LGR kondensaffugter
LGR refrigerant dehumidifier
LGR kondensaffugter
LGR refrigerant dehumidifier
To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand this manual before using this product.
For at mindske risikoen for skader skal brugeren læse og forstå denne vejledning, før dette produkt tages i brug.
For safety reasons, please read these operating instructions carefully before using your appliance. The device is intended exclusively for professional use by qualified personnel. Persons who are not familiar with this device should not use it.
Af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager bedes du læse denne betjeningsvejledning omhyggeligt, før du bruger dit apparat.
Enheden er udelukkende beregnet til professionel brug af kvalificeret personale. Personer, der ikke er fortrolige med denne enhed, bør ikke bruge den.
Check the mains with the rating plate.
Kontroller lysnettet med typeskiltet. Affugteren er kun egnet til indendørs brug med en jordet stikkontakt.
Thank you!
Thank you for choosing this product. Save this manual for future reference.
Tak fordi du valgte dette produkt. Gem denne vejledning til fremtidig reference.
This ECOR PRO dehumidifier is a powerful dehumidifier suitable for professional use.
Denne ECOR PRO affugter er en kraftfuld affugter velegnet til professionel brug.
For more than 50 years, we have specialised in both air treatment and the production and development of dehumidifiers and mobile air conditioners.
Our quality products are manufactured according to the latest technological developments and are specially designed to achieve a clean, better and more pleasant indoor climate.
I mere end 50 år har vi specialiseret os i både luftbehandling, samt produktion og udvikling af affugtere og mobile klimaanlæg.
Vores kvalitetsprodukter er fremstillet efter den nyeste teknologiske udvikling og er specielt designet til at opnå et rent, bedre og mere behageligt indeklima.
To ensure that you get the most out of all the possibilities, we recommend that you read these operating instructions carefully. Keep the instructions in a safe place within easy reach, so that you can refer to them again at a later date if necessary.
For at sikre, at du får mest ud af alle mulighederne, anbefaler vi, at du læser betjeningsvejledningen omhyggeligt. Opbevar instruktionerne på et sikkert sted inden for rækkevidde, så du kan henvise til dem igen på et senere tidspunkt, hvis det er nødvendigt.
The dehumidifier is suitable for indoor use only with a grounded electrical outlet.
Connection voltage: 220-240 Volt (50 Hz) - IEC 60309 plug for UK and EU, 115V (60Hz) - USA plug for USA and Canada.
220-240 Volt (50 Hz) - IEC 60309 stik til UK og EU.
Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan.
Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan. After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil. The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose.
The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.
After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil. The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose. The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.
Fugtig luft suges ind i enheden af en roterende ventilator. Efter at have passeret gennem filteret, som stopper støvpartikler, afkøles luften af en kølespiral.
Vanddampen i luften kondenserer til vand, som udledes via en afgangsslange.
Den tørre luft opvarmes derefter af en varmeveksler og blæses tilbage i rummet af ventilatoren.
Beskrivelse af dele
always unplug it from the wall socket.
• Keep children out of reach of the device.
• Maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by certified personnel. Otherwise the warranty will become void.
Installationen skal være i fuld overensstemmelse med de lokale forskrifter, bestemmelser og standarder.
• This dehumidifier is a safe device (CE). However, as with any electrical appliance, care should be taken.
Vær opmærksom på, at affugteren skal have stået oprejst i mindst en time før brug.
The installation must be in full accordance with the local regulations, provisions and standards. Please note that the dehumidifier must have stood upright for at least one hour before use.
• Når du ikke bruger affugteren, skal du altid tage stikket ud af stikkontakten.
• Hold børn uden for enhedens rækkevidde.
• When you are not using the dehumidifier, always unplug it from the wall socket.
• Keep children out of reach of the device.
• Vedligeholdelse og reparationer bør kun udføres af certificeret personale. Ellers bortfalder garantien.
- Only install the device in an area that corre sponds to its IP rating.
NEVER connect the unit using an extension cord. If a suitable earthed socket is not available, have this installed by a certified professional.
• Afbryd altid strømforsyningen før rengøring af enheden eller en del af den.
- Always disconnect the power supply before cleaning the unit or any part of it.
• Rengør aldrig affugteren ved at sprøjte den med vand eller nedsænke den i vand.
The plug must always be easily accessible when the appliance is connected.
- Never clean the dehumidifier by spraying it with water or immersing it in water.
• Dæk ikke til eller indfør ikke noget i åbningerne på affugteren.
• Maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by certified personnel. Otherwise the warranty will become void.
The environmentally friendly R290 refrigerant is in a closed circuit; it is highly flammable. Please observe the following:! No open flames or sources of heat in the vicinity of the appliance in the same room. Do not open the closed refrigeration circuit. Only qualified personnel, trained, certified and accustomed to using flammable refrigerants may carry out maintenance work. See warning next page.
• Denne affugter er en sikker enhed (CE). Men som med ethvert elektrisk apparat skal man være forsigtig.
