Natural Awakenings Toledo August 2015

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Kids in the Kitchen

Healthy Foods They Make Themselves

Vying Views on Vaccines

Knowledge Empowers Personal Decisions

Swimming in Nature

Splashing Safely in Lakes and Oceans

August 2015 | Toledo, OH / Monroe County, MI Edition |

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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.

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advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 419-340-3592 or email Deadline for ads: the 10th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Visit our website to enter calendar items – Natural You will receive a confirmation email when your event has been approved and posted online, usually within 24 hours. Events submitted by the 10th and meet our criteria will be added to the print magazine as space permits. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 239-530-1377 or visit


by Douglas A Schwan


Tips for Raising Confident and Loving Kids by Meredith Montgomery




They Love Healthy Food They Make Themselves by Judith Fertig


They Have Lots to Say If We’d Only Listen by Sandra Murphy



Splashing Safely in Lakes and Oceans


by Lane Vail


Mandatory Laws vs. Personal Choice by Linda Sechrist

natural awakenings

August 2015




contact us Publisher/Editor Vicki Perion National Editor S. Alison Chabonais Editorial Martin Miron Patti Radakovich Design & Production Stephen Blancett Kim Cerne Patrick Floresca Calendar Sherry Ann Franchise Sales 239-530-1377

P.O. Box 5452 Toledo, OH 43613 Cell: 419-340-3592 Fax: 419-329-4340 © 2015 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.

hildren should be seen and not heard” was a widespread sentiment during the Victorian era (1837-1901). Families then inferred that a child’s place was always to be quiet and well-behaved. According to a University of Liverpool report, the idea that children shouldn’t have a voice in their own lives lingered well into the 20th century. I vividly remember my grandmother admonishing my sisters and me accordingly, on more than one occasion, in the 1960s. It demonstrates how long it takes individuals’ beliefs to fade even in the face of radical social change. I don’t think that having completely silent children is a valued parenting style today, at least in this country, although the "well-behaved" part certainly holds. Hearing that pronouncement from an authority figure that I respected had consequences beyond the likely intention. Growing up, I rarely spoke up for myself or voiced an opinion, especially not in the classroom. My rebellion has been to reject instilling that sentiment in my children, as my eldest daughter can attest; she likes being opinionated and doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind, which I generally count to be a good thing. This month’s Parenting with Presence theme naturally combines with our August nod to Creativity. Meredith Montgomery’s feature article, “Enlightened Parenting: Tips for Raising Confident and Loving Kids,” brings the times wholly up-todate by advocating that families embrace all potential connections between parents and children. We want our children and future generations to feel valued based on knowing that they have much to contribute to the world, right from the start. I love Sandra Murphy’s Natural Pet department contribution this month, “Animal Talk: They Have Lots to Say If We’d Only Listen.” Several years ago, I called on an animal communicator for help in coming to terms with the need to put my dog to sleep. He was 15 and suffering from chronic health issues. I eventually came to feel that I was making the right decision, which made it easier to let him go. Please enjoy this month’s issue and pass along copies to friends and family that you think will enjoy and benefit from something here. To celebrating a happy and healthy summer,

Vicki Perion, Publisher

SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $20 (for 12 issues) to the above address. Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.


Toledo/Monroe edition

newsbriefs Combining Yoga with Essential Oils


oga instructor Tara Kestner and Karla Gleason, a physical therapist and wellness advocate, will present Yoga and Essential Oils: Learning the Basics to Support a Healthy Lifestyle, on August 12 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at CPW Health Center. Participants will be introduced to the benefits of yoga, the benefits of essential oils and how the two can be used together to powerfully support stress reduction, focus and peace throughout the day. The class is designed for all skill levels and is a great way to explore whether yoga and/or the use of essential oils is something to consider for health and wellness. Topics include breathing, posture and common uses of essential oils. Admission is free. Location: 3130 Central Park West Dr., Ste. A, Toledo. Preregister at to receive a gift at the event. See ad page 6.

Help for Haiti Event in Perrysburg


issions International of America, founded by Jay and Jan Nielsen, will be sponsoring the 10th annual Helping Hands for Haiti festival from 2 to 8 p.m., August 9, at Grace United Methodist Church, in Perrysburg, featuring live bands, praise bands, inflatables and other children’s games, auction baskets and carnival foods. There will be lectures on current projects in Haiti and activities for everyone. The Family Life Center proceeds will help support the Brad Reddick School, in Haiti. Since last August, $16,000 in Circle of Life products have been sold, providing substantial income to the Haitians in the program. MIA accomplishments since then include the Brad Reddick School completing its ninth year with 300 students that are fed muffins daily; fences, gates and drip irrigation installed at the Ron Meier Farm Resource Center; completion of the roof and floor of the Leatherman Conference Center; the new guest house can now take on guests; and the clinic is staffed by a Haitian nurse whose services are vital to the community. Admission is free. Location: 601 E. Boundary, Perrysburg. For more information visit

Guidebook Now Available: Garden for the Health of It

Heartbeat Opens Additional Space in East Toledo

he Garden for the Health of It program and guidebook helps gardeners identify the many health benefits of gardening and how to get the most from them. The program helps gardeners to build a healthy lifestyle by balancing home environment, stress levels, physical activity and nutrition, using the garden to help build a comprehensive wellness program. The five-point program helps seasoned gardeners get the most out of the activity while also supporting new gardeners:

eartbeat of Toledo has expanded into additional space in Suite 2 at 101 Main Street, in the Historic Weber Block building, where Heartbeat’s Your First Look Women’s Center is located, offering pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and options counseling. The new office focuses more on new and expectant moms and dads. “At the Heartbeat office, we offer prenatal and parenting classes and the opportunity to earn muchneeded baby items,” notes Manager Laura Timmerman. The new location has three racks of new and gently used baby clothing, as well as diapers, formula, wipes and baby food, new car seats and gently used pack-and-plays, strollers, bathtubs, high chairs and more. Parents can earn baby items for each class they complete and extra points for taking parenting classes elsewhere, attending doctor appointments, earning good grades in school, doing a book report at home and much more. There is a wide range of classes, including Going it Alone, The First Trimester, Breast Feeding, Bonding with Your Baby and many others. Most classes take about 45 minutes and include watching a DVD, some written materials, and doing worksheets with a parenting instructor. Parents can continue taking classes long after their babies are born, such as The Terrible Twos, The Happiest Toddler and Bedtime Struggles.


Grow: Structure garden practices for a healthy mind, body, soul and environment. Strengthen: Build strength and avoid next-day soreness and injury while gardening. Nourish: Create healthy, simple and fast dishes using homegrown goodness. Restore: Enjoy the stress-reducing benefits that gardening provides. Essential Oils: Teach the gardener to use natural therapeutic oils. For more information about the program or the book Garden for the Health of It: Your Guide to a Garden Focused Wellness Program, call 859-391-5537, email Stacy@StacyBest. com or visit


For more information, call Pat Todak at 419-241-9131. natural awakenings

August 2015




WellnessRx Lectures Inform and Engage the Community

Call for Worldwide Protection from Wi-Fi Radiation


r. Jay Nielsen, owner of WellnessRx, hosts informative lectures from 7 to 9 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month on nutritional and complementary medicine at Nova Faith Lutheran Church, in Toledo. The topic for August 5 is on the true risks of cardiac disease and updated testing methods. Peggy Glaubke Daly, ND, FNP-BC, MBA, CHNP, a Heart Diagnostics Clinical Consultant will be the presenter. In the popular series, which began in 1998, professional authorities from the community speak on a wide variety of areas of expertise. Selected speakers avoid promoting specific products and embrace basic science and open discussion. There is time reserved for Q&A, and spirited discussions can ensue. Admission is free. Locations: Nova Faith, 5105 Glendale Ave., Toledo; WellnessRx, 27121 Oakmead, in Perrysburg, OH. For more information, call 419-897-6490. See ad page 27 and lecture dates and topics on page 24.


n May, 190 scientists from 39 nations appealed to the World Health Organization (WHO) to “exert strong leadership in fostering the development of more protective EMF guidelines…” The letter was developed by a committee that included professors from Columbia University, Trent University, the University of Washington and the University of California, Berkeley. It was then signed by a host of university professors and researchers from around the world. The directive cited several key studies that have shown that radiation from electromagnetic fields—even low-frequency radiation— is a possible cause of cancer. The WHO adopted a classification for extremely low-frequency electromagnetic radiation in 2002 and in 2011 classified radiofrequency (RF) radiation within its Group 2B—a “possible human carcinogen.” The letter points out that while WHO has accepted these classifications, there have been no guidelines or standards created by the agency or in conjunction with other agencies. It recommends a convening of the United Nations Environmental Programme and the funding of an independent committee to explore practical means of regulating the widespread and uncontrolled expansion of wireless technologies throughout our environment. The appeal also calls for the protection specifically of children and pregnant women and a strengthening of regulations placed on technology manufacturers. Berkeley, California, set a precedent on May 12 by acknowledging the health risk posed by RF radiation and adopting the Right to Know Ordinance, requiring electronics retailers to warn customers about the potential health risks associated with it. It reads, “If you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is on and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure to RF radiation.” The ordinance requires that the notice be displayed in stores that sell mobile phones.



Call For A Free Wellness Consultation Essential Connection, Ltd. Karla Gleason, Wellness Advocate #224532



Toledo/Monroe edition

esearch from the University of Washington has determined that chronic constipation in children may be relieved with abdominal massage. The research involved 25 parents and their children with learning needs and physical disabilities. The parents were trained by specialists in abdominal massage. Following the training, the parents massaged the abdomens of their children for 20 minutes per day. The study found that abdominal massage relieved constipation in 87.5 percent of the children and reduced laxative use. In addition, the therapy resulted in better diets for 41 percent of the children and improved the parent-child relationship in many cases.

ecotip Trendy Transit

More Americans Hop on Buses and Trains More people today are embracing the many benefits of commuting by public transit. Beyond the good feelings of reducing their carbon footprint and avoiding the stress of traffic, they are meeting and conversing with fellow passengers, reading, working via mobile devices or simply relaxing. Total U.S. mass transit trips topped 2.7 billion in the third quarter of 2014, a 1.8 percent rise from the same period in 2013, according to the American Public Transportation Association. This represents “a dramatic change in public opinion as more people are demanding public transportation services,” according to President and CEO Michael Melaniphy. Many communities are responding by improving the operations and scope of their mass transit systems. Oklahoma City’s bus and metro system was acquired by Embark ( in 2013. In April 2014, it launched the first phase of changes, including increased frequency of bus routes to reduce both passenger waiting and travel times. Since then, ridership has increased 8 percent. Beginning last January, two crosstown bus routes began operating until midnight. For Andre Small, late-night service means he can ride to and from his home and the restaurant where he works. “I would take the afternoon bus to work, but then have to walk four miles home when my shift ended at 11 p.m.,” says Small. “Carrying my tips in cash late at night didn’t feel safe. Bus service until midnight is a lifesaver.” Bus ridership in Indianapolis reached a 23-year peak last year, totaling nearly 10.3 million passenger trips, and a new downtown transportation center is expected to open this year. IndyGo, the Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (, plans to offer the nation’s largest electric bus fleet, rolling out the first vehicles by fall, with a fleet of 21 by year’s end. Capitol Metro launched two special MetroRapid bus routes in Austin, Texas, in 2014, and new bus and rail transportation centers opened last year in Denver and Anaheim, California. New streetcar projects are underway in Atlanta, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Dallas, Detroit, Kansas City, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, Tucson and Washington, D.C.

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natural awakenings

August 2015


globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.

