30 minute read
Giving Thanks for a Healthy Feast How to Lighten Up Thanksgiving Fare
by April Thompson
Due to travel restrictions, tighter budgets and concern for family members that may be older or have underlying health conditions, Thanksgiving might be a smaller affair this year, but that’s no reason to give up on having a scrumptious, celebratory meal. With a little creativity and lots of flavor, our treasured American holiday need not suffer. Giant turkeys may not grace as many tables as usual, so it’s the perfect time to up the side-dish game, embracing healthier options and taking full advantage of an abundant supply of delicious, in-season produce.
To right-size the Thanksgiving spread for carnivores, “Get a Cornish hen or another small bird from a local poultry producer, or consider turkey parts like breasts or thighs, instead of cooking an entire big bird,” advises Steven Satterfield, co-owner and executive chef of the Miller Union restaurant, in Atlanta, and author of Root to Leaf: A Southern Chef Cooks Through the Seasons.
For sides that rate high in both nutrition and taste, the James Beard winner favors in-season veggies like brassicas and Asian greens. “Napa cabbage is great roasted, grilled or prepared raw as a salad. Brussels sprouts shaved on a mandolin and sautéed briefly with shallot and garlic, and dressed with apple cider vinegar and diced apple, is another nice option,” Satterfield says. One of his go-to dishes is a root vegetable salad with shaved celery root, walnuts, apples and dried cranberries with a simple dressing of olive oil and lemon.
Sweet potatoes and pumpkin offer a nutritional edge over white potatoes, giving them top billing at Satterfield’s holiday table. He suggests simplifying the traditional sweet potato casserole by first parboiling, straining, peeling and cutting the potatoes into thick chunks, and then baking with lemon juice, nutmeg and water. “The sweet potatoes will caramelize and form a natural syrup. It has a bright and refreshing flavor without adding the usual butter, marshmallows and sugar,” he explains. According to Satterfield, many nutritious bitter greens are plentiful this time of year, including chicory, radicchio, frisée and endive. “Last Thanksgiving, I made a chicory salad with photo by StraightToTheHipsBaby.com/Jessie-Sierra Ross dates, pecans, shaved parmesan and persimmon with a sherry vinaigrette with olive oil and shallots. The sweetness of the fruit balances nicely with the bitter greens, which add fiber and help with digestion and the circulatory system.”
Thanksgiving offers a good opportunity to go meatless, according to Kim Campbell, vegan chef and author of The PlantPure Nation Cookbook. “There is a substitute for every animal product out there, so it’s not hard to make traditional recipes plant-based,” says the Durham, North Carolina, native. Her recipe for a nutty or beanie loaf ramps up the flavor and health profiles by using fresh, rather than dried, herbs such as rosemary, thyme and sage, as well as natural binding agents like lentils, flax seeds or chia seeds mixed with water. “Guests will be amazed that whole foods can be so flavorful and satisfying,” she says. “Go the extra mile with quality ingredients for a special meal like this.”
Campbell encourages people to enjoy the abundance of fresh produce and learn how to cook in season. Fruit-based desserts can be a great way to showcase what’s in season and still keep guests light on their feet. “You don’t have to use crust or a lot of added sugar for something like an apple crisp or cobbler,” she says.
Annemarie Ahearn, founder of the Salt Water Farm cooking school, in Lincolnville, Maine, also suggests a healthful rethinking of traditional Thanksgiving dishes. “Instead of a green
bean casserole, consider blanched green beans with almond and cranberry. Dried cranberries can go in a salad, rather than a sauce. You can have the same ingredients and keep the same focal point, but use less cream and dairy,” says the author of Full Moon Suppers at Salt Water Farm: Recipes from Land and Sea.
Ahearn, who teaches a class on Thanksgiving cooking, encourages people to take a stroll after the main meal to let food settle before having dessert. She also suggests serving some dishes at room temperature to relieve the pressure of having everything arrive hot at the table. For those unable to be with extended family, Satterfield suggests trading recipes in advance, and then having a virtual Thanksgiving by sharing a visual image of how the meal turned out. “You can even send leftovers if you’re in the same vicinity,” he says.
