30 minute read
Jonathan Safran Foer on Conscious Eating to Save the Planet
by Julie Peterson
Jonathan Safran Foer, the prize-winning author of bestselling novels that include Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, turned to nonfiction in his 2009 book, Eating Animals, about the morality of food choices in a factory-farm age. His most recent book, We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast, argues that only collective action will save our home and way of life, and it starts with what is on our plate.
He points out that there’s often a painful disconnect between the way we think of ourselves and the actions that we take that inadvertently and negatively affect the planet, and that science can help us make more informed choices.
For anybody who has even the tiniest amount of curiosity about human interaction with the climate, it’s something you can’t possibly avoid learning about. The science is readily available now, and it’s extremely comprehensive. It’s important to continuously come back to that scientific consensus to make clear that this is nobody’s theory or perspective. Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree.
How did you make the connection between diet and climate change?
Did anything in researching climate science surprise you?
There’s a lot that startled me. A lot that scared me. I was surprised by how wrong we have been and how wrong we often are about what matters… putting the emphasis in the wrong places or not knowing where to put it at all. There are four activities that matter more than all others in terms of an individual’s relationship with the environment: having fewer children, eating less meat or animal products, flying less and driving less. As somebody who has spent a lot of time recycling and not using plastic straws, I was surprised to learn that those activities are very low impact compared to the four I mentioned. I was surprised by how broad that misunderstanding is. Think about our response to coronavirus compared to our response to climate change. The way governments are acting together to do what needs to be done for a virus makes it all the more puzzling how ineffectual the response to climate change is.
If people can’t do everything that needs to be done, what small steps can they take that will have a collective impact?
We all need to question what our own limits are, what we can do and then do that with rigor. We don’t need to stop flying, we just need to do it a lot less. I wouldn’t encourage anyone to suddenly become vegan.
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I think a better idea is to eat as few animal products as possible, and if that amount is zero, great. If it’s once a week or once a day, then that’s a hell of a lot better than doing nothing. Rather than measuring the distance from some ethical perfection, we want to measure the distance from doing nothing at all.
Why is it such a struggle for people to follow through on climate change goals?
I think that if we approach change as if it isn’t difficult, then we diminish our chances of being able to sustain change. A lot of the things we need to give up are fun. It’s a shame we can’t solve climate change by not eating broccoli; we would have done it already.
Climate change requires a different sort of moral imagination because, realistically, you and I aren’t going to die because of it. Human nature makes it more difficult to have an energetic response for something less immediate.
What call to action would you like to convey?
We have a feeling of helplessness, a feeling that there’s nothing we can do, but there is a lot that we can do and must do. The easiest and most powerful way to begin is with what we eat. That doesn’t mean you become vegan tomorrow, but tomorrow is a wonderful time to start eating fewer animal products. It’s a journey, not an event.
Julie Peterson writes about health and the environment. Connect at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com.
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ~Confucius
Yoga Corner
Shine On
by Nicole Zornitzer
Today, I splurged. Today, I gave myself permission to take three yoga classes taught by my tribe members. Today, I realized the importance of self-acceptance.
In one of our dharma talks, we were taught that we need to accept where we are in this very moment, who we are in this very moment and how we feel in this very moment in order to shine. Many of us rise with frantic thoughts, experiencing moments of anxiety, frustration, fear, anger and sadness. Today, I experienced all of those emotions before the sun rose.
We were encouraged to recite how we actually felt, and this is what came up for me:
I am scared. I am angry. I am frustrated. I am lonely. I am fearful.
If we accept how we actually feel versus how we want to feel, we have taken the biggest step in acceptance and the creation of positivity in our world. It is okay to feel uncertain and vulnerable. It is through these moments that we are our most authentic selves. We arrive exactly as we were meant to arrive: ourselves.
Sometimes, shining brilliantly requires moving through the mud and tangled weeds that seem to be holding us down, much like the lotus flower and its journey into life.
This also reminds me of the words a wise woman once said, “In the yoga community, these are the moments we have been training for our entire life. We are taught the ability to withdraw the senses; we are taught finding power through breathing techniques; we are taught enduring pain by using the tools we are given in yoga… and here we are—prepared and finely trained for this very moment.”
Shining may not always appear as brilliant as our imaginations think shining should appear. We have the ability to shine even when we feel the dullest. We have the ability to shine in times of discomfort. We have the ability to shine by simply being who we are at all times.
