dumond and Elizabeth (Smith) Dumond; m. (2nd) 10 Sep 1801 to Eliza De Meyer (1768-1839); d. 8 Feb 1851, age 85y, bur. Jefferson Rural Cem., Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. [DRA] Note: Erroneously listed by Christie's (2009) as William 'Shuneman'. [DRA] N.B.: This is not the work identified as William W. Schuneman in Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965) #131, for which see John Kenyon. Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Leslie W. Rolfe [Elizabeth Peck Drake], Fairfield Co., Conn. [1968]; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; by descent to the present owner [2009]; Christie's, New York, Important American Furniture, Folk Art & Prints, Sale 2200 (September 30, 2009) Lot 49, sold $12,500 the pair (est. $10-15,000). Status: Sold at auction 2009. CHS: see note, H&H: 45*, HPF: 72A.16, IAP: 70580392 and 81310039. See Volume 2.

434. Henry Sedgwick (1830-1916), aka Man with Plaid Waistcoat – Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], c. 1860 [H&H]. 32" x 27-1/2" [Opfer]. Descr.: Man with dark hair and large chin beard, wearing dark brown jacket with black velvet collar, brown plaid vest, white shirt with upturned collar and cuffs showing, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, holding l. hand inside vest. Inscr. (frame): “Quandt.” [DRA] Cond.: Relined, scattered inpainting. Note: Subject purportedly Mr. Henry Sedgwick, per Raymond F. Murphy [see provenance]. Bio.: Henry Sedgwick, b. 4 May 1830 in Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Thomas Sedgwick (1803-1881) and Luna (Cook) Sedgwick (1804-1899); m. 1 Nov 1859 in Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. to Mary Cornelia Judd (1839-1911); res. Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1860 (farmer, son of bank president); d. 29 Sep 1916; bur. Church on the Hill Cem., Lenox, Mass. Notes: Residence "Meadow Place," Main St., Lenox, Mass. Contemporary photo resembles portrait. [DRA] Provenance: Raymond F. Murphy, Florence, Mass. (dealer) as of early 1950’s; Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Quandt, Washington, D.C. as of 1968. [H&H]; Richard Opfer Auctioneering, Inc., Timonium, Md. (December 12, 2004) Lot 186, bought-in (est. $3-5,000); Meander Auctions, Whipple, Ohio (May 24, 2024) Lot 126, sold $1,100+23% (est. $2-4,000). Exhibited: Lenox Library Association, Lenox, Mass. (1967) as Henry Sedgwick. Status: Sold at auction 2024. H&H: 272, HPF: 77A.20, IAP: 81310258. See Volume 2.

435. George Edward Selby (1804-1888) – Albany, Albany Co., N.Y. area (probably) or Schodack, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1818-1820 [JRB], or 1821 [DRA]. Inscr.: Holding open letter addressed to "Mr George Selby / Albany". Descr.: Young gentleman with classical hair, wearing black jacket with white stock and downturned collar, ruffled jabot and white vest; seated facing p.r. in a white fancy-painted armchair, holding an open letter in l. hand, r. hand not shown. Red curtain in u.r. eson of William Selby (1779-1862) and Maria (Delaire) Selby (b. 1787); m. 21 May 1821 to Byancy Kettles (1800-1863); d. 6 Apr 1888 in Bennington, Vt. (age 84, shoemaker) [Vt. Vital Records]. Res.: Albany, N.Y., 1820 (1 male 10-15), 1830 (age 2029); Bennington, Vt., 1860 (age 76). Note: Possibly painted in May 1821 at the time of George Selby's marriage, at age 17, to a member of the Kettles family of Schodack, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Found in Bennington, Vermont [Taylor Farm], Selby's last documented residence; David Wheatcroft Antiques, Westborough, Mass. [2007]; Joan R. Brownstein, American Folk Paintings, Newbury, Mass. [sold 2008]. Reference: Antiques, Vol. CLXXIII, No. 1 (January 2008): p. 97, full-page advertisement [color facsim.]. Status: Sold 2008. See Volume 2.

436. Mr. Seymour of Connecticut – Litchfield Co., Conn., probably [see notes], 1850*. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [NEA]. One of a pair. Companion to "Mrs. Seymour of Connecticut" [q.v.]. Inscr.: Holding newspaper "Y TRIBUNE" dated "August 27, 1850." Possibly the New-York Weekly Tribune (pub.1841-66). Descr.: Man wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt and downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding newspaper (see inscription), l. hand not shown. [DRA] Notes: A card from Barth's Antiques, Mt. Carmel, Connecticut, states the sitters are descendants of the Gov. Thomas H. Seymour family for which the town of Seymour, Connecticut, was named. [NEA] The town of Seymour, Conn., previously Humphreysville, was renamed in 1850 in honor of Gov. Thomas H. Seymour, a native of Hartford, Conn., who served from 1850 to 1853. Based on similarly-dated portraits, also holding the Tribune, this is most likely from Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H., Spring Weekend Auction (March 21-23, 2009) Lot 953, sold $6,000+17% the pair (est. $5-10,000). Status: Sold at auction 2009 See Volume 2.

437. Mrs. Seymour of Connecticut – Litchfield Co., Conn., probably [see notes under Mr. Seymour], 1850*. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [NEA]. One of a pair. Companion to "Mr. Seymour of Connecticut" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted and braided hair coiled in bun; wearing black dress with lace collar and cuffs, small brooch, gold earring(s) and necklace, black cord around neck suspending spectacles partially hidden behind book; seated facing p.r. on reddish-brown upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small closed red book. [DRA] Provenance: Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H., Spring Weekend Auction (March 21-23, 2009) Lot 953, sold $6,000+17% the pair (est. $5-10,000). Status: Sold at auction 2009. See Volume 2.

438. Mr. Sheffield, aka Joseph Earl Sheffield (1793-1882) possibly, aka A Gentleman – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., possibly, c. 1824 [H&H] or c. 1829 [CHS] or c. 1826-28 [SPB]. 30" x 24" [CHS, H&H, SPB]. One of a pair. Companion to "Mrs. Sheffield" [q.v.]. Descr.: Long-nosed gentleman in black jacket and vest, white shirt, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in red scroll-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, casually holding quill pen in r. hand, with l. hand in jacket. Note: Discovered in Sheffield, Mass., dubbed "Mr. Sheffield" and exhibited as a relic of the Sheffield family, it was an early suggestion that this may be railroad magnate and Yale benefactor Joseph Earl Sheffield. He was a resident of New Berne, N.C. and Mobile, Ala. from 1807 until 1835, adding to the improbability of this identification. The town of Sheffield, Massachusetts was named in honor of the industrial town of Sheffield, England and has no special association with anyone named Sheffield. There is, therefore, no basis for assigning the surname Sheffield to these portraits. [DRA] Provenance: American Folk Art Gallery [Edith Gregor Halpert], New York, N.Y. as of 1945; American Folk Art Gallery, courtesy The Downtown Gallery, New York, N.Y. (1965); The Downtown Gallery [Edith G. Halpert], New York, N.Y. (1968); American Folk Art (1973) no. 39 [not illus.]; Edith Gregor Halpert Folk Art Collection [1973] item K265 [b&w facsim.]; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., The Edith Gregor Halpert Folk Art Collection (property of Terry Dintenfass), Sale 3572 (November 14, 1973) Lot 28 [color facsim.], sold $32,500 the pair (est. $15-18,000). Exhibited: “Selections from collector/dealer Mrs. Edith Gregor Halpert,” Museum of Early American Folk Arts, New York, N.Y. (1964) References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 26 [not illus.] as Mr. Sheffield of New Haven, Conn. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 138 [b&w facsim.]; American Folk Art (1973) no. 39 [not illus.]; ARTnews (November 1973); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 132, H&H: 105, HPF: 72A.17, IAP: 61515322 and 81310094. See Volume 2.

439. Mrs. Sheffield, aka Maria St. John Sheffield (Mrs. Joseph Earl Sheffield, 1801-1889) possibly, aka Portrait of a Lady – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., possibly, c. 1824 [H&H] or c. 1829 [CHS] or c. 1826-28 [SPB]. 30" x 24" [CHS, H&H, SPB]. One of a pair. Companion to "Mr. Sheffield" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black dress and fancy bonnet; seated in red scroll-back side chair, wrists crossed [r. over l.], holding a small book in r. hand, with pages held open with thumb. [DRA] Note: Identification as Maria St. John Sheffield is highly problematic. See notes under "Mr. Sheffield." Provenance: American Folk Art Gallery [Edith Gregor Halpert], New York, N.Y. as of 1945; American Folk Art Gallery, courtesy The Downtown Gallery, New York, N.Y. (1965); The Downtown Gallery [Edith G. Halpert], New York, N.Y. (1968); American Folk Art (1973) no. 40 [not illus.]; Edith Gregor Halpert Folk Art Collection [1973] item K264 [b&w facsim.]; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., The Edith Gregor Halpert Folk Art Collection (property of Terry Dintenfass), Sale 3572 (November 14, 1973) Lot 28 [color facsim.], sold $32,500 the pair (est. $1518,000). Exhibited: “Selections from collector/dealer Mrs. Edith Gregor Halpert,” Museum of Early American Folk Arts, New York, N.Y (1964) References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 27 [not illus.] as Mrs. Sheffield of New Haven, Conn. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 138 [b&w facsim.]; American Folk Art (1973) no. 40 [not illus.]; ARTnews (November 1973); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 133, H&H: 106, HPF: 72B.1, IAP: 61515321 and 81310095. See Volume 2.

440. Caleb Sherman (1736-1822) – Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N Y , 1815*. 36" x 30". One of three family portraits. Father of Wilbur Sherman [q.v.] and Alsa Sherman Slade [q.v.], and father-in-law of Sally Sherman [q.v.] and Joseph Slade [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "Caleb Sherman Born June The 15 Day AD 1736". [HPF] Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of bald man with gray eyebrows and white hair on sides; wearing brown suit and vest, white shirt and downturned collar, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding bambooturned cane with silver tip. Pale background. Bio.: b. 29 Jun 1736 in Swansea, Bristol Co., Mass., son of Richard Sherman (1701-1786) and Lydia (Wilbur) Sherman (17021739); m. (1st) 14 Feb 1765 in Swansea, Mass. to Sarah Anthony (1747-bef. 1784); m. (2nd) 21 Mar 1784 to Ann Bowers (1752-1815); d. 27 Dec 1822. Bur.: private cem., 150 ft. w of Tomhannock Reservoir [formerly Caleb Sherman farm], Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Res.: Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1800, 1810. Note: Caleb Sherman is possibly the earliest-born subject of an Ammi Phillips portrait. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent to Miss Emily Sherman Belding (1903-1999) of Philadelphia, Pa., great-great-granddaughter of the subject, as of 1968; to her nephew, David B. Grinnell of Plainfield, N.J.; Peter H. Tillou, The Fall Antiques Show, New York, N.Y. (October 1990), offered at $1.3M the set of three [NYT]; private collection as of 1994 [HPF]. References: Holdridge (1968) p. 40 [b&w facsim.]; Rita Reif, “Quilts, Indian Artworks And Shaker Furnishings,” The New York Times (October 19, 1990): p. C19 [not illus.]; Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin (2009): p. 138 [illus.] Status: Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn. (acquired 2008). Accession number: 2008.198.3. Not on exhibit as of 2012. H&H: 20, HPF: 72B.2, IAP: 81310020. See Volume 2.

441. Sarah "Sally" Stearns Sherman (Mrs. Wilbur Sherman, 1789-1845) and daughter Sarah Sherman (1814-1872) – Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1815*. 36" x 30". One of three family portraits. Wife of Wilbur Sherman [q.v.] and dau.-inlaw of Caleb Sherman [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "Sally Sherman Aged 26 Years 1815". [HPF] Descr.: Woman wearing small ruffled white cap with bow on top, long-sleeved gray dress with embroidered white bodice and collar, single-strand gold necklace; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated side chair, holding child in lap, r. hand on child’s waist. Blonde child wearing white short-sleeved dress, single-strand coral necklace; facing p.l. with l. hand holding mother’s collar, r. hand holding small pink flower. Pale neutral background. Bio.: Sarah Stearns, b. abt. 1789, dau. of Lemuel Stearns (1759-1809) and Mary (Newcomb) Stearns (1749-1809); d. 1 Feb 1845; bur. Sherman Cem., Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Her dau., Sarah Sherman, b. abt. 1814; d. 1872; bur. Sherman Cem., Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Caleb Sherman. References: Holdridge (1968) p. 26 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts

Weekly (February 6, 1987): p. 76 [b&w facsim.]; Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin (2009): p. 138 [illus.]

Status: Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn. (acquired 2008). Accession number: 2008.198.2. On exhibit as of 2012. H&H: 22, HPF: 72B.3, IAP: 81310022. See Volume 2.

442. Wilbur Sherman (1776-1856) – Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1815*. 36" x 30".

One of three family portraits. Husband of Sally Sherman [q.v.], son of Caleb Sherman [q.v.], and brother of Alsa Sherman Slade [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "Wilbur Sherman Aged 39 Years 1815". [HPF] Descr.: Man with thinned brown hair, wearing gray jacket and trousers, horizontally-striped brown and tan vest, white stock with bow, no collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated arrow-back side chair, legs crossed (r. over l.), l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand resting on large open book on lap. Pale background. Bio.: b. 4 Mar 1776 in Swansea, Bristol Co., Mass., son of Caleb Sherman (1736-1822) and Sarah (Anthony) Sherman; d. 29 Jan 1856. Bur.: Sherman Cem., Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Res.: Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1810 through 1850. [DRA] Provenance: See Caleb Sherman. References: Holdridge (1968) p. 24 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 6, 1987): p. 76 [b&w facsim.]; Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin (2009): p. 138 [illus.] Status: Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Conn. (acquired 2008). Accession number: 2008.198.1. Not on exhibit as of 2012. H&H: 21, HPF: 72B.4, IAP: 81310021. See Volume 2.

443. Isaac Simmons (c. 1786 – aft. 1860) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y.,1843*. 33-1/2" x 28" . One of a pair. Husband of Sarah Simmons [q.v.]. Also, father of Harriet Simmons Hasbrook [q.v.]. Inscr. (on bible): “ISAAC SIMMONS”, also (verso) in Phillips’s hand: “Isaac Simmons Aged 57 1843” Descr.: Gentleman with dark curly hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt and downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair holding closed Bible on lap with both hands, index finger of r. hand marking page. Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860. Note: Photonegative records inscr. (verso) prior to relining. [DRA] Provenance: James Abbe, Jr., Oyster Bay, N.Y. (1976, 1978) Reference: Photostat at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y., from photonegative lent by Washburn Gallery (1977). Exhibited: Washburn Gallery, New York, N.Y. (April 6 – May 1, 1976) [not in exhibit catalog per Joan Washburn]. Status: Private collection, New Hampshire See Volume 2.

444. Sarah Simmons (Mrs. Isaac Simmons, c. 1781 – bef. 1857) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1843* 33-1/2" x 28" One of a pair. Wife of Isaac Simmons [q.v.]. Also, mother of Harriet Simmons Hasbrook [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): “SARAH SIMMONS”, also (verso) in Phillips’s hand: “Sarah Simmons Aged 71 1843”. Descr.: Round-faced, rosy-cheeked woman wearing silver spectacles, black coat over white lace fichu, ruffled white bonnet with white ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in redupholstered armchair with wrists crossed (l. over r ), holding small closed book in upturned l. hand with index finger marking page. Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850. Note: Photonegative records inscr. (verso) prior to relining. [DRA] Provenance: James Abbe, Jr., Oyster Bay, N.Y. (1976, 1978). Reference: Photostat at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y., from photonegative lent by Washburn Gallery (1977). Exhibited: Washburn Gallery, New York, N.Y. (April 6 – May 1, 1976) [not in exhibit catalog per Joan Washburn]. Status: Private collection, New Hampshire. See Volume 2.

445. Henry Sisson (1812-1895) – New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], c. 1848 [H&H]. 33" x 27" [H&H] or 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [SNY] or 34-1/4" x 27-1/2" [DNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Lucy Amanda Howe Sisson [q.v.]. Descr.: Middle-aged man with hazel eyes, reddish-brown beard and mustache, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt, black tie; seated facing p.l. with r. arm resting on chair arm, holding a closed book with r. hand, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Wax relined. Stretchers not original. 1 inch scuff on sitter's proper right upper arm. Dense old varnish layer. Irregular area of inpaint below hand about 1 x 4 inches. Small touches in background, not on face or body. Difficult to distinguish earlier restoration. [DNY]

Bio.: b. 12 Oct 1812 in New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Jedediah Sisson (1773-1853) and Wealthy (Freeman) Sisson (1775-1855); m. 19 Oct 1835 to Lucy Amanda Howe (1815-1908); res. New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1840 through 1880 (Farmer); d. 22 Mar 1895. Bur.: Old Mill River Cem., New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family to Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sellew, Jr. (Eleanor Duncan Sisson Sellew, 1907-1984), Canaan, Conn , great-granddaughter of the subjects; William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y. (December 4, 1985) Lot 120, sold $7,250 the pair; location unknown as of 1994; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 7420 (January 21, 2000) Lot 459 [color facsim.], sold $7,500+15% the pair (est. $6-8,000); Property of Robert E. Schmidt, New York; Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 15AM02 (October 7, 2015) Lot 8, sold $6,500+25% the pair (est. $5-7,000) References: Antiques (November 1985): p. 813 [color facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (December 1985): p. 10-F [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2015. H&H: 246, HPF: 72B.6, IAP: 81310232. See Volume 2.

446. Lucy Amanda Howe Sisson (Mrs. Henry Sisson, 1815-1908) – New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], c. 1848 [H&H]. 33" x 27" [H&H] or 331/2" x 27-1/2" [SNY] or 33-3/8" x 27-1/2" [DNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Henry Sisson [q.v.]. Descr.: Stern-looking middle-aged woman with dark widow's-peak; wearing dark brown dress with sheer embroidered cuffs, white pleated and embroidered blouse with sheer embroidered collar, white (or gray) ribbons on back of head; seated facing p.r. on black (horsehair) sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand holding large handkerchief. [DRA] Cond.: Wax relined. Stretchers not original. Minuscule touches of inpaint on the face and proper right hand. A touch of inpaint below the proper left hand. Possibly selectively removed/uneven varnish in background. [DNY] Bio.: b. 21 Aug 1815 in Brookfield, Worcester Co., Mass., dau. of Joseph Howe (1777-1817) and Sally (Dunn) Howe (1774-1714); m. 19 Oct 1835 to Henry Sisson (1812-1895); d. 14 Jan 1908 in New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass ; bur.: Old Mill River Cem., New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. Note: Lucy Sisson lost two infant children in 1847 and 1852. [DRA] Provenance: See Henry Sisson. References: Antiques (November 1985): p. 813 [color facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (November 29, 1985): p. 62 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (December 1985): p. 10-F [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2015. H&H: 247, HPF: 72B.7, IAP: 81310233. See Volume 2.

447. Alsa Sherman Slade (Mrs. Joseph Slade, 1767-1846) aka Alice Slade – Troy, N.Y. vicinity [or Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.], 1816*. 40-1/8" x 33" [NGA, CHS]. One of a pair. Wife of Joseph Slade [q.v.] and dau. of Caleb Sherman [q.v.]. Inscr.: On reverse (no longer visible, photograph in object file [1953.5.53] in NGA curatorial records): ALCE SLADE AGED 49 YEARS AD 1816. [NGA] Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of woman wearing shiny long-sleeved green dress, white fischu tied in bow, white ruffled collar, white ruffled bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.l. in paintdecorated side chair, l. elbow resting on table with white embroidered, crochet and tasseled tablecloth, holding a piece of white embroidery with both hands and wrapped around l. index finger. Pale background. Bio.: b. 1 Feb 1767 in Swansea, Bristol Co., Mass., dau. of Caleb Sherman (1736-1822) and Sarah (Anthony) Sherman (1747-1784); m. 20 Apr 1788 in Swansea, Mass. to Joseph Slade (1763-1849); d. 3 Mar 1846. Bur.: Slade Cem., Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: see Joseph Slade. References: American Primitive Paintings, Part I (1954): p. 40 [b&w facsim.], as Artist Unknown; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (NGA, 1956); Jones, Rediscovered Painters of Upstate New York (1958) p. 20, no. 12 [b&w facsim.], as Anonymous: The Border Limner; Holdridge, Art in America (1960): p. 100 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 139, no. 135 [b&w facsim.]; American Naive Painting (1968) no. 35 [b&w facsim.]; Ebert (1975) p. 70 [b&w facsim.]; American Paintings (1980) p. 209 [b&w facsim.]; Black, Itinerancy in New England and New York (1986) p. 230, Fig 1 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Smiley (1985) p. 76, no. 48 [full-page facsim.]; Chotner (1992) p. 274 [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 30, Pl. X [color facsim.]. Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1953). Accession number: 1953.5.53. CHS: 135, H&H: 29, HPF: 72B.8, IAP: 08600550. See Volume 2.

448. Joseph Slade (1763-1849) – Troy, N.Y. vicinity [or Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.], 1816*. 40-1/8" x 33" [NGA, CHS]. One of a pair. Husband of Alsa Sherman Slade [q.v.] and son-in-law of Caleb Sherman [q.v.]. Inscr.: On reverse (no longer visible, photograph in object file [1953.5.52] in NGA curatorial records): JOSEPH SLADE AGED [ ] YEARS AD 1816; on book: TEMPLE / OF / NATURE. Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of man with thinning gray hair and gray sideburns, wearing blue doublebreasted jacket and blue trousers, blue double-breasted vest with brass buttons, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted side chair, legs crossed (l. over r.), r. arm resting on chair back, large closed book on lap with third through fifth fingers of l. hand marking page. Pale background. Note: The subject holds Erasmus Darwin’s The Temple of Nature; or, The Origin of Society: a poem with philosophical notes (Baltimore: 1804). [DRA] Bio.: Joseph Slade b. 31 Mar 1763 Swansea, Bristol, Mass., son of Philip and Mary Reed Slade, d. 18 Jan 1849 Pittstown, Rensselaer, N.Y. [NGA] Res.: Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1810, 1820. [DRA] Provenance: Recorded as from New York State. Possibly once located in the Red, White, and Blue House built by Benjamin Slade, son of Joseph and Alsa Slade, in Waterford, New York per Patty Marshall, Slade descendant, undated letter (reply dated 25 March 1968), in NGA curatorial files. Found in Lansingburgh (now part of Troy), New York, by (Frederick Fuessenich, Litchfield, Conn.); sold 1952 to Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch; gift 1953 to NGA. [NGA] References: American Primitive Paintings, Part I (1954) p. 41 [b&w facsim.], as Artist Unknown; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (NGA, 1956); Jones, Rediscovered Painters of Upstate New York (1958) p. 20, no. 13 [b&w facsim.], as Anonymous: The Border Limner; Holdridge, Art in America (1960): p. 101 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 139 [b&w facsim.]; Black and Lipman (1966) p. 64, Fig. 56 [color facsim.]; American Naive Painting (1968) no. 34 [b&w facsim.]; Ebert (1975) p. 70 [b&w facsim.]; American Paintings (1980) p. 209 [b&w facsim.]; Black, Itinerancy in New England and New York (1986) p. 231, Fig 2 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Smiley (1985) p. 75, no. 47 [full-page facsim.]; Chotner (1992) p. 275 [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 30, Pl. XI [color facsim.]. Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1953). Accession number: 1953.5.52. CHS: 134, H&H: 28, HPF: 72B.9, IAP: 08600551. See Volume 2.

449. Philip Slade – Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [CHS], probably [HPF], 1818*. 385/16" x 35-3/16" [CAP] or 38-1/2" x 32-1/2" [CHS, H&H]. Inscr. (verso): "Phillip Slade Aged 56 AD 1818". Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of man with thinning dark hair, curled up at sides; wearing high-collared dark jacket and vest, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand cupped over large closed book “Holy Bible” held diagonally. Pale background. [DRA] Note: Listed by Holdridges (1965 and 1968) as probably the brother of Joseph Slade [q.v.]. Note: Previously identified, based on name and bible, as Reverend Phillip Slade (c. 1765-1828) of Swansea, Bristol Co., Mass. Now thought to be Philip Slade of Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Res.: Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1840. [DRA] Provenance: Purchased from a Lansingburgh, N.Y. couple by dealer A. Leland Lusty (1897-1958), Troy, N.Y. [HPF*]; Robert S. Tompkins, Sheffield, Mass., sold Jan. 29, 1952 [HPF*]; Frederick W. Fuessenich, Litchfield, Conn. [MMA]; with The Old Print Shop, New York, by 1954 [MMA]; Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch; National Gallery of Art (on loan from Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch as of 1961); Metropolitan Museum of Art (gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch as of 1964). Note: Incorrectly stated in CHS as gift to NGA. [DRA] References: American Primitive Paintings, Part II (1957) p. 36 [facsim.], as Artist Unknown; Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 559 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (September 1967): p. 379 [facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 28 [b&w facsim.]; Davis (1975) pp. 70-71 [full-page facsim., p. 70]; Caldwell and Rodriguez Roque (1994) pp. 369-371 [b&w facsim. p. 370 Status: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N.Y. (acquired 1964). Accession number: 64.309.3. CHS: 136, H&H: 37*, HPF: 72B.10, IAP: 36121082. See Volume 2.

450. Woman Holding Eye Glasses with Large Bible, aka Portrait of a Lady Wearing a White Bonnet with Book and Spectacles, aka Portrait of a Woman (possibly Mrs. Philip Slade), aka Woman Holding Large Bible – Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1823 [CHS] or c. 1820 [H&H] or c. 1818 [HPF]. 38-1/2" x 31-3/4" [CHS, H&H, HPF] or 38-7/8" x 31-5/8" [SNY]. Descr.: Thinfaced older woman with dark eyebrows, wearing dark dress with dark shawl or fischu, white bonnet tied under chin with dark ribbons; seated facing p.r. in fancypainted side chair, r. arm resting on table with large bible, r. hand holding closed spectacles, l. hand in lap holding white handkerchief. [DRA] Note: Identification as Mrs. Philip Slade by Col. Edgar William Garbisch and NGA, per Mrs. Albert Geng (1989). Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Geng, Buffalo, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Samuel J. Cottone, Mt. Morris, N.Y. (June 2, 2000) sold $7,000+10%; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana: Silver, Folk Art and Furniture, Sale 7521 (October 13, 2000) Lot 38, sold $6,000+20% (est. $10-20,000). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Geng, 1962); Maine Antique Digest (September 2000): p. 12-D [b&w facsim ]. Status: Sold at auction 2000. CHS: 209, H&H: 66, HPF: 72B.11, IAP: 81310059 and 82320235. See Volume 2.

451. Aaltje Swartwout Sleight (Mrs. John A. Sleight, 1773-1839) – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1823 [H&H] or c. 1823-25 [HPF]. 30" x 24" [IAP]. Possibly one of a pair. If so identified, would be the wife of John A. Sleight [q.v.], the mother of Sarah Ann Sleight De Witt [q.v.], and the sisterin-law of Anna Seward Swartwout [q.v.]. The Holdridges (1968) note that the subject seems too young for this identification and may instead be a daughter or daughterin-law of John A. Sleight. Descr.: Young woman wearing black dress with tall twolayer pleated lace collar; seated facing p.l., with white embroidered shawl wrapped around l. elbow and back, l. arm resting on three books on table, l. hand clasped in r. hand. Bio.: Aaltje Swartwout, bapt 1 Jan 1773, Hopewell, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Jacobus Swartwout (1734-1827) and Aaltje Brinkerhoff (1740-1822); d. 2 Aug 1839, Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA] Reference: Holdridge (1968) p. 27 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Wiltwyck Chapter, DAR, Kingston, N.Y. as of 1972. H&H: 85*, HPF: 72B.14, IAP: 35100006 N.B.: Probable misidentification (see above) See Volume 2.

452. Abraham Sleight (1755-1842) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1823-1825. 29-3/4" x 23-3/4". One of a pair. Husband of Ruth Roe Sleight [q.v.] and brother of John A. Sleight [q.v.]. Inscr. (book): "SCOTT’S / BIBLE / GEN JOS / VOL I". Descr.: Man with thinning gray hair, long in back; wearing black jacket, white vest, white shirt and downturned collar, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in grain-painted side chair, l. arm resting on large closed book (see inscription and note) balanced on thigh and held with third through fifth fingers of l. hand marking page, glimpse of r. hand on knee. Pale neutral background. Note: The Holy Bible, with original notes, practical observations and copious references, by Thomas Scott [1747-1821], pub. in 6 vols., as depicted (New York: Williams and Whiting, 1810). Listed incorrectly in HPF as “Watts Bible.” Bio.: b. 27 Jul 1755 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Abraham Sleight (1724-1800) and Ariantje (Elmendorf) Sleight (1724-1796); m. 27 Apr 1782 in New Hackensack, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Ruth Roe (1758-1833); d. 29 Jun 1842. Bur.: Sleight Cem., Fishkill Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent from the subjects’ dau., Sarah Sleight (Mrs. James M. Jones, 1783-1858); to her son, Abraham Sleight Jones, Sr. (1804-1879); to his son, Abraham Sleight Jones, Jr. (1845-1900); to his son, Malcolm Sleight Jones (1888-1954); to his dau., Marian Virginia Jones (Mrs. Robert L. Williston, 1918-1981), Brookline, Mass., great-great-great-granddaughter of the subjects; Currier Museum of Art (gift of Robert L. Williston in loving memory of his wife Marian J. Williston). Status: Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, N.H. (acquired 1982). Accession number: 1982.27.1. Not on public exhibit as of 2008. HPF: 72B.12. See Volume 2.

453. John A. Sleight (1760-1841) – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1823 [H&H] or 1825-1830 [NYS] or c. 1825 [HPF]. 293/4" x 23-1/"2" or 32-1/2" x 27" [NYS, HPF] or 32" x 26-3/4" [H&H]. Originally identified by NYS as Rev. Thomas De Witt [q.v.] but identified by Jones and Mearns (1982) as John A. Sleight, husband of Aaltje Swartwout Sleight [q.v.] and brother of Abraham Sleight [q.v.]. Descr.: Portrait of a man, seen almost to waist; seated; face turned slightly to right as viewed; hand clasped over HOLY BIBLE; wears dark frock coat with high collar; dark waistcoat; white shirt with soft white collar; white stock tied in bow; background is dark. Notes: Painting was incorrectly identified for many years as Rev. Thomas DeWitt. [NYS] Listed in CAP as Thomas Dewitt. A “John A. Sleight” is listed in Lipman, Art in America (July 1945) as checklist no. 29, however that refers to the work now identified as Rev. Thomas De Witt [q.v.]. Bio.: Johannus A. Sleight, b. 1 Jun 1760 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Abraham Sleight (1724-1800) and Ariantje (Elmendorf) Sleight (1723-1796); m. 29 Mar 1800 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Aaltje Swartwout (1773-1839); d. 6 Dec 1841. [DRA] Provenance: John A. Sleight; his dau., Sarah Ann Sleight (Mrs. Jacob Hasbrouck De Witt, 1801-1872); her dau., Mary Dewitt (Mrs. James Sidney Evans, 1825-1893); her son, Thomas Grier Evans (1852-1905); Senate House Association, Kingston, N.Y., gift of Mrs. Thomas Grier Evans (1909); New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation [recorded 1979]. Note: Thomas Grier Evans, 2nd husband of L.I. native Elida Woodhull (1864-1950). Her first husband was James Dumond Van Hoevenberg (1857-1895), also a native of Kingston. References: Rathbone (1933) pp. 11-12 [as Rev. De Witt, the elder], Pl. 1 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Ira W. Martin]; Jones and Mearns, Ammi Phillips and Company (June 1982) n.p., fig. 2 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, Antiques (September 1982): p. 548, Fig. 1 [b&w facsim.]. Status: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. (originally acquired 1909). Accession number: SH 1979.2.A&B M(373) E(665). CHS: 35 (as Thomas De Witt), H&H: 82 (as Thomas De Witt), HPF: 72B.13, IAP: 81310075. See Volume 2.

454. Ruth Roe Sleight (Mrs. Abraham Sleight, 1758-1833) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1823-1825. 29-3/4" x 23-3/4". One of a pair. Wife of Abraham Sleight [q.v.].

Descr.: Woman wearing black dress and black shawl over white fischu, sheer bonnet, single-strand black necklace; seated facing p.l. in grain-painted side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), r. hand holding knitting or darning. Bio.: b. 1758 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Benjamin Roe (1712-1790) and Ruth (Miller) Roe (17141790); m. 27 Apr 1782 in New Hackensack, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Abraham Sleight (1754-1842); d. 29 Mar 1833. Bur.: Sleight Cem., Fishkill Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Note: Date of death is incorrect (apparent typo) in Hollander and Fertig (1994). Provenance: See Abraham Sleight. Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, N.H. (acquired 1982). Accession number: 1982.27.2. Not on public exhibit as of 2008. HPF: 73A.1. See Volume 2.

455. Letitia Sloane (later Mrs. William Chapman, 1804-1872) – Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y. [B&T], c. 1825 [B&T]. 30" x 24" [SNY]. One of a pair. Sister of Samuel Sloane [q.v.]. Inscr. (book): “MILTONS / WORKS” Descr.: Woman in elaborate white dress with ruched sleeves, two-layer pleated sheer collar, tall tortoiseshell comb; seated facing p.r. on black (horsehair) sofa, red shawl wrapped around r. elbow and behind back, closed book (see inscription) held spine up with both hands. Bio.: b. circa 1804 in Orange Co., N.Y.; m. circa 1835 to William Chapman (b. circa 1795 in England); res. Newburgh, Orange Co., N.Y., 1855 (age 50, 30-yr. res.), 1860 (age 55), 1865 (age 60, widowed), 1870 (Little Briton Road); d. 1872 in Newburgh, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA]

Provenance: William J. Jenack Auctioneers, Chester, N.Y. (January 14, 1996) Lot 359, sold $37,500 the pair; Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn.; Collection of Barbara and Arun Singh, Providence, R.I., as of 2008; Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Triumphant Grace: Important Americana from the Collection of Barbara and Arun Singh, Sale N10303 (January 25, 2020) Lot 1106, sold $60,000+25% the pair (est. $5080,000). References: Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 161, Fig. 16 [color facsim., photo courtesy Marguerite Riordan]; Beach, Antiques (January 2009): p. 159 [small color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2020 See Volume 2.

456. Samuel Sloane – Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y. [B&T], c. 1825 [B&T]. 30" x 24" [SNY].

One of a pair. Brother of Letitia Sloane [q.v.]. Inscr. (book): “BUTLERS / HISTORY”. Descr.: Rosy-cheeked man with tousled hair, sideburns; wearing black jacket, white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock without bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, both hands resting on top of closed book (see inscription) held vertically, r. hand over l. Note: Probably Frederick Butler’s Catechetical Compend of General History (Hartford: 1817, 1819, 1820) or his Complete History of the United States of America (Hartford: 1820, 1821, 1822). [DRA] Provenance: See Letitia Sloane. References: Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 160 [not illus ]; Beach, Antiques (January 2009): p. 159 [small color facsim., in situ]. Status: Sold at auction 2020. See Volume 2.

457. Lydia Mary Williamson Schureman Sluyter (Mrs. Richard Sluyter, 17971876) – Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1820-1821 [HPF]. 31" x 25" [NEA]. One of a pair. Wife of Rev. Richard Sluyter [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman facing p.l. with dark brown hair, tortoiseshell comb, single ringlets, wearing a white dress with large ruffled collar, red shawl draped over l. arm and chair back, r. hand holding a small book (horizontal, spine up) with fingertips, l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 28 Apr 1797 in New Brunswick, Middlesex Co., N.J., dau. of Hon. Jacobus [James] Schureman (1756-1824) and Eleanor Davidse (Williamson) Schureman (1761-1823); m. 6 Aug 1816 in Middlesex, N.J. to Rev. Richard Sluyter (1787-1843); d. 28 May 1876; bur. Claverack Dutch Reformed Churchyard, Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiederspohn, Camden, N.J. as of 1969; The Collection of Bernard M. Barenholtz [19141989], Princeton, N.J. as of 1975 [IAP]; Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H., American Furniture and Accessories from "Shaker Brook Farm" the New Hampshire Home of Bernard M. Barenholtz, together with selections from his folk art, toy and bank collections (November 12, 1989) Lot 634 [cover: small color facsim., in situ; and p. 17: b&w facsim.], as unidentified subjects, sold $6,500 the pair to Samuel Herrup, Sheffield, Mass. Reference: Lita H. Solis-Cohen, “Living with antiques: The Camden, New Jersey residence of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wiederspohn,” Antiques (June 1969): p. 835 [b&w facsim., in situ], as members of the Johnson family of Princeton, N.J. by a yet unidentified Jersey artist. Status: Samuel Herrup, Sheffield, Mass. as of 1989. HPF: 73A.3, IAP: 32050758 (the pair). See Volume 2.

458. Reverend Richard Sluyter (1787-1843) – Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1820-1821 [HPF]. 31" x 25" [NEA]. One of a pair. Husband of Lydia Mary Williamson Schureman Sluyter [q.v.]. Descr.: Gentleman with receding hairline, sideburns, long hair in back; wearing a dark jacket and vest; white stock without bow; facing p.r., hands not shown. [DRA] Bio.: b. 3 Sep 1787, Nassau, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., son of Willem [William] Sluyter (b. 1731) and Mary (Ray) Sluyter; m. 6 Aug 1816 in Middlesex, N.J. to Lydia Mary Williamson Schureman (1797-1876); d. 25 Jul 1843; bur. Claverack Dutch Reformed Churchyard, Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. Pastor of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Claverack, N.Y Protégé and successor of Rev. John Gabriel Gebhard [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiederspohn, Camden, N.J. as of 1969; The Collection of Bernard M. Barenholtz [1914-1989], Princeton, N.J. as of 1975 [IAP]; Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H., American Furniture and Accessories from "Shaker Brook Farm" the New Hampshire Home of Bernard M. Barenholtz, together with selections from his folk art, toy and bank collections (November 12, 1989) Lot 634 [p. 17: b&w facsim.], as unidentified subjects, sold $6,500 the pair to Samuel Herrup, Sheffield, Mass. References: R. Ormiston Currie, A Memoir of the Rev. Richard Sluyter (New York: John Moffet, 1846) frontispiece [lithograph by G. & W. Endicott after the original]; Zabriskie (1867) opp. p. 26 [full-page lithograph, in vignette, from the original]; Lita H. Solis-Cohen, “Living with antiques: The Camden, New Jersey residence of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wiederspohn,” Antiques (June 1969): p. 835 [b&w facsim., in situ], as members of the Johnson family of Princeton, N.J. by a yet unidentified Jersey artist; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 16, no. 12 [full-page b&w facsim.], reproduced from Zabriskie (1867). Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Note: This portrait is identical to the 1846 engraving, making this the earliest

published work by Phillips. [DRA] Status: Samuel Herrup, Sheffield, Mass. as of 1989. HPF: 73A.2, IAP: 32050758 (the pair) and 35090133. See Volume 2.

459. Blond Boy with Primer, Peach, and Dog (possibly Aaron D. Smith, 18301889) – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. [PMA] or Catskill, Greene Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1836 [PMA] or 1835 [MCB] or c. 1838 [AFP]. 48-3/8" x 30" [AFP]. Descr.: Standing boy in green two-piece suit with white ruffled collar and gold trim, black slippers, holding a small red book, leaning on a table with peach and blue covering. At his feet a small brown dog with white blaze and ears perked. Paint-decorated floor cloth is the same as "Rachael Ostrander and son Titus" [q.v.]. [DRA] Note: Possibly related to the Ostrander family of Greene Co., N.Y. [MCB], with close ties to the Smith family [Lipman, 1980]. Provenance: Descent in the Smith family of Greene Co., N.Y. [MCB]; Per Bantel (1981): Fanny Smith [1844-1914] (married 1st Charles Anderson, 2nd Charles Lohman), Catskill, N.Y., 1915; her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frederick Trumpbour Smith (nee Rachel Howland [1847-1919]), Catskill, N.Y.; her granddaughter Evelyn Smith (Mrs. Donald P. Wache [b. 1916]), Catskill, N.Y., 1974 [great-great-granddaughter of Aaron D. Smith]; from whom purchased by Kenneth Van Vechten Parks, Catskill, N.Y. [HPF*]; by whom sold to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan [1976, 1980]; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Estate of Alice M. Kaplan (2001). References: Black (Washburn, 1976) no. 13 [b&w facsim. on cover, collection of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan]; Black, ARTnews (April 1976): p. 86 [color facsim.]; Anderson (1977) no. 17 [full-page color facsim., back cover]; Lipman and Armstrong (1980) p. 143 [color facsim.]; Bantel (1981) pp. 166-167 [full-page color facsim., p. 166]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 74 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 25, Pl. I [color facsim.]; Hollander, Folk Art (Spring 1994): p. 43 [color facsim.]; Hollander (2008) p. 25, Pl. I [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa. (acquired 2001). Accession number: 2001-13-1. HPF: 73A.4, IAP: 8C760037. See Volume 2.

460. Allene [Allyn] Northrup Smith (Mrs. Gideon Smith, 1739-1805) – Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1811*. One of a pair (presumed). Wife of Gideon Smith [q.v.]. Note: This painting is known only from the inscription on its presumed companion. Given the subject's death in 1805, and the ambiguity of the inscription, this portrait may never have existed. See the explanatory notes under Gideon Smith. [DRA] Status: May not exist. H&H: 2, HPF: 73A.5, IAP: 81310002. N.B.: May never have existed

461. Anna Benedict Smith (Mrs. Enos Smith, 1787-1870) – Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [DRA], c. 1860 [DRA]. Probable companion portrait to Enos Smith [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with lace cap, black dress and white fichu held with gold and jet brooch; facing p.l., glancing p.r., wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding small black book with gold decorated spine in r. hand and folded spectacles held in l. hand with upturned fingers. Inscr.: Newer card attached to back of portrait: "Anna Benedict Smith / 2nd Wife of Enos Smith / Born 1787 Died 1870." Bio.: b. 17 Feb 1787 in Warwick, Orange Co., N.Y., dau. of James Benedict (1745-1822) and Mary Anne (Wood) Benedict (1747-1813); m. 15 Jan 1824 to Enos Smith (1772-1857), son of Gideon Smith [q.v.] and Allyn (Northrup) Smith [q.v.], his 2nd wife; d. 16 Nov 1870; bur. Church on the Hill Cem., Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. Provenance: Wintergarden Auction Services, Monson, Mass. (January 5, 2013). Status: Sold at auction 2013. See Volume 2.

462. Eliza Smith (Mrs. Lorrin Smith, c. 1799-1876) – New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], c. 1840 [GES] or 1850’s [DRA]. 34" x 27-1/2" [GES]. One of a pair. Wife of Lorrin Smith [q.v.]. Descr.: Jowly middle-aged woman in lace cap, black dress with small lace collar and small lace cuffs; seated facing p.r. on a sofa, with wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding a small closed book in l. hand, fingers marking page. Bio.: d. 25 Mar 1876, aged 76; bur. Palmer Cem., New Marlborough, Berkshire, Co. Mass. [DRA] Provenance: George E. Schoellkopf (dealer), New York, N.Y. [1975]. Reference: Schoellkopf, Selected Examples of American Folk Art (1975) p. 6 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 73A.6. See Volume 2.

463. Enos Smith (1772-1857) – Stockbridge, Berkshire, Mass. [DRA], c. 1850 [HPF]. 33" x 27" [CNY]. Probable companion portrait to Anna Benedict Smith [q.v.]. Son of Gideon Smith [q.v.] and Allene [Allyn] Northrup Smith [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with center-peaked gray hair, slanted brow, and flat lip line; wearing black jacket and vest, black bow tie, white shirt with upturned collar; seated facing p.l., l arm resting on large book, r. hand not shown. [DRA] Bio.: b. 2 Apr 1772, son of Gideon Smith (17391838) and Allyn (Northrup) Smith (1739-1805); m. (1st) 30 Apr 1794 to Theodosia Bosworth (1776-1823); m. (2nd) 15 Jan 1824 to Anna Benedict (1787-1870); d. 27 Dec 1857; bur. Church on the Hill Cem., Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. (Capt. Enos Smith). Res.: Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. 1800 through 1855. [DRA] Provenance: Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Sale 6842 (June 3, 1989) Lot 155 [b&w facsim., p. 96], unsold (est. $5-8,000) ; Martone Auction Gallery, West Greenwich, R.I. (September 23, 1990), est. $3-5,000; on consignment at $6,000 with Willard Vine Clerk, Malden Bridge, N.Y. (1992). Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (September 14. 1990): p. 76 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 73A.7. See Volume 2.

464. Fanny Waterbury Smith (Mrs. James Smith, 1800-1873) – New Hampton (Town of Wawayanda), Orange Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], 1827 [HPF] or c. 1828-32 [MCB] 30-3/4" x 20-3/4" [WDG]. One of a pair. Wife of Col. James Smith [q.v.]. Mother of Mary Elizabeth Smith [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in elaborate beribboned bonnet, long ribbons descending p.r. front and behind p.l. shoulder, gold earring[s], black dress with shear lace collar; seated facing p.r. in a side chair decorated with crossed feathers, r. arm resting on chair back, ring on r. index finger, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding a piece of fruit (probably an apple) by the stem. [DRA] Bio.: b. 18 Sep 1800; d. Jan 1873 in Washington, D.C. [WDG] Provenance: William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y. (November 17, 1982) Lot 122, sold $30,000 the pair (est. $35-45,000). References: The New York Times (Sunday, November 7, 1982): p. H 31 [b&w facsim.]; McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Autumn 2017): p. 76 [color facsim.] Exhibited: ''Empire State Mosaic: The Folk Art of New York,'' New York State Historical Association, Cooperstown, N.Y. (April 1 – December 31, 1999). Status: Collection of Dr. Josef E. and Vera A. Jelinek, New York, N.Y. as of 1994, 2017. HPF: 73A.8. See Volume 2.

465. Gideon Smith (1739-1838) – Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1811*. 29-1/2" x 25-1/2" [H&H]. One of a pair (presumed). Husband of Allene [Allyn] Northrup Smith [q.v.]. Note: Companion unlocated and may not exist. Inscr.: "Ped by A. Phillips 1811 / It is my will that those / Portraits May not ever be parted / A. Smith Aged 71, 1811". Descr.: Older, bald gentleman with gray hair on side(s); wearing dark jacket tall collar and brass buttons, white stock with bow, small white upturned collar; seated facing and staring p.l., hands not shown. Note: The Holdridges identified this as the portrait of tavern owner and notorious Tory loyalist Gideon Smith who died in Stockbridge, Mass. in 1838 at age 98. His wife, Allyn Northrup Smith died in 1805, which is inconsistent with the inscription. It is possible that the age refers to the subject, the "A. Smith" is the subject's dau.-in-law Anna (Benedict) Smith [q.v.], and "those portraits" refers to the portraits of Enos Smith [q.v.] and Anna (Benedict) Smith [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 27 Jul 1739 in Ridgefield, Fairfield Co., Conn., son of Gideon Smith (1709-1799) and Sarah (Benedict) Smith (1710-1791); m. 1762 in Ridgefield, Conn. to Allyn Northrup (1739-1805); d. 7 Mar 1838; bur. Church on the Hill Cem., Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. (Æ 98 Y 7 M). Res.: Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1790 through 1830. [DRA] Provenance: By probable descent from the subject to his son Enos Smith (1772-1857) and dau.-in-law Anna (Benedict) Smith (17871870); to their son James Benedict Smith (1825-1849) and dau.-in-law Sarah Lucina (Cook) Smith (18301915); to their dau. Anna Orilla Smith (Mrs. Charles G. Mattoon, 1848-1911); to her son James Smith Mattoon (1866-1938); to his son James Harris Mattoon (1899-1966); to his son Bruce Mattoon (1930-2004), Foxboro, Mass. (as of 1968, 1976, 1994). References: Holdridge (1968) p. 21 [b&w facsim.]; Wood (1969) p. 162 [full-page b&w facsim.]; The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Mass. (Nov. 10, 1976): p. 27 [not illus.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 26, Pl II [color facsim.]. Status: Dorothy Mattoon, Punta Gorda, Fla. (presumed). H&H: 1*, HPF: 73A.9, IAP: 81310001. See Volume 2.

466. Judge Isaac Smith (1767-1825) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Lithgow, Town of Washington, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1821 [HPF]. 31" x 25" (sight). One of a pair. Husband of Phoebe Lewis Smith [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "THE PLOUGH BOY" with accurate depiction of masthead. Descr.: Rosy-cheeked older man with grayish-white hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. on green-upholstered scroll-arm sofa with brass tacks and rosette, l. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand holding newspaper (see inscription), r. hand not shown. Pale neutral background. Bio.: b. 26 Jul 1767 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Isaac Smith (1722-1795) and Margaret (Platt) Smith (1728-1791); m. 28 Jan 1794 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Phoebe Lewis (1777-1853); purchased “Lithgow” estate in Town of Washington from the Johnstone family in 1813; res. Washington, Dutchess Co., N.Y. 1820; d. 10 Jul 1825 in Lithgow, Town of Washington, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Bur.: Bockee Wheaton Burying Ground, Shekomeko, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Note: The Plough Boy and Journal of the Board of Agriculture published Albany, N.Y. from June 1819 to July 1823. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in Smith Family, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to 1968; Private Collection, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to 1996; Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H. (March 3, 1996) Lot 756; Christie's, New York, Important American Furniture, Silver, Prints, Folk Art and Decorative Arts (Friday, January 21, 2000) Lot 31, sold $17,000+15% the pair (est. $18-22,000); Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver and Prints, Sale 1247 (June 18, 2003) Lot 90, sold $14,000+19.5% the pair; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Silver, Sale 17810 (January 24, 2020) Lot 209, unsold at $7,500+25% the pair (est. $14-18,000). Reference: Pugsley (1976) p. 28, No. 25 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Unsold at auction 2020. HPF: 73A.10. See Volume 2.

467. Colonel James Smith (1781-1870) – New Hampton (Town of Wawayanda), Orange Co., N.Y., probably [HPF] or Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1827 [HPF] or c. 182832 [MCB]. 30-3/4" x 20-3/4" [WDG]. One of a pair. Husband of Fanny Waterbury Smith [q.v.]. Father of Mary Elizabeth Smith [q.v.]. Descr.: Gentleman with chin dimple, thinning hair and long sideburns; wearing black jacket, white stock with small bow in front, white ruffled jabot; sitting facing p.l. in a side chair decorated with crossed feathers, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding a closed book with spine up. [DRA] Bio.: b. 30 Dec 1781; d. 13 Nov 1870 in New Hampton, Orange Co., N.Y. [WDG] Res.: Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850, 1855, 1860; Middletown, Orange Co., N.Y., 1865; Wawayanda, Orange Co., N.Y., 1870. [DRA] Provenance: William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y. (November 17, 1982) Lot 122, sold $30,000 the pair (est. $35-45,000). References: The New York Times (Sunday, November 7, 1982): p. H 31 [b&w facsim.]; McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Autumn 2017): p. 76 [color facsim.] Status: Collection of Dr. Josef E. and Vera A. Jelinek, New York, N.Y. as of 1994, 2017 HPF: 73A.11. See Volume 2.

468. Jane Daney Smith – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1820 [MFA] or c. 18181820 [HPF]. 32-1/8" x 26" [MFA] or 32" x 25-3/4" [HPF]. Purported mother of Nancy Smith Lamphear [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): “RAYER” / “OOK” [Prayer Book]. Descr.: Middle-aged woman in gray dress with double lace collar and lace cuffs, lace cap with bow on top, gold necklace and gold earring[s]; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated scroll-arm chair; holding prayer book in l. hand, face down. Red drapery in u.l. corner and l. side of canvas. Note: The subject identification is problematic. No person named Jane Daney or Jane Daney Smith has been located, nor any Smith surname connection with the descendant-owner’s ancestor Nancy Lanphere/Lamphear [q.v.].

[DRA] Provenance: Descended in family of sitter to Constance Ledward Rollins, Hancock, N.H.; to Dr. John Rollins, her husband; to Hancock Historical Society (1981); Robert W. Skinner, Inc., Bolton, Mass., Sale 899 (March 24, 1983) Lot 128, sold $12,500+10% (est. $15-25,000); to MFA, 1983 purchase (Emily L. Ainsley Fund, 1983). References: Maine Antique Digest (May 1983): p. 3-B [b&w facsim.]; Troyen, et al. (1997) p. 217 [illus.] Status: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass. (acquired 1983). Accession number: 1983.164. Not on public view as of 2019. HPF: 73A.12, IAP: 20492780. See Volume 2.

469. Hon. John Cotton Smith (1765-1845) – Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1830 or c. 1836 [H&H] or c. 1845 [DRA]. 38" x 35" [H&H] or 33" x 28" (sight) [SHS]

Descr.: Older, gray-haired gentleman in black jacket and white ruffled jabot; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, holding l. hand inside jacket, r. hand extended and resting on book opened face down on lap. Bio.: b. 12 Feb 1765 in Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn., son of Rev. Cotton Mather Smith (1731-1806) and Temperance (Worthington) Smith (1732-1800); graduated Yale College, 1783; state legislator, 1793-1800; Speaker of Conn. House of Representatives, 1800; U.S. Representative At-large from Conn., 1800-06; Associate Judge of Conn. Superior and Supreme Courts, 1809-11; 7th Lt. Governor of Conn , 1811-12; 23nd Governor of Conn., 1812-17 (last Federalist governor of Conn.); Pres. American Bible Society, 1831-45; d. 7 Dec 1845 in Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. Bur.: Hillside Cem., Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn. Note: Bears a strong similarity to the undated portrait of John Cotton Smith by George Frederick Wright (1828-1881). Wright’s portrait may be a posthumous rendition based on Phillips’s earlier work. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent to Robert Worthington Smith (1811-1877) of Sharon, Conn., grandson of the subject; to his dau., Gertrude Bolden Smith (Mrs. Robert C. Geer, 1850-1919); Robert C. Geer (1840-1926) of New York City as of 1921; Sharon Historical Society (formerly on loan from Robert C. Geer). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library (1957); Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. XI [color facsim.]. Status: Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Conn. On exhibit as of 2007. H&H: 188, HPF: 73A.13, IAP: 60490003 and 81310174. See Volume 2.

470. Lorrin Smith (1793-1862) – New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], c. 1840 [GES] or 1850’s [DRA]. 34" x 27-1/2" [GES]. One of a pair. Husband of Eliza Smith [q.v.]. Descr.: Gentleman in black jacket and vest, black tie in bow, white pleated shirt with upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in an upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm and r. hand holding book in lap, l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 2 Mar 1793, New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Sarah and Benjamin Smith; res. New Marlborough, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1840, 1860; d. 20 Aug 1862, aged 69; bur. Palmer Cem., New Marlborough, Berkshire, Co. Mass. [DRA] Provenance: George E. Schoellkopf (dealer), New York, N.Y. [1975]. Reference: Schoellkopf, Selected Examples of American Folk Art (1975) p. 6 [b&w facsim.], as Lorin Smith Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 73A.14. See Volume 2.

471. Mary Elizabeth Smith (later Mrs. Samuel O. Canfield, 1827-1903) – Orange Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1827 [TFAA]. 25-5/8" x 20-3/4" [TFAA]. Probably the dau. of Col. James Smith [q.v.] and Fanny Waterbury Smith [q.v.]. [HPF] Descr.: Young child in white ruffled cap with red bows, three-strand necklace, long white short-sleeved dress with red shoulder bows; seated facing p.l. in grain-painted armchair with red sash wrapped around waist and hanging under chair back, holding sprig with strawberries in r. hand and single strawberry in l. hand. Note: Very similar to The Strawberry Girl [q.v.] at National Gallery of Art [DRA] Bio.: b. Apr 1827; m. 27 Apr 1852 to Samuel O. Canfield; d. 17 Jul 1903. Res.: Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y., 1850 (Mary E. Smith, age 22); 1855 (Mary E. Canfield, age 28); Bridgeport-West Stratford, Fairfield Co., Conn., 1870, 1880, 1900 (Mary E. S. Canfield, wife of Samuel O. Canfield). Provenance: Mary Elizabeth Smith (Mrs. S. Canfield), Orange Co., N.Y.; Descended in family; Berry-Hill Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. [1985]; Daniel J. Terra Collection, Chicago, Illinois, 1985; Terra Foundation for American Art, Chicago, Illinois, 1992. References: American Paintings III (New York: Berry-Hill Galleries, Inc., 1985); Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 36, Pl. XXV. Status: Terra Foundation for American Art, Daniel J. Terra Collection, Chicago, Illinois (acquired 1992). Accession number: 1992.56. HPF: 73A.15, IAP: 66030109. See Volume 2.

472. Mrs. Smith of Elmira, N.Y., aka Woman Wearing Paisley-Trimmed Shawl –unknown locale [HPF], or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. vicinity, probably [DRA], c. 1837 [HPF] or c. 1830 [DRA]. 30-1/2" x 24-1/4" [HPF]. Descr.: Oval-faced woman facing p.r., wearing black dress covered by black shawl edged in red embroidery with gold trim, ruffled white bonnet with black ribbons tied under chin; r. arm resting on a fancy-painted chair back, l. hand holding a small but thick red book, spine up. Note: Not so-named in HPF. [DRA] Provenance: Found in a house by Fred Giampietro, New Haven, Conn.; Lewis W. Scranton Antiques, Killingworth, Conn. (from January 1993). Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (March 6, 2009): p. 77 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Lewis W. Scranton Antiques, Killingworth, Conn. as of 2009 HPF: 78B.11. See Volume 2.

473. Phoebe Lewis Smith (Mrs. Isaac Smith, 1777-1853) – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Lithgow, Town of Washington, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1821 [HPF]. 31" x 25" (sight). One of a pair. Wife of Judge Isaac Smith [q.v.]. Descr.: Rosycheeked older woman wearing long-sleeved green dress, green shawl over white fischu, sheer bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.l. on green-upholstered scrollarm sofa with brass tacks and rosette, l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand holding book with thumb marking page, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Dark neutral background. [DRA] Bio.: b. 11 Oct 1777 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Daniel Lewis (1724-1798); m. 28 Jan 1794 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Isaac Smith (1767-1825); res. Washington, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850; d. 16 Dec 1853 in Lithgow, Town of Washington, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Bur.: Bockee Wheaton Burying Ground, Shekomeko, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Judge Isaac Smith. Reference: Pugsley (1976) p. 29, No. 26 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Unsold at auction 2020. HPF: 73A.16. See Volume 2.

474. Mariah Durkee Soggs (Mrs. Ananias R. Soggs, 1803-1850) – Genesee Co., N.Y. [CNY] or Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1831 [CNY]. 30" x 24" [CNY]. Mother of Mary Jane and Henry Soggs [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman in elaborate beribboned bonnet, with long untied ribbons hanging p.r. front and p.l. back, black dress with sheer lace collar, small brooch; seated facing p.r. and glancing p.l.; r. hand resting on a very large book with spine up [replacing chair back in similar portraits], l. hand holding a small book with spine up. [DRA] Cond.: Some tears [CNY]. Bio.: b. 9 Feb 1803 in Augusta, Oneida Co., N.Y., dau. of Silas Durkee (1775-1841) and Hester Betsey (Hinman) Durkee (1780-1869); m. 1820 to Ananias R. Soggs (1798-1856); d. 6 Sep 1850; bur. Tefft Cem., French Creek, Chautauqua Co., N.Y. Res.: (Ananias Soggs) Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1830. Note: The face and bonnet details are identical to “Lady in Elaborate Lace Bonnet” [q.v.]. The larger book is incongruous, awkwardly placed, and not drawn with Phillips’s usual linear precision. A probable later addition to a damaged copy of the other portrait, the restorer mistaking the original pillow-back side chair for a large book. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent to the consignor; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Sale 6400 (May 28, 1987) Lot 83 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $10-15,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 73A.17. See Volume 2.

475. Double Portrait of Mary Jane (1824-1912) and Henry Ananias Soggs (1829-1894) – Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y. [CCH, HPF], 1830-1832 [NEA] or c. 1830 [CCH, HPF]. 36" x 38" [NEA, SNY] or 26" x 33" [CCH, HPF]. The children of Ananias R. Soggs (1798-1856) and Mariah Durkee Soggs (1803-1850) [q.v.] of New York, who married in 1820 and later divorced. [SNY] Descr.: Double portrait of two blonde children in matching salmon-colored short-sleeved dresses with gray trim. The leftmost (younger) with short hair and bangs, wearing green shoe(s), with gray ribbon trailing behind dress; standing facing p.l. with both arms outstretched, l. hand with palm up, r. hand grasping a strawberry from sprig held by older child. The rightmost (older) with shoulder-length curls; wearing hair net with black band, single-strand black necklace, yellow shoes; sitting facing p.r. on green and red embroidered footstool, l. hand in lap holding strawberry sprig, r. hand extended and handing strawberry sprig to younger child. Green and red patterned floor covering. [DRA] Cond.: Very fine. In-paint

throughout where there was flaking. [SNY] Bio.: Mary Jane Soggs, b. 25 Jul 1824 in Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Ananias R. Soggs (1798-1856) and Mariah Durkee Soggs (1803-1850); m. 22 Aug 1846 in Spring Creek, Warren Co., Pa. to Joseph Damon (1813-1847); d. 19 Feb 1912 in Dundee, Monroe Co., Mich.; bur. David Curtis Cem., Columbus, Warren Co., Pa. Henry Ananias Soggs, b. 10 Oct 1829 in Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y., son of Ananias R. Soggs (1798-1856) and Mariah Durkee Soggs (1803-1850); m. 1856 to Eunice B. Dunton (1833-1913); d. April 1895 in Lakewood, Chautauqua Co., N.Y.; bur. Westlawn Cem., Columbus, Warren Co., Pa. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of Mary Jane Soggs; C.G. Sloan & Co., Washington, D.C. (March 23, 1986) Lot 1965, sold $155,000+10%; to collection of Bettie and Seymour S. Mintz, Bethesda, Md. (1990); Russell E. Burke III [Fine Art, New York, N.Y.]; David Schorsch [Woodbury, Conn.]; The Folk Art Collection of Susan and Raymond Egan, Princeton, N.J.; Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H. (August 5, 2006) Lot 859, sold $270,000+12%; a New England private collector; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08950 (January 26, 2013) Lot 336, unsold at $240,000 (est. $250-350,000). Note: Previously offered at Christie's New York (May 1987) Lot 83. References: Antiques (March 1986): p. 489 [color facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (March 28, 1986): p. 108 [b&w facsim ]; Maine Antique Digest (May 1986): p. 29-C [b&w facsim.]; Heslip (1990) p. 62, no. 22 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Unsold at auction 2013. HPF: 73A.18. See Volume 2.

