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yoga corner
Yoga Corner Toxins
by Nicole Zornitzer
In a yoga class, it is common to hear the instructor referring to toxins. These toxins may be referred to as physical, emotional, spiritual or some other indication of imbalance in the body. There are a variety of ways that the yoga therapist can communicate on how to “release” or acknowledge what may be toxic in the practitioner. My interpretation of toxins or toxic behavior is anything that diverts us from finding our true dharma or happiness or purpose in this life. My life experience and education have brought me to a heightened sense of what is welcome in my mind, body and soul, and what is not. This journey to understand, recognize and accept what may be an obstacle in my life’s purpose has not been an easy path. It is said that through pain we find solace, through challenge we find happiness and through acceptance we find peace.
When one is functioning at a higher vibration in life’s journey it is common to attract others that may want to take this precious energy away. I view this as the term energy vampire. This vampire is attracted not to your darkness but rather to your lightness and, in turn, wants that energy or is intrigued by the idea of walking the path of lightness. There may be people, events, surroundings, food, habits or a plethora of outside energies that create imbalance in the mind/ body connection. When a yogi steps onto the yoga mat or attends a healing session in sound or reiki or Ayurveda, it is the healer’s role to create a space that encourages release of such toxins and turns this knowledge into power. This power is the power to not be seduced by the temptations that an energy vampire may introduce. However, as with life, we sometimes do get caught up in the moment of overindulgence, participating in an activity that does not align with our higher purpose or allow other humans that are not good for us into our realm of being. However, this temporary lack of judgement does not define the individual, rather it is a moment to face these challenges and stand secure in who we are and what we will allow to penetrate our being.
The physical practice of yoga asana is one way to release physical or even energetic toxins over time. There are specific asanas that promote release of said toxins, such as twists or a power vinyasa class where we “sweat it out”. The harder practice is the practice of releasing emotional toxins and this takes time, focus and patience to achieve wellness of spirit. Some may engage in meditation or gathering with other highly vibrating individuals, while others may seek alternative methods of emotional healing. All these methods are valued and necessary as a person evolves through life.
When we open our mind and our body to the idea of releasing toxins, we also must face difficult decisions regarding people, circumstances, and environments that we expose ourselves to. The more vulnerable one is to truly “see” what is beneficial for a fruitful life, and what or whom may not be. This requires a greater degree of feeling secure on slick rocks. Life is going to present us with detours and roadblocks and people that are not deserving of our gifts. These moments are the universe or source testing us to ensure we are learning life’s lessons—now—in this lifetime. It is my belief that we live each lifetime to evolve, to grow, and to understand ourselves better. Then, we arrive in our next lifetime having learned the lessons we needed to and ultimately move onto another plane of living that leverages this consciousness to be one with the spiritual world.

Nicole Zornitzer, ERYT 1000, yoga therapist, founder of Niyama Yoga & Wellness Shala, located in Randolph, New Jersey; Upper Lake Mohawk in Sparta, New Jersey; Roseland, New Jersey; and Delray Beach in Florida. NiyamaYogaShala.com.


The Dangers of Commercial Air Fresheners
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by Kiki Powers
Ads for air fresheners, from sprays to plug-ins to solids are everywhere. Commercial air fresheners are certainly a common fixture in many homes, schools and businesses. But are they as safe and beneficial as people often think they are?
The assumed purpose of these products is to “freshen” the air, however, most merely mask odors with chemicals that degrade the air quality in our homes. In fact, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), mass-market air fresheners are a major source of indoor air pollution. They often contain unhealthy chemicals such as formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, aerosol propellants, acetaldehyde—a likely human carcinogen according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), among others.
VOCs, which are emitted as gases, are a family of chemicals, some of which may cause adverse health effects. According to the EPA, concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors—up to ten times higher, in fact—than outdoors, and can be harmful to people of all ages, as well as pets, potentially causing: ■ Eye, nose and throat irritation ■ Headaches, loss of coordination and nausea ■ Damage to liver, kidneys and the central nervous system ■ Cancer in animals; some are suspected or known to cause cancer in humans
Another chemical group to be aware of is phthalates, which have been linked to hormonal and reproductive problems, birth defects and developmental disorders. A 2007 review by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) found that 12 out of 14 popular air fresheners contained phthalates.
Labels don’t reveal this since air freshener ingredients can legally be kept secret due to business protections on product ingredients and fragrance formulations. Given these loopholes for manufacturers, less than ten percent of all volatile ingredients are typically disclosed on air freshener labels or material safety data sheets.
So how can we create a clean-smelling home if we prefer to
Attack Odors at the Source
Many odors are a snap to clear up naturally. It may be as simple as refreshing the litter box, ferreting out spoiled leftovers from the fridge, taking out the garbage more often, keeping an open box of baking soda in the fridge or sprinkling it into indoor trash cans and compost bins. Of course, keeping windows at least partially open year around is an easy, free air freshener. For a natural, do-it-yourself option, make simple garbage pail pods using essential oils.
Make Your Own Natural Air Freshener
This solution is easy, inexpensive and fun. Simply fill a spray bottle with purified water and add a few drops of essential oil. That’s it. A good essential oil starter kit might include soothing lavender, disinfecting tea tree, freshening lemon, cooling peppermint and invigorating grapefruit oils, though there are many to choose from. Experiment with the combinations. Mist rooms as often as you like and enjoy.
Enjoy Natural Scented Candles
Candles create a lovely aesthetic in our homes and scented versions lend a nice aroma to interior spaces. The key is selecting healthy alternatives. Most commercial candles are made from paraffin wax, which may create highly toxic benzene, toluene, carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene, ethylbenzene, and other chemicals when burned, and the wicks often contain heavy metals such as lead which is released into the indoor atmosphere as well. Synthetic fragrances add insult to injury by off-gassing chemicals like phthalates as well.
Look for safe, beneficial candles made from non-GMO soy or beeswax in natural markets and online. Be aware that the term “fragrance” is code for chemical additives so be sure to select candles scented with only natural essential oils.
Buy Healthy Alternatives
Safe, natural air fresheners are available. A simple citrus spray that contains only natural citrus oils from a blend of oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines and grapefruits is a great choice. Essential oil diffusers are wonderful and come in a variety of designs. For an exceptional version, consider a cool bamboo diffuser. This type uses high-frequency ultrasonic electrical vibrations to create an ultra-fine mist. This diffusion method doesn’t utilize heat, so essential oil integrity and holistic properties are maintained.
With so many great options, creating a fresh-scented home, free of undesirable chemicals, will be as easy as it is healthy!
Kiki Powers, MS, CNC, is a contributing writer for Natural Awakenings, a professional health writer, blogger, and national speaker specializing in plant-based nutrition and healthy green living. For more information on the benefits and countless rewards offered by embracing a healthy, conscious, and compassionate lifestyle, visit RawKiki.com.