So be yourself, accept who you are and appreciate how your perception of life changes from day to day. Shine on my dear, shine on.
Nicole Zornitzer, ERYT 1000, yoga therapist, founder of Niyama Yoga & Wellness Studio in Randolph. NiyamaYogaStudio.com.
MAY 2020 virtual
All calendar events for the June 2020 issue must be received by May 10, 2020 and adhere to our guidelines. Email kathy@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com for guidelines and to submit entries.
Virtual Session Series Dr. Peter Amato, Inner Harmony Wellness Centers Fridays, May 1-June 5 • 7pm Pandemic Resilience: Moving Beyond Fear A Six Session Weekly Mind-Body Course designed to empower you to adapt to the tremendous new challenges we now face. Join anytime as course is evergreen! $199.00. Register today at InnerHarmonyWellness.com. For information, call 570-319-6073 or visit InnerHarmonyWellness.com
Virtual Worship/Spiritual Connection Christ Church: An Emerging Christian Community Sundays in May • 10-11:15am Join us for online worship and fellowship via Zoom. To receive your link to join, visit http://www.ChristChurchEmerging.com Wednesdays in May • 7-8:30pm Spiritual Conversation Circle and Soup Supper via Zoom. To receive your link to join, visit http://www. ChristChurchEmerging.com Wednesdays in May • 7-8:30pm Share your thoughts with other seekers and explore spiritual journeying. This conversation circle is open to your authentic self. Via Zoom: Find invitation at https://www.meetup.com/ProgressiveChristian-Community/ For information call 908-722-2080 or email cpchurch@optonline.net. ChristChurchEmerging.org
Virtual Classes Karen Walsh, Be Here Now Yoga Thursday,May 7 • 7pm Moving Through Grief Class includes gentle movement on mat or chair, plus quiet meditation practices for the mind, body, and spirit. Free but space is limited and pre-registration is required. Please register at https:// beherenowyoga108.com/calendar Online Yoga Visit https://beherenowyoga108.com/ calendar for classes throughout week. For information call 908-642.0989 or email karen@beherenowyoga108.com. BeHereNowYoga108.com
Virtual Classes / eZential Wellness Saturday, May 2 • 10-11am. Holistic Living on a Budget with Jen James. Zoom class. $25. Pre-registration required. Monday, May 4 • 5-5:30pm. Mindful Matters with Maria Usewick. Zoom class series. 4 weeks on Mondays. $10 per class or $36 for all 4 weeks. Call 908-526-0002 or email Lori@ eZentialWellness.com for information. Visit https://ezentialwellness.com/ events-2/ to see all the virtual class offerings and to sign up.
Virtual Meditation Princeton Meditation Group Online Group Meditation Services Visit SRFOnlineMeditation.org to participate. For information, call 609-902-4850 or visit PrincetonMeditationGroup.org.
Reiki Classes & Certifications Monthly Reiki Share Events Healing Sessions Bedminster, NJ Beth Wishbow Reiki Master Teacher 908-295-7999 InSightHolisticHealth.com
Phone Healing Session Beth Wishbow, Insight Holistic Reiki Distance Healing Telephone Sessions with Beth Wishbow, Reiki Master Teacher & Therapist. 75-minute Reiki Distance Healing Session: $90; 75-minute 3-Pack Reiki Distance Healing Sessions: $255 ($85 each). Appointments available from 12noon-7:15pm EST on M, W, Th, Fri & Sat. To book: InsightHolisticHealth.com/reikidistance-healing-sessions/ For information, call 908-295-7999 or email beth@insightholistichealth.com. InsightHolisticHealth.com
Virtual Qi Gong Classes Qi Gong for Healing Beginner series, four 1-hour classes. Begin the gentle movements of a Qi Gong Tai Chi journey featuring instructor Patty Pagano live online. Not sure? First 1-hour class is Free! Check schedule or register at https://forms.gle/k2kcv9tVJ6X1QfpD8 For information contact Patty at 908- 392-1313 or PattyQigongforHealing@ gmail.com. QiGongForHealing.com
Virtual Weekly Classes Sand Hills Wellness Center Friday • 11am-12noon Emotional Freedom Technique for Stress Reduction with Sharon Coyle-Saeed via ZOOM. Monday • 10:30-11:30am Meditation with Sharon Coyle-Saeed via ZOOM. For more information, visit SandHillsWellness.wixsite.com/ sandhillswellness
Virtual Classes / Yoga Central Join us each day for an online class. If you are interested in Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Meditation or Tai Chi Chih, there is a daily online class available to attend. Visit YogaCentralNJ.com for all details, and don’t forget to check out our prerecorded sessions! For information call 908-707-0759 or email yogacentralnj202@gmail.com. YogaCentralNJ.com
Virtual Skype Class Siobhan at Next Step Strategies Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays • 10am Natural ways to support the immune system & calm the fight/flight/freeze response. Ask about personalized one-onone sessions. For information call 609-752-1048 or email Siobhan@NextStepStrategiesLLC. com.