Air Raid

Carbon Dioxide Levels Go Through the Roof The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) notes that as of March, the global monthly average for carbon dioxide, the most prevalent heat-trapping gas, crossed a threshold of more than 400 parts per million (ppm), the highest in about 2 million years. “It’s both disturbing and daunting from the standpoint of how hard it is to slow this down,” says NOAA chief greenhouse gas scientist Pieter Tans. “Carbon dioxide isn’t just higher, it’s increasing at a record pace, 100 times faster than natural rises in the past.” In pre-human times, it took about 6,000 years for carbon dioxide to rise 80 ppm, versus 61 ppm in the last 35 years, Tans says. Global carbon dioxide is now 18 percent higher than it was in 1980, when NOAA first calculated a worldwide average.

Crayon Kicks

Not Just for Kids Any More Secret Garden and Enchanted Forest, by Johanna Basford, are two of the most popular titles on sale at—and both are coloring books for adults. Featuring detailed black-and-white drawings of the flora and fauna that surround illustrator Basford’s Scottish home, Secret Garden has sold nearly 1.5 million copies. Fans include Hollywood celebrities such as Zooey Deschanel, and when National Public Radio asked listeners for feedback, many indicated, “I thought I was alone.” The consensus is that adults are seeking to get in touch with their inner child. Beyond the nostalgic charm of coloring books, it’s also a good way for grownups to unwind and reflect. “So many people have told me that they used to do secret coloring when their kids were in bed,” says Basford. “Now it is socially acceptable, it’s a category of its own.” For a sample coloring gallery, visit

Diaper Discovery Mushrooms Grow on Disposables

Disposable diapers are mostly indestructible, but a group of researchers led by Rosa María Espinosa Valdemar, at Mexico’s Autonomous Metropolitan University, Azcapotzalco, has found a way to degrade the soiled garments by growing mushrooms on them. Disposable diapers can last for hundreds of years in landfills because they contain not only the plant-based material cellulose that mushrooms consume, but also non-biodegradable materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene and the superabsorbent gel sodium polyacrylate. The scientists grew the oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus, on a substance made from used diapers and were able to reduce the diaper’s weight and volume by up to 80 percent. For the experiment, the researchers only used diapers containing liquid waste. They sterilized and ground up the garments; mixed them with lignin from the remains of pressed grapes, coffee or pineapple tops; covered the mixture with commercially available fungus spores; and kept it in a plastic bag for three weeks. The resulting mushrooms had similar amounts of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals as in commercial yeast. They’re not intended for human consumption, but could be used as a supplement in cattle feed. Source:


Toledo/Monroe edition

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natural awakenings

August 2015



Spring Fever by Mary Leslie

Solar Timeshare

Buying Kilowatts from Each Other Yeloha, a new, Boston-based, peer-to-peer solar startup, allows anyone to go solar, even if they live in a rented apartment, have a roof blocked by a shady tree or don’t have the funds to buy panels. Customers can sign up for the service either as a “sun host” or “sun partner”. Potential sun host homeowners have a roof suitable for solar, but can’t afford panels. Yeloha will install the panels for free in exchange for access to the solar power the panels create. Sun hosts also get about a third of the electricity created by the panels for free, translating to lower monthly power bills. The remaining power is distributed to the sun partners—customers that want to go solar, but don’t have a proper roof or own their home. Sun partners can buy as many solar credits as they’d like from Yeloha at a price that’s less than what they’d normally pay to their utility. The service is currently operating in Massachusetts only, but has plans for expansion across the country. For more information, visit

Crab Crisis

Valuable Horseshoe Species Going Extinct Drawing since the day she could hold a crayon, Mary Leslie also spent much of her childhood collecting stray dogs and cats, injured birds and the occasional squirrel. Because her love of all things furred and feathered was matched by her passion to create, she learned to carefully observe and draw the creatures in her care. Leslie studied art at the Savannah College of Art and Design and the Art Institute of Atlanta, going on to paint murals throughout the Southeast. After moving from suburban Atlanta to a small farm in Madison, Georgia, she began focusing on nature and animals. Spring Fever was commissioned by a grandmother who asked Leslie to paint a representation of her five granddaughters. “She told me that they loved to dress up and dance,” says Leslie, whose richly hued oil on canvas captures the sheer exuberance of youth and joyful movement. “It’s my goal in every painting to convey the character and personality of my subjects and pass it on to the viewers, hoping they can catch a glimpse of what I enjoy so much.” View the artist’s portfolio at 10

Toledo/Monroe edition

The horseshoe crab, which is not really a crab, but belongs to the taxonomical class Merostomata among arthropods, is about to join the long list of endangered species. Their potential extinction poses a major threat to pharmaceutical, clinical and food industries seeking the secrets to the species’ survival over more than 250 million years with minimal evolution, enduring extreme temperature conditions and salinity. Individuals are able to go without eating for a year. Commonly found living in warm, shallow coastal waters on the sea floor, horseshoe crabs play an important ecological role. A continuing decrease in their population will affect other species, especially shorebirds that feed on the eggs, destabilizing the food chain. Sea turtles also feed on adult horseshoe crabs. Scientists worldwide want to include the invertebrate in schedule IV of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1974, labeling them as an endangered species. Enforcement will include monitoring for improper uses of horseshoe crabs. Source:

Pistachio Power

The Nuttiest Biogas Around Turkey, one of the world’s largest producers of pistachios, has begun using tons of the shells to produce biogas (methane) as an alternative energy source instead of dumping them in landfills. The country even plans to power its first eco-city using this unconventional fuel. The planned 7,900-acre metropolis is expected to house 200,000 people in Gaziantep Province. This southern region near the Syrian border is the heart of Turkey’s pistachio production, yielding more than 50 percent of the country’s nuts. “When you plan such environmentally friendly systems, you take a look at the natural resources you have,” explains Seda Muftuoglu Gulec, a Turkish green building expert. “If the region was abundant in wind power, we would use wind energy.” If the project goes forward, construction will start within two years and be completed within two decades. A pilot phase will focus on a 135-acre piece of land and, if successful, expand into the entire city. It may inspire other agricultural regions to look at what they typically consider waste as an energy source. For more information, visit

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August 2015


Complementary Alternative Medicine for Multiple Sclerosis by Douglas A Schwan


ultiple sclerosis, or MS, is a central nervous system disorder. Nerves in the body act like electrical wires, and each is wrapped in a type of insulation called myelin. It is the breakdown of this myelin around nerve cells that is the cause of the problem. Think of it like stripping insulation off electrical wires, causing them to short out. The cause is unknown, but there are some interesting clues. For example, the closer to the equator people live, the less chance they have of developing MS. It is thought to be directly related to vitamin D deficiency while growing up. Vitamin D is made by the body during exposure to sunlight. It seems to follow that those in Northern climes have less vitamin D available and so are more susceptible in later years to MS. But it is probably more complicated than that, and researchers are still searching for clues. MS, characterized as the most common autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system (CNS), is not an inherited disorder, but likely has some genetic predisposition we don’t completely understand. Right now, it seems to strike randomly, most often between the ages of 20 and 40, and is seen in women twice as often as in men. Symptoms are observed with the onset of neurological symptoms. The neurological deficit is due to shorting out of the involved nerves while they attempt to carry signals from


Toledo/Monroe edition

the brain to the part of the body affected. The nervous system can usually adapt early on and work around the damaged nerves, allowing symptoms to subside for segments of time and then reappear unpredictably. In progressive cases, the damaged areas can become so pronounced that the body can no longer work-around the lesions and symptoms persist. Lesions are the areas around nerves where the myelin has been destroyed. leaving an area of scar tissue that can be visualized on MRI scans. MS patients typically have multiple lesions scattered around the brain and spinal cord. As the disease progresses, the lesions become more numerous. There is no medical cure for MS, but there are medications that can help control the neurological attacks and minimize expansion in the number of lesions. Here are a few alternative therapies that may prove helpful in managing MS. Supplements: The number one supplement associated with improved outcomes in MS is vitamin D. Deficiencies at a young age seem to be associated with onset later in life, so it is important to begin vitamin D therapy as soon as the diagnosis is made. A study published in JAMA Neurology found that a higher level of vitamin D in the body predicted a slower progression of MS and fewer new lesions in people with early symptoms of MS. Vitamin D can be obtained by eating vitamin-D-rich foods such as fatty fish, liver, fortified milk and fortified cereals. We may also up our natural vitamin D by getting moderate amounts of sunlight on a regular basis. Vitamin B12 is another important vitamin associated with a healthy nervous system. The jury is still out, but some studies have suggested B12 deficiencies have been seen is MS patients. In this day and age when people are taking antacids and acid-inhibiting drugs for long periods of time we can develop deficiencies of certain important vitamins and minerals which require an acidic environment in the stomach to be absorbed. If we cannot avoid taking acid inhibitor drugs for

long periods of time, it is wise to supplement with a sublingual (under the tongue) form of B12.

determine if it is an effective treatment for MS itself, because MS is linked to an overactive immune system. Although there is no medical cure for MS, medical management of symptoms is aimed at reducing the progression of the disease. Complimentary alternative medical techniques can provide a powerful ally.

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Adopt the pace of nature— her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

natural awakenings

August 2015


ENLIGHTENED PARENTING Tips for Raising Confident and Loving Kids by Meredith Montgomery


seen firsthand, “If you have a connection with your kids, you can have a lot more influence on them.” Noting that sometimes children feel like their parents love them, but Establishing Values don’t necessarily like them, Martin Shelly Lefkoe, co-author emphasizes finding ways My dad always of Chicken Soup for the to identify with their intold me it was my terests. “I love cars, and Soul: Guide to Effective Parenting, believes that dad used to invite school, my choice, my children learn what we me on test drives when my grades, my life. I was a kid. Both of my model as important values. She tells her daughtook time to It made me want to parents ters they should treat her connect with me, which take responsibility. had a huge impact on with dignity and respect both because she’s their our relationship.” ~Casey Martin mother and, “That’s how Christine Carter, you treat people and that’s how I treat Ph.D., a sociologist with the University them.” Honesty is also a high priority in of California Greater Good Science their household. Center, recognizes the importance of Minneapolis college student Casey talking explicitly about values. When Martin often joins his father, Kirk, in we see kids doing something we value, presenting Calm Parenting workshops ask them how it made them feel, she for parents, teachers and students advises. “Teens don’t necessarily know around the country. In growing up, he’s that their parents value character over ueled by unconditional love, parenting with presence embraces all potential connections between parents and their children.


Toledo/Monroe edition

grades,” Carter says, “particularly if parents tend to monitor grades more than aspects of a child’s character. What do you talk about more—their achievements or their character? If it’s the former, consider that you unintentionally might be sending the wrong message.”

