25 minute read


How to Nurture Imagination

by Ronica O’Hara

Young children are naturally curious and inventive, yet research shows that their creative thinking skills peak at around age 6 and start to decline once they start formal schooling—a trend that’s accelerating in recent years with kids’ heavy digital use.

This doesn’t bode well for their future on our rapidly changing planet. “Our world continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate. It’s estimated that many of the jobs we will need in 10 or 20 or 30 years haven’t yet been invented,” says children’s education psychologist Charlotte Reznick, Ph.D., author of The Power of Your Child’s Imagination. “Kids of today need to stretch their creative juices to come up with these new jobs and prepare for an ever-challenging and changing world.”

Parents are integral in nourishing creativity, but according to research from the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, the role of parents is less about “teaching” creativity and more about creating a fertile environment in which creativity will take root, grow and flourish. Establishing that rich forum involves some simple strategies. Encourage their curiosity. “An attitude jacob lund/AdobeStock.com of curiosity connected to wonder, acceptance, flexibility and openness can bring out innovation and novelty,” says Reznick. That means not only being responsive to kids’ questions like, “Why do strawberries have seeds on the outside?” but also engaging their imagination to explore the world and to solve everyday problems. “Ask them, ‘What would it take to finish this project?’ Make it fun, brainstorm and mindmap, rather than make linear lists,” she suggests. “Ask open-ended questions, perhaps a bit out of the norm. ‘How did you feel when you were writing

that short story? What colors crossed your mind as you were singing? What music was flowing through your body as you were painting?’ The idea is to mix things up a bit to allow a new take on your child’s emerging creativity.” Let them follow their bliss. “The biggest mistake I see parents making in wanting to encourage creativity is leading their children and telling them what to do,” says Jen Lumanlan, host and founder of the research-based parenting podcast YourParenting Mojo.com. “When we instead see our role not as being the Sage on the Stage but rather the Guide on the Side, we don’t have to drag the child through a curriculum kicking and screaming; instead, the child asks us for more opportunities to follow their interest. They will ask insightful questions, read books, watch videos, draw their ideas, consult with experts, put on plays, develop an understanding of the world with their whole bodies (not just their heads) and teach others. It’s truly incredible to see.” Make creativity easy. Having lots of paper, paints, pens and other craft items on hand in a place where a child can easily access them enables creativity to flow when the mood hits. “You don’t have to have a huge budget for supplies. Save old cardboard boxes, empty paper towel rolls, cereal boxes and scrap paper. Give your child some markers and masking tape. I bet you’ll be amazed at what can be created from the simplest materials,” says Liam Davies, a Berkeley dad of two who blogs about sustainable family fishing at FishingCommand.com.

“Have plenty of loose parts available. Loose parts can be anything your child turns into something else,” suggests Maria Kemery, of Philadelphia, who blogs at the parenting website PlacesWeCallHome.com. “Bottlecaps become money, scarves become a doll’s dress, clean recycle bin items become robot parts or a collection of acorns becomes a bowl of soup. Having an assortment of loose parts encourages your child to engage in symbolic play (substituting one item for another), which builds creativity.” Allow them to be bored. “Kids often complain they are bored. I love that, because bored is also where new ideas come from,” says Reznick. “Our mind abhors a vacuum, so sooner or later, a creative spark will ignite.” That’s what Lorton, Virginia, mom Lauren Schmitz, who blogs at TheSimpleHomeschooler.com, witnessed. “I turned off the screens and stopped trying to provide entertainment for my children and the results were amazing. My middle child, who is the most screen-obsessed kid that I know, started doing things like making her own magazine, building dioramas and putting on plays. She suddenly wanted to paint, build a robot and learn about aerial dancing. Boredom is the best way to give a child space to think, create, imagine and build.”

Natural health writer Ronica O’Hara can be reached at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.


THE AFTERLIFE FREQUENCY: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life

by Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer®

World-renowned 4th generation psychic medium and Oxford educated attorney Mark Anthony bridges the divide between faith and science in this fascinating afterlife exploration taking you around the globe, from the cosmic to the subatomic, into the human soul itself. Combining physics, neuroscience and riveting true stories this book:

• Reveals how our “Electromagnetic Soul” is pure eternal energy which never dies. • Takes spirit communication, near-death experiences, and deathbed visions out of the shadows of superstition and into The Light of 21st Century Quantum Physics. • Teaches Anthony’s “RAFT Technique” to Recognize contact with spirits, Accept it as real, Feel it without fear, and Trust in the experience. • Provides hope for victims of grief, homicide, suicide, PTSD and survivor’s guilt. • Illuminates how contact with spirits is a powerful instrument of healing and love.