• This dehumidifier is a safe device (CE). However, as with any electrical appliance, care should be taken.
Det miljøvenlige R290 kølemiddel er i et lukket kredsløb; det er meget brandfarligt. Vær opmærksom på følgende:
Ingen åben ild eller varmekilder i nærheden af apparatet i samme rum. Åbn ikke det lukkede kølekredsløb. Kun kvalificeret personale, uddannet, certificeret og vant til at bruge brændbare kølemidler, må udføre vedligeholdelsesarbejde.
Se advarsel næste side.
The environmentally friendly R290 refrigerant is in a closed circuit; it is highly flammable. Please observe the following:! No open flames or sources of heat in the vicinity of the appliance in the same room. Do not open the closed refrigeration circuit. Only qualified personnel, trained, certified and accustomed to using flammable refrigerants may carry out maintenance work. See warning next page.
- Do not cover or insert anything into the openings of the dehumidifier.
• Installer kun enheden i et område, der svarer til dens IP-klassificering.
Important: The appliance MUST always be connected to earth. If the power supply is not earthed, do not connect the device at all.
- Only install the device in an area that corresponds to its IP rating.
Tilslut ALDRIG enheden med en forlængerledning.
NEVER connect the unit using an extension cord. If a suitable earthed socket is not available, have this installed by a certified professional.
Hvis en passende jordet stikkontakt ikke er tilgængelig, skal denne installeres af en autoriseret fagmand.
Warning! Never use the appliance if the cord or plug is damaged. If the cord is damaged, have it replaced by an authorised professional to avoid danger and accidents.
Stikket skal altid være let tilgængeligt, når apparatet er tilsluttet.
The plug must always be easily accessible when the appliance is connected.
Vigtigt: Apparatet SKAL altid være tilsluttet jord. Hvis strømforsyningen ikke er jordet, må du slet ikke tilslutte enheden.
Important: The appliance MUST always be connected to earth. If the power supply is not earthed, do not connect the device at all.
Advarsel! Brug aldrig apparatet, hvis ledningen eller stikket er beskadiget. Hvis ledningen er beskadiget, skal den udskiftes af en autoriseret fagmand for at undgå farer og ulykker.
Warning! Never use the appliance if the cord or plug is damaged. If the cord is damaged, have it replaced by an authorised professional to avoid danger and accidents.
R290 kølemiddel er en brandfarlig naturgas og må kun bruges af certificeret personale.
• i nærheden af åben ild (såsom en cigaret, stearinlys osv.) eller en varmekilde (komfur, varm lampe).
• inthevicinityofopen fire(suchasacigarette, candle, etc.)oraheatsource(stove,hotlamp).
Lækkende kølemiddel kan forårsage brand og eksplosion, derfor må du ALDRIG selv arbejde på enheden! Opbevar, installer og brug affugteren i rum med mindst 10 m2 gulvplads.
R290refrigerantisa flammablenatural gasand mayonlybeusedbycertified personnel.Leaking refrigerantcancause fireand explosion,therefore NEVERworkonthedeviceyourself! Store,install andusethedehumidifierin roomswithatleast
15 m
2 of floorspace.
R290 er tungere end luft. Hvis enheden lækker gas, vil den højeste koncentration være nær gulvet.
R290 (propangas) er lugtfri.
R290isheavierthanair.Iftheunitisleakinggas, thehighestconcentrationwillbenear the floor.
• i et industrielt miljø med risiko for gasog/eller støveksplosioner.
•inanindustrialenvironmentwithariskofgasand/or dustexplosions
• på steder, hvor ledningen let kan blive beskadiget eller fanget.
•inplaceswherethecordcaneasilybedamagedor trapped
• når børn er til stede uden opsyn.
•wherethereisariskofliquidfallingonorintothe device
• hvor der er risiko for, at væske falder på eller ind i enheden.
• hvor apparatet kan blive beskadiget af kemikalier.
TheapplianceisNOTsuitable forDIYrepair.
Apparatet er IKKE egnet til gør-det-selv reparation.
Ifagasleakis suspected,haveacertifiedserviceengineerinvestigate.Stayaway fromthe unit.Evacuatethearea.
Hvis der er mistanke om en gaslækage, skal en autoriseret servicetekniker undersøge det. Hold dig væk fra enheden. Evakuer området.
For best results, run your dehumidifier in a closed space. Close doors and windows. Place the unit by a wall, free of obstacles and free of anything that obstructs the airflow (inlet and outlet).
For de bedste resultater skal du køre din affugter i et lukket rum. Luk døre og vinduer. Placer enheden ved en væg, fri for forhindringer og fri for alt, der hindrer luftstrømmen (indtag og udløb).
Lad altid enheden stå oprejst i mindst en time efter transport. Olie fra kompressoren kan derefter strømme tilbage i kompressoren fra kølespiralerne. Apparatet skal være opretstående på en plan overflade.
Always leave the device upright for at least one hour after transport. Oil from the compressor can then flow back into the compressor from the cooling coils. The device must be upright and level.
