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The Advent Project

Convener: William H. Petersen (whpetersen@aol.com) is the founder of the NAAL’s Advent Project Seminar (2005). He is Emeritus Dean & Professor of Bexley Hall (Episcopal) Seminary where he taught liturgics, history, & spirituality.

Members in Attendance: Elise A. Feyterherm, W. Richard Hamlin, Laura E. Moore, William H. Petersen, Suzanne Duchesne, Julie Martin Hutson, Jill B. Comings.

Visitor in Attendance: Julie Martin Huston.

Description of Work: The seminar heard and discussed two papers, reviewed our website (www.theadventproject.org) and made plans for enhancements, and updated our list of congregations participating in the observance of an expanded Advent.

Papers and Presentations:

• William H. Petersen, “Repenting the Evil Done on Our Behalf—Corporate

Repentance as Appropriate Penitential Aspect of an Expanded Advent.” • Laura E. Moore, “Convergence or Conflict? A Comparison of the RCL and the Women’s Lectionary in an Expanded Advent Season.”

Other Work and Plans for the Future: This year’s convener is pro-tem and we will be looking to select a new convener for the next three years. We will also be re-inviting two new potential members to join us with Visitor status. Solicitation of reviews, resources, and/or papers from congregations participating in an expanded Advent observance in various traditions in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia.

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