476. Cyrus Spicer (1750-1826), or Lt. Cyrus Spicer (1784-1853), possibly – Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CNY], c. 1815 [CHS] or c. 1816 [H&H] or c. 1817 [SPB]. 40" x 33" [SPB] or 39" x 32" [CNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Mary Eddy Spicer [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of man with gray hair and dark eyebrows; wearing black jacket, tan patterned vest, white stock with bow, white downturned collar, black breeches with brass buttons and silver buckle; seated facing p.r. in green, yellow and orange fancy-painted side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, large closed book on lap with third through fifth fingers of l. hand marking page. Pale background. Note: Very similar to Joseph Slade [q.v.]. Sitter originally identified by Holdridges as Captain Cyrus Spicer and possibly [1965] or probably [1968] Lt. Cyrus Spicer (1784-1853) b. North Groton, Conn., who served in War of 1812 and m. Tammy Cross in 1812. [CHS, H&H] Note: Based on the apparent ages of the subjects, the original identification of Cyrus Spicer (1750-1826) seems more probable. Bio.: b. 13 Mar 1750 in Groton, New London Co., Conn., son of John Spicer (1724-1769) and Mercy (Chapman) Spicer (1723-1812); m. 28 Jul 1771 to Mary Eddy (1750-1828); d. 1 Dec 1826; bur. Geer-Spicer Cem., Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Res.: Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1800, 1810, 1820. [DRA] Provenance: Unlocated (per Holdridge 1968); a descendant of the Spicer family (1975); descended in the family of the sitters (per SPB 1980); Sotheby Parke Bernet Inc., New York, N.Y., Americana: American Paintings and Prints, Sale 4479M (November 21, 1980) Lot 41, sold $180,000+10% the pair (est. $60-80,000); Collection of John and Leah Gordon, New York, N.Y. [1994]; Christie's, New York, N.Y., The John Gordon Collection of Folk Americana, Sale 9052 (January 15 and 19, 1999) Lot 320, sold $90,500, the pair (est. $30-50,000) to Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. References: Non-Academic Paintings of Rensselaer County (1975) no. 14 [not illus.], lent by a descendant of the Spicer family; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 32 Pl. XIV [color facsim.]; Lita SolisCohen, "Christie's New York: The John Gordon Sale," Maine Antique Digest (March 1999) color facsim. Status: Sold by Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. (1999). CHS: 139, H&H: 30, HPF: 73B.1, IAP: 63000034 and 81310028. See Volume 2.

477. Mary Eddy Spicer (Mrs. Cyrus Spicer, 1750-1828), or Tammy Cross Spicer (Mrs. Cyrus Spicer, 1790-1871) – Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H] or Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF], or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CNY], c. 1815 [CHS] or c. 1816 [H&H] or c. 1817 [SPB]. 40" x 33" [SPB] or 39" x 32" [CNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Cyrus Spicer [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing long-sleeved green dress with v-neck over white fischu, white ruffled cap with black band tied on top, double-strand yellow necklace, ring on l. index finger; seated facing p.l. in green, yellow and orange fancy-painted side chair, l. arm resting on round table, both hands in lap holding a piece of white lace. Pale background. Note: Very similar to Alsa Slade [q.v.]. Sitter identified by Holdridges as simply Mrs. Cyrus Spicer, and possibly [1965] or probably [1968] Tammy Cross (1790-1871) who m. Lt. Cyrus Spicer in 1812. [CHS, H&H] Based on the apparent ages of

the subjects, the original identification of Mary Eddy (1750-1828) seems more probable. Bio.: Mary Eddy, b. 16 Dec 1750 in Swansea, Bristol Co., Mass., dau. of Constant Eddy (1710-1784) and Mary (Winslow) Eddy (1716-1784); m. 28 Jul 1771 to Cyrus Spicer (1750-1826); d. 21 Jul 1828; bur. Geer-Spicer Cem., Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Cyrus Spicer. References: Non-Academic Paintings of Rensselaer County (1975) no. 15 [not illus.], lent by a descendant of the Spicer family; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 32 Pl. XIV [color facsim.]; Lita Solis-Cohen, "Christie's New York: The John Gordon Sale," Maine Antique Digest (March 1999) [color facsim.]. Status: Sold by Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. (1999). CHS: 140, H&H: 31, HPF: 73B.2, IAP: 63000035 and 81310296. See Volume 2.

478. Ester Stakley, or Betsy Sutherland – Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y. [FMA] or Litchfield Co., Conn. [KAG], c. 1825 [FMA] or c. 1830 [KAG]. 30" x 24" [KAG]. Descr.: Woman with dark curls, dark circles around eyes, and downturned furrows at corners of mouth; wearing black dress and elaborate ruffled beribboned bonnet with long ribbons tied under chin, two-layer pleated sheer collar; seated facing p.r. on redupholstered sofa with brass tacks, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. [DRA]. Note: Very similar to Mrs. John Lawrence [q.v.] Provenance: Frank Moran Antiques, Wingdale, N.Y., as "Ester Stakley, Bedford, N.Y." [1975]; John Gordon Gallery, New York, N.Y. to Shirley H. Coci, Metairie, La. (1980) as "Betsy Sutherland, Litchfield Co., Conn."; Kuehnert's Auction Gallery, Inc., Houston, Texas (October 18, 2007) Lot 1014, unsold at $19,500+10% (est. $25-45,000); Litchfield County Auctions, June 2008, Item No. 1062655, sold $8,250+20% (est. $12-18,000); to R.G.L. Antiques (Ralph Franzese), Bedminster, N.J., offered at $19,500 [York Antique Show, September 2008]. Reference: American Art Review, Vol. II, No. 1 (Jan-Feb 1975): p. 41 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Hanes & Ruskin Antiques, Old Lyme, Conn. as of 2016. HPF: 73B.3, IAP: 82190131. See Volume 2.

479. Frank Stanton – New Marlborough, Berkshire, Mass. [H&H], c. 1860 [H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Maria Cole Stanton [q.v.]. Note: The subject’s niece lived with the Stantons and remembers watching the artist painting the portraits while he was staying with the family in New Marlborough. [H&H] Provenance: Descended to private owner, Torrington, Conn. as of 1968. [H&H] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] H&H: 308, HPF: 73B.4, IAP: 81310294.

480. Maria Cole Stanton (Mrs. Frank Stanton) – New Marlborough, Berkshire, Mass. [H&H], c. 1860 [H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Frank Stanton [q.v.]. Provenance: Descended to private owner, Torrington, Conn. as of 1968. [H&H] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] H&H: 309, HPF: 73B.5, IAP: 81310295.

481. Charles Friend Starr (1812-1887) – Danbury, Fairfield Co., Conn., c. 1848. 34-1/2" x 28-1/4". One of a pair. Husband of Mariette Seeley Starr [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark haired gentleman with full chin beard; wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt, upturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding closed book, l. hand not shown. Cond.: Unrelined canvas with the original wooden strainers. Bio.: b. 30 Mar 1812 in Danbury, Conn., son of Friend Starr (1767-1838) and Esther (Booth) Starr (1777-1853); m. (1st) 30 Jun 1841 in Danbury, Conn. to Mariette Clark Seeley (1821-1856); m. (2nd) 12 Oct 1877 to Sarah M. Seeley (1814-1884); d. 17 Sep 1887. Bur.: Wooster Cem., Danbury, Fairfield Co., Conn. Res.: Danbury, Fairfield Co., Conn , 1850 (Farmer). Provenance: Julia Ann Starr (Mrs. Frederick Seymour Wildman, 1807-1893), Danbury, Conn., cousin of the subject; thence by descent in the Wildman family; Hallam Antiques, Hudson, N.Y. to the present owners. Status: Private collection as of 2000.

482. Mariette Clark Seeley Starr (Mrs. Charles Friend Starr, 1821-1856) –Danbury, Fairfield Co., Conn., c. 1848. 34-1/2" x 28-1/4". One of a pair. Wife of Charles Friend Starr [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired woman with long side-curls; wearing black dress with embroidered lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r. on redupholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap holding book. Cond.: Unrelined canvas with the original wooden strainers. Bio.: b. 5 Jan 1821, dau. of Aaron Seeley (1791-1872) and Maria (Tenney) Seeley (1795-1840); m. 30 Jun 1841 to Charles Friend Starr; d. 28 Aug 1856. Bur.: Wooster Cem., Danbury, Fairfield Co., Conn. Provenance: See Charles Friend Starr. Status: Private collection as of 2000.

483. William Stevens (1791-1844) – Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1830 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [SNY]. Brother of Margaret Stevens Bentley [q.v.]. Descr.: Heavy-set middle-aged gentleman with dark bangs and sideburns, wearing a dark coat with crisp shoulders, white stock, upturned collar; facing p.l., l. arm resting on table (possibly), r. hand holding a neat stack of small paper slips with script writing (indistinct). [DRA] Cond.: Cleaned and laid-down on Masonite in 1973. Full conservation by Josephine D. Lockwood, Richmond, Mass. in 1975. [CLF] Canvas mounted on board. [SNY] Bio.: b. 16 Oct 1791 in Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of William Stevens (1748-1825) and Abigail (Thompson) Stevens (1749-1827); d. 1 Jan 1844; bur. Quaker Cem., Pawling, N.Y. (aged 52 y’s. 2 mo. & 15 d.). [DRA] The sitter was a real estate dealer and farmer. He owned two farms, one in Sheffield, Mass. and one in Pawling, N.Y. [SNY] Provenance: By descent from the subject’s sister, Margaret (Stevens) Bentley (1778-1850); to her grandson, William Stevens Willcox (1831-1910); to his son, Joseph Sage Willcox (1871-1955); to his son, Oliver Cornell Willcox (1915-2011), South Egremont, Mass. (1975); by whom sold to Charles L. Flint (dealer), Lenox, Mass. (1984); by whom placed in Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 5280 (January 30-31, 1985) Lot 188 [b&w facsim.], unsold (est. $4-6,000); subsequently sold by C.L. Flint to Dr. Joseph Cohn, Short Hills, N.J. References: Antiques (May 1984): p. 1045 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (June 1984): p. 10-D [b&w facsim.]. Status: Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Cohn, Short Hills, N.J. as of 1994. HPF: 73B.6, IAP: 63007743. See Volume 2.

484. William H. Stewart (1805-1866) – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [CHS, H&H] or Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1862*. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [CHS, H&H]. Inscr. (verso): "Wm. H. Stewart Age 57 / Painted by A. Phillips 1862." script in Phillips’s hand. [CHS] Descr.: Gentleman in black jacket, white shirt and upturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. with r. arm resting on a closed book, l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 11 Feb 1805 in Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Col. Henry W. Stewart (1775-1846) and Phebe (Sherill) Stewart (1778-1846); res. Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1860 (age 55, merchant); d. 14 Jun 1866; bur. Friends Burial Ground, Stanfordville, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Geng, Buffalo, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. See provenance. CHS: 141, H&H: 281, HPF: 73B.7, IAP: 81310267. See Volume 2.

485. Ashbel Stoddard (1763-1840) – Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y., c. 1812-1813. 29" x 24-3/4". One of a pair. Husband of Patience Bolles Stoddard [q.v.]. Inscr. (folio): "Washington's Farewell Address". Descr.: 1/2-length portrait of man with acornshaped head, wearing black jacket with brass buttons, white vest, white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock with bow, upturned collar; facing p.r., l. hand holding folio (see inscription), r. arm not shown. Gray background. Notes: Gerald Kornblau established the identity of the sitter based on similarity to an engraving of Ashbel Stoddard [published in 1900] and the fact that Stoddard [Hudson’s first printer and publisher] is known to have printed Washington’s Farewell Address in 1797. [Stair] Washington’s Farewell Address was published periodically by the Washington Benevolent Society, but in 24-page quarto format (as depicted) only in 1810. [DRA] Bio.: b. 16 May 1763 in Old Saybrook, Middlesex Co., Conn., son of Rev. Simeon Stoddard (1734-1765) and Sarah (Waterhouse) Stoddard (1739-1803); m. 1785 in New London, Conn. to Patience Bolles (1762-1841); res. Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1790 through

1840; d. 18 Oct 1840; bur. Hudson City Cem., Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of the Gerald Kornblau Gallery, New York, N.Y. [1974]; Stair Galleries, Hudson, N.Y., Americana and Folk Art from the Estate of Gerald Kornblau (March 10-11, 2012) Lot 88, sold $25,000+15% the pair (est. $20-40,000); Joan R. Brownstein, American Folk Paintings, Newbury, Mass. as of January 2013 (sold). References: American Folk Art Exhibition, Mead Art Building, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. (1974) no. 18 [full-page b&w facsim.], lent by Gerald Kornblau Gallery; Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 1 [full-page b&w facsim.], collection of The Gerald Kornblau Gallery; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 269. Pl. VI [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 26, Pl. IV [color facsim.]; Ritchie, The Hudson River Valley Review (Autumn 2012): pp. 54-67 [b&w facsim., p. 55] Exhibited: "Seeing Columbia County," Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (2005), courtesy Colin Stair, Stair Galleries, Hudson, N.Y. [per Tom Calarco, "Mementos of Columbia County, N.Y.," Northeast Journal of Antiques & Art (October 2005).] Status: Sold 2013 (see Provenance). HPF: 73B.8, IAP: 20090035. See Volume 2.

486. Patience Bolles Stoddard (Mrs. Ashbel Stoddard, 1762-1841) – Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y., c. 1812-1813. 29" x 24-3/4". One of a pair. Wife of Ashbel Stoddard [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "YOUNG POEMS" (see note) Descr.: Round-faced, blue-eyed woman with wispy forehead curls; wearing brown dress with white dotted bodice, white dotted sleeves, narrow two-layer ruffled collar, white cap with large ruffles on top, gold and jet ring on r. index finger; seated facing p.l. with r. hand holding book (see inscription), l. arm not shown. Gray background. Note: The Poetical Works of the Reverend Dr. Edward Young (pub. London, 1785-1796). Bio.: b. 19 Jun 1762, dau. of Joshua Bolles (1717-1800) and Joanna (Williams) Bolles (1720-1777); m. 1785 in New London, Conn. to Ashbel Stoddard (1763-1840); d. 20 Oct 1841; bur. Hudson City Cem., Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y. (as Silence Stoddard). [DRA] Provenance: Collection of the Gerald Kornblau Gallery, New York, N.Y. [1974]; Stair Galleries, Hudson, N.Y., Americana and Folk Art from the Estate of Gerald Kornblau (March 10-11, 2012) Lot 88, sold $25,000+15% the pair (est. $20-40,000); Joan R. Brownstein, American Folk Paintings, Newbury, Mass. as of January 2013 (sold). References: American Folk Art Exhibition, Mead Art Building, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. (1974) no. 18 [full-page b&w facsim.], lent by Gerald Kornblau Gallery; Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 2 [full-page b&w facsim.], collection of the Gerald Kornblau Gallery; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 289, Pl. V [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 26, Pl. III [color facsim.]; Ritchie, The Hudson River Valley Review (Autumn 2012): pp. 54-67 [b&w facsim., p. 54]. Status: Sold 2013 (see Provenance). HPF: 73B.9, IAP: 20090034. See Volume 2.

487. Elizabeth Phillips Storm (Mrs. John Curry Storm, 1816-1902) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [NYSHA] or East Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1845 [NYSHA]. 33-1/8" x 28" [NYSHA] or 33-5/8" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of John Curry Storm [q.v.]. Also dau. of Elias Phillips [q.v.] by his first wife Maria Wilde Phillips (1796-1831). Descr.: Young woman wearing black dress with lace collar and cuffs; facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table with two books, holding closed book in lap with r. hand, parsley sprig with l. hand. Cond.: Conserved (cleaned, varnished, relined, new stretchers). Bio.: b. 22 Jul 1816 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; m. by 1836, John Curry Storm (1807-1850); d. 24 Feb 1902, Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y.; bur. Evergreen Cem., Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y. Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. 1850; Town of Caroline, Tompkins Co., N.Y., 1860; Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y., 1870, 1880, 1900. Provenance: By family descent from the subjects’ dau., Jane M. Storm (Mrs. William W. Thomas, 1838-1921), Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y.; possibly via her dau., Jane M. Thomas (Mrs. Hendrik DeHaas, 1880-1911); to her dau., Eunice E. DeHaas (Mrs. Clayton E. Weber, 1909-1985), Brooktondale, Town of Caroline, Tompkins Co., N.Y. [not Brookdale, N.Y.], great-granddaughter of the subjects; New York State Historical Association, Cooperstown, N.Y. (gift of Mr. & Mrs. Clayton E. Weber) References: Antiques (September 1983): p. 521, Fig. 2 [b&w facsim.]; D'Ambrosio and Emans (1987) pp. 129-130 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Fenimore Art Museum [formerly New York State Historical Association], Cooperstown, N.Y. Accession number: N0001.1983 [formerly N-1.83]. HPF: 73B.10, IAP: 34070661. See Volume 2.

488. John Curry Storm (1807-1850) – Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [NYSHA] or East Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1845 [NYSHA]. 33-1/8" x 28" [NYSHA] or 33-5/8" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Elizabeth Phillips Storm [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "Life of Clay" (see note). Descr.: Dark-haired young man with chin dimple, wearing black jacket, white shirt and upturned collar, black stock without bow; seated facing p.r. in upholstered armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand on opened book held face down on lap (see inscription). [DRA] Cond.: Conserved (cleaned, varnished, relined, new stretchers, 2" tear mended and inpainted). Bio.: b. 5 Nov 1807 in Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of John Isaac Storm (17851829) and Jane (Hilleker) Storm (1787-1871); m. by 1836 to Elizabeth Phillips (1816-1902); d. 19 Jun 1850 Bur.: Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [not Evergreen Cem., Owego, Tioga Co., N.Y. as stated in D’Ambrosio and Emans]. Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820 (age 16-25), 1830 (age 20-29), 1840 (age 30-39). Note: The earliest book-sized edition was The Life and Speeches of Henry Clay (New York: Greeley & McElrath, 1843), popular during the 1844 presidential campaign. [DRA] Provenance: See Elizabeth Phillips Storm. References: Antiques (September 1983): p. 521, Fig. 1 [b&w facsim.]; D'Ambrosio and Emans (1987) pp. 129-130 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Fenimore Art Museum [formerly New York State Historical Association], Cooperstown, N.Y. Accession number: N0023.1982 [formerly N-23.82]. HPF: 73B.11, IAP: 34070660. See Volume 2.

489. Thomas Isaac Storm (1766-1847) – Stormville or East Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1830 [MMA]. 32" x 26" [MMA]. Probable identification of sitter. Descr.: Gray-haired gentleman wearing black jacket with high collar, white stock with large bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. with l. arm resting on back of paint-decorated side chair, r. hand in jacket. Bio.: b. 22 Nov 1766, son of Isaac Storm (1731-1813) and Elizabeth (Losee) Storm (1744-1816); m 9 Nov 1788 to Diana Adriance (1773-1825), dau. of Theodorus Adriance (1751-1817) and Hilletje (Swartwout) Adriance (17571832); d. 29 Jan 1847 in Stormville, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res. Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840. [DRA] Note: The subject identification is conjectural, having previously been identified [by Thurston Thacher] as a different Thomas Storm (1748-1833). [MMA] Provenance: Thurston Thacher, Hornell, N.Y. by 1949; Collection of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N.Y. (bequest of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, 1979). Reference: Caldwell and Rodriguez Roque (1994) p. 371 [b&w facsim.]. Status: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N.Y. (acquired 1980). Accession number: 1980.360.1. HPF: 73B.13, IAP: 36121188. See Volume 2.

490. Catherine De Cantillon Stoutenburgh (1797-1858) – East Park (now Hyde Park), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1836 [HPF] or c. 1845 [DRA]. 33" x 26" [HPF]. Sister of Tobias Isaac Stoutenburgh [q.v.] and sister-in-law of Maria Albertson Stoutenburgh [q.v.]. Inscr.: (on small book): "C. Stoutenburgh" in gold letters. [HPF] Descr.: Woman in gray dress with v-neck lace collar trim, matching lace cap with untied ribbons hanging down front and back; seated facing p.l. with l. hand to face, l. elbow resting on large black book with gold trim on table with red tablecloth, r. hand in lap holding small black book with gold trim. [DRA] Cond.: Laid down on Masonite. Scattered inpainting around subject and edges. [SNY] Bio.: b. 25 May 1797, dau. of Isaac William Stoutenburgh (1767-1859) and Elsjen (Schryver) Stoutenburgh (1773-1845); res. Hyde Park, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 (Catherine D C Stoutenburgh, age 53); d. 13 May 1858, unmarried; bur. Reformed Dutch Cem., Hyde Park, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Note: Incorrectly listed as "de Cantillo" by SPB and HPF. Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, N.Y., Sale 4593M (April 30, 1981) Lot 26 [full-page color facsim.], sold $30,000+10% (est. $15-20,000); collection of Joyce and Erving Wolf as of 1981; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Building America: The Wolf Family Collection – Part VII, Sale N11302 (April 21, 2023) Lot 911, sold $35,000+27% (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 2023. HPF: 73B.14, IAP: 63001008. See Volume 2.

491. Maria Albertson Stoutenburgh (Mrs. Tobias Isaac Stoutenburgh, 18091877) – East Park (now Hyde Park), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1845*. 36" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Tobias Isaac Stoutenburgh [q.v.]. Also sister-in-law of Catherine De Cantillon Stoutenburgh [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "M. Stoutenburgh" (cover) and "Holy Bible" (spine). [HPF] Descr.: Woman wearing dark dress with v-neck lace collar trim, small bonnet with flowers on sides; seated facing p.r. on sofa with r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small closed book (see inscriptions). Bio.: b. 18 Jul 1809, dau. of Isaac Albertson (1784-1829) and Sarah (Lawrence) Albertson (1787-1841); m. 20 Oct 1830 to Tobias Isaac Stoutenburgh (1806-1888); res. Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 (age 40); d. 13 Jan 1877; bur. Netherwood Baptist Church Cem., Salt Point, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Status: Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph West, Kirkwood, Mo. as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 73B.15. See Volume 2.

492. Tobias Isaac Stoutenburgh (1806-1888) – East Park (now Hyde Park), Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1845*, 36" x 24" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Maria Albertson Stoutenburgh [q.v.]. Also brother of Catherine De Cantillon Stoutenburgh [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "Baptist Advocate September 9, 1845". [HPF] Descr.: Man with receding hairline, wearing dark jacket and vest; seated facing p.l. with r. hand holding newspaper (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 29 Jan 1806, son of Isaac William Stoutenburgh (1767-1859) and Elsjen (Schryver) Stoutenburgh (1773-1845); m. 20 Oct 1830 to Maria Albertson (1809-1877); res. Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1840, 1850 (age 44, farmer); d. 25 Oct 1888, Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Netherwood Baptist Church Cem., Salt Point, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Note: Dates incorrect in HPF. [DRA] Status: Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph West, Kirkwood, Mo. as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 73B.16. See Volume 2.

493. George C. Sunderland (1818-1905) – Southeast, Putnam Co., N.Y., probably [H&H] or Putnam Co., N.Y., possibly [CHS] or Somers, Westchester Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1840*. 32-1/4" x 27-1/4" [SNY] or 33-1/8" x 28" [CHS, H&H]. Inscr. (verso): "George C. Sunderland / Painted When at the Age of 21 years / By / Mr. Ammi Phillips / In the fall of 1840". Script on stretcher reads: "Ammi". Descr.: Young man with hair swept forward at temples, wearing high-collared black jacket and vest, white shirt with small downturned collar, black stock with large bow; standing facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table with book and green leather covering with brass tacks, r. hand holding a rolled-up pamphlet with light-blue cover. [DRA] Cond.: Overall fine condition. Appears to be original frame and stretcher, relined and restretched. There is inpainting on his chin, in the pupils of his eyes and along his right shoulder. There is a repaired tear in the upper righthand corner of the canvas and scattered inpainting in the background. There is plexiglass sheet on the back of the canvas which protects the name of the sitter and the signature of Ammi Phillips. [SNY] Bio.: b. 30 Apr 1818, son of Joseph Sunderland (1775-1843) and Phebe (Webb) Sunderland (1789-1877); m. 1855 to Abigail S. Miller (1827-1908); d. 16 May 1905. Bur.: Union Cem., Bedford, Westchester Co., N.Y. Res.: Somers, Westchester Co., N.Y., 1850, 1870, 1900 (Mill Wright). Note: This is the work that identified the Kent Limner as Ammi Phillips, and inspired the Holdridges’ research, which led to the 1965 and 1968 exhibits. [DRA] Provenance: Lincoln V. Mitchell, Silvermine, Conn., 1958; the collection of Barbara and Larry Holdridge, Owings Mills, Maryland, from 1958; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 9468 (October 5, 2000) Lot 21, sold $22,000+17.5% (est. $69,000); Bobbi and Ralph Terkowitz, McLean, Va.; Sotheby’s, New York, Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 20, 2018) Lot 878, unsold (est. $15-25,000); American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. (2019 gift of Ralph and Bobbi Terkowitz). References: Holdridge, Art in America (1960): p. 99 [b&w facsim., incl. verso]; Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 558 [b&w facsim., incl. verso]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965) inside front cover [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 37 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 272, Pl. IX [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 47, Pl. XLVIII [color facsim.] and frontispiece [verso b&w facsim.]; Susan Kleckner, “Rediscovering Ammi,” Antiques and The Arts Weekly (September 20, 2000): p. 114 [b&w facsim.]; Brownstein and Eaton, Antiques

& Fine Art (Summer/Autumn 2010): p. 162 [color facsim.]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 2019.3.2 CHS: 142, H&H: 212, HPF: 74A.2, IAP: 81310198. See Volume 2. 494. Sarah (Sally) Totten Sutherland (Mrs. Roger Barton Sutherland, 1787-1868) – 1 of 4 – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1841 [H&H] or c. 1840-1841 [HPF] or c. 1840 [SNY]. 33-1/2" x 28" [CHS, H&H] or 29" x 25-1/2" [SNY] or 29-1/2" x 26" [Stair]. Mother of Nancy Totten Sutherland Rundall [q.v.]. One of four identical portraits. Embroidery on right side of lace collar has a different number of interlocking circles in each portrait. This is identified by Holdridge (1968) as portrait number one. Originally cataloged by Sotheby's (2008) as "Portrait of a Lady Wearing White Lace Cap and Collar" with provenance John Gordon Gallery, New York, N.Y. Descr.: Large woman wearing black dress and black cape, lace collar, lace-trimmed bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.l. with wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding small book in r. hand with thumb marking page. [DRA] Cond.: Relined. Bio.: b. 20 Jun 1787, dau. of Israel Totten (1748-1816) and Esther (Warren) Totten (1748-1826); m. 5 May 1802 to Roger Barton Sutherland (1777-1818); d. 10 May 1868. Bur.: Old Amenia Burying Ground, Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Euphemia Johnson Sutherland Palmer, wife of David Palmer and daughter of the sitter. [H&H]; Mr. Harry Rundall; Koster Antique Shop, White Plains, New York, 1959; Barbara and Larry Holdridge, Owings Mills, Maryland [1965, 1968]; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 9468 (October 5, 2000) Lot 25, sold $4,200+17.5% (est. $3-5,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08400 (Session 2, January 19, 2008) Lot 225, unsold (est. $79,000); Stair Galleries, Hudson, N.Y. (April 16, 2008) Lot 368, sold $2,200 (est. $2-3,000). References: Lita Solis-Cohen, "Americana at Christie's", Maine Antique Digest (December 2000); Good, Antiques & Fine Art (Winter/Spring 2009): p. 201 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2008. CHS: 143, H&H: 216, HPF: 74A.3, IAP: 81310202. See Volume 2.

495. Sarah (Sally) Totten Sutherland (Mrs. Roger Barton Sutherland, 1787-1868) – 2 of 4 – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1841 [H&H] or c. 1840-1841 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 28" [CHS, H&H] or 27" x 22" (31" x 26" framed) [HPF]. Mother of Nancy Totten Sutherland Rundall [q.v.]. One of four identical portraits. Embroidery on right side of lace collar has a different number of interlocking circles in each portrait. This is identified by Holdridge (1968) as portrait number two. Provenance: Nancy Totten Sutherland Rundall, wife of Colonel Henry Rundall [q.v.] and daughter of the sitter [H&H]; location unknown as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Donald M. Zuckert [1994]. Reference: McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Late Summer 2005) [color facsim in situ.]. Status: Collection of Donald M. Zuckert [1934-2013] as of 2005. CHS: 144, H&H: 217, HPF: 74A.4, IAP: 81310203.

496. Sarah (Sally) Totten Sutherland (Mrs. Roger Barton Sutherland, 1787-1868) – 3 of 4 – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1841 [H&H] or c. 1840-1841 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 28" [CHS, H&H]. Mother of Nancy Totten Sutherland Rundall [q.v.]. One of four identical portraits. Embroidery on right side of lace collar has a different number of interlocking circles in each portrait. This is identified by Holdridge (1968) as portrait number three. Inscr. (verso): "For Mrs. Mead" script in Phillips’s hand [CHS, H&H]. Provenance: Jane Amanda Sutherland Mead, daughter of the sitter; Mrs. Charles M. Benham, Amenia, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 145, H&H: 218, HPF: 74A.5, IAP: 81310204.

497. Sarah (Sally) Totten Sutherland (Mrs. Roger Barton Sutherland, 1787-1868) – 4 of 4 – Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1841 [H&H] or c. 1840-1841 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 28" [CHS] or 27" x 22" [HPF]. Mother of Nancy Totten Sutherland Rundall [q.v.]. One of four identical portraits. Embroidery on right side of lace collar has a different number of interlocking circles in each portrait. This is identified by Holdridge (1968) as portrait number four. Provenance: Hannah Esther Sutherland Per Lee, wife of [Walter] Platt Per Lee and daughter of the sitter; Mrs. Hadley (Mildred Rundall) Benson, Wassaic, N.Y. as of 1955, 1965, 1968. [CHS. H&H]; John Gordon (dealer), New York, N.Y. (1971). Reference: Antiques (November 1971): p. 672 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Collection of Timothy Mulligan, Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 146, H&H: 219, HPF: 74A.6, IAP: 81310205.

498. Anna Seward Swartwout (Mrs. Jacobus I. Swartwout, 1778-1868) – New York State, possibly [HPF], Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. vicinity [DRA], c. 1823-1825 [HPF]. 30" x 24" [HPF]. Inscr.: Holding volume "Cowper's Task". Note: William Cowper's The Task: A Poem in Six Books, first published 1785. Descr.: Woman with dark temple curls; wearing black dress with dotted organdy collar, tall dotted and ruffled bonnet with gray band and gray bow in front, small white ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in grain-painted side chair, white shawl embroidered with red roses wrapped around r. arm and behind back, r. arm resting on table with book, r. hand holding book (see inscription) with thumb marking page, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. [DRA] Bio.: b. 24 Jan 1778 in Town of Greenwich, Fairfield Co., Conn , dau. of Rev William A. Seward (1747-1822) and Thankful (Parmelee) Seward (1746-1835); m. 19 Feb 1801 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Jacobus I. Swartwout (1770-1846); d. 30 Mar 1868 in Swartwoutville, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., N.Y., without offspring. Bur.: Hopewell Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in family from the subject to her nephew, William Seward (1810-1890); to his son, William H. Seward (1837-1905); to his son, Edward Townsend Seward (1872-1947); to his daughter, Katherine R. Seward (Mrs. Ross M. Knox and later Mrs. Lewis H. Maury, 1903-1960), Spring Hill [Mobile], Alabama, great-great-grandniece of the subject; to her son, Robert Seward Knox (1925-2017), New Oxford, Pa.; Pook & Pook, Inc, Downingtown, Pa., Americana & International (April 28, 2018) Lot 1264, sold $20,000+22% (est. $12-18,000). Note: Incorrectly listed as "Steward" in HPF. This portrait reportedly hung for many years in the Philander Seward House (built c. 1840) in New Hackensack, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1954). Status: Private collection as of 2018. HPF: 74A.7. See Volume 2.

499. Abigail Julia Ayers Taber (Mrs. Jonathan Akin Taber, 1810-1889) – Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1838. 33-1/2" x 27-3/4". One of three family portraits. Wife of Jonathan Akin Taber [q.v.] and mother of William Frederic Taber [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with blue-gray eyes, center-parted hair, and pipe curls; wearing black dress with narrow waist and balloon sleeves, wide embroidered organdy collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r., with r. forearm resting on a table with book, l. hand in lap holding parsley sprig with upturned fingers. Bio.: b 16 Aug 1810, dau. of Ezra Ayers (1773-1860) and Abigail (Kellogg) Ayers (1778-1864); m. 18 Dec 1833 to Jonathan Akin Taber (1797-1868); d. 8 Feb 1889; bur. Pawling Cem., Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850, 1860; East Greenbush, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1870; Plainfield, Union Co., N.J., 1880. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subject to the present owners. Status: Private collection. See Volume 2.

500. Jonathan Akin Taber (1797-1868) – Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1838. 33-1/2" x 28". One of three family portraits. Husband of Abigail Julia Ayers Taber [q.v.] and father of William Frederic Taber [q.v.]. Inscr. (pamphlet): “Report / on / Agriculture / and / Internal Improvement / New York / 1838.” Descr.: Dark-haired, brown-eyed gentleman wearing tall-collared black jacket, tall black stock with bow tie, white pleated shirt and upturned collar; seated facing p.l. with l. arm resting on side chair back, r. hand holding yellow pamphlet with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 7 Mar 1797, son of William Taber (1760-1836) and Martha (Akin) Taber (1761-1847); m. (1st) 27 Dec 1820 to Hannah Kirby (1801-1832); m. (2nd) 18 Dec 1833 to Abigail Julia Ayers (1810-1889); d. 13 Apr 1868; bur. Pawling Cem., Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Res.: Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1850, 1860. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subject to the present owners Status: Private collection. See Volume 2.

501. William Frederic Taber (1836-1883) – Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1838. 23-1/2" x 17-1/4". One of three family portraits. Son of Jonathan Akin Taber [q.v.] and Abigail Julia Ayers Taber [q.v.]. Descr.: Fair-haired, blue-eyed, rosy-cheeked young child wearing short-sleeved red dress with white pleated trim and black belt; facing p.r. with r. hand holding up strawberry sprig with leaves and fruit. Snout and forechest of a dog in l.l. corner. Bio.: b. 11 Aug 1836; m. 9 Jun 1855 to Emma Laura Crawford (1836-1908); d. 11 Nov 1883; bur. Pawling Cem., Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subject to the present owners. Status: Private collection. See Volume 2.

502. Caroline (or Paulina) Sammis Teller (Mrs. Tobias Teller, 1790-1861) – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1817. 29-5/8" x 23-5/8" (sight) or 29-5/8" x 23-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Tobias Teller [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with light-brown hair in tall bun with tortoiseshell comb, wearing black dress with two-layer boxpleated collar; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated side chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.), r. hand holding small book with thumb marking page Pale background [DRA] Cond.: Heavily cleaned and relined on new stretcher, with Fome-Cor backing. Probable repairs. [DRA] Bio.: b. 18 Jun 1790; m. 26 Apr 1812 to Tobias Teller (17721854); d. 22 Feb 1861; bur. Rhinebeck Cem., Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (70 yrs 8 mo 4 ds). Provenance: See Tobias Teller. References: Tracy and Black (1981) p. 149 [full-page color facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (December 2006): p. 20-F [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (March 2, 2007): p. 42 [b&w facsim.] Status: Private collection as of 2022. HPF: 74A.8. See Volume 2.

503. Henry Schenck Teller (1793-1838) – Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1835 [NGA]. 333/8" x 26-15/16" [NGA]. One of a pair. Husband of Jane [Catherine] Storm Teller [q.v.]. Descr.: Fair-haired man wearing dark-brown jacket with black velvet collar, white vest, white shirt and upturned collar, black stock with bow; seated and leaning p.l., l. arm resting on chair back, r. arm resting on table with letter, r, hand holding quill. Bio.: b. 13 Oct 1793 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Isaac De Peyster Teller (1768-1825) and Elsje (Schenck) Teller (1765-1845); m. 15 May 1816 in Hopewell Reformed Church, Hopewell [now Hopewell Junction], N.Y. to Catherine Storm (1798-1876); d. 1 Jun 1838; bur. St. Luke’s Church Cem., Beacon, N.Y. (age 44) [DRA] Provenance: Recorded as from Fishkill, New York. Purchased from a collateral member of the sitter's family by Thurston Thacher, Hyde Park, New York, by whom sold in 1949 to Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch; gift to NGA, 1953. References: American Paintings (1980) p. 209, no. 1232 [facsim.]; Chotner (1992) p. 285 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1953). Accession number: 1953.5.30. HPF: 74A.9, IAP: 08600552. See Volume 2.

504. Jane [Catherine] Storm Teller (Mrs. Henry Schenck Teller, 1798-1876), aka C. Teller – Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1835 [NGA] or c. 1836 [CHS, H&H]. 3215/16" x 26- 15/16" [NGA]. One of a pair. Wife of Henry Teller [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "C. TELLER". Note: Cataloged as "C. Teller" by Holdridge (1965 and 1968) with no companion. Descr.: Woman with dark curls, wearing black v-neck dress with sheer collar and cuffs, large sheer bonnet with long pink-striped ribbons trailing front and back; seated facing and leaning p.r. on red-upholstered sofa with brass tacks, r. elbow resting on sofa arm with fingers of r. hand held to face, l. hand in lap holding small red book (see inscription) with thumb marking page. Bio.: Catherine Storm, b. 13 May 1798, dau. of Col. Johannes Storm (1765-1835) and Susannah (Brinkerhoff) Storm (1772-1827); m. 15 May 1816 in Hopewell Reformed Church, Hopewell [now Hopewell Junction], N.Y. to Henry Schenck Teller (1793-1838); d. 12 Apr 1876; bur. St. Luke’s Church Cem., Beacon, N.Y. (w. of Henry S.). [DRA] Provenance: Recorded as from Fishkill, New York. Purchased from a collateral member of the sitter's family by Thurston Thacher, Hyde Park, New York, by whom sold in 1949 to Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch; gift to NGA, 1953. References: American Paintings (1980) p. 209, no. 1233 [facsim.]; Chotner (1992) p. 286 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1953). Accession number: 1953.5.31. CHS: 147, H&H: 181, HPF: 74A.10, IAP: 08600553. See Volume 2.

505. Tobias Teller (1772-1854) – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1817. 29-5/8" x 23-5/8" (sight) or 29-5/8" x 23-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Caroline Sammis Teller [q.v.]. Cond.: Heavily cleaned and relined on new stretcher, with Fome-Cor backing. Probable repairs. Descr.: Plump-faced gentleman with fashionably unruly hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand not shown. Pale background. [DRA] Bio.: b. 27 Jan 1772 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of John Teller (1733-1818) and Margaret (Stoutenburgh) Teller (b. 1734); m. 26 Apr 1812 to Paulina Sammis (1790-1861); d. 19 Oct 1854; bur. Rhinebeck Cem., Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (82 yrs, 9 mo, 13 ds). Provenance: By descent in the Teller family, New York to Gilbert Stoutenbourgh [sic], Hyde Park, N.Y. and Englewood, N.J.; estate of Marg and Harry Teller (aka Keller), Auburn, N.Y.; Mary Allis, Southport, Conn. (dealer); Boscobel Restoration, Inc., Garrison, N.Y. [1961]; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Chinese Export Porcelain, Sale 9268 (14 October, 1999) Lot 123 [full-page color facsim.], sold $12,000+10% the pair; Herschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. [Winter Antiques Show, New York, N.Y. at $125,000 the pair]; Copake Auction, Inc., Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2007) Lot 100, sold $31,000+10% the pair (est. $35-45,000). References: Tracy and Black (1981) p. 148, fig. 119 [full-page color facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (December 2006): p. 20-F [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (March 2, 2007): p. 42 [b&w facsim.] Status: Private collection as of 2022. HPF: 74A.11. See Volume 2.

506. Andrew Jackson Ten Broeck (1832-1850) – Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1834*. 39" x 34" [P&B] or 38-9/16" x 33-3/8" sight [PHT]. Son of Jacob Wessel Ten Broeck, Sr. [q.v.] and Anna Benner Ten Broeck [q.v.], and brother of Jacob Wessel and William Henry Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "Andrew Jackson Ten Broeck Aged 1 year & 6 months 1834". [HPF] Descr.: Fair-haired, rosy-cheeked young child; wearing red short-sleeved dress, white pantalettes, red shoes; facing p l. sitting on rock under hickory tree (symbolic of U.S. President Andrew "Old Hickory" Jackson), holding twig with opened shell in r. hand and hickory nut in l. hand. Scattered hickory nuts and brown dog with white blaze at feet. Bio.: b. 5 Aug 1832, son of Jacob Ten Broeck (1800-1883) and Anna (Benner) Ten Broeck (1798-1879); d. 31 Oct 1850. [DRA] Provenance: Ten Broeck family, upstate New York; Mary Allis (Southport, Conn.), 1974; Peter Tillou (Litchfield, Conn.), 1974; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y. (October 9, 1997), unsold at $825,000 (est. $1.2-1.5M). References: Tillou and Buck (1976) catalog no. 44 [full-page color facsim.]; Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 11 [not illus.]; Hilton Kramer, “Art: Ammi Phillips’s Children Steal a Show,” The New York Times (Saturday, April 17, 1976): p. 11 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 37, no. 30 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Mary Black, The Clarion (Winter 1986): p. 34 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 69 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 40, Pl. XXXIV [color facsim.]; Tillou, Antiques & Fine Art (March/April 2001); McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Early Summer 2003): p. 33 [color facsim., in situ]; Hollander (2008) p. 27 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Private collection as of 2008 [AFAM]. See provenance. CAP: CT250029, HPF: 74A.12, IAP: 81990383 and 35090138. See Volume 2.

507. Anna Benner Ten Broeck (Mrs. Jacob Ten Broeck, 1798-1879) – Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], 1834* [CHS, H&H] or c. 1834 [HPF]. 30-1/2" x 26" sight [CAP] or 31" x 25" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Jacob Wessel Ten Broeck, Sr. [q.v.], mother of Andrew Jackson Ten Broeck [q.v.] and Jacob Wessel and William Henry Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): “WATT’S” [probably “Psalms Carefully Suited to the Christian Worship in the United States of America” by Isaac Watts, pub. New York, 1831]. Descr.: Woman in black dress, white organdy collar with ruffled neck; facing p.r., leaning with r. arm on table with book, fingers of r. hand held in l. hand. Bio.: b. 15 Nov 1798 in Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Hendrick Benner (1758-1817) and Catharine (Pitcher) Benner (1762-1802); m. 6 Nov 1821 in Red Hook, N.Y. to Jacob Ten Broeck (1800-1883); d. 26 Mar 1879 in Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: To dau. of subject, Miss Christina Catharine Ten Broeck, Hudson, N.Y. as of 1897; location unknown as of 1965

[CHS]; descended in the family to Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. (Janet M.) Patrie, Brooklyn, N.Y. to 1967; Albany County Historical Association, Ten Broeck House, Albany, N.Y., gift of the Ten Broeck family (Mrs. Harry H. Patrie) in 1967. References: Runk (1897) opp. p. 184 [full-page b&w facsim.] and p. 187 as “painted by Phillips in 1834”; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 35, no. 28 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Albany County Historical Association, Ten Broeck Mansion, Albany, N.Y. (acquired 1967). Accession number: 67.10.4. On exhibit as of 2015. CHS: 150, H&H: 153, HPF: 74A.13, IAP: 33210007. See Volume 2.

508. Helen “Lena” Ten Broeck (later Mrs. Thomas K. Lape, 1803-1840) aka Lena Helen Ten Broeck, aka Helen Ten Broeck (Lape) – Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H] or Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1834*. 31" x 26-1/2" [CHS, H&H] or 31-1/2" x 26-1/2" [HPF] or 31" x 27" [SNY]. Sister of Catherine Maria Ten Broeck De Witt [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): "Helen Ten Broeck aged 30 years 1834". Descr.: Young woman with reddish-brown hair in Apollo-knot style, wearing dark green narrow-waisted dress with balloon sleeves and wide collar with upturned lace trim; seated facing p.l. on a black sofa with brass tacks, l. forearm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap with a small red book with yellow pseudoscript held spine up. [DRA] Cond.: Overall fine condition. Restretched on original stretchers, lightly cleaned, in the original frame, with some tiny fly specs in the sitter's face. [SNY] Bio.: b. 8 Sep 1803 in Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y., dau. of Jacob Ten Broeck (1768-1829) and Christina (Schepmoes) Ten Broeck (1775-1811); m. 20 Sep 1836 to Rev. Thomas K. Lape (1801-1879), pastor of Lutheran Church, Athens, Greene Co., N.Y.; d. 10 Jul 1840, leaving no children. [DRA] Provenance: Subject's childhood residence, Germantown, N.Y. as of 1897; Mr. and Mrs. William H. Guthman, Westport, Conn. as of 1965, 1968, 1974, 1977 [CHS, H&H, P&B, etc.]; Collection of William and Nancy Tafuri [1994]; Bobbi and Ralph Terkowitz, McLean, Va.; Sotheby’s, New York, Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 20, 2018) Lot 875, unsold (est. $150-300,000); Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C., gift of Ralph and Bobbi Terkowitz (2019). References: Runk (1897) opp. p. 226 [full-page b&w facsim.], as “From the Oil-Portrait of 1834”; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 139 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 38 [b&w facsim.]; American Folk Art, Mead Art Building, Amherst College (1974) checklist no. 35 [not illus.], lent by the Guthman Collection; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 38, no. 31 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Brownstein and Eaton, Antiques & Fine Art (Summer/Autumn 2010): p. 159 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 –September 30, 1975). Status: Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. Accession number: 2019.6.10. CHS: 148, H&H: 154*, HPF: 74A.15, IAP: 20080073, 35090139 and 81310141. See Volume 2.

509. Helen Livingston Ten Broeck (Mrs. Leonard William Ten Broeck, 1796-1855) – Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], 1832* [CHS, H&H] or c. 1832 [HPF]. 30-9/16" x 25-13/16" sight [AIHA] or 31-1/2" x 26-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Leonard William Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Step-daughter of Elizabeth McKinstry Livingston [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired woman in black dress, white organdy collar with ruffled neck and ribbons tied in front, large bonnet with long ribbons trailing front and back; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), r. arm resting on book on table, small red book held in l. hand with thumb and forefinger of r. hand marking page. Bio.: b. 3 May 1796 in Livingston, Columbia Co., N.Y., dau. of Walter Tryon Livingston (1772-1827) and Eliza (Platner) Livingston (1770-1797); m.11 Oct 1820 to Leonard William Ten Broeck (1797-1852); d. 21 Sep 1855 in Scotia, Schenectady Co., N.Y.; bur. Ten Broeck Cem., Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: To son of subject, Mr. Walter Tryon Livingston Ten Broeck [18301911], Rhinebeck, N.Y. as of 1897; descended in family; location unknown as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Mrs. Paul A. Davis; Albany Institute of History and Art (gift of Mrs. Paul A. Davis, 1977). References: Runk (1897) opp. p. 156 [full-page b&w facsim.] and p. 155 as “painted by Phillips in 1832”; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 30, no. 23 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Groft (1978) p. 16, no 25 [b&w facsim.]; Faison (1982) p. 42, no. 20 [full-page facsim.]; Piwonka (1986) p. 123 [full-page facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 40, Pl. XXXI [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Albany

Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (acquired 1977). Accession number: 1977.16.2. Not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 152, H&H: 139, HPF: 74A.14, IAP: 33220046 and 71500055. See Volume 2.

510. The Ten Broeck Twins (Jacob Wessel Ten Broeck, Jr., 18231896 and William Henry Ten Broeck, 1823-1888) – Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1834*. 30-1/4" x 50-1/4" [SPB] or 33" x 50" [P&B].

Sons of Jacob Wessel Ten Broeck, Sr. [q.v.] and Anna Benner Ten Broeck [q.v.], brothers of Andrew Jackson Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Descr.: Pair of boys seated in brown fancy-painted chairs with rush seats, a table with a prominent bowl of peaches and pears (and two books) between them. One holds a peach in l. hand, r. hand in lap; the other reaches for a pear with l. hand, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers Identically dressed in brown suits with cream vests, white shirts with large pointed collars, and black bow ties. [DRA] Inscr. (verso): "Jacob W. Ten Broeck Aged 10 Years William H. Ten Broeck Aged 10 Years 1834". Cond.: Retouch to a 1/2 in. dia. spot on the bridge of the nose of the boy on the left, few minor spots around his left-facing hand and to a 3 in. dia. area on his knee area, a few other small background spots and also areas around the perimeter from previous frame rub. [Skinner] Bio.: Jacob Wessel Ten Broeck, b. 22 Apr 1823; m. 24 May 1848 to Sarah Ann Everts (1827-1886), dau. of Jacob Everts and Gertrude (De Lamater) Everts; d. 22 Mar 1896, bur. Reformed Church Cem., Germantown, Columbia Co., N.Y. William Henry Ten Broeck, b. 22 Apr 1823; m. 24 Feb 1847 to Mary Jane Everts (1827-1907), twin sister of Sarah Ann Everts; d. 23 Feb 1888. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family of the sitters [per SPB 1980]; Collection of Mrs. J. Wessel Ten Broeck, Hudson, N.Y. as of 1977; Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, N.Y., Americana: American Paintings and Prints, Sale 4479M (November 21, 1980) Lot 9 [color facsim.] sold $185,000+10% (est. $100-150,000); Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Williams; Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2640B (March 3, 2013) Lot 13, sold $880,000 (est. $300500,000) to David Schorsch. References: Piwonka and Blackburn, Ammi Phillips in Columbia County (1977) cover and p. 36, no. 29 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Anderson (1977) p. 10, no. 10 [facsim.]; Antiques (November 1980): p. 835 [color facsim.]; Lipman and Armstrong (1980) p. 144 [color facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn, A Visible Heritage. Columbia County, New York: A History in Art and Architecture (1977, 1996) p. 122 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 46, Pl. XLVI [color facsim.]. Status: David A. Schorsch & Eileen M. Smiles, Woodbury, Conn. as of 2014 (since sold). HPF: 74B.4, IAP: 35090137, 35090166 and 6151A992. See Volume 2.

511. Jacob Wessel Ten Broeck, Sr. (1800-1883), aka Jacob Ten Broeck – Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], 1834* [CHS, H&H] or c. 1834 [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Anna Benner Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Father of Andrew Jackson Ten Broeck [q.v.] and Jacob Wessel and William Henry Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Inscr. (on pamphlet): "Agricultural Society / of the County of / Columbia 1834 / Clermont " Descr.: Handsome gentleman with sideburns, wearing black jacket with white shirt, upturned collar and white stock tied in front; facing p.l. with l. arm draped over a decorated side chair back, r. hand holding a pamphlet. [DRA] Cond.: Unlined, on the original stretchers, in a reproduction frame; several small splits and punctures to canvas. [SNY] Bio.: b. 13 May 1800 in Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y., son of Jacob Ten Broeck (1768-1829) and Christina (Schepmoes) Ten Broeck (1798-1879); m. 6 Nov 1821 in Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Anna Benner (1798-1879); d. 24 Mar 1883 in Hudson, Columbia Co., N.Y. Director of Farmers’ National Bank; N.Y. State representative, 1862; mayor of Hudson, N.Y., 1863-64. [DRA] Provenance: To dau. of subject, Miss Christina Catharine Ten Broeck, Hudson, N.Y. as of 1897; location unknown as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; descended in the family to Dr. and Mrs. Harry H. (Janet M.) Patrie, Brooklyn, N.Y. (1968); Albany County Historical Association, Albany, N.Y., willed by Mrs. Harry H. Patrie (1891-1983). References: Runk (1897) opp p. 186: [full-page b&w facsim.] and p. 187 as “painted by Phillips in 1834”; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 34, no. 27 [fullpage b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 –September 30, 1975). Status: Albany County Historical Association, Ten Broeck Mansion, Albany, N.Y. On exhibit as of 2015. CHS: 149, H&H: 152, HPF: 74B.1, IAP: 35090135 and 81310139. See Volume 2.

512. Leonard William Ten Broeck (1797-1852) – Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], 1832*. 30-1/2" x 25-7/8" sight [AIHA] or 31-1/2" x 26-1/2" [P&B]. One of a pair. Husband of Helen Livingston Ten Broeck [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "Albany Argus / Albany Tuesday May 8 1832," in which his name appeared for voting in favor of an amendment before the state assembly, of which he was a member [CHS]. Note: Inscr. "Gen. L. Ten Broeck" on top of newspaper added at a later date [AIHA]. Descr.: Man wearing black jacket with pointed shoulders, white vest, white shirt and upturned collar, black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding newspaper (see inscription). Bio.: b. 14 Feb 1797, son of Leendert Ten Broeck (1752-1836) and Geertje (Schermerhorn) Ten Broeck (1755-1838); m. 11 Oct 1820 to Helen Livingston (1796-1855), dau. of Walter Tryon Livingston; d. 24 Jan 1852; bur. Ten Broeck Cem., Clermont, N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: To son of subject, Mr. Walter Tryon Livingston Ten Broeck [1830-1910], Rhinebeck, N.Y. as of 1897; descended in family; location unknown as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Mrs. Paul A. Davis; Albany Institute of History and Art (gift of Mrs. Paul A. Davis, 1977). References: Runk (1897) opp. p. 155 [full-page b&w facsim.] and p. 155 as “painted by Phillips in 1832” ; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 29, no. 22 [fullpage b&w facsim.]; Groft (1978) p. 16, no. 24 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka (1986) p. 122 [full-page facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 40, Pl. XXX [color facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (acquired 1977). Accession number: 1977.16.1. Not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 151, H&H: 138, HPF: 74B.2, IAP: 33220045 and 71500054. See Volume 2.

513. General Samuel Ten Broeck (1745-1841) – Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], 1832* [CHS, H&H] or c. 1832 [HPF]. 30" x 26" [CHS, H&H]. Descr.: Older gentleman with white hair (long on sides) and wrapped rattail; wearing black jacket and vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in paintdecorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding silver-handled cane with initials “S.T.B.”. Notes: A photo of the cane is reproduced in Runk (1897) opp. p. 234. Assumed by H&H (per Runk) that this was painted at the same time as Leonard William Ten Broeck [q.v.]. [DRA] Bio.: b. 27 Sep 1745, son of Hendrick Ten Broeck (1717-1796) and Annetje (Van Shaik) Ten Broeck (1722-1796); m. 12 Aug 1768 in Linlithgo, Columbia Co., N.Y. to Emmetje Van Alstyne (1745-1831); d. 30 May 1841; bur. Ten Broeck Cem., Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Albertina S. Mynderse [1835-1900] of Schenectady, N.Y., grand-niece of the subject, as of 1897; Mrs. Helen Livingston Mynderse [1914-1990], Scotia, N.Y.; Columbia County Historical Society (gift of Mrs. Helen Livingston Mynderse, 1991). References: Runk (1897) opp. p. 106 [full-page b&w facsim.] as “From the Oil-Portrait of 1832”; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 139 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 32, no. 26 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (acquired 1991). Accession number: 1991.28.2. CHS: 153, H&H: 140, HPF: 74B.3, IAP: 81310129. See Volume 2.

514. Blandina Ten Eyck (1767-1837) – Hurley, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 [H&H] or c. 1822-1823 [HPF]. 30-3/4" x 24-3/4" [HPF]. Sister of John Ten Eyck. [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark eyebrows wearing black dress with triple ruffled collar, ruffled cap with bow on top, gold hoop earrings; seated facing p.r. in a grain-painted side chair, with wrists crossed (l. over r.) and holding snuffbox in l. hand with upturned fingers. [DRA] Bio.: b. 17 Jun 1767 in Schodack Landing, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., dau. of Matthew [Matheus] Ten Eyck (1728-1809) and Cornelia (Wynkoop) Ten Eyck (17321793); d. 1 Jan 1837, apparently unmarried; bur. Old Hurley Burial Ground, Hurley, Ulster Co., N.Y. (age 69y, 6m, 14d). [DRA] Provenance: By probable family descent to Matthew Ten Eyck Veeder (1788-1824), nephew of the subject; to his grandson, Commodore Ten Eyck De Witt Veeder (1854-1923); to his dau., Miss Mary G. Veeder (1897-1944), Washington, D.C., great-greatgrandniece of the subject, as of 1940. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Lewis P. Woltz], gift of Mary G. Veeder, 1940; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p 36, Pl. XXII [color facsim.]

Exhibited: Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, Pa. (loan from Dr. Martha Saxton, Orefield, Pa.). Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See exhibit. H&H: 76, HPF: 74B.5, IAP: 81310069. See Volume 2. 515. John Ten Eyck (1770-1857), aka Portrait of a Man Holding a Newspaper –Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H] or Hurley, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1823 [H&H] or c. 1823-1826 [HPF] or c. 1836 [CHS]. 30-3/4" x 24-1/2" [FARL] or 30-3/4" x 24-3/4" [NYS]. Brother of Blandina Ten Eyck [q.v.]. Descr.: Portrait of a man holding a newspaper. Oil on canvas in wooden frame with gilt and plaster. [NYS] Man with gray bangs and dark eyebrows; wearing black jacket, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in grain-painted armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand holding opened newspaper, r. hand not shown. Bio : Probably the John Ten Eyck who was b. 1 Apr 1770, son of Matthew [Matheus] Ten Eyck (1728-1809) and Cornelia (Wynkoop) Ten Eyck (1732-1793); res. Hurley, Ulster Co , N.Y., 1820, 1830, 1850; d. 17 Oct 1857 in Hurley, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Matthew Ten Eyck De Witt [1874-1935], Hurley, N.Y.; inherited by his wife, Mrs. Matthew Ten Eyck De Witt [Cornelia de la Montagne, 1877-1961], Hurley, N.Y.; her daughter, Mrs. Frank H. Nowaczek [Anna DeWitt], Jacksonville, Florida [as of 1965, CHS]; New York State Office of Parks and Recreation (gift of Sarah DeWitt Davenport, Stone Ridge, N.Y. and Elizabeth DeWitt von der Linden, Rhinebeck, N.Y., 1987). References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 166, no. 33 [not illus.] as Ten Eyck De Witt of Kingston, N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (photo by Ira W. Martin, 1931). Status: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. (acquired 1987). Accession number: SH.1987.48.A&B. On exhibit as of 2007. Note: Cross-reference to CHS omitted from the 1968 catalog. CHS: 154, H&H: 77, HPF: 74B.6, IAP: 81310070. See Volume 2.

516. Alexander Thompson II (1782-1868) – Thompson Ridge (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y., 1824*. 30" x 24" [CHS, H&H] or 30-1/4" x 24-1/8" [CNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Hannah Bull Thompson [q.v.], cousin of Robert R. Thompson [q.v.]. Inscr. (stretcher): "Alexander Thompson born March 26th 1782 / Painted by Ammi Phillips AD 1824". Descr.: Bust-style portrait of man with combed-forward hair, wearing dark-gray jacket and vest, white stock without bow; facing p.r. and glancing p.l., hands not shown. Medium background. Bio.: b. 26 Mar 1782 in Thompson Ridge, Orange Co., N.Y., son of Alexander Thompson (1742-1781) and Jane (McCreery) Thompson (b. 1755); m. 21 May 1803 to Hannah Bull (1783-1865); d. 17 Feb 1868 Bur.: Hopewell Church Cem., Pine Bush (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: Crawford, Orange Co., N.Y., 1830 through 1865 (Farmer). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Charles Beattie Thompson, Thompson Ridge, N.Y. as of 1965 [CHS]; property of a western foundation [Virginia Steele Scott Foundation, San Marino, Cal.]; Christie's, New York, Sale 5148 (June 3, 1982) Lot 258, sold $8,000 (est $10-15,000); Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Knestrick, Nashville, Tenn.; Cheekwood Museum of Art, Nashville, Tenn. (gift of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Knestrick, 1986). References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 140 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 37 [b&w facsim.]; Vlach (1988) p. 72, Fig. 43 [b&w facsim.] Note: The original receipt of payment of $20 for this portrait and its companion, signed by Ammi Phillips, is in the collection of the Huntington Library, San Marino, Cal. Status: Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art, Nashville, Tenn. (acquired 1986). Accession number: 86.16.20. CHS: 155, H&H: 96, HPF: 74B.7, IAP: 81310085. See Volume 2.

517. Hannah Bull Thompson (Mrs. Alexander Thompson II, 1783-1865) – Thompson Ridge (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y., 1824*. 29-1/2" x 23-7/16" sight [CAP] or 30" x 24" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Alexander Thompson II [q.v.]. Dau. of Daniel Bull [q.v.] and Catharine Helen Miller Bull [q.v.]. Inscr. (stretcher): "Hannah Bull Thompson born December 4th 1783 / Painted by Ammi Phillips AD 1824". Descr.: Woman with apparent underbite, wearing black dress with embroidered organdy collar, tall dotted bonnet with ribbons on either side and tied under chin; seated facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table, l. hand grasping red embroidered shawl wrapped around l. elbow and back, r. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 4 Dec 1783 in Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y., dau. of Daniel Bull (1762-1849) and Catharine Helen (Miller) Bull (1764-1841); m. 21

May 1803 to Alexander Thompson (1782-1868); d. 26 Dec 1865. Bur.: Hopewell Church Cem., Pine Bush (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Charles Beattie Thompson, Thompson Ridge, N.Y. as of 1965 [CHS]; Mrs. Robert (Jean Thompson) Vogelbach [1925-1997], Thompson Ridge, N.Y. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 140; Holdridge (1968) p. 27 [b&w facsim.]; Vlach (1988) p. 72, Fig. 42 [b&w facsim.] Note: The original receipt of payment of $20 for this portrait and its companion, signed by Ammi Phillips, is in the collection of the Huntington Library, San Marino, Cal. Status: The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Cal. (Gift of the Virginia Steele Scott Foundation, 1982). Accession number: 83.8.38. CHS: 156, H&H: 97, HPF: 74B.8, IAP: 81310086. See Volume 2.

518. Robert R. Thompson (1788-1852) – Thompson Ridge (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1824 [H&H] or 1824* [CNY]. 30-3/8" x 23-7/8" [CNY] or 291/2" x 23-1/4" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Husband of Sarah McCurdy Thompson [q.v.], cousin and neighbor of Alexander Thompson II [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with dark upswept hair, wearing dark jacket, white vest, white stock with bow, ruffled jabot; facing p.l., hands not shown. Bio.: b. 28 Jan 1788; m. (1st) Sarah McCurdy (17891844); m. (2nd) to Louisa Watson (1808-1880), widow of James D. Fisher (1800-1842); d. 3 Mar 1852; bur. Hopewell Church Cem., Pine Bush (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Elinor R. Bradshaw [19041990], Tarrytown, N.Y., great-great-granddaughter of the subjects, as of 1968 [H&H]; Christie's, New York, N.Y., American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art & Decorative Arts, Sale 7294 (June 25, 1991) Lot 66 [color facsim.], unsold (est. $40-60,000 the pair); Collection of David and Peggy Rockefeller as of 1991; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., The Collection of David and Peggy Rockefeller: Online Sale (May 1-11, 2018) Lot 1658, sold $35,000+25% the pair (est. $7-10,000). References: Holdridge (1968) p. 36 [b&w facsim.]; R.H. Ellsworth and A. Christy, et. al., The David and Peggy Rockefeller Collection, Vol. III (New York: 1993) pp. 422-423, no. 318 (illus. p. 422) Status: Sold at auction 2018. CHS: 157, H&H: 100*, HPF: 74B.9, IAP: 81310089. See Volume 2.