3,5 meter maksimal afløbshøjde
Din affugter leveres med en afløbsslange. Slangen kan fastgøres til enheden med en hurtigkobling. Rul afløbsslangen ud og læg enden i en vask, afløb, spand eller uden for det område, der skal affugtes, hvor vandet kan løbe væk. Hvis du bruger en spand, skal du tømme spanden regelmæssigt, så den ikke løber over.
Your dehumidifier comes with a drainage hose. The hose can be attached to the unit with a quick connector. Unwind the drainage hose and place the end into a sink, drain, bucket or outside the area to be dehumidified where the water can drain away. If using a bucket, empty the bucket regularly so that it does not overflow.
NB. Rul altid afløbsslangen helt ud. Placer aldrig enden højere end 3,5 meter. Kontroller slangen for knæk og forhindringer, så kondensvandet ikke blokeres i dets flow. Dette forhindrer lækage fra pumpen.
NB. Always roll out the drainage hose completely. Never place the end higher than 3.5 metres. Check the hose for kinks and obstacles, so that the condensation water is not obstructed in its flow. This prevents leakage from the pump.
Quick-connect tilslutning
Tryk for at montere / frigøre
Montering af ekstra kanalpose / tørluftudtag
Installation of additional hose / dry air outlet
En ekstern slange kan valgfrit monteres på afgangsristen.
Dette kan være nyttigt til visse tørringskrav.
An external hose can be optionally mounted on the discharge grille. This can be useful for certain drying requirements.
1) Løsn de fire skruer i luftudløbskanalen.
1) loosen the four screws of the air outlet channel
2) replace the adapter turned
2) Montér adapteren på gitteret ved hjælp af de fire skruer.
3) attach the hose to the adapter
3) Fastgør kanalposen til adapteren.
Montering af kanalposeadaptor
En ekstern slange kan valgfrit monteres på afgangsristen.
Straps can be used to easily secure the power cord and drain hose.
Stropper kan bruges til nemt at fastgøre netledningen og afløbsslangen.
Control panel
Menu - Display screen - On/off button
MENU knap
Menu selection / Up - Pump button
TÆND / SLUK knap
Main Menu - Display
Insert plug into earthed socket
PUMPE knap
When the unit is connected, it starts the diagnostic procedure.
Sæt stikket i en jordet stikkontakt.
The display shows “self diagnosis”. When the unit is ready, the display shows “stand by”.
Når enheden er tilsluttet, starter den diagnosticeringsproceduren.
Displayet viser "SELF DIAGNOSIS".
Når enheden er klar, viser displayet "STANDBY".
Switching the unit on/off
Tænd eller sluk for enheden.
Tryk på knappen TÆND/SLUK.
Press the “on/off” button. The unit starts up, the display shows “unit on”.
Enheten startar, displayen visar "UNIT ON" (enhed tændt).
Operating time 00:00, set value (00%), current temperature 00 oC and current humidity 00%.
Driftstid 00:00, indstillet værdi (00%), aktuel temperatur 00 oC og aktuel luftfugtighed 00%.
Hvis displayet viser "PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY" og udfører en numerisk nedtælling fra maksimalt 180 sekunder til 0, er dette kompressor-forsinkelses-beskyttelsen.
If the display reads PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.
If the display reads PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.
Når enheden har fuldført kompressor-forsinkelses-beskyttelsen, begynder enheden straks at arbejde.
Press the purge button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.
Press the purge button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.
Tryk på PUMPE-knappen, enheden vil pumpe i 50 sekunder for manuelt at tømme vand fra kondensatpumpens reservoir.
During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.
Under normal drift udpumpes i 90 sekunder, når beholderen er fuld. Et P blinker i øverste højre hjørne af displayet.
During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.
Bemærk: Tryk altid på PUMPE-knappen, før du flytter enheden.
Notice: Always press the PURGE button prior to move the unit.
Notice: Always press the PURGE button prior to move the unit.
Display Menu
Display Menu
Press the DISPLAY MENU button cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and User Setting. To return to the Main Menu, wait for 10 seconds no operation or keep pressing DISPLAY MENU button till it back to the Main Menu.
Tryk på knappen MENU for at bladre igennem yderligere affugter- og brugerindstillinger på displayet. For at vende tilbage til hovedmenuen skal du vente i 10 sekunder eller blive ved med at trykke på knappen MENU, indtil du vender tilbage.
Press the DISPLAY MENU button cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and User Setting. To return to the Main Menu, wait for 10 seconds no operation or keep pressing DISPLAY MENU button till it back to the Main Menu.
PresstheMENUSELECTIONbuttontochange/checkthe valueon the“User SettingMenu Display”.TheMENU SELECTIONbuttonactsastheUPbuttonforadjustingthesetvalue forhumidistatmodeoperation.
PresstheMENUSELECTIONbuttontochange/checkthe valueon the“User SettingMenu Display”.TheMENU SELECTIONbuttonactsastheUPbuttonforadjustingthesetvalue forhumidistatmodeoperation.