Twelfth Annual Solstice Expo & Holistic Fair –6/20, 10am-6pm; 6/21, 10am5pm. $7. Sponsored by the Society for Metaphysical Enlightenment. New Hope Eagle Firehouse, 46 N. Sugan Rd. New Hope, PA. For information, call 267-261- 2768 or visit WeAreSME.com.
Have a business opportunity, job opening, space for rent or other need? Place your classified ads here, 30 words for $30, extra words $1 each. Email to Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ. com by the 10th of the month prior to publication date.
READINGS: Oracle card and palmistry readings offered in person, phone, parties welcome. Spiritually guided channeled messages are for your highest good. Let my gifts guide you! Reasonable rates. Cheryl 908-268-8029.
Submit your paintings and illustrations to Natural Awakenings for the chance to be seen on one of our covers!
business directory Central New Jersey Community
Your local source for natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle. Join the community! Request our media kit today by emailing Joe@NaturalAwakeningsNJ.com
Acupuncture Works Center Kristin A. Dudley LAc 84 Park Ave, Ste G-103C, Flemington 973-979-1652 AcupunctureWorksCenter.com
Gentle acupuncture with can be both very relaxing as well as healing. Acupuncture has been used for centuries to ease muscle and arthritis pain, relieve stress, increase energy and improve sleep. De-stress in a nurturing and healing enviroment. See ad, page 50.
Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine 332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • AcuVisionTherapy.com Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health. He is passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Learn of his astounding work in this area—call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, page 19.
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. ~Lyndon B. Johnson
Ayurveda/Holistic Health
Ayurvedashram Holistic Wellness Center 2070 Route 1, 2nd Floor, North Brunswick 732-658-6122 MyAyurvedashram@gmail.com MyAyurvedashram.com
Experience the personalized body-mind-spirit approach of Ayurveda, a 5000-yearold healing science from India and one of the oldest system of medicine in the world! Ayurveda consultations and Panchakarma (detox) therapies by experienced and trained Ayurvedic practitioners. We specialize in pain management, hormonal imbalance, auto-immune disorders and pediatric wellness. Mention NaturalAwakenings and get 25% OFF your initial consultation! See ad, page 25.
Beauty & Fitness
Lipo Laser NJ Natasia Kakar 315 Main Street, Metuchen 908-793-9933 info@lipolasernj.com LipoLaserNJ.com Lipo Laser NJ utilizes a non-invasive, FDA-approved technology that can immediately reduce the size of fat cells without damaging or destroying them. The treatments are painless, effective and commonly used to treat the following problem areas such as abdomen, back, arms, legs, mommy thighs, love-handles, muffin-tops, buttocks and more.
CBD Products
Mom N Pop CBD & Wellness Shop Ray Brown, Jr. 5 Locations in NJ/PA 484-415-5037 MomNPopCBDShop.com CBD is a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory with no addictive properties. However, not all CDB products are created equally. We use the latest scientific knowledge and experienced professionals to create top of the line CBD products at affordable prices. See ad, page 23.
Chinese Healing Arts
Qi Gong For Healing Brian Coffey LMT, and Fran Maher, CA 908-647-1563 QiGongForHealing.com Specializing in T’ai Chi and Qi Gong classes, as well as private session clinical Qi Gong and acupuncture since 1994. Chinese Medicine weekend seminars teach how to apply clinical Qi Gong remedies to specific disorders. Excellent for the lay person and healthcare providers. All are welcome to observe or join a class. See ad, page 9.
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Inner Truth Hypnotherapy and Meditation Center Tori Valspirit 908-617-1545 hypnotherapy@valspirit.com InnerTruthHypnotherapy.com Clinical hypnosis is a natural yet altered state of mind with numerous beneficial characteristics. Evidence-based services include clinical hypnotherapy, medical support clinical hypnotherapy and integral hypnotherapy. Clinical hypnotherapy is available in private or group sessions. Confidentiality is assured within HIPAA regulations.
