Hog mena summer 2013

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Newsletter Summer 2013 -- Volume 3, issue 10 The

Abu-Dhabi Chapter. Algeria Chapter. Bahrain Chapter.Cairo Chapter. Casablanca Chapter. Dhahran Chapter. Doha Chapter. Dubai Chapter. Jeddah Chapter. Jubail Chapter. Kingdom of Jordan Chapter. Kuwait Chapter. Lebanon Chapter. Muscat Chapter. Riyadh Chapter.

Marwan Al Mutlaq Dealer H-D® Riyadh

Pope Francis blesses H-D® bikes and riders on its 110th Celebrations – Rome…

Facebook: HOG MENA & Harley-Davidson® MENA Tweeter: @HOG_MENA Free not for sale


H.O.G. MENA Newsletter summer 2013

Riyadh Chapter

C O N T E N T S  Q&A Dealer – Marwan Mutlaq

pgs. 3-4

 H.O.G.® Riyadh Chapter – HOT Training Milwaukie and U.S. Trip pgs. 5-6

Editor’s note Dear friends and fellow H.O.G.’s of the MENA region. I welcome you once more to our H.O.G.® MENA Newsletter. This is our 10th issue, and we look forward to always publish our Region’s activities through your local H.O.G.® Chapter.

 H.O.G.® MENA – HOT Training Milwaukie and U.S. Trip pg. 7 ®  H.O.G. Lebanon Chapter – HOT Training Milwaukie and U.S. Trip pgs. 8-9  Kingdom of Jordan – Bike Rally 2013 pg. 10-11  Some Like it HOT – Hatem Dowidar pg. 12 ®  H.O.G. Riyadh Chapter – Riding with no boundaries pg. 13 ®  H.O.G. Abu Dhabi Chapter – ‫يدخلون الفرحة إلى قلوب زوار دلما مول‬ pg. 14

In this issue we will cover some exciting events that took place in our Region, Europe and in the United States of America during the HOT training and ride. You are always welcome to contact me for placing your article in future issues or to simply give me feedback, recommendations or even criticism. My aim, together with the H.O.G.® MENA team and with the support of the officers and directors of your local chapter, is to deliver a publication that covers all of our MENA Region’s events, activities and rides. Have a GREAT SUMMER and remember to always wear your safety gear and have lots of fun riding.

Nabil Rizkalla

 H.O.G.® Riyadh Chapter – Charity Ride

pg. 15

 H.O.G.® Dhahran Chapter – The Famous Chili Cook Off pg. 16  Amani – A carefree Lebanese girl living in Dubai (H.O.G.® Tale) pg. 17

H.O.G.® MENA Editor

 H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter – 110 celebrations

pg. 18

Middle East & North Africa–MENA Email: editor@hogmena.com Cell: + 20122-2106714 www.hog.com