Tryk på knappen MENUVALG for at ændre/kontrollere værdien på "User Setting Menu Display". MENUVALG-knappen fungerer som OP-knappen til justering af den indstillede værdi for drift med hygrostat.
Brugeren kan bruge knapperne MENU og MENU VALG til at kontrollere og indstille nogle funktioner.
UsetheDISPLAYMENUandMENUSELECTIONbuttonsto checkandsetsomefunctions.
UsetheDISPLAYMENUandMENUSELECTIONbuttonsto checkandsetsomefunctions.
Hvert tryk på MENU-knappen vil vise næste parameter.
Se listen nedenfor. Når du skal vælge den parameter, du ønsker at justere, skal du trykke på knappen MENUVALG.
Pilen, der vises i øverste venstre hjørne, betyder, at du kan justere parameteren, eller skærmen er låst nu. Tryk på knappen MENU for at forlade den låste grænseflade.
EachpressofDISPLAYMENUbutton,willshowthenextparameter.Whenyouwishtoadjust,presstheMENUSELECTIONbutton,thearrowshowninthelefttopcornermeans youcanadjusttheparameterorthescreenislocked.Press DISPLAYMENUbuttontoexitthelockedinterface.
EachpressofDISPLAYMENUbutton,willshowthenextparameter.Whenyouwishtoadjust,presstheMENUSELECTIONbutton,thearrowshowninthelefttopcornermeans youcanadjusttheparameterorthescreenislocked.Press DISPLAYMENUbuttontoexitthelockedinterface.
Viser det totale antal driftstimer på en konkret opgave.
Tryk på MENUVALG for at nulstille driftsstiden efter afsluttet job.
Viser det samlede antal driftstimer. Værdien kan ikke ændres.
TemperatureofInlet /Outlet
udtag (Outlet)
TemperatureofInlet /Outlet
Viser den aktuelle temperatur og relativ luftfugtighed af ind- og udtag.
Showscurrenttemperatureandrelativehumidityofinlet andoutlet.
Showscurrenttemperatureandrelativehumidityofinlet andoutlet.
Humidistat Mode
Humidistat Mode
Humidistat Mode
Humidistat Mode
Tryk på knappen MENUVALG og indstil "HUMIDISTAT MODE" til "ON" for at justere den indstillede hygrostat værdi fra CO-35-40-45-50-55-60-65-70-75-80-85-90 %.
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Humidistat Mode
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Vælg den ønskede værdi og vent i 5 sekunder – indstillingen bevares. CO betyder kontinuerlig affugtning.
Temp Units
Temp Units
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Temp Units
Temp Units
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Viser den aktuelle temperaturskala. Tryk på MENUVALG for at indstille Fahrenheit- eller Celsius-skalaen.
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Temp Units
Coil Temp
Coil Temp
Coil Temp
Coil Temp
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Viser kølespiralens temperatur.
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Comprss Current
Coil Temp
Comprss Current
Comprss Current
Comprss Current
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Shows the current draw in amps.
Shows the current draw in amps.
Shows the current draw in amps.
Viser det aktuelle forbrug i ampere.
Shows the current draw in amps.
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
Comprss Current
Shows the current draw in amps.
Code Message
Code Message
Code Message
Code Message
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
Displayet viser det samlede antal timers brug i kWh. Den viste værdi kan ikke justeres. Notér kWh forbrug før og efter hvert job.
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.
Code Message
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.
Hvis enhedens indbyggede diagnostik opdager et problem, vil enheden vise en fejlkode. Se fejlkoder på næste side.
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page. 12
Fejlkode Forklaring
E1 Fejl ved temperaturføler
E2 Fejl ved indløbssensor
E3 Fejl i kølesystemet
E4 Pumpe fejl
E5 Fejl ved udgangssensor
EC Overstrømsbeskyttelse
D Afrimning
P Udpumpning / Tømning
OBS! Tag altid stikket ud af stikkontakten før rengøring eller servicering.
- Vedligeholdelse må kun udføres af kvalificeret personale.
- Apparatet skal afbrydes fra lysnettet, før dækslerne fjernes.
- Hvis apparatet ikke kører, kan varmelegemet stadig være varmt.
Køling opnås ved at bruge R290 kølemiddel, en naturgas (propan) i et lukket system.
Da det er meget brandfarligt, tilrådes forsigtighed: Ingen åben ild eller varmekilde i nærheden af apparatet – brug og opbevaring i et rum med et gulvareal på mindst 10 m2, årligt eftersyn af en autoriseret fagmand, som vil efterfylde kølemidlet hvis det er nødvendigt.
Rengøring af filteret
For at fjerne filteret skal du først løsne skruen i midten (fx med en mønt).
Enheden har et indsugningsluftfilter, der skal kontrolleres med jævne mellemrum og kontrolleres og rengøres om nødvendigt.
Rengør den med en støvsuger eller vask den.
Filteret skal være helt tørt, før det genmonteres.
Kør aldrig enheden uden filteret, støv vil påvirke driften negativt.
Tør regelmæssigt af med en fugtig klud med et mildt husholdningsrengøringsmiddel.
