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Accelerate Healing with Energy.
Using light energy through distance healing, your healing process can move forward more smoothly.

“My knee was warm for about 3 full hours after I left. It seemed to heal further after I slept the first couple of nights. While my knee was not healed 100%, it was significantly better and I was able to go on my Montana ski trip the next week.
P.S. Another month after my ski trip my knee has continued to improve.”
Robert, Gainesville, GA
Practicing by donation for nearly 10 years. Questions? Call Bill at 770-990-9191 or visit https://www.distancehealer.me
So many amazing sounds fly through the room, and the vibrations permeate my body and burst me open, taking me to another dimension altogether. Each time I attend, the Divine Intelligence coming through Ruchi’s instruments works on a different chakra and organ. I can’t get enough and hope the word of Ruchi’s Gong Baths spreads far and wide so more people can experience this healing magic.” Come, relax, and let go at this sound healing event. Bring yoga mat, blankets and/or pillows for comfort. $25. Sand Hills Wellness Center, 57 Sand Hills Rd., Kendall Park. 732-419-3551. DeepRootsRising.com.
Wu Ji Jing Gong Qi Gong: Beginners –7:45pm. Students learn 15 meditative and repeating movements that will help you relax and open your mind, body and qi. This class also teaches principles of alignment. No prerequisite required. Instructor is Patty Pagano. Held at Dunellen studio. Series discounts: $80/4-wk or $100/5-wk or drop in $25. For more information and studio address, contact Patty at 908-392-1313 or pattyqigongforhealing@gmail.com. QiGongForHealing.com.
Yoga for Back care with Yoga Therapist Bonnie Pariser – 10:45-11:45am; 3/244/28. Yoga practice has been shown to help alleviate back pain, however, not all poses work for all back pain. The Structural Yoga Therapy techniques taught will help to heal your body. Previous yoga experience is not necessary. This workshop will benefit anyone who suffers from back pain. Online option available (via zoom) upon request once registered for the workshop. $120. Yoga Loka, 23 Race Street, Frenchtown Borough. 908-268-7430. Yoga-Loka.com/ workshops.html.
Friday Psychic Readings and Energy Healings – 2-7pm. Get a 10-minute Reading or Energy Healing for only $20. Have a question about a direction you are looking to embark on? About a job, relationship, or move? Get a reading and we will advise you! Feeling off, or out of balance? Get rebalanced with an energy healing. Walk-ins or appointments are welcome. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond St., Asbury Park. For information call 848-217-2371 or email Ayearandadaymysticalshoppe@ yahoo.com. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe. com. $20. A Year and a Day Mystical Shoppe, 413 Bond Street, Asbury Park. 848-2172371. AYearAndADayMysticalShoppe.com.