“ “To put it bluntly, this is an amazing book that deserves to be enjoyed by millions of readers.”

Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health, University of Arizona and author of “The Afterlife Experiments”.

“Mark Anthony shows that while we cannot control death, we can control how we understand and react to it in healthy ways.”

Bruce Greyson, MD, co-founder of IANDS and author of “After: A doctor Explores what Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond”

Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer® author of The Afterlife Frequency and his other best sellers, Never Letting Go and Evidence of Eternity is cohost of The Psychic & the Doc on The Transformation Network and columnist for Best Holistic Magazine. He appears nationwide on TV and radio as an expert in spirit communication, near-death experiences, paranormal phenomena and as a legal expert.

To get your copy go to: Amazon, fine book stores or ATERLIFEFREQUENCY.com. Also available on audio, narrated by Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer® (Psychic Lawyer®) www.AfterlifeFrequency.com

daily & ongoing SEPTEMBER 2021

All calendar events for the October 2021 issue must be received by September 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit naturalawakeningscnj.com/pages/calendar-listings or email kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for submission form.


Reiki 2 Certificate Training Advanced and Distance Healing – 9/8-10/6; 7-9:15pm; Zoom. Advanced Reiki 2 Practitioners Class with added teachings and symbols. A good refresher and update for current practitioners. Comprehensive course that awakens healing abilities. Learn how to safely send healing, learn how to read energy and develop medical intuition skills. $450. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Rd., Chester. 973647-2500. BetheMedicine.com.


Be The Protected Healer – Noon-4pm; Zoom. Blending Advanced Shamanic and Energy Medicine Teachings. Awaken to more profound, subtle, and gross energy levels and how to work with them. Learn to be a guardian and warrior for yourself, and for clients and students. Recordings sent. Energy attacks and transmissions can be very subtle, and we can miss them and think they are something else and become ill or affected in many ways on one or more levels. Includes free follow-up with Janet StraightArrow, Shaman and Healer. $175-$200; Prepay by 9/7 for a discount. Be The Medicine (Online Sessions-Classes), 48 Frederick Place, Morristown. 973-647-2500. Register at BetheMedicine.com.


Bike Club – 10am. Beginners and experienced riders of all ages are welcome. Residents can register at city hall from Monday through Friday, between 9am and 4pm. Residents may also register the morning of each ride at the event. Cyclers meet at Stephen Gregg Park, near 48th Street at the lower level. Free. For more information, call Pete Amadeo at 201-858-6129 or email BAYONNEREC@AOL.COM. Stephen R. Gregg Park, 930 John F. Kennedy Blvd, Bayonne. BayonneNJ.org/calendar. Guided White Light Meditation – 6pm. One hour guided meditation and imagery. Relaxing, healing, improved sleep and feeling of well-being. $30. Bring mat and pillow to class. $75/per session. Space is limited, so pre-register by calling 908-403-2045. Energy, Health & Wellness, 65 Old Rt 22, Suite 10, Clinton. ReikiEHW.com. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14

Toltec October Retreat: Information Meeting – 6:30-7:30pm, Zoom. Tonight gather on Zoom to discuss details and answer questions about the October Toltec Shamanic Retreat with Shaman Janet StraightArrow. There will be Vision Questing and deeper healing in the process. Leave with experiences, tools, and new positive focus in your life. Free. Be The Medicine (Online In-Person-Sessions-Classes-Retreats), 247 North Rd., Chester. 973-647-2500. For details on the retreat, visit BeTheMedicine.com/event/ healing-toltec-wisdom-retreat/ or call Janet at 973-647-2500. BetheMedicine.com.


The Emerging Self Festival– 9/17-19. Presented by Touch Mother Earth, a 501c# Non-Profit. Come for the day or camp through the weekend! This mind-body-spiritEarth-oriented festival is sure to please, educate and inspire. Live Music, Drum, hiking, yoga, dance healing arts, workshops, classes and circles, plus healthy food and vendors. Location is North Brunswick. TouchMotherEarthProductions@gmail. com. Early Bird tickets and details, visit TouchMotherEarth.com.


