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Meet the Men Leading the Way in Milwaukee’s Wellness Community

Historically, men have been more resistant than women to make lifestyle changes in order to improve their physical and mental health. But as societal stigmas fall away, more men are placing greater importance on their health, and are also fostering wellness through integrative professions such as massage therapy, personal training, physical therapy, holistic mental health counseling and mindfulness/meditation.


Jack Cincotta Holistic Health Practitioner Specializing In Mental Health

My approach toward holistic mental health coaching is: I focus on natural, basic elements to help people optimize mental health. My services are unique because I look to address the root causes of mental health concerns that are sometimes overlooked.

Readers can benefit from my services because: I am able to help individuals overcome anxiety, depression, stress, sleep problems and other issues through natural means and without the need for medication whenever possible.

I’m motivated by: The current mental health epidemic. I strongly believe we need to get back to our more natural ways, and that this will improve our mental health greatly as a society.

Jack Cincotta

N4147 W. Water S., Sullivan 920-650-7674



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Deondre Lewis Myles Hecimovich Infinity Massage

Our approach toward massage therapy is: Actively listening to what the client needs and tailoring the treatments to best suit their needs. Massage is not a luxury, so we educate clients on how impactful massage therapy can be for improving their quality of life. Our team approach allows us to use our multiple modalities to best service our clients.

Readers can benefit from our services because: We have had so many success stories in our practice, such as clients suffering from chronic pain that did not realize the power of massage therapy. It can reset the nervous center to alleviate pain, and release restrictions in soft tissue and fascial restrictions, which increases mobility and blood flow while stimulating the immune system.

We’re motivated by: Seeing results and hearing about client success stories. We believe we help people every day and know that we contribute positively to the community.

Infinity Massage

505 E. Menomonee St., Milwaukee 7216 West North Avenue, Wauwatosa 414-231-9326


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Maurice Dumit Invivo Wellness

My approach toward physical therapy is: I use advanced, hands-on skills including myofascial release, and spine and joint mobilization. I rely heavily on measurements to diagnose and demonstrate progress.

Social media influencers often promote simple solutions that entice people to believe there is one exercise or trick that will solve all of your problems. This is never true. Designing a successful treatment program involves a dynamic and comprehensive physical and behavioral systems approach.

Readers can benefit from my services because: Our physical therapy evaluations are highly comprehensive and provide good clinical diagnosis of pain problems. This leads to implementing individualized treatments that are effective at reducing and relieving pain.

I’m motivated by: Being of service to my community, which is my calling.

INVIVO Wellness

2060 N. Humboldt Ave., Ste. 300, Milwaukee



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Robert Mcdonial Invivo Wellness

My approach toward personal training is: I properly assess each client. I achieve this by seeing where they are both mentally and physically. I ask why they want to train, and evaluate their stress levels. I use advanced testing to evaluate their measurements, physical capabilities and heart rate.

Readers can benefit from my services because: I provide them with the tools and principles to progress their movement practice on their own, as they see fit. Any trainer can give out exercises, but teaching people why I give them exercises and what muscles and movements those exercises affect is what sets me apart from other movement specialists.

I’m motivated by: Seeing someone move better than they did before training with me.

John Schaefer Invivo Wellness

My approach toward massage therapy is: A multi-modality approach combining elements of precision neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, craniosacral therapy and breath work, in conjunction with the client’s direct feedback.

Readers can benefit from my services because: I build trust and confidence in the client-therapist relationship, which is especially important as a male massage therapist. I listen to their concerns and create a treatment plan that helps them rediscover their mind-body connection.

I’m motivated by: Helping clients shift their awareness and transform to a better place through pain management, range of motion improvement, and stress and anxiety reduction.

Ben Katt Mind Mke

My approach toward meditation is: I meet people where they are at. I adapt my course and coaching to support people on their unique well-being journeys. I weave together modern practice with ancient wisdom, storytelling, curiosity and humor to help people live their fullest lives.

Readers can benefit from my services because: My course teaches participants to take meditation as deep as they want to go. It’s got something for everyone to meet any physical, emotional or spiritual goal.

I’m motivated by: The gracious truth that every day is a gift. Too many people move through life asleep. I want to help people wake up to be present to the overflowing love and possibility of each moment.

Ben Katt, Mind MKE




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