1 minute read
Liturgy and Comparative Theology
Convener: James Farwell, Professor of Theology and Liturgy, Virginia Theological Seminary (Episcopal)
Members in Attendance: Brian Butcher, Claudio Carvalhaes, James Farwell, Ruth Langer, Martha Moore-Keish, Andrew Wright
Visitors in Attendance: Saya Ojiri
Description of Work: After discussion of Emma O’Donnell’s Remembering the Future, we considered five projects:
• a comparative account of Byzantine and Jewish liturgies (Ruth Langer) • a consideration of applying comparative theological methods to intra-Orthodox differences (Brian Butcher) • a book chapter on inter-religious prayer (Claudio Carvalhaes) • a reflection on directions for a comparative theology around experiences in
India (Martha Moore-Keish) • a discussion of comparative themes in a sacramental theology illuminated by
Dōgen Zen (James Farwell)
Other Work and Plans for the Future: The seminar intends to re-engage the constructive projects that were discussed this year.