2 minute read
something else to plan for, because many animals hide illness symptoms as a survival instinct. Having a small-animal veterinarian in place is important in case emergency care is required. “Zoological companion patients are unique and delicate. Their anatomy, physiology and behavior is vastly different from dogs and cats, yet they require the same or more expertise and care,” says veterinarian Scharlet Kelly, medical director at the VCA Acacia Animal Hospital and Pet Resort, in Escondido, California.
Health Helpers
In 2019, the journal Aging & Mental Health published a survey that concluded pets benefit older adults by “providing companionship, giving a sense of purpose and meaning, reducing loneliness and increasing socialisation.” According to Jeremy Barron, M.D., medical director of the Beacham Center for Geriatric Medicine at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, in Baltimore, “Owning a pet provides an amazing array of health benefits.” Indeed, numerous studies have shown that petting an animal can lower blood pressure and heart rate, soothe PTSD, decrease stress hormones and boost serotonin. Simply put, petting animals is not only good for people, it feels good, too. “Love can come in small packages,” says Liz Warner, a retired teacher in Richmond, Virginia, who adopted Laverne and Shirley, two Peruvian guinea pigs, to keep her company during the isolation of the pandemic. “I enjoy brushing their long coats and giving them their necessary haircuts. When I hold them, they kind of purr. It’s comforting.” Cobin agrees that pets provide comfort and add joy to the home. “Bunnies do this thing called a binky. My most recent rabbit, Vivian Bucket, would just be hopping around and then she would dart, jump up and twist in the air. It’s what rabbits do when they are happy and playful, and it’s adorable.”
Julie Peterson writes about health and wellness from rural Wisconsin. Reach out at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.
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BOOKS ..........................................
RECOGNIZE AND HEAL YOURSELF THROUGH THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT – The human being is an energy field of the spirit. The spiritual forces are also healing forces that can be requested. Toll-free: 844-576-0937. Gabriele-Publishing-House.com.
ST. LUCIA ISLAND LUXURY VILLA – 5 bed, 5 bath. Near beach. View: U-tube Tamarind House, St. Lucia. For more info, Dian: 758-520-3597 (cell) or OrganicAcresII@gmail.com.