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The Promise of Regenerative Organic Agriculture

Led by the Regenerative Organic Alliance, which includes organizations and brands like Rodale Institute, Dr. Bronner’s and Patagonia, the Regenerative Organic Certified (ROC) standard prioritizes soil health while simultaneously encompassing high standards for animal welfare and farm worker fairness. The idea is to create farm systems that work in harmony with nature to improve quality of life for every creature involved. The ROC standard is designed to go above and beyond the USDA Certified Organic seal. To date, 56 brands, 100 farms and more than 700,000 acres have been ROC certified.

Under ROC standards, soil health is promoted by including a variety of rotating crops, cover crops, no tillage, no synthetic inputs of any kind, no genetically modified seeds and staggered grazing by animals. Farms that follow these protocols become biodiverse ecosystems with organically rich soil that absorbs water, does not erode over time and produces safe, nutritious food. Learn more at RegenOrganic.org all harm the soil microbiome. These non-regenerative agricultural practices can have negative impacts on the health of individuals that eat the plants and on the health of the broader ecosystems.

Chemicals like glyphosate can damage the gut microbiome by creating oxidative stress, which agitates the microbiome and impedes its ability to function properly. Pesticides can also have a detrimental impact on the gut microbiome. Each year the United States uses 1 billion pounds of pesticides that may be damaging our bodies when we eat our veggies. “What we are not doing is prioritizing protecting the microbiome—for us and the soil. It’s time we recognize the interconnections between climate, soil and the gut,” DiChiara says.

There are multiple ways we can cultivate a closer, healthier relationship between our soil and our gut, such as supporting sustainable agriculture, avoiding processed foods, frequenting farmers markets for organic produce or spending time in nature. Better yet, Kittredge suggests planting a pesticide-free garden at home and eating carrots straight from the soil.

Kelcie Ottoes is a copywriter and content creator specializing in sustainability and environmental topics.

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