519. Sarah McCurdy Thompson (Mrs. Robert R. Thompson, 1789-1844) – Thompson Ridge (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1824 [H&H] or 1824* [CNY]. 30-3/8" x 23-7/8" [CNY] or 29-1/2" x 23-1/4" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Wife of Robert R. Thompson [q.v.]. Holding letter: "Mrs. Sarah Thompson, Crawford". Descr.: Woman with short curls and large comb, wearing black dress with tall organdy collar with embroidered edge; seated facing p.r. (seat not visible) with red embroidered shawl wrapped around r. arm, r. hand holding an opened envelope. Bio.: b. 10 May 1789 [per baptismal record], dau. of Archibald McCurdy (1765-1831) and Mary (Liebold) McCurdy (1767-1824); m. 1811 to Robert R. Thompson (1788-1852); d. 12 Nov 1844 [not 1824 as in CHS, H&H]; bur. Hopewell Church Cem., Pine Bush (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. (Sarah McCurdy, wife of Robert R Thompson, 54y, 6m, 2d). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Mrs. Elinor R. Bradshaw [1904-1990], Tarrytown, N.Y., great-great-granddaughter of the subjects, as of 1968 [H&H]; Christie's, New York, N.Y., American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art & Decorative Arts, Sale 7294 (June 25, 1991) Lot 66 [color facsim.], unsold (est. $40-60,000 the pair); Collection of David and Peggy Rockefeller as of 1991; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., The Collection of David and Peggy Rockefeller: Online Sale (May 1-11, 2018) Lot 1658, sold $35,000+25% the pair (est. $7-10,000). References: Holdridge (1968) p. 36 [b&w facsim.]; R.H. Ellsworth and A. Christy, et. al., The David and Peggy Rockefeller Collection, Vol. III (New York: 1993) pp. 422-423, no. 318 [illus. p. 422]. Status: Sold at auction 2018. CHS: 158, H&H: 101*, HPF: 74B.10, IAP: 81310090. See Volume 2.

520. Ann Miller Tompkins (Mrs. John M. Tompkins, 1813-1894) – Somers, Westchester Co., N.Y., c. 1840 [DRA]. Descr.: Young woman with center-parted hair; wearing black dress with very wide lace-trimmed collar; facing p.r., r. arm leaning on the larger of two books on table, holding a parsley sprig in r. fingers, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Bio.: b. 19 Apr 1813 in Somers, Westchester Co., N.Y., dau. of Hiram Miller (1783-1814) and Ruth (Tompkins) Miller (1778-1843); m. John M. Tompkins (1814-1895); d. 23 Jan 1894; bur. Tomahawk Chapel Cem., Somers, Westchester Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the sitter; Joan R. Brownstein, American Folk Paintings, Newberry, Mass. (2011). References: The American Antiques Show 2011 (program): p. 29 [color facsim.]; Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. X, No. 6 (2011): p. 22 [color facsim.]. Status: Joan R. Brownstein, American Folk Paintings, Newberry, Mass. as of 2011 (sold). See Volume 2.

521. Rebecca Race Tullar (Mrs. Charles Tullar, 1781-1861) – South Egremont, Berkshire Co., Mass. [CHS, H&H], c. 1849 [CHS, H&H]. Mother of Tabitha Paulina Tullar (Mrs. John Morse Bartholomew) [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 1 Sep 1781 in Columbia Co., N.Y., dau. of Nicholas Race (1739-1827) and Lucretia (Spoor) Race (17441833); m. 27 Nov 1799 to Charles Tullar (1778-1824), son of Seneca Tullar (1751-1828) and Eunice (Wells) Tullar (1750-1825); d. 22 Dec 1861 in Sheffield, Mass. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Gurdon D. Pickert [spelling corrected], Falls Village, Conn. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H] Note: See full provenance under John Morse Bartholomew. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 159, H&H: 256, HPF: 74B.11, IAP: 81310242.

522. Alsop Vail (1761-1840) – Mount Hope, Orange Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1826*. 31-1/2" x 251/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Husband of Frances Seybolt Vail [q.v.]. Inscr. (recto, l.r. in red): "ALSOP VAIL AGED / 65 YEARS 1826 / A. Phillips Pinct". Descr.: White-haired man wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with bow; facing p.l. with r. hand holding silver-tipped cane, l. hand in vest. Bio.: b. 3 Jan 1761 in Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y., son of Benjamin Vail (1740-1779) and Elizabeth (Stillwell) Vail (1746-1816); m. 22 Feb 1781 to Frances Seybolt (1757-1828); d. 11 Dec 1840; bur. Mount Hope Plains Cem., Otisville, Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: Wallkill, Orange Co., N.Y., 1800, 1810, 1820; Calhoun, Orange Co., N.Y., 1830; Mt. Hope, Orange Co., N.Y., 1840. Note: Calhoun formed from Wallkill and Deer Park in 1825, renamed Mt. Hope in 1833. [DRA] Provenance: Antique Associates at West Townsend, West Townsend, Mass ; Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 17, sold $24,000+15% the pair (est. $30-50,000). Status: Sold at auction 1995. HPF: 74B.12. See Volume 2.

523. Frances Seybolt Vail (Mrs. Alsop Vail, 1757-1828) – Mount Hope, Orange Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1826*. 31-1/2" x 25-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Wife of Alsop Vail [q.v.]. Inscr. (recto, l.l. in red): “FRANCES VAIL AGED 69 / YEARS 1826 / A. Phillips Pinct".

Descr.: Older woman wearing ruffled bonnet with white ribbons tied under chin, black dress, white fischu, black shawl with white embroidery; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), wrists crossed (l. over r.), l. hand holding small book with thumb marking page. Bio.: b. 20 Jan 1757 in Otisville, Orange Co., N.Y., dau. of Johannes Mickel Seybolt (1727-1797) and Mary (Kreizer) Seybolt (1722-1812); m. 22 Feb 1781 to Alsop Vail (1761-1840); d. 28 Oct 1828; bur. Mount Hope Plains Cem., Otisville, Orange Co., N.Y. Res.: See Alsop Vail. [DRA] Provenance: Antique Associates at West Townsend, West Townsend, Mass ; Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 17, sold $24,000+15% the pair (est. $30-50,000). Note: Do not confuse with a smaller (24" x 19" sight) copy of this portrait sold by Richard Opfer Auctioneering, Inc., Timonium, Md. (November 30, 2023) lot 169, from a Glen Arm, Md. estate, as “elderly lady,” unsigned (unknown artist). [DRA] Status: Sold at auction 1995. HPF: 74B.13. See Volume 2.

524. Mr. Vail, aka Mr. Vail from Afton, N.Y. – Deposit, Delaware Co., N.Y. [HPF], or Chenango Co., N.Y. [P&P], or Hamden, Delaware Co., N.Y., possibly [SNY], c. 1848 [HPF] or c. 1826 [P&P] or c. 1835 [SNY] or c. 1838 [DRA]. 34-1/8" x 28-3/8" [HPF] or 33-1/2" x 28-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of "Mrs. Vail" [q.v.]. Descr.: Fairhaired, blue-eyed gentleman with receding hairline; wearing white pleated shirt, tall black stock, upturned collar, black jacket, black vest; seated facing p.l. in a stenciled Hitchcock chair, l. hand draped over chair back, r. hand holding a closed book with spine up. [DRA] Cond.: Period frame, relined, 3" tear repair to left of white shirt, very minor small touch-up to background, varnished. [P&P] Note: Suggested as possibly James Vail (c. 1799-1879) of Hamden, Delaware Co., N.Y. [SNY] Provenance: Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Katz, Williamsville, N.Y. as of 1978; Pook & Pook, Inc., Downingtown, Pa. (October 4, 2014) Lot 672, as unidentified, unsold (est. $8-12,000 the pair); Sotheby’s, New York, Important American Folk Art from the Ralph and Susanne Katz Collection, Sale N09609 (January 21, 2017) Lot 5080, as possibly James Vail, unsold (est. $8-12,000 the pair). Reference: Barons (1982) Fig. 2 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Unsold at auction 2017 See provenance. HPF: 74B.14. See Volume 2.

525. Mrs. Vail, aka Mrs. Vail from Afton, N.Y. – Deposit, Delaware Co., N.Y. [HPF], or Chenango Co., N.Y. [P&P], or Hamden, Delaware Co., N.Y., possibly [SNY], c. 1848 [HPF] or c. 1826 [P&P] or c. 1835 [SNY]. 34-7/8" x 28-7/16" [HPF] or 33-1/2" x 28-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of "Mr. Vail" [q.v.]. Descr.: Thin-faced woman wearing black v-neck dress with embroidered and lace-trimmed collar and cuffs, embroidered and lace-trimmed cap with ribbons on sides and tied under chin on p.l. side; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on table with book, r. hand hanging down, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding flower sprig with small white buds. [DRA] Cond.: Period frame, relined, 2 1/2" puncture in stomach, sporadic touch-up, approx. 5%, mainly to edges and background. [P&P] Note: Suggested as possibly Anna Vail (c. 1800-1872) of Hamden, Delaware Co., N.Y. [SNY] Provenance: Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Katz, Williamsville, N.Y. as of 1978; Pook & Pook, Inc., Downingtown, Pa. (October 4, 2014) Lot 672, as unidentified, unsold (est. $8-12,000 the pair); Sotheby’s, New York, Important American Folk Art from the Ralph and Susanne Katz Collection, Sale N09609 (January 21, 2017) Lot 5080, as possibly Anna Vail, unsold (est. $8-12,000 the pair) References: Antiques, Vol. CXII, No. 4 (April 1978): p. 696 [b&w facsim.], as "Mrs. Vail from Afton, N.Y."; Barons (1982) Fig. 3 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Unsold at auction 2017. See provenance. HPF: 75A.1. See Volume 2.

526. Woman Holding "Henry on Prayer", aka Clarine Peck Van Bergen (Mrs. Anthony A. Van Bergen, 1785-1872), possibly – Coxsackie, Greene Co., N.Y., possibly [HPF], c. 1844 [H&H] or c. 1824 [CHS], or c. 1825 [AIHA]. 32-3/8" x 24-3/16" (accurate) or 32" x 24-1/2" [H&H]. Inscr. (on book): "HENRY / ON / PRAYER". Descr.: Hollow-cheeked woman in black dress with white scarf around neck, sheer ruffled bonnet with ears visible; seated facing p.l. in a yellow side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), r. hand holding a book with thumb marking page. [DRA] Cond.: Canvas was originally wider on the right side. [AIHA] Bio.: Clarine Peck, b. 9 Mar 1785, dau. of John Peck (1748-1836) of Lyme, Conn. and Rebecca (Smith) Peck (1754-1818); m. 19 Apr 1806 to Anthony A. Van Bergen (1786-1859); d. 30 Oct 1872 in Coxsackie, Greene Co., N.Y. Anthony A. Van Bergen was a county court judge and pres. of N.Y. State Agricultural Soc. Note: Matthew Henry, An Abridgement of Henry on Prayer (Hartford: Lincoln & Gleason, 1805). [DRA] Provenance: Anonymous donor (1940). Reference: Groft (1978) p. 13 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (acquired 1940). Accession number: X1940.600.24. Not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 208, H&H: 237, HPF: 75A.2, IAP: 33220292 and 81310223. See Volume 2.

527. Clymena Tobey Van Deusen (Mrs. Ethan Allen Van Deusen, 1793-1873) – West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], 1857*. 32-1/2" x 26-1/4" [FARL]. One of a pair. Wife of Ethan Allen Van Deusen [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark brown hair and eyes. White lace collar and cuffs, white cap, black dress, black and gold hymnal. Red upholstered chair, red drapery at left, very dark greenish-brown background. [FARL] Sheer scarf tied around neck. [DRA] Bio.: b. 9 Feb 1793 in Alford, Berkshire Co., Mass., dau. of Sylvanus Tobey (1773-1840) and Irene Cross (Foster) Tobey (1775-1855); m. 1815 to Ethan Allen Van Deusen (1794-1862) d. 17 Feb 1873; bur. St. Bridget’s Cem., Van Deusenville Rd., Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Provenance: Colonel Edwin Russell Van Deusen, great-grandson of the subject, Fayetteville, North Carolina. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Thurman Rotan]; North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Status: Colonel Edwin Russell Van Deusen, Fayetteville, N.C. [1960]. IAP: 82010763. See Volume 2.

528. Ethan Allen Van Deusen (1794-1862) – West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], 1857*. 32-1/2" x 26-1/4" [FARL]. One of a pair. Husband of Clymena Tobey Van Deusen [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): “NEW YORK” and “AUGUST 17 1857.” Descr.: Gray and brown hair, brown eyes. White collar and shirt, black stock, dark green coat and waistcoat, he holds a New York paper dated August 17, 1857. Brown wooden chair, red drapery at right, dark green background. [FARL] Bio.: b. 28 Nov 1794 in Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Isaac Van Deusen (1769-1854) and Eve (Huyck) Van Deusen (1767-1830); m. 1815 to Clymena Tobey (1793-1873); d. 12 Aug 1862; bur. St. Bridget’s Cem., Van Deusenville Rd., Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. Res.: West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1830 through 1860. [DRA] Provenance: Colonel Edwin Russell Van Deusen, great-grandson of the subject, Fayetteville, North Carolina. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. [Thurman Rotan]; North Carolina Collection Photographic Archives, Wilson Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Status: Colonel Edwin Russell Van Deusen, Fayetteville, N.C. [1960]. IAP: 82010762. See Volume 2.

529. John Van Deusen (1779-1859), aka Doctor Van Deusen – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H]; Livingston or Greenport, Columbia Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1823 [H&H] or c. 1820-1830 [CAP] or c. 1827-1830 [HPF] or c. 1824 [CHS]. 33" x 27" [CHS, H&H] or 30" x 25" [CAP, NYS] or 30" x 24-7/8" [HPF]. Father-in-law of Dr. Horatio Dewey [q.v.]. Descr.: Life-size bust of a man, graying shock of hair, aquiline nose, wears white stock wound around high collar, dark coat, dark background. Cond.: Flaking, cupping, some traction cracks, canvas disintegrating. [NYS] Bio.: Johannes [John] Van Deusen, b. 15 Jan 1779 in Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y., son of Cornelius Van Deusen (1757-1787) and Rachel (Elting) Van Deusen (1759-1844); m. (1st) 7 Dec 1800 to Lena Fonda (1782-1813); m. (2nd) 3 Mar 1814 to Anna Maria Elting (1790-1816); m. (3rd) 17 Jun 1817 to Anna Maria Witbeck (1790-1867); d. 14 Sep 1859. [Van Deursen Family, Vol. I, 1912] Res.: Livingston and Greenport, Columbia Co., N.Y. Owner Bingham Flouring Mills, founder of Hudson River Bank, state legislator. [J&M] Note: CHS incorrectly describes this portrait as "Holds volume entitled 'Anatomy' in r. hand," apparently confusing this with the portrait of Dr. Horatio Dewey, also in the Senate House collection. [DRA] Provenance: From the subject’s granddaughter, Catalina Dewey (Mrs. Daniel Young, 1834-1900); to her daughter, Maude Helen Young (Mrs. Conrad Elmendorf Hasbrouck, 1862-1938); Senate House Association, Kingston, N.Y. (November 1936), gift of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Elmendorf Hasbrouck; New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation [recorded 1979]. References: Jones and Mearns, Ammi Phillips and Company (June 1982) n.p., fig. 5 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, Antiques (September 1982): p. 550, Fig. 6 [b&w facsim.]. Status: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House Museum, Kingston, N.Y. (originally acquired 1936). Accession number: SH1979.7 A B M379 E1253. Not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 162, H&H: 91, HPF: 75A.5, IAP: 81310080. See Volume 2.

530. Mr. Van Hosen – Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1845 [HPF]. Descr.: L. arm draped over chair. [HPF] Note: Ritchie [The Hudson River Valley Review, Vol. 29, No. 1, Autumn 2012, p. 64] suggests that the subject is a member of a prominent Hudson [Columbia Co., N.Y.] family. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 75A.6.

531. Catharina Van Keuren – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., possibly [DRA], c. 1824-1825 [B&T]. 29-1/4" x 23-1/2" [B&T]. Descr.: Long-necked young woman with temple curls and tall comb, wearing elaborate Empire-waisted, dotted white dress with ruched and dotted lace sleeves, standing sheer collar, double-strand gold necklace; seated facing p.r. on black (horsehair) sofa with brass tacks, red shawl wrapped around r. elbow and back, holding small book with both hands, index finger of r. hand marking page. Bio.: Possibly Catharine Ven Keuren, b. 17 Oct 1802 in Kingston, N.Y., dau. of Hezekiah Van Keuren (1765-1832) and Sally (Meyer) Van Keuren (1783-1850); m. 13 Dec 1819 in Kingston, N.Y. to Peter [Petrus] W. Dubois (1784-1841); d. 14 Apr 1839; bur Chase Burial Ground, Sawkill, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Long Island, N.Y. estate; Jones & Horan, Merrimack, N.H. (August 3, 2001), sold $155,000 (no premium); Milly McGehee, Baltimore, Md. [dealer] to the current owners; References: "An Ammi Phillips Sells for $155,000," Maine Antique Digest (September 2001); Lita Solis-Cohen, "A Cautionary Tale," Maine Antique Digest (October 2001): p. 8-A [b&w facsim.]; Jason T. Busch, Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. VI, No. 4 (Autumn/Winter 2005): p. 175 [color facsim., in situ]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 157, Fig. 11 [full-page color facsim.]; Canterbury, Noble Dreams & Simple Pleasures: American Masterworks from Minnesota Collections (2009) cover [full-page color facsim., partially obscured] and p. 53 [exhibition checklist]. Status: Collection of Patricia N. and Samuel D. McCullough, Minneapolis, Minn. as of 2009. See Volume 2.

532. Man of the Van Keuren Family – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1824. [DRA] 35" x 29-1/2" . Companion to "Woman of the Van Keuren Family" [q.v.]. Descr.: Whitehaired gentleman in black jacket, black vest, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted side chair, r. arm draped over chair back with r. hand holding clay pipe, l. hand inside vest. [DRA] Provenance: Long Island, N.Y. estate; Jones & Horan, Merrimack, N.H. (August 3, 2001), sold $16,000 the pair; Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. as of 2001; Collection of Jonathan and Karin Fielding, Los Angeles, Cal. as of 2014. References: Maine Antique Digest (September 2001); Laura Beach, "The Fall Hartford Antiques Show," Antiques and The Arts Weekly (October 16, 2001); Lita Solis-Cohen, "A Cautionary Tale," Maine Antique Digest (October 2001); Glisson, et al. (2020) p. 13 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: “Material Friction: Americana and American Art, Highlights from the Jonathan and Karin Fielding Collection,” Williams College Museum of Art (June 12 – December 14, 2014). Status: The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Cal. as of 2016 (gift of Jonathan and Karin Fielding) Accession No.: 2016.25.106. See Volume 2.

533. Woman of the Van Keuren Family – Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1824. [DRA] 35" x 29-1/2" . Companion to "Man of the Van Keuren Family" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in black dress with sheer square collar, tall ruffled bonnet tied under chin, white shawl with floral border wrapped around l. arm and back; seated facing p.l. on paintdecorated thumb-back side chair, l. forearm resting on furniture, holding small book in l. hand with thumb marking page, r. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Long Island, N.Y. estate; Jones & Horan, Merrimack, N.H. (August 3, 2001), sold $16,000 the pair; Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. as of 2001; Collection of Jonathan and Karin Fielding, Los Angeles, Cal. as of 2014. References: Maine Antique Digest (September 2001); Laura Beach, "The Fall Hartford Antiques Show," Antiques and The Arts Weekly (October 16, 2001); Lita Solis-Cohen, "A Cautionary Tale," Maine Antique Digest (October 2001); Glisson, et al. (2020) p. 13 [color facsim.]. Exhibited: “Material Friction: Americana and American Art, Highlights from the Jonathan and Karin Fielding Collection,” Williams College Museum of Art (June 12 – December 14, 2014). Status: The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Cal. as of 2016 (gift of Jonathan and Karin Fielding). Accession No.: 2016.25.107. See Volume 2.

534. Jane A. Fort Van Rensselaer (Mrs. Henry Peter Van Rensselaer, 1797-1869), aka Mrs. H.P. Van Rensselaer, aka Woman from Rensselaer County –Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1820* or c. 18201825 [HPF] or c. 1822 [P&B]. 29-13/16" x 23-3/4" (accurate) or 29-7/8" x 23-3/4" [HPF]. Inscr.: "1820" on stretcher (probably added later). Descr.: Woman with dark hair and tall comb, temple curls, dark eyebrows, frowning expression; wearing white Empirewaisted dress with large pleated collar; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), l. hand clutching green fringed shawl with red flowers and gold edge, shawl wrapped around back and r. arm, r. hand not shown. Red folded drapery in u.l. corner and l. side. Medium gray background. Note: Possible identification. Bio.: Jane A. Fort, b. 18 Jan 1797 in Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., dau. of Jacob A. Fort (1763-1849) and Anna (Vrooman) Fort (1764-1845); m. circa 1817 in Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. to Henry [Hendrick] Peter Van Rensselaer (1794-1874); d. 25 Nov 1869; bur. Claverack Dutch Reformed Churchyard, Claverack, N.Y. (AE. 72 Yrs. 10 M). [DRA] Notes: AARFAC suggests that this is the portrait of an unidentified "Woman from Rensselaer Co." cataloged by Holdridge and Holdridge as 205 (1965) and 56 (1968) but questions their basis for the location. [DRA] Earlier owners of the portrait recorded the sitter’s name as "Mrs. H. B. Van Rensselaer of Kinderhook, 1820.” [AARFAC] Provenance: Conjectural descent from the subject’s son, Peter Van Rensselaer (18181904); to his dau., Eveline Van Rensselaer (Mrs. Cantine Tremper, 1859-1945), East Greenbush, N.Y. Known descent from her son, Van Rensselaer Tremper (1892-1945), Albany, N.Y.; from whom purchased by Charlotte G. Paddock, Schodack, N.Y. (dealer); by whom sold to dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass. (private collection); Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of Halladay-Thomas Collection). Note: AARFAC incorrectly records the conjectural and known owners as “Trumper” and “Trimper,” respectively. References: American Provincial Paintings (1947) no. 13, as “Mrs. Henry Bell Van Rensellaer [sic] of Kinderhook, New York”; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 26, no. 20 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Rumford (1981) p. 158, Fig. 130 [b&w facsim.]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): pp. 152-153, Fig. 3 [color facsim.]; Barry, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2018): p. 116 [color facsim.] Exhibited: The Art Museum, New Britain, Conn. (November 1947); The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975). Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1958). Accession number: 58.100.36. CHS: 205, H&H: 56, HPF: 75A.7, IAP: 81310050. See Volume 2.

535. Philip Schuyler Van Rensselaer, aka Stephen Schuyler Van Rensselaer, aka Portrait of a Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1840 [FMA] or c. 1845 [DRA]. 33" x 28" [FMA] or 33-1/2" x 28-1/2" [CNY]. Descr.: Dark-haired gentleman with long sideburns, wearing black jacket, white shirt and upturned collar, black cravat with large bow; seated facing p.l. in large red-upholstered armless chair, index and middle finger of r. hand turning page of open book on table, l. hand not shown. Note: The two proposed identifications presumably refer to Philip Schuyler Van Rensselaer (1797-1862) of Albany, N.Y., son of James Van Rensselaer (1746-1827) and Elsie (Schuyler) Van Rensselaer (1760-1838), and to Stephen Van Rensselaer IV (17891868) of Albany, N.Y., son of Stephen Van Rensselaer III (1764-1839) and Margaret (Schuyler) Van Rensselaer (1758-1801). The basis for these identifications, circa 1974-75, is unknown. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Moran; Eastern Dutchess Auction Galleries, Wingdale, N.Y. (November 15, 1974) as “Stephen Schuyler Van Rensselaer”; Frank Moran, American Paintings & Folk Art, Wingdale, N.Y., as "Philip Schuyler Van Renselaer" [sic] as of 1975; Phillips, New York, N.Y., Americana (January 31, 1978) as portrait of Stephen Schuyler van Rensselaer (1764-1839); Property of a New England Museum; Christie's, New York, N.Y., American Prints, Folk Art & Decorative Arts (January 18, 1992) Lot 291, as unidentified subject, unsold (est. $10-15,000); Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 7526 (October 24, 1992) p. 61, Lot 91 [color facsim.], as unidentified subject, unsold (est. $4-6,000); Christie's East, New York, N.Y., American Furniture, Paintings and Decorative Objects, Sale 7443 (June 22, 1993) Lot 18A [not illus.], as unidentified subject, unsold (est. $2,500-3,500). References: Maine Antique Digest (November 1974): p. 55 [b&w facsim.]; American Art Review, Vol. II, No. 1 (Jan-Feb 1975): p. 41 [b&w facsim.]; The New York Times (Friday, January 13, 1978): p. C9 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Unsold at auction 1993. IAP: 82190130, 93000081

536. James Van Schoonhoven (1781-1865) aka Gentleman Holding a Copy of Milton's Works – Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Albany, Albany Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1819 [HPF] or 1819* [DRA]. 32-1/2" x 25" [SNY]. Inscr. (verso): On canvas "J. Van Schoonhoven, Aged 38 years", and on r. corner of frame in pencil "Ammi Phillips Painted June 7th, 1819". Both in the artist’s hand [SNY]. Descr.: Narrowfaced gentleman with curly hair and prominent ear(s); wearing black jacket, white vest, white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. on redupholstered sofa with brass tacks, r. wrist resting on sofa back, l. hand cupped over closed book “Milton’s Works” held vertically on lap. Red drapery in u.l. corner. Medium gray background. [DRA] Cond: In the original gessoed frame and stretcher [SNY] Rebacked. [HPF*] Bio.: James [Jacobus] Van Schoonhoven, b. 2 Nov 1781, son of Jacobus Van Schoonhoven (17441814) and Elizabeth (Clute) Van Schoonhoven (1739-1820); m. (1st) 1 Oct 1806 in Lansingburg, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. to Alida Jacobse Lansing (1789-1824); m. (2nd) 21 Jun 1825 in Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. to Elizabeth Lane (1790-1867); d. 3 Sep 1865; bur. Oakwood Cem., Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Res.: Albany, Albany Co., N.Y., 1820; Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1830. [DRA] Provenance: Descended in the family of the sitter; Sotheby's, New York, Sale 5736 (June 23, 1988) Lot 283 [full-page color facsim.], bought-in (est. $30-40,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5810 (January 26-28, 1989) Lot 1213 [full-page color facsim.], bought-in (est. $30-40,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 75A.8. See Volume 2.

537. Anna Van Voorhis (Mrs. Zachariah Van Voorhis, 1762-1851) – New York, probably [HPF] or Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1844*. 33-1/2" x 27-1/4" [HPF]. Inscr. (recto, u.l., in red): "ANNA VAN VOORHIS AGED 82 / MAY 16 1844." Descr.: Elderly gray-haired woman wearing black dress, black shawl with gray satin trim over white fischu, white ruffled bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.l. in redupholstered armchair, l. hand holding large bible from beneath, open to pages “HEBREWS / CHAPTER I”, r. arm resting on chair arm with r. hand holding folded brass spectacles. [DRA] Cond.: Lifting paint and flake losses at the center left edge and in the lower left. At the center left there is also an area of repair approximately 3 x 2 inches. Scattered spots of inpainting including one at the subject's lips and a few in her hand can be seen under UV light. The work is wax relined. [Doyle] Bio.: Nancy [Ann] Springsteen, b. 16 May 1762, dau. of Andreas Springsteen (b. 1711) and Sara (Davis) Wheeler Springsteen (1729-1790); m. 25 Nov 1786 in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Zachariah Van Voorhis (1748-1811), his 2nd wife after Anna [Annatje] Lawrence (1751-1781); d. 9 Feb 1851; bur First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church Cem., Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Ann S. wife of / Zachariah Van Voorhis / who died / Feb. 9. 1851. / Æ 88 y’rs 8 mo. & / 24 d’s.). Res.: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850 (age 87, head of household, real estate $8,000). [DRA] Provenance: Location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Estate of Betty Roemer; Doyle, New York, N.Y. (November 3, 2022) Lot 1023, passed at $2,250+26% (est. $3-5,000). Status: Unsold at auction 2022. HPF: 75A.9. See Volume 2.

538. Anna Doll Vanderpoel (Mrs. James I. Vanderpoel, 1782-1855), aka Mrs. James Van Allen Vanderpoel, aka Mrs. James Vanderpoel Van Alan – Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H], possibly [CHS], 1821 or 1822, or c. 1820 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1822 [AIHA] or c. 1820-1822 [HPF]. 29-1/2" x 23-1/8" sight [CAP] or 31" x 24-3/4" [AIHA]. One of a pair. Wife of James Van Allen Vanderpoel [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4 pose, facing proper right, of a woman in a gray dress with white lace collar in two layers. Dark hair with front curls, tortoiseshell comb. Red (faded) drapery on left side (facing). L. hand holds a corner of a white shawl with red border and red rose design. Seated in a fancy-painted side chair. Plain gray background (paler than companion). Original frame. [AIHA] Bio.: b. 19 Jul 1782 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Rev. George [Georg] Jacob Leonhard Doll (1745-1811) and Susanna Christina (Deetkin) Doll (1753-1805); m 19 Apr 1808 in Kinderhook, N.Y. to James [Jacobus] Vanderpoel (1787-1843); d. 14 Mar 1855 in Albany, Albany Co., N.Y.; bur. Albany Rural Cem., Menands, Albany Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: AIHA purchase, 1958. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 140 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 26 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 24, no. 19 [full-page b&w facsim.], Groft (1978) p. 14 [b&w facsim.];

Groft, et al. (1998) pp. 66-67, 69 [full-page color facsim.], catalog no.11b. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 – September 30, 1975); The Folk Spirit of Albany: Folk Art from the Collection of the Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, N.Y. (1978). Status: Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (acquired 1958). Accession number: 1958.30.2. CHS: 161, H&H: 53*, HPF: 75A.3, IAP: 33220113. See Volume 2.

539. James I. Vanderpoel (1787-1843), aka Judge James Van Allen Vanderpoel, aka James Vanderpoel, aka Judge James Vanderpoel Van Alan – Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N.Y. [H&H], possibly [CHS], c. 1821 [CAP] or c. 1820 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1822 [AIHA] or c. 1820-1822 [HPF]. 29-3/4" x 23-1/4" [CAP] or 31" x 24-7/8" [AIHA].

One of a pair. Husband of Anna Doll Vanderpoel [q.v.]. Descr.: 3/4 pose, facing proper left, of a gentleman with dark hair in classic style. Wearing a black jacket with collar, black vest, white upturned collar, white stock tied in the front, pleated jabot. Prominent nose and double chin (cleft). No hands shown. Medium gray background with slight nimbus. Original frame. [AIHA] Bio.: b. 10 Jan 1787 in Kinderhook, Columbia County, N.Y., son of Isaac Vanderpoel (1747-1807) and Moyca (Huyck) Vanderpoel (1758-1827); m. 19 Apr 1808 in Kinderhook, N.Y. to Anna Doll (1782-1855); d. 3 Oct 1843; bur. Albany Rural Cem., Menands, Albany Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: AIHA purchase, 1958. References: Holdridge (1968) p. 24 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka (1977) p. 69 [b&w facsim.]; Piwonka and Blackburn (1977) p. 23, no. 18 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Groft (1978) p. 14 [b&w facsim.]; Groft, et al. (1998) pp. 66-68 [full-page color facsim.], catalog no. 11a. Exhibited: The Columbia County Historical Society, Kinderhook, N.Y. (August 15 –September 30, 1975); The Folk Spirit of Albany: Folk Art from the Collection of the Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, N.Y. (1978). Status: Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, N.Y. (acquired 1958). Accession number: 1958.30.1. CHS: 160, H&H: 52*, HPF: 75A.4, IAP: 33220112. See Volume 2.

540. John Guy Vassar, Jr. (1811-1888) – Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 18451850 [HPF] or c. 1835-40 [DRA] Descr.: Man with brown hair parted on p.r. side, wearing high-collared black jacket and black vest, white shirt and upturned collar, black stock with large bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, holding an open letter with both hands, r. hand with upturned fingers. [DRA] Bio.: b. 15 Jun 1811 in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., son of John Guy Vassar (1789-1811) and Margaret (Van Kleeck) Vassar (1790-1839); d. 27 Oct 1888, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Bur.: Poughkeepsie Rural Cem., Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. In year of birth, father died in malt-dust explosion. Nephew of brewer Matthew Vassar, founder of Vassar College. Philanthropist and world traveler. [DRA] Status: Cunneen-Hackett Arts Center, 9 Vassar Street, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 2015. HPF: 75A.10. See Volume 2.

541. Ebenezer William Walbridge (1779-1856) – Lansingburg, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., c. 1820 [DRA]. One of a pair. Husband of Sarah (Sally) Morgan Walbridge [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with wispy hair peaked on top and swept forward on side, wearing dark highcollared jacket, pale vest, white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated side chair, l. hand cupped over book held vertically in lap, r. hand not shown. Drapery in u.l. corner. Bio.: b. 28 Oct 1779 in Bennington, Vt., son of Ebenezer Walbridge (1738-1819) and Elizabeth (Stebbins) Walbridge (17361822); m. (1st) 12 Jan 1805 in Lansingburgh, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. to Sally Morgan (1787-1824); m. (2nd) 25 Sep 1825 in Lansingburgh, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. to Martha Marshall (1789-1874); res. Lansingburgh, Rensselaer Co. N.Y., 1810, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1855 (born Vermont, occupation Lawyer, 54-year resident of this town); d. 23 Mar 1856; bur. Lansingburgh Village Cem., Lansingburg, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. (Ebenezer W. Walbridge / Died / March 23. 1856. / Æ. 77 Yrs.). Graduated Williams College, 1800. Licensed as lawyer, 1804. Village trustee and town clerk. N.Y. state legislator, 1819. Director of Bank of Lansingburgh, 1818-49; president, 1837-45. Note: A newer rendition of this portrait also exists, which is not by Ammi Phillips. [DRA] Reference: Wallbridge (1898) illus. no. 103 (opposite p. 94) [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown.

542. Sarah (Sally) Morgan Walbridge (Mrs. Ebenezer William Walbridge, 17871824) – Lansingburgh, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1820 [CNY] or c. 1815-1820 [HPF]. 321/2" x 26-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Ebenezer William Walbridge [q.v.]. Descr.: Young brown-eyed woman with forehead curls and comb, wearing peach-colored Empire-waisted dress with white three-layer embroidered and pleated collar; seated facing p.l. on red-upholstered sofa with brass tacks, l. wrist resting on sofa back, r. hand holding partially-open book in lap, thumb marking page. Dark red drapery in u.r. corner. Medium gray background. [DRA] Bio.: b. 18 Nov 1787 in Lansingburg, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., dau. of Jonas Morgan (1752-1824) and Sarah Marion (Mott) Morgan (1762-1801); m. 12 Jan 1805 to Ebenezer William Walbridge (1779-1856); d. 26 Nov 1824 in Lansingburg, Rensselaer Co., N.Y.; bur. Old Lansingburgh Village Cem., Lansingburg, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. (Mrs. Sally Walbridge / who died on the 26th day of / November 1824 / Aged 37 years / & 8 days). [DRA] Note: Sally never lived in Plattsburgh but doubtless came here to visit her brother, William Henry Morgan who moved to Plattsburgh about 1813. It was his daughter who gave the portrait of Sally Morgan Walbridge to the Plattsburgh Public Library sometime prior to 1944. [Burdick] Provenance: Mrs. Theodora Hyde Morgan Palmer [1859-1944], Plattsburgh, New York (the subject's niece); Plattsburgh Public Library, Plattsburgh, New York (before 1944); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American 18th, 19th & 20th Century Paintings, Drawings & Sculpture, American Decorative and Historical Prints, Sale 5141 (January 26-27, 1984) Lot 329 [full-page color facsim.], unsold (est. $30-40,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 5227 (October 26, 1984) Lot 19, sold $6,000+10%; location unknown as of 1994; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Silver, Prints and Folk Art, Sale 1129 (October 9, 2002) Lot 144, sold $23,900 (est. $20-30,000). References: Wallbridge (1898) illus. no. 103 (opposite p. 94) [b&w facsim.]; Burdick (1975) No. 21 [b&w facsim.] as Mrs. Ebenezer Walbridge (Sarah Morgan); Chittenden and Hemphill (1984) p. 64, no. 105 [not illus.]; Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, N.Y.), Vol. 90, No. 169 (March 10, 1984): p. 8 [b&w facsim.]; Lita Solis-Cohen, "Americana at Christie's," Maine Antique Digest (December 2002). Status: Private collector Michael Paine, New York, N.Y. as of 2002. [MAD] HPF: 75A.11, IAP: 62710020, 63003045 and 63004946. See Volume 2.

543. Mr. Warburton [see note], aka Mr. Warburton of Rockboro, Va., aka Portrait of a Man from New York – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H] or Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1825 [CAP] or c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 1825 [HPF] or c. 1845 [PMA] or c. 1828 [DRA]. 29-1/2" x 23-7/16" (sight). One of a pair. Husband of "Mrs. Warburton" [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): "WARBURTON'S LETTERS". [HPF] Descr.: Man with aquiline nose and prominent ears, wearing black highcollared jacket and black vest, white pleated and ruffled jabot with stickpin, tall white stock without bow, and upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in grain-painted and decorated side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand cupped over closed book (see inscription) held vertically in lap. [DRA] Note: The subjects have been identified as residents of Rockboro, Va. [H&H] Note: The sitter is holding a copy of Dr. Samuel Parr's compilation of letters from Anglican Bishop Warburton to Bishop Hurd (published in 1828 as one volume of The Works of Samuel Parr). Parr was a noted critic of Warburton and Hurd, and had sought to embarrass and discredit Warburton via his unadmitted works. It is, therefore, highly unlikely that the sitter's surname is Warburton. The occurrence of the Warburton surname in 19th century census records for Charles City County (including Roxbury), Virginia is the apparent source of the incorrect locale assigned by an earlier owner of this (then anonymous) portrait pair. No place named Rockboro exists. The Holdridges (1968) rejected the possibility of these portraits being from Virginia. Stylistically, they relate to mid-to-late 1820’s examples from Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, New York, N.Y. as of 1968; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa. (gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, 1973). Status: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa. (acquired 1973). Accession number: 73-258-1. H&H: 208, HPF: 75A.12, IAP: 46170387 and 81310194. See Volume 2.

544. Mrs. Warburton [see note], aka Mrs. Warburton of Rockboro, Va., aka Portrait of a Woman from New York – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H] or Orange Co., N.Y. [DRA], 1825 [CAP] or c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 1825 [HPF] or c. 1845 [PMA] or c. 1828 [DRA]. 29-1/2" x 23-9/16" (sight). One of a pair. Wife of "Mr. Warburton" [q.v.]. Inscr (on books): "Milton's Works" and "Newton's Works". [HPF] Descr.: Woman with hair bun and tall comb, wearing black dress with sheer collar and small brooch; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown) with red and floral-embroidered shawl wrapped around r. arm and back, r. elbow resting on two books on table (see inscriptions), fingers of r. hand to face, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Note: See Mr. Warburton for a discussion on the prior misidentification of subjects’ surname and residence. [DRA]. Provenance: Collection of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, New York, N.Y. as of 1968; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa. (gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, 1973). Status: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa. (acquired 1973). Accession number: 73-258-2. H&H: 209, HPF: 75A.13, IAP: 46170388 and 81310195. See Volume 2.

545. John Ward (1778-1852) – Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF] or Sheffield, Berkshire Co. Mass. [DRA], unknown date [HPF] or c. 1845-50 [DRA]. One of a pair. Husband of Lucretia Rogers Ward [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with receding hair, wearing dark jacket, short white stock with bow in front, seated facing p.l. with r. hand resting on book on lap, l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 21 Jan 1778 in Stratford, Fairfield Co., Conn., son of Samuel Ward (1754-1808) and Esther (White) Ward (1745-1796); m. 20 Jun 1803 in Cornwall, Litchfield Co., Conn. to Lucretia Rogers (1785-1876); d. 29 Sep 1852; bur. Ward Cem., Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. Res.: Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., 1830, 1840, 1850 (Farmer). [DRA] Note: John Ward moved with his wife to Sheffield in 1810 and purchased the 350 acres homestead then known as Prospect Hill in 1814. [MHC] Provenance: Cynthia M. Ward Greenwood (Mrs. Joseph Madison Greenwood, 1823-1895), dau. of the subjects; to her dau.-in-law, Lola A. de la Mesa Greenwood (Mrs. Joseph William Greenwood, 18641942); to her grandson (great-great-grandson of the subjects), current owner of Greenwood Farm (Capt. John Fellows House), Berkshire Co., Mass. as of 1987 [aka John and Mary Fellows Farmstead, Sheffield, Berkshire, Co., Mass]. [DRA] References: Suzanne Slesin, "Discreet Charms of the Old Farmhouse," The New York Times (July 16, 1987): pp. C1, C6 [not illus.]; Massachusetts Historical Commission, Historic Building Detail: SHC.43, Gen. John and Mary Fellows Farmstead, MHC Inventory Form Continuation Sheet [b&w facsim., in situ]. Status: Private owner, Sheffield, Mass., as of 1987. HPF: 75A.14.

546. Lucretia Rogers Ward (Mrs. John Ward, 1785-1876) – Berkshire Co., Mass. [HPF], unknown date [HPF] or c. 1845-50 [DRA]. One of a pair. Wife of John Ward [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman wearing sheer bonnet with small ribbons tied on l. under chin, seated facing p.r., wrists crossed (l. over r.) with r. hand holding closed book. Bio.: b. 17 Mar 1785 in Cornwall, Litchfield Co., Conn., dau. of Edward Rogers (17351813) and Hannah (Jackson) Rogers (1752-1837); m. 20 Jun 1803 in Cornwall, Litchfield Co., Conn. to John Ward (1778-1852); d. 6 Jan 1876; bur. Ward Cem., Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Provenance: See John Ward. References: See John Ward. Status: Private owner, Sheffield, Mass., as of 1987. HPF: 75A.15.

547. Eleanor Knox Wheeler (Mrs. William Wheeler, 1774-1859) – Deposit, Delaware Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Tompkins, Delaware Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1835 [HPF] or c.1830 [DRA]. 30-1/2" x 24-1/2" [HPF]. One of a trio. Wife of William Wheeler [q.v.] and mother of Malina Wheeler Knapp [q.v.]. Inscr. (on book): “HOLY BIBLE.” Descr.: Woman in beribboned bonnet tied under chin, black dress with black shawl trimmed with roses; facing p.r. with right arm resting on book, r. hand holding spectacles, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Bio.: b. 25 Aug 1774, Blandford, Hampden Co., Mass., dau. of William Knox (1750-1815) and Submit (Black) Knox (1753-1807); m. 7 Jun 1804 in Blandford, Hampden Co., Mass., to William Wheeler (1774-1851); d. 28 Jan 1859; bur. Laurel Hill Cem., Deposit, Delaware Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the subjects to Deposit, N.Y. native Sarah Steinman Harms (1918-2011), dau. of Albert F. and Evelyn F. (Wheeler) Steinman (1890-1979); granddaughter of George Waterbury (1863-1933) and Mary (Fisher) Wheeler (1862-1940); great-granddaughter of George Downs (1818-1906) and Mary (Waterbury) Wheeler (1833-

1887); and great-great-granddaughter of William and Eleanor (Knox) Wheeler. [DRA] Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1987). Status: Collection of Sarah Steinman Harms (19182011), Scottsville, N.Y. as of 1975, 1989. HPF: 75B.1, IAP: 96970004. See Volume 2.

548. William Wheeler (1774-1851) – Deposit, Delaware Co., N.Y. [HPF] or Tompkins, Delaware Co., N.Y [DRA], c. 1835 [HPF] or c. 1830 [DRA]. 30-1/2" x 24-1/2" [HPF]. One of a trio. Husband of Eleanor Knox Wheeler [q.v.] and father of Malina Wheeler Knapp [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with graying hair, long face and five-o’clock shadow; wearing black jacket, white stock tied in front, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. with l. arm resting on a stenciled chair back, r. hand holding a small thick volume with spine up. [DRA] Bio.: b. 21 May 1774, New London, New London Co., Conn., son of William Wheeler (1739-1782) and Hannah (French) Wheeler (1750-1797); m. 7 Jun 1804 in Blandford, Hampden Co., Mass. to Eleanor Knox (1774-1859); d. 8 Mar 1851; bur. Laurel Hill Cem., Deposit, Delaware Co., N.Y. Res.: Hancock, Delaware Co., N.Y., 1810; Tompkins, Delaware Co., N.Y., 1820 through 1850. [DRA] Provenance: See Eleanor Knox Wheeler. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1987). Status: Collection of Sarah Steinman Harms (1918-2011), Scottsville, N.Y. as of 1975, 1989 HPF: 75B.2, IAP: 96970003. See Volume 2.

549. Gen. Charles Whiting (1786-1869) – Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N.Y., c. 1821 [DRA]. 30" x 25". One of a pair. Husband of Margaret Rogers Whiting [q.v.]. Descr.: Rosy-cheeked gentleman with receding brown hair and reddish sideburns, wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt and downturned collar, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated armchair, r. hand holding an unsealed letter, l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 23 Mar 1786 in Norwich, New London Co., Conn., son of Ebenezer Whiting (1735-1794) and Anne (Fitch) Whiting (1747-1827); m. 11 Aug 1811 in Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N.Y. to Margaret Rogers (1790-1866); d. 18 Aug 1869 in Kinderhook, N.Y. Res.: Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1820 through 1865. Merchant and farmer. Commander of 52nd New York Militia. [DRA] Reference: Eric Boman, The World of Interiors (February 2013): p. 80 [color facsim., in situ]. Provenance: The Caldwell Gallery, Hudson, N.Y.; from whom purchased by John Knott, Kinderhook, N.Y. Status: Assigned by deed to Crow Hill (original Charles and Margaret Rogers Whiting residence), Kinderhook, N.Y.

550. Margaret Rogers Whiting (Mrs. Charles Whiting, 1790-1866) – Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N.Y., c. 1821 [DRA]. 30" x 25". One of a pair. Wife of Gen. Charles Whiting [q.v.]. Descr.: Rosy-cheecked woman with temple curls and tall comb, wearing black dress with large white box-pleated collar; seated facing p.r. in paintdecorated armchair, l. hand in lap holding small book, r. arm extended, r. hand not shown. Red fringed drapery in u.l. corner and l. side. Bio.: b. 17 Jan 1790 in Belfast, Ireland, dau. of Robert Rogers and Margaret (Crawford) Rogers (1744-1827), and half-sister of James Adger of Charleston, S.C.; family emigrated to New York in 1793; attended Sarah Pierce’s Litchfield Female Academy, 1809; m. 11 Aug 1811 in Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N.Y. to Charles Whiting (1786-1869) of John Rogers & Co., Kinderhook, N.Y.; d. 15 Sep 1866 in Kinderhook, N.Y. [DRA] Reference: Eric Boman, The World of Interiors (February 2013): p. 81 [color facsim., in situ]. Provenance: The Caldwell Gallery, Hudson, N.Y.; from whom purchased by John Knott, Kinderhook, N.Y. Status: Assigned by deed to Crow Hill (original Charles and Margaret Rogers Whiting residence), Kinderhook, N.Y.

551. Ira Williams (1790-1877) – Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn., c. 1840 [SHS]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/4". One of a pair. Husband of Melissa Williams [q.v.]. Descr.: Full-faced grayhaired gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, large black tie, white shirt and upturned collar; seated facing p.l., holding closed book in lap with r. hand, index finger marking page, l. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 4 Apr 1790; m. Melissa Calkins in Sharon, Conn.; d. 24 Nov 1877. Res. Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1830 through 1870. Bur. Hillside Cem., Sharon, Conn. Ira Williams, a farmer, was one of the founders of the Sharon Methodist Church. [DRA] Provenance: Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (1998) Lot 817, sold $14,000 the pair (est. $10-15,000); Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Conn. Reference: Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. IV [color facsim.]. Status: Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Conn. (acquired 1998). See Volume 2.

552. Melissa Calkins Williams (Mrs. Ira Williams, 1797-1873) – Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn., c. 1840 [SHS]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/4". One of a pair. Wife of Ira Williams [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing cap with bows on side and ribbons tied on p.l. side, black dress with wide organdy and lace collar; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on table, small book in lap held with l. hand, index finger marking page. Bio.: b. 6 Aug 1797 in Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn., dau. of James Calkins (1767-1842) and Sarah (Kelsey) Calkins (1773-1834); m. Ira Williams (1790-1877); d. 15 Jan 1873; bur. Hillside Cem., Sharon, Conn. [DRA] Provenance: Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (1998) Lot 817, sold $14,000 the pair (est. $10-15,000); Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Conn Reference: Ammi Phillips: On Familiar Ground (1999) Pl. III [color facsim.]. Status: Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Conn. (acquired 1998). See Volume 2.

553. Dr. Charles Winfield (1789-1859) – Town of Crawford, Orange Co., N.Y., c. 1824 [SNY] or c. 1825-1828 [HPF]. 31" x 25" [SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Margaret Crawford Winfield [q.v.]. Descr.: Fair-haired man with chin dimple, wearing black jacket, yellow striped vest, white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock with bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in leaf-stenciled and paint-decorated side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding an unsealed letter. [DRA] Cond.: Relined, frame abrasion, areas of flaking, restoration to coat, small areas of inpainting. [CNY] Bio.: b. 10 Jun 1789 in Shawangunk, Ulster Co., N.Y., son of Daniel Winfield (1753-1815) and Antje Van Garden (b. 1768); m. (1st) to Margaret Crawford (1791-1828); m. (2nd) 10 Feb 1835 to Esther Milspaugh (1806-1843); d. 1 Jan 1859; bur. New Prospect Dutch Reformed Church Cem. near Pine Bush (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. (Aged / 69 Yrs. 6 Mos. / & 21 D’ys.). [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6483 (October 24, 1993) Lot 26 [color facsim.], sold $22,000+15% the pair (est. $30-40,000); a private East Coast collection; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 22325 (January 19, 2024) Lot 458, sold $8,000+26% the pair (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 2024. HPF: 75B.3. See Volume 2.

554. Margaret Crawford Winfield (Mrs. Charles Winfield, 1791-1828) – Town of Crawford, Orange Co., N.Y., c. 1824 [SNY] or c. 1825-1828 [HPF]. 31" x 25" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Dr. Charles Winfield [q.v.]. Descr.: Fair-haired woman with numerous curls, wearing black dress with black belt, embroidered organdy collar, elaborately beribboned bonnet with untied ribbons hanging in back, gold ring on middle finger of r. hand; seated facing p.r. in feather-stenciled and paint-decorated side chair, r. wrist resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding small book with spine up. [DRA] Cond.: Relined, frame abrasion, small loss at p.l. shoulder, inpainting throughout. [CNY] Bio.: b. 19 Nov 1791, dau. of Joshua Crawford (1767-1804) and Nancy Agnes (Crawford) Crawford (1768-1802); d. 22 Feb 1828; bur. New Prospect Dutch Reformed Church Cem. near Pine Bush (Town of Crawford), Orange Co., N.Y. (Aged 36 years 5 mos. / 3 days). [DRA] Provenance: See Dr. Charles Winfield. Status: Sold at auction 2024. [HPF] HPF: 75B.4. See Volume 2.

555. Henry Peter Pells Woolley (1806-1878) – Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1838 [H&H]. 31" x 26-1/4" [H&H] or 32" x 26-1/4" [HPF]. Brother of Sarah Woolley Haxtun (Mrs. Benjamin Haxtun) [q.v.] and Jeannette Elizabeth Woolley (Storm) [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired young gentleman with widow’s-peak and hair swept up at temples; wearing black jacket and tall black stock tied in front, white ruffled shirt with upturned collar, facing p.l. with open red-sealed letter held between hands. Note: Similar to Guy Vassar [q.v.]. Bio.: b. 5 Oct 1806; m. Cornelia Storm (1821-1871); d. 17 Apr 1878; bur. Hopewell Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (Henry P. Woolley, Died April 17, 1878, Aged 71 yrs. 6 mos. 12 days). [DRA] Provenance: Descended in family to Miss Alice Buell Ormsbee [1894-1957] of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., granddaughter, as of 1949; Mrs. Frank D. Mather, Bayport, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968. [CHS, H&H] Reference: Storm (1949) p. 362 [not illus.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CHS: 163, H&H: 205, HPF: 75B.5, IAP: 81310191.

556. Jeannette Elizabeth Woolley (later Mrs. John Vincent Storm, 1814-1886), aka Mrs. John Vincent Storm (Jeannette Elizabeth Woolley Storm) –Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1838 [BM]. 33" x 28-1/16" [CAP] or 33" x 28" [HPF] or 33" x 27-5/16" [BM]. Sister of Sarah Woolley Haxtun (Mrs. Benjamin Haxtun) [q.v.] and Henry Peter Pells Woolley [q.v.]. Note: Listed in CAP as Jeanette E. Woolley Storm. Inscr. (both books): “HISTORY”. Descr.: Woman with long neck and aquiline nose, tall Apollo-knot hair; wearing elaborate green satin dress with balloon sleeves, belt with tall buckle, and wide embroidered organdy collar, gold and jet brooch with matching drop earring, locket with gold chain, gold and jet ring on l. ring finger; facing p.l., l. arm resting on two books on table (see inscription), r. hand with upturned fingers holding opened letter with red seal Bio.: b. 28 Aug 1814 in Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of William Woolley; m. 4 Dec 1839 in Clinton, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to John Vincent Storm (1800-1900), cousin of John Curry Storm [q.v.]; d. 21 Jun 1886 in Stormville, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; bur. Hopewell Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent to Miss Jeannette Southard, Fishkill, N.Y., granddaughter of the subject, until 1948; Mrs. Waldo Hutchins, Jr. [Sara Storm Appleby, 1894-1980], Glen Head, L.I., N.Y.; to Brooklyn Museum, New York, N.Y. (Gift of Mrs. Waldo Hutchins, Jr., 1969). References: Storm (1949) p. 362 [not illus.]; Rosenblum (1997) p. 49 [b&w facsim.]; Carbone (2006) p. 862 [illus. Pl. 32]. Status: Brooklyn Museum, New York, N.Y. as of 1969. Accession number: 69.7. HPF: 73B.12, IAP: 35680301. See Volume 2.

557. Anna [Annaetje] Eltinge Wynkoop (Mrs. Derrick Wynkoop, 1748-1827) – 1 of 2, aka Ann Elting Wynkoop, aka Lady with Eagle Snuff Box – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 [DRA]. 29-1/8" x 23-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Derrick Dirkesen “Dirck” Wynkoop [q.v.]. One of two versions by Phillips (see Addenda). Descr.: Older woman in black dress and shawl over white fischu, sheer white ruffled cap with black band; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated scroll-back side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), r. hand with upturned fingers holding oval snuffbox with eagle and shield decoration, thumb and index finger of l. hand pinched together. Bio.: b. 4 Nov 1748 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., dau. of Jacobus Eltinge (1717-1777) and Elizabeth (Hall) Eltinge (1717-1804); m. 25 Apr 1776 to Derrick Wynkoop (1738-1827); d. 1 Aug 1827; bur. New Paltz Rural Cem., New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y. (Anna Wincoop). Note: Will dated 26 Jul 1827, widow of Derrick Wynkoop. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of Derrick Wynkoop Eltinge (1802-1870), grandson of Derrick Wynkoop and Sarah (Eltinge) Wynkoop; Marie Jenkins Wiersum (1924-2019), New Paltz, N.Y.; by whom donated to Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y. (December 1971); reported stolen from the LeFevre (aka Ezekiel Elting) House, February 1972; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08053 (January 20-23, 2005) Lot 922 as “A Pair of Portraits: Lady with Eagle Snuff Box and Gentleman with Walking Stick,” sold $11,000+20% the pair (est. $610,000). References: The Kingston Daily Freeman, Vol. CI, No. 110 (February 24, 1972): p: 1 [not illus.]; Maine Antique Digest, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4 (April 2005): p. 44D [b&w facsim.]. Status: Historic Huguenot Street, New Paltz, N.Y. (recovered 2022). HPF: 75B.6. See Volume 2.

558. Derrick Dirksen “Dirck” Wynkoop (1738-1827) – 1 of 2, aka Gentleman with Walking Stick – New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 [DRA]. 29-1/8" x 23-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Anna [Annaetje] Eltinge Wynkoop [q.v.]. Uncle of Leah Dubois Wynkoop De Witt [q.v.]. One of two versions by Phillips (see Addenda). Descr.: Older, rosy-cheeked, silver-haired, apparently toothless gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with large bow in front, white downturned collar; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, l. arm resting on chair arm with l. hand holding silver-tipped cane, r. hand not shown. Bio.: b. 23 Feb 1738 in Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y., son of Derrick [Dirk] Wynkoop (1698-1763) and Gertrude [Geertje] Jacobs Kool (1695-1747); m. (1st) 15 Nov 1765 to Sarah Eltinge (b. 1748), dau. of Noah Eltinge (1721-1778) and Jacomyntje (Eltinge) Eltinge (1715-1790); m. (2nd) 25 Apr 1776 to Anna [Annaetje] Eltinge (1748-1827), 1st cousin of Sarah Eltinge; d. 24 Jan 1827; bur. New Paltz Rural Cem., New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y. (Derick Wincoop, aged 88 yrs., 10 mo. & 9 ds.). [DRA] Provenance and references: See Anna Eltinge Wynkoop. Status: Historic Huguenot Street, New Paltz, N.Y. (recovered 2022). HPF: 75B.7. See Volume 2.

Unidentified Subjects: Men

559. The Agriculturalist, aka An Agriculturalist, aka A Portrait of a Grey-Haired Gentleman Posed in a Federal Side Chair Holding a Pamphlet Entitled "Agriculture" – New England [PBG] or Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess, N.Y., probably [H&H], c. 1835 [PBG, CHS, H&H]. 32" x 27" [PBG, CHS, H&H, CNY] or 31" x 26" [SNY]. Descr.: Waist-length figure wearing a black coat, waistcoat and cravat, his l. arm resting upon a chair, a pamphlet entitled "Agriculture" in his right. [PBG] Cond.: Unlined, on the original stretchers, in a reproduction frame; several small splits and punctures to canvas. [SNY] Provenance: John J. Gunther, Coventry Hall, York Village, Maine (to 1960); Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y., The John J. Gunther Collection of Valuable American Furniture & Decorations, Early American Primitive Portraits and Landscape Paintings, Sale 1990, Third Session: Early American Primitive Portraits and Landscapes (October 22, 1960) Lot 333 [p. 67, half-page b&w facsim.], sold $375; to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Holdridge, Owings Mills, Md. [1961, 1994]; Christie's, New York, N.Y., August 1986 (per SNY); Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 9468 (October 5, 2000) Lot 28, est. $2-4,000; Fontaine's Auction Gallery, Pittsfield, Mass. (May 17, 2003) Lot 72, unsold (est. $14-20,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N07959 (January 16, 2004) Lot 309, sold $3,250+20% (est. $5-7,000). Reference: Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 560 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2004. CHS: 164, H&H: 163, HPF: 76B.6, IAP: 81310150. See Volume 2.

560. Portrait of a Berkshire Physician – Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], c. 1849 [H&H] or c. 1850 [SI]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [HPF, SI]. Inscr. (volume spine): "WATSON'S PRACTICE OF MEDICINE". Descr.: Dark-haired gentleman with receding hairline and long sideburns, wearing dark gray jacket, white pleated shirt, black vest, black tie in bow; seated facing p.l. with r. arm resting on large volume on table with fingers marking page. Note: Lectures on the Principles and Practice of Physic: Delivered at King’s College, London by Sir Thomas Watson, first American edition published Philadelphia, 1844. [DRA] Cond.: Small spots of retouch to his right cheek, scattered small spots on jacket and areas to background near edges. [Skinner] Provenance: Found in Berkshire Co., Mass.; Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y.; Dr. and Mrs. William S. Greenspon, New York, N.Y. [1968, 1970, 1994]; Estate of William S. Greenspon; Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2460 (June 7, 2009) Lot 259, sold $3,000+18.5% (est. $6-8,000). Reference: Feld (1970) p. 28, no. 27 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2009. H&H: 257, HPF: 77A.6, IAP: 81310243. See Volume 2.

561. Portrait of a Connecticut Doctor – Litchfield Co., Conn., possibly [HPF] or Berkshire Co., Mass , probably [DRA], c. 1850-1860 [HPF]. 34" x 28". Inscr. (on book): “DUNGLISON’S / HUMAN / PHYSIOLOGY”. Descr.: Man wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt with cuffs visible, downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. with r. forearm resting on large book on table (see inscription), l hand grasping jacket lapel. Note: Robley Dunglison, Human Physiology (Philadelphia: Carey and Lea, 1832, Cary, Lea and Blanchard, 1836, 1838, and Lea and Blanchard, 1841, 1844, 1850, 1856). Provenance: Kenneth Hammitt Antiques, Woodbury and Madison, Conn. [1978, 1979]; Steve Miller, American Folk Art Gallery, New York, N.Y. References: Antiques (May 1978): p. 977 [b&w facsim., in situ]; Antiques (August 1979): p. 284 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (October 1979): p. 28-A [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection. HPF: 77A.12. See Volume 2.

562. Portrait of a Dark Haired Gentleman with Pen and Bible, aka Man with Bible, aka Man with a Quill Pen, aka Gentleman with Goose Quill Pen; aka Colonial Man – unknown locale, 1820's [HPF]. 31" x 25" [SNY] or 30" x 25" [SNY] or 30" x 24-1/2" [IAP]. Inscr. (book spine): “Die Bibel” in Gothic script. Descr.: Middleaged full-faced man in a black coat and white stock and upturned collar; seated facing p.l., l. arm resting on chair arm, holding a quill pen with r. hand with r. arm resting on a note and bible (see inscription). [DRA] Cond.: Original paint-decorated grained frame and stretchers. [SNY] Note: Per SNY (1983), the sitter is believed to be the father of the child portrayed in Lot 13 [Child in Pink with Her Spaniel, q.v.]. Provenance: Dorothea and Dean Nelson, Spruce Creek, Pa. (1980); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important American 18th, 19th and 20th Century Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Sale 5055 (June 2, 1983) Lot 15 [full-page b&w facsim.], sold $12,000+10% (est. $8-12,000); location unknown as of 1994; private collection; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 7329 (June 17, 1999) Lot 82 [color facsim.], est. $10-15,000; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N07905 (May 22, 2003) Lot 765, sold $6,500+20% (est. $10-15,000); New Haven Auctions, New Haven, Conn. (June 25, 2022) Lot 61, sold $2,800+24% (est. $5-10,000). References: Newcomers Club of Hollidaysburg, Pa., Bicentennial Survey, 1976; Selections from Private Collections of the Southern Alleghenies Region, Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, Loretto, Pa., October 4 - November 30, 1980, exhibit catalog, No. 81 [not illus.]. Status: Sold at auction 2022. HPF: 76A.6, IAP: 63004012 and 72210174. See Volume 2.

563. Portrait of a Dark-Haired Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1825 [SNY] or c. 1835 [DRA]. 25-1/2" x 21-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Young gentleman with center-parted dark hair and pointed sideburns; wearing black jacket with double row of brass buttons, white vest, white shirt, white upturned collar and white stock with large bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, r. hand partly inside jacket, l. wrist resting on chair back. [DRA] Provenance: Gerald Kornblau, American Folk Art Gallery, New York, N.Y. [1977]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08665, September 30, 2010, Lot 77, Property from a New York Collection [p. 66, color facsim.] sold $5,000+35% (est. $10-15,000). Status: Sold at auction 2010. See Volume 2.

564. Portrait of a Distinguished Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1850's [DRA]. 33" x 27-1/2" [JDJ]. Descr.: Oil on canvas half portrait of a gentleman seated [facing p.l.] in an open armchair wearing a black formal suit with white shirt and black bow tie. He has black hair, bushy eyebrows and a small patch of hair below bottom lip. Cond.: Wax lined on new stretcher, craquelure, with some inpainting and touch up. [JDJ] Provenance: James D. Julia, Inc., Fairfield, Maine, Fine Art & Asian Antiques (August 2014) Lot 2211, sold $2,050+18.5% (est. $3-5,000). Status: Sold at auction 2014 See Volume 2.