Connect with Washington, D.C., freelance writer April Thompson at AprilWrites.com.
Mushroom Gravy
This rich, flavorful gravy is perfect over potatoes and veggie loafs. It’s easy to prepare and inexpensive.
Yield: 4 servings
1 onion, minced 6 white button mushrooms, chopped 2½ cups low-sodium vegetable stock, divided ½ tsp minced garlic ½ tsp dried thyme ½ tsp dried sage ½ tsp crushed dried rosemary 1 Tbsp cooking sherry 2 Tbsp tamari sauce or low-sodium soy sauce 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast flakes ¼ cup whole wheat flour ¼ tsp black pepper Sea salt to taste
In a large skillet over medium-high heat, sauté the onions and mushrooms in one-half cup of the vegetable stock.
Add the garlic, sage, thyme, rosemary, sherry, tamari and nutritional yeast, then continue to sauté for just a minute or two over high heat.
Pour the remaining vegetable broth into a bowl and whisk in the flour until there are no lumps. Add to the pan with the onion and mushrooms. Simmer over medium heat, stirring until the gravy has reached its peak thickness, about 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Reprinted from The PlantPure Nation Cookbook, by Kim Campbell.
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Reimagine Gardening Clean, convenient, and vertical! Tower gardening is a fun, healthy learning tool. Join our community of parents, children, & “grow it yourself-ers,” building a deeper connection to their food.
Community, commercial & retail growers also benefit from saving space, time, and money while increasing yields. We have lease and service options and will design your full-scale system for you.
This dish is gluten-free, vegan and paleo.
Yield: 15 servings
1½ cups raw almonds ¼ cup hemp seeds ¼ cup unsweetened dried shredded coconut ½ tsp pumpkin pie spice 1 Tbsp coconut oil ¼ cup pumpkin puree 10 pitted Medjool dates, about 1 cup
For pumpkin pie spice dusting:
2 Tbsp coconut sugar ¼ tsp pumpkin pie spice
Combine the almonds, hemp seeds, coconut, pumpkin pie spice, coconut oil, pumpkin puree and dates in the base of a food processor. Turn the processor on high for about two minutes or until the ingredients are well combined. Pour the mixture into a mixing bowl and then use your hands to roll the dough into about 15 cookies, each about 1½ inch in diameter.
To make the pumpkin pie spice dusting, place the coconut sugar and pumpkin pie spice onto a plate. Roll each cookie in the sugar until covered.
For the best texture and sweetness, place the cookies in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours to chill.
Chef’s notes: Freeze these cookies for up to 2 months in a tightly sealed container. Defrost them in the fridge for about 4 hours before serving. For refined sugar-free servings, leave off the coconut sugar dusting. You can easily double or triple this recipe depending on how many energy bites you need to make.
Reprinted from Carrie Forrest, CleanEatingKitchen.com.
Natural Awakenings recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and non-bromated ingredients whenever possible.

fotos 593/AdobeStock.com

Repairing Can Prolong Life of Products With every Amazon delivery and late-night QVC purchase, the verdict is in: America is the Godzilla of consumerism, and far too many of the products we buy are disposable or designed to become obsolete.
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products is reduced, resources are conserved and money is saved. It all helps the planet.
A Repair Cafe Near Home
In concert with the do-it-yourself craze, there’s a growing interest in repair cafes and pop-up events where people can learn to fix things or have someone do it for them. It’s fun, and the camaraderie and guidance of knowledgeable neighbors makes all the difference. Visit RepairCafe.org to find a nearby location or for detailed instructions on how to start one.
