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Liturgy and Comparative Theology

Convener: James W. Farwell (jfarwell@vts.edu) is Professor of Theology and Liturgy, Virginia Theological Seminary (Episcopal). He teaches and writes in the areas of liturgical and sacramental theology and comparative theology, focusing on Christian learnings from Soto Zen Buddhist practice.

Members in Attendance: Claudio Carválhaes, James Farwell, Ruth Langer, Martha Moore-Kiesh

Description of Work: The seminar continued its practice of mutual support and critique of members’ ongoing work with comparative and interreligious liturgical studies.

Papers and Presentations:

• James Farwell, The Way Unfolds: A Christian Commentary on Dōgen’s Shōbōgenzō (book proposal in progress).

• Ruth Langer, “Jewish Liturgical Memory” (work in progress).

• Martha Moore-Keish, “Comparative Liturgical Theological Reflection on Eucharist and Prasada.”

Other Work and Plans for the Future: Next year we will continue with our format: a discussion on works-in-progress, beginning with exploration of Cláudio Carvalhaes’ work: How Do We Become Green People and Earth Communities? Inventory, Metamorphoses and Emergenc(i)es; and we look forward to welcoming Domenik Ackermann to the group.

The group plans to explore possible future collaboration with seminars on Liturgical Hermeneutics and Critical Theories and Liturgical Studies.

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