Attention! Always disconnect from the mains before cleaning or servicing.
Opmærksomhed! Tag altid stikket ud af stikkontakten før rengøring eller servicering.
Hold filteret, spiralerne og alle gitre rene.
Dette vil hjælpe med at sikre korrekt drift.
Keep the filter, spirals and all grilles clean. This will help ensure proper operation.
1) remove the hose from the air outlet (if fitted)
1) Fjern slangen fra luftudtaget (hvis monteret).
2) unscrew the side panels (6 screws)
2) Skru sidepanelerne af (6 skruer).
3) Take out the filter and clean it.
3) Tag filteret ud og rengør det.
4) Remove dust from the panels with a soft dry cloth.
4) Fjern støv fra panelerne med en blød, tør klud.
5) Clean the inside carefully with a hoover, be careful not to damage delicate parts.
5) Rengør forsigtigt indersiden med en støvsuger, pas på ikke at beskadige sarte dele.
6) Attach the side panels in the reverse order.
6) Fastgør sidepanelerne i omvendt rækkefølge.
Fejl Årsag
Der drypper vand ud, når enheden flyttes.
Enheden blev afbrudt, før udpumpningen var fuldført.
Enheden fungerer ikke. - Ingen strøm til maskinen.
- Enheden er ikke tændt.
- Det indstillede fugtniveau er nået.
Vand på gulvet.
Affugteren producerer for lidt vand.
Sørg for komplet udpumpning / tømning før affugteren flyttes.
- Tilslut enheden. Kontroller strømmen ved stikkontakten og bunden af enheden.
- Tænd for enheden.
- Vælg CO (kontinuerlig), hvis du stadig ønsker at affugte efter den indstillede værdi er nået.
Afløbsslangen er løs. Ikke korrekt tilsluttet. Spænd afløbsslangens tilslutning.
- Rumtemperaturen er for lav.
- Dørene og vinduerne er åbne.
- Enheden har ikke været brugt længe nok.
- Luftfilteret, kølespiralerne er snavsede.
- Øg rumtemperaturen.
- Luk alle døre og vinduer.
- Lad enheden køre mere tid.
- Kontroller filter og kølespiraler, og rengør.
80 L/dag (35 °C RH95%)
150L/day(35 0CRH90%)
55 L/dag (30 °C RH80%)
90L/day(30 0CRH80%)
35 L/dag (27 °C RH60%)
50L/day(27 0CRH60%)
Spænding / Frekvens 220-240 V / ~50 Hz
Efficiency (30 0CRH80%)
Nominel effekt 580 W
Nominel strøm 2,6 A
Luftstrøm 420 m3/h
Støj 55 dB (A)
965W (27 0CRH60%)
Kølemiddel R290 / 0,2 kg
Driftstemperatur 1 ~38 °C
4.3A (27 0CRH60%) 1.000m3/h 60dB(A)
220-240 Volt (50 Hz)IEC 60309 stik til UK og EU
Vægt 29 kg
Dimensioner (B x H x D) 345 x 450 x 560 mm
Strømkabel 5 m
Afløbsslange 12 m SPECIFIKATIONER
R290/0.265kg 1~38 0C 44.8kg
705x450x530mm 5m 5m
Enheden skal være elektrisk jordet
• Sæt 3-benet stik på netledningen direkte i en matchende jordet stikkontakt.
• Må ikke bruges med en adapter.
220-240Volt(50Hz)IEC60309 plug forUKandEU 15
Hold ledninger og motor tørre. Må ikke betjenes stående i vand. Hvis elektriske komponenter bliver våde, lad dem tørre helt før brug.
Max. sugetryk 2,5 MPa
Max. afgangstryk 4,5 MPa
Der tages forbehold for ændringer.
To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand this manual before using this product.
To reduce the risk of injury, the user must read and understand this manual before using this product.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you for choosing this product. Save this manual for future reference.
Thank you for choosing this product. Save this manual for future reference.
This ECOR PRO dehumidifier is a powerful dehumidifier suitable for professional use.
For more than 50 years, we have specialised in both air treatment and the production and development of dehumidifiers and mobile air conditioners. Our quality products are manufactured according to the latest technological developments and are specially designed to achieve a clean, better and more pleasant indoor climate.
This ECOR PRO dehumidifier is a powerful dehumidifier suitable for professional use. For more than 50 years, we have specialised in both air treatment and the production and development of dehumidifiers and mobile air conditioners. Our quality products are manufactured according to the latest technological developments and are specially designed to achieve a clean, better and more pleasant indoor climate.
To ensure that you get the most out of all the possibilities, we recommend that you read these operating instructions carefully. Keep the instructions in a safe place within easy reach, so that you can refer to them again at a later date if necessary.
To ensure that you get the most out of all the possibilities, we recommend that you read these operating instructions carefully. Keep the instructions in a safe place within easy reach, so that you can refer to them again at a later date if necessary.
For safety reasons, please read these operating instructions carefully before using your appliance. The device is intended exclusively for professional use by qualified personnel. Persons who are not familiar with this device should not use it.