How to Fix Anything
Whether it’s a faulty toaster, broken wheelbarrow or torn jeans, some common principles apply: Don’t panic. When the bicycle chain breaks, remain calm. Split the task into manageable steps. Anticipate the feeling of empowerment when the wheels are turning again. Get informed. From hemming a skirt to rewiring a lamp, a detailed YouTube video awaits. Check online for product manuals that offer diagnostics and repair instructions. For an extensive collection of repair guides, visit IFixIt.com. Use the right tool. To get the job done quicker, easier and without possible injury or damage to property, the right tool is key. Local hardware store attendants can help. For one-time-use or expensive tools, consider renting or borrowing. Visit a repair shop. A great way to support local business is to patronize local repair shops for shoes, clothing, jewelry, computers, appliances and more.
Buying for Longevity
Choose quality products that are designed to last and easy to repair. To help evaluate options, iFixIt.com offers a list of repairability scores. In a perfect, sustainable world, the marketplace would be filled with beautiful, artful and clever products that everyone loves and can’t bear to replace.

Yoga Corner
by Nicole Zornitzer

Several years ago, I read Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown. In my quest for continual self-growth, inspiration and motivation during challenging moments in life, this book and its messages have been a blessing and created a platform for me to share with others the idea of braving our own, internal “wilderness”.
A concept that is introduced in this book is the idea of having a strong back and soft front. Brown eloquently presents the idea of us moving through life in a defensive mode versus an open and compassionate manner; most importantly toward ourselves. The question posed is how can we move through life with strength and vulnerability and coexist in the dichotomy of opposing ideas?
The answer is through courage. It requires courage for us to experience life and feel a sense of belonging in our own bodies, all while maintaining a strong back and soft front.
This courage is not like the typical courage we have learned about as a child, rather this courage is finding the means to express who we are, our truest of feelings and acceptance of the revelations about ourselves without judgment. Becoming the most authentic version of ourselves is difficult, it requires being brutally honest with “all that is”—the good, the bad, the challenges, the joys.
When we find this ability to confront our greatest challenges, to stand alone with confidence and security, we are exuding this idea of courage. As one of my teachers says, “It is moving through a situation that provides true growth and evolution, we should not avoid challenges; we must

go through them all. To do this, requires tremendous courage and compassion for one’s self.”
This idea can then be related to satya, which is one of the yamas. Satya is one of the covenants of yogic philosophy and translates to being truthful. This challenges us to take bold measures in an effort to find our authentic self, our dharma and our purpose. When one begins to remove the walls of protection that we have created around our energy field, when one becomes vulnerable, when one fully engages in life and all that each new day brings, we are taking appropriate steps to become courageous and exude the true definition of strength.
Braving our own “wilderness” becomes this idea of evaluating our internal and external world. Becoming friends with ourselves and finding the courage at moments to challenge our comfort zone, to broaden our mind, to expand our hearts, to express vulnerability, to admit that we don’t know. Evolving and aging gracefully leads us to ultimately conclude that we are an expansive wilderness, a tapestry of thoughts, behaviors, compassion, love and even forgiveness. How beautiful that is.

Nicole Zornitzer, ERYT 1000, yoga therapist, founder of Niyama Yoga & Wellness Shala, located in Randolph, New Jersey, and Upper Lake Mohawk in Sparta, New Jersey. NiyamaYogaShala.com.
NOVEMBER 2020 daily & ongoing All calendar events for the December 2020 issue must be received by November 10, 2020 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit naturalawakeningscnj.com/pages/calendar-listings or email kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for submission form.
Salt Yoga with Missy – 11am. Join us for gentle yoga in our salt cave. $20. Salt Spa & Therapy, 1930 Rt 57, Hackettstown. To reserve your space and for questions, call 908-750-4554. SaltSpaTherapy.com.
Sound Bath Healing Session – 6:30-8:30pm. The frequencies produced by crystal singing bowls resonate with all the cells in your body to promote healthy function on all levels of mind body and spirit. Come soak in the good vibes! $20. Space is limited, so call to reserve your spot(s) now. Light refreshments served. Bring yoga mat and a blanket and pillow, if desired. Illuminate YOU, 124 W. Washington Ave., Washington (within Headliners Salon). For information or to register, call 908-8350042 or visit IlluminateYou.site.