565. Portrait of an Elderly Man – unknown locale, unknown date. Note: Possibly the same as “Man with a Pipe” [q.v.] of same owner. Status: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang, New York, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 77B.2. N.B.: Possible duplicate in HPF

566. Portrait of an Elderly Man Holding a Large Bible – New York, possibly [HPF], c. 1824 [HPF]. 30" x 25" [HPF]. Note: Possibly the same as “Man Holding a Bible” [q.v.] of same dimensions. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76A.13. N.B.: Possible duplicate in HPF.

567. Fair-Haired Man in Front of Red Drapery, aka Man with Fair Hair, aka Portrait of a Man – unknown locale, c. 1817 [H&H] or c. 1817-1818 [HPF] or c. 1818 [CAP]. 29-1/4" x 22-1/16" (sight). Descr.: Fair-haired gentleman with hair swept forward and up; wearing high-collared black jacket, white vest, white ruffled jabot, high white stock with bow; facing p.r., hands not shown. Red folded drapery in u.l. corner and l. side. Pale blue-gray background. [DRA] Note: Formerly identified as Robert Fulton. Listed in CAP as Unidentified Man. Provenance: Downtown Gallery, New York, N.Y.; Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vt. [1955]. Reference: Muller (1976) pp. 102, 111, Fig. 244 [color facsim.]. Status: Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vt. as of 1968. [H&H] Accession number: 1955-512.3. Catalog number: 27.1.1-16. Not on public exhibit as of 2015. H&H: 36, HPF: 75B.15, IAP: 54000641. See Volume 2.

568. A Pair of Portraits: A Gentleman, aka A Man Holding a Book – unknown locale, c. 1850's [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/4" [SPB] or 33-1/2"x 27-1/2" [CNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Pair of Portraits: A Lady" [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with white hair, wearing black jacket, black vest, white pleated shirt, black stock with bow; seated facing p.l., r. arm resting on an upholstered chair arm, r. hand holding a book on lap spine up, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Anonymous sale; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4268 (June 20-23, 1979) Lot 199 [b&w facsim.], est. $5-7,000 the pair; an American collection; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 2815 (January 24, 2014) Lot 164 [color facsim.], unsold (est. $10-15,000 the pair); Christie's New York, N.Y., Interiors, Sale 2862 (June 24-25, 2014) Lot 101, sold $2,200+25% the pair (est. $5-7,000 without reserve). Note: Companion resold separately in 2016. Status: Sold at auction 2014. IAP: 61519766. See Volume 2.

569. A Pair of Portraits: A Gentleman – Berkshires [Berkshire Co., Mass.], probably [SNY], c. 1850 [SNY]. 33" x 27-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Pair of Portraits: A Lady" [q.v.]. Descr.: Younger man with very long sideburns, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, black cravat with large bow; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. hand holding book "MECHANICS / GUIDE", l. hand not shown. Note: Ezra S. Winslow's "The Computist's Manual of Facts, and Merchant's and Mechanic's Calculator and Guide", pub. 1851 and 1855. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important American 18th, 19th & 20th Century Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Sale 5335 (May 30, 1985) Lot 2 [full-page color facsim.], sold $15,000+10% the pair (est. $15-25,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 7590 (January 18-19, 2001) Lot 469 [color facsim.], sold $19,150 the pair (est. $18-22,000). Status: Sold at auction 2001 See Volume 2.

570. Portrait of a Gentleman – Eastern Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1836 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [HPF]. Note: Presumed companion to "Portrait of a Man's Wife" from eastern Dutchess Co., but not so noted by HPF. [DRA] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76B.19.

571. Portrait of a Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1840-1845 [CNY]. 33-5/8" x 28". Descr.: Older gentleman with long grey hair and bangs, wearing a black coat and vest, black cravat with large bow; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, with a large bible (black with red label) on lap and holding spectacles with r. hand, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: By tradition, this painting, as well as the preceding Lot [Lot 289, Portrait of a Young Girl and Her Cat, q.v.], were purchased from a Connecticut Estate sale in the 1960s; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Sale 1787 (January 18-19, 2007) Lot 290, unsold (est. $10-15,000); William A. Smith, Inc., Plainfield, N.H. (March 2, 2019) Lot 403, est. $2-3,000. Status: Sold at auction 2019. See Volume 2.

572. Portrait of a Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1820-1825 [SPB] or c. 1824-1825 [B&T]. 30" x 24" [SPB]. One of a pair. Companion to "Unidentified Woman in White, Holding a Book" [q.v.], since separated. Descr.: Handsome younger gentleman with curly hair and slight chin dimple; wearing black jacket, cream vest, white stock with bow, upturned collar, pleated and ruffled jabot; facing p.l. seated in a scroll-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back with r. hand draped forward (holding nothing), l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., American 19th & 20th Century Paintings, Drawings, Watercolors & Sculpture, Sale 3978 (April 21, 1977) Lot 8 [full-page color facsim.], sold $18,000 the pair (est. $1822,000); location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; David Wheatcroft, Westborough, Mass.; private collection as of 2007 [DW]; property of a Hudson, N.Y. dealer/collector; Carlsen Gallery, Freehold, N.Y. (July 20, 2008) Lot 140, sold $6,500+15%. Reference: Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 160 [not illus.]. Status: Sold at auction 2008. HPF: 76A.5, IAP: 61517063. See Volume 2.

573. Portrait of a Gentleman, aka Portrait of a Gentleman Holding a Book –unknown locale, c. 1828-1830 [HPF]. 30-1/4" x 24" [SNY] or 30-1/2" x 24" [HPF]. Descr.: Young man wearing black jacket with double row of brass buttons, white pleated shirt, white stock with bow, upturned collar; facing p.l., l. arm behind the back of a fancy-painted scroll-back side chair, r. hand holding a closed book with spine up. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5429 (January 30 - February 1, 1986) Lot 486 [full-page color facsim.], sold $7,750+10% (est. $7-10,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76A.20, IAP: 63006661. See Volume 2.

574. Portrait of a Gentleman [holding a book] – unknown locale, c. 1855 [DRA]. 331/2" x 27-3/4" [SPB]. Descr.: Full-faced gentleman with small chin dimple and slight smile; wearing black jacket, white pleated shirt and upturned collar, black bow tie; seated facing p.l., r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding a closed book, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Canvas mounted on Masonite. [SPB] Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4211 (January 31February 3, 1979) Lot 588 [full-page b&w facsim.], unsold (est. $2-3,000); Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., American 19th and 20th Century Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Sale 4650M (June 19, 1981) Lot 16 [b&w facsim.], sold $4,500 (est. $2-3,000). Status: Sold at auction 1981. IAP: 61519192 and 63001497. See Volume 2.

575. Portrait of a Gentleman Holding a Book – Litchfield Co., Conn., possibly [DRA], c. 1836 [DRA]. 32" x 27" [P&P]. Descr.: Gentleman with receding hair wearing highcollared black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar and tall black stock with bow; facing p.l., holding a green book with both hands. [DRA] Cond.: Craquelure; frame a period replacement with losses; 1-1/2" tear to bottom; light stretcher marks; sporadic flaking of paint at bottom edge, two small puncture repairs; a few small sporadic touch-ups; not relined; heavily varnished; approx. 5% touch-up. [P&P] Notes: Similar to John Milton Raymond [q.v.]. Possibly the same as "Portrait of a Man" (HPF 76B.17). Provenance: Collection of the Studdiford Family of Point Pleasant, N.J.; Pook & Pook, Downingtown, Pa., Period Furniture, Fine Art and Accessories (January 13-14, 2012) Lot 79, sold $6,000+18.5% (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 2012. N.B.: Possible duplicate identification See Volume 2.

576. Portrait of a Gentleman Holding a Book: Agriculture – unknown locale, c. 1836 [DRA]. 33-5/8" x 28" [DNY] Inscr. (pamphlet): ”AGRICULTURE”. Descr.: Darkhaired gentleman with chin dimple and swept-forward hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar, black stock; facing p.l., seated in a fancypainted side chair, with l. arm draped over chair back and r. hand holding a yellow pamphlet. Cond: Relined. Not examined out of frame. 2 inch curved repaired tear. Scattered inpaint in background. 3/4 x 3/4 inch area of inpaint on forehead. Proper right edge of the collar appears to have been strengthened. Strokes of inpaint on shirt front and on black stock. [DNY] Provenance: Property of Robert E. Schmidt, New York; Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 15AM02 (October 7, 2015) Lot 5, unsold (est. $4-6,000). Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 16AM01 (April 6, 2016) Lot 1, sold $3,000+25% (est. $2-4,000). Status: Sold at auction 2016. See Volume 2.

577. Portrait of a Gentleman Holding a Deed – unknown locale, c. 1840 [DRA]. 34" x 28" [DNY] Descr.: Hollow-cheeked gentleman with long sideburns, hair receded on top and combed forward, wearing high-collared black jacket and vest, black stock with large bow, white shirt and small downturned collar; seated facing p.l. with l. arm draped over chair back, r. hand holding rolled pamphlet. Notes: Canvas possibly reduced from 36 x 30. Sold as Circle of Joseph Whiting Stock. [DRA] Provenance: William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y., American Furniture and Decorations (November 18, 1998) Lot 69, sold $2,100+15% (est. $2-3,000). Status: Sold at auction 1998.

578. Gentleman Holding a Law Volume: "Revised Statutes Vol. I", aka A Gentleman Wearing a Black Tie and Black Coat Holding a Law Volume –New York, probably [HPF], c. 1840 [SNY] or c. 1836-1840 [HPF]. 35" x 29-1/2" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to “Lady with Book: Common Prayer", aka "A Lady Wearing a Gray and Green Silk Ribbon Bonnet and Embroidered Organdy Collar" [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired gentleman wearing high-collared black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar and cuffs showing, black stock with large bow; seated facing p.l. in gilt-striped side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding a thick volume (see title) with spine up. [DRA] Cond.: On what appear to be the original stretchers. [SNY] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6392 (January 28-31, 1993) Lot 686 [color facsim.], sold $18,000+15% the pair (est. $15-20,000). Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76B.20. See Volume 2.

579. Gentleman Holding a Newspaper: "Albany Argus" – Albany, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably [HPF] see notes [DRA], c. 1830 [CNY] or c. 1832 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [CNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Wife of Gentleman Holding a Newspaper: 'Albany Argus'" [q.v.]. Descr.: Handsome blue-eyed gentleman with hair parted p.r., wearing black jacket, white pleated shirt, tall white stock and upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding a paper “ALBANY ARGUS” with upturned fingers. Notes: The Albany Argus (pub. 1813-1856 under that title) was the organ of a political group, The Albany Regency, which controlled New York State government from 1822 to 1838. Re the HPF locale: Albany is in Albany Co., N.Y., not Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Leonard William Ten Broeck [q.v.] of Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y. is also depicted holding the Albany Argus, indicating that the subject is not necessarily a resident of Albany. [DRA] Provenance: Betty Willis; Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 32, sold $26,000+10% the pair (est. $10-15,000). Status: Private collection, New York, as of 2019. HPF: 76B.4. See Volume 2.

580. Portrait of a Gentleman Holding Minutes of the Baptist Missionary Convention, aka Portrait of a Gentleman from Dover Plains – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. vicinity, probably [HPF] or Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1836 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [Doyle]. One of a pair. Companion to "Wife of Gentleman Holding Minutes of the Baptist Missionary Convention" [q.v.] Inscr. (on pamphlet): “MINUTES / OF THE / BAPTIST MISSIONARY / CONVENTION”. Descr.: Brownhaired gentleman without sideburns; wearing thick-collared black jacket, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, black stock with large bow; seated facing p.l. in gilt-striped side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand with upturned fingers holding pamphlet (see inscription). [DRA] Cond.: Frame rubbing, stretcher marks. Surface grime. Fine overall craquelure with little loss of paint. Minuscule scattered losses and a few tiny specks of white paint. [Doyle] Provenance: C.G. Sloan & Co., Inc., Washington, D.C. (November 29, 1987) Lot 2172 [facsim., p. 153], unsold; Doyle New York, American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 12AM02 (November 19, 2012) Lot 7, sold $14,000+25% the pair (est. $12-18,000); Kelly Kinzle, New Oxford, Pa. [Wayside Inn A.S., May 2013]; Heller Washam Antiques, Portland, Maine [Baltimore A.S., August 2013] Status: See provenance. HPF: 76B.16. See Volume 2.

581. Gentleman Holding Riding Crop, aka Portrait of a Gentleman – c. 1832 [DRA], unknown date. 32-1/4" x 27" [SPB]. Descr.: Gentleman with high forehead and long sideburns, wearing a black jacket, white vest, white shirt and upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.l., l. arm resting on a side chair back, r. hand holding a small riding crop. [DRA] Provenance: Herbert W. Hemphill, Jr., New York, N.Y.; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4211 (January 31 - February 3, 1979) Lot 586 [full-page b&w facsim.], sold $4,000+10% (est. $3-4,000); Jeffrey S. Evans & Associates, Mt. Crawford, Va., Premier Americana (November 19, 2022) Lot 2258, sold $2,600+21.5% (est. $1-2,000) References: Helaine Fendelman, Ohio Antique Review (July 1978): p. 17 [b&w facsim , in situ]; Hemphill (1978) p. 8 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2022. HPF: 77A.21, IAP: 61519190. See Volume 2.

582. A Gentleman in a Black Coat Holding a Letter – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area [SNY], c. 1835 [SNY] or 1835-1840 [HPF]. 32" x 261/4" [SNY] or 31-1/2" x 26-1/2" [SI]. One of three, with uncertain pairing Possible companion to "A Young Woman Wearing a Bonnet of Riotous Ribbons and an Embroidered Organdy Collar" [q.v.], and possibly the brother or brother-in-law of "Gentleman in a White Shirt, Black Tie and Coat Holding a Letter" [q.v.]. Per MBM, subject is Egbert Sheldon (1801-1865) [of Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y.]. Descr.: Darkhaired young man with cleft chin, wearing high-collared black jacket, white shirt with upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in paintdecorated chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand with upturned fingers holding a letter with red seal. [DRA] Cond.: In the original frame and on the original stretchers [SNY]; repaired tear, scattered retouch, areas of varnish inconsistencies [SI]. Provenance: Descent in the family of the sitters to the present owner (1993); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6392 (January 28-31, 1993) Lot 880, unsold, est. $30-40,000 the pair; Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2134 (October 28, 2001) Lot 107B, sold $8,500+15% (est. $6-8,000), consigned by the same descendant owners as in 1993. Status: Private owner, Kent, Conn. as of 2018. [MBM] HPF: 76B.12. See Volume 2.

583. Portrait of a Gentleman in a Black Frock Coat and Waistcoat Holding a Newspaper Entitled "Flag" – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass. vicinity [DRA], c. 1850 [HPF, CLP]. 32-1/2" x 26-1/2" (39-1/4" x 32-3/4" overall) or incorrectly as 32" x 42-1/2" [SNY, HPF]. Descr.: Gentleman with reddish-brown hair, moustache and chin beard; wearing black jacket, black double-breasted vest with white (or silver) buttons, white pleated shirt, black bow tie; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding folded newspaper (see title), l. hand not shown [DRA] “This portrait bears a marked similarity in pose, style of composition and costume with the Portrait of a Man with a Book in the collection of the Abby Aldrich

Rockefeller Folk Art Center, Williamsburg, Virginia (illustrated in the catalog, p. 161, fig. 133), where it is suggested that the subject may be a member of the Bartholomew family from Sheffield, Massachusetts; based upon a close resemblance between the man’s likeness and Phillips’s painting of John Morse Bartholomew. What makes this supposition particularly intriguing, is that the present portrait was acquired in Sheffield, Massachusetts and might well be another member of the Bartholomew family." [SNY] Note: Probably the Boston True Flag, aka True Flag, a widely-circulated weekly fiction periodical, pub. Boston, Mass., 1851-1908. [DRA] Provenance: A Sheffield, Mass. family; Sotheby’s New York, Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 30, 1988) Lot 1550 [full-page color facsim.], sold $7,000+10% (est. $10-15,000); location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; a private collector; C.L. Prickett, Yardley, Pa., 20062013; Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Americana (January 23, 2023) Lot 1102, sold $4,000+26% (est. $5-8,000). Status: Sold at auction 2023. HPF: 77A.7. See Volume 2.

584. Gentleman in a Black Frock Coat Holding a Book "The Prince of David" –unknown locale, c. 1850 [HPF] or c. 1855 [DRA]. 34" x 26-1/2" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Lady in Lace Collar and Sleeves Holding a Lace Handkerchief" [q.v.]. Inscr. (gold lettering on book spine): “THE PRINCE / OF DAVD” [sic]. Descr.: Blueeyed man with chin dimple, receding brown hair, light brown chin beard; wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt with buttons and visible cuffs, upturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding closed book on lap (see inscription). Notes: Rev. Joseph Holt Ingraham's enormously popular epistolary novel The Prince of the House of David; or, Three Years in the Holy City (New York: Pudney & Russell, 1855). Cataloged in HPF as “The Prince of Davi” [sic]. Provenance: Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Folk Art and Folk Paintings, Sale 5599 (June 26, 1987) Lot 65 [full-page color facsim.], sold $60,000+10% the pair (est. $2535,000). [DRA] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 77A.8. See Volume 2.

585. Portrait of a Gentleman in a High White Stock and Tie – unknown locale, c. 1825 [SNY]. 30" x 24-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Gentleman with receding hair and widow's peak, wearing black jacket, white shirt with upturned collar, tall white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in stenciled and paint-decorated side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand holding closed book with spine up. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5551 (January 28-31, 1987) Lot 1103 [full-page b&w facsim.], sold $22,000+10% (est. $12-15,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76A.15. See Volume 2.

586. Portrait of a Gentleman in a White Shirt, Black Tie and Coat Holding a Letter, aka Portrait of a Young Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1835 [SNY]. 32" x 26-1/4" [SNY]. One of three, with uncertain pairing. Possible companion to “Young Woman Wearing a Bonnet of Riotous Ribbons and an Embroidered Organdy Collar” [q.v.], and possible brother or brother-in-law to “Gentleman in a Black Coat Holding a Letter” [q.v.] Per MBM, subject is Preston Wing (1813-1890) [of Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y.]. Inscr.: Letter appears to be inscribed "M. Trumball". [SI] Descr.: Dark-haired gentleman in black jacket, white shirt (un-pleated), high black stock without bow, upturned collar; facing p.l., l. hand draped over the back of a stenciled side chair, r. hand with upturned fingers holding opened letter with red seal. [DRA] Cond.: In the original frame and on the original stretchers [SNY]; scattered retouch and craquelure [SI]. Provenance: Descent in the family of the sitters to the present owners (1993); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6392 (January 28-31, 1993) Lot 881, unsold (est. $8-12,000); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2134 (October 28, 2001) Lot 107A, sold $6,500+15% (est. $5-7,000), consigned by the same descendant owners as in 1993; private collection as of 2007 [JRB]. Reference: Joan Brownstein, New England Antiques Journal (August 2007): p. 25 [color facsim.]. Note: The 2007 reference shows this portrait paired as the husband of "Young Woman Wearing a Bonnet of Riotous Ribbons" [q.v.], not the very similar portrait of same descent which was paired with that woman by Sotheby's in 1993. [DRA] Status: Private owner, Kent, Conn. as of 2018. [MBM] HPF: 76B.13. See Volume 2.

587. Gentleman in Black Coat at the Table with Two Books, aka Young Man –Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H], c. 1840 [H&H, SNY]. 36" x 28-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Lady in Eyelet Collar and Cuffs" [q.v.]. Descr.: Young gentleman with cleft chin wearing high-collared black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar, black stock with large bow; standing facing p.l., holding a book with both hands, l. arm resting on a table with book. [DRA] Cond.: On what appears to be the original stretchers; old relining; repair and in-paint in face, two dots in background. [SNY] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Irving Fellner, Denver, Co. (1966 antique shop purchase); Rev Ledlie Irwin Laughlin, Jr., Newark, N.J.; with Elizabeth Fehr Gallery, New York, N.Y.; Dr. and Mrs. Robert S Siffert, New York, N.Y. [1968]; John S. Siffert [1994]; Property of private collectors [John S. Siffert]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08512 (January 24, 2009) Lot 177, sold $37,500 the pair (est. $30-40,000). Status: Sold at Winter Antiques Show, New York, N.Y., January 2013. H&H: 210, HPF: 77A.4, IAP: 81310196. See Volume 2.

588. A Gentleman in High White Stock Holding a Letter, aka A Gentleman –Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y., possibly (see note), c. 1825 [SNY]. 39" x 32-1/2" [SNY] or 30-1/2" x 24" [Godel]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Portrait of a Young Lady in Ruffled Eyelet Collar and Ruched Black Sleeve Dress" [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired gentleman with blue-gray eyes wearing black jacket and vest, finely-pleated white shirt with white buttons and upturned collar, tall white stock without bow; seated facing p.r. in painted side chair, r. wrist resting on chair back, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding unsealed letter. [DRA] Cond.: In what appears to be the original giltwood and gesso frames with the original stretchers. [SNY] Note: By descent from the family of John Wallace (1832-1917) and Mary Thompson Strong Wallace (1834-1900), Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. The subjects are possibly her parents, Benjamin Strong (1796-1879) and Frances Smith Strong (1799-1876), Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. Provenance: William A. Smith, Inc., Plainfield, N.H., Labor Day Estate Auction (September 6, 1999) sold $22,500+10% the pair; a private collection, New York; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08448 (September 26, 2008) Lot 33, sold $20,000+25% the pair (est. $25-35,000); Godel & Co. Fine Art, Inc., New York, N.Y. as of 2012; Dan Morphy Auctions, Denver, Pa. (February 8, 2013) Lot 185, sold $16,000+18% the pair (est. $30-50,000). References: Maine Antique Digest (September 1999): p. 34-F [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (October 29, 1999): p. 96-B [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2013. See Volume 2.

589. Portrait of a Gentleman Seated in a Painted Chair Holding a Book –unknown locale, c. 1836-1840 [JTA] or c. 1833 [DRA]. 36-1/2" x 31-1/2" Descr.:

Handsome dark-haired young gentleman wearing a dark jacket with tall collar, white shirt with upturned collar, white vest, tall black stock; facing p.l., seated in a fancy-painted side chair, with l. arm draped over chair back and r. hand holding a small closed book. Cond: Lined, scattered in-painting in background areas. [JTA] Status: Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2015 (sold). See Volume 2.

590. Gentleman Seated on a Side Chair with a History Book – unknown locale, c. 1825 [SNY] or c. 1838 [DRA]. 34-1/2" x 28" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Lady Seated at a Table with a Small Book" [q.v.]. Inscr. (book spine): “HISTORY”. Descr.: Dark-haired young gentleman in black jacket, white shirt with cuffs showing, upturned collar, black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand holding closed book with spine up (see inscription). [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale NY7705 (October 11, 2001) Lot 134, sold $26,000+20% the pair (est. $25-50,000); New Haven Auctions, New Haven, Conn. (June 25, 2022) Lot 58, sold $11,000+24% the pair (est. $10-15,000); New England Auctions, Branford, Conn. (January 10, 2024) Lot 222, sold without companion $2,000+25% (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 2024. See Volume 2.

591. Portrait of a Gentleman Sitting in a Yellow Chair, aka Portrait of a Gentleman Sitting in a Yellow Decorated Chair – unknown locale, c. 1820 [HPF, CNY]. 30" x 24" [HPF] or 29-3/4" x 28-3/4" [CNY] or 29-3/4" x 23-3/4" [DRA] or 29-3/4" x 24" [CAP]. Descr.: Rudy-faced gentleman with brown curly hair and sideburns, wearing black jacket, white vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in yellow and red paint-decorated side chair, r. wrist resting on chair back and fingers interlaced. [DRA] Provenance: Austin T. Miller Antiques [CAP]; Betty Sterling, Brainstorm Farm Antiques, Randolph, Vt.; Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa. (1985) at $14,000; sold to collector who placed at Oliver’s Auction, Kennebunk, Maine (January 8, 1989), withdrawn (est. $4-6,000); sold to John H. Stoltenborg (dealer), Wilmington, Del. in 1992; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture and Folk Art, New York, N.Y., Sale 2533 (January 20, 2012) Lot 258, sold $7,500+25% (est. $8-12,000). Status: Sold at auction 2012. CAP: DLR00877, HPF: 76A.2. See Volume 2.

592. A Gentleman Wearing a Black Frock Coat, Pleated White Shirt with Stock and Tie Seated in a Paint Decorated Fancy Chair Holding a Book, aka Portrait of a Gentleman with a High White Stock – unknown locale, c. 1830 [SNY]. 31-3/4" x 26-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Man with slightly receding dark hair and five o'clock shadow, wearing black jacket, white pleated shirt, white stock with bow, upturned collar, facing p.l. with l. arm draped over back of fancy-painted side chair, r. hand holding closed book with spine up. [DRA] Provenance: An old printed label from the Whitney Museum of American Art, Ten West Eighth Street, New York [pre1954]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y. (June 23, 1993) Lot 197, unsold (est. $7-10,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76A.22. See Volume 2.

593. A Gentleman Wearing a High White Stock – unknown locale, c. 1825 [SNY]. 32" x 26" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Dark-Haired Lady Wearing an Organdy Cap and Red Shawl" [q.v.]. Descr.: Middle-aged man with thinning hair, long in back, wearing a black jacket, white vest, white buttoned shirt, white stock with bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted side chair, r. hand on top of closed book held vertically, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 6866 (June 20-21, 1996) Lot 574 [color facsim.], unsold (est. $10-15,000 the pair). Status: Unsold at auction 1996 See Volume 2.

594. Gentleman with "Farmers Everyday Book" – unknown locale, c. 1855-1860 [HPF]. 38" x 32-1/4" [HPF]. Descr.: Young gentleman with receding hair and chin beard, wearing black jacket and vest, black bow tie, white shirt with upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in a red-upholstered chair, r. arm resting on a large gold-embossed and lettered book, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Note: Rev. John Lauris Blake, The Farmer’s Every-Day Book, or Sketches of Social Life in the Country (Auburn, N.Y.: Derby, Miller & Co., 1850). Provenance: Cal Smith Auction, Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y. (1980). Status: Collection of Jerry and Lillian Grossman, New York, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 77A.16.

595. Portrait of a Gentleman, aka Portrait of a Gentleman in a Black Tie, aka Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman in a Black Tie, aka Gentleman in a Black Cravat – New England [CAP] or N.Y., Conn. or Mass., probably [AFAM], 1829-1838 [CAP] or 1838-1840 [AFAM]. 33-1/2" x 28-1/4" (stretcher, estimate). One of a pair. Companion to "Portrait of a Lady", aka "Portrait of a Lady in a Gold Dress" [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired gentleman with sideburns in a black coat, white shirt and collar, and large black tie; l. arm resting on chair back, holding a closed book in r. hand, with place held by index finger. [DRA] Provenance: A New York State collector (who purchased the pair 40-50 years ago); Ronald Bourgeault, Hampton, N.H. (sold at Philadelphia Antique Show, 1990); Joan and Victor Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa.; with Olde Hope

Antiques, New Hope, Pa. (Delaware Antiques Show, November 1991); Museum of American Folk Art, New York, N.Y. (gift of Joan and Victor Johnson, December 1991). References: Maine Antique Digest (June 1990): p. 11-C [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (December 27, 1991); Hollander and Anderson (2001) p. 104 [full-page color facsim.], Kogan and Cate (1994) p. 40 [color facsim.]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 1991.30.2. HPF: 77A.1. See Volume 2.

596. Portrait of a Gentleman – Berkshire Co., Mass. or Columbia Co., N.Y. (possibly), c. 1811 [MCB]. 28" x 22" Descr.: Young man with brown hair in wispy classical style; wearing a black jacket with right collar and right lapel pulled forward, white shirt with upturned collar, white stock tied in front, white ruffled jabot, and white vest; facing p.r. with hands not shown. Cond: Some scattered abrasions. Period frame. Note: Accompanied by a letter from Mary Black, stating the portrait is by Ammi Phillips. Provenance: From a Jamesville, N.Y. private collection; Cottone Auctions, Geneseo, N.Y., Fine Art & Antique Auction Day 2 (September 26, 2015) Lot 599, sold $10,925 (est. $5-8,000); Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa. [2015]. Status: Sold at auction 2015 [see provenance]. See Volume 2.

597. Portrait of a Ginger-haired Young Man – New York State, probably, c. 1820-22 [DRA]. 30-1/2" x 20-1/4". Descr.: Waist-length portrait, in 3/4 pose, of a handsome young gentleman with towering red hair, facing p.r.; wearing a high-collared black jacket, white shirt, white stock and white upturned collar; l. hand in jacket, l. wrist just shown, r. hand not shown. Cond.: Good, minor stable craquelure, very minor retouch. [Skinner] Note: Possibly Clement B. Cornwell (1798-1862) of Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y. and later Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the family of the subject to Grace T. Longyear (1877-1956) of Phoenicia, Ulster Co., N.Y.; Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., August Americana, Sale 2669M (August 11, 2013) Lot 90, sold $37,500+20% (est. $15-25,000). Status: Sold at auction 2013. See Volume 2.

598. A Gray-Haired Gentleman Holding a Bible, aka Gentleman Seated in an Armchair Holding a Bible – unknown locale, c. 1845 [SNY]. 36-3/4" x 23" [SNY] or 33-3/4" x 27-1/2" [Skinner]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Lady Holding a Bible" [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with long white hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt and black bow tie; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered chair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding a large closed book, l. hand not shown. Cond.: Minute punctures (some repaired), minor scattered retouch and losses, craquelure, unframed [Skinner] On new stretchers; in new frames. [SNY] Relined, retouch to large patch on left side of eye, temple, cheek area, and also large vertical area to his vest, scattered spots to background. [Skinner] Provenance: Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn.; Skinner, Inc., Bolton, Mass., Sale 1766 (March 23, 1997) Lot 194, sold $4,250+15% (est. $4-6,000), Ex-collection of Peter Tillou; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Selections from Israel Sack, Inc., Sale 7761 (January 20, 2002) Lot 1309, sold $19,000+19% the pair (est. $12-18,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N07959 (January 16, 2004) Lot 308 [color facsim.], sold $6,000 the pair (est. $6-8,000); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2618B (October 28, 2012) Lot 334, unsold (est. $10-15,000 the pair); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2680B (October 27, 2013) Lot 107, sold $3,000+20% the pair (est. $5-7,000); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2022) Lot 18, sold $5,250+18% the pair (est. $3-5,000). References: Maine Antique Digest (January 2014): p. 29C [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly, Vol. LIV, No. 3 (January 21, 2022): p. 24 [color facsim.] Status: Sold at auction 2022 See Volume 2.

599. Portrait of a Handsome Dark-Haired Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1840 [SNY] or c. 1855 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [SNY]. Inscr. (book spine): “HISTORY”. Descr.: Dark-haired gentleman with reddish chin whiskers; wearing black jacket, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, black bow tie; seated facing p.l. with r. arm resting on book on table, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 6613 (October 23, 1994) Lot 94 [color facsim.], sold $7,000+15% (est. $7-10,000). Status: Sold at auction 1994. See Volume 2.

600. Portrait of a Handsome Gentleman Holding a Yellow Book "Agriculture" –unknown locale, c. 1835 [SNY]. 33-1/4" x 28". Inscr. (on pamphlet): "Agriculture".

Descr : Young gentleman with long sideburns and apparent underbite, wearing black jacket, white shirt and upturned collar, tall black stock; seated facing p.l., l. arm draped over chair back, r. hand holding yellow pamphlet with index finger marking page. [DRA] Cond.: On what appears to be original stretchers. Unframed. [SNY]. Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08400 (January 18, 2008) Lot 206, sold $10,000+25% (est. $7-10,000). Status: Sold at auction 2008 See Volume 2.

601. The Historian, aka Portrait of a Man with Red Beard Holding a Book, "Josephus" – unknown locale, c. 1860 [H&H]. 33-3/4" x 27-1/2" [CNY]. Inscr. (on book spine): "JOSEPH / COMPLE / WORK / WHISTL". Descr.: Gentleman with receding hair and red chinstrap beard, wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt and upturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. hand holding large book on lap (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Note: The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus as translated by William Whiston (pub. 1851). [DRA] Provenance: Sally Turner (dealer), Liberty Corner, N.J.; A. Stanley Congdon, Jr., Far Hills, N.J. as of 1968; Collection of Allan L. and Kendra Daniel, Park Ridge, N.J. as of 1994; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Sale 9686 (January 20, 2001) Lot 929, sold $3,000+17.5% (est. $6-9,000). Status: Sold at auction 2001. H&H: 276, HPF: 77A.19, IAP: 81310262. See Volume 2.

602. The Journalist – Rhinebeck or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area [H&H], 1832*. 32" x 25-3/4" [CHS, HPF] or 31-7/8" x 25-5/8" [Guthrie]. One of a group of four (see notes). Companion to "Wife of the Journalist" [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper): "New-York Enquirer Tuesday, July 3, 1832". Descr.: Young gentleman without sideburns, wearing black jacket, white vest, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, white stock without bow; seated facing p.r. in gilt-decorated side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand holding a folded newspaper (see inscription). [DRA] Cond.: Previously mounted to a piece of linoleum, from which it was removed by Felicity Campbell in 1988 and lined to a new linen fabric with thermosetting adhesive. [Guthrie] Notes: Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer, for the Country, pub. New York, N.Y. (18291842). [DRA] Per Guthrie (p. 62) although nothing is known of the [earlier] provenance of this group the subject is presumed, on the basis of identical frames, to be the father of the Boy in Red [q.v.] and Girl in Pink [q.v.]. The 1947 and 1958 catalogs of the Balken collection make no such association. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Edward Duff Balken (1874-1960), Pittsburgh, Pa. and Egremont, Mass.; Princeton University (gift of Edward Duff Balken, 1958). References: American Provincial Paintings (1947) no. 16 [not illus.], as Anonymous, Kent, Conn. vicinity; DeWald (1958) no. 29 [not illus.], as anonymous artist, Kent, Conn. vicinity; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 142 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 28 [b&w facsim.]; Rosenbaum (1986) p. 269 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 39, Pl. XXXIII [color facsim.]; Guthrie (1999) pp. 62, 65 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. (acquired 1958). Accession number: y1958-78. Not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 169, H&H: 143*, HPF: 76B.5, IAP: 32040242. See Volume 2.

603. Portrait of a Man [1] – unknown locale, c. 1825 [PHT]. 30-1/4" x 23-1/2" [PHT]. Note: Probably the same as “Portrait of a Man,” aka “Man in Napoleonic Pose” [q.v.]. Reference: American Folk Art, Mead Art Building, Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. (1974), checklist no. 27 [not illus.], as “Unknown Man,” lent from the Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. Status: Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. as of 1974, 1994. HPF: 76A.16, IAP: 20090067. N.B.: Probable duplicate in HPF.

604. Portrait of a Man [2] – unknown locale, c. 1835 [HPF]. 32" x 26" [HPF]. Note: Identical entries in HPF. [DRA] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76B.9.

605. Portrait of a Man [3] – unknown locale, c. 1835 [HPF]. 32" x 26" [HPF]. Note: Identical entries in HPF. [DRA] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76B.10.

606. Pair of Portraits (Man) – unknown locale, unknown date. 36-1/2" x 30-1/4" [Garth's]. One of a pair. Companion to "Pair of Portraits (Woman)" [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired young gentleman in a black jacket, white shirt with upturned collar and stickpin, white stock tied in front; seated facing p.l. in a dark paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, fingers of l. hand held in r. hand. [DRA] Cond.: Rebacked on old canvas, revarnished with at least 2-3 periods of inpainting. Old inpainting to face (current surface is lightly pitted) and later inpainting to coat and hair as well as chair. [Garth’s] Provenance: Sold at Garth's, July 1983, Lot 271; Garth's Auctioneers and Appraisers, Delaware, Ohio, Sale 1061 (November 25, 2011) Lot 405, unsold (est. $9-12,000 the pair); Garth's Auctioneers and Appraisers, Delaware, Ohio, Country Americana, Sale 1161 (March 18, 2017) Lot 20, sold $2,500+20% the pair (est. $3-4,000). Status: Sold at auction 2017

607. A Pair: Man – unknown locale, c. 1830 [CGS]. 32" x 27". One of a pair. Companion to "A Pair: Woman" Provenance: C.G. Sloan & Co., Inc., Washington, D.C., Sale Catalog No. 701 (February 1977) Lot 1348 (the pair). Note: Probably the same as Marquis de La Fayette Phillips [q.v.]. Status: n/a., IAP: 62440031 (pair). N.B.: May not exist as a separate work.

608. Portrait of a Man – Eastern Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1836 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [HPF]. Note: Presumed companion to "Portrait of a Man's Wife" from eastern Dutchess Co., but not so noted by HPF. [DRA] Descr.: Holding book [HPF] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76B.17.

609. Portrait of a Man, aka Portrait of a Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1835 [SHA]. 33" x 27" or 41-1/2" x 35-1/2" overall. Descr.: Young man with blond hair, swept forward at temples; wearing high-collared black jacket, white shirt, tall black stock without bow, downturned collar, stickpin depicting dog under tree, gold and diamond pinky ring on l. hand; standing facing p.l with l. arm resting on table with red book, r. hand at waist level holding green book with index finger marking page. [DRA] Cond: Not relined, original stretcher and frame. [SHA] Provenance: Descended in original family; Seattle Auction House, Seattle, Wa., July 29, 2008, Lot 594; Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. (The American Antiques Show, January 2009, offered at $35,000). Reference: Antiques, Vol. CLXXV, No. 1 (January 2009): p. 93 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass. as of 2009. See Volume 2.

610. Portraits of a Man and Woman (Man) – unknown locale, unknown date. 33" x 28" [Cottone]. One of a pair. Companion to "Portraits of a Man and Woman (Woman)" [q.v.]. Descr.: Gentleman with hair thick at sides, wearing high-collared black jacket, white shirt and downturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand holding yellow pamphlet "Agriculture." [DRA] Cond: Some old restorations, otherwise v.g. [Cottone] Provenance: Cottone Auctions, Mt. Morris, N.Y. (March 18, 2006) Lot 240, sold $8,100+10% the pair (est. $8-12,000). Reference: Maine Antique Digest (March 2006): p. 11-C [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2006 See Volume 2.

611. Unknown Man, aka Man from Gaylordsville, aka Young Man from Gaylordsville, Connecticut, aka Portrait of a Young Man Wearing a White Shirt with Wide Black Tie and Black Jacket Seated on a Chair Holding a Book – Gaylordsville, Litchfield Co., Conn. [H&H], c. 1835 [CHS, H&H]. 31-1/2" x 26" [CHS, H&H] or 32-1/4" x 27" [SNY] or 30" x 24" [SNY]. Descr.: Waist-length 3/4 pose, facing p.r., of a young gentleman with brown hair swept forward at sides, in black coat and black cravat, white shirt and upturned collar; r. arm draped over back of side chair, l. hand holding book spine up. [DRA] Provenance: Acquired in Gaylordsville, Conn. by a dealer; from whom purchased by Mr. and Mrs. William H. Guthman, Westport, Conn. before 1965 [Frick, CHS]; Avis and Rockwell Gardiner, Stamford, Conn.; David & Marjorie Schorsch, Inc.; Greenwich, Conn. (1982); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 4999 (January 27, 1983) Lot 210 [color facsim.], est. $20-30,000; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 7590 (January 18-19, 2001) Lot 473 [color facsim.], sold $12,000+20% (est. $12-18,000). References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 145 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Antiques, Vol. CXXI, No. 2 (February 1982): p. 374 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2001. CHS: 198, H&H: 162, HPF: 76B.7, IAP: 63003907, 80046183 and 81310149. See Volume 2.

612. Man from Red Hook – Red Hook, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1821 [H&H]. Provenance: Estate of Mrs. Katherine E. Adams Anderson [Mrs. Stuart R. Anderson, Red Hook, N.Y.]; Mrs. W.H. Hubner [1911-1994], Poughkeepsie, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. H&H: 70, HPF: 76A.7, IAP: 81310063.

613. Man Holding "Cooper's Surgery", aka Young Physician – Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1830 [H&H, HPF] or 1825-1830 [CAP] or c. 1829 [CHS]. 31" x 2415/16" [CAP] or 31" x 25" [HPF]. Inscr. (book): "Cooper's Surgery, Vol. I". Descr.: Darkhaired gentleman with sideburns and five-o’clock shadow; wearing black jacket, white stock with large bow, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in gilt and stencil-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r hand holding large volume with spine up (see inscription). Note: The Lectures of Sir Astley Cooper on the Principles and Practice of Surgery, Vol. I (Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1825). [DRA] Noted in CHS as very similar to Dr. Elmore Everitt [q.v.]. Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of Halladay-Thomas Collection). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1963); Rumford (1981) p. 159, Fig. 131 [color facsim.]; Rumford and Weekley (1989) no. 10 [facsim.]. Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1958). Accession number: 58.100.42. CHS: 175, H&H: 133, HPF: 76B.3, IAP: 55970484 and 81310122. See Volume 2.

614. Man Holding "Wesley's Sermons" – Hudson Valley, N.Y. [H&H], c. 1830, or c. 1840 [SNY]. 33-1/4" x 28" [H&H], or 33" x 26" [HPF], or 33-1/4" x 27-3/4" [SNY]. Inscr. (on book spine): "WESLEY'S / SERMONS / VOL / I" Descr.: Narrow-faced gentleman with brown hair, wearing a black jacket and vest, black stock, white shirt and downturned collar; facing p.l. with l. arm resting on the back of a leaf-stenciled side chair, r. hand holding a closed book (spine up). [DRA] Cond.: Laid down, scattered inpainting (including several spots in his face). Replaced frame. [SNY] Provenance: Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Katz, Williamsville, N.Y. [later Meriden, N.H] as of 1967; Sotheby’s, New York, Important American Folk Art from the Ralph and Susanne Katz Collection, Sale N09609 (January 21, 2017) Lot 5071, unsold (est. $5-7,000). Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Katz, Williamsville, N.Y., 1967). Status: Unsold at auction 2017. H&H: 137, HPF: 76A.21, IAP: 81310126. See Volume 2.

615. Man Holding a Bible – unknown locale, c. 1829 [BSDL]. 31-1/2" x 25" [BSDL]. Note: Two additional copies of this portrait exist. This portrait is nearly identical to “Man Holding a Bible, aka Old Man Holding Large Bible, aka Charles Francis Hathaway” [q.v.] and also to John Garnsey [q.v.], the difference being apparent in the middle fingers of the l. hand, which are of distinctly unequal length in this copy. This previously-unidentified portrait apparently depicts John Garnsey (1768-1840) of North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois; Bernard & S. Dean Levy, Inc., New York, N.Y. (2007). Reference: Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 3 [color facsim.]. Status: Bernard & S. Dean Levy, Inc., New York, N.Y. as of 2007.

616. Man Holding a Bible, aka Old Man Holding Large Bible, aka Charles Francis Hathaway – New York, c. 1824 [Tillou, SNY] 30" x 25" [Tillou] or 31" x 25" [SNY] One of a pair, of which two additional copies of the man’s portrait exist (see note). Companion to "Woman with a Shawl and Bonnet." [q.v.] Descr.: Gentleman with long grey hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in gilt-trimmed armchair, holding large closed book ("HOLY BIBLE") upright with both hands. Brown or eggplant background. Notes: Nearly identical to “Man Holding a Bible” [q.v.] and John Garnsey [q.v.]. One of three nearly identical copies by Phillips. This portrait apparently depicts John Garnsey (1768-1840) of North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y. In addition, this portrait was identified in the mid-20th C. as Charles Francis Hathaway (18151893) of Waterville, Maine, but the identification appears to be fanciful. That identification was probably by Ellerton M. Jetté (1899-1986), President of the C.F. Hathaway Company and owner of two other Ammi Phillips portraits. [DRA] Provenance: Tillou Gallery, Litchfield, Conn.; Collection of Mr. William E. Wiltshire III, Richmond, Va.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American Folk Paintings and Watercolors, Sale 4593 (April 30, 1981) Lot 25 [full-page color facsim.], est. $20-30,000 the pair; Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Folk Paintings and Silver, Sale 5622 (October 24, 1987) Lot 245 [full-page color facsim.], est. $45-60,000. References: Hathaway Collection Portraits of Men, Series I, undated [full-page b&w facsim., as Charles Francis Hathaway]; Tillou and Rovetti (1973) p. 176, catalog no. 59 as "Old Man Holding Large Bible" [not illus.]; Woodward (1977) pp. 54-55, no. 23 [full-page color facsim p. 54] Exhibited: “American Folk Painting, Selections from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wiltshire III,” The Virginia Museum, Richmond, Va. (1977); Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. (1978); Museum of American Folk Art, New York, N.Y. (1979); et al. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. CAP: PC992561, HPF: 67A.5, IAP: 63001007, 81990059 and 84110023.

617. Portrait of a Man Holding a Bible, aka Portrait of Man with Bible – unknown locale, c. 1850's [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Gray-haired gentleman with sideburns, small chin dimple; wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt, black tie; facing p.l., r. arm resting on upholstered chair arm, r. hand holding a large closed "HOLY BIBLE", l. hand not shown. Note: Possibly the same as "Man Holding Holy Bible" [q.v.], but not recorded as one of a pair. [DRA] Provenance: George E. Schoellkopf, New York, N.Y. (1982 exhibit and sale catalog); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American 18th, 19th & 20th Century Paintings, Drawings & Sculpture, American Decorative and Historical Prints, Sale 5141 (January 26-27, 1984) Lot 334 [b&w facsim.], sold $6,000+10% (est. $6-8,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 77B.1, IAP: 63003050. See Volume 2.

618. Portrait of a Man Holding a Cane – New York State, probably [CA], c. 1835 [CA]. 29" x 24" [CA]. Descr.: Jowly gentleman with silver bangs, wearing black jacket, black shirt, rumpled white stock; seated facing p.r. in scroll-arm chair, l. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding vertically a rustic carved snake walking stick with silver tip [DRA] Provenance: Judd Gregory, Dorset, Vt. (purchased at Rhinebeck Fall Antiques Fair, October 2002), Philadelphia’s Fall Art & Antique Show, October 2002 (offered at $8,800); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2003) Lot 89, sold $4,800+10%. References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (December 27, 2002): p.

97 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (February 2003): p. 26-B [b&w facsim.] Status: Sold at auction 2003. N.B.: Possible misattribution.

619. Man Holding a Scroll, aka Man Holding Scroll, aka Portrait of a Gentleman – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H], c. 1836 [CHS, H&H]. 32" x 27" [CHS, H&H] or 31-1/4" x 26-1/4" [SPB]. One of a pair. Companion to "Wife of Man Holding a Scroll" aka "Woman with an Organdy Collar" [q.v.]. Descr.: Younger, brown-haired gentleman with no sideburns; wearing black jacket, white vest, white pleated shirt and upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in Hitchcock-type paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding rolled-up paper. Medium background. [DRA] Provenance: Stewart E. Gregory, Wilton, Conn. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Important American Folk Art and Furniture, The Distinguished Collection of the Late Stewart E. Gregory, Sale Number 4209 (January 27, 1979) Lot 246 [color facsim.], sold $62,500+10% the pair (est. $20-30,000) to a New York private collector. Note: A record for the artist. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 145 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Holdridge (1968) p. 38 [b&w facsim.]; “A Second Look at the Gregory Auction,” Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 9, 1979): pp. 40-41 [b&w facsim. p. 40]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 181, H&H: 186, HPF: 76B.18, IAP: 61519016 and 81310172. See Volume 2.

620. Man Holding Glasses Resting on Book: "Methodi[st] Hymn[s]", aka Gentleman with Methodist Hymnal – unknown locale [HPF] or Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn., possibly [see note], c. 1840 [LAL] or c. 1850-1855 [HPF]. 325/8" x 27-1/4" (sight). Inscr. (book spine): “METHODI / HYMN”. Descr.: Ruddy fullfaced gentleman with neatly-combed grey and white hair, wearing black jacket, white shirt with upturned collar and large black tie; seated facing p.l. in redupholstered armchair, r. hand resting on book (see inscription) on lap and holding open spectacles with thumb and forefinger, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Relined, slight bubbling, original stretcher. [LAL] Note: Strong resemblance to Ira Williams [q.v.] a founding member, with his brothers, of the Sharon, Conn. Methodist Church. [DRA] Provenance: Reported as found in a barn in New York State; Copake Country Auction, Inc., Copake, N.Y., Cataloged Sale (May 11, 1991) as recently discovered; private collection; Leslie Antiques, Ltd., New York, N.Y. (2013), asking $7,800. Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (May 3, 1991): p. 175 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Leslie Antiques, Ltd., New York, N.Y. as of 2019. HPF: 77A.11. See Volume 2.

621. Man Holding Holy Bible, aka Man Holding Bible – unknown locale, c. 1840 [CHS, H&H]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Companion to "Wife of Man Holding Holy Bible", but not so noted by HPF. Descr.: He is white-haired, thin, worried-looking, holding Holy Bible – brown, with yellow lettering on red. Chair is red. [AAA]. Note: based on description and size, possibly the same as “Portrait of a Man Holding a Bible” [q.v.]. Provenance: John H. Martin, Winter Antiques Show, New York, N.Y. (1963); John H. Martin, Woodstock, Vt. as of 1965 [CHS]; sold at East Side Show [Winter Antiques Show], New York, N.Y. in 1960's [H&H] Status: Location unknown as of 1968, 1994. [H&H, HPF] CHS: 176, H&H: 214, HPF: 77A.2, IAP: 81310200 and 82320220. N.B.: Possible duplicate in HPF.

622. Man Holding a Large Bible – unknown locale, c. 1826. 30-3/8" x 24-1/8". [HMAA]

One of a pair. Companion to "Woman Holding a Hymn Book" [q.v.]. Inscr. (in black marker above label on back of frame): “M. Randy”. Descr.: Middle-aged gentleman with blue-gray eyes, wearing a black jacket, white stock with bow, upturned collar; facing p.l. holding large red closed book "HOLY BIBLE" vertically with both hands. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the unknown sitter to Mr. William Blake, New Haven, Conn.; Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. (1973, 1977); R. H. Love Galleries, Chicago, Ill. (1985); U.S. Marshals Auction, Atlanta, Ga. (Spring 1993); Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tenn. (acquired 1993, museum purchase). References: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) catalog no. 57, illus. no. 47 [full-page b&w

facsim.]; Ohio Antique Review (August 17, 1977): p. 29 [facsim.]; Antiques (February 1985): p. 373 [facsim.]; Simak (2001) p. 4 [b&w facsim.] Status: Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tenn. (acquired 1993). Accession number: 1993.17. CAP: DLR01710, HPF: 76A.18, IAP: 48850092. See Volume 2.

623. Man Holding Large Holy Bible, aka Man Holding Large Bible, aka Gentleman with His Hand on a Book, aka Portrait of Charles D'Emery [see note] – N.Y.-Mass. border region, probably [CHS, H&H], c. 1815 [H&H] or c. 1813 [CHS]. 32-3/8" x 28" [CHS, H&H, HPF] or 32" x 27-1/4" [SPB]. One of a pair. Companion to "Wife of Man Holding Large Holy Bible" [q.v.]. Descr.: The seated figure of a young gentleman with wavy brown hair wearing a black coat and vest, white tie and stock, the figure is seated in a painted side chair and holding a large Bible in his lap and posed before a shaded pearl-gray background. [SPB] Note: The title "Charles D'Emery" is a Christie's auction catalog error, based on a misinterpretation of the photo credit in Holdridge (1968). [DRA] Provenance: Rockwell and Avis Gardiner, Stamford, Conn.; Stewart E. Gregory, Wilton, Conn.; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Important American Folk Art and Furniture, The Distinguished Collection of the Late Stewart E. Gregory, Sale Number 4209 (January 27, 1979) Lot 248 [b&w facsim.], sold $7,000 (est. $5-7,000); Antique Associates at Joslin Tavern [Townsend, Mass.], December 19, 1989; Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 34 [b&w facsim.], sold $4,370 (est. $5-7,000); Collection of Enid and Alexander Fisher, Roxbury, Conn.; Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., August Americana, Sale 3278M (August 12, 2019) Lot 525, sold $5,500+23% (est. $6-8,000). References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 144 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Holdridge (1968) p. 29 [b&w facsim.]; The Museum of American Folk Art, An Eye on America: Folk Art from the Stewart E. Gregory Collection (New York, 1972) p. 18, no. 69; Maine Antique Digest (January 1990): p. 20-A [b&w facsim.]. Status: Collection of Gordon J. Fine, San Francisco, Cal. CHS: 178, H&H: 18*, HPF: 75B.9, IAP: 61519018 and 81310018. See Volume 2.

624. Man Holding Quill [1], aka Unidentified Gentleman – Hudson Valley, N.Y. [CHS, H&H], c. 1830 [H&H] or c. 1829 [CHS] or c. 1836 [HPF]. Apparent companion to “Woman Wearing Kerchief-Style Bonnet” [q.v.] Note: Same as “Unidentified Man” [q.v.]. Descr.: Handsome dark-haired gentleman wearing high-collared black jacket with pointed shoulders, white shirt and upturned collar, tall black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in Hitchcock-type paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. arm resting on paper on table, r. hand holding quill pen. [DRA] Provenance: Found in Hudson Valley, N.Y.; Primitives Gallery of Harry Stone, New York, N.Y. by 1942. References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 164, Fig. 9 [b&w facsim.] as Unidentified Gentleman, found in the Hudson Valley and checklist no 25 (attributed to I.J.H. Bradley). Status: Location unknown as of 1965, 1968, 1994. CHS: 180, H&H: 135, HPF: 76B.14, IAP: 81310124 and 82320223. See Volume 2.

625. Man Holding Quill [2], aka Portrait of a Man with a Quill Pen, aka Portrait of a Man Holding a Quill, aka Unidentified Middle-Aged Man, aka Portrait of a Middle-Aged Man – unknown locale, c. 1815-1818 [SNY]. 28-1/2" x 23-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Strong-jawed gentleman with light-brown classical hair, wearing high-collared black jacket, white pleated and ruffled jabot, white stock with bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted side chair, r. arm resting on large ledger book on table, r. hand holding a quill pen, l. hand not shown. Pale-brown background. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Ellerton M. Jetté [1899-1986], Waterville, Maine, as of 1968; Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. (as of 1973); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American Folk Art from the Collection of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn., Sale 5375 (October 26, 1985) Lot 14 [color facsim.], sold $40,000+10% (est. $40-50,000). Reference: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) catalog no. 56, illus. no. 28 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] CAP: CT250116, H&H: 41, HPF: 75B.12 and 75B.17, IAP: 63007894. 81310035. N.B.: Duplicate entries in HPF. See Volume 2.

626. Man Holding Rolled-up Paper – Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., possibly [HPF], c. 1850 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Wife of Man Holding Rolled-up Paper" [q.v.]. Descr.: Handsome sharp-faced gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, black bow tie, white pleated shirt with downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in an upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding a rolled-up paper, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: From a Brookfield, Conn. estate; Litchfield Auction Gallery, Litchfield, Conn., Americana Estate, Sale 8717 (June 28, 1987) Lot 364. References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (June 12, 1987): p. 4 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (July 1987): p. 33-E [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 77A.10

627. Man Holding the “Plough Boy” – Dutchess or Ulster Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1822 [DRA]. 31" x 25". One of a pair. Companion to “Woman Holding Strawberries and Book” [q.v.]. Inscr. (newspaper masthead): “PLOUGH BOY”. Descr.: Blue-eyed gentleman with brown hair and sideburns, wearing white stock tied in front with small bow, pleated white jabot, white vest with white buttons, black jacket; seated facing p.l. in a green and yellow painted thumb-back armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding newspaper, l. hand not shown. Note: The Plough Boy and Journal of the Board of Agriculture published Albany, N.Y. from June 1819 to July 1823. [DRA] Provenance: Estate of Jean Montgomery; Robert C. Eldred & Co., East Dennis, Mass. (June 1992) Lot 86; Robert C. Eldred & Co., East Dennis, Mass., Summer Americana Auction (August 3, 2018) Lot 1035, unsold (est. $12-15,000 the pair). Status: Unsold at auction 2018. See Volume 2.

628. Portrait of a Man Holding the "Telegraph", aka Gentleman Holding a Newspaper "Telegraph" – Albany, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. area, possibly [CNY] or New York [HPF], or Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. vicinity [DRA], c. 1840-1850 [HPF] or c. 1825 [SNY] or c. 1836 [DRA]. 33" x 26-1/2" [SNY] or 32" x 27-1/4" [CNY]. Inscr. (newspaper): "TELEGRAPH". Descr.: Handsome gentleman wearing black jacket, white shirt with upturned collar, black stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand with upturned fingers, newspaper held diagonally with both hands. Notes: Probably the Poughkeepsie Telegraph (pub. 1831-56). Possibly the portrait previously identified as John S. Rowell [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Property of a New England collector [SNY]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5810 (January 26-28, 1989) Lot 1135 [full-page b&w facsim.], sold $7,000+10% (est. $7-10,000); Collection of Allan L. and Kendra Daniel, Park Ridge, N.J., as of 1994 [HPF]; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Sale 9686 (January 20, 2001) Lot 523, sold $12,000+17.5% (est. $10-12,000); Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Prints, Sale 1387 (October 8, 2004) Lot 76, sold $9,500+19.5% (est. $10-15,000). Status: Sold at auction 2004. HPF: 77A.5. See Volume 2.

629. Portrait of a Man in a Black Coat Holding a Quill, aka Young Man with Quill Pen – unknown locale, c. 1825 [CNY] or c. 1826 [HPF]. 40-1/2" x 30-1/4" framed [CNY] or 32" x 21-3/8" (sight) [HPF]. Descr.: Gentleman with dark hair and prominent eyebrows, five-o’clock shadow; wearing black jacket, white vest, white pleated and ruffled jabot, tall white stock and upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in scroll-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding quill pen, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Appears to retain its original gilt frame. [CNY] Provenance: Noted as collection of Marguerite Riordan as of 1994; Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Property of Marguerite and Arthur Riordan, Stonington, Conn., Sale 2095 (January 18, 2008) Lot 630, sold $12,000+25% (est. $10-15,000 no reserve). Status: Sold at auction 2008. HPF: 76A.19. See Volume 2.

630. Man in Black Jacket – N.Y.-Mass. border region, probably [CHS] or [also]

Dutchess or Columbia Co., N.Y. vicinity, probably [HPF], c. 1813 [H&H] or 1815 [CHS, CAP] or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 36-1/8" x 29 3/4" [CAP] or 36" x 30" [CHS, HPF].

One of a pair. Companion to "Woman in Gold and Jet Jewelry" [q.v.]. Descr.: Young gentleman with curly blond hair and penetrating gaze, wearing high-collared black jacket, white vest, white pleated jabot, white stock tied in front, gray trousers; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated (or stenciled) side chair, l. arm draped over chair back, r. hand on thigh. Pale background. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of Halladay-Thomas Collection), and as of 1965, 1968, accession number 58.100.14; deaccession (as a pair) by AARFAC; Dr. Josef E. and Vera A. Jelinek, New York, N.Y. [HPF] References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1963); Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 144 [b&w facsim.]; McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Autumn 2017): cover and p. 74 [color facsim., in situ], p. 76 [color facsim.] Status: Collection of Dr. Josef E. and Vera A. Jelinek, New York, N.Y. as of 1994, 2017. CHS: 183, H&H: 8, HPF: 75B.8, IAP: 81310008. See Volume 2.

631. Man in Front of Red Drapery [Draperies], aka Man of Border Period, aka Gentleman in White Stock and Red Drape, aka Gentleman Wearing a High White Stock and Black Jacket – New York-Mass.-Conn. border area [H&H, HPF], 1820* or c. 1820 [H&H]. 31-1/2" x 25-1/2" [CHS] or 31" x 24-1/2" [SNY] or 32" x 25-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Wife of Man in Front of Red Drapery" aka "Wife of Man of Border Period" [q.v.]. Inscr.: "July 1820" on stretcher, since replaced [CHS]; and "July 1820" on what appears to be the original giltwood frame. [SNY] Descr.: Ruddy-cheeked gentleman with curly hair and sideburns, widow’s peak; wearing dark jacket, white shirt and collar and white stock; facing p.r., hands not shown. Red drapery in u.l. and l. side of canvas. Cond.: Per label (verso), conserved by Lyman Allyn Museum, New London, Conn., July 1962. [DRA] An unrepaired scratch in the center right near the edge approximately 1 inch long; careful retouches in his collar and cravat; an area of repair in the lower left quadrant approximately 4 inches by 2 inches; wax relined. [WDG] Note: This work and its companion were mistakenly listed as two separate pairs in the 1965 (CHS) catalog, corrected in the 1968 (H&H) catalog, and the error reintroduced in the 1994 (HPF) catalog. The provenance and photographic evidence show that they are the same pair. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (18921951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Miss Mary Allis, Fairfield Co., Conn.; Mr. & Mrs. Denison H. Hatch, Riverside, Conn. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver, Chinese Export Porcelain and Rugs, Sale 5282 (January 31 - February 1, 1985) Lot 384 [b&w facsim.], apparently unsold (est. $25-35,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 6957 (January 17 and 19, 1997) Lot 1643 [color facsim.], sold $18,000+15% the pair (est. $30-40,000); William Doyle Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y., Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Denison H. Hatch (November 19, 1997); Doyle, New York, N.Y., American Paintings & Prints (October 23, 2024) Lot 5, sold $16,000+28% the pair (est. $8-12,000). References: American Provincial Paintings (1941) No. 13, Anonymous, Empire Portrait (one of a pair), 31 1/2 x 25 inches, dated on stretcher: July 1820 [not illus.]; American Folk Art Gallery Notebooks, Box 28, Reel 5558, Frames 1074-1075 [b&w photo, inscr. verso: "1750 House / Halliday-Thomas"]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 143 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Holdridge (1968) p. 36 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2024. CHS: 173 and 184, H&H: 57*, HPF: 75B.18 and 76A.1, IAP: 81310051 and 82320218. See Volume 2.

632. Man of Girth, aka Border Period Man of Girth – N.Y.-Mass. border region, probably [CHS, H&H] or N.Y.-Mass.-Conn. border area, probably [HPF], c. 1815 [CHS, H&H]. Provenance: Unknown owner, Manchester, N.H. as of 1965. [CHS] Status: Location unknown as of 1968, 1994. [H&H, HPF] CHS: 189, H&H: 26, HPF: 75B.10, IAP: 81310026.

633. Portrait of a Man Reading "The Agriculture", aka Gentleman with Red Chin Beard – Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably [HPF] or Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA], 1860*. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2". Inscr. (newspaper): "AGRICULTURE / NOV 30 1860". Descr.: Gentleman with reddish hair, chinstrap beard and goatee; wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt with cuffs showing and upturned collar, back cravat; seated facing p.l. in armchair (barely seen) with l. arm resting on chair arm, r. arm resting on table with red covering. Newspaper on table (see inscription). Note: Based on the description, date and dimensions, this is potentially the missing portrait of Charles Asaph Dewey [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Found in attic in Wynantskill, Rensselaer Co., N.Y. (per HPF); McLean Gallery, Albany, N.Y.; Beck and Rogers Antiques, Morristown, N J ; Stoltenborg Antiques, Schuyler Lake, New York; Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art & Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 30, unsold (est. $4-6,000). Status: Unsold at auction 1995. HPF: 77A.18. See Volume 2.