 H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter – General Assembly

pg. 19

 H.O.G.® – Roadside Assistance

Nabil Rizkalla

pg. 20

 Pope Francis blesses H-D® on its 110th Celebrations -- Rome pg. 21


Q&A DEALER Marwan Al Mutlaq 1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family? I was raised in the Eastern Provence at Dhahran Air Force Base , went to high school in Khobar and got my university degree in civil engineering from Arizona State University. I am a father of 2 and a grand father. I own my own business and in 2004 (against all odds at that time) I opened the dealership of Harley-Davidson in Riyadh. 2. Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did that person teach you? My Father. He taught me that if you believed in something you should go for it even if the signs were against it. Practicing that in my life made me succeed in doing so many things I would have never attempted doing. 8. What drove you to ride? and why did you choose Harley-Davidson? I started riding when I was about 15 years old. Being on two wheels does not resemble experience of riding anything else, and only the people who ride understand what I mean. Why I chose Harley-Davidson is simple, it is the coolest bike you can ever be on. 9. Which Harley-Davidson motorcycle is your favorite and what year? why? Loving to ride long distances, usually doing somewhere around 5000Km in a single journey every year, made me choose the Electra Glide Ultra Classic. It is the most suitable bike for my kind of rides, although I do love Road Kings. My ultimate favorite would be the 2005 Ultra CVO in Cherry color. I rode this bike in many different places and countries all over the world; I still own it and will not let go. 10. Do you prefer riding solo or group rides, why? I like both. Though riding in a smaller group of 2 to 5 is optimum for me. 5. Where was your favorite destination and best riding experience? I have to say the 2005 ride with my Brother Tariq from Saudi to France (Saint Tropez) is on the top on my list. The reason for that was the challenge of making such a ride for the first time in my life. For a lot of people it was difficult to imagine. 6. What was the longest ride that you took? And where did you go? Longest was the trip to Killarney (Ireland), it rounded up to 10,000 KM by the time I ended it. 7. If you could take with you on a ride only 3 things, what would they be, and why? 1- Rain Gear, you never know when it’s going to rain and it also serves as a good protection from the cold as a final layer on you. 2- A T-Shirt 3- A box of cable ties, they are handier than you think. 3. Do you prefer riding on curvy roads, or highway? why? There is nothing like a curvy road, it is the time when you and your bike become one whole soul over the asphalt. 4. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Looking for a new challenge to concur. 3

Q&A DEALER Marwan Al Mutlaq continued… 11. Do you listen to music while riding? If so, what is your favorite type of music? Most of the time I do not. I prefer to listen to nature and let my mind clear out. 12. What do you like about H.O.G. ? The brotherhood. Making new friends for the simple fact of it and no other. 13. What would you like to see in the near and far future from H.O.G. MENA? More rallies.

14. Of all the H.O.G. Rallies that you have attended which was your favorite and why? The 2003 Barcelona 100 yrs anniversary. It was a massive gathering and being part of it felt great. 15. The single most memorable moment you have from a group ride? It could be a situation, a friendship, a funny moment? explain... Doing the ride I spoke of in 2005, that last 80Km before reaching my home in Genève all the way from Riyadh, being at the verge of achieving my goal, my adrenaline was pumping at a max, everything within me was screaming of excitement, it felt as if my bike had no wheels…as if I was flying. An 80 Km I will never forget. 16. Are there any words of wisdom you’d like to pass along to other riders? Take it easy you are here for the fun of it, it is not a job , and it is not a must, it is a choice. 17. If you had a chance to do things differently, what would you change and why?

Nothing. 4

H.O.G.® Riyadh Chapter’s HOT Training and U.S. Trip. By: Dr. Rabih Kabbara editor Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) Riyadh Chapter

What can a Harley-Davidson



ask for; that can be worth more than being in the land of Harley. We had the opportunity to visit the birth place of those amazing bikes, at the place that they are manufactured. We spoke with the geniuses and artists that stood behind each bike that came out of the Milwaukee Factory, that was to become a piece-of-art by itself. Neither the distance, the cost or the logistics obstacles were able to stop a group of 11 members from the Riyadh Chapter who decided to plan a journey of a life time in the USA, taking advantage of the HOT training, in order to plan their own dream trip,… preparation started several month ago where our Assistant director Waleed Al Dubaib had planned a wonderful trip and journey, all logistics were studied and taken care of; the International tickets from Riyadh to USA, the domestic flights, hotels, transportation, bike rentals, restaurants and everything up to the smallest detail; each and every one of the group members were able to manage his schedule and find the time to live this dream. The journey started with the HOT training: different workshops, US standards & international standards and also Arabic versions; it was a great experience and it really enriched the knowledge of each participant. We all had the opportunity to meet other officers and members from countries worldwide. We enjoyed sharing information, experiences and dreams. We had a lot in common with all of the riders from around the world. The road trip started, from San Francisco to Los Angeles through Route 1, amazing scenery of the Rocky Mountainous path and unforgettable riding experience through the Zigzag roads with countless up climbing and descents through the mountains and valleys.


H.O.G.® Riyadh Chapter’s HOT Training and U.S. Trip continued….

