26 minute read
ACUPUNCTURE FOR ANIMALS Needles Work Wonders on Pets
Needles make most pet parents cringe, but those used for acupuncture don’t hurt animals, they help. They are what traditional Chinese veterinary medicine has used for thousands of years to enhance blood circulation, balance the nervous system and promote release of pain-relieving hormones in animals ranging from rabbits to horses.
“It’s a holistic approach that pinpoints the issues, unlike medicines that must go through the entire body,” says C.J. Schnier, coach for the University of Wisconsin women’s polo team. The five thoroughbreds and a quarter horse on her Verona, Wisconsin, farm have a standing appointment every three weeks with a veterinarian that performs acupuncture for their injuries, arthritis, colic and immune systems.
Since the founding of the Boulder, Colorado-based International Veterinary Acupuncture Society in 1974, the number of certified animal acupuncturists has by Julie Peterson
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Bucks & Montgomery County, PA Edition NABuxMont.com grown from 80 to about 1,800, making the specialty more accessible worldwide.
Treating the Ark Beyond the usual four-legged friends, acupuncture helps animals such as reptiles, rabbits and livestock as a complement to Western medicine or other body work to alleviate pain and speed recovery. “All animals can have acupuncture,” says veterinarian Carol Jean Tillman, of the Animal Kingdom Veterinary Hospital, in Las Vegas. She uses acupuncture for dogs and cats with musculoskeletal conditions such as lameness due to injuries, arthritis and paralysis, and also finds it helpful for allergies, immune system problems and digestive issues.
A 2016 review of veterinary acupuncture clinical trials published in the American Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine concluded that it was safe and effective in treating a wide range of medical conditions like canine hip dysplasia, pain from osteoarthritis and surgery, intervertebral disc disease, seizure disorders, vomiting, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiac and respiratory problems, and depression and anxiety.
The Many Methods Dry needle acupuncture is what most people recognize—the use of thin, solid, metallic needles inserted into specific meridian acupoints on a body. There is also aquapuncture, that involves injection of a liquid, such as diluted vitamin B 12 , into an acupoint to relieve muscle pain and discomfort. Moxibustion is a technique used for joint stiffness or allergies in which a heated Chinese herbal compound is applied to or held over acupoints. Electrostimulation, sending an electrical current through pairs of inserted needles, takes less time and creates longer-lasting effects.
“Electrostimulation is very effective for treating neurological conditions such as radial nerve paralysis, facial nerve paralysis, disc disease and any condition that requires strong stimulation,” says veterinarian Bernadette Aleksey, at the Adorable Pets Veterinary Center, in Haddam, Connecticut. She regularly treats dogs, cats and horses for arthritis, neck and back pain, as well as neurological and gastrointestinal problems. Results similar to acupuncture can be obtained without using needles. Acupressure using hands, cupping therapy using special cups or cool laser stimulation using low levels of light can stimulate hard-to-reach acupoints or work for animals that are too restless for needles. “Depending on the severity of the condition, acupuncture treatment could be recommended daily for several days, then spaced out to every week, then as-needed or once a month,” says Tillman. Precise placement of tiny needles into an ailing dog or a massive horse seems fraught with risk, but the animals only need to be gently restrained and plied with treats during the first treatment. They generally relax quietly for subsequent treatments. Even Sienna, Schnier’s typically reactive thoroughbred mare, stands still for acupuncture around a swollen eye. “She knows it’s being done to help her,” Schnier says. And her 17-year-old cat held still for tiny needles placed in the sinus areas that helped it breathe better.
In a clinical setting, pets may be more apprehensive, but there are workarounds such as lasers or aquapuncture. “We provide a relaxing environment. The lighting is dimmed, we play relaxing music and treats are encouraged,” says Aleksey.
Pet parents can search for a certified veterinary acupuncturist at ivas.org/vets.
Julie Peterson writes about pets, health and environmental issues. Connect at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.
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anesthesia and likely oral surgery. But what about the Goldilocks pets that fall into the sweet spot of early dental disease and agreeable personalities? Why do veterinarians shy away from anesthesia-free cleanings? The answers are complex, and many concerns have merit. Let’s examine the two most common objections.
by Laura Weis D ental disease, and the associated pain and secondary health complications that accompany it, plague our companion animals. The first article in this two-part series examined the roles that diet, chewing, home care and professional cleaning all play in slowing the rate of plaque deposition that mineralizes to form tartar, and the ensuing periodontal disease and infections that follow.
