Nicholas Shafarzek English/ dialogue piece "Do you have it?" These are the words I asked when Mr. Bushey arrived at the school on the night of the middle school concert. He replied yes and ran back to his car to grab my new instrument, along with Jordan' s and Cassandra's. I was wearing black dress pants with a black button-up shirt, not tucked in. I was an usher at the concert that night. "The case alone is worth about 300 dollars." I barely heard him as we rushed into the school and into his office, where Jordan was waiting. Cassandra, however, was nowhere to be found. AS I opened the case, which was laying on a desk, and, being a trombone case, it was only half on the desk, many thoughts ran through my head. "Will it be like the one I saw on the internet?". "Will it have a nickel slide like my old one?". "Will the instrument be in order, straight out of the factory, as advertised?". The answers to all these questions were yes, the nickel slide being important because It wouldn't bend or dent as easily as a brass slide. "I love it!" After a few moments of observing the magnificence of my new instrument my parents walked in. They observed it to make sure there weren't any dents or scratches and then wrote the check for 987 dollars. "This here is the F attachment." "It allows for more versatility with the slide so you don't have to go out as far to play certain notes." "Why don't you play us a scale or something?" "Mom, I'm not, anything I play will sound horrible." My mother, being the nagging type, insisted that I play a scale, so I did. True to form, it sounded as bad as I said it would, considering it was the first time I'd played the instrument, and I hadn't warmed up. "I told you so." "I didn't hear anything wrong with it.", my tone-deaf Dad chimed in. All this conversation was subconscious, though, and I barely remember it. I may have made up a bit of the dialogue, but that's the gist of how it went down. I didn't hear most of this conversation because so many thoughts were running through my head. "What music college will I go to?" "Am I obligated to go to music college now?" "Will I take this instrument to Myrtle beach with me?" Suddenly my parents said they were leaving and I loaded the new instrument into their car and they took it home for me. "It sounded so much better than your old horn" "Yes it did, Mr. Bushey" said I as I returned to my duty of being an usher. I would have played around with the new instrument a little more but my dad didn't want me keeping it at the school. He's very paranoid sometimes. And so, as I sat in front of the auditorium doors, letting no one in or out I waited for the moment when I could look at my new horn again. "That horn sounded beautiful." "I know."