Group Hypnosis: Stress Reduction – 9/19 or 9/26; 10 am-11 am. With so much going on in our lives today, it’s difficult to not be effected. Join me in the group hypnosis session to simply relax, reduce stress, blood pressure and negative thoughts on an ongoing basis. Bring mat and pillow to class. $75/ per session. Space is limited, so pre-register by calling 908-403-2045. Energy, Health & Wellness, 65 Old Rt 22, Suite 10, Clinton. ReikiEHW.com.

Autumn Equinox Restorative Class – 1-2:30pm. Begin your autumn transformation with this special class designed to relax and restore you through supported asana (poses), a long yoga nidra and savasana. Prepare your parasympathetic nervous system for the new season.Space is limited; registration is required.You will need: a mat, 4 large towels, 1 blanket, eye pillow (optional). For participation online, you will need 1 chair. $35 per person. Yoga Central, 953 US Hwy 202 North, Branchburg. 908-707-0759. YogaCentralNJ.com. Group Hypnosis: Improve Sleep through Hypnosis – 6-7pm. If you having difficulty falling asleep or are having any sleep disturbances then this session is for you. Bring mat and pillow to class. $75/per session. Space is limited, so pre-register by calling 908-4032045. Energy, Health & Wellness, 65 Old Rt 22, Suite 10, Clinton. ReikiEHW.com.


“I Can’t Do Yoga” Yoga – Sept. 23,30 & Oct. 7; 5:30pm. Brand new to yoga? Always wanted to give it a try. Join us for this 3-part series with other new to yoga participants. Space is limited, reserve your spot today. $25 for the series. Be Here Now Yoga, 63 Main St., Ste. 202, Flemington. For information call 908642-0989, email karen@beherenowyoga108. com or visit BeHereNowYoga108.com. Moving through Grief – 7pm. The class includes gentle movement on the mat or in a chair, and quiet meditation practices for the mind, body, and spirit. Free, but registration is required as space is limited. Be Here Now Yoga, 63 Main St., Ste. 202, Flemington. For information call 908-642-0989, email karen@beherenowyoga108.com or visit BeHereNowYoga108.com.


Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo – 9/2426; 5-9pm; 10am-7pm; 10am-5pm. Over 100 unique holistic experts, practitioners, services and vendors, plus over 25 free lectures, workshops and presentations. Free on Friday; $10 single day; $15 weekend pass. NJ Convention & Exposition Center, 97 Sunfield Ave., Edison. nfo@HeartofOnenessHolisticExpo.com. For more details and full exhibitor list visit HeartofOnenessHolisticExpo.com.

plan ahead


Soul Shamanism 101 Begin the Journey – 10/13-11/10; 7-9:30pm; Zoom. Initiations and Training. Discover your inner space of peace, wisdom, and divine connection. Explore the Shamanic territories of you and learn the highest universal laws to live in your body and life from now on. $350. Be The Medicine (Online Sessions-Classes), 247 North Rd., Chester. 973-647-2500. BeTheMedicine. com.

Healing Ourselves: A Toltec Wisdom Retreat – 10/22, 12noon-10/24, 3pm. Go deeper into your process and understanding as Janet StraightArrow guides you through higher pearls of wisdom to have love and compassion for you as you open the doorways to deep release and resolution—inspiration, love, and clarity to help you move forward. Art Farm, Fawn Lane. Accord, NY. Be The Medicine Janet StraightArrow, shaman, sage, healer. $575. Payment plan available. For information or to register, call 973647-2500 or email Janet@BeTheMedicine. com or visit BeTheMedicine.com/event/ healing-toltec-wisdom-retreat/. BeTheMedicine.com.


Soul Shamanism: The Inner Journey – 11/12, 2pm-11/14, 2pm. Soul Shamanism is a unique practice of Shamanism that grounds us in our everyday world with profound spiritual experiences of our higher dimensional Self. This advanced practice is for spiritual practitioners. You will leave with a practice that connects, heals, relaxes, and informs your life journey. Led by Janet StraightArrow, shaman, sage, healer. Location: Himalayan Institute, Honesdale, PA. $425 (prepaid by 11/7); $450 afterward. For information or to register, call 973-647-2500 or email Janet@ BeTheMedicine.com or visit BeTheMedicine. com/event/soul-shamanism-the-inner-journey/. BeTheMedicine.com.

ongoing daily

Qi Gong for Beginner Series – Times and days vary. Four 1-hour classes. Begin the gentle movements of a Qi Gong Tai Chi journey featuring Patty Pagano live online. First 1-hour class is Free! Check schedule or register at https://forms.gle/k2kcv9tVJ6X1QfpD8. For information contact Patty at 908-3921313 or PattyQigongforHealing@gmail.com. QiGongForHealing.com.