Most advice for pet parents stops at this point. There is another option, considered controversial by many veterinarians and frowned upon by the American Veterinary Dental College, that is worth evaluating. “Open Wide!” Think about the process that happens during a typical visit to the “people” dental hygienist. First there is a conversation about any problems that have been noted since the last visit (typically six months earlier), and then the hygienist examines each tooth, sometimes measuring the periodontal pocket depths and noting any pathology. Each tooth is scaled above and below the gum line, then polished and flossed. The teeth are rinsed, and there is an exam by the dentist. The whole process can range from mildly unpleasant to quite uncomfortable, depending to the degree of oral health or disease. The veterinary profession has struggled with incorporating the concept of biannual cleanings for pets, which would help to significantly decrease periodontal disease. The financial cost and risks (although typically small) of anesthesia twice a year need to be weighed against the benefits of slowing the progression of disease and decreasing the necessity of extracting decaying teeth.
Many cats and dogs are simply not candidates for even considering anesthesiafree cleaning, due to temperaments that would not allow extended cleaning and probing of the mouth. Another group of companion pets has an oral pathology that is too extensive to be addressed without 1. Anesthesia-free cleanings are performed by unqualified individuals. This is absolutely valid in many cases. Anyone considering an awake dental procedure for their pet should ask about the credentials of the person performing the procedure. She needs to have specialized training and be working under the on-site supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Typically, these cleanings should be performed by a licensed veterinary technician with advanced schooling in oral health and disease, as well as the unique techniques and skills needed for anesthesiafree dental cleanings. This is not a procedure that can be performed by a pet groomer or inexperienced technician. 2. Anesthesia-free cleanings may miss more serious disease. Again, this can be a valid concern. When a pet is examined by a veterinarian prior to an anesthesia-free cleaning, she will note in the medical record a level or “Grade” of disease, on a scale of one to four, with Pet Dental Health

four being the most severe. Only Grade 1 and some Grade 2 pets should be considered as candidates for awake cleanings; Grades 3 and 4 require additional diagnostics and interventions under anesthesia. A qualified technician should be able to scale above and below the gum line during an awake cleaning, just as during a human dental cleaning. However, dental radiography can be performed only with anesthesia, and some periodontal disease can be diagnosed only with the help of X-rays. Common sense dictates that for human dental care, X-rays are taken on a schedule appropriate for each individual, with cleanings at least every six months. Why not follow these same guidelines for companion animals?
In an ideal world, all pet parents would brush their pets’ teeth twice daily, feed a species-appropriate diet and provide ample opportunity for chewing that acts as a natural disruptor of the plaque and biofilm that accumulate on teeth. Even if all of these good habits are deployed, dogs and cats will still develop periodontal disease. Instead of dismissing all non-anesthesia dental cleaning as inadequate, a more responsible and thoughtful approach is to tailor the appropriateness of the procedure to each individual pet. Holistic medicine shines in recognizing that the “one-sizefits-all” approach of much of conventional medicine results in suboptimal outcomes. Awake dental cleanings can be a part of superior oral care for some pets.
Dr. Laura Weis and her husband, Dr. Ransome Weis, own and operate Doylestown Veterinary Hospital & Holistic Pet Care, and Holiday House Pet Resort & Training Center, in Doylestown. She focuses on homeopathy and nutrition counseling for her clients within the full-service veterinary practice. Call 215-345-6000 to request an appointment. See ad, page 31.

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Any Given Wednesday

by Nicole Zornitzer
Have a Vision for Local Yoga? Sponsor this Page
Today I was awoken with a jolt
before the sun had risen. Today I rushed to the ER with my mom who verbalized today was the day…
She was dying. She was read to go. She was comfortable with this knowledge.
What we do in the face of crisis is left as an open question. I certainly don’t have the answers. I quite honestly don’t want the answers.
I said the only thing I knew to say… OK
I comforted her and told her she had accomplished all that she needed to. She had loved all that she loved so purely. We know this. She does not need to hold on for us. We understand.
