NABC TimeOut Magazine - Winter 2022

Page 22



Mid-Season Encouragement: KEEP ON KEEPING ON! Lennie Acuff, Head Coach, Lipscomb University NABC Third Vice President and Board Secretary

When I was asked to present a clinic article for Time-Out, I went back and forth on what basketball topic I could bring to the table. Offensive concepts, press attack or any of the other countless schematic ideas we all see at coaching clinics? As November 9th arrived and the ball went in the air with the scoreboard on, I quickly changed my mind on what I thought most of us need at this time of year … ENCOURAGEMENT!

important a coach is just wait until your child has one! We all have days, weeks and seasons that will test our patience in a way that only a coach truly understands. It is in those times of raw emotion that we need to always remember that you are dealing with someone’s child. That is not to say that we shouldn’t be demanding and have a level of accountability but how we hold them to that standard of excellence is equally important.

I hope every coach who takes the time to read this knows that I am talking to myself every bit as much as I am talking to you. I surely don’t have all the answers, but I do have 32 years of going through the highs and lows that come with every season regardless of level. I hope that you can take something from my experiences that could help you over the second half of the season.

5) WE NEED TO TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER: There are two types of coaches … those that are humble and those that are about to be!! Coaching is a noble profession, but it can be a bad business. You may be having an amazing season or a run of success that we all dream of when we decided to make this our career of choice. However, there are always coaches who are going through tough times and in many cases, for reasons far beyond their control. We need to reach out to those that are struggling to make sure they know they are not alone. Simply having someone in the profession enter your world when things are tough can be what keeps you going. Eternal truth … “But for the grace of God go I.”

1) WINNING IS HARD: The average person has no idea how much goes into trying to figure out how to get your team to play in a way that would give you the best chance to win one game. There are many nights that the result will not be what you wanted but always know that winning any game is a tough task. Celebrate those wins! 2) IT IS A LONG SEASON: Basketball is the ultimate tournament sport. Your team will be remembered for how you finish much more than how you start. There will be ebb and flow in every season that you will have to navigate. Your ability to stay the course will directly impact your team’s ability to stay away from those wide margins of emotions that can cripple a season. 3) ADJUST VS. ABANDON: We all go into the year with an idea of what we feel is the best way for our team to play on both ends of the court. Once the bullets start flying it Is inevitable that we are going to need to make adjustments. However, be slow to abandon everything you’ve worked on for six months when you don’t have immediate success. 4) TREAT YOUR PLAYERS THE WAY YOU WOULD WANT YOUR CHILD TO BE TREATED: If you ever want to know how




6) KEEP THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING: We tell our players at the start of every that this journey we are about to embark upon on is simply about “making memories”. My goal for everyone associated with our program is for them to look back on their college basketball experience as a time of growth and “stories” they will have for a lifetime. There will always be outside voices that make your job even more difficult but never lose sight that your priority is those that are in the trenches with you! 7) TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY: Without a doubt the most important factor in the equation. Your job is important, your team is important, but they should be a distant second to your family. There is no “do over” when it comes to time spent with those who care for you the most. Anything you can do to make your family a part of your team and players’ lives will help create special relationships that they will cherish forever.




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