Autumn Paint & Meditate – 2-4pm. Unlock your creative side and ground yourself to the expression of Mandala painting. Learn the ancient philosophy as your are guided through painting and drawing your mandala. 15-minute break for Chair Yoga. This workshop takes place simultaneously online and in-person. Supplies will be cleaned and sealed and yours to keep: 1 10x10” canvas; 1 chakra color; 1 background color; 1 medium brush; worksheet for inspiration. $40 includes all supplies. Yoga Central, 953 US Hwy 202 North, Branchburg. To register: email yogacentralnj202@gmail.com or call 908-707-0759 or visit YogaCentralNJ.com.
6-Month Nutrition Certification Course –Taught by Dian Freeman, CHHC, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and owner of Wellness Simplified. Classes presented in real-time on Zoom. Those who miss a class will be able catchup by viewing videos of each class. Passing a final exam leads to being awarded a CHHC, Certified Holistic Health Counselor. For information and to register, call 973-2672816, email Dian2@WellnessSimplified.com or visit WellnessSimplified.com.
Heart of Oneness Virtual Holistic Expo –10am-5pm EST. Holistic event with wonderful exhibitors including Reiki, crystals, psychic readings, natural products and more. Tune in from anywhere in the world to virtually experience this new and innovative platform that brings forth a new way of connecting in LIVE time. Enjoy guest speakers, presentations, interactive exhibitor booths all running simultaneously throughout the day. $10. For tickets and information, visit HeartOfOnenessHolisticExpo.com/virtualexpo. Coping with Stress Through Yoga – 2-4pm. Stress is always present in our lives. In these current times, however, it’s looming larger than usual. Do you find yourself feeling tired or rundown for no obvious reason? Is your energy level lower than you’d like? Do you notice your mood unexpectedly swinging? Are you worrying more than usual? This virtual workshop will help us better understand stress and teach us to utilize the tools of yoga to calm the mind and heal the body. Presented by Mythri S. Menon. Registration is required (online or by phone). $40. yogacentralnj.com.
Spirit Animal Guidance - 5 Days of Inner Wisdom – 12/7-11; 12noon-1pm.Together let’s honor our inner wisdom. This is a 5-day session. 1 hour each day to honor and connect to the wisdom within ourselves. We will be guided each session by The Spirit Animal Oracle Deck by Colette Baron-Reid. Practice and participate from anywhere. Prepare to attend the session with your journal or writing materials. Optional additional items to have with you: drawing or art materials, yoga mat, blanket, meditation cushion and essential oils. Join live or participate later with recorded sessions. Facilitator: Jean O’Toole, empowerment coach, life designer and movement facilitator. $50/ full series; 1 day for $25. Zoom link sent on registration. Contact 917-405-0596 or email meetyourselfinnature@gmail.com to register.
- Jim Rohn
Qi Gong for Beginner Series – Times and days vary. Four 1-hour classes. Begin the gentle movements of a Qi Gong Tai Chi journey featuring Patty Pagano live online. First 1-hour class is Free! Check schedule or register at https://forms.gle/k2kcv9tVJ6X1QfpD8. For information contact Patty at 908-3921313 or PattyQigongforHealing@gmail.com. QiGongForHealing.com.
Salt Yoga with Larissa – 6:30pm. Join us for Vinyasa Yoga in our salt cave every Tuesday beginning September 8. $20. Salt Spa & Therapy, 1930 Rt 57, Hackettstown. To reserve your space and for questions, call 908-750-4554. SaltSpaTherapy.com.
Focus on the Joints – 8:45-10am. This class focuses on warming up the body and moving the joints. Small movements reap big rewards as we move stuck energy through the body! Simple pranayama (breath work) and asana sequence is followed by relaxing savasana. Adults $18, Seniors/Students $16 or class card. Yoga Central, 953 US Hwy 202 North, Branchburg. 908-707-0759. yogacentralnj. com.