My day began believing today was the last day of her life. 12 hours later, we are back home, she is resting and I am journaling because what else can I do but try to express my sadness via words or expression tomorrow on the mat.
How does one manage the constant fluctuation of emotion? How do we start the day in fear and try to end it in gratitude? How do I digest this all? I don’t know. So I share. I share my pain, my honesty regarding a situation I was not prepared to manage on an average Wednesday morning. I am learning, just as you are, to live. Sometimes I don’t want to partake in this life any longer. But then I look around. I feel the unconditional love of my children who need me. I feel the support of my true friends, not the fair-weather friends. The ones who are here for me every single day. I struggle, just as you may.
Tomorrow, I will awake, another day. What will it bring? I do not know. But what I do know, is that I will persevere. I will show up to life. I will be me. I will be the support I need to be for mom. I will try to find happiness in the smallest of moments. I will arrive on mat and again try to heal for what seems like a lifetime of healing.
Every day is a different experience, we must embrace them all. This is what I try to teach others every day they come to their mats.
Today was a terrible day. Tomorrow will be a new day.
Nicole Zornitzer, ERYT 1000, is a yoga therapist and founder of Niyama Yoga & Wellness Studio in Randolph, New Jersey. NiyamaYogaStudio.com.
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calendar of events Additional events may be canceling as the coronovirus situation develops. Please contact businesses to confirm events before planning to attend, and check back for reschedule dates.
FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Healing the Healers Retreat – Apr 3-5. Healers need to support themselves as part of their work. Join us in retreat with other healers to commune, collaborate, relax and share healing gifts. 5 healthy meals, movement, healing sessions, discussion and fun. Pamper your body, clear your energy and open your spirit to spring. Rejuvenate while making friends with colleagues. $225. The Room At Meadowbrook, 4089 Durham Rd, Ottsville. Lyn Hicks, 215-813-4073. Info@TheRoomAtMeadownbrook. com. TheRoomAtMeadowbrook.com.
FRIDAY, APRIL 10 Book Release Dance Party – 6-9pm. Food, live music w/ DJ. Release and signing of book number one in the new series Meatball Man and Hoagie Boy in the Fusion of Inclusion–Where Friends Meat, authored by Special Olympics athlete Mark Graham and Special Olympics Coach Sean Hanley. Books $15, T-shirts $19. Lansdale YMCA Commons Lobby, 608 E Main St. MeatballManHoagieBoy.com.
SATURDAY, APRIL 11 Second Saturday Mystic Holistic Market – 10am4pm. Join us every second Saturday through June at Talking Feathers Wellness Center for some retail therapy, holistic services, assorted readings. Each month will be a fresh new market for you to experience. Angel oracle card readings, apparel, crystals, crystal energy healing, jewelry, reiki sessions and more. Free. Talking Feathers Wellness Center, 239 Main St, East Greenville. HolyFeathersReiki@ yahoo.com. HolyFeathersReiki.massageplanet.com.
THURSDAY, APRIL 16 Beginner Yoga Series for Dudes – Thurs, Apr 16- May 21. 7-8:15pm. Step-by-step instructions for beginners. Men of all ages, body types and athletic ability will learn to work comfortably through a variety of foundational yoga postures and breathing techniques. This is the place to start yoga if you

have never tried yoga. 6-week series on Thursdays, starting April 16. $108. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E Walnut St, North Wales. Patty Ferry, 215- 661-0510. Patty@WholeBodyYogaStudio.com. WholeBodyYogaStudio.com/workshops.
SATURDAY, APRIL 18 Earth Day Festival – 10am-3pm. Join us as we celebrate our 5th annual Earth Day Festival and the 50th Birthday of Earth Day. Bucks County Audubon Society Visitor Center, 2877 Creamery Rd, New Hope. 215-297-5880. Bcas@Bcas.org. Bcas.org. Spring FunFest – Apr 18-19. Geared toward visitors of all ages, this fun-packed weekend festival will include outdoor food and drink, sidewalk sales, live entertainment and kids’ activities. A central attraction of the festival will be PEEPS in the Village, a free display featuring all kinds of unique marshmallow creations. Free. Peddler’s Village, 100 Street Rd, New Hope. 215-794-4000. PeddlersVillage.com. Sound Healing & Restorative Yoga Workshop – 2-4pm. Find your joy. Feel relaxed and refreshed by joining us for a blissful afternoon of live sound healing with gongs, sound bowls and bells, in restorative yoga poses with essential oils. Awaken your inner guide and feel your inner freedom as you take this time to heal your body and mind. $35. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E Walnut St, North Wales. Patty Ferry, 215-661-0510. Patty@WholeBodyYogaStudio. com. WholeBodyYogaStudio.com/workshops.
