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Alive Chiropractic: Restoring Function to Help the Body Heal Itself
by Sheila Julson
Dr. Rob Fugiel of Alive Chiropractic is noticing a slow shift away from the paradigm of conventional medicine that relies on advanced invasive procedures. “We are starting to see some of the repercussions of choosing medications or surgery first, versus trying more conservative approaches that address underlying issues,” he says.
Fugiel opened Alive Chiropractic in 2018 with the goal of empowering families through natural health. He points out that chiropractic is a safe, natural alternative— one that can be utilized at the beginning, before advancing to more invasive procedures such as medication or surgery. “There are times when these procedures are necessary, but about 30 percent of our practice is comprised of patients that already had spinal surgery, and either found that it didn’t make much of a difference or that their situation has gotten worse. Chiropractic is a great way to start because it addresses underlying issues in structure. Starting with corrective measures that are less invasive always leads to better longterm outcomes.”
As a neurologically based chiropractor’s office, Fugiel and his staff use gentle approaches and the latest technological advancements to promote spinal health, which in turn can restore healthy body function. The spinal nerve carries motor, sensory and autonomic signals between the spinal cord and the rest of body, Fugiel explains. When mechanical stressors shift the spine, it puts pressure on the nerves which interferes with their signals, leading to other health issues.
“You don’t always have to have neck or back pain to have structural issues with your spine. That’s why we utilize state-ofthe-art technology to objectively test your progress throughout care,” he divulges. “We use a very specific, gentle approach to align the spinal structure so that it takes pressure off of the nerves, which relieves stress in the body and allows one to heal naturally.”
Rather than focusing on symptoms or specific conditions, Fugiel says that he gets the best outcomes from restoring overall body function, whether a patient is an infant or an octogenarian. He’s certified in the Torque Release Technique (TRT), which adjusts the spine while the patient is in a relaxed position. The technique delivers the perfect amount of force, compared to traditional spinal adjustments that require the stretching and manual thrusting of the spine through force.
TRT is the latest, most advanced chiropractic technique of this century, Fugiel says. It is the result of years of research and study, and it’s drawn from seven other chiropractic techniques. Fugiel had the privilege of training in TRT while working with Dr. Erik Brower, an esteemed chiropractor based in Newburgh, New York. “It’s the main technique I use because its precision is consistent with the great outcomes it achieves,” he notes. “It’s also gentle, so it’s a great alternative to traditional manual
Rob Fugiel
chiropractic techniques since it does not require any of the twisting, turning or cracking that many individuals are wary of.”
Fugiel is also certified in the Webster Technique through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). “The Webster Technique was designed to establish proper pelvic biomechanics and help the supporting ligaments in pregnant women in order to promote a more comfortable, safer, and easier birth for both mom and baby. It also helps with the common pregnancy ailments such as low back pain and sciatica.”
The staff at Alive Chiropractic strives to create a warm, healing environment. They focus on personal interactions and creating a positive experience. Fugiel nurtures his staff through hands-on education, and he shares health information through a comprehensive blog on Alive Chiropractic’s website. The practice also gives back to the community throughout the year by organizing collections for food pantries, back-to-school drives and humane society events.
Alive Chiropractic is located at 12930 W. Bluemound Rd., Elm Grove. For more information, call 262-955-8867 or visit GoAliveChiro.com.