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Issues in Medieval Liturgy

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• Joseph Bush, Worshiping in Season: Ecology and Christ Through the Liturgical Year (Rowman & Littlefield/Alban Books, 2022). We discussed the Introduction, Chapter 7 on Pentecost, and Conclusion of this forthcoming volume, centering in ecological grounding and implications of Pentecost, through the lens of appointed RCL texts and seasonal markers. • Kristen Daley-Mosier, “The Waters of Jesus’ Baptism: a Participatory Chain for the Jordan River Watershed, Then and Now.” This dissertation chapter explores three lenses by which to speak of water’s participation in the sacrament: water as sacramental/sanctified element, water as witness, and water at the heart of place-/watershed-based creaturely life. • Susan Smith, “Stations of the Earth.” This discussion explored emerging thinking around creation of Stations (modeled on the Stations of the Cross”) that invite contemplative attention to various dimensions of Earth’s sacred life, from distinctive features of the place in which the stations appear, to biblical teaching on creation or Incarnational/sacramental devotion. • Samuel Torvend, “Praying the Seasons of Life on God’s Earth,” chapter in forthcoming book Monastic Ecological Wisdom (Liturgical Press, 2023).

This chapter explores ways the Rule of Benedict roots monastic prayer in daily and seasonal rhythms of created life, as well as biblical eco-/Sabbath-patterns, while resisting Roman imperialism.

Environment and Art

Convener: Michael S. Driscoll (driscoll.7@nd.edu; Convener pro tem) is Professor emeritus, University of Notre Dame.

Members in Attendance: Michael Driscoll, Jan Robitscher.

Visitors in Attendance: Martin Marklin, Paul Turner, Michael Witczak.

Description of Work: In spite of the paltry attendance at our meeting this year in Kansas City, MO, the Art and Environment Seminar persevered. Like the motto for the city of Paris (Fluctuat nec mergitur), the ship may have rocked but it didn’t sink. Jan Robitscher with her service dog Veronique and Michael Driscoll were joined by several members of other seminars to visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum on the first seminar day. In addition to visiting the museum at large the museum library hosted the NAAL members to exhibit leaves from Books of Hours and other Medieval documents from the Karen Gould Collection. Specialists Linda Ehrsam Voigts and Brother Thomas Sullivan OSB, librarian from Conception Abbey, presented selected documents and responded to questions. On the second seminar day two sites were visited: the Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas City, MO, and the Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, KS. At the cathedral gathering seminar member Carol Frenning joined the group via zoom to speak about the renovation in 2003 on which she consulted. After her presentation, the group had an on-site visit with docent Bill Blankenship who spoke about the history of the diocese and the building. Finally, the remnant of the seminar drove to Leawood, KS, to visit the megachurch on which Dick Vosko had consulted. Dick put the seminar in touch with Dan Entwistle, CEO and Senior Executive Director of the church, who generously gave his time in showing this remarkable mega-church. The seminar is indebted to Paul Turner who generously set up the visits to the museum and the cathedral, where he is pastor.

Papers and Presentations: There were no papers per se but on-site presentations by docents.

Eucharistic Prayer and Theology

Convener: Carl Rabbe (carl.rabbe@garrett.edu) is an ELCA Minister of Word and Sacrament, Lower Susquehanna Synod.

Members in Attendance: Geoffrey Moore, Charles Potie Pate, Fred Anderson, Rick Fabian.

Visitors in Attendance: Kristian Kohler, Trish Vanni.

Description of Work: Our 2022 meeting included a presentation that had been previously scheduled but delayed due to COVID, reviews of denominational materials on the questions of “virtual” eucharistic celebrations, and planning for future meetings. We were very pleased to welcome visitors from other seminars and visitors to the Academy.

Papers and Presentations:

• Rick Fabian—The Eucharistic Prayers of St. Gregory of Nyssa Church, San


Other Work and Plans for the Future: We plan at least one virtual meeting in 2022 to plan for next year.

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