FRIDAY, APRIL 24 Teen Yoga Class – 7:30-8:45pm. A teen yoga class filled with positive vibes and peer support. Students delve deeper into the world of yoga, merging the physical and emotional benefits of yogic discipline, discovering awareness in the present moment, stress relief and deep relaxation. Includes conversations about issues special to being a teen. $15. Whole Body Yoga Studio, 103 E Walnut St, North Wales. Patty Ferry, 215-661-0510. Patty@WholeBodyYogaStudio. com. WholeBodyYogaStudio.com/workshops.
SUNDAY, APRIL 26 Spring Fest! – 4-7pm. 1st annual Spring Fest! A celebration of great food, great drinks and great people. Enjoy drinks by Workhorse Brewing Co. and local wineries and food by Mission BBQ, at this causal fundraiser benefiting the Literacy Council of Norristown. Ticket prices begin at $60. Workhorse Brewing Company, 250 King Manor Dr, King of Prussia. Eventbrite.com. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 Pet Acupuncture & Chiropractic – 7-9pm. Holistic veterinary medicine is expanding the horizons of pet health care. Dr David MacDonald will discuss veterinary acupuncture and chiropractic – holistic techniques that promote pet health, including increased mobility and joint health, better healing and pain management, and a strong immune system. Q&A. Search "Pet Acupuncture" to register. $30. Community School of New Hope Solebury, 182 W Bridge St, New Hope. 215-297-0500. Ssreg.com/csnhs.
plan ahead
Empowered Light Holistic Expo May 1-3 Fri 4-9pm; Sat 9am-7pm; Sun 10am-5pm Enjoy inspiring lectures, meditations, alternative healing treatments, as well as angelic and intuitive readings. Try healthy food samples, and purchase natural products or unique gift items. Empowered Light Holistic Expo will focus on healthier lifestyles, stress reduction and self-care as well as new information, ideas and connection Greater Philadelphia Expo Center Halls D & E, Oaks, PA Sue Greenwald, 484-459-3082 EmpoweredLightExpo@gmail.com EmpoweredLight.com
Hempadelphia 2020 Cannabis Lifestyle Expo June 6-7 Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm A first-of-its-kind cannabis event in the Philadelphia area, featuring educational lectures, vendors of hemp and CBD tinctures, edibles, topicals, pet care, clothing, jewelry, bags, and more. Cost: $225 Greater Philadelphia Expo Center at Oaks 100 Station Ave, Oaks, PA 484-754-EXPO Hempadelphia.live
Submit your listing online at NABuxMont.com by the 5th of the month, one month prior to publication. Please email Editor@NABuxMont.com with questions.
60+ Yoga – Noon-1pm. A regular yoga practice will help you improve mental well-being, decrease chronic pain, sleep better and live with more ease and peace. Class meets every Wednesday and Sunday. Mention Natural Awakenings to get your first class free. Kindred Yoga, 1364 Welsh Rd, North Wales. Christa Stebbing, 267-664-1022. Christa@ KindredYogaStudio.com. KindredYogaStudio.com. Philly Lyme Support Group – 2-4pm. 1st Sun. Our peer support group is for individuals with Lyme disease or co-infections and their loved ones. Online meetings also available. Check our sites on FB and Meetup for details. Free. 1108 E Willow Grove Ave, Wyndmoor. Emily Yost, 267-586-0482. EYost@ RiverRock.org. MeetUp.com/Philadelphia-LymeDisease-Support-Group.