Yoga in Salt Cave with Lauren – 6pm. Join us for yoga in our salt cave every Wednesday beginning 10/7. $20. Salt Spa & Therapy, 1930 Rt 57, Hackettstown. To reserve your space and for questions, call 908-750-4554. SaltSpaTherapy.com.
Salt Yoga with Missy – 10am. Join us for gentle yoga and stretching in our salt cave every Friday beginning September 11. $20. Salt Spa & Therapy, 1930 Rt 57, Hackettstown. To reserve your space and for questions, call 908-750-4554. SaltSpaTherapy.com.
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened” – Alexander Graham Bell
Have a business opportunity, job opening, space for rent or other need? Place your classified ads here, 30 words for $30, extra words $1 each. Email to Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com by the 10th of the month prior to publication date.
We’re MassageOfHunterdon.com. Start at 50% of fee, which scales up, plus tips and promotions. NMT training provided. Start Part-time, some Saturdays prefered. Call Gail 908-534-1930.
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Central New Jersey Community business directory
Your local source for natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle. Join the community! Request our media kit today by emailing Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com
Acupuncture age 25.CBD Oil Education/Schools
Acupuncture Works Center Kristin A. Dudley LAc 84 Park Ave, Ste G-103C, Flemington 973-979-1652 AcupunctureWorksCenter.com
Gentle acupuncture with can be both very relaxing as well as healing. Acupuncture has been used for centuries to ease muscle and arthritis pain, relieve stress, increase energy and improve sleep. De-stress in a nurturing and healing enviroment. See ad, page 50.
Fortis Farms, LLC Monika Christian and Kiley Doll 18230 Edwards Shop Rd., Elkwood, VA 540-409-6871 hello@growfortisfarms.com GrowFortisFarms.com
Fortis Farms’ goal is to create easy access to fresh, local food sources in a sustainable, resource-conserving system. We use and distribute aeroponic garden solutions to produce more, local, lower cost, healthy food in smaller spaces. See ad, page 36.
Ayurveda/Women’s Health
7 Chakras Wellness Jennifer Agugliaro Ayurvedic Practitioner, RN 908-251-1200 jennifer@7chakraswellness.com 7ChakrasWellness.com Are you tired of feeling unwell? Jennifer offers natural, holistic methods to help you take control of your health and life. She focuses on women’s health issues such as reproductive health, digestion, sleep and anxiety. Book a free consult today. See ad, page 27. The Hemp Oil Store Joseph Wilker Cool Breeze Distributors 3 E. Ave., Yardley, PA 855-904-4367, 267-679-2949 coolbreezedist@gmail.com TheHempOilStore.com License Number: 82-2609404
The Hemp Oil Store is a family-owned CBD store. Our goal is to bring you, your pets, and your loved ones high-quality CBD products at affordable prices. Shop online at TheHempOilStore.com with free shipping. We also have curbside pickup and walk-ins are always welcome. See ad, page 7.
Chinese Healing Arts
Qi Gong For Healing Brian Coffey LMT, and Fran Maher, CA 908-647-1563 QiGongForHealing.com
Specializing in T’ai Chi and Qi Gong classes, as well as private session clinical Qi Gong and acupuncture since 1994. Chinese Medicine weekend seminars teach how to apply clinical Qi Gong remedies to specific disorders. Excellent for the lay person and healthcare providers. All are welcome to observe or join a class. See ad, page 11.
Eden Energy Medicine/ Sound Meditation
RedTail Energetics Karen E Adamo, EEM-AP Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner Phillipsburg, NJ 908-752-0097 (phone or text) Karen@RedTailEnergetics.com RedTailEnergetics.com
Experience more joy, peace, calm, health and vitality through the combination of two profoundly effective healing modalities—Eden Energy Medicine, which corrects imbalances in nine different energy systems, and Sound Meditation with authentic bronze Himalayan Singing Bowls and Gongs. Waldorf School Of Princeton 1062 Cherry Hill Rd, Princeton 609-466-1970, x115 PrincetonWaldorf.org
Waldorf School The Waldorf curriculum, used in 1,000+ schools worldwide, integrates arts, of Princeton academics, movement, and music, emphasizing social and environmental responsibility. The hands-on approach is screen free.