Hummingbird Parenting

Overprotection of children by what’s termed helicopter parenting, can cause a disabling sense of entitlement where kids begin to believe, possibly unconsciously, that they are entitled to a difficulty-free life, Carter observes. “There’s an epidemic of cheating because students don’t want to try hard, and they expect to be rescued,” she says. “Although it’s terrifying to let our kids fail, when we don’t let them experience difficulty, they see mistakes as being so awful they must be avoided at any cost. To gain mastery in any arena, we must challenge ourselves, even if that means making mistakes.” “We lose sight that we’re not raising children, we’re raising adults,” says Malibu, California, marriage, family and child therapist Susan Stiffelman, author of Parenting with Presence: Practices for Raising Conscious, Confident, Caring Kids. “Empower them to cope with ups and downs. Help them know and trust themselves by not legislating their opinions and by allowing them to experiment.” Children often struggle with transitions, especially when things don’t go as planned. Martin recommends, “When kids throw tantrums or argue to get out of a challenging situation that’s causing them anxiety, help them work through it. Tell them that you know they’re feeling anxious, that you’ve felt that way before, too, and then help by giving them something specific to do or focus on.” Independent outdoor play has been proven to help kids learn to exert self-control. America’s children aren’t allowed to roam freely outside to experience nature as previous generations did. In Last Child in the Woods, author Richard Louv cautions against being limited by modern factors such as restrictive subdivision covenants and media-induced fear. “There are risks outdoors, but there are huge psychological, physical and spiritual risks in

raising future generaIf you can’t explain Lefkoe suggests mantions under protective aging parental expectasomething to a house arrest,” he says. tions while considering Louv prefers what serves the child best 5-year-old, you what’s called a humin the moment. When a don’t really mingbird approach: child tries to tell Mom “Hummingbird parsomething when she’s understand it; ents don’t hover over distracted, the child they make you their kids with namay conclude that what ture flash cards; they they say is unimportant. think about stand back and make Instead, the mother can what you know. space for exploration acknowledge the imporand problem solving tance of what the child ~Armin Brott through independent has to say and how she play, while remaining looks forward to listening nearby, ready to zoom in at a moment’s once she’s freed up before eventually notice if safety becomes an issue.” giving the child her full attention. Armin Brott, host of San Francisco’s Parents can serve as a safe haven Positive Parenting radio program, refor kids. Stiffelman says, “Allow them to minds parents to increase opportunities speak the truth without being corrected for independence as youngsters grow. or shamed. If they tell you they’d like “Test a child’s ability to handle more to do something you don’t approve of, freedom by providing the opportunity resist the urge to react with immedito prove that they can. If they succeed, ate advice and talk to them about their it’s a confidence builder. If not, it allows decision-making process. Be present them to see for themselves that they’re enough for them to let them hear themnot ready yet.” selves think out loud.” “Children need affection, attention, Disciplined Communication acknowledgment and unconditional The first eight years of a child’s life are love, not discipline. When you punish the most formative, effecting personal kids, they feel absolved: ‘I did somebeliefs that will shape the adult that thing bad, I got punished, now we’re they’ll become, including impediments even,’” says Lefkoe. When they get to fruitful self-expression. A healthy caught doing something they shouldn’t conversational relationship can foster be doing, she recommends (with chilconnection and security while respectdren as young as 5) asking them, “What fully teaching children right from wrong. are the consequences of your actions?

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Do you want to live with them? Your goal with this conversation should be that your child walks away feeling like they made a mistake, but it was a great learning opportunity.” As kids mature and are faced with potentially dangerous scenarios, “You don’t want them worrying about what their friends will think; you want them thinking about the consequences,” says Lefkoe.

Navigating the Teen Years

The intense journey of adolescence is about discovering oneself and how to reach full potential. Carter says, “I had to constantly remind myself that this is their journey, not mine, and that it’s going to sometimes be dark and difficult.” “The more power you give kids, the less they feel the need to test the universe,” says Lefkoe, who reminds parents that while it’s relatively easy to control young children, rebellious teenagers are harder to handle when they feel they have something to prove to an overbearing parent. Offering calculated risk-taking opportunities that don’t involve drugs and alcohol is beneficial in the teen years. “You want them to know how to handle freedom and be responsible once they are on their own,” she says. “When I got my driver’s license, I always came home before curfew,” says Martin. “I learned that if I could control myself, my parents didn’t feel the need to control me, which gave me a ton of

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August 2015


Conscious Parenting Resources The Body Book for Boys by Rebecca Paley, Grace Norwich and Jonathan Mar

Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv The New Puberty by Louise Greenspan, M.D., and Julianna Deardorff, Ph.D.

The Care and Keeping of You: the Body Book for Younger Girls by Valorie Schaefer

Parenting the Lefkoe Way

The Care and Keeping of You 2: The Body Book for Older Girls by Cara Natterson

Parenting with Presence by Susan Stiffelman

Father for Life: A Journey of Joy, Challenge and Change by Armin Brott

Raising Happiness: 10 Simple Steps for More Joyful Kids and Happier Parents by Christine Carter

Holistic Mom’s Network

power in my life.” Brott observes that as the parenting role changes, “We can offer to help, but it’s equally important to learn to let go and admire the young adults they’re becoming.” Teens desperately want to not feel like a kid, adds Stiffelman. “They may tell you to back off, but stay present and engaged—like wallpaper. The more you ask their opinion or invite them to teach you something, the more they’ll feel your support.” With sex education, the authors of The New Puberty, Pediatric Endocrinologist Dr. Louise Greenspan and Adolescent Psychologist Julianna Deardorff, Ph.D., emphasize the importance of being approachable from a young age, so kids naturally turn to their parents when sensitive questions arise.

“It shouldn’t be about having ‘the talk’; it’s about maintaining an ongoing conversation,” says Greenspan. “Body odor is a good starting point in talking about body issues because it’s not intimidating and can be comfortably addressed by either parent.” Avoid rushing into subjects they’re not ready for by focusing on answering the questions that are posed, while offering a glimpse into the near future. Deardorff says, “Pubertal changes happen over time, so be patient. Parents have a lot of anxiety and anticipation about puberty. When you start to see the first signs, you don’t have to communicate everything all at once.” Consider throwing a puberty party or a health workshop for a son or daughter and their friends. Invite a parent that is comfortable with the subject

matter—a nurse, physician or teacher— to get the conversation started. “Fight the urge to emotionally or physically withdraw,” counsels Deardorff. “Sharing activities is a form of communication, too.”

Kids as Teachers

“By paying attention, we can learn a lot of skills from our kids,” says Brott. Generally, youngsters have a greater tolerance for other people’s mistakes and opinions than adults, and tend to be more laid back. They regularly teach spiritual lessons about giving and receiving love and happiness in ways we never imagined. Through all the inevitable challenges, Stiffelman notes, “When parenting with presence, we orient ourselves with whatever good, bad or difficult moment is unfolding and bring more of our self—our heart, consciousness, understanding and compassion—to hold steady as the seas get rocky. Children offer us opportunities to confront the dark and dusty corners of our minds and hearts, creating conditions to call forth the kind of learning that can liberate us from old paradigms.” It all allows us to lead more expansive and fulfilling lives as we open ourselves to more of the love, learning and joy that the adventure of parenting can bring. When we embrace the healing and transformation that is being offered through parenting with presence, the rewards can be limitless. Meredith Montgomery publishes Natural Awakenings of Mobile/Baldwin, AL (

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Joe Dispenza on The Power of Thought Alone to Heal by Kathleen Barnes


ost of us are familiar with the placebo effect, when actual healing occurs after the only prescription a patient ingests is a sugar pill that the individual believes is medicine. Researcher and Chiropractor Joe Dispenza, of Olympia, Washington, knows the value of the placebo effect from personal experience. When his spine shattered during a 1986 triathlon race as his bicycle was hit by an SUV, he had a good mental picture of what had happened. Consulting doctors proclaimed a bleak prognosis and offered a risky surgical procedure as his only chance of walking again. He left the hospital against the advice of his physicians and spent the next three months mentally—and physically—reconstructing his spine. His story is one of hope for healing for others, detailed in his latest book, You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter.

How did your pivotal healing take place? For two hours twice a day, I went within and began creating a picture of my intended result: a totally healed spine. Nine-and-a-half weeks after the accident, I got up and walked back into my life fully recovered—without having had a body cast or surgeries. I resumed my chiropractic practice 10 weeks out and was training and lifting weights again while continuing my rehabilitation regimen at 12 weeks. Now, in the nearly 30 years since the accident, I can honestly say that

I rarely experience any back pain.

How does your approach differ from mind over matter? It’s the same. So many people have been conditioned into believing that mind and body are separate things. There is never a time when the mind isn’t influencing the body and vice versa. The combination is what I call a state of being.

How does the placebo effect work? Think about the idea of giving somebody a sugar pill, saline solution or a false surgery. A certain percentage of those people will accept, believe and surrender—without analysis—to the “thought” that they are receiving the real substance or treatment. As a result, they’ll program their autonomic nervous systems to manufacture the exact same pharmacy of drugs to match the real substance or treatment. They can make their own antidepressants and painkilling medicines. Healing is not something that takes place outside of you.

Can you cite examples of disease in which self-healing has been scientifically validated? There is amazing power in the human mind. Some people’s thoughts heal them; some have made them sick and sometimes even hastened their death. In the first chapter of You Are the Placebo, I tell a story about one man who died after being told he had cancer, even though an autopsy revealed

he’d been misdiagnosed. A woman plagued by depression for decades improved dramatically and permanently during an antidepressant drug trial, despite the fact that she was in the placebo group. A handful of veterans that participated in a Baylor University study, formerly hobbled by osteoarthritis, were miraculously cured by fake knee surgeries. Plus, scientists have seen sham coronary bypass surgeries that resulted in healing for 83 percent of participants (New England Journal of Medicine). A study of Parkinson’s disease from the University of British Columbia measured better motor coordination for half of the patients after a placebo injection. They were all healed by thought alone. The list goes on. I’ve personally witnessed many people heal themselves using the same principles of the placebo response, once they understood how, from cancers, multiple sclerosis, lupus, thyroid conditions and irritable bowel syndrome.

How can an ordinary person make that quantum leap and find healing? Many of us are now recognizing that rather than live in the past, we can create our own future. It requires changing some longstanding conditioned beliefs and the willingness to step into an unfamiliar, uncomfortable, unpredictable state that is consistent with living in the unknown. This happens to be the perfect place from which to create change. I recommend a meditation that creates physiological changes in the brain and at the cellular level, from 45 to 60 minutes a day. Changing Beliefs and Perceptions meditations are available on my website or individuals can record themselves reading the texts printed in the back of my book. As we exchange self-limiting beliefs we begin to embody new possibilities. Joe Dispenza is chairman of Life University Research Council and a faculty member for the International Quantum University for Integrative Medicine, Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Visit Connect with natural health books author Kathleen Barnes at

natural awakenings

August 2015



Kids like simple, elemental tastes and embrace the magic of the three-ingredient approach to cooking. ~Rozanne Gold, Eat Fresh Food: Awesome Recipes for Teen Chefs


They Love Healthy Food They Make Themselves by Judith Fertig


n less than a generation, childhood obesity has risen substantially, most notably in the United States, according to the article “Child and Adolescent Obesity: Part of a Bigger Picture,” in a recent issue of The Lancet. The authors attest that modern culture’s promotion of junk food encourages weight gain and can exacerbate risk factors for chronic disease in our kids. When concerned parents have a picky child bent on eating only French fries, they could enroll them in healthy cooking classes that offer tastings and related hands-on experiences for youths from preschoolers through teens. Here, children are encouraged to try more foods, eat healthier and learn about meal preparation, plus sharpen some math, geography and social skills. Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Leah Smith, the mother of two elementary school children, founded Kids Kitchen and Chefs Club, in Austin, Texas, in 2011. She offers classes for chefs (ages 3 to 6), junior chefs (5 to 11) and senior chefs (11 to 14). Kids learn how to make dishes such as yogurt parfait popsicles with healthy grains clusters or roasted


Toledo/Monroe edition

tomato soup with homemade croutons. “I’m a firm believer that teaching kids about which foods are good for us, and why, will positively influence their lifelong eating habits,” says Smith. “Start right, stay right.” Elena Marre, also the mother of two elementary school children, faced the challenge of a picky eater in her family. In 2007, she started The Kids’ Table, in Chicago, and solved her own problem along the way. Says Marre, “It’s amazing how often I hear a child complain about not liking red peppers, dark leafy greens or onions at the beginning of a class. It’s so rewarding when that same child is devouring a dish made with those three ingredients at the end.” Healthy kids cooking classes provide a fresh way to combat poverty, according to the Children’s Aid Society, in New York City. The group started Go!Chefs in 2006 at community schools and centers throughout the city and knows how to make it fun with Iron Chef-style competitions. “When offered a choice between an apple and a candy on two consecutive occasions and with most having chosen

the candy the first time, 57 percent of students in the Go!Kids health and fitness program chose the apple the second time, compared to 33 percent in the control group,” says Stefania Patinella, director of the society’s food and nutrition programs. In Minnesota’s Twin Cities region, “We do a lot of outreach with Head Start, community schools and organizations like scout troops,” says Chef Ani Loizzo, Whole Foods Market’s culinary instructor at the Whole Kids Club Kitchen Camp, in Lake Calhoun. “We have many kids that know about organic and biodynamic farming and we talk about that in class. We might focus on a healthy ingredient like tomatoes in a one-hour class or explore the culture of Greece or Mexico through food in a longer session.” Loizzo loves the natural curiosity that kids bring to cooking classes. “Sparking an interest in exploring ingredients and flavors can also lead to learning how to grow a garden and interest in the environment,” she says. For children in areas where such cooking classes aren’t yet offered, there are still fun ways to involve them in healthy meal preparation. Maggie LaBarbera of San Mateo, California, started her Web-based company in 2005 after witnessing the harmful effects of teenage obesity when she was an intensive care nurse. It offers educational articles for parents and free downloadable activities that engage children with healthy foods. “Every positive change, no matter how small, is a step to creating a healthier child,” says LaBarbera. “Together, we can give children the knowledge, facts and skills to develop healthy habits for a lifetime.” Judith Fertig blogs at AlfrescoFood from Overland Park, KS.


