1 minute read

Sustained Integrated Functioning with Cécile Raynor

Join Cécile Raynor, founder of Cecile’s Wise Ways, from 7 to 9 p.m., April 10, for a two-hour, interactive online workshop to experience a sneak preview to the launch of her Activate Your Body Intelligence course beginning April 17.

Raynor’s work empowers people to find more well-being as they discover how to activate their own body intelligence. “We have become a society of people stationed in our heads, more often than not,” she explains. “This has increasingly created a disconnect with our body awareness which has led to postural challenges for many people.”

Her current workshop and course are about getting sustainable results when it comes to reducing, eliminating or preventing chronic tension or pain. This work leads people towards optimal integrated functioning of their mind, body, heart and soul which enables integrated living for the benefit of peace everywhere.

Raynor helps people understand the crucial difference between listening to in-the-moment pain signals within the body and listening to their whole-body intelligence guidance which can be activated on demand. “This insight alone can take them to the next step in their journey towards well-being,” she says.

Cost: Workshop fee is $45. For more information, call 857-245-9488 or visit CecileRaynor.com. See Resource Guide on page 37.

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