Functional Medicine
Morningstar Family Health Center 54 Old Highway 22, Clinton 908-735-9344 MorningStarFHC.com MorningStar’s team of health professionals cares for you like family. Our membership based practice cares for men, women and children age 8 and up with a functional approach to primary care. See ad, page 7.
Holistic Chiropractors
Samsara Chiropractic Wellness Center Dr Jennifer Redmond 7 E. High St, Somerville 908-300-8800 DoctorRedmond.com We believe that the body is designed to heal itself but structural issues, toxins, lack of nutrients or an emotional component can affect overall health. We offer Whole-istic healing techniques including Neuroemotional Technique, Active Release techniques, Activator, Flexion Distraction and more! See ad, page 43.
“Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.” - Eleanor Hibbert
The Center For Advanced Health Through Dentistry Dr. Joseph R. Mele, DDS, FIND, CNC 215 Union Ave.,Ste D, Bridgewater 908-526-2266 MeleDDS.com
Our aim is to restore you to health and vitality by eliminating dental road blocks. We offer the highest quality dental services with a holistic approach for children and adults. See ad, page 47.
Holistic Dental Center Vladimir Gashinsky, DDS 91 Millburn Ave, Milburn 973-457-4688 HolisticDentalCenterNJ.com Holistic dental care that is good for the body as well as teeth and gums. By treating the cause, not just the symptoms, Dr. Gashinsky helps improve his patients’ quality of life through dental care that respects and honors the body. See ad, page 48, back cover.
Hypnosis & Reiki
Energy Health & Wellness LLC Michele Dellavalle, CH, CHTP, ART Clinton & Flemington Online Sessions available #908-403-2045 EnergyHealth4Wellness@gmail.com ReikiEHW.com
Employs complimentary methods to treat individuals in a holistic manner helping clients reach their goals and highest possible level of mental, physical & spiritual well-being. Offering 5-Path Hypnosis®, 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®, Reiki, Healing Touch, Crystal Healing & Meditations.
“Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly.” – Leo Tolstoy Bobbie Lynn Edwards LPC, NCC,M.Ed Licensed Psychotherapist 15 E. Main St., Clinton 908-892-8978 • HunterdonTherapist.com
Bobbie Lynn Edwards is a licensed psychotherapist for 35 years. Practicing integrating psychotherapy focusing on a broad spectrum of spiritual philosophies and practices to assist in your healing. Clinically trained to provide guidance and direction to individuals, couples and families. Goals set within a mutual learning environment is the process. Meditation workshops for small and large groups are available. Call for a free consultation and further information.
Matrix Repatterning
Dr. Clare M. Larkin, DC, CMRP located in Warren 908-930-0628 DrLarkin@optonline.net DrClareLarkin.com
Your cells remember traumatic injury on a deeper level. Some injuries hang on because their energy gets trapped in the deeper tissues of the body. Matrix Repatterning allows the detection and release of these deeper injuries, improves electrical flow and allows the body to function normally again. See ad, page 30.
Center For Healing and Empowerment Phyllis Livera 172 Washington Valley Rd, Suite 3, Warren 732-882-9676 CenterForHealingAndEmpowerment.com
Are you seeking deeper meaning in your life? Are you stressed and ready for a change? Tired of being in both physical or emotional pain? We offer spiritual development, meditation and mini-me yoga classes, which have been helping people live more productive, happier lives. Naturopathic Medicine New Jersey Natural Medicine Dr. Jason Frigerio ND, LAC 2424 Lamington Road, Bedminster 973-267-2650 NJNaturalMedicine.com
Since 2004, NJNM has treated countless patients with naturopathic, Chinese, ayurvedic and biological medicine. Some come to improve and maintain health, while others are seeking treatments outside the traditional medical sphere. Regardless of the reason for the visit, our guiding principal remains constant: to observe and treat the whole person, not just symptoms. Using this approach, NJNM is better able to identify and treat the root cause of illness, help restore balance and promote optimal health. See ad, page 19.
