2 minute read
letter from the editor
Surprised by Life
Don’t you love it when little surprises happen? A few years ago, I was on my front porch tending hanging plants. I had lowered a trailing petunia to pluck withered blossoms and, as I moved the greenery about, something caught my eye. To my surprise, it was a small bird’s nest, and in its bed were three tiny, slightly speckled eggs. I was delighted. I’d seen nests from time to time in the upper reaches of trees, but I’d never had the opportunity to view one so close. It was like peering into a different world—a very tiny one that only needed a quiet section of a potted plant to feel secure enough to renew the cycle of life. Like an echo of truth, the image has reverberated in my mind.
Each time something like this happens I am reminded that surprise is fundamental to awareness. We worry about what we think might happen, but we learn by what surprises us. Sometimes it’s a “good” surprise, sometimes a “bad” one but regardless of how we judge it, that which surprises us carves a nest within our consciousness, sparking new thoughts and connections. In essence, the force behind surprise is creative—its nature is to renew the cycle of life within our own awareness by shaking up the status quo in our minds.
As you walk this journey of exploration, may you find surprise in every path.
Enjoy the Day!
Kathy Tarbell Managing Editor
Publisher Joe Dunne
908-405-1515 • Fax 239-920-5147
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Women’s Vision Quest 2023 in the Catskills
For a gift that is magical, deep and transformative, join with like-minded women in the Catskills on July 21-23 for a retreat that will awaken new levels of inner wisdom and truth, and release anything in the way. Participants will enjoy a gentle, deep journey in nature and experience Shamanic tools and practices to support reconnecting to all of nature and one’s life under the guidance of Shaman Janet StraightArrow.
“A vision quest is an opportunity to be in a sacred space to hear your heart speak, receive the fullness of who you are, and open up to the next stage of your life path,” shares StraightArrow.
This is a natural process without drugs held on a beautiful space on sacred ground with privacy and safety. For the fullness of experience, attendance is limited to 8 participants. Attendees may camp or stay inside a spacious lodge.
Fee: $800; payment plan available. Location: Art Farm, 31 Fawn Rd., North Road, Accord. For information call 973-647-2500 or email Janet@BeTheMedicine.com to set up a time to speak and discover if this is the retreat that will meet your needs, and visit BeTheMedicine. com. See ad, page 19.