Pop-Up Main Street Pops Artisan Market –11am-4pm. 3rd Sun each month through Nov. A varied collection of local makers, artists offering their unique, hand-crafted creations. New offerings each month. COVID-Compliant Outdoor Space. Free to Attend. Meets under the 14th Street Viaduct, Hoboken. For information, visit MainStreetPops.com/ main-street-pops-artisan-market. Holistic Dentistry: Materials Reactivity Testing – 8am-4pm. Learn about and discuss Materials Reactivity Testing with the expert holistic dentists at Princeton Center for Dental Aesthetics & Implants. Biocompatibility testing can be a good way to learn what dental materials may be best suited to your oral health needs. This free consultation has a $152 value. It’s your opportunity to benefit from the decades of experience we offer all of our patients. For patients who so choose, we can arrange the testing process. FREE $152 value. Princeton Center for Dental Aesthetics & Implants, 11 Chambers Street, Princeton. 609-924-1414. princetondentist.com/holistic-dentistry. Yoga at Country Garden Shed Garden Center – 9:30am. Join Be Here Now Yoga as we practice yoga among the flowers and plants at Country Garden Shed Garden Center. Check our website for additional information. Cost: 1 class credit or drop in $15. Location: 1153 Croton Road, Flemington. For more information, call 908-642-0989, email karen@beherenowyoga108.com or visit BeHereNowYoga108.com.

Have a business opportunity, job opening, space for rent or other need? Place your classified ads here, 30 words for $30, extra words $1 each. Email to Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com by the 10th of the month prior to publication date.


READINGS: Oracle card and palmistry readings offered in person, phone, parties welcome. Spiritually guided channeled messages are for your highest good. Let my gifts guide you! Reasonable rates. Cheryl 908-268-8029.

“What it lies in our power to do, it lies in our power not to do.” - Aristotle


July through September!

Central New Jersey Community business directory

Your local source for natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle. Join the community! Request our media kit today by emailing Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com


Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine 332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • AcuVisionTherapy.com Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health. He is passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Learn of his astounding work in this area—call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, pages 25, 35.

Ayurveda/Women’s Health

7 Chakras Wellness

Jennifer Agugliaro Ayurvedic Practitioner, RN 908-251-1200 • jennifer@7chakraswellness.com 7ChakrasWellness.com Are you tired of feeling unwell? Jennifer offers natural, holistic methods to help you take control of your health and life. She focuses on women’s health issues such as reproductive health, digestion, sleep and anxiety. Book a free consult today. See ad, page 11.


Mothballs In My Attic by MiMa Publications

Cindy O’Neill 173 Maple Avenue, Metuchen 732-887-8111 • mimabook@aol.com MIMABook.com

Snippets lead you on a fun adventure through your own mind to reawakening your own experiences and your own story. Our motto: one word is worth a thousand pictures. It’s time to relax, pull down the attic stairs and enjoy a MiMa Moment.

age 25.CBD Oil

The Hemp Oil Store

Joseph Wilker Cool Breeze Distributors 3 E. Ave., Yardley, PA 855-904-4367, 267-679-2949 coolbreezedist@gmail.com TheHempOilStore.com License Number: 82-2609404

The Hemp Oil Store is a family-owned CBD store. Our goal is to bring you, your pets, and your loved ones high-quality CBD products at affordable prices. Shop online at TheHempOilStore.com with free shipping. We also have curbside pickup and walk-ins are always welcome. See ad, page 20.

Chinese Healing Arts

Qi Gong For Healing

Brian Coffey LMT, and Fran Maher, CA 908-647-1563 QiGongForHealing.com

Specializing in T’ai Chi and Qi Gong classes, as well as private session clinical Qi Gong and acupuncture since 1994. Chinese Medicine weekend seminars teach how to apply clinical Qi Gong remedies to specific disorders. Excellent for the lay person and healthcare providers. All are welcome to observe or join a class. See ad, page 11.