634. Portrait of a Man Reading "The Spectator", aka Gentleman Holding a Newspaper: "Spectator March 19, 1855" – unknown locale, c. 1855 [CNY] or 1855* [HPF]. 33" x 27" [CNY]. Inscr. (newspaper): "ECTATOR. / March 19, 1855". Descr.: Sharp-nosed gentleman with receding hair and widow’s peak, wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt and upturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in redupholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding folded newspaper (see inscription), l. hand not shown. Note: Probably the American Spectator (aka Albany Spectator) published in Albany, N.Y. by Benjamin Franklin Romaine, c. 18421857. [DRA] Note: Sold by C.G. Sloan & Co. consignor as "Portrait of a Member of the Bartholomew Family" but this appears to be without any real basis. [DRA] Provenance: A Kansas City, Mo. owner (possibly Benjamin Mathers Powers); a Texas dealer; Bensoussan-Self (dealers), Los Gatos and Chula Vista, Cal. [1989]; C.G. Sloan & Co., Bethesda, Maryland, Estate Sale (November 17-20, 1989) Lot 2370A, sold $7,000+10% (est. $8-12,000); Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art & Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 31, sold $2,300 (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 1995. HPF: 77A.14. See Volume 2.

635. Man Wearing Rings – unknown locale, c. 1822 [CHS, HPF]. 30" x 24" [CHS, HPF]. Descr.: Man with dark hair and sideburns, depicted at half-length, seated in a yellow and red chair over which he leans the left arm. He wears a double-breasted black coat with white waistcoat, and high white stock with coral pin. Light brown background. Rings on fingers. Yellow Hitchcock chair. [AAA] Note: Omitted from H&H (1968). Provenance: Collection of Walter Chrysler, Jr. (1946); Herbert W. Hemphill, Jr., New York, N.Y. as of 1965. [CHS] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 190, HPF: 76A.9.

636. Portrait of a Man with a Pipe, aka Portrait of a Gentleman with a White Clay Pipe – unknown locale, c. 1825-1830 [HPF] or c. 1825 [SNY]. 30" x 24" [SNY, HPF] or 29-3/4" x 23-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: White-haired, narrow-faced gentleman; wearing high-collared black jacket and black vest, white shirt, tall white stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in red scroll-arm chair (barely seen), r. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding clay pipe, l. hand in vest. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American Folk Paintings and Watercolors, Sale 4593M (April 30, 1981) Lot 27 [fullpage color facsim.], sold $9,000 (est. $12-18,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 30, 1988) Lot 1562 [full-page color facsim.], sold $30,000+10% (est. $12-18,000); Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang, New York, N.Y. [1994]. Reference: Robert Bishop, et al., Folk Art (New York: Knopf, 1983) p. 25 [color facsim.], picture credit Sotheby's, New York. Status: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang, New York, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76A.17, IAP: 63001009. See Volume 2.

637. Portrait of a Man with Boyer's Dictionary – unknown locale, c. 1828 [DRA]. 281/2" x 23-3/8" [DNY]. Inscr. (book): "BOYER'S / DICTIONARY". Descr.: Sandy-haired young gentleman with hazel eyes, small deformity to l. cheek; wearing a black jacket with brass buttons, white stock and upturned collar, fine-pleated shirt; seated facing p.l. in a grain-painted and leaf-stenciled side chair, r. hand cupped over a closed book at near vertical, l. hand draped over chair back. [DRA] Cond.: Canvas is trimmed and laid to Masonite. Dirty, dense and streaky varnish layer; difficult to distinguish restoration under blacklight exam. Accretion of dirt and grime, specks of what may be house paint or other substance. Fine, flattened craquelure. Inpaint at upper right corner. [DNY] Note: [Abel] Boyer's French Dictionary, first American edition pub. Boston, William B. Fowle, 1822. [DRA] Provenance: Property of Robert E. Schmidt, New York; Doyle New York, American Paintings, Furniture & Decorative Arts (April 1, 2015) Lot 10, sold $2,500+25% (est. $2,500-3,500). Status: Sold at auction 2015. See Volume 2.

638. Man with Dimple and Bible, aka Portrait of a Man – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H, HPF], c. 1835 [H&H, HPF]. 41" x 351/2" [DW]. Note: Offered by David Wheatcroft in 2007 as "Portrait of a Man", acknowledging prior ownership by Robert Bishop and agreeing that they are one and the same [DW to DRA]. Descr.: Gentleman with light brown hair and blue eyes, dimples and cleft chin, 3/4 pose facing p.r., wearing high-collared black coat, high black stock (no bow) and upturned collar, white shirt and black vest, holding closed "BIBLE" (spine up) in l. hand, r. arm draped over top of fancy-painted side chair. Odd pose, because half the chair back is shown, leaving the subject seated in mid-air. Medium-brown background. [DRA] Cond.: Relined (wax and linen) July 1974. Provenance: Robert Bishop, New York, N.Y. as of 1968; location unknown as of 1994; David Wheatcroft, Westborough, Mass. as of 2007, offered at $14,000. Status: David Wheatcroft Antiques, Westborough, Mass. as of 2007. H&H: 164, HPF: 76B.8, IAP: 81310151. See Volume 2.

639. Man with Plaid Waistcoat – Berkshire Co., Mass. [H&H], probably [HPF], c. 1860 [H&H]. Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Quandt, Washington, D.C. as of 1968. [H&H]; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]. Note: Same as Henry Sedgwick [q.v.]. H&H: 272, HPF: 77A.20, IAP: 81310258. N.B.: Duplicate (see note).

640. Man with Ruffled Jabot – unknown locale, c. 1824 [H&H] or c. 1825 [HPF]. 32" x 25-1/2". One of a pair. Companion to "Woman with Lace Collar and Cap with Ribbons" per H&H, but not so noted by HPF. Descr.: Man with tousled hair and sideburns, wearing black jacket, white ruffled jabot, tall white stock, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in scroll-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding quill pen, l. hand inside jacket. [DRA] Provenance: Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (May 13, 1966) Lot 27, sold $1,100 the pair; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, New York, N.Y.; Heritage Auctions, Dallas, Texas, American Art, Auction 8058 (November 5, 2021) Lot 67065, sold $16,000+25% the pair (est. $20-30,000). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, 1967 [O.E. Nelson]); Holdridge (1968) p. 36 [b&w facsim.]; Bantel (1981) pp. 160-161 [b&w facsim p. 161]. Notes: This portrait and its companion were reported stolen from the Kaplan residence in East Hampton, N.Y. on Nov. 4, 1975 but were subsequently recovered. Listed incorrectly in Bantel (1981) as having been sold at SPB on May 13, 1977. [DRA] Status: Sold at auction 2021. H&H: 109*, HPF: 76A.14, IAP: 81310098. See Volume 2.

641. Man with Snake Cane, aka Portrait of a Gentleman with a Snake Cane, aka Man with Riding Crop – N.Y.- Mass.-Conn. border, c. 1818 [CHS]. 29" x 24-1/2" [H&H] or 29-1/2" x 24-3/4" [KG] or 29-1/2" x 24" [CNY]. Descr.: Disdainful-looking gentleman with tousled hair, long curly sideburns, and prominent ear; wearing black jacket, white vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), l. hand holding green figural cane with gold tip and coiled black snake, r. hand not shown. Red fringed drapery in u.l. and l. side of canvas. Medium gray background. [DRA] Provenance: John Bihler and Henry S. Coger, Ashley Falls,

Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, New York, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. [1970]; Location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Prints and Decoys, Sale 1959 (January 17-18, 2008) Lot 727, sold $15,000+25% (est. $30-50,000). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, 1967); Holdridge (1968) p. 36 [b&w facsim.]; The Kennedy Quarterly, Vol. IX, No. 4 (May 1970): cover illus.; Antiques (May 1970): p. 707 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2008. CHS: 193, H&H: 42*, HPF: 75B.16, IAP: 61022182, 81310036 and 82320227. See Volume 2.

642. Man with Walking Stick – Orange Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1826 [DRA]. 30" x 24". One of a pair. Companion to “Woman with Book [2]” [q.v.]. Descr.: Middle-aged man with blue-gray eyes, aquiline nose, thinning gray bangs and long gray sideburns; wearing white stock with long bow in front, white pleated shirt, black jacket; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand holding antler-handled cane. Cond.: Laid down on Masonite. Provenance: Found in a barn in Girard, Macoupin Co., Ill. in the 1950’s; thence in the same family until 2018; eBay (January 3, 2018), sold $7,000 the pair. Status: Sold 2018.

643. Portrait of a Man, aka Man in Napoleonic Pose – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, possibly [H&H], c. 1822 [H&H] or c. 1829 [CHS]. 29-3/8" x 22-13/16" sight [CAP] or 29-3/4" x 23-1/4" [CHS, H&H] or 30" x 23-3/4" [HPF] or 30" x 23-1/4" [PHT]. One of a pair. Companion to "Lady with High Comb and Lace Collar Edged in Hearts" [q.v.]. Descr.: Young gentleman in dark double-breasted jacket with brass buttons, buttoned shirt, white stock, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand partially inside jacket. Note: Not recorded as with companion portrait since 1947. [DRA] Provenance: The Old Print Shop (Harry Shaw Newman Gallery), New York, N.Y. as of 1947 ($350 with companion); unlocated as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. as of 1976; Peter and Jeffrey Tillou, Philadelphia Antiques Show, April 22, 1998 (offered at $34,000). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1947); Tillou and Buck (1976) catalog no. 25 [full-page color facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (June 1998): p. 298 [b&w facsim.] Status: Sold by Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. at Winter Antiques Show, New York, N.Y , January 2014. CAP: CT250044. CHS: 186, H&H: 73, HPF: 76A.8, IAP: 81310066 and 81990364. See Volume 2.

644. Portrait of a Man, aka Portrait of a Gentleman – Columbia or Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably [DRA], 1820-1830 [CAP] or c. 1815 [HPF] or 1812-1819 [NGA]. 291/2" x 24-1/8" (sight) or 30" x 25" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Portrait of a Woman" aka "Portrait of a Lady" [q.v.]. Descr.: Gray-haired gentleman with sideburns, wearing high-collared black jacket, black vest, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), hands not shown. Pale background. [DRA] Provenance: Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Luessenhop, Washington, D.C.; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (gift of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Luessenhop), accession number 1969.33.1; Corcoran collection transferred to NGA in 2014. Note: Per NGA curatorial files, the portrait was given to Mrs. Elizabeth Connell Luessenhop by her mother [Elfa McCrea Connell (Mrs. Charles Augustus Connell, 1900-1986) of Champlain, Clinton Co., N.Y.]. References: Antiques, Vol. CXVII, No. 5 (November 1975): p. 945 [color facsim.]; Cash (2011) p. 312 [b&w facsim.] Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. as of 2014. Accession number: 2014.136.124. HPF: 75B.11, IAP: 08260891. See Volume 2.

645. Portrait of a Man, aka Portrait of an Unknown Man – unknown locale, 18351840 [CAP] or c. 1840 [HPF]. 33-7/16" x 27-9/16", sight [CAP] or 32-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Portrait of a Woman" aka "Portrait of an Unknown Woman Wearing Glasses" [q.v.]. Descr.: Gray-haired, middle-aged gentleman with prominent nose and receding hairline; wearing spectacles, black jacket, white horizontally-pleated shirt and upturned collar, black stock with large bow; facing p.l., holding “Holy Bible" with both hands. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schorsch; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa. (gift of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schorsch, 1973). Note: Marjorie H. 'Peggy' Schorsch (1930-2007). Status: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa. (acquired 1973). Accession number: 73-263-1. HPF: 77A.3, IAP: 46170393. See Volume 2.

646. Portrait of a Man, aka Portrait of an Unknown Man, aka Man with Snub Nose – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, possibly [H&H], c. 1822 [H&H] or 18051815 [CAP]. 30-1/2" x 24-1/4" [CAP] or 30" x 24" [MHS]. Descr.: Man with brown hair and sideburns, wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar, white stock with large bow; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding closed book with index finger marking page. [DRA] Note: Listed in CAP as Unidentified Man. Provenance: Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn.; Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn. (purchase, The Acquisition Fund, 1966). Reference: Stebbins (1981) p. 9. [illus.]. Status: Mattatuck Museum, The Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn. (acquired 1966). Accession number: X68.166. H&H: 75, HPF: 76A.10, IAP: 07770111, 81310068 and 85900004. See Volume 2.

647. Portrait of a Man – Dutchess Co., N.Y., possibly [DRA], c. 1821-1822 [DRA]. 33" x 27" [NEA]. One of a pair. Companion to "Portrait of a Woman [7]" [q.v.]. Descr.: Fullfaced, rosy-cheeked gentleman with thin gray hair and reddish side whiskers, wearing a black coat and vest, white shirt and downturned collar, and white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in a yellow bamboo-painted armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm with hand extended, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Northeast Auction, Annual Summer Americana Auction (July 31-August 2, 2009) Lot 429, sold $5,000+17% the pair. Status: Sold at auction 2009 CAP: DLR01807. See Volume 2.

648. Portrait of a Man, aka Folk Portrait of Bearded Man – unknown locale, c. 1850 [DRA]. 31-1/2" x 26". Descr.: Brown-haired gentleman with chin whiskers and long goatee, wearing black jacket and tie, pleated white shirt; seated facing p.l. in a red upholstered armchair, r. hand resting on chair arm with index finger extended, l. hand not shown. Cond.: Old restoration, relining with replaced stretchers [WFA]. Provenance: Estate of Ralph Loucks of Chicago, Ill. and Stone Arabia, N.Y.; Leslie Hindman Auctioneers, Chicago, Ill., Fine Furniture and Decorative Arts, Sale 430 (January 27, 2016) Lot 723, sold $225+25% (est. $400-600) as artist unknown; Westchester Fine Art, Valhalla, N.Y., Three Centuries of American Art (July 28, 2016) Lot 9, unsold (est. $900-1,200); Westchester Fine Art, Valhalla, N.Y., Online Auction – American and European Works of Art (February 5, 2017) Lot 12, unsold; Copake Auction, Inc., Copake, N.Y., 38th Annual New Year’s Day Auction (January 1, 2018) Lot 191, sold $550+18% (est. $800-1,200); State Line Auction & Estate Service, Canaan, Conn. (March 25, 2018) Lot 117, sold $1,400+18% (est. $200-300). Status: Sold at auction 2018. See Volume 2.

649. The Merchant, aka Gentleman of Commerce – New England [PBG] or Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn.Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H], c. 1835 [PBG] or c. 1836 [CHS, H&H]. 32" x 27" [PBG, CHS]. Descr.: Handsome young man at half-length with black hair, wearing a black coat, vest and collar, his right hand resting on the back of a painted fancy chair. [PBG]. One hand over chair, tunneled sleeve. Fingers of other hand upturned, like Hanna’s [possibly comparing to Hannah Mills Raymond]. Young vigorous, ruddy-cheeked young man, of the type of George Sunderland, but less soberly reliable. [AAA]

Provenance: John J. Gunther, Coventry Hall, York Village, Maine (to 1960); The John J. Gunther Collection of Valuable American Furniture & Decorations, Early American Primitive Portraits and Landscape Paintings, New York, Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., Sale 1990, Second Session: Early American Primitive Portraits and Landscapes (October 21, 1960) Lot 115 [p. 20: not illus.]; Swen Swenson, New York, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]. Note: Cross-reference to CHS omitted from 1968 catalog. [DRA] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 195, H&H: 185, HPF: 76B.15, IAP: 81310171.

650. Portrait of a New York Couple (Man Holding the "Christian Advocate") –unknown locale, 1845*. 33-3/4" x 28". One of a pair. Companion to "New York Couple (Woman Holding a Book)" [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired gentleman with long, pointed sideburn[s], wearing black jacket, white shirt and downturned collar, black bow tie; seated facing p.l. in a red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding newspaper “CHRISTIAN ADVOC” dated October 24, 1845. Note: Probably the Christian Advocate and Journal (New York), pub. from 1826 for the Methodist Episcopal Church. By the mid-1830’s this was the largest circulation weekly in America [DRA] Provenance: Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (August 4-6, 2006) Lot 1042, sold $10,000+16% the pair (est. $6-9,000). Status: Sold at auction 2006 See Volume 2.

651. Seagoing Father or Portrait of a Sea Captain, aka Sea-going Captain – N.Y.- Mass.Conn. border (probably), c. 1818 [H&H] or c. 1815-1818 [HPF] or c. 1815 [SPB]. 20" x 161/4" [H&H] or 16-1/2" x 12-1/2" [SPB]. One of a pair. Identified as father of "Boy in Oval Frame" [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with tousled hair, sideburns; wearing high-collared jacket, pale vest and white stock with small bow; facing p.r. and glancing p.l. Only the subject's head and neck are visible. Oval canvas and frame. Notes: Probably cut down to present size and shape. Apparently fanciful appellation. Aside from the fashionably unruly hair, similar to many Border Period examples, nothing in the provenance or attire suggests that this is a sea captain. [DRA] Provenance: Ginsburg & Levy, Inc., New York, N.Y. (1944); Miss Mary Allis, Fairfield Co., Conn. [1968]; Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, N.Y., Sale 4076 (1978) Lot 153 [b&w facsim.], est. $3,500-4,500 the pair; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang, New York, N.Y. (1994). References: Antiques (September 1944): p. 119 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1959); American Art & Antiques, Vol. 1, No. 3 (November-December 1978): pp. 38 and 39 [facsims., in situ], incorrectly described as pastel Status: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang, New York, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] H&H: 43, HPF: 75B.13, IAP: 61517922 (the pair) and 81310037. N.B.: Questionable attribution.

652. Unidentified Man – Hudson Valley, N.Y. [H&H], c. 1830 [H&H]. Note: Same as “Man Holding Quill [1]” [q.v.]. Provenance: Found in Hudson Valley; Harry Stone, New York, N.Y.; Unlocated [1968]. Status: Location unknown as of 1968, 1994. [H&H, HPF] H&H: 136, HPF: 76B.1, IAP: 81310125. N.B.: Duplicate catalog entries in H&H and HPF. N.B.: Does not exist as a separate work.

653. Portrait of an Unknown Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1820 [HPF]. 29-5/8" x 23-3/4" [HPF]. Inscr.: Holding red leather-bound book "Portraiture of Methodism". [HPF] Note: Probably the same as Jacobus Hardenburgh [q.v.]. [DRA] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76A.3. N.B.: Probable duplicate identification in HPF.

654. Unknown Man – unknown locale, c. 1855. 33" x 27-1/4" (sight). One of a pair. Companion to “Unknown Woman” (IAP 31660632). Descr.: With red chin whiskers, in red chair. [HPF*] Note: Possibly the same as “Portrait of a Handsome Dark-Haired Gentleman” [q.v.]. Attribution unconfirmed. [DRA] Reference: Morris Museum of Arts & Sciences, Morristown, N.J., IAP Survey, 1977. [SIRIS] Status: Albert J. Von Frank [1915-2003], Convent Station, N.J. as of 1977. IAP: 31660631.

655. Unknown Man from Dutchess County, aka Man of Dutchess County, aka Unknown Man, aka Gentleman with a Letter – Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H], c. 1836 [H&H] or c. 1830 [HPF]. 31-1/2" x 26-3/4" [CHS, H&H] or 33-1/2" x 26" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Wife of Unknown Man from Dutchess County" [q.v.] Descr.: Dark-haired, round-faced, younger man; wearing black jacket, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, white stock with bow; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted side chair, r. arm behind chair back (r. hand not visible), l. hand holding opened letter with red seal (no apparent addressee). [DRA] Provenance: American Folk Art Gallery [Edith G. Halpert], New York, N.Y. as of 1945; IBM Gallery of Science and Art, New York, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Collection of IBM Corporation, Armonk, N.Y. as of 1994 [HPF]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6731 (June 22, 1995) Lot 25 [color facsim.], sold $20,000+15% the pair (est. $12-18,000). References: American Folk Art Gallery Notebooks, Box 28, Reel 5558, Frames 824-825 [b&w facsim.]; Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (American Folk Art Gallery [Downtown Gallery], 1936); Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 20 [not illus.] as Unidentified Gentleman from Dutchess County, N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Art News Annual, XVIII (1948): p. 75, per CHS; The Clarion, Vol. 13, No. 2 (Spring 1988): p. 39 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 1995. CHS: 199, H&H: 191, HPF: 76B.2, IAP: 81310177. See Volume 2.

656. Young Gentleman Holding a Glove – unknown locale, c. 1855 [HPF]. Descr.: Young blue-eyed man with blond curly hair parted on p.r. side; wearing black jacket, vest, tie, and white shirt front with dotted collar, diamond stickpin; seated facing p.l. in armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding glove, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn. (1974); location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Cottone Auctions, Mt. Morris, N.Y., Fall Americana (Oct. 1, 2004) Lot 240 (as a pair with “Portrait of a Woman, aka Young Woman in a Black Dress” [q.v.]). References: Antiques, Vol. CVI, No. 5 (November 1974): p. 781 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (September 17, 2004): p. 163 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2004. HPF: 77A.15, IAP: 80040157. See Volume 2.

657. Young Man (Pair of Portraits of a Young Man and Woman) – Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. vicinity, possibly, c. 1836. 36" x 30". One of a pair. Companion to “Young Woman (Pair of Portraits of a Young Man and Woman)” [q.v.] Descr.: Handsome dark-haired gentleman wearing a black jacket and white ruffled shirt with upturned collar and wide black stock; facing p.l., his r. hand holding a folded copy of an undated newspaper "…Eagle.", l. hand draped over chair back. [DRA] Cond.: The perimeter of the canvases have been lined and applied to later stretchers. Very minor small spots of retouch-one u.l. one u.c. and a small area to u.r. edge approx. 1 x 2 in. [Skinner] Note: The newspaper masthead, as depicted, corresponds closely to the Poughkeepsie Eagle, pub. 1834-44. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Andy Williams (1927-2012); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Featuring The Andy Williams Folk Art Collection, Sale 2640B (March 3, 2013) Lot 15, sold $35,000+18.5% the pair (est. $30-50,000). Status: Sold at auction 2013. See Volume 2.

658. Young Man Holding “Ballou’s Pictorial” – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably, circa 1855. [DRA] 33" x 27-1/2" . Inscr. (newspaper): “BALLOUS PICTORIAL.”. Descr.: Teenage boy with chin dimple and light-brown hair swept forward at sides, wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt with bright white embroidery on placket, rounded downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding folded newspaper (see inscription and note), l. hand not shown. Notes: Ballou’s Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion (previously Gleason’s Pictorial) was published weekly under that name from 1855 to 1859. The masthead as depicted by Phillips, including vignette, railroad viaduct, bust and sailing ship, was used only from the January 6 to June 30, 1855 issues It has been suggested that the subject may be Henry Dwight Sisson (1836-1914), New Marlboro, Berkshire Co., Mass., son of Henry Sisson [q.v.] and Lucy Amanda Howe Sisson [q.v.]. [DRA] Status: private collection. See Volume 2.

659. Young Man Holding "Holy Bible", aka Young Man with Bible – Sheffield, Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [HPF], c. 1857 [HPF] or c. 1840 [SIRIS]. 34" x 27" [HPF] or 34" x 27" (approx.) [SIRIS]. Descr.: Dark-haired young gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt and downturned collar, black cravat; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair (barely seen), r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding closed book (see title), l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Found in Sheffield, Mass.; Conrad Sigg (dealer); Sheffield, Mass. (1962/63); owner in Roslyn Heights, N.Y. as of 1987. [IAP] Status: Collection of Sheila Brummel, Roslyn Heights, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 77A.17, IAP: 73261211.

660. Young Man Holding a Book: "History" – N.Y.-Mass.-Conn. border area, probably [HPF], c. 1850-1860 [HPF]. 33-1/4" x 27-1/4" sight [HPF], 33-1/2" x 27-1/4" sight [Freeman's]. Descr.: Younger gentleman facing p.l. with closed book "History" on table, using three fingers of r. hand to mark page. [DRA] Provenance: Estate of Judith Rothschild [1921-1993] as of 1994 [HPF]; Property of a Regional Charitable Trust [assumed to be The Judith Rothschild Foundation, Flourtown, Pa., Harvey S. Shipley Miller, Trustee]; Freeman's Auction, Philadelphia, Pa., American Furniture, Folk & Decorative Arts, Sale No. 1456 (April 17, 2013) Lot 171, sold $5,000+25% (est. $57,000). Status: Sold at auction 2013. HPF: 77A.13. See Volume 2.

661. Portrait of a Young Man Holding a Copy of Milton's Work, aka Portrait of a Young Gentleman Holding a Copy of Milton’s Works, aka Gentleman in a Black Brocade Waistcoat and Black Coat Holding a Leather-Bound Volume – Woodstock, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1823* or c. 1825 [SNY]. 30" x 24" [Skinner] or 36" x 30" [probably framed] or 30-1/4" x 23" [SNY]. Inscr. (verso): "Taken by / Ammon Philips [sic] / July 20th 1823 / Woodstock / New York". Descr.: Young man with dark forward-swept hair, wearing black jacket, tall white stock with no bow, upturned collar, pleated jabot with red stickpin; seated facing p.l. in a fancy-painted yellow side chair, r. hand on top of a closed book "MILTON'S WORKS", l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Good, puncture c.r., minute scattered abrasions/losses, miniscule scattered retouch to background [Skinner] On the original stretchers and in the original frame. [SNY] Provenance: Wolf’s Gallery, Shaker Heights, Ohio, Important Fine Arts Auction (September 19, 1987); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver and China Trade Paintings, Sale 5736 (June 23, 1988) Lot 291 [fullpage color facsim.], est. $25-40,000; Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., Americana, Sale 1472 (October 31, 1992) Lot 228 [b&w facsim.], sold $7,000+10% (est. $7-9,000); Heller Washam Antiques, Portland, Maine; Dr. Daniel and Harriet Fusfeld, Ann Arbor, Michigan; University of Michigan Museum of Art (gift of the Daniel and Harriet Fusfeld Folk Art Collection (2002). Reference: Maine Antique Digest (September 1987): p. 33-F [b&w facsim.]. Status: University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, Michigan (acquired 2002). Accession number: 2002/1.199. HPF: 76A.11. See Volume 2.

662. Portrait of a Young Man in a Painted Chair – Litchfield Co., Conn., possibly [HPF], c. 1835 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [HPF]. Provenance: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) p. 176, catalog no. 62 [not illus.]. Note: Possibly the same as “Portrait of a Man, aka Man in Napoleonic Pose” [q.v.]. Status: Collection of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 76B.11, IAP: 81990062. N.B. Possible duplicate identification in HPF.

663. Portrait of a Young Man Seated with a Book Holding a Quill Pen – unknown locale, c. 1820 [PHT]. 30" x 25". Inscr. (book spine): “LEGER” [sic]. Descr.: Young man wearing black double-breasted jacket with brass buttons, striped vest, white stock with bow, upturned collar, flower stickpin; seated facing p.l. with r. arm resting on large book on table, r. hand holding quill pen, l. hand holding lapel. [DRA] Cond.: Unlined in superb original condition. [PHT] Provenance: Peter H. Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2009; Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College [Peter and Barbara Goodman Fund for American Art]. Reference: Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. IX, No. 3

(Spring 2009): p. 2 [color facsim.] Status: Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, acquired 2009. Acquisition number: 2009.12. See Volume 2.

664. Young Man with Quill – Orange Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1825 [DRA]. 30-1/8" x 24" . Descr.: Young man with center-parted hair swept forward at sides, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt and upturned collar, white stock without bow, gold stickpin; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated and stenciled scroll-back side chair, r. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand holding quill pen, l. hand held inside vest. Cond.: Replacement stretcher (label by Henry Shultheis Co., New York). Provenance: Private collection, New York City, circa 1950; by family descent to the current owner. Status: Private collection See Volume 2.

665. Young Man with Red Drapery, or Portrait of Charles D'Emery with Red Curtain, or Portrait of a Man with Red Curtain – N.Y.-Mass.-Conn. border [H&H], c. 1820 [H&H] or c. 1825 [SNY]. 29-1/2" x 23-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Young gentleman with copious dark curls, wearing black jacket with white vest and jabot, white bow tie and pointed collar; seated facing p.r., hands not shown. Pale background with red drapery with deep folds on l. side, dark column on r. side. Note: Misidentified in Sotheby's catalog as "Portrait of Charles D'Emery with Red Curtain", corrected prior to sale. Provenance: Walter Laemmle [dealer/gallery Los Angeles 1938-1993]; Miss Mary Allis [Fairfield Co., Conn.]; Mrs. Henry P. Coogan, Fairfield Co., Conn. as of 1968; location unknown as of 1994; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08665 (September 30, 2010) Lot 74 [color facsim., p. 64], Property from a New York Collection, unsold (est. $12-15,000); American Folk Art Museum, 2010 gift of Louise Weldon Floeckher [previously Mrs. Henry P. Coogan, Fairfield, Conn.], New York City and Palm Beach, Fla., in memory of her grandfather Louis M. Colton. Reference: Holdridge (1968) p. 32 [b&w facsim.]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 2010.5.1. H&H: 60*, HPF: 76A.4, IAP: 81310053. See Volume 2.

Unidentified Subjects: Women

666. Portrait of Blue-Eyed Lady in Black Dress with White Eyelet Collar –unknown locale, c. 1840 [SNY]. 31" x 26" [SNY]. Descr.: Woman with dark-brown center-parted hair and side curls; wearing black dress with small lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r. on reddish-brown sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding a small closed book. [DRA] Provenance: Property of private collectors; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08158 (January 21, 2006) Lot 350, sold $4,000+20% (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 2006. See Volume 2.

667. A Dark-Haired Lady Wearing an Organdy Cap and Red Shawl – unknown locale, c. 1825 [SNY]. 32" x 26" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Gentleman Wearing a High White Stock" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark curls, wearing black dress with embroidered sheer collar, tall embroidered bonnet with bow on front and long untied ribbons trailing front and back, single-strand necklace; seated facing p.r. and glancing p.l., with red shawl wrapped around r. elbow and back, r. arm resting on table, r. hand holding a small closed book with thumb marking page, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 6866 (June 20-21, 1996) Lot 574 [color facsim.], unsold (est. $10-15,000 the pair). Status: Unsold at auction 1996 See Volume 2.

668. Portrait of a Dark-Haired Lady with Ruffled Eyelet Bonnet, Lace Collar and Cuffs Holding a Rose – unknown locale, c. 1835 [DRA]. 37" x 28-1/4". Descr.: Narrow-faced woman wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, wide embroidered organdy collar and embroidered cuffs, ruffled bonnet with ribbons on top and wide ribbons tied under chin on p.l. side, ring on l. index finger; seated (chair not shown) facing and leaning p r., with r. arm resting on table with book, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding sprig with pink rose in bloom and buds. Red drapery with black fringe and four gold tassels in u.r. Cond.: Apparent heavy craquelure throughout. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 7590 (January 18-19, 2001) Lot 470 [color facsim.], sold $29,500 (est. $12-18,000). Reference: Jason T. Busch, Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. VI, No. 4 (Autumn/Winter 2005): p. 181 [color facsim., in situ]. Status: Collection of Patricia N. and Samuel D. McCullough, Minneapolis, Minn. as of 2013 See Volume 2.

669. Portrait of a Dark-Haired Young Woman in Red Dress and White Lace Collar – unknown locale, c. 1845 [SNY]. 34" x 27-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Dark-haired, brown-eyed young woman, wearing pleated red dress with balloon sleeves, wide neckline with flower-petal lace trim; seated (chair not shown) facing and leaning p.r., with r. arm resting on table with two books, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding small sprig with pink flower buds. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 30, 1988) Lot 1510 [full-page color facsim.], bought-in at $42,500 (est. $50-75,000). Note: Printed auction catalog incorrectly states est. $30-50,000. Status: Unsold at auction 1988. HPF: 79A.7. See Volume 2.

670. Portrait of an Elderly Woman – unknown locale, unknown date. 22" x 18". Descr.: Older woman wearing sheer dotted bonnet with ruffled edge, ribbons tied under chin, and white fischu under dark shawl. Head and shoulders only. Canvas apparently reduced. Possibly same as Elizabeth Schlosser [q.v.] [DRA] Provenance: James R. Bakker Antiques, Inc., Littleton, Mass. (1976); Collection of Bruce P. Mattoon (1930-2004), Foxboro, Mass. as of 1994. [HPF] Reference: Antiques, Vol. CX, No. 2 (August 1976): p. 270 [b&w facsim.] Status: Dorothy Mattoon, Punta Gorda, Fla. (presumed). HPF: 79A.17, IAP: 80043329 N.B.: Possible duplicate identification

671. Portrait of an Elderly Woman Holding a Letter – unknown locale, c. 1840 [HPF]. Provenance: Brainstorm Farm Antiques, Randolph, Vt. (1972). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78B.14. N.B.: Same as Lady with Bonnet [q.v.].

672. Elderly Woman Wearing a Bonnet – unknown locale, c. 1835 [HPF]. 33" x 27" [HPF]. Provenance: Childs Gallery, Boston, Mass. (1973). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78A.17. N.B.: Same as Lady with Bonnet [q.v.].

673. Portrait of an Elderly Woman with Spectacles, aka Portrait of a Woman in Lace Bonnet Holding Her Glasses, aka Old Woman with Spectacles – Ulster Co., N.Y., possibly [DRA], c. 1840 [SNY]. 31-1/2" x 26-5/16" [SNY] or 31-3/4" x 263/4" [Skinner]. Descr.: Elderly woman wearing black dress, black shawl with narrow borders of multi-colored embroidery, tall ruffled and embroidered sheer bonnet tied under chin with black ribbons; seated (chair not shown) facing and leaning p.r., with r. arm leaning on book ("HOLY BIBLE") on table, both hands holding partially-folded silver spectacles. [DRA] Cond.: Relined, areas of retouch to background and scattered small spots elsewhere. [Skinner] Provenance: Found in Saugerties, N.Y. [per EGH]; Edith Gregor Halpert, American Folk Art Gallery, 43 E. 51st St., New York, N.Y. [label dated 3/41]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6731 (June 22, 1995) Lot 105 [b&w facsim.], sold $4,250+15% (est. $4-6,000); Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., Americana online, Sale 3303T (Oct. 29 –Nov. 5, 2019) Lot 1499, sold $1,400+23% (est. $800-1,200). Also bears a label from M. Finkel & Daughter [Philadelphia, Pa.]. Status: Sold at auction 2019. See Volume 2.

674. Fair-Haired Young Woman Wearing a Starched White Bonnet – unknown locale, c. 1825 [SNY]. 29-1/2" x 23-1/4" [SNY]. Descr.: Woman with medium-dark (not fair) hair with small ringlets at temples; wearing black dress with wide ruffled organdy collar, elaborate bonnet with two long untied ribbons flowing back and front; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted scroll-back side chair, l. arm resting on two books on table, holding small closed red book with spine up with both hands, l. hand lightly over book and r. hand under book. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5551 (January 28-31, 1987) Lot 1038 [full-page color facsim.], sold $15,000+10% (est. $15-20,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 77B.16. See Volume 2.

675. The Wife of the Journalist (aka Wife of The Journalist) – Rhinebeck or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area [H&H], 1832*. 32" x 26" [CHS] or 31-7/8" x 26" [Guthrie]. One of a group of four (see note). Companion to "The Journalist" [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with dark center-parted hair and dark eyebrows; wearing black dress, elaborate beribboned bonnet with untied ribbons hanging p.l. front and p.r. back, wide organdy collar with ruffled neck and matching tied ribbons hanging front center; facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table with small book, small red book held between hands with thumb and forefinger of l. hand marking page. [DRA] Cond.: Retains its original strainer. [Guthrie] Notes: Per Guthrie (p. 62) although nothing is known of the [earlier] provenance of this group the subject is presumed, on the basis of identical frames, to be the mother of the Boy in Red [q.v.] and Girl in Pink [q.v.]. The 1947 and 1958 catalogs of the Balken collection make no such association. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Edward Duff Balken (18741960), Pittsburgh, Pa. and Egremont, Mass.; Princeton University (gift of Edward Duff Balken, 1958). References: American Provincial Paintings (1947) no. 12 [not illus.], as Anonymous, Kent, Conn., vicinity; DeWald (1958) no. 30 [not illus.], as anonymous artist, Kent, Conn. vicinity; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 142 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 38 [b&w facsim.]; Quimby and Swank (1980) p. 47, Fig. 18 [b&w facsim.]; Rosenbaum (1986) p. 269 [b&w facsim.]; An American Sampler: Folk Art from the Shelburne Museum (National Gallery of Art, 1987) p. 196 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 39, Pl. XXXIII [color facsim.]; Guthrie (1999) pp. 63, 64 [full-page b&w facsim.]. Status: The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. (acquired 1958). Accession number: y1958-79. Not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 170, H&H: 144*, HPF: 78A.13, IAP: 32040243. See Volume 2.

676. A Pair of Portraits: A Lady, aka Wife of A Man Holding a Book, aka Lady Holding a Book – unknown locale, c. 1850's [DRA]. 33-1/2"x 27-3/4" [SPB] or 331/2" x 27-1/2" [CNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Pair of Portraits: A Gentleman" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted hair, wearing black dress with small embroidered collar, short bonnet with bow on p.l. side and ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. on sofa, with r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small closed book. [DRA] Provenance: Anonymous sale; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4268 (June 20-23, 1979) Lot 199 [b&w facsim.], est. $5-7,000 the pair; an American collection; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 2815 (January 24, 2014) Lot 164 [color facsim.], unsold (est. $10-15,000 the pair); Christie's New York, N.Y., Interiors, Sale 2862 (June 24-25, 2014) Lot 101, sold $2,200+25% the pair (est. $5-7,000 without reserve); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y., 36th Annual New Year’s Day Auction (January 1, 2016) Lot 60 as a single unframed portrait, sold $1,700+17% (est. $1,600-1,800). Status: Sold at auction 2016 IAP: 61519765. HPF: 79A.2. See Volume 2.

677. A Lady Holding a Bible, aka Seated Lady Holding a Book – unknown locale, c. 1845 [SNY]. 36-3/4" x 23" [SNY] or 33-3/4" x 27-1/2" [Skinner]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Gray-Haired Gentleman Holding a Bible" [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress with narrow white collar, sheer bonnet with bow on side and white ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. (glimpse of red side chair) with wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding small closed book with l. hand. [DRA] Cond.: Minute punctures (some repaired), minor scattered retouch and losses, craquelure, unframed. [Skinner] On new stretchers; in new frames. [SNY] Relined, retouch to very minor spots to face and background. [Skinner] Provenance: Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn.; Skinner, Inc., Bolton, Mass., Sale 1766 (March 23, 1997) Lot 194, sold $4,250+15% (est. $4-6,000), Ex-collection of Peter Tillou; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Selections From Israel Sack, Inc., Sale 7761 (January 20, 2002) Lot 1309, sold $19,000+19% the pair (est. $12-18,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N07959 (January 16, 2004) Lot 308 [color facsim.], sold $6,000 the pair (est. $6-8,000); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2618B (October 28, 2012) Lot 334, unsold (est. $10-15,000 the pair); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2680B (October 27, 2013) Lot 107, sold $3,000+20% the pair (est. $5-7,000); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2022) Lot 18, sold $5,250+18% the pair (est. $3-5,000). References: Maine Antique Digest (January 2014): p. 29-C [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly, Vol. LIV, No. 3 (January 21, 2022): p. 24 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2022 See Volume 2.

678. Portrait of a Lady Holding a Book – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [H&H], c. 1860 [CHS, H&H] 33-3/8" x 27-5/8" [AARFAC] or 33-1/2" x 27-1/4" [SPB]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted dark hair, wearing a black dress with lace collar and cuffs, two black ribbons behind head; seated facing p.r. on sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand resting on small closed book on lap. [DRA] Note: One of three portraits of women who closely resemble each other and are likely sisters [H&H]. The three sisters are cataloged, ambiguously, as CHS 203 and 204, and as H&H 273, 274 and 275. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth], half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of Halladay-Thomas Collection, portrait #149) accession number 58.100.45; deaccessioned by AARFAC; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4268 (June 20-23, 1979) Lot 188 [b&w facsim.], est. $2-3,000. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: See note, H&H: See note, IAP: 61519748, 81310260. See Volume 2.

679. Portrait of a Lady Holding Her Glasses – unknown locale, unknown date. 30" x 24" [SPB]. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress with small black bow in front, white scarf or fischu tucked under collar, tall sheer ruffled bonnet tied under chin with small dark ribbons; seated facing p.r. in reddish-brown side chair with yellow trim (barely shown), wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding folded silver spectacles in l. hand. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, N.Y., American 19th Century and Folk Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Sale 4784M (January 28, 1982) Lot 27 [b&w facsim.], sold $3,300+10% (est. $3-5,000); Location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Exhibited: “65th Anniversary Exhibition, Part II, Self-Taught Artists,” Galerie St. Etienne, New York, N.Y. (January 18 – March 26, 2005); “Self-Taught Painters In America 1800-1950: Revisiting the Tradition,” Galerie St. Etienne, New York, N.Y. (January 11 – April 2, 2011). Status: Galerie St. Etienne, New York, N.Y. as of 2011. HPF: 79A.16, IAP: 63002473. See Volume 2.

680. Portrait of a Lady in a Balloon-sleeved Dress – Columbia Co., N.Y., possibly (see note), c. 1834 [DRA] Descr.: Young woman with Apollo-knot hairstyle, wearing narrow-waisted wide-belted dress with wide neckline, horizontal pleats, and large balloon sleeves; seated facing p.l. on sofa with brass tacks, l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers possibly holding a leaf sprig. Note: Based on stylistic and facial similarities to Helen Ten Broeck [q.v.] and Catherine Ten Broeck De Witt [q.v.], this is potentially a member of the Ten Broeck family. [DRA] Provenance: Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (unknown date prior to 2005). Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Kennedy Galleries). Status: Location unknown.

681. Portrait of a Lady in a Black Dress Wearing a Lace Bonnet – unknown locale, c. 1830 [CNY] or Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. (probably), c. 1822-24 [DRA]. 32" x 27" [CNY]. Descr.: Narrow-faced woman with dark eyebrows, wearing black dress with white scarf tucked under collar, small white ruffled bonnet with bow on top; seated facing p.r. in a red painted side chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.), l. hand holding book with thumb marking page. Notes: a) The recent discovery of a nearly identical portrait, descended from the Overbagh family of Ulster Co., N.Y., suggests that this may be Rachel DeWitt Van Leuven (1761-1840) See Addenda. b) This version is distinguished by a black label on the book spine and is probably the same one cataloged by HPF as “Lady with Bushy Eyebrows” [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Estate of Barton van Voorhis Matteson (1893-1984), Kingston, New York; Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art & Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 29, sold $2,300 (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 1995 See Volume 2.

682. Portrait of a Lady, aka Portrait of a Lady in a Gold Dress, aka Portrait of a Lady in a Gold-colored Dress – New England [CAP] or N.Y., Conn. or Mass., probably [AFAM], 1829-1838 [CAP] or 1838-1840 [AFAM]. 33-1/2" x 28-1/4" (stretcher, estimate). One of a pair. Companion to "Portrait of a Gentleman" aka "Portrait of a Gentleman in a Black Tie" [q.v.]. Descr.: Long-necked young woman with long pipe curls, wearing elaborate narrow-waisted gold dress with wide neckline, two rows of lace trim, balloon sleeves, narrow lace cuffs; facing and leaning p.r. with r. arm resting on one of two stacked books on table, l. hand holding small red book with index finger marking page. [DRA] Provenance: A New York State collector (who purchased the pair 40-50 years ago); Ronald Bourgeault, Hampton, N.H. (sold at Philadelphia Antique Show, 1990); Joan and Victor Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa.; with Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa. (Delaware Antiques Show, November 1991); Museum of American Folk Art, New York, N.Y. (gift of Joan and Victor Johnson, December 1991). References: Maine Antique Digest (June 1990): p. 11-C [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (December 27, 1991); Folk Art, Vol. 19, No. 1 (Spring 1994): p. 5 [color facsim.]; Hollander and Anderson (2001) p. 105 [full-page color facsim.]; Kogan and Cate (1994) p. 41 [color facsim.]. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 1991.30.1. HPF: 78B.12. See Volume 2.

683. Portrait of a Lady in a White Lace Bonnet, aka Folk Portrait of a Lady with a Book– unknown locale, c. 1830 [SNY]. 32-3/8" x 23-1/4" [SNY]. Inscr. (book spine): “Bennett / [indistinct]”. Note: Possibly Rev. John Bennett, Letters to a Young Lady (numerous printings, including 8th American ed., New York: 1824). Descr.: Narrowfaced woman with dark temple curls, wearing black dress with sheer embroidered collar, elaborate triangular bonnet [reaching above canvas] with long wide ribbons tied under chin, ring on r. index finger; seated facing p.r. in stencil-decorated side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding thick book with spine up. [DRA] Cond.: On the original stretcher and in the original frame. [SNY] Lined, mostly stabilized crackle, areas of retouch; frame with wear commensurate with age, separation at corners. [Brunk] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 28-30, 1988) Lot 1605 [full-page b&w facsim.], sold $13,000+10% (est. $7-10,000); private collection, Middleburg, Va.; Brunk Auctions, Asheville, N.C., Premier Auction – Session II (March 25, 2023) Lot 944, sold $4,750+26% (est. $1,500-2,500). Status: Sold at auction 2023. HPF: 78A.6. See Volume 2.

684. Portrait of a Lady in Elaborate Lace Bonnet, aka Sitting Woman with Book and Bonnet – Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1829 [HPF]. 30-1/2" x 24" [CNY] or 30" x 25" [HLC]. Descr.: Woman in black dress with embroidered sheer collar, elaborate beribboned bonnet with untied ribbons hanging front and back, small brooch; seated facing p.r. in fancy-painted pillow-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding a book with spine up. Note: The face, pose, and attire are identical to the portrait of Mariah Durkee Soggs [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Allan L. and Kendra Daniel, Park Ridge, N.J. [1994, 2001]; Christie's, New York, N.Y., American Folk Art from the Collection of Kendra and Allan Daniel, Sale 9686 (January 20, 2001) Lot 524, sold $26,000+17.5% (est. $25-35,000); H.L. Chalfant Antiques, West Chester, Pa., offered [untitled] at $34,000 (2008); Julie Lindberg Antiques, Wayne, Pa. (August 2008). Exhibited: Philadelphia Antiques Show (April 2008). Status: Private collection, Pennsylvania. HPF: 78A.3. See Volume 2.

685. A Lady in Eyelet Collar and Cuffs, aka Young Man’s Wife – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H], c. 1840 [H&H, SNY]. 36" x 28-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Gentleman in Black Coat at the Table with Two Books" [q.v.]. Descr.: Long-necked young woman with pipe curls and exceptionally long, thin fingers; wearing black dress with wide neckline, white lace trim and cuffs; seated facing and leaning p.r. (chair not shown) with r. arm resting on table with book, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers [DRA] Cond.: On what appears to be the original stretchers; old relining; touch-up around outline of her face and scattered in background. [SNY] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Irving Fellner, Denver, Co. (1966 antique shop purchase); Rev. Ledlie Irwin Laughlin, Jr., Newark, N.J.; with Elizabeth Fehr Gallery, New York, N.Y.; Dr. and Mrs. Robert Siffert, New York, N.Y. [1968]; John S. Siffert [1994]; Property of private collectors [John S. Siffert]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08512 (January 24, 2009) Lot 177, sold $37,500 the pair (est. $30-40,000). Status: Sold at auction 2009. H&H: 211, HPF: 78B.18, IAP: 81310197. See Volume 2.

686. Lady in Lace Collar and Sleeves Holding a Lace Handkerchief – unknown locale, c. 1850 [HPF] or c. 1855 [DRA]. 34" x 26-1/2" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Gentleman in a Black Frock Coat Holding a Book 'The Prince of David'" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark brown, wavy, center-parted hair, bow with dark brown ribbons in back; wearing long-sleeved black dress with sheer collar embroidered in intricate floral patterns, large sheer cuffs with embroidered floral patterns, embroidered white blouse under dress; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding handkerchief with embroidered patterns. [DRA]. Provenance: Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Folk Art and Folk Paintings, Sale 5599 (June 26, 1987) Lot 65 [full-page color facsim.], sold $60,000+10% the pair (est. $25-35,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 79A.13. See Volume 2.

687. Lady in White – N.Y.-Mass.-Conn. Border [NGA] or Sullivan Co., N.Y. possibly [DRA], c. 1815 [CHS] or c. 1820 [NGA] or c. 1824-29 [DRA]. 32-1/2" x 25-15/16" [NGA] or 32-1/8" x 26" [CHS]. Descr.: Sharp-featured lady in long-sleeved white dress with ruffled collar and elaborate white bonnet; seated facing p.r. on black sofa with r. arm resting on sofa arm; red shawl with floral edge wrapped around back and over r. arm and held in l. hand with upturned fingers. Note: Same sofa as similar portraits of Elizabeth Smith Hunter [q.v.] and Ann Eliza Sloan Dorrance [q.v.], both from Bloomingburg, Sullivan Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Recorded as found in Maryland by Frederick Fuessenich, Litchfield, Conn. (dealer); Harry Shaw Newman, Old Print Shop, New York, N.Y ; by whom sold in 1952 to Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch; gift to NGA, 1959. References: American Primitive Paintings, Part II (1957) p. 57 [full-page facsim.], as Artist Unknown, painted about 1810; Holdridge, Art in America (1960): p. 102 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, Antiques (December 1961): p. 560 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): cover [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 27 [b&w facsim.]; American Paintings (NGA, 1980) p. 208, no. 1544 [facsim.]; Chotner (1992) p. 276 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 33, Pl. XVIII [color facsim.] and cover [detail color facsim.]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 120 [full page color facsim.]. Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1959). Accession number: 1959.11.9. CHS: 171, H&H: 59*, HPF: 77B.10, IAP: 08600549. See Volume 2.

688. Lady in White Lace Bonnet – Duplicate entry. See Portrait of a Lady in a White Lace Bonnet.

689. Lady Seated at a Table with a Small Book – unknown locale, c. 1825 [SNY] or c. 1838 [DRA]. 34-1/2" x 28" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Gentleman Seated on a Side Chair with a History Book" [q.v.]. Descr.: Young lady with dark, center-parted hair with curls at cheeks, wearing black dress with wide lace-trimmed collar and balloon sleeves; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown) with r. arm leaning on table with two books, holding a small green book in lap with l. hand, index finger marking page. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale NY7705 (October 11, 2001) Lot 134, sold $26,000+20% the pair (est. $25-50,000); New Haven Auctions, New Haven, Conn. (June 25, 2022) Lot 58, sold $11,000+24% the pair (est. $10-15,000). Status: Sold at auction 2022 Note: Companion sold at auction 2023. See Volume 2.

690. Lady Sitting on a Red Sofa, aka Portrait of a Woman with a White Lace Bonnet and a Black Dress, aka Woman Seated on a Red Sofa, Wearing a Black Dress with White Lace Collar and Holding a Book – unknown locale, c. 1843-1848 [HPF] or c. 1840 [SNY]. 33" x 28" [P&P] or 33-1/4" x 28" [SNY]. Descr.: Middle-aged woman with brown center-parted hair with brown side curls, wearing black v-neck dress, white blouse with small lace collar and cuffs, ruffled cap with bow on sides; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small closed book (spine up) with index finger extended. [DRA] Cond.: Laid down on Masonite, scattered inpainting (mostly along the margins, but a few minor spots on the figure and face). Replaced frame. [SNY] Provenance: Collection of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Katz, Williamsville, N.Y. and Meriden, N.H.; Pook & Pook, Inc., Downingtown, Pa. (October 4, 2014) Lot 673, unsold (est. $3-5,000); Sotheby’s, New York, Important American Folk Art from the Ralph and Susanne Katz Collection, Sale N09609 (January 21, 2017) Lot 5072, sold $1,000+25% (est. $2-3,000). Status: Sold at auction 2017. HPF: 79A.5. See Volume 2.

691. Lady Sitting on Nothing – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., probably [HPF], c. 1836 [HPF]. 36" x 30" [AAA, HPF]. Descr.: Leaning on a little table top. Beautiful lace. Chair cannot be seen. [AAA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. Irving W. Fellner, Denver, Co. (purchased at an antique shop in 1966). Note: Based on description, provenance and related correspondence, this is the same as “A Lady in Eyelet Collar and Cuffs” [q.v.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 78B.4. N.B.: Duplicate identification in HPF.

692. A Portrait of a Lady Wearing an Elaborate Lace Bonnet and Matching Collar and Holding a Red Bible – c. 1830 [SNY]. 31" x 26" [SNY]. Descr.: Older woman wearing thin-waisted black dress with balloon sleeves and wide brown belt, sheer box-pleated collar, tall ruffled bonnet with bow on front and wide ribbons tied under chin; seated facing and leaning p.r. on black-upholstered (horsehair) sofa with brass tacks, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small closed red book. [DRA] Cond.: Relined; on the original stretchers; in the original frame. [SNY] Provenance: Downtown Gallery [Edith G. Halpert], N.Y. (see reference); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N07959 (January 16, 2004) Lot 307 [color facsim.], sold $12,000+20% (est. $5-8,000). Reference: American Folk Art Gallery Notebooks, Box 28, Reel 5558, Frames 900-901 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2004. See Volume 2.

693. Lady with a Lace Cap and Red Shawl, Woman with Lace Cap and Red Shawl, aka Woman Wearing Red Shawl, aka Unidentified Woman from Canaan, Conn., aka Mrs. Andrew Thompson – New Canaan, Fairfield Co., Conn. [JHL, CHS] or Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn., possibly [H&H, HPF], or Crawford, Orange Co., N.Y., c. 1827 or c. 1835 [CHS], or 1848 [H&H], or c. 1830-35 [PHT]. 30" x 24-1/2" [CHS]. Descr.: Woman with dark center-parted hair, downturned mouth, wearing black dress with sheer collar, elaborate beribboned bonnet with untied ribbons hanging down in front (p.r.) and back (p.l.); seated facing p.r. in gold-stenciled side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, red shawl with embroidered border wrapped around r. arm and back, l. hand in lap with upturned palm and fingers Note: CHS location is based on an apparent error in Lipman (1945) and should be Canaan [Litchfield Co.], Conn. Duplicate entry in CHS due to apparent confusion, corrected in H&H, error reintroduced in HPF. [DRA] Provenance: Miss Olivette Falls [1889-1940], New York, N.Y. and West Stockbridge, Mass.; Mrs. Charles B. Falls (sister-in-law of Olivette Falls), Falls Village, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. References: Rathbone (1933) p. 16, Pl 7 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, checklist no. 18 [not illus.] as Unidentified Lady from New Canaan [sic], Conn. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Tillou and Rovetti (1973) catalog no. 55, illus. 63 [full-page color facsim.]; "A Collector's Collector," Antiques & Fine Art (Early Summer 2003): p. 34 [color facsim., in situ]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. Note: Published by Hudson River Valley Institute as probably Mrs. Andrew Thompson, Crawford, Orange Co., N.Y. Status: Collection of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. as of 1973, 1994, 2003. CAP: CT250129, CHS: 218 and 202, H&H: 250, HPF: 79A.10 and 78A.11, IAP: 81310236, 82320230 and 81990055. See Volume 2.

694. Lady with a Lace Cap Holding a Large Handkerchief – Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably [DRA], c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 39" x 32-3/4" [OHA]. Inscr. (book spine): “…ARMAN’S / VOYAGE” and [volume] “(2)”. Descr.: 3/4-length portrait of woman in black long-sleeved dress over white pleated blouse, white ruffled cap with bow on top, gold necklace, small gold and jet brooch, matching ring on l. index finger; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated thumb-back side chair, l. forearm resting on large book (see note) on round table, r. hand in lap holding large white handkerchief with red embroidery Pale background. Note: Anders Sparrman, M.D., A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope… and round the world, 2 vols., 4to (London: 1785, 1786), with spine labeled SPARRMAN’S / VOYAGE as depicted. [DRA] Provenance: The Silvermine Tavern Antique Shops, Norwalk, Conn. [1948]; 25th Street Showplace Antique Center, Inc., New York, N.Y., New York City Estate Auction (February 2, 2020) Lot 50, sold $37,500+20% (est. $30-50,000); to Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa. and New York, N.Y. Reference: Antiques (September 1948): p. 138 [b&w facsim., in situ]; Antiques & The Arts Weekly, Vol. LIV, No. 35 (September 2, 2022): p. 52 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at New Hampshire Antiques Show, August 11, 2022. HPF: 77B.4. See Volume 2.

695. Lady with a Red Flowered Shawl – Ulster or Orange Co., N.Y., probably [DRA], c. 1824 [DRA]. 36" x 32". Note: Same as Woman with Red Shawl, aka Woman in White Muslin Cap [q.v.]. Provenance: See Woman with Red Shawl. Status: Lent by private collection, New York, to Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Accession number: L.1992.16.3. N.B.: Duplicate catalog entry. Does not exist as a separate work.

696. Lady with Bonnet, aka Old Woman with Bonnet – unknown locale, c. 1835 [CNY] or c. 1840-45 [DRA]. 32-1/2" x 27-1/4" [CNY] or 33" x 27" [CG]. Descr.: 3/4length portrait of older woman with aquiline nose and deeply lined face, wearing black v-neck dress with white scarf or fischu tucked under collar, short white bonnet with bow on each side and white ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.l. in redupholstered scroll-arm chair (shown at 45-dregree angle), leaning forward with l. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand in lap holding folded white handkerchief. [DRA] Provenance: Brainstorm Farm Antiques, Randolph, Vt. [1972]; Childs Gallery, Boston, Mass. (Sale Bulletin, April 1973); property of a Long Island, N.Y. estate; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture and Folk Art, Sale 2133 (January 23, 2009) Lot 324, unsold (est. $5-8,000); Roland Auctions NY, Glen Cove, N.Y. (December 5, 2020) Lot 646, unsold at $1,100 (est. $2-3,000); Roland Auctions NY, Glen Cove, N.Y. (January 30, 2021) Lot 426A, sold $300+25% (est. $350-500); D. L. Straight Auctioneers, Sturbridge, Mass., Spring 2021 Americana / Folk Art Sale (April 24, 2021) Lot 170X, sold $1,500+20% (est. $2-4,000); D. L. Straight Auctioneers, Sturbridge, Mass., Holiday Season Americana / Folk Art Sale (December 4, 2021) Lot 296, sold $900+20% (est. $24,000) Reference: Antiques (November 1972): p. 762 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2021 HPF: 78A.17 and 78B.14. IAP: 61330008. See Volume 2.

697. Lady with Book: "Common Prayer", aka A Lady Wearing a Gray and Green Silk Ribbon Bonnet and Embroidered Organdy Collar – New York, probably [HPF], c. 1840 [SNY] or c. 1836-1840 [HPF]. 35" x 29-1/2" [SNY] or 33-1/2" x 28" [OHA]. One of a pair. Companion to "Gentleman Holding a Law Volume…" aka "Gentleman Wearing a Black Tie and Black Coat Holding a Law Volume" [q.v.]. Inscr. (book spine on table): “COMMON / PRAYER”. Descr.: Woman with light-brown pipe curls, wearing black dress with sheer embroidered collar, sheer pleated cuffs, embroidered and ruffled bonnet with green and white ribbons tied under chin on p.l. side; facing p.r. with r. arm leaning on table with red book (see inscription), l. hand holding small green book with index finger marking page. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6392 (January 28-31, 1993) Lot 686 [color facsim.], sold $18,000+15% the pair (est. $15-20,000); collection of David A. Schorsch, Inc. as of 1994 [HPF]; Olde Hope Antiques, Patrick Bell and Edwin Held, New Hope, Pa. (Philadelphia Antiques Show, April 2001). Status: Location unknown. See provenance. HPF: 78B.10. See Volume 2.

698. Lady with Books, aka Portrait of a Young Woman in a White Eyelet Bonnet, aka Portrait of a Lady – Dutchess Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. vicinity [L&W], c. 1832 [H&H] or c. 1835 [L&W] or c. 1836 [SNY] or c. 1835-40 [HPF] 42-1/2" x 36-1/2" [SNY] or 32" x 26" [L&W] or 36" x 30" [HPF]. Descr.: Woman with dark hair wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, wide organdy collar with embroidered edge, untrimmed cuffs, white ruffled bonnet with small pale blue bow on front and wide pale blue ribbons tied under chin on p.l. side; seated facing and leaning p.r. (chair not shown), r. arm resting on table with large book, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding smaller book Medium brown background. [DRA] Provenance: Harry Stone Gallery, New York, N.Y. [1945]; Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Kreiselman, Washington, D.C. [1952]; Virginia Gilbert Collection [1974]; George E. Schoellkopf Gallery, New York, N.Y. [1982]; Marvill Collection, New York, N.Y. [1982]; David Schorsch, Woodbury, Conn.; Collection of Raymond and Susan Egan; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale N07960 (January 16, 2004) Lot 16, sold $70,000+20% (est. $40-60,000). References: Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 166, no. 43 [not illus.] as Unidentified Lady found in Dutchess Co., N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); Antiques (September 1947): p. 164 [b&w facsim., courtesy Harry Stone Gallery]; Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Harry

Stone Gallery, New York, 1948); Ford (1949): p. 85 [full-color facsim.]; Helen Comstock, "Paintings and Antiques: In the homes of American collectors," Antiques (October 1952): p. 300 [b&w facsim., in situ]; Lipman and Winchester (1974) p. 37, Pl. 34 [b&w facsim.]; George Schoellkopf Gallery, An Exhibition and Sale of Important 19th Century Primitive Paintings and Sculpture, New York, N.Y., 1982; Susan Kleckner, "American Folk Art from the Egan Collection," Maine Antique Digest (March 2004). Status: Private collector, New York as of 2004. [MAD] CHS: 201, H&H: 147, HPF: 78B.2. IAP: 81310136. See Volume 2.

699. Lady with Bushy Eyebrows – unknown locale, 1840-1850 [HPF]. Descr.: Holding small book. [HPF] Note: Sold by John Stoletenborg (dealer) to Albert Davidson in 1989 per HPF*. Probably the same as “Portrait of a Lady in a Black Dress Wearing a Lace Bonnet” [q.v.]. [DRA] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 79A.3. N.B.: Probable duplicate.

700. Lady with High Comb and Lace Collar Edged in Hearts, aka Wife of Man in Napoleonic Pose – Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, possibly [H&H], c. 1822 [H&H] or c. 1829 [CHS]. 29-3/4" x 23-1/4" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man in Napoleonic Pose" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing black dress with contrasting belt and white lace collar, tall comb; seated facing p.r. in grain-painted side chair, r. hand resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding small book with spine up. Note: Not recorded as with companion portrait since 1947. [DRA] Provenance: The Old Print Shop (Harry Shaw Newman Gallery), New York, N.Y., circa 1947 (priced at $350 the pair). Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1947). Status: Location unknown as of 1965, 1968, 1994. [CHS, H&H, HPF] See companion. CHS: 187, H&H: 74, HPF: 77B.14, IAP: 81310067 and 82320224. See Volume 2.