Animal Talk They Have Lots to Say If We’d Only Listen by Sandra Murphy

Brave New World In less than 10 years, we’ll see a universal translator for communicating with dogs and cats, predicts Con Slobodchikoff, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biological sciences at Northern Arizona University, in Flagstaff. Just like language apps change, for example, a French phrase into English, the device would translate barks into “Put on Animal Planet,” or meows to “Feed me tuna.” Computers will foster better understanding between humans and animals. David Roberts, a computer science assistant professor, and his team at North Carolina State University, in Raleigh, have received a grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a collar to send wireless instructions to dogs via vibrations. Multiple sensors return information about the dog’s heart rate and more, which is especially helpful for service dogs taught not to show stress or distress. Even without such technology, we can all enjoy improved relationships with animals, domestic and wild, by learning to listen. Veterinarian Linda Bender, an animal advocate in Charleston, South Carolina, and author of Animal Wisdom, says, “We all have the ability to understand animals. It gets trained out of us around age 7. It’s not about doing, it’s about being, a connection through the heart.” Meditation quiets the mind from daily concerns, allowing us to stay open, listen and be aware.

Everyday Examples Author Frances Hodgson Burnett captures the essence of

this childlike sensibility in A Little Princess: “How it is that animals understand things I do not know, but it is certain that they do understand. Perhaps there is a language which is not made of words and everything understands it. Perhaps there is a soul hidden in everything and it can always speak, without even making a sound, to another soul.” In Portland, Oregon, intuitive Melissa Mattern relates examples supporting Burnett’s premise from her own experiences. “My newest cat, Rocket, beat up my other cats and ran amok. Nothing helped until I took a class in animal communication.” She asked her other cats what to do. “They were clear that I should have consulted them before bringing Rocket into the house,” she says. “I asked Rocket if he would like another home and the picture of a chef’s hat popped into my mind. When we found the perfect home for Rocket, the man was a chef whose only other pet is a turtle that lets Rocket sleep with him. Everyone is happy with the results.” Charli, a 14-year-old pointer, travels the world with her family. Her owner, Cynthia Bowman, shares one of her favorite stories: “As we planned our move to Spain, Charli got ill. I explained, ‘We want you to go too, but if you can’t, tell me.’ A picture of a smoked ham popped into my head. I didn’t understand, but Charli got well and went along,” she says. “In our new Gipuzkoa neighborhood, a deli sells hams, just like I pictured. I can’t explain how Charli knew.” It becomes a matter of trust. “Thoughts or mind pictures can be easy to dismiss or mistrust as imagination,” she comments. “Every species has something they do best. With humans, it’s problem solving and advanced thinking. We’ve separated ourselves from nature. We need to remember we’re all interconnected,” Bender says. “When we learn to tune into ourselves, be heart-centric and radiate compassionate energy, it makes us irresistible to other creatures.”

Exotic Tales Wild animals communicate with David Llewellyn. As a writer of outdoor/nature blogs, he’s traveled full time in a 30-foot RV since 2002. “They don’t understand words, but go by what’s in your soul. I’ve picked berries with black bears and met a mountain lion and her two cubs along a trail without ever being harmed,” he says. “Often, hikers are told, ‘Make yourself look big and scream.’ I say ‘Hello,’ comment on the day and thank them for letting me share their space.” Staying calm is vital. Bender agrees. Grabbed by an orangutan at a wild animal trafficking rescue project, “She twisted my arm and could have easily broken it,” Bender recalls. “Fear is picked up as a threat so I tried to radiate calm. It was intense, but she gradually let go. With animals, you attract what you give. Better communication means better understanding leading to improved behavior on everyone’s part.” Communication and understanding among human, domestic and wild animals not only makes life more interesting, it can save lives. Connect with Sandra Murphy at StLouisFreelanceWriter@ natural awakenings

August 2015



Swimming in Nature Splashing Safely in Lakes and Oceans by Lane Vail


ostonian avid open-water swimmer Kate Radville is delighted that water constitutes 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. “The controlled environment of a swimming pool is convenient,” she says, “but splashing around outside in the beautiful summer sunshine is undeniably liberating.”

Enthusiasts are both attracted by the rugged beauty of wild water and humbled by its power, but without proper skill or knowledge, swimming in natural settings can be risky. “Millions of dollars are annually spent on advertising, tourism and beach restoration projects to bring people to water,” says

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Dave Benjamin, executive director of the Great Lakes Surf Rescue Project, “yet, the American Red Cross finds that 54 percent of Americans lack basic water emergency lifesaving skills.” Maximize enjoyment and safety in the open water by heeding basic guidelines. Be Weather Wise. Check the forecast before heading out and be conscious of any sudden climate changes. Leave the water or the area in the event of thunder or lightning. Tall buildings or mountains may block the view of the sky, and storms can pop up quickly, so Benjamin recommends using a batterypowered portable radio or smartphone app for weather updates. Wind and atmospheric pressure shifts can stir up waves for hours, so hesitate before returning to the water after a storm. Glean Information. “I can’t think of a time I’ve jumped into water I knew nothing about,” says Radville. “Some research prior to swimming is definitely advisable.” Renowned coach Steven Munatones, founder of the World Open Water Swimming Association, suggests walking along the beach to look for caution signs, surf conditions boards, flags, buoys, rope lines and available rescue equipment, plus emergency callboxes that pinpoint one’s location if cell phone service is weak. Even seemingly pristine waters can be contaminated by harmful bacteria, algal blooms or runoff pollutants after rain. “Chat with local beachgoers, swimmers, boaters or fishermen about current swimming conditions in designated areas,” counsels Munatones, and check social media sites like Facebook and area online swimming forums. Steer Clear. Be mindful of hidden underwater hazards, ranging from sharp objects to submerged construction, which can create turbulent water and strong undercurrents. Swim in lifeguardprotected areas away from windsurfers, jet skiers and boaters that may not hear or see swimmers, adds Munatones. Respect Marine Life. Munatones advises giving marine life, however beautiful, a wide berth. “I’ve swum around the world with all sorts of intriguing sea life,” he says, “and these are wild animals, not the friendly ones you see in marine parks.” Stop swimming and watch the animal until it’s moved on.

Be Water Wise. Water temperature, depth and movement, which fluctuate with rain, tides and wind, can also make conditions unpredictable, so research a destination beforehand. Pockets of cold water within an otherwise tepid mountain lake could induce a gasp response or hyperventilation, says Munatones, and prolonged immersion increases risk of muscle impairment and hypothermia. Likewise, an unexpected drop in the water floor may provoke panic. “Physically, someone capable of swimming in three feet of water can also swim in 300 feet,” says Munatones. “But mentally, deep water can feel spooky.” Rip currents are powerful streams that flow along the surface away from the shoreline. They may be easily spotted from the beach, but often go unnoticed by swimmers. “A potentially fatal mistake is allowing a ‘fight-or-flight’ response to kick in and trying to swim against the current, because rips are treadmills that will exhaust your energy,” cautions Benjamin. Instead, flip, float and follow the safest path out of the water, a technique that conserves energy and alleviates stress and panic, he says. Watch for Waves. Swim facing oncoming waves and dive under the powerful white foam, coaches Munatones. “Feel the swell wash over you before coming up to the surface.” If knocked off balance by a wave, relax, hold your breath and wait for the tumbling to cease. Swim toward the light if disoriented under the water, and make sure your head is above any froth before inhaling. “Your lungs are your personal flotation device that keep the body buoyant,” says Benjamin. “Lay back and focus on your breathing.” While Coast Guard-approved flotation devices should be worn by children at all times, they are not substitutes for supervision, says Rob Rogerson, a lifeguard and ocean rescue training officer in Palm Beach County, Florida. “Parents must watch swimming and non-swimming children vigilantly.” “The power of the open water is immense,” says Munatones. “Be respectful, always.”

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August 2015



The Vaccine Push Mandatory Laws vs. Personal Choice by Linda Sechrist


ront-page headlines Mandatory vaccines of published studies further about questionable identifies genetic factors that pose the latest could cause the developresearch, corporate manipulations, purchased ment of adverse effects to affront to politicians, medical covervaccines. citizens’ right ups and whistleblower reYet, “There is no availports have left Americans able evidence on vaccines’ to informed feeling hoodwinked and effectiveness that is placeboself-government. controlled, plus the health skeptical. According to a new Pew Research Center effects of vaccines in combistudy, the public doesn’t nation have never been studtrust the information they’re fed on ied, certainly not the 69 total doses of 16 issues such as genetically engineered types of vaccines given to children startcrops and now, mandatory vaccines. ing 12 hours after birth through age 18,” The current state of distrust of says Sayer Ji, a member of the National scientific statistics and their impact on Health Federation board of governors and our lives doesn’t bode well for lawmak- founder of ers attempting to build consensus for “Vaccine risks for anyone can range uniform mandatory vaccination interfrom zero to 100 percent, depending vention. The current rush to pass such upon one’s genes, microbiome DNA, legislation is largely due to 169 cases environment, age and health at the time of measles reported between January 4 of vaccination and the type and number and April 17, encompassing 20 states of vaccines given,” advises Barbara Loe and the District of Columbia, all traced Fisher, president and co-founder of the to a traveler infected overseas that then nonprofit National Vaccine Information visited a California amusement park. Center, headquartered in Vienna, Virginia. Common sense and independent “Vaccines are not safe or effecresearch counters the stance that would tive for everyone because we’re not all rob individuals of their moral right to the same and we don’t all respond the conscientious, philosophical and personsame way to pharmaceutical products,” al-belief exemption from being subjected says Fisher. She notes that responses to vaccines. Hard evidence in a plethora to infectious diseases and the risk for


Toledo/Monroe edition

complications can also vary, depending upon similar factors. Among the most prominent warnings on vaccine ingredients, concerned doctors, researchers and medical whistleblowers cite dangers of the toxin thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines and vaccine adjuvants such as aluminum gels or aluminum salts added to elicit a stronger immune response against the germ the vaccine introduces into our body. Leading books citing telling research include Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Mark Hyman; Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal, by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny; Vaccine Epidemic, by Louise Kuo Habakus; and Science for Sale, by David L. Lewis, Ph.D. Top film documentaries include Shots in the Dark; Vaccination: The Hidden Truth; Trace Amounts; The Greater Good; and Vaccine Nation. Bought: The Hidden Story Behind Vaccines, Big Pharma and Your Food resulted from two years of investigative research in disaster medical management by Toni Bark, now an integrative physician. In interviews with practicing doctors, research scientists, former pharmaceutical sales representatives, attorneys and others, Bark exposes serious conflicts of interest. These include vaccine research funding, hiring between pharmaceutical and chemical industries and their government regulating agencies, sponsored scientific propaganda used to silence critics, and large-scale corruption within the billion-dollar vaccine industry. Plus, it points out problems with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 that Congress passed to give drug manufacturers, the government and physicians protection from lawsuits arising from injuries caused by childhood vaccines. “Since 1988, thousands of children and adults in America that have suffered brain inflammation and other long-recognized vaccine reactions have been collectively awarded $3 billion in vaccine injury compensation. There are thousands more that have been unable to secure federal compensation for their vaccine injuries,” reports Fisher. “At least 25,000 to 30,000 reports

of vaccine reactions are filed annually with the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, operated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control,” says Tenpenny. “Underreporting is a substantial problem. It’s estimated that less than 1 percent of all adverse events from drugs and vaccines are reported.” Vaccine cites 7,200 journal articles and studies that expose the harm caused by vaccines. “Knowledge is empowering and personal discernment is priceless. The facts challenge the health claims by government health agencies and pharmaceutical firms that vaccines are perfectly safe,” says Ji. “Public doubt, distrust and skepticism are rational and natural consequences.” For more information, visit the National Vaccine Information Center at and the coalition of citizen advocates at Connect with writer Linda Sechrist at

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August 2015



Lectures on nutritional and complementary medicine (Wise words by a Wiseguy) Every first Wednesday of the month, at 7PM to 9PM Nova Faith Church, 5105 Glendale Ave. Suite G, in the old Kroger’s Plaza just off Reynold’s Jay Nielsen MD, Jack Grogan, Rich Rohaley, and assorted contributors Free Lecture with Slides, interrupted by questions, heckling and controversy.