Mindful Experiences

Linda LaMarca Schuler, MA, LPC 908-689-6896 lindaschuler@rocketmail.com LindaLaMarca.com Your mental and emotional well-being is key to living an abundant, healthy, peaceful existence yet reaching out to a therapist may feel uncomfortable. I employ a spiritual, holistic, educational and heart centered philosophy. Virtual sessions are judgment free; HIPPA secure. Plus online courses. See ad, page 17.

Eden Energy Medicine/ Sound Meditation

RedTail Energetics

Karen E Adamo, EEM-AP Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner Phillipsburg, NJ 908-752-0097 (phone or text) Karen@RedTailEnergetics.com RedTailEnergetics.com Experience more joy, peace, calm, health and vitality through the combination of two profoundly effective healing modalities—Eden Energy Medicine, which corrects imbalances in nine different energy systems, and Sound Meditation with authentic bronze Himalayan Singing Bowls and Gongs.

Eye/Vision Health

Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc,

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine 332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • AcuVisionTherapy.com Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health. He is passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Learn of his astounding work in this area—call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy.See ad, pages 25, 35.


Waldorf School Of Princeton

1062 Cherry Hill Rd, Princeton 609-466-1970, x115 PrincetonWaldorf.org

Waldorf School of Princeton

The Waldorf curriculum, used in 1,000+ schools worldwide, integrates arts, academics, movement, and music, emphasizing social and environmental responsibility. The hands-on approach is screen free.

Morningstar Family Health Center

54 Old Highway 22, Clinton 908-735-9344 • MorningStarFHC.com MorningStar’s team of health professionals cares for you like family. Our membership based practice cares for men, women and children age 8 and up with a functional approach to primary care. See ad, page 19.

Holistic Chiropractors

Dr. Paul M. Bizzaro, DC

81 S Main St, Yardley, PA 215-493-6589 • DrPaulBizzaro.com My mission is to educate people to the benefits of chiropractic, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle. Over 40 years experience (personally and professionally) allows me to relate to your problem(s). Services include non-force chiropractic, nutritional testing, utilizing test kits/panels, Chirothin weight loss, massage (covered by most insurance) and laser therapy for pain. Personalized attention guaranteed! See ad, page 2.

Samsara Chiropractic Wellness Center

Dr Jennifer Redmond 7 E. High St, Somerville 908-300-8800 • DoctorRedmond.com We believe that the body is designed to heal itself but structural issues, toxins, lack of nutrients or an emotional component can affect overall health. We offer Whole-istic healing techniques including Neuroemotional Technique, Active Release techniques, Activator, Flexion Distraction and more! See ad, page 27.

Holistic Dentistry

The Center For Advanced Health Through Dentistry

Dr. Joseph R. Mele, DDS, FIND, CNC 215 Union Ave.,Ste D, Bridgewater 908-526-2266 • MeleDDS.com Our aim is to restore you to health and vitality by eliminating dental road blocks. We offer the highest quality dental services with a holistic approach for children and adults. See ad, page 43. Drs. Huckel, Huckel & Reine 11 Chambers St, Princeton 609-924-1414 PrincetonDentist.com

Come for a visit, stay for a lifetime! We are trained in identifying holistic concerns beginning in the oral cavity that may cause issues elsewhere in the body. We use ozonated water, and choose systematically biocompatible materials for your treatment.

Hypnosis & Reiki

Energy Health & Wellness LLC

Michele Dellavalle, CH, CHTP, ART 65 Old Rt 22, Suite 10, Clinton Online Sessions available #908-403-2045 EnergyHealth4Wellness@gmail.com ReikiEHW.com

Master Clinical Hypnotist Certified in 5 Path ® Hypnosis, 7th Path ® Self Hypnosis, Reiki, Healing Touch & Guided Meditations. We identify & address the root cause allowing our clients to move forward and heal. Offering classes in 7th Path ® Self Hypnosis and Reiki Level 1 & 2. When all else fails, Hypnosis Works! Call for Free Consultation.


Inner Truth Hypnotherapy and Meditation Center

Tori Valspirit 908-617-1545 hypnotherapy@valspirit.com InnerTruthHypnotherapy.com Clinical hypnosis is a natural yet altered state of mind with numerous beneficial characteristics. Evidence-based services include clinical hypnotherapy, medical support clinical hypnotherapy and integral hypnotherapy. Clinical hypnotherapy is available in private or group sessions. Confidentiality is assured within HIPAA regulations.

