Sanosil Super 25 Broad spectrum disinfectant
High concentrate for professional users
Sanosil Super 25 is a disinfectant concentrate suitable for surface and water disinfection. Sanosil Super 25 is preferably used in water or pipe disinfection, but can also be diluted (usually 3% - 15%) and used as a surface disinfectant.
Mode of operation
Newsflash: Suitable for: - Water disinfection, pipelines, drinking water systems - Surface disinfection, aerosol disinfection, Product type: Highly concentrated Works against it: *concentration dependent -bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts, endospores, biofilm Durability: 2 years Active ingredients: 50g/100g hydrogen peroxide, 0.5g/100g silver
The main active ingredient is the environmentally friendly hydrogen peroxide, which has been stabilized in a complex process and its effect against microorganisms has been enhanced by the addition of silver. This results in an antimicrobial effect that is several times better than that of normal hydrogen peroxide. The amounts of silver remaining on the surface are invisible and non-toxic, but effectively counteract new microbial contamination. The elemental oxygen (-O2) split off by the hydrogen peroxide attacks the cell walls of the microorganisms in direct contact (1) . The chemical reaction of the oxygen with molecules of the cell walls denatures and destroys them by cold combustion. The effect is intensified by silver ions, which on the one hand catalytically strengthen hydrogen peroxide, and on the other hand bind to the sulphur bridges of certain proteins of the micro- organisms and thereby inactivate or precipitate them. (2)
In case of dirty surfaces, successful disinfection requires impeccable cleaning. The more thoroughly the surfaces to be disinfected are pre-cleaned, e.g. using a high-pressure cleaner, brush and soapy water, the more effective and efficient the subsequent disinfection will be.
Dosages - Overview
Important: Self-mixed disinfectant solutions with tap water must be used within 48 hours. 3% 6% 10% 15%
= to fight bacteria, viruses, yeasts and fungi (low load, well cleaned) = to fight bacteria, viruses, yeasts and fungi (high load) = to fight moulds (mycelium), bacteria, viruses, yeasts and fungi and endospores (very high load) = Aerosoldesinfections
1000 ml/m3 25 -100 ml/m3
= Water/pipe and tank disinfection (shock disinfection) = for water disinfection like cooling towers, air washer, irrigation systems etc. (maintenance disinfection)
Of the P 151/en V1.3
Surface disinfection
Dosage 1 part Sanosil Super 25, 32 volume parts water (Corresponds to a 3% solution) 1 part Sanosil Super 25, 15 volume parts water (Corresponds to a 6% solution 1 part Sanosil Super 25, 9 volume parts water (Corresponds to a 10 % solution) 1. 2. 3.
Quantity / m2 approx. 50 ml
Field of application Surfaces with average organic load (suitable for most surface disinfections)
approx. 50 ml
heavily contaminated areas with higher organic load
approx. 50 ml
highly contaminated areas with high organic load, to eliminate viruses and endospores
Dilute Sanosil Super 25 immediately before use according to the table and use this solution within 24 h -48 h. (Alternatively: Dilute with distilled water to extend the shelf life of the solution) apply solution by spraying and/or wiping directly onto the surface. Allow to dry, rinse* not necessary.
* Surfaces which come into direct contact with food: After disinfection with a Sanosil Super 25 solution diluted 1:32 with water, the treated surfaces need not be rinsed (allow surfaces to dry).
Exposure times for surface disinfection (standard values) : 3% 10 %
Viruses enveloped
15 min 5 min
15 min 5 min
30 min 15 min
(only Influenza A, Corona) 0.5 min 1 min
Viruses unenveloped 30 min
Spores 60 min
Aerosol disinfection
Successful aerosol disinfection requires impeccable cleaning. Even thin layers of dirt prevent reliable contact of the disinfectant mist with the microorganisms to be controlled. Aerosol disinfection requires a suitable device that was designed for this purpose. For example Sanosil Q-Jet devices or hot fogger devices. Dilution: Mix 1 volume part Sanosil Super 25 + 5.7 volume parts water (corresponds to a 15% solution) Dosage: • with cold fogger: 8-15 ml/m3, exposure time at least 2 hours • with hot fogger: 10 -20 ml/m3 (use together with fogging agent PEG) Exposure time at least 2 hours Important: Aerosol disinfection should only be carried out by instructed personnel with suitable protective equipment.
Water Systems ( Shock Disinfection)
Tanks, pipes, drinking water equipment etc.: Prepare disinfectant solution: 1000ml Sanosil Super 25 / 1000 l water. (= 1000 ppm) Fill water system with disinfectant solution and leave to stand for at least 4h. Disinfectant solution can then be disposed of easily via the sewage system
Water disinfection ( Maintenance Disinfection)
For the disinfection and conservation of process water, splash water, rinsing water, washing water, etc., a disinfectant quantity of 25 - 100 ml per m3 of water is recommended, depending on the quality and pre-treatment of the water. Depending on the type and number of germs, the reaction time is 15 minutes to 12 hours.
For drinking water treatment with Sanosil Super 25, individual clarification of the conditions is required in advance in order to determine the exact dosing quantities. In addition, the microbiological values must be monitored as required. Our experts will be pleased to advise you. The initial dosage e.g. in a reservoir is strongly dependent on water quality, germ count, temperature, available exposure time and surface structure of the system. It should be noted that, depending on these factors, the Super 25 will decompose more or less rapidly into water and oxygen. In principle, the upper limit for the Sanosil Super 25 content in drinking water may still be a maximum of 34 ppm - ml/m3 (EU limit for hydrogen peroxide in drinking water). SANOSIL AG, CH- 8634 Hombrechtikon, Switzerland E-mail:, Internet:
Use biocides safely. Always read label and product information before use.
Our technical application notes, written and spoken, are based on extensive tests. We provide advice to the best of our knowledge, but without obligation, insofar as application and storage are beyond our direct influence. Product descriptions or information about the properties of the preparations do not contain any statements about liability for possible damages.
Of the P 151/en V1.3