Phase 2 from Los Angeles to Las Vegas crossing the Nevada desert on the I5; an experience ride which is shockingly similar to our Arabian Desert Roads: The Sun & the Heat with the Sands felt like crossing familiar Arabic Desert dunes between the different cities in Saudi Arabia.

All in all, we rode around 1000 plus Kilometers in 3 stages, it was a life time experience that we will never forget…. 6

H.O.G.® MENA HOT Training and U.S. Trip 75 Riders from the H.O.G.


MENA region attended the Milwaukee HOT-2013 , a remarkable presence highly appreciated by all. We thank all the participants for their time, effort & support. It was great being with you all, We hope you've enjoyed it. H.O.G.® MENA Team.

H.O.G.® MENA HOT Training Attendees with H.O.G.® Founder; Mr. Steve Piehl. When I came to your Arabic sessions during the HOT, I thought it was challenging to understand your vibrant class, but I can tell that instructors were doing a fabulous Job and your attendees were involved. Nigel Villiers. Director H.O.G. Customer Experience International For the second successful time we were having Arabic training sessions, I was very pleased to see 75 HOT Participants from MENA region in Milwaukee this year. Martin Engelbrecht Regional Customer Experience Manager. Africa, Middle East & South East Europe 3000 Kilometers through; Ice, Rain, Thunder storms, then bright and Sunny. It was truly an amazing Ride with Amazing Riders. Thanks to the House of Harley (Mark) , H.O.G.® MENA Team & Riders, and our Tour Guide (Bob) It's been a pleasure riding with you all, Hope you're all back home Safe & Sound, Hope to see you again on upcoming H.O.G.® MENA Tours. 7 God bless you all.

H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter’s HOT Training and U.S. Trip By Charbel Khoury Membership Officer H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter The HOT event of 2013 was not like any other. This is not just due to the fact that Harley-Davidson is celebrating its 110th or H.O.G.® its 30th. It's because H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter members were invited to ride along the Mississippi river, a journey designed by their very own founder and dealer Marwan Tarraf.

A test of the live wide angle cam. A fun moment between the boys… 


H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter’s HOT Training and U.S. Trip continued… By Charbel Khoury Membership Officer H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter

To cut the story short, the ride started in rain, continued with clouds, and ended with a beautiful sun, all at temperatures neighboring minus two degrees. The highways were endless, the green landscapes were stupefying, and the locals were warm and sweet. The riders wore enough layers to enjoy it all, and after having ridden for hours, the hot burgers were sweet as heaven, and the naps on the restaurant chairs were priceless! Those who know Marwan would not be surprised that he improvised so much that he drove his GPS crazy. But what is a piece of art without the improve of the artist. He gave us a ride to remember. An adventure that turned friends into brothers, and made the decent go crazy. The H.O.G.® event was great, but it's the ride that made this trip really HOT!!


Kingdom of Jordan bike Rally 2013

The harmonious staggered formation

The Kingdom of Jordan 2013 Bike Rally took place from May 30th – June 1st of 2013. Congratulations for a highly successful event…

The wonderful Ladies of Harley



Kingdom of Jordan bike Rally 2013 Continued… By: Martine Abry Ladies Of Harley Officer Chapter 7898

For the first time ever in history, Harley-Davidson® Amman and H.O.G® Kingdom of Jordan Chapter decided to be different. We organized the first bike Rally at the lowest point on earth, DEAD SEA in Jordan. As, Ladies of Harley officer, I am so proud to announce that we have gathered more than 50 L.O.H® and 16 were riding during this wonderful event. We had several wonderful rides with our brothers and sisters coming from U.S.A, NORWAY, DANEMARK, FRANCE, KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA, U.A.E, QATAR, EGYPT, LEBANON, KUWAIT, BAHRAIN and PALESTINE. The route selections were chosen and scouted numerous times, in order to offer the 305 participants memorable rides in the safest manner by our famous ROAD TEAM. All efforts were made by the organizers to prepare one of the most unforgettable Rallies. We presume that everybody will remember the Parade with the helicopter following the immense snake formation on the Panorama Road, trying to catch the best video shots.

We have done it and we are proud of it.