Yoga with Dr Cheikin – 6:15-7:30pm. Ongoing class taught by a medical doctor, offered at gentle/ beginner level. Includes informal discussion of relevant health topics. Dr Cheikin has studied yoga, Feldenkrais and dance for over 40 years and has taught for over 20 years. Beautiful quiet studio with easy parking. Please call before coming to first class. $15. Center for Optimal Health, 832 Germantown Pike, Ste 3, Plymouth Meeting. Office staff, 610- 239-9901. Query@C4oh.org. Cheikin.com/yoga. Mental Health Support Group – 6:30-7:30pm. Join 4 The M.I.N.D.S. for its weekly peer-to-peer support group. We welcome family, friends and individuals that suffer from mental illness. Aldie Medical Arts Building, 11 Welden Dr, Doylestown. 4TheMINDS@gmail.com. 4TheMINDS.org.
60+ Yoga – Noon-1pm. A regular yoga practice will help you improve mental well-being, decrease chronic pain, sleep better and live with more ease and peace. Class meets every Wednesday and Sunday. Mention Natural Awakenings to get your first class free. Kindred Yoga, 1364 Welsh Rd, North Wales. Christa Stebbing, 267-664-1022. Christa@ KindredYogaStudio.com. KindredYogaStudio.com.
Intuitive Medium Counseling Sessions – 5-8pm. One Thursday per month – occasionally moved to accommodate need, by appointment only. In-person sessions with Linda Harbaugh. Linda has over 20 years of experience as a teacher, psychic and coach. Linda receives intuitive messages identifying root causes of blockages associated with physical and
emotional pain. She helps refine client attitude and lifestyle for optimal health. $50. Center for Optimal Health, 832 Germantown Pk, Plymouth Meeting. Michael Cheikin, 610-239-9901. Query@CohLife. org. CohLife.org. Yoga with Dr Cheikin – 7:30-8:45am. Ongoing class taught by a medical doctor, offered at gentle/ beginner level. Includes informal discussion of relevant health topics. Dr Cheikin has studied yoga, Feldenkrais and dance for over 40 years and has taught for over 20 years. Beautiful quiet studio with easy parking. Please call before coming to first class. $15. Center for Optimal Health, 832 Germantown Pk, Ste 3, Plymouth Meeting. Office staff, 610-239- 9901. Query@C4oh.org. Cheikin.com/yoga.
Spirituality Health & Awareness Group – 10- 11am. Awaken your spirituality from within every Friday morning. Experience and discover your own spirituality, health and awareness. Through interactive discussions, participants will reveal their own blocks and fears toward health and create a life of awareness, using ancient philosophies that provide insight into the essence and meaning of life. All are welcome. $30. M.E. Matters, 668 Woodbourne Rd, Langhorne. David Piltz, 215-914-5344. Admin@ MeMatters.org. MeMatters.org.
Breakfast Benefits: Learn about Laser Treatment – 9am. 2nd Sat. All are welcome to share breakfast and learn about the benefits of laser treatment. Facilitated by Dr Paul M Bizzaro, DC. Free. The offices of Dr Bizzaro, 81 S Main St, Yardley. RSVP to 215-493-6589. DrPaulBizzaro.com.
$30 for 30 words, then $1/word. Email Editor@NABuxMont.com by the 5th, or call Joe at 908-405-1515.
FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL ROOM(S) in professional setting in Warrington. Massage, counseling, nutrition, etc. Work free for 30 days. 267-406-0782.
Attention yoga teachers, massage therapists, nutritionists, reiki and healing practitioners: supplement your income and expand your repertoire of expertise as a COLON HYDROTHERAPIST. This unique healing modality has immediate earning potential. Train and work locally within months. Cathy@InnerSpa.org.
Age-Defying Habits Plus: Healthy Immune System JAN HEALTHY LIFESTYLES ISSUE
Cardiovascular Health Plus: Regenerative Medicine
Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet Plus: CBD MAR
Grassroots Climate Crisis Strategies Plus: Healthy Home
Autoimmune Breakthroughs Plus: Protein & Collagen Connection MAY
Inspired Lifestyle Travel Plus: Brain Health
Beyond Factory Farming Plus: Gut Health
Biological Dentistry Plus: Environmental Education AUG
Emotional Well-Being Plus: Adaptive Yoga SEP SELF-EMPOWERMENT ISSUE
Stress Management Plus: Joint Health
Personalized Diabetes Strategies Plus: Skin Care NOV
Creating Community & Connection Plus: Spending Locally
business directory Bucks/Montgomery Community
Your local source for natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle Join the community! Request our media kit today by emailing Publisher@NABuxMont.com
Behavioral Health
M.E. Matters 668 Woodbourne Rd, Ste 108, Langhorne 215-914-5344 MEMatters.org
Psychological and behavioral health services for individuals, couples, teens and families where mind, body and spirit matter. We offer neurofeedback, therapy and a spirituality awareness group. Our goal is to help you experience life with increased awareness and without fear. See ad, page 25.