701. A Pair of Portraits: A Lady – Berkshires [Berkshire Co., Mass.], probably [SNY], c. 1850 [SNY]. 33" x 27-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Pair of Portraits: A Gentleman" [q.v.]. Descr.: Young rosy-cheeked woman with black center-parted hair and long pipe curls, wearing black dress with small lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r., wrapped in large tan, green and red paisley shawl held with l. hand, r. arm resting on chair or sofa arm (indistinct). Black background. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important American 18th, 19th & 20th Century Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Sale 5335 (May 30, 1985) Lot 2 [full-page color facsim.], sold $15,000+10% the pair (est. $15-25,000); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 7590 (January 18-19, 2001) Lot 469 [color facsim.], sold $19,150 the pair (est. $18-22,000). Status: Sold at auction 2001. See Volume 2.

702. Portrait of a Lady [1], aka Portrait of a Seated Woman – Litchfield Co., Conn., probably, c. 1850 [DRA]. 32" x 27-1/2". Descr.: Woman with center-parted hair wearing black dress with small white embroidered collar and matching cuffs, small gold and diamond brooch; seated facing p.r. on dark reddish-brown upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Note: Similar to Electa Susannah Brace Hotchkiss [q.v.]. [DRA] Cond.: Laid down on Masonite, retouch. The varnish makes reading under fluorescence difficult, but there appears to be retouch to spots and areas in the background, as well as the cheeks and forehead. [Skinner] Provenance: Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., AmericanaOnline, Sale 2824T (June 8-16, 2015) Lot 1070, sold $950+23% (est. $800-1,200); Hudson Valley Auctioneers, Beacon, N.Y. (June 14, 2021) Lot 559, sold $350+25% (est. $50-1,000); D. L. Straight Auctioneers, Sturbridge, Mass., Holiday Season Americana / Folk Art Sale (December 4, 2021) Lot 184, sold $900+25% (est. $1-2,000); Old Kinderhook Auction Co., Valatie, N.Y., Lots to Be Thankful For 2022 (November 29, 2022) Lot 52, sold $4,000+25% (est. $2-3,000). Status: Sold at auction 2022. See Volume 2.

703. Portrait of a Lady [2] – unknown locale, c. 1830 [EBTH] or c. 1850 [DRA]. 33-3/4" x 25". Inscr. (book spine): “BIBLE”. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress with small lace collar, small bonnet with white bow on side, tied under chin with white ribbons; seated facing p.l. on red-upholstered sofa, l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap holding small closed black and gold book. Dark background. [DRA] Cond.: Inpainting scattered throughout, especially visible along edges of canvas; repaired puncture to lower center of canvas; painting has been relined with wax and canvas; craquelure throughout painting. [EBTH] Note: Label from Lyman Allyn Museum Conservation Laboratory dated November 1977. Provenance: A Rhode Island collection; EBTH, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, Sale No. 18DCC700 (September 30, 2018) Lot 116, sold $1,750+22%. Status: Sold at auction 2018. See Volume 2.

704. Portraits of a Man and Woman (Woman) – unknown locale, unknown date. 33" x 28" [Cottone]. One of a pair. Companion to "Portraits of a Man and Woman (Man)" [q.v.]. Descr.: Older, dark-haired woman wearing black balloon-sleeved dress with embroidered organdy collar, sheer ruffled bonnet with long green-striped ribbons tied under chin on p.l. side; seated facing and leaning p.r. (chair not shown) with r. arm resting on large book (“Holy Bible”) on table, opened silver spectacles in lap with hands holding earpieces. [DRA] Cond: Some old restorations, otherwise v.g. [Cottone]

Provenance: Cottone Auctions, Mt. Morris, N.Y. (March 18, 2006) Lot 240, sold $8,100+10% the pair (est. $8-12,000). Reference: Maine Antique Digest (March 2006): p. 11-C [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2006 See Volume 2.

705. Portrait of a Man's Wife – Eastern Dutchess Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1836 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [HPF]. Note: Presumed to be companion to either "Portrait of a Man" (unlocated) or "Portrait of a Gentleman" (private collection), both 32" x 27" and both from Eastern Dutchess Co., but not so noted by HPF. [DRA] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78B.5.

706. Mother and Child in White, aka Mother and Child in Gray Dresses – N.Y.Mass. border region, probably [CHS] or N.Y.-Mass.-Conn. border [H&H], c. 1816 [CHS] or c. 1820 [H&H] or c. 1825 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/4" [H&H] or 33-1/4" x 27-1/2" [HPF] or 33-7/8" x 27-7/8" [NYSHA]. Descr.: Young woman with center-parted hair and tall comb, wearing long-sleeved pale gray silk (charmeuse) dress with satin belt and satin-edged sheer scarf tucked under belt; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown) holding small child on lap with r. arm around child and l. hand holding child’s l. hand. Child in sleeveless white dress, ruffled cap, double-strand red necklace; seated facing p.l. with r. hand holding small red flower [cf. children in white dresses]. Woman with shadow across l. cheek and neck, improbably long r. arm. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of William J. Gunn [1879-1952] and Marion Raymond Gunn [1881-1957], West Newton, Mass.; Miss Mary Allis, Fairfield, Conn., acquired 1958; Mr. Stephen C. Clark, Sr., Cooperstown, N.Y.; New York State Historical Association, Cooperstown, N.Y. References: Jones (1960) pp. 14-15, No. 11 [b&w facsim.] as anonymous, in the same tradition as the Kent and Border Limners; “New-Found Folk Art,” New York History [NYSHA], Vol. XLI, No. 2 (April 1960): p. 161, no. 11 [full-page facsim.], as Anonymous; Non-Academic Paintings of Rensselaer County (1975) no. 16 [not illus.], lent by NYSHA; D'Ambrosio and Emans (1987) p. 127-129 [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 36, Pl. XXIII [color facsim.] Status: Fenimore Art Museum [formerly New York State Historical Association], Cooperstown, N.Y. Accession number: N267.61. CHS: 196, H&H: 61*, HPF: 77B.18, IAP: 81310054 See Volume 2.

707. Portrait of a New York Couple (Woman Holding a Book) – unknown locale, 1845*. 33-3/4" x 28". One of a pair. Companion to "New York Couple (Man Holding the “Christian Advocate")” [q.v.]. Descr.: Round-faced woman wearing black dress with small lace collar, small bonnet with ribbons on sides and tied under chin; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small closed book. [DRA] Provenance: Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (August 4-6, 2006) Lot 1042, sold $10,000+16% the pair (est. $6-9,000). Status: Sold at auction 2006. See Volume 2.

708. Old Woman with a Bible – unknown locale, c. 1834 [MAG]. 33-1/2" x 28" [MAG]. Descr.: Elderly brown-eyed woman wearing black dress, white scarf under black shawl with colorful embroidered edge, sheer ruffled bonnet with wide white satin ribbons tied under chin; seated facing and leaning p.l. (chair not shown), l. arm resting on large book ("BIBLE") on table, r. hand in lap holding small book with index finger marking page. Red drapery with black lace fringe and gold tassels in u.l corner and l. side of canvas. [DRA] Provenance: A Caledonia, N.Y. art dealer who could provide no information on the portrait's history, other than that he'd found it in Ontario, N.Y.; Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (Beatrice M. Padelford Trust, 1984). References: Antiques (November 1985): p. 1120 [b&w facsim.]; Searl (2006) p. 32 [full-page color facsim.] Status: Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y. (acquired 1984). Accession number: 84.22. HPF: 78A.14, IAP: 37390333. See Volume 2.

709. Older Woman with Red Psalm Book, aka Woman Holding a Red Book and a Pair of Eyeglasses – unknown locale, c. 1840 [Davis]. 30" x 25" [SI] or 29-1/2" x 243/4" [Davis]. Descr.: Thin-faced older woman with slightly gnarled fingers, wearing black dress with white scarf tucked inside, sheer ruffled bonnet tied under chin with long sheer ribbons; seated facing p.l. in Turkey-work wingchair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), r. hand holding small red book with index finger marking page, l. hand holding folded silver spectacles. [DRA] Cond.: Good, scattered minor retouch, craquelure. Period frame. [SI] Provenance: Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture and Decorative Arts, Sale 1717 (June 9, 1996) Lot 275A, sold $1,200+8.75% (est. $1,500-2,500); Patricia Bakwin Selch (Mrs. Frederick R. Selch, 1929-2014), New York, N.Y. Status: Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. Accession number: 2007.70 (gift of Patricia Bakwin Selch, class of 1951). See Volume 2. N.B.: Uncertain attribution.

710. Quaker Woman – Dutchess or Putnam Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1838-40 [DRA]. 361/4" x 30-1/4". Descr.: Thin-faced older woman in dark brown dress and white scarf under large brown shawl with white satin border, white bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.l. in armchair, l. arm resting on large bible on table, pair of silver spectacles held with both hands. [DRA] Provenance: "Quaker Woman" is a gift to the museum from Susan Wanner, a resident of Burlington, Vermont, who had owned the painting since 1974. The painting came to Mrs Wanner from her aunt, who bought the painting at auction in Philadelphia in 1956. Mrs. Wanner gifted "Quaker Woman" to the Shelburne Museum in July 2002, in large part as a response to the museum's renovation and re-opening of the Stagecoach Inn Gallery, where the painting now is displayed. [AAW] Note: The portrait bears a noticeable facial resemblance to the contemporaneous portrait of Jonathan Akin Taber [q.v.] whose mother, Martha (Akin) Taber (1761-1847), was a Quaker. Alternatively, the "Quaker" appellation may have originated with its Philadelphia sale history. [DRA] Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (August 20, 2002). Status: Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vt. (gift of James and Susan Wanner). Accession number: 2002-32. See Volume 2.

711. Portrait of an Unidentified Family, aka Family Portrait – New York or Massachusetts [SNY], 1850-1860 [SNY, CAP] or c. 1850-1860 [HPF]. 36" x 38" estimate [CAP] or 36" x 38" [SNY, HPF]. Descr.: Young boy with blond curls, wearing a gray suit with black trim, pleated white shirt; facing p.l. holding a whip in r. hand, leaning against an elderly woman in black dress over white scarf, sheer bonnet tied under chin, and spectacles; seated facing p.l. with wrists crossed (r. over l.) and holding knitting in r. hand. Pronounced diagonal distortion. [DRA] Provenance: Acquired from a private collection in Ohio; Collection of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American Folk Art from the Collection of Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn., Sale 5375 (October 25, 1985) Lot 33 [cover and full-page color facsim.], sold $100,000+10% (est. $100-150,000). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.; Tillou and Buck (1976) catalog no. 78 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Grave (1979) p. 48, fig. 132 [facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] CAP: CT250037. HPF: 79B.9, IAP: 63007912 and 81990413. See Volume 2.

712. Portrait of an Unidentified Lady – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn., probably [HPF], c. 1836 [HPF]. Descr.: Holding small book. [HPF] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78B.6.

713. Unidentified Woman in White, Holding a Book, aka Portrait of a Lady, aka Lady in an Organdy Dress and a Paisley-trimmed Shawl – unknown locale, 1820-1825 [SPB] or c. 1824-1825 [B&T]. 30" x 24" [SPB]. One of a pair. Companion to "Portrait of a Gentleman" [q.v.], since separated. Descr.: Fair-haired young lady with center-parted hair with short curls and tall comb; wearing a dotted white dress with large ruffled lace collar and sheer sleeves; seated facing p.r. on a black horsehair sofa; red shawl with green embroidery wrapped around r. arm and back, holding small green book with both hands (r. hand over, l. hand under). Prominent shadow to l. side of face and neck. Note: Incorrectly listed in SIRIS as SPB lot 9. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., American 19th & 20th Century Paintings, Drawings, Watercolors & Sculpture, Sale 3978 (April 21, 1977) Lot 8 [full-page color facsim.], sold $18,000 the pair (est. $18-22,000); Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF]; David Wheatcroft, Westborough, Mass. Reference: Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 160, Fig. 15 [color facsim.] Status: Private collection as of 2007 [DW] HPF: 77B.12. IAP: 61517064. See Volume 2.

714. Portrait of an Unknown Lady – unknown locale, unknown date. 32" x 24" [SIRIS]. Reference: Image on file. [SIRIS] Status: Private ownership as of 1975. HPF: 79A.18, IAP: 97780001

715. Unknown Woman [1] – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [HPF], c. 1835 [HPF]. 33-3/8" x 27-3/8" [HPF]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78A.22.

716. Unknown Woman [2] – unknown locale, unknown date. 34-1/2" x 29" (sight). Reference: Image on file. [SIRIS] Status: Private owner as of 1975 [SIRIS]. IAP: 94260001.

717. Unknown Woman [3] – unknown locale, c. 1855. 33" x 27-1/4" (sight). One of a pair. Companion to Unknown Man (IAP 31660631). Descr.: White lace collar and cuffs, in red chair. [HPF*] Note: Attribution unconfirmed. [DRA] Reference: Morris Museum of Arts & Sciences IAP Survey, 1977. [SIRIS] Status: Albert J. Von Frank [1915-2003], Convent Station, N.J. as of 1977. IAP: 31660632.

718. Portrait of an Unknown Woman Wearing Eyeglasses – unknown locale, c. 1850-1860 [HPF]. 33" x 16-1/2" [HPF] or 34" x 17-1/4" [Carlsen]. Descr.: Elderly woman facing p.l., wearing black dress, wide white fichu, organdy cap with chin strap, silver spectacles; hands in lap with r. hand holding fingers of l. hand. [DRA] Note: Painting appears to have been cut down on sides. [HPF] Provenance: Found by picker from St. Petersburg, Fla. (rolled-up canvas); Elizabeth Reid, Seminole, Fla. as of 1993, 1994, 2002. [HPF*]; Larry Burke, Inc., St. Petersburg, Fla. as of 2011; Carlsen Gallery, Inc., Freehold, N.Y. (February 3, 2013) Lot

330, sold $950+18% (est. $800-1,500). Reference: Maine Antique Digest (July 2002): p. 22-B [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2013. HPF: 79A.15. See Volume 2.

719. Wife of Gentleman Holding a Newspaper: "Albany Argus" – Albany, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably [HPF] see note [DRA], c. 1830 [CNY] or c. 1832 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [CNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Gentleman Holding a Newspaper: 'Albany Argus'" [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired woman with rosy cheeks and Apollo-knot hairstyle, wearing black dress with wide white collar and sheer over-collar with small gold brooch, large pleated bonnet with long ribbons tied on p.l.; seated facing p.r. on reddish-brown sofa with brass tacks, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand holding small red book with spine up. Note: Albany is in Albany Co., N.Y., not Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Betty Willis; Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 32, sold $26,000+10% the pair (est. $10-15,000). Status: Private collection, New York, as of 2019. HPF: 78A.12. See Volume 2.

720. Wife of Gentleman Holding Minutes of the Baptist Missionary Convention, aka Portrait of a Lady from Dover Plains – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. vicinity, probably [HPF] or Dover Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1836 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [DNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Gentleman Holding Minutes of the Baptist Missionary Convention" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in multilayer embroidered and pleated bonnet with long ribbons tied on l. side, wearing black dress with balloon sleeves and wide embroidered organdy collar; seated facing and leaning p.r. (chair not shown) with r. arm resting on two books on table, l. hand holding small red book with spine up. [DRA] Cond.: Frame rubbing, stretcher marks. Surface grime. Fine overall craquelure with little loss of paint. Slightly more pronounced craquelure in her face. Vertical area of scattered loss approximately 3" x 1/2" at bottom center, and 1 1/2" narrow scuff with scattered loss at u.r. [DNY] Provenance: C.G. Sloan & Co., Inc., Washington, D.C. (November 29, 1987) Lot 2172 [facsim., p. 153], unsold; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; Doyle New York, American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 12AM02 (November 19, 2012) Lot 7, sold $14,000+25% the pair (est. $12-18,000); Kelly Kinzle, New Oxford, Pa. [Wayside Inn A.S., May 2013]; Heller Washam Antiques, Portland, Maine [Baltimore A.S., August 2013] Status: See provenance. HPF: 78B.7. See Volume 2.

721. Wife of Man Holding a Scroll, aka Wife of Man Holding Scroll, aka Portrait of a Lady, aka Woman with an Organdy Collar – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn.Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H], c. 1836 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1835 [B&L] or c. 1835-1836 [HPF]. 32" x 27" [CHS, H&H] or 31-1/4" x 26-1/4" [SPB]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man Holding a Scroll" [q.v.]. Descr.: Long-necked, ovalfaced woman with abbreviated Apollo-knot hairstyle, wearing black balloon-sleeved dress with large organdy shawl; seated facing and leaning p.r. on brown leather sofa with brass tacks, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding small book. [DRA] Notes: CHS 182, not 181 [H&H error]. CHS 181 is "Man Holding a Scroll", companion to this portrait. Dating in HPF is different from companion. [DRA] Provenance: Stewart E. Gregory, Wilton, Conn. as of 1965, 1968, 1971; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Important American Folk Art and Furniture, The Distinguished Collection of the Late Stewart E. Gregory, Sale Number 4209 (January 27, 1979) Lot 246 [color facsim.], sold $62,500+10% the pair (est. $20-30,000) to a New York private collector Note: A record for the artist. References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 145 [b&w facsim.]; Black and Lipman (1966) p. 67, Fig. 59 [full-page b&w facsim., without companion]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Holdridge (1968) p. 35 [b&w facsim.]; Jean Lipman, “Living with antiques: Stewart Gregory’s Connecticut barn,” Antiques (January 1971): p. 115 [b&w facsim., in situ]; “A Second Look at the Gregory Auction,” Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 9, 1979): pp. 40-41 [b&w facsim. p. 40] Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] CHS: 182, H&H: 187, HPF: 78B.1, IAP: 61519015, 80040774, 81310173 and 81440039. See Volume 2.

722. Wife of Man Holding Holy Bible – unknown locale, c. 1840 [CHS, H&H]. 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [CHS, H&H]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man Holding Holy Bible" [q.v.] but not so noted by HPF. Provenance: John H. Martin, Winter Antiques Show, New York, N.Y. (1963); John H. Martin, Woodstock, Vt. as of 1965 [CHS]; sold at East Side Show [Winter Antiques Show], New York, N.Y. in 1960's [H&H]. Status: Location unknown as of 1968, 1994. [H&H, HPF] CHS: 177, H&H: 215, HPF: 78B.16, IAP: 81310201 and 82320221.

723. Wife of Man Holding Large Holy Bible, aka Portrait of a Woman Holding a Bible – N.Y.-Mass. border region, probably [CHS, H&H] or Pittstown (near Troy), Rensselaer Co., N.Y. [HPF, see note #2], c. 1815 [H&H] or c. 1813 [CHS]. 32-3/8" x 28" [CHS, H&H, HPF] or 32-1/2" x 28" [CNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man Holding Large Holy Bible". Cond.: In-painting around lower portion of face. Thinly painted canvas. Relined. Restretched. [CNY] Descr.: Woman with curly bangs, wearing dark brown dress with white embroidered long sleeves (partially covering hands), embroidered white pelerine, small white cap, small brooch, dark ring on l. ring finger; seated facing p.l. in a bamboo-turned side chair, r. hand in lap holding a thin closed book, l. hand (over r. wrist) holding a small lace handkerchief with fingertips. Pale background. [DRA] Notes: 1) The Holdridges apparently identified this painting in their collection as the companion to a painting in Stewart Gregory's collection. 2) The location listed in HPF was mistakenly copied from H&H nos. 20-22 and does not pertain to this portrait. 3) IAP (81310019) erroneously lists this as Mrs. Charles D’Emery, based on a misinterpretation of the photo credit in Holdridge (1968) p. 31. [DRA] Provenance: Fred Fuessenich Antiques, Litchfield, Conn , 1961; Barbara and Larry Holdridge, Owings Mills, Maryland; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 9468 (October 5, 2000) Lot 29, sold $8,500+17.5% (est. $4-6,000); Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art & Decorative Arts, Sale 2468, (28 September 2011) Lot 54, sold $10,000 (est. $8-12,000). References: Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 144 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 31 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 268, Pl. IV [full-page color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 27 Pl. V [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Gordon J Fine, San Francisco, Cal. CHS: 179, H&H: 19*, HPF: 77B.7, IAP: 81310019 and 82320222. See Volume 2.

724. Wife of Man Holding Rolled-up Paper – Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y., possibly [HPF], c. 1850 [HPF]. 33-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man Holding Rolled-up Paper" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing black dress with small lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.r. on a [red] upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand holding a small closed book. Provenance: From a Brookfield, Conn. estate; Litchfield Auction Gallery, Litchfield, Conn., Americana Estate, Sale 8717 (June 28, 1987) Lot 364. References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (June 12, 1987): p. 4 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (July 1987): p. 33-E [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 79A.14.

725. Wife of Man in Front of Red Drapery [Draperies], aka Wife of Man of [the] Border Period, aka Lady in White Dress with Green Paisley Shawl, aka FairHaired Lady Wearing a Gray Empire Gown with a White Ruffled Lace Collar Holding a Paisley Shawl – New York-Mass.-Conn. border area [H&H, HPF], 1820* or c. 1820 [CHS, H&H]. 31-1/2" x 25-1/2" [CHS] or 31" x 24-1/2" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man in Front of Red Drapery" aka "Man of Border Period" [q.v.]. Inscr.: "July 1820" on stretcher, since replaced [CHS]; and "July 1820" on what appears to be the original giltwood frame. [SNY] Descr.: Young woman with temple ringlets and tall comb, wearing pale gray long-sleeved Empire-waisted dress with small bow in front and white two-layer ruffled collar; seated facing p.l. (chair not shown), dark shawl with bright floral embroidery wrapped over r. forearm and held in r. hand, l. hand in lap. Folded red drapery on r. side of canvas. Cond.: Per label (verso), conserved by Lyman Allyn Museum, New London, Conn., July 1962. [DRA] A small (1 inch) repair in the lower right corner, another of the same approximate size in the background in the upper right near the edge; a few small touches of inpainting in background; wax relined. [WDG] Note: This work and its companion were mistakenly listed as two separate pairs in the 1965 (CHS) catalog, corrected in the 1968 (H&H) catalog, and the error reintroduced in the 1994 (HPF) catalog. The

provenance and photographic evidence show that they are the same pair. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Miss Mary Allis, Fairfield Co., Conn.; Mr. & Mrs. Denison H. Hatch, Riverside, Conn. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver, Chinese Export Porcelain and Rugs, Sale 5282 (January 31 - February 1, 1985) Lot 384 [b&w facsim.], apparently unsold (est. $25-35,000); Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 6957 (January 17 and 19, 1997) Lot 1643 [color facsim.], sold [possibly bought-in] $18,000+15% the pair (est. $30-40,000); William Doyle Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y , Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Denison H. Hatch (November 19, 1997); Doyle, New York, N.Y., American Paintings & Prints (October 23, 2024) Lot 5, sold $16,000+28% the pair (est. $8-12,000). References: American Provincial Paintings (1941) No. 14, Anonymous, Empire Portrait (one of a pair), 31 1/2 x 25 inches, dated on stretcher: July 1820 [not illus.]; American Folk Art Gallery Notebooks, Box 28, Reel 5558, Frames 1074-1075 [b&w photo, inscr. verso: "1750 House / HallidayThomas"]; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 143 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Holdridge (1968) p. 26 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2024. CHS: 174 and 185, H&H: 58*, HPF: 77B.9 and 77B.11, IAP: 63007641, 81310052 and 82320219. See Volume 2.

726. Wife of Unknown Man from Dutchess County, aka Woman from Dutchess County, aka Woman of Dutchess County, aka Wife of Unknown Man, aka Elegant Lady with Embroidery – Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H], c. 1836 [H&H] or c. 1830 [HPF]. 31-1/2" x 26-3/4" [CHS, H&H] or 33-1/2" x 26" [SNY]. One of a pair. Companion to "Unknown Man from Dutchess County" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with dark Apollo-knot hair, wearing a black dress with balloon sleeves, wide organdy collar with ruffled collar tied in bow with long ribbons in front; seated facing and leaning p.l. (chair not shown), with l. arm leaning on a table, r. hand with upturned fingers holding small piece of lace. [DRA] Provenance: American Folk Art Gallery [Edith G. Halpert], New York, N.Y. as of 1945; IBM Gallery of Science and Art, New York, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Collection of IBM Corporation, Armonk, N.Y. as of 1994 [HPF]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6731 (June 22, 1995) Lot 25 [color facsim.], sold $20,000+15% the pair (est. $12-18,000). References: American Folk Art Gallery Notebooks, Box 28, Reel 5558, Frames 906-907 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (American Folk Art Gallery [Downtown Gallery], 1936); Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 165, no. 19 [not illus.] as Unidentified Lady from Dutchess County, N.Y. (as attributed to I.J.H. Bradley); John Green, "Art in New York," New York Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 13 (July 1, 1968): p. 11 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 1995. CHS: 200, H&H: 192, HPF: 78A.9, IAP: 81310178. See Volume 2.

727. A Pair: Woman – unknown locale, c. 1830 [CGS]. 32" x 27". One of a pair. Companion to "A Pair: Man" Provenance: C.G. Sloan & Co., Inc., Washington, D.C., Sale Catalog No. 701 (February 1977) Lot 1348 (the pair). Note: Probably the same as Jane Maria Pells Phillips [q.v.]. Status: n/a., IAP: 62440031 (pair). N.B.: May not exist as a separate work.

728. Pair of Portraits (Woman) – unknown locale, unknown date. 36-1/2" x 30-1/4" [Garth's]. One of a pair. Companion to "Pair of Portraits (Man)" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman with Apollo-knot hair, wearing black dress with sheer collar and cuffs, gold earrings and brooch, ring on l. ring finger; seated facing and leaning p.r. (chair not shown), with r. arm resting on two books stacked on a table, holding strawberries in both hands, r. hand held above l. hand. [DRA] Cond.: Rebacked on old canvas, revarnished with at least 2-3 periods of inpainting. Old inpainting to face and later to the hand area. A few late spots to background. [Garth’s] Provenance: Sold at Garth's, July 1983, Lot 271; Garth's Auctioneers and Appraisers, Delaware, Ohio, Sale 1061 (November 25, 2011) Lot 405, unsold (est. $9-12,000 the pair); Garth's Auctioneers and Appraisers, Delaware, Ohio, Country Americana, Sale 1161 (March 18, 2017) Lot 20, sold $2,500+20% the pair (est. $3-4,000). Status: Sold at auction 2017

729. Woman Holding "Religion of the Heart and Life", aka Elderly Lady in White Cap – Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H] or N.Y.-Conn. border area, probably [HPF], c. 1829 [H&H] or 1835-1840 [CAP] or c. 1835 [HPF] or c. 1827 [CHS] or c. 1840-45 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 27-3/8" [CHS, H&H] or 33-9/16" x 27-13/16 (accurate) or 331/2" x 27-3/4" [HPF]. Inscr.: Holding book "Religion of the Heart and Life, Vol. 5, Consolations for the Afflicted" [Rev. Thomas Church Brownell (ed.), Hartford, Conn.: H. Huntington, Jr., 1840]. Descr.: Older woman in 3/4 pose, facing p.l.; wearing dark dress and dark shawl with embroidered border, white ruffled bonnet tied under chin with dark ribbon, r. ear visible through bonnet lace; wrists crossed (r. over l.) and holding book in r. hand and spectacles in l. hand. Note: Very similar to Phebe Doud Gay [q.v.]. Incorrectly cataloged in SIRIS as "Man Holding Religion of the Heart and Life." [DRA] Provenance: An unidentified Connecticut dealer; The Old Print Shop, New York, N.Y.; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection, Williamsburg, Va. (1964). Reference: Rumford (1981) p. 161, Fig. 132 [b&w facsim.]. Note: Listed as "owner unknown" as of 1965. [CHS] Status: Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, Williamsburg, Va. (acquired 1964). Accession number: 64.100.5. CHS: 210, H&H: 130, HPF: 78A.16, IAP: 81310119 and 82320236. See Volume 2.

730. Woman Holding a Hymn Book – unknown locale, c. 1826. 30-3/8" x 24-1/8". [HMAA] One of a pair. Companion to "Man Holding a Large Bible" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing black dress with wide organdy collar, tall ruffled bonnet with ribbons tied under chin and hanging down in front; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated pillow-back side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding small red book with spine up. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the family of the unknown sitter to Mr. William Blake, New Haven, Conn.; collection of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. (1973, 1977); R.H. Love Galleries, Chicago, Ill. (1985); U.S. Marshals Auction, Atlanta, Ga. (Spring 1993); Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tenn. (acquired 1993, museum purchase). References: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) catalog no. 58, illus. no. 48 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Ohio Antique Review (August 17, 1977): p. 29 [facsim.]; Antiques (February 1985): p. 373 [facsim.]; Simak (2001) p. 5 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tenn. (acquired 1993). Accession number: 1993.16. CAP: DLR01709, HPF: 78A.2, IAP: 48850093. See Volume 2.

731. Woman Holding Strawberries and Book – Dutchess or Ulster Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1822. [DRA] 31" x 25" [RCE]. One of a pair. Companion to Man Holding the “Plough Boy” [q.v.]. Descr.: Blue-eyed woman with center-parted hair, temple curls, tall comb, gray mole above r corner of mouth; wearing black dress with large two-layer ruffled white lace collar, black lace cuffs; seated facing p.r. in a green and yellow painted thumb-back side chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.) with l. hand holding strawberry sprig and r. hand holding a small open book with thumb marking page. [DRA] Provenance: Estate of Jean Montgomery; Robert C. Eldred & Co., East Dennis, Mass. (June 1992) Lot 86; Robert C. Eldred & Co., East Dennis, Mass., Summer Americana Auction (August 3, 2018) Lot 1035, unsold (est. $12-15,000 the pair). Status: Unsold at auction 2018. See Volume 2.

732. Woman Holding Thistle, aka Woman Holding Flower Stem, aka Portrait of a Lady in Black with a Thistle in Her Hand – unknown locale, c. 1848 [CHS, H&H]. 33-1/2" x 28" [KG]. Descr.: Woman with wavy center-parted hair, wearing black dress with v-shaped lace-trimmed collar, lace cuffs; seated facing p.l. on redupholstered sofa, l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap with upturned palm, holding thistle. [DRA] Note: This was dated by the Holdridges based on stylistic similarity to Jane E. Kinney. Provenance: J.M. Chichester; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, New York, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y. (December 4, 1973) Lot 73 [IAP]; location unknown [1994]; Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Conn. (acquired 1999, gift of Arthur M. Sackler Foundation). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, 1967); The Kennedy

Quarterly, Vol. IX, No. 4 (May 1970): pp. 256 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (September 6, 2002): p. 41 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Conn. (acquired 1999). Accession number: 99.10. CHS: 206, H&H: 253, HPF: 79A.9, IAP: 61022163, 61514035, 81310239 and 82320232. See Volume 2.

733. Portrait of a Woman in a Black Dress with Lace Collar and Cuffs – unknown locale, c. 1850 [DRA]. 33-3/4" x 27-1/4" [NEA] or 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [SUNY]. Descr.: Rosy-cheeked, buck-toothed woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing a black dress with white lace collar and cuffs, and small cameo brooch; seated facing p.l. on a red-upholstered sofa, l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap holding a small closed black book. [DRA] Provenance: Gwendolyn Hasbrouck Fowle [Mrs. Elliot R. Fowle, 1892-1967], Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y.; Northeast Auctions, Manchester, N.H. (August 2, 2014) Lot 300, unsold at $1,000 (est. $2,500-4,500); Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H. (November 16, 2014) Lot 209, unsold (est. $1,800-2,400); Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, State University of New York at New Paltz (gift of Shari Hubner, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 2015). Status: SUNY New Paltz. Accession No.: 2015.062.

734. Portrait of a Woman in a Black Dress with White Lace Collar and Cuffs –unknown locale, c. 1840 [SNY]. 30-1/2" x 23-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Heavy-set woman with short center-parted hair, wearing black dress with wide sleeves, white lace collar and cuffs; seated facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table or sofa arm, r. hand in lap holding small closed book. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 5680 (January 28-30, 1988) Lot 1505 [b&w facsim.], sold $3,500+10% (est. $3-5,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78B.17.

735. Portrait of a Woman in a Floral Shawl, aka Portrait of a Woman Wearing a Rose-trimmed Shawl – unknown locale, c. 1820-1825 [HPF]. 31" x 25" [HPF, CNY, NEA]. Descr.: Older woman in tall ruffled sheer bonnet with black ribbons tied under chin, black dress, black shawl with embroidered edge with roses; seated facing p.l. in red fancy-painted scroll-back and scroll-arm chair, arms resting on chair arms, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding book in r. hand with thumb marking page. [DRA] Cond.: In original frame with label on reverse inscribed with title. [NEA] Minor retouch. [Skinner] Provenance: Christie's, New York, N.Y., Fine American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art & Historical Prints, Sale 7214 (January 26, 1991) Lot 165, sold $7,000+10% (est. $8-12,000); Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art & Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 28, sold $4,600 (est. $57,000); Collection of Alfred and Doris Rindler, Newburyport, Mass. to 2005; Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H., Weekend Auction at the Center of New Hampshire, Manchester, N.H., American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Accessories (November 5-6, 2005) Lot 299, sold $6,500 (est. $5-7,000); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 3038B (November 4, 2017) Lot 367, sold $3,000+23% (est. $3-5,000). Status: Sold at auction 2017. HPF: 77B.13. See Volume 2.

736. Woman in a Red Chair, aka Portrait of a Young Woman with a Book –Rensselaer Co., N.Y., possibly [DRA], c. 1818-1820 [HPF] or 1820-1822 [DRA]. 31" x 25" [WDG] or 31-1/4" x 25" [SNY]. Descr.: Woman with dark center-parted hair with temple ringlets and tall comb, wearing black dress with large two-layer white ruffled collar; seated facing p.l. in red paint-decorated side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.) and holding small brown book in r. hand with thumb holding place. Folded red drapery in u.r. corner and r. side of canvas with row of tassels on bottom. Medium gray background [DRA] Provenance: William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y., Americana (November 28, 1984) Lot 82, sold $7,500+10% (est. $3-5,000); Herrup & Wolfner, New York, N.Y. (1985); private collection, Westchester Co., N.Y. (1989); property of a New Orleans collection (2017); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Silver,

Sale 13791 (January 20, 2017) Lot 631, unsold (est. $10-15,000); Auction Louisianne, Inc., Madisonville, La. (July 28, 2019) Lot 804, unsold (est. $27-35,000). References: Maine Antique Digest (March 1985); Country Living (November 1989): pp. 98-105 [color facsim., in situ, p. 100]. Status: Unsold at auction 2019. HPF: 77B.8. See Volume 2.

737. Woman in a Scroll-Arm Chair, aka “Mrs. Robinson” – Rensselaer Co., N.Y. (possibly), c. 1820 [DRA] or c. 1819 [SNY]. 35" x 29" or 34" x 28" [SNY] Inscr. (book): "CHALKLEY'S". Descr.: Narrow-faced woman wearing long-sleeved black dress with small black bow in front and two-layer white ruffled collar, white satin cap with bow on top; seated facing p.l. in white and gold fancy-painted scroll-arm chair, r. hand holding small closed book with thumb holding place and spine down. Red fringed drapery in u.r. corner and r. side of canvas. Cond.: Overall fine condition. Restretched and cleaned on original stretchers. The upper half of the portrait is in very good condition, the lower half of the portrait has inpainting in the dress and hands of the sitter. [SNY] Notes: Probably the popular Quaker tract, The Journal of Thomas Chalkley [1675-1741], pub. in various eds. incl. New York, 1808 and London, 1818. Pose and chair are similar to Nancy Caldwell Church Robinson [q.v.] and Gen. David Robinson [q.v.] and probably the source of this recent appellation Another potential identification is Zilphia Stone Goodrich (1747-1829), mother of Rhoda Goodrich Bentley [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn.; Bobbi and Ralph Terkowitz, McLean, Va.; Sotheby’s, New York, Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 20, 2018) Lot 983, unsold (est. $2030,000); Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C., gift of Ralph and Bobbi Terkowitz (2019). References: Brownstein and Eaton, Antiques & Fine Art (Summer/Autumn 2010): p. 163 [not illus.]; Daniel Grant, Antiques & Fine Art (Spring 2020): p. 105, Fig. 15 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C. (acquired 2019). Accession number: 2019.6.11. See Volume 2.

738. Woman in Black Dress, aka Portrait of a Woman, aka Woman with Lace Collar and Cap, aka Lady on a Sofa – unknown locale, c. 1848 [H&H] or c. 1843 or c. 1843-1848 [HPF]. 32-11/16" x 27-3/4" accurate [CAP] or 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [HPF].

Descr.: Woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing black dress with lace collar and narrow cuffs, lace cap with bow on side; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. hand resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small closed book. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Robert Scott Wiles and Marion F. Mecklenburg, Washington, D.C. (found prior to 1966 in an antique store near Chattanooga, Tenn.); Newark Museum, Newark, N.J. (1966 purchase, Sophronia Anderson Bequest Fund). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (1966); Bradshaw (1967) p. 15, no. 8 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (June 1974): p. 1240 [b&w facsim.]. Note: Duplicate catalog entry in HPF. Status: The Newark Museum, Newark, N.J. (acquired 1966). Accession number: 66.620. H&H: 252, HPF: 79A.6 and 79A.4, IAP: 81310238. See Volume 2.

739. Woman in Black Ruffled Dress, aka Portrait of a Lady in Black – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H], c. 1835 [CBM] or c. 1836 [H&H, HPF] or c. 1837 [CHS]. 32" x 27" [HPF, CBM]. Descr.: Darkhaired woman with Apollo-knot hairstyle, wearing long-sleeved black dress with multi-layer black ruffled collar and two-layer black cape; seated facing and leaning p.r. (chair not shown) with r. elbow resting on two books on table, r. hand to face, l. hand in lap holding small red book. [DRA] Provenance: Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (November 24, 1959) Lot 77 [sold for $100 to Alice Kaplan]; Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, New York, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968, 1974 [CHS, H&H, L&W]; The Alice M. Kaplan Collection [1994]. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaplan, 1967); Holdridge (1968) p. 35 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman and Winchester (1974, 1987) p. 37, Pl. 33 [b&w facsim., flopped]; Bantel (1981) p. 163, no. 75 [fullpage facsim.]; Kallir (1981) p. 23, fig. 27 [full-page b&w facsim.], credit Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 44, Pl. XLIII [color facsim.]; Wertkin, Folk Art (Fall 1995): p. 43 [color facsim.]. Status: Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Ark. (acquired 2012). Accession number: 2012.23. CHS: 211, H&H: 184*, HPF: 78B.8, IAP: 81310170. See Volume 2.

740. Woman in Gold and Jet Jewelry, aka Woman Wearing Jet and Gold Necklace – N.Y.-Mass. border region, probably [CHS] or [also] Dutchess or Columbia Co., N.Y. area, probably [HPF], c. 1815 [CHS] or c. 1813 [H&H] or 1815 [CAP] or c. 1812 [IAP] or c. 1814-1815 [HPF]. 36-1/4" x 30-1/8" [AARFAC] or 36-1/4" x 30-1/4" [CAP] or 36" x 30" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man in Black Jacket" [q.v.]. Descr.: Rosy-cheeked young woman with curly blonde hair, wearing pale green dress with embroidered white sleeves and embroidered white pelerine held with gold and jet brooch, matching gold and jet necklace and bracelets; seated facing p.r. in a side chair with r. elbow resting on table and a closed book held diagonally with both hands (r. above l.). Pale background. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase, and as of 1965, 1968), accession number 58.100.14; deaccession (as a pair) by AARFAC; Dr. Josef E. and Vera A. Jelinek, New York, N.Y. [1994]. References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1963); McBrien, Antiques & Fine Art (Autumn 2017): cover and p. 74 [color facsim., in situ], p. 76 [color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Dr. Josef E. and Vera A. Jelinek, New York, N.Y. as of 1994, 2017. CHS: 216, H&H: 9, HPF: 77B.5, IAP: 55970480 and 82320238. See Volume 2.

741. Portrait of a Woman in White Bonnet Holding a Copy of “The Gospel Herald” – unknown locale, unknown date. 33-1/2" x 27-1/4". Inscr. (newspaper): "The Gospel Herald" (pub. 1820-27). Descr.: Thin-faced woman in black dress with black cape over white fischu, white ruffled cap, spectacles on top of cap; seated facing p.l. in yellow and red paint-decorated side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding folded newspaper in r. hand (see inscription). Note: Virtually identical to Lois Atherton Allerton [q.v.]. Unknown if this is an exact copy by Phillips. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Jean Warden, California; Bonhams, San Francisco, The Warden Family Americana Collection, Auction 22282 (September 30, 2014) Lot 4094, unsold (est. $3-5,000). Status: Unsold at auction 2014. See Volume 2.

742. Woman of Girth – Columbia or Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], 1846*. 36" x 30" [CHS, H&H]. Inscr. (verso): "January 1, 1846" in script [CHS, H&H] Note: This is probably the same as “Woman with Plump Face” [q.v.], which was dropped from the H&H [1968] catalog. Also, possibly the same as “Portrait of a Woman [1]” [q.v.] at the Milwaukee Art Museum since 1966. [DRA] Provenance: James Abbe, Jr., Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y. (dealer) as of 1965 [CHS]. Status: See note. CHS: 212, H&H: 238, HPF: 79A.8, IAP: 81310224. N.B.: Probable duplicate identification in CHS and triplicate identification in HPF. N.B.: Probably does not exist as a separate work.

743. Woman Wearing Double Lace Collar – unknown locale, c. 1829 [CHS]. Note: This is based on the Frick photo of the woman later identified as Maria Van Leuven Overbagh, aka “Lady with a Rose” [q.v.]. Duplication error eliminated in H&H [1968] but reintroduced in HPF [1994]. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. Status: Location unknown as of 1965, 1994. [CHS, HPF] CHS: 214, HPF: 78A.4, IAP: 82320237 N.B.: Duplicate identification in CHS and HPF N.B.: Does not exist as a separate work.

744. Woman Wearing Kerchief-Style Bonnet, aka Unidentified Lady – Hudson Valley, N.Y. [CHS], c. 1832 [CHS]. Apparent companion to “Man Holding Quill [1]” [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with flat features and strong eyebrows, wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, elaborate bonnet with long untied ribbons draped front and back; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown) with r. arm resting on small book on table, l. hand in lap holding small closed book. [DRA] Note: One of three similar portraits attributed to "itinerant limner of Kent, Conn." by Jean Lipman (1942). Provenance: Found in Hudson Valley, N.Y.; Primitives Gallery of Harry Stone, New York, N.Y. by 1942. References: Lipman (1942) p. 36 [unn.] Pl. 20 upper right [b&w facsim., photo credit Harry Stone, New York]; Lipman, Art in America (July 1945): p. 160, Fig. 7 [b&w

facsim.] as Unidentified Lady found in the Hudson Valley and checklist no 24 (attributed I.J.H. Bradley); photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (Harry Stone Gallery, November 1945) Note: Omitted from H&H and HPF catalogs. Apparent inadvertent cataloging as “Unidentified Man” [H&H: 136] instead of Unidentified Lady in H&H, resulting in omission from HPF and duplicate catalog entries for companion portrait in HPF and IAP Status: Location unknown as of 1965 [CHS] CHS: 217, IAP: 82320239. See Volume 2.

745. Woman Wearing Yellow Glasses, aka Elderly Woman with Eyeglasses, aka Woman Wearing Glasses, aka Woman with Spectacles Holding Book, aka Portrait of a Member of the Soutenburgh Family– Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [DRA], c. 1849 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1845 [DRA]. 33-1/2" x 26-1/2" [CHS, H&H]. Descr.: Sharp-nosed, thin-faced lady with black hair, lace cap without embroidery, large open book on lap, with hatch-marks for writing and yellow tinting, brown leather binding. One hand shows. Background very dark, blue eyes, yellow glasses, white round collar. [AAA] Note: Correct spelling is Stoutenburgh. [DRA] Provenance: Winter Antiques Show, New York, N.Y. (1962) with Valdemar F. Jacobsen, Huntington, L.I., N.Y. (dealer), and so listed as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; location unknown as of 1994 [HPF]; South Bay Auctions, Inc., East Moriches, L.I., N.Y., Antiques and Fine Art Auction (May 22, 1999) sold $3,200+10%; a private Manhasset, L.I., N.Y. collection; Capsule Auctions, New York, N.Y. (December 2, 2020) Lot 46, sold $900+30% (est. $800-1,200). References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (May 21, 1999): p. 132 [b&w facsim.]; Maine Antique Digest (August 1999): p. 21-B [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2020 CHS: 215, H&H: 260, HPF: 79A.11, IAP: 81310246. See Volume 2.

746. Woman with a Shawl and Bonnet, aka Woman with Shawl, aka Mrs. Charles Francis Hathaway – unknown locale, c. 1824 [PHT]. 30-1/2" x 25-1/2" [PHT] or 301/2" x 25-1/4" [SNY]. One of a pair, of which an additional copy exists (see note). Companion to "Man Holding a Bible." [q.v.] Descr.: Dour-faced woman wearing black dress and black shawl with red embroidered border over white fischu, tall sheer ruffled bonnet with small ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in scroll-arm chair wrists crossed (l. over r.), holding a small brown book in l. hand with thumb marking page. Note: Nearly identical to Mercy Mead Garnsey [q.v.]. Apparently one of two copies made by Phillips. Identification as Mrs. Charles Francis Hathaway [Temperance Hathaway, born c. 1817] appears to be fanciful. See companion for notes. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Tillou, Litchfield, Conn.; Mary Allis, Southport, Conn.; Collection of Mr. William E. Wiltshire III, Richmond, Va.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., American Folk Paintings and Watercolors, Sale 4593M (April 30, 1981) Lot 25 the pair [full-page color facsim.]; Sotheby’s, New York, Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Folk Paintings and Silver, Sale 5622 (October 25, 1987) Lot 245 [full-page color facsim.], est. $45-60,000 the pair. References: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) catalog no. 60, illus. no. 37 [fullpage b&w facsim.]; Woodward (1977) pp. 56-57, no. 24 [full-page color facsim. p. 57]. Exhibits: The William Benton Museum of Art, Univ. of Conn. (1973); American Folk Painting, Selections from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wiltshire III (1977 to 1979) [see Man Holding a Bible]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994 [HPF] See provenance. CAP: PC992135, HPF: 67A.6, IAP: 63001006, 81990060 and 84110024.

747. Woman with Black Paisley Shawl, aka Mrs. Zachariah Flagler – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. - Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area, probably [H&H] or unknown [HPF], c. 1836 [H&H] or 1830-1840 [CAP]. 32" x 27" [H&H] or 31-7/8" x 26-11/16" accurate [CAP] or approx. 31-7/8" x 26-5/8" [HPF]. Inscr. (ink on paper label on frame): "Mrs. Zachariah Flagler. Her Husband was a high commissioned officer under General Washington."; (pencil on stretcher): "Flagler". Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress, black paisley-trimmed shawl, ruffled and beribboned bonnet with sheer ribbons tied under chin, ruffled sheer collar; seated facing and leaning p.r (chair not shown), l. arm resting on two books on table, holding small open book with both hands, thumb and index finger of r. hand turning page [DRA] Note: Edward Duff Balken doubted that Mrs. Flagler was the subject. [H&H] Note: It is possible that this is Catherine Hasbrouck Flagler (1774-1862), widow of Zachariah Flagler (1769-1827) who was a nephew of the

Revolutionary War officer of the same name. Res: Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1820 through 1860. Bur : Flagler Cem., Poughquag, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Edward Duff Balken (18741960), Pittsburgh, Pa. and Egremont, Mass.; Princeton University (gift of Edward Duff Balken, 1958). References: American Provincial Paintings (1947) No. 60 [not illus.], as Mrs. Zachariah Flagler; Guthrie (1999) p. 67 [b&w facsim.]; Searl (2006) p. 34 [color facsim.]. Status: The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. (acquired 1958). Accession number: y1958-60. Note: not on public exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 54, H&H: 182, HPF: 78B.9, IAP: 32040224. See Volume 2.

748. Woman with Black Ribbon – unknown locale, c. 1820 [H&H]. Note: Unintended omission from 1994 catalog per HPF*. [DRA] Provenance: Robert Bishop, New York, N.Y. (1968). Status: Robert Bishop, New York, N.Y. as of 1968. [H&H] Note: Collection since disbursed. H&H: 65, HPF: n/a, IAP: 81310058.

749. Portrait of a Woman with Book [1] – unknown locale, unknown date. Provenance: Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. (1978). Image on file. [SIRIS] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 79A.20, IAP: 61071195.

750. Woman with Book [2] – Orange Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1826 [DRA]. 30" x 24". One of a pair. Companion to “Man with Walking Stick” [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing black dress with sheer embroidered collar, elaborate beribboned bonnet tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated side chair, r. arm resting on chair back, l. hand in lap holding closed book with spine up. Cond.: Laid down on Masonite.

Provenance: See “Man with Walking Stick. ” Status: Sold 2018.

751. Woman with Lace Collar and Cap with Ribbons – unknown locale, c. 1824 [H&H] or c. 1825 [HPF]. 32" x 25-1/2" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man with Ruffled Jabot" per H&H, but not so noted by HPF. Descr.: Woman with temple curls wearing black dress with sheer ruffled collar, large bonnet with bows on top, long ribbons under chin tied on p.l. side; seated facing p.r. on sofa with r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small book with spine up. [DRA] Provenance: ParkeBernet Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y. (May 13, 1966) Lot 27, sold $1,100 the pair; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, New York, N.Y.; Heritage Auctions, Dallas, Texas, American Art, Auction 8058 (November 5, 2021) Lot 67065, sold $16,000+25% the pair (est. $20-30,000). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan, 1967 [O.E. Nelson]); Holdridge (1968) p. 27 [b&w facsim.]; Bantel (1981) pp. 160161 [b&w facsim. p 161]. Notes: This portrait and its companion were reported stolen from the Kaplan residence in East Hampton, N.Y. on Nov. 4, 1975 but were subsequently recovered. Listed incorrectly in Bantel (1981) as having been sold at SPB on May 13, 1977. [DRA] Status: Sold at auction 2021. H&H: 110*, HPF: 78A.1, IAP: 81310099. See Volume 2.

752. Woman with Pink Ribbons, aka Woman in Red, aka Woman in a Green Dress, possibly Melinda Ann Arnold Johnston (see note) – unknown locale [HPF] or Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA], c. 1830 [HPF] or c. 1833 [DRA]. 32" x 27-1/2" [HPF] or 31-3/4" x 27" sight [CNY]. Descr.: Attractive younger woman with rosy cheeks and dark Apollo-knot hairstyle, wearing wide-neckline, narrow-waisted, balloon-sleeve dress of shot silk in green with pink sheen, white kerchief-style bonnet with long wide untied pink ribbons hanging front and back, double-strand gold chain necklace tucked in waistband; seated facing p.r. on black (horsehair) sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Note: Possibly Melinda Ann Arnold (Mrs. William Clark Johnston, 1808-1842), daughter of Welcome B. Arnold [q.v.] and Mary L. Rowe Arnold [q.v.], whose only surviving son, Welcome Arnold Johnston (1833-1910), moved to Minneapolis, Minn. by 1889; and whose last surviving daughter, Caroline C. Johnston (Mrs. George Harris Smith, 18301899), moved to Minneapolis, Minn. by 1895. [DRA] Provenance: Anna B. Kerr, antiques, Minneapolis,

Minn. (active 1939-54); from whom purchased by Ginsberg & Levy, Inc., New York, N.Y., circa 1973-75; Tillou Gallery, Inc., Litchfield, Conn. (1982); Thomas Colville Fine Arts, New Haven, Conn; from whom purchased by Peter and Barbara Goodman, August 1983; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., The Collection of Peter & Barbara Goodman, Sale 20689 (January 20, 2022) Lot 133, sold $3,870,000 p (est. $800,0001,200,000) to Olde Hope Antiques, Inc. on behalf of a client. References: Antiques, Vol. CXXI, No. 1 (January 1982): p. 127 [full-page color facsim.]; Folk Art (Time-Life Books, 1990) p. 29 [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 38, Pl. XXIX [color facsim.]; Hollander, Folk Art (Spring 1994): p. 45 [color facsim.]; Hollander (2008) p. 23 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Leslie Anne Miller and Richard B. Worley as of 2022 CAP: PC991333, HPF: 78A.7, IAP: 80046124. See Volume 2.

753. Woman with Plump Face – unknown locale, unknown date. Inscr. (verso): "First of January " [CHS] Note: Probably the same as “Woman of Girth” [q.v.]. Also, possibly the same as “Portrait of a Woman [1]” [q.v.] at the Milwaukee Art Museum since 1966 Duplication in CHS [1965] corrected in H&H [1968] and reintroduced in HPF [1994]. Provenance: Clifton B. Austin, Jr. (dealer), Glastonbury, Conn. as of 1965. [CHS] Status: See note. CHS: 219, HPF: 79A.21. N.B.: Probable duplicate identification in CHS and triplicate identification in HPF. Probably does not exist as a separate work.

754. Woman with Red Book and Bible – Columbia or Greene Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1832 [DRA]. 31-1/2" x 27". Inscr. (book on table): “BIBLE”. Descr.: Brown-eyed, ovalfaced young woman with tall Apollo-knot hairstyle parted slightly to p.l., wearing vneck black dress over white fischu, sheer ribbon tied as collar with ends dangling in front; seated facing p.r. with r. arm resting on large bible on table, l. hand holding small, partially-open red book with thumb holding place, r. hand holding single page between thumb and index finger. Cond.: Conservation by Julius Lowy Frame & Restoration Co., New York, N.Y. Provenance: Purchased from a private NYC estate in the 1980’s. Status: Collection of Ron Hoffman and Tony Gampetro, New York, N.Y. See Volume 2.

755. Woman with Red Shawl, aka Woman in White Muslin Cap – Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably [H&H] or Orange Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1829 [H&H] or c. 1824 [HPF]. 36" x 32". Descr.: Woman with long neck, center-parted hair, side curls, large comb; wearing black dress with square neckline, two layer embroidered and box-pleated collar; seated facing p.l. with l. arm resting on table, red shawl with overall floral pattern and embroidered edge wrapped around l. elbow and back, r. hand in lap holding l. hand. Note: Per Stuart P. Feld (2/21/69 to MCB) the description [Woman in White Muslin Cap] in H&H is incorrect, as the woman in his painting is not wearing a white muslin cap. He suggests the alternative title “Woman with Red Shawl” and notes that it is virtually identical to Elizabeth Payne Phillips [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Stuart P. Feld (Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y.) as of 1968 [H&H]; private collection as of 1974; extended loan to Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York as of 1992 (accession number: L.1992.16.3.); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 21026 (January 19, 2023) Lot 479, unsold (est. $15-30,000). Status: Private collection, New York, N.Y. as of 1992 [MMA] H&H: 131, HPF: 77B.15, IAP: 81310120. See Volume 2.

756. Portrait of a Woman, aka Portrait of a Lady – Columbia or Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably [DRA], 1820-1830 [CAP] or c. 1815 [HPF]. 29-1/2" x 24-1/4" (sight) or 30" x 25" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Portrait of a Man" aka "Portrait of a Gentleman" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing black dress with small white collar, small white cap with bow on top, gold beaded necklace and gold earrings; seated facing p.l. (chair not shown), hands not shown. Pale background. [DRA] Provenance: Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Luessenhop, Washington, D.C.; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (gift of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Luessenhop), accession number 1969.33.2; Corcoran collection transferred to NGA in 2014. Note: Per NGA curatorial files, the portrait was given to Mrs. Elizabeth Connell Luessenhop by her mother [Elfa McCrea Connell (Mrs. Charles Augustus Connell, 1900-1986) of Champlain, Clinton Co., N.Y.]. References: Antiques (November

1975): p. 945 [color facsim.]; Cash (2011) p. 312 [b&w facsim.] Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Accession number: 2014.136.125. HPF: 77B.6, IAP: 08260892 See Volume 2.

757. Portrait of a Woman, aka Portrait of an Unknown Woman Wearing Glasses – unknown locale, 1835-1840 [CAP] or c. 1840 [HPF]. 33-7/16" x 27-9/16" sight [CAP] or 32-1/2" x 28" [HPF]. One of a pair. Companion to "Portrait of a Man" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing silver spectacles, black dress with organdy collar, white ruffled bonnet with large ribbons tied on p.l. side; facing p.r. with r. arm resting on table with book, l. hand holding small book with index finger marking page. [DRA] Provenance: Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schorsch; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa. (gift of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Schorsch, 1973). Status: Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa. (acquired 1973). Accession number: 73-263-2. HPF: 78B.15, IAP: 46170394. See Volume 2

758. Portrait of a Woman, aka Unknown Woman – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [HPF], c. 1835 [HPF]. 33-5/8" x 27-5/8" [HPF]. Note: Two entries with identical locale, estimated date, and size in HPF. Probable inadvertent duplication in HPF. [DRA] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78A.18 and 78A.21.

759. Portrait of a Woman, aka Young Woman in a Black Dress – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [H&H], c. 1860 [CHS, H&H] or c. 1855-60 [SPB] 33" x 27" [CG] or 33-3/4" x 27-1/2" [SPB]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted dark hair, wearing a black dress with lace collar and cuffs, two black ribbons behind head; facing p.r., seated on a red upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand resting on a small closed book on lap. [DRA] Note: One of three portraits of women who closely resemble each other and are likely sisters [H&H]. The three sisters are cataloged, ambiguously, as CHS 203 and 204, and as H&H 273, 274 and 275. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth], half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of Halladay-Thomas Collection); deaccessioned by AARFAC; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Americana, Sale 3981 (April 27-30, 1977) Lot 452 [b&w facsim.] est. $3-4,000; Cottone Auctions, Mt. Morris, N.Y., Fall Americana (October 1, 2004) Lot 240 (as a pair with “Young Gentleman Holding a Glove” [q.v.]). References: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1963); NonAcademic American Art (Boston: Childs Gallery, [1975]) n.p. [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (September 17, 2004): p. 163 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2004. CHS: See note, H&H: See note, IAP: 61330169, 61517342, 81310261. See Volume 2.

760. Portrait of a Woman [1] – unknown locale, 1840*. 35-1/16" x 29 5/16" sight [CAP] or 35-11/16" x 30-3/8" [MAM]. Inscr. (verso): "January First 1840". [HPF] Descr.: Full-faced woman wearing black dress with organdy and lace collar, white ruffled bonnet with bow on top and long ribbons tied on p.l. side; facing p.r. with r. arm resting on table or sofa arm (barely seen), l. hand holding a book with index finger marking page. [DRA] Provenance: John Gordon (dealer), New York, N.Y.; Gift to Milwaukee Art Museum from friends of Robert Jagger [1918-1966] in his memory, purchased from John Gordon [New York dealer]. References: Goldstein, Guide to the Permanent Collection (Milwaukee Art Museum, 1986) p. 102 [b&w facsim.]; American Folk Art from the Milwaukee Museum (1988), p. 15 no. 9. [full-page facsim.]. Note: This is possibly the same as “Woman of Girth” [q.v.] and “Woman with Plump Face” [q.v.]. See descriptions and notes therein. [DRA] Status: Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (acquired 1966). Accession number: M1966.113. HPF: 78B.13, IAP: 58100003. See Volume 2.

761. Portrait of a Woman [2] – unknown locale, c. 1860 [DRA]. 32" x 20" [RCE]. Descr.: Older woman with center-parted brown hair, wearing snood with brown ribbons on either side, black dress with black buttons, white lace collar and matching cuffs; seated facing p.l. on red sofa, l. arm hanging behind sofa arm (l. hand not shown), r. hand holding blue booklet with index finger marking page. [DRA] Cond.: Cut down, relined, unframed. [RCE]. Note: Some similarities to Elizabeth Harris Husted [q.v.], including the diagonal elongation noted in Phillips’s late work. [DRA] Provenance: The Collection of Dr. Harris and Shirley Silverstein, Teaneck, N.J.; Robert C. Eldred, East Dennis, Mass., The Silverstein Collection (November 5-6, 2007) Lot 597, unsold at $1,500 (est. $5-7,000); Robert C. Eldred, East Dennis, Mass., Sale SAM08 (July 31, 2008) Lot 691, unsold (est. $5-7,000); Robert C. Eldred, East Dennis, Mass., Spring Americana & Paintings (March 30-31, 2012) Lot 819, sold $1,900 (est. $45,000). Status: Sold at auction 2012.

762. Portrait of a Woman [3] – unknown locale, c. 1835. 33-1/4" x 27-1/4". Provenance: Robert Scott Wiles [conservator at Corcoran Gallery of Art], Washington D.C. Image on file. [SIRIS] Note: Probably the same as Woman in Black Dress [q.v.] at Newark Museum. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78A.19, IAP: 70510501. N.B.: Probable duplicate identification in HPF.

763. Portrait of a Woman [4] – unknown locale, c. 1835 [HPF]. 32" x 26" [HPF]. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78A.20.

764. Portrait of a Woman [5] – unknown locale, unknown date. Status: Private collection as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 79A.19.

765. Portrait of a Woman [6] – Berkshire Co., Mass. vicinity [DRA], c. 1850's [DRA]. 331/2" x 27" [Quinn's]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted dark hair, wearing a black dress with v-neck lace collar, bell sleeves, sheer white undersleeves (l. arm visible through sleeve) having back wristbands with bows; facing p.r., seated on a red upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, closed l. hand resting on lap. [DRA] Cond.: Wooden stretcher with dowel pegs, typical of Ammi Phillips. Artist-primed linen dry and brittle. Loose on stretcher, causing cracking of paint layer. Cracking along inner outline of stretcher bars. Fairly large protrusion at lower right from large filling which has tented up. Eight patches on reverse. Small stains overall. Discolored retouching on face, particularly at right of nose. Yellowed surface coating. Discolored overall from accretion of dirt and grime. [CGA] Restored in 1978 at the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth, half-sister of Herrel G. Thomas]; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of Halladay-Thomas Collection); Capt. John Benjamin McLendon and Winzola Poole McLendon, Washington, D.C. and Lake Oswego, Oregon; Quinn's Auction Galleries, Falls Church, Va., Fine & Decorative Arts Catalog Auction (May 17, 2014) Lot 249, unsold (est. $8-12,000). Note: Acquired by the McLendon's from the Abby Aldridge Rockefeller Folk Art Collection Colonial Williamsburg, with the help of curator Mary C. Black, 1960, previously from the collection of J. Stuart Halladay and Herrel George Thomas of Sheffield, Mass. (collection number H.T. No. 114) Copy of 1960 receipt included. Status: Unsold at auction 2014 See Volume 2.

766. Portrait of a Woman [7] – Dutchess Co., N.Y., possibly [DRA], c. 1821-1822 [DRA]. 33" x 27" [NEA]. One of a pair. Companion to "Portrait of a Man" [q.v.]. Descr.: Thinfaced older woman wearing black dress with white collar scarf, white ruffled bonnet with black-and-white rope trim, small black ribbon tied under chin; seated facing p.r. in a yellow bamboo-painted side chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.) with small book held in l. hand, thumb marking page. [DRA] Provenance: Northeast Auction, Annual Summer Americana Auction (July 31-August 2, 2009) Lot 429, sold $5,000+17% the pair. Status: Sold at auction 2009. CAP: DLR01808. See Volume 2.