Panorama Dead Sea Parade


Some Like It

– Hatem Dowidar

By: Hatem Dowidar, H.O.G.® Cairo Chapter

The rally itself was very well organized other than the weather (which no mortal can predict). We joined great rides in beautiful Jordan amongst the hundreds of participants and then cooling off every day in the Dead Sea with a good measure of daily mud baths. The evenings never lacked in entertainment and parties with dancing ranging from the oriental to the border of burlesque, from Arabic serenades to rock and roll. The contrast of hilly and bendy roads in Jordan in comparison to a relatively flat and straight Egypt was refreshing and rewarding.

Trips like that represent the ethos of riding hard, of freedom and of the H.O.G.® Being a great place to make new friendships and enjoying the ride. This was my first rally and surely I will plan for more.





routes and teamwork were the order of the day. The H.O.G.® Cairo Chapter being the only chapter in the region that braved the desert summer and rode all the way from our hometown of Cairo to the dead sea and back, over 2000km in 6 days. We braved heat in excess of 45 Celsius (Over 110 F), fuel shortage along the route in Egypt and hours of bureaucracy at both sides of the border, to make the journey across. We had to share fuel, to make it to the first petrol station that was open for business, 300km from Cairo, we were pouring water on our heads during the rest stops to cool down, yet we had incredible fun and created great bond and camaraderie.

The rally itself was very well organised other than the weather (which no mortal can predict). We joined great rides in beautiful Jordan amongst the hundreds of participants and then cooling off every day in the dead sea with a good measure of daily mud baths. The evenings never lacked in entertainment and parties with dancing ranging the oriental to the border of burlesque, from arabic serenades to rock and roll. The contrast of a hilly and bendy roads in Jordan in contrast to a relatively flat and straight Egypt was refreshing and rewarding.

Trips like that represent the ethos of riding hard, of freedom and of the H.O.G. Being a great place to make new friendships and enjoying the ride. This was my first rally and surely I will plan for more.

Hatem Dowidar


H.O.G.® Riyadh Chapter “Riding with no boundaries”. By: Dr. Rabih Kabbara, editor Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) Riyadh Chapter


spirit has no boundaries, and while each H.O.G. chapter wait for its riding season, Riyadh H.O.G.’s started their Autumn riding season with a rich calendar that started in September and extend till April where each week will bring a big variety of Activities: Short Rides, Long ride, cross country rides, international rides, Bike Games, BBQs, Desert overnight on full moon evening, Safety Sessions & Riding skills, etc. ®

While crossing the bar of 700 active members in Riyadh Chapter for the first time, Riyadh H.O.G.’s confirm its leading position as the super active chapter in Middle East area: A devoted team of officers, an excellent RC team and very enthusiastic members generated such a beautiful calendar for this year. And while our family is getting bigger day after day and with every new brother joining, Chapter officers together with the RC committee decided to launch special activity called Skills Games; Such kind of games was launched to achieve many goals: Safety tips, Riding skills, training sessions, bike control and for sure increasing the boundary between all H.O.G.® brothers: Riding , Enjoying , Bounding & Staying safe…. On a warm day of Autumn in Saudi Arabia, H.O.G.® Riyadh took advantage of an exceptional lovely weekend to launch day activities.. It started with an early morning ride to Prince Salman Park in North of Riyadh : A group of 10 riders including RC, sweeper & Road Marshal enjoyed a tasty homeprepared Arabic coffee in the beautiful park while relaxing in that beautiful morning before hitting the road back to meet with the rest of the brothers for the next activity. The activity of Skills Games: more than 30 H.O.G.® members and a team of 6 Expert RCs enjoyed 4 hours of fun, rides, safety tips and riding skills in Riyadh: bike games, cones zigzag, sudden stops, curving and etc. were on the ride menu The session ended with some riding skills shown by the RCs...