Cardiac Risk Markers, Boston Heart Health

Peggy Glaubke

August 5th, 2015

Vaccines, a balanced discussion

Jay, Jack Grogan

September 2nd

Essential Oils

Jay/Karla Gleason/Michael Yan

October 7th

Good diet-bad diet/Mindful eating

Jay/Ellen Cullman/Jack

November 4th

Generic drugs and Drug research by FDA


December 2nd

Quality Supplements, how to tell

Jay/Jack/Rich Rohaley

January 6th, 2016

Brain Biochemistry and Depression

Jay/Jeff Kistler/Jack

February 3rd

To be announced, watch Natural Awakenings


March 2nd

Enzymes of all kinds


April 6th

Genova Functional testing

Jay/ Jack

May 4th

Hormones and the HPA, top to bottom


June 1st

Fungus Link, Candida and more


July 6th

Trace and macro elements


August 3rd

Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture


September 7th

Applied Kinesiology and Chiropractic

Jeff Davis DC and Gary Smith DC

October 5th

Anti Aging Medicine


November 2nd

Inflammation and it’s role in disease


December 7th

MRSA and Lyme infections, Biofilm


January 4th, 2017

Alzheimer’s, and Brain Biochemistry


February 1st

Joint repair, Platelet Rich Plasma


March 1st

What supplements should I take?

Jay/Jack/Rich Rohaley

April 5th

Biochemistry of Attention Deficit Disorder

Jay/Jeff Kistler/Jack/Rich Rohaley

May 3rd

How to identify/avoid a Toxic World


June 7th

Hair Mineral Analysis

Jack Grogan

July 5th, 2017


Toledo/Monroe edition



Visit our website to enter calendar items – You will receive a confirmation email when your event has been approved and posted online, usually within 24 hours. Events submitted by the 10th and meet our criteria will be added to the print magazine as space permits.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 5K Run, Mile Walk, Heels Race Fundraiser – Starts 8am. Sign up for the 5K Run (women only), Mile Walk (men & women, all ages) or the Heels Race (men & women 18+). Funds raised support causes that benefit female youth and women in the Maumee OH area. $15-$25/single event, $20$30/2 events, $5/kids 12 and under. Fallen Timbers, Maumee OH. More Info and Registration wen-usa. com/upcoming-event/. Questions Allison Hammons

SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 Sunday Short Hort – 9:30am-12noon. Get a lesson in plant cultivation from one of the Garden’s horticulturists followed by a 2-hour volunteer session in TBH’s 60-plus acres of lush gardens. Toledo Botanical Garden, Crosby Conference Ctr, 5403 Elmer Dr, Toledo OH. More info Nikki 419-536-5592 or

MONDAY, AUGUST 3 Essential Oils-Back to School – 6:30pm. Learn how essential oils can help your child cope with mild anxiety and stress, help them focus and also fight illnesses. Free, but RSVP required. Call for location of class. Jackie Goff 419-304-8408 or JGoffSylvania@ Young Living Ind. Distrib. See ad p. 30.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 4 Community Health and Wellness Guide Meeting – 11:30am-1pm. This gathering is for holistic, energetic and alternative medicine professionals. Speaker Carol Kremer, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac., will be discussing Back Pain Relief Using Chinese Medicine. $13(lunch included). Grape Leaf Diner, 909 S McCord Rd, Holland OH. RSVP to DYS Type 1 Diabetes Support Group – 6-7pm. A support group for families living with Type 1, both newly diagnosed and experienced; all family members welcome to attend. Free. St Luke’s Diabetes Care Ctr, 5871 Monclova Rd, Maumee OH. Contact Mary at 419-887-8741 or

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5 Infant CPR, Safety and Care class – 5-7pm. Anyone age 14 and up can attend this class which covers infant CPR, safe sleep, safe environment, immunization schedule, car seat safety, hygiene and more. Free. Monroe County Health Dept, 2353 S Custer Rd, Monroe MI. Register at 734-240-7839 or contact Lisa McGrath Handling Stress – 7pm. How It Affects Your Health and What To Do About It. A free stress response evaluation will be given by Dr Sean Totten and Dr. Jennifer Totten. Space is limited, make reservations at 734-244-4383. Kinetic Chiropractic, 2059 N Monroe St, Monroe MI. More info

Cardiac Risk Markers – 7-9pm. Peggy Glaubke Boston Heart Diagnostics Clinical Consultant, Central Region will be covering the true risks of cardiac disease and updated testing methods. Lecture on nutritional and complementary medicine with slides, interrupted by questions, heckling and controversy. Free. Nova Faith Church, 5105 Glendale Ave, Ste G, in Kroger Plaza just off Reynolds Rd. See full schedule p. 24.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 Taste It/Try It Cooking sessions – Starts 2pm. This class’s theme is Cool Kitchen-No Oven, No Stove, No Sweat and is led by Lori Joblinski. Free/Monroe Center members, $2/non-members. Monroe Center for Healthy Aging, Monroe MI. Consult with Sandy Brown, Psychic Medium – 5:30-8pm. Let Sandy help you answer questions and guide you with her unique skills. $20/15 mins, $40/30 mins. New Beginnings Healing Ctr, 202 N McCord, Toledo OH. RSVP 419-861-7786 or visit or Yin Yoga 7:15pm. Deep Stretching, cooler room - Come stretch and open up with us on Thursdays at 7:15pm. $10 suggested donation. Bikram Yoga Toledo, 5107B Monroe St., Toledo OH. Call 567343-2298 or visit for more info. See ad p. 10.

FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 Essential Oils 101:An Introduction to Essential Oils – 7:30-8:30pm. People are turning to essential oils for all their health and wellness needs. Come learn about the benefits of using essential oils. Diamond Club event. Free. Willoughby Hills Community Center (Historical Room),35400 Charon Rd., Willoughby Hills OH (Suburb of Cleveland). RSVP: Becky 440-840-5903. See ad p. 6.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 8 Second Saturdays R 4 Kids – 11am-2pm. An interactive educational series for children featuring hands-on activities, speakers and more. $1/children, $7.50/adults (includes museum admission.) RB Hayes Pres Ctr, Spiegel Grove, Fremont OH. More info and registration Ashley Wyatt 419-332-2081 x230 or

Essential Connection Monthly Team Banquet – 6-8:30pm. This time is set aside each month for training, food, fellowship and recognition! Also, a discussion on effective ways to host and close a class. Arrive 6pm if you want to order food; Meeting starts 7pm. Charlie’s Restaurant, 1631 Toll Gate Dr, Maumee OH. RSVP Karla 419-265-3219 or See ad p. 6. Urban Zen – 7-8:15pm. Urban Zen Integrative Therapists use multiple modalities to address symptoms of PANIC - Pain, Anxiety, Nausea, Insomnia and Constipation- that accompany disease or injury. These modalities include gentle in-bed movements, restorative yoga poses, body scans, breath practices, aromatherapy and Reiki. If you would like to experience Urban Zen's approach, join us for this program. You will be led through a full "mock" therapy session. You'll leave the program feeling calm, relaxed and revitalized. No yoga experience required. 1220 W. Wooster St., Bowling Green OH. Call 419-3081261 or refer to for more information. See ad p.10.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 11 Parenting on Your Own – 11:30am-12:30pm. This class’s topic is Practicing Nurturing Parenting. Free. Arthur Lesow Community Ctr, 120 Eastchester, Monroe MI. More info and registration 734-240-3179. Immune Support Class – 5-6pm. The Rehabilitation Specialists conduct classes on the 2nd Thursday of each month on flu prevention and care. Participants are also taught to perform the thoracic pump, a hands-on procedure that can stimulate the immune system’s ability to fight off disease. Free. Center for Progressive Health & Wellness, 975 S Monroe St, Ste C, Monroe MI. More info call 734-241-0560. How to Start Your Own Business – 6-8:45pm. Basics of biz ownership, assessing your ability to lead, and the risks and feasibility of owning a business. $30/adults, $15/senior fee. Monroe Community College, La-Z-Boy Ctr-Room Z257, 1555 S Raisinville Rd, Monroe MI. Register Essential Oils and Cancer Research – 6:30-8pm. Hear from experts in the field of essential oils about cancer research and the quest for a cure using oils (not brand specific). Also, an interview with a cancer survivor. Free. New Beginnings Healing Ctr, 202 N McCord, Toledo OH. RSVP 419-861-7786 or visit See ad p. 31.

Yoga in the Vineyard – 6:30-8pm. Instructor is Shelia Watson of Bee Free Yoga. Enjoy an hour of yoga and a glass of wine. $15. Majestic Oak Winery, 13554 Mohler Rd, Grand Rapids OH.

Bio-Identical Hormone Restoration lecture – 6:30-8:30pm. Matt Buderer, R.Ph., FIACP, Compounding Pharmacist will discuss the biochemistry and balance of hormones in the male and female bodies. Topics include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol and stress. Free. Buderer Drug, 26611 N Dixie Hwy #119, Perrysburg OH. Seating is limited. Please call 419-873-2800 to reserve a seat.



Helping Hands for Haiti Festival – 2-8pm. Missions International of America, founded by Jay and Jan Nielsen, will be sponsoring the 10th annual Helping Hands for Haiti festival with live bands, praise bands, inflatable and other children’s games, auction baskets, and fair foods. There will be lectures on projects in Haiti and activities for everyone. Free. Grace United Methodist Church, 601 East Boundary, Perrysburg. See NB p. 5.