Chiropractic Care
Dr Paul M Bizzaro, DC 81 S Main St, Yardley 215-493-6589 • DrPaulBizzaro.com
My mission is to educate people to the benefits of chiropractic, nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Over 40 years experience (personal and professional) allows me to relate to your problem(s). Services include non-force chiropractic, nutritional testing, utilizing test kits/panels, Chirothin weight loss, massage (covered by most insurance) and laser therapy for pain. Personalized attention guaranteed. See ad, page 17.
Dentistry - Holistic
Dental Wellness Centre Hyo J. Lim DMD 216 Mall Blvd, Ste 11, King of Prussia 610-265-4485 DentalWellnessCentre.com
Dr. Hyo Lim provides a holistic approach to exceptional dentistry, in a warm and caring environment. At Dental Wellness Centre, mercury- and metal-free restorations are used for the most biocompatible results. Biocompatibility testing for dental materials is available. Invisalign is offered as an alternative to metal braces. Zirconium and titanium implants are offered to replace damaged or missing teeth. Free digital X-rays with initial consultation. See ad, page 24.
Holistic Dental Center Vladimir Gashinsky, DDS 91 Millburn Ave, Milburn, NJ 973-457-4688 HolisticDentalCenterNJ.com
Holistic dental care that is good for the body as well as teeth and gums. By treating the cause, not just the symptoms, Dr. Gashinsky helps improve his patients’ quality of life through dental care that respects and honors the body. See ad, back cover.
Lanap & Implant Center of PA David DiGiallorenzo, DMD Henry Hsu, DMD 184 W Main St, Collegeville 610-409-6064 • PerioImplants.us
Providing oral health solutions through holistic, biologically compatible and organic practices. One of the world's most accomplished centers for periodontal and implant care, which integrates wellness services into their therapeutic approach. Experience with immediate total tooth replacement with metal-free dental implants, treating gum disease with LANAP, a no-cut, no-sew method of treating gum disease, comfortable gum grafting with PRGF, implant denture solutions, and chronic pain management. See ad, page 11.
Essential Oils
Peggy Washburn Wellness Advocate doTERRA International 208-859-9155 MyPerfectLifeToday.com
Sharing natural health and wellness with the world through doTERRA Essential Oil. I’ve been “changing lives one oil at a time” with doTERRA since 2008. The purity and freshness of every product is unmatched, and the scents are amazing. See ad, page 9.
Ascend Hospice 108 Cowpath Rd, Stes 3 & 4, Lansdale 215-542-2100 AscendHospice.com
Bringing a personalized and holistic approach to hospice care. Our trained volunteers offer aromatherapy, massage therapy, reiki and pet therapy to bring healing and wholeness to clients and their families. See ad, page 25.
Life Coaching - Gestalt
Step Into Joy Healing Arts Joan Summers, Certified Gestalt Coach, Trauma Professional and Reiki Master 267-272-9343 • StepIntoJoyHealingArts.com Joan@StepIntoJoyHealingArts.com
Experience deep and long-lasting healing. Joan offers healing for her clients who are tired of feeling stuck, disconnected or without purpose. She offers Gestalt Life Coaching, Equine Gestalt Life Coaching and reiki, and you may choose to customize your session. See ad, page 33.
Medical Doctor - Holistic
Michael Cheikin, MD Center for Optimal Health 832 Germantown Pk, Ste 3, Plymouth Meeting 610-239-9901 • Cheikin.com
For 30+ years, Dr Cheikin has helped patients achieve root-cause level healing using education, nutrition, yoga and other methods. Specializing in physiatry, pain and medical acupuncture, he also offers special testing for deficiencies, toxicities, infections and allergies. See ad, page 9.