Eden Energy Medicine/ Sound Meditation
RedTail Energetics Karen E Adamo, EEM-AP Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner Phillipsburg, NJ 908-752-0097 (phone or text) Karen@RedTailEnergetics.com RedTailEnergetics.com Experience more joy, peace, calm, health and vitality through the combination of two profoundly effective healing modalities—Eden Energy Medicine, which corrects imbalances in nine different energy systems, and Sound Meditation with authentic bronze Himalayan Singing Bowls and Gongs.
Waldorf School Of Princeton 1062 Cherry Hill Rd, Princeton 609-466-1970, x115 PrincetonWaldorf.org
Waldorf School of Princeton The Waldorf curriculum, used in 1,000+ schools worldwide, integrates arts, academics, movement, and music, emphasizing social and environmental responsibility. The hands-on approach is screen free.
Cedar Hill Preparatory School 152 Cedar Grove Lane, Somerset 732-356-5400 CedarHillPrep.com Facebook.com/cedarhillprep/ Early Education Program
CHP believes a nurturing program that fosters emotional, social, and cognitive skills through a scaffolded learning evironment of structured and unstructured experiences is imperative in Preschool. We aim to provide a diverse environment, abundant space and stimulating activities as we strive to empower children to reach their unique potential.
Essential Oils
Essentials Kingdom Elaine Bacio 650-678-3128 elainebacio@hotmail.com EssentialsKingdom.com Elaine is a Certified Health Coach specializing in Essential Oil Education. She helps women find their emotional anchor and unleash their spiritual purpose using the high vibrational frequencies of doTERRA essential oils. Schedule a free consultation to experience her work. See ad, page 11.
Orange Theory Fitness 434 US Hwy 202/206N, Bedminster 908-698-4600 882 Rte 22, Somerville 908-526-1400 OrangeTheory.com Spring back to life with the workout designed to give you more energy, more strength and more results, so you can get more out of life. Visit OrangeTheory. com today to book your first workout free! See ad, page 15.
Functional Medicine
Morningstar Family Health Center 54 Old Highway 22, Clinton 908-735-9344 MorningStarFHC.com MorningStar’s team of health professionals cares for you like family. Our membership based practice cares for men, women and children age 8 and up with a functional approach to primary care. See ad, page 10.
Gaia’s Gifts Ellen Perkins 16 Broad St., Washington 908-223-1331 • GaiasGiftsNJ.biz Local, handcrafted items including wall art, fiber art, jewelry, small furniture, leather work, soaps, lo tions, local honey, loose tea and flower vibrational es sences. Variety of rocks and crystals in personal size or display pieces, Himalayan salt lamps and so much more. See ad, page 43.
Age-Defying Habits
Plus: Healthy Immune System
Cardiovascular Health
Plus: Regenerative Medicine
MAR Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet Plus: CBD
Grassroots Climate Crisis Strategies
Plus: Healthy Home
MAY Autoimmune Breakthroughs Plus: Protein & Collagen Connection
Inspired Lifestyle Travel
Plus: Brain Health
Beyond Factory Farming
Plus: Gut Health
Biological Dentistry
Plus: Environmental Education
SEP Emotional Well-Being Plus: Adaptive Yoga SELF-EMPOWERMENT ISSUE
Stress Management
Plus: Joint Health
Personalized Diabetes Strategies
Plus: Skin Care
Creating Community & Connection
Plus: Spending Locally
Dr. Paul M. Bizzaro, DC 81 S Main St, Yardley, PA 215-493-6589 • DrPaulBizzaro.com My mission is to educate people to the benefits of chiropractic, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle. Over 40 years experience (personally and professionally) allows me to relate to your problem(s). Services include nonforce chiropractic, nutritional testing, utilizing test kits/panels, Chirothin weight loss, massage (covered by most insurance) and laser therapy for pain. Personalized attention guaranteed! See ad, page 4.
Samsara Chiropractic Wellness Center Dr Jennifer Redmond 7 E. High St, Somerville 908-300-8800 DoctorRedmond.com We believe that the body is designed to heal itself but structural issues, toxins, lack of nutrients or an emotional component can affect overall health. We offer Whole-istic healing techniques including Neuroemotional Technique, Active Release techniques, Activator, Flexion Distraction and more! See ad, page 30.