Infant CPR, Safety and Care class – 5-7pm. Anyone age 14 and up can attend this class which covers infant CPR, safe sleep, safe environment, immunization schedule, car seat safety, hygiene and more. Free. Monroe County Health Dept, 2353 S Custer Rd, Monroe MI. Register at 734-240-7839 or contact Lisa McGrath

natural awakenings

August 2015


DIY Wellness with Essential Oils – 6:45pm. For those who are new to essential oils and want to learn how to identify, remove and replace toxic products with healthier, natural ones. No oils for sale at this class. Free, but RSVP required. Call for location of class. Jackie Goff 419-304-8408 or JGoffSylvania@ Young Living Ind. Distrib. See ad p. 30. Yoga and Essential Oils – 7:30-8:30pm. Learn how yoga and oils can support stress reduction, focus and peace to the body. Diamond Club event. Free, open to the public. Gift at the door for all who register at CPW Health Ctr, 3130 Central Park West Dr, Ste A, Toledo OH. Questions: Karla Gleason 419-265-3219 or See ad p. 30.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 13 Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:45pm. Kelly Obermiller leads you through a gentle flow to increase strength, relieve stress and improve the quality of your pregnancy. $15/class, $45/4 classes. Still Waters Yoga Studio, 8115 Monclova Rd, Monclova OH. Contact Kelly 419-2773161 or Registration encouraged on Piloga – 5:30-6:30pm. Fusing together the principles of Pilates and yoga, this class focuses on core strength and flexibility. This class will flex and flow between these two practices that will compliment your body's needs. This is a mixed-level class and all equipment is provided. 1220 W. Wooster St., Bowling Green OH. Call 419-308-1261 or refer to for more information. See ad p.10. Nature Foraging Walk – 6:30-7:30pm. Join us for a field trip to identify and collect wild herbs and “weeds”, and learn how to use them for cooking, healing, etc. Will carpool from NBHC to the location. Bring bug spray! Cost is a donation. New Beginnings Healing Ctr, 202 N McCord, Toledo OH. RSVP 419-861-7786 or visit NBHCToledo. com. See ad p. 31.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 Kick Off to Great Health Fair – 9am-1pm. Free services for children ages 5-19 include back-toschool immunizations, dental services, sports physicals, car seat checks, Medicaid applications, hearing and vision screenings, nutrition education and games. Free. Monroe County Health Dept, 2353 S Custer Rd, Monroe MI. More Info 734-240-7800. Consult with Sandy Brown, Psychic Medium – 9am-2pm. Let Sandy help you answer questions and guide you with her unique skills. $20/15 mins, $40/30 mins. New Beginnings Healing Ctr, 202 N McCord, Toledo OH. RSVP 419-861-7786 or visit or See ad p. 31. AromaTouch Technique Training – 9am-4pm. Students learn how to administer the AromaTouch Technique. Class includes $100 of essential oils, full day training, manual and DVD. Diamond Club event. Total Cost $149. CPW Health Ctr, 3130 Central Park West Dr, Ste A, Toledo OH. Register http:// More Info AromaTouchTechnique. com. See ad p. 6.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 Nature Foraging Walk – 1:30-2:30pm. Join us for a field trip to identify and collect wild herbs and “weeds”, and learn how to use them for cook-


Toledo/Monroe edition

ing, healing, etc. Will carpool from NBHC to the location. Bring bug spray! Cost is a donation. New Beginnings Healing Ctr, 202 N McCord, Toledo OH. RSVP 419-861-7786 or visit NBHCToledo. com. See ad p. 31.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 Yoga on the Roof – 9:15-10:15am. Caroline Dawson leads this session of introductory yoga on Main Library’s Civic Plaza rooftop. Bring a mat, water bottle and wear comfortable clothing. Main Library, 325 N Michigan St, Toledo OH. Registration required 419-259-5200. Parenting on Your Own – 11:30am-12:30pm. This class’s topic is Ages and Stages of Infants and Toddlers. Free. Arthur Lesow Community Ctr, 120 Eastchester, Monroe MI. More info and registration 734-240-3179. Household Hazardous Waste Collections – 3-7pm. Accepts aerosols, auto fluids, batteries, cleaning products, fertilizer, paint, pesticides, etc. Free. Monroe County Community College, 1555 S Raisinville Rd, Monroe MI. Complete list at or call 734-240-7900. Secure Document Shredding – 3-7pm. Limit of 100 pounds per vehicle. Free. Monroe County Community College, 1555 S Raisinville Rd, Monroe MI. Reclaim Your Health – 6:30-8pm. Joint pain, weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure. Learn about an amazing plant that can give you the nutrition to help your body heal. Free. New Beginnings Healing Ctr, 202 N McCord, Toledo OH. RSVP 419861-7786 or visit See ad p. 31.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19 Watch it Grow Garden Tour – 10:30am-12noon. The tour covers various gardening topics and will focus on the area near Ziem’s Conservatory. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Toledo Zoo, 2700 Broadway St, Toledo OH. Living with Diabetes Group – Starts 7pm. This year’s theme is “10 Tips for Diabetes Health”, and all individuals with diabetes and their support persons are welcome. Sponsored by Monroe Health Dept’s Live Well, Be Well Team. Free. Monroe Home Care Shoppe, 474 N Telegraph Rd, Monroe MI. More info Handling Stress – 7pm. How It Affects Your Health and What To Do About It. A free stress response evaluation will be given by Dr Sean Totten and Dr. Jennifer Totten. Space is limited, make reservations at 734-244-4383. Kinetic Chiropractic, 2059 N Monroe St, Monroe MI. More info

THURSDAY, AUGUST 20 Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:45pm. Kelly Obermiller leads you through a gentle flow to increase strength, relieve stress and improve the quality of your pregnancy. $15/ class, $45/4 classes. Still Waters Yoga Studio, 8115 Monclova Rd, Monclova OH. Contact Kelly 419-2773161 or Registration encouraged on

FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 Happy Hour Yoga 4-5pm. Come check out the 60 min Bikram Hot Yoga class! Hot, sweaty and done in a flash for the weekend! $10 drop in. Bikram Yoga Toledo, 5107B Monroe St., Toledo OH. Call 567-343-2298 or visit for more info. See ad p. 10.

DIY Essential Oil Spray Class – 7-8:30pm. Learn how to make various spray bottles to improve your mood and eliminate odors from your environment. Also covers the basics of oils and offers recipes that you can make at the class or at home. Diamond Club event. Free, open to the public. Grace United Methodist Church, 601 E Boundary St, Perrysburg OH. Register See ad p. 6.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 Warrior 5K Run & Walk Fundraiser – 7:30am11am. 5K race/walk starts 9am. The walk is –noncompetitive. Group and individual awards by gender and age. Refreshments after race. All profits go to Wounded Warrior Project and the USO to help vets. Fees vary by age and military/non-military from $17-$25. Bass Pro Shops, 10000 Bass Pro Blvd, Rossford OH. Registration at or day of race at 7:30am. More info Ivan Kovacevic 419-666-2905 or

TUESDAY, AUGUST 25 Essential Oils and Animals – 6:30-8pm. Hear from experts in the field of essential oils on animal aromatherapy and essential oils for animals (not brand specific). Free. New Beginnings Healing Ctr, 202 N McCord, Toledo OH. RSVP 419-861-7786 or visit See ad p. 31.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26 Grocery Store Tour – 4-5:30pm. Make Healthy Choices as a Family. Parents and kids will work together to complete a healthy eating scavenger hunt with dietician Emily. Space is limited and preregistration required at 734-240-7800. Free. Kroger, 3833 N Dixie Hwy. Monroe MI. Yoga in the Vineyard – 6:30-8pm. Instructor is Shelia Watson of Bee Free Yoga. Enjoy an hour of yoga and a glass of wine. $15. Majestic Oak Winery, 13554 Mohler Rd, Grand Rapids OH.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 27 Discovering Essential Oils 101 – 10:30am. A morning class for anyone interested in starting to use essential oils. Find out how they work, the properties of oils, best ways to use them and how to replace toxic products with them. No oils for sale at this class. Free, but RSVP required. Call for location of class. Jackie Goff 419-304-8408 or JGoffSylvania@ Young Living Ind. Distrib. See ad p. 30. Prenatal Yoga – 4:30-5:45pm. Kelly Obermiller leads you through a gentle flow to increase strength, relieve stress and improve the quality of your pregnancy. $15/class, $45/4 classes. Still Waters Yoga Studio, 8115 Monclova Rd, Monclova OH. Contact Kelly 419-2773161 or Registration encouraged on

FRIDAY, AUGUST 28 Back to School with Essential Oils – 7-8pm. Learn how essential oils can support your child’s immune system, help them cope with stress and anxiety and live a healthier lifestyle. Diamond Club event. Free, open to the public. Providence Lutheran Church, 8131 Airport Hwy, Holland OH. Register at http:// See ad p. 6.

ongoingevents sunday Spirituality Gathering Without the Religion – Starts 9am. The Center for Conscious Living promotes human unity, service to community, meditation, prayer and interfaith alliances. Each gathering begins with stimulating spiritual discussions, followed by live music and speakers that are both locally and internationally known. The Center for Conscious Living, 7410 Noward Rd (off Rte 64), Waterville OH. More Info call 419-873-5768 or visit Hot YogAlign – All Levels: 9:30-10:45am. Level II: 11am-12:15pm. Postural-based yoga classes that focus on enhancing natural body alignment thru specialized techniques that release tension and increase strength, stability and flexibility. Level tailored to participant; see website for prerequisites. Please bring water bottle. $15/drop-in. Free mat/ towel rental and cooling lavender face cloth offered 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at

monday Reserve Your BioMat Time – It’s as close to a tropical island experience that you can get. You’ll receive a total body tune-up, strengthening all organs and functions. Try 30 mins on the BioMat with meditation. $30. Schedule an appointment with Pennie 419-283-7337. Monthly Memorial Ceremony – 3rd Mon. A gathering for those that have lost a beloved pet and want to remember them and share their memory with other pet lovers. Please bring a picture of your pet. Free. Canine Karma, 6128 Merger Dr, Holland OH. RSVP: 419-290-8237.

for people with eating disorders. Epworth United Methodist Church, 4855 W Central Ave, Rm 206, Toledo OH. Contact Joyce Treat 419-699-1007 or or visit Hot Kettlebells – 7:30-8:30pm. A 60-minute total body workout that will tone muscles and burn fat. Be ready to sweat and get fit! Please bring water bottle. $13/drop-in. Free mat/towel rental 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at Meditation and Recovery Meeting – Starts 8pm. This class is geared toward helping persons in recovery from addiction, but is not affiliated with AA. Sessions begin with 5 minutes of silent prayer, followed by basic meditation, then 20 minutes of silent meditation. Open discussion of participants sharing (which is voluntary) how the practice has helped them in their recovery. Free. Great Heartland Buddhist Temple of Toledo, 6537 Angola Rd, Holland OH.

tuesday River Raisin Networkers – 7:30 am. A get-together for Monroe area small business owners. Contact Bill Kipf at 734-341-0229 for more info about the group. Dena’s Family Restaurant, 15391 S Dixie Hwy, Monroe Mi. Reserve Your BioMat Time – It’s as close to a tropical island experience that you can get. You’ll receive a total body tune-up, strengthening all organs and functions. Try 30 mins on the BioMat with meditation. $30. Schedule an appointment with Pennie 419-283-7337. Hot YogAlign – All Levels: 9:30-10:15am. Level I: 6-7:15pm. Postural-based yoga classes that focus on enhancing natural body alignment thru specialized techniques that release tension and increase strength, stability and flexibility. Level tailored to participant;

see website for prerequisites. Please bring water bottle. $15/drop-in. Free mat/towel rental and cooling lavender face cloth offered 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at Active Older Adults Class – 9:30-10:30am. Bring a friend to exercise with! $3/class. Lighthouse Landing, 4441 N Summit St, Pointe Place, Toledo OH. More Info contact Addy at Francis Family YMCA 734-850-9622. Yoga Fit – 9:30-11am. Fitness yoga incorporates the best that yoga and fitness training have to offer. This powerful combination will bring about lifestyle changes that impact the mind, body, and spirit. $15 each class. Inspired Heart Holistic Ctr, 205 Farnsworth, Waterville OH. To register Kim Collins 419-779-2177 or visit InspiredHeartHolisticCenter. com for more info. See ad p. 10. Group Bicycle Rides – (Tues thru Fall 2015) – Starts 10 am. Group Bicycle Rides from downtown Monroe to Sterling State Park at a moderate pace of 12-15 mpg, with coffee afterwards in downtown Monroe. All riders are asked to sign a liability waiver; bike helmets are recommended. Free. Riverfront Park Parking Lot, 100 W Front St, Monroe MI. More info, call Jack’s Bicycles 734-242-1400 or Greg/Carol Koesel 734-242-1255. Babytime – 10-10:45am. For babies 12 months and under, Babytime teaches early literacy skills through stories, rhymes, music, etc. Free. Sylvania Branch Library, 6749 Monroe St, Sylvania OH. Yoga-Connecting Within – 10:15-11:30am. With Sandy Earl. Awaken the true connection between body, mind and spirit by incorporating the practice of yoga into a lifestyle. Come and experience the many benefits yoga offers. All levels welcome. $15/drop-in. Presence Yoga at Westgate Village Office Bldg, 3450 W Central Ave, Ste 320F, Toledo OH. 419-351-7409. SandyEarl_Rower@hotmail. com. See ad p. 10. T’ai Chi For Health – 10:30-11:30am. Instructor Marie Criste presents a soft movement class, designed for those wanting to try t’ai chi. Each class is divided into three parts including warm up,

