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Naturopathic Medicine
New Jersey Natural Medicine
Dr. Jason Frigerio ND, LAC 2424 Lamington Road, Bedminster 973-267-2650 • NJNaturalMedicine.com
Since 2004, NJNM has treated patients with naturopathic, Chinese, ayurvedic and biological medicine. Our guiding principa: to observe and treat the whole person, not just symptoms to identify and treat the root cause of illness, help restore balance and promote optimal health. See ad, page 19.
Sunrise Nutrition & Wellness Center
Dr. John Harrington
137 Mountain Ave., Hackettstown 908-441-2276 drharrington@SunriseNutritionCenter.com SunriseNutritionCenter.com
Get checked today! You may be suffering from nutritional deficiencies, toxin overload, chronic infections and bad lifestyle habits. We provide health improvement programs unique to your body to improve your health through nutrition and other safe, non-invasive therapies. See ad, page 34.
Platonic Touch
Practitioner / Reiki
In Your Arms Holistic
Karen Schweiger 908-768-1800 inyourarms@zoho.com
CuddleInYourArms.com Cuddlist.com/Karen
In Your Arms offers platonic touch therapy, as well as Reiki, to help individuals find relief from everyday stress, anxiety and even the loneliness induced by our virtual world in a safe, warm and confidential environment.
Qi Gong
Qi Gong for Healing
Patty Pagano 908-392-1313 pattyqigongforhealing@gmail.com
Experience qi through the gentle movements of Tai Chi & Qi Gong with instructor Patty Pagano. Live classes in Dunellen and Chester. Private appointments and Zoom classes also. See ad, page x.
Reiki & Hypnosis
Alice Rich Reiki Center
Alice Rich, Certified Master Teacher
Usui Reiki Ryoho, Karuna Reiki®, Crystal Healing, Certified Hypnotist 732-501-7628 alice@AliceRichReikiCenter.com
food & nutrition
Reiki, Crystal Healing and Integrated Energy Therapy® or Hypnosis sessions can help reduce pain physically, mentally and emotionally, promote a healthy lifestyle, achieve personal and professional goals, create balance and harmony and advance your spiritual journey. Private sessions and classes. Certification classes on Reiki, Crystal Healing and IET.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction for the Spiritually Curious
Lauren Phelps, Certified Spiritual Director
267-415-6168 laurenphelps@icloud.com
Explore your spiritual life!
Spiritual direction is an ancient form of companionship - an individual, regular meeting with an experienced companion trained in deep listening and reflection. Theravada Buddhist-informed with all spiritual and religious paths honored. Zoom-based. First session complimentary.
Spiritual Healing, Teaching
Janet StraightArrow
Shaman, Healer, Sage, Reiki Master Teacher, Astrologist 973-647-2500
Profound Healing, Clearing, Reclaim yourself, Enjoy life. 41 years of experience. Shamanic and Intuitive Energy Sessions. Soul Retrievals. Past Life, Ancestral, Current life healing. Business, Home, and Land clearings. Meditation, Shamanic, and Reiki Healers Training. and more. See ad, page 9.
Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises
Bonnie Pariser
CYT, EYT500, TRE Provider 23 Race St., Frenchtown 908-268-7430
T.R.E. is a quick and effective method that allows you to shake off tension and helps resolve trauma held in your body. Bonnie will guide you through the process and assist you towards integration, wholeness and continued release.
Receive 50% off your first year. Individuals apply: Practitioners apply: