2 minute read

Formation in Liturgical Prayer

Convener: Margaret Schreiber, OP (smschreiber@spdom.org) is Sub-Prioress at Sacred Heart Convent in Springfield, Illinois. Dr. Rodica Stoicoiu (rodicastoicoiuphd@gmail.com) served as Convener pro tem.

Members in Attendance: Stanislaus Campbell, Bernadette Gasslein, Paul Janowiak, Anne McGuire, Sharon McMillan, Roc O’Connor, Michael Prendergast, Margaret Schreiber, Rocia Stoicoiu, Kyle Turner


Visitors: Christopher O’Brien, Kristopher Seaman

Description of Work: We began the meeting with welcomes and introductions. A discussion from last year’s project proposal was first on the agenda. We reviewed the topics and determined the topics agreed upon last year remain relevant. After further discussion various methods for the 15-20-minute presentations were of interest: Interview parishioners on their experience of Mass, interview parishioners on their experience and then offer a reflection on their experience of Real Presence, engage conversation partners and reflect together on the meaning of Real Presence, prepare individual presentations/ reflections on liturgical spirituality. We decided that Real Presence in a formative way would be the lens for the presentations, contemporary interests (synod, ecclesiology, pneumatology) would be engaged as appropriate, and the context would be mystagogical catechesis. We appointed Roc O’Connor the organizer of the project. We also discussed Romano Guardini’s book, Liturgy and Liturgical Formation, translated from German by Jan Bentz. In general, members of the seminar found the book difficult to read primarily due to the translator not updating the text with inclusive language. Several members pointed out the solid content of the book, highlighting his discussions on the Paschal Mystery, Incarnation, and the need for formation to engage symbols.

Bernadette Gasslein gave a presentation on her experience of writing new verses to Bernadette Farrell’s song, “Bread of Life” for the papal Mass held in Edmonton and compared it with another text of hers that was just published in the OCP collection of texts by women hymn writers, Unite Our Hearts. The text of the verses of the former was initially rejected because it was deemed to emphasize the Holy Spirit too much and did not give enough reference to the sacrament of the Eucharist. The discussion on her experience centered around the trinitarian nature of the liturgy and a need to express the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, i.e. the possibility of extending the second or communion epiclesis, in the texts of communion hymns. She raised the question of formation: How could it be, 60 years after the council, that priests and masters of ceremonies in positions of authority and influence cannot recognize the place of the Spirit in Eucharist and its theology? We briefly discussed the Eucharistic Revival and ways we might respond to the upcoming Eucharistic Congress. As a seminar, the interest in contributing to the Congress was unenthusiastic.

Other Work and Plans for the Future: We will meet throughout the year refining presentations for a podcast/YouTube series and finalize the project at the 2024 annual meeting. We will look to the future of the seminar and brainstorm other ways we can share our research and interests within the academy and beyond.

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