‫‪”.‬يدخلون الفرحة إلى قلوب زوار دلما مول“ ‪H.O.G.® Abu Dhabi Chapter‬‬ ‫‪By: Yasser AL Hweety Director Harley Owners Group H.O.G® Abu-Dhabi Chapter # 9710‬‬

‫استضاف مجمع "دلما مول" في أبو ظبي مؤخرا‪ ،‬فريق "نادي هوج ابوظبي " الذي دعي أعضاؤه للدخول بدراجاتهم النارية إلى حرم الـ"مول" الذي يعد األكبر‬ ‫في اإلمارة لجهة المساحة‪ ،‬حيث تم توزيع الدراجات علي الطوابق الثالثة وأمام المحالت التجارية‪ .‬وهو ما أثار دهشة وإعجاب جميع الزوار الذين لم يسبق‬ ‫وان شاهدوا حدثا كهذا من قبل‪ ،‬ذلك إنهم فوجئوا بدراجات الـ"هارلي" بحجمها الضخم وصوتها المرتفع وهي تتجول داخل الـ"مـول" والمحالت التجارية‪.‬‬ ‫وقد تجمع زوار "دلما مول" لمشاهدة الحدث والتقاط الصور التذكارية مع فريق "هارلي" ودراجاتهم‪ ،‬كما شارك معظم العاملين في المحالت التجارية في‬ ‫الحدث‪ ،‬حيث قاموا بتقديم العصائر والمرطبات وبعض الهدايا الرمزية ألعضاء النادي‪ ،‬تقديراً لزيارتهم‪.‬‬ ‫وقد اظهر فريق "نادي هوج أبو ظبي" شكال الئقا في تعامله مع الجمهور‪ ،‬حيث تم السماح لمن يرغب من الجمهور في التقاط الصور على الدراجات‬ ‫وخصوصا من فئة األطفال‪ .‬وهو ما ادخل السعادة إلى قلوب األهل‪ ،‬وأعطى انطباعا ايجابيا عن الدراجين من ناحية الود والحب والتفاعل مع الجمهور‪ .‬علما إن‬ ‫هذا ما يسعى اليه دائما "نادي هوج أبو ظبي" الذي يجهد إلى إعطاء الصورة االيجابية عن حياة الدراجين في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة وما تتسم به من‬ ‫تنظيم وأخالق وذوق‪ .‬والتي تختلف كليا عما تنقله وسائل اإلعالم من صور ومشاهدات سيئة عن دراجي الغرب‪.‬‬

‫الجدير بالذكر انه كان من المقرر أن تقتصر زيارة فريق النادي إلى "دلما مول" على ساعتين فقط‪ ،‬إال أن ترحيب الجمهور وتفاعله مع أعضاء فريق " هوج‬ ‫أبو ظبي"¡ جعل الزيارة تستمر ألكثر من ‪ 6‬ساعات‪ .‬علما أن بعض المحالت التجارية استغلت الزيارة في الدعاية واجتذاب الجمهور‪ .‬وفي ختام الحدث‪ ،‬تمت‬ ‫دعوة أعضاء النادي إلى الغداء في مطعم "بيتي كافيه"‪ ،‬كما قامت إدارة الـ"مول" بتقديم نظارة شمسية قيّمة لكل عضو من أعضاء النادي‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى العديد‬ ‫من الهدايا األخرى من محالت المالبس والعطور‪.‬‬


H.O.G.® Riyadh Chapter Charity Ride By: Dr. Rabih Kabbara, editor H.O.G.® Riyadh Chapter


Again, H.O.G.® Riyadh chapter showed its active role in the Saudi Community, 38 members of Riyadh Chapter decided to spend the day with the orphans in Shaqra. (200 km away from Riyadh) To share and celebrate with them the ending of their successful school year. Taxi Riding, gifts distribution, games and communications and ending the day with a big BBQ diner where all had fun. A closing parade took place with the kids, who expressed their joy and happiness with this unique experience. This successful activity was the fruitful result of many previous weeks of preparation between the Officers , Road Captains and the management of the orphanage; the H.O.G.® brothers left their Club in Riyadh at 16.30 on the 13th of June to finish this remarkable event by 1.30 am of the next morning. Words can never describe the joy that each one of those kids had, by living this unique experience. They heard about this visits many days ago and they were counting down till it became a reality. Many of them asked for Harley® logos or Harley® stickers that they want to place in their room proudly to mark this day. The Smiles on those kids’ faces will be a beautiful memory. As we were left with a soul fulfilling satisfaction, that will remain with each one of us forever…