767. A Portrait of a Young Lady in Ruffled Eyelet Collar and Ruched Black Sleeve Dress, aka A Lady – unknown locale, c. 1825 [SNY]. 39" x 32-1/2" [SNY] or 30-1/2" x 24" [Godel]. One of a pair. Companion to "A Gentleman in High White Stock Holding a Letter” [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired woman with blue-gray eyes, side curls and tortoiseshell comb; wearing black dress with long sleeves, two-layer sheer embroidered and box-pleated collar, amber gemstone earring(s) circled in diamonds; seated, facing p.l., in red-upholstered sofa with brass tacks, l. arm resting on sofa arm, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers. [DRA] Cond.: In what appear to be the original giltwood and gesso frames with the original stretchers. [SNY] Note: By descent from the family of John Wallace (1832-1917) and Mary Thompson Strong Wallace (1834-1900), Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. The subjects are possibly her parents, Benjamin Strong (1796-1879) and Frances Smith Strong (1799-1876), Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. Provenance: William A. Smith, Inc., Plainfield, N.H., Labor Day Estate Auction (September 6, 1999) consigned from the family of the subjects (see note), sold $22,500+10% the pair; a private collection, New York; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08448 (September 26, 2008) Lot 33, sold $20,000+25% the pair (est. $25-35,000); Godel & Co. Fine Art, Inc., New York, N.Y. as of 2012; Dan Morphy Auctions, Denver, Pa. (February 8, 2013) Lot 185, sold $16,000+18% the pair (est. $30-50,000). Reference: Maine Antique Digest (September 1999): p. 34-F [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2013. See Volume 2.

768. Young Lady in White – Columbia or Rensselaer Co., N.Y., probably [DRA], c. 1820. 30-1/4" x 24-1/8" [PHT]. Descr.: Young woman wearing pale dress with large twolayer embroidered and ruffled collar, necklace of dark beads with double-heart pendant, tall comb; seated facing p.r. with l. hand clutching pale embroidered and fringed shawl, r. hand not shown. Drapery in u.l. corner. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. [1973, 1976, 1994]; whereabouts unknown [2007]. References: Tillou and Rovetti (1973) catalog no. 61, illus. no. 36 [full-page b&w facsim.]; Rovetti, Antiques (February 1974): p. 384 [b&w facsim.]; Black (Washburn Gallery, 1976) no. 5 [not illus.]; Brownstein and Terkowitz, Antiques (November 2007): p. 156, Fig. 4 [small b&w facsim., reproduced from Tillou and Rovetti (1973)]. Status: Location unknown as of 2007. See references. CAP: CT250114, HPF: 78A.5, IAP: 81990061.

769. Young Woman (Pair of Portraits of a Young Man and Woman) – Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. vicinity, possibly, c. 1836. 36" x 30". One of a pair. Companion to “Young Man (Pair of Portraits of a Young Man and Woman)” [q.v.]. Descr.: Rosycheeked young woman with dark hair in side curls and tall bun, wearing black dress with ruffled sleeves, wide organdy collar with floral embroidery; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown) with r. forearm resting on table with book, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. [DRA] Cond.: The perimeter of the canvases have been lined and applied to later stretchers. Very minor retouch, pepper speck size a few on face, clothing and background. [Skinner] Provenance: Collection of Andy Williams (19272012); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Featuring The Andy Williams Folk Art Collection, Sale 2640B (March 3, 2013) Lot 15, sold $35,000+18.5% the pair (est. $30-50,000). Status: Sold at auction 2013. See Volume 2.

770. Young Woman in Gray Dress – unknown locale, c. 1840 [HPF]. 33" x 27". Provenance: Childs Gallery, Boston, Mass. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 79A.1.

771. Portrait of a Young Woman Seated in a Fancy Chair – unknown locale, c. 1830. 31" x 25". Descr.: Dark-haired young woman in black dress with rectangular neckline with narrow lace trim, drop earring[s] and tiny brooch; seated facing p.l. in a prominently-stenciled side chair, l. hand draped over chair back, r. hand in lap, with fingers upturned as if gesturing toward gold stencil. Note: Remarkably similar to "Portrait of a Young Woman Seated on a Painted Chair" [q.v.], except stronger chin and eyebrows and no ring on l. middle-finger. [DRA] Provenance: Pook & Pook, Inc., Downingtown, Pa. (April 23-24, 2010) Lot 242, sold $35,100 (est. $6-9,000); Fred Giampietro Gallery, New Haven, Conn. as of 2012. Status: Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, N.Y., in connection with Fred Giampietro, through March 8, 2014, offered at $65,000; New Haven Auctions (division of Fred Giampietro Gallery), New Haven, Conn. (March 17, 2019) Lot 72, sold $10,000+25% (est. $15-20,000). Reference: Maine Antique Digest, Vol. XLVII, No. 6 (June 2019): p. 93 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2019. See Volume 2.

772. Portrait of a Young Woman Seated on a Painted Chair, aka Portrait of a Dark-haired Brown-eyed Lady Wearing a Black Dress Seated on a Fancy Chair – unknown locale, c. 1829-1838 [JTA] or c. 1830 [SNY]. 35" x 31" [JTA] or 31" x 25" [SNY]. Descr.: Dark-haired young woman in black dress with rectangular neckline with narrow lace trim, drop earring[s] and tiny brooch; seated facing p.l. in a prominently-stenciled side chair, l. hand draped over chair back, r. hand in lap, with fingers upturned as if gesturing toward gold stencil. Note: Remarkably similar to "Portrait of a Young Woman Seated in a Fancy Chair" [q.v.], except weaker chin and eyebrows and small gold ring on l. middle-finger. [DRA] Provenance: Peter Tillou Fine Arts (1980); private collection, Chicago, Ill. (1992); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana (June 17, 1997) Lot 278 [color facsim.], sold $8,000 (est. $10-15,000); private collection, Conn. (2012); Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. (2014). Status: Jeffrey Tillou, Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn. as of 2014 See Volume 2.

773. A Young Woman Wearing a Bonnet of Riotous Ribbons and an Embroidered Organdy Collar, aka Portrait of a Young Woman Wearing a Bonnet – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area [SNY], c. 1835 [SNY] or 1835-1840 [HPF]. 32" x 26-1/4" [SNY] or 31-1/2" x 26-1/2" [SI]. One of three, with uncertain pairing Possible companion to "A Gentleman in a Black Coat Holding a Letter" [q.v.] or “Portrait of a Gentleman in a White Shirt, Black Tie and Coat Holding a Letter” [q.v.], and possibly the sister-in-law of the odd portrait. In the Sotheby’s 1993 sale this portrait was offered as a single lot with the former of the two, but the pairing may have been arbitrary. Per MBM, subject is Phebe Ann (Wing) Sheldon (1808-1875) [of Dover, Dutchess Co., N.Y.]. Descr.: Dark-haired young woman with temple curls, wearing black dress with wide embroidered organdy collar, elaborate bonnet with three layers of ruffles topped by jagged-edged v-cut ribbons, tied on p.l. side with ribbons hanging down; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown) with r. arm resting on table with book, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers. [DRA] Cond.: In the original frame and on the original stretchers [SNY] Repaired tear, scattered retouch, areas of varnish inconsistency, minor craquelure. [SI] Provenance: Descent in the family of the sitters to the present owner (1993); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6392 (January 28-31, 1993) Lot 880, unsold (est. $30-40,000 the pair); location unknown [1994]; Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2134 (October 28, 2001) Lot 107, sold $13,000+15% (est. $15-25,000), consigned by the same descendant owners as in 1993; Joan Brownstein, Ithaca, N.Y., Navy Pier Antique Show, Philadelphia, April 2002 (offered at $48,000); private collection as of 2007 [JRB]. References: Maine Antique Digest (June 2002): p. 3-B [b&w facsim.]; Joan Brownstein, New England Antiques Journal (August 2007): p. 25 [color facsim.] Status: Private owner, Kent, Conn. as of 2018. [MBM] HPF: 78B.3. See Volume 2.

774. Young Woman with Books, aka Woman in White Lace Bonnet Holding a Book – unknown locale, c. 1825 [HPF] or c. 1830 [SNY]. 29" x 23" (sight) [MR] or 29-3/4" x 24" [SNY]. Descr.: Woman with temple ringlets, wearing black dress with two-layer sheer ruffled collar, ruffled bonnet with ribbons on top and tied under chin, ring on r. index finger; seated facing p.l with upright posture in scroll-back side chair (visible above and below r. arm), l. arm resting on two books on table, closed book with spine up held with both hands (l. over, r. under). [DRA] Provenance: Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn.; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 6220 (October 18, 1986) Lot 435, sold $19,000+10% (est. $5-8,000). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 78A.10 and 77B.19 N.B.: Duplicate cataloging by HPF.

775. Portrait of a Young Woman with Lacy Collar and Cuffs, Seated in Red Scroll Arm Chair Holding a Book – Berkshire Co., Mass., probably [H&H], c. 1860 [CHS, H&H]. 33-5/8" x 27-5/8" [AARFAC] or 33-3/4" x 27-3/4" [SPB] or 33-1/2" x 28" [WDG] or 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [NEA]. Descr.: Woman with center-parted dark hair, wearing a black dress with lace collar and cuffs, two black ribbons behind head; facing p.r., seated on a red upholstered sofa, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand resting on a small closed book on lap. [DRA] Note: One of three portraits of women who closely resemble each other and are likely sisters [H&H]. The three sisters are cataloged, ambiguously, as CHS 203 and 204, and as H&H 273, 274 and 275. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection of dealers J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (1903-1957), Sheffield, Mass.; Herrel G. Thomas estate to Mrs. Albert N. Petterson [neé Carolina E. Wohlfarth], halfsister of Herrel G. Thomas; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection (1958 purchase of HalladayThomas Collection, portrait #156) accession number 58.100.44; continuing with AARFAC as of 1965, 1968 [CHS, H&H]; deaccessioned by AARFAC in 1968; Montgomery’s Antiques, Fern Park, Fla. (1977), offered at $4,800; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., The American Heritage Society Auction of Americana, Sale 4180 (November 16-18, 1978) Lot 457 [b&w facsim.], unsold, est. $3-4,000; William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y., Americana (December 3, 1986) Lot 82 [b&w facsim.], sold $3,500 (est. $3-5,000); Horton Foote, New Boston, N.H.; Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, The Horton Foote Collection (August 6, 2005) Lot 614 [color facsim.], sold $3,250 (est. $4-6,000). Notes: Per NEA, a virtually identical portrait by Ammi Phillips was sold at Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., April 1977, Lot 452. That portrait, however, has a virtually identical dress, but with a small brooch, and is a distinctly different sitter. This portrait omitted from HPF over apparent auction/lot confusion with Mary Negus [q.v.]. [DRA] Status: Sold at auction 2005. CHS: See note, H&H: See note, IAP: 61519541, 81310259 See Volume 2.

Unidentified Subjects: Children

776. Portrait of a Boy and His Dog, aka Boy with Dog – unknown locale, c. 1818 [HPF] or c. 1817 [SM]. 25" x 21" [SM]. Descr.: Wide-eyed young boy with fair hair, wearing a short gray jacket with double row of brass buttons, matching trousers with double row of brass buttons, white shirt with very wide pointed collar, laced at the top with thin black bow; facing p.l., hands not shown. Furry dog's face shown upside down, staring up at the boy from the l.r. corner of the canvas. Fringed red drapery in u.r. corner. [DRA] Note: Steve Miller suggested that this may be related or a companion to H&H #17 "Girl with Cat" [q.v.]. References: Steve Miller, American Folk Art, New York, N.Y. (Fall Antiques Show, September 24-27, 1981, New York, N.Y.) p. 101 [b&w facsim.]; The Clarion, (Fall 1981): p. 15 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Private collection, Pennsylvania. HPF: 79B.1. See Volume 2.

777. Boy in Oval Frame or Sea Captain's Son, aka Seagoing Father’s Son – N.Y.- Mass.Conn. border, probably [H&H], c. 1815 [SPB] or c. 1818 [H&H] or c. 1815-1818 [HPF]. 20" x 16-1/4" [H&H] or 16-1/2" x 12-1/2" [SPB]. One of a pair. Identified as son of "Seagoing Father" [q.v.]. Descr.: Young boy facing p.r. and glancing p.l., wearing high-collared jacket, pale vest, shirt with downturned collar and laces tied in bow, finely pleated and ruffled jabot. Only head and l. shoulder visible. Oval canvas and frame. Presumably cut-down to present size and shape. See additional notes under companion. [DRA] Provenance: Ginsburg & Levy, Inc., New York, N.Y. (1944); Miss Mary Allis, Fairfield Co., Conn. [1968]; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 4076 (February 1-4, 1978) Lot 153 [b&w facsim.], est. $3,500-4,500 the pair; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang, New York, N.Y. (1994). References: Antiques (September 1944): p. 119 [b&w facsim.]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (courtesy AARFAC, 1959); American Art & Antiques, Vol. 1, No. 3 (November-December 1978): pp. 38 and 39 [facsims., in situ], incorrectly described as pastel. Status: Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang, New York, N.Y. as of 1994. [HPF] H&H: 44, HPF: 75B.14, IAP: 61517922 (the pair) and 81310038. N.B.: Questionable attribution.

778. Boy in Red Plaid Dress with His Dog and a Riding Crop – unknown locale, c. 1860 [DRA] or c. 1850 [SNY]. 37-1/2" x 28-1/2" [Skinner] or 38" x 26-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Young boy with long dark-blond pipe curls behind his ears, receding hairline and chin dimple; wearing a red & black diagonal-plaid dress with black belt and silver buckle, red bows with gold edges on both shoulders, white pantalettes, white stockings, and brown shoes; standing facing p.l. with r. hand holding bent riding crop, l. hand holding standing brown and white spaniel. A light brown hat with red lining lies at his r. foot. Green floor with dark background. [DRA] Cond: Relined, masking varnish applied, but some minor scattered retouch to a few spots on plaid dress and to the background is detected. [Skinner]. Note: Significant diagonal distortion to face, especially eyes. [DRA] Provenance: Collection of William L. Hubbard [1919-2011], Sunderland, Mass.; Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2608M (August 11-12, 2012) Lot 917, sold $15,000+18.5% (est. $15-20,000); David Wheatcroft Antiques, Westborough, Mass. (2013); Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Americana, Sale N09300 (January 23 & 25, 2015) Lot 943, unsold at $5,500 (est. $8-10,000); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts (November 4, 2017) Lot 366, sold $6,500+23% (est. $6-8,000); Arader Galleries, New York, N.Y. (June 2, 2018) Lot 145, unsold (est. $30-40,000); Eldred’s Auction Gallery, East Dennis, Mass., The Fall Sale: Session II (November 23, 2019) Lot 1023, unsold (est. $20-30,000). Status: Godel & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y. as of 2022. CAP: DLR01829. See Volume 2.

779. The Boy in Red, aka Boy in Red, aka Girl in Red – Rhinebeck or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area [H&H], c. 1836 [CHS] or c. 1832 [H&H] or c. 1832-34 [HPF]. 21" x 19-1/4" [CHS, HPF] or 23-1/2" x 20" [Guthrie]. One of a group of four (see notes under The Journalist). Descr.: Young child in red dress with white piping and short puffy sleeves with pointed overlays; standing facing p.l. with l. hand holding up strawberry sprig, r. hand holding mallet [DRA] Provenance: Collection of Edward Duff Balken (1874-1960), Pittsburgh, Pa. and Egremont, Mass.; Princeton University (gift of Edward Duff Balken, 1958). References: DeWald (1958) no. 24 [not illus., as The Girl in Red, unattributed; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 141 [b&w facsim.] as Girl in Red; Holdridge (1968) p. 28 [b&w facsim.]; Rosenbaum (1986) p. 269 [b&w facsim.]; Guthrie (1999) pp. 60, 61 [color facsim.]; Wilmerding (2004) p. 19, fig. 18 [color facsim.]. Status: The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. (acquired 1958). Accession number: y1958-75. On exhibit as of 2007. CHS: 168, H&H: 146*, HPF: 79B.5, IAP: 32040239. See Volume 2.

780. Boy with Dog, aka Portrait of a Boy with a Large Dog – unknown locale, c. 18571863 [SNY] or 1855-1857 [HPF]. 41-1/4" x 32-1/4" [SNY]. Descr.: Full-length portrait of boy with long curls, wearing pink pleated shirt and pink jacket with scalloped edges, white pantalettes with lace trim, white socks, and dark shoes/boots (indistinct); standing leaning on l. foot while holding large dog with l. arm and straw hat with white ribbon with l. hand. [DRA] Provenance: Allan L. Daniel (dealer), New York, N.Y. [1976, 1978]; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Sale 4999 (January 27, 1983) Lot 185, sold $50,000+10% (est. $60-80,000) [full-page color facsim., and front cover]. References: Maine Antique Digest (Jan/Feb 1977): p. 20-C [b&w facsim.]; The Clarion (Winter 1978) inside front cover [color facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 78 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 79B.10, IAP: 63003881 See Volume 2.

781. Portrait of Boy with Orange Shoes, aka Boy with Orange Shoes – Washington Co., N.Y., probably [HPF], c. 1815. 45" x 24-5/8" [CMA]. Descr.: Full-length portrait of a redheaded young boy in dark skeleton suit with brass buttons and white ruffled collar, white stockings and orange shoes with laces; standing facing p.r., r. hand holding brimmed hat with orange lining, l. hand holding blue book. Medium background with slightly darker ground. [DRA] Note: Very similar to Frederick A. Gale [q.v.]. Provenance: Gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch. References: Dennis R. Anderson, Three Hundred Years of American Art in the Chrysler Museum (Norfolk, Va.: 1976) p. 64 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 28, Pl. VII [color facsim.]. Status: Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Va. (acquired 1976). Accession number: 76.53.16. HPF: 79A.23. See Volume 2.

782. Child in Red Dress, aka Portrait of a Child in a Red Dress – unknown locale [HPF] or N.Y., Conn. or Mass., probably [SCH 2009], c. 1863 [HPF, SCH 1994] or c. 1860 [SCH 2009]. 36-1/4" x 30" [HPF, SCH 1994] or 36-3/4" x 30-1/2" framed [HPF] or 32" x 25-1/2" [SCH 2009]. Descr.: Holding mallet; sitting in chair. [HPF] Roundfaced small blond child in red dress with white embroidery and lace trim, red and white Argyle socks, black shoes with brown spats; seated in a low-back Windsor armchair, l. arm resting on chair arm. Mallet lying on dark green floor. Note: Portrait is in an elongated octagonal frame. [DRA] Provenance: Dr. Gordon Davenport, Madison, Wisconsin as of 1978 References: Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 274, Pl. XIII [color facsim.]; Stacy C. Hollander, "Little Girl Red, Little Boy Blue," The American Antiques Show 2009 (program), p. 69 [color facsim.]. Status: Private collection as of 1994, 2008. See provenance. HPF: 79B.12, IAP: 80046699. See Volume 2.

783. A Double Portrait of Two Children and their Cat – unknown locale, c. 1850’s [DRA]. 44-1/8" x 32-3/4" sight [CNY]. Descr.: Young boy with brown hair parted on p.l. side, wearing black jacket with buttoned cuff(s) and small white collar, dark gray trousers, black shoes; standing facing p.r. with l. hand at side, r. hand not shown. Younger child with light center-parted hair, wearing blue dress with wide neckline and short sleeves, both trimmed in white lace, white pantalettes with double rows of lace, black shoes; standing facing p.l., r. hand holding strawberry sprig, l. hand resting on head of gray and white cat. [DRA] Cond.: Laid down on board. [CNY] Provenance: Estate of Dr. Grace Baker, New York City; property of a Canadian collection; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 8984 (October 8, 1998) Lot 24 [full-page color facsim.], sold $50,000+15% (est. $60-90,000). Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (November 6, 1998): p. 70-D [b&w facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 1998. See Volume 2.

784. Portrait of a Girl – unknown locale, c. 1840’s [DRA]. 28-1/2" x 22-1/2". Descr.: Darkhaired young girl with center-parted hair; wearing pleated dress with wide neckline and short sleeves, both trimmed in quatrefoil lace; facing p.l., with l. arm extended and l. hand possibly holding a flower stem, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers. Drapery in u.r. corner. Note: Canvas possibly reduced. [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Lockwood de Forest III [Elizabeth Kellam de Forest, 1898-1984], Santa Barbara, Cal. as of 1966. Reference: Leavitt (1966), catalog no. 35, as unknown artist, n.p. [full-page b&w facsim.]. Exhibited: “American Portraits in California Collections,” Santa Barbara Museum of Art (April 6 – May 8, 1966). Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. HPF: 79B.13.

785. Girl in a Red Dress – New York, probably [HPF], 1835 [TFAA] or c. 1830-1835 [HPF]. 32-3/8" x 27-3/8" [TFAA]. Descr.: Rosy-cheeked young girl in red dress with pale piping and short puffy sleeves, double-strand red necklace, pleated white pantalettes, red shoes; seated facing p.l. on green leather footstool with brass tacks; l. hand in lap holding leafy sprig with strawberries, r. hand holding up a strawberry. Dog at feet on red and green patterned floor covering. [DRA] Provenance: Dorothy Jackson (Mrs. Gardner Jackson, 1896-1988), Osterville, Mass. (acquired in 1935 for $60 from an antique dealer in Washington, D.C. while living in Georgetown); Christie's, New York, N.Y. (January 26, 1985) Lot 145, sold $682,000; Daniel J. Terra Collection, Chicago, Illinois, 1985; Terra Foundation for the Arts, Daniel J. Terra Collection, Chicago, Illinois, 1992. References: Virginia Bohlin, The Boston Globe (February 10, 1985): p. B26 [b&w facsim.]; Mary Black, The Clarion (Winter 1986): p. 33 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 67 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 40, Pl. XXXV [color facsim.]. Status: Terra Foundation for American Art, Daniel J. Terra Collection, Chicago, Illinois (acquired 1992). Accession number: 1992.57. HPF: 79B.4, IAP: 66030110. See Volume 2.

786. Girl in Pink, aka The Girl in Pink – Rhinebeck or Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. area [H&H], c. 1836 [CHS] or c. 1832 [H&H] or c. 1834-36 [HPF]. 22-7/8" x 19-1/4" [CHS, HPF] or 23-1/2" x 20" [Guthrie]. One of a group of four (see notes under The Journalist). Descr.: Young girl in pink dress with white piping and short puffy sleeves with pointed overlays, triple-strand red necklace; seated facing p.r. on red leather footstool, r. hand fingering necklace, l. hand holding strawberry sprig. [DRA] Provenance: Edward Duff Balken (1874-1960), Pittsburgh, Pa. and Egremont, Mass.; Princeton University (gift of Edward Duff Balken, 1958). References: American Provincial Paintings (1947) No. 23 [full-page b&w facsim.], anonymous; DeWald (1958) no. 23 [b&w facsim.], unattributed; Holdridge, CHS Bulletin (October 1965): p. 141 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 29 [b&w facsim.]; Rosenbaum (1986) p. 269 [b&w facsim.]; Guthrie (1999) cover [color facsim.], pp. 59 [color facsim.], 60; Wilmerding (2004) p. 93, fig. 1 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander (2008) p. 22 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: The Art Museum, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. (acquired 1958). Accession number: y1958-74. CHS: 167, H&H: 145*, HPF: 79B.6, IAP: 32040238. See Volume 2.

787. Girl in Red with Her Cat and Dog, aka Girl in Red Dress with Cat and Dog, aka Girl in Red with Her Pets – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., probably [H&H] or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. vicinity [AFAM], c. 1838 [H&H] or c.1830-1835 [AFAM]. 32" x 28" [L&W] or 31-1/2" x 27-1/2" [L&A] or 30" x 25" [AFAM]. Descr.: Young girl in red dress with wide neckline and short lace-trimmed sleeves, fourstrand red necklace, pleated white pantalettes, black shoes; seated on a green leather footstool with brass tacks, holding a white cat with both hands, dog at feet. Note: A speculative subject identification is Ann Amelia Foster (1833-1883) of South East, Putnam Co., N.Y., painted at about age six in 1839. [DRA] Provenance: Charles Woolsey Lyon, Inc., New York, N.Y. and Millbrook, N.Y.; Mrs. Leslie Gill, New York, N.Y. as of 1968; W. Bliss Carnochan, Menlo Park, Cal.; privately purchased by Ralph O. Esmerian, New York, N.Y., 1984 (for more than $1 million per Robert Bishop); Museum of American Folk Art, New York, N.Y., promised anonymous gift [1984]; American Folk Art Museum, New York N.Y., promised gift of Ralph Esmerian [1991]; American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y., 2001 gift of the Siegman Trust, Ralph Esmerian, trustee. Note: Mrs. Leslie Gill (Frances McLaughlin-Gill, 1919-2014) was the sister-in-law of James Abbe, Jr., concurrent owner of “Girl in Red with Her Dog” [q.v.]. [DRA] References (partial list): Lipman and Winchester (1974) p. 35, Pl. 30 [color facsim.]; Lipman and Armstrong (1980) p. 144 [color facsim.]; Mary Black, The Clarion (Winter 1986): p. 32 [b&w facsim.]; Lipman, et al. (1986) p. 30, Fig. I.27 [full-page color facsim.]; Jones and Mearns (1987) p. 70 [b&w facsim.]; Folk Art (Time-Life Books, 1990) p. 30 [color facsim.]; Kogan and Cate (1994) cover, p. 22 [color facsim.]; Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 273, Pl. XI [color facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 40, Pl. XXXVI [color facsim.]; Hollander (2001) pp. 65 [full-page color facsim.], 400; Hollander and Anderson (2001) pp. 75 [full-page color facsim.], 319. Status: American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. Accession number: 2001.37.1 (previously P2.1984.1). H&H: 301, HPF: 79B.2, IAP: 80046696 and 81310287. See Volume 2.

788. Girl in Red with Her Dog, aka Girl in Red Dress with Her Dog – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., probably [H&H] or probably New York [HPF], c. 1838 [H&H] or c. 1830-1835 [HPF]. 32" x 26-3/4" [HPF] or 32-1/2" x 26-3/4" [CNY]. Descr.: Young girl in red dress with short sleeves and pale piping, white pantalettes, three-strand red necklace, black shoes; seated facing p.r. on green leather footstool with brass tacks, fingering necklace with r. hand and holding leaf sprig with bud in l. hand. Dog at feet. [DRA] Provenance: James Abbe, Jr., Oyster Bay, Long Island, N.Y. (reportedly purchased circa 1965 from a Manhattan private owner for $1,000); Irene [1934-2013] and Richard Gachot [1933-2018], Old Westbury, Long Island, N.Y. as of 1968; Christie’s, New York, Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver and Prints, Sale 16796 (January 18, 2019) Lot 1205, sold $1,692,500 p (est. $800,000-1,200,000). Note: James Abbe, Jr. was the brother-inlaw of Mrs. Leslie Gill, concurrent owner of the “Girl in Red with Her Cat and Dog” [q.v.]. [DRA] References: Mary Black, Status (March 1970): cover [color facsim.]; Mary Black, The Clarion (Winter 1986): p. 35 [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 67 [b&w facsim.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 40, Pl. XXXVII [color facsim.]; Hollander (2008) p. 27 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2019. H&H: 302, HPF: 79B.3, IAP: 81310288. See Volume 2.

789. Girl with Cat – Chatham, Columbia Co., N.Y. probably [H&H] or possibly [HPF], c. 1814 [H&H]. 29-15/16" x 25" (accurate) or 30" x 25" [HPF]. Inscr.: On back of canvas (stretcher) the following notation appears: "Averill people, Cooperstown" as well as "Thompson family". Descr.: Young girl in long-sleeved scarlet dress with white embroidered and pleated collar; seated facing p.r. in ivory and orange fancypainted chair, holding black cat in l. arm and book in r. hand with thumb marking page. Blue fringed drapery in u.l. Note: Identified in Holdridge (1968) as probably Catherine Van Slyck Dorr but Hollander and Fertig (1994) assign that identification to another work [q.v.]. [DRA] Provenance: Found in Cooperstown, N.Y. by Edith Gregor Halpert; Downtown Gallery, New York, N.Y. (purchased July 1949 by Edith Gregor Halpert); Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, Fort Worth, Texas (purchased from EGH, 11/67). References: Art Digest Vol. 23, No. 24 (Sept. 15, 1949): pp. 22-24 [b&w facsim.]; Holdridge (1968) p. 23 [b&w facsim.]; Hassrick (1973) p. 69 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques (February 1976): p. 262 [b&w facsim.], incorrectly identified as Miss

Catherine Van Slyck Dorr; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 66 [b&w facsim.]; Archives of American Art, Research Collections, American Folk Art Gallery Notebooks: Oil Paintings, Portraits Children, Sold, Box 28, Reel 5558, Frames 358-359. Status: Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (acquired 1967). Accession number: 1967.199. H&H: 17*, HPF: 79A.22, IAP: 50900053. See Volume 2.

790. Portrait of "Libbie" – unknown locale, c. 1855-1865 [HPF]. 35" X 27" [J&M]. Descr.: Child in wide pale-blue dress with lace petticoats and edging, standing beside a large seated tan-and-white mastiff. Cond.: Relined and professionally restored [Skinner]. Provenance: Descended in the family of the subject to a Western Massachusetts family; Skinner, Inc., Bolton, Mass., Fine Americana, Session III, Sale 1000 (October 27, 1984) Lot 202, sold $29,000+10% (est , $30-40,000), accompanied by extensive provenance; Theodore L. Cross (1924-2010), Princeton, N.J. Reference: Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 78 [b&w facsim.]. Status: See provenance. HPF: 79B.11. See Volume 2.

791. Portrait of a Rosy-Cheeked Young Girl in a Pink Dress, aka "Hannah Standish" – unknown locale, c. 1832 [SNY]. 31" x 25" [SNY]. Inscr.: A paper label attached to the stretcher states: Given to Blanche B. Pratt by Bruce Buttford in 1930. Primitive – called in family "Hannah Standish." [SNY] Descr.: Young child in pink dress with white piping and short puffy sleeves with pointed overlays, white pantalettes and red shoes; seated facing p.r. on red footstool with brass tacks and darker red skirt, l. hand in lap holding leafy sprig with strawberries, r. hand holding up a strawberry. [DRA] Note: The absence of a necklace, and the side-parted hair, suggest that this is a boy (cf. James Mairs Salisbury). [DRA] Provenance: See inscription; property of a New England private collector; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08710 (January 22, 2011) Lot 303, sold $290,500 (est. $175-225,000). Status: Sold at auction 2011 See Volume 2.

792. The Strawberry Girl – unknown locale, c. 1830 [NGA]. 26-1/8" x 22-1/8" [NGA]. Descr.: Young child in white ruffled cap with pink bows, long white short-sleeved dress with red shoulder tassels; seated facing p.l. in grain-painted armchair with fringed red sash wrapped around waist and hanging over chair back, holding sprig with strawberries in r. hand and single strawberry in l. hand. Notes: Very similar to "Mary Elizabeth Smith" [q.v.] Not listed in H&H. [DRA] Provenance: Recorded as from New York City; Purchased in 1947 by Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch; gift to NGA, 1953. References: American Paintings (1980), p. 298, no. 1282 [facsim.]; Chotner (1992) p. 280 [full-page color facsim.]. Status: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (acquired 1953). Accession number: 1953.5.59. HPF: 78A.8, IAP: 08600988. See Volume 2.

793. Portrait of a Winsome Young Girl in Red with Green Slippers, Dog and Bird – unknown locale, c. 1840 [SNY]. 36" x 30-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Full-length portrait of rosy-cheeked young girl with center-parted brown hair combed behind her ears, wearing red dress with side pleats and wide neckline with white lace trim, white pantalettes with lace trim, green slippers; seated facing p.r. on dark green footstool with brass tacks, r. hand resting on a table with green cloth, holding parsley sprig in l. hand and goldfinch perched on index finger of r. hand. Alert brown and white dog at feet. Red drapery in u.l. corner. [DRA] Cond.: Laid down on Masonite, with substantial in-painting and paint loss. [Carlsen] Restored and relined. [SNY] Provenance: Carlsen Gallery, Freehold, N.Y. (November 27, 2010) Lot 344, unattributed, sold $62,000+15%; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08823 (January 20-21, 2012) Lot 260, sold $806,500 p (est. $300-500,000). Status: Sold at auction 2012. See Volume 2.

794. Portrait of Young Boy Seated in Chair with Toys – unknown locale, c. 1860 [DRA]. 32-3/4" x 26-3/4" [Freeman’s]. Descr.: Fair-haired young child in red dress with black embroidery and white lace trim, red and white Argyle socks, black shoes with gray spats; seated facing p.l. in child-size low-back Windsor armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, l. hand in lap; bell, peach and mallet strewn on green floor. [DRA] Cond.: Laid on board. [Freeman’s] Provenance: The Green Bottle Antiques, Houston, Texas, 1968; Estate of collector William Fitch Hamilton [1925-2015], Westchester Co., N.Y. and Bucks Co., Pa.; Freeman’s, Philadelphia, Pa., American Furniture, Folk & Decorative Arts, Sale 1530 (November 11, 2015) Lot 472, sold $3,000+30% (est. $6-10,000). Status: Sold at auction 2015. See Volume 2.

795. Portrait of a Young Boy with His Dog, aka Young Boy Seated with Dog –unknown locale, c. 1860 [DRA]. 36" x 27-1/2" Descr.: Blond boy wearing dark gray suit with scalloped lapels and black velvet trim, lace collar and cuffs, white embroidered shirt, white socks, black shoes with brown spats; seated facing p.l. on a long redupholstered ottoman, holding a white spaniel with brown head and white blaze in lap. Patterned floor covering. Black background [DRA] Cond.: Near pristine condition, original canvas, original frame, never re-lined and has been professionally cleaned and conserved with extremely minor in-painting. [SNY] Provenance: Collection of Rosemary L. Franck (1924-2016), West Nyack, N.Y.; William J. Jenack Estate Appraisers & Auctioneers, Inc., Chester, N.Y. (January 29, 2017) Lot 22, sold $22,000+20% (est. $3-5,000); Linda Rosen Antiques, Sheffield, Mass.; Sotheby’s, New York, Important Americana, Sale N09805 (January 20, 2018) Lot 1033, unsold (est. $60-80,000). Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (January 27, 2017): p. 9 [b&w facsim.]. Status: Unsold at auction 2018 (see provenance). See Volume 2.

796. Portrait of a Young Girl and Her Cat – unknown locale, c. 1830-1835. 36" x 28".

Descr.: Young girl with center-parted shoulder-length blonde hair behind ears, wearing short-sleeved red dress with wide neckline and white lace trim, white lacetrimmed pantalettes, red slippers; seated facing p.l. on long green leather-covered footstool, r. hand in lap holding sprig with small white flower and buds, l. hand on dark-gray and white cat standing with paws on lap and reaching for flowers. Red and green patterned floor covering. Red drapery in u.r. corner. [DRA] Cond.: Revarnished [CNY]. Provenance: By tradition, this portrait, along with Lot 290 [Portrait of a Gentleman, Putnam Co., N.Y., q.v.], were purchased out of an estate sale in Connecticut in the late 1960s. Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art, Silver, Prints and Decoys, Sale 1787 (January 18-19, 2007) Lot 289, sold $1,248,000 (est. $150-250,000) to Allan and Kendra Daniel, New Jersey. References: Antiques and The Arts Weekly (February 16, 2007): p. 36 [b&w facsim.]; Good, Antiques & Fine Art (Winter/Spring 2009): p. 200 [color facsim.]. Status: Collection of Allan L. and Kendra Daniel, Park Ridge, N.J. as of 2007. See Volume 2.

797. Portrait of a Young Girl in a Red Dress, aka Child in Pink with Her Spaniel, aka Portrait of a Child in a Pink Dress Seated on a Red Cushion with a Spaniel, aka Colonial Child with Dog, aka Girl Sitting on Footstool, Dog, aka Child in Pink Dress Playing with Dog – Columbia Co., N.Y. [HPF], c. 1834 [HPF] or c. 1835 [J&M]. 30" x 25" [HPF] or 31-1/2" x 25" or 31" x 25" [SPB] or 30-1/2" x 24-1/2" sight [SIRIS]. Descr.: Young child with wispy blonde hair, wearing pink dress with short puffy sleeves with pointed overlays, white embroidery; seated facing p.r. on red footstool with brass tacks and darker red fringe, r. hand holding paw of brown and white dog standing with paws on lap, l. hand holding red teething ring.

Note: Per SNY (1983), it is believed that the sitter is the child of the gentleman portrayed in Lot 15 [Dark Haired Gentleman with Pen and Bible, q.v.]. Provenance: Collection of Dorothea and Dean Nelson, Spruce Creek, Pa. as of 1975; Sotheby Parke Bernet, Inc., New York, N.Y., Important American 18th, 19th and 20th Century Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Sale 5055 (June 2, 1983) Lot 13 [full-page color facsim.], sold $125,000+10% (est. $50-75,000); Peter H. Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. [Winter Antiques Show, January 1987 and 1988, offered at $450,000]; Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Andy Williams, La Quinta, Cal. and Branson,

Mo.; Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, The Andy Williams Folk Art Collection, Sale 2640B (March 3, 2013) Lot 14, sold $120,000+18.5% (est. $200-300,000); Jeffrey Tillou Gallery, Litchfield, Conn. [Philadelphia Antique Show, April 2013, offered at $225,000; sold at Art and Antique Dealers of America Spring Show NYC, May 2013]; listed by Godel & Co. Fine Art, Inc., New York, N.Y., 2013; Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y. [Winter Antiques Show, January 2015, offered at $450,000]; Godel & Co. Fine Art, New York, N.Y. as of 2016; Sotheby’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N10306 (January 26, 2020) Lot 1637, sold $200,000+25% (est. $200-300,000). References: Masterpieces of American Folk Art (1975) p. 92 [b&w facsim.]; Newcomers Club of Hollidaysburg, Pa., Bicentennial Survey, 1976; Selections from Private Collections of the Southern Alleghenies Region (1980) No. 80 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques Review (March 1987) [b&w facsim.]; Jones and Mearns, The Hudson Valley Regional Review (September 1987): p. 74 [b&w facsim.]; Antiques and The Arts Weekly (January 15, 1988): p. 99 [b&w facsim.]; Lita Solis-Cohen, Maine Antique Digest (March 1988): p. 14-A [b&w facsim., in situ]; photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. (gift of Kennedy Galleries, Inc., 2005). Status: Collection of Dr. Josef E. and Vera A. Jelinek, New York, N.Y. as of 2020. HPF: 79B.7, IAP: 63004010 and 72210173. See Volume 2.

798. Eagle Sign, aka Inn Sign with Two Eagles – Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. [H&H], c. 1824 [H&H]. Notes: Tavern sign later used for the Eagle Hotel. [H&H] For Vail’s tavern: “…a splendid sign, painted by Phillips the artist, with an eagle on each side.” Subsequently renamed the Eagle Hotel by a new proprietor, on account of the sign. The hotel destroyed by fire on April 17, 1841. [DRA] Reference: Ruttenber and Clark, History of Orange County, New York (1881) p. 527. Status: Believed to have been destroyed by fire in 1841. H&H: 104, HPF: 79B.14, IAP: 81310093.


799. Esther Gumaer Cuddeback (Mrs. Henry Cuddeback, 1774-1847) – Town of Deerpark, Orange Co., N.Y., c. 1825-30 [DRA]. 30" x 24". One of a pair. Wife of Henry Cuddeback [q.v.]. Descr.: Older woman wearing black dress over white fischu, organdy shawl, tall ruffled and dotted bonnet tied under chin with white ribbons; facing p.r. with wrists crossed (l. over r.), l. hand holding small book with thumb marking page. Cond.: Unrestored, original frame. Bio.: b. 23 Sep 1774 in Town of Minisink, Orange Co., N.Y., dau. of Jacob DeWitt Gumaer (1739-1830) and Hulda (Decker) Gumaer (1744-1819); m. 3 Oct 1794 to Henry Cuddeback (1771-1847); d. 22 Sep 1847. [DRA] Provenance: Descent in the Cuddeback and Merritt families; Estate Of Mind Auctions, Middletown, N.Y. (October 2, 2021) Lot 400, sold $9,750+20% the pair (est. $100-1,000). Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly, Vol. LIII, No. 39 (September 24, 2021): p. 12 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2021. See Volume 2.

800. Henry Cuddeback (1771-1860) – Town of Deerpark, Orange Co., N.Y., c. 1825-30 [DRA]. 30" x 24". One of a pair. Husband of Esther Gumaer Cuddeback [q.v.]. Inscr. (book): Possibly “Lives of Plutarch.” Descr.: Older man with white hair (long in back), wearing tall black jacket and vest, white shirt with downturned collar, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in reddish-brown side chair with gold stencil and striping, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand cupped over closed book held diagonally. Cond.: Unrestored, original frame. Bio.: b. 23 Mar 1771 in Town of Minisink, Orange Co., N.Y., son of Benjamin Cuddeback (1747-1792) and Catherine (Van Vliet) Cuddeback (1744-1819); m. 3 Oct 1794 to Esther Gumaer (1774-1847); res. Town of Deerpark (formerly part of Minisink), Orange Co., N.Y., 1800 to 1855 (age 84, Farmer); d. 30 Oct 1860. Note: Probably the hamlets of Cuddebackville and Huguenot within the Town of Deerpark, the latter named in honor of the Huguenot families of Caudebec and Gumaer who settled there in 1698. [DRA] Provenance: See Esther Gumaer Cuddeback. Reference: Antiques and The Arts Weekly, Vol. LIII, No. 39 (September 24, 2021): p. 12 [color facsim.]. Status: Sold at auction 2021. See Volume 2.

801. Dr. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt (1764-1849) – 2 of 2 – Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1824 [DRA]. 30" x 24". One of a pair (of which two versions exist). Companion to portrait of Leah Dubois Wynkoop De Witt – 2 of 2 [q.v.]. Inscr. (book spine): “CULLEN’S / PRACTICE / OF PHYSIC”. Descr.: Gray-haired man with sideburns, blue eyes; wearing black coat with wide collar and lapels, black vest with buttons, ruffled jabot, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in fancy-painted scroll-back side chair, l. hand cupped over closed book (see inscription), l. arm behind chair, l. hand not shown. Notes: 1) Identical to the portrait of Dr. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt – 1 of 2 [q.v.] at Locust Lawn, Gardiner, N.Y., except for the inclusion of a chair in this version and also the book inscription. 2) The medical text is by William Cullen, M.D. [1710-1790], First Lines of the Practice of Physic, reprinted in numerous editions including Philadelphia: E. Parker, 1822. [DRA] Bio.: See Dr. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt – 1 of 2. Provenance: By family descent to Miss Charlotte Deyo (later Mrs. Harry C. Smith, 1877-1966), great-great-granddaughter of the subject; by whom loaned to King Manor Museum in 1920. Status: King Manor Museum, Jamaica, Queens, N.Y. as of 2020. Accession number: X1995.66. See Volume 2.

802. Gentleman Holding a Horn-handled Cane – Orange Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1829 [DRA]. 31" x 24¾". Descr.: Narrow-faced man with aquiline nose, side-parted dark gray hair with thinning bangs, light gray sideburns, heavy five o’clock shadow; wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with large bow, downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in black and gold-stenciled side chair, l. arm resting on chair back, r. hand holding white cane with metal band and antler handle. [DRA] Cond.: Patch to face, puncture and tear near forehead. [SI] Provenance: Collection of Richard “Smitty” Axtell, Deposit, N.Y.; Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass. (February 21 – March 3, 2022) Lot 1231, sold $400+25% (est. $800-1,200). Status: Sold at auction 2022

803. Luther Halsey (1758-1830) – Newburgh or Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N.Y., c. 1824 29-5/8" x 24-3/16" (75.2 x 61.7 cm). Descr.: Bald and white-haired man wearing high-collared black jacket and black vest, white stock without bow, white pleated shirt; facing p.r., hands not shown. Dark brown background. Bio.: b. 10 May 1758 in Morristown, Morris Co., N.J., son of Silas Halsey (1704-1777) and Abigail (Howell) Halsey (1721-1777); entered Princeton, 1775; sergeant and lieutenant in Rev. War (1776-77); brevet Captain (1783); schoolteacher; moved to various locations in New York State after war; m. (1st) Sarah Foster (d. 1787); m. (2nd) Damaris Foster (d. 1790); m. (3rd) Abigail Foster (1772-1821, bur. Old Town Cem., Newburgh, N.Y.); principal, Newburgh Free Academy, Newburgh, N.Y. (1813-20), succeeded by son John Taylor Halsey; res. Newburgh, Orange Co., N.Y., 1820; d. 28 Feb 1830; bur. Spring Grove Cem., Cincinnati, Ohio. Notes: Authenticated by Agnes Halsey Jones (per MCHA) and Howard P. Fertig (1998). The subject’s son, Rev. Luther Halsey, Jr., was pastor of the Blooming Grove Congregational Church, Orange Co., N.Y. (1816-24). [DRA] Reference: Halsey (1895) plate opp. p. 62 [engraving from the Phillips original]. Provenance: By family descent to Dr. Joseph G Halsey (1860-1940), great-grandson of the subject. Status: Monmouth County Historical Association, Monmouth, N.J. (gift of Dr. Joseph G. Halsey, 1937). Accession number: 1006. See Volume 2.

804. Elnathan Haxtun (1795-1862) – Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1844-45. 31" x 28". Father of Sarah E. Haxtun [q.v.] and William E. Haxtun [q.v.]. Nephew of Benjamin Haxtun [q.v.]. Son-in-law of James de Long [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso):

“ELNATHAN HAXTUN AGED 49 YE’S” in Phillips’s block lettering. Inscr. (book): “WIRT’S LIFE / OF P. HENRY”. Note: William Wirt, Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry (Philadelphia: James Webster, 1817) and several subsequent editions with identical spine inscription. Descr.: Man with cleft chin, receding dark hair; wearing black jacket and vest, black stock, white shirt and downturned collar; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on large book in lap (see inscription), r. hand with index finger extended and holding silver mechanical pencil, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Extremely dirty, unlined, original stretcher, triangular damage to l.l., small losses, overall extremely good. [CNY] Bio.: b. 23 Aug 1795 in Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of William Elnathan Haxtun (1769-1847) and Ruth (Tibbits) Haxtun (1770-1831); m. 24 Apr 1823 in Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Maria DeLong (1801-1860); res. Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830 through 1860 (farmer); d. 30 Jun 1862 in village of Beekman, N.Y.; bur. Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Note: Based on the inscription, and stylistically, this portrait dates to circa 1844-45, later than the various related portraits which appear to date to the late 1830’s. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the Haxtun and Strong families (see William Edward Haxtun) to the present owner; Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale 22325 (January 19, 2024) Lot 449, unsold at $5,000+26% (est. $8-12,000); Nye & Co., Bloomfield, N.J. (April 24, 2024) lot 76, sold $3,250+25% (est. $1,500-3,000). Status: Sold at auction 2024. See Volume 2.

805. Haxtun family member, probably Sarah E. Haxtun (later Mrs. Isaac Akin, 1824-1879) – Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c 1839 [DRA]. 31" x 28". Daughter of Elnathan Haxtun [q.v.]. Sister of William E. Haxtun [q.v.]. Granddaughter of James de Long [q.v.]. Descr.: Young woman with dark brown pipe curls and knotted bun, wearing black, wide-necked, balloon-sleeved dress with white lace trim; seated facing p.r., r. arm resting on larger of two books on table, l. hand holding small closed book with index finger marking page Bio.: b. 28 Jan 1824, dau. of Elnathan Haxtun (1795-1862) and Maria (DeLong) Haxtun (1801-1860); m. 10 May 1843 in Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Isaac Akin (1821-1894); d. 7 Sep 1879; bur. Pawling Cem., Pawling, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the Haxtun and Strong families (see William Edward Haxtun); Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important Americana (January 19, 2023) Lot 472, sold $75,000+26% (est. $30-50,000). Status: David A. Schorsch & Eileen M. Smiles, Woodbury, Conn. as of 2023. See Volume 2.

806. Haxtun family member, probably William Edward Haxtun (1832-1900) –Beekman, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1839 [DRA]. 39" x 31". Son of Elnathan Haxtun [q.v.]. Brother of Sarah E. Haxtun [q.v.]. Grandson of James de Long [q.v.]. Inscr. (verso): The canvas bears a partially-obscured stamp “JOHN & DAN… / BELFAST” which corresponds to linen merchants John & Daniel Curell, Belfast, Ireland, active under that name circa 1837-43. Descr.: Child with short, side-parted blond hair, wearing red dress with short balloon-sleeves and white lace trim, white pantalettes with lace trim, taupe slippers; standing facing p.r., r. hand resting on brown and white dog sitting at feet, l. hand holding sprig with small flower buds; dark (near black) background. Bio.: b. 20 Jan 1832, son of Elnathan Haxtun (1795-1862) and Maria (DeLong) Haxtun (1801-1860); m. 27 Oct 1858 to Sarah Ann Brundige (1838-1913); res. Beekman, Dutchess Co. N.Y., 1850 to 1875 (farmer), and Kewanee, Henry Co., Illinois, 1880 to 1900 (real estate investor, inventor and industrialist); d. 14 Jun 1900 in Kewanee, Henry Co., Illinois; bur. Pilgrim’s Rest Cem., Hopewell Junction, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: The subject’s daughter, Annis B. Haxtun (Mrs. George McKinney Strong, 1864-1941); to her son Frederick Haxtun Strong (1895-1968); to his 2nd wife, Lillian (Wyss) Neff Strong (1904-1997); to his son (her step-son) George Trowbridge Strong (1920-2000); by continued family descent to the recent owner; Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa. and New York, N.Y. (2022). Status: Private collection as of 2022. See Volume 2.

807. Ada Kesting (Mrs. Georg Kesting) – Berkshire Co., Mass. or vicinity (probably), circa 1850’s. [DRA] 33-1/2" x 27-1/2" [NEA]. One of a pair. Wife of Georg Kesting [q.v.]. Note: No record of Georg or Ada Kesting has been located. Descr.: Dark-haired, brown-eyed young woman; wearing black dress with pointed lace collar and cuffs, small black and gold octagonal collar brooch; seated facing p.r. on red-upholstered sofa, r. wrist resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap with index finger extended and holding small, closed black book with gilt spine. Dark neutral background. [DRA] Cond.: Excellent condition with minor restoration. [NEA] Provenance: A descendant of the subjects; by whom sold to Raymond M. Spiller, Norristown, Pa. (dealer); Collection of Thomas F. Schutte and Tess L. Schutte, Ipswich, Mass.; New England Auctions, Branford, Conn. (October 10, 2024) lot 252, sold $9,500+28% the pair (est. $5-7,000). Status: Sold at auction 2024

808. Georg Kesting – Berkshire Co., Mass. or vicinity (probably), circa 1850’s. [DRA] 331/2" x 27-1/2" [NEA]. One of a pair. Husband of Ada Kesting [q.v.]. Note: No record of Georg or Ada Kesting has been located. Inscr. (book spine): “HISTORY”. Descr.: Brown-haired, blue-eyed young man with neck beard; wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt with upturned collar, black stock without bow; seated facing p.l. in red-upholstered armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand holding closed black book with gilt spine (see inscription) Dark neutral background. [DRA] Cond.: Excellent condition with minor restoration. [NEA] Provenance: See Ada Kesting. Status: Sold at auction 2024.

809. Frances Ludlum Morris (Mrs. Robert Richard Morris, 1766-1852) – Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y., c 1820. One of a pair. Wife of Robert Richard Morris [q.v.]. Descr.: Brown-eyed, round-faced woman wearing black dress, sheer dotted and ruffled bonnet with bow in front and tied under chin, white fichu, sheer embroidered shawl wrapped around shoulders and arms; facing p.r. and glancing p.l., wrists crossed (l. over r.), l. hand holding small brown book with thumb marking page, r. hand in lap with fingertips holding shawl. Bio.: b. 12 Oct 1766, dau. of Isaac Ludlum (1744-1807) of Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y.; m. 11 Mar 1786 in Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. to Robert Richard Morris (1762-1851); d. 1 Jul 1852 in Yonkers, N.Y. (at home of her son-in-law Thomas W. Ludlow). Notes: Frances Ludlum was the sister of Gabriel Ludlum and James Ludlum, Robert Morris’s business partners in New York City. This portrait is described in detail, and its companion mentioned, in Gebhard (1909) as residing at the William Henry Ludlow House in Claverack, N.Y. A portrait by Frederick R. Spencer of a woman of similar appearance, tentatively identified as Frances Ludlum Morris, is at the National Gallery of Art (1947.17.96). Provenance: By descent in the

Ludlow and Judson families to a California owner; by whom consigned to Briggs Auction, Inc., Garnet Valley, Pa. (June 3, 2022) Lot 0300A, sold $1,800+25% the pair (est. $10-20,000) Reference: Gebhard (1909) p. 275 [not illus.]. Status: Antique Associates at West Townsend, Inc., West Townsend, Mass. as of 2022.

810. Robert Richard Morris (1762-1851) – Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y., c 1820. One of a pair. Husband of Frances Ludlum Morris [q.v.]. Descr.: Blue-eyed gentleman with receding gray hair and light gray sideburns, wearing high-collared black jacket and black vest, white stock without bow, white ruffled jabot; facing p.l. and glancing p.r., hands not shown. Bio.: b. 28 Jun 1762 at Morrisania, Bronx Co., N.Y., son of Richard Morris (1730-1810), Chief Justice of the State of New York, and Sarah (Ludlow) Morris (1730-1791); m. 11 Mar 1786 in Goshen, Orange Co., N.Y. to Frances Ludlum (1766-1852); d. 22 Feb 1851 at Mount Fordham, West Farms [now Bronx Co.], Westchester Co., N.Y. Res. Claverack, Columbia Co., N.Y. (1820). Note: This portrait is mentioned, and its companion described in detail, in Gebhard (1909) as residing at the William Henry Ludlow House in Claverack, N.Y. Provenance: See Frances Ludlum Morris Reference: Gebhard (1909) p. 275 [not illus.]. Status: Antique Associates at West Townsend, Inc., West Townsend, Mass. as of 2022

811. Member of the Newkirk family – West Hurley, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1820-25 [DRA]. 31" x 24-1/4". Inscr. (book spine): “MILTON’S / WORKS”. Cond.: Relined. Descr.: Man with fashionably curly and forward-swept hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white stock without bow, upturned collar, finely pleated jabot with floral stickpin; seated facing p.l. in a yellow paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, l. hand holding closed book with spine up (see inscription), r. hand not shown. Medium gray background. Note: Reported to be a member of the Newkirk family of West Hurley, N.Y. Status: Charles Glasner, Hudson River Antiques, Highland, N.Y. as of 2020. See Volume 2.

812. John Van Leuven Overbagh (1806-1853) – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 183334 [DRA] Son of Rev. Peter A. Overbagh [q.v.] and Maria Van Leuven Overbagh [q.v.]. Brother of Rachel Ann Maria Overbagh Ostrander [q.v.]. Descr.: Dark-haired man with receding hairline and sideburns, wearing high-collared black jacket, cream colored vest, pleated white shirt with upturned collar, tall black stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in stencil-decorated side chair, l. arm draped behind chair back, r. arm resting on table with book and letter, r. hand with upturned fingers holding quill pen. Subject identified per mid-20th century label (verso). Bio.: b. 22 Oct 1806 in Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., son of Rev. Peter Abraham Overbagh (1779-1842) and Maria (Van Leuven) Overbagh (1783-1832); m. 6 Jan 1824 in Albany, N.Y. to Caroline VerPlank (18071895), dau. of Isaac David VerPlank (1759-1836) and Lena Davits (Houghtaling) VerPlank (1761-1842); res. Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850 (farmer); d. 3 Oct 1853; bur. Wiltwyck Cem., Kingston, Ulster Co., N.Y. Member, N.Y. State Assembly, 1840; town supervisor, 1846-47; first pres., Bank of Ulster, 1852-53 [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the Overbagh and de la Vergne families to the previous owner; by whom donated to the Saugerties Historical Society in 2022. Status: Saugerties Historical Society, Saugerties, N.Y. See Volume 2.

813. Woman of the Overbagh family – Saugerties, Ulster Co., N.Y. (probably), c. 182224. [DRA] Descr.: Narrow-faced woman with dark eyebrows, wearing black dress with white scarf tucked under collar, small white ruffled bonnet with bow on top; seated facing p.r. in a red and yellow painted side chair, wrists crossed (l. over r.), l. hand holding book with thumb marking page. Notes: This portrait is nearly identical to the work known as “Portrait of a Lady in a Black Dress Wearing a Lace Bonnet” [q.v.]. This version is distinguished by a red label on the book spine. Previously misidentified per mid-20th century label (verso) as Caroline (VerPlank) Overbagh (1807-1895), wife of John Van Leuven Overbagh [q.v.]. The apparent age of the subject, probable dating, locale, and provenance suggest the most likely subject as Rachel (DeWitt) Van

Leuven (1761-1840) mother of Maria Van Leuven Overbagh [q.v.] and mother-in-law of Rev. Peter Abraham Overbagh [q.v.], both painted by Phillips circa 1822-24, and grandmother of Rachel Ann Maria Overbagh Ostrander [q.v.] and John Van Leuven Overbagh [see Addenda]. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in the Overbagh and De la Vergne families to the previous owner; by whom donated to the Saugerties Historical Society in 2022. Status: Saugerties Historical Society, Saugerties, N.Y. See Volume 2.

814. Dr. Israel Reynolds (1772-1824) – Pine Plains, Town of North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1821-22. Father of Julia Reynolds [q.v.] and Walter Reynolds [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with thinning dark bangs, double chin; wearing high-collared black jacket, white ruffled jabot, white stock; shown facing p.l. Bio.: b. 31 Oct 1772 in Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y., son of Stephen Reynolds (1740-1815) and Rachel (Denton) Reynolds (17421815); m. 1 Jun 1798 to Deborah Dorr (1770-1850) of East Lyme, New London Co., Conn.; res. North East, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1800 through 1820; d. 28 Mar 1824, bur. Evergreen Cem., Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Physician. Proprietor of Stissing House, Pine Plains, N.Y., 1806-23. [DRA] Reference: Huntting (1897) p. 302 [b&w facsim. in oval vignette]. Status: Location unknown. N.B.: May no longer exist.

815. Member of the Sackett family – Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1862*. Note: Known only from daybook entry of Phineas Knapp Sackett (1803-1888) of Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. dated Saturday, March 15, 1862 “Pay Phillips Portrait subscribe.” Other Phillips portraits dated 1862 include William H. Stewart [q.v.] of Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. and Elizabeth Harris Husted [q.v.] of Pine Plains or Stanford, Dutchess Co., N.Y. [DRA] Reference: Phineas Knapp Sackett daybook entry courtesy of Nancy J. Creswell. N.B.: Portrait may no longer exist.

816. Jane Eliza Allen Wright (Mrs. Abraham D. Wright, 1807-1886), Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., c. 1836. Sister-in-law of Ann Eliza Frear Allen [q.v.]. Descr.: Thinfaced woman with dark temple curls, wearing black dress with balloon sleeves and broad embroidered organdy collar, ruffled and beribboned bonnet tied on p.l. side, black hairnet visible on u.r. forehead; seated facing and leaning p.r., with r. arm resting on two books on table, smaller closed red book held between both hands. Cond.: Relined. Note: Probable identification based on family descent. Bio.: b. 15 May 1807 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y., dau. of Joseph Edwin Allen (1756-1834) and Keziah (Wesley) Allen (1767-1828); m. 23 Dec 1823 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y. to Abraham D. Wright (1805-1841), son of Elijah Wright (1770-1837) and Mary (Wood) Wright (17721850); d. 1886 in New York State. Res.: Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840; Poughkeepsie, Dutchess Co., N.Y., 1850, 1860, 1865; Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 1870, 1875. [DRA] Provenance: By direct descent in the Wright and Crump families to the present owner. Status: Privately owned. See Volume 2.

817. Anna [Annaetje] Eltinge Wynkoop (Mrs. Derrick Wynkoop, 1748-1827) – 2 of 2 – Hurley or New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 [DRA]. One of a pair. Wife of Derrick Dirksen “Dirck” Wynkoop [q.v.]. One of two versions by Phillips. Descr.: Older woman in black dress and shawl over white fischu, sheer white ruffled cap with black band; seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated scroll-back side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), r. hand with upturned fingers holding oval snuffbox (undecorated), thumb and index finger of l. hand pinched together. Note: This portrait and its companion bear the canvas stamp of New York art materials dealer Edward Dechaux (active c. 1832-66), which suggests that these may be later copies.

Bio.: See Anna [Annaetje] Eltinge Wynkoop – 1 of 2. Provenance: Cornelia Wynkoop Eltinge (Mrs. Peter Eltinge, 1772-1835), dau. of Derrick Wynkoop [q.v.] and step-dau. of the subject; to her son, Edmund Eltinge (1817-1897); thence in the family homestead until sold at auction in the 1930’s; repurchased by a cousin descendant of the original owners in 1976. [HHS] Status: Private collection.

818. Derrick Dirksen “Dirck” Wynkoop (1738-1827) – 2 of 2 – Hurley or New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1823 [DRA]. One of a pair. Husband of Anna [Annaetje] Eltinge Wynkoop [q.v.]. Uncle of Leah Dubois Wynkoop De Witt [q.v.]. One of two versions by Phillips. Descr.: Older, rosy-cheeked, silver-haired, apparently toothless gentleman wearing black jacket and vest, white stock with large bow in front, white downturned collar; seated facing p.r. in paint-decorated scroll-arm chair, l. arm resting on chair arm with l. hand holding silver-tipped cane, r. hand not shown. Bio.: See Derrick Dirksen “Dirck” Wynkoop – 1 of 2. Provenance: See Anna [Annaetje] Eltinge Wynkoop – 2 of 2. Status: Private collection.

819. Harmen Gansevoort Wynkoop (1785-1854) or possibly Johannes Andries De Witt (1758-1836) - Albany, Albany Co., N.Y. or Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1824. Brother (or brother-in-law) of Leah Wynkoop De Witt [q.v.] and brother-in-law (or brother) of Dr. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt [q.v.]. Descr.: Square-jawed gentleman with high cheekbones, ruddy cheeks, blue-gray eyes, and thin white hair; wearing high-collared black jacket, gray vest with gray buttons, light gray floral embroidery and tan lining, white stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in gold-decorated scroll-back side chair, r. hand holding antler-handled cane, l. hand not shown. Note: The traditional identification is problematic, as the subject of this mid-1820’s portrait appears significantly older than his early 40’s. Harmen Gansevoort Wynkoop was a lifelong resident of Albany, N.Y. Phillips is not known to have done any work in Albany. The strong facial resemblance to Dr. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt suggests that this could be the older brother of Dr. De Witt rather than his brother-in-law, specifically Johannes Andries De Witt (1758-1835), who would have been in his mid-60’s. Bio.: Johannes Andries De Witt, b. 28 Aug 1758, son of Andries De Witt (1728-1813) and Blandina Elmendorf Ten Eyck De Witt (1735-1807); m. 19 Apr 1776 to Rachel Bevier (1761-1807); d. 16 Mar 1836; bur. Marbletown Cem., Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y. Res.: Marbletown, Ulster Co., N.Y., 1830. [DRA] Provenance: By family descent to Miss Charlotte Deyo (later Mrs. Harry C. Smith, 1877-1966), greatgreat-grandniece of the subject; by whom loaned to King Manor Museum, Jamaica, Queens, N.Y. in 1920; to her cousin, Philip S. Deyo (1912-1969) by the early 1960’s; by indirect family descent to the present owner. Status: Private owner as of 2020.

