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El Niño Is Here
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, El Niño and La Niña are the warm and cool phases of a climate pattern across the tropical Pacific. The patterns shift back and forth every two to seven years and vary in strength, causing changes in ocean temperature that lead to droughts, floods and heat waves in different parts of the world.
El Niño has the strongest influence on U.S. winter weather, but in the summer, it reduces hurricane activity in the Caribbean and Atlantic. The pattern also makes it wetter across the southern third to half of the country, including California, while regions in the Pacific Northwest and parts of the Ohio Valley are dry and warm. Outside the U.S., El Niño brings drier weather to Australia, Indonesia, India, and parts of southern Africa and northern South America, and wetter conditions in Southeast Argentina, parts of Chile and Northeast Africa.
This year’s El Niño formed earlier than usual, increasing the possibility of a strong effect on the weather, which when combined with human-caused warming, could result in record high global temperatures. Experts also say it is possible that record hot Atlantic Ocean water may counteract El Niño’s usual suppression of hurricanes this year.
Saving the Dead Sea
The Dead Sea is one of the most unique bodies of water in the world. It is the lowest spot on Earth and home to rich, therapeutic minerals. However, each year, its water level drops about four feet, causing the lake to recede and the surrounding landscape to change dramatically. As the water continues to dry up, beautiful, yet eerie, salt formations are left at the shore. These salt deposits create huge sinkholes that swallow up beaches, parking lots, and basil and watermelon farms surrounding the lake.
While climate change seems to be exacerbating the
New Species Found in Deep-Sea Mining Zone
Biologists have discovered more than 5,000 new species of marine life in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), an untouched seabed in the Pacific Ocean spanning nearly 2 million square miles between Hawaii and Mexico. Remarkably, approximately 90 percent of the species are entirely new to science. In a paper published in the journal Current Biology, scientists provided the first list of CCZ species, although most of them have not yet been named or described. The checklist focuses on multicellular ani mals dwelling on the ocean floor.
This research is crucial for assessing the potential consequences of deep-sea mining in the CCZ. The seafloor is rich with cobalt, manganese, nickel, copper and zinc— minerals that are critical for renewable energy technologies. Already, 31 exploration contracts have been awarded to several mining companies. Excavation in the CCZ has not yet begun, and scientists, activists and governments have urged caution until researchers are able to evaluate and better understand the impact that mining would have on this unique marine ecosystem.
receding water, the progressive decline of the Dead Sea is primarily caused by another manmade issue. Fresh water that used to flow from the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River into the Dead Sea is being diverted for drinking water and irrigation in Israel, Jordan and Syria. Additionally, Israeli and Jordanian companies consistently evaporate Dead Sea water to harvest its minerals. Potential solutions to save this world beauty include building a canal from the Red Sea and boosting the Jordan River’s flow into the Dead Sea. A lack of significant action to desalinate the lake may lead to the loss of this historical site.