3 minute read
realize that our bodies are so much more capable than we thought, and we learn that we are not defined by our individual disease or limitations. As my teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn says, ‘As long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than wrong.’”
Marlaina Donato is an author and composer. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.
yoga profiles
BeUnlimited Yoga in Wilmington“The current studio location has been operating since 2012,” begins Maggie Bellamy, owner/operator and yoga instructor of BeUnlimited Yoga, in Wilmington. “Matteo and Holly Zacchino transformed it into a Hot Yoga studio space, and since 2017, new ownership has maintained and expanded our signature BeU Flow to include a well-rounded schedule.”
Bellamy has been a coach and health and physical education instructor for nearly 40 years. Her 200-hour RYT training was completed under Christina Joy and Battle Witherington and she notes being also greatly influenced by the teaching style of 500-hour EYT Gail Picillo. As a college athlete in several sports, her coaching and progressive teaching style has been a wonderful journey and blended easily into the yoga world.
“Our signature sequence has always been the heart of our studio, the BeU Flow, and as we grow with challenges and changes, our schedule has continued to expand with a nice blend of classes,” notes Bellamy. The studio's class offerings include the Be Salty series on Crystal Pier, a currently live, go-to class available seasonally providing the perfect background for the mind, body, spirit connection; Be Inspired, featuring flows focused on a peak pose or theme; and Prana Pump, an energetic combo of high-intensity interval training, weights and balance challenges targeted in providing more of a cardio approach strengthening the base of their practice.
“We also offer several gentle and Yin/Yang fusion classes,” she adds. Special events on the BeU schedule include music, sound bowls, SPAAH Yoga and Ayurvedic workshops.
“The most enjoyable piece of transitioning into this yoga community has been providing an opportunity for people to connect to others, to reconnect with themselves, and to begin to build a practice that strengthens their inner resolve. I love being able to welcome new practitioners into our studio and see them grow. It’s never too late to begin this journey. I was there once with selfdoubt and never imagined how powerful this practice can be and how special connections to others are,” comments Bellamy.

Location: 5725 Oleander Dr., B10, Wilmington. For more information including the class schedule, call 910-399-4882 or visit BeUnlimitedYoga.com.
Online Yoga Resources
Free adaptive yoga classes online from Miranda McCarthy. AdaptiveYogaLive.com YogaJP, YouTube chair yoga classes for people in wheelchairs. Tinyurl.com/WheelchairYogaClasses
Community Grows in North Myrtle Beach Yoga Garden“Though the practice of yoga leads us on an inner journey through the Self and to the Self, we needn’t take this journey alone. Supporting each other in practice and meeting one another in the space of sacred curiosity is part of the ‘union’ of yoga,” comments local yoga teacher and IIN healthy coach Hillary Carlisle. She seeks to nurture this union by offering classes that allow students to explore yoga through body Hillary Carlisle movement, meditation and self-reflection practices and through community.
After relocating from Wilmington to North Myrtle Beach (NMB), Carlisle saw that her yoga-hearted, millennial peers shared her curiosity and love of yoga, but lacked a local community to connect and practice with in that area. With the blessing and shared vision of local businesswoman Violette Malekos, she began teaching classes in the garden of boutique and event space, Vintage Violette, and in this garden a community has grown.
Carlisle invites people to share their yoga journey and connect with the NMB community and online with her Yoga Lifestyle e-Course. “Come with curiosity, leave with peace and be well,” says Carlisle. Learn more about her health coaching services as well by visiting her website or meet her at the Waccamaw Farmers’ Markets selling her famous Amaze Balls, gluten- and dairy-free protein treats.

Class cost: $12, $10 for students. Location: Vintage Violette, 807 2nd Ave., North in North Myrtle Beach. For more information or to register for classes, call 337-412-3873 or visit www.HolyShift. me. See Community Resource Guide listing, page 28.