Fitness After 55 – 9am. Every Monday. The Center provides the setting for seniors to communicate and share with each other. Living alone, eating alone, being alone – these circumstances are not necessary in a community which has a Senior Citizens Program like Bedford’s. Bedford Senior Citizens Center, 1653 Samaria Rd, Temperance MI. Call for Info 734-856-3330. Hot YogAlign – All Levels: 9:30-10:45am and 6-7:15pm. Postural-based yoga classes that focus on enhancing natural body alignment thru specialized techniques that release tension and increase strength, stability and flexibility. Level tailored to participant; see website for prerequisites. Please bring water bottle. $15/drop-in. Free mat/towel rental and cooling lavender face cloth offered 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at I Love Kickboxing! – 5:15-6:15pm. Come and join us for some kickboxing fun! Find out what it’s all about. $19.99/3 classes. I Love Kickboxing, 4185 Chappel Dr, Perrysburg OH. More dates, classes on our website. Sign up on or More info 419-931-6435. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) – 7-8:30pm. Food addicts offers help and hope

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natural awakenings

Laboratory Physical Therapy X-Ray / CT Scan / MRI Alternative to Emergency Room Care Physician House Calls Ultrasound Discount Prescriptions Compounding General Surgery Family Practice Orthopedics Durable Medical Equipment In-Home Health Care Counseling Supplements Chiropractic

August 2015


senior form and yang form. Beginners should arrive at 10:15am. Bedford Branch Library, Bedford Community Room, 8575 Jackman Rd, Temperance MI. 734-847-6747. Monroe.Lib.Mi.Us. Arthritis Foundation Tai Chi – 12:15-1pm. Learn the ancient discipline of Tai Chi, which combines small steps, joint-safe exercise and mental strength to improve mobility, breathing, and relaxation. Will help people of all ages take control of their physical, emotional and mental health. $25/month or included in $45/month fee. CPW Rehab Center, 3130 Central Park West Dr, Ste A, Toledo OH. Call Jennifer for more info 419-841-9622. Yoga with Weights – 5:30-6:30pm. Bring your own weights for this active practice that builds strong arms, cores and glutes. $10. Canine Karma, 6128 Merger Dr, Holland OH. Call to reserve a spot. 419-290-8237. Kids Yoga in St. Mary’s Park – (June 9-Aug 25 2015) 6:30-7:30pm. A fun non-competitive program for ages 6-12 (parent must attend with child). Games and fun activities, which incorporate yoga poses, introduce kids to Yoga. Please bring mat/towel and water bottle. Instructor Diane Ausmus completed 200 hrs of training at Mindful Movement, specializing in Children’s Yoga. Free. St Mary’s Park Band Shell, Corner of W Elm and N Monroe St, Monroe MI. Parent to complete registration form on site to participate. RELAX: Alternatives to Anger – (Aug 11-Sep 1) 6:30-8pm. Registration is due by 8/10/15. $20/1 person or a couple. MSU Extension Office, 963 S Raisinville Rd, Monroe MI. More info and registration at 734-240-3179.

wednesday Acu Detox Wednesday – 11am-5pm (last session begins at 4pm). Acu Detox is an auricular acupuncture/acupressure treatment for any condition where relaxation and/or detoxification are needed. $16, walk-ins welcome. Asherah’s Garden, Holistic Boutique, 315 N Grove St, Bowling Green OH. Call 419-354-8408 for info. Hot YogAlign – All Levels: 6-7:15pm. Level II: 7:30-8:45pm. Postural-based yoga classes that focus on enhancing natural body alignment thru specialized techniques that release tension and increase strength, stability and flexibility. Level tailored to participant; see website for prerequisites. Please bring water bottle. $15/drop-in. Free mat/towel rental and cooling lavender face cloth offered 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at Body Better – 12:15-1pm. The Body Better program incorporates low-impact resistance training, functional movements, stretching and relaxation to improve mental and physical strength and health. Improve balance and stability, increase postural awareness and flexibility. Get healthy and stay healthy! $45/month unlimited visits or $25/month once a week. CPW Health Ctr, 3130 Central Park West Dr, Ste A, Toledo OH. Call Jennifer for more info 419-841-9622. Beginner Yoga – 1-2pm. A gentle practice for those that are new to yoga and want deep relaxation. $10. Canine Karma, 6128 Merger Dr, Holland OH. Reserve a spot. 419-290-8237.


Toledo/Monroe edition

Transition-Mind Works – 1-2:30pm. (2nd Wed every month). Individuals with early stage memory loss and their family and friends can attend for social/educational opportunities, fun brain games and group sharing. Free. Alzheimer’s Association-NW Ohio Chapter, 2500 N Reynolds Rd, Toledo OH. Register 1-800-272-3900. More Info Contact Brenda Hendricks 419-537-1999 or Evening Yoga classes – Gentle Hatha: 5:306:45pm or Slow Flow Hatha: 7-8:30pm. Both classes appropriate for various levels in this friendly, supportive atmosphere. 5 and 10 class passes available or$15/drop-in. Discounts for students, seniors and active military. Presence Yoga at Westgate Village, 3450 W Central Ave, Ste 320F, Toledo OH. RSVP or more info 419-376-6300. See ad p. 10. Aquatic Exercise for Cancer Survivors – 6-7pm. Free to survivors of any type of cancer through a grant received by The Victory Center from The Rotary Club of Toledo. CPW Health Ctr, 3130 Central Park West Dt, Ste A, Toledo OH. Must Register with Penny McCloskey at The Victory Center 419-531-7600. Mother’s Support Group – 6-7pm. Bring your young child along to interact with others. Free. Point Place Library, 2727 117th St, Toledo OH. Weight Loss Support Group – 6:30-8pm. Uses various techniques to deal with the emotional aspects of weight release. $15/week with book purchase. New Beginnings Healing Ctr, 202 N McCord, Toledo OH. RSVP required 419-861-7786 or visit See ad p.31. Healing Yoga – 6:30-8pm. This class concentrates on therapeutic yoga and fitness and can help with pain management, illness and injury recovery. The class is small to allow for extensive “hands on” adjustment. $15 per class. Inspired Heart Holistic Ctr, 205 Farnsworth, Waterville OH. RSVP to Kim Collins 419-779-2177 or visit for more info. See ad p. 10. I Love Kickboxing! – 6:30-7:30pm. Come and join us for some kickboxing fun! Find out what it’s all about. $19.99/3 classes. I Love Kickboxing, 4185 Chappel Dr, Perrysburg OH. More dates, classes on our website. Sign up on or More info 419-931-6435. Meditation class – 6:30-8pm. Anna V. moderates this guided meditation class best suited to participants who want to do serious meditation. Free. Lourdes University, Sophia Center at Canticle Center, 5335 Silica Dr., Sylvania OH. 419-367-1617. Handling Stress – Starts 7pm. This class, taught by Drs. Sean and Jennifer Totten, helps attendees of all ages learn how to manage stress, and how it affects your health. Space is limited. Free. Kinetic Chiropractic, 2059 N Monroe St, Monroe MI. Reservations required at 734-244-4383. More info Yoga for 8-12 Year-Olds – 7-7:45pm. Children ages 8-12. Connecting minds, bodies and hearts with Diane Ausmus. Through flowing sequences, balancing poses, partner poses, cooperative games, breathing exercises, creating relaxation techniques and much more. Children will gain body awareness, flexibility, strength and an open heart. Summerfield-Petersburg Branch Library, 60 E Center St, Petersburg MI. 734279-1025. Register:

thursday Trance Thursday – 11am-5pm (last session begins at 4pm). Enjoy a crystal healing session that uses the energetic properties of the mineral world to balance and relax the body, mind and spirit. $30, walk-ins welcome. Asherah’s Garden, Holistic Boutique, 315 N Grove St, Bowling Green OH. Call 419354-8408 for info. Hot YogAlign – All Levels: 9:30-10:15am. Level I: 6-7:15pm. Postural-based yoga classes that focus on enhancing natural body alignment thru specialized techniques that release tension and increase strength, stability and flexibility. Level tailored to participant; see website for prerequisites. Please bring water bottle. $15/drop-in. Free mat/towel rental and cooling lavender face cloth offered 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at Mothers’ Center of Greater Toledo Mtg – 9:4511:30am. Established in 1984 for both stay-athome and working mom’s and their families, this group meets weekly for fun, food and friendship. Reliable and safe childcare provided. Playdates, a working moms’ group and many family activities. See website for weekly mtg topics. Not affiliated with McCord Rd Church. McCord Road Christian Church, 4765 N McCord Rd, Sylvania OH. More Info at Group Bicycle Rides – (Thurs thru Fall 2015) – Starts 10 am. Group Bicycle Rides from downtown Monroe to Sterling State Park at a moderate pace of 12-15 mpg, with coffee afterwards in downtown Monroe. All riders are asked to sign a liability waiver; bike helmets are recommended. Free. Riverfront Park Parking Lot, 100 W Front St, Monroe MI. More info, call Jack’s Bicycles 734-242-1400 or Greg/Carol Koesel 734-242-1255. Boomer’s Meeting – Starts 11:30am. Networking and lunch for people born between 1946-1964 to discuss various areas of interest including wellness, finance, education, travel and entertainment, jobs/ employment, and community development. Boomers Resource Network Lake Erie Region. Uncle John’s Pancake House, 3131 Secor Rd, Toledo OH. More info 419-536-9442 Active Older Adults Class – 1:30-2:30pm. Bring a friend to exercise with! $3/class. Lighthouse Landing, 4441 N Summit St, Pointe Place, Toledo OH. More Info contact Addy at Francis Family YMCA 734-850-9622. Yoga-Connecting Within – 5:30-6:45pm. With Sandy Earl. Awaken the true connection between body, mind and spirit by incorporating the practice of yoga into a lifestyle. Come and experience the many benefits yoga offers. All levels welcome. $15 drop-in rate. Presence Yoga at Westgate Village Office Building, 3450 W Central Ave, Ste 320 F, Toledo OH. 419-351-7409. SandyEarl_Rower@ See ad p. 10. Essential Oils 101: Learn the Basics – 6-7pm. How doTERRA’s CPTG organic oils can keep your family healthy. Free and open to the public. Bob Evans, 652 Tecumseh St, Dundee MI. RSVP to Ann 419-356-5428. See ad p. 6.

