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Livelihood Impacts Caused by NCOVID-19
Livelihood Impacts Caused by NCOVID-19
The novel covid19 pandemic spread in Somalia cause livelihood insecurity for thousands people
in the country where disease prevention actions the people take for their lives is making barrier
the day to day market operations. Stay at home and social distance has created gap in the society
where the poor people who dependent the work of the wealth people trades is faced
unemployment and livelihoods restrictions
The most vulnerable groups victim the lockdown and social distance are the PWDs persons with
disabilities whom majority of them depend others for care, subside and charity. Fast majority of
the disability are interdependent members of their families, relatives and humanitarian aid in the
country. All these is damaged by the estate of the emergency imposed the government to mass
movement and contact limitations. Many more disability depend on begging a charity from other
people in the markets and public streets that is faced by the lockdown.
The Novel COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many aspects of human daily lives, but its impacts
are especially acute for people living with disabilities, who may struggle with challenges like
finding normal livelihood stuffs, protection of rights, reliable and safe in-home shelter or
physically adapting to enhanced public health problems.
Long-time discussing with DPOs on existing situations, CHADD acknowledged that persons with
disabilities face unique and heightened challenges and vulnerabilities in a time of pandemic,
including equality of access to health care and supports, access to information and
communications, mental health and social isolation and employment and income supports.
Additional vigilance is also noted to protect the human rights of persons with disabilities during
these times and this necessitates a disability inclusive approach to Government decision-making
and action on preparedness and response plan of the NCOVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic takes a particularly heavy toll on people with disabilities and more
efforts are needed to ensure they’re included in preparedness efforts to respond to the crisis while they face daily living challenges among the curfews or lockdown COVID-19 brought. The
following has been discussed risks, barriers and the livelihood impacts of COVID-19 brought
including Health or Medical, Nutrition, income, economy, psychosocial impacts and also
protection of rights-Human Rights.