For safety reasons, please read these operating instructions carefully before using your appliance. The device is intended exclusively for professional use by qualified personnel. Persons who are not familiar with this device should not use it.
Check the mains with the rating plate.
The dehumidifier is suitable for indoor use only with a grounded electrical outlet.
Connection voltage:
Check the mains with the rating plate. The dehumidifier is suitable for indoor use only with a grounded electrical outlet.
220-240 Volt (50 Hz) - IEC 60309 plug for UK and EU, 115V (60Hz) - USA plug for USA and Canada.
Connection voltage: 220-240 Volt (50 Hz) - IEC 60309 plug for UK and EU.
Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan.
Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan.
After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil.
After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil.
Humid air is drawn into the device by a rotating fan.
After passing through the filter, which stops dust particles, the air is cooled by a cooling coil.
The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose.
The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose.
The water vapour in the air condenses into water, which is discharged via a discharge hose.
The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.
The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.
The drier air is then heated by a heat exchanger and blown back into the room by the fan.
of parts
The installation must be in full accordance with the local regulations, provisions and standards. Please note that the dehumidifier must have stood upright for at least one hour before use.
• When you are not using the dehumidifier, always unplug it from the wall socket.
• Keep children out of reach of the device.
• Maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by certified personnel. Otherwise the warranty will become void.
• This dehumidifier is a safe device (CE). However, as with any electrical appliance, care should be taken.
The environmentally friendly R290 refrigerant is in a closed circuit; it is highly flammable. Please observe the following:! No open flames or sources of heat in the vicinity of the appliance in the same room. Do not open the closed refrigeration circuit. Only qualified personnel, trained, certified and accustomed to using flammable refrigerants may carry out maintenance work. See warning next page.
• Always disconnect the power supply before cleaning the unit or any part of it.
• Never clean the dehumidifier by spraying it with water or immersing it in water.
• Do not cover or insert anything into the openings of the dehumidifier.
• Only install the device in an area that corresponds to its IP rating.
NEVER connect the unit using an extension cord. If a suitable earthed socket is not available, have this installed by a certified professional.
The plug must always be easily accessible when the appliance is connected.
Important: The appliance MUST always be connected to earth. If the power supply is not earthed, do not connect the device at all.
Warning! Never use the appliance if the cord or plug is damaged. If the cord is damaged, have it replaced by an authorised professional to avoid danger and accidents.
R290 refrigerant is a flammable natural gas and may only be used by certified personnel.
Leaking refrigerant can cause fire and explosion, therefore NEVER work on the device yourself! Store, install and use the dehumidifier in rooms with at least 10 m2 of floor space.
R290refrigerantisa flammablenatural gasand mayonlybeusedbycertified personnel.Leaking refrigerantcancause fireand explosion,therefore NEVERworkonthedeviceyourself! Store,install andusethedehumidifierin roomswithatleast
15 m
2 of floorspace.
• in the vicinity of open fire (such as a cigarette, candle, etc.) or a heat source (stove, hot lamp).
• inthevicinityofopen fire(suchasacigarette, candle, etc.)oraheatsource(stove,hotlamp).
• in an industrial environment with a risk of gas and/or dust explosions
•inanindustrialenvironmentwithariskofgasand/or dustexplosions
• in places where the cord can easily be damaged or trapped
•inplaceswherethecordcaneasilybedamagedor trapped
• when children are present without supervision
•wherethereisariskofliquidfallingonorintothe device
R290isheavierthanair.Iftheunitisleakinggas, thehighestconcentrationwillbenear the floor.
R290 is heavier than air. If the unit is leaking gas, the highest concentration will be near the floor. R290 (propane gas) is odourless.
• where there is a risk of liquid falling on or into the device
• where the appliance can be damaged by chemicals.
TheapplianceisNOTsuitable forDIYrepair.
The appliance is NOT suitable for DIY repair.
If a gas leak is suspected, have a certified service engineer investigate.
Ifagasleakis suspected,haveacertifiedserviceengineerinvestigate.Stayaway fromthe unit.Evacuatethearea.
Stay away from the unit. Evacuate the area.
For best results, run your dehumidifier in a closed space. Close doors and windows. Place the unit by a wall, free of obstacles and free of anything that obstructs the airflow (inlet and outlet).
For best results, run your dehumidifier in a closed space. Close doors and windows. Place the unit by a wall, free of obstacles and free of anything that obstructs the airflow (inlet and outlet).
Your dehumidifier comes with a drainage hose. The hose can be attached to the unit with a quick connector. Unwind the drainage hose and place the end into a sink, drain, bucket or outside the area to be dehumidified where the water can drain away. If using a bucket, empty the bucket regularly so that it does not overflow.
Always leave the device upright for at least one hour after transport. Oil from the compressor can then flow back into the compressor from the cooling coils. The device must be upright and level.
Always leave the device upright for at least one hour after transport. Oil from the compressor can then flow back into the compressor from the cooling coils. The device must be upright and level.