Holistic Dentistry
The Center For Advanced Health Through Dentistry Dr. Joseph R. Mele, DDS, FIND, CNC 215 Union Ave.,Ste D, Bridgewater 908-526-2266 MeleDDS.com
Our aim is to restore you to health and vitality by eliminating dental road blocks. We offer the highest quality dental services with a holistic approach for children and adults. See ad, page 21.
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.
Holistic Dental Center Vladimir Gashinsky, DDS 91 Millburn Ave, Milburn 973-457-4688 HolisticDentalCenterNJ.com Holistic dental care that is good for the body as well as teeth and gums. By treating the cause, not just the symptoms, Dr. Gashinsky helps improve his patients’ quality of life through dental care that respects and honors the body. See ad, back cover.
Princeton Center For Dental Aesthetics Dr. Kiersten Huckel, DMD Dr. Kirk Huckel, DMD, FAGD 11 Chambers St, Princeton 609-924-1414 • PrincetonDentist.com
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. Please contact us to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad, page 28.
Hypnosis & Reiki
Energy Health & Wellness LLC Michele Dellavalle, CH, CHTP, ART Clinton & Flemington #908-403-2045 EnergyHealth4Wellness@gmail.com ReikiEHW.com
Employs complimentary methods to treat individu als in a holistic manner helping clients reach their goals and highest possi ble level of mental, physical & spiritual well-being. Offering 5-Path Hypno sis®, 7th Path Self-Hypnosis®, Reiki, Healing Touch, Crystal Healing & Meditations.
Inner Truth Hypnotherapy and Meditation Center Tori Valspirit 908-617-1545 InnerTruthHypnotherapy.com Clinical hypnosis is a natural yet altered state of mind with numerous beneficial characteristics. Evidence-based services include clinical hypnotherapy, medical support clinical hypnotherapy and integral hypnotherapy. Clinical hypnotherapy is available in private or group sessions. Confidentiality is assured within HIPAA regulations. See ad, page 12.
Integrative Holistic Consultant
Sunny van Vlijmen 939 Ridge Rd, Suite 2D, Monmouth Junction 609-275-3881 FindHappinessNow.com
Do you want real and lasting change? My professional background of 20+ years in alternative healing and personal development has taught me what works and what doesn’t. If you’re ready for change, schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation, today. See ad, page 32.
Integrative/Functional MD
Integrative Health & Wellness Associates Minal Vazirani, MD 112 Town Center, Warren 844-5-HEALER • 844-543-2537 dr.mvazirani@ihwa-nj.com minalvaziranimd.com ; Facebook: DrVazirani
Dr. V is triple board certified in pediatrics, internal medicine, and integrative medicine, plus additional training in Ayurvedic and Functional Medicine, and Yoga Therapy. She has published on integrative approaches to gut health. Committed to helping patients get to the root cause of health concerns to create an individualized integrative lifestyle prescription for optimal wellness. Functional Medicine Testing and Nutritional Testing is performed when indicated. See ad, page 21.
Bobbie Lynn Edwards LPC, NCC,M.Ed Licensed Psychotherapist 15 E. Main St., Clinton 908-892-8978 • HunterdonTherapist.com
Bobbie Lynn Edwards is a licensed psychotherapist for 35 years. Practicing integrating psychotherapy focusing on a broad spectrum of spiritual philosophies and practices to assist in your healing. Clinically trained to provide guidance and direction to individuals, couples and families. Goals set within a mutual learning environment is the process. Meditation workshops for small and large groups are available. Call for a free consultation and further information.
Massage - Therapy
Body Be Well Massage Lauren Curtis, LMT 615 Mountain Blvd, Watchung 908-333-7746 Lauren@BodyBeWellMassage.com BodyBeWellMassage.com
Lauren Curtis, LMT is a New Jersey State Li - censed massage therapist, who specializes in various forms of massage, includ - ing Oncology, Pregnancy, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Medical, Aromatherapy and Chair massage. She is also trained in Foot Reflexology and Reiki.
Matrix Repatterning
Dr. Clare M. Larkin, DC, CMRP located in Warren 908-930-0628 DrLarkin@optonline.net DrClareLarkin.com
Your cells remember traumatic injury on a deeper level. Some injuries hang on because their energy gets trapped in the deeper tissues of the body. Matrix Repatterning allows the detection and release of these deeper injuries, improves electrical flow and allows the body to function normally again. See ad, page 9.