Journey To The Self Linda Harbaugh, Intuitive Medium Certified Life Coach/Reiki Practitioner Linda@JourneyToTheSelf.com JourneyToTheSelf.com • 484-904-9268
Delivering messages of love and guidance from deceased loved ones and spirit guides via readings and intuitive reiki sessions. A certified life coach, Linda also offers intuitive coaching packages to help you navigate life, jobs and relationships. Psychology degree, former teacher, 30 years business experience. Telephone or in person.
MLS Laser Therapy
MLS Laser Therapy Dr Paul Bizzaro, DC 81 S Main St, Yardley 215-493-6589 • DrPaulBizzaro.com
Get permanent relief for your pain without drugs, shots or surgery with FDA-approved laser therapy. Benefits include speedy healing process, pain-free, extremely safe with no known side effects. Don’t live in pain anymore. See ad, page 17.
Naturopathic Doctor
Julie Lachman, ND LLC 1432 Easton Rd, Ste 3G, Warrington 267-406-0782 • DrLachman.com
Licensed naturopathic doctor Julie Lachman, ND, trained as a naturopathic physician at the prestigious Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is considered an expert in hormonal and neurological disorders due to the amount of study she has done and the number of people she has helped. See ad, page 16.
Nutritional Healing
Center for Natural Healing Jeffrey L Griffin, DC Bailiwick Office Campus, Ste 26, Doylestown 215-348-2115 • C4NH.com
Feeling poorly? Lacking answers? Improvement at a standstill? Locate the source of stress and the treatment becomes obvious. Mention Dr. Jeff’s 35 years of experience when you call and receive a free phone consultation to learn how we can start helping you today. See ad, page 19.
Step Into Joy Healing Arts Joan Summers, Certified Intuitive Reiki Master and Gestalt Coach 267-272-9343 • StepIntoJoyHealingArts.com Joan@StepIntoJoyHealingArts.com
Experience peace of mind, enlightened awareness and physical restoration. The connections between physical pain and emotional trauma are often revealed during an intuitive reiki session. It is a practice of compassion and spiritual connection. See ad, page 33.
Retreat Experience
Harmony Mountain Institute Dr Peter Amato, PhD, DNM 131 Reynolds Rd, N Abington Township 570-558-7450 Info@HarmonyMountainInstitute.com HarmonyMountainInstitute.com
Harmony Mountain Institute brings you the ultimate Zen retreat experience. We provide a transformational weekend experience for those on a spiritual journey to become free of chronic illness, negative thinking and addictive behaviors all while experiencing luxurious self-care. See ad, page 21.
Sexuality Coaching
Michelle Christine Sacred Rose Unity Barn, 4000 Sawmill Rd, Doylestown MichelleChristine@SacredRose444.com 215-840-8139 • SacredRose444.com
Michelle Christine supports women to reclaim and redefine their sexuality in any stage of their lives. Together we will work on helping you to love, nourish and celebrate yourself and your divine femininity. See ad, page 33.
Spa - Holistic
Inner Spa 4 Terry Dr, Ste 12, Atrium Bldg, Newtown Info@InnerSpa.org • 215-968-9000 InnerSpa.org • InnerVitalitySpa.com
A fully organic, holistic, eco-friendly wellness spa featuring an array of detoxification, cleansing and therapeutic services. The spa is one of the only facilities in the area to offer colon hydrotherapy. See ad, page 13.
Lisa's Thermography and Wellness Lisa Mack, CCT, HHC Thermographer and Holistic Counselor See website for locations in NJ, NY & PA 855-667-9338 Lisa@LisasThermographyAndWellness.com LisasThermographyAndWellness.com
Thermography gives an early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem – inflammation. Early-stage disease screening is an area in which thermography excels. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, or you are merely curious about the state of your health, thermography can help provide answers. Radiation-free breast and full-body screenings for men and women. See ads, pages 20 and 18.
Veterinary - Holistic
Doylestown Veterinary Hospital & Holistic Pet Care 380 N Shady Retreat Rd, Doylestown 215-345-6000 DoylestownVeterinaryHospital.com
Improving the lives of pets through acupuncture, herbal therapy, homeopathy, nutritional counseling and integration of holistic therapies with conventional medicine for customized approach to care. See ad, page 31.
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