Your dehumidifier comes with a drainage hose. The hose can be attached to the unit with a quick connector. Unwind the drainage hose and place the end into a sink, drain, bucket or outside the area to be dehumidified where the water can drain away. If using a bucket, empty the bucket regularly so that it does not overflow.
NB. Always roll out the drainage hose completely. Never place the end higher than 3.5 metres. Check the hose for kinks and obstacles, so that the condensation water is not obstructed in its flow. This prevents leakage from the pump.
NB. Always roll out the drainage hose completely. Never place the end higher than 3.5 metres. Check the hose for kinks and obstacles, so that the condensation water is not obstructed in its flow. This prevents leakage from the pump.
Quick-connect fitting Press to install / release
An external hose can be optionally mounted on the discharge grille. This can be useful for certain drying requirements.
An external hose can be optionally mounted on the discharge grille. This can be useful for certain drying requirements.
1) loosen the four screws of the air outlet channel
1) Loosen the four screws of the air outlet channel.
2) replace the adapter turned
2) Mount the adapter on the grille using the four screws.
3) attach the hose to the adapter
3) Attach the hose to the adapter.
An external hose can optionally be mounted on the outlet grille.
Straps can be used to easily secure the power cord and drain hose.
Straps can be used to easily secure the power cord and drain hose.
Control panel
Control panel
Menu - Display screen - On/off button
MENU button
Menu selection / Up - Pump button
ON / OFF button
Main Menu - Display
Insert plug into earthed socket
PUMP button
When the unit is connected, it starts the diagnostic procedure.
Insert plug into earthed socket.
The display shows “self diagnosis”. When the unit is ready, the display shows “stand by”.
When the unit is connected, it starts the diagnostic procedure.
The display shows "SELF DIAGNOSIS".
When the unit is ready, the display shows "STAND BY".
Switching the unit on/off
Switching the unit on/off.
Press the “on/off” button. The unit starts up, the display shows “unit on”.
Press the ON/OFF button. The unit starts up, the display shows "UNIT ON".
Operating time 00:00, set value (00%), current temperature 00 oC and current humidity 00%.
Operating time 00:00, set value (00%), current temperature 00 oC and current humidity 00%.
If the display reads PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.
If the display reads PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.
If the display reads "PLEASE WAIT COMP DELAY" and performs a numeral count down from a maximum of 180 seconds to 0, this is the compressor delay protection. Once the unit completes the compressor delay protection, the unit will start working immediately.
Press the purge button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.
Press the purge button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.
Press the PUMP button, the unit will pump for 50 seconds to manually empty water from the condensate pump reservoir.
During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.
During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.
During normal operation, the pump purges 90 seconds when the reservoir is full. The display will flash P in top right corner.
Notice: Always press the PUMP button prior to move the unit.
Notice: Always press the PURGE button prior to move the unit.
Notice: Always press the PURGE button prior to move the unit.
Display Menu
Display Menu
Display Menu
Press the DISPLAY MENU button cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and User Setting. To return to the Main Menu, wait for 10 seconds no operation or keep pressing DISPLAY MENU button till it back to the Main Menu.
Press the MENU button to cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and user setting. To return to the MAIN MENU, wait for 10 seconds or keep pressing MENU button till it back to the MAIN MENU.
Press the DISPLAY MENU button cycle through the display of additional dehumidifier conditions and User Setting. To return to the Main Menu, wait for 10 seconds no operation or keep pressing DISPLAY MENU button till it back to the Main Menu.
Press the MENU SELECTION button to change / check the value on the "User Setting Menu Display".
Press the MENU SELECTION button to change / check the value on the “User Setting Menu Display”. The MENU SELECTION button acts as the UP button for adjusting the set value for humidistat mode operation.
The MENU SELECTION button acts as the UP button for adjusting the set value for humidistat mode operation.
User can use DISPLAY MENU and MENU SELECTION buttons to check and set some functions.
User can use MENU and MENU SELECTION buttons to check and set some functions. Each press of MENU button, will show next parameter. See list below. To select the parameter you wish to adjust, press the MENU SELECTION button, the arrow shows in the left top corner means you can adjust the parameter or the screen is locked now. Press MENU button to exit the locked interface.
Each press of DISPLAY MENU button, will show next parameter. See list below. When you wish the parameter you wish to adjust, press the MENU SELECTION button, the arrow shows in the left top corner means you can adjust the parameter or the screen is locked now. Press DISPLAY MENU button to exit the locked interface.
Press MENU SELECTION to reset the working hours to zero.
Shows the total number of operating hours on a specific task. Press MENU SELECT to reset the operating time when the job is completed.
Shows total of unit hours. Value cannot be modified.
Shows total of unit hours. Value cannot be modified.
Shows current temperature and relative humidity of inlet and outlet.
Shows current temperature and relative humidity of inlet and outlet.