Center For Healing and Empowerment Phyllis Livera 172 Washington Valley Rd, Suite 3, Warren 732-882-9676 CenterForHealingAndEmpowerment.com
Are you seeking deeper meaning in your life? Are you stressed and ready for a change? Tired of being in both physical or emotional pain? We offer spiritual development, meditation and mini-me yoga classes, which have been helping people live more productive, happier lives.
MLS Laser Therapy
MLS Laser Therapy Dr. Paul Bizzaro, DC 81 S Main St, Yardley, PA 215-493-6589 DrPaulBizzaro.com
Get permanent relief for your pain without drugs, shots or surgery with FDA approved Laser Therapy. Benefits include Speedy healing process, pain free, extremely safe with no known side effects. Don’t live in pain anymore.
Natural Medicine
Inner Harmony Wellness Center Peter Amato, PhD, DNM Board Certified Natural Medicine Two PA Locations: 647 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston, PA. 131 Reynolds Road, Waverly, PA. 570-319-6073 InnerHarmonyWellness.com
With 25 years of experience we get to the root cause of your health concerns. Find out what is causing long-standing health issues and walk away with a precise care plan. Today’s chronic illnesses are not located in the blood! We test at the cellular level. Our approach merges applied kinesiology, Quantum Biofeedback and a (ART) Autonomic Response Testing developed by Dietrich Klinghardt M.D. PhD. See ad, page 13.ee ad, page 4.
The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do. ~Kobe Bryant
New Jersey Natural Medicine Dr. Jason Frigerio ND, LAC Dr. Krista Imre, ND Dr. Adam Dombrowski ND, LAC 2424 Lamington Road, Bedminster 973-267-2650 NJNaturalMedicine.com
Since 2004, NJNM has treated countless patients with naturopathic, Chinese, ayurvedic and biological medicine. Some come to improve and maintain health, while others are seeking treatments outside the traditional medical sphere. Regardless of the reason for the visit, our guiding principal remains constant: to observe and treat the whole person, not just symptoms. Using this approach, NJNM is better able to identify and treat the root cause of illness, help restore balance and promote optimal health. See ad, page 7.
Naturopathic School
Health Queen Avis Gardell-Feldstein 1 Shadowbrook Lane Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 732-547-1196 (phone or text) HealthqueenAvis@gmail.com HealthQueenAvis.com
We are excited to be able to bring the most cutting edge information in the Health Industry through our Certification in Naturopathy. Private consultations with Matrix Decoder diagnostics and Biofeedback plus testing available for Food Sensitivities, Hormones and more! See ad, page 17.
Sunrise Nutrition & Wellness Center Dr. John Harrington 137 Mountain Ave., Hackettstown 908-441-2276 drharrington@SunriseNutritionCenter.com SunriseNutritionCenter.com
You may be suffering from nutritional deficiencies, toxin overload, chronic infections and bad lifestyle habits. Get checked today! We are dedicated to providing a health improvement program unique to your body. We aim to improve your health through nutrition and other safe, non-invasive therapies. See ad, page 37.
Alice Rich Reiki Center Alice Rich, Certified Master Teacher Usui Reiki Ryoho, Karuna Reiki®, Crystal Healing, Certified Hypnotist 732-501-7628 alice@AliceRichReikiCenter.com AliceRichReikiCenter.com
Reiki, Crystal Healing and Integrated Energy Therapy® or Hypnosis sessions can help reduce pain physically, mentally and emotionally, promote a healthy lifestyle, achieve personal and professional goals, create balance and harmony and advance your spiritual journey. Private sessions and classes. Certification classes on Reiki, Crystal Healing and IET.
Relationship Coach
Ondov Relationship Coaching Rhoda Ondov, MS, MFT, CPC 12-14 E Main St, Suite 8, Somerville 908-642-6256 rhoda.ondov@gmail.com
If you are in a troubled relationship, or dealing with infidelity, or facing possible divorce, you do not need Therapy. You are not mentally ill. You just need guidance and solutions. Relationship Coaching can help you repair these difficult situations, bringing clarity and restoring harmony. Eight years experience helping couples successfully navigate relationship crises. Does not require participation by both partners. See ad, page 29.
Retreat Experience
Harmony Mountain Institute Dr. Peter Amato, Ph.D., DNM 131 Reynolds Rd., N. Abington Twp, PA 570-558-7450 info@harmonymountaininstitute.com HarmonyMountainInstitute.com
Escape for a luxurious weekend of radical transformation. Receive the Tools required to sustain your best life, achieve balance, and experience joy. Immerse in SelfCare and depart with a personalized wellness plan and Support Coach. See ad, page 29.
