7 minute read
by Sharon Reese Chud
Goldfinch4ever/DepositPhotos.com Mold is a biotoxin that can cause chronic illness. While mostly found in wet and damp buildings and homes, or ones recently flooded, it can also be found in new homes if wood for building has been piled outside and gotten wet in rainy weather. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) 24% of homes and buildings in the US in 2022 have mold toxicity. Other sources have recorded between 50% and 70% of homes are toxic with mold infestations. This can cause a myriad of health problems for those living or working in these structures.
General symptoms may include asthma, acute bronchitis, sinuse congestion/infection, and cognitive impairments such as difficulty with memory, retention of new information, finding the word you’re looking for and brain fog. Shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and headaches are also prevalent. Chronic fatigue, weakness, static shocks, muscle twitching, vertigo, and tremors are often seen. There can be sudden changes in mood and weight gain or loss. There might be a heightened sense of anxiety that is not usual.
This is especially challenging for those who fall into the 25%27% of the general population that have one of 9 extra genes on their HLA chromosome. In the presence of mold or other biotoxins such as Lyme for 72 hours or more, this gene activates and that is the defect. The immune system starts cranking out and the brain gets inflamed. Often they become very sick. Extreme fatigue can lead to becoming bed ridden with chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS). The gene trigger may partly explain why people living or working in the same environment respond so differently. The good news is this activation can be reversed.
Functional medicine treatment protocols usually begin with anti-inflammatories to reduce swelling in the brain. Then the detective work begins. Inexpensive testing to identify specific mycotoxins ensure the correct targeted binder is used in treatment, along with anti-fungals in nose and gut. Other body systems may be affected by the mold toxins and need to be tested and corrected, such as hormonal, the digestive system, nervous system, etc. Testing for parasites in the gut may be called for because parasites may hide the mold from treatment.
This comprehensive and holistic approach results in removing hindrances to your body’s natural ability to heal itself and restore health and well-being.
Sharon Reese Chud, AFMC, is a functional medicine practitioner, nutritionist and toxity/detox specialist. She offers a free 20-minute initial consultation. For more information, call/text 215-680-2354, or email schud1234@gmail.com. Visit heal.me/sharonreesechud or SRCDietAnd Wellness.com. See ad, page 11.

global briefs Seattle Providing Electric Vehicle Chargers on Utility Poles Common California Bumble Bees Go Missing
As people switch to electric vehicles (EV) to reduce their emissions, some homeowners and apartment dwellers without charging infrastructure are at a disadvantage. The city of Seattle set a goal to reduce transportation emissions 83 percent below 2008 levels by 2030, and to make things easier, they will install chargers on local utility poles on demand. Seattle City Light will conduct the project as part of a more extensive portfolio of transportation electrification investments and services to help the utility service area transition to zero-emission electric transportation options. Residents can accomplish some emission reductions with public transit, biking, walking and other options, but many still rely on personal vehicles for some trips.
The Curbside Level 2 EV charging program is available to anyone on a first-come, first-serve basis. The person making the request must own or plan to own an EV within the next 12 months, and their existing address must not offer off-street parking (where they could buy their own). Once a request is made, the utility will evaluate the area and ask for input from neighbors before installing a new EV charger. If more than 50 percent of neighboring property owners oppose the chargers, they will not be installed.
Marcio Isensee e Sá/AdobeStock.com
Australian Office Building to Feature Solar Facade
A rooftop solar array and 1,182 solar panels on the sides will adorn an eight-story, $40 million, high-rise planned for West
Melbourne, Australia, to provide the office building with most of its power. Avancis, a German firm producing glass panels containing solar cells, will supply the solar skin. Architect
Pete Kennon says, “These things are possible, and the fact that a building can harness the sunlight from its own skin, it sounds like something you dreamed of, or you saw in a cartoon.” Generating 50 times as much power as a typical home rooftop solar array, the solar skin will save an estimated 77 tons of CO2 emissions each year. Although this will be the first in Australia to use the panels, several projects in Europe have been built with the technology, including the world’s largest wooden skyscraper in Skellefteå, Sweden. “It feels urgent to innovate our building technologies to more sustainable methods,” says Kennon. “Collecting solar is a natural trajectory on our large-scale projects, particularly in locations that have great access to sunlight.” The Western bumble bee, once easily spotted in California, could not be found in a recent survey led by the University of CaliforniaRiverside (UCR). The first statewide census of California bumble bees in 40 years found several other species absent, as well. UCR entomologist Hollis Woodard’s research group collected bees from 17 sites representing six different ecosystems previously known to host a large variety of bumble bees, as documented in the journal Ecology and Evolution. One of the missing species, the Western bumble bee, is an important pollinator of wild plants and crops. “We didn’t find it, even once,” says Woodard. This study was an effort to document changes in bumble bee populations across large geographic areas in California since the last one in the 1980s. Smaller-scale studies have documented significant declines in bumble bee populations around the world due to climate change, development of wild habitat and the use of bee-killing pesticides, so it is important to have data that documents bee health. Bumble bees can fly in cooler temperatures and lower light levels than many other bees, helping to pollinate crops worth $3 billion annually in the U.S., including tomatoes, peppers and cranberries.
Ernie Cooper/AdobeStock.com

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Sharon Reese Chud - SRC Diet and Wellness
It’s Time to Feel Good Again
Could your chronic illness be due to toxins?
Sharon Reese Chud, AFMC, inexpensively tests and treats toxicity to help free clients from the misery of chronic disfunction. To identify specific toxins, functional medicine testing kits are sent to clients by two labs that test for the following: Mold • Lyme • Neurotoxins • Mercury • Lead Parasites • Food Allergies • Hidden Infections
Sharon then uses a 6-step detoxification process to remove toxins that hinder natural healing within the body.
Call/Text Today For Your Free 20-Minute Initial Consultation. Sharon Reese Chud, AFMC

SRC Diet and Wellness
Functional Medicine Practitioner : Nutritionist Toxity & Detox Specialist 215-680-2354 call/text | schud1234@gmail.com heal.me/sharonreesechud SRCDietAndWellness.com
“[I had] fatigue, brain fog, skin rashes, breathing issues, daily headaches, anxiety, weight gain, muscle twitching. ... Luckily I found Sharon. She ran the right tests and diagnosed me with mold illness. I followed her instructions and every single symptom is gone. ... Sharon gave me my life back.” — Krystan H.
Zoom appts and remote functional testing are available.
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