Humidistat Mode
Humidistat Mode
Humidistat Mode
Humidistat Mode
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Humidistat Mode
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%-90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Temp Units
Ad on mode press MENU SELECTION to adjust the set value from CO-35%-40%-45%-50%-55%-60%-65%-70%-75%-80%-85%90%. Choose the desired value and wait for 5 seconds, the sett will be kept. CO means continuous dehumidifying.
Temp Units
Temp Units
Temp Units
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Temp Units
Coil Temp
Coil Temp
Coil Temp
Coil Temp
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Shows the current temperature scale. Press MENU SELECTION to set Fahrenheit or Centigrade scale.
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Comprss Current
Coil Temp
Comprss Current
Comprss Current
Comprss Current
Shows the current draw in amps.
Shows the current draw in amps.
Shows the evaporator coil temperature.
Shows the current draw in amps.
Shows the current draw in amps.
Shows the current draw in amps.
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
Comprss Current
Shows the current draw in amps.
Code Message
Code Message
Code Message
Code Message
If the unit can not detect the compressor current, the display shows - - A.
Display shows total hours of use in kWh. The displayed value cannot be adjusted. Note down kWh consumption before and after each job.
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.
Code Message
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page. 12
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display an error code. See the error codes next page.
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page. 12
If the unit on-board diagnostics discover a problem, the unit will display the error message, see the Code Message next page.
Code message (error code)
Temperature sensor error
E2 Inlet sensor error
E3 Cooling system failure
E4 Pump error
E5 Outlet sensor error
EC Overcurrent protection
D Defrosting
P Pump / Purging
Attention! Always disconnect from the mains before cleaning or servicing.
- Maintenance may only be carried out by qualified personnel.
- The appliance must be disconnected from the mains before the covers are removed.
- If the appliance is not running, the heating element may still be hot.
Cooling is achieved by using R290 refrigerant, a natural gas - propane - in a closed system. Since it is highly flammable, caution is advised: no open flame or source of heat near the appliance, use and storage in a room with a floor space of at least 10 m2, annual inspection by an authorised professional, who will top up the refrigerant if necessary.
To remove the filter, first loosen the screw in the middle. (e.g. with a coin).
The unit has an intake air filter that must be checked periodically and checked and cleaned if necessary. Clean it with a hoover or wash it.
The filter must be completely dry before being replaced.
CAUTION: Never run the unit without the filter, dust will adversely affect operation.
Wipe regularly with a damp cloth using a mild household detergent.
Attention! Always disconnect from the mains before cleaning or servicing.
Attention! Always disconnect from the mains before cleaning or servicing.
Keep the filter, spirals and all grilles clean.
This will help ensure proper operation.
Keep the filter, spirals and all grilles clean. This will help ensure proper operation.
1) remove the hose from the air outlet (if fitted)
1) Remove the hose from the air outlet (if fitted).
2) unscrew the side panels (6 screws)
2) Unscrew the side panels (6 screws).
3) Take out the filter and clean it.
3) Take out the filter and clean it.
4) Remove dust from the panels with a soft dry cloth.
4) Remove dust from the panels with a soft dry cloth.
5) Clean the inside carefully with a hoover, be careful not to damage delicate parts.
5) Clean the inside carefully with a hoover, be careful not to damage delicate parts.
6) Attach the side panels in the reverse order.
6) Attach the side panels in the reverse order.
Fault Cause Solution
Water drips out when moving the unit.
Unit was unplugged before purging/ pumping was complete.
Unit does not operate. - No power to machine.
Purge/pump out unit before moving.
- Unit not switched on.
- The set humidity level has been reached.
Water on the floor. The drain hose is loose. Not correct connected.
Unit collect too little water.
- Room temperature is too low.
- The doors and windows are open.
- The unit has not been used long enough.
- The air filter, coils are dirty.
- Plug in unit. Check power at outlet and base of unit.
- Switch on the unit.
- Choose CO (continuous) if you still want to dehumidifying after the set value has been reached.
Thighten the connection of the drain hose.
- Increase the room temperature.
- Close all doors and windows.
- Allow the unit to run more time.
- Check the filter and coils and clean.
Water removal capacity
Voltage / Frequency
Efficiency (30 0CRH80%)
Rated Power
80 L/day (35 °C RH95%)
150L/day(35 0CRH90%)
55 L/day (30 °C RH80%) 35 L/day (27 °C RH60%)
90L/day(30 0CRH80%)
50L/day(27 0CRH60%)
V / ~50 Hz
Rated Current 2.6 A
Air Flow
dB (A)
965W (27 0CRH60%)
4.3A (27 0CRH60%)
/ 0.2 kg
1.000m3/h 60dB(A) R290/0.265kg 1~38 0C 44.8kg 705x450x530mm 5m 5m
220-240 Volt (50 Hz)IEC 60309 plug for UK and EU Unit must be electrically grounded
• Insert 3-prong plug on power cord directly into matching grounded receptacle.
• Do not use with an adaptor.
220-240Volt(50Hz)IEC60309 plug forUKandEU 15
AND ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD Keep wiring and motor dry. Do not operate in standing water. If electrical components become wet, allow to dry completely before using.
Subject to modifications.