Eckankar – The Path of Spiritual Freedom 323 Main St, Metuchen 800-870-9139 Eckankar-NJ.org
A truly spiritual way of life for the individual in modern times. Teachings provide a framework and spiritual tools for anyone to explore their own spiritual experiences. Studies of Dreams, Past Lives, Soul Travel.
Spiritual Healing, Teaching
Be The Medicine Janet StraightArrow 973-647-2500 Janet@BeTheMedicine.com BeTheMedicine.com
Shamanic Healing, Energy Medicine, Past Life, Medical Intuition, Life, Health, Spiritual Coaching, Astrology Readings, House and Land Clearings. In person, phone or Skype. Professional Reiki, Shamanism and Medical Intuitive Training. Retreats. 40 years’ experience.
Lisa’s Thermography & Wellness Lisa Mack, CCT, HHC Thermographer and Holistic Counselor See website for locations in NJ and NY 855-667-9338 Lisa@LisasThermographyAndWellness.com LisasThermographyAndWellness.com
Thermography gives an early look at the most important indicator of a potential health problem – inflammation. Early stage disease screening is an area in which thermography excels. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, or you are merely curious about the state of your health, thermography can help provide answers. Radiation-free breast and full body screenings for men and women. See ad, page 35.
Vision/Eye Health
Dr. Andy Rosenfarb, ND, LAc, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Board Certified in Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine 332 South Ave East, Westfield 908-928-0060 • AcuVisionTherapy.com Dr. Rosenfarb is world renowned in the field of holistic eye health. He is passionate about helping people with degenerative eye diseases. Learn of his astounding work in this area—call now to qualify for your free copy of his groundbreaking book, Recover Your Vision. Additional specialties include glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa and diabetic retinopathy. See ad, page 19.
To empower individuals to live a healthier lifestyle on a healthier planet.
To educate communities on the latest in natural health and sustainability.
To connect readers with local wellness resources and events, inspiring them to lead more balanced lives.
Wellness Center
eZential Wellness 1 Lamington Rd Branchburg 908-526-0002 • Lori@eZentialWellness.com eZentialWellness.com
Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, & Ashtanga Yoga for all levels. Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for a while, we see each of you as unique individuals who deserve to feel happy, healthy & welcome! Also offering Mindfulness classes, Reiki certification and Yoga teacher training. See Yoga Profile, page 38.
Copper in a new cold prevention device is shown to stop sinus trouble and cold sores, too.
These problems are caused by microbes, such as viruses and bacteria. Microbes multiply quickly. If you don’t stop them early, they spread and cause misery.
In hundreds of studies, EPA and university researchers have confirmed that viruses and bacteria die almost instantly when touched by copper.
That’s why ancient Greeks and Egyptians used copper to purify water and heal wounds. They didn’t know about microbes, but now we do.
Scientists say the high conductance of copper disrupts the electrical balance in a microbe cell and destroys the cell in seconds.
Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the teams confirming the discovery. He placed millions of disease germs on copper. “They started to die literally as soon as they touched the surface,” he said.
Tests by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) also show germs die fast on copper. So some hospitals tried copper for touch surfaces like faucets and doorknobs. This cut the spread of MRSA and other illnesses by over half, and saved lives.
The strong scientific evidence gave inventor Doug Cornell an idea. In 2012, he invented a copper device used in the nose to stop colds. Now thousands of users have completely stopped getting colds. Many have stopped sinus trouble, cold sores, and more.
Donna Blight had a 2-day sinus headache when her CopperZap arrived. “I am shocked!” she said. “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.”
A man in Connecticut said, “I was born with sinus problems. This is the only thing that has worked.”
Another man had suffered severe sinus problems for years. The condition was so bad it ruined family vacations and even dinners out with friends. His wife, Judy, bought two CopperZaps, one for each of them.
He was totally skeptical. “Oh, Judy,” he said, “you’re such a whack job!” But she got him to try it and, to his surprise, the copper cleared his sinuses.
Judy and their daughter both said, “It has changed our lives!”
Since then Judy has given CopperZaps as gifts to a number of relatives and friends, not just for sinus relief but also for colds and the other problems copper can prevent. They all say it works, she reports. People have used copper on cold sores and say it can completely prevent outbreaks. Users say they felt a tingle in their lip and knew a dreaded cold sore was coming. They pressed the handle on the tingly spot for 5 minutes, and repeated several times that day.
