8 minute read
Change Your Words Change Your Life
by Christy Whitman
The words we speak are never neutral, because language doesn’t simply describe reality. It creates it. With every word we utter, we’re either speaking into existence a reality we desire or actively creating a reality we dread. We cannot speak about being broke and attract prosperity. We can’t complain about feeling abandoned and attract great love. We can’t criticize everything that’s wrong with a situation and simultaneously invent its improvement. We can only focus on one reality at a time— what we want or the absence of it—and the words we speak moment-by-moment are an indication of which way we’re leaning.
When we say, “It shouldn’t be like this,” “Life is hard” or “Why can’t I get what I want?” we set into motion a powerful stream of unwanted energy. If you’ve ever watched one person’s negativity amplify the negativity in others, you understand this firsthand. Fortunately, the reverse is also true. We all have the ability to choose our thoughts, our perceptions—and our words—on purpose. When we change the way we speak about our life, we reclaim the power to change its trajectory. Here’s how to go about it: Use Unwanted Experiences to Clarify Your Desire
Every unwanted experience presents you with a fundamental choice: You can complain about all that appears to be going wrong, or you can focus on what you now desire. In any uncomfortable circumstance, resist the temptation to complain, and focus instead on the clarity that’s been born within you. Ask yourself, “What do I want to experience in this area of my life, and how would I like this situation or relationship to look and feel?” Then make a commitment to speak always in favor of what you desire, never in contradiction to it. Break Your Desire into Its Essential Form Behind
every desire—big or small—is a longing to experience a certain feeling. If life has shown you that you want a better job, a bigger house or a fitter body, try to identify the emotional payoff you believe you’ll receive once this goal is realized. Do you believe you’ll experience a feeling of pride or satisfaction, or one of serenity or freedom? Use as many words as you can conjure to describe the energy you’re reaching for.
Invite the Essence of Your Desire into Your Life
As you connect with the energetic essence of your desire in each important area of your life, allow yourself to identify the thoughts, the attitudes—and the words—that would align you with this energy. In other words, if you had already attained everything you’re now striving for, what types of conversations would you be having with yourself and with others? Have these conversations now. When you shift your language, you shift everything.
Celebrity coach Christy Whitman is The New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She is founder and CEO of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy and creator of WatchYour Words.com, a free, 30-day, language training program.

Empowered Health
Using Nutrition to Affect Outcomes
by Alora Frederick
Health challenges, minor or major, alter the course of an individual’s life. What can be most altering is a sense of disempowerment and lack of control. However, a frequently overlooked source of empowerment is using nutrition to affect health outcomes. Though food can’t always be used as medicine in an acute situation, it still undoubtedly makes a significant difference while managing a health issue. Often, honing in on nutrition alone can be the greatest factor in positive health outcomes, both physically and mentally.
The billion-dollar self-improvement industry promotes the narrative that the solution lies outside of oneself, in a particular protocol, product or miracle food. This disempowering narrative can make it hard for individuals to feel like they are making any headway on their health goal and even creates a sense of failure. True health improvements come from consistent daily practices patiently repeated over time. Individuals on healing journeys get caught in a whirlwind of options like keto, paleo, carnivore, intermittent fasting, vegan, and the list goes on. With so much focus on prescriptive nutrition, individuals miss out on simple, triedand-true nutrition fundamentals.
Pillars of Nutrition
The pillars of nutritional health include, in no particular order, hydration, stable blood sugar, balanced meals and eating hygiene. Hydration needs will vary day to day depending on various factors, but a standard rule of thumb is to consume half of one’s body weight in ounces daily as a minimum. The fluid tally does not need to solely come from plain water. Other sources that contribute to total hydration status include fruit, vegetables, soups, tea, coffee (even with a mild diuretic effect), fruit juice, aloe vera juice and coconut water.
A crucial point in stabilizing blood sugar includes regular meal timing throughout the day. This should begin with a satiating breakfast. The quality of breakfast will influence blood sugar levels throughout the rest of the day, either creating stable blood sugar levels or waves of peaks and crashes. By starting the morning with a balanced meal of carbohydrates, protein and fat about an hour after waking and before a morning coffee, blood sugar levels are optimized. This might look like sourdough bread with avocado spread and a fried egg on top and a side of fruit. This results in stable blood sugar levels, satiation and fulfilled caloric and nutrient needs, all of which are imperative for positive health outcomes.
Lastly, eating hygiene—the method of how we eat, including how we chew, our emotional state and speed of eating—is a game-changing concept when consistently applied. Digestion is greatly impaired when food is not fully chewed, when someone is in a stressed or anxious
emotional state and when they eat too quickly. Though these sound like obvious no-brainer concepts, most people do not chew well, relax their bodies before a meal or eat slowly.
Each day is an opportunity to empower ourselves and our health outcomes with these nutrition fundamentals. Individuals can choose the building blocks of a better emotional and physical state with every meal and bite taken. Motivation for nutrition-related change is birthed from taking action; it does not just show up. Self-empowerment and inspiration are the results when even just one of the nutrition pillars is practiced each day.
Alora Frederick, RDN, LDN, is an integrative and functional dietitian in Waltham, MA. She is currently accepting new patients at Johnson Compounding and Wellness for virtual nutrition appointments. Schedule a free, 15-minute introductory call at NaturalCompounder.com/Alora. See ad on page 19 and Resource Guide on page 35.

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From Fear to Faith
Believing Anything is Possible
By Gina Colvario Krupka
Fear is the thief of happiness. It may be masked by outrage, anger, sadness or even disgust, but deep down, it is fear that keeps us from realizing the Universe’s abundance and believing that anything is possible.
We are born with the inherent right of freedom to think, act and love in our own unique way. But, too often, we go through life waiting for the other shoe to drop, expecting difficulties and bad news. The Law of Attraction states that what we think about, we bring about. If looking for a problem, it will most certainly show up.
One of the greatest and most devastating changes in our society has been the decline of faith. Both religion and spirituality can shine the brilliant light of faith that has the power to cast out fear. This is not doctrine or any particular teaching. Instead, spirituality is a personal connection with that Power, God, Energy or Universe as it may be called.
Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science, which is taught at the Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL), believes that fear is “the antithesis of faith. It is the nega-
tion of trust.” He instructs, “There is a Power far greater than we are; there is a love that casts out fear and a faith that overcomes all obstructions. Through affirmative thinking, we enter into this Power and this Love with complete confidence. If we can believe that the Spirit within us makes perfect and happy the way before us, we then enter into conscious union with everything that lives and commune with the spirit in all people and all things.”
Holmes suggests that a feeling of belonging to the Universe and being safe in it is the result of converting the energy of doubt, uncertainty and fear, to faith, which in turn, helps us believe in greater aspirations.
Individuals are invited to join a loving CSL community every Sunday at 10 a.m., virtually, on Facebook or YouTube or in person in Medford, Massachusetts, for an uplifting message of oneness, love, peace and faith. For more information, call Gina at 617947-2743 or visit CSLBoston.org.
Gina Colvario Krupka, RScP, is an author, life coach, motivational speaker, radio show host and spiritual director of CSL Greater Boston. For more information, visit BelieveInYou Today.com, see ad below and Resource Guide on page 38.