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens.” - Carl Jung Bobbie Lynn Edwards LPC, NCC,M.Ed

Licensed Psychotherapist 15 E. Main St., Clinton 908-892-8978 • HunterdonTherapist.com

Bobbie Lynn Edwards is a licensed psychotherapist for 35 years. Practicing integrating psychotherapy focusing on a broad spectrum of spiritual philosophies and practices to assist in your healing. Clinically trained to provide guidance and direction to individuals, couples and families. Goals set within a mutual learning environment is the process. Meditation workshops for small and large groups are available. Call for a free consultation and further information.

Matrix Repatterning

Dr. Clare M. Larkin, DC, CMRP

located in Warren 908-930-0628 DrLarkin@optonline.net DrClareLarkin.com

Your cells remember traumatic injury on a deeper level. Some injuries hang on because their energy gets trapped in the deeper tissues of the body. Matrix Repatterning allows the detection and release of these deeper injuries, improves electrical flow and allows the body to function normally again. See ad, page 13.


Center For Healing and Empowerment

Phyllis Livera 172 Washington Valley Rd, Suite 3, Warren 732-882-9676 CenterForHealingAndEmpowerment.com

Are you seeking deeper meaning in your life? Are you stressed and ready for a change? Tired of being in both physical or emotional pain? We offer spiritual development, meditation and mini-me yoga classes, which have been helping people live more productive, happier lives.

New Jersey Natural Medicine

Dr. Jason Frigerio ND, LAC 2424 Lamington Road, Bedminster 973-267-2650 NJNaturalMedicine.com

Since 2004, NJNM has treated countless patients with naturopathic, Chinese, ayurvedic and biological medicine. Some come to improve and maintain health, while others are seeking treatments outside the traditional medical sphere. Regardless of the reason for the visit, our guiding principal remains constant: to observe and treat the whole person, not just symptoms. Using this approach, NJNM is better able to identify and treat the root cause of illness, help restore balance and promote optimal health. See ad, page 31.


Sunrise Nutrition & Wellness Center

Dr. John Harrington 137 Mountain Ave., Hackettstown 908-441-2276 drharrington@SunriseNutritionCenter.com SunriseNutritionCenter.com

Get checked today! You may be suffering from nutritional deficiencies, toxin overload, chronic infections and bad lifestyle habits. We provide health improvement programs unique to your body to improve your health through nutrition and other safe, non-invasive therapies. See ad, page 15.

Reiki & Hypnosis

Alice Rich Reiki Center

Alice Rich, Certified Master Teacher Usui Reiki Ryoho, Karuna Reiki®, Crystal Healing, Certified Hypnotist 732-501-7628 alice@AliceRichReikiCenter.com AliceRichReikiCenter.com

Reiki, Crystal Healing and Integrated Energy Therapy® or Hypnosis sessions can help reduce pain physically, mentally and emotionally, promote a healthy lifestyle, achieve personal and professional goals, create balance and harmony and advance your spiritual journey. Private sessions and classes. Certification classes on Reiki, Crystal Healing and IET. Ondov Relationship Coaching

Rhoda Ondov, MS, MFT, CPC 12-14 E Main St, Suite 8, Somerville 908-642-6256 rhoda.ondov@gmail.com OndovRelationshipCoaching.com

If you are in a troubled relationship, or dealing with infidelity, or facing possible divorce, you do not need Therapy. You are not mentally ill. You just need guidance and solutions. Relationship Coaching can help you repair these difficult situations, bringing clarity and restoring harmony. Eight years experience helping couples successfully navigate relationship crises. Does not require participation by both partners. See ad, page 33.

Skin Care

The Park Med Spa

Marina Miller, Esthetician 513R Raritan Ave 908-227-7544 | 917-297-0888 cell theparkmedspa@gmail.com TheParkMedSpa.com Marina Miller has over 30 years of experience as an Esthetician, and is an expert at dealing with problem skin and cutting-edge rejuvenation techniques. Her passion is exhibited enthusiastically when she treats someone who is plagued with severe acne and then transformed into a beautiful smooth face. A facial done by Marina is a unique, relaxing and rejuvenating experience. We offer a variety of facial services plus advanced esthetics treatments done by medical professionals. See ad, page 13.

“Perfection is achieved, not

when there is nothing more

to add, but when there is

nothing left to take away.”

- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Janet StraightArrow 973-647-2500 Janet@BeTheMedicine.com BeTheMedicine.com

Shamanic Healing, Energy Medicine, Past Life, Medical Intuition, Life, Health, Spiritual Coaching, Astrology Readings, House and Land Clearings. In person, phone or Skype. Professional Reiki, Shamanism and Medical Intuitive Training. Retreats. 40 years’ experience. See ad, page 7.


Lisa’s Thermography & Wellness

Lisa Mack, CCT, HHC Thermographer and Holistic Counselor See website for locations in NJ and NY 855-667-9338 Lisa@LisasThermographyAndWellness.com LisasThermographyAndWellness.com

Thermography gives an early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem – inflammation. Early stage disease screening is an area in which thermography excels. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, or you are merely curious about the state of your health, thermography can help provide answers. Radiation-free breast and full body screenings for men and women. See ad, page 16.

Zero Waste & Refillery

Simple Bare Necessities

Mikaela Molnar 17 Main St., Lower Level, Sparta 973-362-6960 simplebarenecessitieszw@gmail.com SBNZeroWaste.com

Simple Bare Necessities is a zero waste store and refillery aimed to foster positive individual change by offering plastic-free goods and refillable products. See ad, page 19.

The Holistic Dental Center

Working Together with Other Holistic Practitioners to Create a True Holistic Approach to Your Health

Ateam approach to your overall health and it starts at the Holistic Dental Center in Millburn, New Jersey, with their highly skilled team of trained professionals in holistic and biological dentistry. From their award winning doctors and their state of the art technology to their use of ozone and self-healing therapies, they are committed to not only treating your dental related symptoms, but also, the root cause thereby eliminating disease and promoting optimal health.

Little did conventional practitioners know so many years ago that it took more than just looking at the mouth. A generation ago there was a disconnect, a thought that our mouth and teeth had no bearing on the health of the rest of our body. Now more and more research has been showing that there is a strong connection between dental disease and systemic health. Dr. Gashinsky, Holistic Dentist, has always known that. A holistic approach to health is multifaceted, so he has built a network of healthcare practitioners to assist his patients in obtaining their desired level of optimal wellness.

Working hand in hand with Naturopaths, Functional Medicine practitioners and many others in the field of holistic medicine has expanded Dr. Gashinsky’s ability to help more people. “I find it to be incredibly fulfilling to work synergistically with these practitioners to be able to improve patients’ health so dramatically. Some are coming to me so very sick and by working together we’re seeing drastic improvements in their quality of life,” says Dr. Gashinsky.

Dr. Gashinsky feels strongly in the need to practice in such a manner as to take patients whole health into consideration. So much so, that he traveled to Switzerland this past spring to visit the Paracelsus Clinic and Swiss BioHealth Clinic; two healthcare models that promote the oral-body connection, to study their holistic approach to patient care. Dr. Gashinsky says, “To truly practice holism; the thought that everything is understood in relation to the whole and not just its parts, it’s important to remember that when treating a person it’s not just what one practitioner does, but how they can work together to improve the final outcome.”

“Finding and working with like minded practitioners to help my patients has not only been professionally satisfying, but also on a personal level knowing that my patients are being well taken care of,” say Dr. Gashinksy. “Finding and addressing the root cause of disease in all our disciplines is the key to success in our patients’ health. What they don’t see, I do, and vice versa, seeing dental infections and how they can affect organ systems through meridians or directly and utilizing the benefits of networking with a holistic practitioner can and does make all the difference in patient care…I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Dr. Gashinsky says about working with other practitioners.

So if you’re looking for an approach that is inclusive of all aspects of holistic care, visit Dr. Gashinsky and his team at The Holistic Dental Center in Millburn, New Jersey. It’s their priority to ensure complete holistic care by promoting the benefits of holism. “It’s not just your teeth anymore,” as he says, “It never was,” but now they have the ability to not just treat overall disease but truly prevent and promote whole body wellness.

Other than being a dentist for 40 years, Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky, is a certified nutritional consultant, Accredited by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, SMART certified and a Naturopathic doctor “My passion for learning is never complete, I will continue to research and learn the latest in alternative treatments and team up with the best in the fields of holistic and alternative medicine to bring my patients the best treatments available, this I can assure you.”

Holistic Dental Center is located at 91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey. For more information, call (973) 457-4688 or visit HolisticDentalCenterNJ.com.

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