2 minute read
Denise Rue, LCSW
Somerville, NJ
973-641-6993 deniseruelcsw@gmail.com
Lic. Num.: 44SC05662800
Denise Rue is a licensed clinical social worker and clinical hypnotherapist, providing in-person and virtual sessions. Skilled in working with trauma survivors, especially adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Utilizes EMDR, hypnosis, Internal Family Systems, Somatic Experiencing and Psychedelic Integration. See ad, page 11.
Qi Gong
Qi Gong for Healing
Patty Pagano
908-392-1313 pattyqigongforhealing@gmail.com
Experience qi through the gentle movements of Tai Chi & Qi Gong with instructor Patty Pagano. Live classes in Dunellen and Chester. Private appointments and Zoom classes also. See ad, page 9.
Reiki & Hypnosis
Alice Rich Reiki Center
Alice Rich, Certified Master Teacher
Usui Reiki Ryoho, Karuna Reiki®, Crystal Healing, Certified Hypnotist
732-501-7628 alice@AliceRichReikiCenter.com
Reiki, Crystal Healing and Integrated Energy Therapy® or Hypnosis sessions can help reduce pain physically, mentally and emotionally, promote a healthy lifestyle, achieve personal and professional goals, create balance and harmony and advance your spiritual journey. Private sessions and classes. Certification classes on Reiki, Crystal Healing and IET.
Sound Healing/Reiki
Nurture Your Inner Fire
Ruchi Jain 732-718-4430 nurtureyourinnerfire@gmail.com DeepRootsRising.com
Personal and Group Sound Healings open to the public. Reiki healings. Profound stress relief and nurturance back to your inner light. Spiritual Guidance sessions. Mediation classes. Reiki classes. Astrology Readings. Goal : Come back home to yourself.
Spiritual Healing, Teaching
Janet StraightArrow
Shaman, Healer, Sage, Reiki Master Teacher, Astrologist 973-647-2500
Janet@BeTheMedicine.com BeTheMedicine.com
Profound Healing, Clearing, Reclaim yourself, Enjoy life. 41 years of experience. Shamanic and Intuitive Energy Sessions. Soul Retrievals. Past Life, Ancestral, Current life healing. Business, Home, and Land clearings. Meditation, Shamanic, and Reiki Healers Training. and more. See ad, page 11.
Spiritual Seekers
Rahway Plainfield Quakers
225 Watchung Ave, Plainfield QuakerCloud.org/cloud/rahway-andplainfield-friends-meeting
If you want to talk with other spiritual seekers about the questions you have about your spiritual journey, join us on May 7, May 21, and June 11. Lunch 12noon; Program 1-3pm. No charge to attend, donations accepted. See ad, page 13.
Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises
Bonnie Pariser
CYT, EYT500, TRE Provider
23 Race St., Frenchtown 908-268-7430
T.R.E. is a quick and effective method that allows you to shake off tension and helps resolve trauma held in your body. Bonnie will guide you through the process and assist you towards integration, wholeness and continued release.
MG Dental Associates
Mohinder Garg, DDS
906 Oak Tree Ave., Ste. B, South Plainfield 216 Stelton Rd., 4E, Piscataway 908-754-8881 mgdentalpa@aol.com
For over 25 years, MG Dental Associates has provided award-winning cosmetic, restorative and preventative dental services. We strive to give our patients their perfect smile by incorporating the latest technology in our state-of-the-art clinics. See ad, page 8.
Veda Integrated Wellness
Pranjali Sharma
906 Oak Tree Ave., Ste. B, South Plainfield 405-510-5448 pranjaliyoga@gmail.com
Veda Integrated Wellness is a holistic health institute that focuses on the overall health of a person. We use noninvasive evidence-based wellness services to manage lifestyle disorders, stress, pain management, obesity, etc. See ad, page 8.