1 minute read
President’s Report
Todd E. Johnson
It is now time for me to offer my Presidential report. In some ways my report has been written in real time throughout the year. You can find it in the number of communiques sent about the challenges faced at this meeting, and the steps we took in preparing for this meeting, including the survey made of our membership, the dissemination of the results of that survey, and the town hall meetings we had that led to the proposal that is soon to be before us. I suppose the discussions and decisions that are about to transpire will conclude my report.
Before that time comes, however, I offer my thanks to the members of our current Academy Committee for the hard work, support, and encouragement throughout the months of the Johnson Administration, and its year of “The Great Academy.” A special thanks to my Vice-President and now President-Elect, Glenn Byer, for the extra work he took on this year. And thanks as well to Bruce Morrill, Past-Past-President and of course Past-President Gennifer Brooks for their invaluable insight, advice and encouragement during this year.
Finally, though this year has been much more than I ever thought it would be when I was asked to stand for election for Vice-President at the 2019 Meeting in Denver, I consider the opportunity to serve this academy and to serve you all to be one of the great privileges of my life. I thank you for this honor.