The tingle went away and the cold sore either never erupted or was tiny and brief.
One woman said, “I have tried every product on the market over the past 20 years. Some made it a little better, but this actually stopped it from happening in the first place! I was amazed.” Mary from Colorado said, “I used to get cold sores a lot. Now I don’t.”
Some users say copper stops nighttime stuffiness if used just before bed. One man said, “Best sleep I’ve had in years.”
Copper can also stop flu if used early and for several days. Lab technicians placed 25 million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. No viruses were found alive soon after.
The handle is curved and finely textured to improve contact. It kills germs picked up on fingers and hands to protect you and your family.
Copper even kills deadly germs that have become resistant to antibiotics. A moment of handling it may keep serious infection away.
The EPA says copper still works even when tarnished. It kills hundreds of different disease germs so it can prevent serious or even fatal illness.
CopperZap is made in America of pure copper. It has a 90-day full money back guarantee. It is $69.95.
Get $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA20.
Go to www.CopperZap.com or call toll-free 1-888-411-6114. Buy once, use forever.
New research: Copper quickly kills viruses and bacteria.
ADVERTORIAL Copper New device stops sinus trouble and cold sores
Sinus trouble, stuffiness, cold sores.
The Holistic Dental Center
Working Together with Other Holistic Practitioners to Create a True Holistic Approach to Your Health
Ateam approach to your overall health and it starts at the Holistic Dental Center in Millburn, New Jersey, with their highly skilled team of trained professionals in holistic and biological dentistry. From their award winning doctors and their state of the art technology to their use of ozone and self-healing therapies, they are committed to not only treating your dental related symptoms, but also, the root cause thereby eliminating disease and promoting optimal health.
Little did conventional practitioners know so many years ago that it took more than just looking at the mouth. A generation ago there was a disconnect, a thought that our mouth and teeth had no bearing on the health of the rest of our body. Now more and more research has been showing that there is a strong connection between dental disease and systemic health. Dr. Gashinsky, Holistic Dentist, has always known that. A holistic approach to health is multifaceted, so he has built a network of healthcare practitioners to assist his patients in obtaining their desired level of optimal wellness.
Working hand in hand with Naturopaths, Functional Medicine practitioners and many others in the field of holistic medicine has expanded Dr. Gashinsky’s ability to help more people. “I find it to be incredibly fulfilling to work synergistically with these practitioners to be able to improve patients’ health so dramatically. Some are coming to me so very sick and by working together we’re seeing drastic improvements in their quality of life,” says Dr. Gashinsky.
Dr. Gashinsky feels strongly in the need to practice in such a manner as to take patients whole health into consideration. So much so, that he traveled to Switzerland this past spring to visit the Paracelsus Clinic and Swiss BioHealth Clinic; two healthcare models that promote the oral-body connection, to study their holistic approach to patient care. Dr. Gashinsky says, “To truly practice holism; the thought that everything is understood in relation to the whole and not just its parts, it’s important to remember that when treating a person it’s not just what one practitioner does, but how they can work together to improve the final outcome.”
“Finding and working with like minded practitioners to help my patients has not only been professionally satisfying, but also on a personal level knowing that my patients are being well taken care of,” say Dr. Gashinksy. “Finding and addressing the root cause of disease in all our disciplines is the key to success in our patients’ health. What they don’t see, I do, and vice versa, seeing dental infections and how they can affect organ systems through meridians or directly and utilizing the benefits of networking with a holistic practitioner can and does make all the difference in patient care…I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Dr. Gashinsky says about working with other practitioners.
So if you’re looking for an approach that is inclusive of all aspects of holistic care, visit Dr. Gashinsky and his team at The Holistic Dental Center in Millburn, New Jersey. It’s their priority to ensure complete holistic care by promoting the benefits of holism. “It’s not just your teeth anymore,” as he says, “It never was,” but now they have the ability to not just treat overall disease but truly prevent and promote whole body wellness. Other than being a dentist for 40 years, Dr. Vladimir Gashinsky, is a certified nutritional consultant, Accredited by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, SMART certified and a Naturopathic doctor “My passion for learning is never complete, I will continue to research and learn the latest in alternative treatments and team up with the best in the fields of holistic and alternative medicine to bring my patients the best treatments available, this I can assure you.” Holistic Dental Center is located at 91 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, New Jersey. For more information, call (973) 457-4688 or visit HolisticDentalCenterNJ.com. __________________________________________ A D V E R T O R I A L __________________________________________