5 minute read
JULY 2023
Core and Balance Clinic – 10:45-11:45am; each Fri. in July. Learn basic anatomy of balance and practice poses that will strengthen your core and enhance your balance. Beginners to advance practitioners are welcome. Online option available (via Zoom) upon request once registered for the workshop. $80. Yoga Loka, 23 Race Street, Frenchtown Borough. For information call 908-268-7430 and visit Yoga-Loka.com.
French Lavender Wreath Workshop –10am-noon. At the height of the 2-week long bloom time of our French lavender, join Nicole of Spadaflora Botanical Artistry to make a wreath from freshly harvested phenomenal long-stemmed lavender. There is nothing like the color and scent of fresh lavender. It will dry beautifully, lasting well into the next year. Rain or shine workshop limited to 8 attendees. $170. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm. com/workshops/workshops.
Mushroom Cultivation Workshop – 1-3pm. Join mushroom cultivators and foragers Jeff Mertz and Kacy Binz in a fun and hands-on mushroom cultivation workshop learning each step from mycelium to mushroom. Leave with your own at home mushroom growing kit. Mushroom snacks and tea will be provided, as well as print outs of all the information. $65. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm.com/ workshops/workshops.
French Lavender Wreath Workshop –1-3pm. At the height of the 2-week long bloom time of our French lavender, join Nicole of Spadaflora Botanical Artistry to make a wreath from freshly harvested phenomenal long-stemmed lavender. There is nothing like the color and scent of fresh lavender. It will dry beautifully, lasting well into the next year. Rain or shine workshop limited to 8 attendees. $170. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm. com/workshops/workshops.
Learn the Art of Primative Rug Hooking – 1-3pm. Have you ever wanted to create something but not sure where to start? Rug Hooking is a fiber art where we use recycled wool clothing, I will help you visualize your personal design, and bring it into reality. All materials provided. Scale from $15 - $60 depending on supplies needed. Beginners welcome, RSVP for material prep. . Seasoned rug hookers invited for inspiration, please bring a project to work on. Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. For information, call 908-223-1331 or email Ellen at perkins145@comcast.net. GaiasGifts.net.
All calendar events for the August 2023 issue must be received by July 10 and adhere to our guidelines. To submit, visit naturalawakeningscnj.com/pages/calendar-listings or email kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for submission form.
Dancing with Dragons – 8-9:30pmDragons are ancient celestial beings that are here to help guide us, protect us and work with us as we go through life. Includes guided meditation and opportunity to power dance with these magickal companions. $25; prereg req. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. 848-217-2371. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.
Cacao/Fire Ceremonial Circle & Sound Bath
– July – 1-2:30pm. Join Leslee Penny for a journey of spiritual release, de-stressing, healing, and letting go of what no longer serves you. Learn breathwork techniques, utilizing them in a guided meditation followed by a full-body resonant sound healing. Bring comfortable clothing and something to lie down on $55. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm.com/workshops/ workshops.
Lavender Sage Smudge Workshop – 1-3pm. Learn to wrap gorgeous, heavenly scented smudge sticks with up to four different herbs. The colors are spectacular and the combination of aromas when they are burned are so cleansing, soothing and elevating to the soul. We will make two smudge sticks in our workshop. It’s all about having fun and making a glorious mess. $65. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-3105973. MadLavenderFarm.com/workshops/ workshops.
New/Full Moon Yoga & Tarot Workshop – 6-7:30pm. Practicing yoga and reading tarot cards are two ways that many people learn to tune in, reflect, and strengthen their connection to themselves and the world around them. This workshop engages beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Expect a combination of journaling, basic and restorative yoga poses, and a single card spread tarot reading for yourself. Led by Jenn of Wildflower Yoga and Adrienne of Mad Lavender Farm. Tickets are available through Wildflower Yoga Collective. $55. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-310-5973. MadLavenderFarm.com/ workshops/workshops.
Ruchi’s Gong Sound Bath – 7-8pm. 3rd Thur. Come relax, rejuvenate and release at this Sound Healing Event. The Soundscape created by the sounds of the gongs, Himalayan bowls, chimes, bells, rattles, and other healing instruments creates a frequency that bathes your body and allows the restoring of natural resonance. $25 per person. Led by Ruchi Jain. Sand Hills Wellness Center, 57 Sand Hills Road, Kendall Park. 732-4193551. DeepRootsRising.com.
Gong Bath Sound Journey – 6:30-8pm; 3rd Fri. each mo. Sound vibration powerfully moves stuck energy. Spend an evening relaxing to the sounds of a 39” gong, antique singing bowl, crystal singing bowls and other sound makers. $35. Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. RSVP required as space is limited. For information, call 908-223-1331 or email Ellen at perkins145@comcast.net. GaiasGifts.net.
Women’s Vision Quest Retreat Catskills Begin Now – 7/21-23; 3pm. A Vision Quest is an opportunity to be in a sacred space to hear your heart speak, receive the fullness of who you are, and open up to the next stage of your life path. It is a gift that is magical, deep, and transformative. Come for a nurturing weekend of ceremony, journeys, transformation, and rebirth, with Shaman Janet StraightArrow. Limited to 8 participants. $800; payment plan available. Art Farm, 31 Fawn Road, North Road, Accord. 973-647-2500. BeTheMedicine.com.
Saturday July 22
Past Lives Regression Workshop – 6-8pm. Join us as we take a look into your past. Past lives, that is! Join Howard Mertine (Alternative Therapies Work, LLC) with Everett Magie (Alien Ink Tattoos), as we host a two-hour guided hypnotic journey to take you into your own past lives. You may even uncover why you do some of the things you do in your current life. $40. RSVP early as space limited to 12. Pay at door or PayPal Howard at hgmertine@gmail.com.
Location: Alien Ink Tattoos: 264 Route 206 South, Unit 3, Flanders. For information call 973-652-7962.
Conversation with Crystals – 1-3pm. This is a monthly gathering to learn about crystals, focusing on only 4-5. Learn how to use them either daily or for a specific purpose. $35
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includes crystals. RSVP required by 6/21/23. Ellen Perkins at Gaia’s Gifts, 16 Broad St., Washington. RSVP to 908-223-1331 or perkins145@comcast.net. GaiasGifts.net
Elderflower and Yarrow Workshop- July –1-3pm. Elderberry and Yarrow bestow us with their lacy blossoms in July. Both blossoms are full of beneficial properties from nourishing our skin, moving fevers, soothing colds and so much more! During this workshop we will spend time in the garden with Elder and Yarrow then to our workshop to create a facial toner as well as a tea blend to take home. You will leave with additional recipes and ritual work to further explore your connection to Elder and Yarrow. $45. Mad Lavender Farm, 452 Co Rd 579, Milford. 908-3105973. MadLavenderFarm.com/workshops/ workshops.
Light Language Activation/Workshop –4-6pm In this workshop, Michael will explain in depth the language of the light. He will channel it to each participant, giving them an activation of their unique light codes. This workshop is a great way for beginners to learn about and experience Light Language. $25 per person. Pre-Registration required. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information call 848-217-2371 or visit AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.