Naturopathic School
Health Queen Avis Gardell-Feldstein 1 Shadowbrook Lane Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 732-547-1196 (phone or text) HealthqueenAvis@gmail.com HealthQueenAvis.com
We are excited to be able to bring the most cutting edge information in the Health Industry through our Certification in Naturopathy. Private consultations with Matrix Decoder diagnostics and Biofeedback plus testing available for Food Sensitivities, Hormones and more!
Nutrition Sunrise Nutrition & Wellness Center Dr. John Harrington 137 Mountain Ave., Hackettstown 908-441-2276 drharrington@SunriseNutritionCenter.com SunriseNutritionCenter.com
Get checked today! You may be suffering from nutritional deficiencies, toxin overload, chronic infections and bad lifestyle habits. We provide health improvement programs unique to your body to improve your health through nutrition and other safe, non-invasive therapies. See ad, page 29.
Dian’s Wellness Simplified Dian Freeman, MA, MHHC Private Nutritional Consultations, Classes, Nutritional Certification Course Morristown, NJ 973-267-4816 WellnessSimplified.com
Clinical Nutritionist Dian Freeman has a private practice and nutrition school in Morristown, NJ. Her six-month nutritional certification course has certified over 850 graduates in Holistic Health over the last 16 years. She also practices frequency biofeedback, teaches 1-day classes and lectures widely. See ad on page 8.
Nutrition/Holistic Therapy
Illuminate YOU Kimberley Lauton 124 W. Washington Ave. Washington (within Headliners Salon) 908-835-0042 IlluminateYou.site
Illuminate YOU Integrative Nutrition Counseling and Holistic Therapy: Integrative Health Counseling, Reiki Master, Reflexology, Sound Healing, Group Coaching and Mind/Body Wellness Workshops.
Taking joy in living is a woman’s best cosmetic. ~Rosalind Russell
Liminal Reiki and Guidance Brigid Burke 862-812-9205 chthonia@chthonia.net LiminalReiki.com
Brigid Burke welcomes all types of clients for Reiki therapy by itself, or in conjunction with other methods to help identify and work through crisis areas, including Tarot readings, Astrology, and other related tools. See website for more information.
Reiki & Hypnosis
Alice Rich Reiki Center Alice Rich, Certified Master Teacher Usui Reiki Ryoho, Karuna Reiki®, Crystal Healing, Certified Hypnotist 732-501-7628 alice@AliceRichReikiCenter.com AliceRichReikiCenter.com
Reiki, Crystal Healing and Integrated Energy Therapy® or Hypnosis sessions can help reduce pain physically, mentally and emotionally, promote a healthy lifestyle, achieve personal and professional goals, create balance and harmony and advance your spiritual journey. Private sessions and classes. Certification classes on Reiki, Crystal Healing and IET.
Relationship Coach
Ondov Relationship Coaching Rhoda Ondov, MS, MFT, CPC 12-14 E Main St, Suite 8, Somerville 908-642-6256 rhoda.ondov@gmail.com OndovRelationshipCoaching.com
If you are in a troubled relationship, or dealing with infidelity, or facing possible divorce, you do not need Therapy. You are not mentally ill. You just need guidance and solutions. Relationship Coaching can help you repair these difficult situations, bringing clarity and restoring harmony. Eight years experience helping couples successfully navigate relationship crises. Does not require participation by both partners. See ad, page 13. Be The Medicine Janet StraightArrow 973-647-2500 Janet@BeTheMedicine.com BeTheMedicine.com
Shamanic Healing, Energy Medicine, Past Life, Medical Intuition, Life, Health, Spiritual Coaching, Astrology Readings, House and Land Clearings. In person, phone or Skype. Professional Reiki, Shamanism and Medical Intuitive Training. Retreats. 40 years’ experience. See ad, page 35.
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Thermography gives an early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem – inflammation. Early stage disease screening is an area in which thermography excels. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, or you are merely curious about the state of your health, thermography can help provide answers. Radiation-free breast and full body screenings for men and women. See ad, page 6.
“Happiness is not a brilliant climax to years of grim struggle and anxiety. It is a long succession of little decisions simply to be happy in the moment.” - J. Donald Walters
The Holistic Dental Center

Working Together with Other Holistic Practitioners to Create a True Holistic Approach to Your Health
Ateam approach to your overall health and it starts at the Holistic they don’t see, I do, and vice versa, seeing dental infections and Dental Center in Millburn, New Jersey, with their highly skilled how they can affect organ systems through meridians or directly and team of trained professionals in holistic and biological dentistry. From utilizing the benefits of networking with a holistic practitioner can and their award winning doctors and their state of the art technology to does make all the difference in patient care…I wouldn’t have it any their use of ozone and self-healing therapies, they are committed other way,” Dr. Gashinsky says about working with other practitioners. to not only treating your dental related symptoms, but also, the root So if you’re looking for an approach that is inclusive of all aspects cause thereby eliminating disease and promoting optimal health. of holistic care, visit Dr. Gashinsky and his team at The Holistic Dental
Little did conventional practitioners know so many years ago that Center in Millburn, New Jersey. It’s their priority to ensure complete it took more than just looking at the mouth. A generation ago there holistic care by promoting the benefits of holism. “It’s not just your was a disconnect, a thought that our mouth and teeth had no bearing teeth anymore,” as he says, “It never was,” but now they have the on the health of the rest of our body. Now more and more research ability to not just treat overall disease but truly prevent and promote has been showing that there is a strong connection between dental whole body wellness. disease and systemic health. Dr. Gashinsky, Holistic Dentist, has always known that. A holistic approach to health is multifaceted, so he Other than being a dentist for 40 years, Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky, is a has built a network of healthcare practitioners to assist his patients in certified nutritional consultant, Accredited by the International Academy obtaining their desired level of optimal wellness. of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, SMART certified and a Naturopathic
Working hand in hand with Naturopaths, Functional Medicine doctor “My passion for learning is never complete, I will continue to practitioners and many others in the field of holistic medicine has research and learn the latest in alternative treatments and team up expanded Dr. Gashinsky’s ability to help more people. “I find it to be with the best in the fields of holistic and alternative medicine to bring incredibly fulfilling to work synergistically with these practitioners to my patients the best treatments available, this I can assure you.” be able to improve patients’ health so dramatically. Some are coming to me so very sick and by working together we’re seeing drastic improvements in their quality of life,” says Dr. Gashinsky. Dr. Gashinsky feels strongly in the need to practice in such Holistic Dental Center is located at 91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey. For more information, call (973) 457-4688 or visit HolisticDentalCenterNJ.com. a manner as to take patients whole health into consideration. So much so, that he traveled to Switzerland this past spring to visit the Paracelsus Clinic and Swiss BioHealth Clinic; two healthcare models Looking for a “TRUE” that promote the oral-body connection, to study their holistic approach to patient care. Dr. Gashinsky says, “To truly practice holism; the Holistic Dentist? thought that everything is understood in relation to the whole and not just its parts, it’s important to remember that when treating a person Call 973-457-4688 it’s not just what one practitioner does, but how they can work together to improve the final outcome.” for your appointment today!
“Finding and working with like minded practitioners to help my patients has not only been professionally satisfying, but also on a Mercury Free and Mercury Safe personal level knowing that my patients are being well taken care of,” Metal Free Implantssay Dr. Gashinksy. “Finding and addressing the root cause of disease in all our disciplines is the key to success in our patients’ health. What Fluoride Free • Holistic Cleanings __________________________________________ A D V E R T O R I A L __________________________________________