H.O.G.® Dhahran Chapter “The famous Chili Cook Off”. By: Fadi Jayyousi Director Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) Dhahran Chapter

More than 300 bikers from all riding clubs in the Eastern Region gathered on the 30th of May in “Dana Bay” at the end of Half Moon Beach – Dammam to enjoy the last main event of the season (Chilli Cookoff) where the bikers and their families enjoyed the HOT competition between the contestants to select the winning dish. After dinner, bike games started with the “Lucky Key” contest where everybody was invited to -randomlypick a key fob from a helmet full of key fobs, and the objective was to try starting any one of the parked shinny two SoftailTMbikes with prizes to 3 winners. The next contest was the zigzag race followed by the slow race with a winner in each. It was an amazing brotherly evening that will stick to everybody’s mind for a long time, and a great feedback was received from all participants thanking H.O.G.® Dhahran Chapter for the great effort and the wonderful arrangement.


Amani, a carefree Lebanese girl working in Dubai I am a 25 year old carefree Lebanese girl working in Dubai with a strong urge to live life to the fullest…and in most cases; I make it happen.

I found myself in the H.O.G.® family by coincidence; however deep within I feel that it was destiny that led me to take this journey. I started my Harley-Davidson® expedition by keeping to the “live to ride & ride to live” motto, kept alive by one of the closest people in my life, he was the reason for me, to join with the Harley® lifestyle. (I had to highlight, that my presence with H-DTM, was due to his passion). It wasn’t easy to convince my family to let me ride, not because I am a girl from a Middle Eastern culture nor that it’s considered a taboo or against the norm, but because my family who loves me very much, considered riding a bike to be dangerous! Yet knowing me, they knew I will eventually follow my heart, so they gave in! This is a trait I’ve learnt from them; to pursue what I want and go all the way to get it! And I did! I got my license 2 years ago and since then I have been riding and never looked back. My family is constantly worried about me and my safety! My ride is a precious SoftailTM Delux 2005 model (which I inherited from my friend) and I will never change it for anything else. Yes, adding to the collection is certainly an option, but changing my beloved ride is not. While riding on the streets, I get a lot of stares from people; some love it, others disapprove of what they see, but the camera continues to flash and little children continue to cheer and wave at me with aspiration in their hearts of owning one of these beauties some day in their life! For the lady Harley owners, it’s the thing that keeps us going and convey to the larger society and community that we are in. That Yes we can! Initially, I was a victim of prejudge by some people, but as I always say, “being a girl is not only about dresses and heels! We have our own personalities, distinct characteristics and we are feminine! Even if we ride!! Riding will never change that!” Soon I will indulge onto the Roads of Rome, for a week long riding tour celebrating Harley’s 110th anniversary. I am also excited about the H.O.G.® MENA rally where I would love to see other lady riders joining and living the experience, to boost their passion for Harley-Davidson® and help take them to the next level! I started riding for a reason, and this reason will continue, but in addition to it, I ride for fun, for relaxing and refreshing my mind and soul. My parting note to all readers is – Ride for the sheer joy of riding but always ride SAFE! You have a loved one waiting back home. Cheers!


H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter “Celebrating 110 ® years of Harley-Davidson Loud engine rumbling, shining chrome, Harley-Davidson enthusiasts and

By Charbel Khoury Membership Officer H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter



H.O.G. Lebanon Chapter members celebrated 110 years of a living legend at the Harley-Davidson® Lebanon Dealership.