820. Unidentified Man Holding a Glove – Berkshire Co., Mass. (probably), c. 1855 [DRA] 33-1/2" x 28". Descr.: Man with medium-brown receding hair, swept forward at sides, aquiline nose, slightly cleft chin; wearing black jacket and vest, black cravat, white pleated shirt and upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in armchair, r. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand with index finger extended and holding a dark gray glove, l. hand not shown. Dark background. Provenance: By reported descent in the family of the subject to an Ulster Co., N.Y. owner; collection of William Lohrman, New Paltz, N.Y. (dealer); Carlsen Gallery, Inc., Freehold, N.Y. (September 23, 2023) lot 93, sold $3,000+20% (est. $2-4,000); Peter Jung, Hudson, N.Y. Status: Private collection as of 2024 See Volume 2.

821. Unidentified Man Holding a Letter – Ulster or Dutchess Co., N.Y., probably, c. 1835 [DRA]. 32" x 26". Inscr. (letter): Possibly “M. Horatio D… / [illegible] / N York”. Descr.: Man with light-brown hair and brown eyes, wearing high-collared black jacket with pointed shoulders, tall black stock, white pleated shirt, upturned collar; seated facing p.l. in stencil-decorated side chair, l. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand in lap with upturned fingers holding opened letter with red seal (see inscription). Light brown background. Cond.: Laid down on board. Retouch. Note: Similar to Isaac Cox [q.v.]. Provenance: Jenkinstown Antiques, New Paltz, N.Y. Status: Private collection. See Volume 2.

822. Unidentified Man Holding Newspaper “Register” – Orange Co., New York, probably, c. 1825 [DRA]. 31-1/4" x 21-3/4". One of a pair. Descr.: Handsome brown-haired gentleman wearing high-collared black jacket, white vest, white ruffled jabot with small floral stickpin, white stock without bow, white upturned collar; seated facing p.l. with l. hand in jacket, r. arm resting on table with green covering and brass tacks, letter on table, r. hand holding folded newspaper. Inscr. (newspaper): “…REGISTER” and verso (on Masonite) “? Perot / 1823”. [DRA] Cond: Laid on Masonite, evidence of old repairs, retouch, uneven surface. Period gilt frame with wear and abrasions. [Brunk] Note: Canvas appears reduced. Newspaper is probably Niles’ Weekly Register, the nation’s first weekly newsmagazine, edited and published by Hezekiah Niles, 1811-36. The pair are similar in composition to Dr. Seth Capron and Eunice Mann Capron [q.v.], also holding Niles’ Weekly Register. [DRA] Provenance: Brunk Auctions, Asheville, N.C., American & Western Auction (March 8, 2024) lot 630, sold $1,600+25% the pair (est. $3-5,000). Status: Sold at auction 2024.

823. Unidentified Woman (Wife of Man Holding Newspaper “Register”) – Orange Co., New York, probably, c. 1825 [DRA]. 31-1/4" x 21-3/4". One of a pair. Descr.: Dark-haired woman with Apollo-knot hairstyle with two topknots, wearing back dress with sheer embroidered collar held with small pearl and jet brooch; seated facing p.r. on red sofa with leaf-carving and brass tacks, r. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand in lap holding small red book with thumb marking page. [DRA] Cond: Laid on Masonite, evidence of old repairs, retouch, uneven surface. Period gilt frame with wear and abrasions. [Brunk] Note: Canvas appears reduced. [DRA] Provenance: Brunk Auctions, Asheville, N.C., American & Western Auction (March 8, 2024) lot 630, sold $1,600+25% the pair (est. $35,000). Status: Sold at auction 2024.

824. Unidentified Woman, aka Lady with Rose and Book – Dutchess Co., N.Y. or vicinity, c. 1836 [DRA]. 34-7/8" x 28-1/4" (frame) or 30" x 23-1/2" (canvas). Descr.: 3/4length portrait of oval-faced, brown-eyed young woman with dark center-parted hair with topknot and side curls, wearing black balloon-sleeved dress with wide neckline and black arm bows, wide sheer organdy collar with embroidered border; seated facing and leaning p.r. with r. arm resting on book on table, l. hand in lap with upturned fingers and holding small red flowers (possibly carnations). Note: Canvas appears slightly reduced. [DRA] Cond.: Cleaned with some inpainting. Provenance: Collection of Ruth and Robert Uhlig, Cape Vincent, N.Y.; Iroquois Auctions, Brewerton, N.Y. (September 22, 2024) Lot 8, sold $7,250+10% (est. $2-4,000). Status: Sold at auction 2024.

825. Unidentified Woman with Embroidered Shawl, Bible and Spectacles –Dutchess Co., N.Y. or vicinity, c. 1838 [DRA] 32" x 26-1/2". Inscr. (book spine): “HOLY / BIBLE” (partially obscured). Descr.: Brown-haired, brown-eyed woman wearing black dress, black shawl with sinuously embroidered edge, box-pleated organdy bonnet with ribbons tied under chin, three-layer box-pleated organdy collar; facing p.l. with r. hand holding partially opened book, l. arm resting on table with book page held between thumb and index finger of l. hand. Folded spectacles resting on table. Dark reddish-brown background. Cond.: Surface grime, craquelure throughout, one-inch sized hole lower left to canvas, undulation. Provenance: Nadeau’s Auction Gallery, Windsor, Conn. (November 9, 2024) lot 172, est. $1-2,000. Status: To be sold at auction.

Appendix: Selected Misattributions

Seth Austin Barnes (1808-1891) – Williamsville (West Stockbridge), Berkshire Co., Mass. [see below]. Husband of Caroline H. Williams Barnes [q.v.]. Son of Elisha Barnes [q.v.]. Descr.: Man with landscape background [DRA]. Note: Subject once lived at White Gates, the home diagonally across Route 41 from the old brick schoolhouse. [TBE] Bio.: b. 28 Jun 1808, West Stockbridge, Mass., m. 24 Jun 1832 to Caroline H. Williams; d. 26 Mar 1891, West Stockbridge, Mass. Res.: West Stockbridge, Berkshire Co., Mass.,1850 (age 42, farmer), 1880 (age 71). [DRA] Provenance: Harold D. Barnes (1895-1984), Pittsfield, Mass., great-grandson of subject, as of 1969, 1974; Private collection, California [CAP], probably Mrs. Elaine Barnes Downing, Portola Valley, Cal. [DRA] References: Harold Dutton Barnes to Mary C. Black, letter dated 23 Apr 1969; Garnett (1976) p. 33 [b&w facsim.]; loaned to Williamsville bicentennial exhibit by Harold D. Barnes of Pittsfield per Lera Tonini, "Williamsville has bicentennial," The Berkshire Eagle (June 17, 1974): p. 23 [b&w facsim., in situ]. Exhibited: “What's The Story?,” The Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Mass. (April 26 – June 1, 2008). Status: Private collection (see provenance). CAP: CA990148. N.B.: Misattribution.

John Beardsley – unknown locale, c. 1835 [CNY]. 27-1/2" x 23". Descr.: Young gentleman wearing black jacket, white collared shirt with long black bow tie; facing p.r. with l. hand in jacket, r. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: By descent in Beardsley Family; Mary Frances Hawkins, descendant, Herkimer, New York; Collection of Albert K. Davidson, Cove Neck, N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 8238 (October 21, 1995) Lot 24 (attributed to Ammi Phillips), sold $1,840 (est. $3-5,000). Status: Sold at auction 1995. N.B.: Misattribution.

Portrait of a Blue-Eyed Gentleman – unknown locale, c. 1830. 30" x 25". [SI] Descr.: Young man with rosy cheeks, light-brown peaked and swept-forward hair; wearing black jacket, gold-colored vest, ruffled jabot and white stock without bow, visible white ruffled cuff; seated facing p.r. on scroll-arm chair, l. arm resting on chair arm, r. hand not shown. [DRA] Cond.: Minor tears, craquelure, a few small paint losses, minor retouch to background. [SI] Provenance: Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture and Decorative Arts, Sale 2230 (February 22, 2004) Lot 265 (attributed to Ammi Phillips), sold $6,000+17.5% (est. $68,000). Status: Sold at auction 2004. N.B.: Misattribution.

Benoni Buttolph (1773-1856) – Granby, Hartford Co., Conn., c. 1836-1838. 29-1/4" x 241/2" Descr.: Dark-haired man wearing black jacket, white shirt with upturned collar, black stock without bow; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown) with r. arm resting on table with book, fingers of r. hand curled inside book marking page, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Bio.: Benoni Buttolph (aka Buttles) b. 28 Dec 1773 in Granby, Hartford Co., Conn.; d. 1858 in Iowa City, Iowa. Note: The referenced article offers the portrait as proof that the subject was still residing in Granby, Conn. in the mid-1830’s prior to moving to Brookfield, Ohio and finally Iowa. The census and tax records, however, indicate that the subject had moved to Brookfield Twp., Trumbull Co., Ohio between 1810 and 1820. [DRA] Provenance: Malvina Buttles Boal [1840-1927], granddaughter of the subject. Reference: Richard Porter, “A Newly Discovered Portrait by Ammi Phillips,” CHS Bulletin, Vol. 44, No. 2 (April 1979): pp. 61-64 [b&w facsim p. 63, Fig. 2, photo courtesy The Pennsylvania State University Still Photography Services]. Status: Boal Museum, Boalsburg, Pa. as of 1979. N.B.: Misattribution.

Maria Yates Calhoun (Mrs. Andrew Hamilton Calhoun, 1797-1849) – Canajoharie, Montgomery Co., N.Y., c. 1835 [DRA]. 36" x 32". Descr.: Woman with dark, center-parted hair, wearing black dress with large ruffled organdy collar, large ruffled bonnet with ribbons tied under chin; seated facing p.r. on sofa with r. arm resting on sofa arm and descending r. hand holding a closed book, l. hand in lap. Note: Listed in Catalog of American Portraits as possible attribution to Ammi Phillips. The companion portrait of Andrew Hamilton Calhoun (1799-1874) is not so listed. [DRA] Provenance: Private collection, Michigan. Status: The Arkell Museum, Canajoharie, N.Y., acquired 2018. CAP: MI990052. N.B.: No current attribution.

Joseph Cushing (1781-1852) – Baltimore, Md., c. 1835. One of a pair. Husband of Rebecca Edmands Cushing [q.v.]. Descr.: Portly gentleman with peaked and swept-forward hair, wearing dark gray double-breasted jacket with white jabot and upturned collar; seated facing p.l. with two fingers of r. hand inside jacket, l. hand not shown [DRA] Notes: Per H&H, the subject and his wife lived in Baltimore after 1812, but the style of their portraits suggest that Phillips painted them in 1835 and 1836 when he was working in the Kent-Amenia area. [H&H] Previously attributed to Ammi Phillips or Jacob Eichholtz. Listed in H&H but omitted from HPF. Not by Ammi Phillips. [DRA] Provenance: The subject's great-granddaughter, Miss Josephine C. Morris, Baltimore, Maryland (died 1956); bequeathed by her to the Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. Status: Maryland Historical Society as of 1968. [H&H] H&H: 157, IAP: 81310144 N.B.: Misattribution.

Rebecca Edmands Cushing (Mrs. Joseph Cushing, 1814-1881) – Baltimore, Md., c. 1835. One of a pair. Wife of Joseph Cushing [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman wearing embroidered and beribboned bonnet, dress with square neckline and embroidered sheer collar; seated facing p.r. on sofa, with l. arm resting on sofa arm, l. hand holding glove, shawl wrapped around back and both arms, r. hand not shown. Note: Previously attributed to Ammi Phillips or Jacob Eichholtz. Listed in H&H but omitted from HPF. Not by Ammi Phillips. [DRA] See also H&H notes under Joseph Cushing. Provenance: See Joseph Cushing. Reference: Photo at Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y. Status: Maryland Historical Society as of 1968. [H&H] H&H: 158, IAP: 81310145 N.B.: Misattribution.

Leah Dubois Wynkoop De Witt (Mrs. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt, 1766-1829), aka Blandina Elmendorf De Witt (1775-1814) – 2 of 2 – Rochester, Ulster Co., N.Y., c. 1824 or a later copy [DRA]. 30" x 24". One of a pair (of which two versions exist). Companion to portrait of Dr. Abraham Ten Eyck De Witt – 2 of 2 [q.v.]. Previously misidentified as Blandina Elmendorf De Witt. Inscr. (verso): Ink stencil “PREPARED / BY / EDwd DECHAUX / NEW-YORK” (artists’ materials, active 1832-68). Descr.: Older woman with pale thin lips, sunken eyes, prominent eyebrows; wearing black dress with oval neckline over white fichu, ruffled bonnet tied under chin, double-strand bead necklace, gold and black ring on r. index finger; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown) with wrists crossed (l. over r.) Dark background. Original keyed stretcher. Note: Similar in numerous details to Phillips’s portrait of Leah Dubois Wynkoop De Witt – 1 of 2 [q.v.] at Locust Lawn, Gardiner, N.Y. but omitting the chair, and with a very different execution of the face. An apparent later copy, not by Phillips. [DRA] Bio.: See Leah Dubois Wynkoop De Witt – 1 of 2. Provenance: By family descent to Miss Charlotte Deyo (later Mrs. Harry C. Smith, 1877-1966), great-great-granddaughter of the subject; by whom loaned to King Manor Museum in 1920. Status: King Manor Museum, Jamaica, Queens, N.Y. as of 2020. Accession number: X1997.27. N.B.: Probable copy, not by Phillips (see note).

Abraham Deyo (1815-1884) aka Abraham D. Deyo – Guilford, Chenango Co., N.Y. [H&H] or Guilford, Ulster Co., N.Y., see note [DRA], c. 1835 [H&H]. One of a purported pair. Husband of Jane Bevier Deyo [q.v.]. Descr.: Young man with light brown hair, wearing black jacket and vest, white pleated shirt with upturned collar and stickpin, tall black stock with bow, shield-shaped fob; seated facing p.r. in side chair (barely shown) with hands in lap (partially shown). Mottled gray background. Bio.: b. 2 Apr 1815; m. 13 Oct 1837 in Gardiner, Ulster Co., N.Y. to Jane Bevier; d. 30 Dec 1884, New Paltz, Ulster Co., N.Y. Notes: Guilford properly refers to the hamlet in the town of Gardiner, Ulster Co., N.Y., not the town of Guilford in Chenango Co., N.Y. This is apparently the portrait of Abraham Deyo currently in possession of Historic Huguenot Street, New Paltz, N.Y. (see inset), attributed to John Vanderlyn. [DRA] Provenance: Descended to Mrs. George B. Howell, Piscataway, N.J. [1968] Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] See provenance. H&H: 299, HPF: 64B.9, IAP: 81310285 N.B.: Current attribution to John Vanderlyn.

Portrait of a Handsome Hazel-Eyed Young Woman Wearing a Black Dress with Ruffled White Lace Collar and Shawl – unknown locale, c. 1825 [SNY]. 29-1/2" x 23-1/2" [SNY]. Descr.: Woman with temple curls and tall comb, wearing black dress with white twolayer ruffled collar and black lace cuffs, two-strand black necklace; seated facing p.r. in bamboo-painted side chair, r. wrist resting on chair back, r. hand holding closed book, l. hand not shown, sheer shawl with white embroidery draped across chair back. Brown and orange background. Note: possibly by Micah Williams. [DRA] Provenance: Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Fine Americana, Sale 6392 (January 28-31, 1993) Lot 918 (attributed to Ammi Phillips), est. $12-18,000. Status: Sold at auction 1993. N.B.: Misattribution.

Anna Holder (1808-1895) and Tryphena Blanche Holder (later Mrs. David Raymond Fox, 1833-1912) – Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., Mass., c. 1835. 35" x 28-1/2" . [CAP] One of a pair. Wife and daughter of George Holder [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman in elaborate bonnet and brown dress with pink and tan shawl; seated facing forward on brown sofa, holding young child in lap. Child in long white dress with short sleeves [DRA] Provenance: Mrs. Raymond Birchett [1912-1993], Jackson, Miss. [CAP] Note: Raymond Birchett [1902-1974] was the greatgrandson of Anna Holder and grandson of Tryphena Holder Fox, author of A Northern Woman in the Plantation South: Letters of Tryphena Blanche Holder Fox 1856-1876 (pub , 1997, Wilma King-Hunter, editor). [DRA] Status: Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, Miss., bequest of Emma Katherine Faser Birchett. Accession number: 1993.012. CAP: MS990205. N.B.: Although attributed to Ammi Phillips in the Catalog of American Portraits, current attribution is to Erastus Salisbury Field.

George Holder (1810-1849) and LeRoy Holder (1833-1864) – Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., Mass., c. 1835. 35" x 28-1/4". [CAP] One of a pair. Husband and son of Anna Holder [q.v.].

Descr.: Man in dark jacket with brass buttons, cream-colored vest, white shirt and upturned collar, black stock; seated facing p.r. on brown sofa, holding young child on lap with interlaced fingers. Child in long red dress with short sleeves, holding open book with both hands. [DRA]

Provenance: See Anna Holder and Tryphena Blanche Holder. Status: Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, Miss., bequest of Emma Katherine Faser Birchett. Accession number: 1993.011. CAP: MS990206. N.B.: Although attributed to Ammi Phillips in the Catalog of American Portraits, current attribution is to Erastus Salisbury Field.

Samuel Hunt (1778-1861) – Norwich, Windsor Co., Vt., probably [DRA], 1846*. 29" x 26".

Descr.: Waist-length portrait of a gentleman with receding gray hair, in black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar, black bow tie; standing facing p.l. with r. forearm resting on a table, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Inscr. (note affixed to the reverse): "Samuel Hunt Father of Sophronia Hunt Alger Born in Norwich July 4, 1810. Died Dec. 10th 1869. Painted 1846. Jannette L. Hyde June 1933." Bio.: b. 8 Feb 1778, Strafford, Orange Co., Vt.; d. 26 Mar 1861. Res.: Norwich, Windsor Co., Vt., 1850. Provenance: Skinner, Inc., Bolton, Mass., Sale 2157 (August 9, 2002) Lot 476F (attributed to Ammi Phillips), sold $1,200+17.5% (est. $3-5,000). Status: Sold at auction 2002. N.B.: Misattribution.

Daniel Jenks II (c. 1826-1862) – Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass., probably. [DRA], 1852-1862 [CAP]. 39-1/16" x 31-1/8" (sight). One of a pair. Husband of Maria J. Sayles Jenks [q.v.]. Note: Unidentified artist or attributed. [CAP] Bio.: m. 25 Oct 1851, Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass., age 25; d. 29 Jul 1862, Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Status: Berkshire County Historical Society, Pittsfield, Mass. (acquired 1967). Accession number: 67.62. N.B.: Previously attributed to Ammi Phillips.

Maria J. Sayles Jenks (Mrs. Daniel Jenks II, 1830-1855) – Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass., probably. [DRA], 1852-1862 [CAP]. 40-1/16" x 32-1/4" (accurate). One of a pair. Wife of Daniel Jenks II [q.v.]. Note: Unidentified artist or attributed. [CAP] Bio.: m. 25 Oct 1851, Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass., age 20; d. 10 Jun 1855, Adams, Berkshire Co., Mass. [DRA] Status: Berkshire County Historical Society, Pittsfield, Mass. (acquired 1967). Accession number: 67.63. N.B.: Previously attributed to Ammi Phillips.

Charles Morris – unknown locale, c.1835. 29-1/2" x 24". Provenance: Central Massachusetts Bicentennial IAP Survey (1975). Status: Unable to confirm owner address as of June 1989. [SIRIS], IAP: 71771603 N.B.: Probable misattribution.

Nicholas Mundy (Man with Tribune) – Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., possibly [HPF], 1852 [CMA] or c. 1850-1852 [HPF]. 31-9/16" x 25-9/16" (sight) or 32" x 36" [CMA]. Inscr.: Holding newspaper "Tribune" [HPF] Label (verso): “Nicholas Mundy, 1852” [CMA]. Descr.: Blue-eyed, hollow-cheeked gentleman with thin bangs; wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar, black stock with bow; standing facing p.r. with r. arm resting on table or sofa back, r. hand holding gold (brass) spectacles with octagonal lenses, l. hand holding folded newspaper “Tribune.” Notes: There are no 19th C. records of a Nicholas Mundy in Connecticut or elsewhere within Phillips’s known geography. A Nicholas Mundy (18191894) was a wealthy farmer in Big Flats (near Elmira), Chemung Co., N.Y. The “Tribune” masthead typography corresponds to the New-York Weekly Tribune, circa 1850. [DRA] Provenance: Purchased by Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch, 1963; Gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch to The Chrysler Museum of Art, 1978. Reference: Anderson, Chrysler Museum Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 4 (April 1976): pp. 23. Note: The awkward pose and primitive facial rendering are both uncharacteristic of Phillips’s c. 1850 work. [DRA] Status: Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Va. (acquired 1978). Accession number: 78.633.9. HPF: 70A.2 N.B.: Probable misattribution.

Arthur Leonard Olcott (1847-1855), aka Leonard Olcott, aka Lenny Olcott – Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N.Y. [HPF], 1857*. Unlocated portrait. Posthumous. Presumably from a daguerreotype. Known only from the diary of his older sister Anna Marie Olcott [Dakin] (1835-1916). Bio.: b. 15 Mar 1847, Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N.Y.; d. 1 Mar 1855, Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N.Y. Res.: Cherry Valley, Otsego Co., N.Y.,1850 (Arthur L. Olcott, age 3; Anna M. Olcott, age 15). Note: A thorough reading of the original diary reveals that the work-in-progress portrait by a “Mr. Phillips” was viewed by Miss Olcott at his studio in lower Manhattan during a visit with relatives in New York City in February 1857. The earlier assumption that this refers to Ammi Phillips, then living in Massachusetts, appears incorrect. It possibly refers to artist and daguerreotypist Benjamin R. Phillips (1821-1881) whose business was listed at 222 Canal St., New York City in 1857. [DRA] References: Olcott (1857); Hollander, Antiques (February 1994): p. 273 [not illus.]; Hollander and Fertig (1994) p. 15 [not illus.]. Status: May no longer exist. HPF: 70A.6. N.B.: Misattribution.

Hannah Griswold Peters (1805-1893), aka Hanna Peters, aka Lady in Cap – New Haven, New Haven Co., Conn., probably [H&H] or Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1841 [H&H]. 32" x 27-1/4" [H&H] or 31-1/2" x 27" [JDJ]. One of a pair. Companion to "Man with Turned Down Collar, aka Manly Peters" [q.v.]. Descr.: Woman faces right [p.l.] and is seated in the same type of chair. She wears a lace bonnet, black dress with lace collar. She holds a piece of lace in her lap and part of a pocket watch is seen with an ornate clock key fob which is similar to the one seen on the man’s vest. Cond: Very good, restored with inpainting. [JDJ] Restoration by Tom Yost [Copake] Notes: Not by Ammi Phillips, per HPF*. The sitter identification as Hanna [sic] Peters appears to have been made since 2007. Bio.: Hannah Griswold Peters (1805-1893), bur. Norwich, New London Co., Conn. [DRA] Provenance: Gift of a Mrs. Simpson to Museum of Art, Science, and Industry, Bridgeport, Conn. as of 1968 (subsequent deaccession); James D. Julia,

Inc., Samoset 2007 Antiques & Fine Art Auction, Rockport, Maine, August 28-30, 2007, Lot 825, sold $12,000+15% the pair (est. $12,500-17,500); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y., Unreserved Estate Sale (March 21, 2015) Lot 99, passed at $3,750 the pair (est. $4-6,000). Note: Cross-referenced by James D. Julia to the Holdridge (1968) catalog number. Status: Litchfield Historical Society, Litchfield, Conn. (2015 gift). Accession number: 2015-56-1. H&H: 223, HPF: not listed, IAP: 81310209 N.B.: Misattribution.

Dr. Manly Peters (1799-1863), aka Man with Turned Down Collar – New Haven, New Haven Co., Conn., probably [H&H] or Litchfield Co., Conn. [DRA], c. 1841 [H&H]. 32" x 271/4" [H&H] or 31-1/2" x 27" [JDJ]. One of a pair. Companion to "Lady in Cap" [q.v.]. Descr.: A young man seated in a red chair facing left [p.r.] in half view holding an open book titled “Materia Media” [Medica]. He wears a black coat with turned down collar, black vest and tie and a white shirt. Cond: Very good, restored with inpainting. [JDJ] Restoration by Tom Yost [Copake]. Notes: Not by Ammi Phillips, per HPF*. The sitter identification as Manly Peters appears to have been made since 2007. Bio.: Manly Peters (1799-1863), bur. Norwich, New London Co., Conn. Res.: Litchfield, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1830; Warren, Litchfield Co., Conn., 1840. [DRA] Provenance: Gift of a Mrs. Simpson to Museum of Art, Science, and Industry, Bridgeport, Conn. as of 1968 (subsequent deaccession); James D. Julia, Inc., Samoset 2007 Antiques & Fine Art Auction, Rockport, Maine, August 28-30, 2007, Lot 825, sold $12,000+15% the pair (est. $12,500-17,500); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. Unreserved Estate Sale (March 21, 2015) Lot 99, passed at $3,750 the pair (est. $4-6,000). Status: Litchfield Historical Society, Litchfield, Conn. (2015 gift). Accession number: 2015-56-2. H&H: 222, HPF: not listed, IAP: 81310208 N.B.: Misattribution.

Portrait of a Seated Gentleman, aka Portrait of a Man in a Black Jacket – unknown locale, 1830 [Skinner] or c. 1840 [DRA]. 30-1/4" x 25-1/4" [Skinner, 1993] or 30" x 25" [Skinner, 2019]. Descr.: Balding, portly gentleman with gray hair flowing over ear(s); wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt with upturned collar and visible cuffs, black stock with bow; seated facing p.l. in scroll-back and scroll-arm chair, both arms resting on chair arms, hands at stomach level with fingers interlaced. Dark reddish-brown curtain at u.l. [DRA] Cond.: Good, minute scattered losses, scattered retouch, craquelure. [Skinner, 1993] Craquelure, no obvious retouch. [Skinner, 2019] Provenance: Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., Fine Americana, Sale 1541 (October 31, 1993) Lot 270A [b&w facsim.], as Ammi Phillips (unsigned), sold $2,000+10% (est. $4-6,000); Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 3307M (November 2, 2019) Lot 264 [not illus.], as Ammi Phillips (unsigned), sold $1,300+23% (est. $2,500-3,500); Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y. (January 1, 2022) Lot 14, sold $1,200+18% (est. $500-700). Status: Sold at auction 2022. N.B.: Probable misattribution.

Portrait Pair (man) – Unknown locale. 30" x 22" [CNY]. One of a pair. Descr.: Young man with dark hair parted on p.l. and very long on sides; wearing black jacket and vest, white shirt and downturned collar, black cravat with long floppy ends connected with stickpins and chain, black gloves (or ink-stained hands); seated facing slightly p.r. in paint-decorated side chair, r. forearm resting on chair back, l. hand partially inside jacket. [DRA] Cond.: Unframed. Now on later stretchers of slightly reduced size. [CNY] Provenance: Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 6400 (May 28, 1987) Lot 88, as Ammi Phillips, est. $20-30,000 the pair. Status: Location unknown. N.B.: Misattribution.

Portrait Pair (woman) – Unknown locale. 30" x 22" [CNY]. One of a pair. Descr.: Young woman with dark, center-parted hair; wearing long-sleeved black dress with small lace collar, and oval brooch (gold with red enameled flowers); seated facing p.l. in paint-decorated scrollback side chair, l. arm leaning on the back of second chair of same design, head tilting to p.l. and leaning against palm of l. hand with fingers on l. temple, r. hand in lap holding book. [DRA] Cond.: Unframed. Now on later stretchers of slightly reduced size. [CNY] Provenance: Christie’s, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Silver, Folk Art and Decorative Arts, Sale 6400 (May 28, 1987) Lot 88, as Ammi Phillips, est. $20-30,000 the pair. Status: Location unknown. N.B.: Misattribution.

Eliza Simpson – unknown locale, c. 1825 [HPF]. 30" x 25-3/16" [CNY]. Descr.: Woman with slightly gnarled fingers, wearing black dress with tall white box-pleated collar, white ruffled cap with bow on top; seated facing p.l. in fancy paint-decorated red thumb-back side chair, wrists crossed (r. over l.), holding a small brown book in r. hand, thumb marking page. Provenance: Brzostek’s Real Estate Auction Co., Inc., Phoenix, Oswego Co., N.Y., property of Lawrence and Pat Rapple, former residence of Edward Sims (1803-1880), Chittenango, Madison Co., N.Y., home, antiques and contents, Auction #0980 (May 5, 1990); Stoltenborg Antiques, Schuyler Lake, Otsego Co., N.Y.; Collection of Al Davidson, Oyster Bay, L.I., N.Y.; Christie's, New York, N.Y., Important American Furniture, Folk Art and Decorative Art (October 21, 1995) Lot 23, unsold (est. $4-6,000). Note: This portrait is an apparent copy of the portrait of Louisa Heyer Jackson [q.v.]. Status: Unsold at auction 1995. HPF: 72B.5. N.B.: Probable misattribution.

Daniel Spraker (1798-1896) – Sprakersville [now Sprakers], Town of Root, Montgomery Co., N.Y., c. 1836 [DRA]. 32" x 29" [SNY]. One of a pair. Husband of Eliza Spraker [q.v.].

Descr.: Ruddy-faced gentleman with stringy bangs, wearing black double-breasted jacket with brass buttons, cream-colored vest, white ruffled jabot, white stock with small bow, slightly downturned collar; seated facing strongly p.r. (chair not shown) with head turned strongly p.l., glimpse of diagonal r. arm, hands not shown. Dark red drapery entire r. side of canvas. [DRA] Cond.: Lots of abrasions, relined, cleaned [SNY]; scattered retouch [Skinner].

Bio.: b. 26 Aug 1798 in Stone Arabia, Town of Palatine, Montgomery Co., N.Y., son of Jost Spraker (1765-1848) and Catherine (Fraser) Spraker (1767-1843); m. 1826 to Eliza Dykeman (1807-1850); res. Root, Montgomery Co., N.Y., 1830, 1840, 1850 (Merchant); founding Pres., National Mohawk River Bank, Fonda, N.Y. (1856-1896); d. 1 Sep 1896; bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Canajoharie, Montgomery Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: Acquired from original family descendants; Peter Tillou, Litchfield, Conn. (May 1980); Collection of Alan T. McDonough [1937-2016], Dover, Mass.; Sotheby's, New York, N.Y., Important Americana, Sale N08950 (January 26, 2013) Lot 376 [color facsim.], as attributed to Ammi Phillips by Peter Tillou, unsold at $12,000 (est. $15-30,000 the pair); Skinner, Inc., Marlborough, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2669M (August 11, 2013) Lot 191 [color facsim.], as attributed to Ammi Phillips, unsold (est. $8-12,000 the pair); Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., American Furniture & Decorative Arts, Sale 2757B (October 26, 2014) Lot 473 [not illus.], as American School, 19th C., sold $1,500+23% the pair (est. $3-5,000). Status: Sold at auction 2014. N.B.: Misattribution.

Eliza Dykeman Spraker (Mrs. Daniel Spraker, 1807-1850) – Sprakersville [now Sprakers], Town of Root, Montgomery Co., N.Y., c. 1826 [DRA]. 32" x 29" [SNY]. One of a pair. Wife of Daniel Spraker [q.v.]. Descr.: Ruddy-faced lady with dark eyebrows, wearing black dress with ruffled collar, white bonnet with bow on top, three-strand necklace; seated facing p.l. in armchair covered with red embroidered shawl, r. hand holding shawl, l. hand not shown. Cond.: Lots of abrasions, relined, cleaned [SNY]; scattered retouch [Skinner]. Bio.: b. 2 Jan 1807, dau. of Stephen Dykeman (1780-1822) and Catherine (Hardenbergh) Dykeman (1784-1860); m. 1826 to Daniel Spraker (1798-1896); d. 2 Apr 1850; bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Canajoharie, Montgomery Co., N.Y. [DRA] Provenance: See Daniel Spraker. Status: Sold at auction 2014. N.B.: Misattribution.

Mr. N.H. Stubbing – unknown locale, c. 1820 [HPF]. 25" x 30" [Garth’s]. Inscr.: Old label probably removed from original stretcher "Mr. N.H. Stubbing". [Garth’s] Descr.: Gentleman with slightly hollow cheeks and receded hairline; wearing black jacket, white stock tied in front, white shirt and upturned collar; seated facing p.r. in an armchair, r. arm and r. hand resting on chair arm, l. hand not shown. [DRA] Provenance: Garth’s Auction, Delaware, Ohio (November 29-30, 1985) Lot 246. Status: Location unknown as of 1994. [HPF] HPF: 74A.1. N.B.: Misattribution.

Unidentified Man, aka Man of Early Border Period – Waterloo, Seneca Co., N.Y., probably [CHS] or possibly [H&H], c. 1812 [CHS] or c. 1815 [H&H] or c. 1830-35 [DRA] Descr.: Oil on wood panel. Gentleman in a black jacket and white stock with high collar; l. arm resting on the back of a fancy-painted side chair, with descending l. hand holding a small red book. Notes: This is the only Phillips work associated by H&H with Seneca Co., N.Y. and is unusual for being on wood panel, perhaps leading to their early dating. Dropped from the 1994 (HPF) catalog. On personal inspection in 2008, this does not appear to be by Ammi Phillips. Possibly by Noah North. [DRA] Status: Waterloo Library and Historical Society, Waterloo, N.Y. as of 1965, 1968, 2008. [CHS, H&H, DRA]. In storage as of 2008. CHS: 188, H&H: 27, IAP: 81310027 and 82320225. N.B.: Misattribution.

Mrs. Van Nane – unknown locale, unknown date. 30-1/2" x 23". [Weschler] Descr.: Female - Waist-length portrait. [IAP] Note: Not listed in HPF. Provenance: Adam A. Weschler & Son, Washington D.C. (March 6, 1983) Lot 1327, sold $1,500. Status: Sold at auction 1983. IAP: 62171055. N.B.: Probable misattribution.

Woman Holding Red Book and Wearing a Floral Shawl, possibly Mrs. Engelta Vroman – Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. or Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.Y. vicinity, unknown date. 30" x 24". Descr.: Older woman in black dress and black shawl with edge embroidered in red roses, white ruffled bonnet with small bow on top and tied under chin with small bow, goldbead necklace, ring on l. index finger; seated facing p.r. in red-upholstered scroll-arm sofa with brass tacks (sofa arm seen on r. behind subject’s back), l. hand holding up red open book with thumb marking page, r. hand not shown. Mottled brown background. [DRA] Cond.: Minor craquelure throughout. Has been relined and varnished. No chipping or discoloration. Little dirt accumulation. Sustains a few spots of dirt accumulation to the left quadrant of the painting. Each area is about .2" -.3". The painting was most likely leaning on a blunt object or corner, resulting in a bump to the center right, immediately below the figure's right shoulder. Evidence of tiny inpainting touchups to the figure's face, hat, nose and right cheek. Additional evidence of more inpainting to the forehead. In a giltwood frame. No label en verso. Broken frame corners are available for restoration. [Susanin’s] Note: Possibly Engeltje Vrooman (1766-1839), wife of Peter A. Vrooman, Schenectady Co., N.Y. or vicinity. [DRA] Provenance: Jackson's International Auctioneers and Appraisers, Cedar Falls, Iowa (April 27-28, 2005) Lot 203, unsold (est. $3-5,000). Susanin's Auctions, Chicago, Illinois, Premiere Auction 46 (May 12, 2007) Lot 6014, unsold at $465 (est. $6001,000). Status: Likely Midwest owner (see provenance). N.B.: Misattribution.

Portrait of a Woman Wearing a Bonnet and Holding a Book and Spectacles –unknown locale, c. 1838 [SI] or c. 1825 [DRA]. 28-3/4" x 23-3/4" (stretcher) or 28-5/8" x 233/8" (sight). Descr.: Older woman with dark center-parted hair, wearing black dress with balloon sleeves, wide white collar, tall ruffled bonnet with blue ribbon and blue ribbons tied under chin in large bow; seated facing p.l. in red chair (barely shown), r. hand holding closed book and folded silver spectacles, l. hand not shown [DRA] Cond.: Edges lined, two patch repairs c.r. and c.l., minor retouch l.r. [Skinner] Note: Partial label on frame from Quimby's Art Store, Augusta, Maine (active 1900-1948). Provenance: Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass., Sale 2337 (November 5, 2006) Lot 1158, sold $3,200+17.5% (est. $1,000-1,500). Status: Private collection as of 2006. N.B.: Probable misattribution.

Woman with Red Drapery and Books – unknown locale, unknown date. 36" x 30". Inscr.: Spine of book on table possibly "SH...". Descr.: Narrow-faced woman wearing a black dress with balloon sleeves, wide embroidered organdy collar, tall ruffled bonnet with long ribbons tied on p.l. side; seated facing p.r. (chair not shown), r. arm leaning on a table with book, l. hand holding a small closed book with index finger marking page. Gold ring on l. middle finger. Red drapery in u.r. corner and r. side of canvas, with black fringe and one gold tassel. Cond.: Craquelure, minimally-oxidized canvas with original tacking, not relined, modern double-keyed stretcher. Note: This appears to be an amateurish 20th C. copy of the portrait of Anna Farrington Noxon [q.v.]. Provenance: Stanton Auctions, Hampden, Mass. (March 1, 2014) Lot 164 without attribution, sold $1,000+18% (est. $1,500-$2,500). Status: Sold at auction 2014. N.B.: Not an original Phillips.

Mr. Asa Wood – unknown locale, unknown date. 34-1/2" x 27-1/4". One of a pair. Husband of "Mrs. Asa Wood" [q.v.]. Notes: Amer. School, 19th C. It has been suggested that these portraits are by Ammi Phillips (1788-1865) [Barridoff] Not included in HPF (1994) catalog and may be a misattribution. [DRA] Provenance: Barridoff Galleries, Portland, Maine (August 19, 1993) Lot 150, sold $3,850 the pair (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 1993. N.B.: Probable misattribution.

Mrs. Asa Wood – unknown locale, unknown date. 34-1/2" x 27-1/4".One of a pair. Wife of “Mr. Asa Wood” [q.v.]. Notes: Amer. School, 19th C. It has been suggested that these portraits are by Ammi Phillips (1788-1865). [Barridoff] Not included in HPF (1994) catalog and may be a misattribution. [DRA] Provenance: Barridoff Galleries, Portland, Maine (August 19, 1993) Lot 150, sold $3,850 the pair (est. $4-6,000). Status: Sold at auction 1993. N.B.: Probable misattribution.

Portrait of a Young Lady Holding a Book, aka Portrait of a Fair-Haired Young Woman – unknown locale, unknown date. 29-1/2" x 23-1/2" [KFA] or 30" x 25" [Garth’s]

Descr.: Young lady with blue eyes, light-brown hair in very short style; wearing white shortsleeved dress with square neckline, pink trim and lace edging, drop earring(s); seated facing p.l. in bentwood side chair with rush seat, r arm extended and holding book on lap (spine down) with thumb marking page, l. arm not shown. Neutral background with strong gradient. [DRA] Cond.: Rebacked on canvas, paint has alligatored with heavy inpainting. Paint has an almost impasto quality but is definitely raised in typical alligatored style. The raised paint is confined to the upper portions of the body and dress as well as halfway down the arm. From there down it becomes flatter and more like thickly applied paint. Inpainting covers 90% of face and hair and spreads out to the surrounding background. In the face and hair the inpainting is between the raised areas. Background under blacklight is muddy and has no clear definition of inpainting vs original paint. Approx. 20- 25% of background is inpainted. [Garth’s] Provenance: Ken Farmer Auctions & Estates, Radford, Va. (January 25, 1997) Lot 45A, sold $9,500+10%; Garth’s Auctioneers and Appraisers, Delaware, Ohio, Sale 1147 (March 19, 2016) Lot 281, sold $1,600+20% (est. $2-4,000). Reference: Sal Choudhury, "An Ammi Phillips at Farmer's," Maine Antique Digest (April 1997): p. 44-C [b&w facsim ]. Status: Sold at auction 2016. N.B.: Misattribution.


* [following year] substantiated dating, based on inscription or other information

* [following H&H number] included in exhibition

A&FA Antiques & Fine Art (magazine)

A.S. Antiques Show

AAA Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (Holdridge notes)

AAR Abby Aldrich Rockefeller (1874-1948)

AARFAC Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection / Center (now Museum), Williamsburg, Va.

AAW Antiques and The Arts Weekly, Newtown, Conn. (aka The Newtown Bee)

ACA Alex Cooper Auctioneers, Towson, Md.

AFAM American Folk Art Museum, New York, N.Y. (previously Museum of American Folk Art)

AFAOA Austin Families Association of America

AFP American Folk Painters of Three Centuries (1980), article by Mary Childs Black

AIC Art Institute of Chicago

AIHA Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, N.Y.

Antiques The Magazine Antiques

B&C John Bihler & Henry Coger Antiques, Ashley Falls, Mass.

B&E Joan Brownstein and Peter Eaton (Antiques & Fine Art, Summer/Autumn 2010), see bibliography

B&L Mary Black and Jean Lipman (1966), see bibliography

B&T Brownstein and Terkowitz (Antiques, November 2007), see bibliography

b&w black and white

b. born on

BAMPFA University of California, Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive

Bio. Biographical and genealogical information

BM Brooklyn Museum, New York, N.Y.

bro. brother [of]

BSDL Bernard & S. Dean Levy, Inc., New York, N.Y.

bur. buried in

c. estimated dating [circa]

c.r. center right

CA Copake Auction, Copake, N.Y.

CAG Concept Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pa.

CAP Catalog of American Portraits (Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery)

CBM Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Ark.

CCH Colleen Cowles Heslip

Cem Cemetery

CG Childs Gallery, Boston, Mass.

CGA Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

CGS C.G. Sloan & Co., Inc., Washington, D.C.

CHS checklist by Barbara Holdridge and Lawrence B. Holdridge in "Ammi Phillips, 1788-1865," The Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin (October 1965)

CHS Bulletin The Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin

chr. christened

CLF Charles L. Flint, Lenox, Mass.

CLP C.L. Prickett, Yardley, Pa.

CMA Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Va.

CNY Christie's, New York, N.Y.

Cond. Condition

d. died in (or on)

DAS David A. Schorsch

dau. daughter [of]

DCHS Dutchess County Historical Society, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Descr. description

DNY Doyle New York

DRA David R. Allaway

DW David Wheatcroft, Westborough, Mass.

EBTH EBTH, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio (d/b/a Everything But The House)

EDB Edward Duff Balken

EGH Edith Gregor Halpert (Downtown Gallery & American Folk Art Gallery, New York, N.Y.)

facsim. facsimile (photo reproduction)

FARL Frick Art Reference Library, New York, N.Y.

FGM Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme, Conn.

FMA Frank Moran Antiques, Wingdale, N.Y.

gdau. granddaughter [of]

GES George E. Schoellkopf, New York, N.Y.

H&A Hirschl & Adler Galleries, New York, N.Y.

H&H Barbara and Lawrence Holdridge (compilation in 1968 exhibit catalog)

HAG Heritage Auction Galleries, Dallas, Texas (now Heritage Auctions)

HFM Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn, Mich.

HHS Huguenot Historical Society, New Paltz, N.Y.

HLC H.L. Chalfont, West Chester, Pa.

HMAA Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tenn.

HPF checklist by Howard P. Fertig in Stacy C. Hollander and Howard P. Fertig, Revisiting Ammi Phillips: Fifty Years of American Portraiture (1994), see bibliography

HPF* Howard P. Fertig, personal communication

H-T Halladay-Thomas Collection: J. Stuart Halladay (1892-1951) and Herrel George Thomas (19031957), Sheffield, Mass.

hus. husband [of]

IAP Inventory of American Paintings (Smithsonian American Art Museum)

Inscr. inscription

J&M Leigh Rehner Jones and Shirley A. Mearns, see bibliography

JDJ James D. Julia, Inc., Fairfield, Maine

JHL Jean H. Lipman

JK Jane Katcher

JRB Joan R. Brownstein

JTA Jeffrey Tillou Antiques, Litchfield, Conn.

KAG Kuehnert's Auction Gallery, Houston, Texas

KFA Ken Farmer Auctions & Estates, Radford, Va.

KG Kennedy Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y.

L&A Lipman and Armstrong (1980), see bibliography

L&W Lipman and Winchester (1974), see bibliography

l.l. lower left (from viewer's perspective)

l.r. lower right (from viewer's perspective)

LAL Leslie Antiques, Ltd., New York, N.Y.

LHS Litchfield Historical Society, Litchfield, Conn.

LNPHS Little Nine Partners Historical Society, Pine Plains, N.Y.

m. married [on or to]

MAD Maine Antique Digest, Waldoboro, Maine

MAG Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.

MBM Melanie B. Marks, CT House Histories, LLC, Fairfield, Conn.

MCB Mary Childs Black

MCHA Monmouth County Historical Association, Freehold, N.J.

MFA Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass.

MHS Mattatuck Museum, Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn.

MMA Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N.Y.

MR Marguerite Riordan, Stonington, Conn.

n.d. not dated (publication)

n.p. no pagination, or no publisher

n/a not available

NEA Northeast Auctions, Portsmouth, N.H.

NFL Nina Fletcher Little

NGA National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

NYGBR New York Genealogical and Biographical Record

NYHS The New-York Historical Society, New York, N.Y.

NYS New York State, Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

NYSHA New York State Historical Association, Cooperstown, N.Y. (now Fenimore Art Museum)

NYT The New York Times

OHA Olde Hope Antiques, New Hope, Pa.

opp. opposite

p net sale price (inclusive of buyer premium)

P&B Piwonka and Blackburn (1977), see bibliography

P&P Pook & Pook, Inc., Downingtown, Pa.

p.l. proper left (from subject’s perspective)

p.r. proper right (from subject’s perspective)

PAC Pettigrew Auction Co., Colorado Springs, Colo.

PBG Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., New York, N.Y.

PHT Peter H. Tillou

PM Paul Madden Antiques, Sandwich Village, Mass.

PMA Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pa.

q.v. quod vide (which see)

RAD Ronald A. DeSilva & Co., Garrison, N.Y.

RCB Robert C. Bishop

RCE Robert C. Eldred & Co., East Dennis, Mass. (aka Eldred’s) Res. residence (census record)

RPM Ruth P. Miles, South Egremont, Mass. (1970), see bibliography

RRR R.R.R. Associates, New Durham, N.H.

SCH Stacy C. Hollander, Antiques (February 1994), see bibliography

SDMA San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, Cal.

SG Stair Galleries, Hudson, N.Y.

SHA Samuel Herrup Antiques, Sheffield, Mass.

SHS Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Conn.

SI Skinner, Inc., Boston, Mass.

SIRIS Smithsonian Institution Research Information System

SM Steve Miller, New York, N.Y.

SMA Springfield Museum of Art, Springfield, Ohio

SNY Sotheby's, New York, N.Y.

SPB Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York, N.Y. (now Sotheby’s)

TAAS The American Antique Show, New York, N.Y.

TBE The Berkshire Eagle, Pittsfield, Mass.

TFAA Terra Foundation for American Art, Chicago, Ill.

TMA The Magazine Antiques, aka Antiques

TRS The Renaissance Society, University of Chicago

u.l. upper left (from viewer's perspective)

u.r. upper right (from viewer's perspective)

unn. mentioned but unnumbered

WDG William Doyle Galleries, New York, N.Y. (now Doyle New York)

WG Washburn Gallery, New York, N.Y


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Black, Mary (forward) Ammi Phillips, April 6 - May 1, 1976 New York: Washburn Gallery, 1976. Exhibit catalog.

Black, Mary. “Two Painters: Itinerants in New York and New England.” Itinerancy in New England and New York, The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife: Annual Proceedings 1984. Boston University, 1986, pp 226-243.

Black, Mary. “Ammi Phillips: The Country Painter’s Method.” The Clarion, Winter 1986, pp. 32-37.

Black, Mary C. "Ammi Phillips Portraits Rediscovered." The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CXXXII, No. 3, Sep. 1987, pp. 558-559.

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Bohlin, Virginia. “Antiques for Today: How a $60 picture became a $682,000 folk painting.” The Boston Globe, 10 Feb. 1985, p. B26.

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Bradshaw, Elinor R., “Help Wanted: Lost Bulls.” Antiques, Vol. XCIX, No. 1, Jan. 1971, p. 111.

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Brownstein, Joan and Peter Eaton “A Contemporary Home for a Classic Collection.” Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. X, No. 4, Summer/Autumn 2010, pp. 154-169.

Brownstein, Joan R. and Bobbi Terkowitz. "Ammi Phillips's women in white: A brilliant formula." The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CLXXII, No. 1, Nov 2007, pp. 152-171.

Burdick, Virginia Mason (intro.) Portraits and Painters of the Early Champlain Valley, 1800-1861, State University College, Plattsburgh, N.Y., April 12 – May 2, 1975. Exhibit catalog.

Busch, Jason T. “Lifestyle: Americana in Minnesota.” Antiques & Fine Art, Vol. VI, No. 4, Autumn/Winter 2005, pp. 174-185.

Calarco, Tom. "Mementos of Columbia County, N.Y." Northeast Journal of Antiques & Art, Oct. 2005.

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Canterbury, Sue (curator). Noble Dreams & Simple Pleasures: American Masterworks from Minnesota Collections. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2009. Exhibit catalog.

Carbone, Teresa A. (ed.). American Paintings in the Brooklyn Museum: Artists Born by 1876. Brooklyn and London: Brooklyn Museum in association with D. Giles Limited, 2006.

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Chittenden, Varick A. and Herbert W. Hemphill, Jr. Found in New York’s North Country: The Folk Art of a Region. Utica, N.Y.: Museum of Art, Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1982. Exhibit catalog.

Chotner, Deborah, with contributions by Julie Aronson, Sarah D. Cash, and Laurie Weitzenkorn American Naive Paintings. The Collections of the National Gallery of Art: Systematic Catalogue Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 1992.

Cohen, Barbara and Larry Holdridge. "Found: A Berkshire Old Master." The Berkshire Eagle, 29 Aug. 1959, p. 10A. Elsewhere cited as Berkshire Week.

Collins, Herbert Ridgeway Threads of History: Americana Recorded on Cloth 1775 to the Present Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979.

Comstock, Helen. "Paintings and Antiques: In the homes of American collectors." Antiques, Vol. LXII, No. 4, Oct. 1952, pp. 300-301.

Conklin, Jack. “Monsieur Robert and Rhinebeck Artists.” RHS [Rhinebeck Historical Society, Rhinebeck, N.Y], Spring 2016, pp. 1-3.

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Currie, R. Ormiston A Memoir of the Rev. Richard Sluyter New York: John Moffet, 1846.

D'Ambrosio, Paul S. and Charlotte M. Emans. Folk Art's Many Faces: Portraits in the New York State Historical Association. Cooperstown, N.Y.: New York Historical Association, 1987.

Dana, Eugene. “Ammi Phillips, A Recently Identified Connecticut Painter.” Connecticut League of Historical Societies: League Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 1, Mar. 1965, pp. 1, 5.

Davidson, Marshall B. and Elizabeth Stillinger The American Wing at The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1985

Davis, Mary (list of works and biographies), John K. Howat and Natalie Spassky (intro.). The Heritage of American Art: Paintings from the Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The American Federation of Arts, [1975]. Exhibit catalog.

DeWald, Ernest T. (foreword). American Folk Art: A Collection of Paintings Presented in 1958 by Edward Duff Balken of the Class of 1897 to the Art Museum, Princeton University. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University, 1958. Exhibit catalog.

Distinguished American Paintings from Private Collections. Southport, Conn.: Pequot Library, 1975. Exhibit catalog.

Duel, Newton and Elizabeth Klare, James Mara, Helen Netter, Dyan Wapnick. Vol. 5: Out of the Wilderness, A History of the Hamlet of Bethel in the Town of Pine Plains, New York. Pine Plains, N.Y.: Little Nine Partners Historical Society, 1996.

Dutchess County Historical Society [Poughkeepsie, N.Y.]. Year Book, Vol. 46, 1961.

Edith Gregor Halpert Folk Art Collection. New York: Terry Dintenfass, Inc. [1973]. Dealer catalog.

Ebert, John & Katherine. American Folk Painters. New York: Scribner, 1975.

Emery, Samuel Hopkins The Ministry of Taunton, with Incidental Notices of Other Professions Boston: J. P. Jewett & Co., etc., 1853.

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Feld, Stuart P. (intro). Plain and Fancy: A Survey of American Folk Art, April 30 - May 23, 1970. New York: Hirschl & Adler Galleries, Inc., 1970. Exhibit catalog.

Feldman, Howard A. "A collection of American folk paintings." The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CXVII, No. 4, Oct. 1975.

Fendelman, Helaine. “The Art of Collecting Art: Hebert W. Hemphill, Jr.” Ohio Antique Review, Jul 1978.

Fendelman, Helaine and Susan Kleckner. Instant Expert: Collecting American Folk Art. New York: Random House, 2004.

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Folk Art: Imaginative works from American hands Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1990.

Ford, Alice. Pictorial Folk Art, New England to California. New York: Studio Publications, 1949.

Garbisch, Edgar William, et al. 101 Masterpieces of American Primitive Painting from the Collection of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch New York: The American Federation of Arts and Doubleday & Co., 1961.

Gardner, Albert Ten Eyck and Stuart P. Feld. American Painting: A Catalogue of the Collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Greenwich, Conn.: New York Graphic Society, 1965.

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Gebhard, Elizabeth Louisa The Parsonage Between Two Manors: Annals of Clover-Reach Hudson, N.Y.: Bryan Printing Co., 1909

Gerard-Flynn, Anne. "3 paintings by artist Ammi Phillips donated to historical society, museum." The Berkshire Eagle, Wednesday, 14 Feb. 1973, p. 1.

Gerdts, William H. The Art of Healing: Medicine and Science in American Art, Feb 7 – Mar. 9, 1981. Birmingham Museum of Art, 1981. Exhibit catalog.

Gibson, Gerald G. “Living with Antiques: The Grosse Pointe home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Simmons.” Antiques, Vol. LXXXVII, No. 6, Jun. 1965, p. 717.

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Good, Brittany. “Investing in Art: Ammi Phillips (1788-1865).” Antiques & Fine Art (Winter/Spring 2009): pp. 198201.

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Gray, William Picturing Our Past: National Register Sites in Westchester County Elmsford, N.Y.: Westchester Historical Society, 2003.

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Gustafson, Eleanor H. "Museum accessions." The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CLXI, No. 4, Apr. 2002, p. 34.

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Halsey, Jacob Lafayette and Edmund Drake Halsey. Thomas Halsey of Hertfordshire, England, and Southampton, Long Island, 1591-1679: with his American descendants to the eighth and ninth generations. Morristown, N.J.: 1895.

Hanks, David A. “American Paintings at the Art Institute of Chicago ” The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CIV, No. 3, Sep 1973, p. 415

Hammitt, Kenneth F. “Living with Antiques: Connecticut furniture in a New York City penthouse.” The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CXXVIII, No. 2, Aug. 1985, pp. 270-271.

Hassrick, Peter H. (ed.). Amon Carter Museum of Western Art: Catalogue of the Collection, 1972 June 1, 1973.

Hathaway Collection Portraits of Men, Series I New York: C.F. Hathaway Company, n.d.

Heather, Mrs. John. "News of Stockbridge: Historical Data of Interlaken a Library Feature in February." The Berkshire Evening Eagle, 22 Jan. 1952, p. 14.

Hemphill, Herbert W., Jr. “Folk Art: Striking Creations of Native Talent.” The Encyclopedia of Collectibles: Folk Art to Horse-Drawn Carriages. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1978, pp. 6-21

Heslip, Colleen Cowles. Between the Rivers: Itinerant Painters from the Connecticut to the Hudson. Williamstown, Mass.: The Sterling and Francine Clark Institute, 1990. Exhibit catalog.

Heslip, Colleen Cowles. “The artisan painter between the Hudson and Connecticut Rivers.” The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CXXXVIII, No. 4, October 1990, pp. 756-765.

Holdridge, Barbara and Larry. "Ammi Phillips." Art in America, Vol. 48, No. 2, Summer 1960, pp. 98-103.

Holdridge, Barbara and Larry. "Ammi Phillips, limner extraordinary." Antiques, Vol LXXXI, No. 6, December 1961, pp. 558-563.

Holdridge, Barbara and Lawrence B. "Ammi Phillips, 1788-1865." The Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, Vol. 30, No. 4, Oct. 1965, pp. 97-146. Single-article issue, and exhibit catalog, in conjunction with a Centennial Exhibition of Paintings at The Connecticut Historical Society, Nov. 1, 1965 through Feb. 1, 1966.

Holdridge, Barbara C., and Lawrence B. Holdridge Ammi Phillips: Portrait Painter 1788-1865 New York: C. N. Potter for the Museum of American Folk Art, 1969. Exhibit catalog. Note: The copyright is 1969, however the data is considered to be as of 1968.

Hollander, Stacy C. "Revisiting Ammi Phillips " The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CXLV, No. 2, Feb. 1994, pp. 266-275.

Hollander, Stacy C. "Revisiting Ammi Phillips: Fifty Years of American Portraiture." Folk Art, Vol. 19, No. 1, Spring 1994, pp. 42-45.

Hollander, Stacy C. American Radiance: The Ralph Esmerian Gift to the American Folk Art Museum. New York: Abrams, 2001.

Hollander, Stacy C. The Seduction of Light: Ammi Phillips | Mark Rothko, Compositions in Pink, Green, and Red. New York: American Folk Art Museum, 2008. Exhibit catalog and supplement to Folk Art, Vol. 33, October 2008.

Hollander, Stacy C. "Little Girl Red, Little Boy Blue." The American Antiques Show (American Folk Art Museum, 2009), pp. 68-71. Event program.

Hollander, Stacy C. and Brooke Davis Anderson (exhibition co-curators). American Anthem: Masterworks from the American Folk Art Museum. New York: Abrams, 2001.

Hollander, Stacy C. and Howard P. Fertig (curators) Revisiting Ammi Phillips: Fifty Years of American Portraiture New York: Museum of American Folk Art, 1994. Exhibit catalog.

Hopson, Emily M., Kent, Conn. (for the Kent Historical Society) personal correspondence, undated, to Barbara Holdridge. Referencing McCall’s Needlework 1941-42 [q.v.], as identifying "your number 173" as Mira Ann Raymond. Photocopy courtesy The Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Conn.

Huntting, Isaac History of Little Nine Partners of North East Precinct and Pine Plains, New York, Duchess County, Vol. 1. Amenia, N.Y.: Charles Walsh & Co., 1897.

Johnston, Sona K. American Paintings, 1750-1900, from the Collection of The Baltimore Museum of Art Baltimore Museum of Art, 1983.

Jones, Agnes Halsey. Rediscovered Painters of Upstate New York, 1700-1875: Exhibition Schedule: New York State Historical Association, Cooperstown, June 14-Sept. 15, 1958, Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, Sept. 26-Oct. 21, 1958, and Others Utica, N.Y.: Winchester Printing, 1958. Exhibit catalog.

Jones, Agnes Halsey and Louis C. Jones New-Found Folk Art of the Young Republic Cooperstown, N.Y.: New York State Historical Association, 1960. Exhibit catalog of the Gunn Collection.

Jones, Leigh Rehner and Shirley A. Mearns. Ammi Phillips and Company: Popular Taste in Face Painting. Kingston, N.Y.: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Senate House State Historic Site, June 1982. Exhibit catalog.

Jones, Leigh Rehner and Shirley A. Mearns. "Seven Portraits Attributed to Ammi Phillips." The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CXXII, No. 3, Sep. 1982, pp. 548-551.

Jones, Leigh Rehner and Shirley A. Mearns "Ammi Phillips's Portraits with Animals " The Hudson Valley Regional Review, Bard College Center, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y., Vol. 4, No. 2, Sep 1987, pp. 62-81.

Kallir, Jane. The Folk Art Tradition: Naïve Paintings in Europe & The United States. November 17, 1981 - January 9, 1982. New York: Galerie St. Etienne, 1981. Exhibit and sale catalog.

Kandell, Jonathan. “Spirit of Americana: A trove of folk art animates a Connecticut family home ” Architectural Digest, June 2003.

Kansiensiana: In Honor of the Statehood Centennial of Kansas, 1861-1961. June 4 to August 7, 1961. Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Museum of Art, 1961. Exhibit catalog.

Kaplan, Alice Manheim (1903-1995), Oral History Interview, February 21 – March 8, 1978, Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Transcript.

Katcher, Jane, David A. Schorsch and Ruth Wolfe (eds.). Expressions of Innocence and Eloquence: Selections from the Jane Katcher Collection of Americana, Volume II. New Haven: Yale UP, 2011.

Kester, Charlotte Slingerland Tuttle “Hammertown: An Early Settlement in Pine Plains ” The Record [The Little Nine Partners Historical Society, Pine Plains, N.Y.], Vol. 1 (1968)

Kennedy Galleries. “American Primitives: Primitive, Naive and Folk Art from the 18th, 19th and 20 Centuries.” Kennedy Quarterly, Vol. 12, Issue 1, Jan. 1973. Exhibit catalog.

Kleckner, Susan. “Rediscovering Ammi.” Antiques and The Arts Weekly, Sep 20, 2000, p. 114.

Klein, Susan and Susan Rotenstreich. “Living with Antiques: A New England folk art collection.” The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CXXXII, No. 3, Sep. 1987, p. 540.

Klein, Susan and Cynthia V.A. Schaffner “Living with antiques: A folk-art collection in Pennsylvania ” The Magazine Antiques, Vol. CXXVI, No. 3, Sep 1984

Kogan, Lee and Barbara Cate. Treasures of Folk Art: Museum of American Folk Art. New York: Abbeville Press, 1994.

Kornhauser, Elizabeth Mankin and Harold Spencer Connecticut Masters, Connecticut Treasures: The Collection of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, April - May 1989 Hartford, Conn.: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1989. Exhibit catalog.

Lavitt, Wendy. Animals in American Folk Art. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990.

Leavitt, Thomas V. (intro.) American Portraits in California Collections, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, April 6

May 8, 1966 The Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1966. Exhibit catalog.

Lipman, Jean. American Primitive Painting. New York: Oxford UP, 1942.

Lipman, Jean. "I. J. H. Bradley, Portrait Painter." Art in America, Vol. 33, No. 3, Jul. 1945, pp. 154-166.

Lipman, Jean. "Living with antiques: Stewart Gregory's Connecticut barn " Antiques, Vol. XCIX, No. 1, Jan 1971, pp. 112-121

Lipman, Jean and Tom Armstrong. American Folk Painters of Three Centuries. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980.

Lipman, Jean, Elizabeth V. Warren, Robert Bishop. Young America: A Folk Art History. Museum of American Folk Art; New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1986.

Lipman, Jean and Alice Winchester. The Flowering of American Folk Art, 1776-1876. Philadelphia: Courage Books, 1974, 1987.

Little, Nina Fletcher. The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection: A Descriptive Catalogue. Williamsburg, Va.: Colonial Williamsburg; Boston: Little, Brown, 1957.

Little, Nina Fletcher. Little by Little: Six Decades of Collecting American Antiques. E.P. Dutton, 1984; Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, 1998.

Masterpieces from the Collection of Edgar William & Bernice Chrysler Garbisch Norfolk, Va.: The Chrysler Museum, 1975.

Masterpieces of American Folk Art. Monmouth County Historical Association, September 30 – November 29, 1975, Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, N.J. Exhibit catalog.

Maurer, David. “All in the Hasbrouck Family.” Colonial Homes, Vol. 22, No. 5, October 1996, pp. 90-95.

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