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NCAA Eligibility Center NCAA Eligibility Center Releases New Covid-19 Response
NCAA Eligibility Center Releases New COVID-19 Response
For Students Initially Enrolling Full Time in the 2021-22 Academic Year
Given the continuing impact of COVID-19 on the educational environment, the NCAA Eligibility
Center recently partnered with the NCAA membership to identify changes to the initialeligibility certification process for students. These changes are for student-athletes who initially enroll full time in an NCAA member school during the 2021-22 academic year .
Students who initially enroll full time in an NCAA member school during 2021-22 will receive an automatic initial-eligibility waiver in the academic certification process that provides the highest level of relief for which they are eligible, per the criteria below:
As part of the COVID-19 Automatic Waiver criteria for those student-athletes enrolling in an NCAA member school in 2021-22, standardized test scores are not a requirement .
Coaches, please be sure your student-athletes have received this information and understand the requirements. All students who have a Profile Page or Certification account with the Eligibility Center received this information in August . Additionally, students whose accounts were impacted with a status change are notified via a task in their EC account.
For student-athletes who have already received an academic evaluation, the Eligibility Center is applying the COVID-19 Automatic Waiver criteria for 2021-22 enrollment to all students who initially enrolled full time in 2020-21 or 2021-22 and have already received an academic evaluation . The Eligibility Center began applying the COVID-19 Automatic Waiver criteria for 2021-22 enrollment to these students’ accounts in August . For students-athletes who initially enroll full time in 2021-22 and have not previously received an academic evaluation, the COVID-19 Automatic Waiver for 2021-22 enrollment may be provided at any time the student-athlete’s Eligibility Center account is evaluated, either via a preliminary or final certification. In early September, the Eligibility Center began applying the COVID-19 Automatic Waiver criteria for 2021-22 enrollment in the academic certification process for students who initially enroll full time in 2021-22 .
The Eligibility Center has released an FAQ document, available at https://on . ncaa . com/COVID19_Fall, that outlines all of the aspects of the COVID-19 Automatic Waiver, including information on:
• Submission of academic documents .
• Distance, e-learning or hybrid option learning .
• Pass/fail grades .
• Core-course time limitations .
• Canceled international leaving exams .
• All requirements for students who initially enrolled full time in 2020-21 (including mid-year enrollees) .
Additionally, the Eligibility Center released information on the impact of COVID-19 to amateurism requirements and delayed enrollment, available at https://on . ncaa . com/DelayedEnroll . Please review this important information to understand how it might impact your student-athletes . (This is particularly important to share with your international students . )
The Eligibility Center is hosting a series of webinars to review the impact of COVID-19 on initial-eligibility requirements . All coaches who receive the EC’s coaches’ newsletter have received an invite to attend one of the upcoming webinars . Additionally, webinars for student-athletes are being held . The following is a list of the webinar dates for student-athletes:
• October 10 at 11 a . m . Eastern; register at https://pub . s1 . exacttarget . com/g2tyldsstp2 .
• Repeat presentation on November 7 at 2 p . m .
Eastern; register at https://pub . s1 . exacttarget . com/twsfoikazja . In September, all students with an Eligibility Center account received invitations to register for one of these events . Please encourage your student-athletes to attend one of these important webinars .
The Eligibility Center will continue to monitor the environment and make necessary adjustments to prioritize health, safety and fairness for all prospective student-athletes . Please continue to monitor our newsletter for additional information . To sign up for the Eligibility Center’s newsletter, visit https://pub . s1 . exacttarget . com/2ccvy5cr5fs .
The following chart provides a quick reference that reflects the COVID-19 Automatic Waiver criteria for 2021-22 enrollment by division.
*Standardized test scores are excluded from these criteria. **Students certified based solely on international credentials are exempt from the 10/7 core-course progression requirement.