The Harley-Davidson® Lebanon dealership was packed and the event program was full. Everyone was invited to share with us this celebration as well as a chance to win a trip to Rome or Milwaukee where a draw will take a place online after obtaining this special event’s pin. With over 300 members registered so far, H.O.G. ® Lebanon Chapter organized the 2013 membership package release. Our Chapter is big family that will continue to grow with love, care and the continuous support of our local dealership. The open house program included a celebrity wall photo shoot, H.O.G ® Lebanon Chapter’s “Harlem Shake”, The Annual Spring Bike Parade, Harley-Davidson® 2013 Spring Fashion show and the 2013 breathtaking New CVO’s™ were revealed for the first time by the dealership. The perfectly engineered CVO™ machines


H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter Annual General Assembly By Charbel Khoury Membership Officer H.O.G.® Lebanon Chapter H.O.G ® Lebanon Chapter #9502 celebrated their Annual General Assembly on March 10th at the Four Seasons Hotel Beirut, Zaitunay Bay. H.O.G ® Lebanon Chapter is sponsored by Harley-Davidson® Lebanon the event gathered over 300 members who attended the general assembly. At the General Assembly the Chapter has announced their 2013 activities and rides calendar, unveiled their 2013 Officers committee and road team. A ride to Metn Area soon followed the celebration!! With the support of Harley-Davidson® Lebanon, and in the presence of YASA, Brave Heart Foundation and Tamanna, Marwan Tarraf has welcomed the audience, thanked the 2012 committee and introduced the 2013 officers and road team committees. The Brave Heart Foundation and Tamanna’s speech followed, they both emphasized on the importance of the positive role in to support the community. H-D® and Tamanna have joined efforts to make a wish come true on Saturday March 16th at Beirut Souks at around 5:00pm! YASA’s speech on the other hand, has focused on the importance of responsible riding and promoting the sense of awareness among riders. H.O.G ® Lebanon Chapter’s Road Team was introduced then followed by a word from our safety officer Ziad Halaby emphasizing on YASA’s Speech and shared important tips for safe riding attitude. The 2013 Committee was announced: Officers:

We are a group of Harley-Davidson® enthusiasts, freedom lovers, our Chapter is young at heart and vibrant with activities, we’re all about getting together, having a great time, riding safe and contributing with a humanitarian cause to various charities in Lebanon.

We do all that for the Love of Riding. 19

ROAD SIDE ASSISTANCE CARD Please fill out your own information into the below Road Side Assistance card. Cut and laminate it. Keep it in your wallet at all times. ÂŽ Ride Safe. H.O.G. MENA Team



A HARLEY-DAVIDSON TRIVIA QUESTION WHAT YEAR DID FRONT BRAKES BECOME STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES? As most any Harley-Davidson historian worth his salt knows, Harley-Davidson front wheel brakes became standard equipment in 1928. Prior to that year front brakes were available from the dealership as early as 1922 if required by law, this according to a 1922 Harley-Davidson brochure which reads as follows; Brake: Controlled by a lever on the right footboard. Internal expanding double acting band brake operating on a steel drum with 7 5/16 inch in diameter with 1 inch face. Where the law calls for By 1934 Harley-Davidson motorcycle brake had two brakes, an external contracting brake can be furnished in evolved from the internal and external addition. contracting band style to internal expanding shoe type, which was much less affected by Prior to 1928, many, if not most police motorcycles were sold and water and debris. The brake however was went on patrol duty with only a rear wheel brake. The lack of a mechanically operated and burdened with all front wheel brake put motorcycle traffic officers in a very unsafe the problems associated with this type of brake position as if their job wasn’t dangerous enough already. actuation. Hydraulically actuated brakes were in the distant future. 20

Pope Francis blesses Harley-Davidson® bikes on its 110TH Anniversary celebrations 2013 – ROME

“An event that rocked the world”

Pope Francis blessed thousands of Harley-Davidson® bikes and their riders as the American motorcycle manufacturer celebrated its 110th anniversary with a loud parade and plenty of leather. (Reuters) Mark-Hans Richer, SVP & Chief Marketing Officer, H-D®

The Pope blesses a disabled fan

H.O.G.® Casablanca Chapter Harley-Davidson®, Harley®, H.O.G.® and the H.O.G. logo are among the registered trademarks of H-D Michigan, LLC.


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