Zumba! – 6-7pm. Join Instructor Toni Quinn for an energizing session with a live drummer in a fantastic environment. Shake the stress away! Studio Fitness, 1413 Bernath Pkwy, Toledo OH. More Info contact Toni 419-480-7547 or e-mail toniquinnfit@ Ladies Night Out-Art Exploration – (2nd Thurs each month) 6:45-8:30pm. Different fun projects every week, such as naturescapes, group cooperative art, gem trees, dream boards/boxes, jewelry making, herbs and more. You do not need to be artisticallyinclined. Find us on Facebook for each week’s project. $10/wk. New Beginnings Healing Ctr, 202 N McCord, Toledo OH. RSVP 419-861-7786 or visit See ad p. 31. Healthy Cooking Classes – 6-8pm. Our series of healthy, simple cooking classes feature an amazing green dish each week. $15. The Andersons, Sylvania Market Café, 7638 Sylvania Ave, Sylvania OH. RSVP 24 hrs in advance at 419-913-7328 or Second Sole Group Runs – Starts 6:30pm. Free group runs or walks for all skill levels on a 5K course that winds down the blvd and around the exterior of Levis Commons. Different promos each week such as freebies, prize raffles and wear test items. Second Sole, 4130 Levis Commons Blvd, Perrysburg OH. More info call 419-931-8484 or Second Sole Toledo. Pet Loss Support Group – (1 & 3 Thurs. each month) Starts 6:30pm. Participants grieving a beloved pet will have an opportunity to share their feelings with compassionate facilitators and others who are suffering a similar experience. All are welcome. River House-IHM Spirituality Ctr, 805 W Elm Ave, Monroe MI. Please register at 734-240-5494 or st


Hot Kettlebells – 7:30-8:30pm. A 60-minute total body workout that will tone muscles and burn fat. Be ready to sweat and get fit! Please bring water bottle. $13/drop-in. Free mat/towel rental 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at

friday Qigong – 7-7:30am. With Jen Lake. Driven Fitness Studio, 819 Kingsbury St, Ste 102, Maumee OH. First class free. To register or for more info. Hot YogAlign – All Levels: 9:30-10:15am. Posturalbased yoga classes that focus on enhancing natural body alignment thru specialized techniques that release tension and increase strength, stability and flexibility. Level tailored to participant; see website for prerequisites. Please bring water bottle. $15/ drop-in. Free mat/towel rental and cooling lavender face cloth offered 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at T’ai Chi – 1pm. Join in the Chinese martial art that combines controlled movements with deep breathing. T’ai chi provides health benefits that include reducing stress, lessening chronic pain, and improving the immune system. In addition, balance and blood pressure often show improvements. Monroe Center for Healthy Aging, 15275 S Dixie Hwy, Monroe MI. 734-241-0404.

Yoga for Kids – 4-5pm. Now signing up children in age groups 4-9 and 10-16. A five-week yoga class to teach children fun ways to manage stress and anxiety. Instructor: Jennifer Dubow, LISW, Clinical Therapist, Certified Child Yoga Instructor. $20/class, $100 total for five weeks, can bill insurance. 3335 Meijer Dr Ste 450, Toledo OH. Call for class dates and times. 419-699-3659.


classifieds Fee for classifieds is $1 per word per month. To place listing, email content to Deadline is the 10th of the month.


Hot YogAlign – All Levels: 9:30-10:45am. Posturalbased yoga classes that focus on enhancing natural body alignment thru specialized techniques that release tension and increase strength, stability and flexibility. Level tailored to participant; see website for prerequisites. Please bring water bottle. $15/ drop-in. Free mat/towel rental and cooling lavender face cloth offered 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at I Love Kickboxing! – 10-11am. Come and join us for some kickboxing fun! Find out what it’s all about. $19.99/3 classes. I Love Kickboxing, 4185 Chappel Dr, Perrysburg OH. More dates, classes on our website. Sign up on or More info 419-931-6435. Essential Oils 101: Learn the Basics – 10-11am. How doTERRA’s CPTG organic oils can keep your family healthy. Free and open to the public. Barry Bagel’s, 3366 Sterns Rd, Lambertville MI. RSVP to Ann 419-356-5428. See ad p. 6. Discover the River – (June thru Sept 2015) 10am12noon. Enjoy a relaxing 2 hr cruise on the Maumee River. Bring a picnic breakfast or lunch if you like. $15/adults, $7/kids under 12. Sandpiper Boat Rides, Promenade Park, 120 Water St, Toledo OH. Reservations required at

NATURAL WAX CANDLE COMPANY LOOKING FOR DISTRIBUTORS. Get your candles at wholesale! Contact me at 419-519-0588 or LOVE ESSENTIAL OILS? GET PAID FOR SHARING YOUR OILY LIFESTYLE by enrolling and teaching others about the best-selling oils in the world – Young Living Oils! Training & support provided. Jackie Goff 419-304-8408.

SERVICES HEALING AND WELLNESS FOR MIND BODY SPIRIT - Reiki, Healing Touch, Meditation, Ear Candling, Mindfulness, Personal Coaching, Crystal Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Pain Relief, Individual Counseling. Caring Alternatives 734242-8711.

FOR SALE BY OWNER TARAJORIES: HILL OF HEALTH. Pristine, waterfront estate. 4.3 acres & 461 frontage. Private or fractional ownership, or create your healing retreat! A must see at Contact Evan or Suzy 260-495-3211.

Hot Kettlebells – 11am-noon. A 60-minute total body workout that will tone muscles and burn fat. Be ready to sweat and get fit! Please bring water bottle. $13/drop-in. Free mat/towel rental 1st class. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Rm 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Register at Reiki Share – (3rd Sat. of every month). Starts 11:30am. Open to Reiki practitioners of all levels. Free. Asherah’s Garden, Holistic Boutique, 315 N Grove St, Bowling Green OH. Call 419-354-8408 for info. Free Unheated Community YogAlign Class – 12:30pm-1:45pm. Find out what YogAlign is without the concern of practicing in the heat. This Level I class is taught by our apprentice teachers. Class is limited to 18. Please bring water bottle and yoga mat. $2/rent a mat. 29101 Hufford Rd, Graystone Hall Room 103, Perrysburg OH. 419-345-0885. Please Pre-register at

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. ~Frederick Douglass

Uncork The Artist – 7-10pm. Painting parties with a twist. Classes for both adults and kids. Register thru website and see the painting to be created each evening. All art supplies provided. Uncork the Artist, 5228 Monroe St, Toledo OH. 419-283-2484. Much more Info at

natural awakenings

August 2015



communityresourceguide Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit.

CHIROPRACTOR TURNING POINT CHIROPRACTIC 353 Elm Street, Suite B Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-874-4840

Jeff and Rachel Elmore are Upper Cervical Chiropractors focusing on helping patients achieve wellness using a procedure that does not involve twisting, popping or cracking of the neck. Ideal patients at TPC are families who are seeking a more holistic lifestyle.


Jackie Goff, Young Living ID#2128898 Essential Oil Educator Toledo, OH 43623 419-304-8408 Find out what everyone is talking about! In 2014, over 500,000 people discovered the significant benefits of therapeutic grade essential oils for health and wellness. Essential oils can improve the quality of your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Contact Jackie for schedule of upcoming (FREE!) classes including Oils 101, Bye Bye Blues, Immune Boosting and more. Come and learn!


Change consumers’ attitudes on health and happiness: advertise in Natural Awakenings’

September Agelessness Issue

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Debra Wilkins, LMT, CLT, Reiki Master 5600 Monroe St.,Bldg A, Ste 104 Sylvania, OH 43560 419-260-1811 Are you dealing with breast or prostate issues, cellulite, arthritis, fibromyalgia? Come see me for a lymphatic cleanse and help erase your issues. $10 OFF a single session. Call to find out other detox modalities offered. BioMat, doTerra and Crystal synergy representative.


Karla Gleason, dōTERRA IPC #224532 Aromatouch Technique Certified Maumee, OH 43537 419-265-3219 Looking for answers to your health problems? dōTERRA CPTG essential oils are nature’s perfect health solution! Essential oils offer a safe, effective and versatile solution to a tremendous range of health concerns. Contact Karla for a FREE Wellness Consultation today! See ad page 6.

419-340-3592 30

Toledo/Monroe edition


Maryellen Grogan, CPT, MES 108 E Dudley, Maumee, OH 43537 419-893-5105 Studio Getting Fit is Not “One-Size-FitsAll.” Everyone Is Unique. Exercise needs, nutrition needs and goals are unique for each person. We take individuality into account and build a complete fitness program that’s right for you. To become “Positively Fit,” all elements of fitness and health must be in balance. See ad page 15.

Positively Fit

• Personal Training • Strength Training & Conditioning • Complete Body Wellness


‘SQUIRT THE DIRT’ Toledo Ohio Area 419-270-0929 This product is a high lubricity pre-mixed product when sprayed on a dirty surface, the soaps, surfactants and lubrication agents break down the dirt and the polymers encapsulate the dirt. So just spray on and with a microfiber towel wipe off. Call for a (FREE) demo and see how easy and safe washing can be.


1715 W Dean Rd, Ste B, Temperance, MI 734-847-4700 419-474-4700 corner of Dean & Jackman Rds Graduate, 1981 from Palmer Chiropractic College and 1996 from Des Moines School of Osteopathic Medicine. He is also fellowship trained in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement. Dr. Neumann states, “Our goal is to increase people’s quality and quantity of life.” In addition, the office offers weight loss programs, deep tissue laser therapy, hormone replacement and laser hair removal. See ad page 12.

SENSORY LEARNING PROGRAM – TOLEDO 3454 Oak Alley Court Suite 209 Toledo, OH 43606 419-578-0057 Dr. Jeffrey G. Schmakel, O.D. Director Marjorie A. Hunter, B.S. Ed. Administrator

The Sensory Learning Program-Toledo is a 30 day, drug-free, intervention that treats sensory issues as seen in Autism, Aspergers, ADD/ADHD, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Strokes, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Speech and Language Delays, and Behavior Issues. See ad page 2.

MASSAGE THERAPY REHABILITATIVE MASSAGE THERAPY Christy Smalla, LMT Enhancing Mobility and Mind 5800 Monroe St. Building A, Sylvania, OH 419-480-7950

What is Kinesiology? The study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to human movement. Our Therapists specialize in Fitness, Nutrition, Mobility, Chronic Pain and Injury. So come on in, ask questions, and don't just feel better; MOVE better! See ad page 21.


Jack Grogan, Certified Nutritionist 8336 Monroe Rd, Lambertville, MI 734-856-9199 • 734-854-1191 fax

Feeling out of balance? Wonder how the body responds to stress? Discover the blueprint for the body’s metabolism through hair mineral analysis. Helping clients achieve better health through nutrition and supplementation with over 40 years of experience. See ad page 15.

PHYSICAL THERAPY ALTERNATIVE PHYSICAL THERAPY Lisa Kelly PT, CSCI 440 South Reynolds Rd, Ste D, Toledo, OH 419-578-4357 • 419-578-6918 fax

Lisa Kelly is a Physical Therapist and a Maumee native. She has over 36 years of experience and specializes in mobilizations, aquatic therapy and advanced Neurological rehabilitation. Lisa treats infants through adults for pain, sports injuries and joint/spinal rehab. Her clinic is located in a 3,600 sq. ft. facility with 5 individual treatment rooms, an extensive rehabilitation gym and an offsite pool. Acupuncture and massage available. Insurance, cash, credit cards accepted.


Holistic Products and Services. Smoking cessation. Life coaching. Weight Loss. Pain Management. Office space or large rental space available for classes. Refer to the calendar of events for classes on a variety of holistic, healing services we currently host. See related ad page 13.


Teach clients how to defy age and illness through medical yoga. Advertise in Natural Awakenings’

September Yoga Issue

Dr Jay Nielsen, MD 27121 Oakmead Dr, Ste C, Perrysburg, OH 419-897-6490 • 419-874-3512 fax Dr. Nielsen is a board-certified family physician with 38 years experience helping patients avoid orthopedic surgical procedures using Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma, Bioidentical Hormones and Supplements. Specializes in fatigue, chronic pain, mood disorders and accepts BWC worker injuries. See ad page 27.

To advertise or participate in our next issue, call


natural awakenings

August 2015


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Disclosures: This plan is NOT insurance. The plan is not insurance coverage and does not meet the minimum creditable coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act or Massachusetts M.G.L. c. 111M and 956 CMR 5.00. This plan provides discounts at certain healthcare providers for medical services. This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services. The plan member is obligated to pay for all healthcare services but will receive a discount from those healthcare providers who have contracted with the discount plan organization. This discount card program contains a 30 day cancellation period. The range of discounts for medical or ancillary services provided under the plan will vary depending on the type of provider and medical or ancillary service received. Member shall receive a full refund of membership fees, excluding registration fee, if membership is cancelled within the first 30 days after the effective date. AR and TN residents: A refund of all fees will be issued if membership is cancelled within the first 30 days. Discount Medical Plan Organization: New Benefits, Ltd., Attn: Compliance Department, PO Box 671309, Dallas, TX 75367-1309, 800-800-7616. Website to obtain participating providers: Not available to KS, UT, VT or WA residents.

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