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MARCH 2023
All calendar events for the April 2023 issue must be received by March 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit,visit NABuxMont.com/pages/calendar or email Kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for a submission form.
Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo – 3/3, 5-9pm; 3/4 10am-7pm; 3/5, 10am-5pm. Plan to attend this outstanding holistic experience at the NJ Convention and Exposition Center, 97 Sunfield Ave., in Edison. With over 150 unique and expansive exhibiting participants and co-creators, this promises to once again be an amazing connection with like-minded souls. Vendors and speakers are still being welcomed. Tickets will be available at the door and on Eventbrite. For more information, visit HeartOfOnenessHolisticExpo.com.
Feng Shui and Be Happy (Hour) – 6-7:30pm. Join Linda for this fun Friday night, to discuss Feng Shui philosophy, the energy forces to harmonize your personal space, and decorating trends to transform your home. Workshop is BYOB. $35. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales. 215-661-0510. WholeBodyYogaStudio. com/workshops.
Restorative Yoga with Reiki – 7:309:30pm. You will be lead through meditative, restorative postures that allow our bodies the space to release, to relax, and to renew. Jenni will individually connect to each person with Reiki. $45. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales. 215-661-0510. WholeBodyYogaStudio.com/workshops.
Joint Relieving and Body Mapping – 1-2:30pm. You’ll be guided towards awareness of your breath and body in the present moment, exploring each joint, helping each one to release and relax. $35. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales. 215-661-0510. WholeBodyYogaStudio.com/workshops.
Sound Bath Meditation – 11am-12noon and 3/22 at 6:30pm. Show up as you are to relax and receive. Each gathering includes a mix of guided breathwork and somatic experiencing to soothe the nervous system. Once settled into our bodies, we ease into a long shavasana bathing in the healing tones of crystal singing bowls and channeled universal light; allowing our energy centers to align and expand. $25. Full Circle Energy Therapies, 1105 Taylorsville Rd., Ste 305, Washington Crossing. For information and to register, visit Linktr.ee/FullCircleEnergy. Singing Bowls with Peter Olsen – 5:306:30pm. Experience the pure harmonic tone of the crystal singing bowls at this immersive sound bath, the effect of which is like a “vibrational massage” or an “inner tuning” that helps to restore balance on both a physiological and energetic level. Bring a yoga mat, blanket and/or cushions for comfort. Age limit 12 and older. $25. Yoga Loka, 23 Race Street, Frenchtown Borough. 908-268-7430. Register at yoga.karmasoft. io/member/workshops/12206/book.
Solutions for Heart Disease and Blood Pressure – 12:30-1:30pm. Join us for a presentation by Dr. Julie Lachman on how you can naturally address heart disease and high blood pressure. Show your heart some love by attending! Lunch is provided and seating is limited. Registration is required to reserve your spot. Please call our office at 267-406-0782. Free. Dr. Lachman, 1432 Easton Rd, Warrington. 267-406-0782. DrLachman.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis –9-11:45am. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 9-10am. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 10-11am. Better Sleep with Hypnosis – 11-1145am. $60 each session. Hypnosis Counseling Center, 28 Mine St., Flemington. For more information, contact Barry at 908-303-7767, or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter.com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Holistic Health and Healing Expo – 10am5pm. This outstanding expo is the go-to resource for natural wellness and green living. Now accepting vendor and speaker applications. The Westin Hotel, 555 Fellowship Rd., Mount Laurel. For more information, contact Shae Marcus at 856797-2227. HHHExpo.com.
Change Your Life with Hypnosis – 6:309:30pm. Barry Wolfson leads three one-hour sessions. Take any or all for tools to help you change your life for the better. Stop Smoking with Hypnosis – 6:30-7:30pm. Lose Weight with Hypnosis – 7:30-8:30pm. Better Sleep with Hypnosis – 8:30-9:30pm. $60 each session. South Orange/Maplewood Adult School, 17 Parker Ave., Maplewood. For more information, contact Barry at 908-3037767 or barry@hypnosiscounselingcenter. com. HypnosisCounselingCenter.com.
Reiki Share – 6:30-8:30pm. All welcomeNo experience necessary. A collaborative healing event where all participate in the energy healing of each other. . $25. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales. 215-661-0510. WholeBodyYogaStudio.com/workshops.
Plan Ahead
Holistic Health and Healing Expo – 10am5pm. This outstanding expo is the go-to resource for natural wellness and green living. Now accepting vendor and speaker applications. Philadelphia Mainline, The Inn at Villanova University, Radnor. For more information, contact Shae Marcus at 856797-2227. HHHExpo.com.
sunday monday
Beginner Yoga Series for Dudes – 4-5:30pm. Thinking about starting yoga? Join Jeff as he teaches you the basics with breath work and postures. This workshop meets on Sundays for 6 weeks (No class Easter 4/9). $120. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales. 215-661-0510. WholeBodyYogaStudio.com/workshops.
Prenatal Yoga Classes – 6-7pm. Designed to nourish expectant mothers during their journey, students will learn to connect with their own innate wisdom, body, and growing baby. Strengthen pelvic muscles, improve circulation, and increase comfort. $25 per class/ $130 for 6 classes. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E. Walnut St., North Wales. 215-661-0510. WholeBodyYogaStudio. com/class-descriptions/north-walesprenatal-yoga.